Bohme of RegenerationENG

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  • 8/13/2019 Bohme of RegenerationENG


    Jakob Bhme



    R E G E N E R A T I O N

    Though I have in my other Writings,set down a clear description of Regeneration, or theNew-Birth,

    from the Groundthereof; yet because everyone hath them not, neither hath everyone the Capait! to

    understand them; I have therefore, as a Service to thesi"p#e Chi#dren o$ Christ, here set down a shortSum concerning theNew-Birth%

    But i$ an! desire to searh the deep Ground from whence all floweth, and have theGi$tto understand it,let them read

    &% The'hree rinip#es o$ the i*ine +ssene%

    &&% The'hree$o#d i$e o$ an%

    &&&% The.ort! /uestions of the0rigina# +ssene, ustane, Nature, andropert! of theou#%

    &3% The &narnation and Birth of esus Christ the on o$ God also of his u$$ering, eath, and


    3% Thei oints treating of the'hree Wor#dshow they are inone another asone and yet make'hree

    rinip#es, 'hree Births orCenters%

    3&% The!steriu" agnu", which is an&nterpretation upon Genesis%

    And in them he shall find a## that he can ask, and that asdeep as the Mind of Man is able to reach%I havewritten this for thetrue &srae#ites, that is, for theungr! and'hirst! earts that long after the.ountain

    o$ Christ, who are my.e##ow e"ers in thepirit o$ Christ8But not for the&sh"ae#ites andorners,for they have a Boo9 within them, wherewith they ve, persecute, and suppress the Chi#dren o$ Christ that

    are under the Cross and yet, though it be unwi##ing#! and unwitting#! to themselves, they must beer*ants to suchChi#dren o$ Christ%

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    Showing how Man should consider himself!

    CR&' said,"cept ye turn and become as #hildren, ye shall not see the kingdom of$od!:gain, he said to%icodemus; "cept a Man be born again, of &ater and of the

    Spirit, he cannot enter into the 'ingdom of $od; for that which is born of the (lesh is

    (lesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit!

    2% :#so the ripture positi*e#! de#areth, that the fleshly natural Man receiveth not theThings of the Spirit of $od, for they are (oolishness unto him, neither can he know or

    conceive them!

    ;% Now seeing that a## o$ us ha*e .#esh and B#ood and are "orta#, as we $ind !

    +periene, and !et the ripture saith, that &e are the Temples of the )oly $host, who

    dwelleth in us, and thatthe 'ingdom of $od is within us, and that #hrist must be formed

    in us a#so, that)e will give us his (lesh for (ood, and his Blood for *rink+ :nd that,

    &hosoever shall not eat of the (lesh of the Son of Man, and drink his Blood hath no

    ife in him!'here$ore we shou#d serious#! onsider, what 9ind o$ an in us it is, that is

    apa#e o$ eing thus #i9e the eit!%

    4% .or it annot e said o$ the "orta# .#esh that turneth to +arth again, and #i*eth in the

    3anit! o$ this Wor#d, and ontinua##! #usteth against God that it is the 'e"p#e o$ the

    o#! Ghost "uh #ess an it e said that the New Birth o"eth to pass in this earth#!

    .#esh, whih dieth and putri$ieth, and is a ontinua# ouse o$ in%


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    $urther, Should we that are #hristians be yet Sinners0 $od forbid, seeing we are dead to

    Sin in #hrist!

    ?% Besides, the an o$ in annot e the 'e"p#e o$ the o#! Ghost and !et, there is no

    Man that sinneth not, for $od hath shut up all under Sin! :s the ripture saith,%o oneliving is righteous in thy Sight, if thou imputest his Sins to him! The righteous Man

    falleth seven Times a *ay;and !et it annot e "eant that the righteous $a##eth and

    sinneth, ut his "orta# and sin$u# an% .or the righteousness o$ a Christian in Christ

    annot in%

    1@% oreo*er, t%.aulsaith, 1ur #onversation is in )eaven, from whence we epect

    our Saviour /esus #hrist!Now, i$ our Con*ersation e in ea*en, then ea*en "ust e

    in us Christ dwe##eth in ea*en and then i$ we are his 'e"p#e, that 'e"p#e ea*en

    "ust e in us%

    11% But $or a## this, seeing in te"pteth us within us, where! the e*i# hath within usan :ess to us, there$ore e## a#so "ust e in us too, $or the e*i# dwe##eth in e##

    wheresoe*er he is, he is in e##% and annot o"e out o$ it%

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    16% Now i$ we wi## understand this right#!, we "ust onsider 'i"e and +ternit!, and

    how the! are in one another a#so ight and ar9ness, Good and +*i# ut espeia##! the

    0rigina# o$ an%

    This may be thus apprehended!

    17% '+ outward Wor#d with the tars and $our +#e"ents, wherein an and a##

    Creatures #i*e, neither is, nor is a##ed God% &ndeed God dwe##eth in it, ut the ustane

    o$ the outward Wor#d o"prehendedeth hi" not%

    1>% We see a#so that the ight shineth in ar9ness, and the ar9ness o"prehendeth not

    the ight, and !et the! oth dwe## in one another% 'he $our +#e"ents are a#so an

    +a"p#e o$ this whih in their 0rigina# are ut one+#e"ent, whih is neither hot nor

    o#d, nor dr!, nor "oist and !et ! its stirring separateth itse#$ into .our roperties,

    into .ire, :ir, Water, and +arth%

    1?% Who wou#d e#ie*e that .ire produeth or generateth WaterA :nd that the 0rigina#

    o$ .ire ou#d e in Water, i$ we did not see it with our +!es in 'e"pests o$ 'hunder,

    ightening, and Rain and did not $ind a#so, that in #i*ing Creatures, the essentia# .ire o$

    the Bod! dwe##eth in the B#ood, and that the B#ood is the other o$ the .ire, and the

    .ire is the .ather o$ the B#ood%

    2@% :nd as God dwe##eth in the Wor#d, and $i##eth a## 'hings, and !et possesseth nothing

    and as the .ire dwe##eth in Water, and !et possesseth it not8 :#so, as the ight dwe##eth

    in ar9ness, and !et possesseth not the ar9ness as the a! is in the Night, and the

    Night in the a!, 'i"e in +ternit!, and +ternit! in 'i"e so is an reated aording tothe outward u"anit! he is the 'i"e, and in the 'i"e, and the 'i"e is the outward

    Wor#d, and it is a#so the outward an%

    21% 'he inward an is +ternit! and the piritua# 'i"e and Wor#d, whih a#so onsisteth

    o$ ight and ar9ness, o$ the o*e o$ God, as to the eterna# ight, and o$ the :nger o$

    God as to the eterna# ar9ness whihsoe*er o$ these is "ani$est in hi", his pirit

    dwe##eth in that, e it ar9ness or ight%

    22% .or ight and ar9ness are oth inhi", ut eah o$ the" dwe##eth in itse#$, and

    neither o$ the" possesseth the other ut i$ one o$ the" entereth into the other, and wi##

    possess it, then that other #oseth its Right and ower%

    2;% 'hepassive #oseth its ower $or i$ the ight e "ade "ani$est in the ar9ness, then

    the ar9ness #oseth its ar9ness, and is not 9nown or diserned% :#so on the ontrar!, i$

    the ar9ness arise in the ight and get the upper-hand, then the ight and the ower

    thereo$ are etinguished% 'his is to e oser*ed a#so in an%

    24% 'he +terna# ar9ness o$ the ou# is e##, an ahing oure o$ :nguish, whih is

    a##ed the :nger o$ God ut the +terna# ight in the ou# is the =ingdo" o$ ea*en,

    where the $ier! :nguish o$ ar9ness is hanged into o!%

    25% .or the sa"e Nature o$ :nguish, whih in the ar9ness is a Cause o$ adness, is in

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    hath) o$ the +arth, and a#so a imbus o$ the hea*en#! ustane $or the +arth is

    reathed $orth out-spo9en, or reated out o$ the dar9 and #ight Wor#d% &n the Word(iat

    (or reating Word) in the eterna# esire an was ta9en out o$ the +arth, and so reated

    an &"age out o$ 'i"e and +ternit!%

    ;;% 'his &"age was in the inward and spiritua# +#e"ent, $ro" whene the $our +#e"ents

    proeed and are produed% &n that one +#e"ent was aradise $or the roperties o$

    Nature $ro" the (ire2dark2and2light2&orldwere a## in ar"on! and :gree"ent in

    Nu"er, Weight, and easure% 0ne o$ the" was not "ani$ested "ore e"inent#! than

    another, there$ore was there no .rai#t! therein% .or no one ropert! was predo"inant

    o*er another, neither was there an! tri$e or Contrariet! a"ong the owers and


    ;4% &nto this reated &"age God reathed the pirit and Breath o$ nderstanding out o$

    the three &orlds, as one on#! ou# whih, as to its 0rigina# rinip#e or +ssene, is, or

    onsisteth in, the inward dark (ire2&orldo$ the eterna# spiritua# Nature aording towhih God a##eth hi"se#$ astrong 3ealous $od,and a consuming (ire%

    ;5% :nd this now is the eterna# reature#! great ou#, a "agia# Breath o$ .ire, in whih

    .ire onsisteth the 0rigina# o$ i$e, $ro" the great ower o$ eparation% Gods :nger, or

    the eterna# ar9ness, is in this ropert!, so $ar as .ire reaheth without gi*ing ight%

    ;6% 'he seond ropert! o$ the Breath o$ God is the pirit o$ the oure o$ ight,

    proeeding $ro" the great $ier! esire o$ o*e, $ro" the great ee9ness aording to

    whih God a##eth hi"se#$ aloving, merciful $od;in whih onsisteth the true pirit o$

    nderstanding, and o$ i$e in ower%

    ;7% .or as ight shineth $ro" ower, and as the ower o$ nderstanding is diserned in

    the ight, so the Breath o$ the ight was Doined to the Breath o$ the .ire o$ God, and

    reathed into the &"age o$ an%

    ;>% 'he third ropert! o$ the Breath o$ God was the outward :ir with its Conste##ation

    orAstrum, wherein the i$e and Conste##ation o$ the outward ustane and Bod! did

    onsist% 'his he reathed into his Nostri#s and as 'i"e and +ternit! hang together, and

    as 'i"e is produed out o$ +ternit!, so the inward Breath o$ God hung to the outward%

    ;?% 'his three-$o#d ou# was at one reathed into an and eah ustane o$ the Bod!reei*ed the pirit aording to its ropert!% 'he outward .#esh reei*ed the outward

    :ir and its Conste##ations, $or a rationa# and *egetati*e i$e, to the ani$estation o$ the

    Wonders o$ God and the ight Bod! or ea*en#! ustane reei*ed the Breath o$ the

    ight o$ the great i*ine owers and 3irtues whih Breath is a##ed the o#! Ghost%

    4@% 'hus the ight piered through the ar9ness, through the dar9 Breath o$ .ire, and

    a#so through the Breath o$ the outward :ir and its Conste##ation or Astrum, and so

    depri*ed a## the roperties o$ their ower, that neither the :nguish o$ the Breath o$ .ire

    in the inward ropert! o$ the ou#, nor eat nor Co#d, nor an! o$ a## the roperties o$

    the outward Conste##ation, "ight or ou#d e "ani$ested%

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    roperties $or the great ower o$ the ou# and o$ the Bod! aused it%

    5@% :nd then an "ust e tried, whether he wou#d stand and susist in his own owers,

    e$ore the 'e"pter the e*i#, and e$ore the Wrath o$ the eterna# Nature and whether

    the ou# wou#d ontinue in the eEua# :gree"ent o$ the roperties in true Resignationunder God s pirit, as an &nstru"ent o$ God s ar"on!, a tuned &nstru"ent o$ di*ine

    o!$u#ness $or the pirit o$ God to stri9e upon% 'his was tried ! that 'ree, and this

    se*ere Co""and"ent was added, Thou shalt not eat thereof, for on that *ay that thou

    eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die!

    51% But it eing 9nown to God that an wou#d not stand, and that he had a#read!

    i"agined and #usted a$ter Good and +*i#, God said,It is not good for Man to be alone,

    we will make him an )elp2meet for him!

    52% .or God saw thatAdamou#d not then generate "agia##!, ha*ing entered with his

    ust into 3anit!% Now there$oreMosessaith, $od caused a deep Sleep to fall upon him,and he slept that is, seeing an wou#d not ontinue in the 0ediene o$ the i*ine

    ar"on! in the roperties, su"itting hi"se#$ to stand sti## as an &nstru"ent o$ the

    pirit o$ God there$ore God su$$ered hi" to $a## $ro" the i*ine ar"on! into an

    ar"on! o$ his own, into the awa9ened roperties o$ +*i# and Good the pirit o$ his

    ou# went into these%

    5;% :nd there in this #eep he died $ro" the :nge#ia# Wor#d, and $e## under the ower

    o$ the outward(iat, and thus ade $arewe## to the +terna# &"age whih was o$ God s

    egetting% ere his :nge#ia# .or" and ower $e## into a woon and #a! on the Ground%

    54% :nd then ! the(iatGod "ade the Wo"an out o$ hi", out o$ the Matrio$ 4enus,

    out o$ that ropert! wherein Adamhad the Begettress in hi"se#$ and so out o$ one

    Bod! he "ade two, and di*ided the roperties o$ the 'intures, the water! and $ier!

    Conste##ations in the +#e"ent !et not who##! in ustane ut in the pirit, the

    roperties o$ the water! and $ier! ou#%

    55% :nd !et it is ut one 'hing sti##, on#! the ropert! o$ the 'inture was di*ided the

    esire o$ e#$-o*e was ta9en out o$Adam, and $or"ed into a Wo"an aording to his

    i9eness% :nd thene it is that an now so eager#! desireth the Matrio$ the Wo"an,

    and the Wo"an desireth the imbuso$ the an, the .ire-+#e"ent, the 0rigina# o$ the

    true ou#, ! whih is "eant the 'inture o$ .ire $or these two were one in Adam, andtherein onsisted the agia# Begetting%

    56% :nd as soon as"vewas "ade out o$Adamin his #eep, othAdamand"vewere at

    that &nstant set and onstituted in the outward natura# i$e, ha*ing the e"ers gi*en

    the" $or ropagation, a$ter the "anner o$ the Brute :ni"a#s, and a#so the $#esh#!

    Carase, into whih the! "ight put their gross +arth#iness, and #i*e #i9e Beasts%

    57% 0$ whih the poor ou# that is apti*ated in 3anit! is at this a! asha"ed and sorr!

    that its Bod! hath gotten suh a eastia# "onstrous hape% Nothing an e #earer than

    this% .or it is eause an9ind are asha"ed o$ their e"ers and Na9edness, that the!

    orrow their C#othing $ro" the earth#! Creatures% .or this the! wou#d not ha*e done,

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    had the! not #ost the :nge#ia# .or", and assu"ed that o$ a Beast%

    5>% 'his orrowed C#othing, together with the awa9ened +arth#iness, and uDetion to

    the owers o$ eat and Co#d, is a p#ain and $u## roo$ to an, that he is not tru#! at

    o"e in this Wor#d% .or a## earth#! :ppetites, Cares, and .ears, together with this $a#seC#othing, "ust perish and e se*ered $ro" the ou# again%

    5?% Now whenAdamawo9e $ro" #eep, he ehe#d his Wi$e, and 9new that she a"e

    out o$ hi" $or he had not !et eaten o$ 3anit! with his outward outh, ut with the

    &"agination, esire, and ust on#!%

    6@% :nd it was the $irst esire o$"ve, that she "ight eat o$ the 'ree o$ 3anit!, o$ +*i#

    and Good, to whih the e*i# in the .or" o$ a erpent persuaded her, sa!ing, That her

    "yes should be opened, and she should be as $od himself; whih was oth a ie and a


    61% But e to#d her not, that she shou#d #ose the i*ine ight and ower there!8 e

    on#! said, her "yes should be opened, that she might taste, prove, and know "vil and

    $ood, as he had done% Neither did he te## her that eat and Co#d wou#d awa9e in her,

    and that the ropert! o$ the outward Conste##ations wou#d ha*e great ower o*er the

    .#esh and o*er the ind%

    62% is on#! :i" was that the :nge#ia# &"age, the ustane whih a"e $ro" the

    inward piritua# Wor#d, "ight disappear in the"% .or then the! wou#d e onstrained to

    #i*e in uDetion to the gross +arth#iness, and the Conste##ations or tars and then he

    9new we## enough that when the outward Wor#d perished, the ou# wou#d e with hi"

    in ar9ness% .or he saw that the Bod! "ust die, whih he perei*ed ! that whih God

    had inti"ated and so he epeted sti## to e ord to a## +ternit! in the #ae o$ this

    Wor#d, in his $a#se hape whih he had gotten and there$ore he sedued an%

    6;% .or whenAdamand"vewere eating the .ruit, +*i#, and Good, into the Bod!, then

    the &"agination o$ the Bod! reei*ed 3anit! in the .ruit, and then 3anit! awa9ed in the

    .#esh, and the dar9 Wor#d got the pperhand and o"inion in the 3anit! o$ the

    +arth#iness upon whih the $air &"age o$ ea*en, that proeeded out o$ the ea*en#!

    i*ine Wor#d, instant#! disappeared%

    64% ereAdam and"vedied to the =ingdo" o$ ea*en, and awa9ed to the outwardWor#d, and then the $air ou# as it stood in the o*e o$ God, disappeared as to the ho#!

    ower, 3irtue, and ropert! and instead thereo$, the wrath$u# :nger, the dar9 .ire

    Wor#d, awo9e in it, and so the ou# ea"e in one art, in the inward Nature, a ha#$

    e*i#, and in the outward art as re#ated to the outward Wor#d, a Beast%

    65% ere are the Bounds o$ eath and the Gates o$ e##, $or whih Cause God ea"e

    an, that he "ight destro! eath, de$eat the e*i# s urpose, and hange e## into

    great o*e again%

    66% et this e to#d !ou,

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    1f the lamentable (all of Man, and of the Means of his *eliverance!

    N0W when Adam and"ve$e## into this 3anit!, then the Wrath o$ Nature awo9e ineah ropert!, and in or through the esire i"pressed the 3anit! o$ the +arth#iness and

    Wrath o$ God into itse#$%

    6>% :nd then the .#esh ea"e gross and rough, as the .#esh o$ a Beast, and the ou#

    was apti*ated in that +ssene therewith, and saw that its Bod! was eo"e a Beast,

    and had gotten the Bestia# e"ers $or u#tip#iation, and the $i#th! Carase intowhih the esire wou#d stu$$ the oathso"eness whih it was asha"ed o$ in the

    resene o$ God and there$oreAdam and"vehid the"se#*es under the 'rees o$ the

    Garden o$"den% eat and Co#d a#so seiFed on the"%

    6?% :nd here the ea*en in an tre"#ed $or orror as the +arth Eua9ed in Wrath,

    when this :nger was destro!ed on the Cross ! the sweet o*e o$ God there the :nger

    tre"#ed e$ore the sweet o*e o$ God%

    7@% :nd $or this 3anit!s a9e whih was thus awa9ened in an, God ursed the +arth

    #est the ho#! +#e"ent shou#d spring or shine $orth an! "ore through the outward .ruit,

    and ring $orth aradisaia# .ruit% .or there was then no Creature that ou#d ha*eenDo!ed it neither was the earth#! an worth! o$ it an! "ore%

    71% God wou#d not ast the preious ear#s e$ore Beasts an ungod#! an in his Bod!

    eing ut a "ere gross eastia# Creature and though it e o$ a no#e +ssene, !et it is

    who##! poisoned and #oathso"e in the ight o$ God%

    72% Now when God saw that his $air &"age was spoi#ed, he "ani$ested hi"se#$ to $a##en

    Adamand"ve,and had it! on the", and pro"ised hi"se#$ to the" $or an e*er#asting

    ossession, and that with his great o*e in the reei*ed u"anit! he wou#d destro! the

    ower o$ the erpentine ropert!, o$ the 3anit! in the Wrath o$ God awa9ened in the"%

    :nd this was the breaking of the )ead of the Serpent, whih he wou#d per$or", he

    wou#d destro! the dar9 eath, and sudue the :nger with his great o*e%

    7;% :nd this Co*enant o$ his &narnation whih was to o"e, he put into the ight o$

    i$e to whih Co*enant the ewish ari$ies pointed as to a ar9 or imit, to whih

    God had pro"ised hi"se#$ with his o*e $or the .aith o$ the /ewsentered into the

    ari$ies and 0$$erings, and God s &"agination entered into the Co*enant%

    74% :nd the 0$$ering was a .igure o$ the Restitution o$ that whih Adamhath #ost, and

    so God did epiate his :nger in the hu"an ropert!, through the o$$ering in the i"it o$

    the Co*enant%

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    75% &n whih Co*enant the "ost ho#! sweet Na"e +, proceedingout o$ the ho#!

    Na"e and great ower o$ +03:, had inorporated itse#$ so that he wou#d again

    "o*e and "ani$est hi"se#$ in the ustane o$ the ea*en#! Wor#d whih disappeared

    inAdam, and 9ind#e the ho#! di*ine i$e therein again%

    76% 'his ar9 or i"it o$ the Co*enant was propagated $ro" Adamand his Chi#dren,

    $ro" an to an, and did go through $ro" one upon a##, as in a#so and the awa9ened

    3anit! did go through $ro" one upon a##%

    77% :nd it stood in the ro"ise o$ the Co*enant at the +nd, in the Root o$ *avidin the

    3irgin Mary, who was, in the inward =ingdo" o$ the hidden u"anit!, ( o$ the

    +ssentia#it! that disappeared as to the =ingdo" o$ God) the aughter o$ God s

    Co*enant, ut in the outward aording to the natura# u"anit!, she was egotten !

    her true odi#! .ather /oachim and her true other Anna, out o$ the +ssenes and

    ustane o$ their ou#s and Bodies, #i9e a## other Chi#dren o$ Adam a true aughter o$"ve%

    7>% &n this Mary$ro" the 3irgin ( the &isdom of $od5 in the pro"ised i"it o$ the

    Co*enant, o$ whih a## the rophets ha*e prophesied% - the eterna# pea9ing Word,

    whih reated a## 'hings, did in the .u##ness o$ 'i"e "o*e itse#$ in the Na"e +,

    aording to its highest and deepest o*e and u"i#it!, and ring again #i*ing, di*ine,

    and hea*en#! ustantia#it! into the u"anit! o$ the hea*en#! art, whih disappeared

    in :da", and $ro" whih he died in aradise, into the eed o$ Mary, into the 'inture

    o$ o*e, into that ropert! whereinAdamshou#d ha*e propagated hi"se#$ in a "agia#

    and hea*en#! anner, into the true eed o$ the Wo"an, o$ hea*en#! ustantia#it!,

    whih disappeared in aradise%

    7?% :nd when the i*ine ight in the ea*en#! +ssene was etinguished, the Word o$

    God, the i*ine ower o$ the nderstanding, did ring in ea*en#! and #i*ing

    ustantia#it!, and awa9ened the disappeared ustantia#it! in the eed o$ Mary, and

    rought it to i$e%

    >@% :nd so now Gods ustane, wherein e dwe##eth and wor9eth, and the

    disappeared ustane o$ an, are eo"e one erson $or the o#! i*ine

    ustantia#it! did anoint the disappeared there$ore that erson is a##ed CR&',

    theAnointed of $od%

    >1% :nd this is the dr! Rod o$Aaron, whih #osso"ed and are :#"onds, and the true

    igh riest and it is that u"anit! o$ whih Christ spa9e, sa!ing, that e was come

    from )eaven and was in )eaven and that no Man could ascend into )eaven but the

    Son of Man which is come from )eaven, and is in )eaven!

    >2% Now when he saith,)e is come from )eaven, it is "eant o$ the ea*en#! ustane,

    the ea*en#! Corporea#it! $or the ower and 3irtue o$ God needeth no o"ing any

    whither, $or it is e*er! where a#together i""easura#e and undi*ided% But ustane

    needeth o"ing the ower or 3irtue needeth to "o*e itse#$, and "ani$est itse#$ in


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    >;% :nd that ustane entered into the hu"an ustane, and reei*ed it not that art

    on#! o$ ea*en#! ustantia#it!, whih disappeared in Adam, ut the who#e hu"an

    +ssene in ou# and .#esh, aording to a## the three Wor#ds%

    >4% But he hath not reei*ed, or ta9en upon hi"se#$, the awa9ened or i"pressed 3anit!,

    whih the e*i#, ! his &"agination, rought into the .#esh, ! whih the .#esh did

    o""it in though he hath indeed ta9en upon hi" the awa9ened .or"s o$ i$e, as the!

    were gone $orth $ro" their eEua# :gree"ent, eah o$ the" into its own esire%

    >5% .or therein #a! our &n$ir"it!, and the eath, whih e was to drown with his

    ea*en#! ho#! B#ood% erein he too9 upon hi"se#$ a## our ins and &n$ir"ities, a#so

    eath and e## in the Wrath o$ God, and destro!ed their ower in the hu"an roperties%

    >6% 'he Wrath o$ God was the e## into whih the pirit o$ Christ went, when e had

    shed that hea*en#! B#ood into our outward hu"an B#ood, and tintured it with the o*ethere! hanging that e## o$ the hu"an ropert! into ea*en, and reduing the hu"an

    roperties into eEua# :gree"ent, into the ea*en#! ar"on!%


    )ow we are born a2new; and how we may fall into $od6s Anger again!

    N0W here we "a! right#! understand what our%ew2Birth, or-egeneration, is andhow we "a! eo"e, and ontinue to e, the 'e"p#e o$ God though in this i$es 'i"e,

    aording to the outward u"anit!, we are sin$u# "orta# en%>>% Christ in the hu"an +ssene hath ro9en up and opened the Gates o$ our inward

    ea*en#! u"anit!, whih was shut up inAdam so that nothing is now wanting, ut

    that the ou# draw its Wi## out o$ the 3anit! o$ the orrupted .#esh, and ring it into this

    open Gate in the pirit o$ Christ%

    >?% Great and strong +arnestness is reEuired here and not on#! a #earning and 9nowing,

    ut a rea# unger and 'hirst a$ter the pirit o$ Christ% .or to 9now on#!, is not .aith ut

    an unger and 'hirst a$ter that whih & want, so that & draw it in there! to "!se#$, and

    #a! ho#d on it with the esire and &"agination, and, "a9e it "! own this is the 'ruth

    and +ssene o$ a Christian s .aith%

    ?@% 'he Wi## "ust go $orth $ro" the 3anit! o$ the .#esh, and wi##ing#! !ie#d itse#$ up to

    the u$$ering and eath o$ Christ, and to a## the Reproah o$ 3anit!, whih derideth it,

    eause it goeth $orth $ro" its own ouse wherein it was orn, and regardeth 3anit! no

    "ore, ut "ere#! desireth the o*e o$ God in Christ esus%

    ?1% &n suh a unger and esire the Wi## reei*eth and i"presseth into itse#$ the pirit

    o$ Christ with his ea*en#! Corpora#it! that is, the ou# in its great unger and esire

    ta9eth ho#d o$, and draweth the Bod! o$ Christ, the ea*en#! ustantia#it!, into its

    disappeared &"age, within whih the Word o$ the ower o$ God is the Wor9ing%

    ?2% 'he unger o$ the ou# ringeth its esire Euite through the ruised ropert! o$ its

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    u"anit! in the ea*en#! art, whih disappeared inAdam whih u"anit!, the sweet

    .ire o$ o*e in the eath o$ Christ did ruise, when the eath o$ that ea*en#!

    u"anit! was destro!ed%

    ?;% :nd so the unger o$ the ou# reei*ed into it, into its disappeared Corpora#it!,through the esire, the ho#! ea*en#! ustane, Christ s ea*en#! Corpora#it!, whih

    $i##eth the .ather a## o*er, and is nigh unto a##, and through a## 'hings and through that

    the disappeared ea*en#! Bod! riseth in the ower o$ God, in the sweet Na"e +%%

    ?4% :nd this raised ea*en#! piritua# Bod! is the e"er o$ Christ, and the 'e"p#e o$

    the o#! Ghost, a true ansion o$ the o#! 'rinit!, aording to Christ s ro"ise,

    sa!ing, &e will come to you, and make our Abode in you!

    ?5% 'he +ssene o$ that i$e eateth the .#esh o$ Christ, and drin9eth his B#ood% .or the

    pirit o$ Christ, the Word, whih "ade itse#$ *isi#e with the u"anit! o$ Christ out o$,

    and in our disappeared u"anit!, through the outward an o$ the ustane o$ thisWor#d, swa##oweth its ho#! ustane into its $ier! $or e*er! pirit eateth o$ its own


    ?6% Now i$ the ou# eat o$ this sweet, ho#!, and ea*en#! .ood, then it 9ind#eth itse#$

    with the great o*e in the Na"e and ower o$ + whene its .ire o$ :nguish

    eo"eth a great 'riu"ph o$ o! and G#or!, and the true un ariseth to it, wherein it is

    orn to another Wi##%

    ?7% :nd here o"eth to pass the &edding of the amb,whih we hearti#! wish that the

    titu#ar and ip-Christians "ight one $ind ! +periene in the"se#*es, and so pass

    $ro" the istor! into the ustane%

    ?>% But the ou# otaineth not this ear# o$ the i*ine Wisdo" and 3irtue $or its own

    ropert! during the 'i"e o$ this i$e eause it hath the outward Bestia# .#esh sti9ing

    to its outward an%

    ??% 'he ower o$ whih ear# o$ i*ine Wisdo" espouseth itse#$ in this &edding of the

    amb, and sin9eth itse#$ down into the ea*en#! &"age, into the ustane o$ the

    ea*en#! an, who is the 'e"p#e o$ Christ and not into the .ire-Breath o$ the ou#,

    whih is !et, during this who#e i$es 'i"e, $ast ound to the outward =ingdo", to the

    Bond o$ 3anit!, with the Breath o$ the :ir, and is in great anger%

    1@@% &t darteth its Bea"s o$ o*e indeed *er! o$ten into the ou#, where! the ou#

    reei*eth ight ut the pirit o$ Christ !ie#deth not itse#$ up to the .ire-Breath in this

    i$es 'i"e, ut to the Breath o$ ight on#! whih was etinguished in Adam, in whih

    the 'e"p#e o$ Christ is, $or that is the true and ho#! ea*en%

    1@1% nderstand aright now, what the%ew2Birthor-egenerationis, and how it o"eth

    to pass, as $o##oweth% 'he outward earth#! "orta# an is not orn anew in this i$es

    'i"e that is, neither the outward .#esh, nor the outward art o$ the ou#% 'he! ontinue

    oth o$ the" in the 3anit! o$ their Wi##s whih awo9e in Adam% 'he! #o*e their other,

    in whose Bod! the! #i*e, the o"inion o$ this outward Wor#d and therein the Birth o$

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    in is "ani$est%

    1@2% 'he outward an in ou# and .#esh, (we "ean the outward part o$ the ou#) hath

    no i*ine Wi##, neither doth he understand an! 'hing o$ God, as the ripture saith, The

    natural Man perceiveth not the Things of the Spirit of $od! 7c!

    1@;% But the .ire-Breath o$ the inward Wor#d, i$ it e one en#ightened, understandeth it

    it hath a great onging, ighing, unger, and 'hirst a$ter the sweet .ountain o$ Christ

    it re$resheth itse#$ ! hungering and desiring, (whih is the true .aith in) the sweet

    .ountain o$ Christ $ro" his new Bod!, $ro" the ea*en#! ustantia#it!, as a hungr!

    Branh in the 3ine Christ%

    1@4% :nd the Reason wh! the $ier! ou# annot attain to er$etion during this i$es

    'i"e, is eause it is $ast ound with the outward Bond o$ 3anit!, through whih the

    e*i# ontinua##! asteth his *eno"ous Ra!s o$ &n$#uene upon it, and so si$teth it, that

    it o$ten iteth at his Bait, and poisoneth itse#$% .ro" whene iser! and :nguish arise,so that the No#e Sophiahideth herse#$ in the .ountain o$ Christ, in the ea*en#!

    u"anit! $or she annot draw near to 3anit!%

    1@5% .or she 9new how it went with her in Adam, when she #ost her ear#, whih is o$

    Grae $ree#! estowed again upon the inward u"anit! there$ore she is a##ed Sophia,

    the Bride of #hrist!

    1@6% ere she $aith$u##! a##eth to her Bridegroo" the $ier! ou#, and ehorteth hi" to

    Repentane, and to the unurthening o$ hi"se#$, or going $orth $ro" the :o"ination o$


    1@7% :nd now War assau#teth the who#e an% 'he outward $#esh#! an $ighteth against

    the inward spiritua# an, and the spiritua# against the $#esh#! and so an is in

    ontinua# War$are and tri$e, $u## o$ 'rou#e, iser!, :nguish, and Care%

    1@>% 'he inward pirit saith to the $ier! ou#8 1 my Soul8 1 my love8 Turn I beseech

    thee and go forth from 4anity, or else thou loseth my ove and the noble .earl!

    1@?% 'hen saith the outward Reason, the Beastia# ou# Thou art foolish; wilt thou be a

    aughing2stock, and the Scorn of the &orld0 Thou needest the outward &orld to

    maintain this ife! Beauty, .ower, and $lory are thy proper )appiness; wherein onlythou canst re3oice and take *elight! &hy wilt thou cast thyself into Anguish, Misery,

    and -eproach0 Take thy .leasure, which will do both thy (lesh and thy Mind good!

    11@% With suh .i#th the true an is o$ten de$i#ed that is, the outward an de$i#eth

    hi"se#$, as a ow in the ire, and osureth his no#e ear#% .or the "ore *ain the

    outward an groweth, the "ore dar9 the inward an o"eth to e, unti# at #ength it

    disappeareth a#together%

    111% :nd then the $air aradisaia# 'ree is gone, and it wi## e *er! hard to reo*er it

    again% .or when the outward ight, the outward ou# is one en#ightened, so that the

    outward ight o$ Reason is 9ind#ed ! the inward ight then the outward ou#

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    o""on#! useth to turn !porite, and estee" itse#$ i*ine, e*en though the ear# e

    gone whih #a"enta#e +rror sti9eth hard to "an! a an%

    112% :nd thus it o"es to pass that the 'ree o$ ear# in the Garden o$ Christ is o$ten

    spoi#ed onerning whih the ripture "a9eth a hard =not or Con#usion, That thosewho have once tasted the Sweetness of the &orld to come, and fall away from it again,

    shall hardly see the 'ingdom of $od!

    11;% :nd though it annot e denied, ut that the Gates o$ Grae sti## stand open, !et the

    $a#se and daFF#ing ight o$ the outward Reason o$ the ou# so deei*eth and hindereth

    suh en, that the! suppose the! ha*e the ear#, whi#e the! !et #i*e to the 3anit! o$ this

    Wor#d, and dane with the e*i# a$ter his ipe%


    )ow a Man may call himself a #hristian, and how not!

    H+R+ there$ore a Christian shou#d onsider wh! he a##eth hi"se#$ a Christian, andea"ine tru#! whether he e one or not% .or sure#! "! #earning to 9now and on$ess

    that & a" a inner, and that Christ hath destro!ed "! ins on the Cross, and shed is

    B#ood $or "e, doth not "a9e "e a Christian%

    115% 'he &nheritane e#ongeth on#! to the Chi#dren% : aid-er*ant in a ouse

    9noweth we## enough what the istress wou#d ha*e to e done, and !et that "a9eth hernot the eiress o$ her istresss Goods% 'he *er! e*i#s 9now that there is a God, !et

    that doth not hange the" into :nge#s again% But i$ the aid-er*ant in the ouse sha##

    e "arried to the on o$ her istress, then she "a! o"e to inherit her istresss

    Goods% :nd so it is to e understood a#so in the atter o$ eing a Christian%

    116% 'he Chi#dren o$ the istor! are not the eirs o$ the Goods o$ Christ, ut the

    #egiti"ate Chi#dren regenerated by the Spirit of #hrist are the on#! true eirs% .or God

    said toAbraham, #ast out the Son of the Bondwoman, he shall not inherit with the Son

    of the (ree!.or he was a orner, and ut an istoria# on o$ the .aith and pirit o$

    Abraham and so #ong as he ontinued suh a one, he was not a true &nheritor o$ the

    .aith o$Abraham, and there$ore God o""anded he shou#d e ast out $ro" inheriting

    his Goods%

    117% 'his was a '!pe o$ the $uture Christendo"% .or the ro"ise o$ Christendo" was

    "ade toAbraham8 'here$ore the '!pe was then a#so set $orth ! two Brethren, Isaac

    andIshmael $oreshewing ! the" the di*erse tate and anners o$ Christendo" how

    that two sorts o$ en wou#d e in it, 'rue Christians and ip-Christians% Whih #atter,

    under the 'it#e or outward ro$ession o$ Christianit!, wou#d e ut "o9ers, as Ishmael

    was and "sau, who a#so was a '!pe o$ the outward Adam, as/acobwas a '!pe o$

    Christ, and is true Christendo"%

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    11>% 'hus e*er! one who wi## a## hi"se#$ a Christian, "ust ast out $ro" hi"se#$ the

    Son of the Bond2&oman, that is, the earth#! Wi##, and e e*er"ore 9i##ing and

    destro!ing it, and not sett#e it in the &nheritane%

    11?% Nor gi*e the ear# to the Beastia# an, $or hi" to p#ease and a"use hi"se#$ with inthe outward ight, in the ust o$ the .#esh% But we "ust, with our .ather Abraham

    ring the on o$ the right Wi## to ountMoriah, and e read! in 0ediene to God to

    o$$er it up, e*er in Wi## d!ing $ro" in in the eath o$ Christ, gi*ing no p#ae to the

    Beast o$ 3anit! in the =ingdo" o$ Christ, nor #etting it grow wanton, proud, o*etous,

    en*ious, and "a#iious% .or a## these are the roperties o$Ishmaelthe Son of the Bond2

    &omanwho"Adamegat in his 3anit! on the wanton Whore the $a#seBond2&oman,

    ! the e*i# s &"agination, out o$ the earth#! ropert! in .#esh and B#ood%

    12@% 'his o9er and titu#ar Christian is the on o$ the $a#se Bond2&oman, and "ust e

    ast out $or he sha## not possess the &nheritane o$ Christ in the =ingdo" o$ God% e is

    not $it, he is utBabel, a Con$usion o$ that one anguage into "an!% e is ut a 'a#9erand a Wrang#er aout the &nheritane he "eans to get it to hi"se#$ ! 'a#9ing and

    Wrang#ing, ! the !poris! o$ his ips and see"ing o#iness, a#though in his eart he

    is no etter than a #ood-thirst! urderer o$ his rotherAbel, who is the right eir%

    121% 'here$ore we sa! what we 9now, that he that wi## a## hi"se#$ a true Christian "ust

    tr! hi"se#$, and $ind what =ind o$ roperties dri*e and ru#e hi", whether the pirit o$

    Christ "o*eth hi" to 'ruth and Righteousness, and to the o*e o$ his Neighour, so

    that he wou#d wi##ing#! do what is right i$ he 9new ut how%

    122% Now i$ he $ind that he hath a rea# unger a$ter suh 3irtue, then he "a! Dust#!

    thin9 that he is drawn% :nd then he "ust egin to pratise aording#!, and not e

    ontent with a Wi## on#!, without oing% 'he drawing o$ the .ather to Christ onsisteth

    in the Wi##, ut the true i$e onsisteth in the oing $or the right pirit doeth that whih

    is right%

    12;% But i$ there e the Wi## to do, and !et the oing $o##oweth not, then the true an is

    sti## shut up in *ain ust, whih suppresseth the oing% :nd there$ore suh a one is ut

    an !porite and anIshmaelite he spea9eth one 'hing and doth another, and witnesseth

    there! that his outh is a !ar $or he hi"se#$ doth not that whih he teaheth, and

    onseEuent#! on#! ser*eth the Beastia# an in 3anit!%

    124% .or he that wi## sa!, I have a &ill, and would willingly do $ood, but the earthly

    (lesh which I carry about me, keepeth me back, so that I cannot; yet I shall be saved by

    $race, for the Merits of #hrist! I comfort myself with )is Merit and Sufferings; who

    will receive me of mere $race, without any Merits of my own, and forgive me my Sins %

    uh a one, & sa!, is #i9e a an that 9noweth what .ood is good $or his ea#th, !et wi##

    not eat o$ it, ut eateth oison instead thereo$, $ro" whene i9ness and eath, wi##

    ertain#! $o##ow%

    125% .or what good doth it to the ou# to 9now the Wa! to God, i$ it wi## not wa#9

    therein, ut go on in a ontrar! athA What good wi## it do the ou# to o"$ort itse#$

    with the .i#iation o$ Christ, with is assion and eath, and so $#atter itse#$ with the

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    opes o$ getting the atri"on! there!, i$ it wi## not enter into the .i#ia# Birth, that it

    "a! e a true Chi#d, orn out o$ the pirit o$ Christ, out o$ is u$$ering, eath and

    ResurretionA ure#!, the ti9#ing and $#attering itse#$ with Christs erits, without the

    true innate Chi#dship, is .a#sehood and a ie, whosoe*er he e that teaheth it%

    126% 'his Co"$ort e#ongeth on#! to the penitent inner, who stri*eth against in and

    the :nger o$ God% When 'e"ptations o"e, and the e*i# assau#teth suh a poor

    repentant ou#, then it "ust who##! wrap itse#$ up in the erits and eath o$ Christ, as

    its so#e :r"our o$ e$ene%

    127% Christ a#one indeed hath "erited Rede"ption $or us ut not in suh a Wa! as that

    $or is own proper erit s a9e, he wi## $ree#! grant us his Chi#dship ! an outward

    :doption on#!, and so reei*e us $or Chi#dren, when we are none% No,% he hi"se#$ is the

    erit he is the open Gate that #eadeth through eath and through that Gate we "ust

    enter% e reei*eth no Beast into his erit, ut those on#! that turn, and eo"e as

    Chi#dren% 'hose Chi#dren that thus o"e to hi" are his Reward, whih he hath "erited%

    12>% .or thus he said,(ather, the Men were thine and thou hast given them to me(as "!

    Reward) and I will give them eternal ife% But the i$e o$ Christ wi## e gi*en to none,

    un#ess the! o"e to hi" in his pirit, into his u"anit!, u$$erings, and erit, and

    therein e orn true Chi#dren o$ the erit%

    12?% We "ust e orn o$ his erit, and put on the erit o$ Christ in his assion and

    eath not outward#! with *era# .#atter! on#!, and are o"$orting o$ ourse#*es

    therewith, whi#e we sti## re"ain :#iens and strange Chi#dren, o$ a strange +ssene or

    Nature% No the strange +ssene inheriteth not the Chi#dship, ut the innate +ssene

    inheriteth it%

    1;@% 'his innate +ssene is not o$ this Wor#d, ut in ea*en, o$ whih t au# spea9eth

    sa!ing, 1ur #onversation is in )eaven% 'he $i#ia# +ssene wa#9eth in ea*en, and

    ea*en is in an%

    1;1% But i$ ea*en in an e not open, and the an stand without ea*en $#attering

    hi"se#$, and sa!,I am still without, but #hrist will take me in through his $race; is not

    his Merit mine0uh a one is in 3anit! and in with the outward an, and with the

    ou# in e##, in the :nger o$ God%

    1;2% 'here$ore #earn to understand right#! what Christ hath taught us, and done $or us%

    e is our ea*en he "ust get a .or" in us, or e#se we sha## not e in ea*en% 'hus

    then the ou#s inward an, with the ho#! Bod! o$ Christ, in the %ew Birth, is in

    ea*en, and the outward "orta# an is in the Wor#d, o$ whih Christ spa9e sa!ing,My

    Sheep are in my )and, and none shall pluck them away; the (ather which gave them to

    me is greater than all%


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    1f the right and of the wrong going to #hurch, receiving the Sacraments, and


    B+03+ Brethren, we wi## teah !ou $aith$u##!, not with $#attering ips to p#ease the:ntihrist, ut $ro" our ear#, the 3irtue, ower, and pirit o$ Christ in us, $ro" a

    Christian +ssene and =now#edge not $ro" the us9 and istor!, ut $ro" a New-orn

    pirit, $ro" Christs =now#edge, as a Branh growing on the 3ine Christ $ro" the

    easure o$ that =now#edge whih is opened in us, aording to the Wi## and Counse# o$


    1;4% en tie us in these a!s to the istor!, and to the "ateria# Churhes o$ tone

    whih Churhes are indeed good in their =ind, i$ en did a#so ring the 'e"p#e o$

    Christ into the"% 'he! teah "oreo*er, that their :so#ution is a .orgi*ing o$ ins, and

    that the upper o$ the ord ta9eth awa! in8 :#so that the pirit o$ God o"eth into

    en through their inistr!% :## whih hath a proper eaning, i$ it was right#!understood and i$ en did not #ea*e "ere#! to the us9%

    1;5% an! a an goeth to Churh twent! or thirt!

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    an $orgi*e ins ut God on#!%

    141% 'he reaher hath not .orgi*eness o$ ins in his own ower ut it is the pirit o$

    Christ in the 3oie o$ the riest that hath the ower, pro*ided the riest hi"se#$ is a


    142% What good did it to those that heard Christ hi"se#$ teahing on +arth, when he

    said,#ome unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you -est 0

    What good did this #essed ro"ise to those that heard it, i$ the! #aoured not, nor were

    hea*! #adenA What ea"e o$ the Re$resh"ent or Rest thenA eeing the! had dead

    +ars, and heard on#! the outward Christ, and not the Word o$ the i*ine ower

    ertain#! the! were not re$reshed% ust so "uh good the Beastia# an hath o$ his

    :so#ution and ara"ents%

    14;% 'he Co*enant is open in the ara"ents and in the 0$$ie or inistr! o$ teahing

    a#so the Co*enant is stirred the ou# doth reei*e it, ut in that ropert! on#! o$ whihthe outh o$ the ou# is%

    144% 'hat is, the outward Beast reei*eth Bread and Wine, whih it "a! ha*e as we## at

    o"e% :nd the $ier! ou# reei*eth the 'esta"ent aording to its ropert!, in the

    :nger o$ God it reei*eth the ustane o$ the eterna# Wor#d, ut aording to the

    ropert! o$ the dar9 Wor#d it reei*eth there$ore, as the ripture saith, to its own

    /udgement or #ondemnation% .or as the outh is, so is the .ood whih is ta9en in !

    the outh% :nd a$ter this anner a#so it is that the Wi9ed sha## eho#d Christ at the #ast

    udge"ent as a se*ere udge ut the aints sha## eho#d hi" as a #o*ing Immanuel%

    145% God s :nger standeth open in his 'esta"ents towards the Wi9ed ut towards the

    aints the hea*en#! #o*ing =indness, and in it the ower o$ Christ in the ho#! Na"e

    +, standeth open% What good then doth the ho#! 'hing do to the Wi9ed, who

    annot enDo! itA 0r what is there, that an ta9e awa! his ins, when his in is on#!

    stirred and "ade "ani$est there!A

    146% 'he ara"ents do not ta9e awa! in neither are ins $orgi*en there!% But it is

    thus8 When Christ ariseth, then Adamd!eth in the +ssene o$ the erpent as when the

    un riseth, the Night is swa##owed up in the a!, and the Night is no "ore8 ust so are

    ins $orgi*en%

    147% 'he pirit o$ Christ eateth o$ his o#! ustane, the inward an is the Reei*er

    o$ the o#! ustane he reei*eth what the pirit o$ Christ ringeth into hi" the

    'e"p#e o$ God, Christ s .#esh and B#ood% But what doth this onern a BeastA 0r what

    doth it onern the e*i#sA 0r the ou# that is in the :nger o$ GodA 'hese eat o$ the

    ea*en#! B#ood, that is in the ea*en wherein the! dwe##, whih is the :!ss, or

    otto"#ess it%

    14>% :nd thus it is a#so in the 0$$ie or inistr! o$ reahing8 'he ungod#! an heareth

    what the outward ou# o$ the outward Wor#d preaheth that he reei*eth, the istor!

    and i$ there e traw or tu#e in that whih is taught, he su9eth the 3anit! out o$


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    so"eti"es the Case, then his ou# su9eth the *eno"ous oison, and the "urdering

    Crue#t! o$ the e*i# $ro" it, wherewith it ti9#eth itse#$, and is p#eased with #earning

    how to Dudge and onde"n others%

    14?% 'hus i$ the reaher e one that is dead, and hath no true ife in him , ut sowethon#! 3eno" and Reproah proeeding out o$ his e*i# :$$etions, then it is the e*i# that

    teaheth, and the e*i# that heareth% uh teahing is reei*ed into a wi9ed heart, and

    ringeth $orth wi9ed .ruits% B! whih eans the Wor#d is eo"e a "ere en o$

    "urdering e*i#s% o that i$ !ou #oo9 a"ong the erd o$ suh 'eahers and earers,

    there is #itt#e to e $ound ut Re*i#ings, #anderings, and Reproahings together with

    Contention aout Words, and Wrang#ing aout the us9%

    15@% But the o#! Ghost teaheth in the ho#! 'eahers, and the pirit o$ Christ heareth

    through the ou#, whih is the i*ine ouse o$ the i*ine ound or 4oicein the ho#!


    151% 'he ho#! an hath his Churh in hi"se#$, wherein he heareth and teaheth% But

    Babelhath a eap o$ tones, into whih she goeth with her see"ing o#iness and rea#

    !poris!% 'here she #o*ed to e seen in $ine C#othes, and "a9eth a *er! de*out and

    god#! hew the Churh o$ tone is her God, in whih she putteth her Con$idene%

    152% But the ho#! an hath his Churh aout hi" e*er! where, e*en in hi"se#$ $or he

    a#wa!s standeth and wa#9eth, sitteth and #!eth down in his Churh% e #i*eth in the true

    Christian Churh !ea, in the 'e"p#e o$ Christ% 'he o#! Ghost preaheth to hi" out o$

    e*er! Creature% Whatsoe*er he #oo9eth upon, he seeth a reaher o$ God therein%

    15;% ere now the o$$er wi## sa! that & despise the Churh 0$ tone, where the

    Congregation "eeteth ut & sa! that & do not% .or & do ut diso*er the h!poritia#

    Whore o$Babylon, whih o""itteth Whoredo" with the Churh o$ tone, and ter"eth

    herse#$ a Christian, ut is indeed a tru"pet%

    154% : true Christian rings his ho#! Churh with hi" into the Congregation% .or the

    eart is the true Churh, where a an "ust pratise the er*ie o$ God% &$ & shou#d go a

    thousand 'i"es to Churh, and to the ara"ent e*er! Wee9, and hear :so#ution

    de#ared to "e e*er! a!, and ha*e not Christ in "e, a## wou#d e $a#se, an unpro$ita#e

    .ition and gra*en &"age inBabel, and no $orgi*ing o$ ins%

    155% : ho#! an doth ho#! Wor9s $ro" the ho#! trength o$ his ind% 'he Wor9 is not

    the :tone"ent o$ Reoni#iation, ut it is the Bui#ding whih the true pirit ui#deth in

    his ustane it is his aitation% But the .ition and .an! is the aitation o$ the

    $a#se Christian, into whih his ou# entereth with issi"u#ation% 'he outward earing

    reaheth ut to the outward, and wor9eth in the outward on#! ut the inward earing

    goeth into the inward, and wor9eth in the inward%

    156% isse"#e, roar, r!, sing, preah, and teah as "uh as thou wi#t !et i$ thine

    inward 'eaher and earer e not open, a## is nothing ut a Babela .ition, and a

    gra*en &"age, where! the pirit o$ the outward Wor#d doth "ode# and "a9e to itse#$ a

    gra*en &"age in Rese"#ane o$ the inward and "a9eth a o#! hew therewith, as i$

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    he per$or"ed so"e di*ine or ho#! er*ie to God whereas "an! 'i"es in suh er*ie

    and Worship, the e*i# wor9eth "ighti#! in the &"agination, and *er! "uh ti9#eth the

    eart with those 'hings wherein the .#esh de#ighteth% Whih indeed not se#do"

    happeneth to the Chi#dren o$ God, as to their outward an, i$ the! do not ta9e great

    eed to the"se#*es so usi#! doth the e*i# eset and si$t the"%


    1f unfprofitable 1pinions, and Strife about the etter!

    Atrue Christian, who is orn a-new o$ the pirit o$ Christ, is in the i"p#iit! o$Christ, and hath no tri$e or Contention with an! an aout Re#igion% e hath tri$e

    enough in hi"se#$, with his own Beastia# e*i# .#esh and B#ood% e ontinua##! thin9ethhi"se#$ a great inner, and is a$raid o$ God8 But the o*e o$ Christ ! degrees piereth

    through, and epe##eth that .ear, as the a! swa##oweth up the Night%

    15?% But the ins o$ the i"penitent an rest in the #eep o$ eath, ud $orth in the it,

    and produe their .ruit in e##%

    16@% 'he Christiando" that is inBabel, stri*ing aout the anner how en ought to

    ser*e God, and g#ori$! hi" a#so how the! are to 9now hi", and what he is in his

    +ssene and Wi##% :nd the! preah positi*e#!, that whosoe*er is not one and the sa"e

    with the" in e*er! artiu#ar o$ =now#edge and 0pinion, is no Christian, ut a


    161% Now & wou#d $ain see how a## their ets an e rought to agree in that one whih

    "ight e a##ed a true Christian Churh when a## o$ the" are orners, e*er! art! o$

    the" re*i#ing the rest, and pro#ai"ing the" to e $a#se%

    162% But a Christian is o$ no et8 e an dwe## in the "idst o$ ets, and appear in

    their er*ies, without eing attahed or ound to an!% e hath ut one =now#edge, and

    that is,#hrist in him!e see9eth ut one Wa!, whih is the esire a#wa!s to do and

    teah that whih is right and he putteth a## his 9nowing and wi##ing into the i$e o$


    16;% e sigheth and wisheth ontinua##! that the Wi## o$ God "ight e done in hi", and

    that his =ingdo" "ight e "ani$ested in hi"% e dai#! and hour#! 9i##eth in in the

    .#esh $or the Seed of the &oman, the inward Man in #hrist, ontinua##!breaketh the

    )ead of the Serpent, that is, the ower o$ the e*i#, whih is in 3anit!%

    164% is .aith is a esire a$ter God and Goodness whih he wrappeth up in a sure

    ope, trusting to the Words o$ the ro"ise, and #i*eth and dieth therein though as to

    the true Man, he ne*er dieth%

    165% .or Christ saith, &hosoever believeth in me, shall never die, but hath piercedthrough from *eath to ife; and -ivers of living &ater shall flow from him, good

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    otrine and Wor9s%

    166% 'here$ore & sa!, that whatsoe*er $ighteth and ontendeth aout the etter, is a##

    Babel% 'he etters o$ the Word proeed $ro", and stand a## in, one Root, whih is the

    pirit o$ God as the *arious .#owers stand a## in the +arth and grow aout one another%'he! $ight not with eah other aout their i$$erene o$ Co#our, "e##, and 'aste, ut

    su$$er the +arth, the un, the Rain, the Wind, the eat and Co#d, to do with the" as the!

    p#ease and !et e*er! one o$ the" groweth in its own peu#iar +ssene and ropert!%

    167% +*en so it is with the Chi#dren o$ God the! ha*e *arious Gi$ts and egrees o$

    =now#edge, !et a## $ro" one pirit% 'he! a## reDoie at the great Wonders o$ God, and

    gi*e 'han9s to the "ost igh in is Wisdo"% Wh! then shou#d the! ontend aout hi"

    in whom they live and have their Being,and o$ whose ustane the! the"se#*es areA

    16>% &t is the greatest .o##! that is inBabel$or eop#e to stri*e aout Re#igion, as the

    e*i# hath "ade the Wor#d to do so that the! ontend *ehe"ent#! aout 0pinions o$their own $orging, aout the etter when the =ingdo" o$ God onsisteth in no

    0pinion, ut in ower and o*e%

    16?% :s Christ said to his isip#es, and #e$t it with the" at the #ast, sa!ing, ove one

    another, as I have loved you; for thereby Men shall know, that ye are my *isciples! &$

    en wou#d as $er*ent#! see9 a$ter o*e and Righteousness as the! do a$ter 0pinions,

    there wou#d e no tri$e on +arth, and we shou#d e as Chi#dren o$ 0ne .ather, and

    shou#d need no aw, or 0rdinane%

    17@% .or God is not ser*ed ! an! aw, ut on#! ! 0ediene% aws are $or the

    Wi9ed, who wi## not e"rae o*e and Righteousness the! are, and "ust e,

    o"pe##ed and $ored ! aws%

    171% We a## ha*e ut one on#! 0rder, aw, or 0rdinane, whih is to stand sti## to the

    ord o$ a## Beings, and resign our Wi##s up to hi", and su$$er is pirit to p#a! what

    usi9 he wi##% :nd thus we gi*e to hi" again as is own .ruits, that whih he wor9eth

    and "ani$esteth in us%

    172% Now i$ we did not ontend aout our di$$erent .ruits, Gi$ts, =inds and egrees o$

    =now#edge, ut did a9now#edge the" in one another, #i9e Chi#dren o$ the pirit o$

    God, what ou#d onde"n usA .or the =ingdo" o$ God onsisteth, not in our 9nowingand supposing, ut in ower%

    17;% &$ we did not 9now ha#$ so "uh, and were "ore #i9e Chi#dren, and had ut a

    rother#! ind and good Wi##, towards one another, and #i*ed #i9e Chi#dren o$ one

    other, and as Branhes o$ one 'ree, ta9ing our ap a## $ro" one Root, we shou#d e

    $ar "ore ho#! than we are%

    174% =now#edge ser*es on#! to this +nd, to 9now that we ha*e #ost the i*ine ower,

    in :da", and are eo"e now in#ined to in that we ha*e e*i# roperties in us, and

    that doing +*i# p#easeth not God so that with our 9now#edge we "ight #earn to do right%

    Now i$ we ha*e the ower o$ God in us, and desire with a## our earts to at and to #i*e

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    aright, then our =now#edge is ut our port, or atter o$ #easure, wherein we reDoie%

    175% .or true =now#edge is the ani$estation o$ the pirit o$ God through the +terna#

    Wisdo"% e 9noweth what e wi## in is Chi#dren e showeth his Wisdo" and

    Wonders ! his Chi#dren, as the +arth putteth $orth its *arious .#owers%

    176% Now i$ we dwe## one with another, #i9e hu"#e Chi#dren, in the pirit o$ Christ,

    one reDoiing at the Gi$t and =now#edge o$ another, who wou#d Dudge or onde"n usA

    Who Dudgeth or onde"neth the Birds in the Woods, that praise the ord o$ a## Beings

    with *arious 3oies, e*er! one in its own +sseneA oth the pirit o$ God repro*e the"

    $or not ringing their 3oies into one ar"on!A oth not the e#od! o$ the" a##

    proeed $ro" is power, and do the! not sport e$ore i"%

    177% 'hose en there$ore that stri*e and wrang#e aout the =now#edge and Wi## o$

    God, and despise one another on that :ount, are "ore $oo#ish than the Birds in the

    Woods, and the wi#d Beasts that ha*e no true nderstanding% 'he! are "oreunpro$ita#e in the ight o$ the ho#! God than the .#owers o$ the .ie#d, whih stand sti##

    in Euiet u"ission to the pirit o$ God, and su$$er hi" to "ani$est the i*ine Wisdo"

    and ower through the"% % &n short the! are the &ssue, Branhes or prouts o$ the e*i# in the :nger o$ God,

    who, notwithstanding "ust ! their *er! tor"enting e "ade to ser*e the ord $or !

    their p#aguing and perseuting, the! press out the ap through the +ssene in the

    Chi#dren o$ God, so that the! "o*e and stir the"se#*es in the pirit o$ God, with

    pra!ing and ontinua# sighing, in whih +erise o$ their owers the pirit o$ God

    "o*eth hi"se#$ in the"%

    17?% .or there! the esire is eerted, and so the Chi#dren o$ God grow green, $#ourish,

    and ring $orth .ruit $or the Chi#dren o$ God are "ani$ested in 'riu#ation as the

    ripture saith, &hen thou chastiseth them, they cry fervently to thee!


    &herein #hristian -eligion consisteth; and how Men should serve $od and their


    A Christian Re#igion who##! onsisteth in this, to #earnto know ourselves whenewe are o"e, and what we are how we are gone $orth $ro" the nit! into issension,

    Wi9edness, and nrighteousness how we ha*e awa9ened and stirred up these +*i#s in

    us and how we "a! e de#i*ered $ro" the" again, and reo*er our origina#


    1>1% (irst, how we were in the nit!, when we were the Chi#dren o$ God in Adam

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    e$ore he $e##% Secondly, how we are now in issension and isunion, in tri$e and

    Contrariet!% Thirdly, Whither we go when we pass out o$ this orrupti#e Condition

    whither with the i""orta#, and whither with the "orta# art%

    1>2% :ndastly, how we "a! o"e $orth $ro" is-union and 3anit!, and enter againinto that one 'ree, Christ in us, out o$ whih we a## sprung in Adam% &n these $our oints

    a## the neessar! =now#edge o$ a Christian onsisteth%

    1>;%o that we need not stri*e aout an! 'hing we ha*e no Cause o$ Contention with

    eah other% et e*er! one on#! eerise hi"se#$ in #earning ahow he "a! enter again

    into the o*e o$ God and his Brother%

    1>4% 'he 'esta"ents o$ Christ are nothing e#se ut a #o*ing Bond or rother#! Co*enant,

    wherewith God in Christ indeth hi"se#$ to us and us to hi"% :## teahing, wi##ing,

    #i*ing, and doing, "ust i"p#!, ai" at, and re$er to that% :## teahing and doing

    otherwise, whatsoe*er it e, isBabeland a .ition a "ere gra*en &"age o$ ride inunpro$ita#e udgings, a disturing o$ the Wor#d, and an !poris! o$ the e*i#,

    wherewith he #indeth i"p#iit!%

    1>5% +*er! reaher *oid o$ the pirit o$ God, who without i*ine =now#edge, setteth

    hi"se#$ up $or a 'eaher o$ i*ine 'hings, pretending to ser*e God there!, is $a#se, and

    doth ut ser*e the Be##!, his &do#, and his own proud inso#ent ind, in desiring to e

    honoured on that :ount, and estee"ed o#!, or a *ivine in )oly 1rders! e eareth

    an 0$$ie, to whih he is set apart and hosen ! the Chi#dren o$ en, who do ut $#atter

    hi", and $or .a*our ha*e ordained hi" thereunto%

    1>6% Christ said, &hosoever entereth not by the *oor, that is, through his pirit, into the

    Sheepfold, but climbeth up some other &ay, the same is a Thief and a Murderer, and the

    Sheep follow him not, for they know not his 4oice!

    1>7% e hath not the 3oie o$ the pirit o$ God, ut the 3oie o$ his own :rt and

    earning on#! the an teaheth, and not the pirit o$ God% But Christ saith, "very

    .lant which my )eavenly (ather hath not planted, shall be plucked up by the -oots!

    1>>% ow then wi## he that is ungod#! p#ant ea*en#! #ants, when he hath no eed

    a#i*e in its ower in hi"se#$A Christ saith epress#!, The Sheep hear not his 4oice, they

    follow him not!

    1>?% 'he written Word is ut an &nstru"ent where! the pirit #eadeth us to itse#$ within

    us% 'hat Word whih wi## teah, "ust e #i*ing in the #itera# Word% 'he pirit o$ God

    "ust e in the #itera# ound, or e#se none is a 'eaher o$ God, ut a "ere 'eaher o$ the

    etter, a =nower o$ the istor!, and not o$ the pirit o$ God in Christ%

    1?@% :## that en wi## ser*e God with, "ust e done in .aith, in the pirit% &t is the

    pirit that "a9eth the Wor9 per$et, and aepta#e in the ight o$ God% :## that a an

    underta9eth and doeth in .aith, he doth in the pirit o$ God, whih pirit o$ God doth

    ooperate in the Wor9, and then it is aepta#e to God% .or he hath done it hi"se#$, and

    his ower and 3irtue is in it8 &t is ho#!%

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    1?1% But whatsoe*er is done in Self, without .aith, is ut a .igure and he##, or us9 o$

    a true Christian Wor9%

    1?2% &$ thou ser*est th! rother, and doest it ut in !poris!, and gi*est hi"unwi##ing#!, then thou ser*est not God% .or th! .aith proeedeth not $ro" o*e, nor

    entereth into ope, in th! Gi$t% &ndeed thou ser*est th! Brother, and he $or his art

    than9eth God and #esseth thee, ut thou #essest not hi"% .or thou gi*est hi" th! Gi$t

    with a grudging pirit, whih entereth not into the pirit o$ God, into the ope o$ .aith

    there$ore th! Gi$t is ut ha#$ gi*en, and thou hast ut ha#$ th! Reward $or it%

    1?;% 'he sa"e is true o$ reei*ing a Gi$t% &$ an! gi*eth in .aith, in i*ine ope, he

    #esseth his Gi$t ! his .aith8 But whoso reei*eth it unthan9$u##!, and "ur"ureth in his

    pirit, he urseth it in the se or +nDo!"ent o$ it% 'hus it is, that e*er! one sha## ha*e

    his own &hatsoever he soweth, that shall he also reap!

    1?4% o #i9ewise it is in the 0$$ie o$ teahing whatsoever a Man soweth, that also he

    reapeth% .or i$ an! an sow good eed $ro" the pirit o$ Christ, it sti9eth in the good

    eart, and ringeth $orth good .ruit ut in the Wi9ed, who are not apa#e o$

    reei*ing the good eed, the :nger o$ God is stirred%

    1?5% &$ an! sow Contentions, Reproahes, and isonstrutions, a## ungod#! eop#e

    reei*e that unto the" whih sti9eth in the" a#so, and ringeth $orth .ruit

    aording#!% o that the! #earn there! to despise, re*i#e, s#ander, and "isrepresent one

    another% 0ut o$ whih Root the great Babelis sprung and grown wherein en, $ro"

    "ere ride and tri$e, ontend aout the istor!, and the usti$iation o$ a poor inner

    in the ight o$ God there! ausing the si"p#e to err and #asphe"e, inso"uh that one

    Brother re*i#eth and urseth the other, and eo""uniateth, or asteth hi" to the

    e*i#, $or the a9e o$ the istor! and etter%

    1?6% uh Rai#ers and Re*i#ers $ear not God, ut raise the great Bui#ding o$ issension%

    :nd seeing orrupt ust #ieth in a## en, in the earth#! .#esh sti##, there$ore the! raise

    and awa9en :o"inations e*en in the si"p#e Chi#dren o$ God, and "a9e the eop#e o$

    God, as we## as the Chi#dren o$ &niEuit!, to #asphe"e% :nd thus the! eo"e aster-

    Bui#ders o$ the great Babel o$ the Wor#d, and are as use$u# in the Churh, as a fifth

    &heelin a &aggon !ea, what is worse than that, the! eret the he##ish Bui#ding too%

    1?7% 'here$ore it is high#! neessar! $or the Chi#dren o$ God to pra! earnest#!, that the!

    "a! #earn to 9now this $a#se Bui#ding, and go $orth $ro" it with their inds, and not

    he#p to ui#d it up, and perseute their .e##ow-Chi#dren o$ God% .or ! that eans the!

    9eep the"se#*es a9 $ro" the ea*en#! =ingdo", and turn aside $ro" the right Wa!%

    1?>% :ording to the sa!ing o$ Christ to the harisees, &oe unto you .harisees; for

    you compass Sea and and to make one .roselyte, and when he is one, you make him

    two2fold more the #hild of )ell than yourselves% Whih is tru#! too "uh the Case with

    the "odern .ations and ets a"ong these Cr!ers and 'eahers o$ tri$e%

    1??% & desire there$ore, out o$ "! Gi$ts, whih are re*ea#ed to "e $ro" God, that a## the

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