SrJtiUlAL rJUllULo. _ Local anil Miscellaneous. lion; Ino hua PERUVIAN 81 lntnogU,,. Eiam v. E A . " It Works like a Charm." i??> S I S i?2f s?S'fS Re ni>>. PBln-KillliiK MnBk Oil cure. Choi. M IUmno'i rain-Killing MaBleOil cure! Rheum i'|"it'*nolS?n 'ran curo"me i"- n b1it d whcn t i I c m Mag-le "oil, faithfully, we not only euro theli ness and charm away their pains, but wo actual nil that kind of "brag out or them 1" nnd they t ° Sold by all Drugeists, Merchants nnd Grocer. •WM. RENNE, Sole Fr0 P ri ^ ° ' " ^ j " ARRIVAL *• I Jackson's Catarrh Snuff TROCHE POWDER, A DELIG L * PLEASANT REMEDY IN dache, Bad Breath, Hoancncst,A$thma, BnncMti; Covght, Deqfnm, o>c, And all Disorders resnltlng from COLDS In Head, Throat and Vocal Organs. The Remedy doe* not" Dry np" a Catarrh bn, LOOSENS It; free* the ho»d of all offensive mntter, quickly removing Baa Breath and Hendacho ; allays and soothj the burning heat in Catarrh; Is so mild and afreeable In its effect that it positively Cures without Sneezing ! As a Trocbo Powdor, Is pleasant to the taBte, and never nauseate!; when swallowed, Instantly gives to Delicious Sensation of Oooln^ss and Comfort. fry it I Safe, Reliable, and only 35 Cts. for «l«by H. WrOADT 1 i"OoK°S& U SON, Plattsburgh, H. K. HAET and W. >, Keesevlllo, E. C. MoINTTEK. Pern. CIVIC SOCIETIES. OLIHTOH LODOI, NO. 1M, P. & A.M Services, second and fourth Tuesdays In each month. n LTTBBTTRQH OHAPTSR, NO. 39, R. A. M.—Service*, Becond and fourth Mondays in each month. JU"i?o Mix's AseociiTios.-The library l> kcpl nt ihe Telegraph office. Days of delivery of book!: Wednesday olid ttaturday»from three Io nve o clocK, p. m. Terms for membership, four dollars per y e w . - Ttaera are about 500 volume*, carefully selected for •al reading. d Templar Directory of Clinton Co. » " N O REMEDY CANSHOW MORE KVI dence of its merlu for curing CONSUMPTION, coughs, colds, asthma, croup, etc., than ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM! Physicians having consumptive patients, and hav- ing failed to cure them should not heMtato to pre- scribe this remedy ; it baa cured cases when all oth- 391.' West Oh'aiy."' 488. Clinton Mills... PAIN KILLER! The Universal Remedy for Internal and External Complaints ! bat while some extol it ne a liniment, they knowbut LUtle of Its power in easing pain when taken Intern- al ly, while others u«e It internally with great suc- cess, but are equally Ignorant of Its healing virtues when applied externally. We therefore wish to say * _ _•• i t . 1 it J. .n.,.11^ anAcagsfnl mharhai- naaA .In. 720. Cllntonvllie................. Friday. 729. Hcrculcnn, Ellenburgh Centre Tuesday. Town Oo Meeting, en applied to all that it I tornally or ex by all the gre 1f iLdi y equally succe ernally, and it l f her foreign c o, and It has ° fOle PEBWIAW SYRUP, or PrDtec ted Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, which vitalizes and onrichoi tho blood by supplying It with its Lift Element, IBOK. Being free from Alcohol In any form, iit energizing effect! are *ot followed by corresponding- reaction, but are permanent, Infusing STBSXQTH, VIOOS and Lin Into alt parts of the system, andbailding up an IRON CONSTITUTION. W E . (J. ST.mi.ma, Esq., of Poughkeepiie, N. Y., says: "Since taking the Peruvian Syrup I feel better my strength Is Improved, my bowels are regular, my aP fhere l/sn omFhysioian In this city (older tian I am), who has been in the Drug business for 40 years, who has used the Syrup for three months, and gives it as bis decided opinion, that it Is the "- — Alterative Tonic Medicine he ever knew." ' 1 Female Weafcnewe. day of Feb. 1868, at 2 o'clock of nominating candidat f "Signed, tn t ls t 8th n day DAN"tIB WM F For Dyspepsia, Debility, and Fenu the Peruvian Syrup Is a speoltie. . phlet Bunt free. The genuine has "F blown In the " P. D1NSMOEB, Propriet tr, No. Sfl Dey St., Seven Tear* 1 Suffer- [. at lawyer of Par- I commenced taking Dr. Anders' Iodine ^ r saved myl LOBS, Proprietor, this remedy will be sent itor,saDeySU,NewTork HALL'S HAIR DRESSING ever used. It removes Dandruff and all Scurry Erup- tions. It does not stain the skin. Our Treatise on the Hair sentfreeby mall. Beware of the numerous preparations which are sold upon our reputation. R. P. HALL * CO., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. mow* LOOK, BEAD AND LEAEN, 1HAT THE Great Skashonees Remedy! of tbe distinguished Tribe of Bhosbonees. Territory, Is nowforsale In the TJn rpmB ALL POSSBfiBINO GEBAT ] 1 RBMKDr.lswarranted.andlnbroad „-„. -"•-"to language, we oaa safely »ay, may by relied .tomakea^rumn^ntcureofaUdUeas^ofthe . rarioaa skin diBt»« In Canada where thi» great Eemeay has bf use for a short time, it has indeed effected so iioneys, xiigestlve Urgans. the various skin diseases, s arisingfromImpnrity c* ird stage of Consumt been 1 diet of the Uth Century, and tbe greatest boon e laid at tbe alUr of suffering humanity. Price of the Bemedy in large Pints, tf,W. Manufactured by Dr. Young & " Wholesale and general Agents gUls. THE FIRST PREMIUM WATER ELEVATOR Patented March 18, 1867, OR" IS PRONOUNCED 2d. SIMPLICITY, I DURABILITY, lt*works easy am Lecture, Thursday ei lESBYTSlirAS'-l IULU Pastor. Morr Snbbatb School at 12 jost been c< ; road shops in Malonc. "Turtle," and the on °' ordinary engine, it has no "lende: ._ : The water muk Is of seroi-circ ^ j andia fitted on to the top of the 1 tending IIB whole length from l! stack to the cab. It looks so n the back of a huge turtle that thi ir goodB, -d ipleted at the Rail-: gan—(ihe Bee Hive Store.) ^North^lde oM3qu iici.riiuitrojLit, iiiniui. OIL It la christened the ry approprl uch 7QUE—Oak Street RB OP MAILS. turdnj'i, at 12 M. T nnti depart! .b^ed^f&isonfra ?""'"* * R(1 ed by Jones Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, entitled "Secretsof the Great City," a book descriptive of the virtues, and the vices, the ilseries and crimes of New York city, containing 35 fine engravings, and is the spiciest and cheapest book of the kind published. Mr. Rock is also agent for a new Polyglot Family Bible, with marginal read- gs, acd containing a Family Record and hotograph Album holding 16 pictures, and a work that every family should possess. We are pleased to announco to the pub- c thai Dr. Stephen Btrtrand is to com ence practice in Schuyler Falls in a few days. Dr. Bertrand graduated at Burliog- Medlcal College two years ago, at the d Location of Lodge. head of his class. He is I Wcdne.day. 3KSS&. ATTSBTJROH TOWN CAUCUS. The Republican Electors of the Town of Platti- u J .o mect at lhe Town YI^) on tb day of February, at 2 o'clock ie purpose of nominating candidates for ?fo* theK^nV^V 0 ™^ 0 '" 1 ime before the mealing. By order of Town Hospitalat New York city, attending a urse of Medical Lectures, and as Boon as gets through he will open his office in the village of Schuyler Falls, which will be about three weeks or BO. Dr. Bertrand is well known to be a steady young man of good moral character, and good sober hab- He is a well educated man, and he will give the people good satisfaction, as we e no doubt. He will be on hand to meet calls at any hour of the day or night, hope that the people will give hii fare chance a: rfiiAV XVWW JS VAUVUOi Tho Republican Electors of the Town < requested to meet at Empire Hall, on HA: Fob. 27th, at two o'clock, P. M., for the ] •.nml nn+l_.. . , _ J I J . l . . r,. 1- .... A M) . . . . or the pnrpo Officers to W > Town 5 Committe and we wish him good success. FIEB No. 3.—The third flre of the season occurred in Plattsbnrgh on the morning of Tuesday last, the 16th iost. The flames were first discovered a little before four j'clock, issuing from the windows in the ear of Bailey's Block, which open into the store room of P. & S. Monash, on the second floor. The alarm spread rapidly f citizens was ground. Horicon engine was placed at the Court House square, and i soon throwing a brisk stream into the w dows named. It soon became apparent that Monash's flames, that PERU TOWN CAUCUS. The Republican Electors of the town of Chaiy are requested to meet at the Hotel kept by H. Clark, at Chaiy village, on SATURDAY, Feb. 27th, at two o'clock P. M., for the purpose of nominating eandl- date, for T*wn OfficerVfoTS vhe transaction of such other Business as before the meeting. It Is hoped there w attendance. I. P. CHAMBER AIN, mittei Copartnership Notice—Hornick &Pierce. Receipts for txie Sentinel, S. Jones, South Pittsburgh, March 6,1S69, 1 . Abbott, Frontier, Bept. 5, 186&, 2 E. A. Uanfleld, Morrisonville, Jan. 1,1870, " 4 W. W. Little, Chary, Oct. 4,1MB, 2 Rev. 0. L. Hagar, PlattBburgb, Feb. 6,1870, 1 ~ S. Barber, Ottawa, 111., Feb. S, 1889, 2 W. Page, Keeseville, eb. 11,1869, 2 r. A. Wenton, KeesevUle, Jan. 1,1868, 7 h E. Prescott, Keeseville, Jan. 1,1888, 3 Page, KeesevUle, Jan. 1,1868, 2 E. Kingsland, KeeseviUe, Feb. 11,1887, 2 Btevens, Keesevllie, Jan. 1,1868, 3 L.D. Gay, Clintonvilie, April 13,180 t 2 Lewis Anderson, lagraham, Jan. 1,1870, 1 \ A . Moore, Ohamplaln, Sept. 5,1S69, 2 I. M. Banker, PeaaleyvtUc, March 3,1869, 2 *D. F. Dobte, Plattoburgh, Feb. 5,1870, 2 Mrs. WB. Garvio, Mooer. Forks, June 6,1869, 2 W. C. Taylor, Sew York, Much 1,1889, 3 Mead, West PlatUburgh, Jan. 1, 1870, 2 Wm. Comatock, West Plattaburgh, Sept.fl,1889, 2 ". T. Comstock, New Michigan, III., Mar. S.187O, i '.Lawrence, West Chaiy, Jan. 1,1870, 2 ). W. Lawrence. Hopkinton, N. T., Ang. 17,1869,. iilaa Kent, £llenburgh, Jan. 1,1869, 2 L D. Felton, Saranac, March 7,1869, 2 H. J. Oarlton, West Chary, Jan. 1,1870, 2 A. G. Howard, Went Chaiy, Jan. 10,1870, 2 B . 8 . JoneB, Wlnooski, Vt., Jan. 1,1810, 2 —Mr. Seymonr A. Galasha, of Platts- urgh, has accepted a situation with the jm of O. B. WiDiams & Co., 413 Broad- ray, N. Y., wholesale dealers in hats, caps and straw goods. For the present Mr. Galasha will devote his time to canvassing the company in the counties of Clinton, Essex, Franklin and St Lawrence. notice elsewhere, It will be served that Mr. Edgar W. Pierce has form- d o-partnership with G. W. Hornlck, ed 1 In the manufacture and sale of furniture, ipholatery goods, doors, sash, blinds, &i Mr. Pierce is an active, energetic young ind we are sanguine will give good itisfaction t both hla parti and the , Brake combined in one lever, it works easy and « efficient a" to g commlnatoeadmiratlo'n'of'I'll who bl?te"rm O » Wn Addr^°8 Unly Hlghtf! for " ale on rca>ona - Tllm2 U. 11. BIJO8BOK, Obazy, N. Y. St. LawrenceUniversityi CANTON, INT. Y. * and comnlete as those of Yale or Harvard. It. Pro feaiorB able and thorough. Iu governmentfirmanc coMlderate of the opinions of students and pwenti of all denominations.,. Expenses for tuition, roon rent, and board are lower than at any Institution o like grade in the Stale. Tuition, $S per Term—8 terms per year. Board ii private families or College Boarding Qall, *3 60 pe week, Including washing. For further infoVmatku BICHMC^J) FUSE, Oa., iggested, and is very proper. The fuel box, conveniently arranged within the cab. The cab is fitted with doors and windows shut up light, leaving all within as a and snug as a little parlor. The ma- ) is intended for switching purposes, e Railroad jard at Ogdensburg. It is Irst one of the kind overbuilt In the Cooley's store will for the present be found in Blake's new building; Mr. Aver- ill's office with Robert Bailey, Insurance Agent, in Clinton Block, and Mr. Halsey with Dr. Lyon. We would naturally be expected to close lion;" but as w Ihe Water Co i the ;r quei e promised the report of Bsioners next week, we :8 until after Its publica- -Hornick & Piei irge and finely sale e have jast received a ted assortment of wall [saac L. Rock Is now vassing the tow LAKE.-Mr. R. R. Hathaway has been appointed Postmaster at North Heio, vice Charles Hyde, removed. —The oldest acting Congregational Pastor In, Vermont, is Rev. O. G. Wheeler, has been settled at South Hero more than twenty-eight years. —The St. Albans Foundry Company re- cently purchased for old lead a barrel of bullets picked up on one of the battlefield! the rebellion. —The material for the Weldon House ex- sable, Per nty, for id Schuyler Falls, in this ] tension at St Albans is being drawn upoi g work just publish' r at Belvieu- the spot. TEMPLARS.—The fol were elected for the ensuing quarter at the ;kly communication of Whlteface Moan- tain Lodge, No. 648, of the I. O. of G. T., t Wilmington, on Saturday evening, Jan. 101b, 1869 : Hiram Hinds, WU T Miss Amanda Avery, W V T Cbas. D. Heikok, W 8 Mias Lucinda Wilkins, WF B Richard Hinds, W T Spen W M Mias Heny y, Mrs. Lydla D. Bliss, W C Miss Emma Hinds, WAS Mrs. Ella Hantington, WDM Miss Elizabeth Hatch, W R H S Miss Annie Haseltine, W LH 8 George Hardy, P W C T Brother John Forbes, has been com- nissioned as Lodge Deputy for the ensuing 'e have io donbt they wil entire store v j of i about to burst through —Tbe Clintonvilie Lodge, No. 720, elect ed th« following officers for th« quarter ending April 30th : Wm. F. Norman, W C T A. W. Macomber, P W C T E. N. Walker, W F 8 T. W. Walker, W M Dan. Palmer, WO G Miss Amt Mace, W D M Mrs. F. Gay, W L S Mrs. M. Chas. I Miss Matilda Gay, WT Miss Mary Kinney, WI G G. Baldwin, W C Miss Ada Macomber, WRS L. D. Gay, L D —A correspondent at Moriah Fonr Cor- ers writes as follows: We have a fine Lodged good Templar• here (Moriah Corners) numbering 209 bers in good standing. Time of meeting, Tuesday evening, known as Mineral Lodge, No. 502, has been working something more than a year. Officers installed by Rev. C. M. Clark, D. G. W. C. T., for the ensuiDg tbe doors and windows on thefirstfloorin Here the powerful stream from Gregory's force pomp did excellent service. The doors were burst open in order to reach the flames effectually. For nearly an hour these two streams, one in front and tbe other in lhe rear of the building, were kept tantly plying, and at last, to all ap- pearances, entirely snbdued tbe flames tbe first and second floors. But thefirewas making rapid progress in the upper story. Just at this time we were made forcibly to realize our terrible want of facilities for fighting fire. The water in the cistern the square was exhausted, the cistern in ftoat of the Cuatom House was soon iptied, the force pump at Gregory's was broken, and as the flames burst out of the upper story, little could be done but look and deplore our helplessness. Fortun- ately, there was no wind. A partition ex- iding to the roof on tbe west of Monash's prevented the fire from spreading west, in the direction of the First National Bank.— Had it not been for this the extent of the rould have been four fold as great as it was. Thus confined everything combusti' jle in the second and third stories was con- lumed, leaving the barren and black walls tending, but so badly damaged that por- tions will probably have to come down. Oar varions fire companies performei their duties faithfully, Independent No. 4, and Phcenix, working with the hose at- tached to Gregory's pump. A good deal if daring and fortitude was displayed by both firemen and citizens. The buildings In which thisfireoc< are located on the corner of Bridge and Streets. The block, extending west First National Bank, is owned by James Bailey, Esq., and was divided on the first floor into fonr stores. The first, east corner, was occupied by 8. P. Bailey i grocery and provlsioi goods, except those in th< iostly gotten out, but were badly damaged. He was well insnred. The Btore occupied by P. & 8. Monash Joins this on the west. 5 the intire stock of clothing &c, valued at fifteen thousand dollar more, and Insured for twelve thousand, wi tirely destroyed. Next is Cooley's Hat, Cap and Far Store. This being it side of the wall was not damaged by fire, but the entire stock of gooda were hurled into the street, and much of it lost or destroyed. Next is tha & S. Monash, all of the goods in which ere taken oat in a similar In the second story the law office of J. G. McDermott, over S. P. Bailey's &nd the office, of H. K. Averill, Engineer and Sui veyor, c iT Monash's store, are among t Charles Miller, WCT Miss Mary Green, W V T Charles Robinson, WRS E. Brittel, WF 8 Miss A. Foster, W T S. Tatlau, W M Miss Josle Eendee, WIG T. Woodward. W O G Rev. D. H. Gould, W C Miss Florence Lewis, WAS Miss Amanda Butler, W D M Miss Nellie Schultz, W R H S Miss Mary Beck, W LH8 Madison Putnam, P WC T —At a regular meeting of Mooers Lodge, No. 389, held Wednesday evening, Feb 10, the following officers were duly Installed : T. Heffeman, WCT Mrs. U Francis, T T V T R. H. AngeU, WRS Miss Laura Shedden, WAS Wm. Williams, W F S Miss Frank Fitch, W T L. Whitney, W M Mrs. L. Bosworth, W D M Dolph Garraw, WO G Miss Nettie Dunn, WIG Hiram Donn, W C Mrs. Jennie Fitch, W R H S Mrs. 8. 8. Churchill W L H 8 J. F. Bhedden, P W C T C. H. Bidwell, L D —The following officers of Adirondack Lodge, No. 501, of Port Henry, N. Y., were elected and installed for the ensuing quarter, ending April 30, 1869 : R. R. Stevenson, WCT Mrs. G. A. Roberts, W Y T Wm. Thompson, W 8 D. 8. Benings, WF 8 MlssF. CWheelock, WT George Stevenson, W M A. Hendricks, WIG H. Green, WO G Rev. Mr. Newman, "W C MUs Eliza Sherman, W A S Miss Carrie Warner, W D M Mrs. K. R. Stevenson, W L H S Mrs. L. Vanornara, W R H S Dr. C. E. Nichols, P WC T —At a meeting of Beekmantown Lodge No. 557, I. O. of G. T., held Friday following officers uing quarter: W. H. Tabberrah, W C T Miss Jnliett Scribner, W V T James Howe, WRS Miss Dora Barber, W A S A. A. Webb, W F S Miss Annie Pierce, W T Wm. Lawrence, W M Miss Martha Lark in, WDM Miss Marian Barber, W I G Michael C*rl, W O G John Kirby, W C D. M. Gale, P WC T Miss Amelia McFadden, W R H S Miss Frank Scribner, W L H S Arthur Webb, L D A BBHUAOT FIEB.—Quite an anxiety a manifested on this side of tbe lake on Mon- day to get the Burlington Free Press, in a learn what great fire had come off on Sftturd*-- nig&l i n Yea nob a brtffi.* display «, ^ p e o p l e ail along this side of the lake. The following from that paper gives the sequel: Essex Centre was visited by a severe flre between nine and ten o'clock on 8atnrd»y evening, by which the Academy building was wholly destroyed. It is reported that Local (Jorresponlence. FRB. 12, I860. —Some excitement was created here Wed- nesday, by lhe appearance on onr Btreets of i young man, dressed in a dark suit of close Hting clothes, with red sash and military sap, displaying his speed "a la Weston." urned oat that he waa a young man from mnpolnt, named Tafft, who had made ivager that he could walk from Crown- nt to Pease's Hotel in Port Henry, rcgis- hls name, and go back to Crownpoint four hours, the distance being about 7J es. It seems he had tried the feat be- ire and failed. His wind or conrage had all oozed out by tbe time he reached here. Wednesday he again made tbe distance, ar- ring at Pease's in 1 hoar and 65 minutes, id started on his return, and got to the head of the Bay, (about 3J miles from here,) I he caved in, and acknowledged he beat, and could not perform the feat, the roads are not in a condition for pedestrianism Jast now. Some of oar peo- thought that Weston had arrived ia n, but found their mistake before they lad made much inquiry. —I don't know as you chronicle the sales of real estate; but to show you the value of land in this locality, R E. Warner sold $ of land to Simeon Doctor for $4000, four thousand dollars.) Pretty jrood price bat, for what your people call rocks. John oss, Martin Finch and Julius C. Brevoort, Commissioners appointed to assess the dam- ige to the lands of L. A. Foot, by reason the Lake Champlain & Moriah R. R. Co. >re bed road taking for the purposes of their ' '1-100 of an acre of land, gave him nages thirteen hundred andfiftydol- lars, ($1350.) I guess at that rate we can afford to have a Rail Road. —A "Mission," consisting of religious :ercises morning and evening, is now in progress in St. Patrick's Church, under tho ision of Rev. Father Harney, assist- ed by other prelates froin abroad, and U to continue doring the two first weeks of Lent, IngAshWednesday,Feb. 10,1889. n last evening, (Thursday,) one of the gentlemen preached a very able and instructive sermon, taking his text from the VI. Chapter of the Gospel of St. Matthew, 3d verse: "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and its justice, and all these things shall be added unto you." The speakei held the attention of his audience for an hour and a half or Bore, and in a very for- cible and illustrative style, pictured to them the folly and vanitieu of the world, and how little it was worth compared to the welfare and happiness of their immortal sonIs. His iparisona and arguments were very well :n, and ably handled. We have one of the finest churches in Northern New York, and a new one has just been com- pleted at the ore beds, which would be a credit to a larger and wealthier congrega^ The pastor, Rev. 8. Harney, is un- tiring In his efforts for the interest and wel- fare of the flock committed to his charge. Feb. 13, 1869. On Friday evening last, a few of the friends and former parishioners of the Rev. Mr. RaiMom, paid him a visit at Wadhams Falls, where he is now located. The Rev. gentleman had been for a long time and up to abont two yean ago, In charge of the spiritual affairs of his flock in this section, and has many warm friends and admirers among the former members of his church who feel the -absence of his bright and cheerful countenance from the pulpit, and of the force and spirit of his eloquence teacher and expounder of the gospel. was a very agreeable surprise to himself and Mis. R-. as sleigh after sleigh drove up and deposited its load of old and i moods at his door, and tfc ~ ~ coining upoo him r»U«r unexpectedly, ttar/ were greeted with U»*t iearty and cordial welcome characteristic of the Rev. gentle- Ortewho participated, assured me that it was the most happy and sociable ktbering it had been his lot to attend in any years. The party partook of an ex- cellant sapper at about half past ten, and after a "private interview"with the "Host," gathered their baskets, pails, &c. together, and bade the Rev. gentleman and hii esteemed lady "good night," and departed well pleased with their visit, and wishing mg and happy life to the Host and Hostec of the evening. There were some young folks in the party, and as usual on such oc- casions, (I have been there myself) had t gay time going out. The evening was very pleasant and sleighing good, an<~ together It was a time for enjoyment Com- ing home, they didn't drive very fast, guess, as some of them did not arrive until ito the "small" hours of morning—the why and wherefore of which, can be ex- ilained very easily. I can assure the manj friends of Mr. R.", a hearty welcome on al such occasions as that of last evening. Respectfully, EQUITY. ing, Feb. 12th, the were elected for the i the pnrpoM of drying < Notice ofSale in Partition. TNE LABAN ARNOLD FARM, yard and garden. Also a from the Sovc promises of 68 acres. All tho promise, are situated on lUllerk Hill )„ tho town of Ausable, and l)ut a few rode from the'de- pot on the Whitehall & Plattsborgh Hailroad, ami will be sold at the Ausable House, In itcesevlllu, at public sale, to the hljfhest bidder, on Mondav, the iJStn day of March, 1808, at 11 o ' c l o k A. M. * \Y, G. WATSON, Eeftree. the things that were. To the forethought and vigorous efforts of some of onr citizens, and the daring of kiB son, Mr. HeDermoH is indebted for the preservation of his more important books and papers, Including in- dictments before the next County Court.— AU else was destroyed. No insurarj Among the papers bnrned were sum notes and accounts left with hta for col thefirecaught from a Move left heated for lection. He requests us to ask the owners *^° rmmnoo ^f ^»TMn<» nnA ~p *K« _n~M.. of these notes and accounts, to furnish spies of them to him without delay. We ope thut every facility »nd encouragement possible will be extended to Mr. McDermott by those transacting business with him, in that the inconvenience and difficulties occasioned by his loss, shall bear as lightly on him as possible. Neatly all of Mr. Averill's furniture, books, maps, apparatus, &c, was destroy- :d or badly damaged. What was saved vas rescued only by the daring efforts of a number of our citizens, to whom he wishes ua to extend his heartfelt thanks. C. Halsey, Esq., over Cooley's, course badly scared, u he might well be. : all taken out without being damaged very extensively. AU the books trading public. We congratulate him on his entry into a business already so well « tablished, and with all the facilities for meeting the demands of the. public. —Rev. Richmond Fisk, of St. Lawrence University, is the youngest University Presi- dent in the country and probably in th« rorld. —The Baptist Mite Society of Keeseville, at their Social at the residence of Mr. Jeremiah Hayes, on Wednesday evening of ;k realized the nice little $41,54. —Mr. Dana, of the New York Sun, con- innes to amnse itself 1A attompts to throw idicnle upon Mr. Greeley, of the Tribune. After working at it about one hundred yearB, if they could both live as long, we rould like to see the Bum total of profit is euch a proceeding. Bat then we suppose bey are not deemed ^improper person- UtieB." —Complaint la made that, unless some check is interposed, deer will soon be ex- tirpated in the northern woods of New York. One hunter employs about thirty men to hunt during the season, and aends the pro- j His things * ducts of their guns and skill to market. nt upwards of flve huo- belonging to the Clinton Co, RWe Society, = New York and other ', were saved in good condition. They will; ant organs when suffering from diseaser price of deer's meat by tbe I be kept at his house for the present. , The avails of the lecture are to be gh carcass ia from twelve to fifteen centa per ! Mr. Bailey^ block was insured for only , toward ftirnaning the church.^ ^ ^ p0Un(j, :$10,Q0O, the portion entirely burned for : ^^ . —John Clark, a lad 13 years of age, son ! 15,000. FESTIVAL.—The Ladies of the M. of Mr. James Clark, of Champlain, injured : The escape of the building immediately ; Church Society, Baranac, propose to hold ding in the county, being a large struc- of brick, well adapted to Us useB. It owned by Mr. Sanderson, the principal, whose loss muat be some $8,000 or $10,000. The school was a flourishing one, and the loss to the community will be severe. The flre lit up the whole horizon, and was visi- ble for many miles around. LSOTUBE ON THB HUMAN ETE AND E i R . — We would respectfully give notice that Dr. 8. Haynes bae kindly accepted an invitation to give a lecture on the "Human Eye and Ear," at the new church in Cadyville, Wednesday evening, Feb. 24, 1889. The interest in the subject will be promoted by lUustratioa&by diagrams and paintings, cannot fail to be of practical value in giving information how to preserve our vision cities. ;ht j in the n se! tUDate. hie Uaee by falling c weeks since. It continaed to grow unlil Sunday last, when amputation was Burdo, pronounced necessary. The leg waB taken j course ( off above the kne of the mrned wns very for- ! Festival and Oyster Supper, for the benefll It was occupied by Mr. Moses. of the Church, at Saranac Academy, (vho removed all hia thinga, and of' Wednesday evening, February 24th. The cperienced considerable loas. ' tables will be supplied with the lu: Among others who took the precaution . the 8( A general attendance Is Invited. KKESEVILLB HOBSK NAIL WORKS—On mrsday of last week, availing ourselves a moderate temperature, we rallied from ifflce ennui, and proceeded at once to visit i in and about the Nail Works, .fter spending an honr at the office of the ipany with Messrs. Kingsland and Ba- talking borse and Tail-roads, we pro- ceeded to the main building, erected on the ESSEX, N. Y., Feb. 11, 181 e third lecture of the course t the auspices of the Good Templars, lelivered on Tuesday evening, Feb. by Prof. M. H. Buckham, of Burlington, ~i. Subject— "Philistinism." The lecture %B one of rare merit. Oar audiences are it large, we did not expect large audiences, but the best part of our citizens encourage our effort by their presence and by hearty cpressions of interest. The next lectun will be delivered by Rev. C. N. Wilder next Tuesday evening, Feb. 16th. Subjec —"The work we as Good Templars havi undertaken, and the means by which w< propose to accomplish it" P. 8.—The fourth lecture will be de- livered on Wednesday evening, Feb. 24th, LENT.—The following regulations for its observance by the Catholics ot this Diocese have been issued. 1. All persons who have attained the ag( »f twenty-one years are bound to obser the Fast, viz., to take only one meal in the day, Sundays excepted. 2. A light collation ii allowed In the evening ; a cup of lea or coffee in the mo: ft S. Dispensation from the obligation fasting is granted to the sick, the convales- cent, the delicate and infirm, whose healtl would be endangered by its observance; t. laborers, mechanics and others, whose duties are of a very laborious or exhausting nature; to women pregnant or nursing and to the poor who are not sure of having one meat in the day. 4. Dispensation is also granted to use flesh meat on all the Sundays, and at one meal on the Mondays, Tuesdays and Thurs- days In every week. 5. Lard may be used In cooking. 6. It is not allowed to use flesh meat and )h at the same meal, even on Sundays. 7. Eggs, butter and cheese are not pro hibited. 8. Persons dispensed from the obligation of fasting, on account of youth or advanced age, laborious occupation, &c, are n< tricted to the use of meat at only om on days which Su use is allowed by dUpen- sation. 9. The time for performing the Easter duty, extends from the first Sunday in Lent lins of the fire 5Ut ( i yea itting up this building noexpense has been ,unned demanded by correct ideas of utili- and security. There are 28 machines ,nning in it, employing a force of foremen id workmen acting in perfect unison for e benefit of themselves and the Company, he most perfect order prevails, although e clatter of those 28 machines might put flight all ideas of harmony as entertain- ! by practitioners on the organ and piano. >me two tons of nails are manufactured aily. None but the best quality of Nor- r ay iron is used. Mr. Henry Dandas Is foreman of the Nail r orks, and has the necessary experience id energy for one of the most responsible jsitions in this line of manufacture. To iperintend correctly the running of 50 oree Nail Machines Is .no sinecure. The an who does it must read his newspapers the night, and leave the ordinary affairs ' human life outside the factory in the day me. We next found our way to the box mak- g department, to pay a short visit to our mng friends, Bennie Mills, Bob Cook, and ank Palmer. We found them occupying i nice and cozy a place as one could well HAIR KRBTORER or DRESSING, (in one bottt?.') Evorv DrugsiBl Bells It. Prlcr- One Dollar. 1474ml, The Medicine for | J. E. OOTTEELL'tS \V\\ooping Cough! New Jewelry Store, DODD'S NKEVnTB irt WVIGORATOB elves - agreeable and almost insUBt relief ID the spasms of Whooping Congh 'Phis Is I complaint that all chil- dren are expected to have: sad when It comet strange aoro particularly o inlypartlAiry.orfor purifying the Blood, be dlgestlro organs, and tctcal Vessels, thus not being, bnt permanent!^ SnriSiiSd™ Congh, thl« nwrlect would be utterly e batfortbefeetthat children's dl- lany of the weaknesses of vomen, are Ally unconcerned abont them. Let 1_A celebrated New >f torofnla York barber said, not long their hair dresKd with "Barrett's Hair Restorm- ' to any other mtstanee, as It keeps the scalp ,o and free from dandroff.—Troy Ucrily Whig. Its uso cures toothache, agu< ; also spinal a charm.' ig Magic 'ish for. No :rhow old the weath- •, the facilities to keep warm are equal t< ie emergency. After listening to a yarn r two, we bade them good-day, bearing ith us an invitation to call again. The assorting department is under the oharge of Mr. Ahira Beach, who acts as a 30rt of school master over 55 boys the light bnt busy employment or ing nails. We do not -know who else in this burgh would undertake the manage- ment of such a crowd of juveniles as are e congregated. Yet everything moves along quietly, with only "hip I hip ! hur- occasion of "recess." While re were there they "divided off" for a w-ball fight, and a jolly time they made t. The minutes having expired, a sig- froui Mr. Beach brought them all into ine again and at their work. In another building Mr. Alexander La- lam haa charge of 25 more boys engaged in heating and pointing the "blunts" brought j iuh", from the assorting department just named. " 'ery thing moves with activity and ener- . It has the appearance somewhat of a school a grade higher than that over which Mr. Beach preaidea with so much dignity and austerity. In the basement under the assorting de- is doae the boxing and marking, ir the supervision of Mr. John G. Col- H.^BO' long in the employ of the Kingalands, and about as necessary to keep every thing moving, we might say, as capital itself. If anything is wanted particularly special, Mr. Collins is sent for. If some important er- rand is to be done abroad, nobody can do it but Mr. Collins. But tbe boxing and mark- ing all the time goes on, and there, piled up in handsome array, 25 pounds in a box, are tons and tons of the handsomest and most perfect horse shoe nails manufactured in the United States. ight to state In this connection that i r machines in the old sail factory building are not running this winter, and when all shaU be put in motion In the spring, it will seen at once that a proportionate num- her of men « 4 boy. will be employed— it proof positive of their wonderful y lues. Thousands iDgXtrc-effia eflect, aid the Medical Fraternity", anything which causes persons t ficates can bo produced show E MASON A, HAMLXS 'ORGANS, TTTT2 ArlTWriTFTTJ>nilS"t\ omivm nn r>nn les, and prescribe them under . They are sold by all druggists. IcTouay. [fair. ejsnow! MET.OKOLOOKML.-Tbe MloWlDg the extreme range of temperature during the week ending Tuesday, Feb. 18th, as Indicated by the mometer at Plattsbnrgh Barracks: nax. S4 o, min . » o . Feb , 12tn, m i = . Feb. 13th, max. St<>, mln. 24°. iax.l2o,mi D.7O. Feb. 15th, max. 32 eb. 16th, max. S5O, m|D. 140, Aver( ire daring the week, 260. Prevalent wind* during the week, Bon Depth of rain and melted mow, 92-100 9,1S«S, a son to Mr. and Mrs. I9"UBITI The Company wn nail rods, the lower rolling mill having teen purchased for that purpose by said Company, and put in a perfect state of re- pair. This will make room for more work- men, and prove a small saving to the Com- This is one of the Keesevillo manufactnr- ; establishments BO Important to our in- rests and prosperity. The Company have 1 store, but pay cash every Saturday night, _d that is divided around among our shop- keepers and merchants, buyers and sellers all being satisfied with existing arrange- ments. With the construction of tbe Northern Air Line Railroad other manufacturing es- tablishments will spring up, and more wheels and hammers will be moved by the magnif- icent water power of which we are the pos- sessors, and only waiting the increased fa- cilities of ingress and egress to make it available. Another leisure hour perhaps will enable as to engage in further investigations. Wm. M. Ugden, Feb. lith. $M00f^^J3f^Lii. H Address J. AHBARN, 83 Second Street,: CONCERT.—A Concert will be given at the Stone Church, in East Beekoiantown, Thursday evening, Feb. 25, under the ection of Mr. James Swinston. Tickets adultB 25 cts, for children 15 cts. Doors open at 6 o'clock. A CABD.—The subscriber tenders his sincere and grateful thanks to Chief Engi- Myers, the Flre Department, and his kind friends who labored with such diligent verance on the morning of the 16th inst, and with the blessing of Him controls the elements, saved a part of bis block of stores from the destructive flre 'hich threat esed our entire village. JAMES BAILEY. ENTBRTAIXMBNT.—The Sd Entertainment of the South Hero Library Association will be held A the Town Hall, in South Hero, on Tuesdby)evening, the 28d inst. Doon open at BJ o'clock, and performance U commenctl at Ii o'clock. Admission 2( cents. f B. L. FLETCHER, Pres. A. B. CONBOB, Sec'y. NOW IS THE TIKE At Morgan's The Cheapest Store IMMENSE LARGE STOCK OF tSOOD8 nJST RECEIVED! 3, IMS, LEWIS BBOM- Advertisements. ISO Teachers Wanted. CO.j 264 Pearl Street. New Tori W^K5wiW,£dJ and g « d wag««. Address wlt ARDS * CO., 113 Ohettnat 8 AGENTS WAWMED.T'Fortheoi raving of Gen. Grant and hisfemilypu heir approval. Engraved b; Sartaln. 9, $2.00. 100 per cent, to agents. Addi IPKflD & CO., Chicago, or No. 37 WANTED! WANTED! country. The smallest articles soldic ed for a SUverPlatnd livebottled Rev OommiMions Oiroalar Book Agents Wanted, To take orders for Pnif. C. B. Slom'i great book- ORIGIN AND HISTORY Of THE BIBLE. its, everyone, w'll ^3'£nS.pbut Un snLndidTy wi.... ever introduced. We have hundreds of testimonials from eminent divines of all denominations. Nearly -•• 'tht large* commit- I i\ STivAU-Tho Ladies Aid Society of West Plattsburgh will hold a Festival at A. R. Btorr's on the evening of Tuesday, 23d, 1869. Oysters will be served. Con- fectionery and other refreshments will be supplied. By order of Committee. WANTBD.--Fo? the manufacture of wagon hubs, a large quantity of red and white elm, grown in the open fields, full length oi trees when convenient. Parties delivering the< at the wagon manufactory of Lynde, Isham & Co., Plattsburgh, will receive for good price. Also a quantity of Oak, Ash, and Basswood. For further particu- lars, caU at their office. 689tf Disa' FAIR—The Ladies of Willsbor- ough will hold their annual Pair at River- side Hall, Feb 25, 1869. The Ladies have in former years conducted their Fair in a manner satisfactory to the public. They will endeavour to leavo nothing undone in way of refreshments, music &c. Tbe Wllla- borough Cornet Band will be in attendance, and there will be an endeavour to make the entertainment pleasant and agreeable? invitation is extended as usual for all to attend. By order of committee. w2 APPOINTMENTS OF NoTiieiica PUBLIC— Clinton: Warren Dow of Plattsburgh ; Wales Parsons of Saranac. Essex : Benj. ! laid win of Ticonderoga; A. Dudley, j of Ellzabethtown. Franklin : Benj. S. W. j ptt, Clark, Charles J. G. Hall, Wm. P. Cant- well, ofMalone. iS-Phoenix Hotel, at Whithall, was stroyed by flre on Tueiday night last. PERUVIAN SYRUP, An Iron Tonic. W I rV . HC OUT AL.COHO Make* the Weak Strong. Cures Chronic Diseases. Invigorates the Brain. Cure. Dyspepsia and D.WUty. Vttallxea and Knrlehe the Blo< CAUTION.-Alt gentmw has tha name "Fiao- AS STROP." (not "Peruvian Bark,") blown In tbe us. A 32-p«fte pamphlet sent free. J. P. Dl«e- >*i, Proprietor, 38 Dey St., New York. 7Uw* YOU WISH Try the Combination of Allen, Atwood & Bates. Great Mammoth Sale LICENSED BY THE U. 8. GOVT. ;r offered. ittivu to address. lien, Atwood 4c Bates, )t the worst agony r South < WM. H. MORGAN'S STORE. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SHT and Plated Ware,Fane? Goods, ic. HAIR JEWBX.HY made toordtr. WWatches,Cloe*jandJewelryBe».tlrrer.ilre Pittsburgh .May 10,1888. v.j, .edlc'ne? 1 """" 8 ^^ Al "" IMPORTANT CERTIFICATE. Speedy Cure of Whooping Cough. J. W. F«o KTT, Esq., Brooklyn, N. T. 1 am not In the habit of taking advertised medl nes, nor of certifying to their curative effects whet hey come under my observation; but I feel eon strained to make an exception in favor of DODD'i NEBVLNE AND INVIOOKATOB, a medicine I ha™ uMd ID my fcolly for some time put. J4y lit- tie daughter had been suffering from seven Whoop- ng Oough for several week*, and iu so much bro; it nothing waa tried 1 a phytician not nov ne. This was proam ice—with an effect immediate and sur " --Lrtettat night. TO COtnVTRT irlERCHAHTS. PURE CIDER VINEGAR NICHOLS, LYNDE & CO, It d l For sale by Druggists. Prlee One Dollar. 708w8 OBGAK 00 713w4 &l Too Caa Save 30 P?r CtmU The Farmer's BooV. 140 beautiful and useful iunstntiou, TIO ootavo pages. Showing just wfcat every tanner wurts to Important to Farmers THE TODERSICHIED HAVETO PUT IS Schayier Falls, Kay SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON, Witherill's New Hotel, Plattaburgh. F. HOAG, Proprietor. Plattsburgh, Oct. 18,1M8, PUttsbars*, Oct. 23,1868. NEW JEWELRY STORE. OHABLE8 R. KEMPTEE, W ATCHMAKER AND JBTTELER Clocks, Watches aai Jewelry, Spce- -"ACfcES PIATUD WARE, AC. J. J. DROWN, MAKER AND DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, AND RUBBERS! Opposite the Woolen Factories, iBrlOLKe s t r e e t . I*l.»trtos"fcyu2r«:fci.. UNDJSB THE SIGN OP THE " TRANSPARENT BANNER," Which tells no "fluuntiog He," would advise his enstomew in the village, and all persona residing ii\ towns adjacent, that he has again REDUCED HIS CASH PRICE LIST FOB SO DATS, o close out all remnant Lots and get ready for a GREAT SPRING TRADE! The careful economist and close buyer haa now a chance to get good and taaty Qoods that may be shop massed at GREAT BARGAINS. ^-NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY, FOR LEATHER AND SHOES ARE GO- ING HIGHER EVERY DAY IN THE WH.OIiE8A]UE MARKET. CASH PBIOE H.XST : MEN'S WARE. I WOMEN'S WARE. Calf Boots, Tap Bole, Steel Shank, _ _ j Glove Kid, DouhlaSole Button Boots, ^ Toe's, reduced Calf Boots, with Tap Sole, reduced Kip Boots, " u " " Coarse Boots, Double Sole, C B t b ' d th' |6.00 j 4.50 4.50 3,60 l?B Coarse Boots, D o e Sle, , Coarse Boots, boy's and youth's, 8,00 to l.?B ducet .. Kid Slips, double sole, reduced u Calf and Morocco trim'd Bab., Children's Copper Toes, 8 to 12, Rubbers have "rU" to 1,00 90 2,00 Gents in want of Latest Styles of Sewed French Calf, Box Toed Boots, now the time to leave your ordera. We have got on a new lot and pattern. ra-Call and examine, Woi-k of the Best Blaterial and Styles Made to Or<I«r, My aim Is to sell cheap a«ian4 nake Shoe Ware (bat will please. J. J. DBX)WN. 6P5m * February 32, 1869.

BOOTS, SHOES, AND RUBBERS! - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn85026976/1869-02-19/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · second and fourth Tuesdays In each month. n LTTBBTTRQH OHAPTSR

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SrJtiUlAL rJUllULo. _ Local anil Miscellaneous. l ion;

Ino hua PERUVIAN 81lntnogU,,. Eiam

v. E A .

" It Works like a Charm."

i??> S I S i?2f s?S'fSRe ni>>. PBln-KillliiK MnBk Oil cure. Choi. MIUmno'i ra in-Ki l l ing MaB leOi l cure! Rheum

i'|"it'*nolS?n 'ran curo"me i"-n


whcntiIc m

Mag-le "oil, faithfully, we not only euro theliness and charm away their pains, but wo actualnil that kind of "brag out or them 1" nnd they t° Sold by all Drugeists, Merchants nnd Grocer.

•WM. R E N N E , Sole F r 0 P r i ^° ' " ^ j "A R R I V A L *• I

Jackson's Catarrh SnuffTROCHE P O W D E R ,

A DELIG L * PLEASANT REMEDY INdache, Bad Breath, Hoancncst,A$thma,

BnncMti; Covght, Deqfnm, o>c,

And all Disorders resnltlng from COLDS In

Head, Throat and Vocal Organs.The Remedy doe* n o t " Dry np" a Catarrh bn,

LOOSENS It; free* the ho»d of all offensive mntter,quickly removing Baa Breath and Hendacho ; allaysand soothj the burning heat in Catarrh; Is so mildand afreeable In its effect that it positively

Cures without Sneezing !As a Trocbo Powdor, Is pleasant to the taBte, and

never nauseate!; when swallowed, Instantly gives to

Delicious Sensation of Oooln^ss andComfort.

fry it I Safe, Reliable, and only 35 Cts.

for «l«by H. WrOADT1 i"OoK°S& USON, Plattsburgh, H. K. HAET and W.>, Keesevlllo, E. C. MoINTTEK. Pern.


OLIHTOH LODOI, NO. 1M, P. & A.M Services,second and fourth Tuesdays In each month.n LTTBBTTRQH OHAPTSR, NO. 39, R. A. M.—Service*,

Becond and fourth Mondays in each month.

JU"i?o Mix's AseociiTios.-The library l> kcplnt ihe Telegraph office. Days of delivery of book!:Wednesday olid ttaturday»from three Io nve o clocK, p.m. Terms for membership, four dollars per yew.-Ttaera are about 500 volume*, carefully selected for

•al reading.

d Templar Directory of Cl inton Co.

» " N O REMEDY CAN SHOW MORE KVIdence of its merlu for curing CONSUMPTION, coughs,colds, asthma, croup, etc., than

ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM!Physicians having consumptive patients, and hav-

ing failed to cure them should not heMtato to pre-scribe this remedy ; it baa cured cases when all oth-

391.' West Oh'aiy."'488. Clinton Mills...

PAIN KILLER!The Universal R e m e d y for Internal and

External Complaints !

bat while some extol it ne a liniment, they knowbutLUtle of Its power in easing pain when taken Intern-al ly, while others u«e It internally with great suc-cess, but are equally Ignorant of Its healing virtueswhen applied externally. We therefore wish to say* _ _•• i t . 1 it J. .n . , .11^ anAcagsfnl mharhai- naaA .In.

720. C l l n t o n v l l i e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Friday.

729. Hcrculcnn, Ellenburgh Centre Tuesday.

Town OoMeeting,

en appliedto all that it Itornally or exby all the gre

1 f iLdi

yequally succe

ernally, and itl f

her foreign co, and It has

°f O l e

P E B W I A W S Y R U P ,

or PrDtec ted Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, whichvitalizes and onrichoi tho blood by supplying It withits Lift Element, IBOK.

Being free from Alcohol In any form, iit energizingeffect! are *ot followed by corresponding- reaction, but

are permanent, Infusing STBSXQTH, VIOOS and LinInto alt parts of the system, andbailding up an IRONCONSTITUTION.

WE. (J. ST.mi.ma, Esq., of Poughkeepiie, N. Y.,says: "Since taking the Peruvian Syrup I feel better

my strength Is Improved, my bowels are regular, myaPfhere l / sn omFhysioian In this city (older tianI am), who has been in the Drug business for 40years, who has used the Syrup for three months,and gives it as bis decided opinion, that it Is the"- — Alterative Tonic Medicine he ever knew."

' 1 Female Weafcnewe.

day of Feb. 1868, at 2 o'clock

of nominating candidat f

"Signed, tntlst8thndayDAN"tIBWM F

For Dyspepsia, Debility, and Fenuthe Peruvian Syrup Is a speoltie. .phlet Bunt free. The genuine has "Fblown In the "

P. D1NSMOEB, Propriet tr, No. Sfl Dey St.,

Seven Tear*1 Suffer-[.

at lawyer of Par-

I commenced taking Dr. Anders' Iodine ^

r saved myl

LOBS, Proprietor,

this remedy will be sent



H A I R D R E S S I N Gever used. It removes Dandruff and all Scurry Erup-tions. It does not stain the skin.

Our Treatise on the Hair sent free by mall.Beware of the numerous preparations which are

sold upon our reputation.R. P. HALL * CO., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors.For sale by all druggists. mow*


Great Skashonees Remedy!

of tbe distinguished Tribe of Bhosbonees.Territory, Is now for sale In the TJn


1 RBMKDr.lswarranted.andlnbroad „-„.-"•-"to language, we oaa safely »ay, may by relied


. rarioaa skin diBt»«

In Canada where thi» great Eemeay has bfuse for a short time, it has indeed effected so

iioneys, xiigestlve Urgans.the various skin diseases,s arising from Impnrity c*

ird stage of Consumt

been 1

diet of the Uth Century, and tbe greatest boon elaid at tbe alUr of suffering humanity.

Price of the Bemedy in large Pints, tf,W.Manufactured by Dr. Young & "

Wholesale and general Agents



Patented March 18, 1867,OR" IS PRONOUNCED



lt*works easy am

Lecture, Thursday eilESBYTSlirAS'-lI U L U Pastor. Morr

Snbbatb School at 12

jost been c<; road shops in Malonc.

"Turtle," and the on

°' ordinary engine, it has no "lende:._ : The water muk Is of seroi-circ^ j andia fitted on to the top of the 1

tending IIB whole length from l!stack to the cab. It looks so nthe back of a huge turtle that thi

ir goodB, -dipleted at the Rail-: gan—(ihe Bee Hive Store.)

^ N o r t h ^ l d e oM3qu

iici.riiuitrojLit, iiiniui. OIL

It la christened thery approprl


7QUE—Oak Street


turdnj'i, at 12 M.T nnti depart!

.b^ed^f&isonfra ?""'"* *R(1

ed by Jones Brothers & Co., Philadelphia,entitled "Secretsof the Great City," a bookdescriptive of the virtues, and the vices, the

ilseries and crimes of New Yorkcity, containing 35 fine engravings, and isthe spiciest and cheapest book of the kindpublished. Mr. Rock is also agent for a newPolyglot Family Bible, with marginal read-

gs, acd containing a Family Record andhotograph Album holding 16 pictures, anda work that every family should possess.— We are pleased to announco to the pub-c thai Dr. Stephen Btrtrand is to comence practice in Schuyler Falls in a few

days. Dr. Bertrand graduated at Burliog-Medlcal College two years ago, at the

d Location of Lodge.

head of his class. He is I



ATTSBTJROH T O W N CAUCUS.The Republican Electors of the Town of Platti-

— u J .o m e c t a t l h e T o w n YI^) ontb day of February, at 2 o'clock

ie purpose of nominating candidates for

?fo* theK^nV^V0™^0'"1ime before the mealing.

By order of Town

Hospitalat New York city, attending aurse of Medical Lectures, and as Boon asgets through he will open his office in

the village of Schuyler Falls, which will beabout three weeks or BO. Dr. Bertrand iswell known to be a steady young man ofgood moral character, and good sober hab-

He is a well educated man, and hewill give the people good satisfaction, as we

e no doubt. He will be on hand to meetcalls at any hour of the day or night,hope that the people will give hii

fare chance a:

r f i i A V XVWW JS VAUVUOiTho Republican Electors of the Town <

requested to meet at Empire Hall, on HA:Fob. 27th, at two o'clock, P. M., for the ]• . n m l n n + l _ . . . , _ J I J . l . . r , . 1 - .... A M ) . . . .

or the pnrpoOfficers to

W> Town5 Committe

and we wish him good success.

FIEB No. 3.—The third flre of the seasonoccurred in Plattsbnrgh on the morning ofTuesday last, the 16th iost. The flameswere first discovered a little before fourj'clock, issuing from the windows in theear of Bailey's Block, which open into the

store room of P. & S. Monash, on thesecond floor. The alarm spread rapidly

f citizens wasground. Horicon engine was placed at the

Court House square, and isoon throwing a brisk stream into the wdows named. It soon became apparent

that Monash'sflames, that


The Republican Electors of the town of Chaiy arerequested to meet at the Hotel kept by H. Clark, atChaiy village, on SATURDAY, Feb. 27th, at twoo'clock P. M., for the purpose of nominating eandl-date, for T*wn OfficerVfoTSvhe transaction of such other Business asbefore the meeting. It Is hoped there wattendance. I. P. CHAMBER AIN,


Copartnership Notice— Hornick & Pierce.

Receipts for txie Sentinel,

S. Jones, South Pittsburgh, March 6,1S69, 1

. Abbott, Frontier, Bept. 5, 186&, 2E. A. Uanfleld, Morrisonville, Jan. 1,1870, " 4W. W. Little, Chary, Oct. 4,1MB, 2

Rev. 0 . L. Hagar, PlattBburgb, Feb. 6,1870, 1

~ S. Barber, Ottawa, 111., Feb. S, 1889, 2

W. Page, Keeseville, eb. 11,1869, 2r. A. Wenton, KeesevUle, Jan. 1,1868, 7

hE. Prescott, Keeseville, Jan. 1,1888, 3

Page, KeesevUle, Jan. 1,1868, 2

E. Kingsland, KeeseviUe, Feb. 11,1887, 2Btevens, Keesevllie, Jan. 1,1868, 3

L . D . Gay, Clintonvilie, April 13,180 t 2

Lewis Anderson, lagraham, Jan. 1,1870, 1\ A . Moore, Ohamplaln, Sept. 5,1S69, 2

I. M. Banker, PeaaleyvtUc, March 3,1869, 2

*D. F. Dobte, Plattoburgh, Feb. 5,1870, 2

Mrs. W B . Garvio, Mooer. Forks, June 6,1869, 2

W. C. Taylor, Sew York, Much 1,1889, 3

Mead, West PlatUburgh, Jan. 1, 1870, 2Wm. Comatock, West Plattaburgh, Sept. fl, 1889, 2". T. Comstock, New Michigan, III., Mar. S.187O, i'.Lawrence, West Chaiy, Jan. 1,1870, 2

). W. Lawrence. Hopkinton, N. T., Ang. 17,1869,.iilaa Kent, £llenburgh, Jan. 1,1869, 2

L D. Felton, Saranac, March 7,1869, 2

H. J. Oarlton, West Chary, Jan. 1,1870, 2A. G. Howard, Went Chaiy, Jan. 10,1870, 2B . 8 . JoneB, Wlnooski, Vt., Jan. 1,1810, 2

—Mr. Seymonr A. Galasha, of Platts-urgh, has accepted a situation with thejm of O. B. WiDiams & Co., 413 Broad-ray, N. Y., wholesale dealers in hats, caps

and straw goods. For the present Mr.Galasha will devote his time to canvassing

the company in the counties of Clinton,Essex, Franklin and St Lawrence.

notice elsewhere, It will beserved that Mr. Edgar W. Pierce has form-d o-partnership with G. W. Hornlck,ed 1

In the manufacture and sale of furniture,ipholatery goods, doors, sash, blinds, &i

Mr. Pierce is an active, energetic youngind we are sanguine will give good

itisfaction t both hla parti and the

, Brake combined in one lever, it works easy and

« efficient a" togcommlna toe admiratlo'n'of'I'll who

bl?te"rmO»WnAddr^°8Unly H l g h t f ! f o r " a l e o n r c a > o n a -

Tllm2 U. 11. BIJO8BOK, Obazy, N. Y.

St. LawrenceUniversityiC A N T O N , INT. Y . *

and comnlete as those of Yale or Harvard. It. ProfeaiorB able and thorough. I u government firm anccoMlderate of the opinions of students and pwentiof all denominations.,. Expenses for tuition, roonrent, and board are lower than at any Institution olike grade in the Stale. •

Tuition, $S per Term—8 terms per year. Board iiprivate families or College Boarding Qall, *3 60 peweek, Including washing. For further infoVmatku


iggested, and is very proper. The fuel

box, conveniently arranged within the cab.The cab is fitted with doors and windows

shut up light, leaving all within asa and snug as a little parlor. The ma-) is intended for switching purposes,e Railroad jard at Ogdensburg. It isIrst one of the kind overbuilt In the

Cooley's store will for the present befound in Blake's new building; Mr. Aver-ill's office with Robert Bailey, InsuranceAgent, in Clinton Block, and Mr. Halseywith Dr. Lyon.

We would naturally be expected to close

lion;" but as wIhe Water Co

i the ;r queie promised the report ofBsioners next week, we:8 until after Its publica-

-Hornick & Pieiirge and finely sale

e have jast received ated assortment of wall

[saac L. Rock Is nowvassing the tow

LAKE.-Mr. R. R. Hathawayhas been appointed Postmaster at NorthHeio, vice Charles Hyde, removed.

—The oldest acting Congregational PastorIn, Vermont, is Rev. O. G. Wheeler,has been settled at South Hero more thantwenty-eight years.

—The St. Albans Foundry Company re-cently purchased for old lead a barrel ofbullets picked up on one of the battlefield!

the rebellion.—The material for the Weldon House ex-

sable, Pernty, for

id Schuyler Falls, in this ] tension at St Albans is being drawn upoi

g work just publish'

r at Belvieu-

the spot.


were elected for the ensuing quarter at the;kly communication of Whlteface Moan-

tain Lodge, No. 648, of the I. O. of G. T.,t Wilmington, on Saturday evening, Jan.

101b, 1869 :

Hiram Hinds, W U TMiss Amanda Avery, W V TCbas. D. Heikok, W 8Mias Lucinda Wilkins, W F BRichard Hinds, W TSpen W MMiasHeny y,Mrs. Lydla D. Bliss, W CMiss Emma Hinds, W A SMrs. Ella Hantington, W D MMiss Elizabeth Hatch, W R H SMiss Annie Haseltine, W L H 8George Hardy, P W C TBrother John Forbes, has been com-

nissioned as Lodge Deputy for the ensuing

'e have io donbt they wil

entire store v j ofi about to burst through

—Tbe Clintonvilie Lodge, No. 720, elected th« following officers for th« quarterending April 30th :

Wm. F. Norman, W C TA. W. Macomber, P W C TE. N. Walker, W F 8T. W. Walker, W MDan. Palmer, W O GMiss Amt Mace, W D MMrs. F. Gay, W L SMrs. M.Chas. IMiss Matilda Gay, W TMiss Mary Kinney, W I GG. Baldwin, W CMiss Ada Macomber, W R SL. D. Gay, L D

—A correspondent at Moriah Fonr Cor-ers writes as follows:We have a fine Lodged good Templar•

here (Moriah Corners) numbering 209bers in good standing. Time of meeting,Tuesday evening, known as Mineral Lodge,No. 502, has been working something morethan a year. Officers installed by Rev. C.M. Clark, D. G. W. C. T., for the ensuiDg

tbe doors and windows on the first floor inHere the powerful stream from

Gregory's force pomp did excellent service.The doors were burst open in order to reachthe flames effectually. For nearly an hourthese two streams, one in front and tbeother in lhe rear of the building, were kept

tantly plying, and at last, to all ap-pearances, entirely snbdued tbe flamestbe first and second floors. But the fire wasmaking rapid progress in the upper story.Just at this time we were made forcibly torealize our terrible want of facilities forfighting fire. The water in the cisternthe square was exhausted, the cistern inftoat of the Cuatom House was soon

iptied, the force pump at Gregory's wasbroken, and as the flames burst out of theupper story, little could be done but look

and deplore our helplessness. Fortun-ately, there was no wind. A partition ex-

iding to the roof on tbe west of Monash'sprevented the fire from spreading west, inthe direction of the First National Bank.—Had it not been for this the extent of the

rould have been four fold as great as itwas. Thus confined everything combusti'jle in the second and third stories was con-lumed, leaving the barren and black wallstending, but so badly damaged that por-tions will probably have to come down.

Oar varions fire companies performeitheir duties faithfully, Independent No. 4,and Phcenix, working with the hose at-tached to Gregory's pump. A good dealif daring and fortitude was displayed by

both firemen and citizens.

The buildings In which this fire oc<are located on the corner of Bridge andStreets. The block, extending westFirst National Bank, is owned by JamesBailey, Esq., and was divided on the firstfloor into fonr stores. The first,east corner, was occupied by 8. P. Bailey

i grocery and provlsioigoods, except those in th<

iostly gotten out, but were badly damaged.He was well insnred. The Btore occupiedby P. & 8. Monash Joins this on the west.

5 the intire stock of clothing &c,valued at fifteen thousand dollar more,and Insured for twelve thousand, witirely destroyed. Next is Cooley's Hat,Cap and Far Store. This being

it side of the wall was not damaged byfire, but the entire stock of gooda werehurled into the street, and much of it lostor destroyed. Next is tha& S. Monash, all of the goods in which

ere taken oat in a similarIn the second story the law office of J.

G. McDermott, over S. P. Bailey's &nd theoffice, of H. K. Averill, Engineer and Sui

veyor, c iT Monash's store, are among t

Charles Miller, W C TMiss Mary Green, W V TCharles Robinson, W R S

E. Brittel, W F 8Miss A. Foster, W TS. Tatlau, W MMiss Josle Eendee, W I GT. Woodward. W O GRev. D. H. Gould, W CMiss Florence Lewis, W A SMiss Amanda Butler, W D MMiss Nellie Schultz, W R H SMiss Mary Beck, W L H 8Madison Putnam, P W C T

—At a regular meeting of Mooers Lodge,No. 389, held Wednesday evening, Feb 10,the following officers were duly Installed :

T. Heffeman, W C TMrs. U Francis, T T V TR. H. AngeU, W R SMiss Laura Shedden, W A SWm. Williams, W F SMiss Frank Fitch, W TL. Whitney, W MMrs. L. Bosworth, W D MDolph Garraw, W O GMiss Nettie Dunn, W I GHiram Donn, W CMrs. Jennie Fitch, W R H SMrs. 8. 8. Churchill W L H 8J. F. Bhedden, P W C TC. H. Bidwell, L D

—The following officers of AdirondackLodge, No. 501, of Port Henry, N. Y.,were elected and installed for the ensuingquarter, ending April 30, 1869 :

R. R. Stevenson, W C TMrs. G. A. Roberts, W Y TWm. Thompson, W 8D. 8. Benings, W F 8MlssF. CWheelock, W TGeorge Stevenson, W MA. Hendricks, W I GH. Green, W O GRev. Mr. Newman, "W CMUs Eliza Sherman, W A SMiss Carrie Warner, W D MMrs. K. R. Stevenson, W L H SMrs. L. Vanornara, W R H SDr. C. E. Nichols, P W C T

—At a meeting of Beekmantown Lodge

No. 557, I. O. of G. T., held Fridayfollowing officersuing quarter:

W. H. Tabberrah, W C TMiss Jnliett Scribner, W V TJames Howe, W R SMiss Dora Barber, W A SA. A. Webb, W F SMiss Annie Pierce, W TWm. Lawrence, W MMiss Martha Lark in, W D MMiss Marian Barber, W I GMichael C*rl, W O GJohn Kirby, W CD. M. Gale, P W C TMiss Amelia McFadden, W R H SMiss Frank Scribner, W L H SArthur Webb, L D

A BBHUAOT FIEB.—Quite an anxiety amanifested on this side of tbe lake on Mon-day to get the Burlington Free Press, in

a learn what great fire had come offon Sftturd*-- nig&l in Yean o b a brtffi.* display «, ̂ p e o p l e ailalong this side of the lake. The followingfrom that paper gives the sequel:

Essex Centre was visited by a severe flrebetween nine and ten o'clock on 8atnrd»yevening, by which the Academy buildingwas wholly destroyed. It is reported that

Local (Jorresponlence.

FRB. 12, I860.—Some excitement was created here Wed-

nesday, by lhe appearance on onr Btreets ofi young man, dressed in a dark suit of closeHting clothes, with red sash and militarysap, displaying his speed "a la Weston."

urned oat that he waa a young man frommnpolnt, named Tafft, who had madeivager that he could walk from Crown-nt to Pease's Hotel in Port Henry, rcgis-

hls name, and go back to Crownpointfour hours, the distance being about 7Jes. It seems he had tried the feat be-

ire and failed. His wind or conrage hadall oozed out by tbe time he reached here.Wednesday he again made tbe distance, ar-

ring at Pease's in 1 hoar and 65 minutes,id started on his return, and got to the

head of the Bay, (about 3J miles from here,)I he caved in, and acknowledged hebeat, and could not perform the feat,the roads are not in a condition for

pedestrianism Jast now. Some of oar peo-thought that Weston had arrived ia

n, but found their mistake before theylad made much inquiry.

—I don't know as you chronicle the salesof real estate; but to show you the value ofland in this locality, R E. Warner sold $

of land to Simeon Doctor for $4000,four thousand dollars.) Pretty jrood pricebat, for what your people call rocks. Johnoss, Martin Finch and Julius C. Brevoort,

Commissioners appointed to assess the dam-ige to the lands of L. A. Foot, by reason

the Lake Champlain & Moriah R. R. Co.>re bed road taking for the purposes of their

' '1-100 of an acre of land, gave himnages thirteen hundred and fifty dol-

lars, ($1350.) I guess at that rate we canafford to have a Rail Road.

—A "Mission," consisting of religious:ercises morning and evening, is now in

progress in St. Patrick's Church, under thoision of Rev. Father Harney, assist-

ed by other prelates froin abroad, and U tocontinue doring the two first weeks of Lent,

IngAshWednesday,Feb. 10,1889.n last evening, (Thursday,) one of the

gentlemen preached a very able andinstructive sermon, taking his text from theVI. Chapter of the Gospel of St. Matthew,

3d verse: "But seek ye first the Kingdomof God and its justice, and all these thingsshall be added unto you." The speakeiheld the attention of his audience for anhour and a half or Bore, and in a very for-cible and illustrative style, pictured to themthe folly and vanitieu of the world, and howlittle it was worth compared to the welfareand happiness of their immortal son Is. His

iparisona and arguments were very well:n, and ably handled. We have

one of the finest churches in Northern NewYork, and a new one has just been com-pleted at the ore beds, which would be acredit to a larger and wealthier congrega^

The pastor, Rev. 8. Harney, is un-tiring In his efforts for the interest and wel-fare of the flock committed to his charge.

Feb. 13, 1869.

On Friday evening last, a few of thefriends and former parishioners of the Rev.Mr. RaiMom, paid him a visit at WadhamsFalls, where he is now located. The Rev.gentleman had been for a long time and upto abont two yean ago, In charge of thespiritual affairs of his flock in this section,and has many warm friends and admirersamong the former members of his churchwho feel the -absence of his bright andcheerful countenance from the pulpit, andof the force and spirit of his eloquenceteacher and expounder of the gospel.

was a very agreeable surprise tohimself and Mis. R-. as sleigh after sleighdrove up and deposited its load of old and

i moods at his door, and tfc ~ ~coining upoo him r»U«r unexpectedly, ttar/were greeted with U»*t iearty and cordialwelcome characteristic of the Rev. gentle-

Ortewho participated, assured methat it was the most happy and sociable

ktbering it had been his lot to attend inany years. The party partook of an ex-

cellant sapper at about half past ten, andafter a "private interview"with the "Host,"gathered their baskets, pails, &c. together,and bade the Rev. gentleman and hiiesteemed lady "good night," and departedwell pleased with their visit, and wishing

mg and happy life to the Host and Hostecof the evening. There were some youngfolks in the party, and as usual on such oc-casions, (I have been there myself) had tgay time going out. The evening wasvery pleasant and sleighing good, an<~together It was a time for enjoyment Com-ing home, they didn't drive very fast,guess, as some of them did not arrive until

ito the "small" hours of morning—thewhy and wherefore of which, can be ex-ilained very easily. I can assure the manj

friends of Mr. R.", a hearty welcome on alsuch occasions as that of last evening.

Respectfully, EQUITY.

ing, Feb. 12th, thewere elected for the i

the pnrpoM of drying <

Notice ofSale in Partition.


yard and garden. Also afrom the Sovc promises of 68 acres.

All tho promise, are situated on lUllerk Hill )„tho town of Ausable, and l)ut a few rode from the'de-pot on the Whitehall & Plattsborgh Hailroad, amiwill be sold at the Ausable House, In itcesevlllu, atpublic sale, to the hljfhest bidder, on Mondav, theiJStn day of March, 1808, at 11 o'clok A. M. *

\Y, G. WATSON, Eeftree.

the things that were. To the forethoughtand vigorous efforts of some of onr citizens,and the daring of kiB son, Mr. HeDermoH

is indebted for the preservation of his moreimportant books and papers, Including in-dictments before the next County Court.—AU else was destroyed. No insurarjAmong the papers bnrned were sum

notes and accounts left with hta for col the fire caught from a Move left heated forlection. He requests us to ask the owners *^° rmmnoo f̂ »̂TMn<» n n A ~p *K« _n~M . .of these notes and accounts, to furnish

spies of them to him without delay. Weope thut every facility »nd encouragement

possible will be extended to Mr. McDermottby those transacting business with him, in

that the inconvenience and difficultiesoccasioned by his loss, shall bear as lightlyon him as possible.

Neatly all of Mr. Averill's furniture,books, maps, apparatus, &c, was destroy-:d or badly damaged. What was savedvas rescued only by the daring efforts of a

number of our citizens, to whom he wishesua to extend his heartfelt thanks.

C. Halsey, Esq., over Cooley's,course badly scared, u he might well be.

: all taken out without beingdamaged very extensively. AU the books

trading public. We congratulate him onhis entry into a business already so well «tablished, and with all the facilities formeeting the demands of the. public.

—Rev. Richmond Fisk, of St. LawrenceUniversity, is the youngest University Presi-dent in the country and probably in th«rorld.

—The Baptist Mite Society of Keeseville,at their Social at the residence of Mr.Jeremiah Hayes, on Wednesday evening of

;k realized the nice little$41,54.

—Mr. Dana, of the New York Sun, con-innes to amnse itself 1A attompts to throwidicnle upon Mr. Greeley, of the Tribune.

After working at it about one hundredyearB, if they could both live as long, werould like to see the Bum total of profit is

euch a proceeding. Bat then we supposebey are not deemed ^improper person-UtieB."

—Complaint la made that, unless somecheck is interposed, deer will soon be ex-tirpated in the northern woods of New York.One hunter employs about thirty men tohunt during the season, and aends the pro- j His things *ducts of their guns and skill to market.

nt upwards of flve huo- belonging to the Clinton Co, RWe Society, =

New York and other ', were saved in good condition. They will; a nt organs when suffering from diseaserprice of deer's meat by tbe I be kept at his house for the present. , The avails of the lecture are to be gh

carcass ia from twelve to fifteen centa per ! Mr. Bailey^ block was insured for only , toward ftirnaning the church.^ ̂ ^p0Un(j, :$10,Q0O, the portion entirely burned for: ^^ .

—John Clark, a lad 13 years of age, son ! 15,000. FESTIVAL.—The Ladies of the M.of Mr. James Clark, of Champlain, injured : The escape of the building immediately ; Church Society, Baranac, propose to hold

ding in the county, being a large struc-of brick, well adapted to Us useB. Itowned by Mr. Sanderson, the principal,

whose loss muat be some $8,000 or $10,000.The school was a flourishing one, and theloss to the community will be severe. Theflre lit up the whole horizon, and was visi-ble for many miles around.


We would respectfully give notice that Dr.8. Haynes bae kindly accepted an invitationto give a lecture on the "Human Eye andEar," at the new church in Cadyville,Wednesday evening, Feb. 24, 1889. Theinterest in the subject will be promoted bylUustratioa&by diagrams and paintings,cannot fail to be of practical value in givinginformation how to preserve our vision


;ht j in the nse! tUDate.

hie Uaee by falling cweeks since. It continaed to growunlil Sunday last, when amputation was Burdo,pronounced necessary. The leg waB taken j course (off above the kne

of the mrned wns very for-! Festival and Oyster Supper, for the benefllIt was occupied by Mr. Moses. of the Church, at Saranac Academy,

(vho removed all hia thinga, and of' Wednesday evening, February 24th. Thecperienced considerable loas. ' tables will be supplied with the lu:

Among others who took the precaution . the 8( A general attendance Is Invited.


mrsday of last week, availing ourselvesa moderate temperature, we rallied from

ifflce ennui, and proceeded at once to visiti in and about the Nail Works,

.fter spending an honr at the office of theipany with Messrs. Kingsland and Ba-talking borse and Tail-roads, we pro-

ceeded to the main building, erected on the

ESSEX, N. Y., Feb. 11, 181

e third lecture of the course tthe auspices of the Good Templars,lelivered on Tuesday evening, Feb.

by Prof. M. H. Buckham, of Burlington,~i. Subject— "Philistinism." The lecture

%B one of rare merit. Oar audiences areit large, we did not expect large audiences,

but the best part of our citizens encourageour effort by their presence and by hearty

cpressions of interest. The next lectunwill be delivered by Rev. C. N. Wildernext Tuesday evening, Feb. 16th. Subjec—"The work we as Good Templars haviundertaken, and the means by which w<propose to accomplish i t"

P. 8.—The fourth lecture will be de-livered on Wednesday evening, Feb. 24th,

LENT.—The following regulations for itsobservance by the Catholics ot this Diocesehave been issued.

1. All persons who have attained the ag(»f twenty-one years are bound to obser

the Fast, viz., to take only one meal in theday, Sundays excepted.

2. A light collation ii allowed In theevening ; a cup of lea or coffee in the mo:

ft •

S. Dispensation from the obligationfasting is granted to the sick, the convales-cent, the delicate and infirm, whose healtlwould be endangered by its observance; t.laborers, mechanics and others, whoseduties are of a very laborious or exhaustingnature; to women pregnant or nursingand to the poor who are not sure of havingone meat in the day.

4. Dispensation is also granted to useflesh meat on all the Sundays, and at onemeal on the Mondays, Tuesdays and Thurs-days In every week.

5. Lard may be used In cooking.6. It is not allowed to use flesh meat and

)h at the same meal, even on Sundays.

7. Eggs, butter and cheese are not prohibited.

8. Persons dispensed from the obligationof fasting, on account of youth or advancedage, laborious occupation, &c, are n<tricted to the use of meat at only om

on days which Su use is allowed by dUpen-sation.

9. The time for performing the Easterduty, extends from the first Sunday in Lent

lins of the fire 5Ut ( i yeaitting up this building noexpense has been,unned demanded by correct ideas of utili-and security. There are 28 machines

,nning in it, employing a force of foremenid workmen acting in perfect unison fore benefit of themselves and the Company,he most perfect order prevails, althoughe clatter of those 28 machines might putflight all ideas of harmony as entertain-

! by practitioners on the organ and piano.>me two tons of nails are manufacturedaily. None but the best quality of Nor-ray iron is used.Mr. Henry Dandas Is foreman of the Nail

rorks, and has the necessary experienceid energy for one of the most responsiblejsitions in this line of manufacture. Toiperintend correctly the running of 50oree Nail Machines Is .no • sinecure. Thean who does it must read his newspapersthe night, and leave the ordinary affairs

' human life outside the factory in the dayme.We next found our way to the box mak-

g department, to pay a short visit to ourmng friends, Bennie Mills, Bob Cook, andank Palmer. We found them occupyingi nice and cozy a place as one could well

HAIR KRBTORER or DRESSING, (in one bottt?.') EvorvDrugsiBl Bells It. Prlcr- One Dollar. 1474ml,

The Medicine for | J. E. OOTTEELL'tS

\V\\ooping Cough! New Jewelry Store,DODD'S NKEVnTB i r t WVIGORATOB elves -

agreeable and almost insUBt relief ID the spasms ofWhooping Congh 'Phis Is I complaint that all chil-dren are expected to have: sad when It comet strange

aoro particularly oinlypartlAiry.orfor

purifying the Blood,

be dlgestlro organs, andtctcal Vessels, thus notbeing, bnt permanent!^


Congh, thl« nwrlect would be utterlye bat for tbe feet that children's dl-lany of the weaknesses of vomen, are

Ally unconcerned abont them. Let

1_A celebrated New

>f torofnla

York barber said, not long

their hair dresKd with "Barrett's Hair Restorm-' to any other mtstanee, as It keeps the scalp ,oand free from dandroff.—Troy Ucrily Whig.

Its uso cures toothache, agu<; also spinal

a charm.'

ig Magic

'ish for. No :rhow old the weath-•, the facilities to keep warm are equal t<ie emergency. After listening to a yarnr two, we bade them good-day, bearingith us an invitation to call again.The assorting department is under the

oharge of Mr. Ahira Beach, who acts as a30rt of school master over 55 boys

the light bnt busy employment oring nails. We do not -know who else inthis burgh would undertake the manage-ment of such a crowd of juveniles as are

e congregated. Yet everything movesalong quietly, with only "hip I hip ! hur-

occasion of "recess." Whilere were there they "divided off" for a

w-ball fight, and a jolly time they madet. The minutes having expired, a sig-froui Mr. Beach brought them all into

ine again and at their work.

In another building Mr. Alexander La-lam haa charge of 25 more boys engaged inheating and pointing the "blunts" brought j iuh",from the assorting department just named." 'ery thing moves with activity and ener-

. It has the appearance somewhat of aschool a grade higher than that over whichMr. Beach preaidea with so much dignityand austerity.

In the basement under the assorting de-is doae the boxing and marking,

ir the supervision of Mr. John G. Col- H . ^ B O 'long in the employ of the Kingalands,

and about as necessary to keep every thingmoving, we might say, as capital itself. Ifanything is wanted particularly special, Mr.Collins is sent for. If some important er-rand is to be done abroad, nobody can do itbut Mr. Collins. But tbe boxing and mark-ing all the time goes on, and there, piledup in handsome array, 25 pounds in a box,are tons and tons of the handsomest andmost perfect horse shoe nails manufacturedin the United States.

ight to state In this connection thatir machines in the old sail factory buildingare not running this winter, and when allshaU be put in motion In the spring, it will

seen at once that a proportionate num-her of men « 4 boy. will be employed—

it proof positive of their wonderful ylues. ThousandsiDgXtrc-effiaeflect, aid the Medical Fraternity",

anything which causes persons t

ficates can bo produced show


'ORGANS,TTTT2 ArlTWriTFTTJ>nilS"t\ o m i v m n n r>nn

les, and prescribe them under. They are sold by all druggists.




the extreme range of temperature during the week

ending Tuesday, Feb. 18th, as Indicated by themometer at Plattsbnrgh Barracks:

nax. S4 o, m i n . » o . F e b , 1 2 t n , m

i = . Feb. 13th, max. St<>, mln. 24° .iax.l2o,miD .7O. Feb. 15th, max. 32eb. 16th, max. S5O, m|D. 140, A v e r (

ire daring the week, 260 .

Prevalent wind* during the week, Bon

Depth of rain and melted mow, 92-100

9,1S«S, a son to Mr. and Mrs.

I 9 " U B I T I

The Companywn nail rods, the lower rolling mill havingteen purchased for that purpose by saidCompany, and put in a perfect state of re-pair. This will make room for more work-men, and prove a small saving to the Com-

This is one of the Keesevillo manufactnr-; establishments BO Important to our in-rests and prosperity. The Company have1 store, but pay cash every Saturday night,

_d that is divided around among our shop-keepers and merchants, buyers and sellersall being satisfied with existing arrange-ments.

With the construction of tbe NorthernAir Line Railroad other manufacturing es-tablishments will spring up, and more wheelsand hammers will be moved by the magnif-icent water power of which we are the pos-sessors, and only waiting the increased fa-cilities of ingress and egress to make itavailable.

Another leisure hour perhaps will enableas to engage in further investigations.

Wm. M. Ugden, Feb. l i th.

$M00f^^J3f^Lii. HAddress J. AHBARN, 83 Second Street,:

CONCERT.—A Concert will be given atthe Stone Church, in East Beekoiantown,

Thursday evening, Feb. 25, under theection of Mr. James Swinston. TicketsadultB 25 cts, for children 15 cts. Doors

open at 6 o'clock.

A CABD.— The subscriber tenders hissincere and grateful thanks to Chief Engi-

Myers, the Flre Department, and hiskind friends who labored with such diligent

verance on the morning of the 16thinst, and with the blessing of Himcontrols the elements, saved a part of bisblock of stores from the destructive flre

'hich threat esed our entire village.JAMES BAILEY.

ENTBRTAIXMBNT.—The Sd Entertainmentof the South Hero Library Association willbe held A the Town Hall, in South Hero,on Tuesdby)evening, the 28d inst. Doonopen at BJ o'clock, and performance Ucommenctl at Ii o'clock. Admission 2(cents. f B. L. FLETCHER, Pres.

A. B. CONBOB, Sec'y.


At Morgan'sThe Cheapest Store





ISO Teachers Wanted.

CO.j 264 Pearl Street. New Tori

W^K5wiW,£dJand g « d wag««. Address wltARDS * CO., 113 Ohettnat 8

A G E N T S WAWMED.T'Fortheoiraving of Gen. Grant and his femily puheir approval. Engraved b; Sartaln.9, $2.00. 100 per cent, to agents. AddiIPKflD & CO., Chicago, or No. 37


country. The smallest articles soldiced for a SUverPlatnd livebottled Rev


Book Agents Wanted,To take orders for Pnif. C. B. Slom'i great b o o k -

ORIGIN AND HISTORY Of THE BIBLE.its, everyone, w'll

^ 3 ' £ n S . p b u t Un snLndidTy wi....ever introduced. We have hundreds of testimonialsfrom eminent divines of all denominations. Nearly

-•• 'tht large* commit-

I i\

STivAU-Tho Ladies Aid Society ofWest Plattsburgh will hold a Festival atA. R. Btorr's on the evening of Tuesday,

23d, 1869. Oysters will be served. Con-fectionery and other refreshments will besupplied. By order of Committee.

WANTBD.--Fo? the manufacture of wagonhubs, a large quantity of red and white elm,grown in the open fields, full length oi treeswhen convenient. Parties delivering the<

at the wagon manufactory of Lynde,Isham & Co., Plattsburgh, will receive for

good price. Also a quantity of Oak,Ash, and Basswood. For further particu-lars, caU at their office. 689tf

Disa' FAIR—The Ladies of Willsbor-ough will hold their annual Pair at River-side Hall, Feb 25, 1869. The Ladies havein former years conducted their Fair in amanner satisfactory to the public. Theywill endeavour to leavo nothing undone inway of refreshments, music &c. Tbe Wllla-borough Cornet Band will be in attendance,and there will be an endeavour to makethe entertainment pleasant and agreeable?

invitation is extended as usual for all toattend. By order of committee. w2

APPOINTMENTS OF NoTiieiica PUBLIC—Clinton: Warren Dow of Plattsburgh ;Wales Parsons of Saranac. Essex : Benj. !

laid win of Ticonderoga; A. Dudley, jof Ellzabethtown. Franklin : Benj. S. W. j ptt,Clark, Charles J. G. Hall, Wm. P. Cant-well, ofMalone.

iS-Phoenix Hotel, at Whithall, wasstroyed by flre on Tueiday night last.


W I rV .HC O U T AL.COHOMake* the Weak Strong.Cures Chronic Diseases.Invigorates the Brain.Cure. Dyspepsia and D.WUty.Vttallxea and Knrlehe the Blo<

CAUTION.-Alt gentmw has tha name "Fiao-AS STROP." (not "Peruvian Bark,") blown In tbeus. A 32-p«fte pamphlet sent free. J. P. Dl«e->*i, Proprietor, 38 Dey St., New York. 7Uw*


Try the Combination of

Allen, Atwood & Bates.

Great Mammoth SaleLICENSED BY THE U. 8. GOVT.

;r offered.ittivu to address.

lien, Atwood 4c Bates,

)t the worst agony

r South <


Dealer inWatches, Clocks, Jewelry, S H T

and Plated Ware,Fane? Goods, i c .HAIR JEWBX.HY made toordtr.

WWatches,Cloe*jandJewelryBe».tlrrer.ilrePittsburgh .May 10,1888. v.j ,

.edlc'ne?1""""8^^ A l " " — ™

IMPORTANT CERTIFICATE.Speedy Cure of W h o o p i n g Cough.

J. W. F«o KTT, Esq., Brooklyn, N. T.1 am not In the habit of taking advertised medlnes, nor of certifying to their curative effects whet

hey come under my observation; but I feel eonstrained to make an exception in favor of DODD'iNEBVLNE AND INVIOOKATOB, a medicine Iha™ uMd ID my fcolly for some time put. J4y lit-tie daughter had been suffering from seven Whoop-ng Oough for several week*, and i u so much bro;

it nothing waa tried 1• a phytician not novne. This was proamice—with an effect immediate and sur" --Lrtettat night.




It d l

For sale by Druggists. Prlee One Dollar. 708w8

OBGAK 0 0713w4&l

Too Caa Save 30 P?r CtmU

The Farmer's BooV.140 beautiful and useful iunstntiou, TIO ootavo

pages. Showing just wfcat every tanner wurts to


Schayier Falls, Kay


SALOON,Witherill's New Hotel, Plattaburgh.

F. HOAG, Proprietor.Plattsburgh, Oct. 18,1M8,

PUttsbars*, Oct. 23,1868.




Clocks, Watches aai Jewelry, Spce--"ACfcES PIATUD WARE, AC.


BOOTS, SHOES, AND RUBBERS!Opposite the Woolen Factories,

iBrlOLKe s t r e e t . I*l.»trtos"fcyu2r«:fci..


Which tells no "fluuntiog He," would advise his enstomew in the village, and all

persona residing ii\ towns adjacent, that he has again


o close out all remnant Lots and get ready for a


The careful economist and close buyer haa now a chance to get good and taaty

Qoods that may be shop massed at GREAT BARGAINS.



Calf Boots, Tap Bole, Steel Shank, _ _ j Glove Kid, DouhlaSole Button Boots, ̂Toe's, reduced

Calf Boots, with Tap Sole, reducedKip Boots, " u " "Coarse Boots, Double Sole,C B t b ' d th'

|6.00 j4.504.503,60l?B

Coarse Boots, D o e S l e , ,Coarse Boots, boy's and youth's, 8,00 to l.?B

ducet . .Kid Slips, double sole, reduced uCalf and Morocco trim'd Bab.,Children's Copper Toes, 8 to 12,Rubbers have "rU" to



Gents in want of Latest Styles of Sewed French Calf, Box Toed Boots, nowthe time to leave your ordera. We have got on a new lot and pattern.

ra-Call and examine,

Woi-k of the Best Blaterial and Styles Made to Or<I«r, My aim Isto sell cheap a«ian4 nake Shoe Ware (bat will please.

J. J. DBX)WN.6P5m*February 32, 1869.