Brand Guidelines April 2019

Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

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Page 1: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

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April 2019

Page 2: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

Welcome.These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements. It’s important to adhere to these guidelines, as it will ensure protection and recognition of the Data#3 brand.

As Data#3’s solutions and services expand, it is important that the following brand elements remain consistent and are implemented correctly. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Data#3 Marketing Communications team at [email protected].

Page 3: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

About Data#3.A leading Australian IT services and solutions provider, Data#3 Limited (DTL) is focused on helping customers solve complex business challenges using innovative technology solutions.

Built on a foundation of over 40 years’ experience, combined with world-leading vendor technologies, Data#3 delivers an integrated array of solutions spanning cloud, mobility, security, data & analytics and IT lifecycle management. These technology solutions are delivered by combining Data#3’s services across consulting, procurement, project services, resourcing and managed services.

Listed on the ASX in 1997, Data#3 reported revenues of $1.2 billion in the 2018 financial year and has more than 1,100 employees. Headquartered in Brisbane, it has facilities across 12 locations in Australia and Fiji.

Page 4: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

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Page 5: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

Logo / 5

Data#3 LogoThe Data#3 logotype is the company’s name, written in Helvetica Neue 85. Typically, the logo is displayed in its colour version—the Data#3 blue—however there are also two other variations of the Data#3 logotype – white and black. There is also a lockup version of the Data#3 logo, which is explained in further detail in the following guidelines.

Data#3 does not have an official logomark, however in specific use cases, where space is limited for example, a hash (octothorp / ‘#’) may be used. A good example of this can be seen with the Data#3 website’s favicon. The hash should be written in Helvetica Neue 85. Consult the Marcomms team prior to the usage of this unofficial logomark.

Data#3 Brand Guidelines

1. Overview2. Logo

2.1 Data#3 Logo2.2 Logo Usage 2.3 Clear Space and Minimum Size2.4 Lockup Logo2.5 Data#3 Group

3. Colour Palette3.1 Primary3.2 Secondary3.3 Data Visualisation Palette

4. Imagery4.1 Photography

5. Typography5.1 Typefaces

6. Applications 6.1 Print6.2 Digital6.3 Events/Tradeshows

7. Specification Guide

Download Data#3 logo

Page 6: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

Logo / 6

Logo UsageThe Data#3 logo should be used without alteration. None of the logo elements should be separated from each other, nor should their size relationship or placement in relation to each other be modified. The proper colour and configuration of the logo is essential to project a consistent image across a wide variety of communications and media.

Adherence to these guidelines will ensure that the logo is used consistently and legibly.

Only use the logo files with digital artwork approved by the Data#3 Marketing team for all applications. Do not alter the colour, proportions, or alignments of any of the logo elements.

Note: To resize the logo, hold the “Shift” key in most software programs to maintain the proportions while scaling up or down. Always maintain the minimum clear space, even when proportionally scaling the logo.

DO NOT alter the colour of the logo.

DO NOT set the type for the name yourself. Always use the approved digital artwork provided, without alterations.

DO NOT distort the logo.

DO NOT add effects to the logo. These include (but are not limited to) drop shadows, reflections, bevel and emboss and 3D rotations.

DO NOT enclose the logo in a shape.

DO NOT use the logo vertically.

DO NOT use the logo as part of a sentence.

The logo

DO NOT place logo on backgrounds where there is not sufficient contrast in colours and/or imagery.

Data#3 Brand Guidelines

1. Overview2. Logo

2.1 Data#3 Logo2.2 Logo Usage 2.3 Clear Space and Minimum Size2.4 Lockup Logo2.5 Data#3 Group

3. Colour Palette3.1 Primary3.2 Secondary3.3 Data Visualisation Palette

4. Imagery4.1 Photography

5. Typography5.1 Typefaces

6. Applications 6.1 Print6.2 Digital6.3 Events/Tradeshows

7. Specification Guide

Download Data#3 logo

Page 7: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

Logo / 7

Clear SpaceThe grey box illustrates the required minimum clear space surrounding the logo, where “D” is equal to the dimensions of the letter ‘D’ as it appears in the logo. The blue boxes illustrate all the margins surrounding the logo, these need to be consistent with one another.

Minimum SizeThe minimum size for any use of the Data#3 logo is 1.0inch, 25.4 mm, or 72 pixels wide.

Data#3 Brand Guidelines

1. Overview2. Logo

2.1 Data#3 Logo2.2 Logo Usage 2.3 Clear Space and Minimum Size2.4 Lockup Logo2.5 Data#3 Group

3. Colour Palette3.1 Primary3.2 Secondary3.3 Data Visualisation Palette

4. Imagery4.1 Photography

5. Typography5.1 Typefaces

6. Applications 6.1 Print6.2 Digital6.3 Events/Tradeshows

7. Specification Guide

Download Data#3 logo

Page 8: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

Logo / 8

Partner LockupsWhen partnering with other brands, we connect our logo with the partner’s logo to visually represent the business relationship. Use the lockup logo provided by Data#3; do not re-create this logo.

The visual on the top right illustrates the required minimum clear space surrounding the logo, where “D” is equal to the dimensions of the letter ‘D’ as it appears in the logo. The lockup line is used with this same consistent spacing. If the partner’s logo does not maintain an equal ratio to the Data#3 logo in the partner logo space, the partner logo may exceed the necessary height (while still keeping within ‘D’ guidelines). Refer to the Data#3 and Cisco lock up example in the middle right.

NOTE: The Microsoft and Cisco lockups are examples for guidance only when a simple co-branding application is needed. Ensure you are using the correct partner logos and sizing - and if you are unsure, consult the Data#3 Marcomms team.

Data#3 Brand Guidelines

1. Overview2. Logo

2.1 Data#3 Logo2.2 Logo Usage 2.3 Clear Space and Minimum Size2.4 Lockup Logo2.5 Data#3 Group

3. Colour Palette3.1 Primary3.2 Secondary3.3 Data Visualisation Palette

4. Imagery4.1 Photography

5. Typography5.1 Typefaces

6. Applications 6.1 Print6.2 Digital6.3 Events/Tradeshows

7. Specification Guide

Download Data#3 lockup logo

Page 9: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

Logo / 9

Data#3 GroupBusiness AspectAs a wholly owned subsidiary within the Data#3 group, Business Aspect has its own logo that must be used when co-branding with Data#3. The correct logo must be used (containing the ‘A Data#3 Company’ tagline underneath the Business Aspect logo) as demonstrated on this page.

Discovery TechnologyDiscovery Technology is part of the Data#3 Group of companies, however it operates independently. With this in mind, when co-branding with Discovery Technology, the partner lockup logo must be used, as per the example given on this page.

Note: Contact the Marcomms team if you need either the Business Aspect or Discovery Technology logo.

Data#3 Brand Guidelines

1. Overview2. Logo

2.1 Data#3 Logo2.2 Logo Usage 2.3 Clear Space and Minimum Size2.4 Lockup Logo2.5 Data#3 Group

3. Colour Palette3.1 Primary3.2 Secondary3.3 Data Visualisation Palette

4. Imagery4.1 Photography

5. Typography5.1 Typefaces

6. Applications 6.1 Print6.2 Digital6.3 Events/Tradeshows

7. Specification Guide

Page 10: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

Colour Palette / 10



Page 11: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

Colour Palette / 11

RGB 0 0 0CMYK 100 100 100 100HEX #000000PMS Black 6 C

RGB 0 123 195CMYK 100 42 0 0HEX #007BC3PMS 7461 C

RGB 0 176 240CMYK 69 13 0 0HEX #00B0F0PMS 298 C

RGB 0 38 62CMYK 100 80 48 53HEX #00263EPMS 2965 C


Primary Colour PaletteThe Data#3 colour palette consists of primary and secondary colours. The consistent use of these colours will create recognition and strengthen the Data#3 brand.

The primary colour palette is composed of the Data#3 blue alongside a range of shades of the Data#3 blue and neutral tones. These colours should be the foundation of your design. Each colour is provided in RGB and HEX for digital display, along with Pantone and CMYK for print. Use the colour build appropriate to your design application.

Note: The only exception to adhering to the Data#3 colour palettes are works that are customer-focused, ie. case studies. In these instances, the customer’s colour scheme is used to ensure that they are the focus of the work.

Data#3 Brand Guidelines

1. Overview2. Logo

2.1 Data#3 Logo2.2 Logo Usage 2.3 Clear Space and Minimum Size2.4 Lockup Logo2.5 Data#3 Group

3. Colour Palette3.1 Primary3.2 Secondary3.3 Data Visualisation Palette

4. Imagery4.1 Photography

5. Typography5.1 Typefaces

6. Applications 6.1 Print6.2 Digital6.3 Events/Tradeshows

7. Specification Guide

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Page 12: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

Colour Palette / 12

RGB 0 0 0CMYK 100 100 100 100HEX #000000PMS Black 6 C

RGB 0 123 195CMYK 100 42 0 0HEX #007BC3PMS 7461 C

RGB 0 176 240CMYK 69 13 0 0HEX #00B0F0PMS 298 C

RGB 0 38 62CMYK 100 80 48 53HEX #00263EPMS 2965 C


RGB 136 139 141CMYK 23 16 13 46HEX #888B8DPMS Cool Gray 8

RGB 99 102 106CMYK 40 30 20 66HEX #63666APMS Cool Gray 10

RGB 167 168 170CMYK 16 11 11 27HEX #A7A8AAPMS Cool Gray 6

RGB 187 188 188CMYK 12 8 9 23HEX #BBBCBCPMS Cool Gray 4

RGB 208 208 206CMYK 5 3 5 11HEX #D0D0CEPMS Cool Gray 2

RGB 225 225 225CMYK 10 8 8 0HEX #E1E1E1PMS 663

RGB 155 203 235CMYK 38 4 0 0HEX #9BCBEBPMS 291

RGB 201 227 239CMYK 18 0 0 2HEX #C9E3EFPMS 115-10

RGB 147 232 211CMYK 33 0 20 0HEX #00FFCCPMS 331

RGB 153 255 153CMYK 37 0 59 0HEX #99FF99PMS 909

RGB 0 98 152CMYK 100 43 0 30HEX #006298PMS 7691

RGB 0 59 92CMYK 100 48 12 58HEX #003B5CPMS 302

RGB 70 152 203CMYK 69 19 4 0HEX #4698CBPMS 7688

RGB 105 179 231CMYK 59 11 0 0HEX #69B3E7PMS 292

RGB 0 156 222CMYK 85 21 0 0HEX #019DD8PMS 2925

RGB 0 114 206CMYK 90 48 0 0HEX #0072CEPMS 285

RGB 9 189 210CMYK 70 0 18 0HEX #09BDD2PMS 3115

RGB 42 208 182CMYK 65 0 40 0HEX #2AD0B6PMS 929

Secondary Colour PaletteThe secondary colour palette consists of a selection of carefully selected colours that harmonise well with the primary palette. In conjunction with the primary palette, these colours can be used to offer variation or emphasis in a design, ie. CTA button; however they should be used sparingly, with the corporate and primary colours dominating the design.

Data#3 Brand Guidelines

1. Overview2. Logo

2.1 Data#3 Logo2.2 Logo Usage 2.3 Clear Space and Minimum Size2.4 Lockup Logo2.5 Data#3 Group

3. Colour Palette3.1 Primary3.2 Secondary3.3 Data Visualisation Palette

4. Imagery4.1 Photography

5. Typography5.1 Typefaces

6. Applications 6.1 Print6.2 Digital6.3 Events/Tradeshows

7. Specification Guide

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Page 13: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

Colour Palette / 13

RGB 147 232 211CMYK 33 0 20 0HEX #00FFCCPMS 331

RGB 0 176 240CMYK 69 13 0 0HEX #00B0F0PMS 298 C

RGB 0 123 195CMYK 100 42 0 0HEX #007BC3PMS 7461 C

RGB 247 221 114CMYK 4 9 67 0HEX #F7DD72PMS 331

RGB 225 225 225CMYK 10 8 8 0HEX #E1E1E1PMS 663

RGB 204 153 255CMYK 27 41 0 0HEX #CC99FFPMS 7440

RGB 112 48 160CMYK 69 93 0 0HEX #7030A0PMS 7662

RGB 255 153 204CMYK 0 50 20 0HEX #FF99CCPMS 672

RGB 239 71 111CMYK 0 87 38 0HEX #EF476FPMS 198

RGB 136 139 141CMYK 23 16 13 46HEX #888B8DPMS Cool Gray 8

Data Visualisation PaletteThe extended palette is used solely to offer flexibility and easy differentiation in data visualisation; these colours should not be used in any other instances other than applications where where data needs to be visually represented, ie. graphs, infographics, etc.

Data#3 Brand Guidelines

1. Overview2. Logo

2.1 Data#3 Logo2.2 Logo Usage 2.3 Clear Space and Minimum Size2.4 Lockup Logo2.5 Data#3 Group

3. Colour Palette3.1 Primary3.2 Secondary3.3 Data Visualisation Palette

4. Imagery4.1 Photography

5. Typography5.1 Typefaces

6. Applications 6.1 Print6.2 Digital6.3 Events/Tradeshows

7. Specification Guide

Page 14: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

Imagery / 14



Page 15: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

Imagery / 15

PhotographyAvoid cliches, visual metaphors and overly staged photography – opt instead for natural and realistic imagery that is relevant and will resonate with the targeted audience.

These photographs can be used as is or treated with a solid or gradient overlay composed of colours from our primary and core palette. If text and the Data#3 logo are going to be placed over the image, ensure there is enough contrast so that these elements are clearly legible.

Data#3 has a library of approved imagery for use – if you need access to this library, contact the Marcomms team.

Data#3 Brand Guidelines

1. Overview2. Logo

2.1 Data#3 Logo2.2 Logo Usage 2.3 Clear Space and Minimum Size2.4 Lockup Logo2.5 Data#3 Group

3. Colour Palette3.1 Primary3.2 Secondary3.3 Data Visualisation Palette

4. Imagery4.1 Photography

5. Typography5.1 Typefaces

6. Applications 6.1 Print6.2 Digital6.3 Events/Tradeshows

7. Specification Guide

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Typography / 16



Page 17: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

Typography / 17

TypefacesOur primary corporate typeface is Helvetica Neue LT Std,a unique and versatile sans serif design suitable for mosttypes of work. Helvetica Neue comes in a variety of different weights and widths, therefore offering flexibility of use – the condensed variations of the font work best for display text only, or when space is limited.

As Helvetica Neue Lt Std is not a standard font, we have a seconday font that is used widely within the business, this secondary corporate typeface is Arial. Where Helvetica Neue Lt Std is not a standard font or installed, for PowerPoint presentations, HTML emails, websites, or any other communications it is acceptable to use the secondary font, Arial.

Ideally, general text, such as correspondence, should beset at 10 point. Consider using other weights or italics foremphasis and contrast, rather than different sizes of type.

Captions and similarly small text should never be set smaller than 6 point. Below this size, legibility becomes compromised.

NOTE: Ensure that the # in the written word Data#3 is always superscripted.

Data#3 Brand Guidelines

1. Overview2. Logo

2.1 Data#3 Logo2.2 Logo Usage 2.3 Clear Space and Minimum Size2.4 Lockup Logo2.5 Data#3 Group

3. Colour Palette3.1 Primary3.2 Secondary3.3 Data Visualisation Palette

4. Imagery4.1 Photography

5. Typography5.1 Typefaces

6. Applications 6.1 Print6.2 Digital6.3 Events/Tradeshows

7. Specification Guide

Page 18: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

Typography / 18

If you need to emphasise a portion of copy, either —

block words of importance


place them in a box.

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Applications / 19



Page 20: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

top left pull up bannerstop right 2018 annual reportbottom left A4 landscape brochure (cover)bottom right A4 landscape brochure (inside spread)

Page 21: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

top left Data#3 Website (www.data3.com.au)right eDM

bottom left A4 landscape brochure (cover)bottom right A4 landscape bro

Page 22: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

top left Data#3 Booth, JuiceIT 2019top right Data#3 Booth, Cisco Live 2018bottom left Data#3 Booth, Cisco Live 2019bottom right Data#3 Booth, International Boys’ School Coalition 2018

Page 23: Brand Guidelines - Data3 · These guidelines provide a framework for consistent and correct application of Data#3’s brand identity, as reflected in its various visual elements

Specifications Guide / 23

Specification GuideBelow is a list of specifications for a number of different visual assets for Data#3. Refer to this guide when creating a particular asset - if an asset isn’t listed, reach out to the Marcomms team.

NOTE: Digital specs are displayed in pixels and print assets are displayed in millimetres. Allow 3mm bleed for print.

Data#3 WebsiteWebsite Banner (static) 1920 x 480Website Banner (video) 4096 x 2160Contact Form Image 1080 x 810Knowledge Centre Card 920 x 440Home Page Card (large) 920 x 880

Data#3 Marketing Automation (Pardot)eDM Hero Image 680 x 300

Refer to Pardot master template for additional image specifications.

Data#3 Intranet (StaffNet)Homepage Website Banner 630 x 186

Data#3 SalesforceLogin Hero 960 x 975

CollateraleBook A4 (landscape preferred)White Paper A4 (landscape preferred)Pull Up Banners 900 x 2200Business Cards 90 x 55

Data#3 Brand Guidelines

1. Overview2. Logo

2.1 Data#3 Logo2.2 Logo Usage 2.3 Clear Space and Minimum Size2.4 Lockup Logo2.5 Data#3 Group

3. Colour Palette3.1 Primary3.2 Secondary3.3 Data Visualisation Palette

4. Imagery4.1 Photography

5. Typography5.1 Typefaces

6. Applications 6.1 Print6.2 Digital6.3 Events/Tradeshows

7. Specification Guide

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Specifications Guide / 24

Need help or have any questions?Contact the Data#3 Marketing Communications team at [email protected]