Book of Shadows Series Chapters One and Two

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  • 8/9/2019 Book of Shadows Series Chapters One and Two



    A round of bullets fired off into the night as footsteps splashed

    through solemn puddles. Velvel urged himself on, doing his best to

    keep up with Bartholomews long strides. They pursued a man who

    could only be classified as just another scumbag lurking around the

    dark allies of the city. It seemed almost every night now that Velvel

    had been disturbed from his slumber in pursuit of one of these guys.

    A gurgling cry from up ahead told Velvel that the miscreant had

    been apprehended. Bartholomew stood over the crooks trembling

    body as he spewed all manner of curses; some that Velvel had never

    even heard of before. The man clutched at his wrist as blood flowed

    forth from the wound Bartholomew had inflicted. Velvel approached

    consciously, peering down at the blathering man. As soon as Velvel

    drew close he could smell the alcohol on his breath. His thin hair was

    greasy and combed over his balding scalp, his round gullet shaking as

    he thrashed about on the ground.

    What a horrible sight, his immediate thoughts echoed. Even so,

    the boy couldnt muster any pity for him. The man had killed two

    people in a drunken rage. There was no room for those emotions after

    what Velvel had learned of the mans crimes.

    Thats enough, Bartholomews voice rang out in the deserted

    alley. You can stop all of that howling of yours. It wont do you any

    good from here on out,

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    The drunkards eyes dimmed with a haze of madness as he spat

    at them, You pompous rat faced twit! If I had my knife Id gut you like

    a fish! And you- he redirected his rampage to Velvel, Id wring that

    scrawny neck of yours-

    Bartholomew pressed his boot into the crazed mans face,

    turning all his threatening comments into undistinguishable muddle.

    He gave Velvel a grim smile, What a foul-mouthed fellow! Anyways,

    lets take him in already before he drives me mad!

    Velvel nodded in agreement and the man squirmed, obviously

    finding offense in Bartholomews jeering.

    After leaving the man in the hands of the authorities, the pair

    traversed the cobbled streets of the city, their tired feet leading them


    Velvel couldnt help but stare skeptically at Bartholomews lazy

    grin. Finally he voiced his concerns saying, Whats with that look?

    A soft chuckle escaped him. Doesnt it feel good after youve

    accomplished something?

    I guess. But Im positive Id be in better spirits if we actually

    made some good money off of all of our hard work He let his voice

    trail off at the end as they neared the narrow building they called


    Velvel had been living as a pickpocket up until Mr. Fledge had

    taken him in. The old man had straightened him out; taught him right

    from wrong. But not only that, he had given the boy a new life. A big

    part of this new life was crusading around the city putting an end to

    evildoers malicious plots and schemes, as Bartholomew had put it. To

    be clear, it was nothing more than small detective works with a bit of

    bounty hunting mixed in. But everything was elaborate when it came

    to Bartholomew, even the smallest most ineffectual things, such as the

    tall narrow apartment building they lived in. Bartholomew could even

    extravagate the run down shack into something magnificent. He had

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    deemed the building Mr. Fledges Courtly Citadel of Dreams. The first

    time Velvel had heard it addressed as such he burst out laughing, tears

    rolling down his face. But he quickly learned that Bartholomews

    outlandishness was no joke. He exuded strangeness everyday and

    Velvel had, somewhat, become accustomed to it over the years,

    though he still held on to the notion that the young man wasnt right in

    the head.

    Bartholomew sighed as he stretched. And even better than

    accomplishing something, he said, continuing upon his thesis, is

    returning to the Citadel afterwards.

    As soon as they reached the third and final floor, Mr. And Mrs.

    Fledge were there waiting. The elderly couple eagerly greeted the boys

    with hugs and kisses, from Mrs. Fledge, as well as hearty pats on the

    back from her husband. They quickly ushered the boys inside their


    What are you two doing up so late anyhow? Bartholomew

    began, Arent you too young to be up past midnight? This was aimed

    at Mrs. Fledge. Velvel shot quizzical glances at the older boy as he

    shifted uncomfortably in the doorway.

    Oh, you! Mrs. Fledge teased. She turned and led them to the

    small table that encompassed the majority of the small kitchen. Sit

    down and have some tea, she urged.

    How were youre adventures tonight lads? Mr. Fledge inquired

    once they had all settled down in a seat.

    Bartholomews face lit up as he recounted their dealings with

    innumerable amounts of embellishments. The old couple listened with

    pleasant looks on their faces, neither of them betraying in the slightest

    that anything might be considered far-fetched about the tale. Velvel

    yawned over his cup of tea; the only thing keeping him awake were the

    twists and turns of events that he was sure had never transpired.

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    So the evil count even went as far as to send his treacherous

    dragon after you? Mrs. Fledge gasped.

    Bartholomew nodded proudly. But it was thanks to Velvel that

    we both made it back unscathed, for he was the one who subdued the

    foul beast!

    Mr. Fledge slapped Velvel on the back so hard he nearly dunked

    his face in the steaming hot cup of tea clenched in his hands. Good

    work, lad! I knew when I took you in that youd amount to good

    things! Velvel frowned at Bartholomew who sat across from him at the

    table with a humorous look upon his face. Ever since he had joined up

    with the tale weaver he found himself being depicted as the hero of

    Bartholomews false accounts.

    As soon as he drained his cup of tea Velvel began to say his

    goodbyes. Im sorry we have to leave so early but tonights work was

    really tiring, as youve heard, Velvel said on a whim, choosing to use

    Bartholomews story to back up his plight.

    Hes right, Bartholomew agreed. Heros need their rest! And

    with those parting words the two went across the hall to their lodgings.

    Overhead the twin moons watched over the slumbering city.

    Velvel awoke in a stupor. His windows had been opened to the

    blinding sunlight and his covers were tossed aside. Bartholomew stood

    over him with a wide grin. He was dressed in his nicest trousers and

    shirt. His dark brown, almost black, hair was combed and neat.

    Get up kid! he cheered.

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    Velvel grimaced. Although he was seventeen and Bartholomew

    was four years his senior he didnt condone the way Bartholomew

    called him a kid.

    Stop talking, he replied in a grumpy manner.

    Are you sure you wanna stay in bed? Its fine with me if you

    wanna miss the action but-

    What!? Velvel bolted upright, taking the bait.

    Bartholomews grin spread ever wider, Well Suddenly Velvel

    wasnt sure if he should trust his words. They were probably dripping

    with exaggeration. In the end, he feared hed be lured to some dull

    piece of news, such as the opening of a new hat shop or something,

    and hed be stuck listening to Bartholomews speculations about what

    a great feat it was.

    Nevertheless, he told Velvel what had piqued his interests. The

    royals are coming to town!

    Velvels eyes narrowed with unease. Now it was up to him to

    decipher who or whatBartholomew meant by royals. He couldnt

    possibly mean the actual King and Queen of Rhea, could he? Although

    the King was nothing more than a figurehead, Velvel could actually

    consider this as an exciting development. And he had revealed this

    information so nonchalantly. No! It had to be a trap! If the royals were

    really making an appearance Bartholomew would have made quite a

    show of it.

    Idont want to go? he finally responded cautiously.

    Bartholomew frowned and shrugged his shoulders. So be it. Its

    your loss,

    Velvels tension depleted as soon as the young man had left the

    room. He sighed, perturbed by how unnerved he had become over

    such a trifling matter. Then the din of the streets that wafted through

    his window roused him from his trance.

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    He strode to the opening and glanced down at the street below.

    It was busier than usual. He watched a girl run from shop to shop,

    alerting the peddlers of a tidbit of exciting info. Velvel paled as he

    realized what was going on. That weasel! He fumed. He was actually

    telling the truth!

    Velvel fumbled about, searching for the right clothes. He nearly

    tripped over the chest stored in the back of his closet as he came

    across it. Once dressed, he hastily ran his fingers through his wild

    blond hair in attempts to make it neat. Grabbing his cap on the way

    out, he flew down three flights of stairs.

    At first, he scoured around for Bartholomews whereabouts but

    he had disappeared. No matter. Ill enjoy myself more if hes not

    around telling crazy stories.

    He headed deeper into the city. From what he picked up from

    trails of gossip, the governor had started a full-blown welcoming

    campaign in lieu of the royal familys arrival. The entire week before

    the appointed date, Cosette Town would go through major

    redecorating in attempts to impress the king, or more likely his

    advisors. It was common knowledge that they were the ones who

    called the shots.

    He meandered along the streets, not really knowing where he

    headed. He just let his feet take him where they may. It was a warm

    day in late spring. He enjoyed the gentle breeze that playfully tugged

    at the hair tufting out from beneath his cap. Soon the cool easy spring

    would give way to a hot muggy summer. He definitely wasnt looking

    forward to that.

    Rounding the corner, Velvel suddenly became aware of his

    surroundings. He was in a shadier part of town, in front of an even

    shadier business under the guise of a pawnshop. He and Bartholomew

    had come to this area on numerous occasions, always in search of

    some fiend who had committed a treacherous act.

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    Bleh. Id best get outta here. As he turned around to head back

    the way he came, a flash of movement caught his eye. His gaze locked

    on two forms: a sketchy looking bloke and the other a sight very

    unusual to the area. It was a girl, around his age he surmised. The way

    the man had his hand tightly wrapped around her small arm and was

    pulling her along with him made Velvels skin crawl. It seemed like bad

    news to him.

    He followed them, finally daring to speak up when the jerk led

    the girl into an alley and had the audacity to throw her against the far

    wall. What do you think youre doing? He couldnt conceal his anger,

    and his words came out laced with rage.

    The man hadnt known he was being followed and started at the

    sudden noise. What the-? he bellowed. Who are you? But Velvel

    didnt grace the scumbag with a response, only the bite of his left


    The girl, who had been silent up until that moment, let out a

    frightened squeak. Velvel turned his attention to her as the man

    stumbled around. She was dark skinned with long black tresses, her

    vivid green eyes wide with surprise. He also noticed her odd manor of

    dress. It was quite similar to what he had on. Very strange. Its okay

    now, he informed her, holding his hand out in a gesture to show he

    was there to help.

    W-what? Y-you dont- she stuttered incoherently. She took a

    deep calming breath to try to reorganize her thoughts. You shouldnt

    be here!

    Velvel was taken aback by her guilty tone, like she was the one

    who was caught doing something she shouldnt. He couldnt help the

    grimace that crossed his face as he contemplated the idea that the girl

    had actually wanted the creeps company. He shook his head slowly,

    his words taking on judgmental tones, You dont actuallyhave

    business with thiser fellow, do you?

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    It took her a moment, but eventually comprehension dawned on

    her as she grasped what he was getting at. She blushed and her mouth

    hung open in horror.

    Velvel took this as a confirmation of his speculation but she

    started to protest, Wait a minute-EEEK! Behind you!

    But it was too late. Velvel was completely caught off guard when

    the man finally launched his counter attack. He may not have been as

    youthful as Velvel but he was well built and the hit he landed on the

    boy was way more serious than the blow that was dealt him. One hit

    was all it took. One hit for the world around him to slip away as the

    ground rushed to meet him.

    When he was younger, Velvel used to live on the streets.

    Stealing to sustain his existence. It wasnt much of a life, and who

    knew how long hed of lasted if he was never rescued?

    The day he met Mr. Fledge was just after his eleventh birthday.

    Being the snotty little kid that he was, he felt entitled to making a big

    haul that day. And when Velvel spotted the old mans shiny watch and

    chain as he checked the time, he knew he had to have it. After

    watching Fledge tuck the watch into his coat pocket Velvel moved in

    for the kill.

    In the bustling city it was easy to pick someones pocket. People

    bumped into each other all the time. It was next to impossible to tell

    who was a thief and who was just a clumsy passerby. The perfect

    climate for the boys line of work. He had been so full of himself, so

    proud of his small, but beloved earnings. Yes. He liked to think he had

    some respectable vocation; that it was acceptable to take what he

    needed from others.

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    But when he did his bit, the ever-observant Mr. Fledge caught

    him in the act and reprimanded him. It was the first time hed been

    caught since he started his little game. It was humbling to have his

    charade unraveled before his very eyes.

    After knocking Velvels ego down a few notches, the man was

    kind enough to take him in. He had been so shocked and asked why he

    would do such a thing.

    Fledge had replied, You remind me of someone, someone dear

    to me whos life may not have been lost if I had had the guts to do

    something about it,

    That shut Velvel up.

    Years later he discovered that the old man had been talking

    about his son. The kid had been involved with the wrong crowd and

    that had eventually gotten him killed. It definitely made things clearer

    to him, why the Fledges were so willing to help troubled youths like he

    and Bartholomew.

    Though Bartholomews case had been a bit different. By the time

    Velvel joined the Fledge household the older boy was already a

    constant fixture. Always joyful, ever the creative one. But according to

    Mrs. Fledge, when they first took him in he had a completely different

    outlook on life.

    His parents had been murdered and he wanted nothing more

    than to avenge them. He was consumed with the idea but what could a

    kid do against a murderer? Not much. It had taken years, much longer

    than the few months it had taken Velvel, to adjust to this new life.

    Velvel guessed the way he tried to come to terms with that need

    for revenge was their current line of work. Crusading around the city,

    hunting out the bad guys and giving them their just desserts. Velvel

    really didnt mind being dragged along on his quest. He wanted to

    make up for all the bad things hed done in his youth.

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    So even though the work was dangerous, the two had a deep-

    rooted commitment to completing their tasks. This commitment to

    justice was what had probably made Velvel turn around that day and

    try to stop that pervert who had been running off with that girl. But

    justice was abruptly smudged and unclear. Had she been okay with it?

    Despite her helpless appearance, was she just as sketchy as the rest of

    the people who hung around that part of town?

    The way his thoughts churned didnt help the sudden throbbing

    he felt. He tried to open his eyes; once, twice three times. Finally the

    world came back into focus, for the most part. There was still a

    fuzziness that clung to the edge of his vision.

    Thank the stars the kid is alive! Velvel immediately recognized

    Bartholomew despite his minds sluggishness. He looked up at his dark


    What do you want? Velvels sentence came out slurred.

    Bartholomew chuckled softly, Youre making about as much

    sense as you normally do. I think youll be okay in the long run,

    Answer my question!

    Lets get you outta here. Bartholomew slung Velvels body

    across his back, preparing for the journey home. God you are heavy.

    You look skinny but I swear you must be as heavy as an elephant!

    Shut up. Just let me walk you weirdo. I dont trust you,

    From his tone, Velvel could tell Bartholomew was very amused,

    Oh, yes. Thats right. I have ulterior motives. You should be very

    afraid right now,

    I mean it,

    Instead, Bartholomew trudged to the Fledges apartment. Velvel

    kept up a stream of complaints and protests the whole way. Even so,

    the older boy wouldnt let him walk, for the fear hed collapse and

    knock his head once again.

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    When they reached the door Mrs. Fledge already had it open and

    exclaimed, What a racket! I heard you coming all the way up the


    Once inside, Bartholomew dumped him on a sofa. It was all him.

    He got into a fight earlier and it seems as if he suffered quite a blow to

    the head. You should have a look at him,

    Being a nurse, it was probably best to leave Velvel in her care. As

    she tended to his wounds, Velvel filled her in on what had happened.

    At first he had no clue he had been in a fight but as his muddled

    thoughts began to settle, the encounter with the man and the girl

    came back to him.

    Mrs. Fledge tutted in response to Velvels assessment of the

    girls motives. Thats one of the problems with big cities like these.

    Theyre a breeding ground for crime,

    Velvel became introspective at that remark. He had never been

    outside the citys walls before. He had no clue about the outside world.

    Did better places exist beyond Cosette Town? He wondered at how

    small his perception of the world was. He knew nothing in the grand

    scheme of things.

    He glanced out the window and based on the light it seemed that

    the sun was setting. Late afternoon, or even evening really. How long

    had he been out?

    He flinched as Mrs. Fledge pressed a cold cloth to the right side

    of his face, the side that had received the brunt of the damage. How

    bad is it? he asked her, holding the cloth himself now.

    She gave him an apologetic smile. Not good at all. Hopefully itll

    heal in a weektwo weeks time. Just keep a cold cloth on it,

    His shoulders slumped with the news. Not at all what he wanted

    to hear. She rose and said, Ill go put some tea on, and left him

    alone. He gazed out the window once more.

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    Looks like Ill be stuck inside tonight. Whenever he got injured

    the Fledges were reluctant to let him go out and help Bartholomew.

    Usually he had to stay behind while Mrs. Fledge fussed over him.

    Sometimes he thought this was a better alternative to chasing down

    crooks with an obvious wound like a black eye. The villains always liked

    to point it out with some sneering comment like, How do you expect

    to bring me in when you obviously cant dodge a punch

    It was all so stupid. He opted for the easy way out and decided

    hed have a good nights rest before he even considered getting back

    in the fray of their little detective business.

    It was harder to be sure he made the right decision when

    Bartholomew came back, beaming from the nights work. He had

    apprehended two criminals, including the one who had clocked Velvel

    earlier that day. This time he attempted to commit a robbery, but had

    failed horribly.

    Looks like you owe me one,

    Velvel rolled his eyes in response. Not really. I didnt ask you to

    go out and restore my honor or anything,

    Im sure I can think of some way you can repay me,

    Bartholomew had a way of selectively hearing things. Consequently,

    they were only the things he wanted to hear. Sighing, Velvel gave up

    the fight.

    The rest of the week went on without a hindrance. After the

    action of the first couple days, there wasnt much on the criminal

    activity scale. The two patrolled the streets together, keeping an eye

    on things. It seemed the Kings impending arrival had everyone on their

    best behavior. As the days dragged on, Velvel could see Cosette Town

    slowly undergo its transformation. Each storefront they passed seemed

    to have been shined up until it sparkled, operating at its maximum

    ability. Ribbons bows and banners adorned the light posts and hung

    from the eaves of the buildings. Watching the changes, Velvel could

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    feel the excitement in the air. The tension built up and crackled like

    lightening. It was rubbing off on him as well.

    The night before the king and queens arrival Velvel stayed up

    later than usual watching the commotion of the city. He wondered

    about the days that lay ahead. Would he get a glimpse of the royal


    Suddenly he contemplated an even more intriguing

    consideration. Would he see the men that really were in control of

    Rhea? Their existence had always caught his attention. He wanted to

    watch them interact with the king, hoping to glean more understanding

    of how this world worked.

    Maybe. He thought.

    Eventually his wandering mind drifted off into a deep sleep.


    Adeline sneezed, becoming aware of the powdered sugar on her

    nose. She swiftly wiped it away with the cloth napkin set before her.

    Despite her effort to be stealthy the dark haired boy seated across

    from her laughed at her sloppiness. She felt the heat of a blush.

    I cant help it, she claimed, Theres so much sugar

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    Yeah, yeah, Oeric teased, Blame it on the pastry. Admit it,

    youre really just a slob. With a gleam in his blue eyes and a small

    chortle he awaited her reaction. Her deepening look of embarrassment

    only made him laugh more.

    Stop bullying her! A tall red head stood in front of the table,

    fixing Oeric with her judgmental glare. Why do you have to be so

    mean to everybody?

    His mood turned sour as the girl took the remaining seat at their

    table. What are you doing here, Violette?

    Actually, the girl said beaming, I work here now,

    Thats amazing! Adeline said cheerfully.

    Oerics frown deepened, Is that supposed to be a good thing?

    Why even bother with this type of stuff. Its positively his face

    pinched with disgust as he said the next line, mortal!

    Violette smirked, I wouldnt expectyou to understand, after all,

    youre merely a baby by our standards,

    That remark annoyed Oeric to no end.

    Though Violette looked as if she couldnt be older than nineteen

    she was actually nearing her hundredth birthday. In the vampire

    community once the age of eighteen had been reached, the aging

    process slowed almost to a complete halt and stretched on over the

    centuries. It took many years for a vampire to show the tell tale signs

    of aging that their human counterparts dealt with much earlier. Oeric

    and Adeline, on the other hand, were only seventeen, which was

    considered quite young by vampiric standards.

    Oeric puffed, Whatever, its your choice to be slaving away in

    mortal institutions just to make some small change,

    No matter Oerics jesting, Adeline admired the older vampire.

    Most members of the Nine Vampire Clans of Rhea didnt dare break a

    sweat toiling the way mortals did. Due to blood ties with a couple of

    the powerful advisors that controlled the King, the nine clans were

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    offered comfortable homes in the Rhean countryside. The vast estates

    characterized the dirt roads that lead to Cosette Town. They lived

    pampered lives; protected by the government, free to feed whenever

    they saw fit; unbeknownst to the poor city dwellers. It seemed

    unnatural that a child of the nine would want to endure such hard

    labor. It was for this very reason Adeline respected her. Unlike the

    others, she wanted to work for her wealth, not have it handed to her. It

    was the certain undermining authority aspect of it all that had drawn

    Adeline to the idea. Even so she couldnt bring herself to do something

    so bold. Regrettably, it was in her nature to do just as she was

    instructed to.

    Good luck to you, Adeline smiled.

    Thank you, she paused to pet Adelines head, her hand

    cushioned by the wavy curls of Adelines voluminous black hair.

    What type of things do you do here anyway? I bet you talk to a

    lot of humans, huh. I dont know why but for some reason they always

    make me nervous, Adeline bubbled.

    Shaking her head and laughing, Violette answered the girl,

    Yeah. Interacting with humans is a given. But really, what is so nerve

    racking about them?

    She shrugged in response but Oeric grimaced. Cant you be

    normal or something?

    Violette came to her defense again, Dont you start again, His

    frown deepened but she went on anyway. Well, Ive got to get back to

    work. Enjoy your sweets!

    Oeric sighed in relief once she was gone. How annoying! And

    how dare she judge us like that? I dont get how you put up with her,

    Adeline suddenly became self-conscious at the word judged.

    Did Violette see her the same way she saw Oeric? She hoped not. It

    could be possible, considering Adelines life style. She appeared to be

    as prissy as the lot of them. She woke whenever she pleased, often

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    heading to the city to spend that handout money on cakes and

    sugarcoated pastries that had become her addiction of recent. After

    loafing around all afternoon she fed and if she wasnt thirsty shed go

    home and be lazy there. The more she thought about it the duller her

    life became. Where was the excitement, the freedom from the


    She slumped in her seat, her spirits deflated. What are we even


    Oeric glanced at her curiously. In a matter of seconds her mood

    had changed drastically. Eh?

    Adeline blinked her green eyes, N-Nevermind, She sighed

    dejectedly as she gazed at the city dwellers through a pane of glass.

    What is your issue? he complained. When did you start acting

    like a female? I mean youre being all moody and unreasonable. I

    thought I could count on you to be immune to that stuff he

    muttered on.

    She started in her seat. H-hey! Im not being moody! Andof

    course Im a girlI mean why would you think Im not a girl? Do I-

    Oerics mischievous smile returned. Once again he was being

    entertained by her flustered nature. I dont knowyou dont look like

    a girl

    Adeline stiffened, worry crinkling her brow. It was true, she had

    never been that fond of dresses and she often went out clad in the

    clothes she wore now. Trousers a shirt and suspenders, on occasion

    paired with a vest or corset. She felt most comfortable this way

    however, many of the other girls found her wardrobe bizarre. But with

    this new revelation she wondered if all along she had been doing

    something intrinsically wrong, dressing in boys clothing.

    Sweet midnight! Would you calm down?

    His low oath had awoken her from her reverie. Her lips settled

    into a pout, I dont know why I never notice that half the things you

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    But even now she wasnt making very bright decisions. Where

    was she going? How was she going to find him? Why did it matter so

    much? All these thoughts raced round and round in her mind.

    In a city this large did she really even have a chance at finding

    him? Most likely notshe answered herself.

    She had been making her way to the center of the city but as she

    went on the amount of people increased until finally she found she

    could push on no more.

    What? she began, then remembered news of the royal

    procession taking place. She vaguely recalled the night her mother had

    told her

    Adeline? her mother had called. Come here,

    That had been the night that boy had tried to save her and she

    was feeling down in the dumps. She had moped about all day. Even

    then, as she responded to her mothers voice her spirits were low.

    Our cousins will be arriving at the end of the week. Along with

    the king and queen of the mortals, of course. Theyll be joining us for

    dinner and for Mistress Cassandras ball as well,

    Yep. That was it.

    A crowd was gathered in hopes of catching a glimpse of the king

    and queen. She tried shoving through the barrier but the throngs of

    jostling bodies knocked her back.

    Oh well. What did she need to see the royal family for? Shed be

    seeing her cousins at the dinner her parents had planned. She

    should just give up and go home. If her odds at finding that boy had

    been slim before, they were clearly impossible now. She turned; ready

    to make the long trip home but then a forlorn shriek rang out from the


    Cold chills raced up and down Adelines spine as the crowd

    began to panic, adding more screams to the initial one. The street

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    rumbled with the sound of footfalls as the populace ran this way and

    that. A wave of frightened people rushed towards her, in attempts to

    escape. She flung her arms over her head just as the wave crashed

    into her. The world became a blur as she was tossed aside again and

    again as if she were nothing more than a withered leaf tormented by a

    gust of wind. She had just been knocked off her feet when a hand

    deftly dragged her away from the sea of people.

    Adeline stumbled along, barely conscious of her surroundings.

    Her head lolled towards the ground and her stumbling feet. She didnt

    dare attempt to steal a look at her rescuer for fear that moving her

    head in such a manner would make the world spin even faster.

    Velvel had barely escaped the mass of shrieking people. He

    waited in a nearby alley, planning to converge on the scene once

    things had died down, though it didnt seem that it would. It felt like

    ages before the screaming had died down enough that he didnt need

    to cover his ears.

    When the day had started they had checked with the authorities

    to see if there were any bounties. There hadnt been any. Luckily,

    being freelance detectives, they had the option of taking the day off so

    they did. Velvel had hoped to enjoy the days activities but it seemed

    that wouldnt be possible.

    He wasnt sure what had caused it, but Cosette Town was in

    complete pandemonium. He lingered near the square, waiting for the

    frightened masses to clear out.

    Down the alley he saw two figures approaching. Before long he

    ascertained that it was Bartholomew helping along some poor citizen

    who had been wounded in the chaos.

    Bartholomew! he called, rapidly closing the distance between


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    Hey, he replied, his voice laced with a hint of fatigue.

    Whats happened to her? Velvel asked. The girl was leaning on

    Bartholomews arm for support. Her impossibly long black tresses

    obscured her face from view. Even so he recognized the strange outfit.

    It couldnt be

    H-hey! he cried but was interrupted.

    Bartholomew breathed deeply and finally regaining his breath

    said, The crowd,

    Velvels thoughts were brought back to the strange happenings

    at the royal procession. Speaking of that, I think we should go have a

    look now. Do you have any clue what happened?

    No, and Im just as curious as you are but Im not sure what we

    should do with princess, here he responded.

    Velvel raised an eyebrow, Princess? But he soon dismissed it

    simply for the fact that Bartholomew was likely to come up with such

    unconventional titles for normal people.

    However, she became flustered at the phrase. Her head jerked

    upright as she stared down the young man. Why should he, a random

    man whom she had never been acquainted with in her life, be able to

    label her as such? Could he be that insightful? Or was it as she had

    feared, did she simply exude pretentiousness?

    She struggled away from his grip and stumbled a few steps. I-

    Im not her protest fell short with the emergence of embarrassment.

    She returned her gaze to the ground. When she broke her staring

    contest with the floor her eyes widened.

    It seemed to Velvel that she recognized him as well. Her

    expression was a mix between surprise, disbelief andwas that relief

    he detected? Very confusing.

    Um, but he really couldnt find the words for such a situation.

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    Fortunately for him, she did, Oh! Youre all right! When I came

    back you were gone and I was so scared and I thoughtI thought

    She trailed off suddenly self-conscious.

    Oh. So you know my dear friend? May I inquire as to how you

    two became in acquaintance with each other? On the day they had

    run into each other, Bartholomew had never heard the full story of how

    Velvels injury was acquired. Therefore, he had no clue who this girl

    was. Velvel could tell Bartholomew was highly interested in her. After

    all, he was the flirt, not Velvel. He was the one who talked to girls.

    Bartholomew had often tried to give him tips on impressing women.

    Velvel would always dismiss his teachings, saying they were a waste of


    Ah she hesitated. He saved me.

    Velvel was shocked. Is that what had happened? Wellit had

    been a very strange situation. One he was starting to think he didnt

    fully comprehend.

    That is very much in your nature, Bartholomew remarked

    proudly. He winked at Velvel slyly. So princess,

    She winced and squeaked, Please dont call me that!

    Bartholomew shrugged his shoulders at Velvels questioning

    stare. Its okay, Velvel comforted the girl. He couldnt help noticing

    the peculiar circumstances. Ever the smooth talker, in this instance,

    Bartholomew would be the one reassuring her, not Velvel. The world

    seemed off skew. Hes just strange. I, myself, dont give much

    thought to what he says, you shouldnt either, She responded with a

    nervous smile.

    Dont lie, Velvel dragon slayer. You hang off of every word I say

    for I am your guide-

    Thats enough out of you! Velvel scowled, elbowing

    Bartholomew in his chest.

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    The older boy stumbled, being taken by surprise. His eyes were

    wide with astonishment when he opened his mouth to complain, but

    out of the corner of his eye he saw the girl running off towards the

    scene of the incident. Wait, Princess! he blurted thoughtlessly,

    chasing after her.

    Adeline hadnt meant to leave so abruptly but there was a

    creeping feeling in her stomach and she had to see for herself what

    had happened. Coming upon the open street she saw doctors tending

    to an injured man who lay motionless on the ground. The royal family

    as well as their representatives stood on the steps of the courthouse

    accompanied by the constable and his men who appeared to be

    protecting them. All of them pale with horrid looks upon their faces.

    Adeline focused on the wounded man. It was as if a hole had beenblown through his stomach, though she hadnt remembered any loudpopping that always warned of gunshots. Upon closer inspection it wasobvious he was dead for the pool of blood that encompassed the bodywas too large for the man to still be among the living. Adelinesstomach flipped flopped, plunging her deeper into dread. She took adeep breath and gazed upon the face. She shuddered as recognitioncoursed through her swimming mind. It had been confirmed thesecond she felt his dying presence, she knew at once that he was one

    of her own.