Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation

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  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation

    Please give a brief description about implementation process carried out.

    There is no standard Implementation process, it purely depends on which methodologyperson have adopted for implementation. I will give you broad view of implementationproject... I am just starting from sizing of the servers ...

    1. Identify the no of users and type of users

    2. Design the technical system landscape of servers

    . Do the sizing based on users, documents created.

    !. "onvert your sizing re#uirement in to $ardware re#uiremnet

    %. "onsider the bac&up procedure also

    '. Then start with the setup of development landscape

    (. Define client strategy, transport strategy, )ser management.

    *. +i the support pac&age levels.

    -. Tune the system for performence

    1. set up the /0 systems

    11. Define client copy strategy

    12. etup the 34D systems

    1. 0pply for re 5olive report

    1!. 6onitor system of db load

    1%. 0pply post golive report *-- Bajrang

    SAP Administrator Daily Activities


    17 "hec& that all the application servers are up8sm%1 0 erverssm!9al* :ogon )sers

    27 "hec& that daily bac&up are eecuted without errors

    db12 ;ac&up logs8 overview

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    7 0 standard bac&ground jobs are running successfully. 3eview for cancelled and criticaljobs.

    sm( ;ac&ground jobs

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    0 ;0I IET=3FI=A /)=TI4E G 0EA=3 8.03J do 0"03 $' I &ave generated ;7? job and later I &ave terminated t&e job. I

    5is& to start generating from 5&ere it stopped I &ave refres&ed but to no c&ance

    not&ing 5as done. 8o5 s&ould I furt&er proceed so as to complete t&e remaining job 2tart 5=E again and select the same you have selected before. It will popup and as& if youwant to start from scratch or generate the just the remaining.

    /@.)&en 5e s&ould use "ransactional (! 2

    0 Ktransactional 3+"K means, that either both parties agree that the data was correctlytransfered < or not. There is no Khalf data transferK.

    //.)&at is osp mean2 )&at if user is given 5it& t&is aut&orisation2

    4 is the mechanism the BIDCadm users uses to connect to the database.

    /3.)&at is a developer 0ey2 and &o5 to generate a developer 0ey2

    The developer &ey is a combination of you installation number, your license &ey ?that you get

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    from and the user name. Hou need this for each person thatwill ma&e changes ?Dictionary or programs@ in the system.

    /6.8o5 to see 5&en 5ere t&e optimiCer stats last time run2 )e are using 5in304 oracle

    =4 sapr96 7:c.

    0ssumed D;M4racleelect any table lets ta&e 6030 here but you should do the same for 6=5 and few othersto see whether the dates match or not.3un the following command on the command prompt 8 '(1--2 1 ddic 1--2(' '' early watch surpass9support

    These all are 0 client user ID, "lient and assword.

    < 'th Puly 1--2 when 0 moved from two Tier architecture to three Tier architecture.< 392 is 6ainframe< 39 0

    < ;asis guys will have accesses to DDI" only.< Initally all newly created client use dummy i.e. it will not have any data.< Ae have to do a client copy in order to populate the data in the newly created client. This

    process is called as client copy.< In order to login into a newly created client should use user ID sap> password is pass.< ddic is also called as god li&e user.< =arly watch is a user ID is used by 0 05 people for trouble shoots ?IDE line and routerconfiguration is re#uire for early watch@.

    6 "ier 6 system landscape SAP-modelF

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    %ulti System Landscape


    1) Which directory do we have the exe fles?

    2) Which directory do we have errors or logs or traces recorded?

    3) What is the profle parameter or increasing the number o background work


    ) !i"erence between #entral $nstance and %pplication &erver $nstance?

    ') (ow many %pplication server instances are there in your company?

    ) (ow many modules did you support?

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    *) What is the version o +&, !- and ./3?

    0) What is the patch level o ./3 used in your proect?

    ) What are the $ addresses o your ./3 systems?

    14) $ the dispatcher work process ails can $ login to &% system?

    11) (ow to check the status o dispatcher rom +& level?

    12) What are the start/stop commands or &% system rom $& level?

    13) $ dialog work process ails where can $ check the logs related to the dialog

    Work rocess?

    1) What are the three types o profle parameters and what is their naming


    1') What is the technology used by &% systems to process user re5uests?

    1) What is the transaction code to check whether all my instances are active or


    1*) What is the transaction code or fnding out number o work process present

    in a particular instance?

    10) (ow do $ do manual switching o operation mode?

    1) (ow many work processes are re5uired in order to login to &% system?

    What are the types?

    24) $n what se5uence does the system read system parameters?

    21) What is the transaction code to check the consistency o individual profles?

    22) $n which se5uence we perorm the setting up o operation modes?

    23) Which &% processes are started when the &% system or an instance is


    2) (ow do $ fnd out which are dynamically switched or static parameters?

    2') (ow do $ display current values o system parameters? What are the ways o

    displaying current values o system parameters?

    2) $ $ make any change to the startup profle do $ need to restart &% system?

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    osted by 6umar &% at 12/13/2413

    7mail 8his-log8his9&hare to 8witter&hare to :acebook

    ;abels< basis, basis 5uestions, sap interview 5uestions, &% $=87.>$7W

    @7&8$+=& %=! %=&W7.&, sap 5uestions

    &% !%8%-%&7 $=87.>$7W @7&8$+=& A %=&W7.& B2


    ANSWERS -2

    (Q) Can RMAN recover !e Daa"a#e a$o%aca'' !o$ Recover

    caa'o* +

    C%) =+

    (Q) I# !o'e Bac,$ can "e a# 'eve' / Bac,$ +

    C%) Whole backup is not level 4 -ackup and canDt be used as basis or$ncremental -ackupE

    (Q) W! .o e nee. o er0or% a rearaor r$n +

    C%) $ -ackup with .F%= is supposed to orm sets then we need to run

    reparatory runE

    reparatory run can be run rom !-13 prepare or .F%= -ackupE

    =o -ackup is created during preparation run, only estimates #ompression rate

    o -.8++;& to compress the fles and to determine compressed and

    decompressed fle siGesE

    $t is recommended to perorm preparatory run per one -ackup cycleE

    (Q) W!a are !e conen# o0 ae 'a"'e a0er a ae # Ina'1e. +

    C%) Ci) 8ape =ame

    Cii) =ame o the !atabase

    Ciii) 8ime stamp o last backup recorded on the tape

    Civ) =umber o -ackups perormed with the tape

    (Q) Be0ore rn* .aa o ae 0 !e 'a"'e # Re. o c!ec, !e 0o''on*

    C%)Ci) 8ape =ame

    Cii) 8ape ;ocked or 7xpiredC7xpireHperiod) Ciii) =oE o times the tape already been readC8apeHuseHcount)
  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    $ 7xpirationHperiod I 4 days, the >olume is not locked at all and can be over


    J $ a lock occurs on a tape, it automatically expires at midnightE

    (Q) W!a are !e %e!o.# $#e. " BRBACUP an. BRARC3IVE o c!ec,

    ae 'oc,# +C%) 8here are 2 types o locks

    Ci) hysical lock check< hysical lock check is done by checking tape label

    parameter 7xpirHperiodE $ the number o days passed since the tape was last

    used is less than value o parameter 7xpirHperiod, then the tape is physically


    Cii) ;ogical lock check< 8his value is derived rom the time stamp written to

    tables &!-%(, &!-%!

    (Q) W!a are !e varo$# ae #e'econ roce##e# +

    C%) Ci) %uto tape selection -.-%#6@ and -.%.#( Cii) Fanual selection by the +perator

    Ciii)-y external tool

    (Q) W!a # !e oon o #e'ec !e ae# a$o%aca'' " BRBACUP

    an. BRARC3 +

    C%) &et the parameter >olumeH-ackup and >olumeHarchive to 8%7

    (Q) W!a # !e co%%an. o c!ec, !c! ae '' "e a$o%aca''

    #e'ece. +

    C%) -. -ackup K -.%.#($>7 L K uery M check N

    (Q) 3o .o e #c! o4 a$o%ac ae Mana*e%en +

    C%) -y setting up the parameterC>olume -ackup and >olume %rchive) to the

    value O.%8#(P

    (Q) 3o .o I $rno4 !e ae %ana*e%en er0or%e. " SAP oo'# +

    C%) #onfgure the parameter -ackupHdevHtypeI @8$;H:$;7


    @8$;H:$;7H+=;$=7 and also confgure -%#6$=8 interace in initQ&$!REsap

    NOTE:-ack$=8 $nterace program is only supported or external -ackupE

    (Q) 3o .o e ver0 Bac,$# +

    C%) >erifcation o backups is o 2 types

    Ci) 8ape >erifcation< 8he fles are restored fle by fle and compared with

    original fles to veriy i the backup is redableE

    Cii) !- -lock consistency< 8his checks the !atabase block by block using

    +racle tool O!->7.$:SP to identiy and restore rom bad blocksE

    %8(< -.8++;&-ackup A !-copy>erifcation o !- -ackup, >erifcation o

    %rchive log -ackup

    8he option @&7H!->C!->7.$:SI=+), only tape is verifed C$ yes 8apeverifcation T !- -lock #onsistancy #heck)

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    (Q) I0 SAP #are. an. I a% rn* o #c! o non-arc!ve %o.e !a

    '' !aen5

    C%) $t will show an error showing that &% instance is runningE lease showdown

    frst or use orce optionE

    (Q) I0 SAP # r$nnn* an. I r o #!$.on !e DB $#n* BR oo'# !a

    '' !aen5

    C%) $t through an error saying that &% is running please shutdown the &% frst

    or orce option and then continueE

    (Q) I0 a"'e #ace # 0$'' !en !a are !e o##"' o e6en. !e

    a"'e #ace# +

    C%) +ption 1< %dd another data fle to table space

    2< 7xisting data fle can be manually resiGed

    3< roperties o existing data fle can be changed to auto extendable

    (Q) W!a . !e 0or%$'a o ncrea#e !e .aa 7'e# #1e +

    C%) !ata fle siGe I 7xpected !-/144

    (Q) 3o %an n$%"er o0 .aa 7'e# '' "e !ere " .e0a$' +

    C%) !eault there are 144 data fles

    (Q) W!a # !e error re'ae. ! a"'e 8o +

    C%) :or table +.%1'3, +.%1' or indexesE

    (Q) Creae #erver ara%eer 7'e 0ro% n9#.5ora

    C%) ;ogin to oracle user CoraQsidR)

    osted by 6umar &% at 12/13/2413

    7mail 8his-log8his9&hare to 8witter&hare to :acebook

    ;abels< basis, database, !%8%-%&7 $=87.>$7W @7&8$+=& %=! %=&W7.&,

    oracle, sap database, &% !%8%-%&7 $=87.>$7W @7&8$+=& %=! %=&W7.&, &%

    $=87.>$7W @7&8$+=& %=! %=&W7.&, sap oracle, sap 5uestions

    &% !%8%-%&7 $=87.>$7W @7&8$+=& A %=&W7.& B1


    ANSWERS -;

    (Q) !a # !e #1e o0 orac'e .aa "'oc, +
  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    C%) 0 6- Cfxed siGe)

    (Q) W!a are !e #$aon# n !c! DBWO re# .r "'oc,# o .#,# +

    C%) $ the number o scanned bu"ers reaches a certain thresh holdE

    %t a specifc time that is when check point occursE

    (Q) W!a are !e con.on# n !c! 'o* rer re# re.o 'o* "$4er

    .aa o on'ne re.o 'o* 7'e# +

    C%) 8here conditions: I

    Q) W!a # !e .e0a$' a$!or1aon o"ec !c! # $#e. o c!ec, 0or

    an ro'e+

    %) &H8#+!7

    =ote classes o &% standard obects

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    Q) W!a are !e !ree arova' #e# o$ nee. o 0o''o a# a ar o0

    arova' roce.$re n QAS+

    %) 1E 8o be approved by system administrator

    2E 8o be approved by department

    3E 8o be approved by re5uest owner

    Q) W!a are !e varo$# $a'7er oon or !a are !e varo$# %or


    %) 8here are six import options

    1E ;eave transport re5uest in 5ueue or later import

    2E $mport transport re5uest again

    3E +verwrite originals

    E +verwrite obects in unconfrmed repairs

    'E $gnore unpermitted transport type

    E $gnore predecessor relations

    osted by 6umar &% at 12/13/2413

    7mail 8his-log8his9&hare to 8witter&hare to :acebook

    ;abels< basis, basis materials, interview, interview 5uestions, netweaver, sap,

    sap ag, sap basis, sap interview, sap interview 5uestions, sap netweaver

    Dece%"er ;2 2/;&ap !atabase =otes B

    Sa Daa"a#e Noe# F:-

    BR Too'#:1E ;ogin to +.%Q&$!R using putty

    2E 8ype -.8++;&

    3E 8here are totally option in -. tools

    aE &elect $nstant management, it is option 1bE $n !atabase instance management select option 2 to shutdown the databaseE

    cE 8ype U#D and click enter to continue

    dE $n !atabase instance shutdown main menu select option 1 shutdown !-E

    eE @nder options or shutting down the !- instance we have to choose option 1,

    that is close modeC!eault mode is immediate)

    E &elect option 1 and enter string value or UmodeD C$mmediateKnormalK


    Noe:i the users are logged in to the &% system then $ cannot use immediate,

    normal, transactional modes, using abort mode will orceully shutdown and will

    result to data loss hence never use this option so to be on the saest side alwaysshutdown using normal modeE
  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    A'er DB In#ance (Sc!n* o4 arc!ve %o.e):

    1E &hut down &% BR &top &% \&$!QadmR]

    2E ;og on to +.%Q&$!R user and start -. tools

    3E $n -. tools BR &elect option 1 C$nstance Fanagement)

    E &tart up database BR &elect option 1'E %lter !- instance BR +ption 3

    E 7nter UcD to continue

    *E 7nter UcD to continue

    0E &elect option or set non archive mode

    E 7nter Uc Uto continue and select option ' to show instance status

    Noe:while switching to archive mode and nonBarchive mode, it will shutdown

    the !- instance frst and then starts the !- instanceE $n each o these cases the

    time stamp is recorded that is data and timeE +nce the !- is up and running

    always check the status beore perorming any actionE

    C) $ &% started and $ am trying to switch to nonBarchive mode what will


    C%) $t will show an error showing that &% instance is runningE lease showdown

    frst or use orce optionE

    C) $ &% is running and $ try to shutdown the !- using -. tools what will


    C%) $t through an error saying that &% is running please shutdown the &% frst

    or orce option and then continueE

    Ta"'e #ace a.%n#raon:

    1E +racle stores data in table spaces, each table space consists o one or more

    data flesE

    2E !ata fles are plain fles stored on local system

    3E +racle has segment types

    aE !ata BR 8his segment contains table data in rows

    bE $ndex BR 7ach table has one primary index and UnD number o secondary

    indexes Coptional)E 8his index is used or aster access to table data and to

    enorce uni5ue constrainsE

    cE 8emp &egment BR 8his segment is used or sorts and to create indexesEdE .oll back/undo segment BR this segment is used to provide read consistency

    that is ability to roll back changed to tables or recoveryE

    E 8o meet the demand o large !-, !- designers creates partition tables and


    'E %n index segment in oracle !- used in &% holds either all data or take that is

    not partitioned or all data or a partition o partitioned tableE

    Co%%on a"'e #ace#:

    1E &ystem BR +racle data dictionary

    2E &% .+;; BR .oll back segment=ote< :rom W%& E1 version we have &% undo as roll back segmentE

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    3E &% 87F BR 8emporary segmentE

    C) $ table space is ull then what are the possibility to extend the table spaces ?

    C%) +ption 1< %dd another data fle to table space

    2< 7xisting data fle can be manually resiGed

    3< roperties o existing data fle can be changed to auto extendable

    C) What id the ormula to increase the data fles siGe ?

    C%) !ata fle siGe I 7xpected !-/144

    C) (ow many number o data fles will be there by deault ?

    C%) !eault there are 144 data fles

    C) 7xpected !- siGe and !ata fle siGe

    7xpected !- &iGe !ata :ile &iGe

    @p to 244Xb 2Xb 244 to 44Xb Xb

    44 to 044Xb 0Xb

    Xreater than 044Xb 4Xb

    C) What is the error related with table ^ow ?

    C%) :or table +.%1'3, +.%1' or indexesE

    C) What will happen i max extents are reached ?

    C%) +.%1'33 is the error orms extent reachedE $ max extent is reaching it limits,

    then increase next extentE When extents are dripped they are marked as reeand their blocks can be used by new extents, but adacent blocks are not

    combinedE 8he !-% must use O#+%;7Y7P ree extent into one large extentE 8here

    are two options or O#+%;7Y7P extentE

    1E -.#+==7#8 L check BR #+%;7Y7 ree extent automatically

    2E -.&%#7 L check BR #+%;7Y7 ree extent use locally managed table


    8o solve above problem with extent we must use locally managed table spacesE

    &egment &iGes =ext segment &iGe FaxEnoEo 7xtent

    ;ess than 1Fb ;ess than Fb 1 1 to Fb 1Fb 3

    Fb to 1Xb 0Fb 12

    Xreater than 1Xb Fb @nlimited

    %dvantage o ;F8& Clocally managed table spaces) is O+.%1'33P error eill no

    longer occurE 8he only disadvantage o ;F8& is, always it checks or used and

    ree spaceE

    Increa#e !e Ta"'e #ace:

    1E ;og on to +.%Q&$!R and enter into -. toolsE2E &pace management Coption 2)

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    3E 7xtent table space Coption 1)

    E 7nter UcD to continue

    'E 7nter UcD to continue

    $t will give O8able space extension main menuP

    Noe: :irst use option 2 to show the table spaces and percentage ull and make

    a note o a table space which is 04_ and above fll and then add a data fle asper the specifcation using the option 1 that is Oextent table spacePE

    E 7xtend table space Coption 1)

    *E 8his will list all table spaces and percentage used

    7xample 8able< O&%.3*44P

    0E &elect the table space that is UposD position

    E 7nter 2 to select above example table

    Noe:options or extension o table space

    aE ;ast added fle name

    bE ;ast added fle siGe in F-

    cE =ew fle to be addeddE .aw disk/link target

    eE &iGe o the new fle in F-

    E :ile auto extend mode I S7&

    gE Fax fle siGe in F- I \14444]

    hE :ile increment siGe in F- I \24]

    iE &; #ommand I \alter table space name]

    Noe:the last added data fle name and new fle to be added will show the exact

    location where the data fle is residing that is +racle/QsidR/sapdata 1 to n/

    14E 7nter UcD to continue

    11E 7nter option ' to change the siGe o new fle in F-

    12E ress UcD to continue

    13E &elect U=+D to continue with the current data fle additionE

    1E &elect US7&D to add a new data fle to the current table or add new data fle to

    a new tableE

    Noe:this action will update the time stamp in coBfle that is, it created a copy o

    coBfle in the location /oracle/Q&$!R/&%.7+.%K\#=8.;Q&$!REold]

    +nce coBfle is created, extending o table space is done, one successullycompleted it switches to next online redo log fle or database instance and

    fnally creates a copy o coBfle with new time stamp that is #F8.;Q&$!REnews

    To ;/ Orac'e error#:

    1E +.%131 and +.%132 BR Fax extent ull

    2E +.%1'3 BR 8able space ull

    3E +.%1' BR $ndex ull

    E +.%1113 BR When backup is aborted

    'E +.%11 BR When back is shutdown immediately

    E +.%1'*0 BR !ata block corrupted*E +.%42'' BR !atabase struck

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    0E +.%1''' BR -u"er mode is +::

    E +.%2*2 and +.%2'' BR %rchive struck

    14E +.%44 BR (ardware :ailure

    Noe:option and ' are also called as missing end backupE

    C!an*n* Orac'e Para%eer#

    ) #reate server parameter fle rom initQsidREora

    %) BR ;ogin to oracle user CoraQsidR)

    osted by 6umar &% at 12/12/2413

    7mail 8his-log8his9&hare to 8witter&hare to :acebook

    ;abels< basis, database, db41, db42, db12, db13, dbacockpit, oracle, pmon, sap,sap basis, sap basis class notes, &% -%&$& =+87&, sap database, sap database

    notes, sap notes, smon, sys dba

    &ap !atabase =otes B3

    Sa Daa"a#e Noe# :-


    C1) 7ach and every tape used or -ackup, iEeE -.-%#6@ and -.%.#($>7 needs

    to be initialiGedE

    C2) !uring tape $nitialiGing &% specifc label is written on label as :irst fle

    C8apeEhdro) containing the tape nameE

    C3) -.8++;&BR -ackupBR !bcopyBR %dditional :unctionsBR $nit o -.-%#6@

    tape >olume or $nit o -.%.#($>7 tape volumesE

    8he command to start the initialiGation is -.-%#6@ or -.%.#($>7 or L$/$nitialiGeE

    C) What are the contents o tape label ater a tape is $nitialiGed ?

    C%) Ci) 8ape =ame

    Cii) =ame o the !atabase

    Ciii) 8ime stamp o last backup recorded on the tape

    Civ) =umber o -ackups perormed with the tape

    Be0ore rn* .aa o ae 0 !e 'a"e' # Re. o c!ec, !e 0o''on*

    Ci) 8ape =ame

    Cii) 8ape ;ocked or 7xpiredC7xpireHperiod)

    Ciii) =oE o times the tape already been readC8apeHuseHcount)

    $ 7xpirationHperiod I 4 days, the >olume is not locked at all and can be over
  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation



    J $ a lock occurs on a tape, it automatically expires at midnightE

    C) What are the methods used by -.-%#6@ and -.%.#($>7 to check tape


    C%) 8here are 2 types o locks Ci) hysical lock check< hysical lock check is done by checking tape label

    parameter 7xpirHperiodE $ the number o days passed since the tape was last

    used is less than value o parameter 7xpirHperiod, then the tape is physically


    Cii) ;ogical lock check< 8his value is derived rom the time stamp written to

    tables &!-%(, &!-%!

    C) What are the various tape selection processes?

    C%) Ci) %uto tape selection -.-%#6@ and -.%.#(

    Cii) Fanual selection by the +perator Ciii)-y external tool

    C) What is the option to select the tapes automatically by -.-%#6@ and


    C%) &et the parameter >olumeH-ackup and >olumeHarchive to 8%7

    C) What is the command to check which tape will be automatically selected?

    C%) -. -ackup K -.%.#($>7 L K uery M check N

    C) (ow do we switch o" automatic tape Fanagement?C%) -y setting up the parameterC>olume -ackup and >olume %rchive) to the

    value O.%8#(P

    C) (ow do $ turno" the tape management perormed by &% tools?

    C%) #onfgure the parameter -ackupHdevHtypeI @8$;H:$;7


    @8$;H:$;7H+=;$=7 and also confgure -%#6$=8 interace in initQ&$!REsap

    NOTE:-ack$=8 $nterace program is only supported or external -ackupE

    C) (ow do we veriy -ackups?C%) >erifcation o backups is o 2 types

    Ci) 8ape >erifcation< 8he fles are restored fle by fle and compared with

    original fles to veriy i the backup is redableE

    Cii) !- -lock consistency< 8his checks the !atabase block by block using

    +racle tool O!->7.$:SP to identiy and restore rom bad blocksE

    PAT3:-.8++;&-ackup A !-copy>erifcation o !- -ackup, >erifcation o

    %rchive log -ackup

    8he option @&7H!->C!->7.$:SI=+), only tape is verifed C$ yes 8ape verifcation

    T !- -lock #onsistancy #heck)


  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    C1) !uring -ackup to tapeI %.#($>7

    C2) :irst &tatusI &%>7!

    &7#+=! &8%8@&I#+$7!

    %:87. !7;78$+= I !7;787!

    !uring -%#6@ 8+ !isk I !$&6

    NOTE:%ll the above status are recorded in %.#(Q&$!RElog

    ANA>HING Daa"a#e PROB>EMS:

    C1) #heck !atabase alert log and trace fles belonging to -gprocess C&%


    Ci) #heck or status o !atabase I %vailable or =+8 %vailable

    Cii) #heck or 7rror I Fedia or @ser error

    Ciii) #heck or corrupted fles and fle types I !ata, #ofle, +nline .edo log :iles

    Civ) #heck i &otware or (ardware Firroring I %vailable or =ot

    C2) &aest method is to perorm a complete +Vine -ackup beore the fles are

    copied back in restore place using -. -ackup or any -ackup 8oolsEC3) 8he above step is >ery $mportant or oint $n 8ime .ecovery or or !atabase

    rest because these stratagies always involve !ata lossE

    C) &ave +Vine .edo ;og :iles in +.%.#( !irectory using -.%rchive onlyE

    C') 8o check the reliability o -ackup strategy , run regularly restoration report in

    &% using !-12

    C) 8he above report is used to fnd out which backup to use or recovery as well

    as it displays inormation about last successul -ackupE

    C*) $ the list o .edo;og fles ater the last !atabase -ackup is too long, then

    perorm a complete !atabase -ackupE

    W'' $.ae #oon555 C!ec, ne6 o#555

    osted by 6umar &% at 12/12/2413

    7mail 8his-log8his9&hare to 8witter&hare to :acebook

    ;abels< basis, database, db41, db42, db12, db13, dbacockpit, oracle, pmon, sap,

    sap basis, sap basis class notes, &% -%&$& =+87&, sap database, sap database

    notes, sap notes, smon, sys dba

    &ap !atabase =otes B2

    Sa Daa"a#e Noe# 2:-

    BR Too'#C@sed or entire backup administration)

    J -. tools is a package name which contain various toolsE

    J 8hese tools are divided into various ways based on their perormanceE

    Noe:$ you get an error message while calling -. tools then your version mightbe olderE C;ess than E*)E
  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    J 8hese are two modes while calling the various options in -. 8oolsE

    BFain Fenu Fode

    Buick Fode

    BRConnec:is must, be called in main menu modeE

    J U-.&%#7D and U-..7#+>7.D always make a U#+==7#8/%& &S& !-%D, becausetheir actions re5uire &S&!-% privilegeE

    J +nce you connect a &S&!-%, i you do not want to enter a user name,

    password, while calling U&;Z ;@& call the interactive program using the

    command U&;;@&/=+ ;+XD

    J U&;&8%.;@& by deault connects to the db defned in enhancement oracle


    J #hanging the password or &% user is done using U-. #+==7#8D

    Noe: asswords or !- user U&% (7F% $!D or U&%.3D should not be changed

    using oracle methodsE

    Daa"a#e Tran#acon Co.e#:

    1E !-13< &chedule backups and other administrative obsE

    =ote< U!-13#D < 8his is used to schedule backups and admin activities centrally

    or all &% systems and databaseE

    2E !-1< 8o check the status and logs o all database operationsE

    3E !-1< +verview o database system checksE

    E !b1*< >iew and maintain check conditions or database system checkE

    'E !-24< Faintain &tatisticsE

    E !-21< #onfguration o &tatistics

    *E !-2< !atabase parameter overview with historyE0E !-42< 8able and index monitor

    E &84< !atabase perormance monitor

    14E .24 L !- %lert Fonitor C+ptional)

    11E !-13 is used as an interace to schedule back ground obs starting with

    !-%ZE 8hese background obs look into table U&!-%#D

    12E &fleEora is server side initialiGation parameter fle Coracle database server)

    J !o not make parameter changes on oracle level, because i only changes

    parameter values in &fle, hence always use -.Z tools, because it monitors

    consistency by copying the contents in both flesE

    J 8he transaction code !-42 and &84 still use UinitQ&$!REoraDJ &% installation tool do not create &fleE &fle is created using &;Zplus

    U#.7%87 &:$;7DE

    J &fle is stored in UoracleHhomeD directory same as UinitQ&$!RHoraDE

    J .24< !atabase alert monitorE

    Sar an. So Co%%an.#

    -.&%#7H# :+.#7H: dbstandH& Q&tateR

    -.&%#7H# :+.#7H: dbstandH& Q&tateR

    Sarn* o0 Daa"a#e1E =o mount I reads parameter fles, database instance started and allocated

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    memory bu"ersE

    2E Fount ace< opens coflesE

    3E +pen< opens all data fles and online redo log flesE

    J Fount ace is used or database recovery, or changing archive log mode, or

    removing and moving data fle and also or adding, dropping, renaming online

    redo log flesEJ !o not use U-.#+==7#8D to start and shutdown database, instead use

    U-.&%#7D because it tried logfle actionsE

    J =o mount space is used or creation o database and or recreation o lost


    Son* o0 Daa"a#e

    1E =ormal< +racle waits till all users are disconnected rom the databaseE %ll fles

    are closed and database is dis mounted and instance is shutdownE

    2E 8ransactional< +racle waits till all open transactional to fnish and then it

    disconnects users and shutdown databaseE3E $mmedaite< =o new connections and transaction are allowedE F+= ends all

    user sessions and perormance roll back o any open transactions then only

    shutdown databaseE

    E %bort< no new connection and transactional allowedE =o roll back o open

    transactionsE @sers are disconnected and oracle processes are stoppedE

    Noe:With all the above frst three methods, database is shutdown in a

    consistent state and does not need recovery at next restartE

    J !eault mode or oracle shutdown is normal

    J +racle commands shutdown immediate and shutdown abort stage oracle

    instance even i work process still has connections o databaseEJ +racle ino messages, warnings and errors are logged in oracle dump fles iEeE

    background, user trace which is located in U&%!%8%H=%F7D directoryE

    J -ackground directory store alert log fleE %lertHQ&$!RElogE Whereas user

    directory store trace fles written on behal o shadow processE

    C) Why do $ need U&:$;7Q&$!REoraD even though $ have UinitQ&$!REora ?

    C%) :rom +racle Ei UinitQ&$!REoraD is replaced by U&fleQ&$!REora or U&fleEoraE

    C) $ a fle is missing rom the chain o oVine .edo log fles, then what weDll do ?

    C%) We have to perorm a restore and recovery o !atabaseE .ecovery isperormed using the method Ooint $n 8imeP by which all the +Vine .edo log

    fles older than the last one is used or recoveryE

    C) What are the causes or logical errors related to !atabase ?

    C%) Ci) Fanually deleting parts o !atabase obects such as .ows in a tableE

    Cii) Fanually dropping !atabase +bectsE

    Ciii) Fanually dropping %pplication +bectsE

    C) $s oint in 8ime .ecovery a standard &olution or logical errors in production

    system ?C%) =+

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    C) Where do we use the oint $= 8ime .ecovery ?

    C%) oint in 8ime is very critical in a system landscape with !ata !ependencies

    between &ystemsE

    C) (ow do we veriy #onsistency o +racle !atabase ?C%) -y perorming by a logical data checkE

    C) Why do we need to perorm a logical check ?

    C%) $n order to veriy corrupted !ata blocks C+ra L 1'*0)

    C) Why do we need to perorm a physical !ata check ?

    C%) 8o veriy the tapes used or !atabase backupE

    C) (ow oten we perorm +nline -ackup and +Vine -ackups ?

    C%) +nline -ackup I !aily +Vine -ackup I +nce in a Week

    C) (ow do we perorm -ackup o +Vine .edo log fles ?

    C%) Ci) -ackup o every +Vine .edo log fles is taken 8W$#7 on separate tapes

    beore the fles are deleted rom %rchive !irectoryE

    Cii) erorm additional -ackups ater each system upgrade and also i !atabase

    structure is FodifedE

    C) What are the tools used by +racle %dmin in an &% &ystem or -ackups ?

    C%) !atabase -ackups I -.-%#6@ +Vine .edo log fles I -.%.#($>7

    C) What are the occasions in which changes to 8ile &tructure o !atabase is

    made ?

    C%) 1) When a !ata fle is added

    2) When a !ata fle is moved to a !i"erent ;ocationE

    3) When a 8able &pace and its !ata fles are reorganiGedE

    C) What are the various -ackup types?

    C%) 8here are ' -ackup types 1) +nline -ackup

    2) +Vine -ackup

    3) #omplete -ackup

    ) $ncremental -ackup

    ') artial -ackup

    Co%'ee Bac,$:

    %ll the !ata in the !atabase is backed upE #omplete -ackup is again divided into

    2 8ypes

    1) :ull -ackup

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    2) Whole -ackup7 records their actions in log fles, -..7&8+.7

    uses above logs or restoration o missing flesE

    C2) -oth -.-%#6@ and -.%.#($>7 supports -ackup to 8apes, !isks as well as

    -ackups with 8hird party 8oolsE

    $mportant arameters or #onfguration o -.-%#6@ and-.%.#($>7C$nitQ&$!RE&%)

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    C%) -ackupHmode I %llCWhole)

    :ullCull backup)

    $ncremental -ackup

    artialC8able space name, !ir path, :ile idEs)

    C-) -ackupHtype I +nline and +Vine -ackup

    C#) -ackupHdevHtype I 8ape or !isk or 7xternal $nteraceC!) @tilHfle I -%#6$=8C7xternal -ackup program through $nterace -%#6$=8)

    C7) 8%7H#+SH#F! I #$+ or !! or .F%=C#opying fles rom !isk to 8apes)


    !! I .aw devices are copied with this option

    #$+ I !irectories are copied with this option

    8he rofles initQ&$!REora and initQ&$!EEsap and &ummary and detail logs are

    copied with this #$+E

    C:) !$&6H#+SH#F! I cp, copy C#opying fles to disks)

    #p is used in @=$Y

    #opy is used in W$=!+W&CX) 7xpireHperiod I C1)We have to speciy the expiry period o a tape

    C2)8apeHuseHcount I Fax number o times, volumes can be written to


    C() >olumeH-ackup< =ames o volumes used or backupsC-.-%#6@)

    >olumeH%rchive< =ames o volume used or backups o +Vine redo log


    C$)8apeH%ddress I $dentifes device address o tapesE

    C`) !!H:lags and !!H$=H:;%X&I &peciy block C &iGe o at least kb)

    $ntegration o +racle .ecovery Fanager C.F%=) into &% 8ools7H&8%.8P is trueE

    Z %rchiving is take care by an oracle background process called as O%.#+P

    Carchive)Z +racle cannot mirror oVine redo log fles, hence we must use .%$!E

    Z +Vine redo log fles and data fles should be on di"erent diskE

    SMON (S#e% Monor)

    Z &F+= perorms recovery at instance startup

    Z $t writers alert log inormation i any instance process ailsE

    Z $ cleans up temporary segments that are no longer in useE

    PMON (Proce## Monorn*)

    Z 8his monitors shadow processEZ F+= roll backs, its uncommitted data, stops shadow process and rees

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    resources incase o a client process crashE

    Orac'e Drecor Sr$c$re n SAP

    $n @nix all directories are present under one single tree, where as in windows all

    directories are present under separate drive lettersE 8hey have 3 fles inside the

    directories/database CWindows) initQ&$!REora

    /database C@nix) initQ&$!REsap

    &pfleQ&$!REora Conly rom oracle i)

    J +nline redo log fle I original log and mirror logE

    J !efne redo log fles< original arch, &% archE

    Noe:%ll previous versions till oracle 0i has saparch directoryE

    J &% trace I %lert Q&$!R log I &% trace/background/user trace

    J !ata fles I &% data1



    &% data QnR

    8here are 3 environment variables on database server

    1E +racleH&$! I system $! or !- instance

    2E +racleH(+F7 I the directory or -.Z toolsE

    3E &% !%8%H(+F7 I the data fle directoryE

    J 8he home directory or oracle is +.%#;7H(+F7

    J 8he location or cofles and oVine redo logs is confgured in the oracle profle

    initQ&$!REoraEJ 8he location or data fles and online redolog fles is stored in databaseE

    J 8he oracle tool to ping is U8=&$=XD

    Orac'e S#e% Prv'e*e#

    J &S& !-% and &S&+. are oracle system privilegesE

    J #ontrol at this privileges is outside the databaseE

    J 8he privileges allow accesses to database instance even when database is not


    Oeran* S#e% U#er# an. Gro$#C&tartBRprogramsBR%dmin toolsBR#onfgure Fanagement BR users, groups)


    Q&% &$!R %dmin and +.%dbQ&$!R are the two users which are created in unix


    where as Q&%&$!R admin, Q&% serviceE&%Q&$!R created in windows systemE


    1E UoraHdbaD I Fember o this groups can connect to oracle database as dba

    without a passwordE2E UoraHQ&$!RHdbaD I admin group

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    3E UoraHQ&$!RH+7. I db operate group

    E6ra Gro$#:

    &%HQ&$!RHXlobal %dmin I &% Xlobal %dmin XroupE

    &%HQ&$!RH;ocal %dmin I &% ;ocal %dmin Xroup

    &%H;ocal %dmin I &% local %dmin Xroup

    J +perating &ystem group !-% will have administrative privileges, where as +&

    group +7. will have restricted privilegesE

    =ote< %lways assign database rates to usersE

    J !ata base rolls have privilegesE


    !-%, &%!-% are the two rollsE

    !-% rolls is created by oracle

    &% !-% rolls is created by &%EJ 8he .oll !-% has all admin privileges except the U&S& !-%D and U&S& +7.D

    system privileges

    =ote< 8he privileges U&%!%-D provides accesses or administrating certain


    J &S&+7. has all &S&!-% privileges except create !- and without ability to look

    at user dataE

    Daa"a#e U#er#:

    1E U&S&D and U&S&87FD are created by oracleE

    2E &% Q&$!R are &% Q(7F%HidR is created by &%E3E !eault user used by &% to connect to database is systemE

    E !uring installation oracle database, you will be promoted to enter the

    password or the user &S&, &ystem, and &% Q(7F%H$!R

    =ote< +& is an user which is created by &% and doesnot need a passwordE

    J &% workprocess at +& level connect oracle with the user name


    J 8he password or this user is stored in oracle system table U&%@&7.D

    J Workprocess frst connect to U+& user and get the password or U&%

    (7F%H$!D rom the table U&% @&7.DE

    J =ever change the password or U&% (7F%H$!D, always use U-.ZD tools, ieEU-.#+==7#8D to change the passwordE

    J +& fles stored in U+.%#;7H(+F7D directoryE

    J U;istenerHoraD I contains all oracle system $! and protocol addressE

    J U8=&=%F7E+.%D I #ontains all the list o server names or all the databases

    that can be accessed in the networkE

    J U&; =78E+.%D I #ontains client side inormationE

    J +racle has one listener iEeE U;&=.#8;D

    +ptionsarious 3rd party tools are available)

    2)#hanges in orm o #.

    7ach ticket has its own priority iEeE &;%E -ased on the priority there will be

    response time and resolution time or each re5uestE

    S>A(Servce >eve' A**re%en)
  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    Pror Te Re#on#e T%e Re#o'$on T%e

    1 >ery #ritical 14 min 34 min

    2 (igh 34 min 1 day

    3 Fedium 4 min days

    ;ow hrs BBBB


    .esponse time is time in which we acknowledge the user re5uest, iEeE once a

    ticket comes into our 5ueue the frst maor priority is to accept the ticket on our

    name, once this is done we have to send an acknowledgement to the user

    inorming that someone is working on this issue via email, chatting tool or phoneE

    Re#o'$on T%e:8his is the time in which we have to solve the issueE

    Noe: -y deault the status o any ticket is in +pen status

    Sa*e# o0 c,e:


    2) Wor,n* In-ro*re##T %ssigned to our =ame T $norm the user T #opy

    the comments in the tool under notes columnE

    )C'o#e.T $ssue .esolved T $norm the user T communicate T #opy the

    comments in the tool under notes columnE

    F)Wan*T =eeded some inputs rom the user to solve the issue T inorm the

    user T #opy the comments in the tool under notes columnE

    J)3o'.T Waiting due to user unavailability iEeE user has gone or vacation T

    #opy the auto response regarding user unavailability and paste the notesK) Cance''e.< $ there are duplications or same re5uest being raised then we can

    cancel one o the re5uests by mentioning the previous re5uest no under the

    notes columnE C+r) $ the user wishes to cancel his /her re5uest then copy the

    confrmation under the notes and select cancel buttonE

    Te# o0 CR ( C!an*e Re$e##)

    Work bench / #ustomiGing

    ;) Ne 0$ncona' CR:8his #. carries new unctionality changes which are

    done or the frst time iEeE creation o totally new rolesE

    2) Oeraona' CR:8his #. carries the changes which are done on a day to day

    basis iEeE modifcation o roles and deletion o rolesE

    ) De0ec CR:8his comes in orm o ticketing re5uest iEeE based on the ticketing

    re5uest raised by the user using the ticketing tool we decide whether we need to

    create a deect #.E

    E*:&ome access is already there or a user, but it was lost due to some reason

    and we investigate and fnd out that these changes have to be there or usersE $n

    this scenario we raise a deect #.E

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    To rec0 a .e0ec CR

    #. orms are created based on the 5uarterly release iEeE we have 5uarterly

    releases in a yearE !uring this release di"erent people iEeE technical T unctional

    consultants T security administrators get involve and analyGe various roles

    based on the inputs provided by the auditors

    8his is where &+Y policies come into playE $n order to indentiy the variousdeects and con^icts in roles and between transactions we use various &+!

    C&egregation o duty) tools like >$.&%, -$.ightsE 8he process o identiying the

    deects or con^icts among the existing transactions and rectiying them as


    7x< FF41 x FF42

    1) #reate Y #hange

    2) #hange Y !elete

    3) #reate Y !elete

    Noe:!eault access is !isplay

    3R Sec$r Acve#

    8here are two types o (. security %ctivity

    1) !elegation o %uthority

    2) &tructural %uthoriGations

    De'e*aon o0 A$!or:-$s a process by which a delegate delegates/assigns

    his/her access to a delegator or certain period o time iEeE during this period all

    the +& Curchase +rders) or any items coming into owners inbox will go to thedelegators inboxE

    Noe:8he delegator can delegate the access only to a person to a same

    hierarchy or higher hierarchyE

    8he only issues which we get here is the problem with work^owE iEeE

    $tems not appearing in the inbox

    %n item appearing in inbox even ater the period is expired

    !onDt have access to approve the +& appearing in the inboxE

    8he frst two problems are rectifed by work^ow administratorE 8he last issue isrelated with the approve accessE -eore we provide the approval access we have

    to identiy that particular person having an access or notE

    $ heDs having an access then keep on email notiying him that as per the security

    policy any user can have either create/approve access and not bothE

    Se# re'ae. ! .e'e*aon o0 A$!or

    ;) ;og into (. box, go to %24, iEeE display (. master data

    7nter the personal details

    &elect the organiGation assignment and period today

    +utput will be position number or personal number#opy osition =o, Xo to +13 CFaintain osition)

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    aste under position number

    @nder $notype C&elect =ame and .elationships)

    @nder 8ime period select %ll and ress +verview button

    &elect the .ow where the obect typeI and 7nd date I 31B12B and ress

    #opy button

    @nder related obect change the type o related +bect rom person to user@nder $! o related +bect, enter the delegates

    @ser $! and ress 7nter

    Fake changes in dates

    >alid :rom to >alid 8o

    &elect &ave -utton

    Sr$c$ra' A$!or1aon:$s a concept under (. security using which we

    assign roles to user based on this organiGation obectE

    Sr$c$re o0 or*an1aon %ana*e%en:1) +rganiGation @nit

    2) osition

    3) `ob

    ) 8ask I !escription o an activity iEeE perormed within organiGation unitsE (ere

    we assign any roles to positions and not to userE

    8he users are called as (olders[ holders are assigned to position and not to obs

    Whenever we create an organiGation unit structure we have to create frst the

    root, iEeE organiGation unit and then only create additional lower level

    organiGation unitsE

    Se# Re'ae. ! A##*n%en o0 3R Ro'e# 5e5 Sr$c$ra' A##*n

    1) Xo to :#X select over all under viewE

    2) &elect inheritance hierarchyE

    Xo to :#X, enter =ew .ole =ame, in maintenance

    Xo to BR settings BR #omplete >iew C+rg management and Work^ow)

    #reate role


    Xo to @ser 8ab BR &elect orgEmgtE -utton#hoose create assignment button

    &elect the ob \+bect 8ype]

    %ter completion select user comparisonE

    Seca' P=CG Ro'e#:

    1) #ustomiGing roles< We can assign proects/views o the implementation guide

    C$F) to this roleE

    2) #omposition .oles

    Se#:-Xo to :#X BR Fenu BR Xo to @tilities, select #ustH%uthoriGation BR &elect %dd

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    8ab BR $mg roect / $mg roect view

    &elect the customiGed obect based on our re5uirement #ontinueE

    $ a proect/roect view has been assigned to view, we are no longer possible

    manually assign transaction to roles8his means that the role can only be used or generating and assigning

    customiGed authoriGationsE


    %ny role to which transactions have been manually assignedE 8hese roles are

    used only during implementation period, we should maintain end date or the

    roleE When it is assigned to the user, once implementation is completed normally

    we delete thisE

    In#a''aon an. U*ra.e8he basic profle parameter %uthHnoHcheckHinHsomeHcasesIS has to be set i we

    want to user profle generator C:#X)E

    Q)Where do the deault value in a .ole comes rom iEeE activities under auth


    A)8ables @&+-YH# and @&+-8H# are the tables, that control the behavior o

    profle generator ater the trans has been selectedE

    &% delivers tables @&+-YH# and @&+-8H#E 8hese tables are flled with deault

    values and used or $nitial fll o custom tablesE%ter the initial we can modiy the custom tablesE

    8able @&+-YH# table defnes which auth are to be perormed in a transaction and

    which should not beE

    8able @&+-8H# defnes or each transaction and each authoriGation obect, which

    deault values and authoriGation created rom the authE +bect should have in

    the profle generatorE

    !uring implementation we use transaction &@2' or security related settings

    besides this we also use &@2E

    Noe:%ny workbench changes in security are done in &@2E Fodiying values in

    &@2E Xo to &@2, enter the transaction code and select executeE

    &elect the particular authoriGation obect, which we want to modiyE

    &elect the obect and click on change buttonE

    Xo to proposal column and select OS7&PE

    &elect the obect again and change feld valuesE


    @nder check indicator column i no check is there, then select the auth obect

    and check indicatorE%ter changes in particular feld select saveE $t will automatically prompt us to

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    place a re5uest under a transportE

    Xo to own re5uest select the transport o type work benchE

    =oteersions are 2 types

    1) >ersion in which no :#X tool

    2) >ersion in which :#X toolE CE -)

    U*ra.e Scenaro ;:.elease without :#X tool$7W @7&8$+=& A %=&W7.&

    &% -%&$& $=87.>$7W @7&8$+=& A %=&W7.& irsa/X.#

    :ire :ighter is >irsa tool, this used to execute critical tcode when doing


    :ire fghter is also a normal user $! but having some specifc access \&ay &u41 or

    &%H%;;] as per the needsE @ser type is kept as service user

    When it is used< &ay, in your proect you are security administrator who

    !oes not have access to direct &@41 but you needs the access urgentlyE

    8hen ::$! owner/administrator assigns you a ::$! or limited period so that you

    can perorm the task rom your login $! and pwd, using tcode /n/virsa/vat and

    login with that ::$!EWhile logging you will be prompted to give business reason or accessE

    7verything you perorm in that period \@sing ::$!]gets recorded or auditingE

    ) I nee. o *ve a$!or1aon o a $#er o #$/; co.e "$ !e .e'ee

    oon# #!o$'. no or,555e5 !e $#er #!o$'. "e a"'e o Creae .#

    c!an*e ec "$ no .e'ee on #$/;5 3o ca% .o !#+

    delete the 4 activity rom sHuserHgrp,

    F) W!a are !e co%onen# n VIRSA oo' an. GRC+

    $n X.# we have these tools7.%& 8ool we have< >.%8 and >:%8

    J) 3o o creae ne a$!or1aon o"ec+@sing &@21 we can create the =ew %uthoriGation +bect

    K) Can anone e'' %e !a !e $#e o0 SU2F an. SU2J ran#acon co.e

    # e6ac'+

    &@2'< % transaction that copies &% deaults rom @&-+8 A @&+-Y to @&+-8H#

    and @&+-YH#E

    @&+-8 is a table that consists o transactions and authoriGation obectsE $t stores

    deault values o authoriGation rom authoriGation obectsE

    @&+-Y is a table that defnes the necessary authoriGation checks that needs to

    be perormed within a transactionE$nitially both tables @&+-8 and @&+-Y consist o deault valuesE 8hese two

    tables are then used or fll up o the customer tables @&-+8H# and @&+-8HY

    through the transaction &@2'E

    &@2< % transaction that maintains the assignment o authoriGation obects in the

    customer tables @&+-8H# and @&+-YH#E

    L) W!a # !e .4erence " Co Ro'e# an. Derve. Ro'e#+

    $n derived role, all the transactions o parent role r copied but not the org

    structure and authE and we canDt add more transactions in derived roleE

    $n copy roles all the transactions with auth are copied

    ) W!a # e% ro'e an. co ro'e+

    8emp role< B it is the sap standard role, which is defned by sapE

    #opy role< B copy rom an existing role is copy roleE

    ) 3o o ran#or ro'e#+

    1E #reate a transport re5uest in &714E

    2E :#X B please speciy the role name B press the transport buttonCtruck icon)E

    ZZZ $n case o multiple roles, go to utilitiesBmass transportZZ

    3E 8here will be three ino screensE Xive tick markEE Xive the transport re5uest number, which you created in &714E

    'E ress okE

    E 8o confrm the changes, go to se14 and see your re5uest number, right click

    and veriy the roles are attachedE

    ;/) W!a are varo$# $#er e#+

    !ialog C%)

    &ystem C-)

    #ommunication C#)

    &ervice C&).eerence C;)

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    !ialog users are used or individual userE #heck or expired/initial

    passwordsEossible to change your own passwordE #heck or multiple dialog


    % &ervice user B +nly user administrators can change the passwordE=o check orexpired/initial passwordsE Fultiple logon permitted

    &ystem users are not capable o interaction and are used to perorm certain

    system activities, such as background processing, %;7, Work^ow, and so onE

    % .eerence user is, like a &ystem user, a general, nonBpersonally related, userE

    %dditional authoriGations can be assigned within the system using a reerence

    userE % reerence user or additional rights can be assigned or every user in the

    .oles tabE

    osted by 6umar &% at 11/22/2412

    7mail 8his-log8his9&hare to 8witter&hare to :acebook

    ;abels< basis, basis materials, interview, interview 5uestions, netweaver, sap,

    sap ag, sap basis, sap interview, sap interview 5uestions, sap netweaver

    &% -%&$& $=87.>$7W @7&8$+=& A %=&W7.& 3

    &% -%&$& $=87.>$7W @7&8$+=& A %=&W7.&

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    associated with that particular profle

    8he best practice is not to assign profle to a user master recordE -ut then we can


    #heck it or example, assign sapHall to a user master record and can actually


    &o, yes a profle can be assigned to user and can workE

    F) 3o %an %a6%$% ro7'e# e can a##*n o one $#er +

    apprx 312

    J) In !c! a e can a##*n #n*'e ro'e o %an $#er# (%ore !an

    J/// $#er#) +

    Xo to &u14

    #lick on authoriGation data

    #lick on multiple selection button beside user input feld a pop up will appearBB

    Rclick on green import rom text fleXive the destination o the excel sheet where you have already kept '444 users

    7xecuteBBRexecuteBBRselect all BBRtranser this will bring all '444 users in su14

    =ow changeBBR role tabBBR assign the single roleBBRsave

    K) I an o #ee '# o0 ro'e# a##*ne. o ;/ .4eren $#er#5 3o .o o$

    .o +

    1EXo to &71 8ransaction

    2E8ype agrHusers and go to next screen

    3Ein the userDs feld $ have the list o user ids


    X+ to suim BBR.+;7&BBR-y user assignment

    #lick multiple selection

    &elect userDs ans execute

    =ow you get a list roles assign to selected users

    L) W!a # !e*e o0 CUA 0ro% a 'a%an%ana*er on o0 ve +

    #@% B #entral @ser %dministration

    %dvantage o #@% is to lessen the time by creating users in one single system,

    and distribute it to the respective systems Cwhere the user id is re5uested)(elpsin avoiding logging to each individual systemsE ;ayman point o view we donDt

    have any advantage, -ut &% security admin point it takes lesser time or user


    ) !o .o e creae 7re7*er I. n VIRSA# VRAT +

    :irst create service user and mapp this user in /n/virsa/v:at

    ) W!a # !e roce.$re o .e'ee a ro'e +

    :irst add the role that need to be deleted in a 8ransportE

    8hen delete itE $ there is no transport already, then create one or it and thenadd the role marked or deletion to it and then only we have to delete the roleE

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    $ the role is deleted without adding it to a transport then we will not be able to

    delete the same role in other systems like %cceptance / uality / roduction in

    #@% 7nvironmentE

    ;/) W!a # !e %an .4erence "eeen ro'e an. ro7'e +

    .oles are the set o authoriGationsErofles are sub component o rolesE

    We can assign role to user but not profleE

    .oles are collection o di"erent transactions, reports/web links where its profle is

    nothing but set o authoriGations which defnes the behavior o transactions

    listed in .ole FenuE %nd another di"erence could be we canassign roles to user

    using :#X but we cannot assign manually created or generated profle directly

    to users using :#XE

    osted by 6umar &% at 11/22/2412

    7mail 8his-log8his9&hare to 8witter&hare to :acebook

    ;abels< basis, basis materials, interview 5uestions, netweaver, sap, sap ag, sap

    basis, sap interview, sap interview 5uestions, sap netweaver

    &% -%&$& $=87.>$7W @7&8$+=& A %=&W7.& 2

    &% -%&$& $=87.>$7W @7&8$+=& A %=&W7.&

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    by )I6o*5+ Mean# W!c! .aa or

    ro'e# !ave "een ran#ore. 0ro% !c! ##e% a !a %e+

    =1 transaction is use to see Transport :og.

    ;y clic&ing tab KDI:0HK you can able to see the logs.

    Hou can also see the roles or data has been transported from which system at what time.

    =F)&ic& role is commonly used2"omposite and single role commonly used.

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    ;/) 3o o 7n. !e a'rea. 'oc,e. $#er# '# "e0ore a arc$'ar .ae+

    E6a%'e: '# o0 $#er# a'rea. 'oc,e. "e0ore /;/;2/;/

    5oto )I6 < )=3 < )=3 ;H "46:=U =:="TI4E "3IT=3I0,scroll down to the bottom,

    goto 0DDTI4E0: =:="TI4E "3IT=3I0, then give the validity date and chec& the chec& bo of the option

    :4"Q=D )=3 4E:H, then eecute, u will get the list of the loc&ed users.

    osted by 6umar &% at 11/22/2412

    7mail 8his-log8his9&hare to 8witter&hare to :acebook

    ;abels< basis, basis materials, interview, interview 5uestions, netweaver, sap,

    sap ag, sap basis, sap interview, sap interview 5uestions, sap netweaver

    &% -%&$& $=87.>$7W @7&8$+=& A %=&W7.& 1

    &% -%&$& $=87.>$7W @7&8$+=& A %=&W7.&

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    )W!a # !e ro7'e+

    rofile is what a user can do within that role that is assigned to the user.

    Ahen a role is createdJ a profile is created based on the authorization data i.e. object class, authorization

    object, filed and values.

    The word KprofileK is used in 2 different concepts.

    /F Aut&oriCation Profiles

    3F System Profiles

    0uthorization rofile8This profile is the one created when a role is created and is called as

    authorization profile.

    ystem rofile8 This profile eists to change the parameters for the instances...

    7FI 5ant a list of users along 5it& roles for a client2 8o5 to do it2

    Ae can use tcode se1' in it A>(G+S$(S uname8 enter the user ids and 053name8 role name

    Houcan get in S+I%also.

    FIn an environment of derived rolesM a user is as0ing for a t-codeM 5&ic& is not found in suim

    in searc& of roles2 )&at 5ill u do2

    1. "hec& if the tcode eists or not.

    2. Try to search the role with Ntcode and then putting the tcode in Kroles by comple selection criteriaK

    . Hou should at least get 0 standard role which should not be assigned.

    o after doing all these you are not able to find any end user role available in system.

    Eet step is the proposal of adding the tcode to a suitable role.

    as itLs a derived role envi and DDI" from list

    elect all and enter

    It will bring u bac& to )1

    Aith all users ecept 0> and DDI"

    elect all


    it will loc& your user also


    Ae can do it by ewz%

    )I an o .e'ee ;/// $#er# o0 a arc$'ar c'en !o can I .o +

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    Hou can create a ="0TT script to delete the users which is easy to create and easy to eecute.

    Hou can also delete users of a particular client by using t and enter ... then u will get all login parameters

    $ere there is no need of remembering

    /@F 8o5 can I assign a same role to 3@@ users2Hou can do using +"5< C enter the role

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    3.Stop the data%ase, SAP and the services related to them (SAPS!++, SAP-S*-0).

    4. 1ackup the old kernel. 2sually it is located in 3usr3sap3S!3S4S3e5e3uc or


    5.!elete the old %acked up kernel, and copy the new kernel there.

    6.Start the services related, data%ase and SAP.

    'ow 6ust confirm the new kernel version in SAP.

    osted by 6umar &% at 11/1/2412

    7mail 8his-log8his9&hare to 8witter&hare to :acebook

    ;abels< kernel, sap, sap kernel, saposcol, sapsid

    Nove%"er ;; 2/;2&843=< Workload Fonitor \Fonitoring]

    ST/N: Wor,'oa. Monor

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    ST/N is used to ana'1e #a#ca' .aaor the ABAP ,erne' and monitor

    the er0or%ance o a systemE Sou can display the total values or all n#ance#,and compare the perormance o particular instances over a period o timeE

    8he workload overview provides system administrators with various detailed

    inormation about the most important workload data, such as the CPU %e, the

    n$%"er o0 .aa"a#e c!an*e#, there#on#e %e#, and so onE Sou can

    display the workload overview or all task types CDa'o*, Bac,*ro$n., R=C,

    A>E, and, or only or one particular task typeE

    Wor,'oa. Overve :-

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    Proce##n* %eL 8his is e5uivalent to response time minus the sum o wait

    time, database re5uest time, load time, roll time, and en5ueue time

    3n:R 2x o #@ time


    CPU %eL % work process uses the #@E3n:4_ o response time]


  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    when user re5uest is entered in the dispatcher 5ueue[ and ends when the

    re5uest starts being processedE

    3n:Q 14_ o response time

    Pro"#:long running tasks, locked tasks, not enough work process

    So'$on:$n SMJ/,

    ;ook or all the confgured work processes are in Waiting or .unning stateE $ all

    the wotk processes are running state, then increase the number o !ialog work


    $n SMKK,

    8his monitor will help to analyse the total work processes confgured in all the

    servers and instancesE

    DB ca''#L =umber o parsed accesses to the databaseE

    3n:!- calls/re5uests good ratio is 1

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    be change or the presentation serverE

    $n SE,

    7xecute .+:X7=H#+..H.7+.8H' reportE :rom the output check i any user

    assigned with R 1444 user menu nodesE

    Ro'' n %eB 8he time needed to roll user context inormation into the work


    3n:Q 24ms

    Pro"#:&% memory confguration Cextended memory, roll bu"er)

    Ro'' a %eL ueue time in the roll areaE

    3n: Q 244ms

    Pro"#:network between X@$ A &%

    osted by 6umar &% at 11/11/2412

    7mail 8his-log8his9&hare to 8witter&hare to :acebook

    ;abels< basis, basis materials, netviewer, sap, sap ag, sap basis, sap netviewer,

    sap workload, st43, st43n, st4, st22, work process, workload

    ost $nstallation &teps

    ost $nstallation &teps

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    2E 7xecute &74 , &elect &tandard $nstallation and click on execute erorm

    ost $nstallation &tepsE #lick yes on each next screenE

    3E 7xecute &8F& , to confgure 8F& confguration systemE $ there is no

    !omain controller in organiGation then confgure this new system as !#E

    E 7xecute &$#6 to check or any $nstallation error , $ anything is reported

    then trouble shoot those errorsE

    'E 7xecute sapdba or brtools to check/increase tablespace siGe i any is R4_

    E $: sapdba then check the tablespace utiliGation by selecting cE

    8ablespace %dminitration B cE :ree space ragmentation o 8ablespaces

    *E ;ist out all the tablespaces flled above 4_

    0E %dd datafles to corresponding tablespaces to increase the tablespace siGe

    and bring the utiliGation o tablespaces below 04_

    E ;ogin as &%Z/444

    14E 7xecute # BR #lick on change button BR #onfrm the warning and click

    on new entries to create a new clientE

    11E 7xecute .14 BR @tilities BR $mport profles BR + %ctive &ervers

    12E check the system log in &F21

    13E #heck any dumps in &822

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    1E ;ogin at command prompt using oraQsidR or Q&$!Radm

    PART 2:-

    1E login to new client to perorm a client copy using &%Z/Qnew client


    2E erorm local client copy procedure to copy new client rom 444 clientE

    3E +nce client copy is over , login to new client using &%Z and password o

    &%Z which was

    used in client 444

    E 7xecute .14 BR &elect $nstance rofle BR check 7xtended maint BR click

    on changeE

    'E %dd parameter login/systemHclient parameter to make new QclientHnumberR

    as deault client to loginE

    E Fake changes to dialog process and background i you need to change

    than deault oneE

    *E &ave the profle and activate itE

    0E #reate one or two super users using &@41 with profles &%H%;; and &%H=7W

    E #reate some developer users i you can, else leave itE

    14E &top and &tart &% ./3 or profle parameter to be in e"ectE

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    11E @pgrade the kernel to the latest level

    12E @pgrade the &%F version to latest level

    13E %pply latest support pack to components &%H-%&$&, &%H%-%,

    &%H%; and some other components i it is re5uiredE

    1E :ollow the kernel, &%F and support pack application methods

    1'E =ow system is ready to login and work or developers and administrator

    1E 6eep on changing the parameters , system confguration as per re5uirement


    1*E .un SGEN to regenerate the obects E $n this process &% keeps all the

    re5uired obects access in &% bu"erE &o that transaction accessing becomes


    osted by 6umar &% at 11/11/2412

    7mail 8his-log8his9&hare to 8witter&hare to :acebook

    ;abels< basis, basis materials, kernel, netviewer, +&8 $=&8%;;%8$+= %#8$>$8$7&,

    rG14, sap, sap ag, sap basis, sap netviewer, sap post installation activities, se43,

    se4, sgen, sick, sm20, spam, st22, stms

    &upport ack @pgrade rocess

    &upport ack @pgrade rocess

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    aE #heck &%F >ersion

    bE #heck &%H-%&$& patch level

    cE check &%H%-% patch level

    dE #heck &%H%; atch levelE

    To *e a'' !e a"ove n0or%aon 0o''o# !e 0o''on* #e#:-

    7xecute &%F B #heck the &%F level at the topE

    #lick on ackage ;evel to display all the patches in the system

    =ote down &%H-%&$&, &%H%-%, &%H%; patch level in the displayE

    2E :ind out what is the latest patch level available or above componentsE

    !ownload BR &upport ackages and atches BR 7ntry by %pplication XroupBR %pplication

    #omponents BR&% ./3 7nterprise BR &% ./3 7nterprise * Y 114 B7ntry by component

    BR &% ./3 7nterprise &erverBR &%H-%&$&24 BR

    3E :rom the list select which component you want and click on itE

    7EgEclick on &% -%&$& E24 and select the patch level 2' you want comparing your

    current patchlevelE &elect all the patches you are behind to current and add to download


    %ll the patches are in E#%. ormatE

    .epeat the same step or all components you want to apply or your systemE

    E !ownload all the patches you added to download basket by using &% !ownload


  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation


    'E &ave all the E#%. fles to your local hard drive say #

  • 7/24/2019 Brief Description About SAP