karEklMGrRbsiT§PaBfa mBlrbs;L\dæenAkm<úCa Improving the Energy Efficiency of Cambodia’s Brick Kilns Rainer Ernst Israel Som Chandararith iLi Consulting Engineers Mekong Phnom Penh CAMBODIA www.ili-consult.com

Brick Kiln Presentation Feb04_Khmer2

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Page 1: Brick Kiln Presentation Feb04_Khmer2


dæenAkm<úCaImproving the Energy

Efficiency of Cambodia’s Brick Kilns

Rainer Ernst IsraelSom ChandararithiLi Consulting Engineers

MekongPhnom Penh


Page 2: Brick Kiln Presentation Feb04_Khmer2

Gay-Gil-Gay xl;sal;FIgGIugCIgnar

emKgÁiLi Consulting Engineers Mekong

Ltd Gay-Gil Gay xn;sal; KWCaTIRbwkSabec©keTsxagvisVkmµEdlman CMnajxagEpñksßabkükmµ nig sMNg;sIuvil iLi Consult is an engineering consultant that specializes in architectural and civil engineering design. www.ili-consult.com

ehtuGVI Gay-Gil-Gay xl;sal; RtUv)ancUlrYmkñúgkareRbIR)as; famBlRbkbedayRbsiTæiPaB? Why is iLi Consult involved in Energy Efficiency?

Page 3: Brick Kiln Presentation Feb04_Khmer2


Outline of this Presentation ]sSahkmµ\dæenAkm<úCa/ Cambodia’s Brick Industry – background etc

etIL\dæmanbBaðaGIVxøH?What’s the Problem with brick kilns?

dMeNaHRsay/ Possible Solutions

etIman]bsKÁGIVxøH?What are the Barriers?

vKÁsikSaskmµPaBEdlesIñeLIg/Suggested course of Action

Page 4: Brick Kiln Presentation Feb04_Khmer2

Cambodia’s Brick Industry

Ca]sSahkmµd_sMxan;sMrab;karGPivDÆn_RbeTskñúgkarFanaeGay)ankarpÁt;pÁg; dl;sMNg;eKhdæan nig GKarBaNiC¢kmµ/ Important industry for Cambodia’s development to ensure affordable domestic housing + commercial buildings

Ca]sSahkmµl¥RbesIrsMrab;RbeTskm<úCa eRBaHvamanlkçN³FmµCatikñúgkar Tb;sáat;karnaMcUledaysarEtkarnaMcUlva mankarlM)akkñúgkargardwk CB¢Üan \dæBITIq¶ay/ Good industry for Cambodia because ‘naturally protected’ from imports (because difficult to transport bricks very far)


Page 5: Brick Kiln Presentation Feb04_Khmer2

]sSahkmµ\dænigek,ÓgKWCa]sSahkmµmYy EdleRbIR)as;\n§n³Gusd¾eRcIn.The brick and tile industry is one of the big fuel wood consumers.

dMeNIrkarplitkmµKWRtUvkarfamBleRcInnig beBa©jmkvijnUv]sµ½nkabUnikThe manufacturing process is energy intensive and emits a lot of CO2 .

RbsiT§iPaBénkareRbIR)as;famBlrbs;L\dæ enAmankMritTab.The energy efficiency of brick kilns is low.

tMél\dæx<s;/ Bricks are too expensive.

RbePTplitpl\dæmanTMhMtUcThe variety of available brick products is too small.

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H?What’s the Problem with the Brick

Industry? (1)KµannirnþrPaB/ Not Sustainable…

GuskMBugEtxSt;eTA² enAkñúgextþCaeRcInFirewood is getting scarce in many provinces.

kar)at;bg;éRBeQIKWsßitkñúgkMritmYyKYreGayRBYy)armµN¾³tYelxkalBIqñaM1969 man 73°tYelxenAqñaM1997 manRbmaN 58°Forests are disappearing at an alarming rate.Cambodia’s forest cover in 1969: 73%Cambodia’s forest cover in 1997: 58%

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What’s the Problem? (2)

tMél/ COST:

karcMNayfvikamYyEpñkFMrbs;GaCIvkmµL\dæKWeTAelIfamBl. Energy is typically the largest proportion of costs for a brick kiln business

bMErbMrYltMélfamBlnwgmankarb:HBal;ya:gxøaMgeTAdl;GaCIvkmµ. Any change in the fuel cost will therefore affect the business dramatically

]sSahkmµ\dæenAkm<úCanwgminGacRbkYtRbECgCamYynigbNþaRbeTsepSg² eTot)aneLIy. Cambodia’s brick industry will not be competitive with competing countries

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What’s the Problem? (3)


kareRbIR)as;\n§n³GusCabc©½ymYykñúgkarbMp©itbMpøajéRBeQIFuel wood consumption contributes to deforestation.

cMehHGus)anbegIát]sµ½nkabUnik/ emtan nig nIRtYEsn/ Burning Wood emits CO2 , Methane and Nox

famBlCaeRcInRtUv)aneKeRbIR)as;nigbeB©ajkarbMBuledIm,IdwkCBa¢ÚnGusBI ksidæan/ BIéRBb¤BIeragcRkmkkan;L\dæ/ More energy is consumed and pollution emitted to transport wood from the plantation, forest or factory to the brick kiln

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Is there a Solution?cMelIyKW³ man/ maneRcIn.Yes, there are several.

EsVgrk\n§n³EdlGacykmkCMnYs\n§n³GusLook for substitutes for fuel wood.

begáInRbsiT§iPaBkareRbIR)as;famBlkñúgkarplit\dæIncrease the energy efficiency of brick manufacturing.

EsVgrkCMerIsEdleRbIR)as;famBltic CMnYs\dæLook for less energy intensive alternatives to clay bricks.

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\næn³EdlGacCMnYsGus?(1) Substitutes for Fuel Wood

Ggáam nig kaksMNl;ksikmµepSg²Rice husk and other agricultural residues

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rayb¤)ackMeTc\n§n³dUcCaGgáameTAelI\dæEdlRtUvdutkñúgLmuneBlcab;epþIm dut eFVIdUecñHedIm,IbegáInkMedAnigEklMGrkarbBa¢ÚnkMedA)anBaseBjL/

Spread a fine fuel such as rice husks inside the kiln on the bricks prior to firing, so as to increase the heat and improve the heat transfer throughout the kiln

karbEnßm\n§n³eTA\dæAdd fuel to Bricks

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bEnßmsarFatumemaKxniCeTAdI\dæmuneBlerobcMcak;Bum</ eFVIdUcenHedIm,I kat;bnßybrimaNfamBlEdlRtUveRbIcaM)ac;edIm,Idut\dæ/ Adding organic material to the clay prior to forming bricks. This will reduce the amount of energy required to fire the bricks.

sarFatumemaKxniCdUcCaGgáamGacRtUv)aneKbEnßmrhUtdl;10-15° én maD\dæsrub. ]TahrN¾-RKan;EtsarFatumemaKEdl)anbEnßm2°eTA elI\dæGacpþl;famBlsMrab;dut\dæ)anrhUtdl;10°/ Organic material such as rice husk can be added up to about 10-15% of the total volume of the brick. Eg: Just 2% of organic matter added to a brick can provide around 10% of the brick’s energy requirement for firing.


Add fuel to Bricks

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(2) Increase Energy EfficiencyehtuGVI)anCaL\


Why are Brick Kilns Inefficient? kardutminGs;lT§PaBInefficient combustion

kMedAya:geRcInRtUv)an)at;bg;kñúgeBldMeNIr kardutkMedAnigbegáInkMedAGreat heat loss during heating and firing process.

kMedATaMgRsugRtUv)an)at;bg;kñúgeBlTuk\dænigtYLeGaycuHRtCak; 100% of heat loss during cooling of bricks and kiln

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Cooling32% of Energy

gets lost during cooling

famBlkñúgdMeNIrkardut\dæEnergy in Firing Process


+ =100%

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Firebox Door + Grate rn§epSg²enAelITVa

rnwgGaceGayeKRtYtBinitü)an RKb;sßanPaBrbs;L. Doors with variable vent would allow fine control of kiln conditions

bTBiesaFn¾enARbeTsRsIlgáar)anbgðajfakar bMBak;TVarnigEdkRbeTosRTenI )ankat;bnßykar eRbIR)as;GusrhUtdl;15° EdlcMnYnenHGac eGayeKbgVilTun)ansMrab;karvinieyaKTunFuntUc kñúgry³eBlEtmYys)þah¾. Sri Lanka experience showed that fitting doors+grates reduced fuel wood by 15%, which paid-back the small investment in within one week!

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Further Possible Improvements bEnßmRsTab;GIusULg;enAeli

dMbUlnigCBa¢aMgrbs;L nwgGackat;bnßy)annUv kar)at;bg;kMedAedaypÞal;/ ]TahrN¾³ dak;sarFatuGIusULg;Edlman dg;sIuetkñúgkarFunnwgkMedATab dUcCa plitplGVIGMBIeramb¤kUtug b¤ Ggáam/ Additional insulation on the roof and walls of the kiln will reduce heat lost directly through radiationEg: adding low density heat-resistant insulating material such as wool or cotton or rice husk products

eCosvagcrn§xül;qøgkat;tYLedaypÞal; edaysg;CBa¢aMgTIBIrb¤CasnÞHx½NÐ/ Avoid airflow across kiln structure by building secondary walls and baffles.

karEklMGreGaydMeNIrkardutkMedA)anCak;lak;/ eFVIdUecñHedIm,IeCosvag kardutkMedAhYsb¤mYyk¾dutkMedAmin)andl;kMrit. Improve accuracy of heating process, thus avoiding over or under heating

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eRKagbøg;LQrVertical Shaft Kiln

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Vertical Shaft Kiln

vaRtUv)aneKeRbIkñúgRbeTscin nigBiesaFn¾enATIdéT²eTot/

Used in China and trialed elsewhere

manRbsiT§PaBeRcIn/ Much more efficient

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Vertical Shaft Kiln

lkçN³ Features dMeNIkarbnþbnÞab;Kña/

eFVIeGayEpñkEdlRtUvdutkMedAminGaccuHRtCak;)aneLIy. dUecñHkarxatbg;famBltic. Continous process so the firing zone never has to cool down, thus less energy wasted

kMedAEdl)anBIdMNak;kaldutkMedARtUv)aneRbIR)as;xN³eBlEdlvaekIneLIgedIm,IsMgYtedaysV½yRbvtþi RBmTaMg)andutkMedAkñúgdMNak;kaldMbUgnUv\dæEdl)an bBa¢Únmk. Heat from firing phase is used as it rises to automatically dry + pre-heat the fresh incoming bricks

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(3) Less Energy-intensive Alternatives to Clay Bricks


tSand Lime Bricks

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Sand Lime Bricks maneRcInRbePTepSg

²Kña EdlRtUv)aneKeRbIR)as;ya:gTUlMTUlayenA bNþaRbeTsGWur:b/ Different type of brick – used widely in Europe

minRtUvkarcaM)at;kardutePøIgkMedA edayRKan;EtrkSavakñúgcMhaynigsMBaF énLcMhuy/ Does not require ‘firing’, but rather is ‘cured’ with steam and pressure in an autoclave

cMhayGacbegáItecjb¤pÁt;pÁg;ecjBIkMedAepSg²nigecjBIkMedARBHGaTitü/ Steam can be generated especially or else can be supplied by waste heat from other processes or else from a renewable source such as solar thermal collectors

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karplit\dæRbePTenHmantmélefakCagkarplit\dæecjBIdI\dæ/ Produce these bricks cheaper than clay bricks

edayeRbIR)as;famBlticCag30°ebIeRbobeFobeTAnwgkarplit\dæecjBIdI \dætamEbbRbéBNI/ Consumes about 50% less energy as compared to traditional clay bricks











Energy requirment(kWh/m3)


Solid clay bick

Hollow brick

Sand lime brick

Celluarconcrete /aeratedconcrete

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karyl;dwgtictYcBIplcMenjnig«kasepSg²énRbsiT§iPaBfamBl/ Low awareness of benefits and opportunities of energy efficiency

smtßPaBbec©keTsenATabsMrab;karRtYtBinitünUvRbsiT§iPaBnaeBlbc©úb,nñ b¤karKNna\T§iBlBIkarvas;EvgkarEklMGrRbkbedayRbsiT§IPaB/ Low technical capacity for monitoring current efficiencies or calculating the effects from efficiency improvement measures

karlHbg;enAmankMritTabedIm,IeFVIkarvinieyaKRTg;RTayFM edaysarEtxVHhirBaØ vtßú/ briyakasvinieyaKRbkbedayPaBRbfuyRbfan EdlCaehtueFVIeGayman karcM)ac;kñúgkarbgVilTunkñúgry³eBlxøI/ Low willingness to make large capital investments in businesses due to a lack of appropriate finance, risky investment climate, and thus very short payback periods are required


dæBarriers to Better Brick Efficiency

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begIátsmaKmn¾]sSahkmµmYy edIm,IRbmUlpþúMFnFannigTak;TajCMnYykarnana/ Establish an industry association in order to combine resources and attract necessary assistance

FanaeGay)annUvkarpþl;mUlniFi sMrab;kargarGPivDÆn¾famBleGaymanRbsiTæi PaBkñúg]sSahkmµ/Secure funding (donor or private) for energy efficiency development in the industry

rkTIRbwkSaCMnajxagbec©keTsedIm,IGnuvtþntamnigbegátbB¢aIkarEklMGrnanaEdl GacGnuvtþ)anenAkm<úCa/ Seek expert technical advice to adapt the world’s best practice and create a list of improvements which are practical and appropriate for Cambodia

Gnusasn¾Recommended Actions

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begIátcMnYnKMeragbgðajEdlLdut\dæEdlmanRsab;RtUv)aneKEklMGrRBmTaMgplb:HBal;nigkarkat;bnßykarbMBul/ RtUv)aneKRtUtBinitünigraykarN¾/ Establish a number of demonstration projects where existing brick kilns are upgraded and the effects are carefully monitored and reported, + disseminate results

sMrbsMrYlKMeragkarRbsiT§iPaBfamBlsMrab;m©as;L\dæ edaybegáItCMnYykar bec©keTs nig hirBaØvtßúsmrmüEdlGacrk)an/ Facilitate energy efficiency projects for brick kiln owners by making technical assistance and appropriate finance available

eFVIkarGegátkarvas;EvgeKalneya)aycaM)ac;epSg²edIm,ITTYl)ankarEklMGrRbsiT§iPaBeRbIR)as;famBlRbkbedayecrPaB/ Investigate the necessary policy measures required to achieve long term sustainable energy efficiency improvements, such as minimum kiln design standards

Gnusasn¾Recommended Actions

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Contact Rainer or Dararith at

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://www.ili-consult.com


SahkmµL\d?Any Questions Please?..