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Page 1: Brochure 11x8.5 TriFold 1OUTSIDE CS...8qlrq vkdusvkrrwhuv $iwhu frpplwwlqj wkuhh uhjlphqwv wr edwwoh lq hljkw ixwloh dwwdfnv wkh &rqihghudwhv sxoohg edfn dqg furvvhg wkh *uhhq 5lyhu

Union sharpshooters. After committing three regiments to battle in eight futile attacks, the Confederates pulled back and crossed the Green River at fords down river. Morgan suffered severe losses in both officers and men. Confederate Major J.B. McCreary said, “The commencement of this raid is ominous.”

AA stop at the visitor center at Green River Lake Park is helpful. Request a key to the Atkinson-Griffin House which was used as a Confederate Hospital after the battle. See a diorama of the battle, Civil War hospital exhibits, and blood stains in the upstairs bedroom.

Confederate General John Hunt Morgan’s great raid into Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio begins at Burkesville, Kentucky when 2,500 cavalrymen crossed the Cumberland River on July 2, 1863. After a small skirmish in Columbia, the men camped between Cane Valley and Tebbs Bend the night of July 3. Col. O.H. Moore, commandecommander of 230 men of the 25th Michigan, waited behind a defensive line which was constructed by Green River. Confederate Basil Duke said it was the strongest natural position he had ever seen.

After Morgan demanded surrender and was rebuffed, his artillery was taken out of action by

1. 25th Michigan Infantry Camp1A. Toll Gate House at Green River2. Union Hospital3. Green River Bridge Skirmish Site4. Union Field Hospital & Graves5. Green River Stockade6. Union Defensive Line6. Union Defensive Line - Where Col. D. W. Chenault Fell7. Union Rifle Pit; Rebel Attack - Confederate Flanking Attempt - Confederate Burial8. Morgan’s Demand for Surrender9. Site of House Captured by Rebels10. Confederate10. Confederate Artillery Position11. Confederate Cemetery12. Atkinson-Griffin House Original Site (Confederate Hospital 1863)13. Atkinson-Griffin House Museum at Green River Lake Visitor Center

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