BSA Rocket-POWe「ed Magni M3. · BSA Rocket-POWe「ed Magni M3. ... ignition from Australia 「eplaces three sets of Lucas contact bfeaker points. ... One of the weak points of the

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  • ウしO乙eu申/木川 与コ恒三∀「コヨ「コ人コ目口⊥ロ川音 盲劃岳

    p,日印e⊥eJJ!P e岬叫u plnO州〇両u晒u調O [言e⊃函el間中e⊃」9d oz

    lnOqe ’vs日印u叩SSe1 0L喜S S恥0⊆Lco叫∵Xel S91eS f亘Aed lnO世相‘coue即O ISeO⊃叫的・spu叩l I3uu叫o ′ÅesJe( u! OS胸⊃ ePuOH e柄q

    PlnO⊃ ∋lI Pe」e^O⊃S!P uel印nq lpu昨u且′uopuo「甲nOS ‘uo]X岬u岬]「

    e準l⊃ e aP叫d uJOJ寝]expOtl VS臼Meu e uO叩?ell S叩1eS P‘eH

    S.n e甲SS○○⊃e ePん」010uJ官

    等器器葦霊嵩諾詳詩霜龍嵩 0す即p9p捕甲冊ue ′甲田事S IS叩epuさ爪.叩叩SnV ′pueISu○○n○○^!leu’s叩事O SpeO」叫p e叩uO io洗S」eeÅ血別冊○○教官⊃ e暮⊃

    -bJO]O田S叩Pe叫elS e山-S畑ep esou] S」equelueJ ]ue喝

    §e田e」J P9J」ed血O Sl[ O叩S∋u!8ue.s」∋準u=e巾O

    pue即zns lel甲岬^ 8u朋旧事S.吋叩叩Pe事○○埠d JeleI e]0田旧

    pue ・seし噂ue lldum皿II胆SapÅ○○O]Olu uO胡草)叩nq ]非〕l‘柾〕I申SO〔61 eu叩S[SS叩8ul=O」 uOuON XueW Olu[ Seu!8ue

    u甲叩d田n皿8哩ue暮dsu叩P印elS SJ!u叩油田pr叫⊃eq 3Je甲・pue18u言明AJOIS叩8uol e Sel上e⊃eJ 9Jt?⊃ P里中e世

    6u叩u!6己q a田

    亮13準○削u8e閃き8u剛叩叩Oqe事印相●叩8ew oJ叩V

    JeP甲q elue叫e]SEL叫映uOやun!uo⊃叫甲q ‘se型q e⊃e」 elSn8v

    ^W S叩Pue Iu世O8v ouro⊃t?モD Se甲nS SJe⊃剛u判e]I D!SSap O]

    判官つ的eds e⊥○田∵ue皿●」中書1 ue甲Pue ls」∋⊃eJラ坤O事uO!事的e^u○○

    印] Peum血9仁SuC甲do 8uapIdx且JePU eLI事u刊理pJluO⊃ u! eJO田11Seeq %理euS e SeunO坤tl Pue X叩elI] O} JeMOdesJOu P3」Pu叩e PPV

    9岬p∋u皿里e」e Su」nl OS ′deelS S申I8ue 8u申3]S叩∵甲r¥Jq 9q ue⊃訓reJJ

    草花即問eu!nu諾e JO SJeuueし町e叩S叩‘書捌8 punos叩卸関S晒瑚JAs印ueP∋J⊃ S印u9^eS J!SSeI叩u8 SleuJ91u申u吟u∋

    uope叩IPeds・∋⊃e」 u叩岬eJrod pup ]lI呂や岬8申∋田叫uO!dureu⊃ 」O

    J∋lSe田草肥田叩l甲eq相eu ′乞1apO2I VS印ey⊃叩]e印S e S弧a型q田捌P

    s,luaJg.草杷q S」e鉦Ae] e eld甲IlduIn田8哩eu叩OP・VWtIHV S・uOXモN Jt」eD

    uo咋田eu⊃甲O!〕eN Pu剛D VWV JeuⅢO=O JeP甲q Pue (田O⊃’S⊃e]坤叫)

    sDaL申y埴O 」9uOO・O⊃舶8卸l血e‘ o] gu師I P利elS an ’9丁CI叫VSg

    田朗」p S叩p甲q 0叩∋叫恥9叩押○○P u即eu9「岬⊥言●準q SJきるÅ舶J ∀


    印nO仏工叩打S田ee」P 」nOÅ亨O謝q叩∂A叩p甲O⊃ nOÅ

    豊翫需岩島」的凱劫的印巳山田n e山











  • Owne「 Brent Lenahan aboa「d his

    BSA Rocket-POWe「ed Magni M3.

  • id跨P! S!lI u剛r山〇十∋山王世甲釦w e u岬e拙u∋eq JeAe S叩 〕unO⊃ Je坪SJe〇人e型u爪OP P9SOl⊃ lu訓叩edep叩l uelI相

    !8ue us即日e訓叩]S理el担S.1申uueAO亨D O1 8u甲O⊃⊃V ‘ÅideJ ‘alPPeS elIl u!叩ISO8v ouJO⊃e!D Pue POOMl!eH e型W 9淵S」∋P!」

    ] SelM ,′蛤言eu!8ue vs目31I=lnS OI Pe即POuI eq P丁nO⊃ e田叩  世相∵s」e⊃剛SnO田eJ S.elSn8v ^W uO 8u!甲O爪‘1ue田事肥dep e⊃剛

    iew e JO S事unOur e中8u3 e明J! Pe準e Pue `sseu亨Snq a甲Se[P S.elSn8v ^W JO Je岬el11 S班叩8ew oJ叩V 19L6上0〔6I田OH

    l甲AOu O甲`!u8ew叩ue^O!0 ‘uos s,0」叩V Pel⊃e叩O⊃血eI

    00Z事叩Puea団nZnS e lHOJJ 」nOJ

    岬亨つつL⊆自e Åq pe」e爪Od 」eつき」功e⊃

    )eN e OSle S班eJell⊥ ●Seu!8ue !ZZnD

    瑚Pue MWg ‘e]Sn8v ^W 8u岬nI⊃u!

    ueIdjeJY¥Od JO布e!Je^ e lIl斡1甲q

    ∋q e^叩S叩呂e囚`s」eeÅ判事」e^○●l⊃三甲ed pedleu

    )lI S∋lu剛J 8u!⊃剛AW ⊃!SSel⊃ e甲uO

    Seq S瑚euI叩eJO田Au別r pup s9再q

    )ld田o⊃ JO SPe」PunlI P判ddns e^eu

    】e^0!D Pue OI」きつ SuOS S叩 Pue eu

    .6[ ∋⊃uIS ‘SSeu漢Snq e型q田O]Sn⊃ ell]

    〇日ue甲u洗w ′ 1L6暮u叩時ep S.elSn8v

    uo#lOauuOO !u6e困a田


    uetTelI Pue uS印J8田ePOu Pu13 ]ue!⊃ue

    JO Ala!」eA e lIl斡P9=丁J Pue S副apÅ⊃-JOIOuI岬M Pe]叩]nO AAOu ‘cIollS叩t3d

    d叩S」e丁eep 19IO」^叩〇 〇〇皿OJ e ○ ○^さ⊃

    ueuJ a〕eし甲叩∋甲u仏O Jeu叫ed e pue elI

    e」9u仏′留叩○○川e⊃ uJ9u叫ON甲p印書eS S丁

    ]ueJg ’判eJ〕SnV PuP ‘S‘n elI] ue9JIAleq

    8u!⊃mOq ]ueds判1 e 」三明t3 畑epQL

    ..`’S.n判事PmOJe 8u!匹S甲uOⅢ

    Ⅹ!S e∋上手etqn○○l ∋田eS 9甲p引十 〇^叩 看


  • 三r=nt, Who simply said, ′.Go for it, mate:’Off went a dummy set

    of engine cases to Italy.

    Wh=e Ieny waited for the frame - almost a year - he select-

    ed a we=・PreServed set of 1971 BSAA7うR 4-SPeed engine cases

    塵rc'm his parts stash and began building the engine. The idea

    iEas tO get aS muCh power as possible while still being able to

    関n On PumP gaS. The 930cc engine was built to fu11 race specifi-

    Ca〔ion言ust without the high-COmPreSSion 1 2‥ l pistons. Instead,

    9 5-1 pistons drop the compression down enough to allow 92

    a⊂:ane fueL With no fear of overheating or seizure.

    Å lightened and stroked crank uses Carri=o rods for strength

    a[ high rpm. The stroke is raised 9mm to 79mm The TriplesRule

    qiinders (triplesrule.com) are forged and ove「bored 5mm to

    S部t larger pistons. The cylinders are much stronger than stock,

    uth fiming that looks just like the original. High li庇, longer

    血ration )ohnson 380 cams complement the stroker kit and are

    mtched to lightened stock rocker ams and tappets

    The cylinder head was re-maChined to suit by Triple Tecs

    CEトOWner Charlie Bames and the experts at Branch-○’Keefe

    鴨branchokeefe.com), With new valve seats, guides and valves.

    同en the combustion chamber was carefully massaged to

    徴〔ract optimum power from the classic hemispherical shape.

    The inlet and exhaust por[s were re・Shaped to suit oversized

    副et and exhaust stubs and polished to a mirror finish.

    刃l the engine cases were machined to ensu「e proper fit and

    Sea!ing (helpful when you have nine separate case sections)

    甜d treated to Triple Tecs’finishing process for continuing

    ged looks. Hidden inside, lightened gears drive the cams and血e high-OutPut Oil pump, and a digital皿-Spark single-fire

    ignition from Australia 「eplaces three sets of Lucas contact

    bfeaker points.

    丁he Lucas altemato「 however′ remains, Since it works just

    fhe to charge the modem川Itra-1ight Shorai lithium-ion battery,

    冒hich is mounted under the seat hump.

    Lost in the detail§

    One of the weak points of the BSA什riumph triples is the

    Single-Plate dry dutch. The clutch was originally based on an

    automotive unit and made of cast iron, and the clutch shock

    absorber, a SeParate Part, Weighs about as much as a complete

    MV Agusta dutch A TriplesRule aluminum dutch saves 3

    POunds, and it’s fitted with an angular・COntact release bearing

    designed not to overheat and fai獲like the stock unit is known to.

    It also comes complete with a drive ring for an electric star[er

    as used on the 1975皿umph T160 modeL Which featured BSA-

    Style sIoping cylinder cases.

    A tiny star[er and solenoid f「om Dave Madigan’s MAD

    Components (mad・COmPOnentS.COm) saves weight over the

    StOCk T160 Lucas parts. However, OWner Brent thought the

    Starter/solenoid looked ‘′as though it belongs on a 19うO Morris

    Oxford:’Tb fix this, he commissioned a streamlined alloy cover

    from metal maestro Evan Wilcox (Wilcoxmetal.com), Which

    Brent finished and polished himself.

    Improving the clutch even more, Ieny added a TriplesRule

    alloy dutch shock absorber to Iose even more weight, and

    then modified the release point, matChing it exactly with the

    thickness of the dutch plate to reduce clutch lever pu11 sub-


    The stock 4-SPeed gearbox pieces were replaced with 5-SPeed

    PartS, a Straightforward conversion on the BSA requiring only

    a little machining, although almost every gearbox component

    must be replaced with post・1973 components to ensure reli-

    ability. A dose・ratio gearset f「om Triple Cydes (triples.co山k) in

    the U.K. made the gearset more suitable for high-SPeed work.

    Tb add the frame・mOunted oil cooler工abs were welded on the

    frame by TC Fabrications of Diamond Springs, Calif. Thankfully,

    the Magni frame has a vertical section above the cylinder head

    area that is just the right size for mounting the cooler.

    The frame detailing by Magni is impressive言nduding items

    www.Moto「cycleClassics.com コ5

  • 机0 ∂u申/ん囚∴与コl与与∀「コヨ「コ人コ目口⊥口囚 聖篭


    eIPPeS 3甲uIO」=nq ’]u31u瑚eu串ue

    ∂^呼u」執te 判事 ○○S u官⊃∴euOÅJ9^e

    OS 8u叩e十川臥事e P瑚⊃eds叫3Jg’甲n○○⊃ u即n8u剛○ ○申S・SO961

    ue甲」e甲剛e18ue ue田nし‖e皿Ou e O事

    PeSteJ eJt? SJeq uO-d甲PelunOuト甲OJ

    e叩lnJ甲elII S団⊃eq 8u!8e A田‘pJ弧

    」OJ 8u叩⊃ee2I ‘8u叩eJ e甲JO 3Iqqnq

    el町hO丁eq叩卸lP曲lI e Pue `甲el Pue

    OP3eds e :JIeS]亘理⊃t丁duJ!S e」e Slue田

    -n⊥〕Su! au] ′JePモ」叩l JO luOJJ uI

    ‘e⊃eds eIq判e^e叩l u!

    柾eeu Å弧e肺S山門や叫O事Se8eu削りJAOII訓rOS lnq ULI〇四O」d乱nes叩l S判

    ]ue」旧SlnO]n⊃斗ue] e甲田O」J lnO )I叩S

    S○○uH fu ‘durnq leeS叩章1Su嘩e

    P蛇u S叩eP!S甲eq血OSやeq Åe爪

    叩=le Su叩p喝」lS ue^e Pue ‘(PeP3J・」ed s恥e囚S ∋山型S叩1田○甲」O事)

    岬]SO8v o田oつきモD uO!d山勘p P丁」OJY¥

    」eu‖OJ ueしIl 」3=t?l叩q aI埋I e l叫I

    a叫害q a細富uO

    PJeOq uO ]ue重言里早u e⊃eS eun呂e「

    岬8uole・eP!J e叩u叩・O叫e u0 8u!08

    剛e田宮⊃ e里’∂卿∂砧旬仏〇千^0田引O乙

    e甲u! Pe」n〕ee] OSle S,事I ’8u!Je里eD

    e丁⊃Å⊃」O10N I!enO叩⊥ le Å甲ds岬」O王

    伸験訓淵仏∋型q e叫事⊃eゆ」d ∋世事O叫elSe甲賀e〕Je S」eeÅ o個9田OS叫leuH

    .eu!6ua 」ePu!iんゥ

    elSn6∀ ∧IN ue PunO」e

    事!l 0事p訓6!S叩相pu!6リO

    SeM甲OM人poq !u6eIN alI⊥

    PeJ e]Sn8v AW u口うIe⊃ `0叩∋山勘⊃eS u中pOg

    3叩ed ceSe| S叩uea Aq pelPuelI S弧8u!叩ed meuO上旬I-X

    udu皿皿8u!準eL[q-P⊥O⊃e」 SO96事elI書uO 8u叩O爪S! e田eJ Ol lu同⊃

    SnO!^eJd s判O仁据わ′s8u!」ds puour執a u! eI⊃めe⊃ueuIJOJJed JO

    oIO」d ullOl q dn 9P剛r S弧SSeu」叩8u叩AA e世相e」8 l印luung

    PeZ胆Oue Pue a 8u軸VSg elI] lI胆Pe^eJ8u9 ′ut3ule9」lS 〕1O⊃S

    句]eⅢq田O」J uJV¥91仁apeuu!q ePeu-urOISn⊃ S⊃軋eId田e u!

    ∈甲Seu mOu 」e]eurOPeeds pue Je]∋田OuJel ⊃叩O」〕⊃∋Ie Sし田山S V

    哩81Iel甲u十弘乙事e ul SやOuS X・JedÅ即ZeD eJe SxpOuS ’8u!-8u函Se」 Pue 8u叩^訓JOJ ’朝eD ‘soIJP⊃ ueS u! (uo⊃’8u叩mSJ⊃)

    uotsuedsns uo!]⊃ee2=SATe]eD Ol 〕ueS u91II Pue Tu坤N Aq

    e田と四〇円01 pel叩e○○爪Åe皿“u叩!事官⊃nq二e 01 Pe甲珊e

    印丁P∋叫e]S岬里S叩un Iue!」a:)田山8乞e」e S甲O=uOJJ e哩’Ped ]eeS P∋uelSeJ-OJ⊃丁e人e里

    8u!^O田e=判e e冊SSeつつt? 'de⊃甲t31 S晒e里S∋甲即叫elIl dco dn

    -dモ丁J eZuOI画o=e PO叫9d e Aq paddo] S!甲el e阻

    SuO!事e⊃胆eds s仙Jel Ol qqエ⊃⊥岬e申o⊃ S叩⊃

    Aq pe〕e⊃草qe]相e!⊃eds卑e理O unu叩nle uenb

    -S-乞e S! S」3^O⊃∴3PIS Pe即POuI eSO甲Pu叩eq

    PeIISeN ‘uMOP田e甲uJHS O]甲O仏SS昨Jeq!J

    .(e^Oqe) ped ]eaS el1事」apun S叩de⊃

    i!O dn-d拙eZuOIN r句le u∀ ’(坤l) al⊃euu!q

    la岨q e u! l!S Se6ne6 ⊃!uO」書⊃a岬S哩!田S

    叩叩l e P増血eI OS `^W el即O SJ9Pu=b pelI川nS Ol叩O P訓叩

    e」eAA SJe^0⊃ 〇円‘巾〕eu叩OJun ●S」e^0⊃∴eP!S edA]-e⊃甲田V O〔L

    e]Sn8v AW甲叩e]elduro⊃ ele」⊃ S叩u! Pe^叫e e関e即u謎w e世.JJO Pue uO書e8 0叩8n0事u三甲0動き華甲

    ’s8nId peJIOIS xpO]S e甲JO Pt?elSu丁Pe3u XelI e ll]甲’sJe^O⊃ uC甲

    -⊃edsu! eu18u∋軸lI叩l ePnPu[ S]ueuOdluO⊃ aVW 」ell]O S叫Od

    ]Sn叩X9 e甲岬l輪S叫8町Se8 e se」nSu∋ ]叩]田e}SAs 8u!d田叩

    〇〇〇吋99」lI十PeMeJ⊃S e ll叩SqnlS W倍O E申MeDSunil9S leuoJd

    -準eI e叩3⊃eId3」 S〕ueuOd田o⊃ aVW Aq sd田ap lSn叩Xe to丁IV

    ’∋^岬eP!S叩8!J S,^W al甘O=SeJluO⊃ u上坤1判l uO e型P-u即⊃

    S叫′xoquee8 e^四・〕⊃∋」!P Sl用1甲∵eld甲VS言e叩1叫] P3叩Ou

    e^e旧博SJePeeJ e事n]Se Pue l [L6[ u丁uOpe叩S叩dos Ie坤OIOu

    -甲el JO叩8即elI] S剛=Ⅲ晒u甲S uO!〕⊃9S-SSOJ⊃上中8ue]⊃9J

    e皿eu= u! S佃S le叫“ 」ee」 e世e」nSue Pue ]ueuJISn庫u咋甲⊃

    3S!⊃訓d `xp!nb MO=P l ⊃叩JY¥∴s」3]Sn庫u!eやつ叩ueつつ9 elII S叩pnS

    coverBeauty and the BSA Articlepage 2page3page 4pg 5