Body Systems

Body Systems Circulatory System Respiratory System Skeletal System Muscular System Nervous System Digestive and Excretory Systems

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Body Systems

Body Systems

• Circulatory System

• Respiratory System

• Skeletal System

• Muscular System

• Nervous System

• Digestive and Excretory Systems

The Circulatory System

The Circulatory System

• The circulatory system consists of the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries, and the blood. All of the other systems in the body rely on the circulatory system, except for the skeletal system.

What is the Circulatory System?

• The circulatory system carries blood throughout the body. The heart is the main control of the circulatory system. Without the heart, we would die. If the blood doesn’t go throughout the body, the brain doesn’t get the blood to function properly.

What Blood Does

The blood transports oxygen, nutrients, wastes, and carbon dioxide throughout the body. When you breath oxygen, the oxygen goes down your trachea, which splits up into smaller tubes that end in tiny air sacs called alveoli. Since the walls of alveoli are only one cell thick, oxygen can diffuse through the walls into the capillaries. The capillaries get blood from the pulmonary arteries and transport the oxygen to the rest of the body through the blood. The capillaries also transport nutrients, carbon dioxide, and wastes to and from the body.


The capillaries get blood from the pulmonary arteries and transport the oxygen to the rest of the body through the blood. The capillaries also transport nutrients, carbon dioxide, and wastes to and from the body.


Harshita Rallabhandi

Jeffrey Falkenstein


Richmond, Julius B.Et al. You and Your Health.

Glenview, IllinoisScott, Foresman

1981, 1977.

Frank, Marjorie Slavick Et al, Harcourt Science California Edition




Your body needs lots of oxygen to survive. First air goes down the trachea, also known as your windpipe. Then the air goes into branch-like tubes in your lungs called bronchi. As the air goes into bronchi the air goes through smaller and smaller tubes. At the end of the smallest tubes there are little air sacs called alveoli.


• You and your systems need oxygen to keep running. The respiratory system is what gets the oxygen. When you breathe, warm air goes down down your trachea and into your lungs. The trachea connects to bronchi, which divides into smaller tubes.


Jones, Robert M. Science. Orlando:Harcourt, 2000.


Produced by:

AJ Macabasco

Steven Rodriguez

Created by:

AJ Macabasco

Steven Rodriguez

The Skeletal System

The skeletal system works when joints attach bones to each other and to muscles, ligaments hold the skeleton together, and tendons attach bones to muscles.

What Does the Skeletal System Do?

The Skeletal System controls the body movement along with the muscles. The hinge joints allow you to bend and straighten your arms and legs. What allows the circular motion is the ball-and-socket joint. For example:your hips and your shoulders are ball-and-socket joints.

The Bones of Your Skeletal System Are…….

The skull, clavicle, sternum, ribs, humerus, spine, pelvis, femur, patella, fibula, tibia, phalanges (fingers and toes), radius, ulna.

Muscular System

Muscles help your body move. Without them you wouldn’t beable to do anything. The moreweight you put on a muscle, thebigger and stronger it gets.


• Muscles are one of the most important body parts. You couldn’t hand shake without them.

Muscular System

Created byDavid Contrerasand Mitchell Ford

Produced by Mitchell Fordand David Contreras

Foresman, Scott. You and Your Health. Illinois: Scott Foresman and company, 1977.

The Nervous System

The nervous system consists of two parts: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.        

The Central Nervous System

The central nervous system decodes signals it accepts from nerves and decides what reply is needed. Signals sent by the brain travel through nerves and conduct all of the body’s muscles.

The Peripheral Nervous System

The peripheral nervous system consists of sensory organs, like the eyes and ears,and body nerves. Nerves have bundles of cells called neurons, which are specialized cells that can receive signals and convey them to other neurons.

Richmond, Julius B. & Pounds, Elenore T.You and Your Health. Glenview, Illinois.Scott Foresman & Company,1977.

Frank, Marjorie S.-et al.Harcourt Science: CA Edition. San Diego, California. Harcourt School Publishers, 2000.



Created byLauren CreimanKarissa Martindale

Produced byLauren CreimanKarissa Martindale

The Digestive and the Excretory Systems

You couldn’t live without them!

The Digestive System

• The digestive system is a system in your body that lets you eat.

• It also produces the nutrients in your cells need to produce energy.

The Excretory System

• The wastes of the body are taken out of the body in the excretory system.


• Produced By• Jamil Sabbagh and

Scott Okamura

• Created By • Scott Okamura and

Jamil Sabbagh


Frank, Marjorie S.-et al.Harcourt Science :CA Edition.San Diego: Harcourt School Publishers,2000.