GLSE_Scouts glsescouts i . Greater London South East Scouts Newsletter Issue 15 - June 2019 Including The Road to World Scout Jamboree 2019 Bromley Foodbank My Silver D of E Experience and much more... Bromley District’s St George’s Day Event

Bromley District’s St George’s Day Event

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i.Greater London South East Scouts Newsletter Issue 15 - June 2019

Including The Road to World

Scout Jamboree 2019 Bromley Foodbank

My Silver D of E Experience and much more...

Bromley District’s St George’s Day Event

Page 2: Bromley District’s St George’s Day Event

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It’s ok not to feel ok. These are words that, on the face of it, might not mean much to you. If, on the other hand, you are one of many, many people who struggle on a daily basis, then these words are very meaningful.

We all have so much going on in our lives that we, sometimes, forget to take care of ourselves. Physically, we do with healthy eating, a good night’s sleep and exercise. We all have mental health and we need to take care of that too. We are unable to help others if we don’t take care of ourselves.

The reason for my writing this is that, in a few short weeks I, along with nearly 5,000 other members of the UK Contingent will be flying off to the the World Scout Jamboree. I recently attended the All Adult Weekend at Gilwell with other members of the GLSE IST and the Contingent Leaders from unit 25 - Bobcats.

The weekend was great - however I am now beginning to feel a little overwhelmed. That is ok. I know it’s ok for me to feel like that. In times when I feel overwhelmed with everything that’s going on in my life I look for things that make me feel good. I set myself small, easily achievable goals (such as writing this piece); I read a book; I look on Pinterest for motivational quotes and articles and add them to one of my boards; I listen to my favourite music; I practice gratitude and mindfulness. These are my coping strategies and ones which I have developed over recent years. They will certainly be helping me at WSJ.

As we have just celebrated Mental Health Awareness week (13th–19th May) I wanted to just take a short time to remind you all to look after yourselves and those around you.

In preparation for WSJ, we are all encouraged to find buddies. These will be our support network during the times when we are stressed, exhausted, anxious and homesick. They will lift us up and give us a hug if we need it. Do you know who your buddies are? If you need help (it’s ok to admit it if you do), do you know where you could find it?

Your Summer edition of i.SHARE

This issueYour Summer edition 2 of i.SHARE

Mental Health First Aid 4

Halloween Ball 5

Silence is golden for 6 Scouts’ foodbank charity event

Beavers and Cubs 7 Scouts visit Bromley Foodbank warehouse5th Chislehurst Scouts earn their community badge with Elmstead Care Home

The Road to World 8 Scout Jamboree 2019

My Jamboree Fundraising 9

My Silver Duke of 10 Edinburgh Experience

2018 Cultural trip 12 to Lille

Explorers Favourite 13

Bromley District’s 14 St George’s Day Event

5th Chislehurst Scouts 16 uncover lost Royal plaque

M.E.S.H 15 17

Long Service Awards 18

Good Service Awards 19

Explore India in 2020 20

European Jamboree 2020 21

Scout Trips Abroad 22


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With 10% of children and young people having a mental health problem, how can you help the young people in your section? Would you be able to spot if someone is struggling? Where might you go for help?

https://members.scouts.org.uk/supportresources/4860/mental-health?cat=299,303&moduleID=10 has some great information and resources to support you.

As we head towards the summer - it is coming - I promise you, don’t forget to make time for you and your families. Whatever you are doing this summer, enjoy it and keep it safe. Carry on delivering great Scouting for as many young people as possible. Give them those fantastic skills for life

Thank you, for everything that you do in Scouting. It really does make a difference and you all rock!

Gwyn Muckelt GLSE County Commissioner

You can reach me via email: [email protected]

@GwynGwynnie @GwynMuckelt

Have you signed up to the County mailing list? Sign up here: http://goo.gl/dZA5SZ to get your next copy of i.SHARE and much more news!


Are you interested in attending the 2021 World Scout Moot in Ireland?



in this issue...

i.SHAREGreater London South East

Scouts Newsletter

PLUS...The Queen’s Visit

to Bromley

London 2012

Scout Community


The Olympic

Torch Relay

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20/9/12 00:38:26

ssue 3February 2013


this issue...

i.SHAREGreater London South EastScouts Newsletter

PLUS...My Year in Scouting as a YSPSearch and Rescue AwardInternational OpportunitiesAND MUCH MORE...

From Russia with Love

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5/2/13 23:34:23

Got an article for the next issue of i.SHARE?If you have any articles and information for the next edition of i.SHARE please submit to

[email protected] 4

May 2013


this issue...

i.SHARE Greater London South East

Scouts Newsletter

PLUS...My Woodbadge


Animal Days Out




at Capers

Gang Show

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Mental Health First AidAs I alluded to in my introduction to this latest edition of i.SHARE, mental health is something that is very important to me. As a part of my own personal development for the WSJ I decided to look into a Mental Health First Aid course. I was fortunate enough to be able to book Jay Thompson from Mental Health Building Blocks to come and deliver a 2 day Youth Mental Health First Aid course for a number of our adult volunteers over the weekend of 1st–2nd June. These were our Jamboree Leaders, Explorer Scout Commissioners and other adults leading international expeditions in the next couple of years.

As with physical first aid, the aim is to provide help and support in the first instance until professional help can be sought. Just as physical first aid courses do not make us Doctors, neither do MHFA courses make us psychiatrists.

This intense 2 day course gave us the tools to be able to support young people in times of crisis and covers depression and anxiety, suicide, psychosis and self harm. The statistics are scary: with reports that about 67,600 children and young people in England are seriously depressed and over 8,000 children under the age of 10 experiencing severe depression. An estimated 9% of 16–24 year olds have attempted suicide at some point in their lives. Self harm is most common in adolescence & young adulthood and that one in 15 people have self harmed at some point in their lives.

This course is certainly something that I would like to be able to provide again in the future. Watch this space for details.

Below are just a few of the comments received from participants on this course.

“ A very interesting and insightful course, which really opened my eyes to the number of mental health issues there are, the course can only benefit our understanding and potential interaction with our Young People in Scouting”

“ I did enjoy the course. It taught me a lot about signs to look out for and ways to help when I do meet someone in need. Mental Health is the invisible illness and we all need to be more aware that lots of people carry on with a smile while carrying incredible pain. If doing that course means I can help even one person it was well worth spending my weekend with some really nice people”

“ The course to me will help me approach people, not help them, but hopefully point them in correct direction. Very intense and informative course. Now have a better understanding of people with mental health problems. Thank you for letting me join in”

If you would be interested in participating in a course then please do email me at: [email protected]


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Beavers and Cubs Scouts from the 22nd Bromley took part in a sponsored silence to raise funds in order to buy food needed for the Bromley Borough Foodbank.

The Foodbank is run by the Trussell Trust and, during the presentation, the Cubs and Beavers learned about how the Trussell Trust was started.

Rather than just going out to buy food, the Cubs and Beavers elected to complete a sponsored silence. The Beavers’ aim was to keep silent for 20 minutes and the Cubs for 30 minutes.

In total the Cubs and Beavers raised a sum of £644,10. 22nd Bromley Cub Scout, Kian said “From the presentation we learned about the amazing work the food bank does and they have helped hundreds of thousands people who can’t afford food.”

22nd Bromley Beaver and Cub Scout Leader, Brenda Petts, said “The Scouts learned about the work of the food bank and immediately wanted to support its work through their efforts. I then contacted Bromley Food Bank to find out what essential items were required.”

Not only did the Cubs and Beavers earn their Community Impact Activity Badge but by helping people in the community their efforts also went towards the Cubs “Our World” and the Beavers ”My World” Challenge Awards.

Bromley Borough Food bank provides three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to it in crisis.

The Food bank opened in 2010, and last year, gave 4,272 three-day emergency food supplies to people and families in crisis

Silence is golden for Scouts’foodbank charity event

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Cubs and Beavers from the 22nd Bromley visited the Bromley Foodbank warehouse where they were involved in collecting trolley loads for items from the vehicle and taking them into the warehouse. They then had to weigh them and make a list of the items they had, check to make sure they were still in date, those that were out of date were put in

a box to dispose of, any nearly out of date were put in another box. All the other items then had to be sorted into various categories, ie tinned fruit, packets of rice, bottles of drinks etc. They then had to go round the warehouse, which had piles of boxes separated into different types of items, to find the boxes to put their items in. Once they found the correct pile,

they then had to check the date of their item and then put it into the correct box. The Cubs and Beaver really enjoyed the visit and at least 2 of the Cubs asked Food Bank helper if they could come again. Parents also enjoyed getting involved.

Beavers and Cubs Scouts visit Bromley Foodbank warehouse

5th Chislehurst Scouts earn their community badge with Elmstead Care Home5th Chislehurst Scouts have spent part of their half-term holiday at Elmstead Care Home where they helped residents make and then fire stomp rockets.

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18 months have passed since that freezing cold November camp back in 2017. Selection seems such a long time ago yet how did we get to Summer 2019 so quickly? Departure day will be here before I know it and our journey of a lifetime will reach its pinnacle, taking us Beyond Borders, Beyond Limits, Beyond Expectations.

For the 24th World Scout Jamboree 2019 the United States of America, Mexico and Canada will play hosts to over 47,000 Scouts from 133 countries at the Bechtel Summit, a Boy Scouts of America, 11,400 acre, high adventure base in West Virginia. To give a sense of how big Bechtel is, think of a map of Central London and draw a circle from Stoke Newington in the east, to London Zoo, across the river to Battersea Park, along the south bank to Tower Bridge and then back up to Stoke Newington. That’s big - and the primary form of transport throughout the camp is hiking. My feet don’t like me already! I still can’t quite believe that I am one of those scouts given the privilege of representing the UK, alongside 35 other scouts from GLSE. What lessons will I learn, what will I experience, how will this shape me for years to come? An adventure beyond anything I can imagine.

The road to Jamboree has so far been a busy one. Fundraising has been key and has seen us working together as a group and individually. I have bag packed, leaflet dropped, held Mother’s Day gifts sales, Easter raffles, World Cup sweep stakes, made and sold Christmas chocolate reindeers, hosted quiz nights, helped at group events, cleared snow, the list is endless; but the most difficult of all, a sponsored silence!

We have all had to set personal objectives and challenges to be completed prior, during and after our return from Jamboree. They range from physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual. A key challenge for all participants is to become JamboFit, to physically be able to cover the miles of summit each day and participate in the huge range of activities. Days will be long and physically demanding. My overall goal is to benefit from the many opportunities the Jamboree will offer me, to gain new skills and confidence and develop personally. At just 14, I am one of the youngest members of the contingent and believe there is so much for me to learn. On my return from the Bechtel Summit I look forward to using my experiences and new found skills to compliment my Scouting journey

The Road to World Scout Jamboree 2019

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and hopefully have a positive impact on my group and the Bromley District.

Training camps and team meetings have also been a big part in the buildup, not only to learn and build upon the skills needed but to also bond as a team, building trust and support and creating friendships that will hopefully last a lifetime.

And so as the excitement mounts, the final countdown begins. The theme for the Jamboree is “Unlock a New World” to reflect the new

adventures, cultures and friendships that will be shared by Scouts from around the world. We spend 13 adventure packed days at Bechtel Summit, in addition to visiting Vancouver for our Hosted Hospitality plus New York AND Washington for our Big City Experience.

Pinch me – I must be dreaming! Roll on 20th July.

Megan Ward GLSE Unit 25 24th WSJ UK Contingent

My Jamboree Fundraising by Alice Jackson

• Diary – My first idea was to do

a diary where someone picked a date throughout the year for a £1 and if their date won, they won £40. This was a quick, easy fundraiser as by selling every date I got £365, making a profit of £325.

• Writing to companies for donations and apply for grants

• Cub Sleepover / Quiz / Games

• Quiz night (including raffle) – My first big event I did

was a Quiz Night which I did in May. This was my most successful event that I did, I sold tickets at £7 per person as well as a raffle which was £1 a strip. I had an amazing 17

tables attend, the majority with the maximum 8 people a table. This meant I raised over £1000 just in one night!

• Silent Auction – When asking for

donations from companies I was very generously donated a Charlton shirt signed by one of their main players. I decided to place this in a silent auction where people sent me their bids and the highest bid sent through got the shirt. The final bid for the shirt came to £65.

• Selling old badges and sweet cones

– My group did a family day in the summer. At the event I made and sold sweet cones at £1 as well

as some old badges that a leader at my group kindly gave to me.

• Afternoon Tea (including raffle)

• 80s Disco (including raffle)

– I had a big 80s disco in my Scout hall. I made loads of 80s decorations and everyone dressed up in 80s costumes! I sold tickets for £4 and again had a raffle at £1 a strip. I finished raising all of my money for Jamboree as well as giving a big donation to the Alzheimer’s Charity. It was an amazing night which everyone enjoyed and I couldn’t thank everyone enough for all of their support and generosity!

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I have just completed my Silver Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award and would like to share my experiences with you.

I found it really difficult to locate a Silver DofE Programme until I found that the 27th Bromley Hornet Explorer Scout Unit was hosting one. Clearly this was the case for others, as our teams were made up of 11 participants from 3rd Petts Wood Scorpions, 27th Bromley Hornets, 6th Mottingham Nemesis and 1st Biggin Hill Reds.

I achieved these in the following way:• I volunteered as a Young Leader at my old

Brownie Unit, 10th Chislehurst Brownies

• For my Physical activity I attended my school Trampolining Club, which was a challenge as I managed to break both my elbows in the process

• My Skill element was to teach myself Animation, as this is something that interests me

Our group was split into 2 teams – Team “Lost” (my team!) and “The Reds”. We met at Wilberforce on a fortnightly basis, on average, where we learnt skills that were necessary to complete our DofE. We also planned and prepared for our Expedition for which we had a

few extra planning days nearer to the hike. We developed our navigation and map reading skills, improved our ability to cook on trangias, planned our meals, honed our skills in putting up tents, learnt by experience how to carry less kit on our final hike, and built on teamwork.We undertook a Practice Hike locally, from Hall

Place in Bexley to High Elms in Orpington, but our Final Expedition was in the Ashdown Forest. Each group had to create an Aim for their Expedition, and ours was “To Persuade More People to Spend More Time Outdoors”, which was then given in the form of a Presentation to an audience of our Leaders, Assessors, VIPs and parents.

My Silver Duke of Edinburgh Experience

The Silver Award requires the individual to complete a number of requirements. These include a minimum of:• Volunteering – 6 months

• Physical – 6 months or 3 months

• Skill – 3 months or 6 months

• Expedition – 3 days, 2 nights

• Presentation of the Expedition

Silver DoE Requirements

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The Good:• Building Teamwork• Learning new skills to use

in later life• Keeping up morale and

helping each other through• Exercise and fresh air,

a healthy alternative to all our devices

• The opportunity to make new friends

• Playing “Pooh Sticks” on Pooh Sticks Bridge!

The Bad:• Having to carry a 14 kg

pack for 3 days• Getting lost when reality

did not match the OS map• The huge amount

of preparation and paperwork needed prior to the expedition

• Golf Courses!

And the Ugly:• Not getting a proper

shower for three days• Singing out of tune in an

attempt to keep morale high• Lessons learnt the hard way

by some participants in not taking the right kit and not looking after their feet

• Getting stuck in mud up to the ankles

This Award took about a year to complete and obviously had its fair share of ups and downs. I thought these would be useful to those young people who are thinking of embarking on their Silver Award.

In conclusionWe had lots of fun, despite the challenges and hard work planning. Personally, I cannot wait to embark on my Gold Duke of Edinburgh and Queen’s Scout Awards.

I hope that this article inspires more young people to “spend more time outdoors” in achieving their Duke of Edinburgh Awards.?

Bethany Towell, 3rd Petts Wood Scorpion Explorers Unit & 5th Petts Wood BLESU

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2018 Cultural trip to LilleWhen a large group of Scouts and Explorers arrived at Ebbsfleet International none of us realised how great our trip to Lille would be.

We travelled on a very comfortable Eurostar to Lille where we then walked to the hostel where we would be staying. It was a fairly new building with a lovely café type room on the ground floor. We checked into our rooms and then discovered the common room where we played cards and relaxed. I remember going on a walk to a park which was fairly close that evening and just exploring the area to plan what we wanted to do over the weekend.

The next few days were spent at many wonderful places such as a museum with a large collection of stuffed animals; a zoo with a fascinating group of animals and a small eco-garden where we met a French Scout leader who exchanged scarves with Lee. We also visited a bustling market with a variety of things to buy and a small amusement park which sold delicious ice-cream and churros. My favourite moment was going to the zoo as it

had such a wide range of animals and you could spend hours there. I seem to remember that someone from our group dropped a water bottle into one of the animal enclosures and it was quite amusing watching her trying to tell one of the workers what she had done as they only spoke French.

We spent quite a while walking to these places and I think that without Google maps we would never have seen all of these. We experienced lots of different cultures when we ate at a crepe restaurant and then ate pizza around a water fountain in a square. Our journey home involved a trip to the huge shopping centre, a long queue at the station and another relaxing journey which was definitely needed after all of the walking throughout the weekend. I would like to thank all of the leaders who gave up their time to help us have such a great time.

William Rowe, 15th Bromley Columbus ESU

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Frylands Wood Scout Outdoor


Wilberforce Scout Centre

Gilwell Park Scout Activity Centre




FavouriteCampsiteOverallFrylands Wood

Scout Outdoor Centre

Downe Scout Activity Centre

Scout Adventures


Wilberforce Scout Centre

Gilwell Park Scout Activity





14.3% 14.3%

Downe Scout Activity Centre 9.1%

Favourite Adventurous



Zip wire


White Water Rafting











Bromley“So we asked the Explorers across Bromley District three simple questions; 1. Favourite Adventurous Activity 2. Favourite Campsite Overall and 3. Favourite Local Campsite, the results are now in!”

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• 80 sections from 31 groups.• 61 volunteers to make the day possible.• 36 activities full of challenge, skill, fun

and adventure.

• 9 leaders recognised for their outstanding commitment to Scouting.

• 1126 Scouting promises renewed.• 1 great Bromley District Scouts

St. George’s Day 2019.

Bromley District’s St George’s Day Event1065 Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Leaders.

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5th Chislehurst Scouts uncover lost Royal plaqueChislehurst has long been associated with royalty - dating back to the 16th century. More recently, but still over forty years ago in 1978, Princess Anne, President of Riding for the Disabled (RDA), visited Chislehurst and planted an oak tree at the official opening of the paddock for Marjorie McClure School and a commemoration stone laid. The paddock is now regularly used by the local riding stables, but the commemoration stone had completely disappeared.

At a recent meeting between local resident, Rev. June Hurn who was the local RDA chair, and Joanna Friel, Chairman of The Chislehurst Society, the pair considered the whereabouts of the stone and whether it was still in place after so many years. It could certainly not be seen at the base of the tree and some had commented that there wasn’t ever a stone in the first place.

As 5th Chislehurst Scout Group meets nearby it was suggested that they might, with the permission of the stables, seek to locate the stone and earlier this month they did!

The oak is growing into a fine specimen but the ground under its canopy was covered in ivy and brambles. The scouts having worked hard clearing the undergrowth discovered the original stone six inches down. Although the white relief paint has mostly worn off, the engraved inscription is still very much intact.

It is hoped that the stone’s lettering will be restored to its former glory and the surrounding area re-fenced so that the stone will be more visible to passers-by.”

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Long Service AwardsChief Scout’s 70 years Service AwardDon Beven

Chief Scout’s 50 years Service AwardBrian WallsJames ColesPeter ElliottRonald Church

Chief Scout’s 40 years Service AwardAlan VergeAnn MarkeyMartin LeonardNicholas Dean-WebbOscar GouldPatricia Lofts

Chief Scout’s 30 years Service AwardIan GilesIan JamesJacqueline DouglassJuliette YeomansKarl Paschael-CantwellVivien Baxter

Chief Scout’s 25 years Service AwardAlex KaneAnne RicksonBen MussonBrenda MorleyChris PriceDiana SprowlesJeannie Pittard-WhitmarshJohn WatersPeter Courtenay

Chief Scout’s 20 years Service AwardAdrian BuckenhamAlison BrazierCarol McGowanCharles YatesClaire PesterDaniel Born

David PartisDebbie KennedyDominic FordGareth ThomasSteven ShirleyTimothy Bermingham-Shaw

Chief Scout’s 15 years Service AwardAdam PanizziCarole EastChristopher JowettDavid HennesseyDonna McNamaraGraham ColeJanet RogersJay ReynoldsJohn PoveyJulie LordKevin BurfordMandy WaitMark McNamaraMel JepsonMichael DykesMichelle RogersMick ShippPaul AmassSusan HennesseyTomo Abbott

Chief Scout’s 10 years Service AwardAdam YoungAkela HudsonAndy DaweChristopher RiddleDan StimsonDavid JohnsonDavid OrganDiana EdmondsJane BaggeJason PriceJohn BruceJohn GompersJon CoxJulia HartKaryn Carmen

Keeley DaweKenneth StreetKevin DilleyLisa StratfordLucy AllenLynsey YeomansMarie WickettMartin HowellMatt BrownMichael Rayment-JohnsonNathan PearcePhilip WilsonPhilippa SeatonPhyllis CrippsRobert WhyteSam BirdSam CoxSamuel Catterall-YoungSandra LawrenceSteve OgbornSteven MetcalfeSue SteadmanThomas EdmondsonWill Collins

Chief Scout’s 5 years Service AwardAdam Martin-LawrenceAlexia MurphyAlison BussAlison DawkinsAndrew JordanAndrew MillsAnita HutchinsAnna PhilpottAshling CullenBernice LuxfordBeverley KanugaCharles JaynesChristine SmithChristopher SlackColleen McNallyDave BarberDavid AllenDavid GiddinsDavid Pickett

David RussellDavid WestonDeborah LukeElaine ScottFaye EdwardsFred LittleGillian StephensHuw JonesHydie HurleIan HardingIan TeatherJack TurnerJackie CosgraveJames ChuckJanice RisbyJo HeboucheJoe WiggettJonathan AskhamJonathan WardJulie HeatherKarl BakerKatie HarrisKeith DayLouise WheatleyLuke BradleyLuke DenyerMark PugheMartin ColemanMatthew BuchananMike HarrisNick ChrumkaPam OwenPeter HuntPeter SheaRebecca WrayRon HopkinsRosie AndrewsRyan BidwellShelagh JordanShelley BristowSimon GreySpencer CowardStephanie HutchinsonThomas HornTim BrownTrina Shea

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Good Service AwardsSilver WolfJohn Bruce

Bar to the Silver AcornIan RandallPam BakerPete PalmerRichard GillmanPaul Cosgrave

Silver AcornBrian AllenDale MartinDiana SprowlesNikki HaslingPaul HaslingRussell Zaple

Bar to the Award for MeritAndrew WatkinsChris HayesJohn WatersJuliette Yeomans

Linda AllenLinda HopkinsRoger Worsley

Award for MeritAdam PanizziAndrew SteadmanCarol HouseColin HagreenDavid HennesseyDavid LeeDavid WillisDeborah KerrGeorge BuistHilary MoyJanet FrancombeJeanette ElvenJeffrey WickettJohn EdmondsonKaren SmurthwaiteMarie WickettMel JepsonMick ScottNick White

Nigel WattsPaul LawrenceRobert HoweRoger DyerSam CoxSimon NarracottS-J DurmanSusan HennesseyMichael DykesDonna McNamaraMark McNamaraAdam PughChristine ReganLesley RobertsStuart SuttonJanet Rogers

Chief Scout’s Commendation for Good ServiceAndra SpiteriAnn DonkinBen SteadmanCharlotte Laxton

David GoodwinDavid PickettDawn KnightEmma DowlingJames GriffithsJennifer PickettJulia HartKaren SwindellsNatalie KernanRachael PeekRobert WhyteSue GuckianTara Mendez

Chief Scout’s Commendation for Meritorious ConductChase Best

County Commissioner’s CommendationAndy BishopLuke CashinKevin Prestidge

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Aged 16-18 in July 2020? Why not complete the Explorer Belt of a lifetime by discovering and travelling through the wonderful and vibrant country of India. Our Himalayan Adventure will allow you to travel to Delhi, Agra and Rishikesh. You’ll discover India’s culture, visiting sights including the Taj Mahal and take part in activities including, yoga & trekking.

Register your interest on our web page by 1st July for our selection camp on 13th to 14th July.

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This is set to be another amazing international experience, shared with Scouts from all over Europe. The Jamboree will be on Sobieszewo Island, which is just outside of Gdańsk, Poland. It will run from the 26th July 2020 until 6th August 2020 and GLSE will also be organizing a short post Jamboree adventure.

We have selected an amazing Leadership Team for this event, congratulations and thank you to Murray Smith, Steve Metcalfe, Natasha Clarkson and Sarah-Jane Durman.


In order to attend as a Participant you must have been born between 26th July 2002 and 26th July 2006. Places will be given on a first come first served basis - to secure your place, please email [email protected] as soon as possible.

The cost for Participants will be no more than £1,250 per person. This will include:

• All flights and transfers during the European Jamboree in summer 2020 • Jamboree fees • A post Jamboree event/visit (exact details to be agreed with Young People) • All food/meals and accommodation for the duration of the trip • Insurance • Unit training and preparation events, including camp fees and food • Unit equipment to take to the European Jamboree (i.e. Tents)


GLSE have a number of people lined up to be part of the International Service Team (IST) at the European Jamboree and have the space for others who are interested. The costs for IST is approx. £250 (payable directly in Polish Zloty), however this is just the Jamboree fees and doesn’t include travel to Poland. More details can be found at www.ej2020.org/ist/. If you are interested in having a role in the IST, please email [email protected].

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Fran Georgel - Select Scout Specialist / GLSE Snowsports Advisor & Assessor Former Scout Leader at 7th West Wickham 07525 832096 [email protected]

with select school

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