Grupo Av. Javier Prado Este1066 Urb. Corpac - 15036 Perú 224·2224 / 224·2226 Outpatient consultation Our medical staff has been exclusively trained to provide you with the best service and treatment, therefore, you will receive our mulple outpaent services for only S/ 65 including IGV. Also, if required, you can access the following diagnosc support services: Magnetic resonator multi-slice spiral CAT scan Spiral mammogram Digital X-ray Linear accelerator Outpatient surgery Cineangiography Lithotripsy Endoscopies Laboratory Nuclear medicine The waing period is 30 days from the effecve date to be able to use the benefit. In outpaent consultaon, the coverage for pre-exisng condions will be 80% or 90%, depending on your age range. Outpatient care coverage Up to 90%, according to age range* Up to S/1'000,000** Higher annual profit per person Emergencies We have a team of professionals, adequate medical instruments and facilities implemented and prepared to act in any situation that puts your life at risk. Therefore, we put at your disposal adult emergency, pediatric emergency and gynecological-obstetric emergency services; as well as the trauma shock and chest pain unit. The coverage for our members is 100% with no copayment in accidental emergencies, as long as care is exclusively given in the emergency service and within 48 hours after it occurred. In case of traffic accidents, after the SOAT coverage ends up to 5 UIT, PlanSalud will grant coverage according to age range. Hospitalization Pharmacy Thinking of your peace of mind, we offer 2 pharmaceucal establishments where you can buy medicines with 80% or 90% coverage, depending on your age range. Maternity Normal, mulple, and cesarean delivery care, including complicaons in pregnancy for only S/ 650 incl. IGV, plus a 10% copayment. Pay only S/ 65 including IGV for pre and postnatal consultaons. Benefit subject to a 12-month waing period. Special benefits We offer coverage of 90% or 80% for outpaent care, and emergency, as appropriate (leer of guarantee is required): § Pre-exisng condions covered at 50% in surgeries, hospitalizaon, and surgical procedures § Treatment for acquired immune deficiency syndrome § Treatments and surgeries for jaw problems § Accidents as a consequence of extreme sports § Prematurity and all related condions § Others *Hospitalizaon services or procedures that require a leer of guarantee will be covered at 50%. PlanSalud offers coverage for a maximum annual amount of S/ 6,000 in some prosthesis and implants established in the contract and menoned below: § Traumatology: Prosthesis, implants, and other supplies § Bars or nails for intramedullary fixaon § External or internal fixaon systems § Plates and screws § Angle plates § Special plates § Special screws: interference, pedicular § Prosthesis and implants § Hip prosthesis § Elbow prosthesis § Finger prosthesis § Shoulder prosthesis § Wrist prosthesis § Knee prosthesis § Ankle prosthesis § Implant for intervertebral fixaon § Implant for intralaminar spinal fixaon § Intervertebral disc substute § Rib clip § Bone or tendon gras § Spacers: spine, hip, knee § Anchors § Titanium meshes § Pins for carlaginous repair * This benefit is subject to a 12-consecuve months waing period and a copayment of 10% or 20% depending on the age range. Plaorm of PlanSalud Monday to friday, 8:00 to 20:00 hr Saturday, 8:00 to 13:00 hr Openinig hours Annual medical checkup benefit Annual medical checkup preventive program TEST KIDS WOMEN 18 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 60 Examination of devices and systems Weight, height BMI Blood pressure Electrocardiogram Medical evaluation Anamnesis, risk assessment and health education (obesity, tobacco, alcohol) Hemoglobin / hematocrit Total cholesterol Triglycerides Glycemia Prostatic antigen Electrocardiogram Diagnosis support Bilateral mammogram Gynecological evaluation Breast exam Pap smear every 2 years every year Fundus dilatation Ophthalmological evaluation Visual acuity Rule out of glaucoma MEN 18 to 39 40 to 49 50 to 65 >65 > 60 every year Plansalud aims to spread an authenc health culture that promotes the prevenon of diseases. For this reason, you can access your annual medical check-up aer the 30- day waing period, paying a deducble of S/ 65 including IGV. *** S M TWT F S 12 3 6 9 *From 70 years old, the coverage will be 80%. ** From 70 years old, the annual benefit will be S/500,000. *** The payment of the indicated deducble will be valid for tests specified in the Annual Medical Check-up table. If you need addional exams, you must manage your care under the benefits of external consultaon. (1) The percentage of expenses to be paid will be calculated based on the rate defined in the PlanSalud contract (rate C). NOTE: All the prices of our services include VAT and are provided only at the main headquarters PlanSalud: Start preventing today PlanSalud Membership without age limit FPS-17122021 Cost and monthly fees The cost to register in PlanSalud is S/ 50 and the monthly fee will depend on the age of the member. If you make the early payment of the total annual cost of the program, you will be exempted from the payment of fee 12. This benefit is extensive at the me of renewal. Always thinking of your greatest comfort, PlanSalud puts at your disposal various payment channels: Automac debit: § Fill the form at the health modules of PlanSalud to authorize the automac debit of your card. § PlanSalud customer-service plaorm You can pay in our PlanSalud informaon booths on the second floor of the admission center of Clinica Ricardo Palma or on the first floor of Tower B. § Affiliated banks (payment over the counter or online) BBVA Banco Connental; Banco de Credito BCP; Interbank; Scoabank § We accept all credit or debit cards Visa; Mastercard; Diners Club; American Express; Cencosud; CMR Payment methods Dental evaluation Odontogram Oncological diseases Our members will receive outpatient services, hospitalization, and emergency services, obtaining special coverage for specific medicines. It should be noted that cancer coverage and oncological benefits are subject to a 12-month waiting period crp.com.pe To make your medical stay as pleasant as possible, we offer a comfortable recovery in our hospitalizaon area, which has more than 200 beds. Also, focused on guaranteeing the safest procedures, we have 6 operang rooms, 2 recovery rooms, and 2 intensive care units (adult and neonatal). Our members will pay a fixed deducble of S/650 including IGV and 10% or 20% of the expenses incurred by hospitalizaon depending on the age range in both hospitalizaon and outpaent surgery. The surgery benefit is subject to a waing period of 12 months, except for annex B3 and B8 of the contract. Fee in soles* Age range Bellow 18 From 18 to 35 From 36 to 40 From 41 to 45 From 46 to 50 From 51 to 55 From 56 to 60 From 61 to 65 From 66 to 69 * Fees include IGV. > 70 S/ 115 S/ 145 S/ 165 S/ 200 S/ 220 S/ 260 S/ 355 S/ 470 S/ 590 S/ 695 250 offices and more than 400 doctors at your disposal

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Av. Javier Prado Este1066Urb. Corpac - 15036 Perú224·2224 / 224·2226

Outpatient consultationOur medical staff has been exclusively trained to provide you with the best service and treatment, therefore, you will receive our mul�ple outpa�ent services for only S/ 65 including IGV. Also, if required, you can access the following diagnos�c support services:

Magnetic resonatormulti-slice spiral CAT scanSpiral mammogramDigital X-rayLinear acceleratorOutpatient surgeryCineangiographyLithotripsyEndoscopiesLaboratoryNuclear medicine

The wai�ng period is 30 days from the effec�ve date to be able to use the benefit.

In outpa�ent consulta�on, the coverage for pre-exis�ng condi�ons will be 80% or 90%, depending on your age range.

Outpatient carecoverageUp to 90%, according to age range* Up to S/1'000,000**

Higher annualprofit per person

EmergenciesWe have a team of professionals, adequate medica l inst ruments and fac i l i t ies implemented and prepared to act in any situation that puts your life at risk. Therefore, we put at your disposal adult emergency, pediatric emergency and gynecolog ica l -obstetr ic emergency services; as well as the trauma shock and chest pain unit.

The coverage for our members is 100% with no copayment in accidental emergencies, as long as care is exclusively given in the emergency service and within 48 hours after it occurred.

In case of traffic accidents, after the SOAT coverage ends up to 5 UIT, PlanSalud will grant coverage according to age range.


PharmacyThinking of your peace of mind, we offer 2 pharmaceu�cal establishments where you can buy medicines with 80% or 90% coverage, depending on your age range.

MaternityNormal, mul�ple, and cesarean delivery care, including complica�ons in pregnancy for only S/ 650 incl. IGV, plus a 10% copayment. Pay only S/ 65 including IGV for pre and postnatal consulta�ons.

Benefit subject to a 12-month wai�ng period.

Special benefitsWe offer coverage of 90% or 80% for outpa�ent care, and emergency, as appropriate (le�er of guarantee is required):§ Pre-exis�ng condi�ons covered at 50% in surgeries, hospitaliza�on, and

surgical procedures§ Treatment for acquired immune deficiency syndrome§ Treatments and surgeries for jaw problems§ Accidents as a consequence of extreme sports§ Prematurity and all related condi�ons§ Others

*Hospitaliza�on services or procedures that require a le�er of guarantee will be covered at 50%.

PlanSalud offers coverage for a maximum annual amount of S/ 6,000 in some prosthesis and implants established in the contract and men�oned below:

§ Traumatology: Prosthesis, implants, and other supplies§ Bars or nails for intramedullary fixa�on§ External or internal fixa�on systems§ Plates and screws§ Angle plates§ Special plates§ Special screws: interference, pedicular

§ Prosthesis and implants§ Hip prosthesis§ Elbow prosthesis§ Finger prosthesis§ Shoulder prosthesis§ Wrist prosthesis§ Knee prosthesis§ Ankle prosthesis§ Implant for intervertebral fixa�on§ Implant for intralaminar spinal fixa�on§ Intervertebral disc subs�tute§ Rib clip

§ Bone or tendon gra�s§ Spacers: spine, hip, knee§ Anchors§ Titanium meshes§ Pins for car�laginous repair

* This benefit is subject to a 12-consecu�ve months wai�ng period and a copayment of 10% or 20% depending on the age range.

Pla�orm of PlanSaludMonday to friday, 8:00 to 20:00 hr

Saturday, 8:00 to 13:00 hr

Openinig hours

Annual medical checkup benefit

Annual medical checkup preventive program



18 to 39

40 to 49

50 to 60

Examination of devices and systems

Weight, height BMI

Blood pressure


Medical evaluationAnamnesis, risk assessment and health education (obesity, tobacco, alcohol)

Hemoglobin / hematocrit

Total cholesterol



Prostatic antigen


Diagnosis support

Bilateral mammogram

Gynecological evaluation

Breast exam

Pap smearevery

2 yearseveryyear

Fundus dilatation

Ophthalmological evaluationVisual acuity

Rule out of glaucoma


18 to 39

40 to 49

50 to 65

>65> 60


Plansalud aims to spread an authen�c health culture that promotes the preven�on of diseases. For this reason, you can access your annual medical check-up a�er the 30-day wai�ng period, paying a deduc�ble of S/ 65 including IGV. ***






*From 70 years old, the coverage will be 80%.** From 70 years old, the annual benefit will be S/500,000.*** The payment of the indicated deduc�ble will be valid for tests specified in the Annual Medical Check-up table. If you need addi�onal exams, you must manage your care under the benefits of external consulta�on.(1) The percentage of expenses to be paid will be calculated based on the rate defined in the PlanSalud contract (rate C).NOTE: All the prices of our services include VAT and are provided only at the main headquarters



Membershipwithout age limit






Cost and monthly feesThe cost to register in PlanSalud is S/ 50 and the monthly fee will depend on the age of the member. If you make the early payment of the total annual cost of the program, you will be exempted from the payment of fee 12. This benefit is extensive at the �me of renewal.

Always thinking of your greatest comfort, PlanSalud puts at your disposal various payment channels:

Automa�c debit:§

Fill the form at the health modules of PlanSalud to authorize the automa�c debit of your card.

§ PlanSalud customer-service pla�ormYou can pay in our PlanSalud informa�on booths on the second floor of the admission center of Clinica Ricardo Palma or on the first floor of Tower B.

§ Affiliated banks (payment over the counter or online)BBVA Banco Con�nental; Banco de Credito BCP; Interbank; Sco�abank

§ We accept all credit or debit cardsVisa; Mastercard; Diners Club; American Express; Cencosud; CMR

Payment methods

Dental evaluationOdontogram

Oncological diseasesOur members will receive outpatient services, hospitalization, and emergency services, obtaining special coverage for specific medicines. It should be noted that cancer coverage and oncological benefits are subject to a 12-month waiting period


To make your medical stay as pleasant as possible, we offer a comfortable recovery in our hospitaliza�on area, which has more t h a n 2 0 0 b e d s . A l s o , f o c u s e d o n guaranteeing the safest procedures, we have 6 opera�ng rooms, 2 recovery rooms, and 2 intensive care units (adult and neonatal).

Our members will pay a fixed deduc�ble of S/650 including IGV and 10% or 20% of the expenses incurred by hospitaliza�on depending on the age range in both hospitaliza�on and outpa�ent surgery.

The surgery benefit is subject to a wai�ng period of 12 months, except for annex B3 and B8 of the contract.

Fee in soles*Age range

Bellow 18

From 18 to 35

From 36 to 40

From 41 to 45

From 46 to 50

From 51 to 55

From 56 to 60

From 61 to 65

From 66 to 69

* Fees include IGV.

> 70

S/ 115

S/ 145

S/ 165

S/ 200

S/ 220

S/ 260

S/ 355

S/ 470

S/ 590

S/ 695

250 offices and more than 400 doctors at

your disposal