BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETING (Committee Members: Chair Mark Semmens, and Stephen Barrett) SUB Ballroom Wednesday, May 31, 2006 1:00 – 4:30 p.m. Note: The Board of Regents may take action on any item on the committee agendas, with opportunity for Public comment. a. Strategic Plan – Discussion – Commissioner Stearns (pg. 2) b. Report from the Associate Commissioner for Fiscal Affairs – Robinson 1. New Wellness Center – MSU-Northern 2. Change in fees for Student Health Insurance – Informational Item (Pg. 8) 3. Approval of Contract with new vendor for Montana Family Education Savings Plan – ITEM 131-109-R0506 Item will be provided with the late Addendum - Annual Report (pg. 9) 4. Foundation Operating Agreement; The University of Montana-Missoula - ITEM 131-1011- R0506 (pg. 8) 5. Foundation Operating Agreement; The University of Montana-Western - ITEM 131-1603- R0506 (pg. 31) c. Approval of Project Priority List, Long Range Building Program Montana University System – ITEM 131-112-R0506 (pg. 33) d. OTO Appropriations – ITEM 131-113-R0506 (pg. 35) e. FY07 Tuition Rates, Flathead Valley Community College and Dawson Community College - ITEM 131-104-R0506 – Pam Joehler (pg. 37) f. Montana University System Revised Tuition Matrices – FY07 - ITEM 131-106-R0506 – Pam Joehler (pg. 47) g. Approval of Two Budget Amendment Requests; Office Commissioner of Higher Education - ITEM 131-115-R0506 – Pam Joehler (pg. 101) h. Negative Fund Balance Report – Pam Joehler (pg. 106) i. Proposed Transfer of Real Property Interest in Lots 1 Through 22 of Block 32 of the Homevale Addition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release; The University of Montana-Missoula - ITEM 131-1001-R0506 (pg. 112) j. Authorization to Secure Intercap Loan from Board of Investments for campus expansion – FVCC – ITEM 131-108-R0506 (pg. 122) k. Intercollegiate Athletics Financial Accomplishments and Revised Plan; The University of Montana-Missoula – ITEM 131-1009-R0506 (pg. 124) l. Authorization for Annual Automatic Indexing of Student Fees; The University of Montana- Missoula - ITEM 131-1012-R0506 (pg. 126) m. Renew Authorization to Provide Fire Suppression in Johnstone Center; MSU-Bozeman - ITEM 131-2005-R0506 (pg. 132) n. Naming the “Harlan & Terri Byker Auditorium”; MSU-Bozeman - ITEM 131-2006-R0506 (pg. 133) o. Series K 2006 Facilities Revenue Refunding Bond Issue; MSU - ITEM 131-2007-R0506 (pg. 134) p. Adoption of A Definition of “Academic Buildings”; MSU - ITEM 131-2010-R0506 (pg. 148) q. Business Process Redesign Incentive Payments; MSU-Bozeman - ITEM 131-2011-R0506 (pg. 151) r. Board of Regents Policy 940.13 Tuition Waivers: Montana University System - Discussion (pg. 156) s. Revision to language contained in Item 129-2801-R1105- Authorization to Establish a Mandatory Lewistown Building Fee; Montana State University-Northern - ITEM 131-2801-R0506 (pg. 163) t. Review of OCHE Building Project - Commissioner Stearns u. Public Comment 1

BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

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Page 1: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETING (Committee Members: Chair Mark Semmens, and Stephen Barrett)

SUB Ballroom Wednesday, May 31, 2006

1:00 – 4:30 p.m.

Note: The Board of Regents may take action on any item on the committee agendas, with opportunity for Public comment.

a. Strategic Plan – Discussion – Commissioner Stearns (pg. 2) b. Report from the Associate Commissioner for Fiscal Affairs – Robinson

1. New Wellness Center – MSU-Northern 2. Change in fees for Student Health Insurance – Informational Item (Pg. 8) 3. Approval of Contract with new vendor for Montana Family Education Savings Plan –

ITEM 131-109-R0506 Item will be provided with the late Addendum - Annual Report (pg. 9) 4. Foundation Operating Agreement; The University of Montana-Missoula - ITEM 131-1011-

R0506 (pg. 8) 5. Foundation Operating Agreement; The University of Montana-Western - ITEM 131-1603-

R0506 (pg. 31) c. Approval of Project Priority List, Long Range Building Program Montana University System –

ITEM 131-112-R0506 (pg. 33) d. OTO Appropriations – ITEM 131-113-R0506 (pg. 35) e. FY07 Tuition Rates, Flathead Valley Community College and Dawson Community College - ITEM

131-104-R0506 – Pam Joehler (pg. 37) f. Montana University System Revised Tuition Matrices – FY07 - ITEM 131-106-R0506 – Pam

Joehler (pg. 47) g. Approval of Two Budget Amendment Requests; Office Commissioner of Higher Education - ITEM

131-115-R0506 – Pam Joehler (pg. 101) h. Negative Fund Balance Report – Pam Joehler (pg. 106) i. Proposed Transfer of Real Property Interest in Lots 1 Through 22 of Block 32 of the Homevale

Addition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release; The University of Montana-Missoula - ITEM 131-1001-R0506 (pg. 112)

j. Authorization to Secure Intercap Loan from Board of Investments for campus expansion – FVCC – ITEM 131-108-R0506 (pg. 122)

k. Intercollegiate Athletics Financial Accomplishments and Revised Plan; The University of Montana-Missoula – ITEM 131-1009-R0506 (pg. 124)

l. Authorization for Annual Automatic Indexing of Student Fees; The University of Montana-Missoula - ITEM 131-1012-R0506 (pg. 126)

m. Renew Authorization to Provide Fire Suppression in Johnstone Center; MSU-Bozeman - ITEM 131-2005-R0506 (pg. 132)

n. Naming the “Harlan & Terri Byker Auditorium”; MSU-Bozeman - ITEM 131-2006-R0506 (pg. 133) o. Series K 2006 Facilities Revenue Refunding Bond Issue; MSU - ITEM 131-2007-R0506 (pg. 134) p. Adoption of A Definition of “Academic Buildings”; MSU - ITEM 131-2010-R0506 (pg. 148) q. Business Process Redesign Incentive Payments; MSU-Bozeman - ITEM 131-2011-R0506 (pg. 151) r. Board of Regents Policy 940.13 Tuition Waivers: Montana University System - Discussion (pg. 156) s. Revision to language contained in Item 129-2801-R1105- Authorization to Establish a Mandatory

Lewistown Building Fee; Montana State University-Northern - ITEM 131-2801-R0506 (pg. 163) t. Review of OCHE Building Project - Commissioner Stearnsu. Public Comment


Page 2: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

Budget Strategic Plan ItemsKey Decisions

The following goals and objectives concern issues generally discussed in the Budget and Administration Committee. The current draft strategic plan describes these in some detail. Inorder to finalize the plan we would like some guidance on the intended approach or, in some cases, how we should proceed to set long-term goals.

For easier reference, these sections of the draft strategic planare excerpted on the following pages.

Goal Description Critical Task for Committee Discussion

1.2.3 Increase financial aid amount Review goals for 2007 & 2010

1.3.1 Increase state support Review goal for 2010

1.3.2 Reduce tuition as % household income

Discuss whether we should have a goal for 2010

3.2.1 Control expenditures per student

Recommend how to set goal for 2010


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1 .2.3 Increase the average aid/scholarship award amount. Table 1.2.3

State Funded Need-Based Aid per Student FTE

States Need Aid/FTE 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-062007-08 (goal)

2009-10 (goal)

Need-Based Aid $220,273,000 $237,163,566 $248,419,583 NA Aid per FTE $192 $202 $210 NA Need-Based Aid $2,825,000 $2,941,566 $2,951,629 $3,447,442 $6,300,000 $9,600,000Aid per FTE $81 $82 $82 $97 $175 $260

source: National Association of State Student Grant and Aid Programs. National Center for Education Statistics, IPEDS.

WICHE States (net of CA)


note: student FTE represents public undergraduate and graduate enrollments; need-based aid for MT represents state funding of MTAP, MHEG, and federal/state matching grants; 2005-06 also includes the need-based portion of the Governor's Post Secondary Scholarships of $270,000.

State Funded Need-Based Aid per Student FTE2000-01 through 2003-04


$82 $82

$202 $210








2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06

WICHE States Montana


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FY 1995* FY 2005 FY 2010 (goal)

FY 1995 FY 2005 FY 2010 (goal)

Colorado $190 $137 $6.17 $3.86Idaho 290 245 11.55 9.37Minnesota 291 248 9.28 6.90Montana 198 167 $223 8.18 6.08 $6.43North Dakota 316 317 12.12 10.86Oregon 239 172 8.41 5.68South Dakota 184 211 6.97 6.93Utah 274 258 11.63 9.90Washington 232 225 7.49 6.50Wyoming 433 586 15.49 17.24 United States $239 $243 $7.91 $7.42WICHE States 257 234 9.08 7.56PEPB Peers 250 219 9.06 7.37*adjusted for inflationsource: State Higher Education Executive Officers, State Higher Education Finance Report (FY 05)PEPB Peers include: CO, ID, MN, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY; data represent weighted averages

PEPB Peer States

State Support Per Capita State Support Per $1000 of Personal Income

note: State Support includes state & local govt support for higher education general operating expenses (i.e. gross tax and nontax support for public and independent higher education); WICHE State averages exclude CA.; 2005 MT population equals 935,670

1 .3.1 Increase the amount of state support as a percentage of total personal income relative to peer states and historical levels.

Table 1.3.1

State Support for Higher Education Per Capita & Per $1000 of Personal Income

State Support for Higher Education Per Capita, FY05






WyomingNorth Dakota



PEPB Peers

South Dakota




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1 .3.2 Decrease tuition as a percentage of median household income.

Table 1.3.2 Ratio of Tuition and Fees to Median Household Income

Public Institutions, 1993-94, 2003-04

Institutional Type 1993-94 1998-99 2003-04

Montana 5.0% 6.2% 7.4% WICHE States 3.4% 3.7% 4.3%

Montana 6.8% 8.4% 10.5% WICHE States 5.4% 6.2% 7.4%

Montana 7.6% 8.9% 12.1% WICHE States 6.2% 7.0% 8.4%source: WICHE

2-year Institutions

4-year Institutions

Doctoral Institutions

note: Tuition and fees used in the calculation are the mean tuition and fees within each sector for each state. The WICHE average median household income was calculated as a simple average of the 15 member states (excluding CA).

While this indicator is useful, goals were not set because projections related to median income are difficult to accurately project.


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3.2.1 Expenditures per student relative to peer institutions and history. Table 3.2.1(a)

Expenditures per Student FTE 4-year, Public Institutions

PEPB Peer States 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-052006-07

(est.)2009-10 (goal)

Colorado $8,427 $8,142 $8,116 $8,214Idaho 11,080 10,524 10,647 11,433Minnesota 13,570 13,535 13,334 13,169Montana 8,306 8,745 9,151 9,570 9,938North Dakota 9,453 9,670 9,697 11,000Oregon 11,889 11,733 11,925 12,484South Dakota 8,569 8,739 8,981 9,630Utah 9,660 9,314 10,047 10,626Washington 13,432 13,361 13,308 13,940Wyoming 13,464 14,555 14,979 15,375PEPB States (avg.) $10,785 $10,832 $11,018 $11,510source: IPEDS Finance SurveyNote: Expenditures represent funds derived from state and local appropriations, as well as tuition and fees. 2004-05 data for CO & WY were not available on 5/4/06, as a result, they are estimates based on the 2005 SHEEO SHEF report and 3-year weighted averages.

Expenditures per Student FTE, 2004-05 4-year, Public Institutions













PEPB Peers

IdahoNorth Dakota

UtahSouth Dakota




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Table 3.2.1(b)

Expenditures per Student FTE 2-year, Public Institutions

PEPB Peer States 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05

2006-07 (est.)

2009-10 (goal)

Colorado $5,677 $5,038 $5,186 $5,248Idaho 8,372 6,853 6,782 6,966Minnesota 8,312 7,907 7,613 7,502Montana 7,057 6,752 7,038 7,407 7,908North Dakota 6,428 6,726 6,598 6,839Oregon 9,260 7,624 10,466 9,203South Dakota 5,226 5,335 5,417 5,782Utah 7,092 7,013 7,370 7,676Washington 6,774 6,847 6,261 6,563Wyoming 9,521 9,790 9,297 10,061PEPB States (avg.) 7,372 6,989 7,203 7,325source: IPEDS Finance SurveyNote: Expenditures represent state and local appropriations, as well as tuition and fees; MT totals include: MSU-GF, UM-Helena, MCC, DCC, & FVCC; MT-TECH-COT , UM-Missoula-COT & MSU-Billings-COT IPEDS financial information is included with the 4-year institutions; 2004-05 data for CO were not available on 5/4/06, as a result an estimate was made based on information in the 2005 SHEEO SHEF report.

Expenditures per Student FTE, 2004-05 2-year, Public Institutions

$7,407 $7,325









PEPB States

IdahoNorth Dakota


South Dakota



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http://montana.collegesavings.com 800-888-2723

Montana Family Education Savings Program2005 Year-End Report

May 15, 2006



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ContentsI. Executive SummaryII. Legislative, Program Rules, Tax Rules abd Reporting, and Pacific Funds Developments A. Legislative B. Program Rules C. Tax Rules and Reporting D. Pacific Funds DevelopmentsIII. Marketing And Public Relations A. Overview B. Sales 1. Sales Team/Customer Service 2. Payroll Plan 3. Financial Planners C. Fulfillment 1. Print Fulfillment 2. Internet Fulfillment D. Direct Response Advertising 1. Print Publications 2. Direct Mail and E-Mail 3. Radio E. Public Relations F. Scholarship ProgramIV. Lead Generation A. Overview B. Lead Totals By Zip Code

V. Customer Acquisition A. Overview B. Account Totals by Zip CodeVI. Withdrawals

VII. Contributions and Expenditures A. Investment Overview B. CSB Deposit Totals by Maturity C. Pacific Funds Investments by Month D. Expenditures Synopsis

VIII. Fee Generation

A. Fees B. Board of Regents EarningsAppendices A. Expenditures B. CSB Montana Leads, Accounts and Deposits by Three-Digit Zip C. CSB Dollars on Deposit Per Maturity Year D. Pacific Funds Performance E. Pacific Funds Cost Comparison F. History of CollegeSure CDs Issued

Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report


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Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report

I. Executive Summary

December 31, 2005 marked the end of the eighth and last calendar year for College Savings Bank under our original contract as Program Manager for the Montana Family Education Savings Program (MFESP).

On June 1, 2006 the Bank will begin a second term as Program Manager for the Montana Family Education Savings Program, under the new contract awarded College Savings Bank through Montana RFP 06-1059B. Everyone at College Savings Bank would like to thank the BOR and OCHE for the opportunity to continue to pro-vide the residents of the state of Montana a first-class 529 college savings program. We admire and appreciate the professional and courteous way you have worked with us to manage this program, and are eagerly looking forward to future success. You have contributed significantly to the establishment, implementation and maintenance of the program. Montana is indeed a great state and we are happy to be a part of such a valued state program.

As of December 31, 2005, College Savings Bank has a total of 7,584 accounts and $107.6 million in MFESP deposits. Pacific Funds has established a total of 4,955 accounts with $39.4 million in assets. Since inception, the MFESP with CollegeSure Accounts and Pacific Funds combined has established over 12,539 accounts with over $147 million in funds.

II. Legislative, Program Rules, Tax Rules and Reporting, and Pacific Funds Developments

A. LEGISLATIVE In conjunction with BOR staff, College Savings Bank drafted a technical corrections bill to amend the MFESP enabling statute. Senator John Brueggeman introduced the legislation (SB 432). The bill was signed into law on April 28, 2005. The bill amends the state statute to comply with federal municipal securities guidelines.

B. PROGRAM RULES CSB assisted the MFESP Oversight Committee and BOR in drafting program rules to stay current with statutory, regulatory and market changes. CSB helped develop rules that became effective September 23, 2005 relative to the implementation of SB 432.

C. TAX RULES AND REPORTING College Savings Bank, in conjunction with BOR staff, presented revised tax rules to the Department of Revenue in January 2003. The revised rules reflect the statutory changes made by the 2001 federal and state amendments. The revised tax rules became effective on April 23, 2004 and can be found at 42.15.801-807.

For the 2005 tax year, College Savings Bank filed 1,163 1099Q forms with the IRS, and reported to the Montana Department of Revenue, 2,841 mostly tax-deductible contributions to accounts owned by Montana residents along with 665 withdrawals from accounts owned by Montana residents.


Pacific Funds continues to monitor the 529 market environment to ensure that the Pacific Funds 529 College Savings Plan offered through the MFESP remains a competitive option for Montana residents wishing to save for college expenses. As a result, several enhancements have been incorporated during 2005.

Pacific Life began working with the MFESP and internal legal counsel to finalize changes to the Plan Description Handbook to comply with Montana Trust changes and all of the College Savings Plans Network’s (CSPN) pro-


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Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report

posed disclosure principles. All changes were implemented for October 1, 2005.

On April 28, 2005, Montana enacted legislation modifying the structure of the MFESP. In response to evolving municipal security guidelines, the MFESP was restructured to create a Trust for the Program, and that the State, or an instrumentality of the State (i.e., the BOR) act as Trustee to the Trust.

In October 2005, Pacific Life provided the MFESP Oversight Committee with an overview of our intention to add two new funds managed by Oppenheimer to the Portfolio Optimization Funds: the PF Oppenheimer Main Street Core Fund and the PF Oppenheimer Emerging Markets Fund, which are available as underlying Portfolio Optimization Funds investment options. The two new funds are not available as individual mutual funds. In addi-tion, Neuberger Berman Management Inc., replaced AIM as manager of the PF AIM Aggressive Growth Fund. The name of the fund changed to PF NB Fasciano Small Equity Fund, and its investment strategy changed from small/mid-cap growth to small-cap growth. The fund continues to be available in the Portfolio Optimization Funds, as well as an individual investment option. We received approval from the Oversight Committee and implemented the changes on October 1, 2005.

III. Marketing and Public Relations A. OVERVIEW

Marketing the MFESP remained consistent throughout the first three quarters of 2005. Vehicles used during this period included a combination of print advertising, customer relations tactics and internet presence. During the fourth quarter 2005 we increased spending to add radio, direct mail, newspaper and public relations in order to create a sense of urgency in light of the December 31 tax deadline, as well as to increase the general awareness of the program among Montana residents.

Pacific Funds created a consolidated Plan Description Handbook for the Montana 529 Plan, incorporating chang-es to the trust structure for Montana and the College Savings Plans Network’s proposed disclosure language. The client guides, plan disclosure documents, applications, forms and website were updated in 2005 to include changes to the investment options and the maximum account balance limit. College Savings Bank also created new documents to reflect the new trust structure and other amendments.

B. SALES1. Sales Team/Customer ServiceThe Internet continues to be an increasing source of leads and business for the MFESP. In 2006 we will be enhancing the Web site through a new design, better navigation and easier access to communication ‘touch-points’. Additionally we are investing in a better search engine presence for the MFESP. All of which should make our Web site more accessible, drive more leads and kit requests, and present a better user experience. (See figures in Section IV, Lead Generation for more on MFESP customer leads.)

2. Payroll PlanAs of the date of this report, thirteen Montana employers have signed agreements with CSB to offer the Montana Family Education Payroll Savings Plan to employees. These include the following:

• State of Montana • Blue Cross/Blue Shield • North Valley Hospital • Cascade County • City of Billings • Community Med. Center • Montana State Univ. • University of MT • MHESAC • Deaconess Billings Clinic • Manas Health Services • Judith Gap Public School • Montana National Guard


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Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report

A number of employers from outside of Montana have also signed CSB payroll agreements:

• J Crew • Comcast Cellular • PHICO Insurance Co. • EMC Insurance • Sumitomo Bank • Technisource • LEGO Systems • Liz Claiborne, Inc. • PRC, Inc.

As of 12/31/05, 39 employers had signed agreements to offer the Pacific Funds 529 College Savings Plan to their employees. The following 14 Montana employers have established an employer-sponsored program:

• Brady Public School • East Bench Irrigation District • First Interstate • Montana Family Practice • Montana Professional Assistance • Newland & Co. • St. Labre Indian School • St. Patrick Hospital • City of Missoula • Whitewater School • Nement Telephone Coop • MSE Inc. • Keil Lawfirm PC • CTA Architects

And 25 employers from outside the state have signed agreements with Pacific Funds to offer the Montana Family Education Payroll Savings Plan to employees:• Pacific Life • Bonham ISD • Santa Rosa County Schools • Anna ISD • Classic Party Rental • Fehr & Peers Associates • The Bohren Groups • DSM Desotech • Fire King International Inc. • Town of Apple Valley • Brasseler USA • Information Systems • Gary’s Company Newport • Braeger Women’s Shoes • Iteration Software • Good News Church • Isaacson and Raymond • Monsanto • River Road ISD • Scibal Associates • City of Greenwood • Bomi Institute • KVC Behavioral Health • Flint Genesee Economy • Modesto City School • Nemont Telephone Company

3. Financial PlannersAs of 12/31/05, 19 financial planners within the state of Montana have signed distribution agreements with College Savings Bank. They are:• Capital Financial Advisers • Mort Forney & Associates • Landa-Harbaugh & Associates • Rex Harris/Whitefish • Marge Fisher/Whitefish • Summit Financial Advisors• D.A. Davidson • Nolt Insurance & Fin. Services • Laser Tax/Becky Spence • MFI Investment Corp. • Willoughby Insurance Agency • S.G. Long & Company • Tax Cutters • Ruby Valley National Bank • James Thielman• John Faust • Holmquist Financial Services • CFP Investments/Marty Klotovitch • NY Life Insurance/Carl Smart



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Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report

Montana residents have the ability to purchase directly from Pacific Funds at Net Asset Value. In addition, the plan is accessible to individuals across the country by investing through an investment professional. As of 12/31/05, our dis-tribution network included over 604 broker/dealers that are now able to sell the 529 plan, an increase of approximately 10% from 2004. This network includes a number of firms with the ability to sell within the state of Montana, including:

• S.G. Long & Company • D.A. Davidson • Askar Corporation• Primevest Financial Services • Brecek & Young Advisors • Investment Centers of America• U.S. Bancorp/Piper Jaffray • NFP Securitie • H.D. Vest Investment Securities• Invest Financial Corp • Intersecurities Inc. • TransAmerica Financial Advisors• Raymond James • Linsco/Private Ledger • Metropolitan Investment Securities• Fintegra LLC


1. Print Fulfillment

College Savings Bank and Pacific Life are committed to providing account owners ongoing access to educational materials and tools in an effort to increase visibility of the MFESP. All enrollment and educational materials are avail-able on the CSB and Pacific Life web sites, providing ease and flexibility for individuals wanting to open a MFESP account. Individuals can also contact CSB and Pacific Life customer service directly to request an enrollment kit.

For 2005, Pacific Life mailed the following quantities of enrollment materials:

Montana resident client kits 328

Montana resident broker kits 2,072

Total Montana resident materials 2,400

CollegeSure MFESP fulfillment packets as well as all existing promotional and operational pieces such as pros-pect and customer letters, brochures, mailers and forms were rewritten or reprinted during 2005 to reflect chang-es and/or to replenish low supplies.

The following quantities of MFESP enrollment materials were mailed from College Savings Bank during 2005:

Montana residents 303

Outside Montana 1,680

Total kits mailed 1,983

2. Internet Fulfillment

CSB Montana Site Page Requests

2005 activity on the MFESP web site (http://montana.collegesavings.com) performed below the 5-year average of 42,292 successful page requests. 2005 successful page requests were 22,021. To counteract this trend, we launched a new Web site design on March 1, 2006. For March 2006 successful page requests on the site were 8,001, and in April 2006 successful page requests were 7,419 (projected to 92,500 for the year based on the 2-months noted).


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Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report

Accordingly, CSB MFESP 2005 online enrollment form page requests also dropped slightly from 2004, but signifi-cantly increased as a percentage of total page views. This indicates that we are investing in our marketing efforts more wisely by reaching more qualified prospects. Total enrollment form page requests in 2005 were 2,894, versus 3,391 in 2004. The graphs below show web site page requests and enrollment form requests for the previous five years:

The CSB Montana 2005 web site report shows 3,273 transfer hits from the CSB MFESP site to the Pacific Funds MFESP site.

CSB MFESP Web Site Updates

The most notable updates to the web site in 2005 included: • Adding a home page call-out during the fourth quarter to remind Montana residents to make their tax-deductible contributions before year-end; • Streamlining the Information Kit Request Page for a more user friendly experience; • Adding more new self-service PDF forms for internet customers and prospects; • Improving and updating privacy statements, back-up checks and practices; • Revising the calculator program; and • Incorporating program rule changes and year-end changes on all web documents.

Pacific Life Site Updates and Page Requests

In 2005, Pacific Funds had approximately 23,185 total page views for the Pacific Funds 529 College Savings Plan (Montana). Of these, 11,920 total page views were for the Montana 529 Plan resident site and 11,265 total page views were for the Montana 529 plan non-resident (financial representative) site.


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D. DIRECT RESPONSE ADVERTISING1. Print Publications MFESP “Multiple Investment Choices” display advertisements ran in newspapers across the state for an eight-week period during the fourth quarter 2005. The following map demonstrates the breadth of the campaign by detailing the towns where the advertisement appeared. .

Print advertisements ran during 2005 in the following magazines: Creative was refreshed for 2005.

Montanan (Univ. of Montana) Winter 2005Montanan (Univ. of Montana) Spring 2005Montanan (Univ. of Montana) Fall 2005

2. Direct Mail and E-mail

In addition to the regular fulfillment kit mailings throughout the year, newsletters were mailed twice in 2005 and a direct mail campaign was created, produced and mailed during the fourth quarter of 2005.

February and August 2005:

• CollegeSure Investor newsletters were mailed to College Savings Bank clients. Articles appeared in the newsletter promoting the benefits of saving for college, the benefits of 529 plans and the generous MFESP contribution limits.

November and December 2005:

• 2,000 two-color “Dec. 31 Deadline” dimensional pieces were mailed to a targeted Montana lead base.

• 5,000 Information Kits were mailed to a targeted Montana lead base.

• A “Dec. 31 Deadline” letter accompanied all Information Kits during November and December.

Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report


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• “Dec. 31 Deadline” e-mails were sent in December to the MT resident in-house prospect list of approximately 1,300 e-mail addresses.

• Each MFESP participant was mailed a deposit slip and “Dec. 31 Deadline” letter in November.

3. Radio Fall and Winter 2005:

A sixty-second MFESP spot was created and aired during the fourth quarter of 2005 on the following radio stations:



A “December 31 Deadline” MFESP press release was distributed through the Montana Newspaper Association and was picked up by the following newspapers.

The Terry Tribune The Times-Clarion Blaine County Journal News-Opinion Jefferson County Courier Judith Basin Press Lewistown News-ArgusShelby Promoter Sidney Herald-Leader The Herald News The Valierian The Ekalaka Eagle Anaconda Leader Billings Gazette Big Horn County News Whitehall Ledger Independent Observer The Townsend Star Laurel Outlook Independent Record The Miles City Star Ravalli Republic Char-Koosta News Belgrade News Ranger-Review Queen City News Liberty County Times The Roundup Record-Tribune & Winnett Times



Other 2005 promotions that took place during 2005 included the Gear-Up State Grant program whereby the MFESP has set up scholarship accounts for winners of Montana Gear-Up Scholarships with money contributed by the Montana Guaranteed Student Loan Program. As of the date of this report, $2,380,533 in contributions includ-ing reinvestments have been made for Gear-Up scholarship students up from $2,080,533 in 2004.

Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report


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IV. Lead Generation

A. OVERVIEWThe Bank monitors and tracks all incoming requests for information or “leads” by media source. As of Dec. 31, 2005, the Bank had accumulated a total of 13,300 Montana resident leads and 36,060 out-of-state leads. Pacific Funds recorded 5,561 Montana resident leads and 38,717 out-of-state leads. As of Dec. 31, 2005.* the MFESP has generated 93,638 program leads.

B. LEAD TOTALS BY ZIP CODEHere are the leads segmented by MT three-digit zip code from inception through Dec. 31, 2005. (See Appendix B.)

Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005


Kalispell 599 329 236 162 192 58 53 63 24 1,117

Missoula 598 718 499 515 388 175 110 104 49 2,558

Butte 597 605 482 294 433 168 100 105 44 2,231

Helena 596 456 320 260 346 107 77 79 45 1,690

Great Falls 594 634 394 256 305 95 59 60 39 1,842

Havre 595 140 89 74 62 33 7 13 6 424

Billings 590/591 733 563 452 450 142 105 111 76 2,632

Wolf Point 592 146 69 56 56 19 7 8 11 372

Miles City 593 162 103 68 45 13 21 13 9 434

CSB Leads MT 3,923 2,755 2,137 2,277 810 539 556 303 13,300

CSB LEADS NAT’L 6,992 5,133 3,302 6,248 7,216 3,239 2,250 1,680 36,060

CSB TOTAL LEADS 10,915 7,888 5,439 8,525 8,026 3,778 2,806 1,983 49,360

PF LEADS MT 2,290 2,709 234 328 5,561

PF LEADS NATL 21,817 13,102 1,726 2,072 38,717

PF TOTAL LEADS 24,107 15,811 1,960 2,400 44,278

MFESP TOTAL LEADS 10,915 7,888 5,439 8,525 32,133 19,589 4,766 4,383 93,638

* Pacific Funds uses print fulfillment quantities as leads.


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V. Customer Acquisition

A. OVERVIEWThe CSB conversion rate from prospect (lead) to customer (account) was 35% in Montana during 2005 and nearly 10% nationally, each ahead of the running average conversion rates of 31% and 9% respectively. The Bank has estab-lished a grand total of 7,584 accounts. Of these, there were 4,198 Montana resident accounts and 3,386 out-of-state accounts. A full 24% of these accounts were direct deposit participants. As of the date of this report, there were 982 direct deposit accounts from financial institutions and 830 payroll deduction accounts.

Pacific Funds has 4,955 open accounts as of December 31, 2005, representing a nearly 20% increasae over the same time last year

Accounts for CollegeSure CD and Pacific Funds programs combined total 12,336 as of the date of this report.

B. ACCOUNT TOTALS BY ZIP CODEHere are the MFESP accounts segmented by MT three-digit zip code from inception through Dec. 31, 2005. (See Appendix B.)

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005


Kalispell 599 45 45 22 51 86 12 34 25 320

Missoula 598 152 110 139 157 165 89 68 26 906

Butte 597 85 115 98 149 151 113 47 23 781

Helena 596 79 87 78 136 149 48 62 3 642

Great Falls 594 82 64 67 89 80 69 13 4 468

Havre 595 17 11 27 26 22 1 8 3 115

Billings 590/591 102 80 93 181 169 123 71 15 834

Wolf Point 592 7 5 7 10 12 11 9 4 65

Miles City 593 15 14 3 16 11 12 6 4 81

CSB ACCOUNTS MT 584 531 534 815 845 478 318 107 4,198

CSB ACCOUNTS NAT’L 312 325 240 516 1,168 510 155 160 3,386

CSB TOTAL ACCOUNTS 896 856 774 1,331 2,013 988 473 267 7,584

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Region Zip PF PF PF PF PF PF PF PF PF Total

Kalispell 599 34 131 91 94 350

Missoula 598 90 186 131 130 537

Butte 597 92 134 108 140 474

Helena 596 68 86 97 77 328

Great Falls 594 56 104 69 97 326

Havre 595 1 22 10 22 55

Billings 590/591 146 316 208 198 868

Wolf Point 592 14 13 35 21 83

Miles City 593 22 25 43 26 116

PF ACCOUNTS MT 523 1,017 802 805 3,147

PF ACCOUNTS NATL 624 1,110 65 9 1808

PL TOTAL ACCOUNTS 1,147 2,127 867 814 4,955

MFESP TOTAL ACCTS 896 856 774 1,331 3,160 3,115 1,340 1,081 12,539

* Number of CSB accounts is net of all accounts closed as a result of full withdrawal.

Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report


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VI. Withdrawals Broken down by year, program withdrawals are as follows: Year CSB Amount Pac Funds Amount

1998 3 $14,133 n/a n/a

1999 33 163,942 n/a n/a

2000 62 269,245 n/a n/a

2001 113 512,327 n/a n/a

2002 313 1,244,926 2 $1,881

2003 476 2,199,500 63 531,173

2004 785 4,342,881 164 1,384,427

2005 1,116 7,434,791 700 2,133,449

Total 2,901 $16,181,745* 929 $4,050,930


* Excludes 63 transferred accounts ($331,361) to the Pacific Funds 529 Plan since inception.

VII. Contributions and Expenditures


Since inception through Dec. 31, 2005 deposits for the CSB Montana Family Education Savings Program totalled $107,615,303, up from $94,476,223 in 2004. And Pacific Funds has acquired a total of $39,441,521 in mutual fund contributions, up from $30,303,869 in 2004. That is a year-to-year increase of nearly 15%. Below is a snapshot by program, year and resident status:

Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report


In-State vs. Out-of-State Deposits*


Mt Res Out-of-State Total Mt Res Out-of-State Total Total

1998 $1,446,497 $3,470,444 $4,916,941 n/a n/a n/a $4,916,9411999 2,158,118 4,079,840 6,237,958 n/a n/a n/a 6,237,9582000 2,938,644 3,146,945 6,085,589 n/a n/a n/a 6,085,5892001 4,759,226 8,639,973 13,399,199 n/a n/a n/a 13,399,1992002 6,842,784 21,394,871 28,237,655 $1,761,540 $4,898,203 $6,659,743 34,897,3982003 7,670,921 14,081,688 21,752,609 5,376,019 9,013,201 14,389,220 36,141,8292004 11,277,217 11,960,612 23,237,829 10,988,669 5,012,800 16,001,469 39,239,2982005 4,412,959 8,726,121 13,139,080 6,719,397 2,418,256 9,137,652 21,577,234

Total $107,615,303 $19,888,929 $19.552,593 $39,441,521

Grand Total $147,056,824 20

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B. CSB DEPOSIT TOTALS BY MATURITY An analysis of the total CollegeSure dollars on deposit per maturity year within and outside Montana is outlined below. Weighted average years to maturity is 5.23 years for Montana residents and 5.68 years for out-of-state residents. Further, the average account size for Montana resident accounts is $8,627 while the average size for out-of-state accounts is $21,086. (Please see Appendix C for graph.)

C. PACIFIC FUNDS INVESTMENTS BY MONTHBelow is an analysis of the Pacific Funds investments by month. Please see Appendix D for a graph of Pacific Funds Montana 529 Plan Total Monthly Contributions.


Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report

College Savings Bank - Dollars on Deposit

Year Mt Res Out-of-State Year Mt Res Out-of-State

Savings $2,864,042 $1,114,217 2017 $1,150,536 $2,635,839

2006 5,655,701 9,019,698 2018 1,157,447 2,133,785

2007 4,717,175 7,829,489 2019 921,116 1,835,487

2008 3,134,399 7,482,134 2020 918,433 1,601,057

2009 2,585,532 7,056,700 2021 492,431 988,751

2010 2,343,922 5,863,554 2022 367,608 638,475

2011 2,097,827 5,138,784 2023 257,960 341,092

2012 1,731,344 4,307,682 2024 106,585 126,387

2013 1,513,595 3,920,742 2025 68,242 59,468

2014 1,489,072 3,572,584 2026 1,011 7,500

2015 1,393,894 3,144,430 2027 756 0

2016 1,248,490 2,580,308 2028 0 0

Total Mt Residents $36,217,130

Total Non-Mt Residents $71,398,173

Pacific Funds - Investment by Month

Mo/Yr Mt Res Out-of-State Total Mo/Yr Mt Res Out-of-State Total

1/04 $997,176 $300,797 $1,297,973 1/05 $1,062,805 $209,404 $1,272,209

2/04 315,123 411,308 726,431 2/05 454,592 182,008 636,600

3/04 703,834 304,082 1,007,916 3/05 581,656 304,732 886,388

4/04 309,952 295,954 605,906 4/05 860,101 180,689 1,040,790

5/04 323,531 345,104 668,635 5/05 515,726 193,454 709,180

6/04 278,154 308,423 586,577 6/05 329,554 113,717 443,271

7/04 297,680 127,654 425,334 7/05 453,885 144,067 597,951

8/04 373,734 216,465 590,199 8/05 402,532 293,720 696,252

9/04 343,006 194,467 537,473 9/05 295,846 168,075 463,921

10/04 275,139 234,496 509,635 10/05 315,541 154,808 470,349

11/04 574,507 241,985 816,492 11/05 435,936 192,894 628,831

12/04 124,0136 242,198 1,482,334 12/05 1,011,224 280,687 1,291,911

Inception through 12/03 7,137,559 13,911,404 21,048,943

Total $19,888,929 $19,552,593 $39,441,521


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D. EXPENDITURES SYNOPSISExpenditures for the Montana program from inception through Dec. 31, 2005 totalled $3,289,938. Below is a snap-shot by year. See Appendix A for a complete itemized breakdown for 2005.

VIII. Fee Generation A. FeesFrom inception through September 30, 1999 College Savings Bank collected a $40 application fee was charged per account estab-lished if neither the depositor nor beneficiary were residents of Montana. A $100 fee is charged for withdrawals within three years of accounts established prior to May 2001. A 10% penalty on earnings was charged for non-qualified distributions through 2001. Pacific Funds collected a $25 annual maintenance fee (pro-rated for accounts less than 1 year old) on April 29, 2005. This fee was waived for accounts with balances greater than $25,000, accounts with an active preauthorized investment plan or payroll deduc-tion, and accounts that were opened at Net Asset Value, which includes accounts opened by Montana residents purchasing the 529 plan directly from Pacific Funds. On July 27, 2005 the cumulative fee amount of $40,852.83 was sent via check to the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education, representing the Pacific Funds 529 College Savings Plan annual administration fee.

Here is a fee comparison for 1998 through Dec. 2005:

* Due to a change in the tax code, penalties on nonqualified distributions go to the federal government rather than the state of Montana.

B. Board of Regents Earnings

According to the CSB contractual fee arrangement, the Board of Regents has earned a total of $122,238 since inception. The chart below shows earnings broken down by year for CSB and Pacific Funds.


Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report

College Savings Bank Expenditures Pacific Funds Expenditures

Mo/Yr Mt Res Out-of-


Total Mo/Yr Mt Res Out-of-State

1998 $317,183 2002 $376,048 1998 n/a 2002 $241,532*

1999 394,242 2003 317,058 1999 n/a 2003 32,262

2000 398,902 2004 300,924 2000 n/a 2004 23,344

2001 391,026 2005 398,917 2001 n/a 2005 97,900

Total $2,894,900 Total $395,038

Grand Total $3,289,938

* Out-of-State Pacific Funds figures are not available for 2002.

College Savings Bank Pacific Funds

Year App Fee Early




Year App Fee Early




Year Fee


Year Fee


1998 $12,480 $300 $0 2002 0 7,200 0 1998 n/a 2002 none

1999 10,760 3,300 166 2003 0 4,300 0 1999 n/a 2003 $6,430

2000 0 6,200 705 2004 0 0 0* 2000 n/a 2004 30,227

2001 0 10,400 1,838 2005 0 0 0 2001 n/a 2005 40,852

Total $23,240 $31,700 $2,709 Total $77,509

Grand Total $135,158

College Savings Bank Board of Regents Earnings Pacific Funds Board of Regents Earnings

Year Year Year Year

1998 $6,390 2002 7,200 1998 n/a 2002 none

1999 7,696 2003 4,300 1999 n/a 2003 $6,430

2000 6,905 2004 0 2000 n/a 2004 30,227

2001 12,238 2005 0 2001 n/a 2005 40,852

Total $44,729 Total $77,509

Grand Total $122,238

* Pacific Funds pays the Board of Regents the entire account maintenance fee that is deducted from applicable accounts each year..22

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Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report

College Savings Bank CSB Legal Services Legal and Compliance $39,518 Trust Co. Office Space, Employee Salaries & Benefits 69,180 Trust Company (other) 13,581 CSB Customer Service Support Phone System Costs 870 Account Rep Internet Access 240 CSB Print Fulfillment Printed or Reprinted(Estimates below are printing costs only. Costs do not take into account legal/compliance costs, planning, postage, creative writing, design, pre-production, typesetting costs or salaries unless noted.) CollegeSure Newsletter 1,495 Various Black & White Forms 985 Deposit Slips & Confirmation Statements 2,025 Envelopes 5,275 Mt Pocket Folders 5,000 Continuous Form Paper 585 Understanding your Statement 630 Mt Letterhead 900 Disclosure Statement 4,810 FAQ Booklet 3,055 Dimensional Mailer 6,000 Enrollment Forms 1,025 CSB Other Clipping Service 681 CSB Production Magazine and Newspaper Production 1,031 CSB Media Buys Magazines (Media Buys) 4,050 Newspaper (Media Buys) 2,400 Radio spot air time 6,500 CSB Internet Hosting 4,000 Creative/Updates/Services/Maintenance 500 CSB Public Relations News Release Services, PSAs and Press Release Mailings 30 CSB Overhead, Operations and Fulfillment Fulfillment Processing and Postage* 22,359 Special Direct Mail Efforts (Outbound Postage/Processing) 3,386 Telephones (Inbound/Outbound) 23,184 CSB Deposit Processing 171,951 Visa/MC charge fees 3,671CSB TOTAL $398,917††PAC FUNDS TOTAL 97,900GRAND TOTAL $496,817* Includes inbound postage from business reply envelopes.†† Expenditures do not include account representative training and salaries, creative department salaries and

costs such as copywriting, planning, design and typesetting. Such expenditures are valued at $201,715.

Appendix A: 2005 Expenditures


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Appendix B: CSB Montana Leads, Accounts and Deposits by Three-Digit ZipThrough December 31, 2005

Leads 1,117Accounts 320Deposits $2,898,401

Leads 2,558Accounts 906Deposits $7,595,424

Leads 2,231Accounts 781Deposits $6,576,192 Leads 1,690

Accounts 642Deposits $6,701,694

Leads 1,842Accounts 468Deposits $3,539,670

Leads 424Accounts 115Deposits $806,079

Leads 372Accounts 65Deposits $397,325

Leads 434Accounts 81Deposits $561,475

Leads 2,632Accounts 834Deposits $7,140,866

Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report

Lead Breakdown by Region Account Breakdown by Region



Wolf PointMiles City



Great Falls





Wolf PointMiles City



Great Falls



Deposit Breakdown by Region



Wolf Point





Great Falls

Miles City


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Appendix C: CSB Dollars On Deposit Per Maturity YearThrough December 31, 2005(Montana vs. Out-of-State)

Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report







Montana Residents

Out-of-State Residents

Maturity Year



Sav Accs


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028


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Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report

Appendix D: Pacific Funds Performance

*The 5.50% sales charge is waived to Montana residents who purchase A shares directly. Consequently, the above rates of return are the net rates of return that Montana direct shareholders receive.



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Montana Family Education Savings Program 2005 Year-End Report

Appendix E: Pacific Funds Cost Comparison

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Appendix F: History of CollegeSure CDs Issued

Description Issuance Dates Margin MinimumAPY

Actual APYs for twelve months ended July 31,**

2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

∆ IC 500 5.62% 5.35% 5.77% 5.50% 5.20%CollegeSure 7/31/88 or earlier 2.00% 4.00% 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00CollegeSure 8/1/88 – 10/31/97 1.50 4.00* 4.12 4.00 4.27 4.00 4.00Plus 8/1/88 – 10/31/97 1.00 4.00* 4.62 4.35 4.77 4.50 4.20Membership 8/1/88 – 10/31/97 1.25 4.00* 4.37 4.10 4.52 4.25 4.00

Gold 8/1/88 – 10/31/97 1.25 4.00* 4.37 4.10 4.52 4.25 4.00Alumni 8/1/88 – 10/31/97 1.25 4.00* 4.37 4.10 4.52 4.25 4.00Enhanced 4/1/90 – 3/31/96 0.90 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00CollegeSure 11/1/97 – 8/2/02 0 4.00 5.62 5.35 5.77 5.50 5.20CollegeSure 8/3/02 – 2/28/03 1.00 3.00 4.62 4.35 4.77 N/A N/ACollegeSure 3/1/03 – 8/1/03 2.00 2.00 3.62 3.35 3.77 N/A N/ACollegeSure 8/2/03 – 1/31/06 3.00 2.00 2.62 2.35 N/A N/A N/ACollegeSure 2/1/06 or after 1.50 2.00

* CDs purchased between 8/1/91 and 2/29/92 are subject to an annual 5.00% minimum APY.** Interest Rate: Each CollegeSure® CD pays interest on July 31 each year it remains outstanding, at an interest rate which may change, equal to the rate of college inflation, as measured by the change in the IC 500 minus a stepped-rate margin, subject to a minimum interest rate. Given a constant level of college inflation each year’s interest rate increases over the term of the CD. Consequently, the actual APYs in the above table are for CDs at the midpoint of their term to maturity.


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May 31 – June 2, 2006

ITEM 131-112-R0506 Approval of Project Priority List, Long Range Building Program Montana University System

THAT: The Board of Regents of the Montana University System

adopts the following Project Priority List for submission to the Department of Administration.

EXPLANATION: Each agency is required to submit a proposed long range

building program to the Department of Administration in accordance with 17-7-202, MCA



Project Priority Listing

Priority Location Project Description Amount1 Bozeman Gaines Hall - Renovation 25,000,000$ 2 Missoula Law School Addition 3,000,000 3 Butte New Petroleum Building - supplemental funding 3,200,000 4 Missoula Consolidation of MCOT Campus to West Campus 18,200,000 5 Havre/AES NARC - Office Building 750,000 6 Missoula Anderson Hall Equipment & Furnishings 2,000,000 7 Billings Science Building Renovation Plan/Design 1,500,000 8 Great Falls GFCOT - Phase II 3,000,000 9 Dillon Main Hall - Phase II 6,000,000 10 Northern Auto Tech Building Plan/Design 1,500,000 11 Billings Billings COT - Phase II 700,000

TOTAL 64,850,000$


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Project Priority Listing

Priority Location Project Description Amount1 Bozeman Leon Johnson - Replace Brick - MSU 2,600,000$ 2 Helena Helena COT - Deferred Maintenance/Code/Life Safety 3,600,000 3 Billings McMullen - Deferred Maintenance - MSU-Billings 1,850,000 4 Butte Mt Tech COT - Deferred Maintenance 825,000 5 Missoula Clapp Building/Renovation of 3rd Floor - deferrred maintenance - UM 821,000 6 Havre Armory Gym - HVAC - MSU-N 1,750,000 7 Missoula Law School - HVAC - UM 750,000 8 Dillon Renovation of Industrial Technology - Western 1,000,000 9 AES AES - Deferred Maintenance 400,000

10 Great Falls Security Camera System - GFCOT 100,000 11 Bozeman Hamilton Hall - Deferred Maintenance - MSU 2,000,000 12 Bozeman Reid Hall - Restrooms/Elevator 750,000 13 Billings Library - Classroom Updates - MSU-B 450,000 14 Havre Various Buildings - Sprinkler/Emergency Lights - MSU-N 220,000 15 MSU-AES EARC - Road Work/Purchase Land - MSU-AES 500,000 16 Dillon Main Hall Adaptive Renovations - UM-Western 4,500,000 17 Bozeman FEMA - Tier 2 Seismic Study - MSU 750,000 18 Bozeman Campus Infrastructure - MSU 2,250,000 19 Bozeman Wilson Hall - Brick Maintenance 1,400,000 20 Missoula PARTV Building Mechanical/Electrical Systems Replacements - UM 4,000,000 21 Great Falls GFCOT - Building Access/Safety 100,000 22 AES AES - (CARC-Renovate Residence) (Nutrition Center-Fencing/Maint.) 180,000 23 Bozeman Cisel Hall 250,000 24 Missoula Mansfield Library - Replace Chilling System 814,000 25 All Campuses MUS Code Compliance/Deferred Maintenance 6,400,000 26 All Campuses Roof Replacements (MSU $1.4 - UM $1.0) 2,400,000

TOTAL 40,660,000$

Authority OnlyMSU-Billings New Construction - Child Care Facility 750,000$ MSU-Billings/COT New Construction - Family Housing 1,500,000 MSU-Billings New Construction - Yellowstone Econ Devel Center 1,250,000 MSU-Billings Land Acquistion 4,500,000 MSU-All Campuses General Spending Authority 7,000,000 MSU-Bozeman Business Incubator Facility 4,000,000 MSU-Bozeman Museum of the Rockies (Increase existing authority) 15,500,000

UM-Missoula Education Building Addition 7,500,000 UM-Missoula Alumni/Foundation Building 7,400,000 UM-Missoula HHP Physiological & Nutritional Lab 4,500,000 UM-Missoula New Parking Structure 5,000,000 UM-All Campuses General Spending Authority 6,000,000


Page 35: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

May 31 - June 2, 2006 ITEM 131-113-R0506 Authorization to Submit One-Time-Only Funding Requests

to the Office of Budget and Program Planning


FY 08 -09 Montana State University & University of Montana Campuses: 1. UM Campuses - Two year Programs & Economic Development $ 800,000

- UM COT - Training ($200,000) - UM COT - Equipment ($200,000) - Mt Tech - Economic Development ($200,000) - Western - Access & Economic Development ($200,000)

2. MSU-N – Equipment and Program Development Funding 600,000 3. UM Campuses – Recruitment & Retention 440,000

- UM-Missoula Marketing ($250,000) - Tech- Marketing ($50,000) - Western – Classroom Equipment ($30,000) - Western – Block Schedule Faculty Exchanges ($50,000) - Western – Access & Support ($60,000)

4. MSU-GF – Skilled Industries Cluster Equipment 500,000 5. UM Campuses – Outreach 725,000

- UM-Missoula – county Development ($200,000) - Tech – K-12 Outreach ($225,000) - Tech – Math & Science Academy ($250,000) - Western – Marketing ($50,000)

6. MSU-Billings – Student Retention & Academic Success 199,000 7. MSU-Billings/COT – Construction Trades Equipment 250,000 8. UM-Missoula – Speech Pathology Program Startup Costs 400,000

– Speech Pathology Program Equipment 250,000 9. MSU-Bozeman – Classroom Instructional Technology/Disaster Recovery 1,000,000 10. Establishment of the A.A.S. of Fire & Rescue and the A.A.S. of

Paramedicine Programs at Missoula COT, Helena COT & FVCC 609,000 11. MSU-Extension – Educational Technology and Distance Learning 168,000 12. MSU-Fire Services Training School – CAFS Technology Apparatus 217,000 13. MSU-AES – Research Equipment Match 2,000,000 14. All Campus – Rural Healthcare Provider & Educator Recruitment

And Retention Assistance Endowment 5,000,000

Total $ 13,158,000 35

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Community College Campuses: 1. Montana Works Scholarship Program $ 5,000,000 2. Montana Works Comprehensive Distance Learning Project

For Montana Community Colleges 2,000,000 3. Dual Enrollment: A Special Enrollment Project for Montana High

School Students Dually Enrolled at Montana Community Colleges 750,000 4. Deferred Building and Infrastructure Maintenance Program 3,000,000 5. New Programs for Economic Development 3,000,000

Total $ 13,750,000


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May 31- June 2, 2006 ITEM 131-104-R0506 FY07 Tuition and Mandatory Fee Rates, Flathead Valley

Community College and Dawson Community College

Proposed Tuition and Mandatory Fee Increases for a Full-time, In-District Student

Montana Community Colleges - Fiscal Year 2007 Semester Rates




Tuition only $616 $699 $83 13.5% Mandatory Fees $546 $585 $39 7.1% Total $1,162 $1,284 $122 10.5%

FLATHEAD VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Tuition only $870 $922 $52 6.0% Mandatory Fees $305 $350 $45 14.8% Total $1,175 $1,272 $97 8.3%

MILES CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE - Information Only--The rates for Miles Community College were approved at the May 2005 Board of Regents meeting.

Tuition only $840 $915 $75 8.9% Mandatory Fees $578 $645 $68 11.7% Total $1,418 $1,560 $143 10.1%


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ITEM 131-104-R0506 Dawson Community College Page 1

DAWSON COMMUNITY COLLEGE Amended Inventory and Validation of Fees

Dawson College District Students Semester

Unit Name: Dawson Community College Regents' Item No. 131-104-R0506 Effective: Fall 2006

Course Credits Tuition

Building Rprs/Mnt


Student Building

Fee Computer


Student Activity Fees


Library Media Fees Total

1 46.60 7.00 14.00 4.00 4.00 7.00 3.00 85.60 2 93.20 14.00 28.00 8.00 8.00 14.00 6.00 171.20 3 139.80 21.00 42.00 12.00 12.00 21.00 9.00 256.80 4 186.40 28.00 56.00 16.00 16.00 28.00 12.00 342.40 5 233.00 35.00 70.00 20.00 20.00 35.00 15.00 428.00 6 279.60 42.00 84.00 24.00 24.00 42.00 18.00 513.60 7 326.20 49.00 98.00 28.00 28.00 49.00 21.00 599.20 8 372.80 56.00 112.00 32.00 32.00 56.00 24.00 684.80 9 419.40 63.00 126.00 36.00 36.00 63.00 27.00 770.40 10 466.00 70.00 140.00 40.00 40.00 70.00 30.00 856.00 11 512.60 77.00 154.00 44.00 44.00 77.00 33.00 941.60 12 559.20 84.00 168.00 48.00 48.00 84.00 36.00 1027.20 13 605.80 91.00 182.00 52.00 52.00 91.00 39.00 1112.80 14 652.40 98.00 196.00 56.00 56.00 98.00 42.00 1198.40

15 & Above 699.00 105.00 210.00 60.00 60.00 105.00 45.00 1284.00

Fund Cur. Unr. Des. Plant Des. Des. Des. Des. Group

DAWSON COMMUNITY COLLEGE Amended Inventory and Validation of Fees

Other Montana Students Semester

Unit Name: Dawson Community College Regents' Item No. 131-104-R0506 Effective: Fall 2006


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ITEM 131-104-R0506 Dawson Community College Page 2

Course Credits Tuition

Building Rprs/Mnt


Student Building

Fee Computer


Student Activity Fees


Library Media Fees Total

1 79.60 7.00 14.00 4.00 4.00 7.00 3.00 118.60 2 159.20 14.00 28.00 8.00 8.00 14.00 6.00 237.20 3 238.80 21.00 42.00 12.00 12.00 21.00 9.00 355.80 4 318.40 28.00 56.00 16.00 16.00 28.00 12.00 474.40 5 398.00 35.00 70.00 20.00 20.00 35.00 15.00 593.00 6 477.60 42.00 84.00 24.00 24.00 42.00 18.00 711.60 7 557.20 49.00 98.00 28.00 28.00 49.00 21.00 830.20 8 636.80 56.00 112.00 32.00 32.00 56.00 24.00 948.80 9 716.40 63.00 126.00 36.00 36.00 63.00 27.00 1067.40 10 796.00 70.00 140.00 40.00 40.00 70.00 30.00 1186.00 11 875.60 77.00 154.00 44.00 44.00 77.00 33.00 1304.60 12 955.20 84.00 168.00 48.00 48.00 84.00 36.00 1423.20 13 1034.80 91.00 182.00 52.00 52.00 91.00 39.00 1541.80 14 1114.40 98.00 196.00 56.00 56.00 98.00 42.00 1660.40

15 & Above 1194.00 105.00 210.00 60.00 60.00 105.00 45.00 1779.00

Fund Cur. Unr. Des. Plant Des. Des. Des. Des. Group

DAWSON COMMUNITY COLLEGE Amended Inventory and Validation of Fees

Out-of-State Students Semester

Unit Name: Dawson Community College Regents' Item No. 131-104-R0506 Effective: Fall 2006

Course Credits Tuition

Building Rprs/Mnt


Student Building

Fee Computer


Student Activity Fees


Library Media Fees Total

1 218.10 7.00 14.00 4.00 4.00 7.00 3.00 257.10 2 436.20 14.00 28.00 8.00 8.00 14.00 6.00 514.20 3 654.30 21.00 42.00 12.00 12.00 21.00 9.00 771.30


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ITEM 131-104-R0506 Dawson Community College Page 3

4 872.40 28.00 56.00 16.00 16.00 28.00 12.00 1028.40 5 1090.50 35.00 70.00 20.00 20.00 35.00 15.00 1285.50 6 1308.60 42.00 84.00 24.00 24.00 42.00 18.00 1542.60 7 1526.70 49.00 98.00 28.00 28.00 49.00 21.00 1799.70 8 1744.80 56.00 112.00 32.00 32.00 56.00 24.00 2056.80 9 1962.90 63.00 126.00 36.00 36.00 63.00 27.00 2313.90 10 2181.00 70.00 140.00 40.00 40.00 70.00 30.00 2571.00 11 2399.10 77.00 154.00 44.00 44.00 77.00 33.00 2828.10 12 2617.20 84.00 168.00 48.00 48.00 84.00 36.00 3085.20 13 2835.30 91.00 182.00 52.00 52.00 91.00 39.00 3342.30 14 3053.40 98.00 196.00 56.00 56.00 98.00 42.00 3599.40

15 & Above 3271.50 105.00 210.00 60.00 60.00 105.00 45.00 3856.50

Fund Cur. Unr. Des. Plant Des. Des. Des. Des. Group

DAWSON COMMUNITY COLLEGE Amended Inventory and Validation of Fees

WUE Students Semester

Unit Name: Dawson Community College Regents' Item No. 131-104-R0506 Effective: Fall 2006

Course Credits Tuition

Building Rprs/Mnt


Student Building

Fee Computer


Student Activity Fees


Library Media Fees Total

1 119.50 7.00 14.00 4.00 4.00 7.00 3.00 158.50 2 239.00 14.00 28.00 8.00 8.00 14.00 6.00 317.00 3 358.50 21.00 42.00 12.00 12.00 21.00 9.00 475.50 4 478.00 28.00 56.00 16.00 16.00 28.00 12.00 634.00 5 597.50 35.00 70.00 20.00 20.00 35.00 15.00 792.50 6 717.00 42.00 84.00 24.00 24.00 42.00 18.00 951.00 7 836.50 49.00 98.00 28.00 28.00 49.00 21.00 1109.50 8 956.00 56.00 112.00 32.00 32.00 56.00 24.00 1268.00 9 1075.50 63.00 126.00 36.00 36.00 63.00 27.00 1426.50 10 1195.00 70.00 140.00 40.00 40.00 70.00 30.00 1585.00 40

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ITEM 131-104-R0506 Dawson Community College Page 4

11 1314.50 77.00 154.00 44.00 44.00 77.00 33.00 1743.50 12 1434.00 84.00 168.00 48.00 48.00 84.00 36.00 1902.00 13 1553.50 91.00 182.00 52.00 52.00 91.00 39.00 2060.50 14 1673.00 98.00 196.00 56.00 56.00 98.00 42.00 2219.00

15 & Above 1792.50 105.00 210.00 60.00 60.00 105.00 45.00 2377.50

Fund Cur. Unr. Des. Plant Des. Des. Des. Des. Group

DAWSON COMMUNITY COLLEGE Amended Inventory and Validation of Fees

Canadian Exchange Semester

Unit Name: Dawson Community College Regents' Item No. 131-104-R0506 Effective: Fall 2006

Course Credits Tuition

Building Rprs/Mnt


Student Building

Fee Computer


Student Activity Fees


Library Media Fees Total

1 159.20 7.00 14.00 4.00 4.00 7.00 3.00 198.20 2 318.40 14.00 28.00 8.00 8.00 14.00 6.00 396.40 3 477.60 21.00 42.00 12.00 12.00 21.00 9.00 594.60 4 636.80 28.00 56.00 16.00 16.00 28.00 12.00 792.80 5 796.00 35.00 70.00 20.00 20.00 35.00 15.00 991.00 6 955.20 42.00 84.00 24.00 24.00 42.00 18.00 1189.20 7 1114.40 49.00 98.00 28.00 28.00 49.00 21.00 1387.40 8 1273.60 56.00 112.00 32.00 32.00 56.00 24.00 1585.60 9 1432.80 63.00 126.00 36.00 36.00 63.00 27.00 1783.80 10 1592.00 70.00 140.00 40.00 40.00 70.00 30.00 1982.00 11 1751.20 77.00 154.00 44.00 44.00 77.00 33.00 2180.20 12 1910.40 84.00 168.00 48.00 48.00 84.00 36.00 2378.40 13 2069.60 91.00 182.00 52.00 52.00 91.00 39.00 2576.60 14 2228.80 98.00 196.00 56.00 56.00 98.00 42.00 2774.80

15 & Above 2388.00 105.00 210.00 60.00 60.00 105.00 45.00 2973.00

Fund Cur. Unr. Des. Plant Des. Des. Des. Des. 41

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ITEM 131-104-R0506 Dawson Community College Page 5


DAWSON COMMUNITY COLLEGE Inventory and Validation of Fees

Farm/Ranch Business Management--Hardin Site Semester 2006-07

Expires After Spring Semester 2007

Unit Name: Dawson Community College Regents' Item No. 131-104-R0506 0%

* Per Student Tuition Fee Total

1 693.20 160.00 853.20 * The tuition and fees for the Farm/Ranch- Remote Site program are based on a full-time student.

Fund Cur. Unr. Des. Group


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ITEM 131-104-R0506 Flathead Valley Community College Page 1

FLATHEAD VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Inventory and Validation of Fees

In-District Students Semester

Unit Name: Flathead Valley Community College ITEM 131-104-R0506 Effective: Fall 2006

Course Credits Tuition

Bldg Use Fee

Computer Fee

Equip/ Materials

Fee Activity

Fee Grnds/Maint.

Fee Total

1 65.85 14.00 5.75 8.00 2.00 1.25 96.85 2 131.70 28.00 11.50 10.00 4.00 2.50 187.70 3 197.55 42.00 17.25 12.00 6.00 3.75 278.55 4 263.40 56.00 23.00 28.25 8.00 5.00 383.65 5 329.25 70.00 28.75 28.25 10.00 6.25 472.50 6 395.10 84.00 34.50 28.25 12.00 7.50 561.35 7 460.95 98.00 40.25 28.25 14.00 8.75 650.20 8 526.80 112.00 46.00 28.25 16.00 10.00 739.05 9 592.65 126.00 51.75 28.25 18.00 11.25 827.90 10 658.50 140.00 57.50 28.25 20.00 12.50 916.75 11 724.35 154.00 63.25 28.25 22.00 13.75 1005.60 12 790.20 168.00 69.00 28.25 24.00 15.00 1094.45 13 856.05 182.00 74.75 28.25 26.00 16.25 1183.30

14-18 921.90 196.00 80.50 28.25 28.00 17.50 1272.15

Fund Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Des. Agency Plant Group

FLATHEAD VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Inventory and Validation of Fees

Out-of-District, Montana Students Semester

Unit Name: Flathead Valley Community College Item 131-104-R0506 Effective: Fall 2006


Page 44: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

ITEM 131-104-R0506 Flathead Valley Community College Page 2

Course Credits Tuition

Bldg Use Fee

Computer Fee

Equip/ Materials

Fee Activity

Fee Grnds/Maint.

Fee Total

1 108.10 14.00 5.75 8.00 2.00 1.25 139.10 2 216.20 28.00 11.50 10.00 4.00 2.50 272.20 3 324.30 42.00 17.25 12.00 6.00 3.75 405.30 4 432.40 56.00 23.00 28.25 8.00 5.00 552.65 5 540.50 70.00 28.75 28.25 10.00 6.25 683.75 6 648.60 84.00 34.50 28.25 12.00 7.50 814.85 7 756.70 98.00 40.25 28.25 14.00 8.75 945.95 8 864.80 112.00 46.00 28.25 16.00 10.00 1077.05 9 972.90 126.00 51.75 28.25 18.00 11.25 1208.15 10 1081.00 140.00 57.50 28.25 20.00 12.50 1339.25 11 1189.10 154.00 63.25 28.25 22.00 13.75 1470.35 12 1297.20 168.00 69.00 28.25 24.00 15.00 1601.45 13 1405.30 182.00 74.75 28.25 26.00 16.25 1732.55

14-18 1513.40 196.00 80.50 28.25 28.00 17.50 1863.65

Fund Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Des. Agency Plant Group

FLATHEAD VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Inventory and Validation of Fees

Out-of-State Students Semester

Unit Name: Flathead Valley Community College ITEM 131-104-R0506 Effective: Fall 2006

Course Credits Tuition

Bldg Use Fee

Computer Fee

Equip/ Materials

Fee Activity

Fee Grnds/Maint.

Fee Total

1 270.50 14.00 5.75 8.00 2.00 1.25 301.50 2 541.00 28.00 11.50 10.00 4.00 2.50 597.00 3 811.50 42.00 17.25 12.00 6.00 3.75 892.50 4 1082.00 56.00 23.00 28.25 8.00 5.00 1202.25 5 1352.50 70.00 28.75 28.25 10.00 6.25 1495.75 44

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ITEM 131-104-R0506 Flathead Valley Community College Page 3

6 1623.00 84.00 34.50 28.25 12.00 7.50 1789.25 7 1893.50 98.00 40.25 28.25 14.00 8.75 2082.75 8 2164.00 112.00 46.00 28.25 16.00 10.00 2376.25 9 2434.50 126.00 51.75 28.25 18.00 11.25 2669.75 10 2705.00 140.00 57.50 28.25 20.00 12.50 2963.25 11 2975.50 154.00 63.25 28.25 22.00 13.75 3256.75 12 3246.00 168.00 69.00 28.25 24.00 15.00 3550.25 13 3516.50 182.00 74.75 28.25 26.00 16.25 3843.75

14-18 3787.00 196.00 80.50 28.25 28.00 17.50 4137.25

Fund Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Des. Agency Plant Group

FLATHEAD VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Inventory and Validation of Fees

WUE Students Semester

Unit Name: Flathead Valley Community College Item 131-104-R0506 Effective: Fall 2006

Course Credits Tuition

Bldg Use Fee

Computer Fee

Equip/ Materials

Fee Activity

Fee Grnds/Maint.

Fee Total

1 162.20 14.00 5.75 8.00 2.00 1.25 193.20 2 324.40 28.00 11.50 10.00 4.00 2.50 380.40 3 486.60 42.00 17.25 12.00 6.00 3.75 567.60 4 648.80 56.00 23.00 28.25 8.00 5.00 769.05 5 811.00 70.00 28.75 28.25 10.00 6.25 954.25 6 973.20 84.00 34.50 28.25 12.00 7.50 1139.45 7 1135.40 98.00 40.25 28.25 14.00 8.75 1324.65 8 1297.60 112.00 46.00 28.25 16.00 10.00 1509.85 9 1459.80 126.00 51.75 28.25 18.00 11.25 1695.05 10 1622.00 140.00 57.50 28.25 20.00 12.50 1880.25 11 1784.20 154.00 63.25 28.25 22.00 13.75 2065.45 12 1946.40 168.00 69.00 28.25 24.00 15.00 2250.65 13 2108.60 182.00 74.75 28.25 26.00 16.25 2435.85 45

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ITEM 131-104-R0506 Flathead Valley Community College Page 4

14-18 2270.80 196.00 80.50 28.25 28.00 17.50 2621.05

Fund Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Des. Agency Plant Group


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May 31 – June 2, 2006 ITEM 131-106-R0506 Montana University System Revised Tuition Matrices –

Fiscal Year 2007 THAT: The Board of Regents authorizes tuition rate reductions at all

campuses of the Montana University System in fiscal year 2007 in the amounts illustrated on Attachment 1.

EXPLANATION: At the May 2005 Board of Regents meeting, the board

directed the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education to hold back $1,595,275 State funds from distribution to the Educational Units in anticipation of a special legislative session in December 2005 that may address retirement funding issues. The special session did not address this issue, consequently, the State funds became available for distribution.

At the March 2006 Board of Regents meeting, the board approved a motion to allocate the funds in FY 07 to the students in a form of a tuition reduction, less $10,000 authorized for a study of the optional retirement plan. The campuses prepared revised FY 07 tuition matrices with a per student credit hour tuition credit up to 12 credit hours per semester, which is the tuition flat spot. Attachment 1 summarizes the tuition reduction by campus and the estimated rebate amount per full time equivalent student.


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ITEM 131-106-R0506



Retirement Holdback Funds Rebate Campus FY06 % OF

Total FY06

Revised FY07 TOTAL Actual

Rebate Amount per SCH (up to flat spot)

Rebate Amount per FTE (@ 12

SCH per semester)

UM-MISSOULA 311,705 38.77% 307,825 305,590 613,415 $2.20 $52.80 MT TECH 46,562 5.79% 45,982 46,387 92,369 $1.95 $46.80 UM-WESTERN 21,831 2.72% 21,558 21,748 43,306 $1.41 $33.84 HCOT 10,826 1.35% 10,687 10,789 21,476 $0.95 $22.80

MSU-BOZEMAN 298,403 37.11% 294,692 292,428 587,120 $2.40 $57.60 MSU-BILLINGS 75,338 9.37% 74,400 75,093 149,493 $1.50 $36.00 MSU-NORTHERN 21,459 2.67% 21,192 21,387 42,579 $1.50 $36.00 GFCOT 17,895 2.23% 17,675 17,834 35,509 $1.00 $24.00

TOTAL 804,019 100.00% 794,019 791,256 1,585,275 Retirement Study (10,000) Revised TOTAL 794,019


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MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITYInventory and Validation of Fees

Semester - Undergraduate

Unit Name: Montana State University - Bozeman Regents' Item No. Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Network Nonres. Nonres.Course Registration Tuition Tuition Building SFEP Utility Computer Activity Health SU Equipment Services Athletic Resident Building Tuition Nonres. CourseCredit Fee Fee Credit Fee Fee Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Total Fee Fee Total Credit

1 30.00 189.95 (2.40) 15.50 4.85 0.90 2.95 0.00 0.00 2.75 3.00 35.00 0.00 282.50 3.60 406.80 692.90 12 30.00 379.90 (4.80) 20.80 9.70 1.80 5.90 0.00 0.00 5.50 6.00 35.00 0.00 489.80 7.20 813.60 1,310.60 23 30.00 569.85 (7.20) 26.10 14.55 2.70 8.85 0.00 0.00 8.25 9.00 35.00 0.00 697.10 10.80 1,220.40 1,928.30 34 30.00 759.80 (9.60) 31.40 19.40 3.60 11.80 0.00 0.00 11.00 12.00 35.00 0.00 904.40 14.40 1,627.20 2,546.00 45 30.00 949.75 (12.00) 36.70 24.25 4.50 14.75 0.00 0.00 13.75 15.00 35.00 0.00 1,111.70 18.00 2,034.00 3,163.70 56 30.00 1,139.70 (14.40) 42.00 29.10 5.40 17.70 0.00 0.00 16.50 18.00 35.00 0.00 1,319.00 21.60 2,440.80 3,781.40 67 30.00 1,329.65 (16.80) 47.30 33.95 6.30 20.65 61.15 147.50 19.25 21.00 35.00 66.05 1,801.00 25.20 2,847.60 4,673.80 78 30.00 1,519.60 (19.20) 52.60 38.80 7.20 23.60 61.15 147.50 22.00 24.00 35.00 66.05 2,008.30 28.80 3,254.40 5,291.50 89 30.00 1,709.55 (21.60) 57.90 43.65 8.10 26.55 61.15 147.50 24.75 27.00 35.00 66.05 2,215.60 32.40 3,661.20 5,909.20 9

10 30.00 1,899.50 (24.00) 63.20 48.50 9.00 29.50 61.15 147.50 27.50 30.00 35.00 66.05 2,422.90 36.00 4,068.00 6,526.90 1011 30.00 2,089.45 (26.40) 68.50 53.35 9.90 32.45 61.15 147.50 30.25 33.00 35.00 66.05 2,630.20 39.60 4,474.80 7,144.60 1112 30.00 2,279.40 (28.80) 73.80 58.20 10.80 35.40 61.15 147.50 33.00 36.00 35.00 66.05 2,837.50 43.20 4,881.60 7,762.30 12


Page 50: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITYInventory and Validation of Fees

Semester - Graduate

Unit Name: Montana State University - Bozeman Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Network Nonres. Nonres.CourseRegistration Tuition Tuition Building SFEP Utility Computer Activity Health SU Equipment Services Athletic Resident Building Tuition Nonres. CourseCredit Fee Fee Credit Fee Fee Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Total Fee Fee Total Credit

1 30.00 227.95 (2.40) 15.50 4.85 0.90 2.95 0.00 0.00 2.75 3.00 35.00 0.00 320.50 3.60 406.80 730.90 1

2 30.00 455.90 (4.80) 20.80 9.70 1.80 5.90 0.00 0.00 5.50 6.00 35.00 0.00 565.80 7.20 813.60 1,386.60 2

3 30.00 683.85 (7.20) 26.10 14.55 2.70 8.85 0.00 0.00 8.25 9.00 35.00 0.00 811.10 10.80 1,220.40 2,042.30 3

4 30.00 911.80 (9.60) 31.40 19.40 3.60 11.80 0.00 0.00 11.00 12.00 35.00 0.00 1,056.40 14.40 1,627.20 2,698.00 4

5 30.00 1,139.75 (12.00) 36.70 24.25 4.50 14.75 0.00 0.00 13.75 15.00 35.00 0.00 1,301.70 18.00 2,034.00 3,353.70 5

6 30.00 1,367.70 (14.40) 42.00 29.10 5.40 17.70 0.00 0.00 16.50 18.00 35.00 0.00 1,547.00 21.60 2,440.80 4,009.40 6

7 30.00 1,595.65 (16.80) 47.30 33.95 6.30 20.65 61.15 147.50 19.25 21.00 35.00 66.05 2,067.00 25.20 2,847.60 4,939.80 7

8 30.00 1,823.60 (19.20) 52.60 38.80 7.20 23.60 61.15 147.50 22.00 24.00 35.00 66.05 2,312.30 28.80 3,254.40 5,595.50 8

9 30.00 2,051.55 (21.60) 57.90 43.65 8.10 26.55 61.15 147.50 24.75 27.00 35.00 66.05 2,557.60 32.40 3,661.20 6,251.20 9

10 30.00 2,279.50 (24.00) 63.20 48.50 9.00 29.50 61.15 147.50 27.50 30.00 35.00 66.05 2,802.90 36.00 4,068.00 6,906.90 10

11 30.00 2,507.45 (26.40) 68.50 53.35 9.90 32.45 61.15 147.50 30.25 33.00 35.00 66.05 3,048.20 39.60 4,474.80 7,562.60 11

12 30.00 2,735.40 (28.80) 73.80 58.20 10.80 35.40 61.15 147.50 33.00 36.00 35.00 66.05 3,293.50 43.20 4,881.60 8,218.30 12


Page 51: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITYInventory and Validation of Fees

Western Undergraduate Exchange Program Semester

Unit Name: Montana State University - Bozeman Regents' Item No. Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Network Nonres.Course Registration Tuition Tuition Building SFEP Utility Computer Activity Health SU Equipment Services Athletic Building WUE CourseCredit Fee Fee Credit Fee Fee Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Total Credit

1 30.00 284.90 (2.40) 15.50 4.85 0.90 2.95 0.00 0.00 2.75 3.00 35.00 0.00 3.60 381.05 1

2 30.00 569.80 (4.80) 20.80 9.70 1.80 5.90 0.00 0.00 5.50 6.00 35.00 0.00 7.20 686.90 2

3 30.00 854.70 (7.20) 26.10 14.55 2.70 8.85 0.00 0.00 8.25 9.00 35.00 0.00 10.80 992.75 3

4 30.00 1,139.60 (9.60) 31.40 19.40 3.60 11.80 0.00 0.00 11.00 12.00 35.00 0.00 14.40 1,298.60 4

5 30.00 1,424.50 (12.00) 36.70 24.25 4.50 14.75 0.00 0.00 13.75 15.00 35.00 0.00 18.00 1,604.45 5

6 30.00 1,709.40 (14.40) 42.00 29.10 5.40 17.70 0.00 0.00 16.50 18.00 35.00 0.00 21.60 1,910.30 6

7 30.00 1,994.30 (16.80) 47.30 33.95 6.30 20.65 61.15 147.50 19.25 21.00 35.00 66.05 25.20 2,490.85 7

8 30.00 2,279.20 (19.20) 52.60 38.80 7.20 23.60 61.15 147.50 22.00 24.00 35.00 66.05 28.80 2,796.70 8

9 30.00 2,564.10 (21.60) 57.90 43.65 8.10 26.55 61.15 147.50 24.75 27.00 35.00 66.05 32.40 3,102.55 9

10 30.00 2,849.00 (24.00) 63.20 48.50 9.00 29.50 61.15 147.50 27.50 30.00 35.00 66.05 36.00 3,408.40 10

11 30.00 3,133.90 (26.40) 68.50 53.35 9.90 32.45 61.15 147.50 30.25 33.00 35.00 66.05 39.60 3,714.25 11

12 30.00 3,418.80 (28.80) 73.80 58.20 10.80 35.40 61.15 147.50 33.00 36.00 35.00 66.05 43.20 4,020.10 12


Page 52: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Inventory and Validation of FeesSemester - Post-Baccalaureate

Unit Name: Montana State University - Bozeman Regents' Item No. Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Network Nonres. Nonres.Course Registration Tuition Tuition Building SFEP Utility Computer Activity Health SU Equipment Services Athletic Resident Building Tuition Nonres. CourseCredit Fee Fee Credit Fee Fee Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Total Fee Fee Total Credit

1 30.00 227.95 (2.40) 15.50 4.85 0.90 2.95 0.00 0.00 2.75 3.00 35.00 0.00 320.50 3.60 406.80 730.90 12 30.00 455.90 (4.80) 20.80 9.70 1.80 5.90 0.00 0.00 5.50 6.00 35.00 0.00 565.80 7.20 813.60 1,386.60 23 30.00 683.85 (7.20) 26.10 14.55 2.70 8.85 0.00 0.00 8.25 9.00 35.00 0.00 811.10 10.80 1,220.40 2,042.30 34 30.00 911.80 (9.60) 31.40 19.40 3.60 11.80 0.00 0.00 11.00 12.00 35.00 0.00 1,056.40 14.40 1,627.20 2,698.00 45 30.00 1,139.75 (12.00) 36.70 24.25 4.50 14.75 0.00 0.00 13.75 15.00 35.00 0.00 1,301.70 18.00 2,034.00 3,353.70 56 30.00 1,367.70 (14.40) 42.00 29.10 5.40 17.70 0.00 0.00 16.50 18.00 35.00 0.00 1,547.00 21.60 2,440.80 4,009.40 67 30.00 1,595.65 (16.80) 47.30 33.95 6.30 20.65 61.15 147.50 19.25 21.00 35.00 66.05 2,067.00 25.20 2,847.60 4,939.80 78 30.00 1,823.60 (19.20) 52.60 38.80 7.20 23.60 61.15 147.50 22.00 24.00 35.00 66.05 2,312.30 28.80 3,254.40 5,595.50 89 30.00 2,051.55 (21.60) 57.90 43.65 8.10 26.55 61.15 147.50 24.75 27.00 35.00 66.05 2,557.60 32.40 3,661.20 6,251.20 9

10 30.00 2,279.50 (24.00) 63.20 48.50 9.00 29.50 61.15 147.50 27.50 30.00 35.00 66.05 2,802.90 36.00 4,068.00 6,906.90 1011 30.00 2,507.45 (26.40) 68.50 53.35 9.90 32.45 61.15 147.50 30.25 33.00 35.00 66.05 3,048.20 39.60 4,474.80 7,562.60 1112 30.00 2,735.40 (28.80) 73.80 58.20 10.80 35.40 61.15 147.50 33.00 36.00 35.00 66.05 3,293.50 43.20 4,881.60 8,218.30 12

Ret. of Ret. of Ret. ofCur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Indebt. Plant Des. Aux. Aux. Plant Plant Indebt. Indebt. Cur. Unr.

Fund 31200 31200 73200 71200 33200 34200 34200 71200 73200 73200 73200 31200Group 411201 411201 49XXXX 474267 431000 444000 44XXXX 475261 495254 495255 494259 411201


Page 53: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

Inventory and Validation of FeesUndergraduate Resident and Nonresident

SemesterUnit Name: Montana State University - Billings Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Rec Student Acad. Acad. Tech Total Computer Nonres. Nonres. TotalCourse Reg. Tuition Tuition Building Utility Computer Activity Activity Health Union Building Equip. Support Replace Library Athletic Resident Fee Building Tuition Nonres.Credit Fee Credit Fee Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Center Fee Fee Fee Fee Rebate N/A Fee Fee

1 1 $30.00 $166.15 ($1.50) $44.00 $0.00 $3.30 $6.50 $15.00 $0.00 $30.00 $9.00 $3.60 $3.25 $35.00 $10.00 $25.00 $379.30 $0.00 $4.40 $339.35 $723.052 2 30.00 332.30 (3.00) 44.00 0.00 6.60 6.50 15.00 0.00 30.00 10.00 7.20 6.50 35.00 10.00 25.00 555.10 0.00 8.80 678.70 1242.603 3 30.00 498.45 (4.50) 44.00 0.00 9.90 6.50 15.00 0.00 30.00 11.00 10.80 9.75 35.00 10.00 25.00 730.90 0.00 13.20 1018.05 1762.154 4 30.00 664.60 (6.00) 58.00 0.00 13.20 15.50 15.00 0.00 38.50 12.00 14.40 13.00 35.00 10.00 25.00 938.20 0.00 17.60 1357.40 2313.205 5 30.00 830.75 (7.50) 58.00 0.00 16.50 15.50 15.00 0.00 38.50 13.00 18.00 16.25 35.00 10.00 25.00 1114.00 0.00 22.00 1696.75 2832.756 6 30.00 996.90 (9.00) 58.00 0.00 19.80 15.50 15.00 0.00 38.50 14.00 21.60 19.50 35.00 10.00 25.00 1289.80 0.00 26.40 2036.10 3352.307 7 30.00 1163.05 (10.50) 116.00 0.00 23.10 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 23.00 25.20 22.75 35.00 10.00 25.00 1599.10 0.00 30.80 2375.45 4005.358 8 30.00 1329.20 (12.00) 116.00 0.00 26.40 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 24.00 28.80 26.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 1824.40 0.00 35.20 2714.80 4574.409 9 30.00 1495.35 (13.50) 116.00 0.00 29.70 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 25.00 32.40 29.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 2000.20 0.00 39.60 3054.15 5093.95

10 10 30.00 1661.50 (15.00) 116.00 0.00 33.00 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 26.00 36.00 32.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 2176.00 0.00 44.00 3393.50 5613.5011 11 30.00 1827.65 (16.50) 116.00 0.00 36.30 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 27.00 39.60 35.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 2351.80 0.00 48.40 3732.85 6133.05

12-18 12 30.00 1993.80 (18.00) 116.00 0.00 39.60 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 28.00 43.20 39.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 2527.60 0.00 52.80 4072.20 6652.6019 13 30.00 2159.95 (19.50) 116.00 0.00 42.90 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 29.00 46.80 42.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 2703.40 0.00 57.20 4411.55 7172.1520 14 30.00 2326.10 (21.00) 116.00 0.00 46.20 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 30.00 50.40 45.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 2879.20 0.00 61.60 4750.90 7691.7021 15 30.00 2492.25 (22.50) 116.00 0.00 49.50 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 31.00 54.00 48.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 3055.00 0.00 66.00 5090.25 8211.2522 16 30.00 2658.40 (24.00) 116.00 0.00 52.80 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 32.00 57.60 52.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 3230.80 0.00 70.40 5429.60 8730.8023 17 30.00 2824.55 (25.50) 116.00 0.00 56.10 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 33.00 61.20 55.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 3406.60 0.00 74.80 5768.95 9250.3524 18 30.00 2990.70 (27.00) 116.00 0.00 59.40 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 34.00 64.80 58.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 3582.40 0.00 79.20 6108.30 9769.9025 19 30.00 3156.85 (28.50) 116.00 0.00 62.70 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 35.00 68.40 61.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 3758.20 0.00 83.60 6447.65 10289.45

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Aux. Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Des. Aux. Aux. Plant Plant Des. Des. Des. Des. Plant Aux. Cur. Unr.Group 611000 611000 611000 644405 611000 680002 638002 633302 645001 644401 680012 680014 633303 633126 634114 637201 680002 644405 611000

SABHRS 31300 31300 31300 34301 31300 72660 33300 33300 34301 34301 72660 72660 33300 33300 33300 33300 72660 34301 31300

MSU-Billings will review utility rates on a semester basis to determine the need for a utility surcharge

Montana State University-Billings

Regents' Item No: 131-106-R0506


Page 54: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

Inventory and Validation of FeesPost Baccaluareate Resident and Nonresident

SemesterUnit Name: Montana State University - Billings Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Rec Student Acad. Acad. Tech Total Nonres. Nonres. TotalCourse Reg. Tuition Tuition Building Utility Computer Activity Activity Health Union Building Equip. Support Replace Library Athletic Resident Building Tuition Nonres.Credit Fee Credit Fee Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Center Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee

1 $30.00 $199.40 ($1.50) $44.00 $0.00 $3.30 $6.50 $15.00 $0.00 $30.00 $9.00 $3.60 $3.25 $35.00 $10.00 $25.00 $412.55 $4.40 $339.35 $756.302 30.00 398.80 (3.00) 44.00 0.00 6.60 6.50 15.00 0.00 30.00 10.00 7.20 6.50 35.00 10.00 25.00 621.60 8.80 678.70 1309.103 30.00 598.20 (4.50) 44.00 0.00 9.90 6.50 15.00 0.00 30.00 11.00 10.80 9.75 35.00 10.00 25.00 830.65 13.20 1018.05 1861.904 30.00 797.60 (6.00) 58.00 0.00 13.20 15.50 15.00 0.00 38.50 12.00 14.40 13.00 35.00 10.00 25.00 1071.20 17.60 1357.40 2446.205 30.00 997.00 (7.50) 58.00 0.00 16.50 15.50 15.00 0.00 38.50 13.00 18.00 16.25 35.00 10.00 25.00 1280.25 22.00 1696.75 2999.006 30.00 1196.40 (9.00) 58.00 0.00 19.80 15.50 15.00 0.00 38.50 14.00 21.60 19.50 35.00 10.00 25.00 1489.30 26.40 2036.10 3551.807 30.00 1395.80 (10.50) 116.00 0.00 23.10 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 23.00 25.20 22.75 35.00 10.00 25.00 1831.85 30.80 2375.45 4238.108 30.00 1595.20 (12.00) 116.00 0.00 26.40 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 24.00 28.80 26.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 2090.40 35.20 2714.80 4840.409 30.00 1794.60 (13.50) 116.00 0.00 29.70 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 25.00 32.40 29.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 2299.45 39.60 3054.15 5393.20

10 30.00 1994.00 (15.00) 116.00 0.00 33.00 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 26.00 36.00 32.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 2508.50 44.00 3393.50 5946.0011 30.00 2193.40 (16.50) 116.00 0.00 36.30 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 27.00 39.60 35.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 2717.55 48.40 3732.85 6498.80

12-18 30.00 2392.80 (18.00) 116.00 0.00 39.60 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 28.00 43.20 39.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 2926.60 52.80 4072.20 7051.6019 30.00 2592.20 (19.50) 116.00 0.00 42.90 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 29.00 46.80 42.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 3135.65 57.20 4411.55 7604.4020 30.00 2791.60 (21.00) 116.00 0.00 46.20 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 30.00 50.40 45.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 3344.70 61.60 4750.90 8157.2021 30.00 2991.00 (22.50) 116.00 0.00 49.50 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 31.00 54.00 48.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 3553.75 66.00 5090.25 8710.0022 30.00 3190.40 (24.00) 116.00 0.00 52.80 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 32.00 57.60 52.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 3762.80 70.40 5429.60 9262.8023 30.00 3389.80 (25.50) 116.00 0.00 56.10 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 33.00 61.20 55.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 3971.85 74.80 5768.95 9815.6024 30.00 3589.20 (27.00) 116.00 0.00 59.40 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 34.00 64.80 58.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 4180.90 79.20 6108.30 10368.4025 30.00 3788.60 (28.50) 116.00 0.00 62.70 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 35.00 68.40 61.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 4389.95 83.60 6447.65 10921.20

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Aux. Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Des. Aux. Aux. Plant Plant Des. Des. Des. Des. Aux. Cur. Unr.Group 611000 611000 611000 644405 611000 680002 638002 633302 645001 644401 680012 680014 633303 633126 634114 637201 644405 611000

SABHRS 31300 31300 31300 34301 31300 72660 33300 33300 34301 34301 72660 72660 33300 33300 33300 33300 34301 31300MSU-Billings will review utility rates on a semester basis to determine the need for a utility surcharge

Montana State University-Billings

egents' Item No: 131-106-R05


Page 55: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

Inventory and Validation of FeesGraduate Resident and Nonresident

SemesterUnit Name: Montana State University - Billings Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Rec Student Acad. Acad. Tech Total Nonres. Nonres. TotalCourse Reg. Tuition Tuition Building Utility Computer Activity Activity Health Union Building Equip. Support Replace Library Athletic Resident Building Tuition Nonres.Credit Fee Credit Fee Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Center Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee

1 $30.00 $199.40 ($1.50) $44.00 $0.00 $3.30 $6.50 $15.00 $0.00 $30.00 $9.00 $3.60 $3.25 $35.00 $10.00 $25.00 $412.55 $4.40 $339.35 $756.302 30.00 398.80 (3.00) 44.00 0.00 6.60 6.50 15.00 0.00 30.00 10.00 7.20 6.50 35.00 10.00 25.00 621.60 8.80 678.70 1309.103 30.00 598.20 (4.50) 44.00 0.00 9.90 6.50 15.00 0.00 30.00 11.00 10.80 9.75 35.00 10.00 25.00 830.65 13.20 1018.05 1861.904 30.00 797.60 (6.00) 58.00 0.00 13.20 15.50 15.00 0.00 38.50 12.00 14.40 13.00 35.00 10.00 25.00 1071.20 17.60 1357.40 2446.205 30.00 997.00 (7.50) 58.00 0.00 16.50 15.50 15.00 0.00 38.50 13.00 18.00 16.25 35.00 10.00 25.00 1280.25 22.00 1696.75 2999.006 30.00 1196.40 (9.00) 58.00 0.00 19.80 15.50 15.00 0.00 38.50 14.00 21.60 19.50 35.00 10.00 25.00 1489.30 26.40 2036.10 3551.807 30.00 1395.80 (10.50) 116.00 0.00 23.10 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 23.00 25.20 22.75 35.00 10.00 25.00 1831.85 30.80 2375.45 4238.108 30.00 1595.20 (12.00) 116.00 0.00 26.40 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 24.00 28.80 26.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 2090.40 35.20 2714.80 4840.409 30.00 1794.60 (13.50) 116.00 0.00 29.70 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 25.00 32.40 29.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 2299.45 39.60 3054.15 5393.20

10 30.00 1994.00 (15.00) 116.00 0.00 33.00 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 26.00 36.00 32.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 2508.50 44.00 3393.50 5946.0011 30.00 2193.40 (16.50) 116.00 0.00 36.30 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 27.00 39.60 35.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 2717.55 48.40 3732.85 6498.80

12-18 30.00 2392.80 (18.00) 116.00 0.00 39.60 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 28.00 43.20 39.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 2926.60 52.80 4072.20 7051.6019 30.00 2592.20 (19.50) 116.00 0.00 42.90 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 29.00 46.80 42.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 3135.65 57.20 4411.55 7604.4020 30.00 2791.60 (21.00) 116.00 0.00 46.20 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 30.00 50.40 45.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 3344.70 61.60 4750.90 8157.2021 30.00 2991.00 (22.50) 116.00 0.00 49.50 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 31.00 54.00 48.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 3553.75 66.00 5090.25 8710.0022 30.00 3190.40 (24.00) 116.00 0.00 52.80 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 32.00 57.60 52.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 3762.80 70.40 5429.60 9262.8023 30.00 3389.80 (25.50) 116.00 0.00 56.10 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 33.00 61.20 55.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 3971.85 74.80 5768.95 9815.6024 30.00 3589.20 (27.00) 116.00 0.00 59.40 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 34.00 64.80 58.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 4180.90 79.20 6108.30 10368.4025 30.00 3788.60 (28.50) 116.00 0.00 62.70 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 35.00 68.40 61.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 4389.95 83.60 6447.65 10921.20

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Aux. Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Des. Aux. Aux. Plant Plant Des. Des. Des. Des. Aux. Cur. Unr.Group 611000 611000 611000 644405 611000 680002 638002 633302 645001 644401 680012 680014 633303 633126 634114 637201 644405 611000

SABHRS 31300 31300 31300 34301 31300 72660 33300 33300 34301 34301 72660 72660 33300 33300 33300 33300 34301 31300MSU-Billings will review utility rates on a semester basis to determine the need for a utility surcharge

Montana State University-Billings

Regents' Item No: 131-106-R0506


Page 56: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

Inventory and Validation of FeesWestern Undergraduate Exchange

SemesterUnit Name: Montana State University - Billings Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Rec Student Acad. Acad. Tech Nonres. TotalCourse Reg. Tuition Tuition Building Utility Computer Activity Activity Health Union Building Equip. Support Replace Library Athletic Building WUECredit Fee Credit Fee Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Center Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee

1 $30.00 $249.25 ($1.50) $44.00 $0.00 $3.30 $6.50 $15.00 $0.00 $30.00 $9.00 $3.60 $3.25 $35.00 $10.00 $25.00 $4.40 $466.802 30.00 498.50 (3.00) 44.00 0.00 6.60 6.50 15.00 0.00 30.00 10.00 7.20 6.50 35.00 10.00 25.00 8.80 730.103 30.00 747.75 (4.50) 44.00 0.00 9.90 6.50 15.00 0.00 30.00 11.00 10.80 9.75 35.00 10.00 25.00 13.20 993.404 30.00 997.00 (6.00) 58.00 0.00 13.20 15.50 15.00 0.00 38.50 12.00 14.40 13.00 35.00 10.00 25.00 17.60 1288.205 30.00 1246.25 (7.50) 58.00 0.00 16.50 15.50 15.00 0.00 38.50 13.00 18.00 16.25 35.00 10.00 25.00 22.00 1551.506 30.00 1495.50 (9.00) 58.00 0.00 19.80 15.50 15.00 0.00 38.50 14.00 21.60 19.50 35.00 10.00 25.00 26.40 1814.807 30.00 1744.75 (10.50) 116.00 0.00 23.10 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 23.00 25.20 22.75 35.00 10.00 25.00 30.80 2211.608 30.00 1994.00 (12.00) 116.00 0.00 26.40 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 24.00 28.80 26.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 35.20 2524.409 30.00 2243.25 (13.50) 116.00 0.00 29.70 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 25.00 32.40 29.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 39.60 2787.70

10 30.00 2492.50 (15.00) 116.00 0.00 33.00 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 26.00 36.00 32.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 44.00 3051.0011 30.00 2741.75 (16.50) 116.00 0.00 36.30 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 27.00 39.60 35.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 48.40 3314.30

12-18 30.00 2991.00 (18.00) 116.00 0.00 39.60 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 28.00 43.20 39.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 52.80 3577.6019 30.00 3240.25 (19.50) 116.00 0.00 42.90 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 29.00 46.80 42.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 57.20 3840.9020 30.00 3489.50 (21.00) 116.00 0.00 46.20 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 30.00 50.40 45.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 61.60 4104.2021 30.00 3738.75 (22.50) 116.00 0.00 49.50 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 31.00 54.00 48.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 66.00 4367.5022 30.00 3988.00 (24.00) 116.00 0.00 52.80 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 32.00 57.60 52.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 70.40 4630.8023 30.00 4237.25 (25.50) 116.00 0.00 56.10 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 33.00 61.20 55.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 74.80 4894.1024 30.00 4486.50 (27.00) 116.00 0.00 59.40 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 34.00 64.80 58.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 79.20 5157.4025 30.00 4735.75 (28.50) 116.00 0.00 62.70 33.50 15.00 49.50 38.50 35.00 68.40 61.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 83.60 5420.70

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Aux. Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Des. Aux. Aux. Plant Plant Des. Des. Des. Des. Aux.Group 611000 611000 611000 644405 611000 680002 638002 633302 645001 644401 680012 680014 633303 633126 634114 637201 644405

SABHRS 31300 31300 31300 34301 31300 72660 33300 33300 34301 34301 72660 72660 33300 33300 33300 33300 34301MSU-Billings will review utility rates on a semester basis to determine the need for a utility surcharge

Montana State University-Billings

Regents' Item No:131-106-R0506


Page 57: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

Inventory and Validation of FeesUndergraduate Resident and Nonresident

SemesterUnit Name: College of Technology - Billings Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Rec Student Acad. Acad. Tech Total Nonres. Nonres. TotalCourse Reg. Tuition Tuition Building Utility Computer Activity Activity Health Union Building Equip. Support Replace Library Athletic Resident Building Tuition Nonres.Credit Fee Credit Fee Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Center Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee

1 $30.00 $103.00 ($1.50) $44.00 $0.00 $3.30 $11.50 $7.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9.00 61.50$ $3.25 $35.00 $10.00 $25.00 $341.05 $4.40 $128.45 $473.902 30.00 206.00 (3.00) 44.00 0.00 6.60 11.50 7.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 64.00 6.50 35.00 10.00 25.00 452.60 8.80 256.90 718.303 30.00 309.00 (4.50) 44.00 0.00 9.90 11.50 7.00 0.00 0.00 11.00 66.50 9.75 35.00 10.00 25.00 564.15 13.20 385.35 962.704 30.00 412.00 (6.00) 58.00 0.00 13.20 16.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 69.00 13.00 35.00 10.00 25.00 694.20 17.60 513.80 1225.605 30.00 515.00 (7.50) 58.00 0.00 16.50 16.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 13.00 71.50 16.25 35.00 10.00 25.00 805.75 22.00 642.25 1470.006 30.00 618.00 (9.00) 58.00 0.00 19.80 16.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 14.00 74.00 19.50 35.00 10.00 25.00 917.30 26.40 770.70 1714.407 30.00 721.00 (10.50) 116.00 0.00 23.10 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 23.00 76.50 22.75 35.00 10.00 25.00 1151.85 30.80 899.15 2081.808 30.00 824.00 (12.00) 116.00 0.00 26.40 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 24.00 79.00 26.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 1312.90 35.20 1027.60 2375.709 30.00 927.00 (13.50) 116.00 0.00 29.70 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 25.00 81.50 29.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 1424.45 39.60 1156.05 2620.10

10 30.00 1030.00 (15.00) 116.00 0.00 33.00 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 26.00 84.00 32.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 1536.00 44.00 1284.50 2864.5011 30.00 1133.00 (16.50) 116.00 0.00 36.30 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 27.00 86.50 35.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 1647.55 48.40 1412.95 3108.90

12-18 30.00 1236.00 (18.00) 116.00 0.00 39.60 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 28.00 89.00 39.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 1759.10 52.80 1541.40 3353.3019 30.00 1339.00 (19.50) 116.00 0.00 42.90 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 29.00 91.50 42.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 1870.65 57.20 1669.85 3597.7020 30.00 1442.00 (21.00) 116.00 0.00 46.20 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 30.00 94.00 45.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 1982.20 61.60 1798.30 3842.1021 30.00 1545.00 (22.50) 116.00 0.00 49.50 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 31.00 96.50 48.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 2093.75 66.00 1926.75 4086.5022 30.00 1648.00 (24.00) 116.00 0.00 52.80 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 32.00 99.00 52.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 2205.30 70.40 2055.20 4330.9023 30.00 1751.00 (25.50) 116.00 0.00 56.10 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 33.00 101.50 55.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 2316.85 74.80 2183.65 4575.3024 30.00 1854.00 (27.00) 116.00 0.00 59.40 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 34.00 104.00 58.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 2428.40 79.20 2312.10 4819.7025 30.00 1957.00 (28.50) 116.00 0.00 62.70 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 35.00 106.50 61.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 2539.95 83.60 2440.55 5064.10

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Aux. Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Des. Aux. Aux. Plant Plant Des. Des. Des. Des. Aux. Cur. Unr.Group 611000 611000 611000 644405 611000 680002 638002 633302 645001 644401 680012 680014 633303 633126 634114 637201 644405 611000

SABHRS 31300 31300 31300 34301 31300 72660 33300 33300 34301 34301 72660 72660 33300 33300 33300 33300 34301 31300MSU-Billings will review utility rates on a semester basis to determine the need for a utility surcharge

Montana State University-Billings

Regents' Item No: 131-106-R0506


Page 58: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

Unit Name: College of Technology - Billings Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Rec Student Acad. Acad. Tech Nonres. TotalCourse Reg. Tuition Tuition Building Utility Computer Activity Activity Health Union Building Equip. Support Replace Library Athletic Building WUECredit Fee Credit Fee Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Center Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee

1 $30.00 $154.50 ($1.50) $44.00 $0.00 $3.30 $11.50 $7.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9.00 61.50$ $3.25 $35.00 $10.00 $25.00 $4.40 $396.952 30.00 309.00 (3.00) 44.00 0.00 6.60 11.50 7.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 64.00 6.50 35.00 10.00 25.00 8.80 564.403 30.00 463.50 (4.50) 44.00 0.00 9.90 11.50 7.00 0.00 0.00 11.00 66.50 9.75 35.00 10.00 25.00 13.20 731.854 30.00 618.00 (6.00) 58.00 0.00 13.20 16.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 69.00 13.00 35.00 10.00 25.00 17.60 917.805 30.00 772.50 (7.50) 58.00 0.00 16.50 16.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 13.00 71.50 16.25 35.00 10.00 25.00 22.00 1085.256 30.00 927.00 (9.00) 58.00 0.00 19.80 16.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 14.00 74.00 19.50 35.00 10.00 25.00 26.40 1252.707 30.00 1081.50 (10.50) 116.00 0.00 23.10 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 23.00 76.50 22.75 35.00 10.00 25.00 30.80 1543.158 30.00 1236.00 (12.00) 116.00 0.00 26.40 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 24.00 79.00 26.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 35.20 1760.109 30.00 1390.50 (13.50) 116.00 0.00 29.70 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 25.00 81.50 29.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 39.60 1927.5510 30.00 1545.00 (15.00) 116.00 0.00 33.00 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 26.00 84.00 32.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 44.00 2095.0011 30.00 1699.50 (16.50) 116.00 0.00 36.30 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 27.00 86.50 35.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 48.40 2262.45

12-18 30.00 1854.00 (18.00) 116.00 0.00 39.60 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 28.00 89.00 39.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 52.80 2429.9019 30.00 2008.50 (19.50) 116.00 0.00 42.90 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 29.00 91.50 42.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 57.20 2597.3520 30.00 2163.00 (21.00) 116.00 0.00 46.20 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 30.00 94.00 45.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 61.60 2764.8021 30.00 2317.50 (22.50) 116.00 0.00 49.50 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 31.00 96.50 48.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 66.00 2932.2522 30.00 2472.00 (24.00) 116.00 0.00 52.80 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 32.00 99.00 52.00 75.00 10.00 34.50 70.40 3099.7023 30.00 2626.50 (25.50) 116.00 0.00 56.10 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 33.00 101.50 55.25 75.00 10.00 34.50 74.80 3267.1524 30.00 2781.00 (27.00) 116.00 0.00 59.40 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 34.00 104.00 58.50 75.00 10.00 34.50 79.20 3434.6025 30.00 2935.50 (28.50) 116.00 0.00 62.70 23.50 7.00 49.50 0.00 35.00 106.50 61.75 75.00 10.00 34.50 83.60 3602.05

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Aux. Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Des. Aux. Aux. Plant Plant Des. Des. Des. Des. Aux.Group 611000 611000 611000 644405 611000 680002 638002 633302 645001 644401 680012 680014 633303 633126 634114 637201 644405

SABHRS 31300 31300 31300 34301 31300 72660 33300 33300 34301 34301 72660 72660 33300 33300 33300 33300 34301MSU-Billings will review utility rates on a semester basis to determine the need for a utility surcharge

Regents' Item No: 131-106-R0506

Inventory and Validation of FeesMontana State University-Billings

Western Undergraduate Exchange FeesSemester


Page 59: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;



Unit Name: Montana State University - Northern Regent Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Gym Sub IT Acad Non-ResReg Tuition Utility Comp Activ Bldg Bldg Use Athlet Equip Health Radio Tech Infrast Lib Fac Access Total Non-Res Bldg Total

Crdts Fee Tuition Credit Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Res Tuition Fee Non-Res Crdts1 30.00 113.52 (1.50) 1.00 2.79 3.34 11.14 3.90 3.34 0.00 3.79 0.00 0.00 3.33 4.23 11.14 3.34 2.51 195.87 338.38 3.24 537.49 12 30.00 227.04 (3.00) 2.00 5.58 6.68 22.28 7.80 6.68 0.00 7.58 0.00 0.00 6.66 8.46 11.14 6.68 5.02 350.60 676.76 6.48 1,033.84 23 30.00 340.56 (4.50) 3.00 8.37 10.02 33.42 11.70 10.02 0.00 11.37 0.00 0.00 9.99 12.69 11.14 10.02 7.53 505.33 1,015.14 9.72 1,530.19 34 30.00 454.08 (6.00) 4.00 11.16 13.36 44.56 15.60 13.36 0.00 15.16 0.00 0.00 13.32 16.92 11.14 13.36 10.04 660.06 1,353.52 12.96 2,026.54 45 30.00 567.60 (7.50) 5.00 13.95 16.70 55.70 19.50 16.70 0.00 18.95 0.00 0.00 16.65 21.15 11.14 16.70 12.55 814.79 1,691.90 16.20 2,522.89 56 30.00 681.12 (9.00) 6.00 16.74 20.04 66.84 23.40 20.04 0.00 22.74 0.00 0.00 19.98 25.38 11.14 20.04 15.06 969.52 2,030.28 19.44 3,019.24 67 30.00 794.64 (10.50) 7.00 19.53 23.38 77.98 27.30 23.38 20.60 26.53 22.28 0.00 23.31 29.61 11.14 23.38 17.57 1,167.13 2,368.66 22.68 3,558.47 78 30.00 908.16 (12.00) 8.00 22.32 26.72 89.12 31.20 26.72 20.60 30.32 22.28 0.00 26.64 33.84 11.14 26.72 20.08 1,321.86 2,707.04 25.92 4,054.82 89 30.00 1,021.68 (13.50) 9.00 25.11 30.06 100.26 35.10 30.06 20.60 34.11 22.28 0.00 29.97 38.07 11.14 30.06 22.59 1,476.59 3,045.42 29.16 4,551.17 910 30.00 1,135.20 (15.00) 10.00 27.90 33.40 111.40 39.00 33.40 20.60 37.90 22.28 0.00 33.30 42.30 11.14 33.40 25.10 1,631.32 3,383.80 32.40 5,047.52 1011 30.00 1,248.72 (16.50) 11.00 30.69 36.74 111.40 42.90 36.74 20.60 41.69 22.28 0.00 36.63 46.53 11.14 36.74 27.61 1,774.91 3,722.18 35.64 5,532.73 1112 30.00 1,589.28 (18.00) 12.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,155.84 4,737.32 45.36 6,938.52 1213 30.00 1,589.28 (18.00) 13.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,156.84 4,737.32 45.36 6,939.52 1314 30.00 1,589.28 (18.00) 14.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,157.84 4,737.32 45.36 6,940.52 1415 30.00 1,589.28 (18.00) 15.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,158.84 4,737.32 45.36 6,941.52 1516 30.00 1,589.28 (18.00) 16.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,159.84 4,737.32 45.36 6,942.52 1617 30.00 1,589.28 (18.00) 17.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,160.84 4,737.32 45.36 6,943.52 1718 30.00 1,589.28 (18.00) 18.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,161.84 4,737.32 45.36 6,944.52 1819 30.00 1,702.80 (18.00) 19.00 36.27 43.42 122.54 50.70 43.42 20.60 49.27 22.28 10.30 43.29 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,307.99 5,075.70 48.60 7,432.29 1920 30.00 1,816.32 (18.00) 20.00 39.06 46.76 133.68 54.60 46.76 20.60 53.06 22.28 10.30 46.62 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,454.14 5,414.08 51.84 7,920.06 2021 30.00 1,929.84 (18.00) 21.00 41.85 50.10 144.82 58.50 50.10 20.60 56.85 22.28 10.30 49.95 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,600.29 5,752.46 55.08 8,407.83 2122 30.00 2,043.36 (18.00) 22.00 44.64 53.44 155.96 62.40 53.44 20.60 60.64 22.28 10.30 53.28 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,746.44 6,090.84 58.32 8,895.60 2223 30.00 2,156.88 (18.00) 23.00 47.43 56.78 167.10 66.30 56.78 20.60 64.43 22.28 10.30 56.61 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,892.59 6,429.22 61.56 9,383.37 2324 30.00 2,270.40 (18.00) 24.00 50.22 60.12 178.24 70.20 60.12 20.60 68.22 22.28 10.30 59.94 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,038.74 6,767.60 64.80 9,871.14 2425 30.00 2,383.92 (18.00) 25.00 53.01 63.46 189.38 74.10 63.46 20.60 72.01 22.28 10.30 63.27 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,184.89 7,105.98 68.04 10,358.91 25

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Aux. Aux. Aux. Des. Plant Aux. Des. Plant Plant Des. Plant Aux. Cur. Unr. Aux.Banner 710000 710000 710000 710000 787300 733100 740100 740432 740100 739000 787400 740410 735532 770401 787600 735543 787500 740420 710000 740100

SABHRS 31401 31401 31401 31401 72401 33401 34401 34401 34401 33401 72401 34401 33401 71401 72401 33401 72401 34401 31401 34401


Page 60: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;



Unit Name: Montana State University - Northern Regent Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Gym Sub IT Acad Non-ResReg Tuition Utility Comp Activ Bldg Bldg Use Athlet Equip Health Radio Tech Infrast Lib Fac Access Total Non-Res Bldg Total

Crdts Fee Tuition Credit Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Res Tuition Fee Non-Res Crdts1 30.00 142.61 (1.50) 1.00 2.79 3.34 11.14 3.90 3.34 0.00 3.79 0.00 0.00 3.33 4.23 11.14 3.34 2.51 224.96 321.87 3.24 550.07 12 30.00 285.22 (3.00) 2.00 5.58 6.68 22.28 7.80 6.68 0.00 7.58 0.00 0.00 6.66 8.46 11.14 6.68 5.02 408.78 643.74 6.48 1,059.00 23 30.00 427.83 (4.50) 3.00 8.37 10.02 33.42 11.70 10.02 0.00 11.37 0.00 0.00 9.99 12.69 11.14 10.02 7.53 592.60 965.61 9.72 1,567.93 34 30.00 570.44 (6.00) 4.00 11.16 13.36 44.56 15.60 13.36 0.00 15.16 0.00 0.00 13.32 16.92 11.14 13.36 10.04 776.42 1,287.48 12.96 2,076.86 45 30.00 713.05 (7.50) 5.00 13.95 16.70 55.70 19.50 16.70 0.00 18.95 0.00 0.00 16.65 21.15 11.14 16.70 12.55 960.24 1,609.35 16.20 2,585.79 56 30.00 855.66 (9.00) 6.00 16.74 20.04 66.84 23.40 20.04 0.00 22.74 0.00 0.00 19.98 25.38 11.14 20.04 15.06 1,144.06 1,931.22 19.44 3,094.72 67 30.00 998.27 (10.50) 7.00 19.53 23.38 77.98 27.30 23.38 20.60 26.53 22.28 0.00 23.31 29.61 11.14 23.38 17.57 1,370.76 2,253.09 22.68 3,646.53 78 30.00 1,140.88 (12.00) 8.00 22.32 26.72 89.12 31.20 26.72 20.60 30.32 22.28 0.00 26.64 33.84 11.14 26.72 20.08 1,554.58 2,574.96 25.92 4,155.46 89 30.00 1,283.49 (13.50) 9.00 25.11 30.06 100.26 35.10 30.06 20.60 34.11 22.28 0.00 29.97 38.07 11.14 30.06 22.59 1,738.40 2,896.83 29.16 4,664.39 9

10 30.00 1,426.10 (15.00) 10.00 27.90 33.40 111.40 39.00 33.40 20.60 37.90 22.28 0.00 33.30 42.30 11.14 33.40 25.10 1,922.22 3,218.70 32.40 5,173.32 1011 30.00 1,568.71 (16.50) 11.00 30.69 36.74 111.40 42.90 36.74 20.60 41.69 22.28 0.00 36.63 46.53 11.14 36.74 27.61 2,094.90 3,540.57 35.64 5,671.11 1112 30.00 1,996.54 (18.00) 12.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,563.10 4,506.18 45.36 7,114.64 1213 30.00 1,996.54 (18.00) 13.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,564.10 4,506.18 45.36 7,115.64 1314 30.00 1,996.54 (18.00) 14.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,565.10 4,506.18 45.36 7,116.64 1415 30.00 1,996.54 (18.00) 15.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,566.10 4,506.18 45.36 7,117.64 1516 30.00 1,996.54 (18.00) 16.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,567.10 4,506.18 45.36 7,118.64 1617 30.00 1,996.54 (18.00) 17.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,568.10 4,506.18 45.36 7,119.64 1718 30.00 1,996.54 (18.00) 18.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,569.10 4,506.18 45.36 7,120.64 1819 30.00 2,139.15 (18.00) 19.00 36.27 43.42 122.54 50.70 43.42 20.60 49.27 22.28 10.30 43.29 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,744.34 4,828.05 48.60 7,620.99 1920 30.00 2,281.76 (18.00) 20.00 39.06 46.76 133.68 54.60 46.76 20.60 53.06 22.28 10.30 46.62 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 2,919.58 5,149.92 51.84 8,121.34 2021 30.00 2,424.37 (18.00) 21.00 41.85 50.10 144.82 58.50 50.10 20.60 56.85 22.28 10.30 49.95 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,094.82 5,471.79 55.08 8,621.69 2122 30.00 2,566.98 (18.00) 22.00 44.64 53.44 155.96 62.40 53.44 20.60 60.64 22.28 10.30 53.28 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,270.06 5,793.66 58.32 9,122.04 2223 30.00 2,709.59 (18.00) 23.00 47.43 56.78 167.10 66.30 56.78 20.60 64.43 22.28 10.30 56.61 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,445.30 6,115.53 61.56 9,622.39 2324 30.00 2,852.20 (18.00) 24.00 50.22 60.12 178.24 70.20 60.12 20.60 68.22 22.28 10.30 59.94 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,620.54 6,437.40 64.80 10,122.74 2425 30.00 2,994.81 (18.00) 25.00 53.01 63.46 189.38 74.10 63.46 20.60 72.01 22.28 10.30 63.27 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,795.78 6,759.27 68.04 10,623.09 25

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Aux. Aux. Aux. Des. Plant Aux. Des. Plant Plant Des. Plant Aux. Cur. Unr. Aux.Banner 710000 710000 710000 710000 787300 733100 740100 740431 740100 739000 787400 740410 735532 770401 787600 735543 787500 740420 710000 740100

SABHRS 31401 31401 31401 31401 72401 33401 34401 34401 34401 33401 72401 34401 33401 71401 72401 33401 72401 34401 31401 34401


Page 61: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;



Unit Name: Montana State University - Northern Regent Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Gym Sub IT Acad Non-Res TotalReg Tuition Utility Comp Activ Bldg Bldg Use Athlet Equip Health Radio Tech Infrast Lib Fac Access Bldg WUE/

Crdts Fee Tuition Credit Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Canadian Crdts1 30.00 170.27 (1.50) 1.00 2.79 3.34 11.14 3.90 3.34 0.00 3.79 0.00 0.00 3.33 4.23 11.14 3.34 2.51 3.24 255.86 12 30.00 340.54 (3.00) 2.00 5.58 6.68 22.28 7.80 6.68 0.00 7.58 0.00 0.00 6.66 8.46 11.14 6.68 5.02 6.48 470.58 23 30.00 510.81 (4.50) 3.00 8.37 10.02 33.42 11.70 10.02 0.00 11.37 0.00 0.00 9.99 12.69 11.14 10.02 7.53 9.72 685.30 34 30.00 681.08 (6.00) 4.00 11.16 13.36 44.56 15.60 13.36 0.00 15.16 0.00 0.00 13.32 16.92 11.14 13.36 10.04 12.96 900.02 45 30.00 851.35 (7.50) 5.00 13.95 16.70 55.70 19.50 16.70 0.00 18.95 0.00 0.00 16.65 21.15 11.14 16.70 12.55 16.20 1,114.74 56 30.00 1,021.62 (9.00) 6.00 16.74 20.04 66.84 23.40 20.04 0.00 22.74 0.00 0.00 19.98 25.38 11.14 20.04 15.06 19.44 1,329.46 67 30.00 1,191.89 (10.50) 7.00 19.53 23.38 77.98 27.30 23.38 20.60 26.53 22.28 0.00 23.31 29.61 11.14 23.38 17.57 22.68 1,587.06 78 30.00 1,362.16 (12.00) 8.00 22.32 26.72 89.12 31.20 26.72 20.60 30.32 22.28 0.00 26.64 33.84 11.14 26.72 20.08 25.92 1,801.78 89 30.00 1,532.43 (13.50) 9.00 25.11 30.06 100.26 35.10 30.06 20.60 34.11 22.28 0.00 29.97 38.07 11.14 30.06 22.59 29.16 2,016.50 910 30.00 1,702.70 (15.00) 10.00 27.90 33.40 111.40 39.00 33.40 20.60 37.90 22.28 0.00 33.30 42.30 11.14 33.40 25.10 32.40 2,231.22 1011 30.00 1,872.97 (16.50) 11.00 30.69 36.74 111.40 42.90 36.74 20.60 41.69 22.28 0.00 36.63 46.53 11.14 36.74 27.61 35.64 2,434.80 1112 30.00 2,383.78 (18.00) 12.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 2,995.70 1213 30.00 2,383.78 (18.00) 13.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 2,996.70 1314 30.00 2,383.78 (18.00) 14.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 2,997.70 1415 30.00 2,383.78 (18.00) 15.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 2,998.70 1516 30.00 2,383.78 (18.00) 16.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 2,999.70 1617 30.00 2,383.78 (18.00) 17.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 3,000.70 1718 30.00 2,383.78 (18.00) 18.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 3,001.70 1819 30.00 2,554.05 (18.00) 19.00 36.27 43.42 122.54 50.70 43.42 20.60 49.27 22.28 10.30 43.29 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 48.60 3,207.84 1920 30.00 2,724.32 (18.00) 20.00 39.06 46.76 133.68 54.60 46.76 20.60 53.06 22.28 10.30 46.62 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 51.84 3,413.98 2021 30.00 2,894.59 (18.00) 21.00 41.85 50.10 144.82 58.50 50.10 20.60 56.85 22.28 10.30 49.95 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 55.08 3,620.12 2122 30.00 3,064.86 (18.00) 22.00 44.64 53.44 155.96 62.40 53.44 20.60 60.64 22.28 10.30 53.28 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 58.32 3,826.26 2223 30.00 3,235.13 (18.00) 23.00 47.43 56.78 167.10 66.30 56.78 20.60 64.43 22.28 10.30 56.61 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 61.56 4,032.40 2324 30.00 3,405.40 (18.00) 24.00 50.22 60.12 178.24 70.20 60.12 20.60 68.22 22.28 10.30 59.94 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 64.80 4,238.54 2425 30.00 3,575.67 (18.00) 25.00 53.01 63.46 189.38 74.10 63.46 20.60 72.01 22.28 10.30 63.27 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 68.04 4,444.68 25

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Aux. Aux. Aux. Des. Plant Aux. Des. Plant Plant Des. Plant Aux. Aux.Banner 710000 710000 710000 710000 787300 733100 740100 740431 740100 739000 787400 740410 735532 770401 787600 735543 787500 740420 740100

SABHRS 31401 31401 31401 31401 72401 33401 34401 34401 34401 33401 72401 34401 33401 71401 72401 33401 72401 34401 34401


Page 62: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;



Unit Name: Montana State University - Northern Regent Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Gym Sub IT Acad Non-Res TotalReg Tuition Utility Comp Activ Bldg Bldg Use Athlet Equip Health Radio Tech Infrast Lib Fac Access Bldg WUE/

Crdts Fee Tuition Credit Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Canadian Crdts1 30.00 213.91 (1.50) 1.00 2.79 3.34 11.14 3.90 3.34 0.00 3.79 0.00 0.00 3.33 4.23 11.14 3.34 2.51 3.24 299.50 12 30.00 427.82 (3.00) 2.00 5.58 6.68 22.28 7.80 6.68 0.00 7.58 0.00 0.00 6.66 8.46 11.14 6.68 5.02 6.48 557.86 23 30.00 641.73 (4.50) 3.00 8.37 10.02 33.42 11.70 10.02 0.00 11.37 0.00 0.00 9.99 12.69 11.14 10.02 7.53 9.72 816.22 34 30.00 855.64 (6.00) 4.00 11.16 13.36 44.56 15.60 13.36 0.00 15.16 0.00 0.00 13.32 16.92 11.14 13.36 10.04 12.96 1,074.58 45 30.00 1,069.55 (7.50) 5.00 13.95 16.70 55.70 19.50 16.70 0.00 18.95 0.00 0.00 16.65 21.15 11.14 16.70 12.55 16.20 1,332.94 56 30.00 1,283.46 (9.00) 6.00 16.74 20.04 66.84 23.40 20.04 0.00 22.74 0.00 0.00 19.98 25.38 11.14 20.04 15.06 19.44 1,591.30 67 30.00 1,497.37 (10.50) 7.00 19.53 23.38 77.98 27.30 23.38 20.60 26.53 22.28 0.00 23.31 29.61 11.14 23.38 17.57 22.68 1,892.54 78 30.00 1,711.28 (12.00) 8.00 22.32 26.72 89.12 31.20 26.72 20.60 30.32 22.28 0.00 26.64 33.84 11.14 26.72 20.08 25.92 2,150.90 89 30.00 1,925.19 (13.50) 9.00 25.11 30.06 100.26 35.10 30.06 20.60 34.11 22.28 0.00 29.97 38.07 11.14 30.06 22.59 29.16 2,409.26 9

10 30.00 2,139.10 (15.00) 10.00 27.90 33.40 111.40 39.00 33.40 20.60 37.90 22.28 0.00 33.30 42.30 11.14 33.40 25.10 32.40 2,667.62 1011 30.00 2,353.01 (16.50) 11.00 30.69 36.74 111.40 42.90 36.74 20.60 41.69 22.28 0.00 36.63 46.53 11.14 36.74 27.61 35.64 2,914.84 1112 30.00 2,994.74 (18.00) 12.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 3,606.66 1213 30.00 2,994.74 (18.00) 13.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 3,607.66 1314 30.00 2,994.74 (18.00) 14.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 3,608.66 1415 30.00 2,994.74 (18.00) 15.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 3,609.66 1516 30.00 2,994.74 (18.00) 16.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 3,610.66 1617 30.00 2,994.74 (18.00) 17.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 3,611.66 1718 30.00 2,994.74 (18.00) 18.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 3,612.66 1819 30.00 3,208.65 (18.00) 19.00 36.27 43.42 122.54 50.70 43.42 20.60 49.27 22.28 10.30 43.29 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 48.60 3,862.44 1920 30.00 3,422.56 (18.00) 20.00 39.06 46.76 133.68 54.60 46.76 20.60 53.06 22.28 10.30 46.62 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 51.84 4,112.22 2021 30.00 3,636.47 (18.00) 21.00 41.85 50.10 144.82 58.50 50.10 20.60 56.85 22.28 10.30 49.95 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 55.08 4,362.00 2122 30.00 3,850.38 (18.00) 22.00 44.64 53.44 155.96 62.40 53.44 20.60 60.64 22.28 10.30 53.28 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 58.32 4,611.78 2223 30.00 4,064.29 (18.00) 23.00 47.43 56.78 167.10 66.30 56.78 20.60 64.43 22.28 10.30 56.61 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 61.56 4,861.56 2324 30.00 4,278.20 (18.00) 24.00 50.22 60.12 178.24 70.20 60.12 20.60 68.22 22.28 10.30 59.94 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 64.80 5,111.34 2425 30.00 4,492.11 (18.00) 25.00 53.01 63.46 189.38 74.10 63.46 20.60 72.01 22.28 10.30 63.27 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 68.04 5,361.12 25

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Aux. Aux. Aux. Des. Plant Aux. Des. Plant Plant Des. Plant Aux. Aux.Banner 710000 710000 710000 710000 787300 733100 740100 740431 740100 739000 787400 740410 735532 770401 787600 735543 787500 740420 740100

SABHRS 31401 31401 31401 31401 72401 33401 34401 34401 34401 33401 72401 34401 33401 71401 72401 33401 72401 34401 34401


Page 63: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;



Unit Name: Montana State University - Northern Regent Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Gym Sub IT Acad Non-ResReg Tuition Utility Comp Activ Bldg Bldg Use Athlet Equip Health Radio Tech Infrast Lib Fac Access Total Non-Res Bldg Total

Crdts Fee Tuition Credit Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Res Tuition Fee Non-Res Crdts1 30.00 175.33 (1.50) 1.00 2.79 3.34 11.14 3.90 3.34 0.00 3.79 0.00 0.00 3.33 4.23 11.14 3.34 2.51 257.68 321.87 3.24 582.79 12 30.00 350.66 (3.00) 2.00 5.58 6.68 22.28 7.80 6.68 0.00 7.58 0.00 0.00 6.66 8.46 11.14 6.68 5.02 474.22 643.74 6.48 1,124.44 23 30.00 525.99 (4.50) 3.00 8.37 10.02 33.42 11.70 10.02 0.00 11.37 0.00 0.00 9.99 12.69 11.14 10.02 7.53 690.76 965.61 9.72 1,666.09 34 30.00 701.32 (6.00) 4.00 11.16 13.36 44.56 15.60 13.36 0.00 15.16 0.00 0.00 13.32 16.92 11.14 13.36 10.04 907.30 1,287.48 12.96 2,207.74 45 30.00 876.65 (7.50) 5.00 13.95 16.70 55.70 19.50 16.70 0.00 18.95 0.00 0.00 16.65 21.15 11.14 16.70 12.55 1,123.84 1,609.35 16.20 2,749.39 56 30.00 1,051.98 (9.00) 6.00 16.74 20.04 66.84 23.40 20.04 0.00 22.74 0.00 0.00 19.98 25.38 11.14 20.04 15.06 1,340.38 1,931.22 19.44 3,291.04 67 30.00 1,227.31 (10.50) 7.00 19.53 23.38 77.98 27.30 23.38 20.60 26.53 22.28 0.00 23.31 29.61 11.14 23.38 17.57 1,599.80 2,253.09 22.68 3,875.57 78 30.00 1,402.64 (12.00) 8.00 22.32 26.72 89.12 31.20 26.72 20.60 30.32 22.28 0.00 26.64 33.84 11.14 26.72 20.08 1,816.34 2,574.96 25.92 4,417.22 89 30.00 1,577.97 (13.50) 9.00 25.11 30.06 100.26 35.10 30.06 20.60 34.11 22.28 0.00 29.97 38.07 11.14 30.06 22.59 2,032.88 2,896.83 29.16 4,958.87 910 30.00 1,753.30 (15.00) 10.00 27.90 33.40 111.40 39.00 33.40 20.60 37.90 22.28 0.00 33.30 42.30 11.14 33.40 25.10 2,249.42 3,218.70 32.40 5,500.52 1011 30.00 1,928.63 (16.50) 11.00 30.69 36.74 111.40 42.90 36.74 20.60 41.69 22.28 0.00 36.63 46.53 11.14 36.74 27.61 2,454.82 3,540.57 35.64 6,031.03 1112 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 12.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,021.18 4,506.18 45.36 7,572.72 1213 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 13.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,022.18 4,506.18 45.36 7,573.72 1314 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 14.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,023.18 4,506.18 45.36 7,574.72 1415 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 15.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,024.18 4,506.18 45.36 7,575.72 1516 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 16.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,025.18 4,506.18 45.36 7,576.72 1617 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 17.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,026.18 4,506.18 45.36 7,577.72 1718 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 18.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,027.18 4,506.18 45.36 7,578.72 1819 30.00 2,629.95 (18.00) 19.00 36.27 43.42 122.54 50.70 43.42 20.60 49.27 22.28 10.30 43.29 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,235.14 4,828.05 48.60 8,111.79 1920 30.00 2,805.28 (18.00) 20.00 39.06 46.76 133.68 54.60 46.76 20.60 53.06 22.28 10.30 46.62 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,443.10 5,149.92 51.84 8,644.86 2021 30.00 2,980.61 (18.00) 21.00 41.85 50.10 144.82 58.50 50.10 20.60 56.85 22.28 10.30 49.95 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,651.06 5,471.79 55.08 9,177.93 2122 30.00 3,155.94 (18.00) 22.00 44.64 53.44 155.96 62.40 53.44 20.60 60.64 22.28 10.30 53.28 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,859.02 5,793.66 58.32 9,711.00 2223 30.00 3,331.27 (18.00) 23.00 47.43 56.78 167.10 66.30 56.78 20.60 64.43 22.28 10.30 56.61 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 4,066.98 6,115.53 61.56 10,244.07 2324 30.00 3,506.60 (18.00) 24.00 50.22 60.12 178.24 70.20 60.12 20.60 68.22 22.28 10.30 59.94 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 4,274.94 6,437.40 64.80 10,777.14 2425 30.00 3,681.93 (18.00) 25.00 53.01 63.46 189.38 74.10 63.46 20.60 72.01 22.28 10.30 63.27 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 4,482.90 6,759.27 68.04 11,310.21 25

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Aux. Aux. Aux. Des. Plant Aux. Des. Plant Plant Des. Plant Aux. Cur. Unr. Aux.Banner 710000 710000 710000 710000 787300 733100 740100 740431 740100 739000 787400 740410 735532 770401 787600 735543 787500 740420 710000 740100

SABHRS 31401 31401 31401 31401 72401 33401 34401 34401 34401 33401 72401 34401 33401 71401 72401 33401 72401 34401 31401 34401


Page 64: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;



Unit Name: Montana State University - Northern Regent Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Gym Sub IT Acad Non-Res TotalCourse Reg Tuition Utility Comp Activ Bldg Bldg Use Athlet Equip Health Radio Tech Infrast Lib Fac Access Bldg CanadianCredits Fee Tuition Credit Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Graduate Crdts

1 30.00 262.99 (1.50) 1.00 2.79 3.34 11.14 3.90 3.34 0.00 3.79 0.00 0.00 3.33 4.23 11.14 3.34 2.51 3.24 348.58 12 30.00 525.98 (3.00) 2.00 5.58 6.68 22.28 7.80 6.68 0.00 7.58 0.00 0.00 6.66 8.46 11.14 6.68 5.02 6.48 656.02 23 30.00 788.97 (4.50) 3.00 8.37 10.02 33.42 11.70 10.02 0.00 11.37 0.00 0.00 9.99 12.69 11.14 10.02 7.53 9.72 963.46 34 30.00 1,051.96 (6.00) 4.00 11.16 13.36 44.56 15.60 13.36 0.00 15.16 0.00 0.00 13.32 16.92 11.14 13.36 10.04 12.96 1,270.90 45 30.00 1,314.95 (7.50) 5.00 13.95 16.70 55.70 19.50 16.70 0.00 18.95 0.00 0.00 16.65 21.15 11.14 16.70 12.55 16.20 1,578.34 56 30.00 1,577.94 (9.00) 6.00 16.74 20.04 66.84 23.40 20.04 0.00 22.74 0.00 0.00 19.98 25.38 11.14 20.04 15.06 19.44 1,885.78 67 30.00 1,840.93 (10.50) 7.00 19.53 23.38 77.98 27.30 23.38 20.60 26.53 22.28 0.00 23.31 29.61 11.14 23.38 17.57 22.68 2,236.10 78 30.00 2,103.92 (12.00) 8.00 22.32 26.72 89.12 31.20 26.72 20.60 30.32 22.28 0.00 26.64 33.84 11.14 26.72 20.08 25.92 2,543.54 89 30.00 2,366.91 (13.50) 9.00 25.11 30.06 100.26 35.10 30.06 20.60 34.11 22.28 0.00 29.97 38.07 11.14 30.06 22.59 29.16 2,850.98 9

10 30.00 2,629.90 (15.00) 10.00 27.90 33.40 111.40 39.00 33.40 20.60 37.90 22.28 0.00 33.30 42.30 11.14 33.40 25.10 32.40 3,158.42 1011 30.00 2,892.89 (16.50) 11.00 30.69 36.74 111.40 42.90 36.74 20.60 41.69 22.28 0.00 36.63 46.53 11.14 36.74 27.61 35.64 3,454.72 1112 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 12.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 4,293.78 1213 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 13.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 4,294.78 1314 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 14.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 4,295.78 1415 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 15.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 4,296.78 1516 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 16.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 4,297.78 1617 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 17.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 4,298.78 1718 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 18.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 4,299.78 1819 30.00 3,944.85 (18.00) 19.00 36.27 43.42 122.54 50.70 43.42 20.60 49.27 22.28 10.30 43.29 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 48.60 4,598.64 1920 30.00 4,207.84 (18.00) 20.00 39.06 46.76 133.68 54.60 46.76 20.60 53.06 22.28 10.30 46.62 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 51.84 4,897.50 2021 30.00 4,470.83 (18.00) 21.00 41.85 50.10 144.82 58.50 50.10 20.60 56.85 22.28 10.30 49.95 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 55.08 5,196.36 2122 30.00 4,733.82 (18.00) 22.00 44.64 53.44 155.96 62.40 53.44 20.60 60.64 22.28 10.30 53.28 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 58.32 5,495.22 2223 30.00 4,996.81 (18.00) 23.00 47.43 56.78 167.10 66.30 56.78 20.60 64.43 22.28 10.30 56.61 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 61.56 5,794.08 2324 30.00 5,259.80 (18.00) 24.00 50.22 60.12 178.24 70.20 60.12 20.60 68.22 22.28 10.30 59.94 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 64.80 6,092.94 2425 30.00 5,522.79 (18.00) 25.00 53.01 63.46 189.38 74.10 63.46 20.60 72.01 22.28 10.30 63.27 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 68.04 6,391.80 25

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Aux. Aux. Aux. Des. Plant Aux. Des. Plant Plant Des. Plant Aux. Aux.Banner 710000 710000 710000 710000 787300 733100 740100 740431 740100 739000 787400 740410 735532 770401 787600 735543 787500 740420 740100

SABHRS 31401 31401 31401 31401 72401 33401 34401 34401 34401 33401 72401 34401 33401 71401 72401 33401 72401 34401 34401


Page 65: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;


SEMESTER - RESIDENT AND NON-RESIDENTUnit Name: Montana State University - Northern Regent Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Gym Sub IT Acad Non-ResReg Tuition Utility Comp Activ Bldg Bldg Use Athlet Equip Health Radio Tech Infrast Lib Fac Access Total Non-Res Bldg Total

Crdts Fee Tuition Credit Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Res Tuition Fee Non-Res Crdts1 30.00 175.33 (1.50) 1.00 2.79 3.34 11.14 3.90 3.34 0.00 3.79 0.00 0.00 3.33 4.23 11.14 3.34 2.51 257.68 321.87 3.24 582.79 12 30.00 350.66 (3.00) 2.00 5.58 6.68 22.28 7.80 6.68 0.00 7.58 0.00 0.00 6.66 8.46 11.14 6.68 5.02 474.22 643.74 6.48 1,124.44 23 30.00 525.99 (4.50) 3.00 8.37 10.02 33.42 11.70 10.02 0.00 11.37 0.00 0.00 9.99 12.69 11.14 10.02 7.53 690.76 965.61 9.72 1,666.09 34 30.00 701.32 (6.00) 4.00 11.16 13.36 44.56 15.60 13.36 0.00 15.16 0.00 0.00 13.32 16.92 11.14 13.36 10.04 907.30 1,287.48 12.96 2,207.74 45 30.00 876.65 (7.50) 5.00 13.95 16.70 55.70 19.50 16.70 0.00 18.95 0.00 0.00 16.65 21.15 11.14 16.70 12.55 1,123.84 1,609.35 16.20 2,749.39 56 30.00 1,051.98 (9.00) 6.00 16.74 20.04 66.84 23.40 20.04 0.00 22.74 0.00 0.00 19.98 25.38 11.14 20.04 15.06 1,340.38 1,931.22 19.44 3,291.04 67 30.00 1,227.31 (10.50) 7.00 19.53 23.38 77.98 27.30 23.38 20.60 26.53 22.28 0.00 23.31 29.61 11.14 23.38 17.57 1,599.80 2,253.09 22.68 3,875.57 78 30.00 1,402.64 (12.00) 8.00 22.32 26.72 89.12 31.20 26.72 20.60 30.32 22.28 0.00 26.64 33.84 11.14 26.72 20.08 1,816.34 2,574.96 25.92 4,417.22 89 30.00 1,577.97 (13.50) 9.00 25.11 30.06 100.26 35.10 30.06 20.60 34.11 22.28 0.00 29.97 38.07 11.14 30.06 22.59 2,032.88 2,896.83 29.16 4,958.87 910 30.00 1,753.30 (15.00) 10.00 27.90 33.40 111.40 39.00 33.40 20.60 37.90 22.28 0.00 33.30 42.30 11.14 33.40 25.10 2,249.42 3,218.70 32.40 5,500.52 1011 30.00 1,928.63 (16.50) 11.00 30.69 36.74 111.40 42.90 36.74 20.60 41.69 22.28 0.00 36.63 46.53 11.14 36.74 27.61 2,454.82 3,540.57 35.64 6,031.03 1112 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 12.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,021.18 4,506.18 45.36 7,572.72 1213 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 13.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,022.18 4,506.18 45.36 7,573.72 1314 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 14.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,023.18 4,506.18 45.36 7,574.72 1415 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 15.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,024.18 4,506.18 45.36 7,575.72 1516 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 16.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,025.18 4,506.18 45.36 7,576.72 1617 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 17.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,026.18 4,506.18 45.36 7,577.72 1718 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 18.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,027.18 4,506.18 45.36 7,578.72 1819 30.00 2,629.95 (18.00) 19.00 36.27 43.42 122.54 50.70 43.42 20.60 49.27 22.28 10.30 43.29 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,235.14 4,828.05 48.60 8,111.79 1920 30.00 2,805.28 (18.00) 20.00 39.06 46.76 133.68 54.60 46.76 20.60 53.06 22.28 10.30 46.62 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,443.10 5,149.92 51.84 8,644.86 2021 30.00 2,980.61 (18.00) 21.00 41.85 50.10 144.82 58.50 50.10 20.60 56.85 22.28 10.30 49.95 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,651.06 5,471.79 55.08 9,177.93 2122 30.00 3,155.94 (18.00) 22.00 44.64 53.44 155.96 62.40 53.44 20.60 60.64 22.28 10.30 53.28 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 3,859.02 5,793.66 58.32 9,711.00 2223 30.00 3,331.27 (18.00) 23.00 47.43 56.78 167.10 66.30 56.78 20.60 64.43 22.28 10.30 56.61 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 4,066.98 6,115.53 61.56 10,244.07 2324 30.00 3,506.60 (18.00) 24.00 50.22 60.12 178.24 70.20 60.12 20.60 68.22 22.28 10.30 59.94 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 4,274.94 6,437.40 64.80 10,777.14 2425 30.00 3,681.93 (18.00) 25.00 53.01 63.46 189.38 74.10 63.46 20.60 72.01 22.28 10.30 63.27 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 4,482.90 6,759.27 68.04 11,310.21 25

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Aux. Aux. Aux. Des. Plant Aux. Des. Plant Plant Des. Plant Aux. Cur. Unr. Aux.Banner 710000 710000 710000 710000 787300 733100 740100 740431 740100 739000 787400 740410 735532 770401 787600 735543 787500 740420 710000 740100

SABHRS 31401 31401 31401 31401 72401 33401 34401 34401 34401 33401 72401 34401 33401 71401 72401 33401 72401 34401 31401 34401


Page 66: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;


SEMESTER-CANADIANUnit Name: Montana State University - Northern Regent Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Gym Sub IT Acad Non-Res TotalReg Tuition Utility Comp Activ Bldg Bldg Use Athlet Equip Health Radio Tech Infrast Lib Fac Access Bldg Canadian

Crdts Fee Tuition Credit Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Post-Bac Crdts1 30.00 262.99 (1.50) 1.00 2.79 3.34 11.14 3.90 3.34 0.00 3.79 0.00 0.00 3.33 4.23 11.14 3.34 2.51 3.24 348.58 12 30.00 525.98 (3.00) 2.00 5.58 6.68 22.28 7.80 6.68 0.00 7.58 0.00 0.00 6.66 8.46 11.14 6.68 5.02 6.48 656.02 23 30.00 788.97 (4.50) 3.00 8.37 10.02 33.42 11.70 10.02 0.00 11.37 0.00 0.00 9.99 12.69 11.14 10.02 7.53 9.72 963.46 34 30.00 1,051.96 (6.00) 4.00 11.16 13.36 44.56 15.60 13.36 0.00 15.16 0.00 0.00 13.32 16.92 11.14 13.36 10.04 12.96 1,270.90 45 30.00 1,314.95 (7.50) 5.00 13.95 16.70 55.70 19.50 16.70 0.00 18.95 0.00 0.00 16.65 21.15 11.14 16.70 12.55 16.20 1,578.34 56 30.00 1,577.94 (9.00) 6.00 16.74 20.04 66.84 23.40 20.04 0.00 22.74 0.00 0.00 19.98 25.38 11.14 20.04 15.06 19.44 1,885.78 67 30.00 1,840.93 (10.50) 7.00 19.53 23.38 77.98 27.30 23.38 20.60 26.53 22.28 0.00 23.31 29.61 11.14 23.38 17.57 22.68 2,236.10 78 30.00 2,103.92 (12.00) 8.00 22.32 26.72 89.12 31.20 26.72 20.60 30.32 22.28 0.00 26.64 33.84 11.14 26.72 20.08 25.92 2,543.54 89 30.00 2,366.91 (13.50) 9.00 25.11 30.06 100.26 35.10 30.06 20.60 34.11 22.28 0.00 29.97 38.07 11.14 30.06 22.59 29.16 2,850.98 9

10 30.00 2,629.90 (15.00) 10.00 27.90 33.40 111.40 39.00 33.40 20.60 37.90 22.28 0.00 33.30 42.30 11.14 33.40 25.10 32.40 3,158.42 1011 30.00 2,892.89 (16.50) 11.00 30.69 36.74 111.40 42.90 36.74 20.60 41.69 22.28 0.00 36.63 46.53 11.14 36.74 27.61 35.64 3,454.72 1112 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 12.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 4,293.78 1213 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 13.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 4,294.78 1314 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 14.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 4,295.78 1415 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 15.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 4,296.78 1516 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 16.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 4,297.78 1617 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 17.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 4,298.78 1718 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 18.00 33.48 40.08 111.40 46.80 40.08 20.60 45.48 22.28 10.30 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 45.36 4,299.78 1819 30.00 3,944.85 (18.00) 19.00 36.27 43.42 122.54 50.70 43.42 20.60 49.27 22.28 10.30 43.29 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 48.60 4,598.64 1920 30.00 4,207.84 (18.00) 20.00 39.06 46.76 133.68 54.60 46.76 20.60 53.06 22.28 10.30 46.62 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 51.84 4,897.50 2021 30.00 4,470.83 (18.00) 21.00 41.85 50.10 144.82 58.50 50.10 20.60 56.85 22.28 10.30 49.95 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 55.08 5,196.36 2122 30.00 4,733.82 (18.00) 22.00 44.64 53.44 155.96 62.40 53.44 20.60 60.64 22.28 10.30 53.28 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 58.32 5,495.22 2223 30.00 4,996.81 (18.00) 23.00 47.43 56.78 167.10 66.30 56.78 20.60 64.43 22.28 10.30 56.61 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 61.56 5,794.08 2324 30.00 5,259.80 (18.00) 24.00 50.22 60.12 178.24 70.20 60.12 20.60 68.22 22.28 10.30 59.94 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 64.80 6,092.94 2425 30.00 5,522.79 (18.00) 25.00 53.01 63.46 189.38 74.10 63.46 20.60 72.01 22.28 10.30 63.27 50.76 11.14 40.08 30.12 68.04 6,391.80 25

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Des. Aux. Aux. Aux. Des. Plant Aux. Des. Plant Plant Des. Plant Aux. Aux.Banner 710000 710000 710000 710000 787300 733100 740100 740431 740100 739000 787400 740410 735532 770401 787600 735543 787500 740420 740100

SABHRS 31401 31401 31401 31401 72401 33401 34401 34401 34401 33401 72401 34401 33401 71401 72401 33401 72401 34401 34401


Page 67: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;



Unit Name: Montana State University - Northern Regent Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 IT Acad Non-ResReg Tuition Utility Comp Bldg Equip Tech Infrast Lib Fac Total Non-Res Bldg Total

Crdts Fee Tuition Credit Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Res Tuition Fee Non-Res Crdts1 30.00 113.52 (1.50) 1.00 2.79 11.14 3.79 3.33 4.23 11.14 3.34 182.78 338.38 3.24 524.40 12 30.00 227.04 (3.00) 2.00 5.58 22.28 7.58 6.66 8.46 11.14 6.68 324.42 676.76 6.48 1,007.66 23 30.00 340.56 (4.50) 3.00 8.37 33.42 11.37 9.99 12.69 11.14 10.02 466.06 1,015.14 9.72 1,490.92 34 30.00 454.08 (6.00) 4.00 11.16 44.56 15.16 13.32 16.92 11.14 13.36 607.70 1,353.52 12.96 1,974.18 45 30.00 567.60 (7.50) 5.00 13.95 55.70 18.95 16.65 21.15 11.14 16.70 749.34 1,691.90 16.20 2,457.44 56 30.00 681.12 (9.00) 6.00 16.74 66.84 22.74 19.98 25.38 11.14 20.04 890.98 2,030.28 19.44 2,940.70 67 30.00 794.64 (10.50) 7.00 19.53 77.98 26.53 23.31 29.61 11.14 23.38 1,032.62 2,368.66 22.68 3,423.96 78 30.00 908.16 (12.00) 8.00 22.32 89.12 30.32 26.64 33.84 11.14 26.72 1,174.26 2,707.04 25.92 3,907.22 89 30.00 1,021.68 (13.50) 9.00 25.11 100.26 34.11 29.97 38.07 11.14 30.06 1,315.90 3,045.42 29.16 4,390.48 910 30.00 1,135.20 (15.00) 10.00 27.90 111.40 37.90 33.30 42.30 11.14 33.40 1,457.54 3,383.80 32.40 4,873.74 1011 30.00 1,248.72 (16.50) 11.00 30.69 111.40 41.69 36.63 46.53 11.14 36.74 1,588.04 3,722.18 35.64 5,345.86 1112 30.00 1,589.28 (18.00) 12.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 1,945.58 4,737.32 45.36 6,728.26 1213 30.00 1,589.28 (18.00) 13.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 1,946.58 4,737.32 45.36 6,729.26 1314 30.00 1,589.28 (18.00) 14.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 1,947.58 4,737.32 45.36 6,730.26 1415 30.00 1,589.28 (18.00) 15.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 1,948.58 4,737.32 45.36 6,731.26 1516 30.00 1,589.28 (18.00) 16.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 1,949.58 4,737.32 45.36 6,732.26 1617 30.00 1,589.28 (18.00) 17.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 1,950.58 4,737.32 45.36 6,733.26 1718 30.00 1,589.28 (18.00) 18.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 1,951.58 4,737.32 45.36 6,734.26 1819 30.00 1,702.80 (18.00) 19.00 36.27 122.54 49.27 43.29 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,087.15 5,075.70 48.60 7,211.45 1920 30.00 1,816.32 (18.00) 20.00 39.06 133.68 53.06 46.62 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,222.72 5,414.08 51.84 7,688.64 2021 30.00 1,929.84 (18.00) 21.00 41.85 144.82 56.85 49.95 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,358.29 5,752.46 55.08 8,165.83 2122 30.00 2,043.36 (18.00) 22.00 44.64 155.96 60.64 53.28 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,493.86 6,090.84 58.32 8,643.02 2223 30.00 2,156.88 (18.00) 23.00 47.43 167.10 64.43 56.61 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,629.43 6,429.22 61.56 9,120.21 2324 30.00 2,270.40 (18.00) 24.00 50.22 178.24 68.22 59.94 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,765.00 6,767.60 64.80 9,597.40 2425 30.00 2,383.92 (18.00) 25.00 53.01 189.38 72.01 63.27 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,900.57 7,105.98 68.04 10,074.59 25

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Aux. Plant Plant Plant Des. Plant Cur. Unr. Aux. Banner 710000 710000 710000 710000 787400 740100 787300 770401 787600 735543 787500 710000 740100

SABHRS 31401 31401 31401 31401 72401 33401 72401 71401 72401 33401 72401 31401 34401


Page 68: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;



Unit Name: Montana State University - Northern Regent Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 IT Acad Non-ResReg Tuition Utility Comp Bldg Equip Tech Infrast Lib Fac Total Non-Res Bldg Total

Crdts Fee Tuition Credit Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Res Tuition Fee Non-Res Crdts1 30.00 142.61 (1.50) 1.00 2.79 11.14 3.79 3.33 4.23 11.14 3.34 211.87 321.87 3.24 536.98 12 30.00 285.22 (3.00) 2.00 5.58 22.28 7.58 6.66 8.46 11.14 6.68 382.60 643.74 6.48 1,032.82 23 30.00 427.83 (4.50) 3.00 8.37 33.42 11.37 9.99 12.69 11.14 10.02 553.33 965.61 9.72 1,528.66 34 30.00 570.44 (6.00) 4.00 11.16 44.56 15.16 13.32 16.92 11.14 13.36 724.06 1,287.48 12.96 2,024.50 45 30.00 713.05 (7.50) 5.00 13.95 55.70 18.95 16.65 21.15 11.14 16.70 894.79 1,609.35 16.20 2,520.34 56 30.00 855.66 (9.00) 6.00 16.74 66.84 22.74 19.98 25.38 11.14 20.04 1,065.52 1,931.22 19.44 3,016.18 67 30.00 998.27 (10.50) 7.00 19.53 77.98 26.53 23.31 29.61 11.14 23.38 1,236.25 2,253.09 22.68 3,512.02 78 30.00 1,140.88 (12.00) 8.00 22.32 89.12 30.32 26.64 33.84 11.14 26.72 1,406.98 2,574.96 25.92 4,007.86 89 30.00 1,283.49 (13.50) 9.00 25.11 100.26 34.11 29.97 38.07 11.14 30.06 1,577.71 2,896.83 29.16 4,503.70 910 30.00 1,426.10 (15.00) 10.00 27.90 111.40 37.90 33.30 42.30 11.14 33.40 1,748.44 3,218.70 32.40 4,999.54 1011 30.00 1,568.71 (16.50) 11.00 30.69 111.40 41.69 36.63 46.53 11.14 36.74 1,908.03 3,540.57 35.64 5,484.24 1112 30.00 1,996.54 (18.00) 12.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,352.84 4,506.18 45.36 6,904.38 1213 30.00 1,996.54 (18.00) 13.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,353.84 4,506.18 45.36 6,905.38 1314 30.00 1,996.54 (18.00) 14.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,354.84 4,506.18 45.36 6,906.38 1415 30.00 1,996.54 (18.00) 15.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,355.84 4,506.18 45.36 6,907.38 1516 30.00 1,996.54 (18.00) 16.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,356.84 4,506.18 45.36 6,908.38 1617 30.00 1,996.54 (18.00) 17.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,357.84 4,506.18 45.36 6,909.38 1718 30.00 1,996.54 (18.00) 18.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,358.84 4,506.18 45.36 6,910.38 1819 30.00 2,139.15 (18.00) 19.00 36.27 122.54 49.27 43.29 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,523.50 4,828.05 48.60 7,400.15 1920 30.00 2,281.76 (18.00) 20.00 39.06 133.68 53.06 46.62 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,688.16 5,149.92 51.84 7,889.92 2021 30.00 2,424.37 (18.00) 21.00 41.85 144.82 56.85 49.95 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,852.82 5,471.79 55.08 8,379.69 2122 30.00 2,566.98 (18.00) 22.00 44.64 155.96 60.64 53.28 50.76 11.14 40.08 3,017.48 5,793.66 58.32 8,869.46 2223 30.00 2,709.59 (18.00) 23.00 47.43 167.10 64.43 56.61 50.76 11.14 40.08 3,182.14 6,115.53 61.56 9,359.23 2324 30.00 2,852.20 (18.00) 24.00 50.22 178.24 68.22 59.94 50.76 11.14 40.08 3,346.80 6,437.40 64.80 9,849.00 2425 30.00 2,994.81 (18.00) 25.00 53.01 189.38 72.01 63.27 50.76 11.14 40.08 3,511.46 6,759.27 68.04 10,338.77 25

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Aux. Plant Plant Plant Des. Plant Cur. Unr. Aux. Banner 710000 710000 710000 710000 787300 740100 787400 770401 787600 735543 787500 710000 740100

SABHRS 31401 31401 31401 31401 72401 33401 72401 71401 72401 33401 72401 31401 34401


Page 69: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;



Unit Name: Montana State University - Northern Regent Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 IT Acad Non-Res TotalReg Tuition Utility Comp Bldg Equip Tech Infrast Lib Fac Bldg WUE/

Crdts Fee Tuition Credit Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Canadian Crdts1 30.00 170.27 (1.50) 1.00 2.79 11.14 3.79 3.33 4.23 11.14 3.34 3.24 242.77 12 30.00 340.54 (3.00) 2.00 5.58 22.28 7.58 6.66 8.46 11.14 6.68 6.48 444.40 23 30.00 510.81 (4.50) 3.00 8.37 33.42 11.37 9.99 12.69 11.14 10.02 9.72 646.03 34 30.00 681.08 (6.00) 4.00 11.16 44.56 15.16 13.32 16.92 11.14 13.36 12.96 847.66 45 30.00 851.35 (7.50) 5.00 13.95 55.70 18.95 16.65 21.15 11.14 16.70 16.20 1,049.29 56 30.00 1,021.62 (9.00) 6.00 16.74 66.84 22.74 19.98 25.38 11.14 20.04 19.44 1,250.92 67 30.00 1,191.89 (10.50) 7.00 19.53 77.98 26.53 23.31 29.61 11.14 23.38 22.68 1,452.55 78 30.00 1,362.16 (12.00) 8.00 22.32 89.12 30.32 26.64 33.84 11.14 26.72 25.92 1,654.18 89 30.00 1,532.43 (13.50) 9.00 25.11 100.26 34.11 29.97 38.07 11.14 30.06 29.16 1,855.81 910 30.00 1,702.70 (15.00) 10.00 27.90 111.40 37.90 33.30 42.30 11.14 33.40 32.40 2,057.44 1011 30.00 1,872.97 (16.50) 11.00 30.69 111.40 41.69 36.63 46.53 11.14 36.74 35.64 2,247.93 1112 30.00 2,383.78 (18.00) 12.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 2,785.44 1213 30.00 2,383.78 (18.00) 13.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 2,786.44 1314 30.00 2,383.78 (18.00) 14.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 2,787.44 1415 30.00 2,383.78 (18.00) 15.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 2,788.44 1516 30.00 2,383.78 (18.00) 16.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 2,789.44 1617 30.00 2,383.78 (18.00) 17.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 2,790.44 1718 30.00 2,383.78 (18.00) 18.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 2,791.44 1819 30.00 2,554.05 (18.00) 19.00 36.27 122.54 49.27 43.29 50.76 11.14 40.08 48.60 2,987.00 1920 30.00 2,724.32 (18.00) 20.00 39.06 133.68 53.06 46.62 50.76 11.14 40.08 51.84 3,182.56 2021 30.00 2,894.59 (18.00) 21.00 41.85 144.82 56.85 49.95 50.76 11.14 40.08 55.08 3,378.12 2122 30.00 3,064.86 (18.00) 22.00 44.64 155.96 60.64 53.28 50.76 11.14 40.08 58.32 3,573.68 2223 30.00 3,235.13 (18.00) 23.00 47.43 167.10 64.43 56.61 50.76 11.14 40.08 61.56 3,769.24 2324 30.00 3,405.40 (18.00) 24.00 50.22 178.24 68.22 59.94 50.76 11.14 40.08 64.80 3,964.80 2425 30.00 3,575.67 (18.00) 25.00 53.01 189.38 72.01 63.27 50.76 11.14 40.08 68.04 4,160.36 25

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Aux. Plant Plant Plant Des. Plant Aux.Banner 710000 710000 710000 710000 787300 740100 787400 770401 787600 735543 787500 740100

SABHRS 31401 31401 31401 31401 72401 34401 72401 71401 72401 33401 72401 34401


Page 70: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;



Unit Name: Montana State University - Northern Regent Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 IT Acad Non-Res TotalReg Tuition Utility Comp Bldg Equip Tech Infrast Lib Fac Bldg WUE/

Crdts Fee Tuition Credit Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Canadian Crdts1 30.00 213.91 (1.50) 1.00 2.79 11.14 3.79 3.33 4.23 11.14 3.34 3.24 286.41 12 30.00 427.82 (3.00) 2.00 5.58 22.28 7.58 6.66 8.46 11.14 6.68 6.48 531.68 23 30.00 641.73 (4.50) 3.00 8.37 33.42 11.37 9.99 12.69 11.14 10.02 9.72 776.95 34 30.00 855.64 (6.00) 4.00 11.16 44.56 15.16 13.32 16.92 11.14 13.36 12.96 1,022.22 45 30.00 1,069.55 (7.50) 5.00 13.95 55.70 18.95 16.65 21.15 11.14 16.70 16.20 1,267.49 56 30.00 1,283.46 (9.00) 6.00 16.74 66.84 22.74 19.98 25.38 11.14 20.04 19.44 1,512.76 67 30.00 1,497.37 (10.50) 7.00 19.53 77.98 26.53 23.31 29.61 11.14 23.38 22.68 1,758.03 78 30.00 1,711.28 (12.00) 8.00 22.32 89.12 30.32 26.64 33.84 11.14 26.72 25.92 2,003.30 89 30.00 1,925.19 (13.50) 9.00 25.11 100.26 34.11 29.97 38.07 11.14 30.06 29.16 2,248.57 9

10 30.00 2,139.10 (15.00) 10.00 27.90 111.40 37.90 33.30 42.30 11.14 33.40 32.40 2,493.84 1011 30.00 2,353.01 (16.50) 11.00 30.69 111.40 41.69 36.63 46.53 11.14 36.74 35.64 2,727.97 1112 30.00 2,994.74 (18.00) 12.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 3,396.40 1213 30.00 2,994.74 (18.00) 13.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 3,397.40 1314 30.00 2,994.74 (18.00) 14.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 3,398.40 1415 30.00 2,994.74 (18.00) 15.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 3,399.40 1516 30.00 2,994.74 (18.00) 16.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 3,400.40 1617 30.00 2,994.74 (18.00) 17.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 3,401.40 1718 30.00 2,994.74 (18.00) 18.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 3,402.40 1819 30.00 3,208.65 (18.00) 19.00 36.27 122.54 49.27 43.29 50.76 11.14 40.08 48.60 3,641.60 1920 30.00 3,422.56 (18.00) 20.00 39.06 133.68 53.06 46.62 50.76 11.14 40.08 51.84 3,880.80 2021 30.00 3,636.47 (18.00) 21.00 41.85 144.82 56.85 49.95 50.76 11.14 40.08 55.08 4,120.00 2122 30.00 3,850.38 (18.00) 22.00 44.64 155.96 60.64 53.28 50.76 11.14 40.08 58.32 4,359.20 2223 30.00 4,064.29 (18.00) 23.00 47.43 167.10 64.43 56.61 50.76 11.14 40.08 61.56 4,598.40 2324 30.00 4,278.20 (18.00) 24.00 50.22 178.24 68.22 59.94 50.76 11.14 40.08 64.80 4,837.60 2425 30.00 4,492.11 (18.00) 25.00 53.01 189.38 72.01 63.27 50.76 11.14 40.08 68.04 5,076.80 25

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Aux. Plant Plant Plant Des. Plant Aux.Banner 710000 710000 710000 710000 787300 740100 787400 770401 787600 735543 787500 740100

SABHRS 31401 31401 31401 31401 72401 34401 72401 71401 72401 33401 72401 34401


Page 71: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;



Unit Name: Montana State University - Northern Regent Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 IT Acad Non-ResReg Tuition Utility Comp Bldg Equip Tech Infrast Lib Fac Total Non-Res Bldg Total

Crdts Fee Tuition Credit Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Res Tuition Fee Non-Res Crdts1 30.00 175.33 (1.50) 1.00 2.79 11.14 3.79 3.33 4.23 11.14 3.34 244.59 321.87 3.24 569.70 12 30.00 350.66 (3.00) 2.00 5.58 22.28 7.58 6.66 8.46 11.14 6.68 448.04 643.74 6.48 1,098.26 23 30.00 525.99 (4.50) 3.00 8.37 33.42 11.37 9.99 12.69 11.14 10.02 651.49 965.61 9.72 1,626.82 34 30.00 701.32 (6.00) 4.00 11.16 44.56 15.16 13.32 16.92 11.14 13.36 854.94 1,287.48 12.96 2,155.38 45 30.00 876.65 (7.50) 5.00 13.95 55.70 18.95 16.65 21.15 11.14 16.70 1,058.39 1,609.35 16.20 2,683.94 56 30.00 1,051.98 (9.00) 6.00 16.74 66.84 22.74 19.98 25.38 11.14 20.04 1,261.84 1,931.22 19.44 3,212.50 67 30.00 1,227.31 (10.50) 7.00 19.53 77.98 26.53 23.31 29.61 11.14 23.38 1,465.29 2,253.09 22.68 3,741.06 78 30.00 1,402.64 (12.00) 8.00 22.32 89.12 30.32 26.64 33.84 11.14 26.72 1,668.74 2,574.96 25.92 4,269.62 89 30.00 1,577.97 (13.50) 9.00 25.11 100.26 34.11 29.97 38.07 11.14 30.06 1,872.19 2,896.83 29.16 4,798.18 910 30.00 1,753.30 (15.00) 10.00 27.90 111.40 37.90 33.30 42.30 11.14 33.40 2,075.64 3,218.70 32.40 5,326.74 1011 30.00 1,928.63 (16.50) 11.00 30.69 111.40 41.69 36.63 46.53 11.14 36.74 2,267.95 3,540.57 35.64 5,844.16 1112 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 12.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,810.92 4,506.18 45.36 7,362.46 1213 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 13.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,811.92 4,506.18 45.36 7,363.46 1314 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 14.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,812.92 4,506.18 45.36 7,364.46 1415 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 15.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,813.92 4,506.18 45.36 7,365.46 1516 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 16.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,814.92 4,506.18 45.36 7,366.46 1617 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 17.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,815.92 4,506.18 45.36 7,367.46 1718 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 18.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,816.92 4,506.18 45.36 7,368.46 1819 30.00 2,629.95 (18.00) 19.00 36.27 122.54 49.27 43.29 50.76 11.14 40.08 3,014.30 4,828.05 48.60 7,890.95 1920 30.00 2,805.28 (18.00) 20.00 39.06 133.68 53.06 46.62 50.76 11.14 40.08 3,211.68 5,149.92 51.84 8,413.44 2021 30.00 2,980.61 (18.00) 21.00 41.85 144.82 56.85 49.95 50.76 11.14 40.08 3,409.06 5,471.79 55.08 8,935.93 2122 30.00 3,155.94 (18.00) 22.00 44.64 155.96 60.64 53.28 50.76 11.14 40.08 3,606.44 5,793.66 58.32 9,458.42 2223 30.00 3,331.27 (18.00) 23.00 47.43 167.10 64.43 56.61 50.76 11.14 40.08 3,803.82 6,115.53 61.56 9,980.91 2324 30.00 3,506.60 (18.00) 24.00 50.22 178.24 68.22 59.94 50.76 11.14 40.08 4,001.20 6,437.40 64.80 10,503.40 2425 30.00 3,681.93 (18.00) 25.00 53.01 189.38 72.01 63.27 50.76 11.14 40.08 4,198.58 6,759.27 68.04 11,025.89 25

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Aux. Plant Plant Plant Des. Plant Cur. Unr. Aux.Banner 710000 710000 710000 710000 787300 740100 787400 770401 787600 735543 787500 710000 740100

SABHRS 31401 31401 31401 31401 72401 33401 72401 71401 72401 33401 72401 31401 34401


Page 72: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;



Unit Name: Montana State University - Northern Regent Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 IT Acad Non-Res TotalReg Tuition Utility Comp Bldg Equip Tech Infrast Lib Fac Bldg Canadian

Crdts Fee Tuition Credit Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Graduate Crdts1 30.00 262.99 (1.50) 1.00 2.79 11.14 3.79 3.33 4.23 11.14 3.34 3.24 335.49 12 30.00 525.98 (3.00) 2.00 5.58 22.28 7.58 6.66 8.46 11.14 6.68 6.48 629.84 23 30.00 788.97 (4.50) 3.00 8.37 33.42 11.37 9.99 12.69 11.14 10.02 9.72 924.19 34 30.00 1,051.96 (6.00) 4.00 11.16 44.56 15.16 13.32 16.92 11.14 13.36 12.96 1,218.54 45 30.00 1,314.95 (7.50) 5.00 13.95 55.70 18.95 16.65 21.15 11.14 16.70 16.20 1,512.89 56 30.00 1,577.94 (9.00) 6.00 16.74 66.84 22.74 19.98 25.38 11.14 20.04 19.44 1,807.24 67 30.00 1,840.93 (10.50) 7.00 19.53 77.98 26.53 23.31 29.61 11.14 23.38 22.68 2,101.59 78 30.00 2,103.92 (12.00) 8.00 22.32 89.12 30.32 26.64 33.84 11.14 26.72 25.92 2,395.94 89 30.00 2,366.91 (13.50) 9.00 25.11 100.26 34.11 29.97 38.07 11.14 30.06 29.16 2,690.29 9

10 30.00 2,629.90 (15.00) 10.00 27.90 111.40 37.90 33.30 42.30 11.14 33.40 32.40 2,984.64 1011 30.00 2,892.89 (16.50) 11.00 30.69 111.40 41.69 36.63 46.53 11.14 36.74 35.64 3,267.85 1112 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 12.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 4,083.52 1213 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 13.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 4,084.52 1314 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 14.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 4,085.52 1415 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 15.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 4,086.52 1516 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 16.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 4,087.52 1617 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 17.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 4,088.52 1718 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 18.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 4,089.52 1819 30.00 3,944.85 (18.00) 19.00 36.27 122.54 49.27 43.29 50.76 11.14 40.08 48.60 4,377.80 1920 30.00 4,207.84 (18.00) 20.00 39.06 133.68 53.06 46.62 50.76 11.14 40.08 51.84 4,666.08 2021 30.00 4,470.83 (18.00) 21.00 41.85 144.82 56.85 49.95 50.76 11.14 40.08 55.08 4,954.36 2122 30.00 4,733.82 (18.00) 22.00 44.64 155.96 60.64 53.28 50.76 11.14 40.08 58.32 5,242.64 2223 30.00 4,996.81 (18.00) 23.00 47.43 167.10 64.43 56.61 50.76 11.14 40.08 61.56 5,530.92 2324 30.00 5,259.80 (18.00) 24.00 50.22 178.24 68.22 59.94 50.76 11.14 40.08 64.80 5,819.20 2425 30.00 5,522.79 (18.00) 25.00 53.01 189.38 72.01 63.27 50.76 11.14 40.08 68.04 6,107.48 25

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Aux. Plant Plant Plant Des. Plant Aux.Banner 710000 710000 710000 710000 787300 740100 787400 770401 787600 735543 787500 740100

SABHRS 31401 31401 31401 31401 72401 33401 72401 71401 72401 33401 72401 34401


Page 73: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;


SEMESTER - RESIDENT AND NON-RESIDENTUnit Name: Montana State University - Northern Regent Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 IT Acad Non-ResReg Tuition Utility Comp Bldg Equip Tech Infrast Lib Fac Total Non-Res Bldg Total

Crdts Fee Tuition Credit Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Res Tuition Fee Non-Res Crdts1 30.00 175.33 (1.50) 1.00 2.79 11.14 3.79 3.33 4.23 11.14 3.34 244.59 321.87 3.24 569.70 12 30.00 350.66 (3.00) 2.00 5.58 22.28 7.58 6.66 8.46 11.14 6.68 448.04 643.74 6.48 1,098.26 23 30.00 525.99 (4.50) 3.00 8.37 33.42 11.37 9.99 12.69 11.14 10.02 651.49 965.61 9.72 1,626.82 34 30.00 701.32 (6.00) 4.00 11.16 44.56 15.16 13.32 16.92 11.14 13.36 854.94 1,287.48 12.96 2,155.38 45 30.00 876.65 (7.50) 5.00 13.95 55.70 18.95 16.65 21.15 11.14 16.70 1,058.39 1,609.35 16.20 2,683.94 56 30.00 1,051.98 (9.00) 6.00 16.74 66.84 22.74 19.98 25.38 11.14 20.04 1,261.84 1,931.22 19.44 3,212.50 67 30.00 1,227.31 (10.50) 7.00 19.53 77.98 26.53 23.31 29.61 11.14 23.38 1,465.29 2,253.09 22.68 3,741.06 78 30.00 1,402.64 (12.00) 8.00 22.32 89.12 30.32 26.64 33.84 11.14 26.72 1,668.74 2,574.96 25.92 4,269.62 89 30.00 1,577.97 (13.50) 9.00 25.11 100.26 34.11 29.97 38.07 11.14 30.06 1,872.19 2,896.83 29.16 4,798.18 910 30.00 1,753.30 (15.00) 10.00 27.90 111.40 37.90 33.30 42.30 11.14 33.40 2,075.64 3,218.70 32.40 5,326.74 1011 30.00 1,928.63 (16.50) 11.00 30.69 111.40 41.69 36.63 46.53 11.14 36.74 2,267.95 3,540.57 35.64 5,844.16 1112 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 12.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,810.92 4,506.18 45.36 7,362.46 1213 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 13.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,811.92 4,506.18 45.36 7,363.46 1314 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 14.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,812.92 4,506.18 45.36 7,364.46 1415 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 15.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,813.92 4,506.18 45.36 7,365.46 1516 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 16.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,814.92 4,506.18 45.36 7,366.46 1617 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 17.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,815.92 4,506.18 45.36 7,367.46 1718 30.00 2,454.62 (18.00) 18.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 2,816.92 4,506.18 45.36 7,368.46 1819 30.00 2,629.95 (18.00) 19.00 36.27 122.54 49.27 43.29 50.76 11.14 40.08 3,014.30 4,828.05 48.60 7,890.95 1920 30.00 2,805.28 (18.00) 20.00 39.06 133.68 53.06 46.62 50.76 11.14 40.08 3,211.68 5,149.92 51.84 8,413.44 2021 30.00 2,980.61 (18.00) 21.00 41.85 144.82 56.85 49.95 50.76 11.14 40.08 3,409.06 5,471.79 55.08 8,935.93 2122 30.00 3,155.94 (18.00) 22.00 44.64 155.96 60.64 53.28 50.76 11.14 40.08 3,606.44 5,793.66 58.32 9,458.42 2223 30.00 3,331.27 (18.00) 23.00 47.43 167.10 64.43 56.61 50.76 11.14 40.08 3,803.82 6,115.53 61.56 9,980.91 2324 30.00 3,506.60 (18.00) 24.00 50.22 178.24 68.22 59.94 50.76 11.14 40.08 4,001.20 6,437.40 64.80 10,503.40 2425 30.00 3,681.93 (18.00) 25.00 53.01 189.38 72.01 63.27 50.76 11.14 40.08 4,198.58 6,759.27 68.04 11,025.89 25

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Aux. Plant Plant Plant Des. Plant Cur. Unr. Aux.Banner 710000 710000 710000 710000 787300 740100 787400 770401 787600 735543 787500 710000 740100

SABHRS 31401 31401 31401 31401 72401 33401 72401 71401 72401 33401 72401 31401 34401


Page 74: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;


SEMESTER CANADIANUnit Name: Montana State University - Northern Regent Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 IT Acad Non-Res TotalReg Tuition Utility Comp Bldg Equip Tech Infrast Lib Fac Bldg Canadian

Crdts Fee Tuition Credit Surcharge Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Graduate Crdts1 30.00 262.99 (1.50) 1.00 2.79 11.14 3.79 3.33 4.23 11.14 3.34 3.24 335.49 12 30.00 525.98 (3.00) 2.00 5.58 22.28 7.58 6.66 8.46 11.14 6.68 6.48 629.84 23 30.00 788.97 (4.50) 3.00 8.37 33.42 11.37 9.99 12.69 11.14 10.02 9.72 924.19 34 30.00 1,051.96 (6.00) 4.00 11.16 44.56 15.16 13.32 16.92 11.14 13.36 12.96 1,218.54 45 30.00 1,314.95 (7.50) 5.00 13.95 55.70 18.95 16.65 21.15 11.14 16.70 16.20 1,512.89 56 30.00 1,577.94 (9.00) 6.00 16.74 66.84 22.74 19.98 25.38 11.14 20.04 19.44 1,807.24 67 30.00 1,840.93 (10.50) 7.00 19.53 77.98 26.53 23.31 29.61 11.14 23.38 22.68 2,101.59 78 30.00 2,103.92 (12.00) 8.00 22.32 89.12 30.32 26.64 33.84 11.14 26.72 25.92 2,395.94 89 30.00 2,366.91 (13.50) 9.00 25.11 100.26 34.11 29.97 38.07 11.14 30.06 29.16 2,690.29 9

10 30.00 2,629.90 (15.00) 10.00 27.90 111.40 37.90 33.30 42.30 11.14 33.40 32.40 2,984.64 1011 30.00 2,892.89 (16.50) 11.00 30.69 111.40 41.69 36.63 46.53 11.14 36.74 35.64 3,267.85 1112 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 12.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 4,083.52 1213 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 13.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 4,084.52 1314 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 14.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 4,085.52 1415 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 15.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 4,086.52 1516 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 16.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 4,087.52 1617 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 17.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 4,088.52 1718 30.00 3,681.86 (18.00) 18.00 33.48 111.40 45.48 39.96 50.76 11.14 40.08 45.36 4,089.52 1819 30.00 3,944.85 (18.00) 19.00 36.27 122.54 49.27 43.29 50.76 11.14 40.08 48.60 4,377.80 1920 30.00 4,207.84 (18.00) 20.00 39.06 133.68 53.06 46.62 50.76 11.14 40.08 51.84 4,666.08 2021 30.00 4,470.83 (18.00) 21.00 41.85 144.82 56.85 49.95 50.76 11.14 40.08 55.08 4,954.36 2122 30.00 4,733.82 (18.00) 22.00 44.64 155.96 60.64 53.28 50.76 11.14 40.08 58.32 5,242.64 2223 30.00 4,996.81 (18.00) 23.00 47.43 167.10 64.43 56.61 50.76 11.14 40.08 61.56 5,530.92 2324 30.00 5,259.80 (18.00) 24.00 50.22 178.24 68.22 59.94 50.76 11.14 40.08 64.80 5,819.20 2425 30.00 5,522.79 (18.00) 25.00 53.01 189.38 72.01 63.27 50.76 11.14 40.08 68.04 6,107.48 25

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Aux. Plant Plant Plant Des. Plant Aux.Banner 710000 710000 710000 710000 787300 740100 787400 770401 787600 735543 787500 740100

SABHRS 31401 31401 31401 31401 72401 33401 72401 71401 72401 33401 72401 34401


Page 75: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

Unit Name MSU College of Technology-Great Falls Regents' Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006Semester FY07 Building/ Network Total Additional Total

Credit Registration Resident Tuition MaintenanceComputerEquipmentServices Library Student Resident NonresidentNonresidentHours Fee Tuition Credit Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Government Tuition & Fee Tuition Fee

1 30.00 104.00 (1.00) 5.38 10.74 2.69 2.50 1.45 8.00 163.76 227.00 391.76 2 30.00 208.00 (2.00) 10.76 14.48 5.38 5.00 2.90 8.00 282.52 454.00 738.52 3 30.00 312.00 (3.00) 16.14 18.22 8.07 7.50 4.35 8.00 401.28 681.00 1,085.28 4 30.00 416.00 (4.00) 21.52 21.96 10.76 10.00 5.80 8.00 520.04 908.00 1,432.04 5 30.00 520.00 (5.00) 26.90 25.70 13.45 12.50 7.25 8.00 638.80 1,135.00 1,778.80 6 30.00 624.00 (6.00) 32.28 29.44 16.14 15.00 8.70 8.00 757.56 1,362.00 2,125.56 7 30.00 728.00 (7.00) 37.66 33.18 18.83 17.50 10.15 8.00 876.32 1,589.00 2,472.32 8 30.00 832.00 (8.00) 43.04 36.92 21.52 20.00 11.60 8.00 995.08 1,816.00 2,819.08 9 30.00 936.00 (9.00) 48.42 40.66 24.21 22.50 13.05 8.00 1,113.84 2,043.00 3,165.84 10 30.00 1,040.00 (10.00) 53.80 44.40 26.90 25.00 14.50 8.00 1,232.60 2,270.00 3,512.60 11 30.00 1,144.00 (11.00) 59.18 48.14 29.59 27.50 15.95 8.00 1,351.36 2,497.00 3,859.36 12-25 30.00 1,248.00 (12.00) 64.56 51.88 32.28 30.00 17.40 8.00 1,470.12 2,724.00 4,206.12

Fund Current Current Current CurrentGroup Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Plant Plant Plant Plant Designated Designated Unrestricted

SABHRS 31003 31003 31003 71003 72003 720XX 730XX 33030 33030 31003BANNER 310003 310003 310003 37000X 370012 370015 390100 333003 332003 310003

MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY - GREAT FALLSInventory and Validation of Fees



Page 76: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY - GREAT FALLS Inventory and Validation of Fees

Unit N MSU College of Technology-Great Falls Regents' Item No. 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006Western Undergraduate Exchangeemester FY07 Building/ Network TotalCreditegistratio WUE Tuition Maintenance Computer Equipment Service Library Student WUEHours Fee Tuition Credit Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Government Fee1 30 156.00 (1.00) 5.38 10.74 2.69 2.50 1.45 8.00 215.76 2 30 312.00 (2.00) 10.76 14.48 5.38 5.00 2.90 8.00 386.52 3 30 468.00 (3.00) 16.14 18.22 8.07 7.50 4.35 8.00 557.28 4 30 624.00 (4.00) 21.52 21.96 10.76 10.00 5.80 8.00 728.04 5 30 780.00 (5.00) 26.90 25.70 13.45 12.50 7.25 8.00 898.80 6 30 936.00 (6.00) 32.28 29.44 16.14 15.00 8.70 8.00 1,069.56 7 30 1,092.00 (7.00) 37.66 33.18 18.83 17.50 10.15 8.00 1,240.32 8 30 1,248.00 (8.00) 43.04 36.92 21.52 20.00 11.60 8.00 1,411.08 9 30 1,404.00 (9.00) 48.42 40.66 24.21 22.50 13.05 8.00 1,581.84 10 30 1,560.00 (10.00) 53.80 44.40 26.90 25.00 14.50 8.00 1,752.60 11 30 1,716.00 (11.00) 59.18 48.14 29.59 27.50 15.95 8.00 1,923.36 12-25 30 1,872.00 (12.00) 64.56 51.88 32.28 30.00 17.40 8.00 2,094.12 Fund Current Current CurrentGroup nrestricte Unrestricted Unrestricted Plant Plant Plant Plant Designated DesignatedSABHR31003 31003 31003 71003 72003 720XX 730XX 33030 33030BANNE310003 310003 310003 37000X 370012 370015 390100 333003 332003


Page 77: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY - GREAT FALLSInventory and Validation of Fees

Excess Capacity on-line classesUnit NameMSU College of Technology-Great Falls Regents' Item No. 131-106-R0506Effective Date Fall 2006Semester FY07 Building/ Network Total

Credit Registration Excess Capacity Tuition Maintenance Computer Equipment Services Library Student Excess CapacityHours Fee Tuition Credit Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Government Tuition & Fee

1 30 208.00 (1.00) 5.38 10.74 2.69 2.50 1.45 8.00 267.76 2 30 416.00 (2.00) 10.76 14.48 5.38 5.00 2.90 8.00 490.52 3 30 624.00 (3.00) 16.14 18.22 8.07 7.50 4.35 8.00 713.28 4 30 832.00 (4.00) 21.52 21.96 10.76 10.00 5.80 8.00 936.04 5 30 1,040.00 (5.00) 26.90 25.70 13.45 12.50 7.25 8.00 1,158.80 6 30 1,248.00 (6.00) 32.28 29.44 16.14 15.00 8.70 8.00 1,381.56 7 30 1,456.00 (7.00) 37.66 33.18 18.83 17.50 10.15 8.00 1,604.32 8 30 1,664.00 (8.00) 43.04 36.92 21.52 20.00 11.60 8.00 1,827.08 9 30 1,872.00 (9.00) 48.42 40.66 24.21 22.50 13.05 8.00 2,049.84 10 30 2,080.00 (10.00) 53.80 44.40 26.90 25.00 14.50 8.00 2,272.60 11 30 2,288.00 (11.00) 59.18 48.14 29.59 27.50 15.95 8.00 2,495.36 12-25 30 2,496.00 (12.00) 64.56 51.88 32.28 30.00 17.40 8.00 2,718.12

Fund Current Current CurrentGroup Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Plant Plant Plant Plant Designated Designated

SABHRS 31003 31003 31003 71003 72003 720XX 730XX 33030 33030BANNER 310003 310003 310003 37000X 370012 370015 390100 333003 332003


Page 78: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Fall/Spring Semesters - Undergraduate Lower Division

Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

UC RadioComp Ath Kaimin Aca UC Ren Trans Utility FY07 NR NR

Crs Reg Tui Bldg Technol Equip Activity Camp Health Recy Fac OP Fee Fees Sur- Tuition Res Bldg Tui NRCr Fee Fee Fee Fees*** Fee Fees*/*** Rec* Fee*/** Fees*** Fee Fee *** *** Charge Credit Total Fee Fee Total1 30.00 155.80 2.75 6.50 1.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 2.25 10.65 4.30 0.00 0.35 (2.20) 251.15 3.00 393.10 647.252 30.00 311.60 5.50 13.00 3.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 4.50 21.30 8.60 0.00 0.70 (4.40) 433.30 6.00 786.20 1225.503 30.00 467.40 8.25 19.50 5.25 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 6.75 31.95 12.90 0.00 1.05 (6.60) 615.45 9.00 1179.30 1803.754 30.00 623.20 11.00 26.00 7.00 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 9.00 42.60 17.20 0.00 1.40 (8.80) 797.60 12.00 1572.40 2382.005 30.00 779.00 13.75 32.50 8.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 11.25 53.25 21.50 0.00 1.75 (11.00) 979.75 15.00 1965.50 2960.256 30.00 934.80 16.50 39.00 10.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 13.50 63.90 25.80 0.00 2.10 (13.20) 1161.90 18.00 2358.60 3538.507 30.00 1090.60 19.25 45.50 12.25 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 15.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.45 (15.40) 1653.15 21.00 2751.70 4425.858 30.00 1246.40 22.00 52.00 14.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 18.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.80 (17.60) 1820.35 24.00 3144.80 4989.159 30.00 1402.20 24.75 58.50 15.75 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 20.25 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.15 (19.80) 1987.55 27.00 3537.90 5552.45

10 30.00 1558.00 27.50 65.00 17.50 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 22.50 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.50 (22.00) 2154.75 30.00 3931.00 6115.7511 30.00 1713.80 30.25 71.50 19.25 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 24.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.85 (24.20) 2321.95 33.00 4324.10 6679.0512 30.00 1869.60 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2488.75 36.00 4717.20 7241.9513 30.00 1869.60 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2488.75 36.00 4717.20 7241.9514 30.00 1869.60 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2488.75 36.00 4717.20 7241.9515 30.00 1869.60 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2488.75 36.00 4717.20 7241.9516 30.00 1869.60 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2488.75 36.00 4717.20 7241.9517 30.00 1869.60 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2488.75 36.00 4717.20 7241.9518 30.00 1869.60 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2488.75 36.00 4717.20 7241.9519 30.00 1869.60 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2488.75 36.00 4717.20 7241.9520 30.00 1869.60 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2488.75 36.00 4717.20 7241.9521 30.00 1869.60 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2488.75 36.00 4717.20 7241.9522 30.00 1869.60 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2488.75 36.00 4717.20 7241.9523 30.00 1869.60 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2488.75 36.00 4717.20 7241.9524 30.00 1869.60 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2488.75 36.00 4717.20 7241.9525 30.00 1869.60 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2488.75 36.00 4717.20 7241.95

Plant-Des Aux.-Plant71100 34100 Des. Des.

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 33100 Plant Des. Aux. 73100 33100 Plant Aux. Plant 33100 Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31100 31100 73100 371651 72100 33100 34100 344015 334079 73100 34100 72100 334167 31100 31100 73100 31100

311001 311001 371676 331302 371652 334002 347010 373420 338125 373410 346100 373430 334490 311001 311001 371676 311001

* Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying additional amounts to cover Activity, Campus Recreation, and clinical services provided by the Curry Health Center.** Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. The new rate, subject to the limits set by the BOR, will be finalized following RFP responses.***Fees at 12 cr: Tech.$37.40; Comp.$40.20; Athletic $18 1-6cr; $36 7cr&above; Activity $30; Kaimin $4; Recycling $4; UC Renovation $30; Radio $5 & Transportation $12.50



Page 79: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Fall/Spring Semesters - Undergraduate Upper Division

Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

UC RadioComp Ath Kaimin Aca UC Ren Trans Utility FY07 NR NR

Crs Reg Tui Bldg Technol Equip Activity Camp Health Recy Fac OP Fee Fees Sur- Tuition Res Bldg Tui NRCr Fee Fee Fee Fees*** Fee Fees*/*** Rec* Fee*/** Fees*** Fee Fee *** *** Charge Credit Total Fee Fee Total1 30.00 172.20 2.75 6.50 1.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 2.25 10.65 4.30 0.00 0.35 (2.20) 267.55 3.00 418.00 688.552 30.00 344.40 5.50 13.00 3.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 4.50 21.30 #REF! 0.00 0.70 (4.40) #REF! #REF! 836.00 #REF!3 30.00 516.60 8.25 19.50 5.25 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 6.75 31.95 #REF! 0.00 1.05 (6.60) #REF! #REF! 1254.00 #REF!4 30.00 688.80 11.00 26.00 7.00 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 9.00 42.60 #REF! 0.00 1.40 (8.80) #REF! #REF! 1672.00 #REF!5 30.00 861.00 13.75 32.50 8.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 11.25 53.25 #REF! 0.00 1.75 (11.00) #REF! #REF! 2090.00 #REF!6 30.00 1033.20 16.50 39.00 10.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 13.50 63.90 #REF! 0.00 2.10 (13.20) #REF! #REF! 2508.00 #REF!7 30.00 1205.40 19.25 45.50 12.25 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 15.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.45 (15.40) 1767.95 #REF! 2926.00 #REF!8 30.00 1377.60 22.00 52.00 14.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 18.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.80 (17.60) 1951.55 #REF! 3344.00 #REF!9 30.00 1549.80 24.75 58.50 15.75 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 20.25 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.15 (19.80) 2135.15 #REF! 3762.00 #REF!

10 30.00 1722.00 27.50 65.00 17.50 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 22.50 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.50 (22.00) 2318.75 #REF! 4180.00 #REF!11 30.00 1894.20 30.25 71.50 19.25 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 24.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.85 (24.20) 2502.35 #REF! 4598.00 #REF!12 30.00 2066.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2685.55 #REF! 5016.00 #REF!13 30.00 2066.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2685.55 36.00 5016.00 7737.5514 30.00 2066.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2685.55 36.00 5016.00 7737.5515 30.00 2066.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2685.55 36.00 5016.00 7737.5516 30.00 2066.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2685.55 36.00 5016.00 7737.5517 30.00 2066.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2685.55 36.00 5016.00 7737.5518 30.00 2066.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2685.55 36.00 5016.00 7737.5519 30.00 2066.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2685.55 36.00 5016.00 7737.5520 30.00 2066.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2685.55 36.00 5016.00 7737.5521 30.00 2066.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2685.55 36.00 5016.00 7737.5522 30.00 2066.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2685.55 36.00 5016.00 7737.5523 30.00 2066.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2685.55 36.00 5016.00 7737.5524 30.00 2066.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2685.55 36.00 5016.00 7737.5525 30.00 2066.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2685.55 36.00 5016.00 7737.55

Plant-Des Aux.-Plant71100 34100 Des. Des.

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 33100 Plant Des. Aux. 73100 33100 Plant Aux. Plant 33100 Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31100 31100 73100 371651 72100 33100 34100 344015 334079 73100 34100 72100 334167 31100 31100 73100 31100

311001 311001 371676 331302 371652 334002 347010 373420 338125 373410 346100 373430 334490 311001 311001 371676 311001

* Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying additional amounts to cover Activity, Campus Recreation, and clinical services provided by the Curry Health Center.** Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. The new rate, subject to the limits set by the BOR, will be finalized following RFP responses.***Fees at 12 cr: Tech.$37.40; Comp.$40.20; Athletic $18 1-6cr; $36 7cr&above; Activity $30; Kaimin $4; Recycling $4; UC Renovation $30; Radio $5 & Transportation $12.50



Page 80: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Fall/Spring Semesters - College of Technology

Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

RadioComp Kaimin Aca Trans Utility FY07 NR NR

Crs Reg Tui Bldg Technol Equip Activity Camp Health Recy Fac Fees Sur- Tuition Res Bldg Tui NRCr Fee Fee Fee Fees*** Fee Fees* Rec Fee*/** Fees*** Fee *** Charge Credit Total Fee Fee Total1 30.00 99.40 2.70 6.50 1.75 Op. 21.00 0.00 2.25 0.00 0.35 (2.20) 161.75 3.00 212.60 377.352 30.00 198.80 5.40 13.00 3.50 Op. 21.00 0.00 4.50 0.00 0.70 (4.40) 272.50 #REF! 425.20 #REF!3 30.00 298.20 8.10 19.50 5.25 Op. 21.00 0.00 6.75 0.00 1.05 (6.60) 383.25 #REF! 637.80 #REF!4 30.00 397.60 10.80 26.00 7.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 1.40 (8.80) 494.00 #REF! 850.40 #REF!5 30.00 497.00 13.50 32.50 8.75 Op. 21.00 0.00 11.25 0.00 1.75 (11.00) 604.75 #REF! 1063.00 #REF!6 30.00 596.40 16.20 39.00 10.50 Op. 21.00 0.00 13.50 0.00 2.10 (13.20) 715.50 #REF! 1275.60 #REF!7 30.00 695.80 18.90 45.50 12.25 30.00 169.75 8.00 15.75 17.50 2.45 (15.40) 1030.50 #REF! 1488.20 #REF!8 30.00 795.20 21.60 52.00 14.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 18.00 17.50 2.80 (17.60) 1141.25 #REF! 1700.80 #REF!9 30.00 894.60 24.30 58.50 15.75 30.00 169.75 8.00 20.25 17.50 3.15 (19.80) 1252.00 #REF! 1913.40 #REF!

10 30.00 994.00 27.00 65.00 17.50 30.00 169.75 8.00 22.50 17.50 3.50 (22.00) 1362.75 #REF! 2126.00 #REF!11 30.00 1093.40 29.70 71.50 19.25 30.00 169.75 8.00 24.75 17.50 3.85 (24.20) 1473.50 #REF! 2338.60 #REF!12 30.00 1192.80 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 1583.85 #REF! 2551.20 #REF!13 30.00 1192.80 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 1583.85 36.00 2551.20 4171.0514 30.00 1192.80 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 1583.85 36.00 2551.20 4171.0515 30.00 1192.80 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 1583.85 36.00 2551.20 4171.0516 30.00 1192.80 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 1583.85 36.00 2551.20 4171.0517 30.00 1192.80 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 1583.85 36.00 2551.20 4171.0518 30.00 1192.80 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 1583.85 36.00 2551.20 4171.0519 30.00 1192.80 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 1583.85 36.00 2551.20 4171.0520 30.00 1192.80 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 1583.85 36.00 2551.20 4171.0521 30.00 1192.80 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 1583.85 36.00 2551.20 4171.0522 30.00 1192.80 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 1583.85 36.00 2551.20 4171.0523 30.00 1192.80 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 1583.85 36.00 2551.20 4171.0524 30.00 1192.80 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 1583.85 36.00 2551.20 4171.0525 30.00 1192.80 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 1583.85 36.00 2551.20 4171.05

Plant-Des Aux.-Plant71100 34100 Des. Des.

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 33100 Plant Des. 73100 33100 Plant 33100 Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31100 31100 73100 371651 72100 33100 344015 334079 73100 334167 31100 31100 73100 31100

311001 311001 371676 331302 371652 334002 373420 338125 373410 334490 311001 311001 371676 311001

* Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying additional amounts to cover Activity, and clinical services provided by the Curry Health Center.** Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. The new rate, subject to the limits set by the BOR, will be finalized following RFP responses.***Fees at 12 cr: Tech.$37.40; Comp.$40.20; Athletic $18 1-6cr; $36 7cr&above; Activity $30; Kaimin $4; Recycling $4; UC Renovation $30; Radio $5 & Transportation $12.50



Page 81: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Fall/Spring Semesters - First Level Graduate

Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

UC RadioComp Ath Kaimin Aca UC Ren Trans Utility FY07 NR NR

Crs Reg Tui Bldg Technol Equip Activity Camp Health Recy Fac OP Fee Fees Sur- Tuition Res Bldg Tui NRCr Fee Fee Fee Fees*** Fee Fees*/*** Rec* Fee*/** Fees*** Fee Fee *** *** Charge Credit Total Fee Fee Total1 30.00 184.40 2.75 6.50 1.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 2.25 10.65 4.30 0.00 0.35 (2.20) 279.75 3.00 431.85 714.602 30.00 368.80 5.50 13.00 3.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 4.50 21.30 #REF! 0.00 0.70 (4.40) #REF! #REF! 863.70 #REF!3 30.00 553.20 8.25 19.50 5.25 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 6.75 31.95 #REF! 0.00 1.05 (6.60) #REF! #REF! 1295.55 #REF!4 30.00 737.60 11.00 26.00 7.00 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 9.00 42.60 #REF! 0.00 1.40 (8.80) #REF! #REF! 1727.40 #REF!5 30.00 922.00 13.75 32.50 8.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 11.25 53.25 #REF! 0.00 1.75 (11.00) #REF! #REF! 2159.25 #REF!6 30.00 1106.40 16.50 39.00 10.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 13.50 63.90 #REF! 0.00 2.10 (13.20) #REF! #REF! 2591.10 #REF!7 30.00 1290.80 19.25 45.50 12.25 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 15.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.45 (15.40) 1853.35 #REF! 3022.95 #REF!8 30.00 1475.20 22.00 52.00 14.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 18.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.80 (17.60) 2049.15 #REF! 3454.80 #REF!9 30.00 1659.60 24.75 58.50 15.75 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 20.25 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.15 (19.80) 2244.95 #REF! 3886.65 #REF!

10 30.00 1844.00 27.50 65.00 17.50 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 22.50 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.50 (22.00) 2440.75 #REF! 4318.50 #REF!11 30.00 2028.40 30.25 71.50 19.25 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 24.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.85 (24.20) 2636.55 #REF! 4750.35 #REF!12 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 #REF! 5182.20 #REF!13 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1514 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1515 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1516 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1517 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1518 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1519 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1520 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1521 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1522 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1523 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1524 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1525 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.15

Plant-Des Aux.-Plant71100 34100 Des. Des.

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 33100 Plant Des. Aux. 73100 33100 Plant Aux. Plant 33100 Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31100 31100 73100 371651 72100 33100 34100 344015 334079 73100 34100 72100 334167 31100 31100 73100 31100

311001 311001 371676 331302 371652 334002 347010 373420 338125 373410 346100 373430 334490 311001 311001 371676 311001

* Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying additional amounts to cover Activity, Campus Recreation, and clinical services provided by the Curry Health Center.** Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. The new rate, subject to the limits set by the BOR, will be finalized following RFP responses.***Fees at 12 cr: Tech.$37.40; Comp.$40.20; Athletic $18 1-6cr; $36 7cr&above; Activity $30; Kaimin $4; Recycling $4; UC Renovation $30; Radio $5 & Transportation $12.50


Page 82: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Fall/Spring Semesters - Advanced Graduate

Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

UC RadioComp Ath Kaimin Aca UC Ren Trans Utility FY07 NR NR

Crs Reg Tui Bldg Technol Equip Activity Camp Health Recy Fac OP Fee Fees Sur- Tuition Res Bldg Tui NRCr Fee Fee Fee Fees*** Fee Fees*/*** Rec* Fee*/** Fees*** Fee Fee *** *** Charge Credit Total Fee Fee Total1 30.00 208.35 2.75 6.50 1.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 2.25 10.65 4.30 0.00 0.35 (2.20) 303.70 3.00 432.30 739.002 30.00 416.70 5.50 13.00 3.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 4.50 21.30 8.60 0.00 0.70 (4.40) 538.40 6.00 864.60 1409.003 30.00 625.05 8.25 19.50 5.25 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 6.75 31.95 12.90 0.00 1.05 (6.60) 773.10 9.00 1296.90 2079.004 30.00 833.40 11.00 26.00 7.00 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 9.00 42.60 17.20 0.00 1.40 (8.80) 1007.80 12.00 1729.20 2749.005 30.00 1041.75 13.75 32.50 8.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 11.25 53.25 21.50 0.00 1.75 (11.00) 1242.50 15.00 2161.50 3419.006 30.00 1250.10 16.50 39.00 10.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 13.50 63.90 25.80 0.00 2.10 (13.20) 1477.20 18.00 2593.80 4089.007 30.00 1458.45 19.25 45.50 12.25 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 15.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.45 (15.40) 2021.00 21.00 3026.10 5068.108 30.00 1666.80 22.00 52.00 14.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 18.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.80 (17.60) 2240.75 24.00 3458.40 5723.159 30.00 1875.15 24.75 58.50 15.75 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 20.25 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.15 (19.80) 2460.50 27.00 3890.70 6378.2010 30.00 2083.50 27.50 65.00 17.50 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 22.50 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.50 (22.00) 2680.25 30.00 4323.00 7033.2511 30.00 2291.85 30.25 71.50 19.25 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 24.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.85 (24.20) 2900.00 33.00 4755.30 7688.3012 30.00 2500.20 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 3119.35 36.00 5187.60 8342.9513 30.00 2500.20 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 3119.35 36.00 5187.60 8342.9514 30.00 2500.20 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 3119.35 36.00 5187.60 8342.9515 30.00 2500.20 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 3119.35 36.00 5187.60 8342.9516 30.00 2500.20 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 3119.35 36.00 5187.60 8342.9517 30.00 2500.20 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 3119.35 36.00 5187.60 8342.9518 30.00 2500.20 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 3119.35 36.00 5187.60 8342.9519 30.00 2500.20 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 3119.35 36.00 5187.60 8342.9520 30.00 2500.20 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 3119.35 36.00 5187.60 8342.9521 30.00 2500.20 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 3119.35 36.00 5187.60 8342.9522 30.00 2500.20 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 3119.35 36.00 5187.60 8342.9523 30.00 2500.20 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 3119.35 36.00 5187.60 8342.9524 30.00 2500.20 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 3119.35 36.00 5187.60 8342.9525 30.00 2500.20 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 3119.35 36.00 5187.60 8342.95

Plant-Des Aux.-Plant71100 34100 Des. Des.

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 33100 Plant Des. Aux. 73100 33100 Plant Aux. Plant 33100 Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31100 31100 73100 371651 72100 33100 34100 344015 334079 73100 34100 72100 334167 31100 31100 73100 31100

311001 311001 371676 331302 371652 334002 347010 373420 338125 373410 346100 373430 334490 311001 311001 371676 311001

* Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying additional amounts to cover Activity, Campus Recreation, and clinical services provided by the Curry Health Center.** Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. The new rate, subject to the limits set by the BOR, will be finalized following RFP responses.***Fees at 12 cr: Tech.$37.40; Comp.$40.20; Athletic $18 1-6cr; $36 7cr&above; Activity $30; Kaimin $4; Recycling $4; UC Renovation $30; Radio $5 & Transportation $12.50 5/17/2006


Page 83: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Fall Semester - Law

Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

RadioComp Ath Aca UC UC Trans Utility FY07 NR NR

Crs Reg Tui Bldg Technol Equip Activity Camp Health Recy Fac OP Ren Fees Sur- Tuition Res Bldg Tui NRCr Fee Fee Fee Fees*** Fee Fees*/*** Rec* Fee*/** Fee Fee Fee Fee *** Charge Credit Total Fee Fee Total1 30.00 184.40 2.75 6.50 1.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 2.25 10.65 4.30 0.00 0.35 (2.20) 279.75 3.00 431.85 714.602 30.00 368.80 5.50 13.00 3.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 4.50 21.30 8.60 0.00 0.70 (4.40) 490.50 6.00 863.70 1360.203 30.00 553.20 8.25 19.50 5.25 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 6.75 31.95 12.90 0.00 1.05 (6.60) 701.25 9.00 1295.55 2005.804 30.00 737.60 11.00 26.00 7.00 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 9.00 42.60 17.20 0.00 1.40 (8.80) 912.00 12.00 1727.40 2651.405 30.00 922.00 13.75 32.50 8.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 11.25 53.25 21.50 0.00 1.75 (11.00) 1122.75 15.00 2159.25 3297.006 30.00 1106.40 16.50 39.00 10.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 13.50 63.90 25.80 0.00 2.10 (13.20) 1333.50 18.00 2591.10 3942.607 30.00 1290.80 19.25 45.50 12.25 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 15.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.45 (15.40) 1845.35 21.00 3022.95 4889.308 30.00 1475.20 22.00 52.00 14.00 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 18.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.80 (17.60) 2041.15 24.00 3454.80 5519.959 30.00 1659.60 24.75 58.50 15.75 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 20.25 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.15 (19.80) 2236.95 27.00 3886.65 6150.60

10 30.00 1844.00 27.50 65.00 17.50 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 22.50 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.50 (22.00) 2432.75 30.00 4318.50 6781.2511 30.00 2028.40 30.25 71.50 19.25 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 24.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.85 (24.20) 2628.55 33.00 4750.35 7411.9012 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2823.95 36.00 5182.20 8042.1513 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2823.95 36.00 5182.20 8042.1514 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2823.95 36.00 5182.20 8042.1515 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2823.95 36.00 5182.20 8042.1516 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2823.95 36.00 5182.20 8042.1517 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2823.95 36.00 5182.20 8042.1518 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2823.95 36.00 5182.20 8042.1519 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2823.95 36.00 5182.20 8042.1520 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2823.95 36.00 5182.20 8042.1521 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2823.95 36.00 5182.20 8042.1522 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2823.95 36.00 5182.20 8042.1523 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2823.95 36.00 5182.20 8042.1524 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2823.95 36.00 5182.20 8042.1525 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 62.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2823.95 36.00 5182.20 8042.15

Plant-Des Aux.-Plant71100 34100 Des.

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 33100 Plant Des. Aux. 73100 Des. Plant Aux. Plant 33100 Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31100 31100 73100 371651 72100 33100 34100 344015 33100 73100 34100 72100 334167 31100 31100 73100 31100

311001 311001 371676 331302 371652 334002 347010 373420 338125 373410 346100 373430 334490 311001 311001 371676 311001

* Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying additional amounts to cover Activity, Campus Recreation, and clinical services provided by the Curry Health Center.** Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. The new rate, subject to the limits set by the BOR, will be finalized following RFP responses.***Fees at 12 credits: Technology Fee $36.20; Computer Fee $38.40; Athletic $17 1-6cr; $34 7cr&above; Activity Fee $20+6; Radio Fee $5 and Transportation $12.50 5/17/200683

Page 84: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Spring Semester - Law

Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

RadioComp Athl Aca UC UC Trans Utility FY07 NR NR

Crs Reg Tui Bldg Technol Equip Activity Camp Health Recy Fac OP Ren Fees Sur- Tuition Res Bldg Tui NRCr Fee Fee Fee Fees*** Fee Fees*/*** Rec* Fee*/** Fee Fee Fee Fee *** Charge Credit Total Fee Fee Total1 30.00 184.40 2.75 6.50 1.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 2.25 10.65 4.30 0.00 0.35 (2.20) 279.75 3.00 431.85 714.602 30.00 368.80 5.50 13.00 3.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 4.50 21.30 8.60 0.00 0.70 (4.40) 490.50 6.00 863.70 1360.203 30.00 553.20 8.25 19.50 5.25 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 6.75 31.95 12.90 0.00 1.05 (6.60) 701.25 9.00 1295.55 2005.804 30.00 737.60 11.00 26.00 7.00 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 9.00 42.60 17.20 0.00 1.40 (8.80) 912.00 12.00 1727.40 2651.405 30.00 922.00 13.75 32.50 8.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 11.25 53.25 21.50 0.00 1.75 (11.00) 1122.75 15.00 2159.25 3297.006 30.00 1106.40 16.50 39.00 10.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 13.50 63.90 25.80 0.00 2.10 (13.20) 1333.50 18.00 2591.10 3942.607 30.00 1290.80 19.25 45.50 12.25 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 15.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.45 (15.40) 1825.35 21.00 3022.95 4869.308 30.00 1475.20 22.00 52.00 14.00 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 18.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.80 (17.60) 2021.15 24.00 3454.80 5499.959 30.00 1659.60 24.75 58.50 15.75 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 20.25 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.15 (19.80) 2216.95 27.00 3886.65 6130.60

10 30.00 1844.00 27.50 65.00 17.50 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 22.50 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.50 (22.00) 2412.75 30.00 4318.50 6761.2511 30.00 2028.40 30.25 71.50 19.25 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 24.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.85 (24.20) 2608.55 33.00 4750.35 7391.9012 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2803.95 36.00 5182.20 8022.1513 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2803.95 36.00 5182.20 8022.1514 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2803.95 36.00 5182.20 8022.1515 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2803.95 36.00 5182.20 8022.1516 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2803.95 36.00 5182.20 8022.1517 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2803.95 36.00 5182.20 8022.1518 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2803.95 36.00 5182.20 8022.1519 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2803.95 36.00 5182.20 8022.1520 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2803.95 36.00 5182.20 8022.1521 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2803.95 36.00 5182.20 8022.1522 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2803.95 36.00 5182.20 8022.1523 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2803.95 36.00 5182.20 8022.1524 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2803.95 36.00 5182.20 8022.1525 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 42.00 87.00 169.75 4.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2803.95 36.00 5182.20 8022.15

Plant-Des Aux.-Plant71100 34100 Des.

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 33100 Plant Des. Aux. 73100 Des. Plant Aux. Plant 33100 Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31100 31100 73100 371651 72100 33100 34100 344015 33100 73100 34100 72100 334167 31100 31100 73100 31100

311001 311001 371676 331302 371652 334002 347010 373420 338125 373410 346100 373430 334490 311001 311001 371676 311001

* Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying additional amounts to cover Activity, Campus Recreation, and clinical services provided by the Curry Health Center.** Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. The new rate, subject to the limits set by the BOR, will be finalized following RFP responses.***At 12 credits: Technology Fee $36.20; Computer Fee $38.40; Athletic $17 1-6cr; $34 7cr&above; Activity Fee $6; Radio Fee $5 and Transportation $12.50


Page 85: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Fall/Spring Semesters - Undergraduate Lower Division WUE

Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

UC RadioComp Ath Kaimin Aca UC Ren Trans Utility NR FY07

Crs Reg Tui Bldg Technol Equip Activity Camp Health Recy Fac OP Fee Fees Sur- Bldg Tuition WUECr Fee Fee Fee Fees*** Fee Fees*/*** Rec* Fee*/** Fees*** Fee Fee *** *** Charge Fee Credit Total1 30.00 233.70 2.75 6.50 1.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 2.25 10.65 4.30 0.00 0.35 3.00 (2.20) 332.052 30.00 467.40 5.50 13.00 3.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 4.50 21.30 8.60 0.00 0.70 6.00 (4.40) 595.103 30.00 701.10 8.25 19.50 5.25 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 6.75 31.95 12.90 0.00 1.05 9.00 (6.60) 858.154 30.00 934.80 11.00 26.00 7.00 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 9.00 42.60 17.20 0.00 1.40 12.00 (8.80) 1121.205 30.00 1168.50 13.75 32.50 8.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 11.25 53.25 21.50 0.00 1.75 15.00 (11.00) 1384.256 30.00 1402.20 16.50 39.00 10.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 13.50 63.90 25.80 0.00 2.10 18.00 (13.20) 1647.307 30.00 1635.90 19.25 45.50 12.25 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 15.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.45 21.00 (15.40) 2219.458 30.00 1869.60 22.00 52.00 14.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 18.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.80 24.00 (17.60) 2467.559 30.00 2103.30 24.75 58.50 15.75 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 20.25 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.15 27.00 (19.80) 2715.6510 30.00 2337.00 27.50 65.00 17.50 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 22.50 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.50 30.00 (22.00) 2963.7511 30.00 2570.70 30.25 71.50 19.25 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 24.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.85 33.00 (24.20) 3211.8512 30.00 2804.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3459.5513 30.00 2804.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3459.5514 30.00 2804.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3459.5515 30.00 2804.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3459.5516 30.00 2804.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3459.5517 30.00 2804.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3459.5518 30.00 2804.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3459.5519 30.00 2804.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3459.5520 30.00 2804.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3459.5521 30.00 2804.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3459.5522 30.00 2804.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3459.5523 30.00 2804.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3459.5524 30.00 2804.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3459.5525 30.00 2804.40 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3459.55

Plant-Des Aux.-Plant71100 34100 Des. Des.

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 33100 Plant Des. Aux. 73100 33100 Plant Aux. Plant 33100 Cur. Unr. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31100 31100 73100 371651 72100 33100 34100 344015 334079 73100 34100 72100 334167 31100 73100 31100

311001 311001 371676 331302 371652 334002 347010 373420 338125 373410 346100 373430 334490 311001 371676 311001

* Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying additional amounts to cover Activity, Campus Recreation, and clinical services provided by the Curry Health Center.** Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. The new rate, subject to the limits set by the BOR, will be finalized following RFP responses.***Fees at 12 cr: Tech.$37.40; Comp.$40.20; Athletic $18 1-6cr; $36 7cr&above; Activity $30; Kaimin $4; Recycling $4; UC Renovation $30; Radio $5 & Transportation $12.50


Page 86: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Fall/Spring Semesters - Undergraduate Upper Division WUE

Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

UC RadioComp Ath Kaimin Aca UC Ren Trans Utility NR FY07

Crs Reg Tui Bldg Technol Equip Activity Camp Health Recy Fac OP Fee Fees Sur- Bldg Tuition WUECr Fee Fee Fee Fees*** Fee Fees*/*** Rec* Fee*/** Fees*** Fee Fee *** *** Charge Fee Credit Total1 30.00 258.40 2.75 6.50 1.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 2.25 10.65 4.30 0.00 0.35 3.00 (2.20) 356.752 30.00 516.80 5.50 13.00 3.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 4.50 21.30 8.60 0.00 0.70 6.00 (4.40) 644.503 30.00 775.20 8.25 19.50 5.25 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 6.75 31.95 12.90 0.00 1.05 9.00 (6.60) 932.254 30.00 1033.60 11.00 26.00 7.00 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 9.00 42.60 17.20 0.00 1.40 12.00 (8.80) 1220.005 30.00 1292.00 13.75 32.50 8.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 11.25 53.25 21.50 0.00 1.75 15.00 (11.00) 1507.756 30.00 1550.40 16.50 39.00 10.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 13.50 63.90 25.80 0.00 2.10 18.00 (13.20) 1795.507 30.00 1808.80 19.25 45.50 12.25 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 15.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.45 21.00 (15.40) 2392.358 30.00 2067.20 22.00 52.00 14.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 18.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.80 24.00 (17.60) 2665.159 30.00 2325.60 24.75 58.50 15.75 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 20.25 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.15 27.00 (19.80) 2937.9510 30.00 2584.00 27.50 65.00 17.50 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 22.50 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.50 30.00 (22.00) 3210.7511 30.00 2842.40 30.25 71.50 19.25 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 24.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.85 33.00 (24.20) 3483.5512 30.00 3100.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3755.9513 30.00 3100.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3755.9514 30.00 3100.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3755.9515 30.00 3100.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3755.9516 30.00 3100.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3755.9517 30.00 3100.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3755.9518 30.00 3100.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3755.9519 30.00 3100.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3755.9520 30.00 3100.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3755.9521 30.00 3100.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3755.9522 30.00 3100.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3755.9523 30.00 3100.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3755.9524 30.00 3100.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3755.9525 30.00 3100.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 3755.95

Plant-Des Aux.-Plant71100 34100 Des. Des.

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 33100 Plant Des. Aux. 73100 33100 Plant Aux. Plant 33100 Cur. Unr. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31100 31100 73100 371651 72100 33100 34100 344015 334079 73100 34100 72100 334167 31100 73100 31100

311001 311001 371676 331302 371652 334002 347010 373420 338125 373410 346100 373430 334490 311001 371676 311001

* Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying additional amounts to cover Activity, Campus Recreation, and clinical services provided by the Curry Health Center.** Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. The new rate, subject to the limits set by the BOR, will be finalized following RFP responses.***Fees at 12 cr: Tech.$37.40; Comp.$40.20; Athletic $18 1-6cr; $36 7cr&above; Activity $30; Kaimin $4; Recycling $4; UC Renovation $30; Radio $5 & Transportation $12.50


Page 87: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Fall/Spring Semesters - College of Technology WUE

Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

RadioComp Kaimin Aca UC Trans Utility NR FY07

Crs Reg Tui Bldg Technol Equip Ath Acti- Camp Health Recy Fac OP UC Fees Sur- Bldg Tuition WUECr Fee Fee Fee Fees*** Fee Fee vity* Rec Fee*/** Fees*** Fee Fee *** Charge Fee Credit Total1 30.00 149.05 2.70 6.50 1.75 Op. 21.00 0.00 2.25 0.00 0.35 3.00 (2.20) 214.402 30.00 298.10 5.40 13.00 3.50 Op. 21.00 0.00 4.50 0.00 0.70 6.00 (4.40) 377.803 30.00 447.15 8.10 19.50 5.25 Op. 21.00 0.00 6.75 0.00 1.05 9.00 (6.60) 541.204 30.00 596.20 10.80 26.00 7.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 1.40 12.00 (8.80) 704.605 30.00 745.25 13.50 32.50 8.75 Op. 21.00 0.00 11.25 0.00 1.75 15.00 (11.00) 868.006 30.00 894.30 16.20 39.00 10.50 Op. 21.00 0.00 13.50 0.00 2.10 18.00 (13.20) 1031.407 30.00 1043.35 18.90 45.50 12.25 30.00 169.75 8.00 15.75 17.50 2.45 21.00 (15.40) 1399.058 30.00 1192.40 21.60 52.00 14.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 18.00 17.50 2.80 24.00 (17.60) 1562.459 30.00 1341.45 24.30 58.50 15.75 30.00 169.75 8.00 20.25 17.50 3.15 27.00 (19.80) 1725.8510 30.00 1490.50 27.00 65.00 17.50 30.00 169.75 8.00 22.50 17.50 3.50 30.00 (22.00) 1889.2511 30.00 1639.55 29.70 71.50 19.25 30.00 169.75 8.00 24.75 17.50 3.85 33.00 (24.20) 2052.6512 30.00 1788.60 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 2215.6513 30.00 1788.60 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 2215.6514 30.00 1788.60 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 2215.6515 30.00 1788.60 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 2215.6516 30.00 1788.60 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 2215.6517 30.00 1788.60 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 2215.6518 30.00 1788.60 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 2215.6519 30.00 1788.60 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 2215.6520 30.00 1788.60 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 2215.6521 30.00 1788.60 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 2215.6522 30.00 1788.60 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 2215.6523 30.00 1788.60 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 2215.6524 30.00 1788.60 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 2215.6525 30.00 1788.60 32.40 77.60 21.00 30.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 17.50 4.20 36.00 (26.40) 2215.65

Plant-Des Aux.-Plant71100 34100 Des. Des.

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 33100 Plant Des. 73100 33100 Plant 33100 Cur. Unr. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31100 31100 73100 371651 72100 33100 344015 334079 73100 334167 31100 73100 31100

311001 311001 371676 331302 371652 334002 373420 338125 373410 334490 311001 371676 311001

* Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying additional amounts to cover Activity and clinical services provided by the Health Center.** Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. The new rate, subject to the limits set by the BOR, will be finalized following RFP responses.***Fees at 12 cr: Tech.$37.40; Comp.$40.20; Athletic $18 1-6cr; $36 7cr&above; Activity $30; Kaimin $4; Recycling $4; UC Renovation $30; Radio $5 & Transportation $12.50


Page 88: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Fall/Spring Semesters - Post-Baccalaureate

Unit Name: The University of Montana - Missoula Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

UC RadioComp Athl Kaimin Aca UC Ren Trans Utility FY07 NR NR

Crs Reg Tui Bldg Technol Equip Activity Camp Health Recy Fac OP Fee Fees Sur- Tuition Res Bldg Tui NRCr Fee Fee Fee Fees*** Fee Fees*/*** Rec* Fee*/** Fees*** Fee Fee *** *** Charge Credit Total Fee Fee Total1 30.00 184.40 2.75 6.50 1.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 2.25 10.65 4.30 0.00 0.35 (2.20) 279.75 3.00 431.85 714.602 30.00 368.80 5.50 13.00 3.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 4.50 21.30 8.60 0.00 0.70 (4.40) 490.50 6.00 863.70 1360.203 30.00 553.20 8.25 19.50 5.25 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 6.75 31.95 12.90 0.00 1.05 (6.60) 701.25 9.00 1295.55 2005.804 30.00 737.60 11.00 26.00 7.00 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 9.00 42.60 17.20 0.00 1.40 (8.80) 912.00 12.00 1727.40 2651.405 30.00 922.00 13.75 32.50 8.75 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 11.25 53.25 21.50 0.00 1.75 (11.00) 1122.75 15.00 2159.25 3297.006 30.00 1106.40 16.50 39.00 10.50 18.00 Op. 21.00 0.00 13.50 63.90 25.80 0.00 2.10 (13.20) 1333.50 18.00 2591.10 3942.607 30.00 1290.80 19.25 45.50 12.25 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 15.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.45 (15.40) 1853.35 21.00 3022.95 4897.308 30.00 1475.20 22.00 52.00 14.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 18.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 2.80 (17.60) 2049.15 24.00 3454.80 5527.959 30.00 1659.60 24.75 58.50 15.75 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 20.25 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.15 (19.80) 2244.95 27.00 3886.65 6158.6010 30.00 1844.00 27.50 65.00 17.50 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 22.50 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.50 (22.00) 2440.75 30.00 4318.50 6789.2511 30.00 2028.40 30.25 71.50 19.25 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 24.75 74.50 30.00 17.50 3.85 (24.20) 2636.55 33.00 4750.35 7419.9012 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1513 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1514 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1515 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1516 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1517 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1518 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1519 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1520 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1521 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1522 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1523 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1524 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.1525 30.00 2212.80 33.00 77.60 21.00 66.00 87.00 169.75 8.00 27.00 74.50 30.00 17.50 4.20 (26.40) 2831.95 36.00 5182.20 8050.15

Plant-Des Aux.-Plant71100 34100 Des. Des.

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 33100 Plant Des. Aux. 73100 33100 Plant Aux. Plant 33100 Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31100 31100 73100 371651 72100 33100 34100 344015 334079 73100 34100 72100 334167 31100 31100 73100 31100

311001 311001 371676 331302 371652 334002 347010 373420 338125 373410 346100 373430 334490 311001 311001 371676 311001

* Students enrolled for 6 credits or less have the option of paying additional amounts to cover Activity, Campus Recreation, and clinical services provided by the Curry Health Center.** Mandatory health insurance coverage, with right of waiver, is required for all students. The new rate, subject to the limits set by the BOR, will be finalized following RFP responses.***Fees at 12 cr: Tech.$37.40; Comp.$40.20; Athletic $18 1-6cr; $36 7cr&above; Activity $30; Kaimin $4; Recycling $4; UC Renovation $30; Radio $5 & Transportation $12.50


Page 89: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Semester- Undergraduate Lower Division

Unit Name: Montana Tech of The University of Montana Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 200

FY07 Comp Aca SUB SUB Learning HPER NR NR NonCrs Reg Tuition Tuition Bldg Technol Equip Fac Activ Ath Health OP Ren Cntr Expand Res Bldg Tuition ResCr Fee Credit Fee Fees* Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Total Fee Total1 30.00 185.90 (1.95) 6.75 10.76 6.66 2.27 0.00 12.35 5.68 1.80 5.41 2.54 268.17 3.00 378.65 649.822 30.00 371.80 (3.90) 13.50 21.52 13.32 4.54 0.00 12.35 11.36 3.60 5.41 5.08 488.58 6.00 757.30 1251.883 30.00 557.70 (5.85) 20.25 32.28 19.98 6.81 0.00 12.35 17.04 5.40 5.41 7.62 708.99 9.00 1135.95 1853.944 30.00 743.60 (7.80) 27.00 43.04 26.64 9.08 20.00 12.35 22.72 7.20 5.41 10.16 949.40 12.00 1514.60 2476.005 30.00 929.50 (9.75) 33.75 53.80 33.30 11.35 20.00 12.35 28.40 9.00 5.41 12.70 1169.81 15.00 1893.25 3078.066 30.00 1115.40 (11.70) 40.50 64.56 39.96 13.62 20.00 12.35 34.08 10.80 5.41 15.24 1390.22 18.00 2271.90 3680.127 30.00 1301.30 (13.65) 47.25 75.32 46.62 15.89 40.00 32.45 27.04 39.76 12.60 5.41 17.78 1677.77 21.00 2650.55 4349.328 30.00 1487.20 (15.60) 54.00 86.08 53.28 18.16 40.00 32.45 27.04 45.44 14.40 5.41 20.32 1898.18 24.00 3029.20 4951.389 30.00 1673.10 (17.55) 60.75 96.84 59.94 20.43 40.00 32.45 27.04 51.12 16.20 5.41 22.86 2118.59 27.00 3407.85 5553.4410 30.00 1859.00 (19.50) 67.50 107.60 66.60 22.70 40.00 32.45 27.04 56.80 18.00 5.41 25.40 2339.00 30.00 3786.50 6155.5011 30.00 2044.90 (21.45) 74.25 118.36 73.26 24.97 40.00 32.45 27.04 62.48 19.80 5.41 27.94 2559.41 33.00 4165.15 6757.5612 30.00 2230.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 68.16 21.60 5.41 30.48 2779.82 36.00 4543.80 7359.6213 30.00 2230.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 73.84 23.40 5.41 30.48 2787.30 36.00 4543.80 7367.1014 30.00 2230.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 79.52 25.20 5.41 30.48 2794.78 36.00 4543.80 7374.5815 30.00 2230.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 85.20 27.00 5.41 30.48 2802.26 36.00 4543.80 7382.0616 30.00 2230.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 90.88 28.80 5.41 30.48 2809.74 36.00 4543.80 7389.5417 30.00 2230.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 96.56 30.60 5.41 30.48 2817.22 36.00 4543.80 7397.0218 30.00 2230.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 102.24 32.40 5.41 30.48 2824.70 36.00 4543.80 7404.5019 30.00 2230.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 107.92 34.20 5.41 30.48 2832.18 36.00 4543.80 7411.9820 30.00 2230.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 113.60 36.00 5.41 30.48 2839.66 36.00 4543.80 7419.4621 30.00 2230.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 119.28 37.80 5.41 30.48 2847.14 36.00 4543.80 7426.9422 30.00 2230.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 124.96 39.60 5.41 30.48 2854.62 36.00 4543.80 7434.4223 30.00 2230.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 130.64 41.40 5.41 30.48 2862.10 36.00 4543.80 7441.9024 30.00 2230.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 136.32 43.20 5.41 30.48 2869.58 36.00 4543.80 7449.3825 30.00 2230.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 142.00 45.00 5.41 30.48 2877.06 36.00 4543.80 7456.86

Plant-Des Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 71500 Plant Plant Des. Des. Aux. Aux. Plant Des. Des. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31500 31500 31500 71500 33500 71500 71500 33500 33500 34500 34500 71500 33500 33500 71500 31500

Banr 511100 511100 511100 571310 571211 571221 573410 534017 532005 542110 541100 571310 531302 531301 571310 511100537710 534001

*Computer Fee is $6.00 / Technology Fee is $4.76 per credit hour. 5/17/2006 89

Page 90: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Semester- Undergraduate Upper Division

Unit Name: Montana Tech of The University of Montana Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 200

FY07 Comp Aca SUB SUB LearningHPER NR NR NonCrs Reg Tuition Tuition Bldg Technol Equip Fac Activ Ath Health OP Ren Cntr Expand Res Bldg Tuition ResCr Fee Credit Fee Fees* Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Total Fee Total1 30.00 205.40 (1.95) 6.75 10.76 6.66 2.27 0.00 12.35 5.68 1.80 5.41 2.54 287.67 3.00 418.50 709.172 30.00 410.80 (3.90) 13.50 21.52 13.32 4.54 0.00 12.35 11.36 3.60 5.41 5.08 527.58 6.00 837.00 1370.583 30.00 616.20 (5.85) 20.25 32.28 19.98 6.81 0.00 12.35 17.04 5.40 5.41 7.62 767.49 9.00 1255.50 2031.994 30.00 821.60 (7.80) 27.00 43.04 26.64 9.08 20.00 12.35 22.72 7.20 5.41 10.16 1027.40 12.00 1674.00 2713.405 30.00 1027.00 (9.75) 33.75 53.80 33.30 11.35 20.00 12.35 28.40 9.00 5.41 12.70 1267.31 15.00 2092.50 3374.816 30.00 1232.40 (11.70) 40.50 64.56 39.96 13.62 20.00 12.35 34.08 10.80 5.41 15.24 1507.22 18.00 2511.00 4036.227 30.00 1437.80 (13.65) 47.25 75.32 46.62 15.89 40.00 32.45 27.04 39.76 12.60 5.41 17.78 1814.27 21.00 2929.50 4764.778 30.00 1643.20 (15.60) 54.00 86.08 53.28 18.16 40.00 32.45 27.04 45.44 14.40 5.41 20.32 2054.18 24.00 3348.00 5426.189 30.00 1848.60 (17.55) 60.75 96.84 59.94 20.43 40.00 32.45 27.04 51.12 16.20 5.41 22.86 2294.09 27.00 3766.50 6087.5910 30.00 2054.00 (19.50) 67.50 107.60 66.60 22.70 40.00 32.45 27.04 56.80 18.00 5.41 25.40 2534.00 30.00 4185.00 6749.0011 30.00 2259.40 (21.45) 74.25 118.36 73.26 24.97 40.00 32.45 27.04 62.48 19.80 5.41 27.94 2773.91 33.00 4603.50 7410.4112 30.00 2464.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 68.16 21.60 5.41 30.48 3013.82 36.00 5022.00 8071.8213 30.00 2464.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 73.84 23.40 5.41 30.48 3021.30 36.00 5022.00 8079.3014 30.00 2464.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 79.52 25.20 5.41 30.48 3028.78 36.00 5022.00 8086.7815 30.00 2464.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 85.20 27.00 5.41 30.48 3036.26 36.00 5022.00 8094.2616 30.00 2464.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 90.88 28.80 5.41 30.48 3043.74 36.00 5022.00 8101.7417 30.00 2464.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 96.56 30.60 5.41 30.48 3051.22 36.00 5022.00 8109.2218 30.00 2464.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 102.24 32.40 5.41 30.48 3058.70 36.00 5022.00 8116.7019 30.00 2464.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 107.92 34.20 5.41 30.48 3066.18 36.00 5022.00 8124.1820 30.00 2464.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 113.60 36.00 5.41 30.48 3073.66 36.00 5022.00 8131.6621 30.00 2464.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 119.28 37.80 5.41 30.48 3081.14 36.00 5022.00 8139.1422 30.00 2464.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 124.96 39.60 5.41 30.48 3088.62 36.00 5022.00 8146.6223 30.00 2464.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 130.64 41.40 5.41 30.48 3096.10 36.00 5022.00 8154.1024 30.00 2464.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 136.32 43.20 5.41 30.48 3103.58 36.00 5022.00 8161.5825 30.00 2464.80 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 142.00 45.00 5.41 30.48 3111.06 36.00 5022.00 8169.06

Plant-Des Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 71500 Plant Plant Des. Des. Aux. Aux. Plant Des. Des. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31500 31500 31500 71500 33500 71500 71500 33500 33500 34500 34500 71500 33500 33500 71500 31500Banr 511100 511100 511100 571310 571211 571221 573410 534017 532005 542110 541100 571310 531302 531301 571310 511100

537710 534001

*Computer Fee is $6.00 / Technology Fee is $4.76 per credit hour. 5/17/2006


Page 91: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Fall/Spring Semesters - Undergraduate

Unit Name: Montana Tech COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Comp Aca SUB SUB Learning NR NR NonCrs Reg Tuition Tuition Bldg Technol Equip Fac Activ Health Sub OP Ren Cntr Res Bldg Tuition ResCr Fee Credit Fee Fees* Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Total Fee Fee Total1 30.00 99.15 (1.95) 3.79 10.76 6.66 2.27 5.00 10.82 5.41 171.91 3.00 192.20 367.112 30.00 198.30 (3.90) 7.58 21.52 13.32 4.54 5.00 10.82 5.41 292.59 6.00 384.40 682.993 30.00 297.45 (5.85) 11.37 32.28 19.98 6.81 5.00 10.82 5.41 413.27 9.00 576.60 998.874 30.00 396.60 (7.80) 15.16 43.04 26.64 9.08 5.00 10.82 5.41 533.95 12.00 768.80 1314.755 30.00 495.75 (9.75) 18.95 53.80 33.30 11.35 5.00 10.82 5.41 654.63 15.00 961.00 1630.636 30.00 594.90 (11.70) 22.74 64.56 39.96 13.62 5.00 10.82 5.41 775.31 18.00 1153.20 1946.517 30.00 694.05 (13.65) 26.53 75.32 46.62 15.89 5.00 10.82 5.41 895.99 21.00 1345.40 2262.398 30.00 793.20 (15.60) 30.32 86.08 53.28 18.16 5.00 10.82 5.41 1016.67 24.00 1537.60 2578.279 30.00 892.35 (17.55) 34.11 96.84 59.94 20.43 5.00 10.82 5.41 1137.35 27.00 1729.80 2894.1510 30.00 991.50 (19.50) 37.90 107.60 66.60 22.70 5.00 10.82 5.41 1258.03 30.00 1922.00 3210.0311 30.00 1090.65 (21.45) 41.69 118.36 73.26 24.97 5.00 10.82 5.41 1378.71 33.00 2114.20 3525.9112 30.00 1189.80 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 1499.39 36.00 2306.40 3841.7913 30.00 1189.80 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 1499.39 36.00 2306.40 3841.7914 30.00 1189.80 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 1499.39 36.00 2306.40 3841.7915 30.00 1189.80 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 1499.39 36.00 2306.40 3841.7916 30.00 1189.80 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 1499.39 36.00 2306.40 3841.7917 30.00 1189.80 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 1499.39 36.00 2306.40 3841.7918 30.00 1189.80 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 1499.39 36.00 2306.40 3841.7919 30.00 1189.80 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 1499.39 36.00 2306.40 3841.7920 30.00 1189.80 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 1499.39 36.00 2306.40 3841.7921 30.00 1189.80 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 1499.39 36.00 2306.40 3841.7922 30.00 1189.80 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 1499.39 36.00 2306.40 3841.7923 30.00 1189.80 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 1499.39 36.00 2306.40 3841.7924 30.00 1189.80 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 1499.39 36.00 2306.40 3841.7925 30.00 1189.80 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 1499.39 36.00 2306.40 3841.79

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 71500 Plant Plant Des. Aux. Des. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31500 31500 31500 71500 33500 71500 71500 33500 34500 33500 71500 31500Banr 511100 511100 511100 571310 571211 571221 573410 534070 541100 531302 571310 511100


*Computer Fee is $6.00/ Technology Fee is $4.76 per credit hour. 5/17/2006 91

Page 92: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Semester- Graduate

Unit Name: Montana Tech of The University of Montana Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 200

FY07 Comp Aca SUB SUB Learn HPER NR NR NonCrs Reg Tuition Tuition Bldg Technol Equip Fac Activ Ath Health OP Ren Cntr Expand Res Bldg Tuition ResCr Fee Credit Fee Fees* Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Total Fee Total1 30.00 219.30 (1.95) 6.75 10.76 6.66 2.27 0.00 12.35 5.68 1.80 5.41 2.54 301.57 3.00 480.10 784.672 30.00 438.60 (3.90) 13.50 21.52 13.32 4.54 0.00 12.35 11.36 3.60 5.41 5.08 555.38 6.00 960.20 1521.583 30.00 657.90 (5.85) 20.25 32.28 19.98 6.81 0.00 12.35 17.04 5.40 5.41 7.62 809.19 9.00 1440.30 2258.494 30.00 877.20 (7.80) 27.00 43.04 26.64 9.08 20.00 12.35 22.72 7.20 5.41 10.16 1083.00 12.00 1920.40 3015.405 30.00 1096.50 (9.75) 33.75 53.80 33.30 11.35 20.00 12.35 28.40 9.00 5.41 12.70 1336.81 15.00 2400.50 3752.316 30.00 1315.80 (11.70) 40.50 64.56 39.96 13.62 20.00 12.35 34.08 10.80 5.41 15.24 1590.62 18.00 2880.60 4489.227 30.00 1535.10 (13.65) 47.25 75.32 46.62 15.89 40.00 32.45 27.04 39.76 12.60 5.41 17.78 1911.57 21.00 3360.70 5293.278 30.00 1754.40 (15.60) 54.00 86.08 53.28 18.16 40.00 32.45 27.04 45.44 14.40 5.41 20.32 2165.38 24.00 3840.80 6030.189 30.00 1973.70 (17.55) 60.75 96.84 59.94 20.43 40.00 32.45 27.04 51.12 16.20 5.41 22.86 2419.19 27.00 4320.90 6767.0910 30.00 2193.00 (19.50) 67.50 107.60 66.60 22.70 40.00 32.45 27.04 56.80 18.00 5.41 25.40 2673.00 30.00 4801.00 7504.0011 30.00 2412.30 (21.45) 74.25 118.36 73.26 24.97 40.00 32.45 27.04 62.48 19.80 5.41 27.94 2926.81 33.00 5281.10 8240.9112 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 68.16 21.60 5.41 30.48 3180.62 36.00 5761.20 8977.8213 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 73.84 23.40 5.41 30.48 3188.10 36.00 5761.20 8985.3014 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 79.52 25.20 5.41 30.48 3195.58 36.00 5761.20 8992.7815 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 85.20 27.00 5.41 30.48 3203.06 36.00 5761.20 9000.2616 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 90.88 28.80 5.41 30.48 3210.54 36.00 5761.20 9007.7417 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 96.56 30.60 5.41 30.48 3218.02 36.00 5761.20 9015.2218 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 102.24 32.40 5.41 30.48 3225.50 36.00 5761.20 9022.7019 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 107.92 34.20 5.41 30.48 3232.98 36.00 5761.20 9030.1820 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 113.60 36.00 5.41 30.48 3240.46 36.00 5761.20 9037.6621 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 119.28 37.80 5.41 30.48 3247.94 36.00 5761.20 9045.1422 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 124.96 39.60 5.41 30.48 3255.42 36.00 5761.20 9052.6223 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 130.64 41.40 5.41 30.48 3262.90 36.00 5761.20 9060.1024 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 136.32 43.20 5.41 30.48 3270.38 36.00 5761.20 9067.5825 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 142.00 45.00 5.41 30.48 3277.86 36.00 5761.20 9075.06

Plant-Des Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 71500 Plant Plant Des. Des. Aux. Aux. Plant Des. Des. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31500 31500 31500 71500 33500 71500 71500 33500 33500 34500 34500 71500 33500 33500 71500 31500Banr 511100 511100 511100 571310 571211 571221 573410 534017 532005 542110 541100 571310 531302 531301 571310 511100

537710 534001*Computer Fee is $6.00 / Technology Fee is $4.76 per credit hour. 5/17/2006


Page 93: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Western Undergraduate Exchange Fee Lower Division

Unit Name: Montana Tech of The University of Montana Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Comp Aca SUB SUB Learning HPER NR NR Crs Reg WUE Tuition Bldg Technol Equip Fac Activ Ath Health OP Ren Cntr Expand Bldg Tuition WUECr Fee Fee Credit Fee Fees* Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Total1 30.00 278.85 (1.95) 6.75 10.76 6.66 2.27 0.00 12.35 5.68 1.80 5.41 2.54 3.00 364.122 30.00 557.70 (3.90) 13.50 21.52 13.32 4.54 0.00 12.35 11.36 3.60 5.41 5.08 6.00 680.483 30.00 836.55 (5.85) 20.25 32.28 19.98 6.81 0.00 12.35 17.04 5.40 5.41 7.62 9.00 996.844 30.00 1115.40 (7.80) 27.00 43.04 26.64 9.08 20.00 12.35 22.72 7.20 5.41 10.16 12.00 1333.205 30.00 1394.25 (9.75) 33.75 53.80 33.30 11.35 20.00 12.35 28.40 9.00 5.41 12.70 15.00 1649.566 30.00 1673.10 (11.70) 40.50 64.56 39.96 13.62 20.00 12.35 34.08 10.80 5.41 15.24 18.00 1965.927 30.00 1951.95 (13.65) 47.25 75.32 46.62 15.89 40.00 32.45 27.04 39.76 12.60 5.41 17.78 21.00 2349.428 30.00 2230.80 (15.60) 54.00 86.08 53.28 18.16 40.00 32.45 27.04 45.44 14.40 5.41 20.32 24.00 2665.789 30.00 2509.65 (17.55) 60.75 96.84 59.94 20.43 40.00 32.45 27.04 51.12 16.20 5.41 22.86 27.00 2982.1410 30.00 2788.50 (19.50) 67.50 107.60 66.60 22.70 40.00 32.45 27.04 56.80 18.00 5.41 25.40 30.00 3298.5011 30.00 3067.35 (21.45) 74.25 118.36 73.26 24.97 40.00 32.45 27.04 62.48 19.80 5.41 27.94 33.00 3614.8612 30.00 3346.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 68.16 21.60 5.41 30.48 36.00 3931.2213 30.00 3346.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 73.84 23.40 5.41 30.48 36.00 3938.7014 30.00 3346.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 79.52 25.20 5.41 30.48 36.00 3946.1815 30.00 3346.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 85.20 27.00 5.41 30.48 36.00 3953.6616 30.00 3346.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 90.88 28.80 5.41 30.48 36.00 3961.1417 30.00 3346.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 96.56 30.60 5.41 30.48 36.00 3968.6218 30.00 3346.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 102.24 32.40 5.41 30.48 36.00 3976.1019 30.00 3346.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 107.92 34.20 5.41 30.48 36.00 3983.5820 30.00 3346.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 113.60 36.00 5.41 30.48 36.00 3991.0621 30.00 3346.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 119.28 37.80 5.41 30.48 36.00 3998.5422 30.00 3346.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 124.96 39.60 5.41 30.48 36.00 4006.0223 30.00 3346.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 130.64 41.40 5.41 30.48 36.00 4013.5024 30.00 3346.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 136.32 43.20 5.41 30.48 36.00 4020.9825 30.00 3346.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 142.00 45.00 5.41 30.48 36.00 4028.46

Plant-Des Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 71500 Plant Plant Des. Des. Aux. Aux. Plant Des. Des. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31500 31500 31500 71500 33500 71500 71500 33500 33500 34500 34500 71500 33500 33500 71500 #####Banr 511100 511100 511100 571310 571211 571221 573410 534017 532005 542110 541100 571310 531302 531301 571310 #####

537710 534001

*Computer Fee is $6.00 / Technology Fee is $4.76 per credit hour. 5/17/200693

Page 94: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Western Undergraduate Exchange Fee Upper Division

Unit Name: Montana Tech of The University of Montana Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Comp Aca SUB SUB LearningHPER NR NR Crs Reg WUE Tuition Bldg Technol Equip Fac Activ Ath Health OP Ren Cntr Expand Bldg Tuition WUECr Fee Fee Credit Fee Fees* Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Total1 30.00 308.10 (1.95) 6.75 10.76 6.66 2.27 0.00 12.35 5.68 1.80 5.41 2.54 3.00 393.372 30.00 616.20 (3.90) 13.50 21.52 13.32 4.54 0.00 12.35 11.36 3.60 5.41 5.08 6.00 738.983 30.00 924.30 (5.85) 20.25 32.28 19.98 6.81 0.00 12.35 17.04 5.40 5.41 7.62 9.00 1084.594 30.00 1232.40 (7.80) 27.00 43.04 26.64 9.08 20.00 12.35 22.72 7.20 5.41 10.16 12.00 1450.205 30.00 1540.50 (9.75) 33.75 53.80 33.30 11.35 20.00 12.35 28.40 9.00 5.41 12.70 15.00 1795.816 30.00 1848.60 (11.70) 40.50 64.56 39.96 13.62 20.00 12.35 34.08 10.80 5.41 15.24 18.00 2141.427 30.00 2156.70 (13.65) 47.25 75.32 46.62 15.89 40.00 32.45 27.04 39.76 12.60 5.41 17.78 21.00 2554.178 30.00 2464.80 (15.60) 54.00 86.08 53.28 18.16 40.00 32.45 27.04 45.44 14.40 5.41 20.32 24.00 2899.789 30.00 2772.90 (17.55) 60.75 96.84 59.94 20.43 40.00 32.45 27.04 51.12 16.20 5.41 22.86 27.00 3245.3910 30.00 3081.00 (19.50) 67.50 107.60 66.60 22.70 40.00 32.45 27.04 56.80 18.00 5.41 25.40 30.00 3591.0011 30.00 3389.10 (21.45) 74.25 118.36 73.26 24.97 40.00 32.45 27.04 62.48 19.80 5.41 27.94 33.00 3936.6112 30.00 3697.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 68.16 21.60 5.41 30.48 36.00 4282.2213 30.00 3697.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 73.84 23.40 5.41 30.48 36.00 4289.7014 30.00 3697.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 79.52 25.20 5.41 30.48 36.00 4297.1815 30.00 3697.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 85.20 27.00 5.41 30.48 36.00 4304.6616 30.00 3697.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 90.88 28.80 5.41 30.48 36.00 4312.1417 30.00 3697.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 96.56 30.60 5.41 30.48 36.00 4319.6218 30.00 3697.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 102.24 32.40 5.41 30.48 36.00 4327.1019 30.00 3697.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 107.92 34.20 5.41 30.48 36.00 4334.5820 30.00 3697.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 113.60 36.00 5.41 30.48 36.00 4342.0621 30.00 3697.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 119.28 37.80 5.41 30.48 36.00 4349.5422 30.00 3697.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 124.96 39.60 5.41 30.48 36.00 4357.0223 30.00 3697.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 130.64 41.40 5.41 30.48 36.00 4364.5024 30.00 3697.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 136.32 43.20 5.41 30.48 36.00 4371.9825 30.00 3697.20 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 142.00 45.00 5.41 30.48 36.00 4379.46

Plant-Des Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 71500 Plant Plant Des. Des. Aux. Aux. Plant Des. Des. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr.Group 31500 31500 31500 71500 33500 71500 71500 33500 33500 34500 34500 71500 33500 33500 31500 31500Banr 511100 511100 511100 571310 571211 571221 573410 534017 532005 542110 541100 571310 531302 531301 511100 511100

537710 534001*Computer Fee is $6.00 / Technology Fee is $4.76 per credit hour. 5/17/2006 94

Page 95: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Fall/Spring Semesters - WUE

Unit Name: Montana Tech COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Comp Aca SUB SUB Learning NR NR Crs Reg Tuition Tuition Bldg Technol Equip Fac Activ Health OP Ren Cntr Bldg Tuition WUECr Fee Credit Fee Fees* Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Total1 30.00 148.75 (1.95) 3.79 10.76 6.66 2.27 5.00 10.82 5.41 3.00 224.512 30.00 297.50 (3.90) 7.58 21.52 13.32 4.54 5.00 10.82 5.41 6.00 397.793 30.00 446.25 (5.85) 11.37 32.28 19.98 6.81 5.00 10.82 5.41 9.00 571.074 30.00 595.00 (7.80) 15.16 43.04 26.64 9.08 5.00 10.82 5.41 12.00 744.355 30.00 743.75 (9.75) 18.95 53.80 33.30 11.35 5.00 10.82 5.41 15.00 917.636 30.00 892.50 (11.70) 22.74 64.56 39.96 13.62 5.00 10.82 5.41 18.00 1090.917 30.00 1041.25 (13.65) 26.53 75.32 46.62 15.89 5.00 10.82 5.41 21.00 1264.198 30.00 1190.00 (15.60) 30.32 86.08 53.28 18.16 5.00 10.82 5.41 24.00 1437.479 30.00 1338.75 (17.55) 34.11 96.84 59.94 20.43 5.00 10.82 5.41 27.00 1610.75

10 30.00 1487.50 (19.50) 37.90 107.60 66.60 22.70 5.00 10.82 5.41 30.00 1784.0311 30.00 1636.25 (21.45) 41.69 118.36 73.26 24.97 5.00 10.82 5.41 33.00 1957.3112 30.00 1785.00 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 36.00 2130.5913 30.00 1785.00 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 36.00 2130.5914 30.00 1785.00 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 36.00 2130.5915 30.00 1785.00 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 36.00 2130.5916 30.00 1785.00 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 36.00 2130.5917 30.00 1785.00 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 36.00 2130.5918 30.00 1785.00 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 36.00 2130.5919 30.00 1785.00 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 36.00 2130.5920 30.00 1785.00 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 36.00 2130.5921 30.00 1785.00 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 36.00 2130.5922 30.00 1785.00 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 36.00 2130.5923 30.00 1785.00 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 36.00 2130.5924 30.00 1785.00 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 36.00 2130.5925 30.00 1785.00 (23.40) 45.48 129.12 79.92 27.24 5.00 10.82 5.41 36.00 2130.59

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 71500 Plant Plant Des. Aux. Des. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31500 31500 31500 71500 33500 71500 71500 33500 34500 33500 71500 31500Banr 511100 511100 511100 571310 571211 571221 573410 534070 541100 531302 571310 511100


*Computer Fee is $6.00 / Technology Fee is $4.76 per credit hour. 5/17/2006 95

Page 96: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of FeesSemester- Post Baccalaureate

Unit Name: Montana Tech of The University of Montana Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY07 Comp Aca SUB SUB LearningHPER NR NR NonCrs Reg Tuition Tuition Bldg Technol Equip Fac Activ Ath Health OP Ren Cntr Expand Res Bldg Tuition ResCr Fee Credit Fee Fees* Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Total Fee Total1 30.00 219.30 (1.95) 6.75 10.76 6.66 2.27 0.00 12.35 5.68 1.80 5.41 2.54 301.57 3.00 480.10 784.672 30.00 438.60 (3.90) 13.50 21.52 13.32 4.54 0.00 12.35 11.36 3.60 5.41 5.08 555.38 6.00 960.20 1521.583 30.00 657.90 (5.85) 20.25 32.28 19.98 6.81 0.00 12.35 17.04 5.40 5.41 7.62 809.19 9.00 1440.30 2258.494 30.00 877.20 (7.80) 27.00 43.04 26.64 9.08 20.00 12.35 22.72 7.20 5.41 10.16 1083.00 12.00 1920.40 3015.405 30.00 1096.50 (9.75) 33.75 53.80 33.30 11.35 20.00 12.35 28.40 9.00 5.41 12.70 1336.81 15.00 2400.50 3752.316 30.00 1315.80 (11.70) 40.50 64.56 39.96 13.62 20.00 12.35 34.08 10.80 5.41 15.24 1590.62 18.00 2880.60 4489.227 30.00 1535.10 (13.65) 47.25 75.32 46.62 15.89 40.00 32.45 27.04 39.76 12.60 5.41 17.78 1911.57 21.00 3360.70 5293.278 30.00 1754.40 (15.60) 54.00 86.08 53.28 18.16 40.00 32.45 27.04 45.44 14.40 5.41 20.32 2165.38 24.00 3840.80 6030.189 30.00 1973.70 (17.55) 60.75 96.84 59.94 20.43 40.00 32.45 27.04 51.12 16.20 5.41 22.86 2419.19 27.00 4320.90 6767.0910 30.00 2193.00 (19.50) 67.50 107.60 66.60 22.70 40.00 32.45 27.04 56.80 18.00 5.41 25.40 2673.00 30.00 4801.00 7504.0011 30.00 2412.30 (21.45) 74.25 118.36 73.26 24.97 40.00 32.45 27.04 62.48 19.80 5.41 27.94 2926.81 33.00 5281.10 8240.9112 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 68.16 21.60 5.41 30.48 3180.62 36.00 5761.20 8977.8213 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 73.84 23.40 5.41 30.48 3188.10 36.00 5761.20 8985.3014 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 79.52 25.20 5.41 30.48 3195.58 36.00 5761.20 8992.7815 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 85.20 27.00 5.41 30.48 3203.06 36.00 5761.20 9000.2616 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 90.88 28.80 5.41 30.48 3210.54 36.00 5761.20 9007.7417 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 96.56 30.60 5.41 30.48 3218.02 36.00 5761.20 9015.2218 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 102.24 32.40 5.41 30.48 3225.50 36.00 5761.20 9022.7019 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 107.92 34.20 5.41 30.48 3232.98 36.00 5761.20 9030.1820 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 113.60 36.00 5.41 30.48 3240.46 36.00 5761.20 9037.6621 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 119.28 37.80 5.41 30.48 3247.94 36.00 5761.20 9045.1422 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 124.96 39.60 5.41 30.48 3255.42 36.00 5761.20 9052.6223 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 130.64 41.40 5.41 30.48 3262.90 36.00 5761.20 9060.1024 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 136.32 43.20 5.41 30.48 3270.38 36.00 5761.20 9067.5825 30.00 2631.60 (23.40) 81.00 129.12 79.92 27.24 40.00 32.45 27.04 142.00 45.00 5.41 30.48 3277.86 36.00 5761.20 9075.06

Plant-Des Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 71500 Plant Plant Des. Des. Aux. Aux. Plant Des. Des. Plant Cur. Unr.

Fund 31500 31500 31500 71500 33500 71500 71500 33500 33500 34500 34500 71500 33500 33500 71500 31500Banr 511100 511100 511100 571310 571211 571221 573410 534017 532005 542110 541100 571310 531302 531301 571310 511100

537710 534001

*Computer Fee is $6.00 / Technology Fee is $4.76 per credit hour. 5/17/2006 96

Page 97: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Fall/Spring Semester - Undergraduate Upper Division

Unit Name: The University of Montana-Western Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY 07 Utility Comp Aca Wesco- Radio NR NRCrs Reg Tuition Tuition Sur Bldg Technol Equip Ath Acti- Health Sub Fac lite Station Recyle Res Bldg Tui NRCr Fee Fee Credit Charge Fee* Fees** Fee Fee vity Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Total Fee Fee Total1 30.00 162.80 (1.41) 0.40 22.50 6.70 2.10 Op. Op. Op. 13.75 1.95 3.00 20.00 261.79 3.00 326.00 590.792 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 22.50 #REF! #REF! Op. Op. Op. 13.75 #REF! 3.00 20.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!3 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 22.50 #REF! #REF! Op. Op. Op. 13.75 #REF! 3.00 20.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!4 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 22.50 #REF! #REF! Op. Op. Op. 13.75 #REF! 3.00 20.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!5 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 22.50 #REF! #REF! Op. Op. Op. 13.75 #REF! 3.00 20.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!6 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 22.50 #REF! #REF! Op. Op. Op. 13.75 #REF! 3.00 20.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!7 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!8 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!9 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

10 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!11 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!12 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!13 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!14 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!15 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!16 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!17 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!18 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!19 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!20 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!21 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!22 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!23 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!24 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!25 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

Cur Unr-Aux Plant-Aux Plant-Des 31600 71600 71600

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. 34600 34600 33600 Plant Athletics Des. Aux Aux Plant Des. Des. Des. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31600 31600 31600 811100 871210 871110 71600 33600 33600 34600 34600 73600 33600 33600 33600 71600 31600

811100 811100 811100 845000 844000 838800 871120 832000 834100 847000 845000 873410 831220 834400 834350 871210 811100

* 10% of Building Fee goes to Parking.** Computer Fee is $4.00 and Technology Fee is $2.70 per credit hour.


Page 98: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Fall/Spring Semester - Undergraduate Lower Division

Unit Name: The University of Montana- Western Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

FY 07 Utility Comp Aca Wesco- Radio NR NRCrs Reg Tuition Tuition Sur Bldg Technol Equip Ath Acti- Health Sub Fac lite Station Recycle Res Bldg Tui NRCr Fee Fee Credit Charge Fee* Fees** Fee Fee vity Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Total Fee Fee Total1 30.00 116.75 (1.41) 0.40 22.50 6.70 2.10 Op. Op. Op. 13.75 1.95 3.00 20.00 215.74 3.00 357.35 576.092 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 22.50 #REF! #REF! Op. Op. Op. 13.75 #REF! 3.00 20.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!3 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 22.50 #REF! #REF! Op. Op. Op. 13.75 #REF! 3.00 20.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!4 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 22.50 #REF! #REF! Op. Op. Op. 13.75 #REF! 3.00 20.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!5 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 22.50 #REF! #REF! Op. Op. Op. 13.75 #REF! 3.00 20.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!6 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 22.50 #REF! #REF! Op. Op. Op. 13.75 #REF! 3.00 20.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!7 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!8 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!9 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

10 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!11 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!12 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!13 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!14 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!15 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!16 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!17 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!18 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!19 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!20 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!21 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!22 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!23 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!24 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!25 30.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! 80.50 #REF! #REF! 28.25 50.00 35.00 27.00 #REF! 3.00 20.00 2.00 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

Cur Unr-Aux Plant-Aux Plant-Des 31600 71600 71600

Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. 34600 34600 33600 Plant Athletics Des. Aux Aux Plant Des. Des. Des. Plant Cur. Unr.Group 31600 31600 31600 811100 871210 871110 71600 33600 33600 34600 34600 73600 33600 33600 33600 71600 31600

811100 811100 811100 845000 844000 838800 871120 832000 834100 847000 845000 873410 831220 834400 834350 871210 811100

* 10% of Building Fee goes to Parking.** Computer Fee is $4.00 and Technology Fee is $2.70 per credit hour.


Page 99: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Inventory and Validation of Fees

Semester - Undergraduate

Unit Name: Helena COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

Bldg Comp Aca SU FY07 UC UC NR NR NonCrs Reg Tuition Maint Technol Equip Fac Stud Utility Health Bldg Tuition OP Ren Res Bldg Inc ResCr Fee Fee** Fees* Fee Fee Gov Surcharge Fee Fee Credit Fee Fee Total Fee Fee Total1 30.00 98.25 3.55 7.50 3.60 1.90 10.00 0.25 4.90 (0.95) 159.00 3.20 200.70 362.902 30.00 196.50 7.10 15.00 7.20 3.80 10.00 0.50 9.80 (1.90) 278.00 6.40 401.40 685.803 30.00 294.75 10.65 22.50 10.80 5.70 10.00 0.75 14.70 (2.85) 397.00 9.60 602.10 1008.704 30.00 393.00 14.20 30.00 14.40 7.60 10.00 1.00 19.60 (3.80) 516.00 12.80 802.80 1331.605 30.00 491.25 17.75 37.50 18.00 9.50 10.00 1.25 24.50 (4.75) 635.00 16.00 1003.50 1654.506 30.00 589.50 21.30 45.00 21.60 11.40 10.00 1.50 29.40 (5.70) 754.00 19.20 1204.20 1977.407 30.00 687.75 24.85 52.50 25.20 13.30 10.00 1.75 34.30 (6.65) 873.00 22.40 1404.90 2300.308 30.00 786.00 28.40 60.00 28.80 15.20 10.00 2.00 39.20 (7.60) 992.00 25.60 1605.60 2623.209 30.00 884.25 31.95 67.50 32.40 17.10 10.00 2.25 44.10 (8.55) 1111.00 28.80 1806.30 2946.10

10 30.00 982.50 35.50 75.00 36.00 19.00 10.00 2.50 49.00 (9.50) 1230.00 32.00 2007.00 3269.0011 30.00 1080.75 39.05 82.50 39.60 20.90 10.00 2.75 53.90 (10.45) 1349.00 35.20 2207.70 3591.9012 30.00 1179.00 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 58.80 (11.40) 1468.00 38.40 2408.40 3914.8013 30.00 1179.00 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 63.70 (11.40) 1472.90 38.40 2408.40 3919.7014 30.00 1179.00 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 68.60 (11.40) 1477.80 38.40 2408.40 3924.6015 30.00 1179.00 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 73.50 (11.40) 1482.70 38.40 2408.40 3929.5016 30.00 1179.00 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 78.40 (11.40) 1487.60 38.40 2408.40 3934.4017 30.00 1179.00 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 83.30 (11.40) 1492.50 38.40 2408.40 3939.3018 30.00 1179.00 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 88.20 (11.40) 1497.40 38.40 2408.40 3944.2019 30.00 1179.00 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 88.20 (11.40) 1497.40 38.40 2408.40 3944.2020 30.00 1179.00 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 88.20 (11.40) 1497.40 38.40 2408.40 3944.2021 30.00 1179.00 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 88.20 (11.40) 1497.40 38.40 2408.40 3944.2022 30.00 1179.00 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 88.20 (11.40) 1497.40 38.40 2408.40 3944.2023 30.00 1179.00 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 88.20 (11.40) 1497.40 38.40 2408.40 3944.2024 30.00 1179.00 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 88.20 (11.40) 1497.40 38.40 2408.40 3944.2025 30.00 1179.00 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 88.20 (11.40) 1497.40 38.40 2408.40 3944.20


Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 431200 Plant Plant Des. Cur. Unr. Plant Plant Cur. Unr.Group 411000 411000 471101 71004 471101 471101 433200 411000 471201 471101 411000

31004 31004 71004 33040 71004 71004 33040 31004 71004 71004 31004

* Computer Fee is $3.60 and Technology Fee is $3.90.** Access fee $1.15 and building fee $2.40.


Page 100: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

THE MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEMInventory and Validation of Fees

Semester - WUE

Unit Name: Helena COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Regents' Item No.: 131-106-R0506 Effective Date: Fall 2006

Bldg Comp Aca SU FY07 UC UC NR Crs Reg Tuition Maint Technol Equip Fac Stud Utility Health Bldg Tuition OP Ren Bldg WUECr Fee Fee** Fees* Fee Fee Gov Surcharge Fee Fee Credit Fee Fee Fee Total1 30.00 147.30 3.55 7.50 3.60 1.90 10.00 0.25 4.90 (0.95) 3.20 211.252 30.00 294.60 7.10 15.00 7.20 3.80 10.00 0.50 9.80 (1.90) 6.40 382.503 30.00 441.90 10.65 22.50 10.80 5.70 10.00 0.75 14.70 (2.85) 9.60 553.754 30.00 589.20 14.20 30.00 14.40 7.60 10.00 1.00 19.60 (3.80) 12.80 725.005 30.00 736.50 17.75 37.50 18.00 9.50 10.00 1.25 24.50 (4.75) 16.00 896.256 30.00 883.80 21.30 45.00 21.60 11.40 10.00 1.50 29.40 (5.70) 19.20 1067.507 30.00 1031.10 24.85 52.50 25.20 13.30 10.00 1.75 34.30 (6.65) 22.40 1238.758 30.00 1178.40 28.40 60.00 28.80 15.20 10.00 2.00 39.20 (7.60) 25.60 1410.009 30.00 1325.70 31.95 67.50 32.40 17.10 10.00 2.25 44.10 (8.55) 28.80 1581.25

10 30.00 1473.00 35.50 75.00 36.00 19.00 10.00 2.50 49.00 (9.50) 32.00 1752.5011 30.00 1620.30 39.05 82.50 39.60 20.90 10.00 2.75 53.90 (10.45) 35.20 1923.7512 30.00 1767.60 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 58.80 (11.40) 38.40 2095.0013 30.00 1767.60 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 63.70 (11.40) 38.40 2099.9014 30.00 1767.60 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 68.60 (11.40) 38.40 2104.8015 30.00 1767.60 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 73.50 (11.40) 38.40 2109.7016 30.00 1767.60 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 78.40 (11.40) 38.40 2114.6017 30.00 1767.60 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 83.30 (11.40) 38.40 2119.5018 30.00 1767.60 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 88.20 (11.40) 38.40 2124.4019 30.00 1767.60 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 88.20 (11.40) 38.40 2124.4020 30.00 1767.60 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 88.20 (11.40) 38.40 2124.4021 30.00 1767.60 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 88.20 (11.40) 38.40 2124.4022 30.00 1767.60 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 88.20 (11.40) 38.40 2124.4023 30.00 1767.60 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 88.20 (11.40) 38.40 2124.4024 30.00 1767.60 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 88.20 (11.40) 38.40 2124.4025 30.00 1767.60 42.60 90.00 43.20 22.80 10.00 3.00 88.20 (11.40) 38.40 2124.40


Fund Cur. Unr. Cur. Unr. Plant 431200 Plant Plant Des. Cur. Unr. Plant Plant Cur. Unr.Group 411000 411000 471101 71004 471101 471101 433200 411000 471201 471101 411000

31004 31004 71004 33040 71004 71004 33040 31004 71004 71004 310045/17/2006


Page 101: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education

46 N Last Chance Gulch ◊ PO Box 203201 ◊ Helena, Montana 59620-3201 ◊ (406)444-6570 ◊ FAX (406)444-1469

TO: Board Of Regents FROM: Pamela Joehler, Director Of Budget And Accounting RE: ITEM 131-115-R0506

Budget Amendment Requests For The Office Of The Commissioner Of Higher Education

DATE: May 10, 2006 Section 17-7-102, MCA designates the Board of Regents as the budget amendment approving authority for the Montana University System. A budget amendment is necessary when an agency receives additional funds, such as a federal grant, that were unanticipated during the previous legislative session. The budget amendment provides the legal appropriation authority to expend the additional funds. Attached to this memo are two budget amendments from the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education (OCHE) requesting appropriation authority to spend new grant funds that have recently been awarded. The first budget amendment requests $50,000 additional authority for fiscal year 2007 to expend private grant funds in the Gear Up program. This is a one-year grant that will be used to provide professional development for local school personnel to enhance teacher performance and instruction. The second budget amendment requests $1,472,298 additional authority for the federal Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic Development (WIRED) grant. Total federal funds that will be received under this grant are $3,568,707 over three years. This federal grant is intended to catalyze the creation of high-skill and high-wage opportunities for American workers within the context of regional economies. Although this is a three-year grant, expenditures will occur over four fiscal years (2006 through 2009). A 1.0 FTE grant project manager is also requested for the duration of the grant to manage the grant day-to-day activities. Some of the grant funds will also be used to provide grant oversight and financial management by current OCHE staff. The Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education requests Board of Regent approval of the attached budget amendment requests.

MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY – Campuses at Billings, Bozeman, Great Falls, and Havre THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA – Campuses at Butte, Dillon, Helena, and Missoula

Dawson Community College (Glendive) – Flathead Valley Community College (Kalispell) – Miles Community College (Miles City)


Page 102: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;


Agency: Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education Program: Gear Up Fiscal Year: 2007 Authority Requested: 50,000 Fund Type: State Special Private purpose Fund Source: Private Foundation Additional FTE: 0

FY06 FY07 Grand TotalFTE 0.00 0.00

Personal Services -$ -$ -$ Operating Expenses -$ 50,000$ 50,000$ Grants -$ -$

Grand Total -$ 50,000$ 50,000$


PURPOSE OF BUDGET AMENDMENT: This budget amendment requests $50,000 of state special private purpose appropriation authority to expend grant funds from the National Council for Community and Education Partnerships that were not anticipated at the time the 2007 biennium appropriation was passed by the 2005 legislature. This one-year grant was awarded in April 2006. The name of the grant program is Teachers Integrating Technology and Networking (TITAN). BOARD OF REGENT BUDGET AMENDMENT CERTIFICATION: In compliance with section 17-7-403, MCA, the Board of Regents certifies the following The specific additional services to be provided as a result of the expenditures

under this budget amendment.

Montana GEAR UP will partner with PLATO Learning, Inc. to implement TITAN, Teachers Integrating Technology and Networking, in GEAR UP schools to enhance teacher performance and instruction. The teachers will learn to use the PLATO program’s visual graphics to introduce new concepts in math, reading and vocabulary. Using PLATO in the classroom will also allow teachers to break away from “teaching to the middle” and use the tutorial program to better meet the individual learning needs of advanced and low performing students. Finally, recognizing that the majority of GEAR UP students are American Indian, the use of

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Page 103: BUDGET AND AUDIT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGAddition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release;

PLATO will enable teachers to diversify instruction to students, embracing cultural differences in learning styles. Potential outcomes from the TITAN program include improved performance on standardized assessments in reading and mathematics and greater engagement in classroom learning. TITAN will be open to teachers from Montana GEAR UP’s 24 middle schools with enrollments ranging from 11 to 382 students. In TITAN, teachers will receive two full days of regionally based training during the fall of 2006. Additionally, one-on-one classroom modeling will provide further support as teachers begin to incorporate PLATO into classroom instruction. Finally, regional meetings will allow teachers to share best practices and strategize additional curriculum enrichments. Technical assistance, both electronic and site-based, will be ongoing during the 2006-07 school year.

The specific services to be provided under this budget amendment are


These services are necessary in order to spend private funds according to the goals and objectives of the private grant organization.

There are no reasonable alternatives available to provide the additional

services. These services cannot be provided within the OCHE existing appropriations.

The budget amendment makes no ascertainable present or future significant

commitment for increased general fund support.

This budget amendment makes no ascertainable or future significant commitment for increased general fund support.


June 2, 2006 Agency: Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education Program: Workforce Development Fiscal Year: 2006 AND 2007 Authority Requested: $1,472,298 Fund Type: Federal Special Revenue Funding Source: Workforce Innovation in Regional Economic

Development (WIRED) grant from the US Dept of Labor (via Montana Dept of Labor)

Additional FTE: 1.0

Page 3


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FY06 FY07 Grand TotalFTE 1.00 1.00

Personal Services 6,367$ 103,885$ 110,252$ Operating Expenses 25,878$ 86,168$ 112,046$ Grants 1,250,000$ 1,250,000$

Grand Total 32,245$ 1,440,053$ 1,472,298$


PURPOSE OF BUDGET AMENDMENT: This budget amendment requests $1,472,298 additional spending authority in federal special revenue for the purpose of implementing a new federal grant that was not anticipated at the time the 2007 biennium appropriation was passed by the 2005 legislature. This federal grant (WIRED grant) is intended to catalyze the creation of high-skill and high-wage opportunities for American workers within the context of regional economies. This initiative is designed for regions that have been affected by global trade, are depended on a single industry or are recovering from natural disasters. The grant award covers the period February 1, 2006 through January 31, 2009. The amount requested in this budget amendment is the anticipated expenditures for fiscal years 2006 and 2007. The Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education will request additional federal special revenue authority via the biennial budget request for the anticipated grant expenditures in the 2009 biennium. BOARD OF REGENT BUDGET AMENDMENT CERTIFICATION: In compliance with section 17-7-403, MCA, the Board of Regents certifies the following The specific additional services to be provided as a result of the expenditures

under this budget amendment. 1. Establish a minimum of one bioenergy/bioproducts manufacturing cluster hub in

two-year colleges serving the targeted region (32 counties covering mostly rural areas). The cluster hub(s) will support the bioenergy and bioproducts manufacturing cluster through surveying industry needs for curriculum development, updating skill standards, benchmarking practices, and collecting information about cluster occupations and programs.

2. Replicate the existing manufacturing career pathway model in two-year institutions in the targeted region with linkage to K-12 and workforce development partners. This will require establishing manufacturing programs in these institutions and redesigning the curriculum to be contextually based in coordination with the bioenergy/bioproducts industry. As appropriate, courses will also be converted to a blended e-learning format.

Page 4


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3. Funds will be sub granted out to individual educational institutions to assist grant activities.

4. Add 1.0 FTE project grant manager to manage the grant activities. The specific services to be provided under this budget amendment are


These services are necessary in order to spend federal grant funds according to the goals and objectives of the U.S. Department of Labor, and specifically the goals and objectives of the WIRED initiative.

There are no reasonable alternatives available to provide the additional

services. These services cannot be provided within the OCHE existing appropriations.

The budget amendment makes no ascertainable present or future significant

commitment for increased general fund support.

This budget amendment makes no ascertainable or future significant commitment for increased general fund support.

Page 5


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MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education

2500 Broadway ◊ PO Box 203101 ◊ Helena, Montana 59620-3101 ◊ (406)444-6570 ◊ FAX (406)444-1469

TO: Board of Regents FROM: Pam Joehler, Director of Budget and Accounting DATE: May 15, 2006 RE: FYE 2005 Negative Fund Balances – Spring 2006 Update


As required by Board of Regent policy 901.11, Negative Fund Balances, the campuses of the Montana University System have submitted their status reports concerning funds with negative fund balances that were reported to the board at its September 2005 meeting. MSU Bozeman’s Shakespeare in the Park account was positive on December 31, 2005, as required by the University. Because of the seasonal nature of the Shakespeare in the Parks account, the University requires them to maintain a positive balance by December 31 each year instead of June 30. The Bobcat Athletics program remains on target to meet a positive fund balance overall on or before June, 2009. MSU Northern reported negative fund balances in four accounts at the end of fiscal year 2005, including the general operating account, deficit clearing account, information technology services, and auxiliaries. MSU Northern did not provide a status report in time for the board mail-out deadline. The chief financial officer of that campus has assured the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education that a status report will be provided to the board at the meeting. UM Missoula continues to make good progress towards eliminating the deficit in its athletics program. UM anticipates the deficit will be eliminated during FY 07, two years earlier than projected. Montana Tech of the UM reported a negative balance in its SUB/Mill Bldg/Auditorium auxiliary account at the end of FY 05, while the auxiliary fund overall was positive. The campus is striving to eliminate the negative fund balance by the end of FY 06. UM Western reports a plant fund deficit each year caused by the financial statement GAAP entry to accrue bond interest expense at the end of the fiscal year in advance of the bond payment made in the following fiscal year. When bond payments are made in the subsequent year, the liability is eliminated. UM Helena College of Technology reported it would transfer funds from its bookstore operations to the cafeteria account, thereby eliminating the negative fund balance in the cafeteria account, by the end of FY 06. The negative fund balance in the campus’ community education account will be reduced by approximately $10,000 by the end of FY 06 due to transfers from other funds, leaving an anticipated deficit of $80,000. Campus CEOs and CFOs will be available during the meeting to respond to questions on negative fund balances.

MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY – Campuses at Billings, Bozeman, Great Falls, and Havre THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA – Campuses at Butte, Dillon, Helena, and Missoula

Dawson Community College (Glendive) – Flathead Valley Community College (Kalispell) – Miles Community College (Miles City)


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Negative Fund Balance Table Page 1



FYE05 Negative

Fund Balance Amount CAUSE


MSU/Bozeman Current Restricted

Shakespeare in the Parks

$(87,329) Seasonal operation, timing differences

$(100,000) Positive fund balance required as of 12/31 Spring Update: Balances as of December 31, 2005 were positive as required.

MSU/Bozeman Designated Bobcat Athletics $292,028 The athletics designated fund reports a positive fund balance, because the University General Operating resources were expended to cover prior years' deficit spending, as reported in both the NCAA Report and the Athletics Report to the Regents. FY2005 revenues exceeded expenses, and the overall deficit (total funds) has been reduced from ($442,000) to ($128,000). Athletics remains on target to meet a positive fund balance by June, 2009. Spring Update: Athletics remains on target to meet a positive fund balance on or before June, 2009.

Current Unrestricted


MSU/Northern Current Unrestricted

General Operating

$(299,945) The increase in negative fund balance is primarily due to $143,382 increases in fee waivers; $27,351 is attributed to early retirement incentives paid out; $15,489 to unanticipated increase in insurance for student athletes, $7,500 paid to settle a labor lawsuit; $18,734 in increased utilities; $32,283 under collected revenue and the remaining $27,069 in other expenditures.

$(150,000) The campus has established a budget plan to eliminate this deficit at the rate of $150,000 a year for the next two years. The campus is able to structure and plan for the necessary changes Northern needs to make in the next 24 months in a systematic and realistic manner. Spring Update: MSU-Northern was unable to provide an update by the mailout deadline. They will provide an update at the board meeting.

MSU/Northern Current Designated

Deficit Clearing $(35,466) Gt. Falls and Computer Services operations

$1,534 Negative Fund balance has been reduced by $37,000. The campus will eliminate this debt in FY2006. Spring Update: MSU-Northern was unable to provide an update by the mailout deadline. They will provide an update at the board meeting. 107

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Negative Fund Balance Table Page 2



FYE05 Negative

Fund Balance Amount CAUSE


MSU/Northern Current Designated

Information Technology


$(27,516) FY2002 department operations issues

$1,484 Negative fund balance has been reduced by $29,000. The campus will eliminate this debt in FY2006. Spring Update: MSU-Northern was unable to provide an update by the mailout deadline. They will provide an update at the board meeting.

MSU/Northern Auxiliaries Auxiliaries $(296,590) The enrollment decline also resulted in fewer students in their residences halls for the fiscal year. The census for the year was on average 25 students less each semester compared to the previous year. This reduction in revenue resulted in an operating loss of $68,711 for the auxiliary operations.

$(236,590) During 2005, Northern implemented a plan to increase the number of students living on campus. They opened the remaining 3 wings of Morgan Hall, wiring all five floors of Morgan and other renovations. They have also structured a housing discount plan for sophomores, and student athletes. The projected budget for our auxiliary operations for FY06 results in an operating profit of $60,000. Spring Update: MSU-Northern was unable to provide an update by the mailout deadline. They will provide an update at the board meeting.

UM/Missoula Current Designated

Intercollegiate Athletics

$(483,766) $(222,627) The UM submitted a plan in FY04 to the MUS Board of Regents to eliminate the deficit over a period of five years ending in FY09. Significant progress was made in the past year to reduce the deficit from the amount reported at 6/30/04 of $943,443. Spring Update: UM Athletics continues to make progress towards eliminating the FY04 deficit reported tothe Board. UM anticipates the deficit will be eliminated during FY07, two years earlier than projected.


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Negative Fund Balance Table Page 3



FYE05 Negative

Fund Balance Amount CAUSE


UM/Montana Tech Auxiliaries SUB/Mill Bldg/Auditorium

$(53,073) Failed water boiler during FY 2005

$(7,293) Pledged auxiliaries at Montana Tech have a positive fund balance. The SUB/Mill Bldg/Auditorium which is an auxiliary stand alone functional unit has a negative balance in FY05 as a result of a failed water boiler needing replaced. The SUB/Mill Bldg/Auditorium may be slightly negative this year but they are working to keep it positive. Spring Update: MT Tech continues to work to make the functional fund balance positive.Overall the auxiliary fund has a positive fund balance.

UM/Western Plant Fund Retirement of Indebtedness

$(46,351) Record accrued interest expense for revenue bond payments due Nov 15 of the following fiscal year.

$- When bond payments are made, the liability is eliminated. Spring Update: No change.

UM/Western Current Unrestricted

General Operating

$(8,367) The Payroll accrual accounts were set up to record the payroll expense through June 30. The accrual is reversed in July of the next fiscal year when the actual expense is paid by the operating accounts for the pay period that crosses two fiscal years.

$- This makes the fund balance zero in July but it will be negative at the end of each fiscal year when the accrual is recorded. Spring Update: The accrued expenses have been paid and the liability has been eliminated.

UM/Helena COT Auxiliaries Cafeteria $(19,466) Operating loss 0 HCOT will make a one time transfer of $30,000 from the bookstore fund to the cateferia fund. Having food service operations reviewed by staff from the UM Missoula Food Service. Looking at ways to revitalize the community education program. Spring Update: UM-Helena is on track to make the transfer(s) as noted in the Fall 2005 report to the board.


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Negative Fund Balance Table Page 4



FYE05 Negative

Fund Balance Amount CAUSE


UM/Helena COT Current Designated

Community Education

$(89,513) State training revenues decreased.

$(80,000) Other funds will be transferred to address negative fund balance in FY06 (indirect cost recoveries and net revenues of the designated resale accounts. Spring Update: UM-Helena is on track to make the transfer(s) as noted in the Fall 2005 report to the board.

UM/Helena COT Current Restricted

Gifts & Scholarships

$(273) Accounting adjustments 0 Balances will be reviewed and corrected during FY05. Spring Update: This has been corrected and the fund balance will be zero at fiscal year end.


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NEGATIVE FUND BALANCE - UM ATHLETICS The University of Montana - Missoula

Athletics - FY06 Projected Ending Fund Balance (Designated)

FY06 Beg Fund Bal Revenue Expense Projected FY06

Ending Fund Bal

Operational Index Codes 78,561 5,908,950 5,609,785 377,726

Deficit Index Code (562,626) 195,000 - (367,626)

Functional Unit Total (484,065) 6,103,950 5,609,785 10,100


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May 31–June 2, 2006 ITEM 131-1001-R0506 Proposed Transfer of Real Property Interest in Lots 1

through 22 of Block 32 of the Homevale Addition in the City of Missoula to Missoula County High School District No. 1 (MCHS) Pursuant to a Mediated Settlement Agreement & Release.

THAT: The Board of Regents of Higher Education approves the

transfer of all Montana University System real property interests in Lots 1 through 22 of Block 32 of the Homevale Addition in the City of Missoula (Homevale) pursuant to a mediated Settlement Agreement and Release, to be effected by execution of a quitclaim deed, to MCHS for payment to UM of the total of 30% of certain Homevale right of way proceeds received from the Montana Department of Transportation (MDOT) plus 30% of the current market value of the remaining Homevale property as determined by the MIA appraisal; and confirming no interest in Lots 23 and 24 which have always belonged to MCHS.

EXPLANATION: On or about December 4, 1971, William Gallagher

(Gallagher) of Missoula, donated his equity interest in the Homevale tract to MCHS for the sole benefit of the “Missoula Vocational Technical School of Missoula County High School.” The Homevale tract was subject to a mortgage which Mr. Gallagher paid for three years following the donation; and MCHS paid the rest of the mortgage until final payment was made in 1993. At the time of the Gallagher gift of Homevale, post-secondary vocational technical education programs in Missoula were under the direction of Missoula County High School. The Montana Legislature in 1987 transferred the post-secondary vocational technical education from the high school districts to the Montana Board of Regents and subsequently in 1995 transferred post-secondary vocational technical education to the Montana University System, with the Missoula County post-secondary vocational technical education programs becoming part of The University of Montana (UM). On March 11, 1988, MCHS and the Board of Regents executed a joint resolution (attached) stating that both parties retained an interest in Homevale (derived from the equity donation by Gallagher to post-secondary vocational technical education and MCHS payment of contractual payments); but because the parties could not agree on how the Homevale ownership interests should be divided between MCHS and the Regents, they agreed that each party’s interest should be determined at a future date.


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ITEM 131-1001-R0506-(continued) May 31 - June 2, 2006

Between the early 1990s and March 2006, MCHS and UM negotiated unsuccessfully to try to establish each party’s respective Homevale interest. Upon recognizing they had reached impasse and in the interest of avoiding litigation, the parties agreed to mediate their disagreement with the objective of having the mediator recommend a division of Homevale interests based on applicable laws. On March 6, 2006, former Montana Supreme Court Justice Jim Regnier conducted the mediation and recommended that the disagreement be resolved by having MCHS pay the total of 30% of the remaining Homevale property value plus 30% of the sale proceeds received by MCHS from MDOT in 2004 for certain Homevale right of way purchases. UM and MCHS agreed with this recommendation, subject to MCHS Board of Trustees and Montana Board of Regents approval. This recommended resolution is reflected in the attached Settlement Agreement & Release, which also contains payment terms; calls for the transfer of all University System interests in Homevale to MCHS; and further calls for Montana University System disclaimer of all interests in Lots 23 and 24 adjacent to Homevale Lots 1 through 22, because even though Lots 23 and 24 have always been owned by MCHS without restriction, the parties recognize the desirability of clarifying ownership of all 24 lots for future purposes. Acceptance of the proposed Settlement Agreement & Release will bring mutually desirable closure to a longstanding disagreement over the Homevale real property ownership left unresolved with the legislative transfer of postsecondary vocational-technical education to the Montana University System.

ATTACHMENTS: Settlement Agreement & Release

March 11, 1988 Board of Regents and MCHS Resolution


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ITEM 131-1001-R0506 Settlement Page 1



This Settlement Agreement and Release are entered into and made effective the 6th day of March, 2006 by and between Missoula County High School District No. 1, Missoula, Montana (herein “MCHS”) and the University of Montana, Missoula, Montana (herein “UM”) following a mediation before James Regnier of the dispute described herein subject only to the approval of the Trustees for the Missoula County School District No. 1 (herein “School Trustees”) on behalf of MCHS and the Board of Regents of Montana (herein “Regents”) as set forth and subject to the terms and conditions herein.

WHEREAS, on or about December 4, 1971, William Gallagher (herein “Gallagher”)of Missoula, Montana donated to the “Missoula Vocational Technical School of Missoula County High School” his equity interest in real property located in Missoula Montana described as Lots 1 through 22 of Block 32 of the Homevale Addition to the City of Missoula (herein “Homevale”) subject to a remaining contractual obligation with the purpose of the donation to be for the benefit of post-secondary vocational technical education in Missoula County; and

WHEREAS, at the time of the Gallagher gift of Homevale, post-secondary vocational technical education programs were under the direction of Missoula County High School; and

WHEREAS, the Montana Legislature in 1987 transferred the post-secondary vocational technical education from the high school districts to the Regents and subsequently in 1995 transferred post-secondary vocational technical education to the Montana University System with the Missoula County post-secondary vocational technical education becoming a part of UM; and

WHEREAS, on March 11, 1988, MCHS and Regents entered into a Resolution stating that both parties retained an interest in Homevale (derived from the equity donation by Gallagher to post-secondary vocational technical education and MCHS payment of contractual payments) with the extent of each interest in Homevale to be determined at a future date; and

WHEREAS, during 2004, the Montana Department of Transportation (herein “MDOT”) purchased a portion of Homevale for the purpose of right of way for modification of Malfunction Junction in Missoula, Montana, the proceeds of which (herein “Right of Way Proceeds”) were paid to and held by the MCHS; and

WHEREAS, MCHS and UM have disputed the extent of each other’s interest in Homevale and have had prior discussions unsuccessfully trying to resolve the dispute; and

WHEREAS, as a result of the mediation before James Regnier, former Justice of the Montana Supreme Court, MCHS and UM reached a compromised resolution of the dispute and an agreement for the division of value of Homevale and Right of Way Proceeds; and

WHEREAS, MCHS and UM desire to reduce their agreement to writing.


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ITEM 131-1001-R0506 Settlement Page 2


In consideration of the terms and conditions set forth herein, MCHS and UM agree as follows: 1. MCHS, solely at MCHS expense, shall obtain an MIA appraisal of the current market

value of Homevale within 90 days of the effective date of this Agreement. 2. MCHS shall pay to UM, the total of 30% of the Right of Way Proceeds plus 30% of the

current market value of Homevale as determined by the MIA appraisal obtained by MCHS as provided in paragraph 1. MCHS agrees to provide to UM all documentation relating to the Right of Way Proceeds received from MDOT within 10 days of the effective date of this Agreement and Release.

3. Payment of the sums set forth in paragraph 2 above shall be made by MCHS as follows:

a. The sum of $200,000.00 within 7 days of approval of this Agreement and Release by the later of the School Trustees or Regents.

b. The remaining balance of the 30% total of the market value of Homevale plus the

Right of Way Proceeds, less the payment in paragraph 3(a) above, to be paid to UM within 3 years from the date of the payment in paragraph 3(a) or of the date of sale of Homevale, which ever occurs first.

4. Upon receipt of the payment set forth in paragraph 3(a), UM shall execute and deliver to

MCHS a quitclaim deed transferring any interest of UM in Homevale to MCHS. As a part of this Agreement, UM hereby agrees to relinquish any rights or claims UM may have to Lots 23 and 24 of Homevale Addition in the City of Missoula which are owned by MCHS.

5. UM shall use all funds received pursuant to this Agreement and Release for UM College

of Technology programs and related activities in conformity with the Gallagher donation intent.

6. UM agrees to pay all fees and expenses of the mediator. 7. Upon the approval of the governing bodies, as described herein, and in consideration of

the payments made and deed delivered pursuant to this Agreement and the mutual covenants contained herein, MCHS and UM, fully and forever mutually release and discharge each other, their representatives, successors, assigns, agents, personnel, trustees and regents from any and all actions, claims, causes of action, demands or expenses for damages or injuries, whether asserted or unasserted, known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, arising out of the disputed interests in Homevale, use of Homevale, sales of right of way or relating to transfer of property subject to this agreement.

8. MCHS and UM acknowledge and agree that the terms and conditions of this Agreement

and Release are subject to and conditioned upon the approval of School Trustees, on behalf of MCHS, and Regents, on behalf of UM. MCHS and UM mutually agree to present this Agreement to their respective governing bodies for approval as soon as


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ITEM 131-1001-R0506 Settlement Page 3


reasonably practical and take whatever action, with reasonable speed, as may be necessary to seek the approval of their respective governing body. In the event that this Agreement and Release are not approved by one of the respective governing bodies, this Agreement and Release shall be null and void; and MCHS and UM shall retain all claims and rights arising out of or relating in any manner to dispute over the interest in Homevale or any related issues and shall be restored to their prior positions as if this Agreement had not been reached.

9. In the event of approval of this Agreement and Release as provided in paragraph 8 above,

it is understood and agreed between MCHS and UM that the above terms, conditions and considerations are accepted as the sole consideration in full mutual satisfaction and accord to compromise any claims in favor of any of the parties, and that the negotiations for settlement of this dispute shall not be considered as an admission of liability on the part of either party.

10. The parties hereto have carefully read the foregoing, discussed its legal effect with their

attorneys, understand the contents hereof, and execute this document of their own free will and accord.

MCHS UM By:_________________________ By:_________________________ Dr. Jim Clark, Superintendent George Dennison, President By:_________________________ Chair Missoula County School District No. 1


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May 31 – June 2, 2006 ITEM 131-108-R0506 Authorization to Secure Intercap Loan from State of

Montana Board of Investments – Campus Expansion; Flathead Valley Community College

THAT: The Board of Regents authorizes Flathead Valley

Community College to secure an Intercap Loan from the State of Montana Board of Investments to finance a portion of the campus expansion. The amount of the loan is $3,500,000.

EXPLANATION: According to Board of Regents Policy 950.1, “Municipal

Finance Consolidation Act Participation,” any financing through the State Board of Investments in excess of $500,000 must be approved by the Board of Regents.

Due to the delay and subsequent inflationary impacts of the current campus expansion, a loan from the State of Montana Board of Investments under the Intercap Loan Program is sought, conditional upon the Board of Investments approval. The project completion date is scheduled for fall of 2007. Repayment of the obligation will be financed with non-state funds. At the 2006 Intercap Loan interest rate of 4.75%, for a 10 year term, the annual debt service costs are expected to be approximately $450,000, totaling roughly $4,500,000 in principle and interest. The sources of repayment include the FVCC Foundation and building fees. At the April 17th meeting, the Flathead Valley Community College Board of Trustees passed a resolution authorizing the loan (see attached).


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May 31 – June 2, 2006 ITEM 131-1009-R0506 Intercollegiate Athletics Financial Accomplishments and

Revised Plan; The University of Montana THAT: The Board of Regents of the Montana University System

authorizes The University of Montana to modify the Athletic Department Deficit Elimination Plan to take into account increased ticket revenue and lower than expected scholarship expenses for FY06.

EXPLANATION: Better than anticipated ticket sales, containment of internal

expenses, and lower than estimated scholarship expenses during the current year permit the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics to contribute an additional $150,000 to the Deficit Elimination Plan. One-time only bonuses for the basketball coaches will appear for consideration on the May staff agenda and have been integrated into this plan. The University and the Department project the deficit will be completely eliminated during FY07, two years earlier than initially projected.



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ITEM131-1009-R0506 Schedule The University of Montana-Missoula

Intercollegiate Athletics

Elimination of FY04 Deficit

Updated April 12, 2006

FY04 FY05 FY06 FY06 FY07Deficit Elimination Plan Actual Actual Projected Actual Projected Operational Net Income 200,000 150,000 27,627

Increased ticket revenues from Football 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000

Concession revenue 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000

Coke contract revenue 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000

Collegiate Licensing 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 FYE Deficit (962,627) (567,627) (372,627) (222,627) 0


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May 31 – June 2, 2006 ITEM 131-1012-R0506 Authorization for annual automatic indexing of student

fees; The University of Montana-Missoula THAT: The Board of Regents authorizes, in accordance with

Montana University System Policy, the annual automatic indexing of student fees as outlined in the attached Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between ASUM and the UM Division of Student Affairs at The University of Montana-Missoula.

EXPLANATION: Because the University Center and Campus Recreation

derive the bulk of their financial support from student fees; the money generated from fees is crucial to the continued operation of both units; expenses associated with personnel, operating expenses, utilities, and facility maintenance continue to escalate; sound business practices dictate that inflationary increases should be sought in the student fees annually; and putting forth proposals for fee increases is labor and time consuming for all parties; the Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to authorize annual automatic indexing of student fees to support the University Center and Campus Recreation.

The Memorandum, which includes specified guidelines for implementation, was approved by vote in April 2006 and was reviewed and agreed upon by relevant parties in the Division of Student Affairs.

ATTACHMENT: Memorandum of Understanding between the ASUM and the

UM Division of Student Affairs


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ITEM 131-1012-R0506 Resolution Page 1


Resolution Supporting Automatic Fee Increases for the University Center & Campus Recreation Whereas, the University Center and Campus Recreation derive the bulk of their financial support from

student fees;

Whereas, the money generated from fees is crucial to the continued operation of both units;

Whereas, the expenses associated with personnel, operating expenses, utilities, and facility maintenance

continue to


Whereas, sound business practice dictates that inflationary increases should be sought in the student fees


Whereas, it is acknowledged that putting forth proposals for fee increases is labor and time consuming for

all parties;

Therefore, let it be resolved, the Associated Students of The University of Montana support the following Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the ASUM and the UM Division of Student Affairs regarding the annual automatic indexing of student fees to support the University Center and Campus Recreation.

Memorandum of Understanding Between the ASUM and the UM Division of Student Affairs This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is between the Associated Students of The University of Montana (ASUM) and the UM Division of Student Affairs. This MOU will be valid upon endorsement from the UC Board and Campus Rec and Sports Committee and approval from ASUM and the Vice President for Student Affairs, as indicated by the signatures below and will only be nullified with the expressed consent of the student body through a referendum or ASUM with a 2/3 vote of the Senate. This agreement is subject to approval by the President of the University and the Montana Board of Regents. This MOU acknowledges that it is most likely that there will be a need for some inflationary increase in the University Center and Campus Recreation student fees (excluding the UC Renovation Fee) every year, and that this is a natural and appropriate outcome of doing business. As such, any inflationary increase will be implemented subject to the following guidelines:

• No action is required by the unit, respective advisory board, and/or ASUM. • There is no expectation of any programmatic or service level increase as a result of the

inflationary increase: this is the cost of maintaining current service levels in the face of inflation. • Increases will be determined based upon all relevant indices – i.e., CPI (Consumer Price Index)

and HEPI (Higher Education Price Index) as well as projected assumptions for expenses associated with salaries, benefits, operating, utilities, and facility maintenance, up to but not exceeding 5.0%.

• Proposed Fee Increases which exceed 5.0% annually will seek endorsement by the relevant advisory board (University Center Board for the University Center and Campus Rec & Sports Committee for Campus Recreation) and endorsement through a vote of ASUM Senate.

• Other increases may be proposed at any time, for expansion of programs or services, or for cost increases beyond the anticipated “normal” inflation factor – and these will involve the usual endorsement process to provide evidence of student support.


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ITEM 131-1012-R0506 Resolution Page 2

• Management of the University Center and Campus Recreation will be required to present a financial report to ASUM annually.

• This agreement shall be reviewed by all parties in Fall 2008 and at four year intervals thereafter to determine its effectiveness.

Signed: ________________________________ ________ _______________________________ _________ Brad Cederberg Date Teresa Branch Date ASUM President, 2005-2006 Vice President for Student Affairs _______________________________ _________ _______________________________ _________ Andrea Helling Date Candy Holt Date Chair, UC Board, 2005-2006 Director, University Center _______________________________ _________ _______________________________ _________ Tom Whiddon Date Keith Glaes Date Chair, Campus Rec & Sports Committee Director, Campus Recreation


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Proposed Amendments • There is no expectation of any programmatic or service level increase as a result of the

inflationary increase: this is the cost of maintaining current service levels in the face of inflation. • Increases will be determined based upon all relevant indices – i.e., CPI (Consumer Price Index)

and HEPI (Higher Education Price Index) as well as projected assumptions for expenses associated with salaries, benefits, operating, utilities, and facility maintenance.

• Proposed Fee Increases up to 3.5% will require recommendation by the unit and endorsement by the respective advisory board (University Center Board for the University Center and Campus Rec & Sports Committee for Campus Recreation).

• Proposed Fee Increases greater than 3.5% but less than 5.0% which have been justified by the unit and endorsed by the respective advisory board (University Center Board for the University Center and Campus Rec & Sports Committee for Campus Recreation) will be implemented automatically unless overturned by a 2/3 vote of ASUM Senate.

• Proposed Fee increases which exceed 5.0% annually will seek endorsement by the relevant advisory board (University Center Board for the University Center and Campus Rec & Sports Committee for Campus Recreation) and endorsement through a vote of ASUM Senate.

• Other increases may be proposed at any time, for expansion of programs or services, or for cost increases beyond the anticipated “normal” inflation factor – and these will involve the usual endorsement process to provide evidence of student support.

• Management of the University Center and Campus Recreation will be required to present a financial report to ASUM in October of each year.

• This agreement shall be reviewed by all parties in Fall 2008 and at four year intervals thereafter to determine its effectiveness.


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SB50-05/06 -passed 18-2 (roll call vote) 4-19-06

Resolution Supporting Automatic Fee Increases for the University Center & Campus Recreation

Whereas, the University Center and Campus Recreation derive the bulk of their financial support from student fees;

Whereas, the money generated from fees is crucial to the continued operation of both units;

Whereas, the expenses associated with personnel, operating expenses, utilities, and facility maintenance continue to


Whereas, sound business practice dictates that inflationary increases should be sought in the student fees annually;

Whereas, it is acknowledged that putting forth proposals for fee increases is labor and time consuming for all


Therefore, Let It Be Resolved, the Associated Students of The University of Montana support the following Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the ASUM and the UM Division of Student Affairs regarding the annual automatic indexing of student fees to support the University Center and Campus Recreation.

Memorandum of Understanding Between the ASUM and the UM Division of Student Affairs This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is between the Associated Students of The University of Montana (ASUM) and the UM Division of Student Affairs. This MOU will be valid upon endorsement from the UC Board and Campus Rec and Sports Committee and approval from ASUM and the Vice President for Student Affairs, as indicated by the signatures below, and will only be nullified with the expressed consent of the student body through a referendum or ASUM with a 2/3 vote of the Senate. This agreement is subject to approval by the President of the University and the Montana Board of Regents. This MOU acknowledges that it is most likely that there will be a need for some inflationary increase in the University Center and Campus Recreation student fees (excluding the UC Renovation Fee) every year, and that this is a natural and appropriate outcome of doing business. As such, any inflationary increase will be implemented subject to the following guidelines:

• There is no expectation of any programmatic or service level increase as a result of the inflationary

increase: this is the cost of maintaining current service levels in the face of inflation. • Increases will be determined based upon all relevant indices – i.e., CPI (Consumer Price Index) and HEPI

(Higher Education Price Index) as well as projected assumptions for expenses associated with salaries, benefits, operating, utilities, and facility maintenance.

• Proposed fee increases up to 3.5% will require recommendation by the unit and endorsement by the respective advisory board (University Center Board for the University Center and Campus Rec & Sports Committee for Campus Recreation).

• Proposed fee increases greater than 3.5% but less than 5.0% which have been justified by the unit and endorsed by the respective advisory board (University Center Board for the University Center and Campus Rec & Sports Committee for Campus Recreation) will be implemented automatically unless overturned by a 2/3 vote of ASUM Senate. At this time Campus Recreation and University Center management shall be responsible for providing a justification of the fee increase.

• Proposed fee increases which exceed 5.0% annually will seek endorsement by the relevant advisory board (University Center Board for the University Center and Campus Rec & Sports Committee for Campus Recreation) and endorsement through a vote of ASUM Senate.

• Other increases may be proposed at any time, for expansion of programs or services, or for cost increases beyond the anticipated “normal” inflation factor – and these will involve the usual endorsement process to provide evidence of student support.

• Management of the University Center and Campus Recreation will be required to present a financxial report to ASUM in October of each year.


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• This agreement shall be reviewed by all parties in Fall 2008 and at four-year intervals thereafter to determine its effectiveness.

Signed: ________________________________ ________ _______________________________ _________ Brad Cederberg Date Teresa Branch Date ASUM President, 2005-2006 Vice President for Student Affairs _______________________________ _________ _______________________________ _________ Andrea Helling Date Candy Holt Date Chair, UC Board, 2005-2006 Director, University Center _______________________________ _________ _______________________________ _________ Tom Whiddon Date Keith Glaes Date Chair, Campus Rec & Sports Committee Director, Campus Recreation


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May 31-June 2, 2006 ITEM 131-2005-R0506 Renew Authorization to Provide Fire Suppression in the

Johnstone Center; Montana State University-Bozeman THAT: Consistent with Regent’s Policy and provisions of MCA 20-

25-302, the Board of Regents of the Montana University System renews authorization for Montana State University to install fire suppression systems in Various Residence Halls at Montana State University.

EXPLANATION: 1. Regent’s Item #120-2015-R0903, was approved for

$2,495,000, and in accordance with Regent’s Policy 1003.7, is set to expire in September 2006. The project began construction in Summer 2004, and fire sprinkler systems have been installed in Langford Hall and Hapner Hall. The final residence hall requiring a fire suppression system is the Johnstone Center which includes Colter, Prior and Mullan wings. Due to short construction time frames and the magnitude of the project, it is not feasible to have it completed by the September 2006 expiration date. This final project, installing sprinkler systems in Johnstone Center, will occur over two constructions seasons and is estimated to be substantially complete in September 2007. The remaining expenditures required to complete the Johnstone Center project will not exceed the original $2,495,000 total project authority.

2. This project is financed with maintenance funds from Auxiliary Operations Revenue (Renewal and Replacement Budget) in excess of debt service obligations.


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May 31 - June 2, 2006 ITEM 131-2006-R0506 Authorization to Name the Auditorium in the new MSU

Chemistry Building the “Harlan & Terri Byker Auditorium”; Montana State University - Bozeman

THAT: Consistent with Board of Regents Policy 1004.1, Naming of

buildings, the Board of Regents of the Montana University System authorizes MSU to name the Auditorium in the new Chemistry Building the “Harlan & Terri Byker Auditorium.”

EXPLANATION: Dr. Harlan Byker earned his Bachelor of Science and PhD in

Physical Chemistry from Montana State University. Dr. Byker has served as a vice-president and board member of Gentex Corporation and a research scientist for Battelle Laboratories at Columbus, Ohio.

Dr. Byker has over 25 years of scientific research and development, invention, manufacturing and patent experience and is the founder, president and co-owner of Pleotint, LLC., a West Olive, Michigan hi-tech company offering innovative new products through research and development. He is the inventor and/or co-inventor on 31 US Patents. Dr. Byker invented the chemistry portion of the first commercially successful electrochromic device, an automatic dimming, rear view mirror for motor vehicles. Over 20 million of these mirrors have been sold and more than 5% of all vehicles built in the world today incorporate one or more electrochromic mirrors employing the chemistry invented by Dr. Byker.

Harlan and Terri Byker gave MSU a valuable donation which will be used to complete the auditorium in MSU’s new Chemistry Building.


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May 31 - June 2, 2006

ITEM 131-2007-R0506 Authorization to Proceed, Series K 2006 Facilities Revenue Refunding Bond Issue; Montana State University

THAT: The Board of Regents of the Montana University System

adopts the Bond Resolution for the Series K 2006 Facilities Refunding Revenue Bonds for Montana State University, and authorizes Montana State University and the Commissioner of Higher Education to proceed with the issuance of these bonds.

EXPLANATION: This authorization to proceed with the issuance of the Series

K 2006 Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds is subject to final approval by the University and the commissioner of Higher Education. This also authorizes the Chair of the Board of Regents, the Commissioner of Higher Education, the President of Montana State University, and the Vice President for Administration and Finance of Montana State University to execute such documents as may be required to consummate the issuance of the Series K 2006 Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds.

This issuance will involve the current refunding of the remaining Series D 1996 Bonds (11/15/2006), and an advance refunding of the callable portion of the Series E 1998 Bonds (11/15/2008).

The remaining Series D 1996 bonds include about $5.0M of Bozeman obligations, and about $2.5M of Billings obligations. All were originally used for housing, parking and other auxiliary projects. The Series E 1998 bonds involve about $6.0M of Bozeman obligations that were originally used for Phase II of the Stadium construction.

Given the current market conditions, this 20-Year refunding could provide MSU with net present value savings of over $600,000 on an aggregate basis.

This refunding issue is currently characterized as follows, based on market conditions as of April 21, 2006: 1. Face value of $13,740,000. 2. Maturity in 20 Years (original maturity dates not

extended). 3. Interest rates ranging from 4.0% to 5.0% (TIC 4.475%). 4. Aaa Insured credit rating. 5. Issuance costs of $261,777. 6. Present value savings, net of issuance costs, of

$634,400, or 4.82% of refunded bonds. ATTACHMENT: Series K 2006 Facilities Refunding Revenue Bonds

Resolution 134

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STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss COUNTY OF LEWIS AND CLARK ) The Board of Regents of Higher Education for the State of Montana held a lawful and regular meeting of the Board on the campus of Montana State University-Northern in Havre, Montana, on ________, June ______, 2006, beginning at the hour of 7:30 o'clock a.m. There were present at said meeting the following: Present: Chairman: Other Regents: Absent: There were also present at said meeting: Central administrative officers of the Office of

the Commissioner of Higher Education and administrative officers of Montana State University.

During said meeting, the following proceedings, among others, occurred: The Regents introduced and considered and discussed the following resolution:



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$14,250,000 STATE OF MONTANA




WHEREAS, The Board of Regents of Higher Education for the State of Montana (the "Board") has been vested with the governance and control of, and has been granted full power, responsibility and authority to supervise, coordinate, manage and control, the Montana university system under Article X, Section 9 of the Constitution of the State of Montana, including, but not limited to, the power to issue, sell and deliver revenue bonds for the purpose of restructuring and/or refunding and defeasing bonds issued by the Board for institutions of



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higher education within the Montana University System and of financing the costs of acquisition, construction, renovation, improvement, furnishing and equipping of capital improvements, facilities and equipment for the use and benefit of institutions of higher education within the Montana University System, and to provide authorization for the use and application of the proceeds of such revenue bonds and certain funds and monies of the institutions for such purposes; and WHEREAS, in the exercise of its constitutional powers, the Board has, by various actions taken by the Board, heretofore made provision for and directed an administrative merger of various units of the Montana University System, whereby Montana State University–Bozeman, in Bozeman, Montana, Montana State University-Billings, in Billings, Montana, Montana State University-Northern, in Havre, Montana, and MSU College of Technology-Great Falls in Great Falls, Montana, were designated to become and have in fact become a multi-campus university named Montana State University (herein referred to as “Montana State University” or the “University), all in the manner and becoming effective as directed by the Board; and WHEREAS, in connection with the issuance of certain revenue bonds for Montana State University and heretofore issued for the University on November 9, 1993, the Board made provision for and approved and executed a Master Indenture of Trust (the "Master Indenture") for the University, pursuant to which (together with certain supplemental indentures thereto) certain revenues of the student housing system and auxiliary and other facilities and certain student and other fees and income of the various institutions and campuses comprising the University are pledged for the payment of revenue bonds issued from time to time under and pursuant to the Master Indenture on behalf of and for the benefit of the various institutions and campuses comprising the University; and WHEREAS, pursuant to and in the exercise of its constitutional powers and in conformity with the provisions made therefor in the Master Indenture as described above and as the result of present conditions in the municipal bond market which are of benefit to the Board and the University and which will result in savings in interest costs to the University, the Board has determined to provide for and to give final approval for the issuance of refunding revenue bonds under the Master Indenture (inclusive of a supplemental indenture thereto as described and authorized and approved herein) in a total principal amount of not to exceed $14,250,000, the proceeds of which are to be used to refund and defease certain outstanding revenue bonds (the “Prior Bonds”) heretofore issued for the University and described in said supplemental indenture and to provide for payment of certain costs of issuance of and the municipal bond insurance



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premium for said refunding bonds and, if required, to provide for the funding of a debt service reserve requirement for said issue of refunding bonds; and WHEREAS, based on the foregoing, the Board has now determined and does hereby determine pursuant to this resolution to provide approval and authorization for the issuance, sale and delivery of its revenue bonds designated "State of Montana, The Board of Regents of Higher Education, Montana State University, Facilities Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series K 2006" (the "Series K 2006 Bonds” or “Bonds”), in an aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $14,250,000, for the purpose of providing funds to refund and defease the Prior Bonds, to pay certain costs and expenses in connection with the issuance of the Series K 2006 Bonds (including the municipal bond insurance premium therefor) and, if required, to fund a reasonably required debt service reserve for the Series K 2006 Bonds; and WHEREAS, in connection with the proposed issuance, sale and delivery of the Series K 2006 Bonds, there shall be prepared, as herein directed by the Board at this lawful and regular meeting thereof, for execution and delivery in connection with the issuance of the Series K 2006 Bonds, (1) the Series K 2006 Tenth Supplemental Indenture of Trust (the “Series K 2006 Supplemental Indenture”) to the Master Indenture, to be dated as provided therein (collectively, together with the Master Indenture and the other supplemental indentures thereto, the "Indenture"), between the Board and U.S. Bank National Association (the "Trustee"), as successor trustee to First Trust Company of Montana National Association, in Billings, Montana, and providing for the creation, issuance and delivery of the Series K 2006 Bonds, (2) the Bond Purchase Agreement for the Series K 2006 Bonds, to be dated the date of its execution (the "Bond Purchase Agreement") and to be entered into and executed by and between the Board, the University and the underwriter designated therein (the "Underwriter"), as the underwriter of the Series K 2006 Bonds, (3) the 2006 Escrow Agreement (the “2006 Escrow Agreement”), to be dated as provided therein, between the Board and the Trustee in its capacity as the escrow agent (the “2006 Escrow Agent”) designated in the 2006 Escrow Agreement and pertaining to the refunding, payment and defeasance of the Prior Bonds, (4) the Preliminary Official Statement for the Series K 2006 Bonds, to be supplemented with the addition of such information thereto as required for the Final Official Statement for the Series K 2006 Bonds, each to be dated as of the respective dates of their approval by the Chairman, the Vice Chairman or Secretary of the Board and the Vice President for Administration and Finance of the University (and collectively, the “Official Statement”), for use by the Underwriter in connection with and to consummate the offering, sale and delivery of the Series K 2006 Bonds, and which Official Statement is hereby authorized to be used and distributed by the Underwriter for such purpose, and (5) the Continuing Disclosure Agreement relating to the Series K 2006



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Bonds, to be dated the date of its execution (the “Disclosure Agreement”) and to be entered into by the Board, the University and the Trustee (in the Trustee’s capacity as Dissemination Agent thereunder); and WHEREAS, the Board has determined to proceed with the formal approval of the Board for the issuance, sale and delivery of the Series K 2006 Bonds by the adoption of this resolution, and to provide for the approval and authorization for the execution and delivery of and for the terms and provisions of, the Series K 2006 Supplemental Indenture, the Series K 2006 Bonds, the Bond Purchase Agreement, the 2006 Escrow Agreement, the Official Statement and the Disclosure Agreement, and the Board has further determined to give its approval to and to authorize and confirm the use and distribution of the Preliminary Official Statement in connection with the offer and sale of the Series K 2006 Bonds and to authorize and direct the preparation, distribution and use of the Final Official Statement in the manner provided for herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF HIGHER EDUCATION FOR THE STATE OF MONTANA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Approval of Prior Action. All action (not inconsistent with the provisions of this Resolution) heretofore taken by the Board and directed toward the refunding of the Prior Bonds and the issuance, sale and delivery of the Series K 2006 Bonds for such purposes, and any action heretofore taken pursuant thereto, be, and the same are hereby, ratified, approved and confirmed. Section 2. Exercise of Powers to Issue Series K Bonds. The Board does hereby declare its intention to exercise its constitutional powers and authority to supervise, coordinate, manage, govern and control the Montana University System through the issuance, sale and delivery of the Series K 2006 Bonds for the purposes herein set forth, all of which shall be undertaken by the Board pursuant to its authority conferred by and under Article X, Section 9 of the Constitution of the State of Montana. By the issuance of the Series K 2006 Bonds, the Board and the University shall provide for the refunding and defeasance of the Prior Bonds and the funds required to undertake and complete the refunding of the Prior Bonds, for payment of certain costs and expenses in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery of the Series K 2006 Bonds (including payment of the municipal bond insurance premium for and with respect to the Series K 2006 Bonds), and for the funding (if and to the extent required) of a debt service reserve requirement pertaining thereto, all in accordance with the provisions hereof and of the Indenture, including the Series K 2006 Tenth Supplemental Indenture which is described herein



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and which is hereby authorized to be executed and delivered by the Board in connection with the offering, sale and delivery of the Series K 2006 Bonds. Section 3. Authorization for Series K 2006 Bonds. To provide for and complete the refunding of the Prior Bonds, to pay certain expenses (including the municipal bond insurance premium) incurred in connection with the issuance of the Series K 2006 Bonds and to fund (if and to the extent required) a debt service reserve requirement for the Series K 2006 Bonds, there is hereby authorized and created an issue of revenue bonds of the Board which shall be designated "State of Montana, The Board of Regents of Higher Education, Montana State University, Facilities Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series K 2006" in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $14,250,000 and issuable as fully registered bonds in the denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof, to be dated as provided in the Indenture, to bear interest from their date at the rates and to mature on the dates, in the years and in the principal amounts as shall be set forth in the Indenture. Approval of the final principal amount and the final net effective interest rate for the Series K 2006 Bonds is hereby delegated to be given and confirmed by the Commissioner of Higher Education for the State of Montana (the "Commissioner" who is also the Secretary of and to the Board) and by the Vice President for Administration and Finance of the University, and the Commissioner and the Vice President for Administration and Finance of the University shall evidence such approval by a certificate executed by them and by executing and delivering or causing the execution and delivery of the Bond Purchase Agreement between the Board and the Underwriter, and the terms and provisions of which shall provide verification that the net final principal amount of the Series K 2006 Bonds does not exceed $14,250,000 (i.e., the maximum principal amount established by this resolution) and that the net effective rate of interest payable on the Series K 2006 Bonds does not exceed a net effective interest rate which would result in the present value savings (expressed as a percentage of the total principal amount of the Prior Bonds actually refunded by the Series K 2006 Bonds) being equal to less than 3.5%, each in accordance with the maximum principal amount and the minimum present value savings required and as established and directed by this final bond resolution for the Series K 2006 Bonds, and by the execution of said certificate and Bond Purchase Agreement, the final principal amount of the Series K 2006 Bonds and the net effective interest rate and present value savings for the Series K 2006 Bonds shall in all respects be deemed to have been approved, certified, confirmed and verified by the Commissioner and the Vice President for Administration and Finance of the University for and on behalf of the Board and the University and to be in full conformity with the provisions of this resolution.



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The Series K 2006 Bonds shall be payable, shall be subject to early redemption prior to maturity and shall be in substantially the form provided in the Indenture. Section 4. Authorization for the Series K 2006 Tenth Supplemental Indenture. The Board authorizes and directs that the Series K 2006 Tenth Supplemental be prepared and finalized for execution and delivery in connection with the issuance and delivery of the Series K 2006 Bonds, such Series K 2006 Tenth Supplemental Indenture to be substantially in the form of and with the content set forth in fixed interest rate supplemental indentures as heretofore executed and delivered by the Board and the University (inclusive of the Series I 2005 Eighth Supplemental Indenture heretofore executed and delivered in connection with the issuance of the Series I 2004 Bonds heretofore issued by the Board for the University), but with such additions, modifications and changes as are required therein and thereto by, for or with respect to the issuance of the Series K 2006 Bonds, and the Board shall enter into and execute the Series K 2006 Tenth Supplemental Indenture with the Trustee upon completion of the offering and sale of the Series K 2006 Bonds, in substantially the form of, and with the substantially same content as, the Series K 2006 Tenth Supplemental Indenture so authorized hereby and with such changes therein or modifications or amendments thereto as shall be consistent with the terms and provisions of this resolution and as the Chairman, Vice Chairman or Secretary of the Board, the University, the Underwriter, Bond Counsel and Counsel to the Board shall approve, and the execution and/or delivery thereof by the Chairman, Vice Chairman and/or Secretary of the Board shall constitute conclusive evidence of the approval of the form, terms and provisions of the Series K 2006 Tenth Supplemental Indenture and the execution thereof for and on behalf of the Board. The Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary of the Board are each hereby further authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Series K 2006 Tenth Supplemental Indenture for and on behalf of the Board and for the benefit of and on behalf of the University.. Section 5. Authorization for Bond Purchase Agreement, 2006 Escrow Agreement and Disclosure Agreement. The Board authorizes and directs that the Bond Purchase Agreement, the 2006 Escrow Agreement and the Disclosure Agreement be prepared and finalized for execution and delivery in connection with the issuance and delivery of the Series K 2006 Bonds, such Bond Purchase Agreement, 2006 Escrow Agreement and Disclosure Agreement to be substantially in the forms of and with the content set forth in the bond purchase agreements, the escrow agreements and the disclosure agreements as prepared, executed and delivered by the Board and the University in connection with the issuance of fixed interest rate revenue bonds heretofore issued by the Board for the University (inclusive of the bond purchase agreement, escrow agreement and disclosure agreement for the Series I 2004 Bonds heretofore issued by



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the Board for the University), but with such additions, modifications and changes as are required therein and thereto by, for or with respect to the issuance of the Series K 2006 Bonds, and the Board and the University (as applicable) shall enter into and execute the Bond Purchase Agreement, the 2006 Escrow Agreement and the Disclosure Agreement (and, as to the Disclosure Agreement, if and to the extent required) with the respective parties thereto upon completion of the offering and sale of the Series K 2006 Bonds, in substantially the forms of, and with the substantially same content as, the Bond Purchase Agreement, the 2006 Escrow Agreement and the Disclosure Agreement so authorized hereby and with such changes therein or modifications or amendments thereto as shall be consistent with the terms and provisions of this resolution and as the Chairman, Vice Chairman or Secretary of the Board, the University, the Underwriter, Bond Counsel and Counsel to the Board shall approve, and the execution and/or delivery thereof by the Chairman, Vice Chairman and/or Secretary of the Board shall constitute conclusive evidence of the approval of the form, terms and provisions of the Bond Purchase Agreement, the 2006 Escrow Agreement and the Disclosure Agreement and the execution thereof for and on behalf of the Board. The Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary of the Board and the Vice President for Administration and Finance of the University are each hereby further authorized and directed to execute (as applicable) and deliver the Bond Purchase Agreement, the 2006 Escrow Agreement and the Disclosure Agreement (if and as required) for and on behalf of the Board and for the benefit of and on behalf of the University. Section 6. Authorization for and Use of an Official Statement. The Board authorizes and directs that an Official Statement for the Series K 2006 Bonds (as to a preliminary official statement and a final official statement) be prepared and finalized for execution and delivery in connection with the offer, sale, issuance and delivery of the Series K 2006 Bonds, such Official Statement to be in substantially the form of and with the content set forth in the preliminary official statement and the final official statement as delivered by the Board and the University in connection with the issuance of the Series I 2004 Bonds and Series J 2005 Bonds heretofore issued by the Board for the University, but with such additions, modifications and changes as are required therein and thereto by, for or with respect to and at the time of the offering, sale and delivery of, the Series K 2006 Bonds. The Underwriter is authorized and directed to use and distribute the Preliminary Official Statement and the Official Statement in connection with the offering, sale and delivery of the Series K 2006 Bonds, which Official Statement shall be in substantially the form of, and have the substantially the content of the Official Statement so prepared in accordance with the authorization set forth in this section, and as approved by the Chairman, Vice Chairman or Secretary of the Board and the Vice President for Administration and Finance of the University, with such changes therein or modifications thereto as shall be



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ITEM 131-2007-R0506 Bond Resolution: Page 9 of 13

consistent with the terms and provisions of this resolution and as the Chairman, Vice Chairman or Secretary of the Board, the University, the Underwriter, Bond Counsel and Counsel to the Board shall approve and the approval thereof by said Chairman, Vice Chairman and/or Secretary of the Board and by the Vice President for Administration and Finance of the University shall constitute conclusive evidence of the approval of the form, terms and provisions of the Official Statement for use by the Underwriter in connection with the offering and sale of the Series K 2006 Bonds. For purposes of compliance with Rule 15c2-12(b)(1) of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Rule") and the applicable provisions thereof with respect to the Series K 2006 Bonds, the Official Statement, as the same has been or may be supplemented, amended or corrected by the Board and the University from time to time, may and shall be treated as an Official Statement with respect to the Series K 2006 Bonds that is "deemed final" as of its date (or as of the date of any supplement, amendment or correction by the Board and the University for purposes of the Rule), except for the omission of certain pricing, interest rate or rates and/or other information permitted by the Rule, and is subject to completion and delivery in a final Official Statement in accordance with the provisions of the Rule. The Official Statement, when so prepared, supplemented and completed by an addendum or addenda specifying (as and if required) the maturity dates, principal amounts, and interest rate or rates of and for the Series K 2006 Bonds, together with any other information required or permitted by law, shall constitute the "Final Official Statement" of the Board and the University with respect to the Series K 2006 Bonds, as that term is defined and used in the Rule, and the Chairman, Vice Chairman or Secretary of the Board and the Vice President for Administration and Finance of the University are each hereby authorized to approve and execute the Final Official Statement upon completion of such information and to deliver or cause to be delivered the Final Official Statement to the purchasers of the Series K 2006 Bonds. Section 7. Approval of Series K 2006 Bonds and Execution. The form, terms and provisions of the Series K 2006 Bonds shall be set forth in the Series K 2006 Tenth Supplemental Indenture and the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board shall each be authorized and are directed to execute the Series K 2006 Bonds, either by manual or facsimile signature, and the Secretary of the Board shall be authorized and is directed to attest, either by manual or facsimile signature, such signature on the Series K 2006 Bonds and the seal of the Board, or a facsimile thereof, shall be authorized and is directed to be affixed to the Series K 2006 Bonds. Section 8. Order for Authentication. The Series K 2006 Bonds, when executed by the Chairman or Vice Chairman and by the Secretary of the Board, shall be delivered to the Trustee for authentication, accompanied by a written order of the Board executed by its Chairman, Vice



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ITEM 131-2007-R0506 Bond Resolution: Page 10 of 13

Chairman or Secretary and directing the authentication and delivery of the Series K 2006 Bonds by the Trustee. Upon receipt of such written order, the Trustee shall authenticate and register the Series K 2006 Bonds by executing the Trustee's certificate of authentication and registration provided therein, and shall deliver the Series K 2006 Bonds, when duly executed and authenticated, to the Underwriter in accordance with the written instructions therefor executed on behalf of the Board by its Chairman, Vice Chairman or Secretary, which instructions the Chairman, Vice Chairman or Secretary are hereby authorized and directed, for and in the name and on behalf of the Board, to execute and deliver to the Trustee. Such instructions shall provide for the delivery of the Series K 2006 Bonds in accordance with the provisions of the Bond Purchase Agreement, upon satisfaction of all conditions required hereunder and under the Bond Purchase Agreement and the Indenture for delivery of the Series K 2006 Bonds. Section 9. Resolution Contract. In consideration of the purchase and acceptance of the Series K 2006 Bonds by those who shall own the same from time to time, the provisions of this resolution shall be part of the contract of the Board with the Registered Owners from time to time of the outstanding Series K 2006 Bonds. Section 10. Authorization for Further Action. The members and officers of the Board and the University shall take all action in conformity with the Constitution and law of the State of Montana and this resolution which shall be necessary or reasonably required by the parties to the Indenture, the Bond Purchase Agreement, the 2006 Escrow Agreement and the Disclosure Agreement to effectuate their provisions, and shall take all other action necessary or desirable, and in conformity with the Constitution and law of the State of Montana and this resolution, for the refunding and defeasance of the Prior Bonds, including without limitation, the execution and delivery of all closing documents, certificates and opinions authorized or required to be delivered in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery of the Series K 2006 Bonds. Section 11. Resolution Irrepealable. After any of the Series K 2006 Bonds are issued, this resolution shall be and shall remain irrepealable until the Series K 2006 Bonds and the interest thereon shall have been fully paid, canceled and discharged as provided in the Indenture. Section 12. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this resolution shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this resolution. Section 13. Repealer. All bylaws, orders and resolutions of the Board, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed as reviving any bylaw, order or resolution or part thereof.



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ITEM 131-2007-R0506 Bond Resolution: Page 11 of 13

Section 14. Effective Date. This resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, adoption and approval. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS ____ day of June, 2006

THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF HIGHER EDUCATION for the State of Montana By _______________________________ Chairman (S E A L) ATTEST: ______________________________ Secretary



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ITEM 131-2007-R0506 Bond Resolution: Page 12 of 13

At a regular meeting of The Board of Regents of Higher Education for the State of Montana, held on this ____ day of June, 2006, the foregoing resolution was moved for adoption, the same was put to a vote, and on roll call, the following vote was recorded: Those Voting Aye: Those Abstaining: Those Voting Nay: Those Absent: Not less than a majority of The Board of Regents of Higher Education present having voted in favor of the motion, the presiding officer declared the motion carried and the resolution duly passed and adopted. Thereupon, The Board of Regents of Higher Education considered other matters not concerning the Series K 2006 Bonds described in the foregoing resolution.



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ITEM 131-2007-R0506 Bond Resolution: Page 13 of 13

STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss COUNTY OF LEWIS AND CLARK ) I, Sheila M. Stearns, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Secretary of The Board of Regents of Higher Education for the State of Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing pages numbered 1 to 12, inclusive, are a true, correct and complete copy of the record of proceedings of The Board of Regents of Higher Education, insofar as such proceedings relate to the resolution therein contained, had and taken at a lawful and regular meeting of The Board of Regents of Higher Education held on the campus of Montana State University-Northern in Havre, Montana, on June ___, 2006, commencing at the hour of 7:30 o’clock a.m., as recorded in the regular official book of the proceedings of The Board of Regents of Higher Education of the State of Montana kept in my office; said proceedings were duly had and taken as therein shown, the meeting therein shown was duly held, and the persons therein named were present at said meeting as therein shown. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of The Board of Regents of Higher Education of the State of Montana this ____ day of June, 2006. _______________________________ Secretary of The Board of Regents of Higher Education (S E A L)



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May 31 – June 2, 2006 ITEM 131-2010-R0506 Adoption of A Definition of “Academic Buildings” THAT: The Board of Regents of the Montana University System

hereby defines academic buildings as those facilities that support scholarly endeavors, both instructional and research, which play an integral role in the academic mission of the University System.

EXPLANATION: During the 2005 Legislative Session, HB005 included a

special new section which: 1) stated that those portions of new University System

buildings which support academic missions should be funded with current unrestricted funds; and

2) directed the Montana University System to collaborate

with the Office of Budget & Program Planning, the Architecture & Engineering Division, and the Legislative Fiscal Division, to come to an agreement regarding those portions of new building space that support academic missions.

Montana State University and the University of Montana propose this definition for use as the primary guideline for legislative decisions on providing state funding for O&M. Academic buildings are those facilities that support scholarly endeavors, both instructional and research, as those activities play an integral role in the university’s academic mission. By contrast, “non-academic” buildings would include buildings such as residence/housing facilities, dining and food service facilities, parking lots/garages, and student owned/operated facilities such as student union buildings, stadiums, fieldhouses, and other facilities used for student recreation. All universities have an obligation to ensure the knowledge their faculty disseminate is current and state-of- the-art, but research universities have a higher standard to meet. As research-intensive and land grant universities, MSU-Bozeman and UM-Missoula have a clear mandate to carry out an academic mission that couples instruction and research as two intertwined activities. At Bozeman for example, instruction and research are thoroughly, and desirably, integrated: faculty and students are deeply engaged both in learning and discovery. Collectively, these activities produce the highly educated, flexible, workforce required for competitiveness in today’s global economy, and simultaneously generate the knowledge upon which the development of new technologies and economic


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ITEM 131-2010-R0506 May 31-June 2, 2006


opportunities depends. It is the engagement of faculty and students in learning and discovery that ultimately creates new sectors of the economy, new businesses, new employers, as well as the workforce itself. This integration of instruction and research at MSU-Bozeman is imbedded in its policies for the hiring, promotion, and tenure of faculty, and is an intrinsic part of its undergraduate and graduate curricula. With very few exceptions, all faculty are expected to be engaged in research and creative work. Research is now required of all undergraduates as part of MSU’s core curriculum, and research experiences are integrated into many of our upper-division courses. Research or creative work, along with advanced instruction (often in the form of one-on-one work with a faculty member) is the central focus of graduate education at MSU and plays an increasingly important part in undergraduate education as well. On a nationwide basis, there have been several prominent studies recently which examined the role and responsibilities of state and land-grant universities. They found that universities in this category have a specific mandate to integrate research activities into the instructional curriculum of undergraduate students. These studies included the following: Kellogg Commission on the Future of State and Land-Grant Universities, 1999 The engaged institution must accomplish at least three things, one of which is: “It must enrich students’ experiences by bringing research and engagement into the curriculum and offering practical opportunities for students to prepare for the world they will enter.” The Commission’s report emphasized that we cannot overlook “the opportunities to improve students’ exposure to research….Problem-solving, critical thinking, working with others, and clear communications through improved speaking, writing, and listening are all skills polished by participating in research activities.” The Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research University—Reinventing Undergraduate Education: a Blueprint for America’s Research Universities, 1998 “The institutional goal of research universities should be a balanced system in which each scholar—faculty member or


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ITEM 131-2010-R0506 May 31-June 2, 2006


student—learns in a campus environment that nurtures exploration and creativity on the part of every member.” “Undergraduate education in research universities requires renewed emphasis on a point strongly made by John Dewey almost a century ago: learning is based on discovery guided by mentoring rather than on the transmission of information.” In a research university, “students should be taught by those who discover, create, and apply, as well as transmit, insights about subjects in which the teacher is expert.” For reference, pertinent language from HB005 is provided: NEW SECTION. Section 11. University buildings – operations and maintenance. (1) The 59th Legislature finds that the operation and

maintenance of portions of new building space that supports academic missions of the university system should be funded with current unrestricted university funds. The funding of current unrestricted university funds is shared between state general fund, tuition and other minor sources.

(2) The Office of Budget and Program Planning, the

Architecture & Engineering Division of the Department of Administration, the Legislative Fiscal Division and the Montana University System are directed to come to an agreement and to recommend to the 60th Legislature the portions of new building space that support academic missions of the University System and funding allocations between the general fund and tuition. If the Legislative Audit Division conducts a performance audit of the University System Building Program, the Office of Budget and Program Planning, the Architecture and Engineering Division of the Department of Administration, the Legislative Fiscal Division and the Montana University System shall take the results of the audit into consideration in making a recommendation.

(3) If the University System chooses to build non-academic

buildings, the operation and maintenance costs for the buildings must be funded from non-state and non-tuition sources.


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May 31 - June 2, 2006 ITEM 131-2011-R0506 Authorization to Proceed with Incentive Plan and

Payments for Business Process Review Project; Montana State University

THAT: The Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes

Montana State University to proceed with the proposed incentive plan and payments for team members participating in the Business Process Review Project currently taking place throughout the University.

EXPLANATION: Montana State University is currently conducting a multi-

phase review and redesign of all business processes that are used throughout the four campuses and three agencies of the University. A compensation plan has been developed as a means for providing team members with incentive/rewards ($100-$500) for achieving the required outcomes (tasks/quality) within the required timeframes. It is important to note that these employees have agreed to take part in this process, which means taking on a considerable overload of duties in addition to their existing workloads. If the criteria are met as defined in the attached policy, additional compensation will be the means for compensating professional employees. Classified employees will receive compensation as lump sum bonus payments. While this review and redesign of business processes will be time-consuming and labor-intensive, the end result will be more efficient service for the customers of the Montana State University campuses.

ATTACHMENTS: Policy on Incentive Payments List of Teams and

Participating Members


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ITEM 131-2011-R0506 Attachment: Policy on Incentive Payments

Montana State University

Business Process Review (BPR) Project Incentive Payments

As a part of the current BPR project that is underway at Montana State University, we have proposed an incentive program for those employees that are serving on the teams. These employees have agreed to take part in this process which means taking on a considerable overload of duties in addition to their existing workload. Team members will be eligible to receive these payments on the condition that the outcomes and timeframes that they establish as part of their teams plan are achieved. Objective criteria must be specified in terms of outcomes or deliverables and timeframes. These must be approved by the Oversight Committee. The schedule for payments is as follows:

Phase I – end of June 2006 Phase II – end of December 2006 95% - 100% - $350 95% - 100% - $500 90%-94% - $200 90%-94% - $350 80%-89% - $100 80%-89% - $100 <80% - $0 <80% - $0

Team leaders will make recommendations to the Project Leader for these payments. The final approval of these awards will be made by the Oversight Committee. This committee includes Craig Roloff, Jim Rimpau, Rolf Groseth, the CFO from each campus (Iverson-MSU Billings, Jensen-MSU Northern & Baukol-MSU GF), AES (Shelhamer), Extension Service (Rahn-Gibson), Laura Humberger, Mark Sheehan and Jo Oudshoorn. Each person would only be eligible for one bonus per phase, depending on their performance. All team members on all 4 campuses are eligible to participate in the program. Based on approximately 75 people being involved from MSU PPS and Finance areas, and assuming that not all objectives are achieved within the timeframes, and achievement is distributed in a normal curve, it is assumed that the cost of the incentive will be in the region of $45,150. Due to the timeframes of the BPR this amount would be spread over two financial years.


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ITEM 131-2011-R0506 Page 1 Attachment: List of Teams

Montana State University Business Process Review Project Teams

Accounting Processing/Functions Duane Morris BZ Lead LeAnn Anderson B Ed Binkley GF David Court BZ Christina Fournier BZ Heather Halverson B Sheron McIlhattan BZ Keith Pickering BZ Kevin Ward BZ Chris Wendland N Accounts Payable Sue Ost N Lead Peggy Dimou BZ Lynne Hendrickson BZ Bonita Jans BZ Lorraine Johnson N Paul Lambeth BZ Jim Nielsen B Kathy Osen BZ Deanne Prideaux GF Accounts Receivable Diane Allen BZ Lead Megan Bergstedt BZ Michelle Burchard N Bill Byars B David Court BZ Crystal Kinsella N LeAnn Gleason GF Loreen Phillips BZ Nancy Powell BZ Kathy Sobrepena BZ Sandy Taylor BZ Budget Jeff Davis BZ Lead Kathy Attebury BZ Bobby Bear BZ Clyde Carroll BZ Trudy Collins B Deby Gunter GF Lew Hill BZ Thomas Hoffman BZ Carrie Molitor N


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ITEM 131-2011-R0506 Page 2 Attachment: List of Teams

Classification Susan Alt BZ Lead Mary Kay Bonilla GF Kerry Evans BZ Jon Ford BZ Karen Maika BZ Carrie Molitor N Glenn Puffer BZ Janet Simon B Melanie Stocks BZ Payroll Trez Jones GF Lead (2/1/06-4/30/06) Kathy Haggart GF Co-Lead (5/1/06-12/31/06) Terri Elletson B Co-Lead (5/1/06-12/31/06) Janell Barber BZ Megan Bergstedt BZ Brenda Brakke B Brandi Clark BZ Carmen Fike BZ Deb Harrison BZ Thomas Hoffman BZ Kelly Leeds N Mary Fran San Soucie BZ Mary Summerhill BZ Vicky Whitney BZ Purchasing Jeana Henley BZ Lead Matthew Blazicevich BZ Deby Gunter GF Paul Lambeth BZ Shawna Lanphear BZ Traci Miyakawa BZ Brain O'Connor BZ Max Thompson BZ Nancy Voorhees B Mary Lou Wilson BZ


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ITEM 131-2011-R0506 Page 3 Attachment: List of Teams

Reappointment Dawn Watkins BZ Lead (2/106-4/30/06) Carmen Fike BZ Lead (5/1/06-12/31/06) Mary Kay Bonilla GF Lynn Groth BZ Karen Maika BZ Becky McMillan BZ Carrie Molitor N Laura Underkofler BZ Robertta Van Valkenburgh B Recruitment Susan Alt BZ Lead Lisa Albert GF Darcy Halpin BZ Mo Harbac BZ Todd Jutila BZ Karen Maika BZ Kerri Marx BZ Carrie Molitor N Jackie Salveson N Treasury Christina Fastnow BZ Lead LeAnn Anderson B Ed Binkley GF David Court BZ Carrie Molitor N Bob Snyder BZ Tom Stump BZ Rosemary Walker BZ


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Board of Regents Policy 940.13 Tuition Waivers: Montana University System Substantive Issues for discussion: 1. Consider raising the 2% threshold for the limit on non-resident tuition waivers –

this change in policy would also require a statutory change. 2. Eliminate the $30 registration fee that is charged to each student/each semester

and increase the tuition charges to full-time students by $30 (effective FY 07-08). This will allow the topic of the registration fee to be eliminated from the Tuition Waiver policy and ease the accounting burden on each campus. Many students and parents are confused with an assessment of a registration each semester.

3. Need-based language? 4. Partial waivers as opposed to full waivers 5. Specialized Waivers (Boys & Girls Club, YMCA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.) 6. National Guard tuition waiver ( passed in the 2005 Legislative Session):

MCA 20-25-421 (2) The regents may: (e) waive tuition for up to 5,000 credits each academic year in accordance with the Montana national guard education benefit program established by the department of military affairs. The waivers provided for in this subsection are intended to be available for up to 5 years after the person qualifies.

Estimated Unfunded Cost of full implementation:

- 5,000 credits / 30 credits = 167 FTE x $3,800 average yearly tuition =

$634,600 - Mandatory fee waivers (if not funded with state funds) are funded with tuition

increases - Options:

1. Work with the National Guard, during the 2007 Legislative Session, to obtain full funding for the waiver.

2. Allow a partial waiver (similar to the 50% waiver that applies to Faculty and Staff dependents. Would require partial payment by the State, National Guard or National Guard employee.

3. Fully implement the waiver without funding. 4. Phase-in the waiver over a series of years (1000 credits in FY06-07, 2000 credits

in FY08-09, etc.) 5. Do not add the waiver to BOR policy


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Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual BudgetedFY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY2007 Incr 07 FY 2008 Incr 08 FY 2009 Incr 09


Resident Undergrad 342.4 323.9 360.7 389.1 269.1 428.6 457.0 28.4 462.4 5.4 455.4 -7.0Resident Dual Cred 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 14.0 8.6 15.0 6.4 17.0 2.0 20.0 3.0Resident Athletics 466.9 463.8 468.8 477.1 441.5 538.1 543.0 4.9 542.0 -1.0 539.0 -3.0Resident Graduate 198.7 332.0 296.2 276.1 253.6 305.6 310.0 4.4 311.5 1.5 312.5 1.0

Non-Resident (2%)

NR in-state Athletics 200.9 262.4 240.4 261.0 266.1 251.9 251.9 0.0 255.9 4.0 260.9 5.0NR out-of-state Athl 216.6 284.9 264.3 294.5 297.8 283.5 283.8 0.3 287.8 4.0 292.8 5.0NR in-state Grad 239.0 219.6 226.8 205.1 222.8 213.5 220.0 6.5 231.0 11.0 237.0 6.0NR out-of-state Gra 243.4 230.3 237.9 211.5 221.5 212.8 219.3 6.5 229.3 10.0 234.3 5.0NR in-state Undergr 35.1 53.7 52.2 38.2 111.2 116.8 149.3 32.5 150.8 1.5 151.3 0.5NR out-of-state Und 50.0 66.7 61.2 46.3 118.2 124.4 158.8 34.3 160.3 1.5 161.8 1.5Out-of-state Wiche 2.0 0.0 4.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0PhD/MSSE 0.0 0.0 14.0 23.0 5.0 19.0 19.0 0.0 19.0 0.0 19.0 0.0


Montana Indians 636.5 768.5 721.6 698.4 766.1 783.8 827.0 43.2 864.5 37.5 888.5 24.0Veterans 82.3 79.9 97.9 83.4 96.6 88.4 91.1 2.7 101.5 10.4 108.2 6.7Resident Faculty & 156.1 144.5 176.4 193.9 183.7 191.7 196.9 5.2 201.0 4.1 203.0 2.0Resident Employee 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 127.2 154.5 153.9 -0.6 170.4 16.5 185.5 15.1War Orphans/Peace 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0Prisoners of War 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0Senior Citizens 20.6 20.2 22.4 25.5 27.2 29.0 29.4 0.4 30.0 0.6 29.0 -1.0Custodial Students 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.5 1.1 2.1 2.4 0.3 2.5 0.1 2.0 -0.5Community College 14.2 11.7 13.1 13.3 13.1 12.3 11.0 -1.3 12.0 1.0 12.0 0.0High School Honors 429.0 403.5 423.7 426.1 255.0 470.9 683.0 212.2 890.5 207.5 899.5 9.0National Merit 13.3 7.6 6.4 11.4 3.0 15.2 13.0 -2.2 15.0 2.0 15.0 0.0

Total Fee Waivers 3,347.2 3,673.8 3,687.7 3,681.2 3,694.5 4,251.6 4,635.8 384.2 4,955.3 319.6 5,027.7 72.3 Total Fee Waiver Expense 9,640,689$ 11,852,435$ 13,958,056$ 15,702,992$ 17,810,495$ 21,953,528$

DiscretionaryResident fee waiver utilization increase 44.1 7.9 -6.0Cost of increased utilization 163,200$ 29,894$ 22,963$

Non-resident fee waiver utilization increase 80.1 32.0 23.0Cost of increased utilization 878,420$ 460,229$ 328,296$

MandatoryResident fee waiver utilization increase 259.9 279.7 55.4Cost of increased utilization 1,104,984$ 1,184,865$ 313,322$


384.2 319.6 72.4


FeeWaiverSummary5-06.xlsSheet1 Printed:5/19/2006 at 1:03 PM


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PAGE: 940.13 (1 of 8)

SUBJECT: FINANCIAL AFFAIRS Effective: July 1, 2003 Section: 940.13 Tuition Waivers; Montana Issued: November 8, 2005 University System Approved:

Board policy:

1. The campuses of the Montana University System are authorized to waive tuition and registration fees in accordance with this policy.

2. The Commissioner of Higher Education is responsible for the general administration of this

policy. 3. The objectives of this policy are to:

a. assure a uniform and equitable administration of fee waiver policies for students at the campuses of the Montana University System,

b. increase accessibility to public higher education for citizens who would not be able to matriculate or to continue an educational program without financial assistance,

c. recognize meritorious achievement or service, whether academic or through exceptional accomplishment, by students in the Montana University System,

d. maintain fiscal responsibility by insuring that other sources of financial assistance are explored and utilized prior to waiver of tuition and fees which reduces funds for the operation of the Montana University System, and

e. ensure that the allocation of waivers is made in accordance with federal law, specifically Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972.

4. For purposes of this policy, tuition shall mean (to be defined) . Registration fees shall mean solely the fee charged on a one-time basis for registration at any unit of the Montana University System. This policy does not authorize the waiver of building fees or any other mandatory or miscellaneous campus fees.

5. Self-Supporting courses. Waivers awarded under this policy cannot be applied to self-

supporting courses. Student with waivers under this policy will be required to pay the full tuition and fees for the self-supporting course.

6. Summer session. Any category of waiver granted to students during summer session shall be

included in computations of each unit’s allowable limit. Summer semester is considered the first semester of the fiscal year.

7. Mandatory Tuition Waivers. The Board of Regents hereby directs the campuses to grant

waivers of undergraduate tuition and registration fees, for Montana resident students enrolled in the following categories, at campuses of the Montana University System:

a. Montana University System Honor Scholarships. Recipients of a Montana University

System Honor Scholarship1 are eligible for the waiver. Recipients must attend any Montana

1 See Section 501.1, Montana University System Honor Scholarship.


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University System campus or Dawson, Flathead Valley, or Miles City community colleges pursuant to Board of Regents Policy 501.1(A)(2). The waiver will be valid through the completion of the first undergraduate degree or 8 semesters, whichever occurs first, as long as the student maintains compliance with the terms of Policy Section 501.1(A)(2).

b. Community College Honor Scholarships. Recipients of Community College Honor Scholarship2

who enroll at any Montana University System campus within nine months after receiving the associate degree from the college shall be eligible for the waiver, which will be valid through the completion of the first academic year (2 semesters) of enrollment, exclusive of any credits earned prior to high school graduation or community college graduation, subject to Board of Regents Policy 501.2.

c. Honor Scholarship for National Merit Scholarship Semi-Finalists. National Merit Scholarship semi-finalists from Montana are eligible for a waiver through the first academic year (2 semesters) of enrollment exclusive of any credits earned prior to high school graduation. The holder of the scholarship must enter one of the Montana University System campuses or Dawson Community College, Flathead Valley Community College or Miles City Community College within nine months after high school graduation. A satisfactory standard of scholarship must be maintained as prescribed in § 9(b), “Continued Eligibility for Waiver.” The scholarship is not transferable to another person and becomes void three years from the date of issue.

d. American Indian Waiver. Persons of one-fourth (1/4) American Indian blood or more are eligible for a waiver. Such person must have been a bona fide resident of Montana for at least one year prior to enrollment in the Montana University System and must demonstrate financial need.

e. Honorably Discharged Veteran Waiver.

i. Veterans From the Vietnam Era and Before (i.e., served anytime prior to May 8, 1975) -

All honorably discharged persons who served with the United States forces in any of its wars and who are bona fide residents of the State of Montana for fee and tuition purposes are eligible for a waiver. This waiver shall not apply to persons who qualify for education stipends or other veterans’ educational benefits under federal law or regulation and shall apply only to those who have at some time qualified for benefits but whose benefits have expired or been exhausted.

ii. Post-Vietnam Era Veterans (i.e., service began after May 7, 1975) - Veterans serving in the armed forces subsequent to the conflict in Vietnam are eligible for a waiver if the following conditions are met:

1. (a) The veteran has been awarded an Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, or (b) The veteran served in a combat theater in the Persian Gulf between

August 2, 1990 and April 11, 1991 and received the Southwest Asia Service Medal, or (c) The veteran has been awarded the Kosovo Campaign Medal. For purposes

of this policy any of the above noted medals shall be deemed to have been “awarded” to an individual if the individual was eligible for the medal but chose to receive another medal in lieu thereof.

2. The veteran elected to become eligible for educational benefits under Title 38, Chapter 30 or 32, of the United States Code (or a successor federal program granting educational benefits based on active duty in the regular armed forces of the United States) and has exhausted such benefits or is no longer eligible for such benefits because of the passage of time. Participants in the Veterans Educational Assistance Program (VEAP) or any similar contributory program who withdraw any portion of their contribution before the expiration date for their benefits are not eligible for the waiver.

2 See Section 501.2, Community College Honor Scholarship.


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f. War Orphans Waiver. A waiver is available, with the approval of the Commissioner of Higher Education, for children aged 25 and under of members of the armed forces of the United States who served on active duty during World War II, the Korean or Vietnam conflicts. Such members of the armed forces must be Montana residents at the time of entry into service and must have been killed in action or died as a result of combat related injury, disease, or other disability while in the service.

g. Montana Senior Citizen Waiver. A waiver shall be granted for students who are at

least sixty-two years of age.

h. Custodial Student Waiver. For students designated by the Department of Corrections, a waiver is available upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Higher Education. Such students must have been residents of the Riverside Correctional Facility at Boulder, the Pine Hills Youth Correctional Facility at Miles City or other similar facility and have been awarded $800 (or such amount as has been approved by the commissioner) per year from the department of corrections in accordance with § 52-5-112, MCA. Such students shall have completed high school and been admitted to a unit of the Montana University System. The same benefit may be granted to students from similar private, non-sectarian charitable institutions located in Montana on the same conditions. Application for the waiver shall be made by the Department of Corrections to the Commissioner of Higher Education by August 1 of each year and shall be renewable each year conditional on continued department of corrections support and meeting of campus academic requirements. No more than eight students per correctional facility may receive this benefit each year. The Commissioner of Higher Education will monitor the custodial student fee waivers for compliance with this policy and state law.

i. Surviving Dependents of Montana National Guard Member Waiver. The surviving spouse or child of any Montana National Guard member killed as a result of injury, disease, or other disability incurred in the line of duty while serving on state active duty is eligible for a waiver. This waiver shall not apply to the extent that any such person is eligible for educational benefits from any governmental or private benefit program that provides comparable benefits.

j. Employee and Dependent Waiver. Tuition may be waived for permanent Montana University System employees employed at least ¾ time during the entire period of enrollment. Permanent employees employed at least ¾ time for the entire academic year who are reemployed for the following academic year are eligible for a waiver during the intervening summer term. Each campus may adopt regulations to limit the amount of credits an employee may register for and to control the times at which courses may be taken. One dependent of a permanent employee is eligible for a waiver of 50% of the resident tuition, provided the employee is not utilizing an employee waiver at the same time. A dependent includes an employee’s spouse and unmarried, financially dependent children under the age of 25, as defined by the Internal Revenue Code. Employees shall not be subject to the reasonable academic standards set forth in this policy.

k. Surviving Dependents of Montana Firefighters/Peace Officers Waiver. The surviving

spouse or child of any Montana firefighter or peace officer killed in the course and scope of employment is eligible for a waiver. This waiver shall not apply to the extent that any such person is eligible for educational benefits from any governmental or private benefit program that provides comparable benefits.

l. September 11, 2001 Victims Waiver. Persons whose spouse, parent, or legal guardian

was a victim of the September 11, 2001 terrorist actions at the New York World Trade Center, the Pentagon or the Pennsylvania airplane crash are eligible for the waiver. “Victim” as used herein means a person killed as a direct result of physical injuries suffered on or about September 11 directly related to the above noted terrorist actions and includes rescuers, relief workers or fire and police personnel. It does not include any individual identified by federal law enforcement


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personnel as likely perpetrators of the terrorist activities. If a person is eligible for other grants or scholarships based on the individual’s relationship to a victim, which assistance may be used for attendance within the Montana University System, the waiver shall be available only if the individual has fully pursued this alternative source of student assistance and only to the extent that the alternative aid does not cover charges otherwise waivable under this policy.

8. Discretionary Waivers. Campuses of the Montana University System may grant the following

waivers subject to specified conditions. Institutions are not required, nor encouraged, to allocate the maximum number or value of waivers allowed.

a. Undergraduate Student Waiver. Registration fees and tuition may be waived for undergraduate students, which for the campuses of any one unit shall not exceed 6% of the unit’s total fall term FTE enrollment for the preceding year, exclusive of all other waivers.

b. Out-of-State Student Waivers. Campuses may waive registration fees, tuition and out-

of-state fees for out-of-state students, which for the campuses of any one unit shall not exceed 2% of the unit’s total fall term FTE enrollment for the previous year. The 2% limit shall apply to all undergraduate, graduate and athletic fee waivers. Out-of-state waivers may be given in whole or in part to any number of students so long as the total dollar value does not exceed the dollar equivalent of the maximum authorized waivers. The dollar value of waivable fees shall be based upon the fees for a normal credit load (15 credits).

c. Graduate Student Waiver. Tuition and registration fees (where applicable), may be

waived for graduate students; however, the number of waivers for the campuses of any one unit shall not exceed 4% of the unit’s total fall term FTE of the preceding academic year.

d. WICHE/WWAMI. Limitations on numbers of students in subsections 7(a), 7(b)

and 7(c) above shall not apply to students from other states who enroll under provisions of any WICHE or WWAMI sponsored state reciprocal agreements which provide for the payment, where required, of the student support fee by the reciprocal state, or to student exchange programs which the Commissioner of Higher Education may designate under the WICHE Fellows or Scholars programs.

e. Allocation. Campuses may authorize waivers on the basis of superior academic

achievement, service to the campus or meritorious accomplishment. 9. Rules Applicable to all Waivers.

a. Financial Need. All waivers, except Honor Scholarships for National Merit

Scholarship semi-finalists, High School Honor Scholarships, Community College Honor Scholarships, and waivers for faculty and staff, graduate teaching assistants and graduate research assistants shall include financial need as a criterion whenever possible.

b. Continued eligibility for waiver. Students are eligible for continuation of the

waiver, from year to year, unless otherwise limited, provided reasonable academic progress is maintained in accordance with the campus’s satisfactory progress policy generally used in administering federal financial aid. This provision does not apply to senior citizens and faculty and staff waivers.


1. Authorizing official. The Financial Aid Director at each campus shall be the official authorized to award financial assistance, including tuition and fee waivers and scholarships, to any student. No notice or authorization of financial assistance


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including tuition waivers and scholarships shall be communicated to a student except by authorization from the Financial Aid Officer.

2. Reporting and review:

a. Each unit of the Montana University System will report annually to the Commissioner of Higher Education concerning waivers on forms provided.

b. The president or chancellor of each campus, with the assistance of the financial aid director, shall annually review financial aid practices to insure that waivers are allocated in accordance with applicable policy.

c. The administration of this policy will be reviewed periodically by the Commissioner of Higher Education to insure that no inequities, misinterpretations or misapplications have occurred and to assist in alleviating any problems.


Item 5-006-R0774, Policy Regarding Fee Waivers, Montana University System, as amended June 7, 1976 (Rescinded); Item 18-005-R1077, October 28, 1977, as revised January 16, 1978, April 11, 1978, January 21, 1983, January 30, 1984, November 4, 1988, June 21, 1989, April 26, 1990, July 31, 1990, November 9, 1990, March 22, 1991, July 30, 1992, November 11, 1993, July 7, 1994, November 20, 1997, May 21, 1998, November 18, 1999 (Item 104-103-R0999), November 16, 2001 (Item 113-109-R1101), January 18, 2002 (ITEM 114-103-R0102), March 22, 2002 (Item 113-108-R1101), May 24, 2002 (Item 114-101-R0302), March 20, 2003 (Item 118-103-R0303) and as revised by the Task Force on Fees Report approved by the Board of Regents on March 24, 2000 with an effective date of Academic Year 2002.


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June 1-2, 2006 ITEM 131-2801-R0506 Revision to language contained in Item 129-2801-R1105-

Authorization to Establish a Mandatory Lewistown Building Fee; Montana State University-Northern

THAT: The Board of Regents of Higher Education approves revised

language contained in Item 129-2801-R1105. Original Language: The Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes Montana State University – Northern (MSUN) to establish an additional mandatory Lewistown Building Fee. This item is contingent upon successful conveyance of the BLM Lewistown Field Office, 80 Airport Road, Lewistown Montana. Estimated effective date of the fee is beginning of Fall Semester 2006 at a maximum rate of $70 per credit per semester. For the FY08-09 budget discussions, MSUN will bring forth a budget item requesting general fund to cover the O & M for this building. The Lewistown building fee will be reduced accordingly for any general fund received. Revised Language: The Board of Regents of Higher Education authorizes Montana State University – Northern (MSUN) to establish an additional mandatory Lewistown Building Fee. This item is contingent upon successful conveyance of the BLM Lewistown Field Office, 80 Airport Road, Lewistown Montana. Estimated effective date of the fee is beginning of Fall Semester 2006 at a maximum rate of $70 per credit per semester.

EXPLANATION: When the original item was submitted language referencing

the FY08-09 budget discussions was included. Montana State University – Northern does not intend to request any state funding for O & M for this facility.