BUNCHED PARAGRAPHS RELATING TO AFFAIRS IN THI AND ADJOINING STATES Breaking of a Cable Kill Three Miner KfurtUt Kngage Iu a Fnt- xFrayPardo Kollowi a KlreOtlirr- v Mention Huntlngtou W Va Dec LTho breaking of a cable at the Loop river mines In Tuloequon near Welch dashed three miners on the rocks 700 feet below and killed them Instantly Searching parties found the bodies of the victims crushed and mangled be yond recognition The names of the dead are John Winters Harry Wol burn Henry Clay colored The ac ¬ cldent caused a general cessation of work In the mines the 300 men em ployed refuting to work until after the burial of the dead The cable was ono that Is used for conveying coal from the mines to a chute and Is 1000 fee long The miners have been fre- quently riding In cable cars to and from the mines Lexington IColonel bias Gibson home here lie was an attorney hadI been prominent as an editor and on the staff of his brother GeneralI Randall Leo Gibson of the civil war He was the last surviv ¬ ing brother of the latter who won dis tinction as a member of the United States senate Until recent years Col ¬ onel Gibson had owned extensive plan ¬ tations in Louisiana maintaining a res- idence In New Orleans Shock Proved Fatal New York Dec 6 Theodore E Kohlasa a native of Kentucky bust sees representative in New York for two Louisville newspapers died at his home In Brooklyn Acute appendicitis aggravated by the shock of seeing 4 man killed by tailing from a girde- Tuesday afternoon on Nassau street caused his death He was an eyewit ness of the accident and after reach tag his office he collapsed Cooked to Death Maysvllle Ky Deo GIn a freight wreck la the Chesapeake and Ohio yards Fireman Dan Holderfleld was thrown against the boiler heal and held there by a pile o fcoal until he was literally cooked to death Engi neer Herbert Gregorys foot was held between the tender and boiler head until he was released by the amputa- tion of his foot but he may die Thres engines were damaged West Virginias Vote Charleston W Va Dec GThe offi cial vote of West Virginia gives Roose ¬ vela 31765 plurality McKinleys plu ¬ rality four years ago was 21022 To- tal vote Roosevelt 132C08 Parker 100850 Swallow 4604 Debs 1574 Watson 039 Roosevelts majority over all 25241 With tour counties missing on the vote Tor governor Daw I sons plurality will be less than 9000 I r Fire and PanIcI Louisville KYDec 5Loull1e Jon kins a negress was burned to death j and James Hellett and Lark Phillips firemen and two colored children were injured in a fire which destroyed a row of tenements In the western part ot the city Also 1000 employes of the American Tobacco company were thrown Into a panic by the rapid spread of the flames None injured Kentucky Compute Frankfort Ky Dec 6 Completo official returns of the national election held in Kentucky show the total vote cast 435765 The plurality for tho DemoCratic electors is 11893 The Democrats polled 217170 Republl ¬ cans 205277 Prohibitionists 6609 Socialists 3602 Populists 2511 So oat Labor 596 Serious Charge Morehead Ky Deo 3John Fraley has been arrested charged with com pllcity In the assassination of Sebran Profit who was shot from ambush 10 days ado Warrants have been Is sued for several other members of the Fraley family on the same charge I Kentucky Drouth Broken Lexington Ky Dec 5 A steady rain broke the longest drouth In cen tral Kentucky in half a century though It was not heavy enough to be effective The waterworks company publishes a notice to all farmers that they may get water tree of cost at the reservoir till the drouth Is over Italians Killed Memphis Tenn Dec 5 Michael Martini and his son Prank Martini two Italians have been shot and kill ¬ ed by a number of Slavs near Lam- Bert Miss The cause of the tragedy Is not known Mine Explosion Somerset Ky Dec 5 An explo don In the mines of the Stearnes Coal company 30 miles below here killed James Carter and injured several other miners two of them seriously r Planing Mill Burned Clarksbur W Va Dec 2Tho planing mill and lumber plant of the A D Parr Lumber company was burn ¬ ed to tha ground The toss will reach 150000 with 30000 Insurance- A VII lt From Don Swift The Irish reformer Father Mathew used to tell of a remarkable visit made to his grandfather by Lehn Swift Mr Mathew lived near Dublin cud Invited the eccentric dean to dIne and Spend the night at bU house A large party of the neighboring gentry weir bidden to meet him The dean drove up to the house anil- lumuioulug the butler asked the nauiej of the guests Tell your master he shouted I droveawey b lodge gates however he changed his mind returned alighted mud demand ed to be shown to his room When hU host came to him Swift said I nui willing to accept your hps vitality but 1 will nut meet your guestsHe was told that his meals should be served in his room as if lie were lit home lie remained thus Isolated for two days thou came down Iu high good humor Joined the party and ex ¬ tended hlsvjslt for our months 1iA WEEKS NEWS BUDGET WASS happening In the Various Quarters of the World Will Us Pound Iuly 1Chronicled In the Fewest 11 ortli In This Column TIIKSDAY Tho German bank at Buffalo closed Its doors following a run Engineer Samuel Yonoly crushed to death beneath engine at Alliance 0 Fire slightly damaged the borne of Vice Presidentelect Fairbanks at Washington President Moyer announces ho sees no reason why the Cripple Creek strike should be called oft KadlseR Klusoff and Alexleff tho assassins of General Strandmant wife received sentences at St Peters burg the first to life Imprisonment yearst Thomas Clark son of a former coins ty sheriff Is under arrest at Rutledgd Tenn charged with the murder of Charles Mallcote whose sister Clark married two hours after the tragedy L G Van Celet called at the homo of Mrs Eva Wilkins at Grand Rapids Mich and finding another man alo calling upon her shot the woman through tho breast Instantly killing her He then shot himself dead MONDAY Senator Platt of New York an nounced that William It Willcox will be appointed postmaster at New York cityEdward Ih Gray 39 a civil engineer killed himself at New York because a woman with whom he lived refused to marry him- Explosion of natural gas wrecked tin home of Charles Pearce a grocer nt Columbus O and perhaps fatally in jured MM Pearce Fire which broke out In the store of dewr stroyed 13 structures Unersallst church Total loss 150 COOAt a Columbus 0 sanitarium Em ma L Gessart 40 of Ilosevllle N M jut a necktie around her throat and taking the ends In her hands strangled herself to death R 0 Woods secretary of the Lima 0 Home Savings association who was found guilty of embezzling over 25000 received a sentence of live years in tho pen PATURDAY National Farmers congress will meet next September In Columbus O Strelghton Adams 20 committed su icide at Danville O No reason given Failures this week in the United States were 245 against 331 the same Iweek last year cabinet resigned Disagree ment of tho ministers over bulldiua new railroads Blaze partially devoured tho grain mill of Andrew Flanagan Manayunk Pa Employes escaped Announced that New York finan tiers will organize a night and day safe and deposit company I President Roosevelt declines to in ¬ I terfere In the strike of Iron and steol workers at Youngstown O oliljeJt died at her apartments at Chicago shortly after a stroke of apoplexy Moebus sentenced to three ICorrad the Ohio penitentiary for rob ¬ bing his brother Edwards hardware store at Hamilton O He Is the son of a prominent merchant Kill DAY Severe earthquake shocks felt at San Francisco General Porflro Diaz Inaugurated president of Mexico for the seventh time At Kleff Russia 20 persons lost their lives through drinking poisoned brandy Wells Fargo Express company re ports the disappearance of 15000 in gold from the San Francisco office Rev 11 D Folk of Nashville Tenn brother of Joseph W Folk governor elect of Missouri accepted a call to the Baptist church at Midway Ky Three firemen perished and a con slderable property loss Involved in a collision of freight trains near Oneula N Y on the Delaware Hudson railroadJohn B Bennett Rep who op posed James N Kehoe Dem for re- election in the Ninth Kentucky con ¬ gesslonal district awarded election certificate THURSDAY Drought In central Kentucky pro flounced tho worst In the history of the state In a fray at Edlnburg Ind John Hash 17 a hostler killed Jacob Moore a merchant Ur R C Palnkard a druggist of Washington D C committed suicide at Charlottesvlllo Va by swallowing acid Deapondcncy assigned as tho causeChairman Cortelyou of tho national Republican committee announced the appointment of General John M Wil son retired as chairman of the in augural committee VKDNKSDAY The offices of Price Adams Co brokers closed at Now York No state- ment Issued Madame Jananschek the famous actress died at New York Born in Prague Bohemia In 1830 Tho Earl of Hnrwlcke Albert Ed ward Philip Yorke 37 undersecretary of stato for India dlod suddenly In LondonFlames devoured tho hydraulic works owned by the Cliver Mining company at Norway Mich Loss 300000 The True Mrniilnir of Worry The generic anti much covering term of worry is often the name for n trouble the essential part of which Is the ilUIIculty ofmnking uji the mind Those who can rend between the lines discern also III many n case of suicide the same dlllleulty us the final muse which plunged a weak and distracted Intelligence Into the ultimate catastro ¬ pie Sooner than continue the struggle lIerllltxltle3 ¬ up Is overthrown nHojjethiT London Lancet General Schenck Lout Gnitir General Robert E Schcnck was a famous poker player Just n week be- fore his deaths he sat around n table ti his own lioiisu with acuenil SchoUcId General Itucker and two United States senators It was n Joel pot Every body hail passed up to Schenck who promptly opened it for the limit One of the Kciwtom riiiKod tile peiicrnl cask oil buck mid the senator stayed liuc sire w ono curd Then the betting be gnu fast mud furious Finally the sea ator said Gencrul I have you beaten 1 thlnl 1 have n sure thing and I dont want to bet any more ir hey on this kind of n hand But I ilnnt think you have tnc beat en When I get enough of It 1 will quit So the merry war of chips reeou nienecd Then the senator renewed his proposition and offered to fatten the glnke by it wager of a dinner for the Jive gentlemen present ThU was nc tei tiHl Guneml Schenck had four iilm H Thu senator lad a strnlgM flush But the little dinner for the live never ensue ort Two days before use evening set for It General Soheuck died Much One Sliuultl but Illovr the much dlscussitl questions lor the tiny on which there are inmost I Its nuusy oplulOIl as Individuals Is the iliuintlty of food one should wit Doe tors nil ugree that the mnjorlty of plO ple out too much gables tram the day of their birth are towel to eat tsar much and they grow till with this arti ¬ ficial nppetlte The most misolmble I estimate yet made Is probably that which fixes onetwentieth of the nvcr njie weight of the body us the average dully ininiitlty reijulreil If you weigh 140 pounds you should ionsume seven pouiidx of fowl This Includes drink as well ilK solid fool But It is ridicu hosts to set down u lianl and oat rule Such a quantity might kill souse nail there Is u case on record of n tuna wasting away on a diet of seven or eight pounds of food n day lie rut down hIs diet to threequarters of a pound of liquid anti the same of solid food and as a result he grew stout and lived to n ripe old age Sluiiifnc Lore For Game of Chance This Slaiueso are devoted to the holi ¬ tiny snaking and ceremonies mad pro cession which accompany the most Important anniversaries or Incidents of life deaths nnd religion and which cause nn Infinite amount of money to be squandered mid time lost They love games kiteflying a sort of shuttlecock football and fighting with cocks crickets beetles mud fish though It is to be surmised that till main attraction of these pursuits con- sists III the scrape thereby afforded for bolting nnd gambling which are the cardinal national vices A Siamese will stake money on any- thing ¬ Licensed gambling houses ex ¬ hIt In the titles and are n large source of Income to the government which farms out the monopoly A royal lot ¬ tery Is extensively patronized in Bang ¬ kok Iliicnen of Engraver Line In St Johns college Oxford Is pre ¬ served n portrait of Charles I in which toIJ race alone containing silt the book of Psalms with the creels nnd several forms of prayers I have IJIe11lIellll ¬ hides with Johnsons translation of the Hume for Burucys History of Music were executed by him Though consisting of Iii0 words they are com ¬ prided iu u circle half un inch in dl nuieter with u small space in the cell ¬ ter left blank iu Old Time Voyage When our first foreign minister ar ¬ ranged to go to London his was re quested by the captain of tile sailing vessel iu New York harbor to go aboard Immediately Haxtlly buying u sack of flour three hams and a bug of potatoes ho hurried on board ship to arrange with some stiller to cook uU meals not knowing but that they might sail at any lour Five weeks passed before the boat left the harbor After six weeks at sea the traveler at length beheld the outlines of the coast of old England SuccetM Magazine Out It Xlrululit A New York eiitluiHluHt lane u good collection of etchings ono of them be ¬ lag of the leaning tower of PIsl which hangs over his writ III desk For a- long time he noticed that It persisted In bunging crooked despite the fact Unit ho straightened It every morning At lust ho spoke to the maid asking her If she was renponslble for Its lop sided condition Why yes she said I have to hunt It crooked to make the tower hung straight Ira Crltlolmu Uncle Josh Thero was one of theta landscape painters around hero yester ¬ slimy Uncle Silas Well landscape painting ought to be a good healthy occupation It Jimmies a luau out of doors un gives him plenty of fresh air New York Press Very stIII1- Shl1l1l1oll his wedding tourl want rooms for myself mind wife Ho- tel ¬ ClerkSuit HuxbiindOf course she Is perfectly lovely the sweetest xlrl In the world Green Old Age Mabel Anil did your grandfather live to a green old age Jnck Well I should suy sal lIe was swindled three times after lie was seventy A mini of worth is like gold never nit of fashion Manu Suiiin Old lleuun What was It caused the downfall of the Trojans asked the man who line forgotten his classics It Was the same old story said the nan who was rending the sporting page They wouldnt let the horses ilone Washington Star Nollilnir to Ilruir Of BluffId have you know sir that IUI a self made snail Gruff Well Im sorry for you but keep It Hark amid dont think too much about It and per liupn youll set along nil right f a IAn Aitulu Illlnil Man man possessed 500 undo I feiiriiig that somebody might steal it he burled his treasure in a corner of his garden A neighbor sits him at his wink nod In time night stole his money The blind mull on discovering his loss anti suspecting hits neighbor went to I him nod said My Inllrmlty tenders me dlllldeiit mud few lire time person whom I can trust You are one iu those few nod I have come to tell you n secref nnd to ask your advice I tun time possessor of 1JOO In told I have hidden half of It In a place whleli I believe to be secure Do you thlflk 1 would do well to put the other half Iu the same Pln1t i Yes by all means replied his neighbor Were I In your place I would dothe saute There U no knowing what may happen If you keep your money In your house Hnvln given his advice thu thief hoping to get the rest of the blind mans money hastened to replace the half he had stolen anti thus the astute blind mums recovered hU property A Knit Hiiil u IFmun An English gentleman traveling souse years ago In Ireland took u ham ¬ mer and tacks along with him because he found dogs eared carpets at all the Inns where he rested At one of these Inns ho tucket down time carpet which usual was loose smear the door nod Ills afterward rang the bell for Isis dustier While tho carpet wits louse time door could nut be opened without a liar push no when the waiter came up he just unhitched the dour then going buck a couple of yuck he rush ed npilnst It nn his habit wan with u sudden Mprliig to forte It open limit the wrinkles at tho carpet were no longer there to stop It and sot meet ¬ lug with the expected resistance the waiter fell full length lute the room It hind never entered his head Unit RO munch trouble might be navel by mean of n hammer mil n dozen or even half n dozen tacks until his tall taught him that makeshift Is n very unprotltublu sort of shift A Cntly Jrt It was n jest purls and simple that brought about the war between Eng ¬ land and France In 1037 mud ultimately frost the great William hU life Wil liam of course was great In name senses then one Ho stout was he In fact by reason of hU Idle and luxurious life Unit he could not walk from l > luco to place but hind to be carried One day Isis contemporary Philip of France delicately remarked at dinner that William was like n fillet of beet on casters and ought to be exhibited at a prize monarch slaw Naturally Wil ¬ liam heard of this mud In u furious rage ordered Ids troops to invade at once This was done and a war com ¬ menced which ended III the English king being thrown from his horse and killed white uuperlntfiidlnx the slego of Xante Adnptnlilp Woman It la always a mystery how wo change our figures our fares and our trait with every change of fashion lint there Is no denying time fact Unit wo melt do seem to accommodate them selves to Madame In Mole In this way One year they will be of the drooping languid Rossettlnn type another they will be completely Georgian Iu taco anti style nnd then hey presto rash ¬ ton waves her wand and every one Is magically transformed lute n sturdy square shouldered across country hook- ing ¬ person with n furs to match and u WorldI liutv Wlilltler Ilnlnril Some Money All Interesting story U told of tho poet Whittier showing Isis Ingenuity In getting subscriptions for n goat cause There were n number of ear tinge snakes In Ameslmry where he resided quit being once nimble to col ¬ lent cash In consequence of the pro vailing commercial depression he BUI gated that each might contribute sortie part of a carriage one the wlieei4e another tho holy etc Pluto nil the parts of n complete carriage were given and it was sold for the Miioniit required IlrrnUlnic It Gently You were n long time In the far corner of the conservatory last even ¬ lug suggested the mother What was going on Do you remember the occasion on which you became engaged to papn Inquired the daughter by way of re ¬ plyOf course I do Then It ought not to be necessary for you to ask any questions Thus gently the news was broken that they were to have n soninlaw Not llnnnlnir un Tick You Hcem to be very quiet till of n iidden said the clock key Yes Im all run down replied the duck Time Is money they any HO I guess I must be bankrupt That being the ruse replied the key Ill appoint myself receiver mind roceed to wind up your nfTnlrsChls- ago Xews bully Pleased Then NellSo their engagement Is off UtlIels She says he was too hard to please Xell Thats funny He must have changed since he proposed to her Exchange Luiifldentlal Do you love lIIe1 said the paper bag to the SUllIrI Im Just wrapped up In you replied the sugar You sweet thing murmured the paper hag Ilnupr Ethel How happy Gladys looks to- night Edyllie Yes she expects to have n dunce to accept Fred or turn down Charley and she doesnt care tvlileh Cincinnati Commercial Trlb mimiciislootn Colorado and Itutiirn VIII Chicago Union Pnclfin it Kurih Yeatern Unit Chicago to Denver Col irudo SprliiRsniid Pueblo dully liriHiglidiit the siinnnen Correspond difiiy rein rates 1I1I1I1IlllIlnS8 emit tniy one night to Denver from Milan JII and Oentrar Hlntes mind only two night enrotite from time Atiantl Sea- board Two f trains dairy N M Hreezn 135 Vine Street 4 Cincinnati Ohio i RAILROAD TABLES Lexington < Eastern R1 IOOAI Tla11PAILIE 3r Effective Oct laths TOOL West Mound No i Noj Rally Dully Bx Sunday It sunday A M- IvJnckjon I 65 126 OAK duunCon 029 280 Pptiirrvllle Jun 7i0 826 Torrent 747 347 Natural Utilise 801 401 Slitmnn 828 4130 > flay Oily BU- 7UincheatP t39 923 510- lr LfXliiKlon 1010 b5- Last Bound No No4 dally hoar ea Sunday Ux SunJiy I1 M AM Lv Lexington 225 t11i Wlnnlirttur 810 ° 8M 0111 y Oily 3r 0 D13 Stanton 4 Od OM Natural bridge 45W 051 Torrent 4 J9 100S- lIpftttjvIHe Jun 511 1020 O A K Juno 011 1120- VrJnckiinn 015 1120- Nn 3 amid 4 ninko olo tt oonnrelloii for Gunnel City and jmlnU cm Olito A Kentucky Hallway Division dully e > uepl thiuday Nos 1 mil 2 connect nt L B Junc- liuii with Uliiwiienlw Ohio lot Mt Sterling iMil IIICllllIIlill Trnln Nrs I A connect nl Ilintty tills Jiincllun with I A A fug Hrntti- Vlllrt J U UAIUI GCII Mjr Oiu SU ITT 0 1 A O a K BY Effective May Mud lOCH I Had Hound Vc5t Hound SIr c c > c a9PITINS e t f 14 a wE r AM Ml IM AB All I V IM IV 030 2311lsek nn 1120 300- P 5 230 O AK Juno 11 tiM J V- KW UtAJ 4W- Rhl I521iantililon llrfiS Ijfif- t7M 128 Ls Oily IRJ rIO 741 122 llelecliHwa 1228 fiIF 715 1CO Onnnel Oily ItftHS 6U AM IV TM IV IM AH IM All liestiNtnntf1aswpigerirnin roiini > ct nt O A K Junction with trnln which harms Ipxincliin nt j MO nmI- Cnulbotiiul lA + sauger Trnln ponnecio ftl O A K Jiinclloii with train which arrives nt Winchester 620 and Iez ¬ ington at 605 ntn M f CONIEV Runt n Louisville tC Atlantic Ry In enVct July IRlh JIK >I No 5 No 6 Arrive Iun IM AM Stations 0 Iii I A 10JnrkAUif 0 ar 505 Iienllyvllle Jct 7 W 4J0 MtBltyviUo iIi 430 IffKicilnirK 8W 312 Trvliifi 120 215 Itch III 111111 10 CO Not Xna Xul No2 IM IM A M 1001 M Irvine 2 t5- I A 115i 810 Ulnhinniul 315 000 11 21 7 10 Valley taw 1 IP 0 II II 00 7 10 XlfilinlnnvlllB 4 43 6 ifi 1015 031 VfrMille r35 7 W j 40 350 LiiuUvllle S IS 10 In in lv Ar Ai II K Snail OKt i l- ersaillsa Ky lllMK OUASS TKACrriOX CO icorgotown and Luxington Trac ¬ tion Joinpnny Cars ln11 LexiiiKton for Paris every hour from On nu117 p nintul ntfl p in Leave lnrlR every hour from i n in to 8 II in und nt 10 p III Sliijln r arts 10 cents- rave IaxliiKlon tar Georgetown ev pry hour front 7it in to III in except 11 n in 11 ni6 p in and 1111 IIi Leave Georgetown every hour from 0 ntn to 10 p III except 10 n ht121r and 7 nail 0p in- V AlKXANDKIl IVeMlent FAU3I FOR SAIHI- CO ncres 2 miles Foiilli of Iiidliin Fields IJMOVVII IM n purl of limit lodin0 Old Fields A limirfe with 7 riumi ilnlern itt Ilme door whim nl I he other iieiesciiry out IniiMlMK Due stork liiirn one lobnnno hum HUIIcnt to liolil 4 ucieis of tilincci Iliiirili s Mini ccliool cotiviiiifiil Ihs farm iii well watered und fenced There is u IIh i > yoniiK urqhiml of somethtiiK over 100 HpliiJreeH in lipurin elecied fruit null on or address me at Indian Fields Kj I W AUKN I have severnl huiulred ilotiln re iionled diirloi my Irlll olnlilep1s Ciiiinty Clerk Thw e urn viiluiilili In Ihs owiiirn of tlui Iniid and I would Im Kind fur them lo roll i nv the rtIK mid tuke theta tilt J Wide Il + gins flO CO Itc IV IIDIk IC A p l1ftWFOrtD JAMES B OPtiY A F CYOrV Lok before r 2ou Purchase fSay did you know uo had time I icEi ciflp op QOODS ij youi J t i You eon spend monoy anywhere hut when It cornea down to now nptodnte right priced giltedged talus the t onstoiiier nnd pleasure to sell of niurclinndiso wo have it- s t i HOE J l I L 1 All inndo to tit well und wour woll nohiy and drtxtayDud M 1 uliiitpns others still old shop worn stnlF It is not 1 uHHible for any doilor in the country to oIlW hetlur gods ut thin jaino E price Ask any Indlu town whom to hay your Dress Goods and Notions t limo verdict ia unanimous k p Truly your fr5endn t SA P1 CRAWFORD t 00 I- g facksollJlronhlckJl i IIr C rr IC t IIC d JIC d r ILaa lei H 255252 uca25Z 2rya c 5Z57 15 5itS S2S25 IItnhlt1m 1I- m ID JACKSON DEPOSIT BANK u Jackson Kentucky 8 nidIP Capital and Surplus 2G5000u m I a ATo fioliuit time llllllki r Hiisiiit 3a anti accounts orJ Lumber raniifacturcrsi t n + Timber D nlolsJ m Business Men 2 ii y Merchants Parnicrs lC1mrllrollghollL Jiiitorn A lIDtho MJ 1a 1 t Within the limits of legitimate business jr COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY 1- Sti2S2S2S 5e5t c3Csr52S25252CJ2S25522525aCj25v = rr Il Jt N n t Uo secure the 6ost results 1- Jl 0 101 Jour money actuarliso nho = f rear County 9lellls 1 ZAa bast modhlm Ay tvhich f- k i to roach all tho mountain trade s > 1 Tjivica tho Circulation 0tl 2roahr11h 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 s tf Jl EDUCATION lSlneSSIs absolutcy llcccsSaiVv to the young man or young woman who would win success ill life This being conceded I it is of first iinportnncc to get ourI Tniining at tilt school that stands in the very front rank The Bryant Stratton Business College N H Cell Serond and Walnut Sty IOUISVILLK KV f Y Bookkeeping Shorthand Typewriting tf S vou cxLicricnccd touclicrs each ono n specialist iu hisiieef 0 Urilo for u bcuutirul boolc giving tastiiuonials from graduates occuK liyiifjj prominent positions all over tlio Unitod Slntos it will bo mail ¬ ed to you FRKI3 School open all tho year Students slit outer at any limn 12 If WHICH IT IWulcnt i i UI SlIIIlnIN TUg Fltih BUS TOnllli FLOAI till In NfA ARLINGTON HQTEL s STAULBEE 1- TAGIvS3N riJ KENTUGIai Y won LlVKtVSTAIUU IN I +a1 FIit51ULAS3tdAliILN- I C D NI < IION ROOMS 3 = u to K o dol 4 1 J I bjl ADIGESTS Tha S I00 boob contain 2V tlmtttb Irfat rim which aiu far 80 castsI rHIfAUD ONLY ATTHaLAIOUTOAY cr- B I C DaWITT It COMPANY CHICAGO ILLS For Salo by MS7lttu4 < w i Ae rt t oUJI f m 1 L 4r

Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1904-12-09 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt734t6f2p5z/data/0236.pdf · 2013. 6. 13. · home In Brooklyn Acute appendicitis aggravated by the shock of

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Page 1: Breathitt County news. (Jackson, KY) 1904-12-09 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt734t6f2p5z/data/0236.pdf · 2013. 6. 13. · home In Brooklyn Acute appendicitis aggravated by the shock of



Breaking of a Cable Kill ThreeMiner KfurtUt Kngage Iu a Fnt-xFrayPardo Kollowi a KlreOtlirr-

v Mention

Huntlngtou W Va Dec LThobreaking of a cable at the Loop rivermines In Tuloequon near Welchdashed three miners on the rocks 700

feet below and killed them InstantlySearching parties found the bodies of

the victims crushed and mangled beyond recognition The names of thedead are John Winters Harry Wol

burn Henry Clay colored The ac ¬

cldent caused a general cessation ofwork In the mines the 300 men employed refuting to work until after theburial of the dead The cable was onothat Is used for conveying coal fromthe mines to a chute and Is 1000 feelong The miners have been fre-quently riding In cable cars to andfrom the mines

LexingtonIColonelbias Gibsonhome here lie was an attorney hadIbeen prominent as an editor andon the staff of his brother GeneralIRandall Leo Gibson ofthe civil war He was the last surviv ¬

ing brother of the latter who won distinction as a member of the UnitedStates senate Until recent years Col ¬

onel Gibson had owned extensive plan ¬

tations in Louisiana maintaining a res-

idence In New Orleans

Shock Proved FatalNew York Dec 6 Theodore E

Kohlasa a native of Kentucky bustsees representative in New York fortwo Louisville newspapers died at hishome In Brooklyn Acute appendicitisaggravated by the shock of seeing

4 man killed by tailing from a girde-Tuesday afternoon on Nassau streetcaused his death He was an eyewitness of the accident and after reachtag his office he collapsed

Cooked to DeathMaysvllle Ky Deo GIn a freight

wreck la the Chesapeake and Ohioyards Fireman Dan Holderfleld wasthrown against the boiler heal andheld there by a pile o fcoal until hewas literally cooked to death Engineer Herbert Gregorys foot was heldbetween the tender and boiler headuntil he was released by the amputa-tion of his foot but he may die Thresengines were damaged

West Virginias VoteCharleston W Va Dec GThe offi

cial vote of West Virginia gives Roose ¬

vela 31765 plurality McKinleys plu ¬

rality four years ago was 21022 To-tal vote Roosevelt 132C08 Parker100850 Swallow 4604 Debs 1574Watson 039 Roosevelts majorityover all 25241 With tour countiesmissing on the vote Tor governor Daw I

sons plurality will be less than 9000 I

r Fire and PanIcILouisville KYDec 5Loull1e Jon

kins a negress was burned to death j

and James Hellett and Lark Phillipsfiremen and two colored children wereinjured in a fire which destroyed a rowof tenements In the western part otthe city Also 1000 employes of theAmerican Tobacco company werethrown Into a panic by the rapidspread of the flames None injured

Kentucky ComputeFrankfort Ky Dec 6 Completo

official returns of the national electionheld in Kentucky show the total votecast 435765 The plurality for thoDemoCratic electors is 11893 TheDemocrats polled 217170 Republl ¬

cans 205277 Prohibitionists 6609Socialists 3602 Populists 2511 Sooat Labor 596

Serious ChargeMorehead Ky Deo 3John Fraley

has been arrested charged with compllcity In the assassination of SebranProfit who was shot from ambush 10days ado Warrants have been Issued for several other members of theFraley family on the same charge

IKentucky Drouth Broken

Lexington Ky Dec 5 A steadyrain broke the longest drouth In central Kentucky in half a centurythough It was not heavy enough to beeffective The waterworks companypublishes a notice to all farmers thatthey may get water tree of cost at thereservoir till the drouth Is over

Italians KilledMemphis Tenn Dec 5 Michael

Martini and his son Prank Martinitwo Italians have been shot and kill ¬

ed by a number of Slavs near Lam-Bert Miss The cause of the tragedyIs not known

Mine ExplosionSomerset Ky Dec 5 An explo

don In the mines of the Stearnes Coalcompany 30 miles below here killedJames Carter and injured severalother miners two of them seriously

rPlaning Mill Burned

Clarksbur W Va Dec 2Thoplaning mill and lumber plant of theA D Parr Lumber company was burn ¬

ed to tha ground The toss will reach150000 with 30000 Insurance-

A VII lt From Don SwiftThe Irish reformer Father Mathew

used to tell of a remarkable visit madeto his grandfather by Lehn Swift MrMathew lived near Dublin cud Invitedthe eccentric dean to dIne and Spendthe night at bU house A large partyof the neighboring gentry weir biddento meet him

The dean drove up to the house anil-lumuioulug the butler asked the nauiejof the guests

Tell your master he shouted I

droveaweyb lodge gates however he changed his

mind returned alighted mud demanded to be shown to his room

When hU host came to him Swiftsaid I nui willing to accept your hps

vitality but 1 will nut meet yourguestsHe

was told that his meals shouldbe served in his room as if lie werelit home lie remained thus Isolatedfor two days thou came down Iu highgood humor Joined the party and ex¬

tended hlsvjslt for our months1iA


WASShappening In the Various Quarters

of the World Will Us Pound Iuly1Chronicled In the Fewest 11 ortli In


Tho German bank at Buffalo closedIts doors following a run

Engineer Samuel Yonoly crushed todeath beneath engine at Alliance 0

Fire slightly damaged the borne ofVice Presidentelect Fairbanks atWashington

President Moyer announces ho seesno reason why the Cripple Creekstrike should be called oft

KadlseR Klusoff and Alexleff thoassassins of General Strandmantwife received sentences at St Petersburg the first to life ImprisonmentyearstThomas Clark son of a former coinsty sheriff Is under arrest at RutledgdTenn charged with the murder ofCharles Mallcote whose sister Clarkmarried two hours after the tragedy

L G Van Celet called at the homoof Mrs Eva Wilkins at Grand RapidsMich and finding another man alocalling upon her shot the womanthrough tho breast Instantly killingher He then shot himself dead

MONDAYSenator Platt of New York an

nounced that William It Willcox willbe appointed postmaster at New York

cityEdwardIh Gray 39 a civil engineer

killed himself at New York becausea woman with whom he lived refusedto marry him-

Explosion of natural gas wrecked tinhome of Charles Pearce a grocer ntColumbus O and perhaps fatally injured MM Pearce

Fire which broke out In the store ofdewrstroyed 13 structuresUnersallst church Total loss 150

COOAta Columbus 0 sanitarium Em

ma L Gessart 40 of Ilosevllle N Mjut a necktie around her throat andtaking the ends In her hands strangledherself to death

R 0 Woods secretary of the Lima0 Home Savings association who

was found guilty of embezzling over25000 received a sentence of live

years in tho penPATURDAY

National Farmers congress willmeet next September In Columbus O

Strelghton Adams 20 committed suicide at Danville O No reason given

Failures this week in the UnitedStates were 245 against 331 the same

Iweek last yearcabinet resigned Disagree

ment of tho ministers over bulldiuanew railroads

Blaze partially devoured tho grainmill of Andrew Flanagan ManayunkPa Employes escaped

Announced that New York finantiers will organize a night and daysafe and deposit company


President Roosevelt declines to in ¬ I

terfere In the strike of Iron and steolworkers at Youngstown OoliljeJtdied at her apartments at Chicagoshortly after a stroke of apoplexy

Moebus sentenced to threeICorrad the Ohio penitentiary for rob ¬

bing his brother Edwards hardwarestore at Hamilton O He Is the son ofa prominent merchant

Kill DAYSevere earthquake shocks felt at

San FranciscoGeneral Porflro Diaz Inaugurated

president of Mexico for the seventhtime

At Kleff Russia 20 persons losttheir lives through drinking poisonedbrandy

Wells Fargo Express company reports the disappearance of 15000 ingold from the San Francisco office

Rev 11 D Folk of Nashville Tennbrother of Joseph W Folk governorelect of Missouri accepted a call tothe Baptist church at Midway Ky

Three firemen perished and a conslderable property loss Involved in acollision of freight trains near OneulaN Y on the Delaware Hudson

railroadJohnB Bennett Rep who op

posed James N Kehoe Dem for re-election in the Ninth Kentucky con ¬

gesslonal district awarded electioncertificate

THURSDAYDrought In central Kentucky pro

flounced tho worst In the history ofthe state

In a fray at Edlnburg Ind JohnHash 17 a hostler killed JacobMoore a merchant

Ur R C Palnkard a druggist ofWashington D C committed suicideat Charlottesvlllo Va by swallowingacid Deapondcncy assigned as tho

causeChairman Cortelyou of tho nationalRepublican committee announced theappointment of General John M Wilson retired as chairman of the inaugural committee

VKDNKSDAYThe offices of Price Adams Co

brokers closed at Now York No state-ment Issued

Madame Jananschek the famousactress died at New York Born inPrague Bohemia In 1830

Tho Earl of Hnrwlcke Albert Edward Philip Yorke 37 undersecretaryof stato for India dlod suddenly In

LondonFlamesdevoured tho hydraulic

works owned by the Cliver Miningcompany at Norway Mich Loss


The True Mrniilnir of WorryThe generic anti much covering term

of worry is often the name for ntrouble the essential part of which Isthe ilUIIculty ofmnking uji the mindThose who can rend between the linesdiscern also III many n case of suicidethe same dlllleulty us the final musewhich plunged a weak and distractedIntelligence Into the ultimate catastro ¬

pie Sooner than continue the struggle

lIerllltxltle3 ¬

up Is overthrown nHojjethiT LondonLancet

General Schenck Lout GnitirGeneral Robert E Schcnck was a

famous poker player Just n week be-

fore his deaths he sat around n table tihis own lioiisu with acuenil SchoUcIdGeneral Itucker and two United Statessenators It was n Joel pot Everybody hail passed up to Schenck whopromptly opened it for the limit Oneof the Kciwtom riiiKod tile peiicrnl caskoil buck mid the senator stayed liucsire w ono curd Then the betting begnu fast mud furious Finally the seaator said

Gencrul I have you beaten 1 thlnl1 have n sure thing and I dont wantto bet any more ir hey on this kind ofn hand

But I ilnnt think you have tnc beaten When I get enough of It 1 willquit

So the merry war of chips reeounienecd Then the senator renewedhis proposition and offered to fatten theglnke by it wager of a dinner for theJive gentlemen present ThU was nc

tei tiHl Guneml Schenck had fouriilm H Thu senator lad a strnlgMflush But the little dinner for thelive never ensue ort Two days beforeuse evening set for It General Soheuckdied

Much One Sliuultl butIllovr the much dlscussitl questionslor the tiny on which there are inmostI Its nuusy oplulOIl as Individuals Is the

iliuintlty of food one should wit Doetors nil ugree that the mnjorlty of plOple out too much gables tram the dayof their birth are towel to eat tsar

much and they grow till with this arti ¬

ficial nppetlte The most misolmble I

estimate yet made Is probably thatwhich fixes onetwentieth of the nvcrnjie weight of the body us the averagedully ininiitlty reijulreil If you weigh140 pounds you should ionsume sevenpouiidx of fowl This Includes drinkas well ilK solid fool But It is ridicuhosts to set down u lianl and oat ruleSuch a quantity might kill souse nailthere Is u case on record of n tunawasting away on a diet of sevenor eight pounds of food n day lierut down hIs diet to threequarters ofa pound of liquid anti the same ofsolid food and as a result he grewstout and lived to n ripe old age

Sluiiifnc Lore For Game of ChanceThis Slaiueso are devoted to the holi ¬

tiny snaking and ceremonies mad procession which accompany the mostImportant anniversaries or Incidents oflife deaths nnd religion and whichcause nn Infinite amount of money tobe squandered mid time lost

They love games kiteflying a sortof shuttlecock football and fightingwith cocks crickets beetles mud fishthough It is to be surmised that tillmain attraction of these pursuits con-sists III the scrape thereby afforded forbolting nnd gambling which are thecardinal national vices

A Siamese will stake money on any-thing


Licensed gambling houses ex ¬

hIt In the titles and are n large sourceof Income to the government whichfarms out the monopoly A royal lot ¬

tery Is extensively patronized in Bang ¬


Iliicnen of Engraver LineIn St Johns college Oxford Is pre ¬

served n portrait of Charles I in whichtoIJrace alone containing silt the book ofPsalms with the creels nnd severalforms of prayers I



hides with Johnsons translation ofthe Hume for Burucys History ofMusic were executed by him Thoughconsisting of Iii0 words they are com ¬

prided iu u circle half un inch in dlnuieter with u small space in the cell ¬

ter left blank

iu Old Time VoyageWhen our first foreign minister ar¬

ranged to go to London his was requested by the captain of tile sailingvessel iu New York harbor to goaboard Immediately Haxtlly buying u

sack of flour three hams and a bug ofpotatoes ho hurried on board ship toarrange with some stiller to cook uUmeals not knowing but that theymight sail at any lour Five weekspassed before the boat left the harborAfter six weeks at sea the traveler atlength beheld the outlines of the coastof old England SuccetM Magazine

Out It XlrululitA New York eiitluiHluHt lane u good

collection of etchings ono of them be¬

lag of the leaning tower of PIsl whichhangs over his writ III desk For a-

long time he noticed that It persistedIn bunging crooked despite the factUnit ho straightened It every morningAt lust ho spoke to the maid askingher If she was renponslble for Its lopsided condition Why yes she said

I have to hunt It crooked to make thetower hung straight

Ira CrltlolmuUncle Josh Thero was one of theta

landscape painters around hero yester ¬

slimy Uncle Silas Well landscapepainting ought to be a good healthyoccupation It Jimmies a luau out ofdoors un gives him plenty of fresh air

New York Press

Very stIII1-Shl1l1l1oll his wedding tourl

want rooms for myself mind wife Ho-



ClerkSuit HuxbiindOf courseshe Is perfectly lovely the sweetestxlrl In the world

Green Old AgeMabel Anil did your grandfather live

to a green old age Jnck Well I

should suy sal lIe was swindled threetimes after lie was seventy

A mini of worth is like gold nevernit of fashion Manu

Suiiin Old lleuunWhat was It caused the downfall of

the Trojans asked the man who lineforgotten his classics

It Was the same old story said thenan who was rending the sportingpage They wouldnt let the horsesilone Washington Star

Nollilnir to Ilruir Of

BluffId have you know sir thatIUI a self made snail Gruff Well Imsorry for you but keep It Hark amid

dont think too much about It and perliupn youll set along nil right f


IAn Aitulu Illlnil Manman possessed 500 undo

I feiiriiig that somebody might steal ithe burled his treasure in a corner ofhis garden A neighbor sits him at hiswink nod In time night stole his moneyThe blind mull on discovering his lossanti suspecting hits neighbor went to

I him nod said My Inllrmlty tendersme dlllldeiit mud few lire time personwhom I can trust You are one iuthose few nod I have come to tell youn secref nnd to ask your advice I tuntime possessor of 1JOO In told I havehidden half of It In a place whleli I

believe to be secure Do you thlflk 1

would do well to put the other half Iuthe same Pln1ti Yes by all meansreplied his neighbor Were I In yourplace I would dothe saute There U noknowing what may happen If you keepyour money In your house Hnvlngiven his advice thu thief hoping toget the rest of the blind mans moneyhastened to replace the half he hadstolen anti thus the astute blind mums

recovered hU property

A Knit Hiiil u IFmunAn English gentleman traveling

souse years ago In Ireland took u ham ¬

mer and tacks along with him becausehe found dogs eared carpets at all theInns where he rested At one of theseInns ho tucket down time carpet which

usual was loose smear the door nodIllsafterward rang the bell for Isis

dustier While tho carpet wits lousetime door could nut be opened withouta liar push no when the waiter cameup he just unhitched the dour thengoing buck a couple of yuck he rushed npilnst It nn his habit wan withu sudden Mprliig to forte It open limit

the wrinkles at tho carpet were nolonger there to stop It and sot meet ¬

lug with the expected resistance thewaiter fell full length lute the roomIt hind never entered his head Unit RO

munch trouble might be navel by meanof n hammer mil n dozen or even halfn dozen tacks until his tall taught himthat makeshift Is n very unprotltublusort of shift

A Cntly JrtIt was n jest purls and simple that

brought about the war between Eng ¬

land and France In 1037 mud ultimatelyfrost the great William hU life William of course was great In namesenses then one Ho stout was he Infact by reason of hU Idle and luxuriouslife Unit he could not walk from l > lucoto place but hind to be carried Oneday Isis contemporary Philip ofFrance delicately remarked at dinnerthat William was like n fillet of beeton casters and ought to be exhibited ata prize monarch slaw Naturally Wil ¬

liam heard of this mud In u furiousrage ordered Ids troops to invade atonce This was done and a war com ¬

menced which ended III the Englishking being thrown from his horse andkilled white uuperlntfiidlnx the slegoof Xante

Adnptnlilp WomanIt la always a mystery how wo

change our figures our fares and ourtrait with every change of fashion lintthere Is no denying time fact Unit womelt do seem to accommodate themselves to Madame In Mole In this wayOne year they will be of the droopinglanguid Rossettlnn type another theywill be completely Georgian Iu tacoanti style nnd then hey presto rash ¬

ton waves her wand and every one Is

magically transformed lute n sturdysquare shouldered across country hook-


person with n furs to match and u

WorldIliutv Wlilltler Ilnlnril Some MoneyAll Interesting story U told of tho

poet Whittier showing Isis IngenuityIn getting subscriptions for n goatcause There were n number of eartinge snakes In Ameslmry where heresided quit being once nimble to col ¬

lent cash In consequence of the provailing commercial depression he BUI

gated that each might contributesortie part of a carriage one thewlieei4e another tho holy etc Plutonil the parts of n complete carriagewere given and it was sold for theMiioniit required

IlrrnUlnic It GentlyYou were n long time In the far

corner of the conservatory last even ¬

lug suggested the mother Whatwas going on

Do you remember the occasion onwhich you became engaged to papnInquired the daughter by way of re¬

plyOfcourse I do

Then It ought not to be necessaryfor you to ask any questions

Thus gently the news was brokenthat they were to have n soninlaw

Not llnnnlnir un TickYou Hcem to be very quiet till of n

iidden said the clock keyYes Im all run down replied the

duck Time Is money they any HO I

guess I must be bankruptThat being the ruse replied the

key Ill appoint myself receiver mind

roceed to wind up your nfTnlrsChls-ago Xews

bully Pleased ThenNellSo their engagement Is off

UtlIels She says he was too hardto please Xell Thats funny Hemust have changed since he proposedto her Exchange

LuiifldentlalDo you love lIIe1 said the paper

bag to the SUllIrIIm Just wrapped up In you repliedthe sugar

You sweet thing murmured thepaper hag

IlnuprEthel How happy Gladys looks to-

night Edyllie Yes she expects tohave n dunce to accept Fred or turndown Charley and she doesnt caretvlileh Cincinnati Commercial Trlb


Colorado and ItutiirnVIII Chicago Union Pnclfin it KurihYeatern Unit Chicago to Denver Colirudo SprliiRsniid Pueblo dullyliriHiglidiit the siinnnen Corresponddifiiy rein rates 1I1I1I1IlllIlnS8 emittniy one night to Denver from Milan

JII and Oentrar Hlntes mind only twonight enrotite from time Atiantl Sea-

board Two f trains dairyN M Hreezn 135 Vine Street4 Cincinnati Ohio



Lexington < Eastern R1IOOAI Tla11PAILIE

3rEffective Oct laths TOOL

West MoundNo i Noj

Rally DullyBx Sunday It sunday

A M-


65 126OAK duunCon 029 280Pptiirrvllle Jun 7i0 826Torrent 747 347Natural Utilise 801 401Slitmnn 828 4130 >

flay Oily BU-7UincheatP

t39923 510-

lr LfXliiKlon 1010 b5-

Last BoundNo No4dally hoar

ea Sunday Ux SunJiyI1 M A M

Lv Lexington 225 t11iWlnnlirttur 810 °

8 M0111 y Oily 3r0 D13Stanton 4 Od OMNatural bridge 45W 051Torrent 4 J9 100S-

lIpftttjvIHe Jun 511 1020O A K Juno 011 1120-

VrJnckiinn 015 1120-

Nn 3 amid 4 ninko olo tt oonnrelloiifor Gunnel City and jmlnU cm Olito A

Kentucky Hallway Division dully e >

uepl thiudayNos 1 mil 2 connect nt L B Junc-

liuii with Uliiwiienlw Ohio lot MtSterling iMil IIICllllIIlill

Trnln Nrs I A connect nl Ilinttytills Jiincllun with I A A fug Hrntti-Vlllrt


O a K B Y

Effective May Mud lOCH

IHad Hound Vc5t HoundSIr c c > c

a9PITINS e t f14 a wE rAM Ml IM AB All I V IM IV030 2311lsek nn 1120 300-P 5 230 O AK Juno 1 1 tiM J V-KW UtAJ 4W-Rhl I521iantililon llrfiS Ijfif-t7M 128 Ls Oily IRJ rIO741 122 llelecliHwa 1228 fiIF715 1CO Onnnel Oily ItftHS 6UAM IV TM IV IM AH IM All

liestiNtnntf1aswpigerirnin roiini >ctnt O A K Junction with trnln whichharms Ipxincliin nt j MO nmI-

Cnulbotiiul lA+ sauger Trnln ponnecioftl O A K Jiinclloii with train whicharrives nt Winchester 620 and Iez ¬

ington at 605 ntnM f CONIEV Runt


Louisville tC Atlantic RyIn enVct July IRlh JIK>I

No 5 No 6Arrive IunIM A M

Stations0 Iii I A 10JnrkAUif 0 ar505 Iienllyvllle Jct 7 W4J0 MtBltyviUo iIi430 IffKicilnirK 8W312 Trvliifi 120215 Itch III 111111 10 CO

Not Xna Xul No2IM IM A M

1001 M Irvine 2 t5-


115i 810 Ulnhinniul 315 00011 21 7 10 Valley taw 1 IP 0 IIII 00 7 10 XlfilinlnnvlllB 4 43 6 ifi1015 031 VfrMille r35 7 Wj 40 350 LiiuUvllle S IS 10 Inin lv Ar Ai

II K Snail OKt i l-

ersaillsa Ky


icorgotown and Luxington Trac ¬tion Joinpnny

Cars ln11 LexiiiKton for Paris everyhour from On nu117 p nintul ntflp in Leave lnrlR every hour from in in to 8 II in und nt 10 p III Sliijlnrarts 10 cents-

rave IaxliiKlon tar Georgetown evpry hour front 7it in to III in except11 n in 11 ni6 p in and 1111 IIi

Leave Georgetown every hour from 0

ntn to 10 p III except 10 n ht121rand 7 nail 0 p in-



CO ncres 2 miles Foiilli of IiidliinFields IJMOVVII IM n purl of limit lodin0Old Fields A limirfe with 7 riumiilnlern itt Ilme door whim nl I he otheriieiesciiry out IniiMlMK Due storkliiirn one lobnnno hum HUIIcnt toliolil 4 ucieis of tilincci Iliiirili s Mini

ccliool cotiviiiifiil Ihs farm iii wellwatered und fenced There is u IIh i>

yoniiK urqhiml of somethtiiK over 100

HpliiJreeH in lipurin elecied fruitnull on or address me at Indian FieldsKj


I have severnl huiulred ilotiln reiionled diirloi my Irlll olnlilep1sCiiiinty Clerk Thw e urn viiluiilili InIhs owiiirn of tlui Iniid and I wouldIm Kind fur them lo roll i nv the rtIKmid tuke theta tilt

J Wide Il + gins



Lok beforer

2ou PurchasefSay did you know uo had time

I icEi ciflp op QOODS ij youi J

ti You eon spend monoy anywhere hut when It cornea down

to now nptodnte right priced giltedged talus the tonstoiiier nnd pleasure to sell of niurclinndiso wo have it-




1 All inndo to tit well und wour woll nohiy and drtxtayDud M1uliiitpns others still old shop worn stnlF It is not 1 uHHible forany doilor in the country to oIlW hetlur gods ut thin jaino

E price Ask any Indlu town whom to hay your

Dress Goods and Notions tlimo verdict ia unanimous

kpTruly your fr5endn



g facksollJlronhlckJl iIIr C rr IC t IIC d JICdr ILaa lei


255252 uca25Z 2rya c 5Z57 155itS S2S25IItnhlt1m 1I-



Jackson Kentucky 8

nidIP Capital and Surplus 2G5000u m

I a

ATo fioliuit time llllllki r Hiisiiit 3a anti accounts orJLumber raniifacturcrsi tn + Timber D nlolsJ

m Business Men 2ii y




1a1 t

Within the limits of legitimate business


Sti2S2S2S 5e5tc3Csr52S25252CJ2S25522525aCj25v

= rrIlJt Nn

t Uo secure the 6ost results 1-


101 Jour money actuarliso

nho =

f rear County 9lellls1 ZAa bast modhlm Ay tvhich f-

k i to roach all tho mountaintrade s >1

Tjivica tho Circulation 0tl2roahr11h10 10 10 10 10 10 10s

tf Jl EDUCATIONlSlneSSIs absolutcy llcccsSaiVv to the

young man or young woman who would win success ill lifeThis being conceded I it is of first iinportnncc to get ourITniining at tilt school that stands in the very front rankThe Bryant Stratton Business College

N H Cell Serond and Walnut Sty IOUISVILLK KV fY

Bookkeeping Shorthand Typewriting tf

S vou cxLicricnccd touclicrs each ono n specialist iu hisiieef 0

Urilo for u bcuutirul boolc giving tastiiuonials from graduates occuKliyiifjj prominent positions all over tlio Unitod Slntos it will bo mail ¬

ed to you FRKI3School open all tho year Students slit outer at any limn

12 If WHICH IT IWulcnti






won LlVKtVSTAIUU IN I +a1 FIit51ULAS3tdAliILN-I C D NI < IION ROOMS 3= u to



JI bjl

ADIGESTSTha S I00 boob contain 2V tlmtttb Irfat rim which aiu far 80castsIrHIfAUD ONLY ATTHaLAIOUTOAY cr-




i Aertt oUJI

fm 1 L4r