Britt Kenley - [Guardians of the Gray Tower 7] - Guardian's Hope

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  • 8/18/2019 Britt Kenley - [Guardians of the Gray Tower 7] - Guardian's Hope


  • 8/18/2019 Britt Kenley - [Guardians of the Gray Tower 7] - Guardian's Hope



    Guardians of the Gray Tower 7 

    Guardian’s Hope 

    King Kelan has ordered his Guardians to assassinate Kalandra, theAngkeshi queen. Figuring their best chance of destroying thesorceress is in her private chambers, Sayer Wils must find the only

    person in Emryn who has been in them, a man named Breccan

    Sarris. Sayer enlists the aid of bartender Jagger Fin, who has anetwork of sources in Emryn’s criminal underbelly. 

    Since dragging himself from the gutter to make a good life forhimself, Jagger has had no interest in politics. Unfortunately, whenthe Guardians discover the son of his partner has been arrested,he must agree to help Sayer in exchange for Rolfo’s freedom. 

    As Sayer and Jagger begin their search, their need for one another

    erupts into something that neither has ever experienced before.

    When several attempts are made on their lives, the men realizehow deep their feelings have grown, and that their love may be

    the only hope they have to survive.

    Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Fantasy, Historical

    Length: 27,823 words 

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    Guardians of the Gray Tower 7

    Britt Kenley



    Siren Publishing, Inc.

  • 8/18/2019 Britt Kenley - [Guardians of the Gray Tower 7] - Guardian's Hope




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    GUARDIAN’S HOPE Copyright © 2012 by Britt KenleyE-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-496-3

    First E-book Publication: October 2012

    Cover design by Harris Channing 

    All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, includingelectronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, withoutexpress written permission.

    All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblanceto actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

    PUBLISHERSiren Publishing,

  • 8/18/2019 Britt Kenley - [Guardians of the Gray Tower 7] - Guardian's Hope



    Letter to Readers 

    Dear Readers,

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    Amanda Hilton,

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    GUARDIAN’S HOPE Guardians of the Gray Tower 7

    BRITT KENLEYCopyright © 2012


     In a medieval world very similar to our own lies the rich and

     prosperous kingdom of Emryn. Emryn is located in the FarNorth and

    is ruled by King Kelan the Wise. Enemies of the kingdom are many,

    but most threatening is the neighboring country of Angkesh, whose

    queen will stop at nothing to wrest control of Emryn for herself. The

    king and the rest of the royal family are guarded by an elite group of

     soldiers known as the Guardians of the Gray Tower. Called simply

    the Gray by the citizens of Emryn, it is their sworn duty to protect

    with their last breath the kingdom of Emryn and its royal family.

    Their strength is unyielding. Their loyalty is unquestioning. Their

    dedication unswerving.

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    Guardian’s Hope  9 

    The statement jogged Sayer’s memory. “I remember something.”

    Everyone turned to look at him. “A couple of years ago, I think it was.

    Some tale of a man who had escaped from Angkesh. He was an

    Emrynian who had wed an Angkeshi woman. He worked in the

     palace as a translator or some such. When his wife and child died, he

    tried to come home to Emryn, but the queen wouldn’t let him.” 

    Javan was slowly nodding his head. “Yes. You’re right. He was

    finally able to slip past the guards and make his way back to Emryn.

    What was his name?” He tapped his finger against his lips  for a

    moment. His eyes brightened. “Ah, yes, Sarris. Breccan Sarris. From

    what my spies told me, Kalandra valued his language skills greatly. Infact, I believe he is the one who taught her to speak Emrysh.” He

    frowned. “But he disappeared after his escape. Even my spies

    couldn’t figure out what happened to him.” 

    “Why would he go into hiding?” Rom asked. “After all, if he was

     back in Emryn, he would be safe from Kalandra.” 

    “Perhaps not. After all we’ve learned over the past few months,

    Kalandra has people everywhere,” Brax commented. 

    “From my understanding, Breccan translated very sensitive

    documents for the queen. She wouldn’t be happy that he was no

    longer under her control. I think he might have a good reason to

    disappear. Think of what he might know,” Javan added.

    “The question is, would this man be familiar with the queen’s

    quarters?” Sayer reminded everyone. 

    Rom looked at his bondmate. “Well?” 

    Javan sat for a few moments, obviously turning over all the

    information in his mind. Finally he said, “I think   it’s quite possible.

    I’d need to check with some of my spies in the palace to refresh my

    memory, but I do believe he just might be one who had access to that

    area. Supposedly he was one of the few non-Angkeshi who wasallowed on the third floor. I think he even lived in Tar Nesa toward

    the end of his time there.” 

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    “Not only could he be familiar with the third floor of the palace,

     but it sounds like he might know a way in and out. After all, he did

    manage to escape,” Lael Monchmart reminded everyone. 

    “Indeed. He could be our best hope for getting to Kalandra. The

    question then is, if he does have the information we need, how do we

    find this man who obviously doesn’t wish to be found?” Rom asked

    and quirked an eyebrow at the men.

    Sayer leaned forward to prop his elbows on the table, and his lips

    turned up in a small, knowing smile. “We ask the help of someone

    who has access to a network of informants and spies that not even

    Javan could hope to match.”Everyone looked at him, and the expressions on their faces ranged

    from amazement to skepticism. Javan looked insulted, and Rom just

    looked amused.

    “And who might that be?” Rom asked. 

    “Jagger Fin, of course.” Sayer gave them a smug smile.

    “Fin? From Madame Lingo’s?” Caid laughed. “He’s a bartender.

    What could he possibly find out?” 

    Brax’s eyes widened. “Jagger. Of course.” He looked at Caid.

    “Jagger Fin has connections to almost all the criminal elements in


    “And that’s supposed to be a recommendation?” Caid grimaced.

    “Much as I hate to admit Sayer is right, in this case, I think he just

    might be. Jagger doesn’t get involved in the more dirty dealings, like

    the Darkleaf trade, but he does skirt the edge of the law in a lot of his

    enterprises. You might be surprised at how widespread his reach is in

    Winterreach’s black market trade,” Javan told them. 

    “And you think he might be able to locate this Breccan Sarris?”

    Rom asked Sayer.

    Sayer nodded. “If anyone can.” “I agree with Sayer.” Brax grinned. “Jagger Fin can find out just

    about anything he wants to.” 

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    Guardian’s Hope  11 

    Rom looked at Brax. “I know you have a past with Fin. Do you

    think you could ask for his help?” 

    Brax shook his head ruefully. “We didn’t exactly end on the best

    of terms. I think you’d have better luck asking someone else  if you

    want his cooperation. He’d be more likely to laugh in my face.” 

    Sayer spoke up. “I’d like to try.” 

    Rom tilted his head to one side. “You think he’d listen to you? Do

    you know him well?” 

    Sayer shrugged. “No more than anyone who goes to   Madame

    Lingo’s. Still, I’d like to do it if there’s no one else.” 

    Rom waited a beat, but no one else volunteered. He smiled atSayer. “All right. It was your idea, after all. I’m going to give you this

    task. Talk to Fin and see if he would be willing to help us locate

    Breccan Sarris. Try to appeal to his loyalty to Emryn to get his

    cooperation, but if that doesn’t work, threaten to make his business

    dealings suffer. We need this information badly, and I’m not

    unwilling to put pressure on the man if it becomes necessary.” 

    “I don’t  believe you’ll have to do that, Rom,” Brax protested.

    “And I think it would be the wrong way to approach him. Offering

    him something he wants would work much better. He doesn’t take

    kindly to threats, but he always repays a debt.” 

    “What do we have that he wants?” Pike wondered aloud.

    “I think I might know something. Or rather, someone,” Brax told


    “Well, spit it out, man,” Lael said.

    “My bondmate, Jai, recently started working with the prisoners in

    The Lashings, trying to rehabilitate the ones he can.” The Lashings

    was the name of the largest prison in Emryn, located just outside of

    Winterreach. “He told me the other day that one of the inmates   he

    spoke to, Rolfo Lingo, is the son of Madame Lingo. He was arrestedand imprisoned for attempting to kill a man at one of the Lowtown

    dives. He claimed it was self-defense. His trial is in three weeks. Jai

    told me that Jagger Fin had been to the prison several times to talk to

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    12 Britt Kenley

    the boy and was paying a lot of coins to ensure that Rolfo was kept as

    comfortable as possible and protected from the prison gangs.” 

    Rom looked thoughtful. “You think Fin would cooperate if we

    were to arrange for the boy’s release?” 

    Brax nodded. “I do.  Fin doesn’t have many close friends, but

    Sharise Lingo is one major exception. He considers her family. I’m

    sure he’ll do anything he can to help her son.” 

    Rom and Javan exchanged a quick glance. Sayer saw Javan shrug.

    “All right,” Rom said. “Let’s try it.” He turned back to Sayer. “I’d

    like for you to meet with Jagger Fin as soon as possible.” 

    Sayer agreed. “I’ll go  tonight as soon as Madame Lingo’s opens.It’s usually pretty slow then, and we’ll be able to talk uninterrupted.” 

    Rom dismissed everyone, and Sayer stood up to leave with the

    rest. Brax stopped him in the hallway.

    “Sayer, I just want to caution you to be careful with Jagger. He

    can have a pretty short fuse sometimes.” 

    “Don’t worry, Brax. I’ve seen the man in action a time or two.” 

    “Just don’t press him too hard. He doesn’t like feeling cornered ,

     but he’s a good man at heart. He’ll want to help us, but he’ll need

    some incentive to make it seem like it’s not his idea.” 

    “I understand. And thanks, Brax.” 

    Brax grinned. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk

    so much at one of our meetings.” 

    Sayer managed a short laugh. “I usually don’t have much to say.” 

    “Well, you really came through today. Good luck with Jagger.”

    Brax clapped him on his shoulder once and then strode off down the

    hallway. After a moment, Sayer followed him, his mind already busy

    thinking about the night ahead.

    * * * *

    Jagger enjoyed the mindless task of getting the bar ready for

     business. The mundane routine helped to clear his mind and soothed

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    It was only in recent years, since they’d opened Madame Lingo’s

    Gambling Den and Brothel, that they’d begun to experience a

    measure of success, had not had to count every coin or hide from the

     bill collectors. Jagger had been able to quit working the small cons

    that had kept them fed, and Sharise had stopped whoring herself out.

    That success had grown when Madame Lingo’s had become the

    favorite hangout of the Guardians of the Gray Tower, and Jagger had

     been able to pull out of some of the more disreputable activities he’d

    engaged in to make ends meet.

    And now this. Jagger would gladly kill that fool Rolfo himself for

    what he had put his mother through. This last escapade was by far theworst, but it wasn’t the first time  Rolfo had needed Jagger or his

    mother to bail his sorry ass out of some calamity or other. Usually it

    was gambling debts, but Sharise had finally put her foot down about

    that, otherwise the idiot would have drained his mother ’s bank

    account dry. Jagger had convinced her that she wasn’t helping her son

    any by giving him more money. She had sworn she wasn’t going to,

    and so far she had stuck by that.

    He smiled at Sharise. “Hello, my love. How are you feeling?” 

    She shook her head and slid onto one of the bar stools. “Not good,

    Jagger. I hardly slept. I’m so worried about him. What is happening to

    my boy in that horrid place?” Tears welled in her eyes.  

    Jagger reached out a hand to cover hers. “I told you, Rise. I gave

    the guards enough money to make sure that Rolfo was comfortable

    and kept isolated from the worst of the gangs. He’s fine.” 

    Sharise managed a trembling smile. “And I thank you for that, my

    friend. He’s just so young.” 

    Young in years maybe, but not in other ways, Jagger thought

    cynically. He pushed the thought aside guiltily. He didn’t understand

    it, but Sharise never really saw the bad side of her son. Normally shewas the shrewdest person around, suffering no fools. But she had a

     blind spot a mile wide when it came to Rolfo. Jagger, however, had

    seen the darker side of the boy. There wasn’t much he wouldn’t do if

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    Guardian’s Hope  15 

    he thought he could get away with it. He didn’t care about anything or

    anyone but himself. He had no conscience. It was as if something in

    him was missing, some moral gauge. Jagger wouldn’t have cared

    what happened to the asshole if it weren’t for Sharise.

    He walked around the bar and put an arm around her shoulders,

     pulling her slender body against his. He looked down into her face. It

    was pale, despite the rouged cheeks. She’d used a heavy hand with

    her makeup, as usual, but it couldn’t conceal the ravages that time,

    worry, and ill-health had stamped on her face. She sure as seven hells

    didn’t need to be worrying about her son.

    “Come now. You should go back home. I can handle things heretonight. You need to rest. It looks as though you might collapse at any

    moment, and that will definitely not be good for business.” 

    She managed a trembling smile. “If I’m home, all I do is sit and

     brood about what is happening to my boy. I’d rather be here.” 

    Jagger smiled understandingly. “All right, but I want you to stay

    in the office. There’s plenty of paperwork to keep you busy.” 

    “All right.” 

    Jagger watched as she made her way out of the main barroom.

    Most of the people who knew Jagger casually as the jovial bartender

    with the slightly dangerous glint in his eyes would have been

    surprised at the tender emotions he felt as he watched Sharise as she

    exited the room. That was a part of him that few had witnessed and

    even fewer had had directed at them.

    Jagger heard the door to the bar open, and he turned quickly. It

    wasn’t quite time for them to open yet. Everyone knew Madame

    Lingo’s opened at dusk. When he saw the tall, gray-cloaked figure of

    the Guardian pushing his way through the door, he was surprised.

    Sayer Wils was not exactly one of the most frequent visitors to the

    den. In fact, he rarely came in. Jagger was actually grateful for that.He’d developed an uncomforta ble fixation on the man, and whenever

    he was around him, he had a hard time concentrating on anything

    else. It was quite disconcerting to Jagger, who never let himself

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     become too attached to anyone outside of his very select inner circle,

    to find himself so obsessed with one man.

    He met the other man’s eyes with a lifted brow. “Well, well,

    Guardian. What brings you into my humble establishment so early in

    the eve?” 

    Sayer shoved his hood off and walked over until he stood directly

     beside Jagger. “I need to speak to you rather urgently on a matter of

    great importance. Is there somewhere we can talk privately before

    your customers come in?” 

    Jagger’s brows lifted in surprise. “Of course, Guardian.” He called

    out to one of the bouncers sitting at a table nearby talking to thewhores. Barkin often tended bar and filled in when Jagger and Sharise

    were unavailable or needed a break. “Barkin, I’m going upstairs for a

     bit. Can you finish getting the bar ready and take care of any early

    customers that show up until I can get back down?” Barkin nodded,

    and Jagger indicated the stairs. “This way,” he said and turned. Sayer

    followed him.

    The two men didn’t speak as they climbed the stairs, past the

    second floor and to Jagger’s private apartments on the third. He

    unlocked the door to his rooms and then gestured for Sayer to precede

    him into the room. Once inside, he shut the door and turned to face

    the Guardian.

    “Would you like to sit down?” he asked, curious about why the

    man wanted to speak to him.

    Sayer nodded and took a seat in a tall, high-backed chair. Jagger

    sat opposite him on a comfortable sofa.

    “An urgent matter of great importance, you say?” Jagger asked,

    leaning back and crossing his legs in a deliberately negligent pose.

    Sayer nodded. “Yes.” 

    “Well, you’ve definitely piqued my interest. I can’t imagine whathelp I could be to the Guardians of the Gray Tower on a matter of any

    importance. I’m just a lowly bartender. Surely you have resources

    much greater than any I might be able to offer for your assistance.”

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    Guardian’s Hope  17  

    He drawled the words, his eyes roaming suggestively over the slender

     but muscled form of the other man. He allowed a gleam of sexual

    interest to flare in his eyes as he took in the blond hair Sayer had

     pulled back on the sides and tied behind his head. His gaze moved

    lower, lingering on the full lower lip, and he almost grinned at the

    look of embarrassed discomfort that came over the face of the other


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    18 Britt Kenley

    Chapter Two

    Sayer squirmed uncomfortably beneath Jagger’s heated regard. He

    felt an unwilling tug of attraction but quickly brushed it aside. He

    wasn’t the type to succumb to a passing attraction. He’d been in love,

    completely, madly in love, just once in his life. He had lost Ambrey to

    the wasting sickness three years before. It had been a devastating

    time, but he had not regretted one moment of it because he’d had, for

    a short time, a perfect union with another soul. Oh, not that Ambrey

    had been perfect. Far from it. But he had been perfect for Sayer.

    Fun where Sayer was serious, garrulous where Sayer was quiet,

    Ambrey had given him so much. They had balanced each other in a

    way that he had never experienced before or since. And having

    known such a connection, he knew that he would never be able to

    accept anything less. If that meant that he lived the rest of his lifealone, then so be it. Sayer was fine with that. He’d been celibate since

    Ambrey had gotten ill, almost four years now. There had been times

    he’d been tempted to ease the ache of loneliness and need with some

    mindless body, but he’d always  stopped himself. It had felt like a

     betrayal to all they had once meant to each other.

    What he could see Jagger offering in the depths of those amber-

    colored eyes was nothing more than a way to scratch an itch. Sayer

    could do that himself. And he knew that if he succumbed, he would

    awaken the next morning feeling empty and hollow. No, he knew it

    was best to resist the enticement that was Jagger Fin.“No need to be modest, sirrah. I am very aware of the vast

    network of eyes and ears you have at your disposal.” 

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    Guardian’s Hope  19 

    Jagger quirked an eyebrow at Sayer. “I take it that the Guardians

    have a need to ferret out some information that they do not have the

    means to find. I would think that Javan Weiling would have more

    than adequate resources that he would willingly make available to the


    Sayer was not surprised that Jagger knew Javan was the

    mastermind behind King Kelan’s spy network.  After all, what he’d

     just said to Jagger was nothing less than the truth. The co-owner of

    Madame Lingo’s had access to an inordinate amount of information.

    “I think you may have an exaggerated idea of what kind of

    information is available to me.” Sayer shrugged. “I don’t think so.” 

    Jagger leaned forward. “Then perhaps I don’t wish to do any

    favors for the Gray. They haven’t done much for me lately.” 

    “I know many of the Guardians who frequently visit your business

    establishment, and several who believe you are, at least to a degree,


    Jagger laughed. “There are friends, and then there are friends.” 

    Sayer nodded, and then he leaned forward, holding out a piece of

     paper he held clutched in his hand. “Well, one of your friends asked

    me to give you this.” 

    Jagger’s forehead wrinkled in a small frown, but he reached out to

    snag the note from Sayer’s outstretched hand. Sayer watched as he

    unfolded the missive. When he’d finished, his eyes jerked up to meet

    Sayer’s. “Is this legitimate?” 

    Sayer nodded.

    “Do you know what it contains?” 

    “I do.” 

    Jagger sat back again, his eyes slid to half-mast, and Sayer could

    see that he was considering all of the ramifications of that small pieceof paper. Finally he laughed. “Brax knows me well, I see. Who would

    have thought it?” 

    Sayer said nothing.

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    “It seems I am in your debt, Guardian.” 

    “Not me. King Kelan.” 

    He nodded. “Of course. And to pay this debt, I suppose you’re

    going to want my help in discovering this mysterious information you


    Sayer nodded. “That is our hope.” 

    “When will the boy be released?” 

    “In the morning. I’ll bring him to you here.” 

    “Then I guess I will see you in the morning, Guardian, and we

    shall see if I can help you in this matter of utmost importance.” 

    “All right.” Sayer rose to his feet and moved toward the door. Hehad accomplished what he’d come to accomplish, Jagger’s agreement

    to help. There was no point in lingering. Jagger apparently thought


    “You could stay and have a drink with me, Guardian. A toast to

    our newfound partnership, however brief it may be.” 

    Sayer paused and glanced back over his shoulder. “And what

    would be the point of that?” 

    Jagger shrugged. “I’d like to get to know you better, since we’ll

     be working together and all.” 

    “I think you know me well enough for the short time we’ll be in

    contact with each other.” 

    “You know, I am starting to get the idea that you don’t like me

    very well, Guardian.” 

    “I don’t have to like you. I just have to work with you.” 

    Jagger let out an exasperated sigh. “I find you very attractive,

    Sayer. I’d like to spend a little bit more time with you. I’m pretty sure

    you’re attracted to me, as well.” 

    “First, I have a job to do, and I believe it’s never a good idea to

    mix business with pleasure. Second, while I am attracted to you, Idon’t plan to do anything about it.” 

    Jagger’s eyes widened. “Why not?” 

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    involved with Jagger Fin, he couldn’t deny, at least to himself, that

    several times he’d caught  himself staring at that harsh mouth and

    wondering what it would feel like pressed against his own. Or what it

    would feel like to loosen that braid and free all that long auburn hair.

    He shook his head at his own susceptibility.

    He was sure that Jagger was aware of how he had felt, too. Those

    knowing eyes of his saw way more than they should. Though Sayer

    had tried his hardest to keep everything brief and professional, it had

     been impossible to completely hide his reaction to the man.

    And Jagger was definitely sure of his own attractiveness. It was

    there in the way he carried himself, the way he looked at a man, thetilt of his head, the quirk of his mouth. Sayer imagined there was

     probably a long line of cast-off lovers strewn all over Winterreach,

     brokenhearted after being used and discarded by the dangerous


    Bartender. Ha, what a joke. Jagger may tend bar, but he was so

    much more than a simple bartender. Sayer couldn’t believe he’d tried

    to pull that one. He was much too cocky and sure of himself to ever

     be mistaken for a lowly employee. Even the first time he saw Jagger

    mixing up drinks at Madame Lingo’s, Sayer could tell there was more

    to the man than what was apparent on the surface. He saw too much,

    knew too much, and made Sayer feel too much.

    Probably the best thing was for him to ask one of the other

    Guardians to take over for him and meet with Jagger in the morning.

    He wasn’t sure how long it would take to find Breccan Sarris, but he

    was pretty sure that the more time he spent around Jagger Fin, the

    harder it would be to remember why it was best to not get involved.

    Yes, he’d find someone else to carry on with the mission. He was sure

    he could find someone willing to do so.

    Continuing his way down the street, Sayer headed back to theTower, his mind made up.

    * * * *

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    Guardian’s Hope  23 

    Standing up, Jagger crossed the room and poured himself a shot of

    whiskey. The good stuff from Jael, not the crap they kept down in the

     bar. He whirled the golden liquid around in his glass, admiring the

    light glinting off the color, before he turned it up and tossed it back in

    one swallow. The liquor burned a fire down to his gut and helped to

    ease, somewhat, the tension he’d felt ever since he’d looked up and

    seen Sayer standing across the bar.

    What was it about that man? All he had to do was open his mouth,

    and Jagger wanted to strip him naked and throw him down on the

    nearest hard surface. Jagger let his mind recall how Sayer had lookedright before he’d left.

    Those midnight-blue eyes had held a mixture of annoyance and

    determination combined with a hint, just a hint, of reluctant sexual

    interest. He was a hard man to read, but Jagger had had plenty of

     practice. For some reason, on the rare occasions Sayer came into

    Madame Lingo’s, Jagger was hyperaware of him. He’d tried once or

    twice to flirt with the man, but Sayer never responded. Jagger had

    decided to just leave it alone. Sayer was the type who would want

    hells of a lot more than Jagger could give him. He could see that plain

    as day. He was a man who was meant for relationships, and Jagger

    had learned very young that relationships didn’t work for him. For

    one thing, he could never trust anyone enough. Too many betrayals,

    too much pain in his past had taught him that lesson over and over.

    And without trust, well, he was better off alone.

    He supposed most would call him a cynic, but he preferred the

    term “realist.” If a person didn’t have too many high expectations, he

    couldn’t be disappointed. Also, caring about someone was a weakness

    that your enemies could exploit, and in Jagger’s line of work, the

    fewer weaknesses you had, the better. Just look at this situation withRolfo. Sharise was one of the few people he actually did care about,

    and she loved that snake of a son. That meant that Jagger could be

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    manipulated, although quite skillfully, he had to admit, simply

     because of his relationship with a woman.

    He headed back down to the bar, eager to get to work and

    immerse himself in the sights and sounds of a gambling den and

     brothel packed with eager bodies and forget for a while about his

    conversation with Sayer.

    On his way back to the bar, he stuck his head in his office to

    check on Sharise. She was sitting at the battered desk they used when

    they were working on their accounts, but she wasn’t working. She

    was staring off into space. He shook his head and stepped inside.

    When she heard the door close, she looked up. He saw her cheeksflush with guilt at being caught woolgathering.

    He crossed over to the desk and pulled the parchment from her

    hands, seeing that she’d made no new entries on it. He set the

    document aside and rested his hip on the desk next to her. “Sharise,”

    he said gently, “go home.” 

    She bit her lip and looked down. “I don’t want to be alone. All I

    do is worry about Rolfo. I know you said he’s fine, but you know how

    he can be, Sayer. If there’s trouble to be found, he’ll find it.” 

    He grunted an agreement. “One day you’re going to have to let

    him take the consequences of his actions, Sharise. You know that one

    of his problems is that you’re always there to bail him out when his

    ass lands in trouble. How’s he ever going to learn to straighten

    himself out if you’re always taking care of him?” 

    She reached out to toy with the quill pen she’d laid on the desk. “I

    know you’re right, Jagger, and I am trying, but he was such a sickly

     babe. Do you remember? I worried so much that first winter. We had

     barely enough to eat, and he had that horrid cough.” 

    “I remember, Sharise, but Rolfo isn’t a babe anymore. He’s still

    acting like a child, but he’s a grown man.  You need to treat him likeone.” 

    “You’re right. I’ve tried, Jagger. I really have, but he’s all I’ve


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    He reached out to touch her shoulder. “That’s not true. You’ve got


    She managed a weak smile. “I know. And I don’t know what I’d

    do without you.” 

    He gave her shoulder a squeeze. “I’ve got some good news.” 

    “What? About Rolfo?” He could see her features light up. “Tell  


    “They’re going to release him in the morning.”  Jagger was not

    disappointed in her reaction to the news.

    “Are you telling me the truth?” Sharise clutched a hand to her

    chest, and a smile bloomed across her face.He nodded, his own lips curling up in the face of her obvious joy.

    “I just had a talk with Sayer Wils. The Guardians want me to do them

    a favor, and to get my cooperation, they’re releasing Rolfo.” 

    “Oh, thank you, thank you.” Sharise began to cry, a noiseless

    weeping that tore at Jagger’s heart. He reached down and drew her up

    into his arms, holding her close as she wept out her relief. When she

    was done, he held her at arm’s length and tilted her chin up with his


    “I want you to promise me something, Sharise. Promise me that

    this is the last time. That from now on, Rolfo is going to have to pay

    for his mistakes. No matter what. You can’t keep rescuing him. I want

    you to let me talk to him and lay down the law. He needs to work in

    the bar and stay away from that bunch of thugs he’s been palling

    around with. And he needs to earn the money you’ve been giving


    “I promise, Jagger. I know you’re right.” 

    Jagger accepted the promise he’d demanded of her . Then he called

    one of the bouncers and directed him to help see Sharise home.

    Once Sharise left, he thought about what he’d told her. He’d doeverything he could to see to it that she kept that promise. He would

    no longer stand by and let Rolfo take advantage of his mother’s

    loving nature. When he made his way back into the barroom, the

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    crowd had begun to trickle in. After taking his place behind the bar,

    he soon found himself caught up in the routine of filling drink orders

    and listening to the customers bend his ear about their problems. The

    tables set up for gambling shifted into gear as more and more people

    came in. He took a brief break from filling drink orders, letting one of

    the other bartenders take over so that he could walk around the room

    and chat up some of the regulars and greet several new faces. It

    always paid to keep the customers happy.

    He saw that Jocko, the man he’d sent home with Sharise, was

     back in his place near the door, and he made his way in that direction.

    When he got close enough, he caught Jocko’s eye and lifted aquestioning brow. The man smiled and nodded his head, signaling to

    Jagger that all was well with Sharise. Relieved, Jagger moved again

    into host mode. As he greeted another customer, he made himself a

    mental note to stop by Sharise’s place to check on her as soon as he

    got a chance. He wasn’t sure how early in the morning Rolfo would

     be released, but he wanted to make sure that Sharise was all right.

    Several times as he moved around the room, some of the

    customers, both male and female, made it quite obvious that they

    were available for much more than talking if he was interested. He

    was very careful to keep things friendly, but not too friendly. Several

    minutes later, when he slid behind the bar once again, he realized

    ruefully that the main reason he had not taken anyone up on their

    offer was primarily because he couldn’t get the image of a particular

     blue-eyed, blond-haired, serious-faced man out of his mind.

    He really was going to have to do something about his obsession

    with the quiet Guardian. Well, he’d see him again in the morning, and

    when he learned what this favor was that Sayer wanted from Jagger,

    he might get to see him even more than that. He smiled to himself at

    the thought and began planning a strategy to break through the man’sdefenses. Jagger knew that it would require both skill and stealth to

    get Sayer where he wanted him, in his bed. Luckily, along with the

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    ability to deal off the bottom of a deck and pick the pocket of a mark

    without detection, that was something Jagger had mastered long ago.

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    Chapter Three

    Standing outside the gates of The Lashings, Sayer huddled into

    the cloak he had pulled tightly around him. The weather had turned

    even colder than usual for this time of year, and Sayer cursed his need

    to be out in the driving wind. Another several inches of snow had

    fallen during the night, and Sayer had a feeling there would be even

    more snowfall today.

    He’d meant to talk to Rom about getting someone else to

    complete the assignment, but when he’d gone to check in with Rom

    and update him on how things were going, he just hadn’t been able to

    speak the words. So here he was, waiting for Rolfo Lingo to be

    released from prison, so that he could fulfill his part of the bargain.

    He stomped his feet to keep his toes from freezing, narrowing his

    eyes against the wind as he gazed at the ga te. If those bastards didn’thurry up and release that little fool, he was going to freeze to death.

    At last the gates creaked open, and a trio of men shuffled through.

    The smallest one was being pushed forward by the other two. They

    stopped a few feet from where Sayer waited.

    “Here’s your stinking prisoner, Guardian,” one of them snarled

    and shoved the small one forward. Then they turned without another

    word and went back inside the gates.

    The small man had stumbled forward when he was shoved, barely

    managing to keep his feet beneath him. Sayer had expected him to

    land face-first in the snow and was surprised when he didn’t.“Rolfo Lingo?” Sayer asked when he was certain the man would

    remain upright.

    In a barely audible voice, the man said, “Yes. I’m Rolfo Lingo.” 

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    Sayer merely nodded. “Come with me.” He turned and began to

    stride toward the pair of horses he’d brought. After he’d settled into

    the saddle of his own mount, he watched as Rolfo struggled up onto

    the other one. Then he urged his horse forward, trusting Rolfo to


    He directed his horse down the lane leading from The Lashings

    until they reached the main road. He glanced over his shoulder as he

    turned onto the road, making sure that his fellow traveler was with

    him. Once he’d reassured himself that Rolfo was behind him, he

    kicked his horse into a faster speed. Soon they were both galloping

    down the road that led back into the city. It wasn’t long before theyreached the outskirts. As they approached the gates, Sayer slowed his

    horse, and Rolfo pulled his mount up beside his.

    “Who are you?” Rolfo asked after they’d ridden in silence for a

    few minutes.

    Sayer cast him a wry glance. “I’m a Guardian of the Gray Tower.”  

    “Yes, yes. I know that. But which Guardian? And why did you

    arrange for my release?” 

    “My name is Sayer Wils, and I’m doing a favor for someone.”

    Sayer kept his answer brief, unwilling to give the man too much


    “Who? My mother?” 

    Sayer just gave his head a short shake. “Not your mother.” 

    He heard the other man release a short, bitter laugh. “Then it must

     be for Jagger. No one ever says no to him.” 

    Sayer turned his head so that he could see Rolfo better, curious at

    his reaction.

    “You don’t like Jagger Fin?” 

    “Oh, what’s not to like?” The sarcasm in the man’s voice was

    easy to detect. Small beady eyes gleamed at him from beneath thehood of his cloak, and Sayer had to resist the urge to put his hand on

    his purse to prevent the other man from stealing it. “According to my

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    mother and just about everyone else that works at the den, he can do

    no wrong.” 

    Sayer didn’t say anything. A few moments of silence stretched out

    until Rolfo said, “The great Jagger Fin.” The words came in a

    whining sneer. “What a farking joke. He’ll get his one day. Guarantee

    it. Always lording it over me and trying to boss me around. And my

    own mother lets him.” 

    “You know, it’s thanks to Jagger that you’re no longer in prison.

    I’d think you’d be a little grateful,” Sayer commented. 

    “Ha! I’m sure he had some other reason for helping me. Jagger

    does nothing unless there’s something in it for him.” Sayer began tuning him out as he continued to drone on and on

    about how much he despised Jagger Fin. What a little creep. Sayer

    was glad when they turned onto the street where Madame Lingo’s

    was located. He hoped Jagger was there, so he could turn the little

    weasel over to him and could get back to the business at hand.

    Luckily, when he pounded on the door, Jagger opened it

    immediately. His eyes took in the figure by his side, and he nodded,

    stepping to one side so that they could enter. He heard a sharp cry and

    saw a woman enveloping Rolfo in her arms. She was crying and

    gasping out the words, “My boy. My boy,” over and over. 

    Sayer looked at Jagger and saw an odd expression on his face as

    he took in the pitiful scene. Sayer was trying to figure out exactly

    what he was seeing. But before he could examine Jagger’s expression

    more closely, Rolfo pulled away from the woman, and Jagger turned


    “Salara’s farking bones, Ma, I’m fine. Quit carrying on so.” Rolfo

    rolled his eyes and pushed past his mother, heading straight to the bar

    to pour himself a drink despite the earliness of the hour and without a

    word of thanks to either Jagger or himself. The woman, however,turned to face him.

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    “Thank you so much for getting my baby out of prison, Guardian.

    I was so worried.” She held out a trembling hand. “I don’t think

    we’ve met before. I’m Sharise. Sharise Lingo.” 

    Sayer just nodded his head and said, “Sayer Wils.” He took her

    fragile-boned hand gently in his and gave it a slight squeeze before

    releasing it.

    Jagger stepped up to put an arm around her shoulders. “Why don’t

    you take Rolfo home and fix him a good meal, Rise? I doubt prison

    food was very filling.” 

    The gentle look on Jagger’s face was a revelation to Sayer, and

    the coaxing tone of his voice told Sayer more than anything abouthow he felt about this woman. Sayer studied her more closely,

    wondering if there was some sort of physical relationship between the

    two. Sharise Lingo was at least five and forty, he knew. And she was

     beginning to look every year of it and then some. He’d heard rumors

    that she was having health issues, and he could see that the rumors

    held more than a grain of truth.

    Her face was pale, and her eyes, where they weren’t red from

    crying, held a yellowish tinge that hinted at illness. Her body was so

    slender as to appear sickly. No, if Jagger and Sharise Lingo had ever

     been involved in a romantic relationship, that time was long since

     passed. The way Jagger treated her now looked more paternal than


    Jagger bent down and whispered something to her, and she

    managed a weak smile. “All right. I will take him home. But I

     promise I will be here tonight to help you out with the business.” 

    “You know that’s not necessary, R ise,” Sayer heard him say. 

    “I know, but I want to.” As Sayer watched, she leaned up to kiss

    Jagger’s cheek, then she turned to him. “Thank you again, Guardian.

    The next time you come in, tell them your drinks are on the house.” Sayer just nodded shortly. Sharise turned and made her way to the

     bar. After a short conversation with her son, she picked up a woman’s

    cloak that was lying nearby, and they both left the room without

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    looking back. A few moments later, Sayer could hear a door

    somewhere in the back slam closed.

    Jagger walked to one of the tables gestured to an empty chair.

    “Have a seat, Sayer. We have much we need to talk about.” 

    Sayer did as directed, removing his cloak and hanging it on a hook

    near the door before sitting down.

    Jagger hovered nearby. “Would you like some red tea? You look

    like you need something to warm you up. And unlike Rolfo, I don’t

    think you’d like whiskey this early in the morning.” 

    “No. No whiskey, but red tea sounds good, if you have some

    made.” Jagger nodded and then moved toward the fireplace where Sayer

    could see he had a pot brewing on the grate. He returned to the table

    with two mugs, setting them down before taking the seat across from


    He didn’t speak until they’d both taken a drink. Sayer closed his

    eyes with pleasure at the feel of the warm liquid settling in his belly

    and knocking out some of the chill from his bones.

    Jagger leaned forward to rest his elbows on the table, his cup

    cradled in both hands. “Well, Sayer, you came through on your end,

    now I guess it’s time for you to tell me exactly what it is that you and

    the other Guardians want from me.” 

    * * * *

    Sayer took another sip of his tea, and Jagger watched as his eyes

    roamed around the room and figured the Guardian was checking for

    listening ears. His supposition was confirmed when Sayer asked, “Are

    we completely alone here?” 

    Jagger nodded. “Sharise and Rolfo have a house a few blocksaway. No one else is here.” 

    Sayer got up and strolled down the passage that Sharise and her

    son had taken, and Jagger knew that he was checking each room to be

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    sure that the woman and her son had actually left. When he returned,

    Jagger smiled at him cynically. “So suspicious, Guardian.” He took a

    drink of his tea, keeping his eyes on Sayer. “Well?” 

    Sayer nodded. “What I’m going to tell you about is very important

    and of utmost secrecy. You cannot talk to anyone about this matter

    unless it is absolutely vital. Do you understand?” 

    Jagger was curious, so he agreed, watching Sayer carefully as the

    man seemed to be gathering his thoughts.

    “I don’t know how much you’ve heard about what’s been going

    on in Winterreach lately, but we’ve been under attack , subtle but

    definitely hostile,  by the forces of Queen Kalandra.” Sayer arched a brow. “Do you know what I’m referring to?” 

    “I’ve heard some, of course. Everyone knows of the death of

    Queen Lyra by an assassin who was subsequently caught and killed

    when he tried to escape. Speculation was that it was someone hired by

    the queen of Angkesh.” 

    “Yes. That’s part of it. I’m going to fill you in on the rest.”

    Jagger sat listening as Sayer took him step-by-step through the

    chain of events that had led up to King Kelan’s confrontation with

    Queen Kalandra and subsequent decision that she must die. He’d

    thought he was beyond being surprised, but he had to confess that

    Sayer’s story had definitely taken him aback. Especially the last part.

    “So the queen of Angkesh actually is capable of shape-shifting

    into a large cat- beast?” 

    Sayer nodded, his face even more serious than usual, if that was

     possible. “And she has powers of the mind  that are beyond what

    others are capable of .” 

    “And Teris Bas Rillian does as well?” 

    “Yes. As well as another.” 

    Jagger stood up and crossed to the bar, grabbing a bottle ofwhiskey and a couple of glasses before returning. He set them down

    on the table. Removing the cork from the bottle, he poured two

    fingers into both of the glasses. He pushed one toward Sayer, who just

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    stared at it for a moment before shaking his head. Picking his own up,

    he tossed it back quickly before pouring himself another. Then he

    corked the bottle and sat back down again.

    Sayer frowned at his actions. Jagger just shrugged. “It seemed

    appropriate. It’s not every day that your whole view of the world

    takes a drastic shift sideways.” 

    “So you didn’t know? What about all of your sources?” 

    “The people I deal with are a superstitious lot. Of course, I’ve

    heard the stories, the rumors. But nothing that could be confirmed.” 

    “Well, I’m confirming for you. She was seen shifting by the king

    as well as several others, including my captain. There’s no doubt.” “I believe you. And Kelan wants her killed?” 

    Sayer nodded. “He tried a diplomatic approach, and it was almost

    a catastrophe. She confessed that her goal is to eliminate Kelan and

    that she will let nothing stop her. Kelan is willing to go to war, if

    necessary. After all, she tried to kill him. But he knows the cost in

    Emrynian lives will be high. Sending in an assassin makes much more

    sense. However, the difficulty level of taking out the queen has

    greatly increased with the new knowledge we have of her powers.

    Kelan  believes that if he can get one or two men into the queen’s

     palace, in her private quarters, their odds will be increased. They may

     be able to take her by surprise.” 

    “Into Tar Nesa? The queen’s private chambers? It can’t be done.”

    Jagger stood and began to pace. “This is the favor you want from me?

    You have definitely come to the wrong man. Even I cannot smuggle

    someone into that palace.” 

    “No. I need you to help me find a man. Someone who we believe

    can get an assassin into the palace and possibly the queen’s


    “Who?”“His name is Breccan Sarris. He’s from Emryn  but moved to

    Angkesh years ago when he married an Angkeshi woman. Rumor has

    it that he was close to the queen, worked for her as her private

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    translator, until his wife and child died. Then he escaped and has

    returned to Emryn. But he has disappeared. We need you to find him

    for us.” 

    Jagger lifted a hand and ran it through his hair, thinking. “I’ve

    heard of this man before. Yes. Two years ago, maybe three? I’m not

    sure. Someone else was looking for him. I couldn’t help them either .” 

    Sayer gestured with his hand. “It was probably agents of Queen

    Kalandra’s. Apparently this man, Breccan Sarris, was privy to some

    highly sensitive documents when he worked for the queen. She

    wouldn’t like to have him out of her control.” 

    “I’m not sure that I’ll be able to find him for you, Sayer. It’s beena long time. The trail is cold.” 

    “Someone knows where this man is. I believe if anyone can find

    him, that man is you.” 

    “Is that a compliment, Sayer?” He barely repressed a smile at the

    discomfort that crossed the Guardian’s face.

    “Just a fact, Jagger.” Jagger saw Sayer shrug. “So will you help


    “I’ll try.” Jagger smiled and let his eyes meet Sayers. “I don’t

    really have much choice, do I? I think I know someone who may be

    able to help. I’ll contact him. If anyone can find this man, he can. So

    does that mean that you and I will be working closely together?” 


    “Good. We’ll have a chance to get to know each other a lot better,

    won’t we?” 

    “This is not a game, Jagger.” The annoyed tone amused Jagger.

    What was it about this man that attracted him so much?

    “Everything is a game, Sayer. Don’t you know that? And the best

    one of all is the one you and I have just embarked upon.” 

    “We haven’t embar ked upon anything except for a search for amissing man.” Sayer rose to his feet, and Jagger followed.

    “You know that I find your hands-off attitude incredibly

    attractive, don’t you?” 

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    Sayer shrugged. “I’m not trying to make myself attractive to you,


    “Exactly,” he moved around the table. “That’s what’s so


    “I’m not interested.”

    He stopped a few inches away from Sayer. He could see that the

    man wanted to step back, but he didn’t. He gave him credit for that.

    Of course, he would not have expected anything less. To test him, he

    moved even closer, reaching out a hand and letting a finger trace a

     path down Sayer’s cheek.

    A muscle twitched in Sayer’s jawline, but he didn’t move. “I hateto call anyone a liar, Sayer, but I believe you are interested. I know

    you are attracted to me. I don’t know why you continue to deny it. It’s

    obvious to anyone with eyes in his head and a brain in his skull.”

    He moved his finger so that it circled around the Guardian’s

    mouth. Sayer’s lips parted, and his  breathing quickened. Jagger

    figured the man would step back or push him away, but he didn’t.

    When Jagger licked his lips, Sayer’s eyes focused on that quick

    movement. Then Jagger raised his eyes to the Guardian’s.

    All of a sudden, he completely forgot where they were or what

    they had been discussing. All he could think about was how close the

    other man was and how much he wanted to taste his mouth. Stepping

    forward, his body came into contact with Sayer’s. He heard a harsh

    gasp just as he lowered his mouth to meet the Guardian’s in a soft,

    tentative kiss.

    Sayer held himself very still, and Jagger kept things easy and soft,

    not wanting to risk scaring him off. He just let his lips gently explore,

    gradually increasing the pressure until Sayer’s mouth parted slightly.

    He slipped his tongue past Sayer’s lips slowly, stroking tentatively

    against the other man’s tongue in a sweet, gliding caress. He was having a hard time believing this was really happening.

    He hadn’t been able to get the Guardian off his mind, and now here he

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    was. He lifted his hands and cupped them around Sayer’s face,

    angling his mouth against the other man’s and deepening the pressure.  

    He didn’t think he’d ever enjoyed a kiss as much as this. Sayer’s

    hands encircled his waist, and he moved his own hands down Sayer’s

    chest, feeling the hard nubs of the other man’s nipples through the

    fabric of his tunic.

    He broke the kiss, pulling back mere inches. Sayer’s eyes slowly

     blinked open, the pupils enlarged, the lids drooping with arousal.

    “I want you, Sayer. Come upstairs with me to my room. Let me

    make love to you.” He pressed light kisses on the man’s cheek,

    leaving a wet trail down to his neck. He felt Sayer’s hands tighten,digging into his waist, before he released him and stepped back,

     breaking free of Jagger’s hold. 

    “We can’t do this, Jagger .” Sayer’s words came in a breathy


    “Why not?” Jagger clenched his fists at his side to prevent himself

    from reaching for the other man and dragging him back against him.

    “We both want it. You know it, and I know it. There’s no reason we

    shouldn’t be able to satisfy our desire.” 

    “There’s a very good reason. I don’t want to.” He stepped around

    Jagger and reached out for his cloak.

    “You’re lying.” Jagger saw Sayer’s hand freeze just before it

    grabbed the cloak, and he quickly turned back around to face Jagger.

    Sayer’s mouth opened, but before he could speak, Jagger told him,

    “You do want to. I may be a lowly bartender, but I sure as seven hells

    know an erection when I feel it pressed against my belly.” 

    Jagger saw Sayer’s cheeks flush. “Do you have to be so crude?” 

    “Is that what it is? I’m too crude and common for you?” Jagger

    tried not to let the thought hurt, but it did.

    But Sayer shook his head. “Of course not.” “Then why? Why push me away? I guarantee, if you come

    upstairs with me, you won’t be sorry.” 

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    “That sounds like a well-rehearsed line, Jagger. I don’t

     particularly like the idea of being just another one in a long line of


    “That bothers you? I promise you, you’ll never be just another


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    Chapter Four

    He studied Jagger’s face, trying to determine if the other man was

     just handing him a line or not. “How can I possibly believe that? I

    know what you’re like, Jagger. You never stay with anyone longer

    than a night or two. In fact, everyone says you make that plain before

    you’ll even invite someone to your room. So why haven’t you made it

     plain for me?” 

    He watched as Jagger rubbed his neck before shrugging. “Because

    you’re different.” 

    His heart leapt in his chest, but he couldn’t let himself believe

    what the other man was telling him. “I doubt it.”  

    “I notice that you didn’t deny that you wanted me.” 

    Sayer wasn’t sure what to say, so he just remained silent.  

    “What? Cat got your tongue?” Jagger prodded. “I want more from a man than you’re willing to give, Jagger. It’s

    as simple as that. Yes, I’m attracted to you. Am I going to do anything

    about it? No.” 

    “I think you’re afraid, Guardian. Afraid that you won’t be able to

    resist this feeling that is between us. Afraid that you might like it

    more than you think you should. Is that it? You’re a coward?” 

    Sayer tightened his lips but didn’t respond. 

    “Say something, for the Goddess’s sake.”

    “I’m not a coward.” 

    “And you want me.” “For now.” 

    “That’s enough for me.” 

    “But not for me.” 

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    Jagger stepped toward him, and Sayer took an involuntary step

     back and almost cursed aloud at the knowing look in Jagger’s eyes.

    “You don’t have to fear me, Sayer.” Jagger moved forward again,

    and Sayer felt the wall against his back as he took another step.

    “By the Goddess, Jagger. Stop this foolishness. I told you, I’m not

    interested in your games.” 

    Jagger’s hands came out to press against the wall on either side of

    Sayer’s head, effectively caging him. “Just one kiss.” 

    “You’ve had a kiss already, remember?” 

    Jagger leaned closer, allowing his body to come within a hair’s

     breadth of the other man’s. “One more, Sayer. A test. A real kiss thistime.” 

    He was so close now that Sayer could feel the other man’s breath

    against his face. He shouldn’t give in to the blatant manipulation, but

    he could feel himself weakening with each passing second. He wanted

    to feel the other man’s mouth on his, his tongue probing his own. It

    was probably foolish and definitely a mistake, but he couldn’t resist.

    “All right, Jagger. One kiss. One kiss, and then I’m out of here, and

    you will start your search for Breccan Sarris.” 

    Sayer saw the other man’s smile of triumph. “Agreed.” 

    Then Jagger’s mouth was on his. 

    Sayer was lost. This kiss was nothing like the first. It was an

    explosion of hunger and need such as he’d never felt before. Jagger’s

    mouth ate at his own. Over and over, Jagger’s tongue pushed into his

    mouth, mimicking the act that Sayer was beginning to crave. He

    opened his mouth wider, needing Jagger to take control. Jagger’s

    tongue swept through his mouth, probing every corner. Sayer groaned

    and caught it between his teeth, sucking it and reveling when he felt

    Jagger’s hands tighten on his hips where they’d rested. 

    He’d never known a kiss so darkly erotic, and he leaned intoJagger, needing to feel the hardness of the other man’s body pressed

    against his own. His experiences with Ambrey had been gentle and

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    sweet, nothing like the lightning-hot passion he was finding in

    Jagger’s arms. His blood sang with desire. 

    He tried to remember why this was such a bad idea, tried to grasp

    at the threads of his control, but they slipped from his grasp, burned

    into nothingness by the heated carnality of Jagger’s touch.

    Jagger’s mouth left his. He forced his eyes open, only to see the

    other man drop to his knees before him. He knew what was coming,

    what Jagger intended, so when he felt the other man’s hands tearing at

    the strings of his breeches, he was not shocked or surprised. He was

    aroused, Goddess help him, aroused and aching for the other man’s

    touch. And when Jagger pulled his breeches down and wrapped hisfist tightly around his cock, Sayer almost screamed out the pleasure.

    Jagger stroked his hand up and down the length of Sayer’s cock

    several times, and Sayer’s head fell back, resting against the wall. He

    felt the warmth of Jagger’s breath only a moment before the head of

    his cock was enveloped in the heated moisture of his mouth. He cried

    out at the pleasure.

    Jagger began suckling him, taking him deeper into his throat, and

    Sayer felt his cock throb and pulse in the tight space. He grabbed

    Jagger’s braid, wrapping it around and around his hand, using it to

    force the other man’s mouth down on his cock even f arther.

    Jagger’s gaze flew up to meet his as he took Sayer as deep as he

    could, until his nose was buried in the tight curls at the base of

    Sayer’s cock. Sayer couldn’t take his eyes off the other man, feeling

    so connected to Jagger that he couldn’t speak .

    After a moment, Jagger pulled back, using his tongue to trace the

     bulging veins that ran down the length of Sayer’s penis. Then he bent

    lower to suckle and caress Sayer’s ball sac, drawing the orbs into his

    mouth and sucking them delicately.

    Sayer’s eyes closed. “Farking hells, Jagger. Yes. Goddess, thatfeels so good.” 

    Then Jagger was stroking him again, even as he suckled and

    licked his balls. It wasn’t long before Sayer felt a tightening in his

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    guts and a tingling at the base of his spine signaling his approaching

    orgasm. “I’m coming, Jagger. Salara’s bones, I’m coming.” With a

    last gasp, he orgasmed, his cum spurting over the other man’s hand

    and tunic in short bursts until he had emptied himself completely.

    Finally, his breath coming harshly from his mouth, he opened his

    eyes and gazed down into the smiling face of the man who’d given

    him one of the most exciting orgasms of his entire life. As he

    watched, Jagger lifted his hand and began licking the milky cum from

    his fingers like a child would lick the icing from a feast-day cake.

    Then Jagger was rising to his feet, leaning in to kiss Sayer again.

    Sayer tasted his own cum on the other man’s mouth and was stunnedat the erotic pleasure it gave him. He couldn’t believe what had just

    happened. He didn’t want to think about what a mistake this was.

    When Jagger lifted his head and held out his hand, Sayer placed his

    own in it.

    Then Jagger was leading him out of the barroom and up the stairs

    to his private apartments. Sayer hesitated on the threshold for one

    moment, his conscience making a last-ditch effort to save him from

    further foolishness, but he pushed it aside, taking the final step into

    Jagger’s rooms.

    When the sound of the closing door penetrated his dazed brain, he

    flinched slightly, knowing that there was no turning back.

    * * * *

    Jagger couldn’t believe that he had the Guardian in his

    apartments. Nor could he believe what had just happened. And they

    weren’t done yet, that was for damn sure. He pushed Sayer back

    against his door, pressing close against him, and felt the other man’s

    heart pounding against his chest, like a trapped bird beating against itscage.

    The blood pounding in his cock echoed the rhythm of Sayer’s

    heart, and he needed to fuck the other man badly. But he couldn’t give

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    the Guardian a chance to change his mind, so he took Sayer’s mouth

    in another heated kiss, pressing his tongue deep and reclaiming the

    territory he’d conquered earlier.

    He brushed his erection against Sayer’s abdomen with a firm

     pressure and whimpered when Sayer pushed back. Pushing his hands

     beneath Sayer’s tunic, he lifted it, breaking his kiss long enough to

    toss it to the floor. Then he let his hands explore the other man’s

    torso, lingering over the hard nubs of his nipples. He pinched them

    lightly in his fingers and felt Sayer’s shiver of response. Bending, he

    took one in his mouth, biting down with his teeth and tugging gently.

    Then he licked the spot he’d wounded with small, delicate licks.Sayer’s hands grasped him and tugged him back up, leaning close

    to capture Jagger’s mouth with surprising command. “Where’s your

     bedroom?” the Guardian asked huskily. “If we’re going to do this,

    let’s do it right.” 

    Jagger concealed his astonishment at Sayer’s eager participation

    and, instead, turned and led the other man into his bedroom, tugging

    his clothes off as he walked. When he finally stood next to his bed, all

    he still wore were his breeches and boots. Sayer bent to take off his

    own boots and soon was pushing his pants down.

    Jagger watched, admiring the lush, masculine form that was being

    revealed to him. He watched as Sayer shivered. Luckily the fire he’d

     banked earlier had the room still somewhat warm, but Jagger knelt to

    stir up the coals, not wanting anything to interfere in Sayer’s

    enjoyment of the moment. In the dim light from the slightly parted

    curtain, he could see that, while Sayer was deceptively slender when

    clothed, nude, he was a work of art. His limbs long and lithe, each

    muscle defined and toned. His chest was nearly hairless, with just a

    light scattering of pale-blond hair in the center, trailing down to his

    cock, which began to stir again at Jagger’s obvious interest.“Better?” he asked, indicating the fire, and Sayer nodded his head,

    looking a little uncertain.

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    where it surrounded his, that he was afraid he would explode after a

    single stroke if he didn’t get himself under control. He dropped his

    head down, biting his lip and clutching Sayer’s hips in his hands so

    tightly he knew they would carry the bruise tomorrow.

    At last he felt he had regained a measure of his control. Bending

    down, he surrounded Sayer, letting his back press down on the other

    man and wrapping his arms around his waist. Then he pulled out

    slowly before pressing back in. He did it again. Sayer pressed back

    hard against him, urging him to a faster pace, and Jagger didn’t

    disappoint him. He picked up speed, faster and faster, and before long

    he was pounding himself into Sayer’s willing ass. “I’m close, Sayer. So farking close.” 

    “Come, Jagger, damn it. Come for me,” Sayer gasped out, and at

    those words, Jagger exploded, shooting his cum in hard, hot bursts

    deep into the other man’s ass. Jagger’s eyes rolled as each spurt of

    cum left his body, and his vision darkened. He knew he was on the

    verge of passing out from the pleasure it was so intense. He had never

    felt anything like it before in his life. He managed to hold on to

    consciousness as the last tremors took his body.

    He pulled himself out of Sayer’s ass and rolled to one side, not

    wanting to crush the other man beneath his limp weight. He threw his

    arm across his face, shielding his eyes from any possible probing gaze

    that Sayer might shoot him. He needed some time to recoup.

    He’d known things would be good between them. The heat they

    generated when they were merely in the same room with one another

    had told him that. What he hadn’t expected and wasn’t sure how to

    handle was the realization that there was a good chance that Sayer

    could come to mean more to him than anyone ever had before. Even

    Sharise. And that scared the farking hell out of him.

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    Chapter Five

    Sayer had never felt so relaxed, which was surprising. He’d

    thought he would feel regretful about giving in to his physical need

    without an emotional involvement, but now he realized the truth. He

    was emotionally involved. All this time he’d avoided being around

    Jagger, not because he thought the man was incapable of fidelity, but

     because he knew that he wouldn’t be able to resist him. He was

    teetering on the edge of falling in love with Jagger and probably had

     been for a long time.

    He turned his head and looked at Jagger where he lay relaxed and

    sleeping on the bed beside him. Their lovemaking had definitely been

    a revelation to him, but what had it meant to the other man? Was it

     just a game to him, as Sayer had accused earlier? Or was there a

    chance that it was more. Jagger had said that this was more to himthan a one-time thing. Did he mean it?

    Sayer felt a tightening in his chest at the thought of losing Jagger,

     but he knew that the odds of him wanting something permanent were

    not high. Still, there had been something in his eyes as they’d made

    love, something warm and full of promise. Perhaps over the course of

    the next few weeks, as they searched for Breccan Sarris, something

    would develop into a real, solid connection. He moved, cuddling

    closer to the warm body of his lover and smiled.

    The next several days were busy ones. Jagger began putting his

    feelers out amongst his spies and sources in Winterreach’s underbelly,and Sayer investigated each and every lead that came in. Most of

    them turned out to be nothing, but occasionally he stumbled upon a

    real clue in helping him locate the man who did not want to be found.

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    Sayer had to give Sarris credit. He’d done a damn good job of

    disappearing. Without Jagger’s connections, he knew the task would

    have been pretty hopeless.

    Jagger’s latest lead had them heading to a small village to the  

    southwest of Winterreach named Marlen’s Crossing. According to

    Jagger’s source, a man matching Sarris’s description had lived in the

    village for a short while the year before. No one knew much about

    him. He’d kept to himself a lot and made a few extra coins here and

    there by offering his reading and translating abilities. Though Queen

    Lyra had promoted education for all the children of Winterreach, it

    was a sad fact that many, mostly adults, were basically illiterate. Theyfrequently had to seek out the learned for help in understanding

    documents or letters that were sent to them for various purposes.

    Sayer was hopeful that they would learn whether or not this was

    actually the man they were seeking and possibly even where he had

    moved after leaving Marlen’s Crossing. Though it was important that

    they find the man as soon as possible, Sayer also had to acknowledge

    to himself that he was dreading the moment when they did finally

    locate Sarris. The reason, of course, rode silent and steady on the

    horse next to him. He shot a surreptitious glance at Jagger, unable to

    read him or tell what he was thinking. When their search was over,

    would Jagger still want to continue seeing him, or would it end

    abruptly, as Sayer feared?

    The other man was ridiculously difficult to read, and it frustrated

    Sayer no end. He had a reputation as being a man who could see

    through all the surface dung and get to the heart of a matter. He was

    known for his skills of observation and quiet thoughtfulness. Yet he

    could not see to the core of Jagger Fin. The man was an enigma, and

    despite the fact that they’d spent practically every moment together

    for the past week, Sayer still couldn’t say for sure what his feelingswere on the matter of their relationship.

    Oh, the sex was still hot as seven hells. He got semi-hard just

    thinking about it. And sometimes he thought he caught glimpses of

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    real emotion when Jagger looked at him, but it was quickly concealed,

    as though Jagger was afraid that Sayer would see it.

    “What’s got that frown upon your face, Sayer?” Jagger’s voice

     jolted him from his thoughts.

    He looked over and saw the other man staring at him curiously.

    “You look like you’re trying to solve all the ills of the world from

    that saddle. Look around you. It’s a lovely day for a ride into the

    country.” Jagger gestured broadly with his hand, and Sayer allowed

    his eyes to take in the beautiful vista around them. The weather had

    continued to be favorable for several days, and Jagger was right. It

    was lovely. A light dusting of snow glistened on the tree branches andcreated a velvety carpet across the surrounding fields. In the distance,

    horses cropped lazily at patches of hay that someone had strewn for

    that very purpose. In the distance he could even hear the song of a

    snowbird trilling through the air.

    He looked back and caught Jagger’s eye. “You’re right. It is a

     beautiful day, but I have much on my mind.” 

    “Obviously. But I think we’re nearing the village.” 

    Sayer agreed, “Yes, it should be just over that next hill.” 

    “I hope this isn’t a waste of time. I’m starting to get saddle sores

    from all the worthless journeys here and there trying to find this


    Sayer nodded. “He’s done a good job covering his tracks. I’ll say

    that for him.” 

    Jagger grunted an agreement and then added, “I guess if you’re

    trying to hide yourself from a shape-shifting sorceress who’s out for

    your blood, it gives you a bit more incentive than the average guy on

    the run.” 

    “No doubt.” 

    “It’s almost a shame that we have to find him. He’s certainly goneto a lot of effort, and we’re about to blow all that hard work to the

    seven hells.”  Jagger tossed his cloak back from his shoulders and

    lifted a brow at Sayer.

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    “It’s necessary, unfortunately. If we don’t find some way to

    eliminate Kalandra soon, I’m afraid war is inevitable. Ke lan is no

    longer willing to put up with Kalandra’s constant harassment. She had

    the queen killed, and there’s no question that Kelan will be next. Or


    “I know. I know. I only hope this man is willing to cooperate.” 

    “As do I.” Sayer caught a glimpse of smoke rising from a

    chimney. “Look. There is the village.” 

    As they crested the small hill, the village lay spread out before

    them. It was, indeed small, just a few rough houses and a handful of

     businesses, a general store and a blacksmith’s shop were easilyidentified. A couple of children played in the street, stopping to stare

    at the two strangers as they rode by them. Sayer spotted a tavern and

     pointed it out to Jagger, who nodded and guided his horse to a stop in

    front of the building. They dismounted and tied their horses to a

    nearby post.

    When they entered, a few customers turned to look at them.

    Spotting Sayer’s gray cloak, the look of suspicion left their faces, and

    they turned back to their drinks. Sayer walked toward the bar,

    followed closely by Jagger. When the bartender stepped forward, they

    ordered a couple of drinks. He quickly poured the small glasses of

    whiskey and set them down on the bar.

    “That’ll be four coppers.” 

    Sayer tossed down the coins and took a drink.

    Jagger lifted his own glass, examining the pale-brown liquid

     before tossing it back. “Not bad,” he told the bartender. “Much better

    than I would have expected in such a small village.” 

    The bartender smiled, revealing a chipped front tooth. “We  got

    our own brewer. He turns out a damn good whiskey. Damn good.

    Almost as good as that stuff from Jael. We even sell some of it to afew of the bars in the capital.” 

    Jagger looked interested. “Is that a fact? I happen to own a place

    in Winterreach myself. Maybe we could work out a deal. I’m always

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    “I’m not saying Arris is your man. He’s just the only one I can

    recollect that matches your description,” Alb was saying. 

    Sayer nodded. “Do you have any idea where we might be able to

    find this man?” 

    Alb shrugged. “Can’t say as I do. Old man Hallsbrook might

    know. He’s the one that rented Arris his place while he was here.

    They got pretty tight, if I recall correctly.” 

    “Where might we find Sirrah Hallsbrook?” 

    “Well, that’s the thing. He’s gone to Averin Province for the

     bonding ceremony of his youngest girl. Should be back in a day or

    two, though. No more’n a week for sure.” Sayer exchanged a look with Jagger, who shook his head.

    “A day or two, you say?” Sayer smiled at Alb. “Well, we really

    need to get back to Winterreach to report our findings to King Kelan.

    Could you send a messenger to the Gray Tower to let me know when

    he has returned? I’ll be glad to pay both you and t he messenger a

    silver each.” 

    Alb readily agreed to the proposition. Another customer entered

    the tavern, and Jagger and Sayer stepped away from the bar to

    converse where they would not be overheard.

    “What do you think?” Sayer asked. 

    “I think maybe Sirrah Hallsbrook is nonexistent,” Jagger


    Sayer nodded. “I think you’re probably right. Or if he does exist,

    he’s probably just some convenient villager who is currently out of

    town. I imagine Alb knows exactly where to find our man.” 

    “He probably wants to check with this Arris Breelan, if that is

    indeed his name and not something Alb made up to throw us off the


    “That’s what I figured.” “We could hang out here. Follow him when he goes to speak to

    the man,” Jagger suggested. 

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    “No. We don’t want to give them any reason to distrust us.

    Remember, if this is Breccan Sarris, he’s got plenty of reason to be

     protective of his whereabouts. The last thing we need is to spook him.

    He could disappear again, and who knows how long it would take us

    to locate him.” 

    “What then?” 

    “We head back to the capital. Hopefully we’ll hear something

    from Alb in the next few days.” 

    “All right. This is your quest. I’m just along for the ride.” 

    Sayer moved to speak to Alb one last time, and Jagger headed for

    the door, stepping outside and taking a casual look around the village.A few curious gazes were cast in his direction, but he ignored them.

    Suddenly the hairs on the back of his neck rose. He was being

    watched. And not the casual interest of the villagers, either. He felt

    malevolence in the eyes of the watcher. His instincts told him that

    whoever it was had evil intent, and his instincts were never wrong. He

    allowed his eyes to move without seeming focused, searching for

    anyone or anything that seemed out of order or that caught his

    attention, but he saw nothing.

    Could it be Breccan Sarris? Or had they unwittingly led some of

    Queen Kalandra’s men here in their search for the queen’s former

    translator? He had tried to keep the search quiet, but it was impossible

    to completely hide the focus of his quest. And not all of his sources

    were the most trustworthy individuals. It was possible that someone

    had unknowingly triggered interest from the very people Sarris was

    hiding from.

    Then the feeling was gone. Narrowing his eyes, Jagger considered

    the implications of that disturbing feeling. When Sayer joined him, he

    leaned over to whisper a warning. “We’re being watched.” 

    Sayer nodded slightly and then said loudly, “Well, that was awaste of time. I think we’re not going to find what we seek here. Let’s

    head back to the city. Maybe we can arrive in time to join s