THE WASHINGTON HERALD TUESDAY JUNE 2 1908 J r 5 I I Woodward Lothrop New will close at p m daily until further notice Boys Wash Suits About Half Price that for quality style fit and finish these suits are greatly superior to any other make We have secured direct from the makers a large lot of Regatta Wash Suits and Trousers which we place on sale today at about onehalf the usual prices They are flew fresh goods all of this seasons production and at the special prices are exceptional values glk Russian and Sailor Suits of plain white Eng lish galateas and fancy chambrays sizes up to ir years rSh 245 each MM Values 400 and 450 Russian and Sailor Suits of plain white and fancy chambrays and English galateas sizes up to 10 years 165 each Values 300 to 375 Fancy Russian and Sailor Suits of Eng lish galateas and ducks handsomely braided or plain up to 10 115 each Values 200 to 275 A small lot of Norfolk Jacket Suits with Knickerbocker trousers of fine plain white duck sizes 8 to 17 250ach 395 40 dozen pairs Linen and Crash Knicker- bockers sizes 9 to 16 65c a pair Regular value 100 40 dozen pairs Chambray and English Gal atea Bloomers sizes 3 to 10 45c a pair Regular value 75c of ManoWar Trousers of fine white drilling cub broad at bottom buttoned across front sizes 3 to ji Special price 85c a pair I Regularvalue 200 Third flU REGATTA Another Sale of Silk Dresses At 1075 Each f E have just received another f lot of Silk Dresses which we offer same as last week at about half the usual price There are Princess Dresses with lace guimpe and sleeves and Jump- er Dresses in several attractive styles with self and fluffy lace trim- mings Pretty foulards and rajahs in stripes and polka dots various sizes in single and fluster effects Skirts are all of the full kilted model very wide and trimmed with taffeta bands Colors included the rajahs and foulards are Copen- hagen and navy blue with white brown with white leather white reseda with white black with white and there are various pretty combinations There are all sizes in the lot This is the best and most impressive purchase of Silk Dresses is really a most extraordinary one 1075 for Choice Regular Price 2000 Third floor G st LOTHROP j r YorkWASHINGTONParisS- tore 5 familiar with the Regatta brand r Value Alot oJ lloorTenth with- I we have ever made and the value 4 30 EVERY one F REGATTA X t k J AL1 l IIc11Iull11IiA 45 t ivtwriiiiiij vJ I k V k in- i i II 0 I t I t k k I 2 I I 4 E4- a q WOODWARD ° ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ IN THE SOCIAL WORLD- Mr JusticeHarlan Celebrates His Birthday DIPLOMATIC EXODUS BEGINS Mlnlntcr Lnflnur of Uruguay with Mmc Lnilnnr Goes to Chicago to Attend Convention Before Opening Summer Home on North Minn Mabel C Vnddy a Bride Mr Justice Harlan was tho ucst of honor at a reception tendered last even- ing In celebration of his seventyfifth birthday by Mr Charles Henry Butler In tho latters home in I street Tho guests were received In the front drawingroom by Mrs Butler and her daughter Mrs Edward Heald assisted by Mrs Harlan Mrs Brewer wife of Mr Justice Brewer Mrs Brown wife of Mr Justice Brown retired Mme Nabuco wife of the Brazilian Ambassador Mrs Bryco wife of the British Ambassador Mrr Bonaparte wife of the Attorney General Mrs Straus wife of tho Secre tary of Commerce and Labor Mrs Stan- ley Matthews wife of the late Mr Jus tlco Matthews Mrs John W roster Mrs Robert Shaw Oliver Mrs Truman H Newborry Mrs Huntington Wilson Mrs Brownson Mrs Julian Jams Mrs Charles A Spalding Mrs James Brown Scott Mrs Richard Harlow Mrs Alph eus H Snow Mrs Charles Wood Mrs Zallnskl Mrs Wallace Radcllffe Mrs Ed ward T Sanford Mrs Richard Harlan Mrs James Harlan Mrs Tooker Miss Strong Brownson and Miss Ruth Harlan Tho birthday had a place of honor between tIle second drawingroom and tile library It was of generous propor- tions a huge whlto mound decorated with two pink roses seventyfive can- dles and the flags of Kentucky New York and the Union representing the birthplaces of tho guest of honor the host and their Joint country respect- ively After viewing the cako the guests pass- ed Into the library where they were pre- sented to the distinguished jurist by the host Among the guosts wore Mr Chief Justice Fuller Mr Justice McKenna Mr Justice Holmes Mr Justice Day Mr Justice Moody Mr James Bryce the British Ambassador Mr Joaqulm Nabuco tho Brazilian Ambassador Baron Taka hlra the Japanese Ambassador M Jus sorand tho French Ambassador Attor ney General Bonaparte and the Secretary- of Commerco and Labor Mr Straus Mr Justice and Mrs Harlan and their daughters will leave shortly for their summer home in Canada at Murray Bay whore they have gone for many the bracing air nail rigorous outdoor life of which resort is responsible in some degree for the remarkable health and strength of Judge Harlan In his advanced years Mr Justice and Mrs Harlan aro among the oldest and most prominent of Wash- ington residents the former having boon called hero many years ago to his seat in the highest court In this country Mr Justice and Mrs Harlan celebrated their golden wedding In Washington about a year ago They have not only been Identified with tho stately Supreme Court circle but also with the old resi- dent sot owing to Mrs Harlans work among the charitable organizations of the city and their Joint work In tho Now York Avenue Presbyterian Church and the Church of the Covenant when the latter was a young mission The Uruguayan Minister and La finur left Washington yesterday for Chi cago where they will remain until after the convention They will go later to the North Shore of Massachusetts or to Bar Harbor for the remainder of tho summer to whichever place they can obtain a suitable cottage for the legation Mr and Mrs Henry Cleveland Perkins have closed their Washington homo and have gone to their summer homo In the Berkshlres at Williamstown Miss Mabel Corinne Wfcddy oC Alex andrla was married yesterday afternoon- to Mr George Beale Road jr of Rose Villa Rlvordalo Md ho ceremony was performed at 5 oclock in the passonage of the Mount Vernon Methodist Episcopal Church by Rev J H wells pastor The bride wore her traveling gown and tho bride and bridegroom left Immediately after the ceremony for the new country place recently purchased by the bride groom at Brooklawn Md whore they will spend their honeymoon The engagement is announced of Miss Meta May Wlstoad daughter of Mrs M 0 Wlnstoad if Rocky Mount N C to Dr J Lane Carlton of Salisbury N C The wedding will take place on Juno 9 at 11 oclock la the morning in the home of tiigjiridcs mother After a brief wed ding journey the bride and bridegroom will make their home in Salisbury Miss Wlnstead has spent several winters In Washington with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs George B King and has made many friends here She has spent her time studying music with one of the local teachers and is gifted by the lyric muse Mr and Mrs William Bruce King who have spent the past winter Atlantic City where they had a cottage and had their children with them have gone to their summer home at Bluemont Va Mr Kings health which has been very bad for the past eight months Is what Improved and it is believed the mountain air of his country place will completely restore him Mrs Frederick Cole Fairbanks spent tho winter In California with Mr Fairbanks came East with him ten days ago and stopped in Plttsburg to bo pres ent at the wedding of her sister Miss CUT GLASS For June Brides stock of Rich Cut Glass ware will greatly facilitate the selection of appropriate Wed ding Gifts GALT BRO Established Over a Century Jewellers Silversmiths Stationers 1107 Penna Ave S HELLERS NEXT WIGS OF ALL SHADES AT LOW PRICES Switches at Reduced Prices 5350 BOLD AT PUBSENT 5250- JgW SOLD AT PRESENT JL50- JSW 5M Gray as AT frw 720 SEVENTH STREET N W Mess cake ear take I Mm n some who AN inspection of our complete Shore FORTHE j 90 DAYS sue T ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HE IS SEVENTYFIVE YEARS I YOpNG I MR JUSTICE HARLAN Margaret Murray Scott to Mr Edward while Mr Fairbanks came on to Washington and spent a week with his parents the Vice President and Mrs Fairbanks The charge daffaires of Slam Mr RutanaynpU and tho First Secretary of the Legation and Mrs EdwanlLoftus left Washington yesterday for the sum- mer quarters of tho logatlon which will be established In a cottage on Cape Ann on the North Shore of Massachusetts at Rocks where the Siamese Legation has been quartered for many summers The Misses Flora and Nona Collman of Riggs place and the Misses Grossman of Mount Pleasant left Washington yes- terday afternoon for a prolonged West- ern trip They will be met in Chicago by Mrs Devtne a cousin of the Misees Collman who will be their guest and chaperon through the West They will visit Denver and other points in and then go on to California and be absent about tour months Dr and Mrs Woodbury Pulslfor left Washington yesterday for their summer home on the coast of Maine Mrs John A Logan Is receiving much sympathy and attention from her many friends because of injuries she received lest Friday evening when alighting from a car in front of her apartment in Stonelolgh Court She had spent the evening with Mrs Lowden wife of Rep- resentative Lowdon of Illinois and re- turned to her apartment in the car Al though not seriously injured Mrs Logan was badly bruised and she will be con- fined to her room for a fortnight Representative and Mrs Frank O Lowdon of Illinois who gave up Calu met Place tho home of Mrs John A Logan several weeks ago and had an apartment a the Wlllard left Washing- ton yesterday morning for their home in Illinois Slhsisslppi Farm several hun- dred mites from Chicago This is one of the finest estates in the West Pull- man mother of Mrs Lowden who res turned to the farm with tho Lowden children several weeks ago will sail for Europe on 18 for the summer Mr and Mrs Thomas T Gaff loft yes- terday for their summer home at Ostor vllle Mass where they will remain dur ing the summer months Mrs Richard S Ely and Mrs George- E Wilder have closed their home In N street and are in New York previous to making their summer plans Col Oliver Payne of New York brother of the first Mrs William C Whitney has leased tho Newport resi- dence of the United States Ambassador- to France and Mrs Henry White for the summer and will establish hlmsoll there quite early In the season Col Payne has visited Newport frequently but has never before been a cottager there Motor or auto picnics are as much the fashion In Europe as they are In Washington and New York The United States Ambassador to Rome and Mrs Lloyd Griscom are having a series of such entertainments for their American friends who visit Rome during the early summer days Instead of the conven tional dinner or luncheon they invito the visitors for an auto ride with din- ner at one of the many suburban re treats and outoftheway places so fasci nating to foreign travelers Dr Daniel C Gilman president emeritus of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore was entertained in this fashion by them last week Mr and Mrs Frank Mitchell of this city and the latters daught Miss Hare who went abroad some weeks ago arc established at the Berkeley In Lon don for some weeks They are enter- taining elaborately there Bass Colo- rado Mrs June S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Mrs Charles Page Bryan wife of the American Minister to Portugal Is vis- iting on the Continent She Is now In Paris but will go in a short time to London Mrs Wllllum Moore a former resident of Washington who has lived In Paris for many years in a handsome home In the Avenue du Bola entertained a num I ¬ ¬ ber of American friends at dinner in the Hotel Ritz last week asking distin- guished Parisians and foreign diplomats- to meet them One of the most promising organizations- In London Is the new AngloAmerican- Club recently formed Their clubhouse was formally opened last week by Cora Lady Stafford onc of the American lead- ers In British society It is situated In Grosvenor Court Davies street Bond street and Is expected to be especially useful to Americans staying In London for a month or longer each year The club hag a country house Sur- rey where there aro tennis courts golf links and other means of diversion with reception rooms and sleeping apartments Preparations are being made for a cele bration there on July 4 At the opening of the clubhouse there wore present oct annexIn ¬ ¬ ¬ Mrs Potter Palmer Mrs Hamilton Mo Cormick Lady Stafford Mrs John Mackay Mrs Morgan Richards and Lady Duff Gordon The newlyappointed Ambassador to Berlin from this country and Mrs David Jayne Hill are expected to arrive In Ber- lin this week the retiring Ambassador and Mrs Tower having taken their leave after being elaborately entertained by their large circle of friends there Miss Emily Tuckerman has to her summer home at Stockbrttf Mass and opened Her place there for Maj Gen and Mrs Charlie Hiywood have gone to Atlantic City and are at the Strand Mr and Mrs Hull and Mb Hull have gone for a short stay at the clubhouse in Tuxedo before opening their cottage there They spent tho greater part of the season in Washington with Mr Hulls soninlaw and daughter Representative and Mrs Richmond Pearson Hobson Senator and Mrs W Murray Crane who left Washington early last week opened their new home in Dalton Mass last Saturday Col and Mrs Charles A Boynton and their daughter are spending a fortnight- at Craig Hall Atlantic City Mr Charles H Johnson has gone to Now York where he wjll be married to morrow to Miss Edna B Crawford of Mr and Mrs John Crawford for merly of this city now of the metropolis The ceremony will be performed in the Manhattan Hotel The bride wilt have two matrons of honor her sister Mrs George Le BoutiHler of Cincinnati and Mrs Louis A Greenly of Portland Oreg and another sister Miss Hazel Crawford will be the maid of honor Mr William Kurtz Johnson of this city will ba his brothers best man and the ushers will bo Mr Richard A Johnson and Mr Oliver Perry Johnson brothers of the bridegroom Dr Hugh Holmes McGuire brotherinlaw of tho bridegroom and Mr John H Edwards of New York Dr and Mrs George S Duncan of 23M Seventh street northeast have issued In- vitations for a reception to the members of the Presbyterian Ministers Associa- tion and their wives for next Friday Juno 6 from 4 to 7 p m Mrs Mary E of Hlllsboro Va is the house guest of Mrs Inez 13G5 Pennsylvania avenue southeast Miss Margaret Norfleet Burgos or Southampton County Va Is visiting her sister Mrs Guy O Mason at 721 Twenty second street northwest Dr and Mrs C H Bench with their baby and a nurse leave today for Escu lonia Ky for June hoping to improve the doctors health SEVEN TO BE CONFIRMED Seven young men and women will be confirmed In the Jewish faith at the Eighth Street Temple Friday morning at 10 oclock by Dr Abram Simon and Dr Stern rabbis of the congregation The confirmants on the occasion will say prayers or speak as follows Miss Selma Selinger Crowning of the scroll Miss Rose Breslauer Gift of the Bibles Miss Cora Colman Floral offering Miss Johanna Adler Address to parents Edwin Hollander Opening prayer Edward Smith Closing pray- er and Julian Jackson Prayer before the ark Receptions at the houses of the various conflrmants will take place following tho ceremony gORe the sum mOl daugh- ter White Hamilton ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FOR HOT SUMMER DA1 COOL KIMONOS I = = = = = 139 Long Kimonos 119 Long Kimonos made of good quality lawn in neat designs made In a number of different styles cut full width and length all sizes Special 125 Long Kimonos 98c Long Kimonos in blue pink and black and white some made with Dutch neck and fitted back others with yoke full length and fO width sizes 3G to 46 Stfe f 1 1 n fP P C S BIG HERE International Lodge Begins Triennial Sessions FROM ALL PARTS OP WORLD International Chief Templar Way rliiMky of Sweden Comes to Prc side Over Distinguished Gathering Congress of National Order to Fol- low Session of World Organization Delegates of the International Order of Good Tempters cftntft into Washington all day and last night over- land or water or both to b present at the aeeeloits of the International Supreme Lodge which will open this morning ai 10 oclock at the Pythian Temple Com- missioner Maciarland may open the session- It is expected that the number of the representatives of the international or der will reach m at the convention The gathering of the International dele gates takes trienniallY Washing- ton having been selected at the meeting three years ago for the present sessions The membership of this order numbers something like 809000 and one delegate- is sent to the gathering for every thou- sand members or a major fraction thereof A reat effort is made to have the fullest poaelbte number of represent- atives on hand and in ease one here or there cannot attend his vote in the con- ference is tendered to another delegate who serves as his proxy The sessions of the International Su- preme Lodge will finally adjourn on June 10 Following this adjournment will be held a congress or the national order for an indefinite period until the business in band is gone over At this session there will in all likelihood be present about 500 delgates Welcomed to Washington Capt J C Daley grand chief templar for the District of Columbia and Rev E C Dinwiddie a w u as other members of the local grand lodge welcomed the incoming InternatIonal officers and dele- gates yesterday An Informal reception was held at the headquarters of the or- ganization the Hotel and the members of the District executive com- mittee were presented to the Interna- tional executive conynlttee and courte- sies were generally extended Among the interesting figures who will take part In the sessions is Mr Edward Wavrinslty international chief templar who has come the way from his home in Sweden to attend Mr Wavrlnsky is a member of Swedens Parliament CoL Benjamin F Parker international secre- tary and Mr Guy Hayler international electoral superintendent also in town A largo delegation from England headed by International Put Chief Templar and Counselor J Malin of Birmingham Will also be present ae will Prof Lars O Jensen of Norway international coun- selor Miss J Foray th of Boston Inter- national superintendent of juvenile work and Mr George W Cotterill of Seftttto the head of the National Order of Good Templars Will Settle District Row Among matters of local interest which will come before he body is toe settle- ment of a squabble brought about by the refusal by one of the fourteen District of Columbia lodges to comply with the rules of the order in certain respects This and other questions of importance will be taken up and settled President Roosevelt has signified hi willingness to meet the delegates in a body and probably on one of the early days of the session the Good Templars will call at the White House A boat excursion to River View on June 8 vari- ous automobile trips and a trolley ride to Great Falls have been planned for the amusement of the visitors x Local Grand Secretary J P McManu has given out the following order of busi ness After the session convene the roll call of oflicers will take place the credentials committee will then report and the In- ternational Supreme Lodge decree will be conferred on those entitled thereto the committee on arrangements will then make Its recommendations On Tuesday afternoon Mr Wavrlasky will probably present triennial report other reports will then be read The second day is generally devoted to the reading and consideration of reports of various committees The thirds day will probably be ghen over to refcrei UGh Memorials more reports and mis- cellaneous business will fill out the fourth days schedule On the flfth day the re- ports of the treasurer of mterions In the eastern hemisphere and other reports will be taken up Choose Next Meeting Place The order of business for the seventh day will be the selection of the time and place for the next session tie report of the committee on appeals sad the instal- lation of newly elected officers The local executive committee will pre- sent to every member a handsome sou- venir publication containing the history of the order Openair meetings mass meetings and other exercises will be held during the session Arrangements for these have not been completed as yet MARRIED WITH AN EFFORT Bridegroom Return front Iloclcvllle to Get Parents Consent Milton H Woodden and Miss Lottie E Allison of Washington went to Rock Md yesterday to be married Being under the legal age the young man was compelled to return Wash- ington to get the written consent of his parents while tha young woman patient- ly awaited his roturn The couple wore then married by Rev S R White tho bridegroom remarking ho had put In a full days work in the effort TEMP ARS YI8 day place all Freda 11 aJe his o I last- ing s rub ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ s w iI 198 Long Kimonos 1175 Made of fine batiste lawn In dainty designs in a number of dif- ferent styles some with yokes und rows of some with round yoke neatly ffit fjr made sizes 36 to 44 Special iP 148 Lawn Wrappers 125 Made of good quality lawn in black and white dots and crossbar some made with Dutch neck short sleeves others with high 5 rg K collar sizes 36 to 46 Special J Ai U j I and I V I I C J i ¬ DULIN MARTIN CO Gifts is not neces with at this store While we are noted for handling the most elegant wares we also show a great variety of gilt pieces that are highly desirable in design and quality yet very moderately priced The newest and finest pro ductions in DECORATED CHINA RICH CUT GLASS GOLD DECORATED GLASS ROCK CRYSTAL GLASS STERLING SILVER BRASS NOVELTIES KOOKAVOOD POTTBUY TECO POTTERY iC E7Your Inspection Invited Dulin Martin Porcateto CMna Glass Star 1215 F St and 121418 G St Cooling E Sarsaparilla Summer Soda Claret Grape Juice Drinks Raspberry Vinegar c Delicious thirst quenchers- for hot weather a supply on hand t Seasonable Table Delica cies in greatest variety G G Son Wholesale and Retail Grocers 141016 Penna Ave The Largest Music House the South DROOP SONS CO The Home of the Steinway Piano 923925 Pa Ave N W wm tre frn n 4 of wa K yea BUKN TtMRpmrt IBM Powder insect ta TI bat effect m enters or lOc 15e e We Thompson Pharmacy Frank C Henry Prop 703 15th 1 I- X l IREAM TASTES LIKE Having will wdl to bat at up the to c W make VERY SPECIAL to cweaniarttons so Sherbets rt deWing M T FUSSELL 1427 Ave Phone M 1513 Painless Extract ing Free When Teeth Are Ordered SPECIAL THIS WEEK F10 Set Teeth 5700 5700 Set Teeth 300 DR PATTONS UNION DENTAL PARLORS 910 F Stroot N W Quality Cream Ices Small Fancy Cakes 815 10th Street N W SSStt SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES I Stenography Boott puiic Typo wrtuos UnitMM BnnchM 7 Ktrrld Course Next CiviL bernie Kxuainadon July 27 IMP NEW YOUK XV STRAYERS BUSINESS COLLEGE lltli and F St N W OUR STJMMKU SESSION IS NOW OPEN peel attention gitrti all nenoM wl le ir j of taking tip any of the brunette B k Kup1 alculatiofts Arithmetic Spelling Coct i nd and Grammar hl prevention Rjrrulty llay and ntett school now pen EaroU at auy Catalogue fret seut to undents iiomes 24th Year of Success In AVnahla ton The Berlitz School of Languages 23 Wth St N Trial Lesson Free Grand Prizes St LouIs 04 LIege 03 French German Spanish Vntlvr Teachers When you have lost or found anything telephone an advertisement to The Wash- ington Herald and bill will be sent you at 1 cent a word Rich For June BRIDES RICHNEss Co- P tter Ginger Ale Cornwell I In E lJ F I Store Room II Thomps ns bp Pow er sad MIll I 11S ELLS THOSE Fussells the naaaeeet of church 1IOdals fesliTeb Ice Cream and e crem- E7 Adequate deUftrr fadlidee NY I Ice an Ihilltry n writin lHni tiM t c s t Your theN St iDa o sU nel tite Reliable met Ahdh ns laws plr oven price r j quintities Thr are keep a V ¬ ¬ < === = = = = = = = = ¬ << ¬ = <

Boys Wash Suits About - Library of Congress · of ManoWar Trousers of fine white drilling cub broad at bottom buttoned across front sizes 3 to ji ... Mr Kings health which has been

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Page 1: Boys Wash Suits About - Library of Congress · of ManoWar Trousers of fine white drilling cub broad at bottom buttoned across front sizes 3 to ji ... Mr Kings health which has been


r 5I I

Woodward LothropNew

will close at p m daily until further notice

Boys Wash Suits AboutHalf Price

that for quality style fit and finishthese suits are greatly superior to any other make

We have secured direct from the makers alarge lot of Regatta Wash Suits and Trouserswhich we place on sale today at about onehalfthe usual prices They are flew fresh goods allof this seasons production and at the specialprices are exceptional values

glk Russian and Sailor Suits of plain white English galateas and fancy chambrays sizes up toir years

rSh 245 eachMM Values 400 and 450

Russian and Sailor Suits of plain white andfancy chambrays and English galateas sizes upto 10 years

165 eachValues 300 to 375

Fancy Russian and Sailor Suits of English galateas and ducks handsomely braided orplain up to 10

115 eachValues 200 to 275

A small lot of Norfolk Jacket Suits withKnickerbocker trousers of fine plain white ducksizes 8 to 17

250ach 395

40 dozen pairs Linen and Crash Knicker-bockers sizes 9 to 16

65c a pair Regular value 100

40 dozen pairs Chambray and English Galatea Bloomers sizes 3 to 10

45c a pair Regular value 75c

of ManoWar Trousers of fine whitedrilling cub broad at bottom buttoned acrossfront sizes 3 to ji

Special price 85c a pairI Regularvalue 200Third flU


Another Sale of Silk DressesAt 1075 Each

f E have just received another

f lot of Silk Dresses which

we offer same as last

week at about half the usual price

There are Princess Dresses with

lace guimpe and sleeves and Jump-

er Dresses in several attractivestyles with self and fluffy lace trim-

mings Pretty foulards and rajahsin stripes and polka dots various

sizes in single and fluster effectsSkirts are all of the full kilted

model very wide and trimmed with

taffeta bands Colors included

the rajahs and foulards are Copen-

hagen and navy blue with white

brown with white leather

white reseda with white black withwhite and there are various prettycombinations There are all sizes

in the lot This is the best and most

impressive purchase of Silk Dresses

is really a most extraordinary one

1075 for ChoiceRegular Price 2000

Third floor G st





tore 5

familiar with the Regatta brand







we have ever made and the value








k JAL1

l IIc11Iull11IiA 45t ivtwriiiiiij

vJ Ik




iII 0



I t k



I I 4











Mr JusticeHarlan CelebratesHis Birthday


Mlnlntcr Lnflnur of Uruguay withMmc Lnilnnr Goes to Chicago toAttend Convention Before OpeningSummer Home on NorthMinn Mabel C Vnddy a Bride

Mr Justice Harlan was tho ucst ofhonor at a reception tendered last even-ing In celebration of his seventyfifthbirthday by Mr Charles Henry ButlerIn tho latters home in I street

Tho guests were received In the frontdrawingroom by Mrs Butler and herdaughter Mrs Edward Heald assisted byMrs Harlan Mrs Brewer wife of MrJustice Brewer Mrs Brown wife of MrJustice Brown retired Mme Nabucowife of the Brazilian Ambassador MrsBryco wife of the British AmbassadorMrr Bonaparte wife of the AttorneyGeneral Mrs Straus wife of tho Secretary of Commerce and Labor Mrs Stan-ley Matthews wife of the late Mr Justlco Matthews Mrs John W rosterMrs Robert Shaw Oliver Mrs TrumanH Newborry Mrs Huntington WilsonMrs Brownson Mrs Julian Jams MrsCharles A Spalding Mrs James BrownScott Mrs Richard Harlow Mrs Alpheus H Snow Mrs Charles Wood MrsZallnskl Mrs Wallace Radcllffe Mrs Edward T Sanford Mrs Richard HarlanMrs James Harlan Mrs Tooker MissStrong Brownson and Miss RuthHarlan

Tho birthday had a place of honorbetween tIle second drawingroom andtile library It was of generous propor-tions a huge whlto mound decoratedwith two pink roses seventyfive can-dles and the flags of Kentucky NewYork and the Union representing thebirthplaces of tho guest of honor thehost and their Joint country respect-ively

After viewing the cako the guests pass-ed Into the library where they were pre-sented to the distinguished jurist by thehost Among the guosts wore Mr ChiefJustice Fuller Mr Justice McKennaMr Justice Holmes Mr Justice DayMr Justice Moody Mr James Bryce theBritish Ambassador Mr Joaqulm Nabucotho Brazilian Ambassador Baron Takahlra the Japanese Ambassador M Jussorand tho French Ambassador Attorney General Bonaparte and the Secretary-of Commerco and Labor Mr Straus

Mr Justice and Mrs Harlan and theirdaughters will leave shortly for theirsummer home in Canada at Murray Baywhore they have gone for manythe bracing air nail rigorous outdoor lifeof which resort is responsible in somedegree for the remarkable health andstrength of Judge Harlan In his advancedyears

Mr Justice and Mrs Harlan aro amongthe oldest and most prominent of Wash-ington residents the former having booncalled hero many years ago to hisseat in the highest court In this countryMr Justice and Mrs Harlan celebratedtheir golden wedding In Washingtonabout a year ago They have not onlybeen Identified with tho stately SupremeCourt circle but also with the old resi-dent sot owing to Mrs Harlans workamong the charitable organizations of thecity and their Joint work In tho NowYork Avenue Presbyterian Church andthe Church of the Covenant when thelatter was a young mission

The Uruguayan Minister and Lafinur left Washington yesterday for Chicago where they will remain until afterthe convention They will go later to theNorth Shore of Massachusetts or to BarHarbor for the remainder of tho summerto whichever place they can obtain asuitable cottage for the legation

Mr and Mrs Henry Cleveland Perkinshave closed their Washington homo andhave gone to their summer homo In theBerkshlres at Williamstown

Miss Mabel Corinne Wfcddy oC Alexandrla was married yesterday afternoon-to Mr George Beale Road jr of RoseVilla Rlvordalo Md ho ceremony wasperformed at 5 oclock in the passonage

of the Mount Vernon Methodist EpiscopalChurch by Rev J H wells pastor Thebride wore her traveling gown and thobride and bridegroom left Immediatelyafter the ceremony for the new countryplace recently purchased by the bridegroom at Brooklawn Md whore they willspend their honeymoon

The engagement is announced of MissMeta May Wlstoad daughter of Mrs M

0 Wlnstoad if Rocky Mount N C toDr J Lane Carlton of Salisbury N CThe wedding will take place on Juno 9

at 11 oclock la the morning in the homeof tiigjiridcs mother After a brief wedding journey the bride and bridegroomwill make their home in Salisbury MissWlnstead has spent several winters InWashington with her uncle and aunt Mrand Mrs George B King and has mademany friends here She has spent hertime studying music with one of thelocal teachers and is gifted by the lyricmuse

Mr and Mrs William Bruce King whohave spent the past winter AtlanticCity where they had a cottage and hadtheir children with them have gone totheir summer home at Bluemont VaMr Kings health which has been verybad for the past eight months Iswhat Improved and it is believed themountain air of his country place willcompletely restore him

Mrs Frederick Cole Fairbanksspent tho winter In California with MrFairbanks came East with him ten daysago and stopped in Plttsburg to bo present at the wedding of her sister Miss

CUT GLASSFor June Brides

stock of Rich Cut Glassware will greatly facilitate theselection of appropriate Wedding Gifts

GALT BROEstablished Over a Century

Jewellers Silversmiths Stationers1107 Penna Ave


WIGS OF ALL SHADES AT LOW PRICESSwitches at Reduced Prices


Grayas AT











AN inspection of our complete



sue T




















Margaret Murray Scott to Mr Edwardwhile Mr Fairbanks

came on to Washington and spent aweek with his parents the Vice Presidentand Mrs Fairbanks

The charge daffaires of Slam MrRutanaynpU and tho First Secretary ofthe Legation and Mrs EdwanlLoftusleft Washington yesterday for the sum-mer quarters of tho logatlon which willbe established In a cottage on Cape Annon the North Shore of Massachusetts at

Rocks where the Siamese Legationhas been quartered for many summers

The Misses Flora and Nona Collmanof Riggs place and the Misses Grossmanof Mount Pleasant left Washington yes-

terday afternoon for a prolonged West-ern trip They will be met in Chicagoby Mrs Devtne a cousin of the MiseesCollman who will be their guest andchaperon through the West They willvisit Denver and other points in

and then go on to California andbe absent about tour months

Dr and Mrs Woodbury Pulslfor leftWashington yesterday for their summerhome on the coast of Maine

Mrs John A Logan Is receiving muchsympathy and attention from her manyfriends because of injuries she receivedlest Friday evening when alighting froma car in front of her apartment inStonelolgh Court She had spent theevening with Mrs Lowden wife of Rep-resentative Lowdon of Illinois and re-

turned to her apartment in the car Although not seriously injured Mrs Loganwas badly bruised and she will be con-fined to her room for a fortnight

Representative and Mrs Frank OLowdon of Illinois who gave up Calumet Place tho home of Mrs John ALogan several weeks ago and had anapartment a the Wlllard left Washing-ton yesterday morning for their home inIllinois Slhsisslppi Farm several hun-dred mites from Chicago This is one ofthe finest estates in the West Pull-man mother of Mrs Lowden who resturned to the farm with tho Lowdenchildren several weeks ago will sail forEurope on 18 for the summer

Mr and Mrs Thomas T Gaff loft yes-

terday for their summer home at Ostorvllle Mass where they will remain during the summer months

Mrs Richard S Ely and Mrs George-

E Wilder have closed their home In Nstreet and are in New York previousto making their summer plans

Col Oliver Payne of New Yorkbrother of the first Mrs William CWhitney has leased tho Newport resi-dence of the United States Ambassador-to France and Mrs Henry White forthe summer and will establish hlmsollthere quite early In the season ColPayne has visited Newport frequentlybut has never before been a cottagerthere

Motor or auto picnics are as muchthe fashion In Europe as they are InWashington and New York The UnitedStates Ambassador to Rome and MrsLloyd Griscom are having a series ofsuch entertainments for their Americanfriends who visit Rome during the earlysummer days Instead of the conventional dinner or luncheon they invitothe visitors for an auto ride with din-ner at one of the many suburban retreats and outoftheway places so fascinating to foreign travelers Dr DanielC Gilman president emeritus of theJohns Hopkins University in Baltimorewas entertained in this fashion by themlast week

Mr and Mrs Frank Mitchell of thiscity and the latters daught MissHare who went abroad some weeks agoarc established at the Berkeley In London for some weeks They are enter-taining elaborately there


























Mrs Charles Page Bryan wife of theAmerican Minister to Portugal Is vis-

iting on the Continent She Is now InParis but will go in a short time toLondon

Mrs Wllllum Moore a former residentof Washington who has lived In Parisfor many years in a handsome home Inthe Avenue du Bola entertained a num




ber of American friends at dinner in theHotel Ritz last week asking distin-guished Parisians and foreign diplomats-to meet them

One of the most promising organizations-In London Is the new AngloAmerican-Club recently formed Their clubhousewas formally opened last week by CoraLady Stafford onc of the American lead-ers In British society It is situated InGrosvenor Court Davies street Bondstreet and Is expected to be especiallyuseful to Americans staying In Londonfor a month or longer each year Theclub hag a country house Sur-rey where there aro tennis courts golflinks and other means of diversion withreception rooms and sleeping apartmentsPreparations are being made for a celebration there on July 4 At the openingof the clubhouse there wore present






Mrs Potter Palmer Mrs Hamilton MoCormick Lady Stafford Mrs JohnMackay Mrs Morgan Richards and LadyDuff Gordon

The newlyappointed Ambassador toBerlin from this country and Mrs DavidJayne Hill are expected to arrive In Ber-lin this week the retiring Ambassadorand Mrs Tower having taken their leaveafter being elaborately entertained bytheir large circle of friends there

Miss Emily Tuckerman has toher summer home at Stockbrttf Massand opened Her place there for

Maj Gen and Mrs Charlie Hiywoodhave gone to Atlantic City and are atthe Strand

Mr and Mrs Hull and Mb Hull havegone for a short stay at the clubhousein Tuxedo before opening their cottagethere They spent tho greater part ofthe season in Washington with Mr Hullssoninlaw and daughter Representativeand Mrs Richmond Pearson Hobson

Senator and Mrs W Murray Cranewho left Washington early last weekopened their new home in Dalton Masslast Saturday

Col and Mrs Charles A Boynton andtheir daughter are spending a fortnight-at Craig Hall Atlantic City

Mr Charles H Johnson has gone toNow York where he wjll be married tomorrow to Miss Edna B Crawford

of Mr and Mrs John Crawford formerly of this city now of the metropolisThe ceremony will be performed in theManhattan Hotel The bride wilt havetwo matrons of honor her sister MrsGeorge Le BoutiHler of Cincinnati andMrs Louis A Greenly of Portland Oregand another sister Miss Hazel Crawfordwill be the maid of honor Mr WilliamKurtz Johnson of this city will ba hisbrothers best man and the ushers willbo Mr Richard A Johnson and MrOliver Perry Johnson brothers of thebridegroom Dr Hugh Holmes McGuirebrotherinlaw of tho bridegroom and MrJohn H Edwards of New York

Dr and Mrs George S Duncan of 23M

Seventh street northeast have issued In-

vitations for a reception to the membersof the Presbyterian Ministers Associa-tion and their wives for next Friday Juno6 from 4 to 7 p m

Mrs Mary E of Hlllsboro Vais the house guest of Mrs Inez13G5 Pennsylvania avenue southeast

Miss Margaret Norfleet Burgos orSouthampton County Va Is visiting hersister Mrs Guy O Mason at 721 Twentysecond street northwest

Dr and Mrs C H Bench with theirbaby and a nurse leave today for Esculonia Ky for June hoping toimprove the doctors health


Seven young men and women will beconfirmed In the Jewish faith at theEighth Street Temple Friday morning at10 oclock by Dr Abram Simon and DrStern rabbis of the congregation

The confirmants on the occasion willsay prayers or speak as follows MissSelma Selinger Crowning of thescroll Miss Rose Breslauer Gift ofthe Bibles Miss Cora Colman Floraloffering Miss Johanna Adler Addressto parents Edwin Hollander Openingprayer Edward Smith Closing pray-er and Julian Jackson Prayer beforethe ark

Receptions at the houses of the variousconflrmants will take place following thoceremony


the summOl













139 Long Kimonos 119Long Kimonos made of good

quality lawn in neat designs madeIn a number of differentstyles cut full widthand length all sizesSpecial

125 Long Kimonos 98cLong Kimonos in blue pink and

black and white some made withDutch neck and fitted back otherswith yoke full length and fOwidth sizes 3G to 46 Stfe

f 1 1 nfP P




International Lodge BeginsTriennial Sessions


International Chief Templar WayrliiMky of Sweden Comes to Prcside Over Distinguished GatheringCongress of National Order to Fol-

low Session of World Organization

Delegates of the International Order ofGood Tempters cftntft into Washingtonall day and last night over-land or water or both to b present atthe aeeeloits of the International SupremeLodge which will open this morning ai10 oclock at the Pythian Temple Com-missioner Maciarland may open thesession-

It is expected that the number of therepresentatives of the international order will reach m at the conventionThe gathering of the International delegates takes trienniallY Washing-ton having been selected at the meetingthree years ago for the present sessionsThe membership of this order numberssomething like 809000 and one delegate-is sent to the gathering for every thou-sand members or a major fractionthereof A reat effort is made to havethe fullest poaelbte number of represent-atives on hand and in ease one here orthere cannot attend his vote in the con-

ference is tendered to another delegatewho serves as his proxy

The sessions of the International Su-preme Lodge will finally adjourn on June10 Following this adjournment will be helda congress or the national order

for an indefinite period until thebusiness in band is gone over At thissession there will in all likelihood bepresent about 500 delgates

Welcomed to WashingtonCapt J C Daley grand chief templar

for the District of Columbia and Rev EC Dinwiddie a w u as other membersof the local grand lodge welcomed theincoming InternatIonal officers and dele-gates yesterday An Informal receptionwas held at the headquarters of the or-

ganization the Hotel and themembers of the District executive com-mittee were presented to the Interna-tional executive conynlttee and courte-sies were generally extended

Among the interesting figures who willtake part In the sessions is Mr EdwardWavrinslty international chief templarwho has come the way from his homein Sweden to attend Mr Wavrlnsky is amember of Swedens Parliament CoLBenjamin F Parker international secre-tary and Mr Guy Hayler internationalelectoral superintendent also in townA largo delegation from England headedby International Put Chief Templar andCounselor J Malin of Birmingham Willalso be present ae will Prof Lars OJensen of Norway international coun-selor Miss J Foray th of Boston Inter-national superintendent of juvenile workand Mr George W Cotterill of Sefttttothe head of the National Order of GoodTemplars

Will Settle District RowAmong matters of local interest which

will come before he body is toe settle-ment of a squabble brought about by therefusal by one of the fourteen District ofColumbia lodges to comply with the rulesof the order in certain respects This andother questions of importance will betaken up and settled

President Roosevelt has signified hiwillingness to meet the delegates in abody and probably on one of the earlydays of the session the Good Templarswill call at the White House A boatexcursion to River View on June 8 vari-ous automobile trips and a trolley rideto Great Falls have been planned for theamusement of the visitors x

Local Grand Secretary J P McManuhas given out the following order of business

After the session convene the roll callof oflicers will take place the credentialscommittee will then report and the In-

ternational Supreme Lodge decree will beconferred on those entitled thereto thecommittee on arrangements will thenmake Its recommendations

On Tuesday afternoon Mr Wavrlaskywill probably present triennial reportother reports will then be read

The second day is generally devoted tothe reading and consideration of reportsof various committees The thirds daywill probably be ghen over to refcreiUGh Memorials more reports and mis-cellaneous business will fill out the fourthdays schedule On the flfth day the re-ports of the treasurer of mterions In theeastern hemisphere and other reportswill be taken up

Choose Next Meeting PlaceThe order of business for the seventh

day will be the selection of the time andplace for the next session tie report ofthe committee on appeals sad the instal-lation of newly elected officers

The local executive committee will pre-sent to every member a handsome sou-venir publication containing the historyof the order Openair meetings massmeetings and other exercises will be heldduring the session Arrangements forthese have not been completed as yet


Bridegroom Return front Iloclcvllleto Get Parents Consent

Milton H Woodden and Miss Lottie EAllison of Washington went to Rock

Md yesterday to be marriedBeing under the legal age the young

man was compelled to return Wash-ington to get the written consent of hisparents while tha young woman patient-ly awaited his roturn

The couple wore then married by RevS R White tho bridegroom remarkingho had put In a full days work in theeffort


YI8 day




































s wiI

198 Long Kimonos 1175Made of fine batiste lawn In

dainty designs in a number of dif-ferent styles some with yokes undrows of somewith round yoke neatly ffit fjrmade sizes 36 to 44Special iP

148 Lawn Wrappers 125Made of good quality lawn in

black and white dots and crossbarsome made with Dutch neck shortsleeves others with high 5 rg Kcollar sizes 36 to 46Special J Ai U



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