* Brain Death * Brain death is the complete and irreversible loss of brain function (including involuntary activity necessary to sustain life). Brain death is one of the two ways of determination of death, according to the Uniform Determination of Death Act of the United States (the other way of determining death being "irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions"). [5] It is not the same as persistent vegetative state , in which the person is "alive".


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*Brain Death

*Brain death is the complete and irreversible loss of brain function (including involuntary activity necessary to sustain life). Brain death is one of the two ways of determination of death, according to the Uniform Determination of Death Act of the United States (the other way of determining death being "irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions").[5] It is not the same as persistent vegetative state, in which the person is "alive".

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* Often people that suffer brain death and good candidate for organ donation. This is a very difficult thing to discuss with families.

* A person who is brain dead is dead according to standards of medical practice and the law in all US jurisdictions

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* Ventilators, feeding tubes, and other medical technologies have made it much easier to sustain the lives of those with severe brain injuries. But has the law kept pace with medical advances? At what point is an individual legally declared dead? The types of severe brain injuries that raise this difficult question often fall somewhere along the spectrum of persistent vegetative state and brain death. Someone who is medically declared brain dead -- meaning there is zero brain activity -- is legally considered dead.

* What is a Persistent Vegetative State?* An individual with severe cerebral damage who has been in a chronic state

of unconsciousness for at least four weeks is considered to be in a persistent vegetative state (PVS). It sometimes is confused with a coma, but comatose patients are never conscious (while someone with PVS may exhibit limited wakefulness, including eye movements, spontaneous body movements, and groaning). - See more at: http://healthcare.findlaw.com/patient-rights/brain-death-vs-persistent-vegetative-state-what-is-the-legal-difference.html#sthash.vrLExYKa.dpuf

*Brain Death vs Vegetative State

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* 1. Be honest and blunt if necessary

* 2. Don’t offer hope that isn’t there

* 3. Coming off life support doesn’t mean YOU killed them.

* 4. Let them vent, and even be upset with God. (Psalm 13)

*How do we help the family?

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*The Five Stages of Grief

* The stages an individual goes through following a strong shock like death of family member, illness,  or the current strong financial shock.

* (1) Denial — "I feel fine."; "This can't be happening, not to me."

* (2) Anger — "Why me? It's not fair!"; "How can this happen to me?"; '"Who is to blame?"

* (3) Bargaining — "I'll do anything for a few more years."; "I will give my life savings if..."

* (4) Depression — "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to die soon so what's the point?"; "I am broke" 

* (5) Acceptance — "It's going to be okay."; "This is my current reality, I may as well work through it."

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*How to Assist The Grieving Friends

and Family

*1. Don’t Preach or Share War Stories*2. Don’t Judge*3. Listen more than talk*4. Allow them to be angry…even at God*5.If they want to alone…let them be alone*6. Remember men grieve differently than

women*7. Grief varies from culture, race, and


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Rev. Dr. Mark Hamilton Stevens


[email protected] 609-346-8343