Brand Model

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  • 8/8/2019 Brand Model


    BRAND MANAGEMENTBrand Building Models: Levitt Model & David Aaker Model

    12/18/2009Munchen International Business School

    Submitted To: Prof. Ramashastry

    Submitted By:

    Arvind Bhardwaj 09

    Avinash Vijra 11Neha Dave 25

    Rajneesh Sharma 38

    Purti Sharma 41

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    Levitt s Model Of Brand Building

    Levitt s Model helps in building the brand from a commodity. This is done at four levels:

    1. Core Product Level

    2. Basic Product Level3. Augmented Product Level4. Potential Product Level

    The purpose of all the four levels is to differentiate the company s offer from itscompetitors. The core product level is nothing but the benefit that customer expects fromthe brand. Then at the basic level, the product is differentiated from its r ivals at ademonstrable level through the usage of marketing mix, i.e. 4 P s. At the 3 rd Level furtheraugmentation is done by providing additional services with the product. At last in the fourthlevel, a superior difference is created when the brand is able to delight its customers and in

    turn the customers praise the brand with favorable attributes.

    Once the differentiation is done, it needs to be communicated to the target segmentthrough promotional mix in a persuasive way. This is where the Driving Wheel comes intothe picture. This wheel becomes the essential part of the brand building process.


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    E ampl es give ar e

    1 LG Laptop s 2 Hero Honda Bikes 3 e ll Laptop s

    LG LA

    Establi s ed in 1997 LG Elec troni cs India Pvt. Ltd., is a wholly owned s bsidiar y of LGElec troni cs, Sout h Kor ea. In India for a dec ad e no w, LGis the mark e t lead e r in con sum er durabl es and rec ogni se d as a leading tec hnolog y inno vator in the information technolog y and mobil e communi cation s bu siness . LG is the ackno wledg ed tr end se tt e r for the con sum er durabl e indu str y in India with the fa st es t eve r nation wide reach , lat es t global tec hnolog y and produ ct inno vation.

    The tr end of beating indu str y norm s start ed with the fa st es t eve r-nation wide laun ch by

    LGin a period of 4 and 1

    2 mont hs with the comm ence m ent of op eration s in May 1997 . LG se t up a stat e-of-t he art manufa cturing fa cility at Great e r Noida, near Delhi, in 1998 , with an inves tm ent of Rs 500 Cror es . This fa cility manufa ctur ed Colour Te lev ision s, Washing Machines , Air-Condition e rs and Micro wave Ovens. During the ye ar 2001 , LGalso comm ence d the hom e produ ction for its ec o-fri endl y Refrigerator s and es tabli shed its asse mbl y line for its PC Monitor s at i ts Great er Noida manufa cturing unit. The beginning of 2003 saw the roll out of the first locally manufa ctur ed Direc t Cool Re frigerator from the plant at Great e r Noida. In 2004 , LGEIL also up its sec ond Gree nfie ld manufa cturing unit in Pun e , Mahara sh tra that comm ences op eration s in Octob er 2004 . Cove ring ove r 50 acres , the fa cility manufa ctur es LCD TV, GSM Phon es , Color Te lev ision s, Air Condition e rs, Refrige rator s, Micro wave Ove ns Color Monitor s.

    Bot h the Indian manufa cturing unit s has bee n des ign ed with the lat es t tec hnologi es at par with int e rnational standard s at Sout h Kor ea and ar e on e of the mo st Eco-fri endl y unit s among st all LG manufa cturing plant s in the world. LG has bee n abl e to craft out in ten ye ar s, a pr emium brand po sitioning in the Indian mark e t and is toda y the mo st pr e f err ed brand in the se gm ent.

    LG Not book Co put s: t lish, ! d " ! n # d ! nd hi $ hl po t ! bl

    Comput e r usag e has gro wn tr em endou sly ove r the last f ew ye ar s. From being a rar e item use d by a f ew hou se hold s, comput e r produ cts ar e found eve rywh e re these da ys. To cat e r to the eve r increasing demand, tec hnologi cal ad van ce m ent s have enhan ce d the f eatur es of ba sic comput e r produ cts. Des ktop comput e rs have bec om e a histor y. The lat es t comput e r produ ct in use is the not ebook comput er.

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    With th e mark e t flood ed with innum erabl e brand s of not ebook comput e rs, it is natural to ge t confu se d. If you ar e looking for a re liable compan y that pro vides comput e r produ cts, tru st LG. LG pro vides a wide rang e of lat es t comput er produ cts, such as LGnot ebook comput e r, Des ktop comput er and LG monitor s. Mad e with the lat es t Int el Centrino Pro cess or t echnolog y, LG not ebook comput ers have highly ad van ce d f eatur es

    such as ultra thin LCDscree n, enhan ce d multi m edia f eatur es , he % a band ant enna, highres olution digital cam era,( 1.3 Megapix el), Dolb y Hom e Theat e r, 10W (5W X 2) ste reo speakers, energ y saving pro cess or, po we rful grap hics and lot mor e .

    There ar e variou s mod e ls of LG not ebook comput ers to choo se from. To tak e on e exampl e , mod el R:200 -ECP37A2 is India' s first not ebook comput e r with 2.5inch exte rnal LCDscree n. Mad e with Carbon Nanotub e t echnolog y, this not ebook comput e r is perf ec t for those who want instant access to e-mail s, photograp hs or mu sic without booting.

    Sup erb sound and po werful grap hics mak e it a gr eat ent e rtain er. You can also opt for LGdes ktop comput e rs. They have Int e l Cor e 2 Duo pro cess or, card read e r, X -prot ec t soft war e and variou s ot her utilit y f eatur es . LGdes ktop comput e rs off e r 3 ye ar warrant y as we ll.

    Co & ' ( ' ) tu & ' s0

    f LG :

    80GB Hard Disc

    Int e l Atom Pro cess or

    B) si 1 ( ' ) tu & ' s0

    f LG :

    Cost Rs.27000

    DVD Writ e r

    160 GB Hard Disk

    Au 2 3 ' nt ' d ( ' ) tu & ' s:

    It has exchang e off ers.

    Its se rvice is ve ry good. It has skilled m ec hani cs.

    Its easy to maintain.

    It has so man y con sultan cies all ove r the countr y. And easy to availabl e .

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    P ot 4 nti 5 l 6 4 5 tu 7 4 s:

    It is very saf e and sec ur ed Laptop.

    It has so man y mod els and its availabl e in reasonabl e rat es . It is cost e fficient.

    It pro vides One Year Warrant y. It mak es lif e good.

    PROMOTIO NS a nd Co 8 8 uni 9 a tion:

    By Re tail e rs

    By Brand s

    By News

    @ A RO @ O NDA BIKE S

    B er o B ond a s rise to th e top in Indi a

    This case stud y de tail s the entr epr eneurial success stor y of Hero Honda, dri ve n larg e ly b y the attra ctive ness of the mark e t in ma cro te rm s. Hero Honda is a joint ve ntur e be twee n an Indian bicycle manufa ctur er and a global lead er in small- engin e t echnolog y. This ve ntur e reap ed the benefit s of an enormou s Indian population in nee d of affordabl e tran sportation, on e having still mod es t but gro wing bu yer po we r.

    In 1983 , Hero Cycles of India signed an agr ee m ent with Honda Motor Corporation, forming

    Hero Honda. This agr ee m ent, betwee n an Indian firm that got it s start making bicycle part s, and the world s larg es t motor cycle manufa ctur e r, mark ed Honda s entran ce into the Indian mark e t for motoriz ed two- wh ee led tran sportation. Wh ile the countr y was alr ead y cro wded with comp etitor s such as Suzuki, Yama ha, LML and Kine tic, Honda s exec uti ves and Hero s found er and CEO, Bri jmo han Lall Mun jal, saw significant pot ential in the Indian twowh ee led mark e t.

    C h D wa s th e mar ke t a tt rac ti E e?

    At first glan ce , the Indian mark e t was attra ctive bec au se of its shee r size and significant

    gro wth . India boa sted a population of approximat ely 725 million in 1983 , gro wing at a rat e of 2.2 per ce nt per year. At that rat e of gro wth , the Indian population was expec ted to gro wby 163 million peopl e in the 1980s and to surpa ss 1 billion peopl e by 2000 . Not onl y was the total population of India enormou s, but Mun jal also knew that the adult ag e group mo st like ly to pur chase two- wh ee lers (15 65 -ye ar-old s) was expec ted to gro w to ove r 500 million by 1990 and to an es timat ed 695 million by 2005 . But wh y would on e want to pur sue a mark e t wh ere 35 per ce nt of the population was impo ve rished? Mitigating this fa ct was gro wth in the pur chasing po wer of the Indian population, expec ted to gro w per capita by

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    5.2 per ce nt be twee n 1983 and 1993 . Furt he rmor e , eve n in the early 1980s , the countr y was wealt hy enoug h to support an infra stru ctur e of 1.4 million kilom etr es of highw ay. In total, Mun jal saw that a larg e population coupl ed with a sub standard ec onomi c situation was an ideal environm ent for inexpensive , motoriz ed, two -wh ee led scoot ers.

    Honda also saw the pot ential. With air pollution from indu str y and ve hicle emiss ion s topping India s e nvironm ental con ce rn s, emiss ion s regulation s had bec om e increasingly string ent. These regulation s mad e environm entall y friendl y ve hicles mor e attra ctive , and two- wh ee le rs with the ir fue l e fficiency and low emiss ion s fit the bill. Honda also rec ogniz ed that Asian countri es such as India and China, with the ir hug e population s and re lati ve ly lowleve ls of ec onomi c deve lopm ent, we re like ly to embra ce two wh ee led ve hicles as a popular m ean s of tran sport.

    H o w did H ond a e nt er th e mar ke t ?

    Rat he r than ent er the Indian two- wh ee led mark et alon e , Honda opt ed to join hand s withthe es tabli shed bicycle manufa ctur e r Hero Cycles , a compan y with pro ve n manufa cturing, distribution and manag em ent pra ctices . Found ed by Bri jmo han Lall Mun jal and his brot he rs in 1945 , Hero Cycles was an ideal partn e r for Honda. In bu siness for nearly 40 ye ar s, Hero had manufa ctur ed and distribut ed bicycle part s and bicycles in India for as long as Honda had produ ce d motor cycles . And, with strong distribution chann e ls and we ll -hon ed suppli e r manag em ent, the Hero Cycles nam e was as reputabl e in India as was Honda s in Japan.

    But Hero Cycles was no ordinar y partn er. The Mun jal famil y s manag ement pra ctices had led to exce ptional res ult s, low emplo yee turno ve r, and neve r a da y of strik e in 40 ye ar s. The compan y use d mod ern manufa cturing con ce pt s such as just-in-tim e suppl y chain

    manag em ent, multi-ta sking asse mbl y line work e rs, and string ent qualit y ass uran ce programm es . Most importantl y, Hero s manag em ent broug ht an intimat e familiarit y withthe Indian ec onom y, go ve rnm ent, bu siness cultur e and peopl e . What dr ew Honda to Hero was the philosop hy and valu e of the group. It s good manag em ent and custom er-ori ent ed thinking , said Honda s Kazumi Yanagida, on e of two Honda dir ec tor s on the Hero Honda board.

    M acr o-t re nds st eer Indi a s t w o- wh ee le d mar ke t

    In the 1980s , the gear ed scoot e r with a four - strok e engin e was Hero Honda s mo st popular

    two- wh ee led ve hicle , pro viding inexpensive and re liable tran sportation to India s larg e ly rural population and gro wing middl e class . Hero Honda had see n som ething that all the motor cycle manufa ctur ers had misse d. The bigg es t chunk of demand was to com e from villages , small to wns and the middl e -class offi ce -go ers in cities for wh om the fuel ec onom y of a four- strok e engin e was a bigg er dra w than the look s and the po we r of two-strok e bikes . As Bri jmo han Lall Mun jal remark ed, Looking into the rear view mirror toda y, the choice of a four- strok e bike in the 1980s ma y sound pro vidential, but we knew that bu ying a produ ct is

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    on e th ing and running it for a long tim e is quit e anot her. That is wh y we want ed the running cost of our ve hicle to be low .

    The ad vantag es of four- strok e engin es we re three fold. Not onl y did they produ ce less pollution than a two-strok e engin e (commonl y use d in ot he r motor cycles ) but they we re

    also mor e fue l-e fficient and ran for long er than the mor e po we rful two- strok e engin e . Fue l e fficiency and produ ct long ev ity tran slat ed dir ec tly into mon ey saved. Saving mon ey app ealed strongl y to India s middl e -class con sum er. Hero Honda had the first and for man y ye ar s onl y four- strok e ve hicle . As it s earl y ad s said, Fill it, shut it, forg e t it. Yet demand for these scoot e rs would last less than a dec ad e . The gro wing pur chasing po wer of India s expanding middl e class would soon chang e wh at they want ed in two- wh ee led tran sportation.

    In 1988 , to und erstand its mark et be tt e r, Hero Honda condu cted a ma ssive custom e r sur vey , collec ting som e 25,000 res pon ses . The sur vey told Hero Honda a surpri sing stor y.

    India s con sum ers had chang ed the ir mind s. Scoot ers we re no long er the ve hicles of choice . Motor cycles we re to bec om e the two-wh ee l ve h icles of the 1990s . Atul Sobti, Senior Vice Pres ident of Mark e ting and Sales for Hero Honda said, It s thank s to that sur vey that toda y we se ll ove r a million motor cycles in a ye ar .

    By making effort s to gaug e and und erstand it s mark e t and the tr end s there in, Hero Honda ce m ent ed it s reputation as a mark et-dri ve n compan y, on e that anti cipat ed and acted upon these tr end s. As Bri jmo han Lall Mun jal said, The exce llent res ult s achieve d by Hero Honda can be attribut ed to our continu ed fo cus on und erstanding and sati sf ying custom er nee ds to the fines t detail. We ar e committ ed to maximizing valu e to all our stak ehold e rs, b y delive ring valu e for mon ey produ cts with the bes t in tec hnolog y and se rvice , to our custom ers, con sistentl y, wh e reve r they ar e .

    In res pon se to it s custom ers des ires , Hero Honda introdu ce d ot her custom er -friendl y inno vation s to the Indian two-wh ee led mark e t, extending motor cycle warranti es from six mont hs to two year s, and deve loping a Pa ss port Schem e that includ ed accident insuran ce and reward point s for pur chases and se rvice .

    De ll Inspi ron Laptops

    Core f ea tu re s

    Cor e produ cts or flag ship produ cts ar e a compan y's produ cts wh ich ar e mo st dir ec tly re lat ed to their cor e comp etencies . These produ cts ar e then int egrat ed into a vari e ty of end produ cts, e ither by the compan y holding the cor e produ ct or by a sec ond compan y to wh ichthe cor e produ ct is sold to, and the end produ ct s ar e sold to use rs.

    Cor e produ cts ar e ce ntral to the compan y's sur vival and mak e the mo st mon ey that sustain the bu siness . Cor e produ cts ar e also usuall y the first produ cts that the compan y creat ed and

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    sustain ed it se lf from it s founding like Windo ws OS for Micro soft, Macinto sh for Appl e Inc., Googl e se ar ch for Googl e , etc. The re for e the re is emp hasis pla ce d on the profitabilit y of cor e produ cts wh ile working on ot her produ cts hoping that they will bec om e a comp e tency for the compan y. The produ cts that mak e the mo st profit ar e usuall y the cor e produ ct s. Othe r produ cts that ar e not con side red cor e produ ct s ar e called side pro jec ts, side produ ct s

    and experim ental produ ct s, e tc.

    Dell's Inspi ron comput e r produ ct line start ed as a rang e of laptop comput e rs targ e ted at the entr y-leve l, budg e t, and main str eam con sum er mark et, with som e earli e r mod els targ e ted at the high -end con sum er mark e t. The first Inspiron laptop, the Inspiron 7000 was re lease d in 1998 , use d a Mobil e Cele ron or Mobil e Pentium II pro cess or with SDRAM, and had a highstarting pri ce of $2,799 . As of Jun e 26, 2007 the Inspiron nam e also re f e rs to a rang e of Dell's entr y-leve l des ktop sys tem s wh ich repla ce d the Dim ension line of des ktop PCs. As of

    2008 , the Inspiron line is mainl y a budg et line . Ba sic f ea tu re s

    A la ptop is a personal comput e r des ign ed for mobil e use and small and ligh t enoug h to sit on a person' s lap wh ile in use .[1] A laptop int egrat es mo st of the typical compon ent s of a des ktop comput e r, including a displa y, a key board, a pointing dev ice (a tou chpad, also kno wn as a tra ckpad, and/or a pointing stick), speak ers, and oft en including a batt e ry, into a single small and ligh t unit. The rec harg eabl e batt ery (if pr ese nt) is charg ed from an ACadapt e r and t ypically stor es enoug h energ y to run the laptop for two to three hour s in it s initial stat e , depending on the configuration and po we r manag em ent of the comput er.

    Laptop s ar e usuall y shap ed like a larg e not ebook with thicknesses be twee n 0.7 1 .5 inches (18 38 mm) and dim ension s ranging from 10x8 inches (27x22c m, 13" displa y) to 15x11 inches (39x28c m, 17" displa y) and up. Mod ern laptop s we igh 3 to 12 pound s (1.4 to 5.4 kg); old er laptop s we re usuall y heavie r. Most laptop s ar e des ign ed in the flip form fa ctor to prot ec t the scree n and the keyboard wh en close d. Mod ern tabl e t laptop s have a compl e x joint be twee n the key board hou sing and the displa y, permitting the displa y pan e l to swive l and then lie flat on the keyboard hou sing. They usuall y have a tou chscree n displa y and som e includ e hand writing rec ognition or grap hic s dra wing capabilit y.

    Laptop s were originall y con side red to be "a small niche mark et " and we re thoug h t suitabl e mo stly for "spec ialized fie ld appli cation s" such as "the militar y, the Int e rnal Reve nu e Service , accountant s and sales repr ese ntati ves" . But toda y, the re ar e alr ead y mor e laptop s than des ktop s in bu sinesses , and laptop s ar e bec oming obligator y for stud ent use and mor e popular for general use . In 2008 mor e laptop s than des ktop s we re sold in the US and it has bee n pr edicted [w ho? ] that the sam e miles ton e will be reached in the world wide mark e t as soon as lat e 2009

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    Au F me nt ed f ea tu re s

    De ll is a laptop brand from De ll, targ eted for bu siness use . This m ean s that standardiz ed part s ar e use d throug hout the line and ar e availabl e for seve ral ye ar s for support purpo ses . By contra st, the Dell Inspiron is aim ed at the con sum er mark e t and its spec ification s chang e

    regularl y. Whe reas Inspiron ma y chang e ve ndor s on compon ent s seve ral tim es ove r the cour se of a single mod el, the Latitud e line generally re tain s identi cal compon ent s throug hout it s produ ction. This des ign is int end ed to simplif y maint ena n ce and support ta sks for larg e corporation s, allo wing compon ent s to be easily swapp ed be twee n mod e ls.

    Dell Latitud e comput ers ar e also built to Dell's Road Read y spec ification wh ich includ es a durabl e magn es ium-allo y casing, int ernal m etal fram es and Strik e Zon e shock prot ec tion in case the comput er is dropp ed or suff ers a seve re impa ct. Man y mod e ls also f eatur e free -fall se nsor s or solid- stat e dri ves . Latitud e mod e ls ar e also generally con sidered mor e durabl e and higher qualit y than the Inspiron line , and eve n abo ve the pr emium Studio and XPS

    mod e ls. Latitud e mod e ls have 3 ye ar US-ba se d support, as oppo se d to the 1 ye ar warrant y on ot her mod e ls. But, this res ult s in a pri ce pr emium in the hundr eds of dollar s compar ed to the con sum er mod els.

    Latitud e comput e rs ar e also diff e rentiat ed in the ir f eatur e se ts, du e to the ir bu siness focus. For exampl e , they oft en includ e sec urit y f eatur es such as smart card and conta ctless smart card, and TPM sec urit y, wh ich ar e not nee ded by mo st con sum ers. A lid clasp (as oppo se d to a magn etic lat ching sys t em), Displa yPort video out (as oppo se d to HDMI), and support for lega cy standard s ar e all res ult s of the requir em ent s of the bu siness mark et.

    P ot enti a l p rodu ct

    Evaluating the pot ential of a produ ct or se rvice is tri cky bu siness . What mak es on e produ ct stand out from anot he r in the mark et? Wh ile the re ar e man y qualiti es that mak e a good produ ct, the re is on e thing that se parat es the star s from the w anna-b e s The produ ct mu st speak for it se lf. If a produ ct can quickly and easily demon strat e to a pot ential custom er wh y the custom er has to bu y no w , that s a winn e r.

    #1 G ha t P robl em D o e s th e P rodu ct Sol H e?

    This is the first ques tion to con side r bec au se w ithout a probl em there s not hing that will se ll an y produ ct. Peopl e act to avoid pain or see k pleasur e . A produ ct mu st easily showpro spec tive custom ers that the ir lives will be be tt er, sub stantiall y be tt er, simpl y bec au se they boug h t it. Just a word of caution here the probl em mu st be comp e lling. Peopl e have to f ee l like the probl em is hug e , ove rwh elming, and that this produ ct is the onl y way to solve it. They nee d to kno w that without it, the ir lives will be mise rabl e . This is the USP (uni que se lling po s ition) and it is esse ntial to kno w this befor e taking an y ot he r steps.

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    #2 Can th e P rodu ct Gi I e Inst ant Gra tifi ca tion ?

    The world is fa st-pa ce d. Waiting isn t an option. TV dinn ers, the micro wave , and dri ve -t hru res taurant s ar e ev idence of this realit y. To be a success a produ ct mu st promi se instant res ult s. Back it by a mon ey -ba ck guarant ee and it has real pot ential.

    #3 Is th e P rodu ct Dem onst ra bl e?

    It solves a probl em instantl y. That s great. But the realit y is that a pictur e is wort h a thou sand word s. Peopl e be lieve wh at they see . Show folk s wh at the produ ct do es in a comp elling, dramati c way, so they want to bu y.

    Co mm uni ca tin P to Custo mer s

    Dell toda y announ ce d an indu str y-leading standard for ethical, accurat e and tran spar ent communi cation throug h w eblog s, chat room s, discuss ion forum s and ot he r onlin e chann e ls

    Dell s onlin e communi cation s www .d e cy compri ses the rec ogniz ed indu str y standard for onlin e mark e ting and communi cation s es tabli shed by the Word of Mout hMark e ting Association (WOMMA). The poli cy pr esc ribes :

    Tran spar ency of origin -- Dell requir es that emplo yees and ot he r compan y repr ese ntati ves disclose the ir emplo ym ent or ass ociation with De ll in all communi cation s and pro vide conta ct information on reques t.

    Accura cy -- De ll emplo yees and ot her compan y repr ese ntati ves ma y not kno wingly communi cat e information that is untru e or dece pti ve . Anec dot es and opinion s mu st be identifi ed as such.

    Ethical Condu ct -- De ll emplo yees and ot he r compan y repr ese ntati ves ma y not condu ct activities that ar e illegal or contrar y to De ll s Corporat e Cod e of Condu ct, Privacy Policy or re lat ed poli cies .

    Prot ec tion of Information -- Communi cation s mu st maintain the confid entialit y of De ll compan y confid ential information. This includ es compan y data, c ustom er data, partn e r and suppli e r data, personal emplo yee data, and ot he r information not generally availabl e to the publi c.

    Enfor ce ment and Disciplin e De ll is committ ed to taking corr ec tive action if De ll emplo yees fail to compl y with the poli cy.

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    y David Aak er in his mod e l of ad expo sur e , explain s influ ence of ad ve rti sing on custom er s attitud e and pur chase behaviour.

    y So, he sugg es ted two rout es of brand building throug h ad expo sur e .

    (i)Rout e 1 : Ad Expo sur e Attitud e Formation Pur chase Action

    (ii)Rout e 2 : Ad Expo sur e Pur chase Action Attitud e Formation

    This can explain ed throug h this diagram :

    Ad Exposure Attitude

    Awareness / Familiarity

    Information regarding F/A benefit

    Formation of Image personalityabout brand

    Feelings associated with brand

    Formation of Linkages with experts/ Peers and group norms.

    Healthy incentives promotion to excite

    customers into buying product










    DAVID AAKER s Model of Brand Building

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    Ex am pl e of TIT AN in this m od e l

    Titan Indu stri es is the world' s fifth larg es t and India' s leading manufa ctur er of wat ches . It has seve ral popular brand s in it s fold including Heritag e , Aviator, Regalia, Octan e and WWF

    The Titan portfolio has ove r 60% shar e in the dom es tic mark et

    Shar e in the organiz ed wat ch mark et. To ensur e a dominant pr ese nce in the mark e t, the compan y has showroom s in eve ry nook and corn e r of the countr y that cat e rs to the nee ds of eve ry se gm ent of the peopl e .

    Styling was ba sic - This was a con straint impo se d by the technolog y as we ll the outlook of the manufa ctur e rs. Titan dec ided to mak e style a tabl e -stak e . Choice was limit ed - You had 200 mod e ls to pick from, that was it. Titan dec ided to inundat e con sum ers with a wide choice in style , fun ction s and pri ce . The initial rang e was 350 mod els.

    Shop s were dark, ding y and unint eres ting - The re was no importan ce give n to pr ese ntation, and the refor e no att empt mad e at it. Titan broug h t in the con ce pt of re tailing into the wat ch mark e t, es tabli shed a ne twork of fine showroom s wh ich w ould lat e r bec om e the world' s larg es t ne twork of exclusive wat ch stor es . These stor es not onl y he lped Titan to gain lead ership sub stantiall y, but also irrev ocabl y alt e red the re tail land scap e of the wat chmark e t throug h a demon stration e ff ec t on the traditional deale rs. Adve rti sing was expenditur e - Titan saw this as a vital inves tm ent. Righ t from Day 1, Titan inves ted significantl y in ad ve rti sing and in that pro cess creat ed a se t of m emorabl e and e ff ec tive prop erti es over the ye ar s.

    So Titan, ba cked by world- class qualit y creat ed at a world- class plant locat ed just off Bangalor e , ba cked by the Tata nam e , was laun ched into the Indian mark e t on the ba ck of these new rul es . It creat ed waves right in the earl y da ys, m es m erized con sum ers, demoli shed comp e tition and rod e into the sun se t with pana che .

    Toda y, in earl y 21s t ce ntur y India, it is tak en for grant ed that a wat ch is a fashion access or y. Titan dominat es the mark e t, with a 60% shar e of the organi se d sec tor mark et (the total mark e t, including the unorgani se d sec tor, is es timat ed at around 42 million unit s). Titan' s qualit y rec ord is impr ess ive , it s sales and se rvice ne twork is wide and dee p, and its network of exclusive showroom s, The World of Titan, is on e of the mo st pr es tigiou s and visible re tail brand s in the countr y, off ering world- class leve ls of shopping comfort and custom er se rvice .

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    P rodu ct:

    ` T it a n for the pr emium se gm ent ` F ast rac k focuse d on the yout h and tr end y fa shion spa ce , ` Son a t a for the ma ss mark et ` Xylys for the pr emium mark e t. ` The Titan brand ar chitec tur e compri ses seve ral sub-brand s, each of wh ich is a lead e r

    in its se gm ent. Notabl e among them ar e :` T it a n Ed Q e The world' s slimm es t wat ch wh ich stand s for the philosop hy of "less is

    mor e" ` T it a n R aga the f eminin e and se nsuou s access or y for toda y's woman ` Ne bul a - craft ed in solid gold and pr ec iou s ston es and ` Seve ral ot he r collec tion s like W a ll St ree t , H er it age , R ega lia , O ct a n e , O rion, Di R a ,

    Zoop, WW F and the AR ia to r se ries , all of wh ich form a part of the Titan wardrob e.

    TITANuses bot h the rout es , i.e . Rout e1 and Rout e 2 bot h .

    R out e 1 :

    Ad Expo sur e throug h creation of awar eness and imag e of it s brand in the mind s of custom ers. Titan uses the strat egy of associating the brand with the ce lebriti es like Aamir Khan , wh o is the brand amba ss ador for the TITAN Wat ches . Also associating TITAN Raga with w e ll kno wn actr ess Rani Mukhe r jee and SONATA with Mahind e r Sing h Dhoni. This is how TITANstri ves hard to not onl y ge t into the mind s of custom er but also the heart s of the custom er. Then there is an attitud e formation to ward s the brand and by pee r pr ess ur e too, the brand tri es to increase its reve nu e . Lot s of ad ve rti se m ent and brand rec alling is don e in this rout e in ord e r to mak e an emotional re lation ship with the bu ye r. This rout e has a long t e rm e ff ec t on the con sum er unlik e rout e 2.

    R out e 2 :

    Here , TITAN uses ad expo sur e to attra ct the custom er first and then form his attitud e to ward s the brand. TITANuses variou s discount off ers and vari ed brand rec all method s to increase its sales for a short period. They also have ce rtain exchang e off e rs on Fastra ck wat ches .

    P ro m otion St ra t eg ie s and Co mm uni ca tin g to Custo mer s:

    ` Communi cation : taglin e

    ` TV comm ercial

    ` Billboard s

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    ` Brand amba ss ador : Aamir suit s the bes t

    ` Increase pene tration in Tie r -IIIcities

    ` Titan should introdu ce a new brand in Niche mark et

    ` Re taining existing custom ers :Increasing the se rvice ce ntr e P ro m otion & ME DIA:

    1. Adve rti sing

    2. Sales promotion

    3. Publi c re lation

    Ad S er tisin g me di a :

    Te lev ision Print

    Int e rn e t

    T it a n b ra nd am ba ss a do r :

    Titan Brand : Aamir Khan

    Sonata : Mahendra Singh Dhoni

    Raga : Gul Panag, Rani Mukher jee

    Xylys: Rahul Bose

    T it a n t ag lin e : Be mor e

    F a st t rac k t ag lin e : How man y you have?

    P ubli c re la tion

    Gift con ce pt

    Promotion On Occasion s

    Sa les p ro m otion

    Spon sor ship

    Seasonalit y

    Promotion throug h Cont es t

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    W e blio gra ph y www .titan world. com

    www .wikipe dia. com

    www .he ro honda. com

    Biblio gra ph y

    Mark e ting Manag eme nt : Aut hor Mr. Philip Kotl e r