BOOKS - IAPSOP...& Light - Four Aspects of Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00. SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00 COSMOGONY

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Page 1: BOOKS - IAPSOP...& Light - Four Aspects of Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00. SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00 COSMOGONY
Page 2: BOOKS - IAPSOP...& Light - Four Aspects of Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00. SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00 COSMOGONY

B O O K SP u b lish ed and f o r s a le by

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FOUR PLANES OF HEALING (symptoms. D iagn osis and S p ir itu a l Treatm ent) Former P r ic e $10.00 - Newissu e now a v a i la b le a t $3 .00,

TEXTBOOK OF ANCIENT WISDOM (The Teach ings o f the

EMERALD TABLETS (Autobiographic History of Atlantis by Thoth). Translated by Dr.Boreal. Former price $5*00. New Issue now $2,00,

MASTERS* Visible & Invisib le (Nine Zones o f color & Light - Four Aspects o f Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00

SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00

COSMOGONY & COSMOLOGY - Dr. Doreal $1,00

SYMBOLISM OF GREAT PYRAMID (Kabbalistic* Alchemi­cal and Occult Symbolism) - Dr* Do reed $1,00


REINCARNATION (Mystery o f L ife & Death) Doreal *504


SCIENCE OF HEALTH (Sickness and Disease & S p irit-

SYMBOLISM OF GREAT SEAL (U.S.) - Dr. Doreal *10^

LIGHT ON THE PATH - Monthly Magazine .10^(Yearly Subscription $1*00/

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ual Healing) - Dr. Doreal • 25s*

Page 3: BOOKS - IAPSOP...& Light - Four Aspects of Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00. SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00 COSMOGONY

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238 B ro a d w a y H o D en ver' C 8 l°P .0 . B o x 893


Page 4: BOOKS - IAPSOP...& Light - Four Aspects of Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00. SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00 COSMOGONY
Page 5: BOOKS - IAPSOP...& Light - Four Aspects of Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00. SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00 COSMOGONY

- C O N T E N T S -







THE INNER EARTH(The Inner Temple and the Blue Race) 34





K r A Y * ! * 7 *

Page 6: BOOKS - IAPSOP...& Light - Four Aspects of Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00. SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00 COSMOGONY

t h e i n s t r u c t i o n s o f a m a s t e r T O HI S C H E L A


( P R E L U D E )

The ragged d e f i le , almost blocked with tum­bled rock, presented an aspeet o f wild splendor in the f i r s t red rays o f the r is in g sun. On a l l sides the peaks o f the higher Himalayas rose un­t i l they seemed to pierce the sky.

Just emerging from the rock strewn pass ap­peared the figu re o f a man, rid in g a small moun­ta in pony which picked i t s way with sure fe e t among the tangled rock. Behind him followed a pack laden pony followed by another mounted man.

The man rid in g the f i r s t pony appeared to be about s ix fe e t t a l l and was a strik ing figu re , who seemed to l i t e r a l l y exude v i t a l i t y ; his hair was black and his dark eyes shone flash ingly in contrast to h is bronzed skin.

Les lie Seton w&s an American, and though raised from childhood in one o f the largest c i t ie s o f the United States had never f e l t him­s e l f a part o f the mad rush o f materialism with which he had been surrounded. Even in the oddst o f his own fam ily he had always f e l t alone, and they, as well as others who knew him had con­sidered him a peculiar oh ild as he seemed so content to remain alone, rather them enter into the games and play o f other children. These sedentary habits had been a source o f much con-

Page 7: BOOKS - IAPSOP...& Light - Four Aspects of Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00. SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00 COSMOGONY

earn to L e s lie 's fa th er, who was a typ ica l suc­cessful business man, and he had feared that his son would grow to be a physical weakling, yet in spite o f these sedentary hab its , the boy had grown stronger and more healthy than other c h i l­dren o f his age.

From e a r lie s t childhood L e s lie had had re­a liza t io n o f having ex is ted elsewhere and in other bodies. Memories poured in upon him, vague and h a lf formed at f i r s t , but la t e r with perfect c l| a r ity . As he grew in to v i r i l e man­hood past knowledge became his again and the c a ll, which h is soul had f e l t fo r ages, came c lea r and d is t in c t ; and he knew tha t in the past he had sat at the fe e t o f a Master, lea rn in g o f the mighty laws o f the Cosmos* He remembered the te s t, which would have opened fo r him the ultimate n ys te r ies , had he passed i t . He knew too, the fea r which he had a llow ed to en ter in at the moment o f te s t in g , the fe a r which had caused him to f a i l . Soon, th e r e a f t e r , came tran sition * and now once again he was p lan tin g h is fe e t on the road which le d upward.

From knowledge he had gained in the past he built his body, that it might be a perfect in­strument through which his mind and soul could operate, and he awaited the ca ll which he knew must come from the Master* At th is point in his l i f e his parents were suddenly taken from him as the result of an automobile accident, and fo r a time he entered the confusion which arose from the settling of the family estate, v/hich made him independent of the necessity o f entering the material world to gain his liv in g .

He immediately purchased a small estate in the country and for some time he lived in s o l i ­tude, communing with his soul, s tr iv in g always.

Page 8: BOOKS - IAPSOP...& Light - Four Aspects of Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00. SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00 COSMOGONY

to the utmost o f h is a b i l i t y , to l i f t th e v e i l o f darkness which enshrouded th e Jewel o f W isdom.

One n igh t w h ile he sa t c o n c e n t r a t in g in an easy ch a ir b e fo r e th e f i r e , th e fu l l , power o f h is mind upon the th ir d eye ( th e p in e a l ) , a f la s h as o f b lin d in g l i g h t shot th rou gh h is b ra in , and h is inner eye looked upon a scene which he i n ­s t in c t iv e ly knew as th a t f o r which he had been lon g in g . He seemed to be in a la r g e room, s to n e ­w a lled , w ith a h igh c e i l i n g , from the c e n te r o f which hung a tran sparen t g lo b e f i l l e d w ith a s o f t , l iq u id , b lu e l i g h t * In the c en te r o f th e room d ir e c t ly beneath the l i g h t s tood a man apparently about t h i r t y - f i v e y e a rs o f age* He was c lo th ed in a robe o f w h ite which f e l l to h is ankles and on i t were s tra n ge symbols o f deep purple c o lo r . He ra is e d h is r ig h t hand, palm outward as i f in b le s s in g and spoke the s in g le word "come". In to Set o n 's mind th ere came a benign peace* as though the summit o f a g r e a t mountain had been reached, a goa l a t ta in e d , and at the same tim e the word "T ib e t " rang c l e a r and b e l l - l ik e from the s i le n c e * The v is io n fa d ed , the inner eye c lo sed and Seton awoke to th e r e a l iz a t io n o f the room in w .iich he s a t .

The c a l l he had aw a ited had come; immedi­a te ly he arose and began p rep a ra tio n f o r h is long journey. He p la ced h is mundane a f f a i r s in the hands o f a man who, fo r y ea rs , had been h is fa th e r ’ s a tto rn ey , and L e s l i e s a ile d f o r In d ia , on the f i r s t steamship a v a i la b le .

During h is voyage th e re was no v is io n nor sign to assure him th a t he had taken the r ig h t course, "but w ith in h is inner b e in g was a con­sciousness o f the p e r fe c t tru th o f h is e x p e r i­ence. A fte r severa l days journey h is sh ip a r ­r iv ed at Calcutta where Seton dis-em barked, and

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fro m th e r e he Journeyed a c ro s s In d ia to D a r je e l­in g , w h ere he rem a in ed to a w a it fu r th e r in s tru c ­t i o n , w h ich in w a rd ly he knew must come.

One m orn ing, a few days a f t e r h is a r r iv a l a t D a r je e l in g , he a ro s e e a r ly th a t he might w a tc h th e s u n r is e * and as he s to o d lu x u r ia t in g in th e b e a u ty o f t h i s m a g n i f ic ie n t s p e c ta c le he becam e aw are o f a p re s e n c e beh in d him and heard a s o f t v o ic e s a y , "D ost thou need a gu ide?" T u rn in g Seton lo o k e d in t o th e t h in , a s c e t ic fa ce o f a t a l l n a t iv e , and ben eath h is b r i l l i a n t b la c k e y e s , th in , w e l l shaped nose and heavy b la c k b ea rd S eton sen sed a s p i r i t o f pu rpose fu l p o w e r . "No man needs a gu id e more, " Answered S e to n s m i l in g ly . *1 am s e n t , " r e p l i e d th e na­t i v e , "can you be rea d y b y tom orrow ’ s sun?” S eton bowed h is head in a s s e n t , and l i k e a shad­ow th e man seemed t o fa d e from s ig h t .

Nov/, a f t e r days o f jo u rn e y in g th rou gh eve r w i ld e r and more d e s e r te d c o u n try , Seton sensed th e y w ere ap p roach in g th e g o a l , and i t i s here we f in d them as they paused a t th e mouth o f the rugged d e f i l e . The In d ia n rode fo rw ard and stopped a t S eton *s s id e and p o in ted tow ard the to w e r in g m ountain which b lo c k ed the f a r end o f th e v a l l e y b e fo r e them. "Th ere i s our g o a l, * he s a id . H owever, i t was n o t u n t i l hours la t e r th a t th e y reach ed th e f o o t o f th e g r e a t mountain where th e y a g a in paused, and then f o r th e f i r s t tim e s in c e m orning he spoke, "Here I le a v e th ee , ascend th e mountain u n t i l thou hast reached the rock w h ich i s shaped l i k e th e head o f a bearded man and th e r e aw a it th e c a l l .® Seton dismount­ed and handed th e r e in s o f h is horse to h is companion and began th e lo n g , d i f f i c u l t a scen t. Just as th e red orb o f th e sun sank beneath the f a r peaks o f th e mountains he reached h is ob­j e c t i v e and th e re , on a s l i g h t l e v e l , Seton

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stood fo r a moment w ith the p ro je c t in g bu ttress o f the rock towering above him fo r a fu l l two hundred fe e t . P ro jec tin g from the face o f the c l i f f there was a point o f rock ou t-th rust, carved in the lik en ess o f a crowned head, w ith long beard f a l l in g in two p la i t s . Between the p la its o f the beard and ou tlined in the la s t rays o f the s e t t in g sun stood a man. as Seton approached he saw that he appeared to be o f h is own age and h e igh t. He was dressed in the same kind o f a robe he had seen on the figu re o f h is v is ion * His fea tu res were c lea r cut, the face clean shaven, h a ir short and dark, while the face seemed lig h te d by the b r i l l ia n c e o f the most remarkable eyes Seton had ever seen; they were set wide apart below a very high forehead, th e ir co lo r was dark brown, seemingly flecked w ith tin y golden s ta rs . The man ra ised h is r igh t hand in greetin g , w h ile in a deep v ibran t vo ice he said, Welcome again to the l ig h t from which thou had strayed . I , Theron, am to be thy guide to the peak o f the immortal mountain o f mystic f i r e , wherein th ine own flame f l ic k e r s fe e b ly ." Seton advanced s i le n t ly and clasped the hand o f Theron v/hile v ib ran t harmonies o f joy coursed through his bein g. Holding the hand o f Seton, Theron turned and pressed a small peb­ble which was imbedded in the rock. Between the p la its o f the beard a square o f rock e igh t fe e t wide and ten fe e t high receeded fo r a yard and then s l id s i le n t ly to one s id e . Hand in hand the two, Theron and Seton, entered the passage­way and the rock closed s i le n t ly behind them.

For, perhaps, a thousand fe e t they fo llow ed the passage, then emerged in to a small room wnlch to a l l appearance, had no other entrance. In the center o f the room were two low chairs o f a pe­cu lia r grey metal. Theron motioned Seton to take his place in one while he seated him self in

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the other* He then pressed a small stud on the side of* h is cha ir and Seton f e l t the room surge and tw is t around him. There seemed to be a sp ira l tw is tin g motion o f the w a lls , and a queer lambent l ig h t enshrouded them fo r a moment and then, as suddenly as i t had begun the motion stopped. As Seton gained con tro l o f his shaken senses he found that the room in ivhich he had f i r s t been seated had vanished, and he was now in a v a s t ly la rg e r room which was lig h te d by numberless globes s im ila r to those o f his v is io n . Doors were placed along the w a lls a t in te rva ls and toward one o f these Theron le d Seton. He opened the door d isc lo s in g a chamber handsomely furnished in a s ty le that v/as both eastern and western. "You are t ir e d , res t here and prepare

l_ you rse lf fo r that which i s to ccme, " sa id Theron,>!- ahd s ile n t ly c los in g the door behind him he l e f t

Seton alone. Glancing around Seton found a tra y f i l l e d with fresh food on a low ta b le beside an easy chair, across from the door a stream o f

water poured from a s i lv e r pipe in to a basincarved from the rock, from whence i t drained

I through an opening in the bottom. He immediate­ly refreshed himself w ith a cool drink and a fte r washing away the dust o f the day’ s t r a v e l ate o f the food; then undressing, sank in to a s o ft bed to sleep for many hours.

, it The next morning Seton was awakened by the[v ? sound o f a tin k lin g b e ll and arose g rea t ly re ­

freshed by his re s t . Perce iv in g a tray o f food by his bed he ate h ea rtily and waited expectant­ly for whatever might be in store fo r him. He had not long to wait, fo r in a moment the door swung open and Theron stood before him fo r what seemed to Seton a long tim e. Theron then spoke, "Seton, for long have you desired that which you are about to rece ive . In the past we knew you and desired to make you as one o f us. Knowing

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Page 12: BOOKS - IAPSOP...& Light - Four Aspects of Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00. SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00 COSMOGONY

the power which you had gained, pov/er which could be used fo r good or e v i l , construction or de­struction, we brought to you a certain test of which you know. You fa iled , but in fa ilin g learned the valuable lesson that l i f e is sacri­f i c e . Now again you have l i f t e d yourself to contact with the Brotherhood. Is i t your pur­pose and desire to go forward into the true lig h t? '' " I t i s , " replied Seton. "That which is desired must be earned and only through e ffo rt can the height be gained," Theron told him. Seton answered, "In my search I have found that l ig h t only, is the true l i f e , and to gain that l i f e no e f fo r t , no sa c r ific e , for me, is too g re a t ." "F irs t ," answered Theron, "there are certa in princip les which must be recalled to the consciousness which inhabits your present body and fo r that reason you must undergo a series of in stru ction ." " I am ready," answered Seton.

Taking Seton by the hand Theron led him in­to the central ha ll, down a passage from which they entered the room Seton had seen in his v is ­ion. Theron seated himself beneath the globe of blue l ig h t and motioned Seton to do likew ise, and without further preamble Theron began his f i r s t discourse.



Page 13: BOOKS - IAPSOP...& Light - Four Aspects of Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00. SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00 COSMOGONY

Page 14: BOOKS - IAPSOP...& Light - Four Aspects of Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00. SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00 COSMOGONY


l . Ibody. He f e l t a v ib r a t io n in h is body* i t cflme j. s low ly at f i r s t , but in c r e a s e d w ith e v e r y s e c o n d .He glanced down at h is body and saw a q u iv e r in g : shaking motion o ve r i t ; as he lo o k e d h is b o d y seemed to d is s o lv e , then he c o u ld no lo n g e r s e e and i t seemed as though a sudden p a l l o f d a rk ­ness had f a l l e n . Then came th e sudden rush* a s that o f t i t a n ic w inds which p ic k e d him up and w h irled him in v a s t sweeping c i r c l e s ; th en th e wind ceased and a m igh ty peace and q u ie tn e s s f s to le through h is b e in g . He opened h is eyes^C n d saw - not the cavern room, but a s ig h t sor g l o ­riou s that h is mind cou ld s c a r c e ly g ra sp i t . H© f e l t a touch and saw s ta n d in g by him th e m a s te r l i ] in w h ite and v i o l e t . " I " , s a id th e m a s te r , "am C h ire l and am to be you r gu id e th rou gh t h e /mys-^ ( j t e r i e s . " He tu rned and Seton tu rn in g moved w i t h j J him toward th a t which was to be r e v e a l e d . "

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Page 15: BOOKS - IAPSOP...& Light - Four Aspects of Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00. SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00 COSMOGONY
Page 16: BOOKS - IAPSOP...& Light - Four Aspects of Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00. SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00 COSMOGONY


"F ir s t , " said Theron, " I shall t e l l you of that Brotherhood o f Illuminated Units of Con­sciousness known as the Great 'Thite Lodge. Among men o f the outer world there has been much d is­cussion as to whether or not the beings designat­ed as masters, re a lly e x is t . They l iv e and have being just as you and I , and I t e l l thee that these masters are, in essence, no d ifferen t from the humblest soul which walks the earth, bound to a human body. The apparent d ifference l ie s in the fa c t that one is bound while the other is f r e e ; the masters having developed from bondage in to freedom ." Theron paused fo r a moment before speaking, and then continued, "There are upon th is planet one hundred and fo r ty four souls which have emerged from darkless into the fu ll l i g h t , these ye c a ll masters. Each o f these de­veloped ones have under them from two to ten che las , who in turn have chelas whom they teach. The one hundred and fo r ty four constitute the Great White Lodge o f earth, and the to ta l i t y o f a l l Lodges upon a ll planets constitutes the Great White Lodge o f the Cosmos."

"The White Lodge is custodian o f a l l o f the ancient wisdom and from time to time, as man be­comes ready, they a llow some o f the e lder wisdom to come fo rth , using chosen instruments. The White Lodge is an in v is ib le organization working on all three planes, mental, physical and s p ir i t ­ua l, though m a te r ia lly they are seldom contacted save by those who have received l ig h t . The Mas­te rs are not o f any one race, but o f many, fo r mastership is not a matter o f race, but o f de­velopment. A master may appear in any country, f o r a master always IS wherever a consciousness comes into the l i g h t . "

Page 17: BOOKS - IAPSOP...& Light - Four Aspects of Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00. SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00 COSMOGONY

Again Theron paused which gave set on an opportunity to ask a question which had long troubled him. "Theology teaches that once there lived a man, or, more properly considered, a superman named Jesus, who was the son o f God. 7as he o f d iffe ren t creation and con s titu tion than myself and the rest o f mankind? n "My son, 9 replied Theron, "Jesus, the Christ, was in es­sence no d iffe ren t from the consciousness v/hich inhabits thy body and mine. He was d if fe r e n t from other souls only in that he was p e r fe c t ly one with the Great Light from the beginning, never having been BOUND to a physical body, and was at a l l times aware o f that Oneness. He was one o f those, known as the Children o f L igh t, who were absent from, or not incarnate in a phys­ica l form when that force v/hich we c a ll negative came into the material world, and, th ere fo re , did not have to pass through the process o f l i f e a fter l i f e as other consciousnesses have had to do. But, in essence, he was and is a part o f that a ll pervading sp iritua l force that is c a l l ­ed Cosmic Consciousness or God. 7hen ye have become aware o f your oneness with that fo rce , then ye, too, w il l become a son* or rather a Sun of God, having knowledge o f a l l th ings. Thy soul and the soul o f Jesus are each a part o f the same great soul, with no d is t in c tion or d i f f e r ­ence save in degree in consciousness o f that eternal Oneness."

"The masters are not more than men, they are men who know themselves. 7hen any man fu l ly knows himself then he can tru ly say that he is a master. The V/hite Lodge and those v/ho are i t s

| chelas are working both in the material and out I of tho material to develop man to that height o f

consciousness in v/hich he knows himself. Only thus can he tru ly make himsolf one with God and

Page 18: BOOKS - IAPSOP...& Light - Four Aspects of Soul) - Dr,Boreal $1.00. SPIRITUAL POWER • MAGNETIC HEALING & Some Specific Diseases with Healing Methods - Dr* Doreal $1.00 COSMOGONY

in that moment know the truth of what Jesus meant when he said, "in that day ye shall KNOW that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you." (John 1^-20). To the world o f two thou­sand years ago, Jesus, the Master, was only one o f many true Suns or Lights of God who manifest­ed on earth in past ages to show men the way to that Oneness of consciousness which is the goal o f a l l men upon the true path. He, like a ll other bearers of Light, was of the White Lodge fo r o f such does i t consist, though a ll do not work in the same way# Many others had made things ready and prepared the way for Jesus, while he coming a fter them expressed the outer l ig h t . Throughout a ll ages the White Lodge has existed, unseen and unknown to the mass of hu­manity, yet those who have found i t know f that i t is at the right hand of every man in his pro­gression upward."

Here Theron arose and signified that he had finished# He then conducted Seton to his cham­ber and l e f t him with the injunction to ponder his words#

S H A M B A L L A«=> 0 O

Upon arising the next morning Seton ate of / the food which had, as usual, mysteriously ap-

pea’^d, and awaited the summons v/hich he knew wotQd come. He again took up his meditation of the discourse o f the previous day, when suddenly he f e l t a strong urge, this time i t seemed as though an audible voice were speaking, te lling him to go to the room in which the discourse had been given the previous day. Arising he went immediately, proceeding along the passageway un­t i l he came to the room where Theron had talked to him the day before. Upon entering the room


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he found Theron seated in the same p la c e he had p rev iou s ly occupied, and in response to Theron*s motion, seated h im se lf and prepared to l i s t e n to the words o f the m aster.

"Yesterday," began Theron, " I spoke o f the White Lodge, today, as a continuation, I sha ll t e l l o f the hidden c ity in which the masters o f the White Lodge have th e ir supreme seat* This c ity or place, fo r properly speaking i t cannot be called a c ity , is known as Shamballa. I t s location has been variously placed as being in Tibet, the Gobi Desert, A fr ica and Central America. In re a lity i t is in none o f these places, though geographically speaking i t i s in Tibet. I t is located in a great space hollowed from the very heart o f the Himalayas, ly in g d i­rectly beneath Lhassa, the forbidden c ity o f the Buddhist. Its entrance is in one o f the great temples of Lhassa. From th is entrance there is a shaft, very much lik e that o f an e leva tor, which connects with the space in which Shamballa l ie s . This space is about seventy f iv e m iles below the surface. A car operated by a g ra v ity control device runs in the shaft. The existence of this entrance is known only to a small group of the higher priests in Lhassa. I t is in th e ir Holy of Holies and only two (who are chelas o f masters) have the secret o f i t s opening. These pose as priests o f Buddha, but the high p r ie s t knows their real id en tity ." Here Seton in te r ­rupted, "Just what are the requirements fo r en­trance into Shamballa?" "Only the accepted chela of a master may physica lly enter, however, those of high development are sometimes allowed to see i t while in a state o f projection, " re ­plied Theron.

"Shamballa," continued Theron,' " is a vast space extending miles in a l l d irections from the


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central Temple; i t is lighted "by a great globe of radio active material* suspended directly above the temple. This globe is so screened that only the l i f e giving beneficial rays are allowed to radiate* and this radiation gives wonderful f e r t i l i t y to the soil so that the en­t ir e area is lik e a tropical garden.

Many strange plants grow there, unlike any upon the face of the earth, for they were plant­ed thousands upon thousands of years ago. Some o f them are of strange colors and bear fruits of flavor, size and color which are different from anything on earth.

Dotted here and there are small white build­ings housing strange machines whose working princip le and purpose could not be even guessed by the greatest of outer world scientists. The Temple which occupies the exact center of the space is the oldest inhabited structure on this planet, aside from that on the central earth sphere upon which the Cthulhuans dwell* The Temple is composed of an indestructable white a llo y which is unknown on earth, some of its elements having been brought from other planets. In i t are thousands of rooms, serving various purposes. There is one great central hall d ir­ec tly under a dome o f transparent material which allows the ligh t from the globe overhead to shine upon a great table in the center of the hall. Around this table are one hundred and forty four chairs* these are the seats of the masters of the ’Thite Lodge, where they s it during the great convocations held from time to time. Directly under this hall is another and vaster hall which w ill be discussed more fu lly later.

There are many rooms f i l le d with records of the ancient races which once occupied earth's


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surface? some o f these are m illions o f years old. The records o f the elder races are not merely characters engraved on tab le ts o f stone or metali but in form they are l ik e a small box about four inches square with small studs or buttons on one side. Inside is a small# but complicated, machinery and a spool o f fin e w ire . Pressing one o f the studs causes a l id to s lid e from the top and a miniature motion p icture starts to show in a concave screen under a crys­ta l lens. Pressure on another stud causes i t to emit sounds extremely c lear and d is t in c t . Words, music and a ll sounds natural to the action snown, become audible. Pressure on s t i l l another stud causes i t to throw an enlarged image to a d is ­tance of ten fe e t, where an apparent three d i­mensional m aterialization takes p lace. Some o f these boxes are educational; a teacher o f the ancient world w ill hold an object and pronounce its name; la ter words are connected into sen­tences and eventually one can learn the languages used. It is in th is manner that anyone can read the ancient records, even though i t has been fo r ­gotten or lost by the world. There are, also other boxes which show written characters side by side with the object they represen t.»

■Opening from the council chamber I have just previously described,is a smaller room used by the supreme council o f the White Lodge as th e ir council chamber. There are only twelve who comprise the supreme council and one named Theddas is the head o f the council. There plans are made for the methods to be used for the enlightment o f man, and when passed upon are presented to the White Lodge for execution. The masters, in turn, assign to their chelas certain parts o f the work and they, in turn, through th e ir chelas, bring the plan into operation."


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Theron. paused a moment, and Seton tuskedf "Under what circumstances could a chela be admit­ted to Shamballa?" "Only fo r the purpose o f re ­c e iv in g c e r ta in in s tru c tion s and demonstrations which are necessary fo r a s p e c if ic work which he has been g iven to do* Not a l l chelas need th is in s tru c t io n fo r th e ir work o f the moment, but in th e ir fu tu re work a l l w i l l need it# No chela is e v e r adm itted p h ys ic a lly to Shamballa u n til he has passed the f i r s t degree o f illu m in a tion ," r e p l ie d Theron# "However," he continued, "he may be taken a s t r a l ly by a master, and shown some o f the secre ts and be taught in classes th e r e . " "In what manner are those taught, who go to Shamballa a s t r a l l y , " asked Seton# "Then a group i s gathered fo r the purpose o f being taught by a master they are conducted to one o f the excava tion s o r caves in the w a lls o f Sham­b a lla # There are many o f these caves prepared fo r t h is purpose, having m aterials fo r demon­s t r a t in g ce r ta in p r in c ip le s in each. The master who i s to teach, summons those who are ready, and he then bends or warps space around himself and them so they may not leave u n til he has fin is h e d ; he then leaves h is own body and through h is c r e a t iv e thought, forms images and demon­s tra t io n s fo r teach ing, using the law o f the t r ia n g le and the power o f thought#" Theron s ig ­n i f ie d here that the discourse was fin ished and a r is in g departed immediately#

. j


A fte r a dreamless sleep Seton awoke r e a l iz ­in g i t was h is th ird day with Theron, though i t seemed much lon ger when he reviewed 1he knowledge which has been revea led to him. He f e l t with much jo y that he was now on the threshold o f


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ultimate knowledge and the things he had always longed to know. At la s t he arose and enjoyed keenly the wholesome breakfast that was aw aiting him, and then awaited the c a l l that would summon

'-him fo r his discourse from Theron. And now he found that the urge came with redoubled fo rce , and he proceeded to the chamber where the p re­vious discourses had been given# Here he found Theron awaiting him as usual, and as soon as Se- ton had seated him self, he began to ta lk o f the Secret C ities .

" I have already to ld you o f Shamballa, the greatest o f the secret c i t ie s , | said Theron, but know that i t is but one o f seven, though the head o f a ll# The other s ix are loca ted in v a r i ­ous parts o f the world# One in the Gobi Desert, one in the Atlas Mountains o f A fr ica * one in Yucatan, one atJVJt. Shasta in C a lifo rn ia# one in the Hartz Mountains in Germany, and one in the fa r North o f Canada.

"I am aware, from my occu lt studies, o f- th e existence o f these c i t i e s , " said Seton, "but i f Shamballa is the seat o f the ’Thite Lodge, why i s i t necessary fo r these others to e x is t? "

"Each has a d e f in ite purpose and work, " r e ­p lied Theron, "each has charge over some func­tion o f the Thite Lodge in that p a r t icu la r l o ­c a l i t y . The knowledge o f the seven c i t i e s has been preserved in occu lt t r a d it io n among a l l ra ces ," said Theron# -The Seven C it ie s o f C ibola, the Seven C it ie s o f St.John, a l l are traceab le to the occult knowledge o f the seven c i t i e s o f the 77hite Lodge. The c i t y o f Mt.Shasta in C a l i f ­orn ia is not, properly speaking, a c ity , fo r there are only a few hundred inhab itan ts. They maintain a small v i l la g e and temple on the outer slope o f Mt.Shasta, but th e ir rea l c i t y i s in

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the earth beneath the mountains* Near the crest o f Shasta is a large rock which hides the en- - trance to the underground retreat. This acts as an elevator and i t is here that the great s ilv e ry ' ship* which is sometimes seen above the mountain* enters. Miles below the entrance is a vast cav­ern, twenty miles long and fifte en miles wide and about two miles high. I t is lighted in the Bame manner that Shamballa is . There are, at present, about three hundred and f i f t y three in­habitants, though o r ig in a lly there were many more. Their average l i f e span is about two hun­dred and f i f t y years. They are not Lemurians, as most people believe, but, are descendants of the Atlanteans and one o f their major works is to p eriod ica lly inspect a certain place in the P a c ific Ocean where a large group of Lemurians are imprisoned. It is fo r this inspection thatthe great ship is used and i t has been sighted many times going out or returning.’

"The inhabitants o f th is hidden c ity have other work to do, a lso. Chief among these works i s the preparation o f concentrated rods o f a c erta in force o f energy* which is prepared by the d is in tegra tion o f primal matter firm metallic bars, th is must be done without disturbing the cord o f energy."

"The Temple on the outer slope o f the moun­ta in is , in a way, an essential feature o f the underground c ity . It is there, that energy is drawn from the sun to be used in many ways, both in the underground c ity and as means o f pro­tec tion above the surface. One form of energy i s used fo r the protection wall which surrounds i t and also fo r the ligh ts which are often seen at n igh t."

"The c ity o f Yucatan, * continued . Theron,


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"Is one o f the largest o f the hidden c it ie s * I t has thousands of Inhabitants and, unlike the c ity

l or o f Shasta, is above the earth's surface, though j^ .th e entrance is through a cave* It l ie s in a .^r valley almost circu lar in shape in the very heart

o f the mountains. The va lle y in preh istoric - times was the crater o f a great volcano * but has * for ages, been a beautiful v a lle y en tire ly sur-

a rounded by high c l i f f s . The only entrance into T i t is through a long tunnel which pierces the

heart o f one o f the surrounding mountains* The entrance is guarded at a l l times, though i t would be almost Impossible to find because o f the narrow canyons, high c l i f f s , and tangled mountains on a ll sides* Leading from the tunnel

\ is a beautiful white road ending in a small tern- h pie one mile from the entrance* The tunnel i t -

s e lf is barred by metal gates o f an a llo y many ( times stronger than s te e l• "

t 'The c ity i t s e l f , l i e s in the center o f af va lley , bu ilt around an immense temple which

oovers about ten acres and towers two hundred feet in the a ir * The temple i s composed o f a

e white m etallic a llo y which i s p r a c t ic a l ly indes- , tru c tib le , while the houses o f the c i t i e s are

b u ilt of a reddish stone*"

"At in tervals around the en c irc lin g c l i f f s are machines which bend and re frac t l ig h t ovor the va lley , which makes the smooth surface o f the va lley appear as a tangle o f canyons and h ills * It is thus concealed from view , even

.from an aeroplane* The inhabitants are o f the ^an c ien t race which had a great c iv i l iz a t io n be­

fore the Andes were raised and while the Amazon Valley was s t i l l a great inland sea* O rig in a lly , they were Atlanteans who had colon ized South America 6ome two hundred thousand years before Atlantis sank."

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•The Temple is a atorehouee for a ll of the rocorda of ancient south Amorica* and la referr­ed to by the Uayaa aa the houae of darkness* The people of th is city have a special work Inthe plan of the Great White Lodge. They arepreparing certain materials which w ill be used by man during the seventh cycle* The earth In th is va lley la o f different quality than anyfound elsewhere on this planet earth* being im­pregnated by a direct ray from the pyramid of force which passes d irectly below the valley* In the temple, there la a shaft which opens d ir ­ec tly into the channel through which the force moves* Period ically a ray of ligh t and energy pours out o f th is shaft, and rising to the crest o f the temple spreads over the valley and im­pregnates the s o i l * "

•One master o f the White Lodge always dwells in th is temple preserving the ancient records and d irecting the work performed in the valley* With him are a number o f others who have been chosen from among the inhabitants* to assist in the care and operation of certain machines which are in continual use**

•In the barren lands o f Canada, * oontlnued Theron, * is the third of the secret c ities* It may seem pecu liar that the American continents should have almost h a lf o f the secret c it ies , but when you learn more o f the sub-struoture of the earth you w ill understand why this is true* The C ity in the northern part o f Canada is the one le a st known to tbs student* Placed as i t is in the center o f a vast territory which is so devoid o f l i f e that i t i s seldom entered; it is p ra c t ic a lly unknown* This c ity is located very close to the northern magnetic pole* Ite pur­pose is o f the utmost importance to man, for it i s there that certain forces and energies from


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the sun are collected and directed along under­ground channels! to the pass along which the pyramid of force moves- This force! which is

' earth's balance, is fed by the energy which is drawn from the sun. The magnetic pole is formed by leakage or emanations and there is therefore,

-\ a resulting variation in instruments which re- ' cord i t . " (For more detailed explanation, see

the college work of the Brotherhood)

"There are only si^ who liv e in tn is c ity , though at one time there were many more- There is always one o f the Great 7hite Lodge in charge, as it is o f the utmost importance that the in ­flow be not interrupted. To do so would cause the earth to ( l i t e r a l ly go into convulsions."

"The c ity is located underground, hut very close to the earth's surface* I t is covered with a sheet of a substance that emits l ig h t and energy from outside, but to the sight appears to be like the surrounding te r r ito ry ."

Theron paused fo r a moment before continu­ing, and Seton waited with intense in te re s t.

"The secret c ity in the Gobi," resumed Thefon,’ is one o f the most ancien tof a l l c i t ie s , as i t has existed since the time when the Gobi was a fe r t i le populated country. Devastated as i t was, when the Gobians destroyed the c i t ie s at the poles during the fourth cycle , i t was im­possible for man to l iv e t.iere longer; yet there were necessary things to be done which required the presence o f men. A great shaft, -about a mile square, was sunk to a depth o f h a lf a mile and its walls and f lo o r were transmuted in to so lid metal many fee t thick* A movable metal plate ten fee t in thickness was formed o f the same dimensions as the shaft. I t was then f i t -


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ted w ith g ra v ity rep e llen t m ach ines and put into the shaft and adjusted so i t could move up and down at w i l l . On th is p late was b u ilt a great s to re house with a number of smaller buildings, a l l being surrounded by a wall two hundred fee t h igh . The c i t y was then lowered in to the depth o f the shaft and the en tire shaft was covered w ith a th in sheet o f m eta llic substance sim ilar to that which covers the c it y in Canada* Within the bu ild ings* l ig h t was created by libera tin g the essence o f l ig h t which is w ithin a l l sub­stance , The grea t purpose o f th is c i t y is so s e c re t that i t cannot be revealed, " (in a man­u sc r ip t o f th is nature) ‘•but i t is used at times as a meeting p lace fo r the White Lodge when they a re doing in te rp lan eta ry work. Occasionally the c i t y i s ra ised to the surface and has been seen a t a d istance, but has always vanished when ap­proached, "

"The c ity in the Atlas Mountains of Africa is a storehouse of the greatest collection of ancient records in the world* It is the only one o f the secret c it ie s placed permanently on the surface, though i t is hidden from sight by a

\ wall o f vibration en tire ly surrounding i t , which ^ Is l ig h t refracting*- The desert tribesmen know

o f i t s existence, but to them i t is a place of te rro r and they never approach its v ic in ity ."

" I t is in this c ity that the many inventions and discoveries o f past ages are preserved, and those who dwell there from time to time trans­mit the knowledge o f one or more of these, to the mind o f some one adapted to bring i t forth. I t is a part o f th e ir work to watch man and de­cide just when he is ready for a particular knowledge or invention* There are four of the brothers o f the White Lodge in th is c ity at a ll times and these are accompanied by twelve Chelae*9

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Theron again paused and arising stood erect and raised his hands over his head. As he did th is the blue ligh t increased until i t became so in ­tense, Seton was forced to close his eyes. At the same time he f e l t a surge of renewed energies through his entire body. The l ig h t slow ly fad­ed, and Theron resumed his discourse.

"The la s t, but not the least important of the Secret c it ie s , is in the Hartz Mountains, in Germany. There are twelve o f the Sfhite Lodge there most o f the time, though not always the same twelve. There are f i f t y chelas working in and from th is c ity at a l l times, as they have complete charge o f work in Europe. This c i t y is constructed beneath the mountains very much l ik e the one in Mt. Shasta in C a lifo rn ia , though i t is smaller."

"Many o f the early Atlantean, Druid and Greek records and d iscoveries are preserved here, as well as many wonderful objects o f a r t from Atlantis. Most o f the Western chelas rece ive their in it ia t io n here, fo r , in miniature, i t is very lik e Shamballa. Because o f the p o l i t ic a l and social chaos o f Europe, there is a great deal o f work to be done and a la rger group o f chelas are preparing to be transferred there. A ll inhabitants o f the secret c i t ie s have a tta in ­ed, at least, the f i r s t degree o f illum ination and are carrying on sp ec ific work while prepar­ing for higher illum ination.

" I t may seem strange that these vast powers can exist without man being aware o f them, yet there are many strange and vast things and beings in the universe that man has no knowledge o f . " With these words, Theron arose s ign ify in g that he had finished, and disappeared.



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C O S M I C W H I T E L O D G E<=> o « = .

Meeting again on the fourth day Theron and Seton seated themselves in their usual places and Theron began to speak o f the Cosmic White Lodge.

"The Cosmic White Lodge," said Theron, "is composed of a l l 'Thite Lodges within this Cosmic Cycle. The White Lodge o f earth is only one of m illions; each inhabited planet has a lodge in charge o f i t s spiritual development. The number o f the masters o f each lodge is regulated by the number and degree o f advancement or development o f the inhabitants o f a planet. For instance, the Thite Lodge o f Earth has one hundred and fo r ty four masters while that o f Mars has only fou r. This is because Mars has such few inhabi­tants that the small number is able to do a ll the work necessary to promote the spiritual growth o f the people."

"The White Lodge o f the Cosmic has its cen­t r a l headquarters just as the Thite Lodge o f earth has its headquarters in Shamballa. This great center fo r a l l o f the White Lodges," said Theron, "is on the star Antartes, which was pro­tected, in a great degree, from the inflow of negative in the f ir s t cycle. For this reason i t was cho~' to be central material seat o f the Great White Lodge o f the Cosmic# The great coun­c i l o f the Cosmic Thite Lodge is composed o f one thousand illuminated masters who have fu ll charge o f the lodges on a ll planets# At the head of these thousand masters is one who is known as the Lord o f the Cycle." (Note - For further in for­mation see the College Work of the Brotherhood).

"Jesus was one o f the thousand of the Cosmic


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white Lodge who incarnated in an earthly body to help give an added impetus to the work on this planet. The one great mistake most students make is in making a distinction between the great masters and those whom they teach. The great masters are different from men only in that they are neither limited by space, time and matter and are, therefore, not bound. The thousand, including Jesus, are those units or c e lls o f the great consciousness which were never bound. They are variously called Children of Light, Sons o f God and Angels. Though seemingly d iffe ren t, yet the soul within every man is o f the same essence as the great masters and is capable o f reaching the same state of oneness with the universal consciousness. •

"The various souls who have attained the fu ll Illumination and become one with the great consciousness are assigned by the Great ’.Thite Lodge to various a c tiv ities , some to work with lodges on planets and others to work on other planes. Attainment thus does not mean eternal rest, but rather an opportunity and a b il ity to do more and greater things."

"As the great masters have the power to dematerialize their bodies and re-m ateria lize them, they do not have to pass through tran s it­ion unless they so desire,, though sometimes they do so that they may use the background o f a new l i f e from which to work. It was fo r th is reason that Jesus took up a body in the fam ily o f a poor man, so that he might show that though the body might be subject to environment, the omni­potent soul was able to surmount a l l d i f f ic u lt ie s and emerge into the fu ll Cosmic Light; and just as the chelas of the adepts obey the commands o f the White Lodge, the masters o f the tfnite Lodge obey the comnands of the Cosmic Council. The


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Cosmic White Lodge is in contact with a l l White Lodges and from the things accomplished on one planet know what force and laws to apply on another. I t is the work o f the planetary White Lodges to do certain things while the Cosmic White Lodge, bringing a l l e ffec ts together, is able to know what next to do fo r the advancement o f the whole#*

‘’Each master o f the White Lodge has a spe­c ia l work to do and a ll his energies are d irect­ed into that work, though he is at the same time aware o f a l l work done by others.*

"The central seat o f the Cosmic White Lodge on iintartes covers the entire planet, vast build­ings o f every kind composed o f materials formed by the creative powers o f the masters cover its surface. Vast storehouses o f things from a ll ages and planets are stored here, to be released on the d ifferen t planets as men become ready fo r them. In one great building there are ligh ts lik e those in Shamballa, but instead of showing the progression o f soul on one planet they show the ligh t o f every soul on every planet# There i s no soul in any universe that the masters do

\jiot keep in constant touch with, ready to aid when the soul is ready to be raised.* (Note - This planet is very close to the junction point o f the seven, ninth dimensional planets# See the College Work o f the Brotherhood o f the White Temple.)

TThe vastness o f the work of the White Lodge becomes apparent when we realize that the re­sponsibility for the advancement of every soul in the universe l ie s with them. They know, eith­er by experience or because they have never lost the way and are thus able to guide those who are ready along the true path.*


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"From time to time, as in the case of Jesus* some o f the Coemio Masters enter bodies on d i f ­ferent planets to do a certain sp ec ific work, but when they do so incarnate the groundwork has already been layed by the planetary White Lodge and they come to give the fin ish in g touches."

Theron arose and s ign ified that the d is ­course was finished, but as Seton turned to leave he stopped him and said, "Seton, you have patiently listened to the discourses I have given, but tonight you w ill be taught in a d i f ­ferent way. Before you go I want you to gaze upon this ligh t which f i l l s the room.” As Theron finished speaking the ligh t which penetrated to every portion o f the room began to fade from the walls and gathered into a g l i t t e r in g , w h irling ball between Theron and Seton* "Place your head in the ligh t and breathe deeply ." Without h es i­tation Seton obeyed and as he drew in his breath every ce ll o f his body seemed to expand and de­ligh tfu l sensations o f perfect b od ily harmony and well being poured through him.

"Go now," said Theron, "do not eat ton igh t, but rest and re lax fo r la te r you w i l l be shown the secret flame o f which th is blue l ig h t is but the fa in test r e fle c t io n ." Seton s i le n t ly opened the door and proceeded to his chamber to await the wonderful experience which he soon would ex­perience.

T H E S E C R E T F L A M E «=» 0 «=>

A fter returning to his chamber, Seton re ­moved his cloth ing, and stretched his body upon the bed. He s t i l l f e l t the surge o f the blue l ig h t through his "being, v i ta l iz in g and renewing

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every c e ll o f his body. As he relaxed, the most wonderful sense o f harmony c ame over him; he closed his eyes as the ligh t with which his body was f i l l e d , seemed to concentrate in his head. Suddenly there came a whirling, spinning, curv­ing sensation accompanied by a tearing and loos­ening fee lin g , and Seton was standing by his body looking down upon i t . As he gazed, he became aware that Theron was standing beside him/ and seemed to a l l appearances, exactly as/he had looked while in the body. As he gazed, the SIL­ENT VOICE o f thought, which is the universal medium o f exchange on the fourth or astral dimen­sion, impinged upon his consciousness, and as c le a r ly as though the words had been spoken, Seton heard Theron say: "You are, perhaps, won­dering v/hy I did not have you leave the body in the way you have learned, but i t was necessary fo r the Journey we shall now take. You were v ita l iz e d by the blue lig h t which gave you a surplus o f s p ir it , the v ita l force o f l i f e . You could be gone from your body a hundred days, and upon returning would find i t in as perfect con­d it io n as when you l e f t i t . You are going to be shown some o f the greatest mysteries which exist in the th ird dimension. The greatest secrets can only be fu lly comprehended by experience, and every student on the path must gain experience, otherwise the mysteries cannot be fu lly opened to him. ■

"The f i r s t o f the great mysteries you are to experience," continued Theron, "is the mystery o f the SECRET FLAME." As Theron spoke Seton f e l t a sensation as though he was rushing through the vastness o f space, and for an instant a ll was darkness; then before him appeared a vast dark d isc , and near i t s center were two spinning globes o f radiant l ig h t .


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As Seton gazed* he heard the vo ice o f Theron saying, "The dark disc you see is the tenth planet in our solar system, the two planets o f l ig h t are on the side farthest from the earth, and because the tenth planet is concave instead o f round, and the two planets revo lve inside the concave rim, the l ig h t is hidden from the planets closer to the sun. As th is tenth planet also absorbs ligh t the sc ien tis ts o f earth can never become aware o f the existence o f the two l ig h t p lanets," Theron paused a moment, and then con­tinued. "It is here the souls o f men spend the period between incarnations, the l ig h t o f the two planets beating upon them, cleanse them o f some o f that force known as negative, and they are thus made more free o f i t a fte r each in car­nation. The lig h t o f these planets comes from the very essence o f a l l things, the "CONCEALED WITH ALL CONCEALMENTS", and is the source o f the v ita l force o f s p ir it . The blue l ig h t which i s energizing your body at the moment, i s a fa in t re flec tion of th is l ig h t . There are other, and even deeper mysteries connected with these plan­ets o f ligh t, but more w il l be given you about that as your power o f comprehension is expanded. The twelve planets were symbolized by the ancient Hebrews by the high p r ie s t ’ s breast p la te . This was its secret meaning, though the mass thought, and s t i l l think, that i t represented the twelve tribes of Is re a l." Theron paused a moment, and Seton again f e l t the rushing sensation accompan­ied by darkness.

A fter an instant, the darkness faded, and Seton found himself in a vast underground room or hall; i t s walls lo s t in the d istance. D irec t­ly in front o f him, was a c ir c le o f thrones or chairs, formed o f a g lit te r in g , shimmering mate­r ia l which appeared to change rap id ly from one color o f the spectrum to another, seated on the


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thrones were figures which appeared to be those o f men, yet at second glance, Seton perceived 1

d ifference which showed that these were not men as he had known man. They were twice as large as ordinary men, and their features wore an awe­some expression of ageless calm, peace and power that for an instant shook Seton. He perceived that each rested in perfect quietness, not so much as a quivering showing to indicate the pres­ence o f l i f e .

Ir res tib ly his attention was drawn to the center o f the c irc le , and at f ir s t a ll he could perceive was a radiance which dazzled his sense o f perception* Then he perceived that extending from the roof to the floor, was a whirling cylinder o f misty blue ligh t with tiny green sparklets running through it* Within the whirl­ing cylinder were seven discs o f golden fire , seemingly fixed in space about three feet from the flo o r * Upon each disc was seated a figure v e iled with a substance or material that was colored lik e the misty blue of the sky, studded with tin y g lit te r in g ligh ts that were like the stars in the summer sky* Seton gazed in awe at the strangest sight that man ever looked upon, and a host o f questions arose in his conscious- . ness* As he looked at the strange scene, the voice o f Theron came, answering his unspoken questions*

"The thirty-two God-like forms on the throne are forms created in the f ir s t cycle for the con- sc^nsness o f the Children of Light to operate throiTgh* The ligh t which you see whirling in the center, is the extension of the light o f the two planets you have just seen* It preserves, and holds in balanced harmony a ll who come under its rays. The ligh t with which your body was infused was a fa in t re flec tion of this ligh t* The seven

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veiled shapes are the beings known as Lords of the Cycles, (see the higher grades o f the College work o f the Brotherhood o f the White Temple) who are above a ll in th is Cosmic Cycle. Bathed in the eternal f ir e of l i f e , they ex ist forever, without change, excepting any change which they themselves desire."

As Theron fihished, the ligh t again faded, and Seton fe l t himself again rushing through space.


T H E I N N E R E A R T H<=>o <=*■


As abruptly as the ligh t had faded, there came again a glow of ligh t, and Seton found him­se lf in a vast cavern hollowed from the s o lid rocks. He was standing by one wall while fa r in the distance the other wall appeared.. The en­t ir e space was f i l l e d with a soft golden lig h t which seemed to have no particu lar source; fo r every portion o f the cavern appeared equally lighted.- To the right and l e f t the cavern ex­tended farther than the eye could see. Seton glanced at his fee t, and saw (when the fa cu lty of sight is indicated, i t means that through certain perceptive facu lties o f the conscious­ness, he was able to receive vibrations which were translated into images or pictures in his consciousness) that the f lo o r o f the cavern was smooth as polished marble, and that he stood on a ledge f i f t y fee t in width extending as far as he could see in both d irections. The edge o f the ledge dropped abruptly for about f iv e fe e t , and he saw that the floo r below the ledge was polished lik e the ledge upon which he stood.

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As h© looked, the voice of Theron spoke, J •This is that channel along which the force ' which is earth*s balance passes. It entirely c irc le s the earth and as the earth revolves the force moves along the channel. I f i t were di­verted into other channels which connect with this* the balance of earth would be changed; and much of what is now land, would sink beneath the oceans while other land would rise . This is ’ what happened when the ancient lands o f Atlantis and Mu sank .* Theron paused, and Seton became aware of a far o f f murmuring noise that swiftly grew louder, and far in the distance there ap­peared a gigantic pyramid of liv in g f ir e and l ig h t . Swiftly i t approached, f i l l in g the chan­nel below the ledge from side to side. Seton had a glimpse o f whirling fire , bright as the sun; the noise as of a thousand mighty bells be­ing struck simultaneously, then the mighty mass o f l iv in g f ire was receding and for an instant he saw i t as a mighty pyramid, f i l l in g the chan­nel at the base and tapering to a point at the apex. As the pyramid of liv ing flame receded, Seton became cognizant o f the voice of Theron saying, "This mighty force which you have seen is not moving; rather the earth is moving around i t . Always the apex o f the pyramid points dir­e c t ly to the sun. Since the earth was formed from primal substance i t exists and holds the earth in form according to Cosmic Law. At intervals there are channels which run at angles from this and into which the balance may be diverted by J the application o f certain forces generated from the pyramid i t s e l f ; for no other force is power­fu l enough to shake i t from its path. The points at which i t may be diverted are guarded by a race who have lived below earth’ s surface for ages, fu l f i l l in g this and other purposes. They are those who have attained the firs t degree of Illumination, and have chosen to be here to do

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th is work.»

"Let us proceed along the channel, " said Theron, "and examine the l iv e s o f the Blue Race." As he spoke Seton f e l t himself impelled sw ift ly down the passage until they had covered, perhaps, twenty miles. As they paused, Seton perceived a crack appearing in the wall# I t sw ift ly widened until an opening appeared in the w a ll. I t s w ift ­ly widened until an opening appeared through which a dozen men could have walked abreast. En­tering the passageway, they proceeded fo r a short distance and emerged into a vast cavern f i l l e d with the soft golden l ig h t . So vast was the space that the roof and farther w a lls were in ­v is ib le . A quarter o f a mile away was a c ity o f low, one and two story houses* apparently ro o f­less . Rising from the exact center o f the c ity was a tower of shimmering white stone, surmount­ed by a dome o f g lit te r in g c rys ta l.

From each side o f the c ity , ran wide roads* three of them disappearing in the distance; while the one nearest to them ran d ire c t ly to the wall o f the cavern and stopped abruptly at i t 8 base. As Seton gazed, he became aware o f movement on the road nearest to them. A group of three of the most powerful beings he had ever beheld, were approaching the w a ll. Standing about five feet high, they were of a peculiar bluish color, th e ir naked skin ( fo r they wore no clothes) appeared as polished metal. But, strange as wa6 their color, the most peculiar thing about them were their faces, the features were sharp cut, and in te llec tu a l with a forehead o f magnificient proportions. There were no eyes and where the eyes should have been, was smooth skin. Strange as they seemed, they aroused no fee ling of repulsion; rather Seton f e l t a deep fee lin g of peace, harmony and love pouring forth


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from them, a t r ik ln /5 a rooponaive cnord in his • own b e in g . I f

The three proceeded along the road until they came to the wall where they stopped. One o f the three raised his right hand* and as he * did so a ray o f ligh t sprang from his fingers and struck the wall where i t seemed to spread and penetrate. In a moment* the wall seemed to fade and Seton perceived the white road extend­ing into another space beyond the wall* The three proceeded to walk forward into the c irc le o f ligh t* and as they passed through this circle o f ligh t* i t faded and the solid wall again ap­peared.

"Let us go to the white tower within the c i t y , " said Theron* In an instant Seton found f.| himself before a great door in the white tower. * Rising from a broad base, the structure towered some three hundred fee t above the surrounding c ity , without a window or other entrance save the one before them. It seemed to Seton merely ’ a gigantic stone shaft* As he gazed around he ; J saw many o f the Blue Race moving in and out o f j the doorway* each intent upon some task which engaged them. Those going in carried carefu lly a small square of g lit te r in g diamond-like mate­r ia l* while those returning were empty handed.

Theron and Seton watched for a moment* and then entered the doorway, To Seton’ s amazement he saw that though solid* the walls were per­fe c t ly transparent, and he could see the c ity as p la in ly as from the outside* Most of the Blue Men were moving toward a ta ll p illa r which stood in the exact center o f the tower, and Seton answering the impulse from Theron* moved to the p illa rs . He saw that the Blue Men were dropping their diamond-like blocks into an opening in the

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p illa r; and answering his thought, Theron said, "This tower is the entrance to vast spaces c los­er yet to earth's heart, and the blocks that are being dropped through the opening are received far below by others o f the same race; who are using i t in a certain experiment in an attempt to free from bondage, certain beings imprisoned in earth's heart."

"Above us are many chambers in which those who choose to incarnate in this race are taught. No one incarnates here except by choice. Let us now descend," said Theron, and Seton again f e l t the sensation of rushing through darkness. In an instant he fe lt the flow of ligh t again, and perceived that he was standing in the mouth o f a great tunnel. Before him appeared a vast space f ille d with a lambent green lig h t . A ledge pro­jected for, perhaps, a hundred fe e t from the tunnel, and moving from the tunnel, Seton per­ceived that as far as the eye could see, the ledge stretched on either side* Looking down he could see the rock curving until i t vanished in the distance, and looking upward, the same curv­ing wall vanished in the ligh t* He gazed out into the gulf, realizing that he was seeing one of the great mysteries of nature, the heart o f earth. As he gazed for an instant the l ig h t thinned, and he saw fa in tly in the far distance a dark globe hanging suspended in space, "This, " said Theron, "is the space in which the so lid nuclei of earth is suspended. Imprisoned on yonder dark globe are those who once inhabited the dark star which is the tenth planet. Des­cending upon the earth in the second cycle, they

•oppressed and bound mankind until the Children of Light seized them, and imprisoned them here. They are deathless, for as yet, the vibration o f death has not been able to penetrate the nega­tive which surrounds their souls. Every one who


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has passed the f i r s t degree o f Illu m in a tion - ^ | spends some tim e w ork ing w ith them. (See the v C o lle g e work o f the B rotherhood o f th e W hite T e m p le ). T h is i s the p la c e r e fe r r e d to by P e te r when he spoke o f th e th r e e days a f t e r the c r u c i - ^ f i x i o n o f Jesus* w hich was spent p reach in g t o ► th o se bound in p r is o n . The b lo c k s , the B lu e Men* w ere c a r r y in g , a re f o r use in a new a ttem p t t o ' b r in g th e v ib r a t io n o f dea th to them, f o r i f t h is c o u ld be a ccom p lish ed th e y co u ld b e g in the^ c y c le o f in c a r n a t io n . " "As y e t , " s a id Theron ,e "you may not e n te r th e space w h ich im p rison s , them . O n ly a f t e r fu r t h e r en ligh ten m en t w i l l you be re a d y to stand on th e in n e r g lo b e . " £

"You have been shown much,* continued Ther- on, "and now the time has come fo r you to retu rn J to your body." At these words Seton f e l t again i the rushing sensation , accompanied by a re ve rsa l \ o f the w h ir lin g sensation he had f e l t when he l e f t the body. In an in stan t he arose and found Theron standing beside him. Theron placed h is . I hands on Seton*s shoulders s a y in g ,"w e ll have you 1 accomplished the journey, re s t and prepare f o r J the morrow." Seton re laxed and c lo s in g h is eyes C was in s ta n t ly in dreamless slumber.

4 *


On the morning fo l lo w in g seton*s strange jou rn ey he awoke f e e l in g as though h is e n t ir e body had been in fu sed w ith the v e ry essence o f L i f e . S pring ing out o f bed, he re fresh ed him­s e l f from the t r a y which was always p laced by h is bed.

A f t e r a few moments o f m ed ita tion on the exp er ien ces o f the p rev iou s n igh t, he f e l t the

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» c a ll and arising he proceeded to the chamber { where Theron awaited him. Theron motioned Seton ; to his chair, and without preamble began to

l! speak.%

'’Last night, " he said, tyou went on a jou r­ney to places from which most o f mankind is bar­red. You experienced some o f the mysteries o f

! space and time, yet I t e l l you that space and ,time are themselves the greatest mysteries in

! the material Universe. Matter, space and time a ll are very c lose ly related and to understand any one of them you must understand a l l and a fourth which is motion. *»

aLet me show you a mental p icture o f the Universe and from i t you w i l l , perhaps, get an idea o f the rea lity o f time. F irs t form a men­ta l image o f a vast hollow tube v/hich we w i l l designate as the space-tube. This tube curves around in the form o f a s p ira l. In the very be­ginning o f A ll Creation were formed what we sha ll re fer to as the o rig in a l In fin ite Atoms. These formed the basic primal substance from which a l l planets and suns and everything on them was fo r ­med. This formation took place at one end o f the space-tube, then impelled by a certa in great force they began to go through the space-tube at an inconceivably high rate o f speed; but since a ll matter was moving at the same re la t iv e speed through the space-tube, the motion was and is imperceptable. The instant the d iffe r e n t forms of matter began to move through the space-tube, they began to radiate p a rtic les which streamed behind the orig inal Atoms lik e the t a i l o f a comet streams behind i t s head. The head foca l ■point or original In fin ite Atom makes one h a lf o f a spiral forward every second; in fac t i t is th is movement o f matter through space that cre­ates tim e."


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^Because all natter passes completely around (, the curve o f the space-spiral in one second, i t is impossible to see the radiation le f t behind fo r i t is already around the curve o f space. It is upon this radiation that the record of every atom in the Universe is recorded, from whence i t may be recovered by one who knows how to move backward or across the space-tube.*

‘’Because a l l planets and suns move through the space-tube at the same re lative speed, we upon th is planet, cannot measure it s speed or be aware o f i t s movement, Ve are able through a s ixth sense to become aware o f th is movement and thus have a consciousness o f time. Far from be­ing the measurement o f the movement o f events, as science phrases i t , time is in rea lity the measurement o f the movement o f matter through space,*

"Within th is space that we know as the three dimensional are eight other dimensions, each having form and substance within its own octave o f v ib ra tion . I t is possible for one to so warp space that he may enter other interlocking dim­ensions. The space wherein the Flame of L ife l i e s is a warp in space; that is i t s actual ma­te r ia l substance is surrounded and shielded from a l l , save an Adept, by a warp in space,"

Theron paused fo r a moment and then continu- > ed, "The things I have said are, in a sense,

sym bolical, yet are true in actuality . as you grow in development you w ill see and understand a l l the laws o f which I have b r ie f ly spoken. Above a l l the Adept must be MASTER of space and time or there w i l l be many things hidden from him without which he could never do the things which are a part o f his da lly work.*

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wasv that the discourse tired as uszal to aeditate ipcn the to


and Set on re- where he could

L A W OF L I F Eo f o'J

On the scrning following the discourse of „ tine-space Seton arose early and entered the

roon where Thercn usually ret him, but unlike the other mornings Seton found himself alone, though he had fe lt the call before leaving his rocs. He took the occasion to examine the rood closelj and saw a number of things which had escaped his notice previously# Opposite the door which he had entered he saw the outline o f an arched door faintly showing on the wall. From either side ran a bas-relief with queer figures of globes, each globe having within i t a t r i ­angle, the point of each turned in d ifferent directions. As he gazed he sensed the presence of woe one in the room and turning found that Theron was standing in the center o f the room.

Tberon smiled, saying, *1 perceive that you have found the hidden door, but know that unless your third eye hai been opened you could never have seen it for it is snielded by vibrations too high for human eye to see. It is the door through which you must go when you have complet­ed the work you are to do here.* Theron seated himself and as Seton did likewise Theron again began to speak.

•The Ion of l i f e is one of the least under­stood, and yet the most important to man in his present degree of development# Without an under­standing of l i fe man is lost in a hopeless maze

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from which he has great d ifficu lty in extracting himself. This great law of l i f e is the law of i Cause and effect and until this is realized man is not the master of his fate nor the captain of his soul. ?hen man knows that every effect has its preceeding cause then and then only can he know that by controlling his actions TODAY ho is creating the e ffects of his tomorrow. By this knowledge he is able to so regulate his l i f e that the effects of previous cause set up are in a great measure negatated.*

■The man who realizes the existence of the j law of Cause and Effect soon has a great rea li- | zation, that many of the e ffects he is now meet- \ ing are not the result of causes which he can i remember of having set up* Thus he begins to \ realize that l i f e existed before he entered the ’ present body and that this l i f e which his ego or personality had known must have been in some t plane or place where cause could be created. Then comes the thought that he must have lived^ before in a material body to have created caus * c which brought forth effects in the material bod; * 7ith this realization he has found re-incarnatioi' 4 and thus for him the. horizon of l i f e is vastl" * expanded* No longer does he find injustice in J Cod* for the responsibility for his own actions rests upon his own shoulders. He has at some- j. time created the causes which are bringing the $ e ffec ts of sickness or health, riches or poverty. -t He must stand on his own feet instead of putting r the blame on God or the Devil.* "Instead of 3 weakening the man, this strengthens him,for when . j the prop is removed he must use his own muscles f| to stand with, and th is requires e ffo rt which ^ means strength.* 1

"Man lives for the purpose o f gaining ex- f perience, which experience becomes a part o f the k

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expansion o f God* For as man grows* God grows, and as God grows man in turn grows to grea ter and more perfect experiences*"

"The ultimate goal o f a l l l i f e is to a tta in a continuity o f l i f e in which no period o f dark­ness ex ists* Thus there are two great steps the student must make - mastery o f death and mastery o f l i f e . When th is is atta ined then p e r fe c t continuity ex is ts fo r that consciousness or soul. n

Theron arose, s ign ify in g the discourse was ended.

4 s

T HE E M O T I O N S«=>()<=»

Set on arose early the next morning and w ith ­out delay repaired to the chambers where the

'"previous discourse had been given . There he found Theron waiting fo r him in h is usual pos i­tion. Motioning Seton to h is place Theron began

) i is discourse.

"Today I shall t e l l you o f one o f the grea t­est barriers in the way o f occult development; a barrier which is a b a rr ie r only because man lacks control o f i t . This b arrie r is the emotions. They hinder man in his development because they often negatate his powers o f reason, and when reason is quelled the emotions have fu l l sway."

"In his present degree o f development man is more or less a prey to his emotions. In every moment o f weakness the emotions pounce upon h is mind and he loses his sense o f proportion and does things that he would never do i f reason were in the ascendant."

| . f i l l /■

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"The trained occu ltis t Knows that he ief] master o f a l l emotions and uses them, instead o f allowing them to use him. The f i r s t step toward the conquest o f fear is the mastery o f the emo­tions* he who is master o f the emotions is mas­te r o f s e l f . "

"The emotional side of man's nature responds too read ily to outside stimuli and thus the p ries ts o f emotional re lig ions have power. All/ r e lig io n is based upon man’ s emotions* which are fea r, love , hate and anger. For this reason the gods r e f le c t the attitude and attribute of the men who worship them. The true Gods require no worship fo r within them is the sum tota l o f a ll worship v i z . worship and worshipped."

"Emotions need not be suppressed nor des­troyed to be mastered. The greatest masters are capable o f fee lin g the greatest emotion, but al-, ways with con tro l. The adept is not beyond feel? ing emotion, but rather enters and leave i t ail w i l l . His in te lle c t and w il l USE emotion rathei] than allow emotion to USE them."

"Usually the more sensitive a man is* the more complex his emotions, thus the sensitive man must watch his emotioned nature closer than the less sensitive one."

" I t i s o ften the emotions which act as bar­r ie r s to the understanding of God. Man’ s emo tion a l nature l ik e s the things which appeal to i t and as a resu lt his God is an emotional God moved to anger, hatred or love by the pleasur o f his fo llo w e rs ."

"The man who has mastered his emotions i b e tte r able to use his powers o f reason and b so doing he finds that a l l the facts of l i f

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c»v point toward the creator as using the power o f • reason in forming i t s creations. He re a liz e s

, that i f God were swayed by emotions then there I could be no certa in form in the universe, fo r

f ia ts or laws o f God would be constantly changed. He soon rea lizes that God moves by and through .law and that law is binding upon God as i t i s upon man, otherwise a l l created things (which have law as th e ir base) would d is in tegra te and chaos and old night would hold sway."

"Man with reason awakened becomes as God, for he has used the one a ttribu te which he, o f a ll creations, has in common with God. Thus he draws nearer to the source o f a l l th ings and ultimately blends and becomes one with God.8

“The emotions are the great barrie rs which - hold man from God for they n u ll i fy his power o f ' reason. Only through mastery and control o f '’emotions w ill man ever take his r igh tfu l p lace

as a Sun of the Sun.8

i "Recognizing the epotions as emotions and directing them through the w i l l aids in th e ir conquest. USE them instead o f allowing them to use you. Justice is the keynote, do that which is just in spite of emotion brought to bear and you w ill create cause that w il l bring forth the desired e ffe c ts ."

Theron then arose and dismissed Seton with 7the injunction to prepare himself fo r the las t

discourse to be given on the morrow. Seton was Astonished for he knew that a l l he had been Itaught was but a small part in comparison with what there was to be given. Thinking that per­haps he had in some way been found unworthy he Quietly and without question l e f t the room, re­solved that i f he were dismissed that he would

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work "the harder until the gates <*T wisdom -opened to him. He knew that Theron knew best and wiiat-!>' ever was his decision he would abide by i t .

4 > |

T H E C H E L Ao j p

The next morning Seton awoke early and arose [ prepared to eat, but observed that contrary toj custom no food had been l e f t fo r him during the n ight. Soon the ca ll came and he le f t the room to proceed, perhaps, for the last time to the. room where Theron gave his discourses. *s he opened the door he found the blue ligh t go<<b and' instead a beautifu l white glow shot through with streamers o f pale v io le t f i l l e d the room. Theron? was seated in his customary place, but beside him was placed another chair and in i t was an­other man who was dressed in robes of purest white trimmed in v io le t . Seemingly he was a man' o f fo r ty years, he was fa ir o f hair and had p ierc ing blue eyes. He sat in perfect s tilln ess gazing in ten tly at Seton.

^ Theron motioned Seton to seat and began:?nUy son, yesterday you were disappointed when I; to ld you that today I would give you the last- discourse. You thought that in some manner you; had fa ile d yet did not question. Let me put, your mind at rest, you have not fa iled , you will? receive no more discourses here, but are to bej admitted to certain inner secrets which only the* in it ia ted may know. work s t i l l l ie s here,}but when you have been taught your work in th' world return to me as my chela. Before you de; part on your Journey I w ill t e l l you of what |- chela 's duties consist; the chela, when confrorL ted with a problem, must always use his reastf; and thus keep his poise. Only thus may he ^



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found worthy to enter the inner mysteries which have existed since the beginning o f tim e. He must have conquered fea r, fo r fea r erects b a rr i­ers which the chela must have elim inated. He must have mastered emotion fo r only thus can he be free o f the bondage which holds man E n th ra ll­ed. He must be obedient, fo r only thus can he be shown through planes unknown to him. He must know how to be s ilen t, fo r he who would rece ive secrets must know how to preserve them. Only thus can the wisdom teachings be preserved to the world. He must be unafraid o f wealth or poverty, sickness or health , l i f e or death, the opinions o f those around him or the scorn o f those that c a ll themselves fr ien d s . He must be w illin g to SERVE in any capacity in which he i s needed, even though i t be the humblest. H is overwhelming desire must be fo r truth to re ign and exert every e f fo r t to bring about that r e ­su lt.i

Theron ceased speaking and arose and motion­ing Seton to fo llow moved to a p os ition in fro n t o f the wall where Seton had seen the ou tlin e o f a door. As Seton stood against the w a ll the other master stepped to his s ide and took him by' the hand.

"This is the la s t we shall meet fo r a year, " said Theron. "You w i l l enter strange and wonder­fu l places and experience things tha t man in the outer world, as ye t knows nothing. Be strong and enter into that g lorious Sun State which is the heritage o f a l l . "

As Theron fin ish ed speaking he ra ised h is and and as he did so Seton heard the stone be- ind him move, making a s lig h t g ra tin g n o ise , suddenly he became bathed in a gushing ray o f ntense l ig h t which penetrated every atom o f h is

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F V I T A L I N ' £ RES

— s — .T 0 Y 0 U ~ s s ~

m .Do you desire a more abundant l i fe ?

Do you desire to bo a b etter citizen?

Do you desire prosperity and comfort?

Do you desire health and long l i fe ?

Do you desire self-mastery? 1

Do you desire greater power of memory?

Do you desire greater power of w ill?

Do you desire to KNOW the ktysteries? •

Do you des ire a happy* harmonious l i fe ?

Do you desire a p erfect environment?I

Do you desire to be-a leader in the new age?

The Brotherhood* which is dedicated to the advancement o f wisdom and the establishing of the New Golden Age* and Christ Kingdom, main­ta in s a College fo r the preparation o f leaders, teachers, healers, e tc . , in which the Itystery Teachings o f Jesus, the Wisdom o f the Ancients, and Divine Law are taught.

I f you des ire to prepare yourself for ’’ active*1 and immediate c itizensh ip in the Christ- Kingdom, the Brotherhood o f the White Temple C ollege can help you. Write for lite ra tu re .


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J \A .f../? 0 : .P H .f C Y O F 7K Q . j u d c o m I /. o,/y.

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D r . ’ D orsa l,■ the founder/of the B rother-' hood o'i* the «m lte Temple, h'as recen tly

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| book..is c h o ck - fu ll A ’ o f astounding in fo r ­mation concerning the r is e and(%..€aril of t|oe nations o f the world and the eventu-

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Dr. Doreal has asked ’ th a t no p rice be set o n ^ h is wor^t because'. o f , i t s v i t a l

,'O.^ssage'to American c i t i z d 'h s . ^

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