4 *^ ^^^ -^ "Hl O Hmorl pfln loraolita Lcrd " n d ' h f, 1 *hink uP°n *«¦ "•»«¦ rtent Praotical ¦«»*>* ' to.ihe cause triumphan^y W t^ MIC HlllollLall loldClllCl And they shaH be mine, paith the Lord of Judaism, " to which I inusk refer fur- life, and Seraphs greet the ; liberated aU &ej ieglwt^ atj d ill.UBed panahs of Whither the fugitives shal l go to find we should unswerving l y stand S ll . _^ of hosts, on th e dayyrhen l make up my ther on ; and from the obus of those to soul in the words , of Hol y Writ , X tf,^ ^^^W^^ ^ '^t ilii .here ' LEO WISE & CO., j ewels - etc. (Malaohi Hi. 16). Thi. whom the resolution ' ,;r efers in the 1XD nmn. . -,>», -Thy reward^ exceed- So? th^dbnS^Sy; H w2 ftctten. V .M»ay oMihein ' goV> W^Urily, SS' SS^^ 0 ^^ 11 ^ ' Pwu— ito PiBMm undoubtedl y refers to the Great.Synod words, " all authors ofveminent books ingly great!' ; I hare discharged ; the not only : political : Ube«r.^^ and . to, South Amerida;' ESS SS Office : N. W. Cor. Fifth and Vine Sts. of whioh the prophet was a member, on any subject appertaining to Jewish painful duty of announcing to you thus born and elebated to the throne of others in small companies go Jo Francf al of a l eading cl au^ ; br W (^^°' ' r ^j rnu nrrvj ? ~^iZ " referfl * * *" BJrnodB or ' «» * «*»** theolog y or literature/' to whoin I . take « ^TO -aMr Siijjwn l^!? 8 ^ ' ISAAC M. WISE, ¦ - - ¦ Edm 0f Qod.fe aring men, whose object it is to the liberty to: rflfer now, and mention . ¦ - ., m , . . .. M - nA - . .. ' - *^ ~. —: 7T~Z—, , n " ,»,. .. ., \. t , ¦ , , , ' . , ., ¦ ' , b ii, T -. ,,, I caU on the special friend and km* Reason of man. the Umewere-<wised to ^^ , «"»r. ot , Cu.oiiiii.tl , P., My 9 , 1891. «»i™. ta tataa d«y.lopm„ of th. uma • <* 9*U L..ta *i AdW ot , h , „„£„„ , j,,,. Br , M „; : p . d il w ' ; blW , lo ««; i^h , Th » Mk of a,«e »„m^a, g itirtS S o^SSiw , 1890 ' Mr J 0 n, Remembrance " for generations to come , the. Ancient Hebrews. " , It seems .to -1 ™«»P Wl ^p ; -»n ^ flu 3' ^ roused and driyen outof the densbf men- definite, decision, and another ^{rlSS^ ^S^l^LL ^TvH - ' CompUment^Cu^Z^Zuarie. teoo u P on which n0 . *"* ' than "P™ Deut me Wr and «M"*U* ! *»* the Confer- - (Psalms xliii. 1) W , darkaea a int0 ^W'W Portly be held. Baron . Hirsoh . ^iB S palr iir ^TheCmovement ii ad^d V ' BctrothaK1 MUii««o8, Births, Doatiute..cMh ioo ™*- 8, the ancient expounderu of the . ence recognise honorably literati in our Dr. Mayer then arose and delivered ¦ , "^ t ¦J^9iWy? . , W[? d . ' '¦?? , ' credibl y reported; bought a large tract only 'by a Bpeoial body of a peculiar re. Aav«tiH»a.u d ^^i.0% imi. Mfa«- ^ based ^authority of the Syn- field , and WUB demonstrate that the the eulogium on the demised honorary polSlK^^v eK o^pS ^f ^^feTJi ^i-Soiitiii '^^fi^ oi ^* A JJS^^ 0 ^' pr ^ «* »S1 C ^ SSlS ^°»^W» hedrion , every B«A !». in it. respeo- advancement of scholarshi p and literary Pre8ident of this Gonferende, whiobl ^ SSl aratioTofSd^ dS- * . P which; a miiiioaof peop le ca^n b^TsetUed ffi mSrrof tf iSS^ndel tT : ^ 1 ^%uK^^u% a w < i3.ott tlTe , « ener a ^ 7 h,oh goes bo far , as re- productiveness are main objects of our most appropriate and eloquent. : It^as The jnenin M^^^bnmjBr- - . as agriculturistB ; arid mechanics. En i obrisent the bloody JhqulBitio SZ6 : ftSj lSS-UTXt ^S ^^, !n -^ ^^, t; code of dut^s. the genuine eloquence of the heart/ibe ^^^S^fSl^ are engaged in ' layirig out the ^J^f^:? ' ^^^^ " ' . ' p S^Mf ^ ^^ a Sr^Eff^ Sro nSESj; .n^ 0 * ^s tribuW of a warnl f^end and ^ g^'BSl &^^S :^*^^ ^ ° f the eS a^S^Sad^ 086 to - fe , ^a^J!l f t ^fi^ , JSa^S 1I S5S f uaot ne 7 lawB \ nn i " ' DJ0 ' n "P n) all<I The financlal condition of the Cori- nurer paid ito a man trul y good and them: io : suddenly that "m 7 eould^ot fugitives might be settled there at once. 8^1^^^^^ ^- te gj iotn, tte pubiuhen, ^ han rtv»>» their to amend or repeal temporaril y even ^^ ^ ^iB^tory, There is now My wise. It couid not be.published , resist it at ' once - But ihey fefound Others have theb eyes on British Colum- «lj Tmay ^b ~5 r3l^of K We? ?^ ' ' Complwwtary «d oomorial rwoiutlon. of .^™ of , f? M ' * . Th f fa , the leg °l fo"n" ^ the hands of your, honorable Treasur- ioweveri without special perminsipn of tM^^:^'^pm t y »i^-mB bia, San Domingo and other cbuntries W coinmem orate, by fitting ' statues »£ " ' ?J^Ti^ V W» WX^£t da !,on of hiato»cal development in Ju- e Rey ^ . .^ of Cleveland , the the; Conierence , as it belongs to ite pro- ne ^S^nS SSSlS S ^ e8t A g^<%"!. >ith ¦ ¦ ¦» »a«-^ , ^^^^^^; *«- ' unltorm charg. omooe^ "" daism. . sum ^of^OaOO arid aU obl igatio^^ and ^S^Stu^eca^ ^ Sate« for . dibplay ADVEETIBEMENT8 made ^As you , brethren and jCoUeagueB, are the body have been promptly ' meti " . , A committee . was appoiritedj consiet- successive chai n of Acti ons arid Keact- and Asia ttinor. ' It is reported that good qualities of our heroes to ¦ ' becom " ' known on apgllcation. ¦ undoubtedly ynuw aai» the authority in conrieotion therewith permit me > n % ot JProf. Mielaber, Dr. SUvermari ions, the Eeyolutionvon the one side the Sul tari of Turk ey entered^ ' into in- models for the youth of future gener^ - In »nnrerIng myof th»aaTerilseiiient« lB ti.l» of these days, you are assembled t<xlay to remind^ou on Art. V. of yoiir¦ con- aid Rabbi CharleaLevi/to report to the and . Imperialism and Absolutism direct negotiations with theWeaternpow- tiobs;- but under, ; mo circumstances ' ; yp.Mnrrtrt.r. wJll^afcr^t.r npon bothti,. under the samej:authority, with : the rtitutionYY, B. p. 24) : - ^ionference an expression of its senti- orpWD^c^nsS^^er^n^ era on this subject. ' MeanwhUe, the ^d the moneyi Oftte dearipeople be - . / •dwrtlien mJ th« paMliken by luting uutlbey „_- j „«<i- .i.- ¦ ^^ ' „„ j ir. ' „«„ ' ¦ ¦ . V: - . v ' ¦ i ¦»!. i ^. , .. ¦ ¦ c , oi peopie oonstanuy unoer arms ana . ,/ > voted away to erect monuments for iho ¦ . isirtheidTerttietteBtlntheJJlKBIGANlSBAELlTB. ?ame duties to perform and the same «l n order to prevent an unfortunate mento on the demise of its. honorary ready for the co mbat ; on the one side, miseryof the persecuted and the cruelty kings and queens of any ''fprSgn coun ' CoMMotficiTiokr notrigned br the writer will ff0rk ^ ^^mp lish whioh the prophet colifea^e or his family from becoming President. , the sfXsaUed higher and dominant class of Russia disgrace the nineteenth cen- tiy, whether Uving or dead. " :: To . escape ^ueithor pnbiiih«a norprej erTed. No MBS. win mapped out for eve^ry aynod or confer- humhuv^'' , ' ; aa " - ob]ects of charity. ' one The program for the order of business always ready to„ strike on - the other, tury and outrage humanit y^- ¦ _..,: the tyrannyjof tings, queans ' and poDe , ¦ " NEWS : ITBMI3 . conference united , ; -You . have >ome : ber, being^WV ' shaU be set Wde; as a and . thenthe session adjourned till 9 Bgainet minorities , the waK ofl' un- ECHOES FROM WASHINGTON. Se^SSer ^T HerSS JS v ^_ ~ i_ ~ -°' . »rom {&r an d :** Bh- to WMiperate with fund to De des^ armed; multitudes against the farmed . :. - .;¦;¦ , their defendants ; have labored'^tr ue. " ' Wt wonld be much obliged to thoieofonrfrleads your brethren in this ideal . cause which the Conference , ' to be used only for the * •* * : : , . v , ; . and well . organized mirioriUes-in posses- —It-was-an expresBion of Frederick , - gled and ' suffe^d unti l they have bl' \ \^ & ^^^^i^^^^^ ^ 0 ^ ^ mateiia ! ^ THE FO VBTH OF JUL Y^ $ ^tig^^i^"^ of.the . comeag^^ation: , Shall we no ff be- . dnssen , before ths tune specified. . - you are here from far and vnigh -to ad- ?v^T?„«„tw« r«n™uW' ' resignation ot sunerers—it is armed re- Jews : '-I have ij learned by the expert gin to build monuments to the dead K«w voRJ£. --Before Monday nron to «ki J " ixT ' t«* ' i.« h ' vv , ' r Bistanp^ to the oppressors. The spiri t 6nde of ages ' that no. man ever touched sovereigns fromi whom we have ao Z' '¦ ' ¦ ^odev' tare of Aguiiar Library! . . . , vance the cause.of, ¦ Israel, to continue Provision must ; be . made to govern In the Bene : Ypshurun Temple,, of of freedom is there, everywhere, but that people but : he sroarted for it , " a re- cently escaped ?" ->. , P, n0r^ , |r^te^iV6& r noon » . 'awfully the historic^rdevelopment: of t hifl iurid, J anda committee appointed Cincinnatvthe Fourth of Jul y wasVcel e^ the reactipri abo wjready to crus h it, mar k which the voice of .inspiration , as N: B. —Since writing the above, it has : Baltlmore. -Beroro Monday noon to "Dm, Judaism, to concentrate the intelligen ce by this Conference to propose such pro- brated during the morning service of . j 1"8 '^'W oPWever, is. . . but .pMiod- ,weU aa the experience of mankind , has been announced that the women who iuj M ttown StaUon. . - . ¦ . •: : ftnd ehergy ; of Americ 'in Judaism .in visiOns ' embraciDB esrieciallv the follow- Sabbath-last, with a very large congre- !?" and^a? : , l. 0 ? interfered ,much with ; abundantly verified. ^ . God haa declared , have charge of the women' s department ' Cleveland. -*. Z. Nuff, Na8BouttWat«Bt.. ,, ¦ /• > . . . . . .. visions em oracing especi al ly ine lonow- . .. ,., . ,. - , ¦ . . i t, 6 ^ the progress of mankind in , our country by his prophets, that' v he will iudce and of the creat Columbian; Kvnmiti/w, *„ »,» W?S , n ^ n0 ^ i ' ¦ ¦ ' i ' Lin - r -V ft?X ?W» . rfP«>8W« . for preservation, i^ p oiri tB : . gat.on seated under . the flag of our or ev^ n^ our Wester^ continent -It punish^their opprMaS. not he S^^ «S lE S^ ? ^ftSaW^r^-r"^^ enlightonment, hu mamsm ' an^ freedom : ^Vhat Bhould be done to bring thie coun ^ . «M«^^^*- . «d ' th« suit ev#on\t^SripSrSS H ^S^ SsS^&t ' ^"^"loiaTbS rtA™ 0 " 11 "' B ^> , *- I ?^^. ^' hd y^' aTOI1 ^!^ ^ very important diaiiiv properly before At ? 0 a. h. Professor Nembaoh opened also among us and plac es : policy ; above ia quite in place to ^lay / before ' ^those: bellaihere, on tHi» ground that shel" a> " ' ' ' c^ ' HSS'^bA^ a red letter day in bur calendar ? and Z^lT^^rJ^t ^TZ the divine aervice with ;the ; preludeTori h»manity and ^ utl ^— ; ^^ who pin their, faith on the Bible, to call sistedjthe great navigator. ; let us hope ^?Wp^JMg?5SS^^ ^ there not P leD ty;of reason ^' p ^^^ ^f ^ f^J^T the pbwerftil organ , the national hymn ^f^S^^^^ dtS ^^^ f ^P^T "S^' W^H«9*^»« af 4..J. . i.~c-M4.717t_L . ¦¦ ¦ .; ' ; . ,, ¦,. . ; . ... ¦ nevolentand beneficient men and worn- . , 5 - ,-¦. . ¦: .. 6 . ' . ' and reason. . The old means of; despots I'Behold; at that tune: I will undo: all oountry iwil l ; p rotest. If this nronnci. D«la*; *e *.^ «Bchlrh«chWm; » ^ ou ^ ^g l W, who did come 6Q ^^^ our reao h ? : Withou t the aid ^S^ Var ft,0DB ; tevtear asunder the human;famU y and that afflict thee ; I will- feed , them^th^t tiori^iUarried ^ out then th^S to ' I' Pltttbnrj rh , pa. -Bo«oMi Monday noon to hithe> ?. You mig htjargue : I confess 0 f « ' rjublio thia •' Relief -Fund " will Rabbi Cbarlea Levi theji conducted into impotent factions and fractions by oppress thee with their own flesh ; and Reli gious Liberty should beplaced rieht ' ¦ ' " ' . RP.«.,Ti6WMter n Aye , that thia k a holy day, a veritable 310 or . v %,»•<• : ; ^ ? the usual Sabbath service, read from imposing ; : high ; Sarin ' s on conimeroe, they shall be drunkenVwith their owh alongside of thatof Isabella^ Ban Antonio, Tex. —Befo re Friday, Br*. ,. .. be a small affair for many years to come, , _ , : ,, ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ . .. . . , rousing the ire of races and nationalities MAn^o= »»i, =m^t ™i«^ » ri^u ;;: i ' o : " . , ? tn '-Aiimn. " to me as well as to you , to us as well as , .„ : ¦ ¦ .. n ' ... ¦ .:.„ . the Thorah:the appointed sect on , and rouBla B . vu » lre o ' racM ana nauonauues blood as with sweet wine (Zeph. ui. 19, , ¦ ¦• . .^l^. v ^ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' ¦• ¦ -' ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ -- ¦ / ¦ ¦" ¦ " ¦ w£&; V r Ti. t ^i and your Executive Committee wiU not " ^ -rsi , t . , T' * a one . agamst another; condemning large Isaiah xlix. 25, Ezek. xxviii. 26).. Have L00i ^»M?- ' V -' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦> . . - . . - - - - to eyeryone (" KV). who fears the Lord be liable to offer much reUef to any » uu- ^en the^eplaration of Independence. . clauses on account of feldnies or misde- the . nations, then; no reason to tremble? Mr- GaB Wallenstein , of Richmond , , THE CENTRAL CONFERENCE and is in full sympathy with bur sacred for tunate colleakue or his family " al The Thorah having been returned to meanors of eoriie individuals , denouno- And especially that one that carries ori Va > ^ visitin g <rien da in this city. ' .;. ; : : OF AMERICAN RABBIS. cause. -' Arid yet. 1 darei hdt praiae you , ,, . , *T. ... ill ' the Ark , Rabbi Isaac M.; Wise ascended «ng and deprecating people ' , because' its cruelties under the so-called orthodox The Unit y Circle gave a rustic party > ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ , ¦ ¦ " ¦ ' rriendB, as you bari read in - eVery one of «»o«gli ces of th» kind may turn up ^ nd ^ -^^^^ of their cradles happened , to stand Jn : plariT . ; .. ^ on July 5th and entertained many r ; . . i. session. , ! ¦ ,. -u r, j ; ¦ dail y. ,.,, .,„ . . ¦ •¦ ¦ . - ¦ . ¦ ' ¦¦ " , i other ooun try, or. because th ey speak "Because ^ thou hast had a perpetual friends from abroad, among whom were ' Itk; . * ;>- ,; * ii: - ' r. - V : -;• -^ ° ld P^ 6 ' b00k8 ' God , preserve To whttt Bum must this fund accu- wh'J the foll v owin « " « ^ tr acfc ; their mother's tongue, or even bemuse hatred, and hait s^ tCbloodTthe Misses Wertzbergec andrSpsridleaJ of ' : ft The second convention of the Central them. It is a Tom- lob .hcckal lihryoth \ r ° , whttt Bum m™t ™? fund . ac ™' " Except the Lord build the house, they would not worship God as some of children of- Israel " Wthe force of the Baltimore, Miaa Frankfurter Norfolk - " Conference of American Rabbis opened bechol, and then we must not say San. muiate befor e any part oi it can pe dis- they labo r m vain that build it; except us do, excluding the poor from the ri ght aWord , in the : titne of their calamity Mia3 " Goldstein, of Roanoke , Mr/ Wal: " its session in the City of Baltimore, July ¦ •n ru ' fr^ni -l"'' We are yet' in the bur*^ for ite legitimate purpose ? ;., the Lord , keep the city the watchman of existence here becaase they are poor, therefore as I live, saith the iAj rd Gtbd ! ^Btein . of Richmond, Mr. Harry Hoff. 5th, at7:30 p. m. in the hal l of the Hebrew rafl Conditio n in a «tato ; nf infen cv in '3 - How arid oy whom shall , this ' ;& Tr^- ' a^ 'Y- ( ""^'^ and . such other- reactionary means to I will prepare thee unto " blood, and ieimer , of Norfolk. . . Youne Men' s Association Tb^ffl c S *? . ' ¦ " ' ^ v " 1 ^: 1 " cumulated fund be secured and held 1-^ %? ° - di T "^ Ca ? n ° - e ^ db8olve the Jiun ' an fam ^ into {ia6 - blood shall pursue thee " (Ezekiel xxxv. Mias Fannie Guttman , of -Baltimore; ¦ - xoung wen s Association. The officers numbers incomplete, in attendance un- cumutatea luna pe secured ana neid y. cute> There is plan and system in the tioris and factions and foster despotism ' 5 6). '' ¦ is here on a visi t to her cousin, Miss elected . laflt year took their respective aatisfaotory; and in authority too recent "m ust evidently be in- the hands of government of Providence , the nations and absolutism. Some of these evil spirits : It seems that these and other proph- Hosa Goodman. - seats. ,;, . : : " toDe acknowledged and generally re- trifltees and kept separately fro m the *re the day laborers, for _ the^moat time have also r eached us and are muchmore esies are not idl e words ; in feet , laying MUb Celia Abrams, of Macon , Gai , " ¦ Isaac M. Wise , President; Drs. Landsi ^^a u -recmW™ tim« yftki i«hnr general fiirid of 'the Conference, as your uuconsciou^ numerous and.violent , not onl y in Bus- aside theology arid Scriptural teachings, who was the guest of Miss Helen Sanger; J . b erg, ¦ ¦ ' Rochestet V -P : Berkowitz arid ^ ! Teq^e\ V^t ^ «?- Executive Committee is " charged onl y : ?^ zed . m * h . « P^cess of history. There Bia^but^also in Germany, Italy ' and it goes without saying that misery: and has returned: home. . - . T^LoT v ' V - ^'' V^ tz ^ n f and consistency to establish the author- .^eouuv^ommiitee is pnargea oniy umversftl necessity and individual eveiv France. But -they are remains oppression perpetrated ' against a^masv ¦ ' ¦;: Mr. :AS;Seckbach, of the firm of Seek- ' Philipaon , :[ Secretaries, v Rabbi , Gut- iif oi a : BeiK!m : :; : , -; with the duty of disbursing it. freedom in God' s goyernmeut manifest from ,Revolutionary times, conjured of human beings wiU retract ou thMe bach * Eiseman; of ' New.Orleans, paid ~ macher, of Fort ; Wayne, Ind;, opened . Ah I with the bpat will accordiTic to 4 - ' where should this " ReliefiFund' ' . *P: iiie history 0f mankind. The proph- up frorn time to time by, reactionary or who practice the same. - our city: a.flyih g visit last week. ' - ' . the exercisea with. - prayfer . and -waa fol- .. "* ¦¦- -^ :-• , .^ - n ° S n ^ be legally chartered , : and under, what eta;' gave utterance to this , doctrine in sei^ip litioians, or by brainW or ma- MatthewlArnold said : "NoindividuJ ; "A very : pl easant :entertainment wa8 ; lowed . by Rabbi Shanfarber: ' of Balti: tbe Talm«d - must ^ not laud , yon , not * ¦ ¦ - . - , manifold vanations, . histpry^ furniahes licious; misanthropes, who are after all life can jbetrul y prosperous passed in 8^" !»*' week by the ..children. of < ^ more weWinein ari elor.rifiT.fcftdrir™,., e ^ n according .to the good old prayer name f .. , A , the evidence Djr numeroua facts one;p f the mere: faction s .of ;the defeated and the midst of^^ more welcoming in an eloquent address , book and the reverend colleagues pre- In m ? humble; opinion ¦; it would be which is the declaration of Indepen- 6C ttered army of, ;old . Selfishriess arid noble soul , it can not be happy ; to " the was concluded ari eatlest.committee of Mn behalf of the congregations and the - ed jn_ m^^gkirflmed ^^ my aubjecf leaving wisd to elect the Executive Boird of the dence just read , aa the tathers . of this Absolutism, vr he . world : moves on rap- ignoble it can not be safe " the little ' 6nea , h ' urried' down fown ; and Hebrew-Young Men' s Asscciatiori j the u^xw ^-.ij ^l t ^wm, - ™« '*nion of American Hebrew Gongrega- country m thevcity of Philadelphia in idly in its course to liberty, equality and If We read the accounts of the wide- landed over tbe grps8(prooeeds . :f6r the . Conference - .to this city arid tInVhall. " me-^ ^^^^^^y ^ h Qft members of ihe Co nfer- °? ^ ^ 6emb , led ^ ?< W%™te ' J^ to . ^ the - , liberation of ^ reason, to spread imiseryothat exists in Itussia, it ^fit of the Atlanta Orphan Home. ' , The eloQuen Ceof the twn R«vMBf.^ ^ °e sour^-and' according to custom,:! «pns Honorary, memoera oi tneoon er ^ signed and proclaimed it to the thirteen free thought arid speech , to the uriifica- appears that ' the hou r of retribution Their names were Delia Fishel, Suriaa t . ihe eloquence of tbe two Reverendgen- must say Bomething-I will speat biisi-. ence Assoc.atiori and place this " Relief colonies of North America. tion and fraterni21tibn of the. human hds come^ui<Sy . ^ispa^Ss W the ^ordlinger ,, Stella Oettinger, -AmeUa . uemen sounded like> an orchestral over- ^ . ., FuridV into their custody and;man age- This great and patriotic instrument , fam ily; moves on rapidly in the course Associated Press declare that the bar- . Hutchings , Carrie and Fannie Blumen- - . ¦ ture to a poetical stream of . lyric songs, ' T1IE MEinBBSHik ¦ ; merit. . thia triumphal expression of political in^ which it was started' in 1 . 776 by- thia vest this year is the worst on record. thf tl - ' Theae. little Misses were ehaper- and was received with applause by the ' ' ' ' »,. ¦ , -i. - e ^ n " i_ -i ' «• " ¦ ' '™ Ti!iI1 book. ' liberty and human ri ghts, on which the Declaratibri : of Independency and no . Throughout Central and Wettorn and oned by the following young " ge ' iits ' : " " Conference and the numerous guests , The A ^°° lat T :^£*^^J& m - ' ¦ Another very important obiect of tW ^W-of .^^ntoy, waa after earthly ' ppwer can chan ge ita ;&tn>#^ the greatest:portion of Southern Russia £wh Dreyfous, Benj. Dreyfous, Albert . , ' ¦wiin : l,^- «Ai.« W-ifii - -.- ' fi. - ference. of American-ltabbis, with-the _ An?tner Tef? important ooj ect ot t,ne V ard _ based,., was then and there of Whoever has eyes must see that this the " outlook iV dismal. Ministerial xe- Oettinger , Miltp n and Moses Baer and . ; ^ vrho had oome tp' ^tnesB - ^ the-exercises. member s elected this year by the Exec- Conference is its ; annual publication , the local importance only. In an isolated i B not the work pf man, ri ot the' work ports say that the winter crop in South Jphn Lapg. . Th ey^were a happy crowd , ' " However instead of the lyric portion,; utiy e Qommittee, reaohes. close to one ^ear-Book , tbe first of . which ia in your corner of ^he^arth , in the primitive surely of: human reason and energy. and Eis t Russia p erished by fr ost. bent on a worthy act of charity. . there iollowed .the fpllowing prosaic and : hun i r >, a ,n., 3 -, nxm ttlT Mnt.1 Pm^ Woll nands, and it appears to ,me : a decided ^eats pf A orth . America , that great in : ;Those good men . who framed this De- Famine is already visible in the r faces' Mr. ' Solomon . Coleman , ypungest son - . dry -matter , of: fact statement by the ^ f^ 2 g ^ of the peasantry in Kostroma. Disease ° f Moses and Cora-Coleman " departed . , President in the form of ftri JLi™ *lt»&Uii m American . congregations, aucoess , a nigniy usemi cpmnpution , to ple > nd not.all of these received it w th not imagiHe .th at this^ instrument would has broken out. The only food is oat- this life J * une 25th , ;aged fifteen years, president in ^ the form of an opening ^ the exCeption . of one . located in every rabbx s library, It/furnish es him . unalloyed gladness/and hearty apbroba;: revolufee^ the world, and yet ;it did; r^alS^with treo bark W shnilar v Mr., Sam Goldstei n has gone for a address-as;He is opposed , to every Cftnada an d one in Curacao, West In- not pnly with the transactions of this tion T>?^munitude of humanity that . Who dictated these word s of salvation ingredients. .In Kazf, among iridigerite Bea l v0 ^ . presidents message except that of the A - n^,. rirnBf ; nfl t n * .„„ •«„„ :_ . " tlli _ reverend body : ar id the papers , read , in heard of it , as; did England , denounced to those prophets in ?hiladelphia, -if it receiving meals : gratis , are 146 noble- -The repent electioris-in lod ges resulted President of the United Btateo: « ^P«peo« oi imtmg in to, ^^^^ ^^.^ .^^^ ; r the apt^ioa-pf taoBtwiw ^Mtlie'^ God vhb^oolj imei m.«i aO d?0 prie.S ^ " Q otler diBttiot. : »«« w,: ' . ' rwTW™. p. - ' n body the majority of American rabbis >. ae . nl«ence ouc wso witn ^ B. -Alex - . . CoiwuawB, F^nds, Bbmhrek : is very good , arid may be realized-in a ^^ f Conferences and Synpds . of ha^ grown eut;pf it? ' " ¦¦ Moses and the TPropbets of Israel? ^n th^ jS coSa^ovriopbi » Aidant j Sol, Peyser, ^ ce- lt was one of the sacred bards who very short time. " The object , however, our ce*W*7 in France, Germany and _: The sequence of . this . Declaration of -Who, if not the same Gt»d, gave " this many people are dying-^- of hunger and 'President; 3 ulius ^ Abbott , Recording said : "I will speak of th y testimonies is to unite all that agree with - us in America ' important , documenta.which Independence is npw;. before us here in mighty impulse to the inhabitants of hundreds have to huddle together ' ; sev^ Secretary; Moses Cohen; Financial See- before ki nga and will not be ashamed' - nrmcinle as l aid down ^learlv and di H hitherto did : not exiat in the English ^-TV nft f . 10n °' tt! y ' i J am i ? Dg i the ^e .American . . fores^ and ish>ped the eral families in one ' room, for the sake "taryj ^;Si gmund ^Kaufman , Treasurer ; ¦ rP«»1m« „if a*; asnamed pnncip e , as laid down plearly and dis- ^ . . 00mniied in on« fivil i ed nahons of the world ,. the larg- «nds to work oiit the salvation revealed of warmth. Some papers have adver- ^ Cohen .and J. R ce; Guardians. (Psalms cix. 46), tmctly in the first Year Book. We must ^ tUemente of chUdren ?or sate The «ov- Graoe Aguiiar No; 117, I. 0. B. B.- ' ¦ wanrfl^B Tl i Tmn ' mjiHi have peace in our midst. Nor can we, , volume m an{ otner ^nguage; This in -our countr y vrith its . 65, 000,000 of days, -of yore through Abraham, ^Moses; erriment is taking - precautions -against : Her ^ Hbfia , President; Morris Price, a«Hi ' t on , » m. ? *v -j j x. as men of principle, enter upon ttriy latter P wt of,toe W0lk waB don» b ^ and^ hii other . : organs of expeoted revojts. Taxes are collected Vice-President; J. P. Hemau . ' Recbrd- and I am aware that this guided the ^-a^ l j -ul , thifl or ^ _ ar J Grpssmann, of Detroit ; Dr. Schwab, of enlightenmept, inventive genius, enter- reyelkti pn? If the plan,, the^impulse; with the usual regularity, and faUure to "ig SepretaryV -H: Michaels,, Financial prophete, and shouldbe canon to every ^mPromiBe to Ptease tHiB . or that party. Dr. Sohreiber of Little P n ? e and ^paralleled , weal th and the shaping of the ends from : the begin- pfty is " visited with severe flogging: Secretary ; M: Hoffa , Treasurer ; L. , upright and . faithful Israelite. Yet I To ua, as to our an cestora , !fc is a funda- K^^ h^w^5^ t^ . « P™spe^^ feel ^ome hesitancy to rise in this au- mmU * rul ° ^ ^' J &) ' " wllBt " nf S f W^rT T^I iw wi? % ?! ^ de Pendenc?t " . - . gently there is :in ' : the; government of eral casea: #d4ath from absolute . ' want ¦ *#< > No, 413 ^ I. O. B. B:-Androw . ««t assambl v tun Ss i ^7 a "«« «ut«a or observance bas grown of thlfl c«>nference. The vfhole was ; South o u.^. we have a chain of^^repu>^ Providence ¦ universal ^ necessity and among the poorer classea have been cov^ Hell b ^P. President ; Louis Hirsoh , gust a^semwy-pai Dj o fto-and-ex- o f iBrftel : a kw » an d suoix ^ n _ ed. ted and published by your Hon. "cs dowpt to Patagonia,. free ^countries , individual ireedom then -; we' muaj ered up by the authorities as being ; en- Vice-President; Norman Luchs, Record- ercise the privilege of first flpokesman ; , . , . * . ' on(7Bl ¦ « „,*»,,«„„ ¦ Secretary, Dr. Philipson , who certainl y ™ady *o become the hpi^e of as many Bep . in this Declaration . ¦ ¦ ' pf, Inde- tirel y^ attributable to disBase. , There : is in 8 Secretary ; D. Spitzer ,, Financial to vrhich nothing entitles me besides *e <^e with the synagogal institutions, deBerve/honorabie , mention 7 people w live now m all Europe. ^ And pendence a divine instrument , in a syste matio eflfort on the part" bf the Secretary ;• Nathan Meyers, Monitor ; your choice in placing me at the head refowns' and" ™P«»w»«to ; aU over tbe T" ^^ J^ wl ,™n , a( north of us although nominally British the Fourth of July a holy Passover day. authoritiea , from the departments of f-; Herzog; : Inside Guard ; Mr, Bruck- of thb Central Conference of ^LJTn land ; such is aUo the case with a num- Tha jwk , h pyevw , » no . t complete. poBsessioni -hberty is enthroned . on and the men who framed the : instru- state ioWri to the lowest municipal offi heimer, Outside Guard. .; ; ,j ; S -SI ..TL Jr^n - V Ame "? n her of observances in every day life , Jt must be flupplemented in the " next ^encan ^il , and the eyes of the iri r ment messengers of the Lord ,; before dais; to minimize - the misery that^ ? Capitol Loa ge , 147;0 , E. 8: B . J. Loeb, Kabba, and the despot Custom which ,. . . ' . ' ' Year Book, There ia missing in it: b*f^a a direqed toward this flag whom we humbly bow down and pre- vai ls lowing, to the high price of br^ ordains that the presiding officer open .SkWu i.Il «ST w! 1- A general history of Conferences S^&tS 1 f' i u And ^ oth ' W aad ieeB C " ' ExcepttheLbrd buud the house, ,: Thepplice have been knbwri % Rebuke ^ Sanger; Sepreta^J^My C phiBri^Finan. . the meeting with some kind of an ad- ttB ™2 " ° ua no . lon « ep - Wo and Syn B odB amon . 0 Jr pe0 L"^ '5m£ ^ e m °™ B ? nt j% ? ^& . ^ey la^^^^^ heard! «atB«re^V E^an ^ dress. Afl of you almost continuallv ° an not afford op6n di8COB8ion * n W w l ™^* T P T ' Declaration^> f Independence. the Lord keep the . oity ,' the watchman talking abou^ the, corn duties in a tone Moses Sanger and C; L" Rosenau; Con- ™" ln ;, , y ° U * - ° . 8t Mn » nually that whioh ia no more. Nor can We Dr. Hahn promised to furnish. . Although the Atl antic Ocean was. watcheth and 'waketn in vain. " :: - ' of disaatia faction;;and they give a flat ductors ; j: Sommers and W. Rice, move in ideal apheres, spin and weave 1ffl , te wj fli ^^ who , _ 2. An abstract of the transactions of ^en ?*? * inore or a barrier # between Now choir and:organ peal ed forth denial on every possible oc cas ion to the Guardians. r -;. > ";- \- ' the golden garbs of ethical thought . . w * ;. .. the Miniaters ' Association of New York H° iei ? pft u E ^ ro P e ^ an }* u ^w , it Vftti ' a iwg of joy the Passover , hy^ No,. : 167, with the artistical apparatusof logic , the , !" aoove . or beyond toeir & _j oinitv ., toen took more weeks tnaii it takes now^ and aitor the close of the service^theju- have managed to deceive^a^^ flowers and arabesques of relieious sen- oollea«uea ' to be **<***™ au- % Atv ^, fl .„ t nf ^ tt +roT ,„ tv t % JB ^f^ 8 ^ ^ ^^ ****&* bilant , » Let Freedom' s Feast ; Bririg riewspapers; ¦ V ' ' ' Horn^ Vioe:Preaident ; M. IBarnett , timenta - what could I addT vTw ^ fh°1*1* in their «apeotive spheres, as 3. ^ An abstraot ^ of the transactions of than .t toek then days to communicate Gladnefflv" and tbe organ close* the . Whihi there are others willing to mis- Treasurer; ,A, Adler,^Recording; Seore- umenw , wnat could l add I You have W<J are nQ ^^ .^^ ^. fa the Conferences of the Southern rabbis, intelligence from one continent to the whole with the " Star S pang led Banner. " represent niattera without being de- tary; Aaron Bruri; .Financial Secretary. been prayed for so devoutly, you have held r TO'n'nn S«V that the oil(1B1 , B' . Committees should be appointed to W^yet . shortl y after the prop lama- It was ; a/ fine Embrace. ot thB dld land' ceived , ' the truth , sayfethe cbrreapond- : Columbia Lodge , No;i 101, 1. 0. S. of been welcomed so eloquently and cor- „,,*,„ . t . ' tVia -„/ , t furnish those abstracts for the next year tlon 1 ot . a 1 , erty and iV108? n«hta nad the new in American : Judaism, as is ey- ent; is. thatinearly every wage- earhing Benjamin, H; Saohaiman , President; F. diall y to this city and this hall by the 5 ^ llont y iB the. flnt- .stop to nun wor,. - a ° acts rorwie next year reao hed ft i Q ^ ^^ ^ A ^ ery thin g m ^ gorgeotis ^ p^- : , . ' . . ' , . . ¦ ¦ fcibily keenf^-feefc the situation; ^anl Einateiri; yice-PreBirient. M. Ulmah, two oolleagues preceding me- what j. " hl P. B0 ^^ and inArable to Juda. ro0K - , M - umiLABm. X^i*?*^ F "^ Upp *S 8 ^^ . - V . m . V ^the Kaiser^ia losing, on account of:iit; Becretary j ¦ H. Miobaelis , Financial; Sep- lift IT? E m *-*™ « j am. We want to unite all Guinnung *. w. »¦*!««, Amm. of the wmds^t struck one oMhe then , - - . , ¦ . ^^ ^ much of the popularity which he earned ?etary ; H. Benjamin , Treasurer, left for me? I might , as is usual on ?WWKn wh0 are willlne to work in har And now the . melancholy duty de- mightiest ; pptentates , Josep h IL| . the A* AN instance.pf the bigotry and un, b th advocaoyfof labor refbr npf ^ ; ' . ' . ;- - . , ¦ Sophm. auch occasions, laud you, speak of the '™Z to £ 1^0 dZtl en " Tolves uPon your actin^Presldent toari- %?Srnfmper 6r ^ A^->^ ^'^oftbe majority of theNew ; York > ^that (ile -rSy oSs^ave U \^^J: > ¦ . . V ' excellency of this august assembly and f , . ° , deve <, P ment . to you the demise of vour hon f d? ? irat ^ n ? f ^g« Washington - and Jewish^presa , we woiild cite the: fact that Jost, id - " aI great measure , their -douoers ' . ; ' ¦: o '*^?W"? ' ,?***?¦ its world-redebming mission, if Ui f3 M " d ^^ JSS hi °f '^ "2 T" K,nn S^ST^^ ^J^^ '< New -Yor k who was summoned «***• neivborn idea onL^lS ^^sjr i gle Jewish journal of that S^ S^^^rt X, ^^ il,,^ . Jl M :n) had not suggested its impro- b . _ * . Am6rioa _ Belh „. n^o btf TITl?' 1 ?to hia seat among the J^bpetp alU the dark regions of that city makes any mention of the bequ est Bpiei ^nd ¦ detective* are on the alert Svta&^5^^ 1 ^ IO, Whete ' h0We pnety. and another rabbi had not laid J,. 7 a f i Lwl ZuZ a * , great arid good teachers in Israel that «mPu^ ^ero ^utam in State and and donation- of the lat e Rev. Dr., Ad, the army ia ori'the watch, lest riots , oo- - , MlM Ann|»^ie^^ho,ne^t w «lne S- down therule DW mmw TODD d^d,K ^ith alHhe duties rights and privileges f * . f ae f *** f^^ swa ye d bitherto an unli m- ler and . his family to the Hebrew Union cur ; .but the upmirig will oome, as hun, ^J* : ? ^^ *" absence or two J1 V3S3 which according to Rft v W waioh the ancient expounders of the a"a e m "" f^11 ^ Ane mntb day ,te d scep ter. ^ A few yeafe later the Colkae . ¦ ger griaws , and thenraa a large portion , &*»«: Henr> 8 riJ taite Joi,«, two popular so- Chanina liSit ' vTZZ i » law aCcu ^ to the *< th ^ ' at " re8,den<?e ' BUr™^d ed magnates of Poland caught the whisper Colle « e ' _^ _ of the best, element of the population SoFSPr^ SKoSS— ' &W ^ m Chan.na , might be an nsult to you. by his famUy and nearest kin , in the * ha ° ama ««W land and ooean and . Makt thousands of Russian fugitives- has beeil exiled, it will at .no distant *a S&^-^rtni. to NwhvlUe, t ^true that this is a great day, a ho.ob.b v m.mb.hb. eighty-second year of his mundane so- ^iSS^if> p2aW TS^^ ^ a i«g« ^niber of Catholics ^^^^ni ou Vto ma c^n ^ T& Ackerteila, oi cinouWu. ; wa. here W h ds ohsra W e?meetrn Zm: n c ^ ^ m^entlerV in ^ ?T J°Ura ' *** emin ' nt ^ ^ ^ ^«™ thlre^the ^fl S ^aril amlg them-are lainpeS ' n fi^fc^ ^ : * - *^ Bea ^tfS^^T^ ^Jr rr ri f y°»' a^ntion to Article P^fuUy and quietly as he always of freedom concentrated in France^ .Charlottenburg, -near Berun , also in than he oan chew - ¦ ¦%£$£Eti&^ tion, to reflect and consider unitedly II. Section 2 of your laws ( Year Book, lived passed away from this sublunary the might y cyclone of the Revolution, Memel Amsterdam Bremen and th e Columbia* exhibition. j& Botnans^ left last Saturday ^ t or hte :; the aubhme problems of Israels sacred p. 23), and the resolution ( Year Book, world in the fear of the Lord ; pure * ?«*»* «cl». and uprooting inoun! gSter . CommSees arend " work^t »ftriing. to my remarks in a former tefe Wifd ' aeaS ^ heritage. It is a day which the last of p. 4) in regard to honorary members, true and wiae A cedar of Lebanon ta J n8 . Bhal "ng the very foundations of *{W r & Committees are at worit at letter, I'desire to be underatood as un- «nong the fair ser in this olty. . . . . " I. M. the prophets foresaw , wh en he said None have been and none can be el ect^ Z t«mllInL flL^T* ' illi „?? °11 Btr°P8holdB of ^oierit abBoltitiam, all these points to afiford them tempo- awervingly opposed; to any contribution - ¦ ' ¦ , ' - ' , ? , ¦ ¦ ¦ .¦::¦¦ - . ' . ' . ,^ ., { Y , w . ,„ Th ' Gri t f flv " . *' ' IT It + 1 n r t! was tranap anted from the lowl y soil to announoing in thunder lays all oyer rary reU . ef, and funds to thifl purpose are other th|n Uluatrating the advance of . voi, Take j *o Rlalc the Lord ^e^ fcJh^,?7 Iv ed except by the Conference. It seems the Paradisian region of that hi g her that continent . ^ tor it is eyery- xne i-ora speaK ireely one to another : to me advisable to elect aome from the life, where the luster of the Sheohinah the majestic . approach of the nirie- Holland" to whibh Chrbtians also verv mosfc ~«P r«nonai« and the Lord hearkeneth and heareth midst of those " who have rendered im- shines in refulgent glory and unalloyed Jeeuth century, the natural offspring of ^^T^^^ TJ^S' ' ^ianism^hbuld have any special r eobgV ^^ ¦ it, and a book of remembrance is writ- ... 7 t . ? ' I *™lia * e * this Declaration of Independence. generousl y contribute. There is a gen- ^-¦ ¦ ¦ , tf anytnin - ia ah0Wrr i t should- ***}W«6& sale - of an y : P reparatloa: ol -M ... . .. ton Lore hhn for Tern ^1 tht > MS-rtfff <>i th, doctrine *m t. ^lias to the returning banner-bearer of The day of rede mpt Jhad poSe , not eral outpouring of benevolence arid bShlS frffiS g cS ^^^^ mm lor mem that fear the j ivei. m the Year Book. j truth and righteousness , returning ont yto the maltreatedJewj the down- charity to allevi^ &?0^° Bu« {5^^ uy8 ^ U ^^^ ^ ^

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    "HlO H morl pfln loraolita Lcrd "nd 'hf,1 *hink uP°n *«¦ "•»«¦ P°rtent Praotical ¦«»*>*' to.ihe cause triumphan^y W t^

    MIC HlllollLall loldClllCl And they shaH be mine, paith the Lord of Judaism," to which I inusk refer fur- life, and Seraphs greet the ; liberated aU&ejieglwt^ atjd ill.UBed panahs of Whither the fugitives shall go to find we should unswervingly stand S ll. _^ of hosts, on the dayyrhen lmake up my ther on ; and from the obus of those to soul in the words , of Holy Writ, Xt f,^ ^^^W^^^

    '̂ tilii .here '

    LEO WISE & CO., jewels - etc. (Malaohi Hi. 16). Thi. whom the resolution',;r efers in the 1XD nmn. .-,>», -Thy reward ̂exceed- So?th^dbnS^Sy; H w2 ftctten.V .M»ay oMihein 'goV>W^Urily, SS'SS^̂ 0^^11 ̂ 'Pwu— ito PiBMm undoubtedly refers to the Great.Synod words, "all authors ofveminent books ingly great!'; I hare discharged ; the not only : political :Ube«r.̂ ̂ and .

    to, South Amerida;' ESS SSOffice : N. W. Cor. Fifth and Vine Sts. of whioh the prophet was a member, on any subject appertaining to Jewish painful duty of announcing to you thus born and elebated to the throne of others in small companies go Jo Francf al of a leading clau^ ; br W (^^°' 'r ĵ rnu nrr vj ? ~^iZ " referfl ** *"

    BJrnodB or ' «»*«*»** theology or literature/' to whoin I. take « ̂ TO-aMr Siijj wn l̂ !?8 ̂ 'ISAAC M. WISE, ¦ - - ¦ Edm 0f Qod.fearing men, whose object it is to the liberty to: rflfer now, and mention . ¦ - „ ., m ,. . .. M - nA • - . .. ' - *̂~.—: 7T~Z—, , n ",»,. .. ., \. t , ¦, , ,' . , ., • ¦ ' , b ii, T - . ,,, I caU on the special friend and km* Reason of man. the Umewere-n% ot JProf. Mielaber, Dr. SUvermari ions, the Eeyolutionvon the one side the Sultari of Turkey entered '̂ into in- models for the youth of future gener^ -In »nnrerIng myof th»aaTerilseiiient« lB ti.l» of these days, you are assembled t voted away to erect monuments for iho ¦.isirtheidTerttietteBtlntheJJlKBIGANlSBAELlTB. ?ame duties to perform and the same «ln order to prevent an unfortunate mento on the demise of its. honorary ready for the combat ; on the one side, miseryof the persecuted and the cruelty kings and queens of any''fprSgn coun' CoMMotficiTiokrnotrigned br the writer will ff0rk ^ ^^mplish whioh the prophet colifea^eor his family from becoming President. , the sfXsaUed higher and dominant class of Russia disgrace the nineteenth cen- tiy, whether Uving or dead." :: To .escape •^ueithor pnbiiih«a norprej erTed.

    No MBS. win mapped out for eve r̂yaynod or confer- humhuv^'',';aa "- ob]ects of charity. ' one The program for the order of business always ready to„strike on - the other, tury and outrage humanity^- ¦_ . . , : the tyrannyjof tings, queans' and poDe , ¦"

    NEWS:ITBMI3. conference united,; -You .have >ome: ber, being^WV'shaU be set Wde; as a and. thenthe session adjourned till 9 Bgainet minorities, the waK ofl' un- ECHOES FROM WASHINGTON. Se^SSer^T HerSSJS v^_~i_~ -°' . »rom {&r and :**Bh- to WMiperate with fund to De deŝ armed; multitudes against the farmed . :. - .;¦;¦ , their defendants;have labored'̂ true. " '

    Wt wonld be much obliged to thoieofonrfrleads your brethren in this ideal .cause which the Conference,' to be used only for the * •* * : : , . v, ;. and well.organized mirioriUes-in posses- —It-was-an expresBion of Frederick,- gled and 'suffe^d until they have bl' \\̂ &̂ ^^ î^^̂ ^^̂ 0^ ̂™

    mateiia! ̂

    THE FO VBTH OF JUL Ŷ $ t̂ig^ î̂ "̂ of.the. comeag^^ation: , Shall we noff be-. •dnssen, before ths tune specified. . - you are here from far and vnigh -to ad- ?v^T?„«„tw« r«n™uW' ' resignation ot sunerers—it is armed re- Jews : '-I have ij learned by the expert gin to build monuments to the deadK«w voRJ£.--Before Monday nron to «ki J ™ " i x T ' t « *'i.« h ' v v „ ,' r Bistanp^ to the oppressors. The spirit 6nde of ages' that no.man ever touched sovereigns fromi whom we have ao Z' '¦'¦^odev'tare of Aguiiar Library! .. . , vance the cause.of,¦Israel, to continue Provision must ; be. made to govern In the Bene :Ypshurun Temple,, of of freedom is there, everywhere, but that people but:he sroarted for it," a re- cently escaped ?" - > . ,P,n0r^

    ,|r t̂e^iV6&r


    » .'awfully the historic^rdevelopment: of thifl iurid,J anda committee appointed Cincinnatvthe Fourth of July wasVcelê the reactipri abo wjready to crush it, mark which the voice of .inspiration, as N: B.—Since writing the above, it has :

    Baltlmore.-Beroro Monday noon to "Dm, Judaism, to concentrate the intelligence by this Conference to propose such pro- brated during the morning service of . j1"8 '̂ 'W oPWever, is.. .but .pMiod- ,weU aa the experience of mankind, has been announced that the women whoiuj M ttown StaUon. . - .¦. •: : ftnd ehergy ; of Americ'in Judaism .in visiOns'embraciDB esrieciallv the follow- Sabbath-last, with a very large congre- !?"• and^a?:,l.0? interfered ,much with; abundantly verified.^ .God haa declared, have charge of the women's department 'Cleveland.-*. Z.Nuff,Na8BouttWat«Bt.. ,, ¦/• *¦ > . .. . . . . visions em oracing especially ine lonow-

    . . .,.,.,. -, ¦• . . i t, 6 ^ the progress of mankind in , our country by his prophets, that'v he will iudce and of the creat Columbian; Kvnmiti/w, *„ »,»•W?S



    ̂i ' ¦¦'i'Lin- r -V ft?X ?W» .rfP«>8W«. for preservation, i^ poiri

    tB : . gat.on seated under . the flag of our orev^n^our Wester^ continent -It punish^their opprMaS.™ t« not heS^̂ «SlE Ŝ ?^ftSaW^r^-r"^̂ enlightonment, humamsm'an^ freedom: ^Vhat Bhould be done to bring thie coun ̂ . «M«^^̂ *-.«d 'th« suit ev#on\t^SripSrSSH Ŝ^SsS^&t '

    ^"̂ "loiaTbSrtA™ 0"11"' B^>, *- I?^^.̂ '

    hdy^' aTOI1̂ !̂ ̂very important diaiiiv properly before At ? 0 a. h. Professor Nembaoh opened

    also among us and places: policy ; above ia quite in place to ̂ lay / before '̂ those: bellaihere, on tHi» ground that shel" a> "' ' 'c^'HSS'̂ bA^ a red

    letter day in bur calendar ? and Z^lT^^rJ^t̂TZ

    the divine aervice with ;the ; preludeTori h»manity and^

    utl ^—

    ;^ ̂

    who pin their, faith on the Bible, to call sistedjthe great navigator. ; let us hope

    ^?Wp^JMg?5SS^ ̂ ̂there not PleDty;of reason ^' p^^^ ^f ^ f̂ J^T the


    organ, the national hymn ^f^S^^^^dtS ^^^ f ^P^T "S '̂ W^H«9*^»«af 4..J. .i.~c-M4.717t_L . ¦¦¦.; ' ; . , , ¦,. . ; . ... ¦ nevolentand beneficient men and worn- . ,5 - ,- ¦..¦:.. 6 . ' • . ' and reason. . The old means of; despots I'Behold; at that tune: I will undo: all oountry iwill ; protest. If this nronnci.

    D«la*; *e*.̂ «Bchlrh«chWm;» ^


    ̂^glW, who did come 6Q ^^^ our

    reaoh ? : Without the aid ^Ŝ


    ft,0DB; tevtear asunder the human;famUy and that afflict thee ; I will- feed,them^th^t tiori^iUarried̂ out then th^Sto ' I'Pltttbnrjrh, pa.-Bo«oMi Monday noon to hithe> ?. You mightj argue : I confess 0f «,« 'rjublio thia •' Relief -Fund " will Rabbi Cbarlea Levi theji conducted into impotent factions and fractions by oppress thee with their own flesh ; and Religious Liberty should beplaced rieht ' ¦'" '. RP .«.,Ti6WMtern Aye , that thia k a holy day, a veritable 310 or . v % , » • < • : ;^ ? the usual Sabbath service, read from imposing;: high ; Sarin's on conimeroe, they shall be drunkenVwith their owh alongside of thatof Isabella^Ban Antonio, Tex.—Before Friday, Br*. ,. .. be a small affair for many years to come, , _ , : ,, ¦.¦¦¦ . . . . . , rousing the ire of races and nationalities MAn ^o= »»i, =m^t ™i«^» ri^u ;;: i'o : " ., ?tn '-Aiimn." to me as well as to you, to us as well as , .„• : ¦ ¦.. n '...• ¦.:.„ . the Thorah:the appointed sect on, and rouBlaB.vu » lre o' racMana nauonauues blood as with sweet wine (Zeph. ui. 19, , •

    ¦¦• . .̂ l^.v ̂ '¦¦ ' ¦ ¦- • ¦ ¦' ¦• ¦ -• ' ¦ ¦ -

    ¦¦ ¦- - ¦ / ¦¦"¦" ¦™w£&; V r Ti. t ^i and your Executive Committee wiU not " ^ -rsi , t. , T' * a

    one.agamst another; condemning large Isaiah xlix. 25, Ezek. xxviii. 26).. Have L00i^»M?-' V -'¦ ¦¦¦¦> ..- . . - - - - to eyeryone ("KV).who fears the Lord be liable to offer much reUef to any »uu- ^en the^eplaration of Independence. . clauses on account of feldnies or misde- the. nations, then; no reason to tremble? Mr- GaB Wallenstein, of Richmond, ,THE CENTRAL CONFERENCE and is in full sympathy with bur sacred fortunate colleakue or his family " al The Thorah having been returned to meanors of eoriie individuals, denouno- And especially that one that carries ori Va > ^ visiting ¦"

    Conference and the numerous guests , The A^°°latT :̂ £*̂ Ĵ&

    m - '¦ Another very important obiect of tW ^W-of .̂ ^ntoy,

    waa after

    earthly 'ppwer can change ita;&tn>#^ the greatest:portion of Southern Russia £wh Dreyfous, Benj. Dreyfous, Albert . ,' ¦wiin :l,^- «Ai.«W-ifii --.-'• fi. - • ference. of American-ltabbis, with-the _ An?tner Tef? important ooj ect ot t,ne Vard _ based,., was then and there of Whoever has eyes must see that this the "outlook iV dismal. Ministerial xe- Oettinger, Miltp n and Moses Baer and .;

    ^vrho had oome tp' ^tnesB -̂

    the-exercises. members elected this year by the Exec- Conference is its; annual publication, the local importance only. In an isolated iB not the work pf man, riot the' work ports say that the winter crop in South Jphn Lapg. . They^were a happy crowd, '"However instead of the lyric portion,; utiye Qommittee, reaohes. close to one ^ear-Book, tbe first of . which ia in your corner of ̂ he^arth, in the primitive surely of: human reason and energy. and Eist Russia perished by frost. •• bent on a worthy act of charity.. there iollowed.the fpllowing prosaic and :hunir>,a ,n.,3-, nxm ttlT Mnt.1Pm^ Woll nands, and it appears to ,me

    : a decided ^eatspf

    A orth. America, that great in: ;Those good men .who framed this De- Famine is already visible in ther faces' Mr.' Solomon .Coleman, ypungest son - .dry -matter , of: fact statement by the ̂ f̂ 2 •

    g ̂

    of the peasantry in Kostroma. Disease °f Moses and Cora-Coleman " departed .,President in the form of ftri JLi™ *lt»&Uii m American . congregations,

    aucoess, a nigniy usemi cpmnpution , to ple> nd not.all of these received it w th not imagiHe .that this^ instrument would has broken out. The only food is oat- this life J*une 25th, ;aged fifteen years,president in^the form of an opening

    ̂the exCeption . of one . located in every rabbx s library, It/furnishes him. unalloyed gladness/and hearty apbroba;: revolufee^ the world, and yet ;it did; r^alS^with treo bark W shnilar v

    Mr.,Sam Goldstein has gone for aaddress-as;He is opposed , to every Cftnada and one in Curacao, West In- not pnly with the transactions of this tion T>?^munitude

    of humanity that . Who dictated these words of salvation ingredients. .In Kazf, among iridigerite Bea l v0 ̂ .presidents message except that of the A- n^,. rirnBf;nfl t n * .„„ •«„„ :_." tlli _ reverend body: arid the papers, read , in heard of it, as; did England, denounced to those prophets in ?hiladelphia, -if it receiving meals : gratis, are 146 noble- -The repent electioris-in lodges resultedPresident of the United Btateo: « ̂ P«peo«


    in to,

    ^^^^ ^^.̂.̂ ^ ̂ ; rt» the apt^ioa-pf taoBtwiw ^Mtlie'̂ God vhb^oolj imei m.«iaOd?0 prie.S ̂ " Q otler diBttiot.: »««w,:'. '

    rwTW™ . p. - ' n body the maj ority of American rabbis >.ae.V°nl«ence ouc wso witn ̂ B.-Alex -. . CoiwuawB, F^nds, Bbmhrek : is very good, arid may be realized-in a ^^ f

    Conferences and

    Synpds.of ha^ grown eut;pf it? ' " ¦¦ Moses and the TPropbets of Israel? ^n th^ j S coSa^ovriopbi » Aidant j


    Peyser, ^ce-lt was one of the sacred bards who very short time. " The object, however, our ce*W*7 in France, Germany and _: The sequence of . this. Declaration of -Who, if not the same Gt»d, gave "this many people are dying-^- of hunger and 'President; 3 uliuŝ Abbott, Recordingsaid : "I will speak of thy testimonies is to unite all that agree with - us in America' important , documenta.which

    Independence is npw;.before us here in mighty impulse to the inhabitants of hundreds have to huddle together'; sev^ Secretary; Moses Cohen; Financial See-before kinga and will not be ashamed'- nrmcinle as laid down ^learlv and di H hitherto did :not exiat in the English -̂TV

    nftf .10n °' tt! y'i Jami?Dgi the ^e.American . .fores^

    and ish>ped the eral families in one'room, for the sake "taryj^;Sigmund ̂ Kaufman , Treasurer ; ¦

    rP«»1m« „if a*; asnamed pnncip e, as laid down plearly and dis-

    ^ . .

    00mniied in on« fivil ied nahons of the world,. the larg- «nds to work oiit the salvation revealed of warmth. Some papers have adver- ^ Cohen.and J. R ce; Guardians.(Psalms cix. 46), tmctly in the first Year Book. We must

    ̂ tUemente of chUdren ?or sate The «ov- Graoe Aguiiar No; 117, I. 0. B. B.- '¦wanrfl̂ BTli Tmn 'mj iHi have peace in our midst. Nor can we, ,volume m an{ otner ^nguage;

    This in -our country vrith its .65,000,000 of days,-of yore through Abraham, ̂Moses; erriment is taking - precautions -against : Her^Hbfia, President; Morris Price,a«Hi ' t on, » m. ? *v -j j x. as men of principle, enter upon ttriy

    latter Pwt of,toe W0lk waB don» b^ and^ hii other.:organs of expeoted revojts. Taxes are collected Vice-President; J. P. Hemau . ' Recbrd-and I am aware that this guided the

    ^-a^lj -ul, thifl or ̂_ arJ Grpssmann, of Detroit ; Dr. Schwab, of enlightenmept, inventive genius, enter- reyelktipn? If the plan,, the^impulse; with the usual regularity, and faUure to "ig SepretaryV -H: Michaels,, Financialprophete, and shouldbe canon to every ^mPromiBe

    to Ptease tHiB .or that party. Dr. Sohreiber of Little Pn?e and ^paralleled , wealth and the shaping of the ends from: the begin- pfty is" visited with severe flogging: Secretary ; M: Hoffa , Treasurer ; L. ,

    upright and . faithful Israelite. Yet I To ua, as to our ancestora, !fc is a funda- K^^ h^w^5^t^ .« P™spe^^

    feel ^ome hesitancy to rise in this au- mmU* rul° ̂̂ ' J™&)

    ' "wllBt" nf S fW^rT T^I iw wi?% ?! ̂

    dePendenc?t " . - . gently there is :in ':the; government of eral casea:#d4ath from absolute .'want ¦ *# No, 413^

    I. O. B. B:-Androw .««t assamblv tun Ssî 7 a "«« «ut«a or observance bas grown

    of thlfl c«>nference. The vfhole was ; South o u.̂ .we have a chain of^^repu>^ Providence ¦ universal ^ necessity and among the poorer classea have been cov^ Hellb^P. President; Louis Hirsoh,gust a^semwy-pai Djo fto-and-ex- o f iBrftel :a kw » and suoix ^ n

    _ ed. ted and published by your Hon. "csdowpt to Patagonia,.f r ee ̂ countries, individual ireedom then -; we' muaj ered up by the authorities as being; en- Vice-President; Norman Luchs, Record-ercise the privilege of first flpokesman; , . , . * . „' on(7Bl ¦«„,*»,,«„„ ¦ Secretary, Dr. Philipson, who certainly ™ady *o become the hpi^e of as many Bep . in this Declaration. ¦ ¦'pf, Inde- tirely^ attributable to disBase. , There: is in8 Secretary ; D. Spitzer, , Financialto vrhich nothing entitles me besides *e ";- \- 'the golden garbs of ethical thought . . „• w* ;. .. the Miniaters' Association of New York H°iei?pftu E^roPe ^

    an } *u ^w, it Vftti 'a iwg of joy the Passover, hy^ No,. : 167,

    with the artistical apparatusof logic, the ,!" aoove. or beyond toeir & _joinitv ., toen took more weeks tnaii it takes now^ and aitor the close of the service^theju- have managed to deceive^a^^

    flowers and arabesques of relieious sen- oollea«uea' to be ** ̂̂ '^oftbe majority of theNew ; York > ^that (ile -rSy oSs^ave U

    \^^J : > ¦ ..V ' excellency of this august assembly and f , . ° , deve 8riJ taite Joi,«, two popular so-Chanina liSit' vTZZ i » law aCcu ̂

    to the *