Britain Section 2

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  • 8/8/2019 Britain Section 2


    Britain Section 2

    o Economy has moved away from laissez-faire

    o Neoliberalism: government policies promote free competition and interfere as little as

    possible with companies y State and Economy

    o Intro (the blurb before the subsection)

    1976: Britain receives a bailout from the International Monetary Fund y IMF was created for third world countries (very, very bad sign)

    y sick man of Europe

    UK economy exhibits overall strength

    Competitive in financial services

    Weak in industrial sector y Productivity gap between UK and competitors

    y Persistant deficit in the UK balance of trade

    y Low rates of domestic investment and spending on research and

    development y Production system generates nonstandard and insecure jobs

    o More women and ethnic minorities working in this area

    y Products are low tech, low value added

    The Labour Party

    y 1993: sustained economic growth starting with John Major

    y Insists that third way can blend dynamics of market forces with the

    traditional concerns for social justice

    o Economic Management

    Intro y Macroeconomic policy: the use of broad policy instruments designed to

    influence the economy by adjusting state revenues and expenditures to

    achieve short term goals y Economy is dominated by the Treasury and the Bank

    The Consensus Era (1945-1979) y Post World War I effect

    o During WWI the government took control of several sectors in

    order to produce weaponry effectively

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    o Interventionist role

    y Post World War II effect

    o High sense of unity

    o Collectivist consensus is crystallized

    y Keynesianism: the government nationalizes some industries, and

    assumes direct ownership (basically the government runs a company)

    and in return has the responsibility of economic stability and growth

    (This is the one formed by John Maynard Keynes) y Keynesian Welfare State (this is what the government policy was)

    o State budget deficits are used to expand demand (more demand =

    more consumption and investment)

    o Cuts in government spending and tightening of credit and finance

    used to cool demand (too much demand = high inflation = deficit

    in balance)

    o Result: expanded economics manage and welfare provision

    y 1970s: no economic growth and growing political discontent

    y 1970-1964: Edward Heath

    o First PM to suffer full burden of recession

    o Political opposition from both allies and adversaries

    y 1974-1979: Harold Wilson and James Callaghan

    o Reinforce impression that government is out of control

    o 1978-1979: winter of discontent

    1978: Unions break with the government y Unofficial work stoppages

    y Strikes

    Weakens Labour party

    Discredits Keynesiam welfare state

    y 1975: Thatcher becomes Conservative Party leader o Collectivism is accepted by conservative leaders

    Thatcherite Policy Organization y Growing disillusionment with Keynesianism

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    y Monetarism: there is a natural rate of unemployment which is

    determined by the labor market, and monetary policy should be passive

    with limited intervention y No government spending to run up deficits

    y Government contributes by reducing social expenditure and downsizing

    public sector

    o Privatize national industries

    New Labours Economic Policy Approach y Alternative to monetarism and Keynesianism

    y Blend of elements of Thatcherism and collectivism (the Third Way)

    y 1997: Bank of England is given operational independence in

    maintaining low inflation and setting of monetary policy y Concern is macroeconomic stability

    y Focused on designing and implementing job policies to create new jobs

    and get people into the work force

    Political Implications of Economic Policy y British government has never consistantly followed any economic

    policy y Economic policy = pragmatic and eclectic


    Follows a broad moral and cultural vision of society y Economic management policies are closely linked to social or welfare


    o Social Policy

    Intro y Social security: system of contributory and noncontributory benefits to

    provide financial assistance to those in needed of assistance

    The Welfare State

    y Encouraged private alongside public provision in education, health care,and pensions

    y Increased efficiency in social services

    y Reduced values of some benefits

    y Collective provision for basic needs --> limited government ability to

    reduce social spending or change institutional behavior

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    New Labour Social Policy y Between Thatcherism and collectivism

    y Broader social investment

    y Working to break welfare dependency (does give pathways out of

    dependence) y 1999: Bridging the Gap giving young adults various pathways

    (academic, vocational, occupational) y 1998: Better Government for Older People

    y 2000: All Our Futures recommendations to improve daily life

    y Improved NHS quality and performance

    y Gains credibility for health care and education

    y Society and Economy

    Significant disadvantage in minorities and women

    o Inequality and Ethnic Minorities

    Ethnic minorities are generally are characterized by poverty and diminished


    About 7.9% of the UK population (as of 2003) y Indians 21.7

    y Pakistanis 16.7


    Bangladeshis 6.1 y Afro-Caribbeans and other blacks 27.1

    Gradual erosion of racial, religious and ethnic tolerance

    Ethnic men = poorer treatment by authorities y Police are slowly recruiting ethnic minority police officers

    Race Relations Act of 2000: outlaws direct and indirect discrimination of all public


    Women get limited employment opportunities

    Overrepresented in low-income households o Inequality and Women

    More women than men have part time jobs, but most of them arent planning on

    getting a full-time job; more women then men have multiple part-time jobs

    Gender gap in payment: 85.7% of mens payment

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    Blairs government: gender equality in workplace, family friendly goal (parental

    leave, ect), flexibility of work times y These are the minimums required under the Maastrict Treaty (so it was a

    must do to enter the EU)

    Still have a high gap between child-care supply and demand y Britain in the Global Economy

    o Foreign direct investment: ownership of or investment in cross-border enterprises in which

    the investor plays a direct managerial role

    Favors national systems which relies on private contractual and market-driven


    UK=Low costs, political climate, reduced trade union power, many non-unionized

    recruits, government-sponsored financial incentives

    Thatcher and Major: FDI is a market-driven alternative to state intervention to

    improve competitiveness y Continued in the Third Way

    o Growth in competitiveness

    Quality-competitive high technology industries

    o Weak industrial performance