Body Blueprint Your complete blueprint for vibrant health and happiness. -By Mark Woodgate (Holistic Health Coach & Body Transformation Specialist) www.bodyblueprint.co.nz

Body Blueprint · day (longer if you have darker skin) while always ensuring that you never burn. Healthy vitamin D levels are defined as 50 to 70 ng/mol and 70-100 ng/mol for the

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Page 1: Body Blueprint · day (longer if you have darker skin) while always ensuring that you never burn. Healthy vitamin D levels are defined as 50 to 70 ng/mol and 70-100 ng/mol for the



Your complete blueprint for

vibrant health and happiness.

-By Mark Woodgate

(Holistic Health Coach & Body Transformation Specialist)


Page 2: Body Blueprint · day (longer if you have darker skin) while always ensuring that you never burn. Healthy vitamin D levels are defined as 50 to 70 ng/mol and 70-100 ng/mol for the


The health challenges we face today are very different from what our parents and

grandparents faced.

Despite our technological advances we’re in the midst of a growing epidemic of chronic

health conditions which are the result of inactivity, our indoor lifestyles, poor food

choices and exposure to environmental toxins.

If you have a health problem it’s more than likely related to your lifestyle. More

specifically, the foods you consume (and don’t consume), your level of exposure to

toxins (many of which are contained in processed foods and drinks) how you cope with

stressors in your day to day life, as well as environmental pollutants.

Overweight and obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer are all lifestyle diseases – as

are many ‘lesser’ health ailments. This means they are all reversible by changing the

conditions that led to these health issues in the first place.

Don’t be persuaded by the disempowering and commonly held belief that your health is

predetermined by your genes. The new science of epigenetics reveals that the majority

of disease is not caused as the result of a defective gene, but by your epigenome which

is dictated by your environment. (For example, less than 5% of cancers have a genetic

link.) This means that your health, or lack of it, is largely determined by how your

genome is being directed to express itself. Our genetic expression is determined by our environment and the choices we make. In essence our thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, the food we eat, how we deal with stress etc is influencing our genes at every moment. In other words, your genes are NOT your destiny. It’s our day to day choices that are

more important and determine whether certain genes are expressed. (Despite what

many health “experts” would have us believe…)

We can choose to treat symptoms by taking various forms of medication and looking for

a ‘quick fix’, or we can choose to address the underlying causes by making the

appropriate lifestyle changes.

For example, if high blood pressure is the result of lack of exercise as well as eating the

wrong kinds of foods and not drinking enough water, medication may temporarily and

artificially reduce blood pressure, however it never resolves the underlying problem. In

reality, medication often produces unwanted side effects, which in turn can result in

more drugs being prescribed and over time can lead to immune suppression and liver


Similarly, if emotional issues have led to food addiction and subsequent weight gain, a

short term rapid weight loss diet will not help you to maintain that weight loss in a

healthy and sustainable way. Once again, the true causes need to be addressed.

Ultimately a healthy body inside and out requires a paradigm shift and a willingness to

look beyond a quick fix drug based solution. It means getting to the heart of the matter

and choosing to educate yourself about simple health strategies you can incorporate into

your day to day life.

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From that point on it is matter of consistently applying these principles so they become a

part of your subconscious – something you do automatically - just like brushing your

teeth for example.

The consensus among many health practitioners is that this is the first generation of

children that will lead shorter lives than that of their parents, however I tend to be more


It all starts with education. Having an awareness of what creates health is to

understand what small steps we can take everyday to achieve a better quality of life.

The 2nd step is to apply what we have learned and lead by example.

The 3rd step is to share this knowledge with our children, family, friends and loved ones.

1) Educate

2) Apply

3) Share

Ultimately that is what this report is all about, and if you apply the 3 steps above I will

be very happy indeed.

The ‘Body Blueprint’ is a holistic approach to health and contains 15 simple strategies

to transform your body from the inside out. It’s about getting back to basics and

nurturing ourselves so that we can perform to the best of our abilities. It’s about putting

our health first so we can spend more quality time with our friends and families without

being burdened by health ailments and disease.

It’s about living a happy, healthy, fulfilling life.

After all, isn’t that what life is all about?

Here’s to your vibrant health and happiness.

-Mark Woodgate

Holistic Health Coach & Body Transformation Specialist



Nb: The following information is not intended as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified medical professional.

The author of this document is not responsible or liable to any person or entity for any

errors contained in this document, or for any special, incidental, or consequential damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained within.

All material is Copyright Mark Woodgate, Body Blueprint Personal Training. All Rights Reserved

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Drink Pure Water


Boost Your Vitamin D Levels


Go Primal!


Eat Superfoods




Consider Going Gluten Free


Exercise - Not Too Much, Not Too Little!


Keep Stress Levels in Check


Ditch the Microwave!


Use Safe Non-Stick Cookware


Use Chemical Free Personal Care & Cleaning Products


Use Alternatives to Plastic


Limit Cell Phone Use & EMF Exposure


Use Natural Therapies



Page 5: Body Blueprint · day (longer if you have darker skin) while always ensuring that you never burn. Healthy vitamin D levels are defined as 50 to 70 ng/mol and 70-100 ng/mol for the

1: Drink Pure Water

Your body is comprised of 75% water, therefore you need to be drinking plenty of it. As

a general rule you should aim for 20-30 mls per kg of body weight, however, the quality

of the water you drink is even more important.

Confusion exists as to whether we should be drinking tap water, bottled water, distilled,

filtered water or spring water.

Allow me to help clear up that confusion…

1) Tap Water

Avoid tap water as it contains chlorine and volatile organic compounds that can destroy

healthy flora in the gut, compromise the digestive system, immune system and liver.

If your water supply has been treated with fluoride you should be aware that a number

of studies show that there is NO beneficial effect to our teeth and bones – in fact, the

opposite is true. Fluoride is also linked to behavioural problems, impaired thyroid

function, fatigue, weakness and a lowering of IQ.

(Nb: The type of fluoride added to our water supply is hydrofluorosilicic acid (HFA) – a

class 8 poison and carcinogenic waste. HFA is actually a byproduct from our fertiliser

industries who have an arrangement with our governments to dispose of this toxic

poison via our water supplies.)

For more info about the damaging effects of fluoride, see my article:

Fluoride - The Hard To Swallow Truth


2) Bottled Water

Bottled water seems innocent enough, however the plastic contains BPA and

xenoestrogens which can lead to hormonal and intestinal problems. If you choose bottled

water, look for reputable brands in glass bottles.

3) Distilled water

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Distilled water removes beneficial minerals and nutrients, therefore if your diet is lacking

in vitamins and minerals, distilled water is best avoided.

4) Reverse Osmosis

Similar to distillation, reverse osmosis removes contaminants such as chlorine and

fluoride, however it also removes beneficial minerals.

Nb: If you choose to drink water treated using reverse osmosis or distillation, be sure to

remineralise the water by adding a pinch of Himalayan salt which contains 84 minerals

and trace elements.

5) Filtered water

Filtered water is a good option as it doesn’t strip the minerals out of the water, however

you need to do your due diligence to ensure the filtration system is actually doing what it

says it is.

6) Alkaline water

Alkaline water systems are often hailed as the holy grail, however they have an

unnaturally high PH which is not suited to the body. If you use an alkaline water system

ensure the PH does not exceed 10.

7) Spring water

Spring water is the purest, most natural form of water. With a PH of around 8, spring

water is perfectly suited to the body, is hydrating and contains an abundance of


To locate spring water near you, visit www.findaspring.com

Tip: Upon rising drink one to two glasses of water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Water with lemon detoxifies while making our bodies more alkaline. (and can also assist with weight loss) Alternatively, 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar or baking soda in water can achieve similar benefits.

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2: Boost Your Vitamin D Levels

Health authorities, dermatologists and even the cancer society has convinced most of the population that we need to avoid the sun’s rays at all costs. However the reality is

that all living things on Earth depend on the sun for their survival.

The result is that at least one-third of the population is vitamin D deficient and we are now seeing a marked increase in bone and joint related problems such as osteoporosis.

Even more significant is that optimal vitamin D exposure boosts the immune system and studies reveal that optimum levels can prevent and treat 77% of all cancers.

Vitamin D deficiency significantly raises your risk of cancer and ALL cause mortality.

Therefore make it your priority to get a minimum of 15-20 minutes of sun exposure per day (longer if you have darker skin) while always ensuring that you never burn.

Healthy vitamin D levels are defined as 50 to 70 ng/mol and 70-100 ng/mol for the treatment of cancer.

If you work indoors and you’re unable to regularly expose yourself to sunlight, consider supplementing with vitamin D3. Up to 8000 IU per day is beneficial. (I personally take 5000 IU per day during the winter months)

Also, avoid wearing commercial sunscreens at all costs as they contain carcinogenic ingredients. (Amazing yet true)

If you must use sunscreen choose a brand that only contains natural ingredients such as the one below, otherwise wear a hat and protective clothing.


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I highly recommend having your vitamin D levels checked by way of a simple blood test to determine whether you are in the healthy range or whether you need to spend more time in the sun / supplement with vitamin D3.

Further reading: The Sunshine, Skin Cancer, Sunscreen HOAX


3: Go Primal!

My definition of “primal” (which is not to be confused with the Paleo Diet) is to eat

predominantly natural, whole foods that come from the earth. For example, fruit and

vegetables, berries, nuts, and starchy vegetables such as pumpkin and kumara in


The more colourful fruit and veges the more beneficial antioxidants you will obtain.

(Antioxidants have anti-aging properties and can slow degenerative processes)

As the majority of commercially sold fruit and vegetables have been sprayed with

pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, buy organic if your budget allows.

If you eat meat, try to source this from a local farm that is free range - one that does

not use antibiotics and hormones.

Also, as meat is very acidic, try to limit consumption to no more than 20% of your

overall diet. In other words, approximately 80% of your diet should be plant based and

comprised of whole foods.

Eat as close to raw as possible as cooking destroys beneficial nutrients including

enzymes which help to break down food and assimilate nutrients into smaller building


Ultimately the closer you eat to nature, and the less processed foods you eat, the

healthier you will be.

Further reading: Should You Eat Organic?

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Tip: If you’re wanting to lose / maintain a healthy body weight, keep an eye on your total fruit consumption. Fruit while healthy, is broken down into glucose (sugar) and can impede weight loss efforts. Therefore eat more vegetables than fruit (especially the green variety) and choose low sugar fruit such as berries, apples, pears and kiwifruit.

4: Eat Superfoods

Superfoods are a special category of foods found in nature. Whereas most food these

days is calorie sense and nutrient poor, superfoods are the exact opposite. In other

words, these are nutritional powerhouses as they contain very high levels of antioxidants

and nutrients that can achieve a therapeutic benefit.

My top 5 superfoods, the ones that I consume on a daily basis, are cacao, goji berries,

maca, spirulina and chlorella.


Raw cacao is chocolate in its most natural and nutritious state and contains many beneficial antioxidants and plant sterols that protect against inflammation. In fact cacao has the highest antioxidant content known to man.

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Cacao also aids digestion, improves circulation, normalises blood pressure, stimulates the kidneys, regulates bowel function and helps to alleviate PMS.

Cacao has a profound effect on the nervous system by dilating blood vessels and boosts serotonin levels which in turn can improve mood and combat depression.

Further reading: Why I Eat Chocolate Every Single Day


Goji berries

Goji berries have been cultivated in Asia for over 2000 years, and have been nicknamed

“red diamonds” due to their unusually high nutritional value.

Goji berries have an incredibly high nutrient value and contain approximately 500 times more vitamin C per weight than an orange, more iron than spinach and more beta-carotene than carrots.

Goji berries are the only known food source that stimulates the secretion of human growth hormone – the body’s number 1 anti-aging and fat burning hormone, making them a true anti-aging gift from mother nature.

The unique array of super nutrients make goji berries one of the world’s premier foods for optimal performance and longevity.


Maca root is well known for its ability to enhance energy, strength, endurance and mental clarity. It is also has aphrodisiac qualities.

Maca is an adaptogen, meaning that it increases the body’s ability to combat stress and strengthens the endocrine system. In doing so, maca can positively affect digestion, brain function, the nervous system and sexuality.

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Maca is routinely used by natural health practitioners to treat adrenal fatigue and rebalance hormones. It can be used to treat PMS and menopausal symptoms.

2: Spirulina

Spirulina is a micro-algae and is one of the most nutritionally dense super foods on the


Spirulina’s high concentration of iron and protein makes it ideal during pregnancy, for treating anaemia, after surgery, or anytime the immune system needs a boost. It contains a vast array of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and is especially high in beneficial omega 3’s.

Spirulina is an excellent addition to juices or smoothies.


Another micro-algae, chlorella is routinely used to detox as it binds to and removes heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides from the body.

Chlorella cleanses the bowel and liver, purifies the blood and promotes the growth and repair of tissues.

Chlorella is one of the few whole food sources of vitamin D and is especially useful during winter when vitamin D levels can plummet and cold and flu susceptibility is higher.

Chlorella also improves digestion, makes the body more alkaline and reduces cancer


Further reading: The Top 10 Age Defying Superfoods


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8 Essential Ingredients You NEED In Your Kitchen


5: Detox!

If you eat healthy most of the time, that is, you avoid processed foods, eat plenty of fruit

and vegetables, consume high fibre foods and drink plenty of water, your body is in a

natural state of detoxification and you will experience consistently high energy levels.

If however a large percentage of your diet consists of fast foods, refined high glycaemic

carbohydrates, sugar, caffeine and alcohol, you will need to make a special effort to

detoxify your body and avoid the accumulation of toxins which can lead to poor health

and degenerative disease.

A regular detox revitalises the hardest working organ in your body, the liver. Cleansing

also improves digestion by restoring friendly gut bacteria, boosting energy, assisting

weight loss and keeping ills at bay.

For more info, see my 3 Day Holiday Detox at:


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6: Consider Going Gluten Free

Gluten free is a popular eating trend these days, and not just for those who have been diagnosed with a gluten intolerance such as celiac disease.

Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, rye, barley, spelt, and to a lesser extent, oats. When flour is mixed with water it gives elastic and glue like properties – hence the name, gluten.

The major source of gluten in our modern day diets is wheat, however the wheat of today bears no comparison to the wheat our ancestors ate.

In celiacs an autoimmune response occurs, however recent studies cite that prolonged consumption of gluten based foods can damage the lining of the small intestine and interfere with the absorption of nutrients, cause inflammation and gastric upsets in otherwise healthy individuals.

Even if don’t have celiac disease or gluten intolerance, limiting wheat and gluten containing foods can go a long way to improving your health and avoiding many common health ailments.

Further reading: Should You Go Gluten Free?


Tip: Most individuals find that weight loss is much easier when you limit gluten containing products such as bread, pasta and traditional breakfast cereals.

Page 14: Body Blueprint · day (longer if you have darker skin) while always ensuring that you never burn. Healthy vitamin D levels are defined as 50 to 70 ng/mol and 70-100 ng/mol for the

7: Exercise –Not Too Much, Not Too Little!

We’re all aware of the benefits of regular exercise, from improving mood to promoting

better sleep, from building and maintaining healthy bones, muscles and joints to

reducing the risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. However, to achieve these

benefits not only is the type of exercise crucial, so is the quantity of exercise.

Assuming your goal is to maintain a healthy body weight, to increase your cardiovascular

fitness as well as improve your strength and bone density, it is essential to include some

form of resistance training (body weight type exercises or using machines/ free weights

etc) including a cardiovascular component.

How about the quantity of exercise?

The ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) recommends exercising for a minimum

of 30 minutes 5 days per week OR at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise 5 days per


After more than 20 years in the fitness industry there is still a bias toward ‘cardio.’ For

example, when someone wants to lose weight, doing lots of cardio comes to mind…

However, traditional cardio (the kind where you plod away on a treadmill or bike for 30

minutes or more at a time, several days per week) may actually be causing more harm

than good - especially if this is the only kind of exercise you do…

This is because steady state cardio forces your body to adapt and become more efficient to the excessive demands we've imposed on our body, and it does this over time by gradually rebuilding our heart, lungs, blood vessels and muscles as small as possible.

The end result of this downsizing is that we're robbed of vital reserve capacity, the kind we need in everyday life.

This is why every so often you’ll hear about an incredibly fit person, such as a marathon runner, dying of a heart attack.

Heart attacks don't occur because of a lack of endurance, they occur when there is a sudden increase in demand that exceeds our heart's capacity.

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Reserve capacity is the ability of your heart and lungs to withstand a sudden increase in cardiac demand, and in real life there are circumstances that put our bodies under stress and require our heart and lungs to be up to the task. However when you only perform endurance style training your reserve capacity can be severely compromised.

Your exercise programme should be balanced and include resistance training, some steady state cardio and ‘burst’ or interval style training.

The latter can be achieved with weight bearing exercises in the form of a circuit based workout, using traditional cardio machines or outdoors as a walk / sprint, on a bicycle,

swimming etc.

Not only will you burn fat 9 times faster than traditional cardio, you’ll substantially increase your cardiac output, and all in a fraction of the time.

To transform your body in record time, see my body transformation programmes at:


8: Keep Stress Levels in Check

Stress per see is not the problem. How we deal with it is!

Modern life can be relentless, with never ending deadlines, the demands of trying to

balance home and work life, looking after children, financial concerns…just to name a


Therefore it’s no wonder that adrenal stress (also known as adrenal fatigue) is so

common these days.

Constant emotional distress results in overstressed adrenal glands which trigger the

release of our “fight or flight” hormones, cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones are

designed to provide short term burst of energy, to keep us awake and alert.

However when these hormones are triggered on a day to day basis (chronic as opposed

to acute short term stress) our adrenal glands become impaired and are unable to

respond appropriately. This causes a cascade of symptoms such as increased blood

pressure, cravings for sweet foods, a decrease in stamina, feeling tired most of the time,

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anxiety and moodiness, racing thoughts, inability to sleep, decreased libido and

decreased immune response.

Sometimes a complete lifestyle change is required to remedy the situation – such as

changing job, lessening work hours, reducing commitments, learning to say no and

asking for help.

Beneficial stress reduction techniques include meditation, regular exercise, taking regular

‘me’ time to do the things you enjoy and simplifying your life. (See more below)

In addition to lifestyle changes, holistic practitioners often recommend correcting any

nutrient deficiencies and supplementing with specific herbs, vitamins and minerals.

Recommended reading:

Why Healthy People Get Sick (Part 1)


Why Unhealthy People Don’t Get Sick (Part 2)


My Top 10 Stress Busters (Part 3)


9: Ditch the Microwave!

Heating and eating food on the go might be convenient, however what price are we

paying for this convenience?

Microwaves heat food by bombarding it with electromagnetic radiation which causes water molecules to vibrate at very high frequencies. While this can rapidly heat your food, it also changes its chemical structure and literally zaps the nutrients right out. Aside from diminished nutrient value, carcinogenic compounds are produced when food

is heated in a microwave. In Russia, research was conducted which spanned almost two

decades and conclusively demonstrated this fact.

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Their findings resulted in a ban on microwave ovens in 1976. Microwave Alternatives

For the most part I cook my meals from scratch, however when I need to reheat leftovers I’ll use a toaster oven.

Alternatively I’ll use a safe non-stick frying pan (see below) and add a small amount of water with the lid on.

In both cases it takes approximately 3 to 4 minutes to reheat food – as opposed to 1 to 2 minutes in a microwave. For the sake of an extra 1 to 2 minutes, it’s well worth it.

Further Reading: Should You Nuke Your Food?


nb: Sometimes I’ll eat my leftovers cold as heating inevitably destroys some of the

nutritional content.

10: Use Safe Non-Stick Cookware

Most non-stick cookware is made from Teflon which emits toxic fumes and leaches carcinogenic chemicals into the foods you’re cooking.

Teflon is not just one chemical, it consists of several controversial ingredients such as Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).


PFOA is a soap-like chemical that does not occur naturally in the environment. It is used in electrical insulating tape, combustion engines, carpet, outdoor clothing, and in the production of non-stick surfaces and materials found in cookware.

PFOA is considered to be a health concern because it can stay in the environment and in the body for long periods of time. (Some studies have found it to be present in the blood of 98% of the population.)

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PFOA is linked to organ damage, heart disease and stroke, hormonal imbalances such as early menopause, infertility and may increase blood cholesterol levels. It has also been linked to tumours of the bladder, liver, testicles, pancreas, and breast tissue.


PTFE is another synthetic chemical that has diverse applications. It is often used in containers and pipework for reactive and corrosive chemicals, wiring in aerospace and computer applications, and just like PFOA, one of its main uses is in the manufacturing of Teflon.

When used in cookware, PTFE is considered to be stable at lower temperatures, but begins to break down when it reaches a temperature around 260°C (500°F). Once PTFE begins to deteriorate, it produces fumes that studies have shown to be harmful to both humans and animals. It has been shown to cause flu-like symptoms (known as “Teflon Flu” or “Polymer Fume Fever”) in humans and has been proven to be lethal to birds.


Aluminium, stainless steel and cast iron leach their heavy metals, therefore the safest options are glass, ceramic, or non stick cookware that does not contain PFOA and PTFE such as the Stonedine range. (http://www.stonedine.co.nz)

11: Use Chemical Free Personal Care and Cleaning Products

Many people are shocked to find out that many of the chemicals in our personal healthcare products are known carcinogens. This is because the personal health care industry is unregulated and many companies use these chemicals primarily because they’re cheap and they ‘do the job.’

Here is a quote from Phillip Day’s book, “Cancer – Why We’re Dying to know the Truth.”

“As many harmful ingredients can be found in the average bathroom, clear these out in one fell scoop. At the moment, many of us are brushing our teeth with rat poison, washing our hair out with cheap engine degreasants, putting liquid paraffin on our babies in the form of baby oil, firing aluminium into our lymph nodes under our arms and using constituents of brake fluid and antifreeze in our makeup and personal hair care formulae.”

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SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate) and propylene glycol are two of the most commonly used toxic chemicals and they can be found in many shampoos, shaving foams etc. Propylene glycol is a component of brake fluid and antifreeze, and SLS is used as an industrial engine degreasant. The accumulation of these chemicals in the body over time can cause

serious adverse health effects.

I always encourage clients to check the labels on their personal healthcare products, and if these chemicals are present to seriously consider healthy alternatives.

I personally use the Pure Blend & Sukin range of personal healthcare products which

uses high quality ingredients and are free of sodium lauryl sulphate, petrochemicals,

parabens, aluminium, caustic soda, bleaches, artificial colours or fragrances.

See: www.pureblend.co.nz

12: Use Alternatives to Plastic

With an estimated 84,000 synthetic chemicals in our environment and 1000 new

chemicals created every year (the majority of which are unregulated) endocrine

disrupters are everywhere and often turn up where you least expect them.

One of these endocrine disruptors is biosphenol A (BPA) which is widely used in the

manufacture of polycarbonate plastic drink bottles and packaging, as well as the lining of

food and drink cans. BPA leaches, in small amounts, into the food and drink contained in

these linings and plastics.

Tests have consistently found this chemical in blood, urine, umbilical cord blood and in

the amniotic fluid protecting a foetus. For this reason health authorities studying BPA

have recommended that pregnant women, infants and children should avoid ingesting

the chemical.

The problem with BPA is that it has a comparable molecular structure to hormones,

particularly the female hormone estrogen. Because of its ability to mimic estrogen the

body is fooled into believing it is reacting to our natural hormones. However estrogen in

abundance can cause a range of health problems such as reduced sperm count, early

puberty in girls and increased incidence of breast and testicular cancer.

Therefore, you should take every opportunity to limit your exposure to BPA such as:

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Switching from plastic containers to glass with BPA free lids

Avoiding tinned foods (Eat unprocessed foods instead)

Drinking from stainless steel bottles such as ECO tanka http://www.ecotanka.com

Avoiding bottled water

NB: Some manufacturers have switched to BPA free products to appease customers,

however tests have shown that some companies still use estrogen mimicking compounds

such as bishenol S (BPS) Therefore the take home message is to eliminate as much

plastic from your household and day to day lives as possible.

13: Limit Cell Phone Use & EMF Exposure

Cell phones are commonly used in our everyday lives, however many experts believe

that in years to come we may pay the price for our dependence on this technology.

Recently a panel of experts from 4 leading universities in the U.S. convened to present a

wide range of scientific evidence that electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and

other wireless technologies has indisputable biological, health and mental health effects,

and are of particular concern for children.

Here is a summary of their findings:

Radiation from cell phones and Wi-Fi has already been shown to cause diminished reaction time, decreased brain motor function, social and emotional problems, and inability to focus on complex and long-term tasks in children.

Cell phone use has also been linked to nine types of cancer – brain, salivary

gland, leukemia, thyroid, eye, meningioma, testicular, breast, and to declines in sperm count and fertility.

The evidence clearly supports the need for Wi-Fi-free or low-Wi-Fi areas where

pregnant women, children and others sensitive to EMFs can be protected, and for precautionary education for these audiences.

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Based on the well-established DNA impacts, there is sufficient evidence now to take proactive action to protect children, and this is especially important since DNA mutations are irreversible, as well as passed down to future generations.

Young children should not use cell phones except in an emergency; nor play with cell phones like toys. While one can put the phone in ‘airplane mode,’ which disconnects it from Wi-Fi and the Internet, the cell phone still emits magnetic fields from the battery, shown to have equally important biologically consequences, including links to childhood asthma and obesity from fetal exposures.

Overuse of the internet and multitasking in children has also been linked with

social, emotional and relational underdevelopment and a chronically distracted

view of the world

Subsequently the panel made the following recommendations:

Children should not play with radiating cell phones. Young children should not use cell phones except in an emergency. While you can put the phone in ‘airplane mode,’ which disconnects it from Wi-Fi and the Internet, the cell phone still emits magnetic fields from the battery, which have also been shown to have equally important biological consequences. In no cases should children sleep with cell phones.

Extreme caution was advised for pregnant women or women hoping to conceive due to the profound long-term impact of environmental factors.

Limit or eliminate Wi-Fi exposures. If you have a WI-Fi router make sure your router is a low power version, not in a high-use area and keep it turned off as much as possible. Consider putting it on a timer so it is only available during certain hours, and always turn off before you go to bed.

Schools should not have Wi-Fi. Cabled/wired connections do not pose the same risks. If there is Wi-Fi, again, it should be limited to the time when the Wi-Fi is specifically needed and not be operating at other times. Ideally, classrooms and school libraries and gyms should be WiFi-free.

Resume using landline phones whenever possible. Get rid of your portable phone and use your landline. At the very least, don’t keep your cell phone in your bedroom while you sleep. Be aware even landline phones emit magnetic fields from the speaker, and sensitive people can sometimes feel them, especially on long calls and particularly when using trim phones. Old-fashioned desk phone

earpieces offer a greater distance between the speaker and your ear that can make a meaningful difference.

Keep your cell phone away from your body. Avoid keeping it in your pocket, in your bra, or on your belt. If you’re pregnant, keep your cell phone away from your belly. Keep your phone at the other end of the room or on the seat of the car. Use texting more than talking. A cell phone case for the iPhone is available that filters out a significant portion of radiation (but by no means all the power and frequencies and other biologically disruptive signal characteristics also remain). There are several options for shielded cell phone cases and holsters at www.EMFSafetyStore.com

Use a wired earpiece or headphones with cell phones. Like with landline phones, some people are impacted by the magnetic fields from the speaker in the

Page 22: Body Blueprint · day (longer if you have darker skin) while always ensuring that you never burn. Healthy vitamin D levels are defined as 50 to 70 ng/mol and 70-100 ng/mol for the

ear buds, so choose a model with the greatest distance from your ear, or use air tube technology with no electronics near your ear.

Use caution using your cell phone in your car. Signals bounce around inside your vehicle, and your head is the antenna.

Opt-out of new utility meters called ‘smart meters.’ Prevent smart meters from being installed in your home whenever possible.

Avoid using wireless baby monitors, as they all operate on microwave frequency. Look for the old wired monitors.

Know your exposures. You or your community can purchase an RF meter to measure the RF in homes, schools, churches, etc. See www.EMFSafetyStore.com

Support labelling laws that require cell phone manufacturers to list radiation levels in an obvious place on the packaging and at the retailer.

14: Use Natural Therapies

Having witnessed profound changes in my clients health using only natural means, I am

100% convinced that the basis of any health and wellness programme lies with

addressing the underlying causes that led to that ailment or health problem in the first


This might mean addressing any nutrient deficiencies by providing the body with good

nutrition, reducing ones toxic burden, and making the appropriate lifestyle changes.

It is important to understand that conventionally trained medical practitioners receive

little to no training in nutrition (they are trained to prescribe drugs) when ironically it is

our nutrition, that determines the fate of our 100 trillion cells, including the functioning

of our immune, digestive, circulatory, skeletal, muscular, nervous, reproductive,

endocrine and lymphatic systems.

When you supply the body with the raw materials it needs (while simultaneously

reducing the body’s toxin burden) the incidence of illness and degenerative disease is

significantly reduced.

This is the message conveyed in the highly acclaimed documentary, “Food Matters.”

Page 23: Body Blueprint · day (longer if you have darker skin) while always ensuring that you never burn. Healthy vitamin D levels are defined as 50 to 70 ng/mol and 70-100 ng/mol for the

“With nutritionally-depleted foods, chemical additives and our tendency to rely

upon pharmaceutical drugs to treat what's wrong with our malnourished

bodies, it's no wonder that modern society is getting sicker. Food Matters sets

about uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide 'sickness industry' and gives

people some scientifically verifiable solutions for overcoming illness naturally.”

If you have ongoing health problems and would like to heal yourself using natural

means, I highly recommend consulting with a holistic health practitioner.

Highly Recommended Viewing:

Food Matters

See: http://foodmatters.tv/food-matters-film

As well as nutrition, there are other natural therapies that can have a profound impact

on your health and wellbeing. These include:

a) Meditation

Just as exercise is for the body, meditation is for the mind.

Meditation is an age old practice that is gaining wider acceptance around the world.

Brain imaging scans performed on Buddhist monks reveal the powerful effects of meditation, in particular the marked increase in brain activity in the prefrontal lobe which is associated with positive emotion, creativity and happiness.

Page 24: Body Blueprint · day (longer if you have darker skin) while always ensuring that you never burn. Healthy vitamin D levels are defined as 50 to 70 ng/mol and 70-100 ng/mol for the

Meditation also reduces activity in the right hemisphere of the amygdala which is associated with negative emotion and fear.

Long term meditators report lower levels of stress, more self confidence and an increased sense of wellbeing.

As little as 10-20 minutes per day can have dramatic and ongoing positive effects in your life.

b) Sungazing

Sungazing is an ancient practice and is the practice of gradually introducing sunlight into our eyes at the lowest ultraviolet index times of the day – within one hour of sunrise and within one hour of sunrise. (This is very important as exposure outside these times can cause eye damage)

It is recommended to begin with only 10 seconds the first day and increase by 10 second

intervals each day until you have completed 45 minutes of total sungazing time. (This takes approximately 9 months depending on weather conditions)

Exposure to sunlight via the eyes directly stimulates the pineal gland which is responsible for producing melatonin, which helps maintain circadian rhythm and regulates reproductive hormones. Melatonin also enhances the immune system, results in a deeper, more restorative sleep and is a natural mood elevator.

c) Earthing

Page 25: Body Blueprint · day (longer if you have darker skin) while always ensuring that you never burn. Healthy vitamin D levels are defined as 50 to 70 ng/mol and 70-100 ng/mol for the

Earthing, also known as grounding, has been described as the ‘most important health discovery ever.’ It is based on research that demonstrates that connecting to Earth’s electrical energy promotes physical wellbeing.

Earthing refers to a physical connection between the electrical frequencies of the human body with that of Earth’s. Just as the sun provides us with energy and vitamins, the earth is also a subtle source of energy that contributes to optimum health.

Earthing can be achieved in a number of ways: standing, sitting, lying or walking with direct skin contact with the ground is the easiest but conducting and grounding products such as bed sheets and mats provide a convenient method of connecting with Earth

when it’s otherwise impractical.

For more information about meditation, sungazing and earthing, see my article:

3 Hippie Healing Methods That Actually Work


15: Simplify!

If you feel like a hamster on the wheel, constantly stressed, overwhelmed with commitments and always short on time, simplifying your life could be the answer.

In today’s consumer based society, it’s easy to fall into the trap of ‘do more, spend more, have more.’ After all, are we not sold the idea that success is about accumulating wealth and acquiring status?

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This is precisely the reason why many people are becoming disillusioned with society’s values and are choosing to downshift, slow down and get off the proverbial treadmill.

Ultimately it’s about prioritising and unburdening our lives by de-cluttering, delegating, eliminating and learning to say no. Only when we simplify our lives can we devote our time to the things that truly matter.

And therein lies the secret to a long, happy and healthy life. It’s about spending more time doing the things we love, whilst always remembering that pleasure is often found in the simplest of things.

Further reading: Simplify Your Life TODAY


Page 27: Body Blueprint · day (longer if you have darker skin) while always ensuring that you never burn. Healthy vitamin D levels are defined as 50 to 70 ng/mol and 70-100 ng/mol for the

Mark Woodgate – Holistic Health Coach & Body Transformation Specialist

Mark Woodgate is the fitness director of Body Blueprint, a leading personal training

company which he founded in 1995.

With a background in natural therapies, Mark takes a holistic approach to health and

fitness to help you achieve the best possible results.

Originally based out of Les Mills World of Fitness in Hamilton, Mark was the first personal

trainer in New Zealand to create a specialised personal training package for the Body for

Life Challenge. He quickly became known as a top body transformation specialist and in

2001 he created his own body transformation programme, the Body Blueprint 12 Week


Since 1999 Mark has transformed more than 10,000 people thanks to his revolutionary

quality versus quantity training principles. 5 of his clients have placed in the top 2000 in

the world for their remarkable body transformations. (International Body for Life


Mark provides a range of services including one on one personal training, boxing,

kettlebell training and specialised strength and cardio programmes. He trains a variety of

clients - from those wanting to transform their bodies to elite swimmers and strongmen.

Mark is the creator of the Biggest Loser 12 Week Challenge, the 5 Week LEAN

Programme, the Muscle Morph 12 Week Challenge, 30 Minute Express Workouts and 3

Day Holiday Detox, all downloadable from his website at: www.bodyblueprint.co.nz

Join Mark on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/transformyourself

Page 28: Body Blueprint · day (longer if you have darker skin) while always ensuring that you never burn. Healthy vitamin D levels are defined as 50 to 70 ng/mol and 70-100 ng/mol for the

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