
Brand. Brand is more than a product or service. Customer Relationships Community/ church Personality Emotional/ self-expressive benefits Symbols Logos

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Brand is more than a product or service.

Customer Relationships

Community/ church


Emotional/ self-expressive



Logos/ imagery


Events/ programs

BrandOrigin, values plus …

…plus associations

Building Strong Brands, p131By David A. AakerFree Press Business, 1996

Building Strong Brands, p177By David A. AakerFree Press Business, 1996

Building Strong Brands, p9By David A. AakerFree Press Business, 1996

“… both individuals and organisations need values. It is essential to their well being and their sense of

worth.” Living the Brand,Nicholas Ind 2001

Brand = Values

“When values are deep rooted - they have the power of authenticity. Theyguide decision making from the fundamental (the policy on quality) tothe incidental (organic food in the canteen) not because there is somecommand and control structure that dictates it but because peoplebelieve in the ideas behind the values.” Living the Brand,Nicholas Ind 2001

Goal: to engage members and employees with the organisation they represent and stimulate them to live the brand.

• Employees flourish in organisations where they identify with the brand• Organisations flourish when the brand has relevance and creates meaning• Purpose and values are not created, they exist - the issue is how well they are articulated and embedded• Brand clarity creates freedom• Brands come to life when the boundaries between the internal and the external blur• living the brand requires imaginationLiving the Brand,Nicholas Ind 2001

Living the brand:

Question: How well do you identify with the brand?Is the brand clear and easy to understand?

Building Strong Brands, p74By David A. AakerFree Press Business, 1996