Result 2: photon mass hypothesis on the time delay: photon mass time delay time delay dispersion measure Bayesian framework: the posterior distribution of parameter is given from data , hypothesis , and knowledge . θ Δt DM = dl c 0 ν 2 p 2ν 2 4.15 ms ( DM astro pc cm 3 )( ν 1GHz ) 2 v E p = pc 0 E c 0 c 0 1 1 2 ( m γ c 2 0 hv ) 2 Bounding the photon mass with cosmological propagation of fast radio bursts The non-zero photon mass, , can cause an additional time delay between photons of dierent frequencies after they travel through a xed distance which allow people to constrain the photon mass by dispersion measure (DM). Fast radio bursts (FRBs)—transient radio bursts characterized by millisecond duration and cosmological propagation—are excellent astrophysical laboratories to constrain . In this work we use FRBs in a Bayesian framework to constrain and we obtain a best limit purely from kinematic analysis of light propagation on the photon mass, ( ) at the 68% (95%) condence level. m γ m γ m γ m γ 3.1 × 10 51 kg 1.7 × 10 15 eV/c 2 m γ 3.9 × 10 51 kg 2.2 × 10 15 eV/c 2 Introduction Theoretical framework TARGET!! DM γ 4π 2 m e ϵ 0 c 5 0 h 2 e 2 H γ (z) H 0 m 2 γ DM obs = DM astro + DM γ DM mw + DM IGM + DM host 1+z get from the observed data Host galaxy’s DM which need estimation Result 1: DM host Figure 1: Parameter estimation posteriors for the DM of host galaxies in MCMC runs. The posteriors of and are used to calculate the expectation and standard deviation of . Notice that the four parameters in this gure are all dimensionless. μ σ DM host DM host = 124 pc cm 3 σ = 90 pc cm 3 Got every term we need to constrain the photon mass! Figure 2: Cumulative posterior probability distributions for m γ . The excluded values for from the combined result at 68% and 95% C.L.s are shown with shadowed areas. m γ m γ 3.1 × 10 51 kg 1.7 × 10 15 eV/c 2 (68 % C . L.) m γ 3.9 × 10 51 kg 2.2 × 10 15 eV/c 2 (95 % C . L.) FRBs Bound on the photon mass (kg) FRB 150418 5.2 10 -50 FRB 121102 3.9 10 -50 A combination of 21 FRBs 8.7 10 -51 (68%) 1.5 10 -50 (95%) subbursts of FRB 121102 5.1 10 -51 A combination of 9 FRBs 7.1 10 -51 (68%) 1.3 10 -50 (95%) This work A combination of 129 FRBs 3.1 10 -51 (68%) 3.9 10 -51 (95%) Table 1: A collection of bounds on the photon mass from FRBs. We obtain a best limit purely from kinematic analysis of light propagation on the photon mass. The bound will be tighter for several reasons: (i) increment in the number of FRBs; (ii) more accurate measurement of the redshift; (iii) renement in the knowledge about the origin of DMs; (iv) more information on the host galaxy and FRBs themselves; (v) and detection at lower frequency . Conclusion X.-F. Wu, et al. (2016) L. Bonetti, et al. (2017) L. Shao and B. Zhang (2017) J.-P. Macquart et al.(2020) Reference Huimei Wang, Xueli Miao, Lijing Shao Institution: DoA/KIAA, Peking University Published in: Phys.Lett.B 820 (2021), 136596 Wu et al. (2016) Bonetti et al. (2017) Shao & Zhang (2017) Xing et al. (2019) Wei & Wu (2020) We consider the total DM is composed of the astrophysical term and the non-zero photon mass term: P(θ , , I )= P(θ, , )P(θ ∣ℋ, ) P(∣ℋ, ) posterior likelihood prior model evidence (normalization factor) get from models or simple calculation estimation of DM host estimation of the photon mass, m γ

Bounding the photon mass with cosmological propagation of

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Page 1: Bounding the photon mass with cosmological propagation of

Result 2: photon masshypothesis on the time delay:

photon mass time delay

time delay dispersion measure

Bayesian framework: the posterior distribution of parameter is given from data , hypothesis , and knowledge .

θ 𝒟 ℋℐ

ΔtDM = ∫dlc0


2ν2≃ 4.15 ms ( DMastro

pc cm−3 ) ( ν1GHz )


v ≡∂E∂p


Ec0 ≃ c0 1 −

12 (


hv )2

Bounding the photon mass with cosmological propagation of fast radio bursts

• The non-zero photon mass, , can cause an additional time delay between photons of different frequencies after they travel through a fixed distance which allow people to constrain the photon mass by dispersion measure (DM).

• Fast radio bursts (FRBs)—transient radio bursts characterized by millisecond duration and cosmological propagation—are excellent astrophysical laboratories to constrain .

• In this work we use FRBs in a Bayesian framework to constrain and we obtain a best limit purely from kinematic analysis of light propagation on the photon mass,

( ) at the 68% (95%) confidence level.

mγ ≤ 3.1 × 10−51 kg ≃ 1.7 × 10−15eV/c2 mγ ≤ 3.9 × 10−51 kg ≃ 2.2 × 10−15eV/c2


Theoretical framework

TARGET!! DMγ ≡4π2meϵ0c5





DMobs = DMastro + DMγ

DMmw + DMIGM +DMhost

1 + z

get from the observed data

Host galaxy’s DM which need estimation

Result 1: DMhost

Figure 2: Parameter estimation posteriors for the DM of host galaxies in MCMC runs. The posteriors of µ and� are used to calculate the expectationand standard deviation of DMhost. Notice that the four parameters in this figure are all dimensionless.

obtain combined bounds on m� from 129 FRBs,

m� 3.1 ⇥ 10�51 kg ' 1.7 ⇥ 10�15 eV/c2 , (19)m� 3.9 ⇥ 10�51 kg ' 2.2 ⇥ 10�15 eV/c2 , (20)

at 68% C.L. and 95% C.L. respectively.It should be noted that we have ignored the contri-

bution of DM� when we estimate the DMhost since thedegeneracy of DMhost and DM� is very high. Theyare completely degenerate for a single FRB. Howeverwe want to stress that we obtained DMhost through aBayesian estimation of more than one hundred sources,and the degeneracy of DMhost and DM� has been re-duced to some degree, since it is very unlikely for theNature to hide a common value of the photon massfor all FRBs through tuning the DM associated witheach FRB. That is the advantage of using a catalog ofFRBs [25]. As we discussed in Sec. 2.2, this method isstatistically feasible because we are bounding the pho-ton mass instead of measuring a non-zero photon mass.In the future, if one is at the stage to measure a non-zerophoton mass, one needs to design more sophisticated

methods to overcome or reduce the degenecy betweenDMhost and DM�.

However, for a conservative consideration, we cal-culate the photon mass bounds with selected FRBs byEq. (7) under the situation that DMastro = 0, in which thecalculation is completely model-independent and mostconservative. The histogram of the obtained photonmass bounds is shown in Fig. 4. Also, we read fromthe histogram at 95% C.L. a very conservative boundfor the photon mass, m� 1.9 ⇥ 10�50 kg.

4. Discussion

Though Maxwell’s theory is a well established the-ory in physics, it is still intriguing to study its funda-mentals to unprecedented precision due to its tremen-dous importance in our everyday life and physical the-ories’ integrity. During past decades, there are variousbounds on the photon mass from dynamic tests. We givea brief overview for comparison with ours in Eqs. (19–20). In terrestrial laboratories, physicists have tested the


Figure 1: Parameter estimation posteriors for the DM of host galaxies in MCMC runs. The posteriors of and are used to calculate the

expectation and standard deviation of . Notice that the four parameters in this figure are all dimensionless.

μ σDMhost

DMhost  = 124 pc cm−3

σ = 90 pc cm−3

Got every term we need to constrain the photon mass!

Figure 3: Cumulative posterior probability distributions for m�, with grey curves showing results from individual FRBs and the red curve showingthe combined result. The excluded values for m� from the combined result at 68% and 95% C.L.s are shown with shadowed areas.

Coulomb law to great precision, and obtained a photonmass, m� < 1.6 ⇥ 10�44 kg, in the Proca theory [9]. TheCavendish balance, which generates a magnetic dipolevector potential moment with a suspended toroidal coiland let the photon mass exhibit as the torque, gives abound, m� < 1.2 ⇥ 10�48 kg [5, 10, 11]. As astrophys-ical observations reveal their potential in testing fun-damental physics [5], a few intriguing tests were con-ducted. Magneto-hydro-dynamic phenomena of the So-lar wind, using observations of the flow pattern, give abound m� < 1.5 ⇥ 10�48 kg [14]. Another interestingbound, m� < 7.1 ⇥ 10�56 kg, comes from the so-called“black hole bombs”, where massive fields around rotat-ing black holes trigger a superradiant instability [18].We can see that the constraints given by di↵erent testsvary greatly, spanning more than ten orders of magni-tude. As we stressed, these bounds are in general de-pendent on the underlying massive photon theory.

In contrast, our limit in this paper is gained from apurely kinematic test which is cleaner since it is gener-ally quite independent of the underlying massive photontheory. In the history of bounding the photon mass bykinematic tests, pulsars were the earlier celestial objectsthat were used [53]. But even today, pulsars are mostlyobserved in the MW which means that the distance ofthe propagation is limited. With the discovery of �-rayburst (GRB), it was found that GRBs are at a cosmolog-ical distance, which makes them a better celestial ob-

ject than pulsars. In Refs. [24, 54], GRB were used tobound m�, and the tightest bound is m� < 1.1⇥10�47 kg.Generically speaking, �-ray photons are of high energy,and GRBs are more suitable to test ultra-violet aspectsof theories, e.g. in testing the Lorentz symmetry ofspacetime [55, 56, 57]. In contrast, FRBs have low en-ergy photons, and as emphasized earlier, they are moresuitable to test the photon mass.

In recent years, the ability in detecting FRBs has beengreatly improved, so that the potential in FRBs to con-strain the photon mass has been continuously explored(see Table 1). From the study of the single burst suchas FRB 121102 to the study of 9 repeating bursts [29]or the study of subbursts of FRB 121102 [28], the re-search on FRBs is versatile in probing the lower limitof the photon mass. In our work, we give the tightestbound on the photon mass in kinematic tests so far withcosmological propagation of FRBs in Eqs. (19–20).

Our improvement is due to that, (a) more FRBs areused to bound the photon mass, and (b) the redshift es-timation done by the FRUITBAT package [34].

In the near future, the bound given by FRBs will beeven tighter for several reasons:

(i) expected increment in the number of FRBs;

(ii) more accurate measurement of the redshifts ofFRBs;

(iii) refinement in the knowledge about the origin of


Figure 2: Cumulative posterior probability distributions for mγ. The excluded values for from the combined result at 68% and

95% C.L.s are shown with shadowed areas. mγ

mγ ≤ 3.1 × 10−51 kg ≃ 1.7 × 10−15eV/c2 (68 % C . L.)mγ ≤ 3.9 × 10−51 kg ≃ 2.2 × 10−15eV/c2 (95 % C . L.)

Table 1: A collection of bounds on the photon mass from FRBs.

FRBs Bound on the photon mass (kg)

Wu et al. (2016) [21] FRB 150418 5.2 ⇥ 10�50

Bonetti et al. (2017) [23] FRB 121102 3.9 ⇥ 10�50

Shao & Zhang (2017) [25] A combination of 21 FRBs 8.7 ⇥ 10�51 (68%)1.5 ⇥ 10�50 (95%)

Xing et al. (2019) [28] subbursts of FRB 121102 5.1 ⇥ 10�51

Wei & Wu (2020) [29] A combination of 9 FRBs 7.1 ⇥ 10�51 (68%)1.3 ⇥ 10�50 (95%)

This work A combination of 129 FRBs 3.1 ⇥ 10�51 (68%)3.9 ⇥ 10�51 (95%)

Figure 1: Sky position (in Galactic coordinate) of 129 FRBs which are used in bounding the photon mass.

electromagnetic waves. For a photon with energy, E =h⌫, relative to a photon with an infinite energy, the timedelay �tDM is [35],

�tDM =



2⌫2' 4.15 ms


pc cm�3

◆⇣ ⌫

1 GHz


(3)where the plasma frequency ⌫p ⌘

pnee2/4⇡2me✏0 with

e the charge of an electron, ne the number density ofelectrons, me the mass of an electron, and ✏0 the per-mittivity of free space. The definition of DMastro is theintegral of the electron number density along the prop-agation path, DMastro ⌘

Rnedl [35]. Considering a

non-negligible cosmological redshift, one has DMastro ⌘Rn(0)

e (1 + z)�1dl [36], where z is the redshift, and n(0)e is

the electron number density in the rest frame.There are multiple sources of DMastro, mainly includ-

ing contributions from the Milky Way (MW) galaxy,DMMW, from the intergalactic medium (IGM), DMIGM,and from the host galaxy, DMhost. Therefore, the totalDM contributed from the electromagnetic wave propa-

gating through the ionized medium can be written as,

DMastro = DMMW + DMIGM + DMhost , (4)

where we have included contributions from the near-source plasma (e.g. supernova remnant, pulsars’ windnebula, HII region, etc. [37]) collectively in DMhost.Generally, people consider that the halo of the MW ismainly composed of dark matter and there is no otherevident interaction but gravity between dark matter andelectromagnetic waves. So we ignore the contributionfrom the MW halo to the total DM in our work [38, 39].

On the other hand, comparing fiducial photons of in-finite frequency with Eq. (2), the time delay caused bythe mass of the photon, denoted as �tm� , is,

�tm� =1




◆2H�(z) , (5)

where the Hubble constant H0 = 67.66 ±0.42 km s�1 Mpc�1 [40], and H�(z) is a dimension-


Table 1: A collection of bounds on the photon mass from FRBs.

• We obtain a best limit purely from kinematic analysis of light propagation on the photon mass. • The bound will be tighter for several reasons: (i) increment in the number of FRBs; (ii) more accurate measurement of the redshift; (iii) refinement in the knowledge about the origin of DMs; (iv) more information on the host galaxy and FRBs themselves; (v) and detection at lower frequency.

Conclusion• X.-F. Wu, et al. (2016) • L. Bonetti, et al. (2017) • L. Shao and B. Zhang (2017) • J.-P. Macquart et al.(2020)


Huimei Wang, Xueli Miao, Lijing Shao Institution: DoA/KIAA, Peking University

Published in: Phys.Lett.B 820 (2021), 136596

Table 1: A collection of bounds on the photon mass from FRBs.

FRBs Bound on the photon mass (kg)

Wu et al. (2016) [21] FRB 150418 5.2 ⇥ 10�50

Bonetti et al. (2017) [23] FRB 121102 3.9 ⇥ 10�50

Shao & Zhang (2017) [25] A combination of 21 FRBs 8.7 ⇥ 10�51 (68%)1.5 ⇥ 10�50 (95%)

Xing et al. (2019) [28] subbursts of FRB 121102 5.1 ⇥ 10�51

Wei & Wu (2020) [29] A combination of 9 FRBs 7.1 ⇥ 10�51 (68%)1.3 ⇥ 10�50 (95%)

This work A combination of 129 FRBs 3.1 ⇥ 10�51 (68%)3.9 ⇥ 10�51 (95%)

Figure 1: Sky position (in Galactic coordinate) of 129 FRBs which are used in bounding the photon mass.

electromagnetic waves. For a photon with energy, E =h⌫, relative to a photon with an infinite energy, the timedelay �tDM is [35],

�tDM =



2⌫2' 4.15 ms


pc cm�3

◆⇣ ⌫

1 GHz


(3)where the plasma frequency ⌫p ⌘

pnee2/4⇡2me✏0 with

e the charge of an electron, ne the number density ofelectrons, me the mass of an electron, and ✏0 the per-mittivity of free space. The definition of DMastro is theintegral of the electron number density along the prop-agation path, DMastro ⌘

Rnedl [35]. Considering a

non-negligible cosmological redshift, one has DMastro ⌘Rn(0)

e (1 + z)�1dl [36], where z is the redshift, and n(0)e is

the electron number density in the rest frame.There are multiple sources of DMastro, mainly includ-

ing contributions from the Milky Way (MW) galaxy,DMMW, from the intergalactic medium (IGM), DMIGM,and from the host galaxy, DMhost. Therefore, the totalDM contributed from the electromagnetic wave propa-

gating through the ionized medium can be written as,

DMastro = DMMW + DMIGM + DMhost , (4)

where we have included contributions from the near-source plasma (e.g. supernova remnant, pulsars’ windnebula, HII region, etc. [37]) collectively in DMhost.Generally, people consider that the halo of the MW ismainly composed of dark matter and there is no otherevident interaction but gravity between dark matter andelectromagnetic waves. So we ignore the contributionfrom the MW halo to the total DM in our work [38, 39].

On the other hand, comparing fiducial photons of in-finite frequency with Eq. (2), the time delay caused bythe mass of the photon, denoted as �tm� , is,

�tm� =1




◆2H�(z) , (5)

where the Hubble constant H0 = 67.66 ±0.42 km s�1 Mpc�1 [40], and H�(z) is a dimension-


We consider the total DM is composed of the astrophysical term and the non-zero photon mass term:

P(θ ∣ 𝒟, ℋ, I ) =P(𝒟 ∣ θ, ℋ, ℐ)P(θ ∣ ℋ, ℐ)

P(𝒟 ∣ ℋ, ℐ)posterior



model evidence (normalization factor)

get from models or simple calculation

estimation of DMhost

estimation of the photon mass, mγ