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Best Masters in Finance

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« The financial crisis has taught us many lessons. Now more than ever, finance is a field which requires passion and commitment, but

also strong ethics and advanced technical skills. If you are looking at our program, there is a fair chance that you have a first training in either finance (business track) or math, economics, physics or engineering (accelerated track) and are now looking to acquire the extra set of skills that will provide a pathway to a successful career in finance. You may also be a young professional who is looking at our new MIF-MBA dual Degree. Many high-quality programs exist in Europe, so you are debating which one to choose.Finance and economics have always been essential components of HEC Paris’ DNA. Over the years, the MIF (MSc in International Finance) and the “Finance Major“ of our Master in Management have supplied major international investment banks with their largest contingent of European graduates. They also irrigated the French and European economies beyond the boundaries of Finance: our alumni have a strong toehold in fields as diverse as strategic consulting, top management of industrial firms or public policy making.There are many ways in which education at HEC Paris is different. Our approach is deeply rooted in the French tradition of strong analytics. We are looking for candidates who are strong quantitatively and we do our best to challenge them during the program. Another feature is our obsession with “tailor designing“ our programs to our students. The two different tracks, business and accelerated, allow us to leverage on pre-existing skills and knowledge to design the curriculum in a way that would be impossible in a “one size fits all“ regime. Finally, not only do we believe in giving our students strong theoretical grounding with courses taught by world class researchers, but also “hands on“ knowledge with courses taught by top practitioners working for, or at the head of, international banks, corporations and consulting firms. This unique combination is at the heart of the attractiveness of HEC Paris graduates for international recruiters.As we write this message, we have just finished recruiting students for the Class of 2016. We must say that we are quite excited by the profiles of the men and women that we met throughout the year, coming from all five continents. We have been deeply impressed by their academic, personal and often even professional achievements. We are proud that they chose HEC Paris as the next step in their successful career. We hope that you will want to come and join them: we are looking forward to meeting you soon! »


Alexei Ovtchinnikov, Associate Professor of Finance and Academic Director.

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Ferdinand Petra, Affiliate Professor of Finance and Executive Director in charge of placement and corporate relations.

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JoIn a leading business school in europe

HEC Paris is a leading business school in Europe, world renowned for the quality of its degrees, faculty and research. HEC Paris consistently achieves leading positions in numerous rankings and has been ranked #1 Business School in Europe seven out of nine years by the Financial Times. In France, the school tops all rankings established by French magazines and newspapers.

CommIt to ExCEllEnCEJoin an institution dedicated to selecting the highest potentials and guiding them all the way to professional success and personal thriving, thanks to a unique academic approach and an effective career roadmap.

a unIquE CulturEBenefit from our unique approach, based on small classes (max 50-60 students), our perfect balance between research-oriented professors and experienced professionals and the strong cooperative spirit that prevails among HEC students.

ExPErIEnCE dIvErSIty EvEry dayInteract with the 95 nationalities that live on campus and build your personal network on a global scale. living on the HEC campus is a unique opportunity to create lifelong connections with the future global leaders of tomorrow.

makE It to tHE toPour career department is here to help you define and achieve your professional goals, by providing you with the right tools, the right advice, and connecting you with recruiters throughout the year.

BE Part oF a GloBal CommunItyFounded in 1883, the HEC alumni association provides an efficient and international platform to share experiences, ideas and information, and facilitate entry into the professional world or career advancement. HEC alumni is organized around professional groups and 75 international chapters.

EnJoy tHE PowEr oF tHE HEC FoundatIonthanks to their 7,500 individual donors, their 42 partnerships with leading companies and their 17 professional chairs and centers, the HEC Foundation, a non-profit organization, contributes to the development policy of HEC Paris in the fields of research, financial assistance to students, and the development of innovative teaching material and technology.

4,400students enrolled

in degree programs

50,000alumni of

107 nationalities



#2 business school in europe

(2014 Financial Times general ranking of European Business schools)

#5 business school worldwide

(2013 Times Higher Education - alma mater index of Fortune 500 CEo’s)

#1pre-experience global masters in finance

(2015 Financial times”Pre-experience Global masters in Finance” ranking)

the HEC mIF is a partner program of:

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WHO TEACHES IN THE PrOGrAM?The quality of education is driven by the quality of professors. A distinguis-ting feature of education at HEC Paris is that half of course work is taught by researchers who are world experts in their field and the other half by practitioners. A. Ovtchinnikov, Associate Professor and Academic Director F. Petra, Affiliate Professor and Executive Director B. Allaz, Professor A. Apffel (HEC 1991), founder and Managing Director, Perennium S. Bedrossian, Investment Director, Bpifrance A. Benos, Director, Group risk Control and Architecture, National

Bank of Greece J-C. Bertrand, Head of Multi Asset, HSBC Global Asset Management l. E. Calvet, Professor v. Capkun, Associate Professor F. Ceddaha, Affiliate Professor N. Columelli, Consultante, Finance Training T. Foucault, Professor A. T. Goh, Associate Professor u.Hege, Professor l. Henry, Head of Foreign Exchange Structuring Paris P. legland, Global Head of research and a member of the Global Execu-

tive Committee, Société Générale O. levyne, Director, CA-CIB (M&A) Nicoals Naillon, vice President, Healthcare team, Deutsche Bank J. Olivier, Professor P. quiry, Affiliate Professor I. rosu, Associate Professor ...

world-class faculty, successful professIonals

WOrlD-ClASS FACulTYHEC Paris has 136 full-time professors, including 105 research professors all of them holding PhDs from the world’s leading research universities such as Harvard, McGill, MIT, Princeton, Stanford, uClA, Wharton, Yale, INSEAD... 64% are non-French and are of 29 different nationalities.

SuCCESSFul PrOFESSIONAlSIn addition, there are 100 permanent affiliate professors, who are generally prominent members of the business community.HEC programs also benefit from the close ties that have been developed with the business community over the years: skills seminars, consultancy projects with leading firms, business games, case competitions, etc.

rESEArCH, THE ESSENCE OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCEHEC Paris’ faculty is dedicated to pushing the frontier of knowledge by actively engaging in research, regular publications in top academic journals with an international audience, and also through active participation in international academic conferences. To promote the abundance and variety of HEC publications, the school has recently launched a dedicated website named knowledge@HEC that gives everyone access to the research published by HEC professors. Moreover, HEC Paris has specialized research units focusing on entrepreneurship (Entrepreneurship Center and Center for Digital Studies), International Matters (the Europe Institute) and other themes such as The Finance Club, The Alternative Management Observatory and The ‘Society and Organizations’ research Center.

full-time faculty

136 64%



6 InternatIonal fInance InternatIonal fInance 7

ulrich Hege, Professor, HEC Paris, teaches core finance courses

50%of course work is taught by researchers

50%of course work is taught by practitioners

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connect wIth future international leaders


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SOME INSTITuTIONS OF OrIGIN (MIF 2014-2015)europe/middle east: American university of Beirut, lebanon Bocconi university, Italy école Polytechnique, France écoles Centrales de lille et Nantes, France ETH Zurich, Switzerland Imperial College london, uk katholieke universiteit leuven, Belgium lomonosov Moscow State university, russia london School of Economics, uk Politecnico di Milano, Italy Supélec, France Technical university of Madrid, Spain Tel Aviv university, Israel university of Cambridge, uk university of Mannheim, Germany university of St.Gallen, Switzerland Warsaw School of Economics, Poland ...

america: McGill university, Canada Northwestern university, uSA university of British Columbia, Canada university of Pennsylvania, uSA Yale university, uSA ...

asia: Indian Institutes of Technology (Bombay, Madras), India National university of Singapore (NuS), Singapore Peking university, China The university of Hong kong, China Tsinghua university, China ...

median gmat score:

710(class of 2015)

›85%of international


~30%of women

« I think that choosing to go into this Master pro-gram has been one of the best decisions I have

ever made. I look back on this year and I realize just how much I have grown, not only in a professional and academic level, but also personally. The program is very well or-ganized so to ensure that you receive valuable insights into the world of finance, by the hand of excellent professors and practitioners while being surrounded by top-level students. Another of the highlights of the program is the expo-sure you get to companies and the exit opportunities MIF has to offer are beyond compare. »

anna brossa xicoy (Class of 2014),

IBD Analyst at JPMorgan Chase

average age:



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GENErAl OvErvIEWOur program aims to fulfill two objectives within a short period of time: lay the necessary foundations for any career in finance and provide in-depth knowledge in each student’s field of specialization. We achieve this goal by leveraging on the specific knowledge and experience students have acquired before joining HEC Paris: business track students: have already taken at least introductory level

courses in financial accounting, corporate finance, financial markets, derivatives and statistics in a Tier-1 international business school or university. They frequently have had first internships in banking or consulting and are looking for an advanced set of tools to jump-start their career.

accelerated track students: have received first class education in a highly quantitative field (maths, physics, engineering, econometrics...) and wish to switch their field to finance. They may or may not have taken some courses in finance and they may or may not have had a first internship in banking or consulting.

Business and accelerated tracks mainly differ in courses taught during the Fall term. Business track students follow the same courses as the “Majeure Finance” students of the HEC Master in Management program, starting all courses at an advanced level and getting a first opportunity to specialize through “block electives”. Accelerated track students start all finance courses at an introductory level. However, they go through an intensive Fall term where courses are taught making full use of their strong quantitative skills. business track and accelerated track students have access to the same pool of electives in the spring term and have the same career opportunities at the end of the program.

a wealth of assets


90ects credits

100%in english

10 InternatIonal fInance InternatIonal fInance 11

« The MIF program has a strong focus

on acquiring pragmatic knowledge. For this reason, there is a wide variety of group-based case studies which stand as excellent preparation for interviews and real-life work. Further to this, there is plenty of careers support available too; this is true both from careers advisors provided through the school as well as personnel from within the program itself. These sources of career advice proved invaluable in my job search and the exceptional placement record achieved this year is truly testament to the added value of the program. »

roscoe sun, MIF class of 2015 (Bachelor degree from london School of Economics)

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September JuneJanuary April

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COrE COurSES AND BlOCk ElECTIvESin business track (210 hours): Asset Management Asset Pricing Theory Corporate Finance Theory Derivatives Empirical Methods for Finance Ethics Seminar Financial Dimensions of Strategic

Decisions Financial Modeling Financial regulation Financial Statement Analysis

refresher Fixed Income Fx Derivatives Trading International Finance Mergers and Acquisitions Security Markets: Mechanisms,

liquidity and Investment Decisions Soft Skills Seminar valuation refresher.

in accelerated track (250 hours): Accounts and Financial Statement

Analysis Asset Pricing Theory Corporate Finance Empirical Methods for Finance Ethics Seminar Financial regulation Fixed income and derivatives

Fx Derivatives trading International Macroeconomics Introduction to Finance Mergers and Acquisitions Security Markets:

Mechanisms, liquidity and Investment Decisions

Soft Skills Seminar Structured Finance Taxation.

ElECTIvES(130-160 hours) Advanced Asset Pricing Advanced Financial Statement

Analysis Alternative Investments Bond Portfolio Management Credit Crisis: Historical and

Technical Analysis Debt restructuring Distressed Firms and

Credit risk Due Diligence Energy and Finance Energy Trading Equity Capital Markets Ethics: Financial Analysts and

Portfolio Managers Financial Dimensions of Strategic

Decisions (accelerated track) Financial Engineering and


Financial Institutions and Corporate Strategy

Financial Modeling (accelerated track)

Financing Decisions of Firms Fixed Income - Emerging Markets lBO Structuring and Modeling legal and Contractual Issues in

Corporate Finance Macroeconomics of Crisis

Economics Modeling Techniques for Financial

Engineering Models of volatility Numerical Analysis Origination of Structured Products Probability and Stochastic

Processes quantitative Asset Management quantitative Strategic Management Strategies for International

Expansion Structured Finance (business track) Sustainable and responsible

Investing Topics in valuation.

All electives listed beside are taught in English. A few additional electives taught in French are also available.10-15% of electives are renewed every year.

lONDON STuDY TrIPAt the beginning of the year, students have the opportunity to go on a study trip to london. The trip will offer to students plenty of networking opportunities, conferences and group building. Many networking events are organised with the HEC Alumni uk - one of the most important in the world, with numerous active members working in the City.The previous london study trip included company events with: BNP Paribas Société Générale Deutsche Bank Crédit Suisse Barclays Goldman Sachs.

MIF SPECIFIC CArEEr EvENTS First week of classes solely devoted

to job market training classes (Cv workshop, assessment center workshop, case study workshop, ...)

bank presentations on campus throughout September and October (twice a week).


MIF students must write a professional thesis and fulfill a professional experience requirement in order to graduate.The professional thesis may either be written while on campus or during the internship under the joint supervision of a professional and an HEC faculty member. It constitutes an important component of the HEC MIF learning experience. The objective of the thesis is to explore how cutting-edge research is being implemented in the daily practice of finance in a highly competitive environment.

PrOFESSIONAl ExPErIENCE The professional experience requirement is satisfied when the student completes a professional experience of at least 4 months in fields related to their coursework at HEC Paris. It is, however, important to stress that this professional experience may not be an internship per se. Our policy at HEC Paris is that the best type of internship is a full-time job! We strongly encourage our students to look for permanent hiring as soon as the academic year starts.




Please, consult our website for updates

MIF students are required to speak at least one language other than English at intermediate level upon graduation. Thus students who speak only English and no other language are strongly encouraged to attend either the HEC Paris French School or French language classes offered during the year.

lEArN FrENCH AT HEC PArISStudents do not need to speak French to enroll in the program as all core courses and most electives are offered in English. However, some knowledge of French can be useful to enjoy the full HEC experience, become professionally bicultural and optimize networking with French students and alumni.

hec paris french school:During their studies, students may also register for a two week French language course (TEF certificate – all levels) in August. This is an exceptional opportunity to learn French before joining the Campus. Extra fees are applicables.



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ENErGY & FINANCE chaired by deloitte and société généraleInvestment decisions have become more and more complex with the discovery that most current forms of energy have a negative climatic impact. This reality requires corporations to deeply rethink their business models and governments to adopt visionary policies. The Energy & Finance Certificate is an exceptional opportunity for participants to confront the issues in this sector, and acquire the knowledge and analytical skills that will help them make informed decisions as important contributors to the current industrial revolution.

DIGITAl INNOvATION FOr BuSINESSchaired by free, priceminister and vente-privee.comThe Certificate provides HEC students with the opportunity to embrace e-business through an entrepreneurial approach. They will explore the various ways digital technologies enhance innovation through new business models, e-commerce, digital communication, collaborative marketing, funding of new ventures, etc.

DIGITAl TrANSFOrMATION chaired by axaAll large organizations deal with a major strategic issue: adapting and embracing the digital economy. The digital Transformation certificate aims at giving HEC students the tools to take advantage of this huge career opportunity, training them to become tomorrow’s consultants and managers of the Digital Economy. This certificate will immerse students in the various aspects of digital transformation through lectures, testimonials from top managers from diverse companies, and several projects developed thanks to a close relationship with large leading companies, as well as the collaboration of key consulting companies.

luxurY chaired by kering (gucci, yves saint laurent, alexander mcQueen, balenciaga, stella mccartney, sergio rossi, boucheron...)The luxury Certificate is a business oriented program, seeking to provide future managers with an in-depth understanding of the unique rules for the effective management of luxury brands and companies. In the context of modern conceptual and managerial confusion regarding the luxury market, participants will revisit the essence of luxury, and, through rigorous analysis, will assess its managerial challenges. The luxury certificate will challenge the participants’ marketing knowledge by setting out the often paradoxical rules for success, such as “break the rules of marketing to build luxury brands” (kapferer and Bastien 2009).

SOCIAl BuSINESS chaired by danone, schneider electric and renaultThe aim of the Social Business Certificate is to train students in the innovative business approaches that reduce poverty by offering new economic models for both developed and developing countries, and investigating new methods of co-creation and distribution of wealth.

INNOvATION MANAGEMENT IN AvIATION & AErOSPACE chaired by safranThe general objective of the course is to provide participants with a set of skills and instruments to manage firms in high technology sectors and to understand the industry dynamics in these sectors. To this end, the course introduces conceptual frameworks based on cutting-edge research in economics, strategy and technology management.

lEADErSHIPchaired by pernod ricardThe objectives of the leadership Certificate is to help students find their leadership identity and test their skills across cultures under the ‘savoir-relier’ protocol. Students will challenge and experience strategic leadership from a Personal, Interpersonal, Organizational and Social perspective.

MErGErS & ACquISITIONSPositions in Mergers and Acquisitions are among the leading job opportunities for HEC graduates. The M&A certificate will bring students a multidisciplinary understanding of the sector (finance, strategy, legal, tax, Hr…), which will help them make a difference in their career, as they will have both a clearer view of the ‘global picture’ behind financial operations and a deeper understanding of these financial operations.

ADvANCED MANAGEMENTThis certificate makes it possible for students to choose several advanced courses among the following electives: Communication, Culture and leadership Country risk Analysis: Emerging Asia Geopolitical Analysis Global Financial Services Intellectual Capital, Intangible Assets and link With Sustainable Development International Financial Management Performing in Organizations Strategy and Sustainable Development Sustainable Procurement value Proposition, Business Models & Business Plan.

9 certificates to enhance your expertIse

~100contact hours

15ects credits

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double and dual degree programs

16 InternatIonal fInance

TSINGHuA SEM MASTEr IN FINANCEThis 2-year double degree program was created in Fall 2012 in collaboration with the School of Economics and Management of the premier Chinese university, Tsinghua university. HEC students who want to join the double degree program need to apply during the Spring term of the HEC MIF. Pre-selection will be made on the basis of academic results in the Fall term and final decisions will be made on the basis of an interview with Tsinghua SEM Faculty members. Selected students will join the Tsinghua SEM Master in Finance for a second year of study and receive the two degrees of HEC MIF and Tsinghua SEM Master in Finance.The double degree program with Tsinghua SEM is the opportunity to combine strong academic training in Finance offered by leading programs with an unique cross-cultural experience.

GlOBAl rEAl ESTATE MASTEr (GrEM)The Global real Estate Master (GrEM) is designed for students seeking a career in the high-risk and high-reward field of international real estate. HEC students who want to join the double degree program need to apply during the Spring term of the HEC MIF. GrEM students spend a third semester at the university of Wisconsin (GrEM semester) after having attended the "regular" MIF curriculum and done a summer internship.GrEM Partner programs are: HEC Paris in Europe Hong kong university of Science and Technology in Asia INCAE in South America university of Wisconsin in North America.Students still need to complete the same thesis requirements as "regular" MIF students to graduate.The two-phase GrEM program thus combines the best-in-class instruction in finance at HEC Paris with training in the principles of international real estate during a capstone semester at Wisconsin.The GrEM semester includes: 16 weeks of intensive instruction in real estate valuation, development and

investment One or more field trips to a major u.S. real estate market Interactive professional development opportunities both in and out of the


The university of Wisconsin’s Department of real Estate and urban land Economics is consistently ranked as one of the top three real estate programs in the united States by u.S. News & World report. At the end of the program, students receive two master degrees, HEC MIF and GrEM, and join the alumni networks of HEC Paris and the university of Wisconsin.

HEC MBA-MIF DuAl DEGrEEThe Dual Degree program has been designed to maximize synergies between MBA and MIF.Over the course of the 20-month Dual Degree program, students will attend both MBA and MIF courses; the exact courses will differ from student to student as they tailor their program to fit their professional aspirations and experience.The key features of the MBA/MIF dual degree are: The core courses phase runs

from September to April of the first year, with the first semester of courses focusing on Finance so as to optimize students’ preparation for job interviews and the second semester covering MBA core courses in other fields of management.

The first semester of the second year allows students to specialize in Strategy, Entrepreneurship or General Management with the HEC Paris MBA or one of our international partners.

The last semester of the program gives dual degree students full access to the HEC MIF electives.

Ioanid rosu, Associate Professor, HEC Paris

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close tIes wIth the business world

THE CArEEr DEPArTMENT AT YOur SErvICElocated at the heart of the school, the career department strives to providing the best possible placement and business opportunities to all of our students. To do so, we have designed a 6-step career roadmap, which aims at helping our students explore their options, understand the job market and their personal priorities, and give them all the tools to achieve their goals.On top of that, we also provide our students with up-to-date job & internship opportunities, and organize many events throughout the year: company presentations, seminars, conferences, round tables, mock interviews with recruiters, career fairs…

A FEW ExAMPlE OF CArEEr EvENTS: Finance Career Fair (in October) legal & Fiscal Career Fair (in October) Consulting Career Fair (in November) Alumni Career Fair (in January) General Career Fair: Carrefours HEC (in January) luxembourg Career Fair (in February) Social & Sustainable Business Career Fair (in February)

Finally, HEC also connects the students with inspiring alumni, not only through a dedicated Alumni Fair in January, but also within the frame of a mentoring program.

ENTrEPrENEurSHIP AT HEC PArISHEC offers a vibrant environment for would-be and young entrepreneurs, including weekly events and talks, world-class challenges, a dedicated entrepreneurial lab on campus and co-working spaces in Paris. Many students develop exciting ideas for new businesses before, during and after their time at HEC Paris. The HEC Incubator helps participants manage the start-up risks that setting up a new firm might entail, so that they can pursue their ambitions with greater ambition. The Incubator program involves workshops and active mentoring from the Faculty and Alumni, and includes a Social Entrepreneurship Track. It is supported by a three-step pre-incubation phase: throughout the ‘Introducing Entrepreneurship’, ‘Sandbox’ and ‘Springboard’ steps, participants can gather constructive feedbacks on their ideas before deciding whether to submit them for full Incubator selection.

SEvENTEEN CHAIrS AND CENTErS Strongly backed by leading firms, they ensure that the content of our courses are both in line with the latest research and the needs of today’s recruiters.

22,000job/internship opportunities

(posted by companies on the intranet every year)


companies recruit on campus every year

17 chairs and


ExAMPlES OF COMPANIES ATTENDING INTErNATIONAl FINANCE AND CONSulTING CArEEr FAIrS: Accuracy Accenture Arthur D. little AT kearney Axa Bain & Company Barclays Capital Bearingpoint Beijaflore Blackstone BNP Paribas Citi Crédit Suisse CSC Deloitte Deutsche Bank Ernst & Young Exane Goldman Sachs HSBC Jefferies JP Morgan kPMG lazard lek Consulting Mckinsey & Company Merril lynch Bank of America Morgan Stanley Nomura International Oliver Wyman PwC roland Berger Strategy

Consultants rothschild Schlumberger Business Consulting Société Générale The Boston Consulting Group uBS ...

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career opportunities

THE MOST POPulAr JOB OPPOrTuNITIES FOr YOuNG MIF GrADuATES Asset Management Equity research M&A and Private Equity Sales Strategic Consulting Structured Finance Structuring Trading.


post-msc international finance job functions:

20 InternatIonal fInance

100%found employment

within 3 months1

after course completion

63%received between

2 and 5 job offers1

after their graduation

salary after 3 years2:






(1) Annual employment surveys carried out 2014 graduates.

(2) results of the 2014 Financial Times independent survey of pre-experience HEC MIF alumni 3 years after graduation

13%FrANCE 5%





post-msc international finance job location:



COuNTrIES(Germany, Switzerland,

russia, etc.)

TOP rECruITING COMPANIES Arthur D. little Bain & Company Bank of America Merril lynch Barclays Capital Blackrock BNP Paribas Boston Consulting Group Credit Suisse Deutsche Bank Goldman Sachs HSBC

J.P. Morgan Mckinsey & Company Morgan Stanley PwC roland Berger Strategy

Consultants rothschild royal Bank of Scotland Société Générale uBS...

« HEC Paris is well-reputed for being one

of the leading business schools focused in Finance. One of the greatest strengths of the degree was the opportunity to meet many like-minded and ambitious individuals all at once.There are many alumni from the 2012 MIF class who still meet up on a monthly basis. Most of us are working in a spread of banks in london. last year we organized a class reunion in london with classmates flying in from all over Europe to meet in london. Some even flew from as far away as Toronto! »

SOME rECENT AluMNI: WHErE ArE THEY NOW? Makram Abou Fakhreddin (2013 graduate), Financial Engineering

Analyst, merrill lynch, uk (london) Philipp Eska (2013 graduate), Consultant, mckinsey & company,

Germany Andre Hillenbrand (2013 graduate), Investment Banking Analyst,

deutsche bank, uk (london) Ankit kankaria (2013 graduate), Trading Analyst (Structured Credit),

deutsche bank, uk François Crucifix (2011 graduate), Equity Derivatives Trading -

Associate Director, ubs investment bank, uk (london) vladut Nechifor (2013 graduate), Analyst, jp morgan, uk (london) Jessyn katchera (2009 graduate), Consultant, The boston consulting

group Anna Brossa xicoy (2014 graduate), Investment Banking Analyst,

jp morgan chase & co, uk (london) Marcelo Alencar Preto (2014 graduate), Equity research Analyst,

credit suisse, uk (london) Igors Pašuks (2014 graduate), Investment Banking Analyst, rbc capital

markets, uk (london) Ingrid rolland (2014 graduate), Analyst, blackrock, uk (london) Stanislav Safonov (2013 graduate), Analyst, deutsche bank, uk

(london) Maximilian Thiele (2012 graduate), Analyst, greenhill & co., Germany

(Frankfurt) Alexander Schober (2014 graduate), Private Equity Analyst,

goldman sachs, uk (london)

veralene tan (Class of 2012), Investment Banking Analyst, rBC Capital Markets

InternatIonal fInance 21

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340 acre wooded



clubs and associations

95 nationalities

on campus

the caMpus: a place to live and learn

located close to Paris (20 km) and versailles, the HEC campus is one of the largest in europe. It is also 20 km from ‘La Défense’, the largest European business districts housing the headquarters of many multinational companies. These companies interact with HEC Paris both as partners and as potential recruiters.

COMMuNITY lIFEHEC Paris considers community life as one of the cornerstones of its education. It develops a sense of responsibility, boldness and an enterprising mind. The ‘Campus life Office’ allows all students to create their own association within one week. Since its creation in January 2014, it has already enabled the launch of the International Entrepreneurship Club and the Model uN Club, which complement the 130 clubs and associations on campus (sports, culture, professional activities, humanitarian aid, public affairs…). Students plan social events, sports tournaments, concerts and plays; they invite politicians and business vIPs to speak and debate on current affairs; they help people in need throughout the world; they welcome foreign students…

INTErNATIONAl SOCIETYHEC IS is a student-run association aimed at bringing all students together through events such as the welcome week, ‘Discover France’ weekends and various on-campus activities.

HEC STuDENTS’ uNIONThe union is run by a team of students who are elected annually. Its many responsibilities include welcoming incoming students, organizing concerts, theater productions and other social events such as the famous HEC Paris parties and the annual HEC Gala. It also publishes the campus magazine and coordinates the activities of the other clubs.

HEC PArIS SPOrTS CluBS AND COMPETITIONSHEC Paris has excellent indoor and outdoor facilities on campus, including: a multipurpose gymnasium, an indoor mountain climbing wall, a weight

training room and facilities for aerobics, fencing and martial arts 10,000 m2 of outdoor fields including tennis courts, an athletics track and

two rugby/football pitches.The Sports Office is managed by a permanent staff of 25 qualified professionals and coaches who teach the various sports offered. Each sport has its own club, run by students in collaboration with the Sports Office.The HEC Paris teams compete with other universities in all sports, such as the Business School ‘Coupe de France’ competition, the World Business School rugby Tournament, and ‘Les Mercuriales’.

22 InternatIonal fInance

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information and application:www.hec.edu/Masters-programs

connect with our team:[email protected].: +33 (0) 1 39 67 70 88

+33 (0) 1 39 67 73 52 +33 (0) 1 39 67 95 40 +33 (0) 1 39 67 96 95

Fax: +33 (0) 1 39 67 73 04

social networks:twitter.com/hecparismasterswww.linkedin.com/company/ hec-paris-master’s-programswww.facebook.com/HEC

hec paris program portfolio: Grande école Master’s Programs:

Master in Management (MiM), Master in Management & Public Affairs (MPA), Master in Management & Business law (MBl)

One year MSc/MS programs MBA Program

(including a MIF-MBA dual Degree) PhD Program Executive Education Programs: TrIuM

Global Executive MBA, Executive MBA, Executive Masters Programs, Open-En-rollment Programs, Custom Programs and Coaching

Summer School Programs.