PIANO FORTE nntJ MUSIC W A 11 E II O U S ! 93 , QUA Y, WATERFORD. F. f T. HOWARD HAYING cn ' saged the services of Mr. McIlOX- NKLI- , of Dublin , Pianoforte Timor (who lias given such entire satisfaction lo those who have eni- jiloyod him during his recent visits ti> this oily) is now ready to undertake the Tuninir, Hullimr , Clothing , and nil oilier repairs of PIAXOl'OKTKs . which lie cn- pagos shall be done in the very best manner , and on the most reasonable terms. F. T. II. begs to cal l the attention of the Public f.o his present Stock of Pianofortes , which aie of a Superior class , and will be sol d or hired out . at tins Jowest remunerating prices. Cornopeans , Guitar? , Violins, Accordoons , tic , in grout variety. K.T. HOWARD takes this opportunity lo return Iiis grateful thariks for the kind support he has received since the opening of his MUSICAL ACAUKMY , and to assure those parents who nuy favor him with The instruction of their children in Musi c , tliat no j iains is spared to, impart a knowlrdiia of the science and a graceful and fu ' shed execution, us maj bo as- certained by enquiry of any of the respectable parties ¦who have had their young ladies instructed at his Mu- sical Academy. Terms Reasonable . N.B. —Christmas vacation will terminate on TUES- DAY, JANUARY 7th , 1851. —jjr.^LlinH.'Tf.^I'C** - ' —V3 CITY OK DIT.LIN STEAM PACKET COMPANY SCRE W SCHO ONER S , DIAMOND AND EMERALD l'l.Y HKTWKKX HI 'BUS, UELFAST A.\l> V'A TIuH- 'O. 'lH , Sailing as follows: From DUBLIN for WAT3RF0RI? On WEDNESDAYS. From WATERFORD fo> D IT.I.IX ar..l BELFAST , on FilllJAYiS . OFFICES ; ])U]!I,I N- lo , Kdcn <}:i:iy. P. HO WELL, s per,!.,1-v. ]SKL FAST—Donegal l . !ii:i y. CHARLEY Mi>.iCOL-J WATKHFORD-Quay, MICHAEL " BOWN35ft STEAM PACKET COMPANY VICKY KKDUCF.I) FAKKS AND I-'ilKCHTS HKT W l-X N W ATlCKFO' vi) AND LIVERPOOL. THK NEW /AA&Z' F* I'ION FIKST CLASS ,^$M^j\ S'l"' - AM siiEl '. POYLB. S' .IO TONS P.UKTHKN —lOli lU.-iJSK l'OU Kl! , Ktir.uuT K EMI ' . STON , Commander , on DEVO NSHIRE ^ 400 TONS HUKTJIKN— HU0 J.10KSK f oWVAi W M. Jhsiioi*, Coiuiniiihlcr , WILL continue loply regularl y betv.veil t ' :c abovi mentioned Ports , having i.iverjji;o! even TIISIIAY , and W'atrrfurd every I' mii .w. Further particulars may lit- had mi ap|.lir ;iii.i!i to J. P. (JIIAMMSIW , Q- .iav , WatJi fun! M-CLUNK AMD i'AMl'LIX , Brunswick Street , Liverpool. COUNTY OF THE CITY OP •ff/ATERFORD. REVISING REGIS TR Y szssross. FTICK is hereby given that JAMES UK.S- S0X.NET, ' Esq., Assistant liarristtr ibi the County of Watcrford , will hold an OJICII Court of StiecialSe-sions , at the new Cily Court- House , on Friday, the 24th day of January instant, at the hour of ton o' clock in the fore- noon uf the said day, for the purpose of revis- ing the several lists of Parliamentary Voters for the County of the City of Wateribrd , pursuant to the net of 13th and 14th Victoria , Chap. Oi) ; of which all persons concerned are hereb y re- quired to take notice. By Order , U. COOKE , Clerk of the Peace. Waterford. 4th January, 1851. MEASAM & CO. 'S MEDICATED CREAM SOAP IS one of the most purif y ing things for the skin ; it removes pimp les , blotches , and scrofula , from the face , and renders the skin healthy ; Rheumatism , sprains , bruises , and all obstinate skin comp laints and inllaniniations will speedil y give way to it , by deictmined ap- plication with friction. As a shaving soap, for the toilet , or the nursery, it is equall y valua- ble, as it cleanses the skin and prevents cuta- neous eruptions , and its general uses are so varied that no famil y should be without it. This Soap lias given universal satisfaction , and is constantl y used by professional men aim m hosp itals , with the happiest results . Its ellccts arc so quiok and certain that it will soon be- come an indispensabl e article for every hos- pital , surgery, & drugg ist ' s shop in the woiid. Every one may test the truth of this for a low pence. Numbers of charitable people constantl y give it way to poor families. To professional men and charitable peop le , it is supp lied m jars at 11s. and 22s., carriag e free. Sold at 23? , Strand , next door to Temp le Bar , in pots at l£d., and famil y pots three times the quantity, 2s. 2d., to be had of every Chemist , Drugg ist , and Bookseller in the krndoin (who can obtain it in their weekly parcels), throug h their wholesale London Houses Great Reduction in Price, MEA SA M $ Cos REGENERATI VE SOAP. Restores and cleanses the most dirty Carpets , Silks , Satins . Gold Frames , &c . an.I all l.ii.ds of delicatu coloured goods at a very trilling <-x- pense , rendering them neaily equal to new , r.nd without injuring their co' .ois or cusing any smell , it requires scarcel y any labour , r.nd may be safel y trusted in the hands of every do- mestic. N'B. —This Soap enables eve ry famil y to cleanse their own wardrobes without son.ling them to a Dyer or Scourcns 's. Sold at the Depot , 228. Strand , next h.inp le Bar . in jars , at Is. and Is. (id., and in larger quantities at Tici. per H>. N.B. —There is a great saving by " taking a . "2lb. jar , price ' _ '2.s. carriage paid. No order attended to unless accompanied with a remittance. Sold at (he Watcrford Nucs Office. NEWSPAPER FOR THE FARMING & GARDENING INTEREST Jomuinj , will be pu blished price Sixpence , each J' olumc comp lete in itself, F.SI.ARGKD TO TWKNTV-FOUR FOLIO PAOF.S , T II ¥. F I 11 S T N U M HER FOR 1851 OF The ©ardsaers 1 €lir©sai©le AND ^¦Ufl ^**** If A Weekl y 15ec»ril <>f Kuriil Kronomy r.r. il General New. 1 : . TII K IIOHICUl.T lTHAL TAUT KDITKD ISY IM. 'OFKSSOH 1,1 XI)LEY. TIIF FvTtMlNU PART (under tlie lvlitnrshi p of a practi cal Farmer) t rc.itsui ' Tin: praetire of Agricu lture IHcsnlt s of Ex . idrimeulal Farming Agricultural Science (irowlh anil Rotati on of Crops Animal nnii. Vegetable l"liysi ol>>try Management ol 'Sto-k Improvements in Imp lements , iiescribe ;l Voicrnary Science Iiy Woodcuts whenever requisite, l)ri;iiir. »< ; JJctter modus of Husbandry Irri gation In short , whatever i' Rue is the beneficial employment of ( !Jeporls nre regularl y given of the Kiu/ish , Scotch, and 1 ri*>lt Agricultural Son Mniki -t Trices of Coin , Hay, Cstile , tfeols , Hups Potatoes , \' <t»\ , Coal , Tii AS Vi ' "G MIPS TIIF OVRDFMXO l'AUT f 'limW Ilic Ivlitorslii p of Dr. r.inillty), tlir: princi p le is to imikt' ila weckl ' v rrcor.i of ovcrvtlii i." that boars upon Horlicultm v , I-ioiicultui e , A.boricul iurc , or (. - ardcti liclany, ami :,ml such Xati.ra l Ili-lory as l.a. -. :. n-lation to Gar.ln.iii;: , with Xotices ntul C.iti.MS tns ol all D orics on such sali- j ,, :s. l '-»-'''- ! wi ' ! ' i ;;;y^\''r ! ( .A,. ' ,:Sl>AllS OI- - fiAHHKSIXn Ol-KKATIOXS . Civ-n in <!<-t;.ii ni.il aM M .l,.l to tl,- ..i.jcots of prrsous iu fvcry station of life ; ».. that (lie ColtaK" , will, a fcw ro.ls .. f.r,- ,,,.,.,! i, c , - ,, ro \, U ,-Jr ih.- Ai:i:!!riir who has only a Gro-nlinuse , anil the ManaRei ot l-.xt.Mis.v .. (, !5 I 1I L - I , S . :ir.. :i!ile i,;f..rmr,l ,.f ' tli.: louii.;.- of Operations v.ln-1. the vaiy iii- si-nsnns ivn.iors iipitcfsary It iiioro..v..r contains U -ts of i:o : li-.T,!t!in.l Kxl.il.ili..ii S ni:.l lTf-v*-.l!i.!t-Xolicp« f.rN..v«liir * :u:.l Iii !,'r.'v.;ii... -i.l«-m fact BVcrylliins tl,;. . ' . c-iii to: .! lo a.haiuv ill, - 1' . ol. s-ion , bn.^fit th« fon.lilt. thfi WoiUma.i . or ron.lnr.! to the pleasure of Ins l-ii.p ir.ver ; Wo-lcuts air .jiv. -n wi.mcvrr th.^i.ttrr tivatcl of r<. - (| .:!r(-< that n:...!.- ..! .Unslrohon . 1 ITI'FS Til Oi;i:.STl()N:- n.|,...THil wilh thf <''. i'vl of ll.r Pa per arc nls» lurmslinl wu.- .cly. I i ' - l \ '" tl ' -i ii > evifn'i n ..f l'O'M <T\C "VH 1'Oi.inCAi. N KV. 'S is iiitroiiuce «l which is usuall y f. .,ninl in a w.vklv ' Mv. ^up,.;- . li' ls nw « ' e-w\- to .Iwr.il ou ll.NJl.rn.l f.irll.rr than to say. tha! th, JTii|.rl.-IOM .lo mM rang.. l!,,n,. " , .|v. - . „,.,!„ ih- LaiMTrs -fa.-y JVrty ; th. ir.anv, i.-:.vr, lir s aiv to m-.ke ill-: (.Ai:nKNi:us ( nimxi- cl.K ai,l .\,; KH fl-n iiAl. C A /.KTT V. ii full ««¦! c. .iii|iM-l.ri.-iv.- H c r a r d of l - a c l s oiA y-* .N.'»vs|. il ,.. ! r ill I ..: Irii.- <n.ve i.fllu- won! ViviiM' llr 3- - . - ..1, r to furm his <- .vn op inions : tli.-n- ..l yret hfiii- thn clnci-l. -ilion ol th>> lmvs of X ,^. ,t . " "' .Ian Thlr ,!!::, ' -,• J lhns r.,,,.W....I , IX .M!i)iTK.X TO THK l-KCUI -tAH n- ATUKlCS Ol' Tin: j ' orii. VAI.. wii!, ,:w), ;.:O.r...: 1 t;.=n ro^vn.in- tho -suMiU Lf th- day, as siipi!rse:h-» the necessity ol his pro- viiKirj: hhiiM 'if«;:!; ::iiv other \Virklv i\ii« :". ... , , ,, , ,i en' a t- A I' IJOSI '. MMV wivn J. IST ov C<-,NTKirLTo;:> , ii.u\ hi: lia-l osi app lication , or by lnticr , at the Oflieo. ' . ', ^ pper I™ ?!" 1 rnKxi?. VJ^OMMSC!. . WITH I - IIK M: W VO ,,; MK HAD HHITKR CVK T .!i:ni Oi M) |.:ij . < AT nXC-K TO AXY NKWSVKXniCH . •J'ili: 0!.!) KSTAULIsIiKl) LONDON (JOl- 'L' J -Ii*: Broeksopp, Sons k €o 9 s Patent !' ..< kc-il i:i Tin Canisters of ' Ah TTV . 'i' .M the wiihily I'Xtf-n " i-d iV.nsfi t.f thn ab nc I'ATICXTKI) COl'l-'IU^ , anil the nuin!:cr of ypars it has been JL known to , Mini approved by I lie public, it would now serin SfSlrrulv necessary for 1 ' nrtln'r cuinni'-iil ilirouuh til ! ricdiiiiM of Adveilisi'iiwnt. " liitOL KSDi'P , SONS AND ( ' "OMi'AXY. Ifwever , well knowing ilmt iin::y <!r.;iTis ami olbor Dvaleas . aro iu tin! habit ot puckiii'^ o!hi:r and inferior Cuifeo in pin-hsijics to imitate the dc- nuiii" . iiml ii rr'|iiisite , in jnstii - i: to the public and lhi-lii'i<:lvi <s , to stale that llntir Coii' ui' ran Im had ciiiiy of the Appointed Aleuts, and that the Xames and Seal of the Iinjioiters , "• liKOCKSOPP , SOXS & CO. " ure i'ilixed to every Genuine Package . Thu ' uliove Cullrit is l(oa«teil by the aid of STKAM l'OWKIi , and the peculiarity wherein it excels , consists i:i ol>taii -ihj :-a a perfect evenness of roast , evaporating tho ncetoiH qualities contaiti'rd in the liaw llerry, while thtt Aroma in which the strength and frajr ranre am concentrated , is entiiel y preserved. Tin: '' ofl' ei; is also (iroiiml l ' re«h from the li-.aster , by Mills |nopelleil by .Sleani , and is then iinnifvJ ritcly nlaeed in tin cases, which are euilnn il ii:ipervioiu to the alin(i"p ! ere hy buirjir licnnoti' - 'ally seale l. The valuable (pinlitiis nf the (" oii' ee llerrj !>y hi iii^r thin roiu'cntrated and prpscrveil , the r>:criniuieinlalion lo iis use is ciineludml by an extract from Dr. i imiisTos , who , in his I.ertiirr s on Itnluny, says , " A cup of gooil (' n(" . -e cvlillirntus th" mind and bodily facul fio.H j itntl ti-itJiiii ^ - can he mon: refreshing to the man who slii'lir? , or l)n> laborious mechanic. '' l'UKSKXT HKDUCr.D PIMCIiS. f. - nosl r.-\ l<in (iood l)i'inur:ira I ii.est Old Mocha , a 1'lin Tru:l<! nun bc. -upj.lied wit h d TIIK HIJOfK^OPP , SONS & COMPANY , in siiliniiilin -.t a Pritv List of thoir jusil y cidehrateil PACK Mi V. TI-: .\S , llil:;U il unii'-crs-i'iry lo enminent on tiieir e:ccelii-:il (jiiiili :v , fu i-'hcr ihan to ilnnv ispeci.il aili-ulioii lo ' .lie «'ip.-rii>r ai. 'l eioiminicl FAMILY l. 'OXCJOl; at -ii. 10., and " IIOWQU.i '.S M iX i'li UK" uiiil li Sli.MI- noWCil'A" lor the use of cou:ii>suiirs. THE HOV. QUA' . -S MIXTU JM-: Is ei;iup'"-:-'! of l- ' nity of t!ir rhoiee- jt •• Mt)\V(>rA , "b y whom il w: Is nUo the produce of one HOYVQK.V S M1XTU UK , per |inuml Thi i Tea while part liking of ali the. i adap ted f.>r ordinarv consumplinn IA b., am! *\h . Svini-IIowcju a , per pound ( . 'ally Kcnnnmical l-' amil y Tea , strong l y rc< (iood C'Migou .. .. !)d (ioirl s'rollg di't'i .. .. 4-i (tocid Sirohg full ihivourcd .. .. 4-i l inisl (!i;lo . 1, 'ieh l'rkco . - : .ri! ' 'lir.|V. ' fi' ivor .. . "i-i »S:roi ;^- lull tlavorcM 1 . . ' i .uoe S OIII - There bc lii ' j ImH 'Uioitx of the above Tpi»n Athl'-ne , (Agent wauled) Alhy. Samuel ( . ' onnoll y. Hurrii'-in-Os. -'-i'y (A RI - II I .vniitud) Calliin , Miss llakfi - , I' o. -lmistii::-) . C.rlow , If. T- iinunt , Kiirrin-sirect . ( . . " itrlow , W . Whilmoie , (Jlub-lioiise. Cu:!i:.^ l' iird , William Woudi.cv. l:::il y^!:.-!- . Willhim WilMi. liiiiliuu , Willi'ini lSii'i:i-y. l!iill;iias ' <i> ;, (Apent w.inied). l::ill\iii 'iti . ' , S!;i. u (A^eut wank-.l) l!ali;ii:nnoie , (Au- -lit wanted). Duliiniobc , Daviil F.ilig- ,lt. Cr.sthliar, \V. Gl.iiiville , sued ssor to IJ U. Y'jun^. Ilctirlon , (Agent wijiiled). llorrisokane , Henry llurger:?. 1! 1 il il* . J>:ienilah Miilnuiy. Ilutlevant Ilolel , \V . M ' rfiarrv . Cuhir , J. Can I well, (. ' a^lletownroclie , A. ( iirioll. Caslicl , Maiy Iiviin. Cagtlamarl\r , Murgnrct W' uUhu Cloiiincl , John Ilackctt. ( . "loyisi! (Ay«nt wanti-d). Cork , fAgent wanteil). Cork linrr i cks , Wm. Mefiarry. !iiiii!;arvnn , Jiiines .Morgan. 1' .:i:iis , ' iii-s I' ' .|I ^ 'I:' . III 1. l. 'iinietwnnn (Agent waiite>l) . Armng li. Jtiincs Dnnohqi:. j Ati^linac!fty , (A jfMif \vai;!ci!). J Hallvhay, (Agrnf wanted). j I!:il' \ money, (A^e 'it wanle.i). \ Hall yshahuou , Cl.ariV- \\i- , ^. ' Ui: L-ii.!-, -" (Atrcnl wi<nt"i;), H,-l! ' iis.!. John MiKeiiiia. H-ltiilhet , M. Jlageiii h. I i:ii>liuiills , Salli!:i-l Sirel . j Cariirhferu'-s , 1). Ill.iir ni. il Co . I ' ali'irkniaci ii- 'S . John . V K K I - OII . Casth-hlauv . Da\iil (jiiinn Ditto Isabella Quiiiu. Clonca , Janet .Synni. Colcrainc , James ."invan. ( . " I' nihiT , liolirrt iluaiiV . Co' . 'ohhill , Ambrose Hartley. , Is Od 5- 'lrftici full flavoure d J^ruaiiM .. Is M la 4d Slicing liirdi Moch.i .. .. 'Js (Jd great trfnt to tciiuolssiuirs .. .. Us 4d ¦fi" ' . 'e in the lierry , in quanlities ol peculiar | aienl j<ii iici p li:, riioici-isT PiionucTioxs 01 kinds of Tea . [jiuwn o;! lln: K-tal- of the late r.-h '-r:.l-<! il..u-.; M.Tchanl ¦ i eoiistantlv u-e.l , and hence i's iiaiiui " 111>\VQt 'A "S M IXTl. ' li K. " MO \VQ ;; A - S (;I/ . \ TO \ VDI -; U laic peculiarl y aihipiiMl f'/r lhe g:o\ l(I-DUCi:i ) PJUC1-S. cally parkagi's f:s | MOWQu'A'S Small Leaf (Junpnwder ditto Bs SI -:. MI - IKHVQI ; A . istiiijf'ii^hinj; f|!::iliiies of the ''ri y i n al , is , as b-iug ni^i' e rcnr. 'imieal , lietlor l.iku the (Jrigii ,al Teas they arc imported in (Ihin . 'se Catty Package . ; ,of lib , .j< lid | Semi-Mowqii a' s .Small UIOI! PACKAni- TEAS, recommended. ickajre , I'd i'd (l.-iO'l PTing Twankay .. -M ai. ii -is 'lu 4s l!d , *!roi:M II VSOII , usualiv t!s .. ; " »•! Od .. 4< od l ine Srrjn ' g Il . ison. fu ' ll flavored (:i "d ¦ - ' fi' ivor .. . ' <-i (id I'iuu Sli' n!i!;lii! >-I: burnt flavour Young ll ysonds Od :uiV.; •• ' " '* •'¦! l ine Imperial (iunpo'.viler .. fis Od 1' nckni jis , >;:m iri!l p. Wse. to ask f,r " li llOCKSOPl' , SO.XS .j Co.i Tens and Cufflis. , lib., rm- .l -ilb. ci- .di ; ;uu! in One Ounri . 1 to Onu Pound. ^— OF AGSMTS IN IRELAND. AGENTS IN LKINSTHR. :Cl-ira , Patrick Egun. jMullimrar (A RISH I Wanledj . !i)iibliii , ll . Ooleiuan , Collcge-sliect.; Naas , Jiim: Parsuu>. [:):sndiilU (A-i«iit wanted). IParsoiislown , fjliiehls and Son. iKilki-nny, Ahniham Du.r.:elie . il/K-ll' orlnrliiigto: ! , Henry (inll ". ! iterator oliictr. Tullamure . T and S. K. Colli:n iKelU. Maivlrwin. UVxfoid (A B 'eiit wanted). ¦ i\t IN, Mary Irwin. !\Ioliill (Ag'int wanted). AGENTS IN CONXAL'GU'l jfaslu'ree fienrgi; (iall-ihur. ( . ' auigallcn , A. r .:.i! waut. - .d). (. 'l:i remoiri» , .Sirah (lo 'lini. |(Jiin!.;n , John .Mat«uifini . -ss. j( . ' uii;ioney, l-'liztihelh beiuiilig. jlialway , (i. liulled^e . | (iorl . Slicha. l Keai.e. iKil' ahi , Agel.t wanted;. AGENTS IX MUXSTKR I' ethard , l' reileriek Savers. I' i rmoy, Jones Turner. (¦> Iden , I. 'ii'lv ltrieu. Kantuik. Pos'masKr , Il. Savdge. Ki'iu^ii , Kotierl Cox. Kiilaloe , j\trn ntrr)''V, Kiifiiinaui! , J . M'Uarih y. Kihlorrery, K. MeSweenv. Uin»ale , C. Sj. Fusscll. Limerick , (Agent wanted), l.isinnre , Mrs. Diiuiie. Mallow , l-jhvaril .Sullivan. Macrnnm , Nicholas While . Ui'idletnn. Win. M'Carlhy. i .Milinwii Ma!l.v . Jann'3 (TKollv AO KXiS IX UIiS TKH. lui'gaju.ou , liirhii 'd Tei. ' . -r. : .m\ v;i|". (Agei.t walitedj. ¦juii"killell . II . lievaii. larviig b . Timmn< It. Polsrn. ¦ jilfurd Mills , (jiif'ifd l!o-opera!i» Society iorMn. Alexander l'iih'nthe . !\i!kei-l.(A:^eiil wanti- ,!). \illr>i:::ndra . (' . ' ' oniiol Sy. Killou^h , John Suicii. l . -in:e , .li>hii lluinillou. l .arne , John .McJiowe!l. l.elteiketi iy, W:n. Drdn-rly. f.oinio idi-rry , Wiii.Tli iiinpT-iui. [. oinloinlcrry , James Tlioin;>vju. ' .iirgan , Anne ljriity, Un"li<:riiliii.(A g-:iit uanicd J. \V A IIE!!OLSK. ; Bsmki €ei!be 9 rinfoil 1 ' ackagcs ol all tizes , Ironi not less than one Chest , roasted on the CHINA. Ih of ' .he fines! ( . irecn Teas Gunpowder Js Od i v - ' . H "lid 4s 'Id . ' . r., . :,-. Od ling I'orcstinty s lioad-innkiiifr I' iirni-Diiildingj Labourers Treatment of Poultry A gri gnltiirnl Publications , of Cap ital in land. Societies and l- ' anncrs ' Clubs —London Timber , Uar){ , kc , ami the Week I v iLoug hresi , Mary O'lirl. n. ^ Xeuport Plan , Hu^ li XiX' . -u. iPoilninna , (Agent iv.iiitel). j ltO^t'Oinmon , fAguiit wauled) ¦Sligo , William Caddis. | Tuum , Patrir k Jurdar. j TiillaviiUcn , John Mui | i |i\. IWeslpi.it , Maiy Yoiiu". *. N' cnngh (Agent wanted). Xcwrastle West , l{. Alurrav. ,\ewmaiki:t-uii reigns , Pk. Heir! (iueeristown , >Swaiilon and Co. rkiheieen , J.di u I. evis , .ScarilV , Killaloi ' .T. II . S;mrliu;;. Tburli- s . T. liuiUe. Ti pperary . Mary Ann Mollny. Tallow , Dnvid Jojfi: .jtmr . Tirinplrmore , (AcMit want ed). Tralee , Ceor'ii: (jiles. Tiilla , Win. O'lirien. Waterford , (Agent wanted). Yoi'glial , Jv Purdun. Mr.i. -i^'h in . ,1'iiui O'liaiihui. Xi-wiy. K'li'i'ii Crei-r. N. v. -iy , llii' . 'h Me.Mhlriu. XrWl'iwiiarda. Jidiii Tavlor. N«:WT'I\VII Ijihm'lll V , J . SUIVih i 'iiia'jh, Ji .Iin Ni-lis. 1' oiladown , Jane's O'llaiiluii. I' ririyleiinut '. Wi|!i,mi Sinvlh. ;:a:idal-lo' .vn (A ;;eiit v.iiii ii'il > . liap huf. ' John M.CIrciv. Six Mile (!io»? , Duuiianuon. Stewaidstown , J. (. ' . J.iit. 'e. Strabaur , J- IIIHM Th'unpsoii. randeragne , JiiiniH Kinkeii.!. Tiili'Tinori!. Jain«> Wall rs. Tyrella. Unsid Moorheitd . UaiieaiM iiiil , S. ic H. Sinvtb. REVISING REGISTRY SESSIONS. NOTI CE IS HEREB Y GIVEN. THAT JAMES CE3S0XNET , ESQ.. Assis- tant Barrister for the County of Watcrford , will Sit on the following Day? , and at the un- ilernamed Towns , to ltuviso the several Lists of Voters for the County of Watcrford and the Tioioug h of Duiipravviin , pursuant to the Statute , 13th and 14th of Victoria :— At LISMORE , on TUESDAY , the 1-t th Day of January, 18.51, for the Baronies of (Vshmore and Coshbridu. At DUNGARVAN , on THURSDAY , the lGth Day of January. 1851, for the Baronies of Decies Without Drum and Decies Wit ' in Drum. For the 'BOROUGH of DUNGARVAN , on MONDAY , the '20th Day of Ja- nuary, 1851. At WATEIIFOlp, on WEDNESDAY , the f>2«] Day of January, 185 1, for the Baronies of Gaultier , Kilculliheen , and Mirirflcthird. At CAIlRICK- '>N-SUIR , on TUESDAY , the 28th Day of January, 1851. for the Baionics of Glanalioiry a'ld Vjipcrtliivd. The Court will sit each Day at the Hour ol Tono 'Clock i:i tiio Fiirunom Paled this 2Sth day of December , 1850. By order , BAl ' tTHOl.OMKW DELANDR1-: . Clerk of the Peace. TiiiKTY-rirn i KDITIOX . Containing : .he sov,r:l y far t;io pzsvcniioa o5 iixsonso I!lu>tiated by Twenty-six Auutomiu.il Coloured Kn;jrav - int's on Steel. On riiYSiCAL ' DISQUALIFICATIONS. GENERATIVE INCAPACITY , AND Impediments to Mnrriw/e. /• iirw i iul improved Kditinn , enlarr^eil lo 1!)!! j morts, price ~s Gd ; by post , riirect ironi tiio cstablisli- HKMi t .I' s Oil in postage stamps, fplIK SII.KNT FniBND , ;v medical work on tb;. X exhaiiMation and p h ysical decay of the syslom , procliii oil by execsMve indiil^CM.cc , the oonscijt ioiicos of infection , or the abuso of mercury, with observations on llio umrricd slate , and tb.o disqualiliiations which prevent it; llhutratod Iiy Twenty-six Coloured Kn- ^tav in^s , and b y Ilic dttail cf eases. Ii y It. :n:il L. l'KHRV & Co., Consulting Siiruoons , I!) ISornci ' s- Street, O\l'.nd s!i' eet , l-omlon. Publishcil by the Au- thors , ami sold by Siran^e , 21, Piilornosti > r-l' .u\v ; llau- nuyainl Cu. , (ill , Oxfiir.l-stroot ; SaiiRor , l- " )0 , Oxfoi-rl . •troet ; Gonloii , )' ' A , l^eadon liall-stieec ; Siiirio , 2, "J, Titehbdrno-stieel , Ilaymaikct , Iiomiini ; Newti n 10 & IV .Cbuich-sliect , l,ivei'pool ; llawlf , Cliui'cli-sli-cel , l.iverpnid ; Ingrain , Jlarket-strcot , Manchester ; 1) . Camp bell , 13li , Ar-ry lo-strcct , Glasgow ; 11. hiiuisiiy, ll , Klins-ro\v , Kdiiibur ^ h : Powell , 10, Westmorcbind- slreet , Dublin , and by all booksellers and patent medi- cine venders in town and country. Part tho tirst treats of the anatomy anil physiology r,f the reproductive organs , and is illustrated b y Six Coloured Ku^ravliigs Part the Second treats of the infirmities and decay of tho system , produced by over indul gence of the passions. It shews clearly the manner in which the banefu l consequences of Ibis indulgence operate 1 on Die economy, in the impairment and destruction of trie .social HIK ! vital powers . TI I - J existence of nervous and srAlia! debility and incapacity, with their accompany, ing train of symptoms and disorders are treated b y the chain of connecting results to this cause, fl'liis strtioy conclude * with an explicit detail of the menus b y which these olii'ctsmay be remedied , nml l' ull and amp le direct t : ons lbr their use. Il is illustrated by three coloured engravings , which full y disp lay the eliects of p h ysical decay. Part the Thii d furnishes an accurate account of those diseases which are the result of infection , whether in the primary or seconda-y character ; and it also contains exp licit directions lbr their treatment . In it will he found evident proof that many porsun*, either mistakin g the nature of the comp laint under which they labour , from real i gnorance of the subject , or from its usididiis and latent character , neg lect lo obtain n 10 requisite medical aid , and allow llio diseases in ques- tion lo bi'curc their hold upon the system , thereb y cn- iailinir upon themselves ami families a life-tinii; of wretchedness ami broken health.which mi ght have been avoided b y earl y attention to the symptoms of disease. This pail is illustrated by L7 coloured engravings. P,ut the Fourth contains a remed y for the Preven- tion of Disease by a simp le application , by which the dimmer of infection is obviated. Its action is simple but sure. Part the l-'if' .h treats of marriage—its obli gations and dij qiiiililic ations. T! IK causes which lead to happ iness n the marriage stsltc arc dwelt upon , and those which are indicative of misery and domestic iiuiuietiid n . Till- ; CORJHAI. 1!ALM Ol' SYiMACU .M Is a renuviilur of the impaired functions of life. Ilj in- fluence on the human system is especiall y directed to the treatment anil removal o- those alfections which are pro- duced by disorders of the generative organs , wlie'litr emi!>liiuii'iual or acquired ; anil it is especiall y intended for tiiust! cast:* in which , b y the pnielicc of Oinniriu , tin; powers of the fi iiiiii! have , by undue and unnatural ex- cilemenl , li'di reduced loan imwoiited amount of depres- sion , I sIn- vigour of RoiiSliluti iiii , together with ihe Mieial happ iness of existence , appears to he entirel y and irrevocabl y lost , the mental faculties Indng at. tin: sumo time in a stale of extraurdimiiy impairment , so tliat the springs r.f life appear to he sapped at the very fouuila- liou , and the onl y prospect h-lt for the unfurlunati: vic- tim of evil examp le, is a lifu-timi! of iniseiy, ami a wretched and au earl y death . The consequence:) whicli lollnw tlie ilangeroiis practice we condemn .iienol merel y phvsii 'iil ; Ihe iiiind parliei pnles in Ihe infaliiation , anil i., gr.idiuili y lerl into a lertile li.dil of siiduciivr. error , the ri 'sull being ihu iihsululo lo.'s of ihe powers of manhood from a pernicious app lication of those inherent mums whicli nature wisely imparted to us for the prapagafion of the species. Such an one carries with him the form PIK I nspcet ol oilier men , Imt wiilmiit Ihu vi gour and cntiL'y of that sr:ason of life which his earl y youlh yave him eipry reason to expect he would attain , mid many cease to be m*!i , or at least lo pn->sc?s the (|unlilica!ioiis nf iiianhood at lliirlv. l'erions so silnaled are earnestl y advised (o i:«iis:dt mid ulud y tliu SILKNT J-'I'IJiiM) , which lli r y will li11tl to be au excellent guide. II. should be carefull y read before a couise of meilecine ha «nlercd on. l'or such cases as these , tl;c COIIUIAI , U AI . M OP S VHI A(: I;. M is peculiar)' adapted , Ihu direct object ot which is tlie relief of those who by an inordinate and un- natural indulgence ha\c destroyed their powers of con- stitution , and of those who , while advancing rap idl y to lliat unfortunate condition , are troubled with any nf the premonitory symptoms , which should warn >•( its ap- proach , such as Ihe vnriumi alfccliou. - of I lie nervous sys- tem , obiiinale u lei' .l , excesses , irrejiiilaril y, ohciruclion or imperfection of certain evacuations , dr.hility, general or part ial , tolal impotence , barrenness , or sterility, &c. The CoiilHAI, H AI .M OK S VIUACU . M is cspi ciall y re- eoiiiu:i:udcil lo lie: taken for some lime by persons who coiileiiii-lbte entering into llio holy bunds of matrimony ; le»t , in the event of the marriage-bed proving fruitful , I|,t; innocent uiispring shnuhl pay the penally of the parent ' s pieviyur ¦:\rtr> ' -es ) and exhibit characters of phy- sica l debility, llic ie. --!ill of eurl y misconduct ou Ihe part nf ihi: patent. rmelv I Is. s. -r four at I Is. in .mi 1 bottle inr X\- .i.. by which II shil!ii'£;"ir-'s :iVl d. The .1' . " ) cases nf Syri:icum or C' on- r' .'iilriilcd i. 'eler.slvi; Ks. -,enco ran o;il\ be hail at HI , Hi r- ner ' s street , Oxford-S' .<• el , London , liy puicbasiugoiic. of ibe. 'C cases lliere will bi; a . ';avi:i^; of £1 l'J.%., und thfi patient is i . 'rilille.l to receive advice uillnnit a fee. 7he Vunwiilruleil Drlcrnicc E.<scnc< : . AN A\TI- . SyP;IIUTI<; KICMKDV , is re. om mended in syp hilis ami secondary symptoms—searches out and purities the diseased hiimiKir from the blood and cliiiifcslliosvSlc-m from all detcrioratiugcases. Its influence in tlm lo.Ooralion of heallh uf all persons labourin g under tliu coiisciiuenccs which inevi- tably lollow contamination is undeniable , and it also constitutes a certain cure for scurvy, scrofula , scorbutic humours , old wounds, ulcers , sore legs, venere-d ulcers and sores , ghimluhirswellin;;s ,erieipelas. leprosy, king ' s evil , p imp les , diseases of the skin , cutaneous eruptions of any part of the body, and all impurities of the blood Price 11s. or four bottles is one for 33s. by.;\vhich 1 Is. is saved ; also in ^5 cases, b y which will be saved £ I 12s. To be had at the Lundon Establishment. P ERRY ' S P UKIFYING S PECIFIC P IM . S. Price 2s. 9< 1 . ¦Is. Od., and 11s. per box. These Pills , each lU.x i.r which is accompanied with exp licit directions , are well known throughout Europe , to be the most certain and effectual reined) ever discovered for Gonorrhoea , both in its mild ami au 'uravateil forms. r£>T In all cases of consultation b y letter , the usual i' ec uf^l must be forwarded , cither by I'ost-Ollice- Ordcr , or otherwise. Patients are requested lo Ho as minute as possible, in the detail of their cases , noting especiall y th? duration of tho comp laint, the mode of its commencing, its symptoms and progress , age , general habits . of living, occupation of life, and position in society. Medicines can be forwarded to uny pin t of the world—no ditll- culty can occur , as they will be . securely packed , and carefully protected from observation. These Medicines are prepared onl y by Messrs. R. and L. Perry and Co., Surgeons . 10, Iterners-street , Oxford-street , London , and sold by all Medicine Ven- ders in town find Country . Sold by W. Ciilchrist , Apothecary, Allilone ; Mr. Shaui' .hi' .cssy, Medical-Hull , Limerick ; Thompson; Guardian Oilice , Armagh ; \V' . Kir.hey, Tyrawluy Her- ald Oflico , P.iiliina ; Carter , Herald Ollite , liall jshan- non ; \V. Mnrshnll ' and (!o. Hi gh-street , Belfast ; Wood and .Son , St. Patrick-street , Cork ; Alderman Hiicnelt , Piooksoller , Main strer t , Clonmel ; J. II. Powell , IJookseller , 1(1 , Weslinoreland -strect , Dublin , Kell y, JJookscllor , !)ro;;hedii ; II. Bcvun , Chronicle Ollifi 1 , Kuniskillcn ; 11. O' C'iniior , 77 , George street Kingstown ; Duniel O'lviell y, Apothecary, Killennulc , li ylield and Co , A pothecary, Seury ; Josep h Pietse , Apothecary, Main-strei t , Wexf..rd ; Charles Tull y- Jouinal Oiiice , {discommon ; J. il. i{o\ve Perry, Quay street , Londonderry, at the W ATKRI ' OII D X HWS Olliee of all of w!iu,n m.iy bd had tiie .SILKX1' l'KUSNl) , YOU MAY BE CURED Y3ST. 13 0 I, L0 V A Y'S 0 1 S T II K S T . An l')xli'aon!ii;;iry Cure of Scrofula , or Ring ' s Kvil. Extract of a L' f ttvr f ' roiit Mr . J. II. Alliday , :?09 , If i y h-Slrect. Cheltenham , dated thc '2' lnd of J unitary, 11S50. To Professor II OI .I . OWAY . Sin ,—M y eldest Son , when about three jc s of age , waJ alllictcd with a Glandular Swelling iu the neck , which after a .short time broke out into an Ulcer, MI eminent medical man pronounced it as a very bad case of Scrofula , and prescribed for a consi- derable lime without ellcct. The disease then for four years went on gradually increasing in virulence , when besides the ulcerin the; neck , another formed below the loft knee , and a third under the eye , besides seven others on the lcfl arm , wilh a tumour between the eyes , which was expected to break. During the whole uf the time mv fufleriu;: bnvand received tho constant advice <»i ' the mo.sl celebrated medical (iintii'iiian at Cheltenham , besides being for several months at the General Hosp ital , where one of the .Surgeons said that he would amputate the left arm ,' out that the blood wai so impure , that if that limb were taken olT it would be then even impossible to subdue the disease. In this desperate state 1 detennned to g ive your Pills an-J Ointment a trial , and after ttvo months perseve- rance in their use , the tumour graduall y l>«<-an to dis- appear , und the discharge from all the ulcers percep- tibly decreased , and at the exp iration of ei g ht months they were perfectl y healed , and the boy thoroughl y restored to (he blessings of health , to the astonishment ota large circle of acquaintances, who cimld testify to the truth of (his miraculous case. Three years have now elapssd without any recurrence of the malad y, and the boy is now as health y as heart can wisii. Under these circumstances I consider that I should be trul y ungrateful were I not to make you acquainted Ibis wonderfu l cure , ell'ected by your medicine:) after every other means had failed . (Si gned) J. It. ALLIDAY. Ciii'o of Aciiii: Itiii'inni' .iisiii of four yours ' y landing , . Extract of a Letter from. Mr. John Pitt. Dudley, idth Ja/i., 1850., To Professor H OI .I. OWAY Sin , —It is with ihe grcalest p ledsure that I write thank you for the benefit I have received fro m your Pills and Ointment , which have co i.plctcly cured me of Ihe Kbeiimatism , under which I suffered for this hist four years , at tinies I was so bad as hardl y to be able to walk. I had tried every kind uf Medicine that was recommended wilhiout receiving any benefit. I lit last thought I would g ive jour medicines attial , and purchased from Mr. Iltiilin , Chemist , of this Town , two Boxes of Pills , and two of Ointment , anil in three weeks ' , throug h lhc .ni and the blessing of God , I was reslor.dlo heaith and strength , anil am now us well able lo walk as ever 1 wus in my life. I am well known in this parish , having been sixty-five years in it , wilh an exception of ten years I served in the iUth Kcgiinent of fool. (Signed) JOHN PITT. Cure of a I' ase of Weakness and Debility, of I' otir Years ' Standing. Exlracct of a Let ter f rom Mr. Wm. Smith , of No. 5, Little Thoiiias-strcrt , Gibson-street , Lam- beth , dated Dec , VI , HMD. —To Professor Hol- loway. Sir , I beg to inform jou that for nearl y five years I hardl y knew what it was to have a day ' s health , suffering from extreme weakness and debility, with a great depression of sp irits. I used to think hat nothing could benefit me , as I bad been lo many me- dical men ,some of whom , after doing all that wai in their power , infoniK 'd mi 1 that 1 had some spinal comp laint beyond the reach of cure, together with a very disor dered slate of ihe stomach and iiver , making my case so comp licated that nutliing could be done for me. One day being unusually ill anil in a dijccleil state , I saw your Pills advertised , and resolved lo yive them a triiil ,, more perhaps from curiosity than wilh a hope of keing cured , however 1 soon found myself [better by using them , anil , so I Went on persevering in their u<e for six months , when I am happy to say ' .hey effec- ted a perfect cure. —(Si gned) WILLIAM SMITH, (frequently called KDWAUD Cure of a Desj iaratc I' asc of Itingworm , of Six Years ' Slaiulin:; Limn , VMh oj November , 1S- 10- ¦ Ono of the most eminent Surgeons in Lima (the Cap ita! of IVrn) had a child covered with Ringworm for more than six years ; in vain he exhausted ali bis art iu his endeavours to clfoct a cure. Not succeeding, he consulted anion^ his brethren , the most celebrated medical practitioners of the City, but nothing was found to do the child service. When ho was persuaded by Mr. Joseph P. Hague , the Eng lish Chemist and Drugg ist , residing at No. 7-f , Calle do Palacio, to try llolloway ' s Pills and Ointment which was done , and after using six larg e Pols of the Ointment , with pro- portion of the Pills , the child was radicall y cured, to the surprise of thn whole medical profession. Tne name of the parent , from motives of delicacy, is withheld. The Pills should bo used conjointl y with the Oint- ment in most of the following cases :— Bad Legs Chiego-foot Fistulas Bad Hre.ists Chilblains Gout liurns Chapped hands Glandular Swellings liuniops Corns (Soft ) . Lumbago lli.'o of .Mos- Cancer.s Piles cheloes and Contracted and Rheumalism Sand- Files Still" joints Sraids Cooo-lluy Klep haiitiasW Sore Ni pp lrs Sore-throats Skin-diseases Scurvy Sori' -heads Tumours Ulccr.i Wounds Yaws Sold by the Proprietor , ?41 , Strand , (near Temp le I>ar ,) London , and by all respectable Vend.irs of Patent .Medicines throug hout the Cmli/.cd World , in Pots and Itoxcs , at Is. lj ' d., L' s. Od., 4s. (id. Us., Itts., and o3s each. There is a very considcraable >aving in taking the larger sizes . N.15. Diiection for the guidance of Patients are prefixed to each Pot and Hox. ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY 92 , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON. ESTABLISHED IN 1808. DIIiECTOKS : John Oliver Hanson , Ksq., Chairman. Win. George Prescott , Esq. Deputy Chairman. Sir Wm. Haynes , Bart. Moses Mocatta , Esq., Arllim E. Campbell , Esq., Capt. A. L. Montgomery, Thos. Chapman , Esq.. F. li. S. U. N. Donald Maclean . Esq. | James Wm. Ogle, Esq., Samuel P.. Magan , Hsq. Emanuel PaciCco , M.I) Joseph Pulley, Esq.. A UDITORS —I rancis JUi jj i , Hookey, Esq., and Josep h Fully, jun., Es<;., ACTUAuv—Charles An3ell , Esq., F.R.S. SOLICITOR William Bovill , Esq., StiuvBVOli—Thomas Hooper , Esq., ASSISTANT SURVEYOR Thomas Lloyd, Esq., FIRE DEPARTMENT. R EST —This Office (independent of the Returns and the late reduction of the Rates of Premiums offers to persons effecting Assurances the further advantages of an allowance for the loss of Rent on Buildings rendered untenentablc by Fire. R EXEIVALS —Policies due on the 25th De- cember should be renewed within fifteen days thereafter (9 th January). LIFE DEPARTMENT. Persons assured for the whole term of Life , in Grea t Britain and Ireland respectivel y, will have an addition made to their policies every Seventh Year , or an equivalent Reduction wil l bn made in the future payment of Premiums , at the option of the Assured. Assurances ft ^ r short periods may be effected at this oiiice at considerable Reduced Rate.s ' of Pre- mium. Ti:c Company ' s Rates and Proposals may be had iit the office in London , or of any of the A gents in the country, who arc authorised to re- port on the appeara n ce of Lives proposed for As- surances . HENRY DESBOROUGH , Secretary. Tin: Company ' s A ^ent for Waterford is Mr. JOHN¦ FARRELL , " Kiny-street , and No. 20, Jicrcsjord -strcet , v. ho is empowered to effect Assurances against Fire, and to receive Proposals of Assuiance on Lives and on Survi- s ors-hi ps. Mr FARKELL invites inquiry into the princi- ples on which this office transacts its business , as set forth in Ihe above Advertisement , and which are more full y exp lained in the Company' s Pro- posals , to be had of him on app lication. 00,000 CURICS BY DU HARRY'S REVALEWTA ARABICA FOOD, A I'LliASAST uud effectual remed y (without medi- cine, inconvenience , or expense , as it saves fifty times its value in olher means of cure). Tustitnoriials from parties of unquestionabl e respecta- bility, have attested that it supersedes medicine , of every descri ption iu the Wl' ectual ami permanent removal of in- digestion ('l yspesia), consti pation , and diurrhcea , ner- vousness , biliousness , liver complaint , flatulency , dis- tension , pal pitation of the heart , nervous headache , deaf- ness , noises in me head and curs , pains in almost every part oI' Llic bod y, chronic inflammation and ulceration of the stomach , ang ina pecloris , erysi pelas, eruptions on the skin , inci p ient consumption , dropsy , rheumatism , gout , lieHrtburn , nausea and sickness during pregnancy , alter eating or at sea , low sp irits , spasjtns , cramps , sp leen , general debility, para l ys^* ^ aslhma , cough , inquie- tude , sleep lessness , involuntaryjhljjtihing, tremors , dislike lo soeiuK , uiifittiicis forstud yy^iKsof meinury , delusions , vertigo , blood to the heud j texhaustioii , meluncholy, groundless tear , indecision , wretchedness , thoughts of self destruction , and many other comp laints. It is , moreover , admitted by those who have user] it to he Ihe hfist food for infants and invalids generally , as it never turns a. id on the weakest stomach , but imparts a health y rehsli for lunch and dinner , and restoies the faculty of digestion and uiiiscuhii * and nervous energy to the most enfeebled . r' or the benefit of our readers we place before them a synopsis of a few of 60, 000 Testimonials received by Mr. liii Larry upon the invariablo efficacy of his l' evulenta Arabica Food. AGENTS. WATKRFORD -S. U. Ardag h , 10 , the Mall. " J. \V. fondell. " Joshua Barton. Wcxford—James l'ierce Kilkenny—J.Dou glas , book- Cork—Adam liiuilo & Co.,| seller Patrick-street I ; .osa—Gary, Cocks & Roper Cuppoquiii— SiisanDoswortb Clonrael—Edward fiizhenry Post Oiiice -i. Main street Callan—Miss Baker , Post i ' oughal—Arch. Merry, l' o*t Office. Office. Case No. 75. From the Ri ght Honourable the Lord Stuart de Deciea. " I have derived much benefit from Du Barrj ' s Health restoring Food. " STUART DE DECIES. " Drouiuna , Cuppoquin , county of Waterford. " Case No. 180. " Twenty-five years . Nervousness , Consti pation , Indi- gestion , end Debility, from which 1 bad suffered great misery, ami which no remed y could remove or relieve , have been effectuall y cured by Du Barry ' s ITealih-res- toring Food iu a very abort time. \V. U. REEVES. " Pool Anthony, Tiverton. " Case No. 4GI. •' Sixty years ' partial paral ysis , affectiug one-half of my frame , ai/d which bad relisted all olher remedies, haft yielded to Uu Harry ' s Ilealtu-restoring Food , and I new consider myself a strunger to all complaints excepting a hearty old ' age. " WM. HUNT , Barrister-at-Law. " King ' s College , Cambrid ge." Cose No. 1784, " Not expecting to live six days longer , I was cured by Du Harry, s admirable Health-restoring Food. '• JIAGDAI.ENA PURVIS. " Jloflatt , Scotland. " Case No. 300G. " Thirteen yeftrs ' coug h , indi gestion , and general de- hiliiy have been removed by Du Barry ' s excellent Ilealth- rejtoring Food . " JAMES PORTER. " Athol-Mreet , Perth. " Ciise No. 3483. " Tw.enty years ' d yspepsia , in a patient 31 years of age , wiib the most distressing symptoms of flatulency, (¦(i nsti llation .sicknessnt the stomach , acidity and irrita- bility, which resisted all medicines , have been entirely removed b y Du Harrv ' a Health-restoring Food. " Darlington. " " " SAMUEL BARLOW , Chemiit. Case No. 77. " Louisa Terrace , Exraouth. " Dear Sir —I beg to assure you that its beneficial ef- f cU havr. ii«en dulv appreciated by, dear Sir , most re- f pect fuliy, THOMAS KING , Major General. " Case No. 81. " Twenty years ' liver complaint , with disorders of the stomnch , bowelsi , nti(l nerve3 , have been perfectly cured by Du Barry ' s Health-restori ng Food. " ANDREW FRASER, " Iladdington , East Lothian. " Sold in canisters with foil instructions , and bearing the seal and si gnature of Du Barry and Co. (without which nonf: can be genuine), wei ghing lib., at Ct . Od. ; 2II H. at 4s. Gd. ; Slbs. at Mi. ; 121bi. at 22s. ; super- refined quality, lOlbs. at 83s. ; 51bs. 22s. —Du Barry and Co.,. 127 , New Bond-street , London ; also of Fort- num , Mason , and Co., Purveyors to her Mnjeity the Queen ; Hed geB and Butler ; Barclay ; Sterry, Sterry, mid Co.; Erans , Lesclier , and Co.; Edward s Rumsey ; Sutton ; N .vberry ; Sanger ; Hannay ; and through nil respectable grocers , chemists , medicine vendors , and booksellers in the kingdom. DU BARRY'S 1'ULMONIC BON CONS. A niee , safe , and effectual Remed y for coughs , colds , ii-l hiiKi , and all ejections of the lungs , throat , and roiee . are of unrivalled excellency . In boxes Is. I Jd 2s Od ; Is Or! ; or , post free , Is 4(1, Si 3d 5s 2d. DU und BARKYCo., 127 , NewBond-street , London. Piety consists in a surrender of self will , of self ri ghteousness of self , in every form of tbe Divine justice, holiness and sovere i gnty.

Broeksopp, Sons k €o s Patent Bsmki 9snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1851/WNS-1851-0… · S'.IO TONS P.UKTHKN —lOli lU.-iJSK l'OU Kl!, Ktir.uuT KEMI'.STON ,

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Page 1: Broeksopp, Sons k €o s Patent Bsmki 9snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1851/WNS-1851-0… · S'.IO TONS P.UKTHKN —lOli lU.-iJSK l'OU Kl!, Ktir.uuT KEMI'.STON ,



F.f T. HOWARDHAYING cn'saged the services of Mr. McIlOX-

NKLI-, of Dublin , Pianoforte Timor (who liasgiven such entire satisfaction lo those who have eni-j iloyod him during his recent visits ti> this oi ly) is nowready to undertake the Tuninir, Hullimr , Clothin g , andnil oilier repairs of PIAXOl'OKTKs . which lie cn-pagos shall be done in the very best manner , and onthe most reasonable terms.

F. T. II. begs to cal l the at tent ion of the Publicf.o his present Stock of Pianoforte s , which aie of aSuperior class, and will be sold or hired out . at tinsJowest remunerating prices. Cornopeans, Guitar? ,Violins, Accordoons , tic , in grout variety.

K.T. HOWARD takes this opp ortunity lo returnIiis grateful thariks for the kind support he has receivedsince the opening of his MUSICAL A C A U K M Y ,and to assure those parents who nuy favor him withThe instruction of their children in Musi c, tliat noj iains is spared to, impart a knowlrdiia of the scienceand a graceful and fu 'shed execution, us maj bo as-certained by enquiry of any of the respectable parties¦who have had their young ladies instructed at his Mu-sical Academy. Terms Reasonable .

N.B. —Christmas vacation will te rminate on TUES-DAY, JANUARY 7th , 1851.

—jjr.^LlinH.'Tf. I'C**-'—V3



l'l.Y H K T W K K XHI 'BUS, UELFAST A.\l> V'A TIuH- 'O.'lH ,

Sailing as follows:From DUBLIN for WAT3RF0RI?


BELFAST , on Fi ll l JAY i S .OFFICES ;

])U]!I,I N- lo , Kdcn <}:i :iy.P. HO WELL, s per , !., 1-v.

]SKL FAST—Donegal l .!ii:i y.CHARLEY Mi>.iCOL-J




THK NEW /AA&Z 'F* I 'IONFIKST CLASS , $M j\ S'l"'-AM s i i E l '.

P O Y L B .S'.IO TONS P .UKTHK N —lOli lU.-i J SK l'OU Kl!,

Kt ir.uuT K E M I '.STON , Commander ,on

D E V O N S H I R E ^400 TONS HUKT J IKN— H U0 J.10KSK f o W V A iW M. Jhsiioi *, Coiuiniiihlcr ,

WILL continue loply regularl y betv.veil t':c abovimentioned Ports , having i.iverjj i;o! even

TI I S I I A Y , and W'atrrfurd every I' mii .w.Further particular s may lit- had mi ap|.lir ;iii . i!i to

J. P. (JIIAM M SIW , Q-.iav , WatJi fun!M-CLUNK AMD i 'AM l 'LIX ,

Brunswick Street , Liverpool.


R E V I S I N G REGIS TR Y szssross.

FTICK is hereby given that JAMES UK.S-S0X.NET,' Esq., Assistant liarrist tr ibi

the County of Watcrford , will hold an OJICIICourt of StiecialSe-sions , at the new Cily Court-House, on Friday, the 24th day of Januaryinstant , at the hour of ton o'clock in the fore-noon uf the said day, for the purpose of revis-ing the several lists of Parliamentary Voters forthe County of the City of Wateribrd , pursuantto the net of 13th and 14th Victoria , Chap. Oi) ;of which all persons concerned are hereby re-quired to take notice.

By Order ,U. COOKE , Clerk of the Peace.

Waterford. 4th January, 1851.


IS one of the most purifying things for theskin ; it removes pimp les, blotches, and

scrofula , from the face, and renders the skinhealthy ; Rheumatism , sprains , bruises , andall obstinate skin complaints and inllanin iationswill speedil y give way to it , by deictmin ed ap-plication with friction. As a shaving soap, forthe toilet , or the nursery, it is equall y valua-ble, as it cleanses the skin and prevents cuta-neous eruptions, and its general uses are sovaried that no family should be without it.This Soap lias given universal satisfaction , andis constantl y used by professional men aim mhospitals , with the happiest results . Its ellcctsarc so quiok and certain that it will soon be-come an indispensabl e article for every hos-pital , surgery, & druggist's shop in the woiid.Every one may test the truth of this for a lowpence. Numbers of charitable people constantl ygive it way to poor families. To professionalmen and charitable people, it is supp lied m jarsat 11s. and 22s., carriage free.

Sold at 23?, Strand , next door to Temp leBar, in pots at l£d., and famil y pots three timesthe quantity, 2s. 2d., to be had of every Chemist ,Druggist , and Bookseller in the krnd oin (whocan obtain it in their weekly parcels), throug htheir wholesale London Houses

Great Reduction in Price,MEA SA M $ Cos RE GENERATI VE

SOAP.Restores and cleanses the most dirty Carpets ,Silks, Satins . Gold Frames , &c . an .I all l.ii.dsof delicatu coloured goods at a very trilling <-x-pense, rendering them neaily equal to new , r.ndwithout injuring their co'.ois or cusing anysmell, it requires scarcely any labour , r.nd maybe safely trusted in the hands of every do-mestic.

N'B.—This Soap enables eve ry famil y tocleanse their own wardrobes without son. lingthem to a Dyer or Scourcns's.

Sold at the Depot , 228. Strand , next h.inp leBar. in jars , at Is. and Is. (id., and in largerquantities at Tici. per H>. N.B. — There is agreat saving by" taking a ."2lb. j ar, price '_'2.s.carriage paid.

No order attended to unless accompanied witha remittance.

Sold at (he Watcrford Nucs Office.


Jomuinj , will be pu blished price Sixpence, each J 'olumc comp lete in itself,F .SI .ARGKD TO TWKNTV-FOUR FOLIO PAOF.S,

T II ¥. F I 11 S T N U M H E R F O R 1 8 5 1 O F

The ©ardsaers1 €lir©sai©leAND

¦Ufl **** IfA Weekl y 15ec»ril <>f Kuriil Kronomy r.r.il General New.1:.

TII K IIOHICUl.T lTHAL TAUT KDITKD ISY IM.'OFKSSOH 1,1 XI )LEY.TIIF F v TtM lNU PAR T (under tlie lv litnrshi p of a practi cal Farmer) t rc.itsui '—

Tin: pr aetire of Agricu lture IHcsnlt s of Ex .idrimeulal Farmin gA gri cul tural Science ( irowlh anil Rotati on of CropsAnimal nni i. Vegetable l"liysi ol>>try Manag ement ol'Sto-kImprovements in Imp lements , iiescribe ;l Voicrnary Science

Iiy Woodcuts whenever requ isite , l)ri ;iiir.»<;JJc tter modus of Husbandry Irri gation

In short , whatever i'Rue is the beneficial employment of (!Jeporls nre regularl y given of the Kiu/ish , Scotch, and 1 ri *> lt A gricultural SonMniki -t Trices of Coin , Hay, Cstile , tfeols, Hups Potato es , \\'<t»\, Coal , Tii

AS Vi'"G MIPS TIIF O V R D F M X O l'AUT f'limW Ilic Ivlitorslii p of Dr. r.i nill ty), tlir: princi ple is to imikt 'ila weckl'v rrcor .i of ovcrvtlii i ." tha t boars upon Horlicultm v , I - io i icu l tu i e , A.boricul iurc , or (.-ardcti liclany , ami:,ml such Xati .ra l I l i- lory as l.a.-. :. n-lation to Gar.ln.iii;: , with Xotices ntul C.iti.MS tns ol all D orics on such sali-j ,, :s. l '-»-'''-! wi '!' i;;;y^\''r !

( .A, . ', :Sl>AllS OI-- f i A H H K S I X n Ol -KKATIOXS .Civ-n in <! < - t; . i i ni.il aM M . l , . l to t l , - ..i.jcots of prrsous iu fvcry stat ion of life ; ».. that (lie ColtaK", wil l , a fcw ro.ls

..f.r ,- ,,,.,., ! i, c,-,, ro \, U , -Jr ih.- Ai: i :! !riir who has only a Gro-nlinuse , anil the ManaR ei ot l-.xt .Mis.v . . ( , !5 I 1 I L- I , S . :ir..

:i!ile i,;f..rmr,l ,.f 'tli. : lou i i . ; . - of Operations v.ln-1. the va iy iii- si-nsnns iv n.iors iipitcfsary I t iiioro..v ..r contains

U - t s of i:o :li -.T,!t !in.l Kxl. i l . i l i . . i i S ni:.l lTf-v *- .l !i. !t-Xolicp« f . rN . .v« l i i r * :u:.l Ii i !,'r.'v. ;ii...- i. l«-m fact BV cry ll i in s

tl,;..'. c- iii to: .! lo a.haiuv il l , - 1' . ol. s-ion , bn.^fit th« fon.lilt . thfi WoiUma.i . or ron.lnr.! to the pleasure of Ins

l - i i . p ir.ver ; Wo-lcuts air . j iv .-n wi.mcvrr th.^i.ttrr tivatcl of r<.- (| .:!r(-< that n:...!.- ..! .Uns l rohon .

1 ITI ' F S Til Oi; i : .STl()N:- n.|,...THil wi lh thf < ' '.i'vl of ll.r Pa per arc nls» lurmslinl wu.- .cly.

I i'- l \


'-i i i > e v i f n 'i n ..f l ' O 'M <T\C " V H 1'Oi . i n C Ai . N KV.'S is i i i troiiuce « l which is usuall y f..,ninl in a

w.vklv'Mv. ^up,.;- . l i ' ls nw «

'e-w\- to .Iwr. i l ou l l .NJ l .r n. l f . ir l l .rr than to say . tha! th, JTii | .rl . - IOM .lo mM rang..

l ! , , n , . ", . |v . -. „,.,!„ ih- LaiMTrs - fa . -y JV rty ; th. i r. a nv , i.- :.vr , lir s aiv to m-.ke i l l - : ( .Ai :nKNi:us ( n i m x i -

cl.K ai,l .\,; KH f l-n iiA l . C A /.KTTV. ii full «« ¦! c. . iii | iM - l.ri.-iv.- H c r a r d of l - a cl s o iA y - * .N .'»vs |.il ,.. !r ill I ..: Iri i . -

<n.ve i . f l l u - won! ViviiM' l l r 3- -.-..1, r to furm his <-.vn op inions : tli . -n- ..l yret hfii i- thn clnci - l.- i l ion ol th>> lmvs of

X , . ,t ." "'.Ian Thlr ,!!::,

'-,• Jlhns r .,,,.W....I , I X .M ! i) iTK .X TO TH K l - K C U I - t A H n- ATUKl C S Ol'

Tin: j'o r i i .V A I . . wi i !, , :w), ;.:O.r...: 1 t; . = n ro^vn.in- tho -suM iU Lf th- day, as siipi!rse :h-» the necessity ol his pro-

viiKirj: hhi iM 'i f« ; : !; ::iiv other \ V i r k l v i \ i i« :". . . . , , ,, , ,i en' a t-A I' I J O S I '. MMV wivn J . IST ov C<-,N T K i r L T o ; :> , ii.u\ hi: lia-l osi app lication , or by ln t icr , at the Oflieo. '.', pper

I™?!"1 rnKxi? .VJ^OMMSC!.. WITH I - I I K M:W VO ,,;M K H A D H H I T K R CV K T .!i:ni

Oi M ) |.:ij .< AT nXC -K TO AXY N K W S V K X n i C H .

•J ' i l i : 0!.!) K STAULI sI iKl ) LONDON (JOl-'L' J -Ii*:

Broeksopp, Sons k €o9s Patent!'..< kc-il i:i Tin Canisters of 'Ah

TTV.'i ' .M the wiihily I'Xtf -n "i-d iV.nsfi t.f thn ab nc I 'A T I C X T K I ) COl'l-'IU ^ , anil the nuin!:cr of ypars it has beenJL known to , Mini approved by I lie public, it would now serin SfSl rrulv necessary for 1'nrt ln 'r cuinni '- i i l i l i rou u htil ! ricdi i i iM of Adv ei l i s i ' i iwnt . " l i i t OL KSDi'P , SONS A N D ('"O M i 'A X Y . Ifwever , well knowing i lmt iin::y<!r. ;iTis ami olbor Dvaleas . aro iu tin! habit ot puckii i ' ^ o!hi:r and inferior Cuifeo in pin-hsijics to imitate the dc-

nuiii" . iiml ii rr'|iiisite , in j nst ii -i: to the public and lhi - lii 'i<:lvi<s , to stale that l ln t ir Coii'ui' ran Im had ci i i iy of the

Appointed Aleuts, and that the Xames and Seal of the Iinj ioiters , "• l iKOCKSOPP , SOXS & CO. " ure i 'i lixedto every Genuine Package .

Thu 'uliove Cullrit is l(oa«teil by the aid of STK AM l'OWKIi , and the peculiarity wherein it excels , consists

i:i ol>taii - ihj :- a a perfect evenness of roast , evaporating tho ncetoiH qualities contait i'rd in the liaw llerry, while thttAroma in which the strength and frajr ranre am concentrated , is ent i i e l y preserved. Tin: ''ofl'ei; is also ( i ro i iml

l're«h from the li-.aster , by Mi l l s |nopelleil by .Sleani, and is then iinnifvJ ritcly nlaeed in t in cases, which areeuilnn il ii:ipervioiu to the alin (i "p ! ere hy buirj ir l icnnot i '-'ally seale l. The valuable (pinlit i i s nf the (" oii'ee l lerrj!>y hi iii ^r th in roiu'cntrated and prpscrveil , the r> :criniuiein lalion lo iis use is ciineludml by an extract from Dr.i imii sTos , who , in his I.ertiirr s on Itnluny, says , " A cup of gooil (' n(".-e cvli l l irntus th " mind and bodily faculfio.H j it ntl t i - i tJ i i i i ^- can he mon: refreshing to the man who sl i i 'l ir? , or l ) n> laborious mechanic. ''

l 'UK SKXT H K D U C r .D PIMCIiS.f.- nosl r.-\ l<in(iood l)i'inur:ira

I ii.est Old Mocha, a

1'lin Tru :l< ! nun bc.-upj . l ied wit h d


H I J O fK ^ O P P , SONS & CO MP A N Y , in s i i l i n i i i l i n -.t a Pritv List of t h o i r j u s i l y cidehratei l PACK Mi V.TI- :.\S , l l i l :;U il unii '-crs-i 'iry lo enminent on t i ie ir e:cceli i- :il (jiiiili :v , fu i- 'hcr ihan to ilnnv ispeci.il a i l i - u l io i i lo '.l ie

« ' ip. - r i i > r ai. 'l eioiminicl F A M I L Y l.'OXCJOl; at -ii. 10., and " I I O W Q U . i '.S M iX i'li UK" ui i i l li S l i . M I -

noWCil 'A " lor the use of cou:ii>suii rs.THE HOV. QUA' .-S MIXTU J M - :

Is ei;iup'"-:-'! of l-'n i t y of t! i r rhoiee-jt• • M t ) \ V ( > r A ,"b y whom il w:

Is nUo the produce of one

HOYVQK.V S M1XTU U K , per |inum l

Thi i Tea while part liking of ali the. iadap ted f.>r ordinarv consumplinnIA b., am! *\h .

Sv in i - I Iow cju a , per pound (.'a l ly

Kcnnnmical l-'ami l y Tea , strong ly rc<(iood C'Migou .. . . !)d(ioirl s'rollg di't 'i . . . . 4-i( t ocid Sirohg full ihivourcd . . . . 4-il in is l ( ! i ;lo . 1,'ieh l'rkco .-:.ri! ''lir.|V.' fi' ivor . . ."i-i»S:roi ;^- lu l l tlavorcM 1. . 'i .uoe S OI II -

There bc lii 'j ImH 'Uioi tx of the above


A t h l ' -n e , (Agent wauled)Alhy . Samuel ( .'onno l l y.Hurrii '-in-O s.-'-i'y (A RI - II I •.vniitud)Calliin , Miss l l a k f i - , I'o.- lmisti i : :-) .C.r low , I f . T- iinunt , Ki irrin-s irect .(. ." itrlow , W. Whi lmoie , (Jlub-l ioi ise .Cu:!i:.^ l'iird , Wil l iam Woudi.cv.

l:::il y^!:.- !- . W i l l h i m WilM i.l i i i i l i u u , Wil l i ' in i lSii 'i: i-y.l!ii ll ;iias '< i> ;, (Apent w.inied).l : : i l l \ i i i ' i t i .', S!;i.u (A^eut wank- .l)l!ali ;i i:nnoie , (Au- -l i t want ed).Dulii niobc , Davi il F.ilig- ,lt.Cr.sthl iar, \V. Gl. i i ivi l le , sued ssor to

IJ U. Y'jun .

Il ctirlon , (Agent wij iiled).llorrisokane , Henry llurger:? .1! 1 il il*. J>:ieni lah Mi i ln uiy.I l u t l e v a n t I l o l e l , \V . M'rfiarrv .Cuhir , J . Can I well ,(.'a^lletownroclie , A. ( i ir io l l .Caslicl , Maiy I ivi in .Cagtlamarl\r , Murgnrct W'uUhuCloiiincl , John I l a c k c t t .( ."loyi si! (Ay« nt want i- d).Cork , fAgent wantei l ) .Cork linrr i cks , Wm. Mefiarry.!ii iii!;arvnn , Jiiines .Morgan.1'.:i:iis , 'i i i - s I''.|I 'I:'. I I I 1.l.'i inietwnnn (Agent wai i te> l ) .

Armng li . Jtiincs Dnnohqi :. jAti^linac!fty , (A jfMi f \vai ;!ci!). JHallvhay, (Agrnf wanted). jI!:il' \ money, (A ^e 'it wanle . i) . \Hall yshahuou , Cl.a riV- \ \ i- , . '

U i : L - i i . ! -,-" (Atrcn l wi<nt "i;) ,H, -l! 'iis .!. Joh n M i K e i i i i a .H-lt i i lhet , M. Jlagei ii h. Ii : i i > l i u i i l l s , Salli!: i- l S i re l . jCariirhferu'-s, 1) . I l l . i ir ni. il Co.I 'al i ' irkniaci i i - 'S . John .VK K I - OII .Casth-hlauv . Da\ i i l (j i i innDitto Isabella Quiiiu.Clonca , Janet .Synni .Colcrainc , James •."invan.( ." I ' nihiT , liolirrt i lua i iV .Co'.'ohhil l , Ambrose Hartle y. ,

Is Od 5-'lrftici full flavoure d J ^ruaiiM . . Is Mla 4d Slicing l i irdi Moch.i . . . . 'Js (Jd

great trfnt to tciiuolssiuirs . . . . Us 4d

¦fi"'.'e in the lierry , in q u a n l i t i e s olpeculiar | aienl j< i i i i c i p li :,

r i ioici -isT PiionucTioxs 01

kinds of Tea . [jiuwn o;! lln: K-tal- of the late r.-h '-r:.l-<! i l . .u -.; M.Tchanl¦ i eoiistantl v u-e.l , and hence i's iiaiiui " 111>\VQt 'A "S M I X T l .' li K. "

MO \VQ ;;A -S (;I/ .\TO\V D I -;Ulaic peculiar l y aihi p iiMl f'/r lhe g:o\

l ( I -DUCi: i ) PJUC1 -S.cally parkagi's f:s | M OWQu'A'S Small Leaf (J unpnwder ditto Bs

SI-:.MI - I K H V Q I ;A .ist i i ij f ' i i ^hinj; f | !:: i l i i ies of the ''ri y i nal , is , as b-iug ni^i'e rcnr. 'imieal , l i e t l o r

l.iku the (Jrigii ,al Teas they arc imported in ( I hin .'se Catty Packa ge .;,of lib ,

.j< lid | Semi-Mowqii a's .SmallUIOI! PA CKAni - TEAS,


ickajre ,

I'd i'd ( l .-iO'l PTing Twankay . . -M ai. ii -is 'lu4s l!d ,*!roi:M I I VSOII , usualiv t!s . . ;"»•! Od

.. 4< od l ine Srrjn'g Il .ison. fu'll flavored (:i "d¦-' fi' ivor . . .'<-i (id I'iuu Sli' n!i!;lii! >-I: burnt flavour Young ll ysonds Od

:uiV.; • • '"'* •'¦! l ine Imperia l ( iunpo '.viler . . fis Od

1'ncknij i s , >;:m iri!l p.Wse. to ask f , r " li l lOCKSOPl' , SO.XS .j Co.iTens and C uf f l i s .

, lib., rm-.l -ilb. ci-.di ; ;uu! inOne Ounr i.1 to Onu Pound.



:Cl-ira , Patrick Egun. j Mul l i mr a r (A RI SH I Wan ledj .! i ) i ib l i i i , ll . Ooleiuan , Collcge - sliect.; Naas , J iim: Parsuu>.[ :) :sndii lU (A - i«i it wanted) . IParsoiislown , fj liiehls and Son.iKilk i- nny, Ahniham Du.r.:elie . il/K-ll 'orlnrliiigto: ! , Henry ( inll ".! iterator ol iict r. Tullamure . T and S. K. Colli:niKelU. M a i v l r w i n . UVxfoid (A B'eiit wanted).¦ i\t IN , Mary Irwin.! \Iol i i l l (Ag'int wanted).

AGENTS IN CONXAL'GU'lj fas lu'ree fienrgi; ( i a l l - ihur .( .'auigallcn , A.r.:.i! waut . -.d).(.'l:i remoiri» , .S irah ( lo 'l in i .

|(Jiin! .; n , John .Mat « ui f i n i.-ss.j( .'uii;ioney, l-' l iz t ihelh beiuiil ig .j l i a lway , ( i . liul led ^e .|(iorl . Slicha. l Keai.e.i K i l ' ahi , Agel .t wanted;.

AGENTS IX MUXSTKRI'ethard , l'reileriek Savers.I' i rmoy, Jones Turner.(¦ > Iden , I.'i i ' lv ltrieu.Kan tu ik . Pos 'masKr , Il. Savdge.Ki ' iu ^i i , Kotierl Cox.Ki i la l o e , j \trn ntrr ) ' 'V,Ki i f i i inaui! , J . M ' U a r i h y.Kihlorrery, K. MeSween v.Uin »al e , C. Sj . Fusscll.Limerick , (Agent wante d) ,l.isinnre , Mrs. Diiuiie .Mal low , l-jhvaril .Sul l ivan.Macrnnm , Nicholas Whi le .Ui ' id le t nn . Win. M'Carlhy .

i . M i l i n w i i Ma!l.v . Jann '3 ( T K o l l v

AO KXiS IX UIiS TK H.lui 'gaju.ou , l i i r h i i 'd Tei. '.- r.:.m\ v;i|". (Agei.t wal i tedj .¦j ui i "killell . I I . l i eva i i .larviig b . Timmn< It . Polsrn.¦j i l furd Mi l l s , (j i i f ' i fd l !o-opera !i»

SocietyiorMn. Alexander l 'i ih 'nthe .

! \ i !ke i - l . (A: ^e i i l want i - , !) .\illr>i:::ndra . ( ' . ''oni io l Sy.K i l lou ^h , John Su ic i i .l .-in:e , . l i>hii l l u i n i l l o u .l .arne , John .McJ i ow e ! l .l .elteiketi iy, W:n. Drdn- rly.f.oin io idi - rry , Wii i .Tl i i i inp T- iui .[. oinloinlcrry , James Tlioin ;>vj u.'.iirgan , Anne ljr iity ,U n "l i<:r i i l i i i . (A g-:iit uanicd J.


; Bsmki €ei!be9rinfoil 1'ackagcs ol all tizes, Ironi

not less than one Chest , roasted on the

C H I N A .

Ih of '.he fines! (. irecn Teas

Gunpowder Js Od

i v • • -'.H "lid 4s 'Id.'. r., . :,-. Od

ling I'orc stintys li oad-innkii i fr

I'iirni-DiiildingjLabourersTreatment of PoultryA gri gnltiirnl Publications ,

of Cap ital in land.Societies and l-'anncrs ' Clubs —LondonTimber , Uar) {, kc , ami the Week I v

iLoug hresi , Mary O'l ir l . n.Xeuport Plan , Hu ^ li XiX ' .-u.

iPo i ln inna , (Agent iv . i i i t e l ) .j ltO ^t'Oinmon , fAg ui i t wauled)¦Sligo , Wi l l iam Caddis.|Tuum , Patrir k Jurdar.jTi i l lavi iUcn , John Mu i |i | i\ .IWes l p i . i t , Mai y Yoiiu ".*.

N'cnngh (Agent wanted).Xcwrastle West , l{. A lurrav., \ewmaiki:t-uii reigns , Pk. Heir!(iueeristown , >Swaiil on and Co.rkiheieen , J.di u I.evis ,.ScarilV, Kil laloi ' .T. II . S;mrliu;;.Tburli- s . T. l iu iUe .Ti pperary . Mary Ann Molln y.Tallow , Dnvid Jojfi :.jtmr .Tirinplrmore , (AcM it want ed).Tralee , Ceor'ii: (j iles.Tiill a , Win. O'lirien.Waterford , (Agent wanted).Yoi 'glial , Jv Purdun.

M r.i . -i^'h in . ,1'iiui O 'l ia i ihu i .X i - w i y . K ' l i ' i ' i i Crei- r.N. v.- iy , l l i i '.'h Me.M hl r i u .XrWl ' iwi iarda . J id i i i Tav lor .N « :WT ' I \VII Ij ihm'lll V , J . S U I V i hi 'iiia'j h, J i .I in Ni - l is .1' o i l adown , Jane 's O ' l la i i lu i i .I' r ir i y le i inut '. Wi |!i ,mi S inv lh .;:a:idal-lo' .vn (A ;;eiit v . i i i i i i ' i l > .l i a p huf. ' John M . C I r c i v .Six Mi l e ( ! io» ? , Duuiianuon.Stewaidstown , J. ( .'. J . i i t . 'e.Strabaur , J- I I I H M Th'unpsoii.randeragne , JiiiniH Kinkeii.!.Tiili'Tinori!. Jain«> Wall rs.Tyrella. U n s i d Moorheitd .U a i i e a i M i i i i l , S. ic H . Sinvtb.


THAT JAMES CE3S0XNET, ESQ.. Assis-tant Barrister for the County of Watcrford ,

will Sit on the following Day? , and at the un-ilernamed Towns, to ltuviso the several Lists ofVoters for the County of Watcrford and theTioiough of Duiipr avviin , pursuant to the Statute ,13th and 14th of Victoria :—At LISMORE , on TUESDAY , the 1-t th Day of

January, 18.51, for the Baronies of(Vshmore and Coshbridu.

At DUNGARVAN , on THURSDAY , the lGthDay of January. 1851, for theBaronies of Decies Without Drumand Decies Wit ' in Drum.

For the 'BOROUGH of DUNGARVAN , onMONDAY , the '20th Day of Ja-nuary, 1851.

At WATEIIFOlp, on WEDNESDAY , the f>2«]Day of January, 185 1, for theBaronies of Gaultier , Kilculliheen ,and Mirirflcthird.

At CAIlRICK - '>N-SUIR , on TUESDAY , the28th Day of January , 1851. forthe Baionics of Glanalioiry a'ldVj ipcrtl i ivd.

The Court will sit each Day at the Hour olTono 'Clock i:i tii o F i irunom

Paled this 2Sth day of December , 1850.By order ,

BAl'tTHOl .OMKW DELANDR1- :.Clerk of the Peace.

TiiiKTY-rirn i K D I T I O X .Containing :.he sov,r:ly far t;io pzsvcniioa o5iixsonsoI!lu>tiated by Twenty-six Auutomiu.il Coloured Kn;jrav -

int's on Steel.On riiYSiCAL 'DIS QUALIFICATIONS.


Impediments to Mnrriw/ e./• iirw i iul improved Kditinn , enlarr ^eil lo 1!)!! j morts,

pr ice ~s Gd ; by post , r iirect ironi tiio cstablisli -HKMi t .I's Oil in postage stamps,

fp l IK SII .KN T FniBND , ;v medical work on tb;.X exhaiiMation and physical decay of the syslom ,

procl iii oil by execsMve ind iil ^CM .cc , the oonscijt ioiicos ofinfect ion , or the abuso of mercury, with observationson llio umrri cd slate , and tb.o disqualiliiations whichprevent i t ; llhutratod Iiy Twenty-six Coloured Kn-^tav in^s , and b y Ilic dttail cf eases. Iiy It. :n:il L.l 'K H R V & Co., Consulting Siiruoons , I!) ISornci 's-Street, O\l'.nd s!i'eet , l-omlon. Publ ishcil by the Au -thors , ami sold by Siran^e , 21,Piilornosti > r-l'.u\v ; llau-nuyainl Cu. , (ill , Oxfiir.l-stroot ; SaiiRor , l-")0, Oxfoi-r l.••troet ; Gonloii , ) ' 'A, l^eadon liall-stieec ; Siiirio , 2,"J,Titehbdrno-sti eel , I laymaikct , Iiomiini ; N ewti n 10 &IV .Cbuich-sliect , l,ivei 'pool ; llawlf , Cliui 'cli-sl i-cel ,l .iverpnid ; Ingrain , Jlarket-strcot , Manchester ; 1) .Camp bell , 13li , Ar-ry lo-strcct , Glasgow ; 11. hiiuisiiy,ll , Klins-ro\v , Kdiiibur ^ h : Powell , 10, Westmorcbind-slreet , Dublin , and by all booksellers and patent medi-cine venders in town and country.

Part tho t irst treats of the anatomy anil physiolo gyr,f the reproductive organs, and is illustrated by SixColoured Ku^ravliigs

Part the Second treats of the infirmities and decayof tho system, produced by over indul gence of thepassions. It shews clearly the manner in which thebanefu l consequences of Ibis indulgence operate1 on Dieeconomy, in the impairm ent and destruction of trie.social HIK ! vital powers. TI I -J existence of nervou s andsrAlia! debility and incapacity, with their accompany,ing train of symptoms and disorders are treated by thechain of connecting results to this cause, fl'liis strtioyconclude * with an explicit deta il of the menus by whichthese olii 'ctsmay be remedied , nml l'ull and amp le directt :ons lbr their use. Il is illustrated by three colouredengravings , which full y disp lay the eliects of physicaldecay.

Part the Thii d furnishes an accurate account ofthose diseases which are the result of infectio n ,whether in the primary or seconda -y character ; and italso contains exp licit directions lbr their treatme nt . Init will he found evident proof that many porsun *, eithermistakin g the nature of the comp laint under which theylabour , from real ignorance of the subject , or from itsusididiis and latent character , neg lect lo obtain n 10requisite medical aid, and allow llio diseases in ques-tion lo bi 'curc their hold upon the system , thereb y cn-iailinir upon themselves ami families a life-tinii; ofwretchedness ami broken health.which mi ght have beenavoided by early attentio n to the symptoms of disease.This pail is illustrated by L7 coloured engravings.

P,ut the Fourth contains a remed y for the Preven-tion of Disease by a simp le application , by which thedimmer of infection is obviated. Its action is simplebut sure.

Part the l-'if'.h treats of marriage—its obli gation s anddij qiiiililic ations. T!IK causes which lead to happ inessn the marriage stsltc arc dwelt upon , and those whichare indicative of misery and domestic i iu iuieti id n .

Till- ; CORJHA I . 1!ALM Ol' SYiMACU .MIs a renuv i ilur of the impaired functions of l ife. I l j in-fluence on the human system is especiall y directed to thetreatment anil removal o- those alfections which are pro-duced by disorders of the generative organs , wlie 'litremi!> l i iu i i ' iua l or acquired ; anil it is especiall y intendedfor tiiu st! cast:* in which , by the pnielicc of Oinniriu , tin;powers of the fi iiiiii! have , by undue and unnatural ex-cilemenl , li'di reduced loan imwoiited amount of depres-sion , I sIn- vigour of RoiiSli luti i i i i , together wit h iheMieial happ iness of existence , appears to he entirel y andirrevocabl y lost , the mental faculties Indng at. tin: sumotime in a stale of extraurdimiiy impairment , so tl iat thesprings r.f life appear to he sapped at the very fouuila-liou , and the onl y prospect h- lt for the unfurlunati: vic-tim of evi l examp le, is a lifu-timi! of iniseiy, ami awretched and au earl y death . The consequence:) whiclilo l lnw tlie ilangeroiis practice we condemn . i i enol merelyphvsii 'iil ; Ihe i i i ind parliei pnles in Ihe in fa l i i a t ion , anili., gr.idiuili y lerl into a lert i l e li.dil of si iduci ivr. error , theri 'sull being ihu iihsulu lo lo.'s of ihe powers of manhoodfrom a pernicious app lication of those inherent mumswhicli nature wisely imparted to us for the prapagafionof the species. Such an one carries with him the formP I K I nspcet ol oi l ier men , Imt w i i lmi i t Ihu vi gour andcntiL'y of that sr:ason of life which his earl y youlh yavehim eipry reason to expect he would a t ta in , mid manycease to be m*!i , or at least lo pn->sc?s the ( |unlilica!ioiisnf iiianhood at l l i i r l v . l'erions so s i lnaled are earne stl yadvised (o i:«iis:dt mid ulud y tliu SILKNT J -'I'IJiiM),which ll i ry will li11tl to be au excellent guide. II. shouldbe carefull y read before a couise of meilecine ha «nlercdon. l'or such cases as these , tl;c CO I I U I A I , U A I .M OP

SV H I A( : I;.M is peculiar)' adapted , Ihu direct object otwhich is t l ie relief of those who by an inordinate and un-natural indulgence ha\c destroyed their powers of con-st i tut io n , and of those who , while advancing rap idl y toll iat unfortunate condition , are troubled w i t h any nf thepremonitory symptoms , which should warn > • ( its ap-proach , such as Ihe vnri umi alfccliou.- of I lie nervous sys-tem , obiiinale u lei'.l , excesses , irreji i i lari l y, ohciruclionor imperfection of certain evacuations , dr.hi l i ty , generalor part ial , tolal impotence , barrenness , or s ter i l i ty , &c.

The Coi i lHAI , H A I .M OK S V I U A C U .M is cspi ciall y re-eoiiiu:i:udcil lo lie: taken for some lime by persons whocoiile i i i i - lbte entering into l l io holy bunds of matrimony ;le»t , in the event of the marriage-bed proving fruitful ,I |,t; innocent uiispring shnuhl pay the penally of theparent 's pievi yu r ¦:\rtr> '-es ) and exhibit characters of phy-sica l debil i ty , llic ie.-- !ill of eurl y misconduct ou Ihe partnf ihi: patent . rmelvI I s . s.-r four at I I s . in .mi1 bot t le inr X\-.i.. by which I Ishil!ii'£ ;"ir- 's :iVl d. The .1'.") cases nf Syri: icum or C'on-r' .'i i lr i i l cd i.'eler.slvi ; Ks.-,enco ran o;il\ be hail at HI , Hi r-ner 's street , Oxford-S'. < • el , London , liy puicbas iug oi ic .of ibe.'C cases lliere wi l l bi; a .';avi :i^; of £1 l'J. %., undthfi patient is i.'r i l i l le . l to receive advice u i l l n n i t a fee.

7he Vunwiilruleil Drlcrnicc E.<scnc<:.AN A\TI - .S y P ; I I U T I < ; KICMKDV , is re. om

mended in syp hilis ami secondary symptoms—searchesout and purit ies the diseased hiimiKir from the bloodand cli i i i fc sl l i o sv Slc -m from all detcrioratiugcases. Itsinflue nce in tlm lo.Ooralion of heallh uf all personslabourin g under tliu coiisciiuenccs which inevi-

tably lollow contamination is undeniable , and it alsoconstitutes a certain cure for scurvy, scrofula , scorbutichumours , old wounds, ulcers , sore legs, venere-d ulcersand sores, ghimluhirswellin;;s ,erieipelas. leprosy, king 'sevil , p imp les , diseases of the skin , cutaneous eruptionsof any part of the body, and all impurities of the bloodPrice 11s. or four bottles is one for 33s. by.;\vhich 1 Is.is saved ; also in ^5 cases, b y which will be saved £ I12s. To be had at the Lundon Establis hment.

PE R R Y 'S PU K I F Y I N G SPECI FIC PIM .S. Price 2s. 9<1.¦Is. Od., and 11s. per box. These Pills , each lU.x i.rwhich is accompanied with exp licit directions , are wellknown throughout Europe , to be the most certain andeffectual reined) ever discovered for Gonorrhoea , both inits mild ami au'uravate i l forms.

r£>T In all cases of consultation by letter , the usuali'ec u f^ l must be forwarded , cither by I'ost-Ollice-Ordcr , or otherwise.

Patients are requested lo Ho as minute as possible, inthe detail of their cases , noting especiall y th? durationof tho complaint, the mode of its commencing, itssymptoms and progress , age, general habit s .of living,occupation of life, and position in society. Medicinescan be forwarded to uny pin t of the world—no ditll-culty can occur , as they will be. securely packed , andcarefully protected from observation.

These Medicines are prepared onl y by Messrs. R.and L. Perry and Co., Surgeons .10, Iterners-street ,Oxford-street , London , and sold by all Medicine Ven-ders in town find Country .

Sold by W. Ciilchrist , Apothecary, Allilone ; Mr.Shaui'.hi'.cssy, Medical-Hull , Limerick ; Thompson;Guardian Oilice , Armagh ; \V' . Kir.hey, Tyrawluy Her-ald Oflico , P .iiliina; Carter , Herald Ollite , li all js han -non ; \V. Mnrshnll ' and (!o. Hi gh-street , Belfast ;Wood and .Son, St. Patrick-street , Cork ; AldermanHiicnelt , Piooksoller, Main strer t , Clonmel ; J. II.Powell , IJookseller , 1(1, Weslinoreland -strect , Dubl in ,Kell y, JJookscllor , !)ro; ;hedii ; II. Bcvun , ChronicleOllifi 1, Kunisk i l lcn ; 11. O'C'iniior , 77 , George streetKingstown ; Duniel O'lviell y, Apothecary, Kil lennulc ,li ylield and Co , A pothecary, Seury ; Josep h Pietse ,Apothecary, Main -strei t , Wexf..rd ; Charles Tull y-Jou ina l Oiiice , {discommon ; J. i l . i{o\ve Perry , Quaystreet , Londonderry, at the W A T K R I 'OII D X HWS Ollieeof all of w!iu ,n m.iy bd had tiie .SILKX1' l 'KUSN l) ,


13 0 I, L0 V A Y ' S 0 1 S T II K S T .An l')xli'aon!ii ;;iry Cure of Scrofula, or

Ring 's Kvil.Extract of a L 'f ttvr f 'roiit Mr . J. II. Alliday ,

:?09, If iy h-Slrect. Cheltenham, dated thc '2'lndof J unitary, 11S50.

To Professor II OI.I .O W A Y .Sin ,—M y eldest Son , when about three jc s of

age, waJ alllictcd wi th a G landu la r Swel l ing iu theneck , which after a .short time broke out into anUlcer , MI eminent medical man pronounced it as avery bad case of Scrofula , and prescribed for a consi-derable l ime wi thout ellcct. The disease then for fouryears went on gradually increasing in v i ru lence , whenbesides the u l c e r i n the ; neck , another formed belowthe loft knee , and a third under the eye , besides sevenothers on the lcfl arm , wi lh a tumour between theeyes, which was expected to break. Dur ing the wholeuf the time mv fufleriu;: bn v and received tho constantadvice <»i' the mo.sl celebrated medical ( i in t i i ' i i ia n atChel tenham , besides being for several months at theGeneral Hosp ita l , where one of the .Surgeons said thathe would amputate the left arm , 'out that the bloodwai so impure , that if that l imb were taken olT itwould be then even impossible to subdue the disease.In this desperate state 1 detennned to give your Pillsan-J Ointment a trial , and after ttvo months perseve-rance in their use, the tumour graduall y l>«< -an to dis-appear , und the discharge from all the ulcers percep-tibly decreased , and at the exp iration of eight monthsthey were perfectly healed , and the boy thoroughl yrestored to (he blessings of health , to the astonishmento t a large circle of acquaintances, who cimld testify tothe truth of (his miraculous case. Three years havenow elapssd wi thout any recurrence of the malad y,and the boy is now as health y as heart can wisii.Under these circumstances I consider that I should bet ru l y ungrateful were I not to make you acquaintedIbis wonderfu l cure , ell'ected by your medicine:) afterevery other means had failed .

(Signed)J. I t . ALLIDAY.

Ciii'o of Aciiii: Itiii 'inni'.iisiii of four yours 'y landing,.

Extract of a Letter from. Mr. John Pitt. Dudley,idth Ja/i. , 1850.,

To Professor HOI .I.OWAYSin ,—It is with ihe grcalest pledsure tha t I write t»

thank you for the benefit I have received fro m yourPills and Ointment , which have co i.plctcly cured meof Ihe Kbeiimatism , under which I suffered for thishist four years ,at tinies I was so bad as hardl y to beable to walk. I had tried every kind uf Medicine thatwas recommended wilhiout receiving any benefit. Ilit last thou g ht I would give jour medicines a t t i a l ,and purchased from Mr. I l t i i l i n , Chemist , of this Town ,two Boxes of Pills , and two of Ointment , anil in threeweeks', throug h lhc.ni and the blessing of God , I wasreslor .dlo heaith and stren gth , anil am now us wellable lo walk as ever 1 wus in my life. I am wellknown in this parish , having been sixty-five years init , wilh an exception of ten years I served in the iUthKcgiinent of fool.

(Signed)JOHN PITT.

Cure of a I'ase of Weakness and Debility, ofI'otir Years' Standing.

Exlracct of a Let ter f rom Mr. Wm. Smith , ofNo. 5, Little Thoiiias-strcrt , Gibson-street , Lam-beth , dated Dec, VI , HMD. —To Professor Hol-loway.— Sir ,— I beg to inform jou that for nearl y fiveyears I hardl y knew what it was to have a day 'shealth , suffering from extreme weakness and debility,wi th a great depression of sp irits. I used to thinkhat nothing could benefit me , as I bad been lo many me-dical men ,some of whom , after doing all that wai in theirpower , infoniK 'd mi 1 that 1 had some spinal comp laintbeyond the reach of cure , to gether with a very disordered slate of ihe stomach and iiver , making my caseso comp licated that n u t l i ing could be done for me.One day being unusual ly ill anil in a dijccleil state , Isaw your Pills advertised , and resolved lo y ive them atriiil ,, more perhaps from curiosity than wi lh a hope ofkeing cured , however 1 soon found myself [better byusing them , anil , so I Went on persevering in theiru<e for six months , when I am happy to say '.hey effec-ted a perfect cure. —(Si gned) W I L L I A M SMITH,

(frequently called K D W A U DCure of a Desj iaratc I'asc of Itingworm , of Six

Years' Slaiulin:;Limn , VMh oj November, 1S-10-

¦ Ono of the most eminent Surgeons in Lima (theCap ita! of IVrn) had a child covered with Ringwormfor more than six years ; in vain he exhausted ali bisart iu his endeavours to clfoct a cure. Not succeeding,he consulted anion^ his brethren , the most celebratedmedical practitioners of the City, but nothing wasfound to do the child service. When ho was persuadedby Mr. Joseph P. Hague, the Eng lish Chemist andDruggist , residing at No. 7-f , Calle do Palacio, to tryllolloway 's Pills and Ointment which was done, andafter using six large Pols of the Ointment , with pro-portion of the Pills , the child was radical l y cured, tothe surprise of thn whole medical profession. Tnename of the parent , from motives of delicacy, iswithheld.

The Pills should bo used conjointl y w i th the Oint-ment in most of the following cases :—

Bad Legs Chiego-foot FistulasBad Hre.ists Chilblains Goutliurns Chapped hands Glandular Swellingsliuniop s Corns (Soft ) . Lumbagolli.'o of .Mos- Cancer.s Pilescheloes and Contracted and Rheumali smSand- Files Still " j oints Sraids

Cooo-lluy Klep haiitiasW Sore Ni pp lrsSore-throats Skin-diseases ScurvySori' -heads Tumours Ulccr.iWounds Yaws

Sold by the Proprietor , ?41, Strand , (near TempleI>ar ,) London , and by all respectable Vend .irs of Patent.Medicines throug hout the Cmli/ .cd World , in Pots andItoxcs , at Is. lj 'd., L's. Od., 4s. (id. Us., Itts., and o3seach. There is a very considcraable > aving in takingthe larger sizes .

N.15.— Diiection for the guidance of Patients areprefixed to each Pot and Hox.



DIIiECTOKS :John Oliver Hanson , Ksq., Chairman.

Win. George Prescott , Esq. Deputy Chairman.Sir Wm. Haynes , Bart. Moses Mocatta , Esq.,Arllim E. Campbell , Esq., Capt. A. L. Montgomery,Thos. Chapman , Esq.. F. li. S. U. N.Donald Maclean . Esq. | James Wm. Ogle, Esq.,Samuel P.. Magan , Hsq. Emanuel PaciCco , M.I)Joseph Pulley, Esq..

A UDITORS —I rancis JUijji, Hookey, Esq., and JosephFully, jun., Es<;.,

ACTUAuv—Charles An3ell , Esq., F.R.S.SOLICITOR — William Bovill , Esq.,StiuvBVOli—Thomas Hooper, Esq.,ASSISTANT SU R V E Y O R —Thomas Lloyd, Esq.,

FIRE DEPARTMENT.REST—This Office (independent of the Returns

and the late reduction of the Rates of Premiumsoffers to persons effecting Assurances the furtheradvantages of an allowance for the loss of Renton Buildings rendered untenentablc by Fire.

REXEIVALS —Policies due on the 25th De-cember should be renewed within fifteen daysthereafter (9 th January).

LIFE DEPARTMENT.Persons assured for the whole term of Life, in

Great Britain and Ireland respectively, will havean addition made to their policies every SeventhYear , or an equivalent Reduction will bn made inthe future payment of Premiums, at the optionof the Assured.

Assurances f t ^ r short periods may be effected atthis oiiice at considerable Reduced Rate.s'of Pre-mium.

Ti:c Company 's Rates and Proposals may behad iit the office in London , or of any of theAgents in the country, who arc authorised to re-port on the appeara nce of Lives proposed for As-surances .

HENRY DESBOROU GH , Secretary.Tin: Company 's A ^ent for Waterford is Mr.

JOHN¦ FARRELL , "Kiny-street , and No. 20,Jicrcsjord -strcet, v. ho is empowered to effectAssurances against Fire, and to receiveProposals of Assuiance on Lives and on Survi-s ors-hi ps.

Mr FARKELL invites inquiry into the princi-ples on which this office transacts its business, asset forth in Ihe above Advertisement , and whichare more full y exp lained in the Company's Pro-posals , to be had of him on app lication.


I'LliASAST uud effectual remed y (without medi-cine, inconvenience , or expense , as it saves fifty

times its value in olher means of cure).Tustitnoriials from parties of unquestionabl e respecta-

bility, have attested that it supersedes medicine , of everydescri ption iu the Wl'ectual ami permanent removal of in-digestion ('l yspesia), consti pation , and diurrhcea , ner-vousness , biliousness , liver complaint , flatulency , dis-tension , pal pitation of the heart , nervous headache , deaf-ness, noises in me head and curs , pains in almost everypart oI' Llic body, chronic inflammation and ulcerationof the stomach , ang ina pecloris , erysipelas , eruptions onthe skin , inci p ient consumption , dropsy , rheumatism ,gout , lieHrtburn , nausea and sickness during pregnancy ,alter eating or at sea, low spirits , spasj tns, cramps ,sp leen , general debility, para lys^* aslhma , cough , inquie-tude , sleeplessness , involuntaryj hljj t ihing, tremors , dislikelo soeiuK , uiifittiicis forstud yy^iKsof meinury ,delusions ,vertigo , blood to the heud j texhaustioii , meluncholy ,groundless tear , indecision , wretchedness , thoughts ofself destruction , and many other comp laints. It is ,moreover , admitted by those who have user] it to he Ihehfi st food for infant s and invalids generally , as it neverturns a. id on the weakest stomach , but imparts a health yrehsli for lunch and dinner , and restoies the faculty ofdigestion and uiiiscuhii * and nervous energy to the mostenfeebled .

r'or the benefit of our readers we place before them asynopsis of a few of 60,000 Testimonials received by Mr.liii Larry upon the invariablo efficacy of his l'evulentaArabica Food.

AGENTS.WATKRFORD -S. U. Ardag h , 10, the Mall.

" J. \V. fondell." Joshua Barton.

Wcxford—James l'ierce Kilkenny—J.Dou glas ,book-Cork—Adam liiuilo & Co.,| seller

Patrick-street I;.osa—Gary, Cocks & RoperCuppoquiii— SiisanDoswortb Clonrael—Edward fiizhenry

Post Oiiice -i. Main streetCallan—Miss Baker, Post i'oughal—Arch. Merry, l'o*t

Office. Office.Case No. 75.

From the Right Honourable the Lord Stuart de Deciea." I have derived much benefit from Du Barrj 's Health

restoring Food. " STUART DE DECIES." Drouiuna , Cuppoquin , county of Waterford."

Case No. 180." Twenty-five years . Nervousness , Consti pation , Indi-

gestion , end Debility, from which 1 bad suffered greatmisery, ami which no remed y could remove or relieve ,have been effectually cured by Du Barry 's ITealih-res-toring Food iu a very abort time. \V. U. REEVES.

" Pool Anthony, Tiverton."Case No. 4GI.

•' Sixty years ' partial paralysis , affectiug one-half ofmy frame , ai/d which bad relisted all olher remedies, haftyielded to Uu Harry 's Ilealtu-restoring Food , and I newconsider myself a strunger to all complaints excepting ahearty old 'age. " WM. HUNT , Barrister-at-Law.

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'• JIAGDAI.ENA PURVIS." Jloflatt , Scotland ."

Case No. 300G." Thirteen yeftr s ' coug h , indi gestion , and general de-

hiliiy have been removed by Du Barry 's excellent Ilealth-rej toring Food . " JAMES PORTER.

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" Dear Sir —I beg to assure you that its beneficial ef-f cU havr. ii«en dulv appreciated by, dear Sir , most re-f pect fuliy, THOMAS KING, Major General."

Case No. 81." Twenty years' liver complaint , with disorders of the

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DU BARRY'S 1'ULMONIC BON CONS.A niee , safe, and effectual Remedy for coughs , colds,

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Piety consists in a surrender of self will, ofself righteousness of self , in every form of tbeDivine justi ce, holiness and sovereignty.

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o.am.iK SI I A UK M A t i K i - n —(Yesterday.)Amount ji.- iid iij) . £«] lin>r"|iiu'u.

£ 9. (I.M i u i i." Coni|i . iij' Iri rl.mil 7 0 0 *

.• fijj"ork ami Hai - . l i - i . ;, \) 0 II "' ' i:!\l) i i ! i ! iu ;u:il l i- lf.iM .Ini .cl i i.u A 7> 0 0 -21 ;Di i l i l i i i ;n,d Drusj li cil,! 7.", n u :i-JDundalk mid K i i n i - k i : l . - i i :'.(> (I II ¦< .'.(iiv;il Southern iihil \Ye.-ic:n;,() II tl \\f ] »- ;iiivI rMi .Smith )-::IS I I :|- I < •) U I ;"> '.Mid la ml l in a t Wolrni and

liuya! Car.al .( •; pi (i r.-i ;Limerick ami Wa lci - lnnl : , { ) n i> I ;;*\Vnte i l 'o:d uiid Ki lkenn y •_ !:) I) u !!7.

IWV l-."SM!iST riMlj.1 per (.'rut <\m-i!:> 0(1-;Uillu lor account 'J( i ';!'] por Cfiit. .S lmk liS .'jDit to for • n ir n ui i t H.-s ,1, JHank Sire* 'J07 i

To A d v e r t i s e ! a.As " Tin! Nr.ws"' lias , in ai l i l i t iut i to its own »ery

litr^r mn:ih<-r of subscribers, loit^ since aduVi1. (o itslists very nearl y AI .I, tlio Subscribers of tin- Ink- '*¦«-/ i r/ h i 'l Chronicle (with wl.ieh Ilic Proprietor of ¦' Tin:Ni:ws" WHS fur many yoars conncctc'il), Advertiserswil l therefore pi- rcvive that it is one of the best mediumsil l' |itililii-il y in llio Somli of la-land.

" Tin; SEWS" is taken in nil l l ic News-liooins anill'rinciji.il Motels in tbi -> nnil j if i i rli lxtriti . i cuuulic..:.—AUu at the Kiilorm Clult and Impi-ria! Hold , Onld'ni.At Peel's Collce-Houso. l.oiwluu ; at tin; trailingNi'\vs-l!o"ii.siu the throi1 kin^ilums ; ami liy our Ni-woA ^pi i t sm l/i 'iii inii , Dublin , Liverpool, I'.nU , ami NewY:r.k. &r. ice.

Circulation ovear One lA~housa.:id Copies ! I !

To Correspondents."t ' As wo u» t.i Press at tin- lu i i l l i l o of Tlin-r u rlt .ek ever

Friday (to lu> in linn.' I'.T lln: Cl . i i i i in I cuavli), \vu .<lia!l neeive iu> c>utimimica:iou after l-J mi >:une cby.

•fi)c £&atcrforS XiUsg.TRID A V i:vi:.\i.\u , J A X C A I .'V IT , imT"

N o l'd l 'KKV" - - T I I K STAT K Cl l L 'U r i l ( U Y -Vi x DiCA T iux or Tin-: CATHOLIC C H U K C I I .l i lle '.varc l:nw yon i;ivc signal ?IU'C<.> J u> the i :i t n j inn I

tii oolry of our Irish clcrjiy wlm t^.ii ;--.r< - ::«! -¦n-i. - iy In il ->¦ie|i'li ainl I D ils extremit ies wi l l : I hi: piii<un "f i lu- ir \ nl -

H»i ' prejudices, liuwaru how you e xr< - iu! ihe |i ;uii> |ily ol

ali.-olutu acts of pa rl ini i iui i i owr t l i a t i i v i n -j ; IU . I .S-. '<( ' vimand cnrruo i i cn—tin: in;pas<iuned I'u i l ' . iwri's of i> w i ld i'a-

n a t i i i i i n IJew.uc. my lui'l , lest y< ii i j!i .- i i . l / j - t j . >- :i-*i:i =of llio V "r> >! character* of I: I I I I I :'.!I i i . i !"re— lf>t i "• it i f i i m

a l';-.:iijis!i ;iruc:ily inio t l irir n- ii isriiali-d f \ - , ' - !.> 'Smitl i fir ld slum Id aijaiu M. iz r u i i t i'i KIT- uf p> 'i« i : -• • ¦ ¦ ¦' ."

— Letier of tits. Ji'rV. Ih hr , - ] % l. i; if ', i ir , of 'I 'i . i • ... • • • .;.Jj ui ii-.im . l o (!ic liejl t t Hun. /.ant John J tus . . .

1 lie above cxlracc convey s a caution—a :.«; S.- I I I I I

warning—to the lirst minister of JMi^ lau l . I t istal:en 1'roni that splen.Hil , c.-.tislic cp ist l o wl i ic l ithe Huv. Mr. Pi. V Y F A I U li i.; 3ililvf.-- .soii to thePremier ; and tliougl: l!ie v.'i i i e r of this -.uticloj iosscsses no means of kno '.vin^ tlu sentitneut - ;which pervade the English minister 's mind in tliuquiet of his home , he feels tha t the wortis at thehc;nl of this article have sunk deep into the p igmvstatesman 's memory. Nuver , in t!ic l i istory ofIrish reli gious strugg les , have truer won Is t lianthose of the honest Eng lish clergyman lieen uttered—never did an insolent , waverin g governor receivemore serious rebuke—never were tli a princi ples ol'

reli gious freedom tuore iinU- p '.'ii 'k ' i illy ni lvocatL -d.When we thoug ht (at least sonic ol' us) t int tin 1

whole tribe of Anglican fanatical [-arsons were

arrayed o:i the side of oppression and mi srule —when it was believed that none of them wo:iMdare to oiler a word in vindication of the l ibor tyof conscience for the ROMAN CATHOLICS, upstarts an enli ghtened minister of tho Slate Chi!!v!) ,and , in words of wrathf u l indignation , repelsLord J. lit ;ssr :LL's haug hty iix- s.mig-j to the nii-tioii j conveyed in a second-hand manner throughthe JJ ishop of ])urham ! Oh , lur.v ardent l y doeslie wish tint he had never often .iod :ig iin:it an at-tachment to ONE faith ! How devoutl y he praysthat he had never given reason for an exposure olhis religious latitudinariani.sm to a meek , hunihlo1'uscy ite ! How dcopiy does he regret that hisp olitical life should have been so in quir ing l yscanned , and his tergiversation held up to publicview by a Doctor of Divinity ! The 1' ieini . r ,having raised a storm of indi gnation round Ill'shead , having provoked man to hate man , havinggone over the same ground whi:h his predecessorssoiled by their guilty presence , must new feelthat his failure as a statesman is inevitable , andth.it his base proposition will be spurned by menwhom he considered were of his own way ofthinking. Let him consider w!:at mi ylit he tluconsequence.-;, resulting from a reli gious war ?—Let him ask himself the (j nestion—could in-: stopthe danger when destruction was certain ? Co.ildhe protect the Houses of Parliament from theattacks of a howling, bi goted , canting mob , in-cited to the evil work by a second Lord GeorgeCiordoi i ? Could he vouch lor the safety ol' therepresentatives, if they were hunted from tin;Senate ami driven out upon tho rLto l-ioj. -j ? Me=hould wei gh well all these ipiest 'ions. Lord Joh nis now long enoug h in the world to havo read his-tory, and he ought to know that it is written " toillustrate the present and to guide the future. "—lie ought to know that Eng land hi'iir.s a giv.itname , and is governed by a p lcudid const i tu t io n—that it would be a shame to pull down its i n s t i t u -tions amid the conflagrations of a fanatical war-fare, and that his tor ians would not fail to ri .-cui Jthe fact , that while Eng land flourished at a t iu.ewhen her laws allowed the most en t i re and p cr li.- ' tfreedom of conscience to Jtiws , who deny t!iatour Blessed Lord ever existed , she: could not i ii-dure the existence of Roman Catholic bcii. :f in ailthe grand doctrines and miracle s which our l loi yRedeemer preached and perfu :m<:d for the edilici-iion and salvation tf the Chris t ia n world. I f ibvappeal of Lord John Russell to the bigots of Eng-land , shall have effect, what e'sc can l i is toi ian s.vrite '! What can they say but that into lerancetore up a nation into fragments , and scatte red tliLuins of a consti tut ion far and wide ?

I t is consoling to know that the fearful yearn-ings of that class of Exeter Hall spouters whoutter the most abominable charges against the Ca-thol ic Church arc not p artici pated in by the morerefined and enli ghtened members of the Kng luhChurch. The Rev. Hcher Play fair dues no!.igree with t h y opinion of those men .whoso " ele-vat ion in the church is pr op ortionate to the i r dis-p lay of intolerance ," nor does he understand theprevailing idea which gives excellence In anysmall " community . " He asks the Premier by/ .hat authori t y he has been constitute d a jud geto pronounce the religious worshi p of the Cutlio-!ic Church a •' superstitious mummery, " and w!:al.ire l.is fj uali fications for the office. The rev ,..'Ci'.dcman, antici pating tha t his question would.•er,uirc a li t t le consideration , tells the noble lordthat his iaialilication to pronounce on th is (pies-tiou consists in :' an ap t i tude fur the emp loymentof pol i t ica l stratagems to libel the reli gion of thofui "jr est bod y of Christians in the nnivor.s'.-."—Ij nr f i*; the hpud . nak '.-d t r . i ' h . ami lha l , tj o.

at the moment when t ru th had its due wei g ht whenpu t iii opposition to the mass of lies whichthe roving preachers of an unfixed religion havetold since the appearance of the letter to theV.ish 'ip of J l i irham. Since these preachers couldsay nothing lor themselves— since they fou ld not;!_::ree cm nvo sacraments—one day deny ing bap-tismal reL 'Ti ieraiion , am! the next ar guin g againstthe d i v in i t y of our Redeemer—I'oing lo the Me-thodist Church in th-; morning, to the Protc -btantChurch at noon , and to some Swaddling hole andcorner meeting at ni ght—selling r.t r.cught theadjudication of their bishops , and li stening mosta t ten t i ve l y to the j ud gment and decision of aI . A Y M A N " on a point of doctr ine—thei r familiesdivided on " the rule of faith ," the eldest sou pre-ferring the honour and respecta bility of the" Church ," the daug hter chosiug the Calvanislicdoctrines of Presbylerir -nism, or L'nitaiianism—they have found it convenient to attack the Catho-lic Church , and , like Dr. DALY , earn good pay forabusing Popery . They mak e ignorant people be-lieve that " the Church is in danger ", and they,the oily parsons and sleek bishops , pocket largesums extr.ic ied from the poor man , who is nowheavil y taxed.

Lord John Russell liavin ff taken the CatholicChurch to task concerning its doctrines , isrep lied lo by Mr. Vlay fair in a manner wliiclishows him to be thoroughl y false to all his formeiprofessions with regard to the freedom of con-s.-ii-uce. The rev. gentleman could not hav easked a more ignorant author i ty on Church mai-l e r - t han Lord John Kussell , for the noble lordunders tands no reli gion and practices no faith , ex-cept t i ia t which he has in the bi goted predilectionsof plaiform preachers. Political "dodging" ifhis gospel , and " the word" on which he reliescomes from minis te r ia l chambers , rotten boroug hsand corrupt constituencies. The noble lord isnow lir .st statesman of a great country; but hence-forward lie can never hope to command the respectnv admirat ion of il s intelli gent representati ves orhonest citizens. He has made a false step, andh.i.s tumbled into an abyss from whi ch he cannever be released, lie is po liticall y dead ; hern 'iist only strive to mend his ways, and do pen-,!i;cc for the great scandal lie has given to thei-ulightencd nations of the world.

Mr. Play fair has entirel y disconnected him selffrom the proceedings of the h e al ing , mercenaryranter .-' of England by the publication ol ' his nt-bloletter , by this i .easterl y appeal to the commonsense of his country men. Does he speak of ihcCatholic Church in an unhands ome manner ? Doeshe revile its sacred ceremonies '! Dues he abuseits ministers ' Ah , no ! he has shewn that hi»mind is imlj uid with generous , exalted ideas , :-.::dthat ho is not swayed b y the nicant r pa-sionswhich degrade and humble man. Ol 1., if Englandh i d many men like him , we should have heardlittle of this filth y cry of " No Popery. " Whatwould an Irish Parson , (Parson Foh-y, of Clon-mel , for instance. ) holding forth at n Bible moot-ing, th ink of t!ie vindic ation of the Catho liclViesthooi" , :ind of the testimony lo She excel-lence of the Catholic Church , by the K'ev. M C IJI .- IPlay fair, ii " they were read at one of the afore-said' meetings ? They would fall l ike thunder-bolts among the audience , and there would b-.1 :icry of " the Church is in danger. " Jni t neithesLord John Russell , nor intolerance , nor hatred ,nor any other species of wickedness will ever suc-ceed in overturnin g that grand structure againstwhich Christ himself said " the gates of hell shallnot prevail. " The Church cf all tin io is linn—intrue—flic same now as it ever w- as, without thepro tection of the state , but l iving in the hear.'.sand ali'tcli .-'us y f its y.coplo—it rears its bannerson the uncivilized soil , and teaches the savage thegrand myster ies of reli gion ; ils ] ravers lift thesoul of man I D the noblest asp irations an I to thamost sublime thoug hts ; it has sent its mission-aries throug h the world to redeem man from thebondage of sin and tho excesses of ignorance ;it has built t emp les for the worshi p of the l iv ingGod in solitudes and wastes , and from their pul-pits the noblest sentiments are poured forth ; ithas planted ihc emblem of our redemption on thehill-lop and in the desert , and everywhere overtl '.c world its hol y precepts have !>eeu s.iuct i/icdby the blood of martyrs ; its glories have beenwrit ten by eminen t historians , and even its suffer-ings have tlir oivu around it an inter esting history,which the fate of no human institution will everdeserve.

AGO K KSSI O.Y I S W A T H M- OI I D - D I K DA LYTAI.K1N C ! l.n> UNSOU.N 'DXiC S S IN il lo OWNC I I U U C I I .The 1'iotcstar.t Cleigv of the dioceses of Wa-

U-rford find Lismorc have addressed their goodliisihop. Dr. Daly, on the '' ull-hnpor lunC' sub-ject of (to use their words) " Papal Aggression."The ad Ircss is signed by the Archdeacons of thodioceses (wh y not by the Dean , a higher dig-nitary >.) ; and after palavcrin ;/ his Lordship,speaking of ' fnlso doctrine ,' l forei gn intrusion ,'&c , &e., it concludes thus :—" We congratu-late your Lordshi p on the absence of all Roman-isiny tmidcuclex and p ractices f rom these tiioevstm.''Th'.- address also prays that God may give bisLoril-hi p the "spirit of peace, of love , an.1 ofsound mini ! ! P' This latter passtsgo was , tosay the least of it , very badl y selected.

Dr. Daly replies to the address by makinga fierce onslaught on the government, and on theLord Lieute nant in particular , for their ' iLomanis-mg tendencies ' .I' ut the wordsoftliel ' r iineMinisterweny;!' course ,balm lo his heart. His Lordshi p isevidentl y afraid of the stability of tlie establish-ment , l ie admits liis church to be " KM -.<ui 'iid '- '— u h y , liii 'i.1, btl iMig to an unsoundcluuch ? In fi-.et his rep l y is so " rich and ruio "that we unis l . ,. : .;; it iiibeition in our next.

U O H H K i nOn the lno i 'uing of Tuesday th 'j house of Mr .

Somers , Michael-street , was entered by the backivay and a smai ! box which contained notes andsilver to the amount of twent y-one pounds stolen.The thieves walked out through the front door de-liberately, and left a half-crown behind them. OnWednesday, Constable I loran broug ht up beforethe magistrat es four well known characters namedCoad y McNall y , alias the pcelor , and Ileal y, aliasHal' yhale, also two ladies of the pave, Ellen Codyand Mary Moore , on susp icion of the robbery hav-ing tendered a.t'.'niole for goods which they had pur-chased on Tuesday in Mr. Tobin 's shop . Theywere remanded for f i i r iher examination.

Sub Constable Palace arrested twelve prisi'niCi-son Tuesday and Wednesday last . Three o f t h t - i nwere charged with cut t ing the hair oii' eleven cowsthe property of Robert Carew , fts<j ., oi' Hal l ina-inona ; six for stealing p olaUws from Mr. A yl-ivard , (iauls-rock , and three for stri pping lead oila house in ISarrack-s .' iect. They are all full y com-mitted.

A men named Warner was commit ted for trialto the assizes for obtaining a watch , the propertyof Mr. An thony , Pii town , from Mr. (i. Glanvi l ie ,watchmaker of (his ci ty, under false pretences.

A gentleman named Prin , was knocked downanil robbed on the 'piay , about eleven o'clock onSaturday night. Tlif aggressor was arrested thes:iin(; ni ght by constable I'.oran.

INTRAMU RAL INTERMENTSOn this subject we have had several letters

from corresp ondents , who one and all comp lain ofthe system. They ask us what has been the causeor who th i) ins t i gators of the new move in favorof city interments ? At ibis moment we cannotexactl y r>;iy ; but this we know that a p ortion oflite poor clergy of the city appeared most solici-tous for ihe opening of these old grave-yards .

In the neighbourhood of Patrick-street , somelime since, a hole-and-corner meeting was con-vened at which it was gravely asserted that thepeople of Water ford were sadl y inconveniencedby th e then closed up (city) abodes j of the dead.—Of course we were aware, .->nd full y admit , thatsome inconvenience did arise when intramuralinterments were excluded ; but at the same timewe wcro not insensible to the motive whic liguided j Jie plaintive cries of those who thus ad-vocated the peop le's comfort and convenience !

Now we should like to know the great good thathas been achieved without infring ing on someone's rights ? We arc sure that every one havingdue regard for the health of self and nei ghbours ,would wil l ing ly sacrifice a little to promote thesanitary state of hi s native city—an d that cannever be elleCed so long as human bodies arepil ed over each other in huge heaps in the verycentre of this populous city.

j 'c it remembered that though the terrificscourge of cholera is now far away from us, amost mali gnant fever is at our doors ; and thisoug ht to be incentive enoug h to us to be mostwatchful of the sanitary state of the city. Thecholein is now mowing down, as with a scythe,thousands of the inhabitants of Jamaica and Ca-lifornia. It is to be hoped that it will neveragain visit our shores ; but that hopefu l ant ic i -pation should not hill us into apath y, or make usunmindfu l of the imp ortance of cleanliness inevery shape and form.

It is our op inion that , for the more permanentii ;ul clTcettial cleaulinesj cf I ho city, tho Corpora-tion should ever have a person emp loyed , whoseduty it would be to pay occasional visits to everystreet , lane , and house , in order that cacli and allshould be kept in proper order.

Our streets , too , are peculiarl y filth y— softmud \i swimming on all parts of them. Moansshould be adopted to have tho rn fre quen tl y swept ,&.c. To these matters we beg to draw the atten-tion of the citizens generall y, and Alderm anMackesy in particular , who bus labored so longand zealousl y against intramural interments andother diu i ij c-rot is nuisances.


NEW YO R K , New Year 's Day,The American steamer Baltic (new) which way

due here last week , and is now twenty-one daysfrom Liverpo ol , has not. yet arrived. She putinto Provincetown , forty miles from lioston , indistress for coal , and her -mails arrived here lastni g ht , per ti.e overland route , and will be deli-vere ! here to-day .

A sp lendid printin g office , worth about 1/>(J ,000dollars , has been destroyed by fire in L'osfou. —Trade good—but the weather very cold.

This is a glorious day, with about four feet ofsnow o:i the ground ! More next week.


We understand that the Watcrford GlassCompany is now manufacturing a magnificent andcostl y piece of workmanshi p for the great exhi-bition in London. It is to be presumed that itwill take a first pr ize ; for Waterfone glass hasFiUiopean fame.

We understand that the Messrs. White , of thiscity will ; at same time and place , exhibit a newmodel of shi p-building, at the brass work , &c. olwhich Mr. T. W. Condon , a talented artizan , isnow engaged. The Messrs. White have launched ,from time to time , crafts that , for beauty andquick sailing, would do credit to any country.

LOCAL EMPLOYMENT!We are g lad to learn that our Poor Law

Guardians have given the making and erection ofthei r capstan mill lo our scientific and respectedfellow-citizen , Mr. B. Graham , who we haveheard , performs ihe work at a lower fi gure thansome of his competitors , from the more prosperouscities of Dublin , Cork , and 13elfast , who tenderedfor it. That is as it should be. All poor-housebusiness , oug ht , if possible , be executed in Wn-lei ford , where the money is raised. We are not ,however , so narrow-minded or unreasonable as !oexpect that Heli 'iisl or Cork men should refusework v.-hercver it may come from. But there is atrite say ing, that when we are in Koine we mustdo as Rome does. We don 't remember to haveheard of either Cork , Dublin , cr Belfast peop lepay ing our f ates.

D U N G A R V A N ELECTION7 .In our advertising columns will be found an

int i i i i i t iou from a gentleman , who has not as yetfavored us with bis name ; but who, it appears ,is determined to make a resolute fi"-ht. Weo

have heard , however—and it is a good recom-menda t ion— tha t the new Candidat e is a man ofindependent politics , good for tune , and free fromall Governm ent taint or blight.

Ihi t his address , whenever it may appear , wi l lunravel die mystery . Til! then we shall not beabb 1, of course , to form any op inion as to hismer i t s or demerits.

We have just heard that a Protect ionis t Can-didate will also come " to the scratch. "

A meeting of the governors of Fanning 's Insti-tute was held on Tuesday, when seven poor per-sons were admi t ted .

We leain that the piece of plate presented tcMr. I lanl y is worth about .£120 ; it is very hand-somel y wroug ht ,

.Scarcely a week passes wi thout the disclosureof some nocturnal robbery in the city ; shops areusual ly the sufl'ur i irs.

MECHANICS' INSTITUTEOn Friday evening a meeting of tlie members of this

boch was held in Kin-j-strect , the JVIATOR in the chair.Mi- Harvey read the report , by which it appearedthat the Institute was not in a very flourishing condi-tion. Mr. II. allowed that the Institute cauic into hismanagement in debt , which oug ht to have been paidwhen 3Ir Maleomson 's splendid donation of .f lUO Iiiulbeen received. Tho following resolutions wcro thenpassed —

Proposed by Mr Brownri pg ; seconded by Mr Bar-ton— •' That the report now read be adopted , and cir-culated amongst tho members."

Proposed by Mr Qtiain ; seconded by Mr Hudson —"That tho number ol directors bo reduced to nine ,nn .l tlie vice-presidents to two , wi th poivei- to add totho numbc -r of directors."

1'ropose.i by Mr Ambrose (sohcilor) ; seconded byMr H udson—''That Thomas Mcagiicr, Esq. M.I', beappointed presidi-nt ; and the Mayor and ,Iohn Mal-eoinson vice-presidents of the Mechanics' Institute fortlio ensuing year."

Proposed by Mr Barton ; seconded by Mi- 13rown-li gsji that the following members , having been electedby ballot, be declared the directors for the ensuingyear—Messrs Hudson , Condon , Ambrose, Blake, Carl-ton , Baker , K COR II , Campbell, Quain."

Proposed by Mr. J. Quaiii , seconded by Mr. J. liudd ,that >Ir. B. Graham be requested to act as treasuiv i;to iho \Vaterlord Mechanics' Institute for the ensuingyear.

Proposed by Mr. J. Hudson , seconded by Mr. T. S.flavvoy, that the directors be loft at liberty, >lioul.l asuitable opportunity offer of applying for assistance inthe management of tlie school to the Commissioners ofNational Education.

l'roposcd by Mr. S. Harvey, seconded by Mr. J.Hudson , that the privileges of members pi-y iii .u; onepound per annum be limited to personal free admissionto the lecturei , and the introduction of their familiesut half price tho use of the rending room and library.

Proposed by Mr. Hudson , seconded by Mr. Brown-ri j rg—that tho thanks of the meeting be given to Mr.Harvey for liis great attention to the interest, and ox-er-lions for the support of the Mechanics' Insti tute.

' TheMayor having left the chair , and Mr . Browmi^having been .csillod thereto, it was

Proposed by Mr. Huils'in , seconded by Mr. Kco-^h ,That the thanks of the meeting be given to the Mayorfor his kind Attention to the interests of the institute,and presiding over this meeting.

Mr. Hiirvny boug ht forward n motion in favour ofintroducing newspapers iu'o the reading room , whichwas lost after an animated discussion (conducte d in tliebest of pood humor) in which Messrs Harvey, Hudson ,L>. Kcogh, 'I'. W. Condon , J. Ambrose, J. A.. Mlukc , C.lledmond, &c., took part—the meeting separated.

KNNl- SCOHTIIY UN10X.We have been favoiuo.! with a st.-.tf incut of the ag-

ricultural department of tho Knui -ii -oith y union , bywhich we perceive that the ground attached to tli ehouse is anij ily repay ing for ilsc-If. In tho year l r i l ! )

the guardians purchased a farm of t i n acres for I 'M :sum o(' £-M(l ; and at the close- of the past year , afterpav ing all c::p«.-nsi.-s, they show :i btd ince in f.ivnr of

lliu farm of ,.£ 177 IDs Hi. To this account we findupjH -ndod the ' following lvsoluii -j i i— " O;i tho r 'T '>:n-mciidat iim ol' ihe agricultural committee it is re -olvcdthat Kj ntws shall bo kept for the supp ly of swcctmilkto the house during the winter motain. '

1 C 1 L K K N N V II U i\T T .von J A X L A U Y , 18.31.

Friday. 17—Callan.Monday, —Bennett 's IVnlij e.I'Viibiy, 24—Coola;;h Koadcs.GunU i rueii arc par ticularl y rc-'piostcd not to

cross corn fields. Hours of meetin g, eleveno'Clodc each daw

Sl.SThlisi Ol; CIJAU1TV

T!:o following ii the produce of l!io poor lioxes forUcci-mij cr.

s. (I.Mr. )) iili )>y » Commeivhl D ni l i i i .-igs I Io iu l 0 M JM is. l) u ! l i i t i :> 7

Mr. 1'. Kirl y I) rf.Mr. IC. CoimniiH , (..'(i i i i ineici!ini (/tel 9 0Mr. T. Murp hy, I'i i tr ic k- .-trect I) r,Messrs Condon & Co 1 0M rs. M. Power , Unrroubtia inl-strci M - <•Mi *s Konl fi 0M !- . T. IS. r.1,1,1 1 11.'.M i . M. K-nn 0 :i.Jiliiss Ciiinmin:; , l lroa t i- s lrLL -t rt 7 ',Mr. J . Jl t :arn <>' .') .]Mr . W. Dngguii .'I I)Mrs. Cr< i t t \ . » l!Mr. D. M'Cira 'h 1 GMr. T. Grant 0 L'.JMr. W .Hrown U 2J.Mr. W . Downey 2 liMr3. Vitzpatrick 0 2}.11 is. I'lwhu I (JMrs. J. llronhy 0 2.J.Miss ']'li«ni|iai)n 0 :3JMrs. Kelly 0 0.Mrs. Malier 0 fiMrs Shanah tn , Itall y brickcn 0 0M M. l-'uluy .' 0 10

ANT f-PAPAL ST01UIUnder this heading the ed itor of the Wexfurd

Independent gives an extract of a letter which hereceived from a dis t in guished nobleman in Eng-land , which reads thus :—" I am qui te dis-gusted at what is going on in Eng land , f t is ut-terl y disgracefu l to most of ibe parties con-cerned. "

We copy the following list o( conventions fromthe Liverpool Mercury . We are sure they wil lbe read with deep interest by the public generall y,


Uev. A. J. Hnnm cr , of St. John 's College , Cnm-lirid gi:, and curate of Tiverton , Devonshire. ; ltuv . Mr.Joliiiai'in ,- lli iv . Alfre d Dayman , curate of St. John 's ,U'asjiL-iion. Warwickshire ; Hev . .lames Stewart, curateof Wonfve.rstoiu ;, near I pswich ; Hev . Thomas Scraton ,of Christ Church , Oxford ; ]{ev. l-'mncis liuUton . M.A. ,of Christ Church , Oxford ; Rev . John Henry Wynne ,U. C. I- , 1-Vlh.w of All Souls' College , Oxford ; Hev.Jmnet I.aird J'attersnn , M . A. Triiulj Cnlli'L'e, Oxford ;H«i V . (ii:orL ,o Cas» , M. A ., curate of Margaret Chapeland I'.riisuiiojG Collogn , Oxford ; Rev . Mr. fimtl iry , curateof Ardiliislicp TemiUon's Chapi-I , J, »ndou ; Hev. CharlesW. Cui-cndUh , rector of Liulu Castcrtoii , wish Tuleili-rope , IJii ' l i land ; Hev . Wil l iam Mnskell , M . A., late cx-nmiiiing (-'hap lnin to t/iu Jf is/iop of l ixv lor , and Vicnr nlSt. Mary 's Church , Devon ; Uev. Eyre Stewart Duili-urr-t , rector of Kilnv ortl i Dciiuclinii) |), I.i .-icestersliire ;Hev . T. W. All i es , M. A. . Hector of I .a i inlou , formerl yo.viniiiniiijy Wiap lain fo l l ' i; Disliop of London ; licv. II .Wilberf iuce , Ht iCtorof liast l-'arleith , Kent ; Hev . ]•'. W.TI L - IIOW , tali ; curate (if Northfleld , near Itirinin ^hain ;!tev. \V. 11. Aii i!i - rtou , vic. ir of Si. Margaret 's Leicester ;Very Hev . IV illrtui C. A. .Macl .inriu, iliiiii of lliu iniiicililioeesi.- of 'Moray ami Hosssbire ; Hev . Mr. Tudd , curati :of St. James'? , liri.<tid ; H«v. Mr. l l ' - ni-., ut Uumn ;Hev . It. .1 Hutler , late wanli-n of the llimse of Charity,.S.ilio. n.. I.'OHIK ; li. -v. Mr. ltdgers , cut-ale of tlie Parish('Lurch , I.eo:l « ; Hev. Mr. Scott ; I{ev. Dr. I'orbcs ,rector of St. I.uka 's, New York ; Hev. Mr. Preston , ofSt. Lulii:'.-i A'cw S'crk ; Kev . l) r. lliinti iipi 'loii , formerly|ii<if '-ssor "f Sf . l'.i ur-f ('iill i 'i,'!", I-'lu.sliii. ^, and lalt- niin-klur <i ( iIn: II iii rt i -oj i t i l Chinch , Sr.w York ; H«v. Mr.I'envl , l' luti - stanl M i n i s t e r :ii Climeva ; l.'ev . Dr. Simon.fnlin K'ly lnule . a l'ics liylcti:i i i minister in I-'nince ; Hev .M . Main e, l'roli -Miii it niini»ter nt l-'iiy-lu-l-'roiil , inI' l-.illt-e.

I..W CoNvr. i tTS.—Tin: Countess of Avunilel andSlimy; I.inii ;tml Lady I'ielilinv;- ; Lord and Lsnly Clun-ili -n ; l ion . ( a/ .tain l'iic -ki.'id!sii>i. of the Guards ; Oeorsjellowyor , Hs(j., 1). C. I... Temple ; John lti:thell , K«i |.,ll y i le-I ' arl(-Si |U ;iro ; — liastanl , lv>q.. W. Mnnj nll. ] \- .q,M . P., for county Liiai -rick ; Ilontiurable Mr. Caveinliah;Cnpti i in Oeor^'ciCollaril, of Walthainstow , l-lssox.— Fromtlie Cathulic Directory.

There were only four deaths in the Society ofFriends in this city for the past year . Their unitedages amounted to 3 JO years , and the youngest badpassed the four score.

On a considerah ; proper t y in this county ofKildatc there is not ti tenant without his re-ceipt for the last September rent , and the land-lord is Captain Fitzgeral d , son of tin: celebratedLord Edward Filz^er. ild.

HARBOUR "COMMISSIONERS.An adjourned meeting of the Waterford

Harbour Commissioners was held on Wednesday,princi pally for the purpo se of receiving the re-port of a Special committee appointed to con-siJcr what changes could be made in the oiheeof Pilot Mnstrr with a view to the more em-L-ient discharge of its duties , and also to considerthe question of Pilot Cutters and Boatiuasters.Joshua Wm. Stran-j man , Esq. presided.

The following letter was read :" Trinitv House , London ,

6th Jan., 1801." Sin —I nm directed tc- convey the acknowledg-

ments of tlie Kliler Hrct liroi ) of this Corpor at ion to (lie

Coinmi-sio.iers for impro ving the l'-rt and Harbour ofWaterforil , for fie exp lanatory coiinuuiucation made byyour letter of the 10th ultun o."

I am , Sir,your most, obedient serva"''IIEUBERT

John F&rrcll , Ksq.,Hallasl OfHee , Waterford."

In ciinscquenco of a reference that occurredin the proceedings of the Pilot and Ballast Com-mittee,

Alderman Davis moved , and JTr. Barnes seconded , " that the first First Class Pilot who _tlit nearest to a steamer when he hails)lier withinthe Spit of Passage be the man to receive licrpilotage even though not allowed to take her upto Waterford."

Mr. Richardson moved as an amendment thatthe consideration of tho question be postponedto next meeting. The amendment was secondedby Mr. White, and after a long debate, carriedby a majority of 7 to G.

The Secretary read the following :—HErOHT OF SFKCIAL C05IMITTEE.

" The present Pilot Muster has been in the service olthe Hoard since ils establishment in 18Iii , having filledthe (iJSic.-j of Deputy I'ik.i-inaster, unti l .Vov. lg-l;S , when ,at the death of Capt.Thomas Hunt , he succeeded to lliui'ilot-maslershi p. Until borne down by the inf irmi t y na-tural to advanced uije , the present 1'ilot-master ap-pears to have discharged the dulies incident to tliu em-

ployment with zeal and fidelity ; Imt owing to increiisuilivi.-iilun.-ss of health he is now unequal to the performanceuf his more active duties , and a change appears indis|ien-atblt:. As A ti:;tiiii<>iii»l to his loii {f services, the Coiu-in ittee leeomniend that ;i 'retiring ullowiinc: ol' .£•> " periiiiniii i i In.1 grunted to M r . ( ,'oim I'roin tin: 1st of Aprilnext , being the commencement, "f ih': Uimrd's financialyear , and that from such ;[>eri»d In: ba relieved lioin thecares i:n 1 duties of the (iflin; .

'• 'I lia CowniiiU-u sui.';,re.st that the Hoard ?hall nt onceseek the cmcsirrence of tins Corporation ot Trinity Housein this arrangement anil the. appcinimer.t of ;: m-\v I'iluiMaster at the existing salary of .CloD per annum — thei/uwo/Iicer to lie rcquireil lo he duly qualified for the im-p:i |i:int situali 'in lie wi l l be ealluil upon tii f i l l — lo heivqniicil lo assist Ihc l i 'ianl and i ls revi- ral Comniilteesv . i i h his ailvio.- ami suggestions iis to ( ) u a y s , l l iniys amiMo:» inj.'S.&f. mill be ucquaiulei! wii l iHiversni ' lCiias t .Snr-vi-.y ing. He should be oUeii aHuat nmoug tin: nn-n und.irhis cuiiimniid, inciting them lo the execution of ll»:irduly hy his own example , and llu) ir_rii resilient at l';i v--.i:r<:,:is t l ie I'elitr: :! 1'ilot Slalion , he wil l he iwperleii tVe-i |i iu i i t iy tn pri.cei.-il tn tlie luiriiour 's moiilh am] the i»! i t . - rA tal i 'i '- i i , antl in IV.et lo tiavei> .: iunl In- cognizant ol :!ioeut i i i : uf ti ie linar - i ' s I'i.'i.tage jm-iadicll'iii. Vour ( '. '- I :I -nii i tee believe that she sii ;ieriutifcidei:cu which such anofficer ei.uM r- . \erci< . ; V.MII I .I l« :a j-rub -h!e uiciim of cn.s-i:C increased viuilance a- to tl:c s<-a i l u l y . f o u r l'il 'i 'sand a mon; cnrel 'ul perfuiiuaiiec ui' ihe rive r ilmy- .

" 'I'l lj Csinmiltee ri-frr to ihe !io.\nl o. !e!t t -r recuiv;:!

from the- I'i lot- mast iT :-incc their si'.tinji -i I I- K K H .

'¦ W i t h regard to the SI -COIH! suliject ol' e i i i j n i i y refer:- .- ¦!

to the Committee , 111.: Committee a.n i-e t in!

W i l l l i a m lJii 't"ii be appuinted tn I h : c i imii i-uni (.t •¦ ',; ¦:

.fec i i i i i ! i 'i lot Ci i l t iT. I n thi-i master ;i l u l t e r Iron! ( " aj i t .An gel , ilatcil the 10th of this month , is reft .-m.-i! to tin:ll . -ard.

'• l : j t l i Jan. , le 5 1 ."

The rojiort was received and ordered to "o-:inser ted ^n the minutes.

A rc.-iohiti >n was j iasscd *'• that a clia- - ; •the oliice of l'ilut .Master is iiu lis ') '--nsiblu. "

Alderman U'alsh then moved " that in Ibtexecution of the foregoing resolution the .-w-vites uf ii Deputy rilotmastcr be obta ined ina:d cA the present Pilot master , at. a, salary t.)be deducted from Mr. Conn 's present salary. '

Mr. iiichardion moved ;:s an amendment" that pursuant to the rccommcudatiim ol tiuSpecial Committee the Trinity Board be at oncecalled on to assent to the :'ppoi ntnient of a newPilot Master , such new ofiieer io bo r..quh\ d topossess tho qualifications set forth in thelleport of tli-J Committee."

Alderman Davis moved a- a farther nnieiid-nient , " that from Mr. Conn 's past services hebe continued at his present salary, to do his pre-sent duty, and that a Deputy Pilotm.'ister beappointed at Dunmorc at a salary of .-£100 .''

Afte r more than two hours ' discussion tl.cHoard was unable to come to anything like adecision, and

Alderman Walsh moved that the meeting ad-jou rn to Friday, the '24th inst .

The motion was agreed to , and the Hoardbroke up.

1NQUKST—DH.VTII I N TU 1-: TOWE it ..Limes Dclahi inly, K.-i| coronor. hel- l nil ¦ 11< |» i- st on

V'Slenlay on the hoi'iy of a person unknown. The May or ,Win. Moiri s , and Charles Newport were present. Thefullou inj jury v.as sivoni - J»s>.-|iii IMvy t -r , ( } . Olanvi l l e ,Win. .Nairn , Thuinas l'arrell y, Mieh t iel O'Muii ru , M:U-t l iew I ' l iu l in , James Huberhm , Maurice IIaruey, HenryKii cliH , Arthur M'Ctiurt , Ivlwanl Campion , K . Merry.

John (^iiiily, Avalchiiiaii , dcpnscil that on Tuesdayni jjht he obaerveil a man s!a-_rirer from Mr. Denny 'sL'uiuer ill Qiift:n-»treet about <iii « o 'clock ; but that heili 'I not then pay luucli a t tent ion to him , and in n shortlime nf/ei- he found ];i:n stretciii 'ri across the channel in;i very hel pless stale , mid that he went lor the police .

Mr Uwycr(juror) — Was lie Ijinj; in the channel ?Witness — N o ; I IH head and h i- l y were on the road ,

ami )iis fret on Ihe !;irl) stone ; J rapped .it the !>arraeliin Ui i t l -_'e-street , and the [Miaril lull! me the patrol wa:out. I went back again and met a watchman namedIVehnn at the post-ofiice , and wi; broug ht hint to:i iluoiway ami put liirn up ujjiiin.-it l) m \y, iU.

Mr Alcock—The ni gbt was very daik .Witness — It Wiis ; I CNamiuei l him , and his forehead

was hot.Win. I-V 'i-Jj.i :i, Tv.itcliin.in, csuininrd by the Cor-i' ier—I

had business In the post oltice ; i met Cuniy, who toldmo there was a man in Queen-street in a bad stale; wiw.-nt up lo him , we lirnug lil him to u wall ami hint himup against it. I s:ih) he would ii'it live long, mulCanty saitl i'll go for the police ; it was three o'clock ,and we went lo cry the hour.

Mr Alcick—What period elapsed (rotn ihe tiuio youwent to the barrack until you met the police ?

Wilne s *—About "JO minutes.James Cnshen , .Stonejford , county Kilkenny, examined

— I have ?ecn the decease I , ami km-w him ; his name inM i t h a e l l-'r«ni:y , of KiL-nl len. near Innistiogue , he wasnlmiit ;;i(i years of ngi.- , and hel<) about 18 acits ot lainl.When he drank he used to drink too much.

CoiMt.-ible Rooney deposed that he saw deceased in theTower, with his feel to the fire , and his head raised ; Ithink he was then (lead ; I went lor Doctor ArihiKh.

Mr Alcnek — Whut is the strength of lli< Wa lerfon!police lorce t Cant. ('<im —Doi i 't uiiswi -r that ; it ha?nothing to do with ihe death of the man. Coroner—Thequestion is irrelevant. Mr. Alcock —I 'll put it in thisway ; how many men an: there in l'n iil ^e-st. ? Wit-iifss —l-'il 'tetiii , live nf whom were on duly that ni^hi,Mr. Alcock—I -'ive men nr.t of fifteen , anil that is thewny the duly is dom: in Watei f ml , anil robberies com-mil lhin every ni Klit (lau^ l i t e i ) . Capiain ( I n n — V.,n(ion't kuow siiiytiiiii<$ about it ; ;utcu<l th<: p >li.-.: ulli.-e,ja ils , in; and you 'll see how the. police pei lorm thcii<luly. Dr. Aalag h st.ilc.l that when he was called to Ji:ceased he examined I lie reg ion of his heart , and foiinilnot a particle of vital i t y in i t ; ivhnn he introduced thelube of tlie siomach piunp, ihe smell from it was asslron<r us if he hail put it into a jrlass of whiskey. .Mr.Alcock —l) r , was lliere a fire in the room ? Dr. A. —There is always a fire unit yus there. Coroner—Whatdid he die of In your opinion? Doctor—lie died fromhaving drank an ovcr-qimntity of ardent spirits. [Aftersome fun tier sparring between the Captain anil theCounsellor , the. verdict was announced—" We find thatilcceajcl died by the visitation of Ciod , accelerated hy tin:i-old of the ni glit , and that there is no Illume attached [ jthe police. '* Capt. (Inn— It wonM be well if you 'd putthe unanimous find ing of the jury in i»y n port ? Mr .Alcock—You 'd better dictate , to them ? V-,ipi ._1 tvouldnut attempt to dictate to 50 respectable a. j ury. Mr. A.— I'll say 110 more . Capt. f i lm—You had better "uhome Cyreal laug ht ir) .


(From our Dungarvan CorrespondonlJ.Dungarvan , Jan. 8th.

On this day James IBessonett, Esq., Assist-,ant Barrister , opened the court , when thecivil bill business was called , contrary to theusual custom in this locality, which occupied aperiod of two days, numbering 135. It was lessthan usual in consequence of this new change indisposing of the Civil HiJls in the first instance,and secondl y the people generally were not full yin possession at what particular time the processesshould have been entered. There were onlvtwo ejectment processes for non-payment ofrent.

CBOWN BUSINESS—FRIDAY , 10X11 JAN.The gentlemen on the Bench wcro :—-Lord

Stuart de Decies, Sir Nugent Humble, SimonHagg, Esq., R. T. Barron , Esq., Edward Orme,Esq., K. M.,—Walsh Esq., J. P., Charles M.Keiras , Esq., J . I1., &c, &c.

SriRIT LICENSE.There were a great many applicants for

spirit license , and among this large number,there were only three to whom license wasgranted , viz. : Johana Costin Dungarvan , Rich-ard Byrne, and John Walsh, Scart, Modeligo.

C R I M I N A L BUSINESS.Patrick Flynn , charged with entering a cot-

tage, the property of.the Marquiss of Waterford,and abstracting there from 2 blankets , his pro-perty. The court sentenced him to 10 years'transportation.

Thomas Flynn , charged with feloniously enter-ing the house of Mr. John Keating, Newtown .and taking therefrom, 2 cloaks, 8s. half hundredof soap, l ib. of tea, and Olbs. of sugar, the pro-perty of Mr. J. Keating; the charge having beenwell sustained by the prosecutor , the {prisonerwas sentenced to 7 years' transportation ; thiswas the prisoner 's third similar offence,

SATURDAY.Wm. Donnell , charged with feloniously en-

tering the house of Brid get Driscoll , and takingtherefrom a large quantity of wearing apparel.Si -p tcnce tl to 7 ye ar*' transportation.

Patrick Murphy, charged with stealing a cow,the propertyof Edtnond Flynn , farmer, Killosero ,on the -"Hli inst. ; this notorious offender had beendetected , and prosecuted to conviction by thewatchman oi' Alj beysidc (Dungarvan) . Sen-tenced to 7 years ' transportation.

Cather in e Kru.'ied y, charged with stealinga quantity of wear ing apparel , the property ofMary Nugent , on the ISth Dec. last . Sen-tcnceit to one month ' s imprison ment with hardlabour. And also her child , aged about 8 years,hei iig convict '-d of similar offence, four months'i inpr r .-r onnurnt.

Alice Fitzgerald , sentenced to four months 'imprisonment wi th hard labor , for stealing 0quan t i ty of wearing apparel.

Ju li : i l logan , l'liouns Collins , John and Tho-mas Conway, James and John Brothers , Luke;;i ; 'i .John H."if .-ti . ( .'onicliu.s Sullivan , and .MvlcsN cvi l l , e -.ar^ea v it ii stealing 10 bags of potatoes,vaki :.-< ; -2''!.-5.. the property of Patrick Clcary,tl 1 -.1 eh ir .ue having lj - .-es i ful ly sustained by Mar-'.'ui .j t I' if.vci". the pnj .scct it"ix. Sentenced to sixtnonlii .s' iniji r 'souinciit and hard labor , and thatt ' -.r.- two youn^ l > - >ys . Hogan and Collins, be whi p-!>'.-( ! j u\ -vious to t l a i r discharge .

T.ir iO 'h y Ct ir t in was ji lnood at the bar chargedby f ' ui. talilo ? iL 'Kn. ghl , with havin g in his pos-si' -.-r ion a copj ier mortar , the property ofI'i i tr.ck f.'oinan , Ivsq., apothecary, valud 5s.Sent' -nci -d to one month's iinjirisoninc:: ! andhard labor. The Barrister gave the prisonerthis admonition , " that if he (prisoner) shouldcoivu: before the court again , and found guiltyof similar offence , surel y, he (prisoner ) shouldcro v* tho .'icfis. -'.'S I 'l i i shntl b-.'wi the second offenceagainst him. '' 1'risoivr , very kindl y thankedthe court for their part ia l i ty towards him onthe present oceasinn , and hoped that he neverwould come to trouble them again , (laug hter).

After several other cases of larceny and onofor child desertion , in which the prisoner (MaryMurray ) was sentenced to 12 months ' imprison-ment and hard labor , the court adjourned.



Jnli i i Shcri , nbtaia ii i ' ^ inonoy umler faUe prefenccj ,thn.T months ' imprisoumcnl , and hard hihour.

Tii in itliy r lnr l y, larceny, two months ' do., and hardlabour , nnd to be privatel y whipped.

Wil l iam llyaii , Micbaol I'itzj teralil , Patrick Mahouy,shC' -j i sti iili ii 'J, tnii iHported for ten yearj .

Mary M' ( ir; i t l i , larceny, one lnonlh ' s impri ionment ,and bard labour.

Kdmond ltrccn , larceny, one month' s dn ., and to hewlii p|ieil.

Margaret K,ivaiia;,'h , larceny, one month'* i.'o., mulIrani labour.

John Malionv , larceny, six month's 1I0., anil liarJlabour.

Thoni.\3 Hdiiay ne , larreny, six moi.tlis ' do., and bnnllabour.

liridiiet Keatintr, John .Vngent , larceny, one month'!do., nnd hard labour.

John Brown , larceny, Iwehe months' do., and bardlabour , and to be f.v-CR whi pped.

Marv Ureei) , utte iin^ base coin, one year's do., anilhard labour.

¦Mnrv lli^in.'. having base coin in posieesion, e!ghtfci\inotnli >*' ilo., nud hard hihour.

I'atrick llaber , larceny, one inontli 'a do., and Itnnllabour.

John Kyan , lnrceiiy , three tnonths'do., and to be twicewhi pped.

Thames Connor*, hiirylnry, ten years' transportation.I) :iviil Slicchan , larceny, three inonlhs1 iraprwonmentUiclianl I'.ible , assault , two years' do.Miclnixil W M '.SI I , larceny, one mouth'* do., and hard

Inbnnr.Maurice Moore , Thomas C'aiistnn , assault and riot ,

liui! to the crown , £1 10a., not to be discharged tillpaid .

Tin! UTO lust extra hills.


An adjourned meeting in favor of the exten-ded culture of flax was held in Lismorc on Mori-day, Lord STUART UE DECICS in the chair.His Lordshi p in a,n able speech , explained theobjects, of the: meeting, to receive the reports ofthe sub-committees which were appointed atthe meeting of the 23-1 nit. upon the acreableextent of flax which the occupiers of land willun dertake to grow in the three unions ofYoug lial , Lismor:.1, and Dungarvan.

When Archdeacon rower, Mr. O'JTahony,and other gentlemen had addressed the Meeting-

Mr . F. E. Curry, in a pvactical speech , pro-posed the following resolut ion , shortl y afterwhich Ihe meeting adjourned :—

lie.-iolv .-il—Thar a statement having been laid Morelbin ineeiini: by Mr. O'Mabony , to the cHect lliata ca-

pita l.'B" \v;.s ready to undertake the establishment of R fl> J

mill nnd steeping concerns in the district comprising ll"trc o unions ofLisuiure , Youg lial , anil Dungarvan , on tbe

guarantee of ,jt)O acre s ol l-'hix being grown ; that Mr.O'Mabony be ruquested. to communicate with the parly in

i|iii!ition , with the \ ie \v of ascertaining whether it noumlie his convenience to meet tho landowners and land-holders of the above-mentioned unions , and Iliat M'O'Mahony bu funlier requested to communicate 'he rew,"I 'liis enquiries on thi s subject to ihc lion. Secretary, BISuv lir , |-:<(|.

¦Mr. I-'. Kenned y Kroudfiil the resolution , Which W«

ut ;aniinou<:l v adoj itcil , it lieh.g understood that lne

ineotni!} "ill :iy .iiu assemble should Mr. Way flgree to

ll t l _'!n!.

The Inspect or General, Sir DuncanM'Gregojhas directed that the Constabulary througbouiIreland shall perform the duties of billet tqaatefSi

Page 3: Broeksopp, Sons k €o s Patent Bsmki 9snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1851/WNS-1851-0… · S'.IO TONS P.UKTHKN —lOli lU.-iJSK l'OU Kl!, Ktir.uuT KEMI'.STON ,


,'From our oirn Curn spo ndcntJ .A respectable and HUHUTOUS mooting of

ihc above society, was \\Ad nt tl ioir roomsin Market-square , on Frid.iv , tin.' 10t!i ins tan t ,.convene-.! by requisition , published in tli e Wex-jbrd papers , ami a numb er oJ " circulars throu g hthe district.

At about one o'clock , tbe Chair wa s taken byI\ O'llouuuE , Esq., M . 1).

Mr. Pixo.w (Socrotary), road the minutes ofthe l'urmcr proceedings. Several subscri ptionswere amunmtvil as received ; among.}'. tl > . >.-:eiiandnd to thu Tiv:i$mvr(Mr. L. Doy le) were £7,from the Hew .Mr. Hodmond , Arklow , as partcf the subscri ption collected in his par ish , Cool-greny, as belonging to the Goroy division , ac-companied by the following fnost important let-ter, which , during its reading, was receivedwith marked approbation :—

" Arhlow , Hoc. OUt , 1830.DEAK Sill ,— 1 enclojeJ half nottr.s .£7, 'lVnant I.enguc

money, from tin- Arklmv .*v>cli<>ii of I I KJ Coo} %teny Divi-sion. ! never transmitted niuncy Tvi.'h »s iimcli picasurcHundreds of pounds bav« ;>;^SL-J throu g h my bunds Inother Associatio ns , and for other purj iosis ; all good inthemselves , but f.iHiiijr in importnu. e. far lOiurt of tin1Tenant League fund , which lias for its object the pre-servation of tlie very lived of the Irit. ii peop le. What r,pity this Associati on was not nr^:ilii>eil thu very year1'rce Trade was established . If it hail boon, thousandsof farmer?, beggared , expatriated or dead , v.'onlcl lie nowolive and well in tlioir native land. 1 told two •j entle-luen tiiat venr , if there were noi a coi rosj iotnlin ^ 1'ar-liamentary reduction of rents , the ruuntry would be.ruined. The potato failure hastened tbe catastrop he,which , otherwise , would have been more protracted , butwould have beou equally certain in lliecud . I never ex-pected that either the good sense or the l imuunily • >1the generality of Irish landlords , would have interpo seda barrier between their tenants an I ruin. 1 would asB >on have expected a hungry cat to spare a innn>ewithin its murderous gri pe. I always e.\cept tho i-e goo,!men , who ure an honor to human na ture , who ha \ t re-sisted the evil influence nt surh bad examp le , ami whomI res 'ret , revere

^ and lo\c as a g lory to ehri.-liani ; * , .nn!a blessing lo their peoplo.

A B I have determined to hold uji , for puMio. opinion ,(lie good or evilnet iotis uf iill landlords conneclei) withthis parish , as the only int:anj I have of sati>fvin g myconscience in the discharge of the duty I owe to my peo-ple , I am sorry to have to refer ton case whk'h de-monstrates the idiosvnei ;i. \ ¦>( Irish landlordUm. A M in-dustrious and 83 bki l U' i l ;i f ¦ r. : -.% r :> <¦ I have ever knowi * ,has contrived by she; !.. .^- • . .: .1 superior agricul-tural science to pay oil' • :• - . . - : ¦ -nt , throug h the wholefamine, for a farm on \v ; :. p-sonle ar. ' r - |i Tt <l -oJiavc lived the. e thre.r hn ' : I ;, cars ; by f nic lui t , n.-cleinntion , drainage and ensure , he lias laised tin ' va!unof tbe ground full /;/?;/ per eonl. l ie owes onl y the in i-iiini; half-year 's ruin ,• but toell 'fet all this , h;: l.-:is >e i i -t>u *lv injuicd bis own h e a l t h , and has s l i i pp ' d 11i111 ~ i - ¦ fof nearlv all hissti ick an I stih.- i.'im.e. A N his liwse r.ij!expire next March , In: bitely applied for a renewal andan abatement ol rent , and w:i> tol l ' by Mi s Ci iii ^M>!r:i !i'l inii lord th.i t , ••' he would not «'hani;i! his ren 1 ri>!i , u>i < !• I" the tenant win:!. ', nut roiitiniii * , on MH -I; trr - .is , h •!ai;;!it remain in his house as a day laboure r !" 'iViiii.':of an honest , industri 'iiK inaii , l-uinj r reduced to i ln 1

ci- ii 'iilion of working as a hiiclinir. on t lion: fields, whichhe had walked from his birth w i t h I he fostering rare. »la master ! And yet they, who do MII'I I thing* , clai:n tobo uetltlenu'll ; pride tll- !inselvc» in !heir hi^h and p'HOlilund ; swear upon their . li» ;ior , a;n! wall; the earth :isits lords pur cni lleucc. H i f l i the reinless Irr.-ilnm of aChristian l'riest , coinini-slni.e-.l to preach justke andlnerev.

I ti - ll Midi gnntletnon , t l .a l s':rh eoiiduct siinlis ;:i tin-nostril * of a plniu hottest ma'i ; and that m:i:li gr- l i l l t yii no better than whitewa sli .-n the iVtid sej itii i-hrj . ''

I reuikiu , ilear Sir ,Yours, vt-rv Irulv ,

. I A M I C S iV.j r.iOM), P. 1'.Laurence Hoy le , Ksq., Ku iii-r. - rl i iy.Also, was receive d ilo fmv.j tho Hov . Jnhn

O'Brit -n , Cranel'ord aiid Moneys , c 1 liistr.et. in theGorcy division.

Subscri ptions were ha 'uKd in l> v ihe I' ev.Mr. Devcrcux , P. 1'., ol I' ree. 'l"lie sub ;cri j >-iions of Tliotnas Kudd , Iv-q.. H":;", t' l.

'I 'hc p.trficti/ars at all t/;o .¦• '!'):.s I'l 'Ccr.'etl , i in U>this date , from each locality, sir-: as follows :—V'nniscorth y pari s- h .. £- ~> 0 0tVrns do .. 1:) 0 IIBrec do . . 7 5 - 1Daviilstoun (l-i .. 13 l i i ( '¦Newtownbarry do . . <• >'5 (JRatlin ure do . . 7 1 SMr. Kudd ' s subscri ption .. 1 0 0•Coolgrcney, ) 7 0 0Crutu-ford & Mnnaseed ^

Oorcv division ."» 0 ()Tlie amount remitted to the Trc>ui er of the

Lea«uc in Dublin , was X00. Fur 'her su 'uscri j i-tions were announced as collected , which , wit!ithe sum on hands , will rr. iiki: aiiot 'ier < i inu t in ta f f^ O , to l>e forwarded by our Trt ;i-urer in ;»fi:w tlavs.

A resolution was passed, rcquestinjr severalpersons in the division , to attend the gciu-ralmeeting in Dublin ; and directing our Secre-tary to communicate with tit : .SecicUry of tlu\Vt'.\li.»rd and Xew Jtoss <li .s!i if : ts , in order toensure a good attendance from this county atthe general meeting in Dublin , on the "2:?rd hist. ;and also to wri t e to tlie lucidities , not yet col-lected , urg ing them io forward their collectionswithout (h iay, in order that the stun ailotte 1 tothe Knti is co t i l iy division < f the count ;- lie com-pleted.

The accounts of the Treasurer , were submit-ted and approved ; and , a l ter other proceed-ings , in which the Kcv. Messrs Dc«:rc;ix ,P. P., Mey ler , P. P., Barry, C. (,'., and O'Bru -n ,C. C. ; llessrs Doy lv , Hoice , .Maguire, Jack-man , More , Morn.n , Phelan , &c. kc , took j iart.The meeting adjourned to Monday t!m '20thinst , to receive the repo:t of the Secretary ani!the rcsul of this correspondence , with the lu-cidities uncollccted and the divis/iono of theconntr.

Snt—T he notice which you had in your paper oflast wc.'i-k relative to the Protestant Cleryy 's a .dressto the liishop of Cashcl , is , in my mind , a curious '.lo-cumi;nt. Whv so ? lii'caiuc I can 't coiuprnhvnd llu ;moanin g of addressing him at ull on the subject , lu-dci.-d if tho Clergy had addrusse l the (iueun , LordJohn Hussfll , the Hisli 'ip of Kxeter , or even yourhumble Si-rv.-mt , it would bo something—but the iil i 'aof adilrossius; his l^ardsVii j * of Cashcl makes me , a» wellas tb rj public generall y, grin outri ght .

Hut porluips the Clergy were afraid that his Lord-ship's Nu-l ' upi-ry lire was conlimj down ; and that ilthe pnU '.r was not needful , a little fresh cunh wouldhe of the utmost importance in these ' iiii:ovatiu y "times.

Whilst in !hr> discharge of my professional duties ,thy other day, I fancied to myself that the ' Clergy ofWater-ford'—" mellowed ," as Shakespeare says, " hytlm stealing hand of time"—would not go out of theirway to insult my co-reli gionists, who were not insult-ing them.

K<«ir p lay is fair play all ovor the world . Whyshould I take umbrage if the Queen called Dr. UalyCanhnal of the " Kock of Cashel ?" W h y should Imali gn mv neighbours for that ? And as I never did ,nor never" will please God , allow cither King, Queen ,or Bishop to tamper with my conscience—how can lln-ylose what they ?icivr had t

Fair ;ilny is a jewel. From my heart I love it. —What liner or nobler sentiment than thai of " do toothers as you 'd wish to h<; dour !jy V iiut , I am sorryto say that those , who preach these saving words do nutalways practice them—

" The world has ijrowii so !.;n!" That wren » make nn-y wliere eajj!. .-. ilarc not jiereli.

However unprovoked this insult , which I , thou ghhumble, feel with pain , let us iiMt return bad for evil ;but on the contrary pray that Almi ghty God maysoften the hearts of our" accusers , und teach them to*at tlu-ir bi^ fat pudding in pe.ice , which wo—poorbenighted Pap ists—have pro vided for them.

Hoping that my position in life will not exclude my[houg hN from your popular journal , I am , &r. yours ,in fear and trcmbliug,

MICKL. 1HLLY, City Bell-Man.Waterford .Jan. 10.


Sir II . \Y. B.vnitos , Hur t , M .P. Chairman MHobbyn , J.l\ Aid. Plrelun , P. Vcale , Aid . Slaney. Citj it!Xewport , Capt Lewi? , J. L-nvlor , Caj it . Anthon y.

Total numb er in tbe house iO^S—319 more than onthis day twelve months.

Mil . DOYLl l 's SAI.iltY ,A lrt tcr was re.id from t!:e Couimissioncis statin g

that CO/, was t i tmineiat i j i i enough for Mr. Dovle 'sMTV lees.

TJn; I 'leili said ihnt Mr. IXiy h-'s r»-or!i was imlescribii-!) !«. I t tcuk him seven wei-ks, wi th three assistants , towhom he gave !(>/. in cu^ij .

Aid. Phelan—That only leaves him 111. fur himself .Clerk—It (inl y leaves him 1/.[ should ii cirr wish tu have bis duty — it is .awful

-Old even would not le i i\c him 30 pence (laug hter). InClog heen,.-! smaller union , with of course niucli less work ,Mr Kctllew x?!! (clerk) was paid £•*.') .

Aluvcit I'v Caplam .\(.'» [»>i ( ; tccoudrd by Aid . i'/ie/nu ,that the coinnii psioiierd be inforuied thai £;J0 is lit tleenou-li ; ami thiU , consequentl y, the guardians could notchansrii their former resolution.

CATHO LIC CHAPLAIN *.A letter was read from the Commissioners r equestin g

loknowt l . c increased duties for which the assistant U.C.Chap 'a n was requited ?

.Mr. Jiobb yn said the answer was very plain . Formerl yall the elerj ry of the diocese usi d to attend the I'everHosp ital ; but since il became a part of this establi shmentthey did not think it their duty.

Aid. Slaney said tbe childre n of Ilennessy 's road oftenlose ma>s for the want of an Assistant Chap lain .

Chairman f lo .Master)—Is there a fixed ho:ir for theClergyman to say prayers or celebrate mass at Jlenn essy 'aroad ?

Muster— So fir.The Chairman ia:J t h a t there were clergymen in the

coimtiy who had more than 2,700 persons to attend to ,lit distances vanip g from 7 to S miles.

Aid. Slauey said that country clergymen had not *ocathechise the childre n ; there were" numbers in thishouse of 14 or lo years of age , who did not know li iw tobless Ihemselveo , or make the. sign ()f the ero^3.

The Chairman said he would make no objection if theunion or tire ratepayers c.iuld nfiord it.

Capt. Newport—In course of time we mav get rid ofsome nf our auxiliaries.

Chairman —What >* gcner.dly p:iiil to Chaplain* inntlnrr ui 1 ns ?

Cu;it. ^c»port— .CSiJ In the head Chaplain , in lioss andhe was allowed all assistant , who did the work for £-0.

Mr. Uohhy n — I t is not an ordinary occupation. TheCliap luj ii may he after performing oilier l icuvy (iutiej iwhen eullcd on to attend the ut.iun.

Chairman—Our Chaplain has no other duty to perform.Mr. Lalor—You are mistaken , Sir Henry ; he has other

duties.Aid. fc 'laney—lie is not Me , lie snys , to IICI Auiu (lie

iluli -' s .Cleik—L 'Hiuore Chaplain has £?>0 a y ta r , ami his

assistant £3' . J.iuic iick Chap lain , £100 a year , ami nousuislali !.

Chair man - An d t i ny havi: uouble otir number in the i rmum'.

Mr. D ibb yn—Oar Chap lain 's ori ginal appointmentWHS fur !!JII (in the Inuisf ) at £-10 a year, 'i'iicrc art-three i.ines now t!i the Imu-e , whieii , oti a fair ca lenla l inn ,wtnrld cnli l lo liim l o £ l '.!0 n ycur.

Aid. Shiiu-y (tu Maslei) -Had you an assistant C.'Iiap-l.iiu last year when \<ni iia'i 3w0ies 3 in the house .'

.Master—Yes, sir.Aid. Plielun—The present C'haplr.iu it not boiind to

ai'e::d the 1'eVi r l lnsji i l ul ,.t all .The Chairmnn said In; knew a parish in which a

I'arijh p i i i ' - t , who had mily one curate , hi'.d to travel overseven or eight miii s of country, and utle r id to the wauls ofinaiiy thousand jn rsona.

Aid. bailey said he mig ht show instances ; but heeonld i.ot >how coi:;equences.

Mr. La"lor—Theie are more dutii s in this house thani:. any pari.-h.

.Alderman Phelan—The more leiig/on s the peop le arethe better.

The Chairman said he Uuc.v; that by adopting thisCii ut sc he would make l ,00j enemies ; but he did notcue for that.

.Mr. /.awlm-said that Sir llci. iy 's object should be ap-prt ci.iii'd.

l i v.: is thru moved by Aid Slaney mid seconded by AM.l'hi-i:u', 'h i t !\v i Ch i]il ;iins be app ¦iinlnl ( l ,',; it \i . Ihepre.-en: ie^pee>ed C luj 'l.lin nnd an assi-t.mt J to (hi theeniin- <iuty , ini /in.'ii.g aiix.:li:arie>—K> lorn; .*>> idc uninni i ( [w iir i i- ; and that l!;e sanction of the Ci'i irnU-iunr islie le ijue a fed .

C.'r.ilrman — .Vo iv you are nuking iin aj ij ioinimrnt ashigh as I . iu iei ick unio.i , which is rated t>y \ :i l int ion , sit£.j i),W) l ) li/Vlier. / xvou/ij say l/ ia l the n.-si<tant s l io i i ldlie kept ;n long as 2,(!iK> ret.naiii in the house.

Aid. Slaney—The "uurdi i iru will know when to ilis -nisi the ch-rgj ir.un. iiesolution then passed. Thenccling tii 'j oiirni'd.


A S S O C l A l l n S .Tho I IIH I mi 'C' ing was held on Wednesday ev ening, and

was most uuuieroiKli 1 utlen led. Mr. O'f ' oiincli leadssvtra l li.'t ie u, including one from America , enclosini: £017s.; also llu' following from our ever honest and hi ghl yle sj u .eted frie 'id , < l ' .Vci l l Power , li >([. : —

" Sfiiow-liill. January K ith , ISJ I ." Mv rn:\:t O'CON .N UM .— Kudosed 1 send you a post-

oflice order tor ono pnund , I.eing my sub&ei-i p tinu farl ip.1 present \ ta r . It is my opinion that every Irishmanshould uiii ' o wi th you in endeavonring to promote thecause in which jour father , our great and lamentedLiberator , toiled incessantl y dining life . I trust that ,bv following the wise counsels of our honoured leader ,we mav reap the fruits of his labour , and enjoy the objectof liis vxerlions , by obtaining a Repeal of the detisteJUnion , and of having once more our Parliament inDublin. You may soon expect to heir fi02i mo again ,as 1 intend to subscribe , as I did during your father 'slife , to tho promotion (.f this ^reat cause.

" With .-iiiLTr c and heaithl'ell wishes for your successin this j dorioiis worl 1 , :iud with best respects to Mrs.O'Council and faini iv.

" I remain , my dear O'C'orinoll , truly yours ," N ICHOLAS O\\. POWHU ."

Itcv. Messrs. Ivlwards and Coi'iey tuldressed the inee'-inic, ai;tl called on the peop le to rall y around JohuO 'Con-III -II . or In: \>n * the onl y true , trie. i , and faithful leaderin Inl .md . Mr. O'Connell iichlressed the meeiing, nndcaM- d on the ('iitholio nieinl ers of parl iament to opposethe abolition of tlie vi ceroyid ty, os well as evtry *tt t ein] ) tto fetter freedom of e.onscitucp. He read a copy of apetit ion to ll.e House of Commons , calling ou i l iemtoumke no retr grade rnoviinent nguin it the doctrine ordisci pline of the church ; also pmyi'ig to idiulish theINtr.blished Cliuieh in I relund , the revenues of which tobe devoted to nitioual purposes. Kent for weok— ' iold.

\ (iOOD LANDLO IJDIt gives u» unfeigned gratifi cation lo be able to

s tu te that Patrick Power , Hsq., of Uall yvaile , in thisparish , has made to hid Tenantry the other day a reducti onof their rents on the i)i-)st liberal p r inc i ple. This exem-p lary landlord has reduced bis rents this year , to morethan i/ 0 per cent, l i i a io ! *TB >av to him.

Til l '. MAKQU1.S Ol' WAT JvKrO K D.Tin; uobl'! Lord iu hourl y increasing every day the vas"t

number of labourers emp loyed in his demesne. —Corres-pondent.

rfvf" We shall , most likel y, insert the soldier 's letterin our i:ext . l ie is mi honest fel low , and ntcd not ftarthat we shall ever harm him , or u.<e I t U name withoutconsent. Oitrfrie ud " 13. " will apologise I ;B for ubridg-iii^'. \'ory good—you nre jiiipruvin g. The Dubiin Ji,Mt '.il praises Dr. Dal y 's answer.

Cui ' l inal Wiseman 's mother 's (maiden) name wa.4Strange, of the famil y of thnt name in county Kilkenny.

CQf ''"'"•' r r j iui l i/l the Trarrioio inf.etidg sympathisin gwith Mr.P. Power , came too late for insertion^ o'cleekjtliisdny, but thall appear in o.ir next. A rick of Mr.Power 's bay was set lire to on Monda y, soon afterwhich thu inhabitants of the town met [Kdinond Power ,lisrj . in the chair] to express their indi gnation at SO busuan act on so popular a man. Government has offered£00 reward lUio o g h the active and esteemed sub-inspec-tor , Mr. If . I'iiiiniri ff .

I S C . U M U E l l l i l i Cu.U MI SS ION COURT.There wrn: vight properties submiltud fur sale this

day before Dr. I.oiig fiuld and i\Ir. lluri;reavf . The ssileiweio more languid than on ntiy orcasiju during llu en-lire course of proceedings in the court for the .'.'.ale nfIncuinbi red Estates. 1'or several lots in the ust Qte ofMr. G. Stiindish Uarry, in theeounty of Cork , there wasnot u single bidder ; and for other estates there waseither '¦<» bidder or the ollera were BO insiiflicieiit thotthe(.'iiiiiir j issioiicts odjonrned the sale. The propertiesnl l'ered to-day lie in the counties of Limerick , Muyo , G B I-wav. Wexfor d .and Tyroue.— Post.

Tlie grand blow so long meditate d by tliePresident of the French Republic has beenstruck , arid Gi-nera.1 Cliangiirnier has beendeposed from his command without excitingthe populati on of Paris, or any portion of thepeople in France.


{From the Times.)We have received a telegraphic despatch

from Trieste in anlici juitio]) of the overlandmail.

The steamer Oriental arrived atrived at Suezfrom Calcutta on the 1st , carry ing sixty.threepassengers, and the mails from Bombay of the17th December , Calcutta of the 7th December ,Singapore of the Oth December, and Hong Kongof the 2-lth December.

Ihe Grea t est tranqui l ity preva iled throug houtIndia. A trifling encounter took place at theKohat fionticr between (he British troops , underJliij or Taylor , nnd the Wuzeer ; the latter wererepulsed hy Ihe British troops , and only one\VOUIU1RI 1.

On the 31st of November the Governor Gene-raljsct out from Amar Kullen to proceed toLeuidnrmeer.

Mali gnant fever and dyscntry arc decimatingthe troops in the Punjaub.

Sir Charles Napier is expected at Bombay onthe 3d of January.

Sir William Gomm arrived at Calcutta on theGth of December .

The negot iations respecting the Calcutta rail-road have come to a standstill.

The directors of the Marrat Bank have sus-pended their secretary, Miirir Angelo , and pe-remtoril y summoned the Nizam to pay hisdebt to England on or before the last day ofDecember.

fcir \\ m. Anderson , the governor, has arrivedin Ceylon.

Java is tian quil. Tiracies are still being per-petrated.

Siam is tran quil , but apprehensions existedas to its future stute. The King is constructinga for.:.

Sundry vessels had gone ashore, and beenWrecked in the S.W.

Violent rains had fallen in the interior.The Legislative Council passed a vote agninst

the transport of convieis in the colony.The Donna Maria , Portuguese fri gate , cx-

plodod at .Macao ; two hundred poisons wore1,-ilW

'I RADE REPORT .—Bombay market brisk ,with considerable supp lies, and lower prices.

Exchange in London , 2s. 2|d. ; frei ghtage toLiverpool , £2 19s.

CALCUTTA m:\lMHRCIAIExpni t inark i-t very brin !:. A ;rood harvest is

expected. Ind i go and su::ar crnnnand hi ghprices. Saltpeter and raw silk are firm ; muchWas (ioin g in imports , especially in Lancashireinvoices . The sugar harvest has been bad in.Siiim. Cotton is much in dcmai.d at Canton ,and commands hi gh prices.

Exchange on England— 5s. O^d. to 5s. 2d.I'V.'idits , i'2 2s.

CHINACotton in pieces not in usual demand of tin ;

seaso n , lmirkct choked , and prices going down.Opium, was going down ; the stock on hand ii;small and bad , and prices lou' .


\\'iir-Ojl :ri>. Jon. 1", 1BJ» .rtd Ke^iirient of l-'oot—ICn sitf ii J l'ope to hf Adjutant ,

Vice Maeke.izie , who resi jj rrs the Adjutancy onl y.18th—Captain J l!or:o\v , from C.M.H , to Capt. l ice

Kenyori , who cxcharijjM ; Capt J Conuiek , from 4uili tohe ( ' apt viti ; Graves , who exchanges.

.VJnd —Lieut J C II 1'arJjs from 7.j lh, to be Lieut vicei i n l t . who i!X"h:injri!.< .

;!litli—Vi ' i' 1" MaeUe sr-y, Gent , to ho A>sista rit Sur-':e.in.

4Ulh—dipt J W Graves , [from 18lh , to he Capt , viceCnnuick V.I JD exrlinnjmi.

41st—As > is ':nil Surj;.-on \V K Swetlenhain , .M. I) , fromtho Stuff, to lie Asylum .Sn r iou .

4!) ih— Assistant Suigeon W W Weld , from Stall' to lieAs aUti iut SnrK Ciiii .

00th-Lieut I!T Gray, fro m 70lh , to lie Lieut , viceUelleia , whii exchanges .

;"iJlh—Lieut 1' l;une , to be (.'aj it , hy purchase , viceNevill e , (i ppuinted !o Scots l'usiliier Guards .

Cist— .'Usistuiit .S'ttrgeo'.i W liriseoe , M.D. , t'rom Staffto he Assistant Surgeon , vice Duras, deceased.

70lh — Lieut W Hellers , from .00th, to be Lieut , \ ice(jrny, who exchanges.

7."> t l i -L ieut .A J li I. Ilutt , from 2:2nd , to he Lieutvice l'url< s who exchanges.

8!)th —lircvet Maj or J Graham lo be Mtijor , withoutpurchase , vice hdwanl Kenny , who reliris upon fullpay; Lieut It 1> Ai iwlej to I.e Ci'pt , ire Grahtiiu.

'JlJd — Ensign J M liumiatyne to lie Lieut , without pur ,vice Macdon iild , iippointed A'iju lanl ; Lieut \v 1) Mi ie-diinald to he Adj utant , vice Ilurtk ', promoted in the 'JndW.I.K.

RAXITARV STATE OF NEW Y011K.The population of the city of New York is es-

timated at 517 ,800. The number of deaths ,therefore , in proportion to the population isabout one in thir t y , which is a terrible rate ofmortality, far exceeding that of the cru n'dod ,swarming city of London , with its two millionsof inhabitants .

The diseases which arc most fatal in thiscity arc those of thu lungs and bowels ; andthe deaths of children far exceed the ratio ofyouthful mortality in Europe.

It would he almost incredible , were it not forfacts and fi gures, that so vast a proportion of themortality in this city is of persons born in Eu-rope , and particularly in Ireland , whose numberis more than one-third of that of the natives ofthe United States in this city.—New YorkHerald .

TI1K R0TUNDO—MR. LYALLSThe hist ol this series of conce ts came off on

Saturday evening, ;md was attended by a hi ghl yrespectable and fashionable audience. Wedont remember to have seen on any other oc-ca.-ion of a similar nature a greater amount ofgeneral satisfaction evinced by an audience , ormore unequivocal evidence of approbation per-vading an assembl y. Mr. ltyalls sang deli ght-full y ; his voice is a pure tenor , partaking of a»rciit range , much sweetness and brilliancy ; andjoined with his skilfu l management and musical 1taste , renders his sink ing itulj ed an attraction.Mr. It yal -s was encoi ed in all his songs throug hthe evening and in the old ballad . " Sall y inour all y," twice—g iving, on the first encore , anIrish melod y in beautifu l styh' .— Freeman.

HOItlUMJi DEATH IN DUM.I NOn Sunday morning the bod y of a female

named Vaug han , was discovered on the sp ikes ofthe railing which enclose Gilbert 's Hotel. West-land-row. The deceased with her reputed hus-band , a female , and child , took up their abodeat the hotel on the previous ni ght ; and no morewas heard of them till the following mr.rninj z ,when the frightfu l traged y was discovered bythe boot-boy of the hotel. The police imme-diatel y arrested the parly, who it appears , arcfrom the county Down. W illiam Fivey (therepu ied husband ol deceased) was to have beenmarried to her on the fol lowing day (Monday—X20o were found in the bed-room , which Fivcysaid he was going to lod ge in bank. He is sup-posed to be of respectable connections—deceasedwas not. Verdict of Coroner 's jur y tha t de-ccasi d threw herself out of the windo w whilstin a state of temporary insanity.

Walerford and Limerick railway traffic forweek ending Saturday—Passengers , parcels , &c.,£2204s. 7d goods and cattle , £50 13a. 2d.To to ' £'270 17;-. !)d.

Peter Car rick,PROPRIETOR



WAl'ERFOllD ,rnAKES leave (o return his most, heartfeltJL thanks to the Nobi lity, Gentry, and Pub-

lic in general of Waterford and nei ghbourin gCounties , for their kind patronage since "lie com-menced Business in this City, Eight Years ago.He also avails of this opportunity to return thanksto his Friends who attended hislateKxtensiveandlengthened Sale of Ironmongery, which , hetrusts , gave satisfaction , gcneiall y, to all thosewho favoured him with their attendance.

He also begs to state that , as his Old Stockis all disposed of, he will , on or about the 1stof FEBRUARY, proximo , re-commer.ee theIRONMONGERY BUSINESS in the UpperApartments of his Establishment , with a NEWand splendid Assortment of HOUSE FUR-NISHING , IRONMONGERY , &c, &c, theShop being intended by him for a first-rate

Provision Trade.Furt .'ier particulars shall be given in future

Advertisements.Waterford , January, 1851.

BOROUGH OF DUftlGARVANTITHE Electors ot the Borough of DungarvanJL are requested to hold themselves disen-gaged , .is a Gentleman of wel l known LiberalPrinci ples, unp led ged to any party and who willhave the Support of the Leading Interest of theBorough , will offer himself as a Candidate fortheir Suffrages at the next Election.

Januarv 13 th , 1S51.


o t F i c i: ,





ONE RU. I 'DRKD AM) FIFTY I'OIWDS,being ihe sum Assured by the Policy No. lC53»:uul bearing Date 2nd , "August , JS-18 ; and Ihereby surrender the said Policy to the Direc-tors of said Company, and undertake to holdthem harmless from all further claims thereon.

Dated this 1st. Januar y 1851," M. WIIELAN.Witness ,

Josiiru i'no.Mrso.v.J OHN- JI ACKKSV ,

Agent at Watt r/ord.

Immense Success hi the New Mode of Treatment nsadopted !»j Luilmand, Ilircnnl , JJcshindc *, and othersof the lli '>]iital ties Vcncr 'wns , a I' aris , and tww uiil-Lrnthi practical in tltis Country l/jWALTER DEROOS , M. D., 35, Ely Place.

Holborn Hill, London .AUTHOR of Til Ii MKDICAI , A D V I S K R , 108 pages ,

improved edition writt en in a popular style , devoidol' ull l i i el i i i iralit i i 'S , a n l aililroi- .-cd to nil those who arej iittbriiijj from SpennHonliceo <.r Suinii isil WeuKiicsj , andtlm various dUfjual ii y in-x forms of premature clectty rc-sullinK from infection anil youthfu l alins-e , that most ile-lusivn "practice liy which vigour and manliness of lif e ureitneniitud und destroyed , even hufore uatun; his eslab-lishi'd I lie powers uf stamina of tliecom titiuion.

It contains lso an elaborate and carefull y writtenairi iiint i'f the anatomy and phy s 'wloij y of the organsof both Si -xos (illu strated by numerous cultiiireil enjj i-iiv-iii '_'<), with the author 's observatio ns on Marriage , itsdii"lir :iniid liimlernn ees. The preventi on ami modern planof trcatiii!,' Uliet , Stricture , Syp hilis , &o. 1'luiu direc-tions fur tilt, atlaiiim ttiit ui health , vigour and coiiEequrrthappiness during the lull period of time allotted to on.HpRCIC'S.

The woik is illustrated by the detail ofoi.ses , Hun ren-doring it what its name indicat es , the silent but friendlyadviser of all who may be sutfering irmn Die consequencesof early eirer aml vice ,—a work which may be consultedwithout exposure , und with every assurance of completePiicccss und bene fit.Mai/ he obtained in a scaled hnvclope through all llook-

scllcn, •-¦« IV or to amid diff icult y, toil! be sent from thoAuthor, {fr ee) by p ost for 40 Postage Stamps.

Ol'IXIO .NS OP THIS VUIStM .Kxlract from the Medical Gazette and Time*.—

" Fortunately for our country , a more cllieieut (becausecertain) moilo of trea ting these dep lorable comp laints isnt last introduc ed ; nnd \v« bail the time is not fcr dis-tant when such diseases shall he comp aratively unheardof • wi- would earnestl y recommend all persons iillli. -ledWill ) any kind ol* regenerati ve derangement to avail tbem -bches of t lie. information containe d in almost every pagaof Dr. D K HOOS' work , which we unhositatiniily pro •noiinrc * the brat extant. "

•TI I lV .MKDIC A L ADVIShR u indeed a boon ofth« publ ic, ns it lias the two-fold advantage of plainness ,Bnd being wr it ten by a skilfu l nnd dul y qiinlifi.-d innnwho evidently well understands his gul.ject. " — DailyTi inim. '•: j

•• This is a work of superlati ve excellence , find one weshould recommend to the perusal of a|l ; in f;ict the in-formation therein conveyed U (]uj |e essential to those ofeither si:x whnconteinp lule marriage .— Record.

M A N Y A M AN , who unmarried and miserable , i* nowenduring in silent sorrow the penalties of fornirr foll y(p erhaps committed in ignorance), hitd he possessed 8tichu Honk na this , would have been n happy husband , andhonoured parent nnd useful Mem ber of society,"—Dis-p atch, January 12.

The dilliduuce anil fear of exposure , consequent onthose ail'ections , frequentl y prevent persons app ly ing forassistance , unt i l great mischief bus been infl icted on tbeconstitution and powers of life. I t is hoped tbe peru-alof Ibis work will teach such persons the evils of delay,and Inad them at once to sirok that , assistance whichalone can save them from lilt horrors of an nxiitenceprotr acted anii 'Ist long eudai ing wretchedness , both men-tal and physical.

Lasting benefit can onl y be reasonabl y expected at tbehands of the intelli gent 'and practical ph ysici an , who ,depart ing from the routine ot general practice , di-votesthe whole of his studies to this class of diseases , liralamentable neglect of which hy ordinary medical men ,and their futi le at tempts at cure by mercury and otherequall y ' ' anyer.ms medicines have produced the mostiilurini ng results.

Prom the great extent of Dlt. DlJ Rons ' practice lormany years :nnl his former connection wit h th« vari ousInstitu t i ons both in London and 1'aris , for tin: relief of(liosi: alllielcd u/ l l i Di bilil v , Syphilis, SecondarySymptoms , Strictures , (jleet , Venereal and ScorbuticKrup tion g , &r. .fcr . of the face and body ; ho has hadperhaps unusual facilities for observing tbe peculiari tiesand ciiiisiM |iieiii > i> !< nf liui'h particular stage, llencn he isenabled confid. inl y and conscientiously to nndurlakothe removal of every symptom (not excepting themost invcttrrntu o r lung standing) in us i- li iirt a linn ; us iscons istent with safely or return the money .

Country patient!) 'wishing lo place theius el»<'S tinkertreatment will be minule in ihe detail of llieir cases «i:dto present trouble no lellers from ktriuigur s wi ll be re-plied to unless they contain £1 in cash or by 1'ost Olh'euOrder payable at 'the Ilolborne fllliee , for which A dviceond Mi:diei i :e will bu sent. Patients cor re>poudcd wit hrill cured.

I' roin its prnporli es iurernovinp; banen esH nil disordersof I 'KMALri.S . siieh as leueoirho.'a " the whites ," bend-ache , giddiness indi gestion , palpitati on of tin: heart , drycoug h, lowness ol spirits , &c. kc. It is admirabl y adap-ted to this class of siill'erers , as it creates new , pure , andrich blood , (thereb y purif j ing and strengthening thuwhole fystcin ,) and soon restores Ihe invalid lo soundhealth , even after all others remedies (which haveusually a depressing tendency ) bavo failed ; hence itsalmost uiiparulelled siiccc-s.

May be obtained with directions &rc, at fourand sixpence andeleicn s/ii/li/igs pcr botlle. or four 11*quantities in one large bottle f o r 'Ms, by which 11*. aresand throug h all Medicine Vendors , or it will be sent

securely packed from the Establishment on receipt ofthe pri ce by Po.-t Office Order payable at the HolbornOff ice .PAINS IX THE BACK , G H A V l v L , LUMHAfiO ,H1IKU.MATISM , GOUT , K X D K i i -.STlUX , UKU1I.ITV


their name, renal (or the kidneys) indicates havein many ins auces efi'ected a cure when ull ether menushad failed , and are now establi - heil by the consent of thuFACULT Y da the most safe ai.d ciKcaciuus remedy everiscnveiB .J f or the above dangerous coni|ilaiur< , and

diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs generally,wheih. r resulting (rum Imprudence or olbrrwise , whichif neg lected , frequentla end in stone of the bladder ,and a lingering ileal li ! It is an estublisbeil fact thatmost cases of (jout and Ithunmatisin occurring after mi .dieage , nre combined with diseased urine ,how i>rces?ary is itthen , that persons thus atllic teil should attend lo theseimportant matter*, liy the salutary action of these pillson Ibo aridity of tin; stomach', they correct bile andindigestion , purify and promote the renul secretions ,thereby preventing the formations of stone uud estab-lishing for life the healtbv functions of these organs.

At home for consulta tion daily, from 10 t i l l 1, and(ill 8 (Sundav s excepled) unless hy previous urrange-ment.

Post Oflice Order payable nt the Holborn , Office , toW AI .TEH .I I I >. Roos.M.D*. 3o Kl y Place ,Ilolhor r i .London.X K V O U S n K I J I L I T Y .S K^ ' n i S K A S K S.&c.&c., DKKOO»'CO.VCi:.\"ntATIiDOUTT^VnVE(orLifel)ii)ps)

It is as its iiame imp lies a sale and permanent cure forevery variety of disease arising from Solitary HabitsY o u t h f u l delushe F.xce^sior., and Infection , fueh nsGonnorrhcc ia. Svtdiilis, S:c. which from neclect or impro-per treat meat by .Mercury, Copnioa , Cubebs , and otherdeadl y poisons , invariabl y end in some of the followingforms of secondary symptoms, viz : jejins ami swellings inthe boi.es , joints nnd" gland?, skin eruptions , blotches andpimples , weakness of the eyes , loss of hair disease andand decay in the nose., sore throat , pains in the side, back ,and loins , iiistua.piles , ic. obstinate disfiisos of the kid-neys nnd bladder gleet , stricture , seminal weakness ,nervous und sexual debility, loss of memory , und finallysuch n stnte of drowsiness , lassitude and general prostra-tion of strength , as unless skilfull y arrested soon endsin :i miserable dentil.

This medicine is deservedl y popu lar in the preventionund removal of the foregoing symptoms , and as u resto-rative of manly vi g iour whether deiicieut from earl y im-prud ence , or residence in hot climates &c.

May be obtained with directions £c, al ls. I Jrf. 2s,!)/{. '¦*. (W. and Us per box , throug h all MedicinesVendors or should any difficulty occur , they tvill be.icnt (free) on r eceipt of tlie price in Postage Stampshy D K . D E R OOS , U5 , ]£LY I'LACK, H OJ.D O R N H ILL,LO N D O N'.

TO P I ' K V K N T 1'HAUDon the public 1 y unpri nci p lednersons , Her .Majesty's l lonble Commissioner* of Stampshave dir cct dd lire name of Ihe proprietor to bo engravedon tl iu Government Stamp affixed to all his Medicines ,in white letters on a red ground , without which none isgci uinfi.

.<old lit the J\'eic3 Office , Waterford ; lhompsoii)Guardia n Orliee , Armagh ; llirhey Tymwley, HeraldOffice , llu llina , (barter . Herald , OMice , I'alv sbaiinon ;Man-hal l and Cn. Castle-p lace , ltelfast ; AldermanHae.kc l, Hook <e!ler iMain-strect , Clonme! ; Powell.Uuokseller SS. ( ¦raf 'on-j'treet and Pring and Co. 50 ,\Vest-moieland-strect , Dubliii ; Kell y, Donksellur , Drogheda ,Heavan , Chronicle Oli'.ce , Kiini rkillen ; O'Connor ,77 , George-street , Kingstown ; and Bail lie , Ilookseller.Ncnry ; of all w.'iciu maj be bad " Tun M E D I C A LAnvisKii . '1

N. 1!.—riVherc diiiiculty occurs in obtaining any of (lieabove , enclose lWagc. Stamps to tbe Establishment.

Isscumfoesred Estates.Salt1 OH Hie 411! Fewurary, JS51.

In Ihe Court of the Commissioners for the Saleof Incianhnrml Estates in Ireland.

In the matter of the Estate of ) TJUXISUANT to theGKon.su I'ATi i ri .-it LA ir r -v JL Order fj r SaloM AXSI I I I I .II , ami olhnrs. made in this matter ,

Oicncrs, | bearing (late tin: Htl rEsp' trle, ^JANUARY , 1S-30, the

The Ri-' l-.t Honorable Ni- t.'oinmissicmors will ,CIIOLAS IJ.M.r., on TUKSOA Y. tho 4th

1'atitioncr. day of FKl iRUAKY ,¦) 1!(;> I , at the hour of

12 o'CloOk , at noon , at their Court. Hcniietta-.Streot,Dublin , soil by I'ublic Auction , the Lands of 'stead y,with its sub-denominations , situate in ihe Harony ofDeeirs .Vitln.ut l) iu ;u , ami County of Walerf irilcotitainin: ; liy Survey U'-'A.\ . '.in. Si1, statute measure,held under Lease uf Lives I luiicwnblc for Ever , pro-duciiiir a net Prolit Kent of £403 LJM. Sd.

Dated 10th day of December , IS.J O.S. \YOULl ''U FLANAGAN , Secretary.

TheSi} Lands an; hold by a respec tab le and solventTu t ianti) and arc >ituate about Wi ght Miles from Dun-fj iirvan and Clonmol respcctiv sly, and about KourMiles from Cappoquin , all of which are good market ,and post towns .

For Rentals and further particulars app l y at theOttico of the Commissioners , 14 , Hunrixtta-slrect , toJohn Rorko , Solicitor for the Petitioner , having thecarriage of the Sale , 20, Upper Temp le-street ; JohnTli under , Esq., Solicitor for the Owners , 43, Uuthland-Squarc , West , and to Henry Dennch y, Esq., Solicitorfor tbe Receiver , 10, Upper Bucking ham-street , Dub-lin.

United States ofAMERICA.


Messrs. FI AR .VB E X Si Co., H , \A'all-s!ruet New York-l l A U X D l i X & Co ., 4! , Broad-street Hoston.llAltXDES & Co., ii . Xortli-street ,Philadel phia.II A K S D K .N & Co., Albany.II A I I N D I '.N & Co ., Xew Orleans.I lAUXUIi .v & Co., C, Cook-street , am) 00, Wa-

terloo Iioad , Liverpool ; -23, May lor-slrect , Cork ; withbrancbts at all the princi pal Cities and Towns in Europeand America.

UeVides ihe magnitude of their Establishments three-four ths of ull the Remittances * from residents inAmerica lo their friends in Ireland are entrusted by Millsof Exchange to Messrs. II A U N I ) I;N- and Co., being agreat fact anil proof of unexamp led confidence and mosthonourable dealings.

Passage to NEW YORK , IiOSTOX, and PHI-L A D E L P H I A , by I 1 A R D K N and Co's celebratedLI NEK S , and Bills of Exchange at tbe most economicalrates, obtained by app lication at either of tlie aboveIsslublisbmenls , or

D. KENNELLY & CO.,May lor-street , Cork.


• Lord John Russell s la ted to the House, of Com-mons , on Thursday , 14th January la»t , t l .at rheso. lie-mittunees exceed "annually One and it-Un lf MilliunsSterling.


When first I heard the convent bellIts murmurs brea king lowl y round ,

''pon my startled senses full .And chilled me with i's dreary sound

For then my life was on its spring.Anil my heart , such hopes wnild swell ,

That I was sad when they did ling—The slow and solemn convent bell !

When now I hear tho convent bell ,A hol y calm will o'er me steal ,

As far across yon wintry dullIt comes with low and measured peal ,

For now my life is on its urine .And say so loiu had said farewell ,

That all tlie hope 1 would retain ,Is in the UL'iiceful convent bell .

STATE OF K I L K E N N Y POORHOUSF.Number "f p impi rs in the house on Saturday se'iini ght ,

31:U! ; admitted duri ng the wuek , lot ) . Horn during theweek , 1 ; discharged during same pciiod 100 ; died .O ;remaining in the In s t i tu t ion on Saturday last .'! 14. Otthese 1)4 were in Infirm ward s ; 147 in House Hosp ital ;1 10 in Fever Hosp ital ; 133 convalescents ; 14 in Fresh-ford Hosp ital ; 10 iuGovr an Hosp ital ; and 12,7'J5 of ullother classes.

BTATB Ol' T H K FUNDS.The uinount of rate received during the week was, new ,

£442 7s. !)d., uncollected , £4150 17s. 2> il ; old , £20lot. Oil. uncoll ected , £3,204 I Is. lj d ; paid out by thaTreasurer , £.3o4 13s. 7d ; balance in Hank in favor ofthe Ho.rd , £5300 8s. 4d. Ex-pen*!! ol" proy isious andnecessaries dur ing week , £034 3a. 45.I . General aver-age cost o f a paup crfor the week , Is. Id. ; on Hull diet ,111,1 : in Infirmary . Is. 8d ; in Fever Hosp ital Is. l i d ,

The council rooms of the Tenant League inWestmorland-street , Dublin , with their booksand records were tics'.roycii by fire on Saturday¦ii''ht.

SALS BY AUCTION.I am favoured with the instructions of

Richard Strange, Esq.rnO SELL BY AUCTION, a*, his residenceJL Aylwardstown , on

MONDA Y, THE 27(h Inst.i'lie entire of his Household Furniture, Faim

Imp lements Sec. &c. Sec,The Drawing Room contains Loo, Pier, Card,

and other Tables ; Chairs ; Brussels Carpet , FancyRug, and Window hangings to mach ; Fenderund Fire Irons ; Bell Pulls ; Piano ; Oil Taint-ings, and Pictures , Ornament*, &c.

The Dining Room Furniture consists of asplendid set of Northumberland Dining 1; bles ;Chairs in hair cloth ; S:de,Tables ; Side board ,Carpet Rug and Window Hangings to machwith Bell Fulls, Fenders and Fire Irons ; inboth Rooms several Eusy, and in the first aaAmerican Rocking Chair , with a variety ofarticles both ornamental and useful.

In the Hall an excellent Eight day Clock ,Chairs, Hall Table , Umbrella Stand , and Hatrack.

The Bed Rooms, because of their numberand the large assortment of articles which theycontain , it would not consist with the limits otthe present form of advertisment j to give any-th ing like a detailed account , and the Auction-etr can onl y say, in a-general way, thnt in theBedrooms will be found Elliptical four postFrench nnd other Beadstends, with Curtains ,Feather Beds , Palliasses, Matrasses , Blankets ,Quilts , Sheeting Carpets , Rugs, Fenders ,Fire Irons, Chairs Wardrobes, Chests ofDrawers, Commodes , Dreasiii ^ Tables, Wash-hand Stands and Ware, also Window Blinds andHangings.

The Farm Implements , Ploughs, Harrows ,Carts , Cars with Harness, Winnowin g Machine ,Hay Cutti-rs , Turni p cutters , Liquid Manure car ',Rollers , Ladders, Spades, Shovels, forks &c. <xc.JIarket Cart, Swiss Carriage Tax Cart , JauntingCar, each with Harness Complete.

Sale to will commence precisely at 11 u'Clock.Terms Cash. Purchasers to pay Auctionser 'aCommission.

SAMUEL FITZHENRY ,Auctioneer and Valuator ,

Waterford.N. B.—S. Fitzhenry 's Auction Mart , and

Cabinet Ware-rooms , King Street , adjoiningthe Savings' Bank.

P R O C L A M A T I O N !

WII KRIiAS F.cnnoin ? is the order of Ihe day, and to" go with Ihe limes " in a right direction , parti-

cnlailv in the otith y af Money, ii both tbe interest andstud y of every man ; therefore , where yon can get thebest article , and for tho least innney, is your onl y mark ;mid to insure this , buy at the General and fancy Ware-house , 0, Little George 's-street.

The Patentees Kcud y Made Shirts , Fronts , and Collars]JOHN l 'KXDEK , proprietor.

J. P. calls particular attention to his Shirts at 3s. CJ.each , or 0 for £1.


Small marke ts of Farmer 's Grain during the past week— but quite enoug h to raeet the demand , as prices gene-rally are very dull and a downward tendency in tbe valueof every article.

Wheat must be quoted Gd to Gd per barre l lower.Oats are dil llcn lt to sell at a decline of about 2d per

ban e!.liarley scarce—no change to note.Flour is in slow retail demand at late rates.

Wheat , Millers .. ... 21s Oil to 22s OdSbipnir - Wheat ... ... '-I * M to 21a OdBlael.- Oats & »'> to 9s OdWhite do ... ... 0s Od to 10s 6,1

Uere .. 9s to to 10s OdBarley ... ... ••• 1(Js 6d to Pis OdBran , per barrel ... ... !i; L'i to 4s UdOatmeal, per tot. £9 0a ' :> «M0- OilIndian Meal do ... .. 19s Gd to 20s OdItulian Ciirn, per brl ... l«s Ud to 19s 0dFlour (superfine) ... ... 3's 0d to 31s Gi'Seconds 20s Od to 0s OdThirds -'-'s 0d to 0s Odfourths 17s Od to 10s OdOld Hay per ton ... ... 35s Od to 40s OdStraw,per ton 16s Od to 20s OdBeef, per lb 00s Vd to 00s 5dMutton per do OOs-kd to 00s 5dLamb per quarter 3- Od to 4s 0dPorK pet lb 00s 4d U 00s odHeads, 23* <& to 24s OdBacon Pi^s ... ¦•• 3os Cd to iiOs ydBarrel La°rd 3os Od to 37s 0dOifal ... ••• 23:i ol l0 OOs OdKect 0s Cd to 9 OdScotch Herrings, per brl ... Ms Od to Hs 0dCoals ... ••• 13s Od to 00a OdPotatoes Os 4d to Us "dTallow (new) P. Y. C. ... 3'Js 'Jd to 30* GdDitto (old) .. •• 37s Od to 3Ss 0dWhiskey, lier gal. (wholesale) 5s (id to 0s OdDo. (retail) ... 0s Od to 8s Od


Butter , (for tbe week), ... 77a Od to 8U OdKUMUEK O F rntlUNS WEIGHED

Wciliieschy . . ••• ••• 61Vcstorday ... •¦• ••• '*jThis Day 16

DUBLIN CORN EXCHANGE— YE STERDAY .Market dull , without alteration in prices.

Eti'tijs, ifflavrtage* antf Seatitf.BIRTKS.

At Groat Bunswick-street , Dubliu , tho vife'uf John O'SuIli -

At Kewbrunli 'll'iunsej'tUe wii'c of ISUincmd Henry Casey, Esq.,

In Vvcxfnfd'fl'lio'iiady of Lieut. F. Kobinson , of the RoyalNavy, uf a son.

MAKItlAG KS.J(,lm Fennessv, I'sq. to Elizt'. daughter or ihe late Samuel

WnriiiL ', Esq., or priiiL'fielil, co. KilkennyAt the resilience or the brute 's brother,Uuay, Miss Johanna

ijalTau, to Mr. James .Uarphy, both ot tins city.

DEATHS.In New stroet , Miss FieMing, deservedl y regrettedIn JJun-arvan , on the Uih instant , at the Military Station ,

Catherine , the beloved wife, of Color Sarfeant t . Molony,or the 55th reg iment. On Tuesday niormiiff IMt atB o'clock , a Solemn Hi gh Mass and OiSce were celebratedbv the Very Kcv. Dr. llally, his curate, the clergymen ottlie Friary and Ahuoyside , for the eternal repose ol hersiml . iinil in testimony of their esteem and sympathy lor aman whose Callmlic spirit ami ardent zeal in promotingreli"ion and virtue amonj; tlie. soldiers or his company inIhis ti.wn , were only additional features to adorn a careeronce tamed on the plains of India and 'China. His wirewas in the -25th year of her ogc—May she rest in peace.

^bimina intelligence.PORT NEWS—PA SSAGE

AUBIVED.1Mb— -Simpson, 127, Flavin , Smyrna , Liverpool , madder

root—Camilla (3), 318, Stacey, Bristol , g c.I- itli -Don , 44!), Stork , Jalni , Cork , wheat—Nerio , 311,

Day, Glasgow , Odessa , iron , &c—Harold , 3G5,Oeehon , Odessa, ord ers, wheat—The " Don/' abovementioned , has put in with a part of her bulwarks

/ and one boat washed away, and her cargo shifted.13th—Nil.Utb—Tbul eslm , 1Q5, Greonoek , Barbadoe i , coal* &C-

Jiirney , litres , repor ed on tire 7th instant ., has gonatu Waterl 'nrd to discharge.

ld ib —Mars (s), 373, Clarke , Liverpool , g c.lOtb-Nil.17th—Nil.

SAILED .11th— Ador.U, (9), While , Dublin , ge-Sliamroek (a),

Atckin , Bristol , g c.12th—Citizen (s), Kavanngb .London , g c—Roeo (s) Hig

gins , London , g c —lVss , Poraery, Liverpool , bones,13ib— .N'il.14th — Camilla (9), Stacey, UrUtol .g c.15'li—Ml.10th—Nil.V7lh-Nil .

Page 4: Broeksopp, Sons k €o s Patent Bsmki 9snap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1851/WNS-1851-0… · S'.IO TONS P.UKTHKN —lOli lU.-iJSK l'OU Kl!, Ktir.uuT KEMI'.STON ,

(Driginal IJrctvji .KTK11X1TY.

IS v I I . K. ( J ; U:KN , A I'L IV .U I : OK nut l ? » u l . \ -c - ) rs

<! iv:it aliiiw -;r< - : i ! i i< - .c.s, I ho |»-i-prln:il r.»ll

Ol i n.lU-ss days , wl ii.-h s t i l l roll onl'.a rh ( lay an ti-si- , i-ai-li am' lor CUT.

Tha t n.-Vr conum-iir- il , elm m ¦. . . ¦ > ¦ :»

Without a Iniuii i l , i!u- wi.lo ri-ol-. m .- c-i ivi . -

Of<>mit i |inti iit ex istence1. Hive " n< - .t !i l l i< - n,- i t < -

&«¦) ' is it button 1.¦.-•<:. 'I'ho wnt. rs WITI',

And an-, ami an- to I.. - , l>nl y. -l to rraw.

Wlirn (hi; l ir i i i l t L Ham. ' ol"i;o lln-ad's a i i L - t y yhuiiv

Shall sl ir ivi -1 up mo r ta l i t y . T.hrir m:r- ¦ > « v I T 'S,WIliTe \\ hil l-nil!!; l i t 1 , •lis ir.fjj l l 'r] r.l l . t- lh ' .-:.Ami cyi -loss s'aidl .-'. The in..11:11 <- !i , :i- ; i l l l:f *l.m-Their r- > u n l l « .vs !i<\-iMiri\-i hcon on. luv ij t ,<n < • *. . . . ¦-. - .

\ \ i th . i : ;i on.', inoi.-i'.'ti i imdr. -p. > l i : i l l > ¦ ) • . ! I I . . .- -I K X , - .(U l iu . s r Hho sl. -n' . Tl i. - i r . l iu;; !..!.» sir. ;.,

At u ii l si the ir roar. I ij n t t « - t!u* 1.1a:: .' i»i * r«u - i i t I . - .-- .. i;iv .

\ \ at i'h thoir lir.uil^l:»iv. i ! in- : i ino h. -avv nAnd swtvp llu- iiwi - .strr c-U w nrl. '.¦I'l i. -ir "lorious l i -j l i l , wil l ru:.-, - I IM .I i l i .- kor

M.mMi -r iiii:! i- .\;>in\ draw in th y l. f. alhrplift i l iy H...I , ai:d at spheric- airIJ y tons Niippuri i l :. .v. Vc- l. inn- i/ : in

Devours Ihc- ullier , :in:l v. i l l l ime : l i i ! l f . as.- ;Look oYr l i .. ' e.-ir 'l i , ri. 'h in i l s- ij ran-l v i i r i . - t v ,A few short years and all is pass 'd is rlian^M.Isy. ine. Tln- ijiiruemis nolileaihl t 'i. - ur-> v i- l l in - ; >ci I!!'• »(¦ in one rotuni 'ia grsivi - . K en I lie lir:i;!i: !li -avc ».¦.sluill change , shall fade!, shall hum.Thru, uli ! Soul what is Ku-ruily : iimi^-ht, oh , ves .Hits lolly soul that Hies o'er spare.Tluni^h cas'il or. Karl 'n yetsoars to roach Ihe skiesi'orjjtlsi the w iirhl and all its mticiirsAiW l-j iitflc like -.trives only lor the sun ,That sun o'er whose bri ght face ii.H-l.mi| :; t/:iu l.mviMo sphere can change. 1 would nut he u (io. lAnd die. There", is a soinolhma inward Ic- li l imOf an after world , eternal llm- .Nnlo:x-d,¦\VliPn* Die pent passions Treed Irnin i- lav ,Can revel in uutsiiiiM exist em e ,11 ifli in pur«: deli ghts an.I ln- ly unit in::sVV here the poet 's soul n«i 1-vp ^or c:in *.!,< ' :m lintU - r round that throne h-.- . l i . a i u t .. .Si fjhe.l for . slrumilde , and ol.laiiu- .:.

i lerl 'onl , llavalry ilanui -K ,Jan. i-l, lroi.

I lii' iiusli mt iiiy ]il.:ecs 1 ilM wonderWhere pleasure tliero iliil Jl.r.y—

Riches—j; lory—mailo me ponderOn my country, alijeel—low—

'J'hcru ilid Freedom ilap her wiiusThere she hovered in my si^'ht .

Contentment—p eace— there site ln - iuj ,-.In the dust there slavery Iteth.

Once n:y country, uru-o I (iiiiu ^ litShe smiled on th y du.ir plains ;

'Tivas momcntiirily soug ht ,• Then deeper clanked th y chains.

Fearful was the oppressor thenThat Freedoms beaming smil>:

Would rousti the brave , and during im-uTo free their native isle.

To coercive measures then lie ileiv ,Their efforts vain to crusli ;

These wore his arms, and well ho Knew'i'liey'J slop the gailt ring rush.

Itcmie ! the fear'd and dioaded blow—A thunder-bolt to all —

Bui surel y ]£riii thou didst know ,Its (.-tracts—your ruin ami fall.

All who dared by thee to stain) ,Who feared not lyi-ants' laws,

AYore con\iets sent to a fur land .Given oV-r to " Si.|-[i;-ir,o' " cbu< - !

<>u your iiearl engraie t!:eii- nann.-,,Tho ' far fro m lire they bi?—

Prom you their memory claimsA fervent sympathv .

W. W A L S H

Morttcu ltuvc{For the ensuing Week).


GE N E R A L PLANT H OUSE .—-Krantl m-muuis,Eupborl)i:is Poinsottias , anil many other w oodyji lants wliich look unsightl y n iter tlio v luiv udone flowering, may be "cut down , and pfaeed in;tny situation not too cold or damp, where theycan be kept nearly dormant unt i l sprinsj. Gcs-neras, and similar habited plants mu-t bu keptnear the li ght , even after their flowers are over ,otherwise they will be much weakened ; andwhile their foliage continues green and health y,t-ive sufficient water to moisten the contents otthe pot. Iking forward successions of theabove winter flowering plants for supp lying thedrawing-room. The i'haius , Kpiwhy liuui irun-catum , and varieties , Francisceas, &c, will nowbe advancing towards a flowering state , andshould be assisted by being placed as full y inthe light as possible. The autumn-struckGloxinias and some of the older bulbs whichwere dried ofrearl y last summer , will now becoming forward. A few Hyacinths should beput into a frame, heated slightly, at first . Theydelight in dung heat , and the "finest blooms arc¦d) \\-.iy& obt.. ;ned in pits or frames heatct! withdang linings , and the plants plunged in leavesor tan. Cuttings of any useful winter flowerin gstove ( hints put in now, will be in a fi::e statefor flowering next winter . Where space islimited , it is in many cases found necessary todo away with the aid plar.ts as they cwoe flow-ering ; first taking a sufficient numbti of cut-tings to secure a succession.

VILLA AND SUBURBAN GARDENING .Vo those to vhoom expense is of li t t le impor-

tance , compared with ornamental etfoct , variou spiodes of (raining Pear6 may Ix; suggested ; butwhatever plan is adopted it will be necessary toprocure in the fi rst instance plants which can b.-adapted to the particular system which may beproj ected. For examp le, if it is intended totrain in the form of a weeping fountain or um-:j :ella , then tl ieyoung tree must have a straightclean .-.toui at least five feet high , which shouldoccupy tho centre of the circle, and this circleshould ! ave an iron frame fastened substantiall yupon stone or on brick and cement supports nearthe surface of the ground. When comp l- te ,tins frame wi l loj fhibi t an appearance s imi la r t: ,tha t ol an ordinary striking glass. Tie.! system< 1 training pursued in this ' device is fo < ; !;- . < - Lthe course of t l ip slmmo ,i.> , ..^,t»« ...i . . 1 • .. .die course of the shoots downward-, p l.nNi i - .tiiem from nine to t welve inches apart T!i£mode of training has he-n adopted in m ,,iv olour best gardens, for it pru-h .f , <: ; . ; '.} ' ¦¦'¦¦ , :harmony with the g.r.i; ,... -j - ; < ; ; : i- .,, . - • . :' . -^•essaril y prev:.:! ;;• i .. r. ;. , , ; . ., . - . .^

' ¦.'. ..

" - . ' , .] ian or ,T, ..-;.,i, ; .. i;, . ..- . -. : . . _ .. _ ., , . , ,uwarf plants ior ii::. p . i ,, ,. ., :.. . :; . : , . '.". .shoots upwards. :}.>i<\ |.';,.- . . ;, : .. . . . , / ; ' , , . .,:to answer , and the expense in e i - l .« .-r Vasc


;.bout the same. There are those , however ,who prefer to have their iron framc-s untie i:iihc form of a cylinder , pl iu l im; dw.ii f, tn-cs ,, nd training the branches in a sp i r i l u i l uinis ii i - r.This gives a longer extension «'!' brunch , and

fewer shoots are nnp loyed in I r isming . T cun\y . :\r t cs l i i i ini . ; . - .> l l i i s nmdi; answi-riii i ; perfectl y,and in :t ^ a t d v i : Lav ing hi gh pretensions to ar t i -P.cial fi iTanger. o -nt and skilfu l management ;the effect is bulb novel anil p'i'.K-ing and maybe it.ii'. i ta i iu -d at no savvificc of the cron,

: DRAINAGE.T!i"i-o'.!;;h di i i i i i a ^ i - it to wet lan- 1 what a >j . nn\¦ •; ¦ '.

¦ |;i;n i> to a liuii i1. WV c . r ir i l i H . i c

¦ ¦ ¦: i -M-rci :'.!.' a proiUiiblo sys lc in i < i t igrieul-¦ . ' ¦¦ v. .'1'n - i n t the o.-.e, '.! an lo (.rci't -\ flnn un-.i

•• • - : : . - f i i : l b i i i i d i i tg w i i l i t i n t I h e o i l i e r . Ti n-i - ; i i : x i i t - l - holds s^ iioil e e.;i i 'u r l he r ; for as i:i l l i ei-ase of a badl y-founded i d i l i co , i lv .- ln. -i ' - in s-j ,(:r '.."i:it and ex tensive t l ia s i r u f t ur i , tl'.i '. morei i i i i i i i n o n t tin.1 dtui^or , and the greater l i ic : dc-> i i - i n : , i ( n i . and loss l ive l y to ai'Cl'U ' . .'^n , t hei r nii 'i: i i M in t t e i t : id ! itb.) .i i' we bestow isu wet

la 'i '.il. i .in: i:.ca!.' r wil l bo thu h.i l . i .Ci: ";i l iuwri '.'ii; --i ic of Ihe ludsier :it the war's end

I ' i lE ^Ai 'K ! . Dli n

Tin: lit :oe amount of surp lus revenue/ whichi > i .Nj .i- . ii 1"! to lie il -.-cl:ut ".l by the Cl-.pnce lior ofKxtlurm..'/, has n a t u r a l l y directed al. teii l iou tothe v:iriou< laxt - s whicii press upon the com-n i ' i t . i i v u i t i i the view of p oin t ing out the mo;lein wl '.ii.h l i i - L- grrat '/p t a m o u n t of advantage maylie ad'nuletl by a repeal or reduction. I t is w i thdie siiv^li.1 obj ect of consulting the interests olall , t ha i t!i " i'ol lowii)"1 ol .vj orvatio.'is are o/lcrcd¦ n the oxei.'-a duty wliii h is no>v k-vied upon theinanufRclt:i"'j of paper.

It can Uaull y be necessary to recap itulate , theiuu l i i i i i i i n i ; .-: li es to which paper is app lied . Midthe ii'.cek-ilv for its cheapness and abundancewhich has been es eatod by the demands of apeople in creasing in civilization. It notiiii l y f .'i' siis the material for books anda id mw epapcrs , for corrispoiiiience , fur wri t ing,t ".,r w r.t tipi -rs , the l ining of rooms , Sec , bute.st ' .Ts in a considerable di'groe into the mauu-f.u-tui '.- of a vaiic -ty of ani-.-U-s , which can alone!.v pr-iiiuivd at a price willii.'i the ri-acii of gene-ral con.-Miners , by paper being ma;!u avai! ;ii) !ofur Ihc purpose. So imp ortant has this article 'ne-come, so uiiivors .il its adoption for comfort andconvenience , so indispen.-iub ic to all , that ii isi i lm-^t imp .ssilh.' to conceive the snlferi sigwhich i.ny ilciiciency in its supp l y word > iniiictupon every class , or to over-c*li:nnlc ili o impor-tance to the community of every facility beingg iven I.) its production.

Sum- years since , the excise duty upon paperwas threepence per pound for what was calledfirst-ck.ss , or inferior paper , used chiefl y forwrappers, paper hang ing-, &e. ; but so oppres-sive was this lax deemed , and so injurious tothe extrusion of education and general inf orma-tion , tl:ur , at a time when the pa! lie financeswere bv ui . means prosperous , the duty on firstcks-< paper was reduced to three ball-pence perpound , by which the whole w»s placed on cqua-li'.y, ll is . thoic.'ore, to the rop: al of this dutythat at iuut on is now particularl y directed , on se-veral grounds ,each of which is|enlitled,to wei ght ,as bein^ for ihe public advantage.


The C.'attiolic - - of the British Emp ire were r.o-miuii l l y emanci pated in 1S29. P .ul in reality:ii - y aio slaves , still , with the mark of degradii-Uw t i imprinted en their foreheads. The Jott -.Tol ' iVi.-i .-ilom is to be read upon ilia St itule Hook ,but ii.i; sp irit of partiality, exclusion and injus-tice: *t ;ll guides the council- ; of the nation. ThisLi:iti-l< :.t:i olic fueling '.a exliibi ' ed in omlioss (K 1-lails lVj tn t!'.2 cenire to the eit cuinloreiic. ' of thesiw lvr . We, Catholics aro , contin-j all y ro-i ci i - - ; • . .- ! cur inferiotv , u:id this in ci icntn-st.;;:; \-. lii-re we oug ht ;\t least lo cx[i^ctc( :n;::. -.in impartia lity. To iilaslrato our iv-m-irl:» , w- need bu i refer tot l ic Army and Xa-ynf Great Britain , and the treatment of the Ca-tholic soldiers and sailors of her Majes ty 'sservice. In every clime , and on every spabavt ; Catholic-* poured out their life 's blood forihe inler -.v-ls of ureat liritain. We might par-ticular!:«, and enltr in to a loii"; detail "t ' f.'at!.o-iic. a'.:d e-i;i .'ci ;iliy of Iii sb Catholic exp loits andsacrifices in defence of Eng land. But thet lii -me is lMcknicd , and the subject familiar toall o:;r rea'lcrs. Yet , it w;is onl y the other dayan cider was issued iliat Catholics in the Navywere to he exemp ted fro m a forced attendanceon tho mongrel worshi p of the church of thestate. We so desi gnate the hybrid service ofthe ch irch of Crannier , because wiih a large ad-mixt'.m: of genuine I'oj cry, it is an 011a podridaof all ancient , and mudcrn heresies. —Halif a xCross.

UilUCULTU ltE-TllE NKW YE.VUThe new year opens gloomil y upon the agri-

culturis t . In spite of the not less sanguinethoug h secret hopes against their own auguries ,amongst the timid , prices continue low , and thecorn grower sits apart , the s-)le unpart aker inthe feast that he has hel ped to make forothers. Mean time , the nation is busy and pros-perous ; trade is active , capital increasing, mo-• i(-y abundant , waives good—so at least the Usual:irna::s of the world that lies beyond the farminf i irm us; bul tho news come sadly and un-meaning to the ears of tha i one interest win soshare seems but a scant one in the merry Chrisl-ni - i a , ao'l which looks ahead with but a hazyprospe rs of the " happy new year " that inpassed, lunch ;.s usual , from mouth to inoulliatouiii l . Even lo the most habituated prciicheiof despondency the prospect seems lo offer thepuzzle of a reality tlmt be never meant exactlyto come true ; fur peop le differ more in theiravowed prognostications than in their actual be-liefs, and commonl y blame tin: hope ful seer murefor bis manners than bis appeti te in which theycut' rt : in a common sympath y. Even the wisestc'inft .\s> iliom si-lves puzzled : and not in thisc ountry aione , but in more than half the coun-tries of Kurop '..1 the same con-p laint , strangesoundi ig to tin ; ears of tlw " consuininir "world , prevails , and ior the hl t two or threeyears has jn '.vai ed , of a low price a-id plethoraof food.— London pap er.

TH E FUI :N'CI ! N V T I O N A IJ A S S K M H I .V . — 'l b sA ssembly con 1 l i n s , accordi'ii ',; lo t in : Miiiiilnv,

•i.'J aoiii i.l i .r " fm ond:im '' ni 'u n s '.(:!' ~ ol ' ^ov eni-

liK'i : : . "2".i amba:::;.i'l<v.-.-' or persons wlm li:.ve iv-

p i f - e i : '.'.-d Fni tt t - ..! ;tt. fi ir t ig i i C iH i t s , 'li ni. ' i i ib .M ' s

of i l l- I n s t i t ut e , >i vii.e .' fhnir. i 1 - :ii .-t ! n .-.i :- - i d m i -

l i iK , M -ener ils . ".2 ex-p ' :'1 !" (¦:' Kran .k 1, 1 I 0

|',,n. M - i . i c i . i bo i s o f l h' : ( h a n i l o - r ¦:.' 1 > c ;v: '.i. :.

O|' . - '. H I - ) l l . i. lU'J ' ¦'•• .¦• 'I! l i " : { '-. - 1 - ' - l ! i lu A 1-¦ iv ;;:i ( ) v,\-rc K - - ' 1 :'.-! :'- ;*' ! ! , .'.!: ''! fi vjm pi i ' t

. ' . ; ¦ ; :

. ^V. - A -^.l. ' .h .;- , ; ., l ic 'lDU i w c i '. - l . wi i ' iS " ; .-I i. i . - ' t <

. ; - . - . , . . !a'i ! '-t ci:!. ;- t i - i l t > i i .4: 11.¦ ¦ ; ' i i r s l i' i i i i is ;i 1 a-roi ' i '. i .i \ 1 1 1 in? ,

j i i .si , - • . . . ,n: l i i v m e .' Ti i - i t (. !' t 'l - i 1 wor t l i in; ,'

a p..; i : - i - c i l s'. i - i i v '! = ':!;r-"i v.- i i i c h , i-vci if i t wi .- s o

C;.II .| !"ii! in al! i'o p ar t s v. o t i ld s t i l l want t in 1 l i v i n g

|.riir.'i j >h\28". fin-i ocf i iv r .-d i:i Xtw Yurk for t he past

vvar . Tiit-re were C'.:;isiiier.'iii!y moit them 'ha t

: . t i i i - ! i - ') '-I' !';i! ;'. -i l 'i r i i '' :-


/'l-'nim the New Yorker). «While , by tin almost unanimous concurrence

among the Irish residents here , the rosurrec-! l ion < ¦! the i r country i> noted hopeless, eventsI aie crowding upcii each other in tiic old countryI dark with t !ie shadows of ft ite. In tli e palmiesti days <T I i i s i s ag itation , when milli. ins liet ivvd

like tiv v - i in ;i !t .-mpi.'st to JMr. O'C O X X E M .': wl i isj -i ' i ' i - il v . i .fj , the English intern et was tm-j brt.ken iiiu] ?i.-cmi!!g ly inflexible1. That interest! n-ccivc -il a .-hock lVo:n tho electric spark , theI poets and orators of the Voiing Ireland party! struck I'I-DV:! Iho connir s 's heni t . The l.V.-mo-j cr.K-y of il iu :Vi!:!ii owned its influoncj , and , f> > rj a ij rief UI IH J K 'II V of p a t r io t i c oblivion , thoy to"kI their ecu;!':';,' to their heart . It was short-lived ,I hi>\vi:\c -r , thiil. c:-.ni'.vio" j ubilee of the nation , and

tin! iij .p ; i- ranks of i l ie l'] ;ifdisii g.-trrison re-m:r>ned firm. Tha I'ln «j lWli interest Iu Id itsfuot lng almost undisturbed. It t -nt had gone intoarriMi ", and tho landlord ' s pantry ami cell'-T werelii-ivc scantily stored in '!7 arid MS ; but still ,e xcept in it lew instances , there was wherewithal ,siii '.l the credit of the t% proprietor '' was pi:o.l.Facili ii i -'s were m u l i i p li.'d for his Rccommo'.'m-li tm , and the entire garrison clm.ir to one ann-tl irr siml to thei r common hold w ith a desperatetcnncilv. They battled against the successivecalamities of those years with the energ ies ofdespair. The pest-house and the, pir. i-houscreared their ghastl y forms 1)}' the wayside , andmen were bowed in their presence and went ;their way with softened and subdued hearts.It was the onl y time since tlio Norman invasionthe nat ive Irish and ihoir enslavers looked eachoilier kindly in the face. They forgot faggo:ami cord r.nd brand in the shadow of death.

l int the feeling was flocting as the. snow-flakein Juno. As ihc de~olntor stalked from the un-roofed cal-.in to tho castleguto and unreknl 'n jfivnm.lo himself at home therein , the proprietor '>typo once more hardened in to ils usual form ,and the old antagonism was renewed. Indeed , inthis instance it became a matter of lifcand doathv. i th him , and he was comp lied to be merciless ,l i e onlv dealt out to others til- ; ex io l i i ' i i s whichwere closing their iron ciic 'c round him.-^lf. Insome inst.Miccs there was partial or transientsucces-f . l in t in fi w. eases out of six , the doomof landlord a;ul ol tenant w;is coiimio:'1.. Tlieformer .1:'lowed the lat ter to the pl^ iig li and thecart , and thence , may hap, to the j )o iv hou-"1.The. linl ;s ot that chain of iidameiil w!;i !i boundthe cuunl i 'v for six centuries were one by oi-.csiicipp' . (1. It would seem as ii the heavy j udg-ment which had fallen upon the land becamekindl y in its severity, by thus reachin g thehearts that had no pills' : but fur its enslavement.Then came the last blow from Westminster.The government of Eng land , regarding t 'nc gar-rison as no longer usefu l , brought its last re-maining strike to the hammer. Shylock ccul.lnot be more exacting tie more sang' iiinrv. Auniversal commission of bankruptcy issuedagainst the proprietoy, and their acre-; were'' going," '' going," " going, " " gone ,'' a t t i u 1

judges' chambers at Inn Quay, where sin eru-dite George Ilol/uison uttered grim jokes as heofficiated at the transfer of i'eudal patrimoniesto some witht -rod speculator.

Merc the heart of the interest was broken .What remains is beset by the. Tenant Leairao.The ro'tl strength of that confederacy consist inthe utter disruption of the antagonists withwhom it has to contend. They seemed doomedcf God and man. Th(! bi got sincerity wliichwould );nve been their stay in this hour of need,thf .-y have lost by treachery. The ;ii;r, n\ th.-.-church is broken , and she r-j IWc-s mvn herpr iiyt'iv . Common distress Ir.i.j l n'ou j i t i:;:ocommunion the energies of the north and <ou'..h.And so material and mundance h .ivo tbc-y I ' -rthe most liart grown , t liat . they refuse to by dis-tvnrled in pursuit of a social advantage liy thes'irk'k of fanaticism from tho other side of flicc-hanucl. Mad the l tf imr.n Cath-.j lic p. irty ob-served tlit ! same silence a:id the san '.c- i i i d i i ier-oncc as the others on this subj ect , it had lu -ouheller , l)ut the hi-c:i:lo>- !Kj ss of IV- .te.-l- .ntIreland is a s\ iliicieutl y ^i ^ni l icant omen il i a :tlrs last ti c-mon of strife is laid.

Happy ausp ice if there be but foresi ght a:idmanhood to take advantage of it. Cciuc lusivewe thi s ik it ought to he with Irishmen on th isside of the water. Each of them has :;= mu e 'iin his power as any ten , nay, as any fif: y re-maining at hoine. There is among them butone Honi imcnt . They seek no golden t -r otherlinks of royal crowns for their country. Theydesire to seek it a republic , sole and and sove-reign with its soil in the hands of thu people,unrentcd and unlordcd. They wish to seeswept from the land every curse of English con-nexion. They would have its honor guarded:ind its flag up held by half :i million of citizensoldiers , nnd sue her side by side with

"Tin; starry flu <j ol'l i l wral ion. "Such is the common wish . Them are amp lemoans for realizing it , and , in our minds , it isfull .'time to set about it.

w vwtfw c3iviuivw/i^ p|

TIiIE IlliSII EMIGRANT.John G. Whitiier writing about Irish Emi-

grants among Americans , says :—" For myself , I confess I feel sympath y I' .r

the Irishmen. I sen him as the representativeof a £> e!icr-"us , warm-hearted , an'l cruell y op -pressed people. That be. loves his native laud—that , his patriotism is divided—that he cannotforget the claims of his mother is land—that hisr.-l ij ion , with all its abuses, is near to h im—does not decrease my estimation of him. Astranger in a strange land , he is to me an obj ectinterest. The poorest and rudest has a romancein his history . .Amidst all his apparent gayctyof heart and national drollery, mid wit , the pooremiu'i i int has sad thoug hts of tho " ould motheri,f him , si t t ing lonel y in her solitary rabin bythfi bo j r side—recollections ol 'a father 's blessingand a sister 's farewell—thai sis'er lowd .so de-vote, il y—are haunt in g him—a grave mound ina lii tant church-yard , far beyond the '' widewaters ," has an eternal greenness in his memory ;for there , puihaps lies " a dsu l in t child ," or a'' sweet rrathe.r,1' who once loved him—theNew York World is fVir g ott i .-n in a moment —b!u" Ki lh i rne y isn i l l!io Lill'f .-y >p .tik! 'j bofoieh im— (i lenda l ' ing h streatci ies b -- :>ealb i i im i tsda rk s'i' i t i i i r ro: - —lie si>es li:" P a sn i " (.•v-'- n i n^ .01111-s :iii" . i- i "<: u p - ' i i '.i'..I h ; i l l 'i \v a l i i ;e . w i t h US -.MU '.- 'S

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SHIP BUILDING IN NEW YORKFrom our file of papers which we ( Watcrford

News) have j ust received , we learn that Ken-York has 19 dock yards. During the past yearSI stuam vessels and 33 sailing vessels werelaunched in it—tonnage in all over GO ,000—at acost of 0,582,000 dols.

Vessels on the stocks— steam vessels , 15;sailing vessels , 1G. New vessels within then.ist year , total—46 steam , and 49 sailing vessels.Cost of building—9 ,102,000 dots.

No wonder, then , that Nc.v York is a thrivingcity,

NEW A i l K H I C A N RAIL 11OADSThe .subj oined is the aggregate amoun t of rai l-

ways in opera tion in tho Unit-d States for thepresent year (1S51) :— Miles , S.797. Cost ofmaking, 25(1,45") .07S dols.

HOW TO M A K E A JJ ISI IOP.The Tablet makes an English Bishop thus :—

" An Eng lish Bishop, according to Eng lish Pro-testant notions , is a thin g created by the law ofthe land ; it is j ust what tho law of the landmakes it , and it changes from t ime to time withthe changes cf the law. A real Eng lish Bishop,therefore 1, is a person clotliuil wi th a civil func-tion ; one of the great officers of slate— -i ma-nufacture of Queen , Lords , anil Commons. ' Forany forei gn power , therefore , to mrs ke a real Eng-lish Bishop, is to interfere with the Parliamentarypatent ; is to create a civil funct ionary wi thoutleave of the supreme civil authori ty ; ami thus tousurp not merel y the supremacy of the Crown ,but ihc very omnipotence of parliament.

USEFUL REMARKS.The curse of Ireland has been that ihc land

has been our onl y hop e—that tho growth of cropslias been our onl y manufacture—and that the in-dolent ignorance and low living of tho ni i lnt i i redpeasant has hern though t more natural than theu n r e m i t t i n g toil ami intel l igent skill of the arli-•'•an. The simp le fact is , that tho trade of f i rm-in;:, as practised h i the r to and still in Ireland , ro-rpiired no knowled ge or skill. The groir.nl was" scratched' 1 the seed sown with the h;.'.st pos-sible exp enditure of toil , ami tho crop rai.-.v;! intin: most indolent fashion that could be dcvi i-.ud.Art ixans must work hard ami th ink hanl , musttrain up tlir j ir facult ies to painful .sharpness ; billmere maiuutl exercise is the la;:y lot of must ol'our peasants. All soi i -.d evils its I re land a:c at-t r ibutable to lliis fact—the undue importance;;ivi.ii to agricu l ture. This fact b;;s r -ii.> -jd crowdsof comp etitors fur every vacant farm ; lias g lut tedibc agricultural labour market , ami is the foun-tain and source of agrarian outr.vje and crinu.—With reference to the land to be cul t ivated , t 'li ;;agr icul tura l labourers staiiil to (Imso (if K IUJ 1.UK !in the pro p ortion of five to two ! Anil as regtnlst lu produce raised , there are four Irish to oneEnglish labourer. Dm-s not ibis full y accountfor the wretched cpinlitinn of our p easantry I —and docs it not full y prove thu necessity for giv-ing them some usefu l knowled ge in lieu of thelazy art of the spade and lutwrh. — CommercialJournal.

A LADY'S COMPLAINT.The following letter h.is boon a'!i!re>seil by a

l.'ii i y to the editor of a Dublin j o imir .l :—" M r.Kdi tor , women an 1, social slaves. I assert it , !> '•'wi io wi l l gainsay it . Wo are educated , we nregoverned b y man and as man wishes. Our schoolsarc devised and formed by p lans executed liymen ; n: 1 • 1 very bad hw.s they aiv . But t h i s isnot all , I do not want to meddle wi th p ol i t icsnor ( |iiarrcl with ihe l imi ted critica l ion we receiveHut in the social circle I rionmitl for womane'j iu t t ri gh t s and cij ual p leasures, u i s sai.l v. -..-are " ip icc iis in a bal l-room and housemaids athome "' Tlie hut er part has been long t rue , bi l lthe c.'inr. icii.-i .r.in;; di g n i t y of t ; i0 Ih'st. is in s;nldanger of i letorioratiou. Take my n-.vn case.—I receive:! but li ie usual ?cmtv ed iic it i Mu ol ' n:y?;(.-:;, but by reading and olj M:rv.i ;i- :m I encreasoilmy power, and can n->w converse wel l on n i n n ysubj ects. But. sir , w.:iat is the u.-:e t .l ' i ' i is w l icu

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sv '.'i . of .>oc?:il monopoly.[All very good ; but we should n.". !•: . -.• 1

hear what man has to say].

I M M I G R A T I O N TO T i l l : I 'n iJT OK .V K \ V V O l J K ,roil T I I K V. '.Ai! !t- -'< :> .

The fnllo'.vinc lalilii i -x l i i i i i l s l l n - i i n l l o i i f fr"tn iv i i l c l i

l l i c i- i i i i y r at i t * c- i i t i i i 1 , in lS-V i , mi l l in v . h a i j t r f » j » o r l i < > n

iVom Mrl i vii inj i: irc(i w i l l i lln: vo;ir I . S l i; .—

N nli i.n. 1^-V i. I S i '.l.I ivh . t i i l 1 \r< ,¦',:•¦}. 1 l - J . -;: 'i(icnnaiiy •'•"'.'"~ .¦j.1.7<>- "»l-.Mn|;,,,(j 'JS.I'J.-, ;:.i.:;-.MSi-mlaiii l f ' ,771 8oi!)Wal«s 1 ."'-(I 1 ,78J1-Vniice :!,;i;).s ^ ,ii^:irt jc iii 0'.7 ^ 14Switzerland - ,"•''I \. '.'.'>IIOIIIMM) 1,171 -.> ..|47Ndi-Wiiy 3 , !- "») :). llli )S WUI I L- II 1 , 'Hl i .oi>7DfMiiarU !l 'l ;•'>! :I t a l y - 17-". c:)ji'ur t i i ^ i i l •"'•' '!> '/l l . - l - i i i m •-¦'•

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l i i i l l ' ol' a l l c l.o i-mi-j f rai i ls to t h is c n i i i t ry an: froin I I - L - I I I I I I I ,ivliilt." i'pjiii ( i i .-riuany tlmro is alioul (i i iL '-f.iur tl i , ami fr n u iK ii^laml a l iut i l nni' -i.- i ^ l i t ; j-i-t , sunie l - : : i ) > l i s l i i i i i .1 l- l lt in : w nrli l i lj a l i l in t l i iM i i l lu t -n i 'i: ol' Hi r Ai .^ Ki-Sax . in rai- .;in thi-i u o i i n t iy t h a t has 'lone i:vi-n t i l in g — \c») Y . r l tTribune.

GOOD XKWS.l'eports have reached Ncwcasrlc that the

Chancellor of the Exchequer is willing to reducethe tea duly " 3d. per pound uii the -"• ti 1 ofA pr il ne.":t , ;incl ."d. each \ear fur tbo 1 n^siingt i i i i .-L1 veai 'K. ''

\VO M. \ love nf :i u o l i l i ! 11 i MIICI I v i r t uI |> >i'ill' 1 , g'JD 'l

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ds .- ii.-.cliim oifur wh ich falU;;!in vain.


u - t

(Jaiitious decency is th -_- 1 rul idvl y en.le:iri ;i fjins t inc t of wo)ii». -> ,


[From a lecture delivered before the young Ca-th 'ilic Friends' Society, Boston, on Dec. 1 I th , bythe Rev. Dr. dimming, of Nan- Yo k,as reportedb>j the Boston Pilot.].

'¦ To meet philanthropy on its o*n groundwhen compar .-d to charity, let us briefl y examinethe accusation of ignorance and want of tnstiuc-tion of tbo young, in the princ i pal and mostattacked city of Italy, I mean Rome. I beginbv stalin" a fact- that will hardly be believed inthis State, where common schools are the chiefboast and pride of the inhabitants , but still itis a fact. It is that Home is divided into wards,like Boston , and that every ward or district hasits school , called as we call our own Scuof a lie-(j ionarin , or district school. They were flourish-ing as far back as Sixtus V., and are the oldestschools in Rome. A few .months before I leftRome , and shortl y pieviou^' o the establishmentof l: e Rcnublic , they were Mn full flower.

" They' arc divided into primary schools , andsecond and third classes ; reading, writing, aret iug ht in tho first : languages , geography, andhisto ry in the higher ones, l'lie boys go toschool exactl y three boars in the morning , andthree in the afternoon. The schools arc invi-gilated and regulated by a board like the Boardof Education here ; corporal pun ishment israrely resorted to , rnd premiums arc distributedat the end of tbc year. So that the great bo;istof Boston and New York , the grand Americaninvention , the common school system , is nothingbut a reproduction, of a. Roman Catholic institu-tion several hundred years old. Some of theseschools were established by private indivi-duals independent of the Bcnrd of Educa-tion , the bead of which is the Cardinal Vicar.I c.iiinot say how things g-> there now that theiieop lo have tasted the blessings of bluod-redliberty, but in 1U 4G there were 102 teachers inthe<e school*, and they were frequented by•2,115 scholars, besides these schools therewere two lr.r^c free schools umier the directioni.f :i religious order , insiilute.il by Joseph Calc-.-anzio , cxprtsbl y for the education of ponr boys—and known as ti:;; piou-* schools of tli'.1 Motherof God . They h.ivc schools at, St. Piint i l cuand :-Jt. T ,or,--n/.o. in P.o:''"> . ana number betweeni-he two :\> ~, bovs. Aii " :.her congregation , knowna.-: ihe Kaihers of t .'hvi -t ian Doctrine , have schoolsaltaehe.l -.o Li:o chuvob oi' Santa ILii 'irt , in Mon-ticcll i , and -St. Agatha , acroas the Tiber , t>:;ic!i-ii!^'. like the iiiy iv. -iinmed , ;i full ami graduatedCiiii'so . Tboy iiave between the two I ' l l ) scho-lars. Further , there arc sc-liools of t i e Chris: .innl i ro theis , ihi: same as those cstabiishc-.l in NewVork , They have schools attache d to thec'mrches of Tiinita dci MoHti . .St. Saviour inlauro , and the Mad-.iuna doi Monti. , 'i ho headt..ac ' -cr of tli cir school in New York was formerl yprofe ssor in the last mentioned. Their numberunionists to fourteen teachers and 1,370 boys.licsides theso , there are, in uiifortnt parts of t 'ncci tv tlie following seliools which I will barel yme'ii l i - i i i . The school of Prince Massino inin Tr..sl-..vere, tlic so-called 1'ontiiical schuo!.-,the female SCIIL-OIS of the (TC.SU , and St. Thomasin PiU'iono, the Mechanics ' Female Ins t i tu te , fiu ;school of ihe Name of Jesus , thiit of tho L*rsulineXuii ; :, that of the Nuns of Divir.e. Love , t in ti / i ' s-tn i-i isqiutlc , and two female, j ^adc -mi '.'s u::-de.r tbo Laiiici ol' the Si.crc-.l Heart , ii. -sitk-sthese, there is a Sunday School in every parishch urch in ltomo for tlie teaching- of Catechisms ,-mil various nil!lit schools at' ached I ) the.churchii- ; and orn 'toru'S l'-.:r llioiO wiio are atwork dt'.rin:'' ibu dav limu.

'• I (War i icro'.v ii:'0~ ).u.'. Yul, i:i t!i'.! c;-,u-l i i e r i i t ion ]:".u:lc are uol included the lar :;(; -,t eilu-c::t :< ¦ •.). 1 establishments of t -iu I '.teruu! City. sue -,

a-' l!ie l lotnau l.'nivers i iy uf i hi: SM :K . U :: i. e -n -bi ;ici : i - .-; the branches i.f D iv in i ly , M t d i c .-i in .1,l..\\v , Anti quities , and Orienta l Lile:auire : tlie(•i iv ii' i .i:»:i l " :iivr :i>il\' < -r i icniMi Coi!e:;c, tm<lc -rt l . '.: d i rec t ! =n of ti ;c Jesuit -* , bolh of which n u m -ber more tlian a lliiius'.uul students : tlw:.Scotcii . ihe ( J r - ek , t i t - Eng li sh , the: Ir i-h. nm\t ! iu i' lisi v.-^ani lii Culiei^cs :

ti;c i' om.in Se-

rsili ii ivv, ::s mmy as fifteen or twenty .Mn-.iaslii*.<;i m :.::;!iie.a ; the Houses of Ins t rucl 'rj n for thoorp hans , the deaf and d u m b ; the Seh- .ol ¦)!

Tr'atle: -- and Ar t - : of St. Michael n l« i j ::'., r.nd

liumli ! ri i iLr more than :i thousand ]mp iU be-tv/f en buys ami girls ; numberless acf.demicb'idies liovotcd to literary instruct ion , and manyo t h u r smaller inst i tut ior.s, educiiliii ; : liiiiivclnumbers cf mules anil fein.-ile.s in p arf icular do-p :irlm- uts i:f ar t and Scic.'.ce. Hero :s ;t ;- !nle-mcii t , the i r u l b of which i-J backed by oiiicial.¦•l . i t i s i i f : . «, bonk.* of travel , and the stone ;i!;tlmor ta r of the houses where the s ludinus y o u t hof Rome assemble. I wish not to speak ol li-braries public and p iiviile , of pr int ing esti ibli ^ li-mcu t s in various 1 augur. ;;cs, anil o io lher eiiu iiii .'-of literary stud y, lint onl y think of the at-tempt made by men in this country to enli g htenthe beni ghted Romans ; tbink cf the phi l an thro-pists anil their societies transluting tracts intoI ta l i an , and ftircuhvtinj ; them nteallh '.ly even byh.":.'d-< of Je '.vs to -I I 'M J Protestant l i uh t upon the.••¦upcrstit ious i ^no i iince of a city which , w i thonly 1 Go thon-iiuul inhabitan 's, pos-scsscs themeans of i!iluc:itio:i we h .ve mentioned. ThisI'.nc Si: 1 all detail may show how vainl y phi lan-thropy bo:ists of inventions to supp ly the <!e-tici -T. eies of Catholic chari ty. Thcsi1, and hitu-rlrc - c.[-* of other inst i tvuions , iiour islicd po acefullvu ;.d'-r I 'm: paternal sway oi tbo Pup.'.1. Butll ie t c- c-iiiu; :l day whan th:: si:-c:ilied friends olthe . peop le , aided by Ivmlish u'ol.l and Ainericuisy ;ii] !:; 'Jiy, were to establish a ^ Republic of bro-therl y love in Rome. Then it was seen whatprotect ion philanthropic liberty affords to thefollowers of wisdom. The grey-haired professorliud to (Ice from his school , or was east into amalefactor 's cell. The Father of tho Faithfu l,the patron of learning-, was protected in his do3mam-? by the b -wonctsof France, and tlie vene-rable hall of ihe Propaganda College saved fromruin onl y by the Hajj of America. Rut thesrontlc! votaries of stud y and the Ministers otchar i ty were treated wi th cipial cruelty all overEurope , wherever the po-c.ilied friends of thepeop le , the liio. iern phihii i t luvpisls , obtainedp :iwei'. Thj brnt.i l .-.,];!:¦ r nf l t i u t icd l .'j ivitzer -l at i - l , j l'ler expe lling Ui -.) students ami t lu > j -.ro-!Vs.-or., o f 'he . t imo honoure d College of the JesuitL'i'.'.i;ers of l-'r'.-yy iirp ; :imu«ed themselve:: by¦ :-r.;y :; ' iu.-- at th -j st:rua u\' MK- Blessed Virgin ,e-' ::'. l l . W i l l ', th e j-"i : i ! i i le i l l - = i I'i pl io i l , "S . at d l•V u i ! -.!;,) , ], .;-.y fur ii:; ,'' .-M....I nv.r i he r las>

r - - ! i ! i i - . !!r;u•„• ii ;; ;i i;:- .c l ' -. .j i n i i u r e i i t il i i i l unpro-t;. 'u"-1- :

! _ ;¦¦¦¦ J 1"' ««" > ¦•' --p ir it t.'iat drives theii ; s !i( i ;i - -.f Turin from bis So-..', that chases IVomii.'-s wA tho Monk of S.unt Horn ^inl. that bruisedand tore and nged and lonel y stranger by theh. ' ii i '.s of bruta l Jisig lish diaymen in London.Our symj u ib y wa.-i in iAvour of such men , an 1n -j i- .n.iin-L- i',>r nu, - k ;...,l -, ,-ss they l.ave S'.Mit ton - an oxj !j ..!iii.)ti oi' lvu-.ipe:m philanthro p ists ,and ue c.isi n-nv rejo ice in the countenance ofr.ueh ch(.ic, .. sp.-eimi-ns of humanity a-5 HerrJ!ack. -r , G...il) .!lc!i , Col. l-'orb.s ,andG.Tliomps .ui.

A wise steward , instead of valuing himsL -l lipon I.i o extent of bis charge , should stud y how¦J rciid -T the l) ist account for it .


The Monileur contains tlie official appointments of thenew ministry as follows :— Foreign Affairs, Drouyn deI'Huys ; War , General Begnaud St. Jean d'Angely •Murine , Ducos ; Public Works , Mogue ; Commerce ,Bonjsan.

Ruuhcr , Baroclic , Pnrieu , nnd Fould , retain theirseats ; General Ohangurnier is dismissed .

Tlie Monileur uUo contains a decree repealing the de-crees of December '20, 1842, and June 11, 1840, which ,uii i tml under the same comm;in;l the first Nationa lGuard* of the Seine, and second troops of all arm* stii-lioiiBil in the first division , and which appointed GeneralClmnKarnier to this command .

General l'errot is appoin ted superior commander of tlieNotional Guard.

General Haraquay d'Hilliers is appointed commander-in-clitef of nil arni3 of tlie first military division.

General Corrolet will preserve his post.The decree is countersigned liy 13aroche nnd Generu]

Rtisnan il de St. Je:in d'Aii ir el y.General Dnri igiiiiy il 'fi i ilier s appointed commander of

the army of l'itri ? , in tho place of Genera l Changarnier ,has issueil to tli e troops Hie following order of the day :

" Soldiers—Cnlleil by the confidence of the Presidentand the Republic to the command of the army of Paris,it is my duly lo make known to you loyally how I under-stand my mission. To maintain in the nrmy placedund er my orders the strict disci pline established by mypredecessor. To preserve to each rank the influence andauiliorilv which devolves to it by tlie regulations. Tosupport energeticall y the author i ty in the execution ofthe laws . Such aro our common duliej . We shall notfn 'l in them I full assured. Your post and mine are thesame ''iiurantec is of il."

THE PAPAL STATES.The Oiornalc di Jioma , publishes an order of the day,

signed hy Prince Orsini, enforcing the adoption of theuniform prescribe! by the new regulations and the sup-prusuion of epaulettes. The same paper of the 31st ult.contains a notice informing the public that his Holinessh:is ndored all the expenses for the conveyance of thearticles intendfd for tlie London Exhibition to be put tothe charge of the Roman Government , but without re-sponsibility on its part. T!i»: said articles are to be deli-vrrcil ri Kirf y p'ekfid up at tlie offices of the Ministry ofC- iiiitticrcR and Public Works before the 2l)tli inst. Therro-Minis ter of Finance , Signor Galii ,'has issued somenotification obtaining inndificalioii! ) of the customs tarilF .

The Hhonjinien to , nf Turin , quotes a letter from Home ,of tin ; iiSlli, stat ing tha t sanguiini ry quarrels constantl y(iCMir l)i.-lwi .-(iii tl:c l-'mieli and Pontifical troops, and thatv:vrriil <:f t/ifi fortit'-r iia'l i>ut latel y been killed or se-v i M i l y wimii i l i- d in l l ie quaru-rs of the liorgii and lianclii.I In; rorri"S|i(iii 'lent a.i ils. that the mob always side wi'hIho l'iip iil soldiers on sm:!i occasions; and tbas in consc-ij t i 'MiC '.1 nf such oi.-c i i irc i iC .-s tin; l-'rench Ciuneral hast l i onuh l it prudent to aban don some secondary po.sis, amito cmii'iii itnilo hid inct i in the vicinit y of the castle of.St.An ,';e!o. It was riiiiiniia-d that negotiations with tlwK 'uvx "f \«p|i.-s for f' -'O |itirp»3cni 'ohf«i»iii ff a .Veapolitan'¦urri.-.c.n at Uoun.- hud not !>i:tin successfu l .

PENAL LAWS.We h:ive said that we do not expect tho

penal luv.s will be proposed to have in the firstinstance , or on t 'nc faca of them , an applicationto I reland, i 'heymay or may not ; but we arcwilling to tak e tor granted that they will not.It' so,' \vh:it then ? Will the Catholics of Ire-land—will the Clergy of Ireland—will theBishops of Ireland endure the casting of newfetters round the Church in Eng land , simplybecause si narrow channel divides us from thatt lii'cutened p ort ion of the lieiitage of Christ ?Is tlmre any one base enoug h to fold his hands ,find dream c.n in a shameful security, while suchilli quid ':- :ir • contemp lated and threatened , evenif they should never bo attempted ? Is thereany one ?'> drunken with the c .alice of Whi gii l i i i inin. ' i f inns—?.> infatuated with the allure-ments of tha t u>.r.:iuan seductress , as to beartamel y such :;i au'.grc-sion on the Church , ands.iy Lli.it it ci.iocnis not u s ? We cannot be-lieve tlmt in any quarter , however humble orhowever lay, such a depth of infamy and follycan bv found.— Tablet .

liis .- iii. vi TI .T. -A stup id and profane trick hasmore th.ni 'is'.ce disturbed the services in the Pu-xi ';.ill! r!:!irc!i '.'s of the metropolis. Two birdsan; '1 r - -. -;:.-- : up , nip : as a Pope ami the other as aCnri l inal , and li ; i i i t are released while the " cere-ii) mi ins '1 are IICI I I .L; observed. This was done lastScinday at St , Andrew 's, Wc-ll-strcct A " LayPuseyit e " remarks— " How ",rcat a storm wouldbe raised it" one of us bated " Puscy itcs" were tointroduce tbo figure of a Puri tan preacher into thechurch of fine of the so-called Evangelical minis-tLis : aii '.l ye t t: ;e one would be about as j usti-lia '.'(.' an aci a< the oilier. — London News.

li Fivi: M I N I : ri :s."—If a young lady says slicv. i i ! !)p re :iiy iii live minutes , it means the wholeal 'kninon or whole morning, as the case may be.Ii ' an omnibus says it is going to start in fivem i i i i i t ' '1':, it moans half an hour at the very least.If a;: ni i gr- i i l l eman in spectacles says you shallli ' ivc I!:c newsp ap er in five minutes , it moans asl. -ii - : as vim have the patience to wait. In caseof app ointment when a person says he will bebat:-; in live minute.-:, it means (impossible tocal-ei:!fitc as no person was ever kno wn to waitloi!',r :¥r than an hour.) In the case of an um-brella borrowed " j ust for live minutes ," it meanslinunsd -.v.

I'> i ..\cK J VJCTOKS —Considerable excitemen t , ashort t ime since , occurred among the medicals tu d ou 's at the Grnvc-strcct College, Boston ,arisi ' ig fruni the j iresence of three coloured per-sons , who v.-cre admitted to the lectures with theother students, and from the report that a wpm:-iihad been matricula ted as a medical student. Ameet ing of the students were called , and resolu-tions passed , protesting against the admission «fcoloured students , and especiall y against the ad-mission of female students into the class. [Moreshame for them to exclude the ladies.]

A STORY OFTEN Ton*.—On Saturday morn-ing a humble hearse, followed only by an oldwoman , loading a dog by a string, left the Ruedc 1' 11 ironrlelle. near the Pont St. Michael. Itcontained the body of a female, who, under theDirectory and Consulate , had been one ofthe must fashionable marueilleuses. She \va3Uie daughter of a poor fruitwomau of the RueSaint Victor ; but her extraordinary beautycaused her to take to the pave. Whilst leadingthat life , she attracted the attention of the lateEng lish Marquess of H d and he gavej hera hotel in the Rue Caumartin , a carriage andfour horses, boxes in all the theatres, and thet(ii/cttc o (a queen. In three _/eics of Longchamps,Tubcreuso—such was her nom de guerre—castby bor laxury that of all the Parisian aristocracyinto the shade. But some escapades caused theMurquoss to abandon her . and her own extra-vagance and org ies reduced bur lower and lower,lie: beaut y at ' length also faded , and she wasobli ged to becuti.e a seller of oranges and oys-ters. She subsujiientiy became a dealer inMoul i rv in the market , and so continued up to herdeath— Cnnxli/ntiij iincl.

A great public nvj etiug is being held in Dublin( ¦> protest against the abolition of the office ofViceroy.

The Xistio snl MIK I P.-.tr iutic insurance Compa*ni t s arc sufferers, by the late lire at Mr. Hur-lon 's, to the amount of .£-0,000.

- -¦¦¦¦ r— —^ ^ ^ *

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