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The 7 Principles to Unlimited Business Success

Author: Michael R. Hunter


Copyright © 2013 Entourage Marketing, LLC

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About the Author

Michael R. Hunter is the founder of Entourage Marketing, an online marketing firm in

Scottsdale, Arizona, and the creator of the Strategic Marketing Compass.

Michael has been in business for himself since the ripe

age of 17 and has developed a wide range of marketing

experience and skill sets ranging from commission-only

direct sales to executive level strategy consulting.

Michael graduated from Arizona State University, with a

Bachelors of Interdisciplinary Studies degree in Business

and Communications. He completed his degree in four

years, while building multiple businesses and developing

his knowledge and skills outside the classroom.

Passionate about helping small business owners succeed, Michael conducts seminars and

workshops to educate business owners about marketing their business online and being more

strategic about their business overall.

Aside from marketing, Michael is also a student of psychology and mindset. He always says,

“I love everything that has to do with either marketing or mindset”. In 2009 Michael founded

an online community on Facebook called Right Mind Set (RMS) where he inspires and

motivates thousands of people on a weekly basis.

“In order to be effective in business, you must have a basic understanding of psychology.

The two are closely related because in order to motivate people to take action and to

buy your product or service, you must first understand how people think.”

— Michael R. Hunter

Michael’s combined passion for marketing and mindset are what make his perspective unique

and his teaching style powerful.

On a personal level, Michael enjoys snowboarding, running, and traveling the world.

Australia, Japan, Thailand, Peru, South Africa, and many others are still on his bucket list.

For more information about Michael R. Hunter, visit: www.michaelrhunter.com

You can also connect with Michael anytime on Facebook or Twitter!

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The 7 Principles to Unlimited Business Success

By: Michael R. Hunter

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The 7 Principles to

Unlimited Business Success

This book holds essential information that can lead to your ability to

create unlimited business success.

Unlimited business success may sound too good to be true, and, I’m

sure you’ve heard something like “If it sounds too good to be true, it

probably is.”

Well, my perspective is – if people never believed in something that

sounded “too good to be true”, we wouldn’t have trains, cars, air

planes, iPhones, computers, or a lot of the things that we enjoy and

use on a daily basis. You wouldn’t be reading this right now.

I mean really… wireless internet? That sounds way too good to be

true and at some point in time, not too long ago, someone actually

said, “That sounds too good to be true, that will never work” and

today we don’t even think about it. In fact we get upset and find it

inconvenient when wireless isn’t available for FREE!

You reading these words right now is proof that not everything that

sounds too good to be true, actually is.

So, tell your inner critic to take a nap for the next several minutes

while you un-biasedly consume the information in this book. Once

you’ve finished reading, you can then decide whether or not

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‘unlimited business success’ is as far of a reach as you currently

believe it to be.

These Seven Principles are something that you can take and apply to

any business in any industry. Think of the Seven Principles of

Unlimited Business Success like the law of gravity; no matter the

shape or size of the object, the principles still apply.

I want to invite you into a world of unlimited possibilities for a

moment. Your unlimited world of possibility, not mine. Imagine

what it would be like if your business generated six or even seven-

figures… per month. What would that possibility provide for you?

What greater impact could you have in the world? What experiences

would that possibility allow you to have? Who would that allow you

to meet? What type of energy would you bring to your day?

Now, that may seem far-fetched. Your inner critic might be thinking,

six or seven figures per month… yeah, right! I’ll never do that.

All I will say is, if someone can do it in the dressage industry (Horse

Ballet), you can do it in your industry!

Maybe you’re one of those people who think that “It’s not all about

the money” and you’re right, it’s not ALL about the money. But, why

not have a lot of it while you enjoy the parts of life that are more

important to you?

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I mean, if you’re all about making a difference and impacting the

world, wouldn’t more money allow you to help more people?

Regardless of your views about money, a six-figure monthly income

may seem like a stretch.

Maybe you’re just getting started in your business, or maybe you’re

ready to finally take your business to the next level. No matter

where you’re at right now, every single person that has built a six or

seven-figure monthly business has been in a very similar place to the

one you’re standing in right now.

How do I know?

Well, I’ve spent the past few years surrounding myself with massively

successful people. Several of these people have taught me a few

things they keep close to their chest, like some of the secrets and

best-practices behind building their 8-figure businesses. I’ll be

sharing some of those things with you in a moment.

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some of the most successful people

of our time over the past couple years. People like Peter Diamandis,

founder and CEO of the X-Prize Foundation, Brendon Burchard, #1

NY Times Bestselling Author, T. Harv Eker, Founder of Peak

Potentials, Jeff Walker, Creator of the Product Launch Formula, Dr.

Daniel Amen, NY Times Best Selling Author, Darren Hardy, Publisher

of Success Magazine, and Matt Mullenweg, founder of WordPress,

to name a few of the more recognizable people.

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The difference between the massively successful people and the

people that struggle isn’t a gap of intelligence like most people think.

Successful people simply know certain things that unsuccessful

people don’t know; they are aware of certain things that most people

aren’t aware of. They also have developed the ability to push

through the frustration and fear that causes so many aspiring

entrepreneurs to quit, give up, and throw in the towel.

Awareness and knowledge of certain aspects of and the developed

ability to deal with frustration and fear are really the only things that

separate the massively successful business owner from the struggling


So, I want to help expand your awareness of what’s possible for your

business and how to go about making those possibilities your reality.

And, that’s exactly why I created this document and made it

available to you for free.

Usually when someone gets started in business, it’s because they are

extremely passionate about something they enjoy doing. This type of

person usually isn’t a savvy business person and lacks awareness of

core business principles. Their passion and drive alone creates their

success, but there’s little enjoyment because their income is

dependent on their personal efforts. They often struggle to create a

steady revenue stream or have trouble scaling their business.

Can you relate?

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On the other end of the spectrum, you have the person that over-

analyzes everything. They are either just getting started or they’ve

reached a certain level in their business but they are caught in a state

of “analysis paralysis” (Being paralyzed by over-analyzation). They’re

afraid to go out there and fail so they try to have all their ducks in a

row before they even think about taking action.

While, it’s critical to think and plan, the fact of the matter is, both

types of people will continue to fail until they incorporate the Seven

Principles of Unlimited Business Success.

Just so we are clear, the Seven Principles of Unlimited Business

Success are in no way, shape, or form a ‘get rich quick’ scheme. It

takes a long time to become an overnight success and I believe in

sustainable, long-term growth. If you’re looking for the next “push-

button millionaire” program, you won’t find it here or with any of my

products, and you can stop reading here ( X )

However, if you’re interested in developing your skills with valuable,

relevant, and real information that you can put into action in your

own business, and you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and work

tirelessly, then this document and my products are right for you.

I am extremely passionate about helping leaders, visionaries, and

change-makers grow businesses that make a difference in the world.

Everything I do is designed to provide people like you with the

information, tools, and resources to make a bigger impact in the

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world. The Seven Principles of Unlimited Business Success is just the

tip of the ice berg.

Whether your product is the world’s best cheeseburger, a personal

development audio series, or anywhere in between; the Seven

Principles of Unlimited Business Success all apply to you and they can

make a massive difference in your level of success if you’re willing to

do the work required.

After you’re done reading this document, my hope is that you decide

to let me help you grow your business. Whether you choose to

become a member of my High-end Mastermind group, where we can

work together in person, or you decide to purchase one of my

products, I look forward to adding value to your business now and in

the future.

Alright, let’s get started.

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We will start with a quick introduction to the seven principles and

from there we will dive a little deeper into each one.

Seven Principles of Unlimited Business Success

1. Compelling Communication 2. Business Strategy 3. Action Plan 4. Leverage 5. Value 6. Mindset 7. Your Word

Each one of these principles is extremely important to the overall

success of your business. Forgetting, or missing just one of these

principles can cause massive problems and frustrations.

Before we dive head-first into the Seven Principles, I want you to

know that I will be breaking down each principle into core

components. Within each principle there are certain areas that you

must focus on.

Although they may differ in practice, the theories behind each

principle and its core components are relevant to every business in

any industry.

Let’s start with the first principle.

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Compelling Communication is a phrase that I use to encompass both

effective and persuasive communication. It’s one of my core beliefs

that the success of your business is determined by the quality of your


The only thing that relates to every aspect of your business is

communication. Whether it’s a team meeting, a sales presentation,

an investor pitch, a board meeting, or your marketing materials, the

quality of your communication will have a direct impact on your



Not only must you have a vision, you must be able to communicate

your vision effectively. If you’re unable to communicate your vision

to your team, they won’t know what they’re working towards. If

you’re unable to communicate your vision to your customers, it will

be hard for your customers to feel a part of something and you will

never create a word-of-mouth movement.


Compelling Communication is about enrolling people. Enrolling

people to buy your product, enrolling people to take action on a

project, and enrolling your team and your customers in your vision

are key components to a business’s success.

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In business, there is a lot of negativity surrounding sales, however, all

sales is really, is enrollment. When you show a prospect how your

product or service can improve their business or their life, you are

enrolling them to believe in your business and your product.

Is it fair to say that the ideal vision of your business involves other

people’s help? Or, at the very least, other people that buy your

products and/or services each month?

Well, that’s exactly why the skill of enrollment is essential to the

ultimate success of your business.

Compelling communication isn’t just about the words you speak, it’s

also about what you don’t say. You’ve heard statistics like only 7% of

communication is verbal, right? So, compelling communication isn’t

necessarily all about persuasive communication, it’s more about the

attitude and energy behind your communication and your actions.

Excitement and Enthusiasm are contagious.

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The lack of a business strategy is the number one reason why small

businesses and entrepreneurs fail. Strategy is the backbone of

success for any business. The reason why most small business

owners and solo-preneurs feel like they are spinning their wheels and

not making much progress is because they don’t have a strategy.

When you lack a strategy it’s really easy to get caught up in the day-

to-day actions of running your business, however, building a

successful business requires taking intentional actions that grow your



One of the key components to growing your business is marketing.

The meat and potatoes, so to speak, of your business plan is all about

how you are going to Market your business to get customers in your

door, physically or virtually. If you look closely at your formal

business plan, about 65-76 percent of the plan is marketing related.

Business owners are typically not savvy marketers. One of the

biggest reasons why most small business owners are awful marketers

is because most of them don’t understand the difference between

strategy and tactics.

This lack of awareness causes the small amount of marketing they

actually do to be very ineffective. When the strategy component is

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skipped, and they go straight to the tactics, their marketing becomes

what I like to call ‘hope marketing’. There’s no intention behind it;

they just send something out into the marketplace and hope that

someone comes through the doors ready to spend money.

It’s very important that you understand the difference between

strategy and tactics, and practice it in your business.

Strategy vs. Tactics

Strategy is all about what you are going to do to achieve your desired

result; Tactics are all about how you are going to implement your

strategy. When you leave strategy too quickly and jump into the

tactics, you end up decreasing the impact of your marketing efforts.

The way most business owners market their business: They find

themselves in a pinch at the end of the month, so they slap together

a flyer with a coupon and blast it out to the surrounding area.

Sending a flyer out is 100% tactics. It was not a part of a bigger

marketing plan, it didn’t generate any leads, and there was no way to

track the effectiveness of the flyer because there was little planning


It was a one-time deal. And, you have no idea what results your

effort produced or didn’t produce.

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Before you take any more action marketing your business, ask

yourself, “How does this contribute to my overall strategy? How will I

track my efforts?”.

Usually, your first go around with your marketing strategy isn’t the

best strategy for your business. Your best strategies will come from a

collaborative effort with your team, colleagues, mentors, or friends.

A marketing strategy is not something that you create once and

forget about it. Your business’s marketing strategy should be a living

document that you revisit at least every quarter.

Side note:

If you know that you need to be more strategic within your business.

I have put together a free 3-part video training series that is 100%

dedicated to teaching you how to be more strategic in your business.

To access the free video training, visit:


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An action plan should contain detailed action steps that are in

alignment with your overall business strategy. Most small business

owners and entrepreneurs do not have an action plan for their

business, yet they wonder why they aren’t experiencing the level of

success they desire.

You can’t sit on the couch eating potato chips, think positive

thoughts, and magically manifest a successful business. Action is

required in order to build a successful business, and not just any

action, strategic action.

Action vs. Reaction

As we briefly touched on in the principle of Strategy, most small

business owners operate their business from a place of reaction

rather than from a place of action. They show up and do the work

with a smile on their face, but they are frustrated and confused that

“their business isn’t working”. The real problem is that they don’t

have a plan of action that aligns with their strategy.

When you have a strategy that is then broken down into projects and

action steps, there’s no wondering what needs to get done. You’ve

already invested the time into thinking about and creating a plan;

now you can focus solely on executing that plan.

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When you don’t have a plan of action, the events of the day end up

influencing your day-to-day actions. You will never create unlimited

business success without claiming your agenda and strategically

operating your business from a place of intention.

To-do’s and Not-to-do’s

On some level, people think that their to-do list is something that

boosts their productivity. This may be the case for the stay-at-home

mom, but in business, your to-do list might be the very thing that’s

killing your productivity.

To-do lists are often full of menial tasks that need to get done and

more times than not, it’s just busy work. One of the reasons why a

lot of entrepreneurs and business owners feel like they are spinning

their wheels is because they aren’t making progress on things that

are actually moving their business forward. They are often putting in

the long ours, busting their asses, doing things that really aren’t

moving their business forward.

They are moving and shaking and they are taking massive action, but

are they taking the right action?

An action plan has action items and tasks much like a to-do list, but

an action plan’s tasks are consciously determined to move you closer

to your goals. Rather than having a long list of reactions, how

amazing would it be if you had a long list of projects and action items

that you knew would take you closer to your desired outcome?

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You must gain clarity on the actions that will take you closer to your

goals but you also must gain clarity on the things you should not be


As the business owner you should make a list of things that you

should not be doing, a “not-to-do” list. This list should be given to

someone else on your team; if you do not have a team you should

hire an assistant to do it for you. If you are doing anything in your

business that can be delegated to someone for $10 or $12 per hour,

you should delegate those tasks immediately!

Donald Trump owns over 200 companies. Do you think he goes to

each one of his businesses and takes the trash out on trash day? No,

so why should you?

I’m not suggesting that you become pompous and arrogant, but in

order to grow a successful business, make the difference you want to

make, and support the team that you want to support, you must

focus your personal time, effort and energy growing your business

through intentional actions.

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The biggest reason why small business owners and entrepreneurs

feel like they’re spinning their wheels is because they don’t have any

leverage. Being a small business owner is challenging because there

are many different roles and responsibilities that require your

attention and there’s not enough hours in the day to do it all!

Leverage is the most important principle to building a business with

unlimited potential. Without leverage you will be stuck in the

frustration of long hours, lack of traction, and repetitive tasks.

Leverage provides you the ability to focus strictly on growing and

scaling your business rather than having to work in your business


You can’t fight the fight at the bottom of the hill and see over the hill

at the same time. There are four core components to creating

leverage in your business: systems, tools, people, and processes.


This is the most essential component to any successful business. A

System is something you set up once that produces results on an

ongoing basis with little or no day-to-day maintenance.

Systems are typically automated and require minimal labor to run

and maintain. If there’s a repetitive task in your business, there’s

probably a way to create a system for it.

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Systems are usually built with physical equipment or computer

software. Think about Pepsi, does an actual person fill each can with

the soda? No, that would be ridiculous! They have machines

(systems) that do all bottling and packaging.

More than likely, there’s an action that you’re taking in your business

that’s the equivalent to a Pepsi employee filling each can with soda.

If you want to experience unlimited business success, you must have

a deep understanding of systems and how to implement them.


Building a business is much like building a house. If an 18-wheeler

drop of a huge pile of 2x4’s along with a crate full of nails for you to

start building your dream house, the first thing you would do is run

to the store to buy some tools, right? You would purchase tools like

a saw, a hammer, a nail gun, etc.

However, most business owners are do-ers. So, they see they have

the 2x4’s and the nails, and they just start building. They soon realize

they need something hard to push the nail through the wood so they

find a hand-size rock and use it in place of a hammer. Does the rock

work? Sort of, I mean it gets the job done, but a hammer would have

been better; and a nail gun would have been even easier and faster.

There are tools for your business around every corner, and the

internet makes it easier than ever to find them. You just have to

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have the awareness that there are tools out there that can help you

be more efficient and more effective in your business.


Having other people who work for you is a form of leverage.

Whether those people are independent contractors or employees,

being able to leverage the time and efforts of others is essential to

creating unlimited business success.

“I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own


– John D. Rockefeller

Leveraging other people’s time, energy and effort allows you to focus

on your core strengths and focus on working towards the bigger

vision you have for your business.

When hiring employees or contractors, it’s important that you hire

individuals who have strengths that cover your weaknesses. It’s not

always the best idea to hire the people who you like the most.

The team of people you assemble is extremely important for a small

business. Your team can be the very thing that sky-rockets you to

success or it can be the very thing that sucks the life out of you and

crushes your business.

I have read many books about leadership and how to influence

people to take action. There are two things that I feel are most

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important and have the potential to make the biggest impact in your


The first is that people want to feel like they are important; they

want to feel that they matter. What are you doing in your business

to recognize and praise a job well-done? How are you making each

member of your team feel important? Keep in mind; different things

make different people feel important.

The second is that you cannot make someone do something they

don’t want to do. Yes, people will suck it up and work for their

paycheck at the end of the week, but it won’t be their best work.

How are you inspiring your team to take action? How are you

inciting something within them that gets them excited about

performing at their best? Leverage other people’s time and efforts

are a starting point, but leveraging other people’s time and their best

effort is where unlimited business success is created.


Processes are usually step-by-step instructions that are created in a

way that can be repeated by virtually anyone with consistency and

accuracy. Ray Croc, founder of McDonald’s was a master at systems

and processes as well as Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor


You can go to any McDonald’s in the world and get the same

sandwich because McDonald’s have a process to creating a cheese

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burger. When someone orders a Big Mac, there’s no confusion

about what needs to happen, the McDonald’s employee has been

taught a repeatable process to that results in the creation of a Big

Mac sandwich.

(I really do not like McDonald’s food so I’m not endorsing their food.

I’m just using them as an example of process because they are dang

good at it! I encourage you to eat healthy! )

Henry Ford invented the assembly line. In his world, the assembly

line concept was a process of assembling and producing automobiles.

Creating a step-by-step process where people had specific roles

dramatically increased the production abilities of Ford Motor


Although you’re probably not producing automobiles as your

product, you must develop processes in your business that take the

guess work out of producing and delivering your product or service.

If you have a service-based business, processes are essential to your

success. How are you attracting clients? How are you following up?

What’s your client intake process? When do you draft the proposal?

How do you deliver your service? When is the invoice sent? Etc.

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In order to build a successful business you must provide some type of

value to the marketplace. Currency is simply a representation of

value and in business people exchange currency for products or

services they value more than their money.

The principle of Value encompasses important aspects of business

like products, pricing, and perception. Over the next several years,

you will see a bigger shift in marketing towards value-based

marketing. Today, the curator of the best content owns the industry

they play in.

Products / Services

In order to create massive success in business you must have a

valuable product or service that people want and will pay for.

Products are usually designed to fill a want or a need in the

marketplace. Creating a product that solves a problem or fills a

desire in the marketplace, is a core component of adding value.

I am a firm believer in creating valuable products, especially for a

service based business. Products in a serviced based business usually

consist of packaging your knowledge in a way that allows you to

reach more people and make a bigger difference in the world. Not

only that, but products are also a point of leverage in your business.

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They create leverage for your time and make it much easier to scale

your business.

If your income is solely based on exchanging hours for dollars, there

will always be a ceiling on your earning potential. Even if you have a

consulting firm with 100 employees, each employee has a limited

number of hours they can work each day.

With products, the only limitations are how fast your manufacturer

can create and ship product out the door.


In order to create unlimited business success, your pricing model

should reflect the value that you provide. A simple way to create

more value is to specialize your product or service. This is also called

finding a niche.

When you are a specialist at something, you are able to charge more

for it and it’s easier to determine who your customers are.

Specialization can occur in both product-based and service-based

business models.

On the product-based end of the spectrum, I’ll use car tires for an

example. There are a lot of companies that create car tires, but there

are only a handful that specialize in sports car, performance car tires.

Because their product is specialized for a certain niche of the

marketplace – a niche that is used to spending a lot of money on cars

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– they are able to charge more because their target market values

the quality of their product and the benefits it provides.

On the service-based end of the spectrum, I’ll use the medical

industry as an example. A visit with a General Practitioner is not

nearly as expensive as a visit with a Neurologist (Brain doctor). The

General Practitioner has breadth of knowledge where the

Neurologist has depth of knowledge.

There are literally thousands of examples of both service-based and

product-based companies who specialize in a certain area and are

able to provide substantially more value to a more highly-targeted


On the other end of the spectrum is the volume business & volume

pricing model. In this situation, your goal is mass distribution and

mass marketing. In this case, your pricing should be high enough to

cover costs and make a nice profit, but low enough so that the

marketplace sees more value than the price of your product.

Actual vs. Perceived

In business, marketplace perceptions are reality. What I mean by

that is what the marketplace thinks about the value of your product

is the reality of your product.

Too often, passionate business owners hold on to an ideas that they

think are extremely valuable but no one else does. Thinking your

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product is cool and being willing to pull out a wallet to buy your

product are not the same thing.

Your product or service may have actual value, but if the marketplace

doesn’t see or understand it’s value, then it doesn’t matter.

The perceptions of your customers and target market are everything

to your business. Produce products and services that the

marketplace perceives to be highly-valuable and you will be on your

way to unlimited business success.


The world of business has drastically shifted in the last 20 years.

Before the internet knowledge and information was power. Today,

knowledge and information are everywhere! We literally have a

world of information at our fingertips.

As we progress further into the digital age, knowledge is no longer

power; Sharing of knowledge is power. The people who are the

content creators are the people who own their industry.

Creating high-value content is essential to creating a successful

business in today’s rapidly changing, information drenched society.

Over the next decade, you will see marketing shift towards an

education, training-based method of delivery. How do you educate

and train? You produce content.

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Content can virtually be anything that delivers a message: a blog, an

eBook, a report, a video series, an audio series, a broadcast, etc.

The business that produces the highest-value content in their

industry will dominate the marketplace because the marketplace’s

perception is that they are the most knowledgeable.


Consistency in the quality of your product, customer service and

marketing is an essential component of perpetuating the

marketplace’s perception of your value.

People’s most recent experience with your product or service is the

one that always sticks. To create unlimited business success, you

must provide exceptional value with every person that walks in your

door, every time.

“Treat every single customer as if they were your first customer.”

- Michael R. Hunter

Consistency is the rhythm of your business. One big mistake that

small business owners make often is a lack of consistency in their

marketing efforts. When they get a spike of business, it’s easy for

them to get wrapped up in servicing customers and clients, and

forget to make sure they’re feeding the sales pipeline with new


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Mindset is a topic that’s talked about a lot in the areas of success,

business, and personal development. However, my experience has

been that everyone is talking about mindset as if in order to be

successful there’s a single mindset that you need to have; a success

mindset that’s driven, focused, efficient, and strong.

My view of mindset is a little different. I believe that mindset really

means a set of minds. I believe that in order to be successful you

have to develop many different mindsets because the mindset that

serves you in a board meeting, may not serve you in your

interactions with a loved one.

Before we jump into the two core components of mindset, I think it’s

important to define what mindset is. I mean you’ve probably heard

all of those guru’s and personal development experts out there

talking about mindset, but how many of them actually talk about

what your mindset is?

It’s my belief that your mindset is a makeup of your unique beliefs

and attitudes about the way the world works and your role is within

that world. Taking it a step further, your attitudes and beliefs about

the way the world works, are shaped by your life experiences and the

people in your life.

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“Creating new experiences is a proven way to shift your perspective of the world.”

– Michael R. Hunter

As it relates to unlimited business success, you must have an

extremely dynamic mindset that can handle a variety of different

things without taking you out of the game. There are literally dozens

of topics that we could cover in relation to mindset and success;

however, I want to share two components of mindset that I

constantly see holding great people back from massive success.

Those two components of mindset have to do with attitudes and

beliefs surrounding challenges and money.


As you become more successful, problems & challenges don’t just

disappear, they actually get bigger! In order to achieve unlimited

business success, you must establish a new relationship with

struggle, frustration, failure, stress and fear.

If you mentally take yourself out of the game every time you feel a

negative emotion in your body, your ability to overcome challenges

steeply diminishes.

As a business owner and entrepreneur, we are often times too close

to our problems and challenges that they begin to affect our

productivity, enthusiasm, and energy levels. If we allow ourselves to

step back and view our problems and challenges from a position of

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logic rather than emotion, we often discover a path that takes us

right around those problems and challenges. The path didn’t

miraculously appear; it was always there. However, when you’re too

focused on the today’s problems, you might just miss the turn that

takes you down the path to a future of unlimited business success.

Another component of mindset that I will squeeze under the

challenges section has to do with Failure. Too often, when we make

a mistake or even fall flat on our faces, we beat ourselves up. We

focus on all the things we could have done different, rather than

what we can do in the present to correct our mistake or failure.

If a pilot flew from New York to Los Angeles, without changing his

course of direction mid-flight, a 2% error on take-off could result in a

visit to San Francisco instead. When a pilot is flying, they are off

course over 90% of the time. In order to reach Los Angeles, the pilot

constantly course corrects and adjusts the direction of the plane.

The pilot doesn’t get mad, angry, or frustrated when they realize the

plane isn’t pointed in the right direction. They simply find their

destination and readjust with no guilt, shame, or stress.

Carrying guilt, shame, or stress forward from every mistake you make

is not conducive to unlimited success. Simply focus on your goal and

course correct along the way. Your goals are the destination, you are

the pilot, the flight is your journey and the course corrections are

your learning experiences.

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Whether you are aware of it or not, you have a very specific,

stubborn, and strong mindset around money. Most of the attitudes

and beliefs you have surrounding money are not your own, and do

not reflect the reality of the marketplace.

Growing up, we heard certain phrases and attached specific

emotions (often negative) around the concept of money. You may

have heard phrases like: “Money doesn’t grow on…” or “You have to

work hard for…” or “Rich people are…”. See I didn’t even have to

finish the sentence. The little voice inside your head finished it for

you. If you find yourself thinking, “What little voice, I don’t have a

little voice?”… that’s it! That’s the little voice!

That little voice is what some people refer to as your subconscious


When the topic of money is present, your subconscious mind has the

ability to stir up many emotions like doubt, worry, anxiety or fear

around our self-worth and the value we provide to the world.

These emotions and thoughts are not a reflection of who you actually

are, they are not a reflection of the actual value of your business, and

they are not the reality of the marketplace. They are simply a

reflection of your personal experiences leading up until this point in

your life. You can choose to let those thoughts go at any point in


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In order to move towards unlimited business success in your life, no

matter how successful you are currently, you must be willing to let go

of who you’ve been and become who you must be, in order to

accomplish what you desire.

A great book that deals with the little voice in your head is the book

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. If you haven’t read that book

in the past 2 years, I would highly advise you to read it again. The

words in the book are still the same, but the person you are today is

different than the person that read the book.

“No person can read the same book twice. Yes, the words remain, but once the words are read,

the person is not the same.” - Michael R. Hunter

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The one thing I think the business world lacks more than anything

today is trust and honesty. In order to achieve unlimited business

success, it’s a requirement that you do what you say you’re going to

do, and do it in the timeframe you say you will do it in.

When you make promises and break them, not only does it leave a

bad impression with the individual you promised, but it also eats

away at you. Not a lot, but just a little. When it comes to your word,

there is only one of two possible results. Over time, your ability to

keep promises consistently will compound and will result in

significance and massive success, or your inability to keep promises

will compound and will result in frustration and failure.

When it comes down to it, your word is really all you have. It

perpetuates customer satisfaction, word-of-mouth referrals, and

happy employees. When you operate your day and your life with

integrity and in alignment with your word, you will be rewarded with

spiritual & worldly riches.

It’s important to note, your word isn’t just the sounds that come out

of your mouth or the letters you type into your keyboard; your word

is actually more about your actions and your attitude. There are a lot

of people out there that talk-the-talk, but few actually follow

through. Be honest with yourself and ask, “Where can I improve my

integrity with my word?”

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The 7 Principles to Unlimited Business Success are only valuable to

you if you put them into practice. I truly believe that the information

that we’ve covered here together can change the game for you and

your business.

My advice for you is to review these 7 principles and determine

which single principle you must focus on to see the biggest shift in

your business. Maybe it’s developing a better strategy for your

marketing, or maybe it’s just being more intentional with your

personal actions in your business.

Whatever it is for you, begin immediately.

Once you have effectively implemented one principle, come back and

begin to implement another.

Building a business is like building a brick wall. You must lay a

foundation and place each brick as perfectly as possible.

I hope that you’ve enjoyed this book and that I have the opportunity

to work with you in the future as one of my clients, in one of my

group coaching programs or in person at a live event or in my high-

end mastermind circle.

Until then, live and breathe these principles and I promise you, your

business will never be the same.

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I know that you just finished this eBook and have yet to take

action on the concepts, but I would love to hear from you!

Please post a comment on my Facebook Wall or shoot me

an email with any comments or questions you may have.

I am always looking for ways to improve my work and how I

communicate my message to the world. So, if a specific part

of this book really resonated with you, I would love to know


Also, if you felt that I could have explained a point better or

expanded on a concept in more detail, please let me know

that too!

I look forward to connecting with you! Talk soon.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/themichaelrhunter

Email: [email protected]

Visit my blog for more free content. www.MichaelRHunter.com/blog