Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. Location: Community Meeting Room Library Board members, please bring your e-meeting packet with you! Please notify Library Board President Mike English at 610.952.3006 or Executive Director Lara Lorenzi, 610-933-3013 x123 [email protected], by Monday morning if you are unable to attend the meeting. The meeting will be chaired by Mike English. Mission: to provide access to information and services that address the educational, cultural and recreational needs of the community the library serves I. Call to order, roll II. Public welcome – All general public comments limited to 5 minutes III. Consent Agenda 2 minutes a. Minutes b. Director’s Report c. Youth Services Report d. Adult Services Report e. Development Report f. Statistics g. Financials IV. New Business - Discussion Items a. Employee Handbook-Draft Kim Moretti/Lara Lorenzi 5 minutes b. Other new business 5 minutes V. Old Business – Discussion Items a. WWW Committee Update- Kim Moretti 5 minutes b. SAC Membership Agreement- Lara Lorenzi 5 minutes c. Other old business? 5 minutes VI. Public Comments on Meeting – Limit 3 minutes per person VII. Executive Session – Move to Executive Session – to meet with an attorney or other professional advisor to discuss agency business, which, if discussed in public, would lead to the disclosure of information protected by law. VIII. Next meeting – Monday, September 14, 2015 /Adjournment

Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. · 8/2/2014  · August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. Location: Community Meeting Room Library Board members, please bring your e-meeting

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Page 1: Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. · 8/2/2014  · August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. Location: Community Meeting Room Library Board members, please bring your e-meeting

Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

August 10, 2015 6:00p.m.

Location: Community Meeting Room Library Board members, please bring your e-meeting packet with you! Please notify Library Board President Mike English at 610.952.3006 or Executive Director Lara Lorenzi, 610-933-3013 x123 [email protected], by Monday morning if you are unable to attend the meeting. The meeting will be chaired by Mike English. Mission: to provide access to information and services that address the educational, cultural and recreational needs of the community the library serves I. Call to order, roll II. Public welcome – All general public comments limited to 5 minutes III. Consent Agenda 2 minutes

a. Minutes b. Director’s Report c. Youth Services Report d. Adult Services Report e. Development Report f. Statistics g. Financials

IV. New Business - Discussion Items a. Employee Handbook-Draft Kim Moretti/Lara Lorenzi 5 minutes b. Other new business 5 minutes V. Old Business – Discussion Items

a. WWW Committee Update- Kim Moretti 5 minutes b. SAC Membership Agreement- Lara Lorenzi 5 minutes c. Other old business? 5 minutes

VI. Public Comments on Meeting – Limit 3 minutes per person VII. Executive Session – Move to Executive Session – to meet with an attorney or other professional advisor to discuss agency business, which, if discussed in public, would lead to the disclosure of information protected by law. VIII. Next meeting – Monday, September 14, 2015 /Adjournment

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Page 4: Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. · 8/2/2014  · August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. Location: Community Meeting Room Library Board members, please bring your e-meeting

1 | P a g e

Director’s Report submitted by: Lara Lorenzi August 2015 Library Board of Trustees Meeting Informational Updates:

• I will be away on vacation August 14th though August 21st. While I’m away Lauren Coy and Maggie Stanton will be in charge. I also have vacation planned for November 16-20th.

• The funding schedule from PASD will be the same as last year. We will receive a total of three checks. The payments will be received in September 2015, November 2015 and January 2016.

Personnel Updates: • Maggie will be going out on maternity leave starting September 7, 2015. She will be back at work on Monday

November 30, 2015. Schedules have all been created for the months she will be out. Her immediate duties have been delegated and we have a sufficient level of coverage while she is out.

Facilities Update: • We are waiting on PASD to come out and change lightbulbs. The lighting situation is getting pretty bad. They have

been alerted and a work order has been issued. I expect they will be at the library shortly to take care of these matters. The lights were taken care of earlier this week.

• The lawn was recently moved and it looks great. This has been happening on a routine basis and it really helps make the library look great.

• We had another incident of theft in the library. Staff have been reminded to make sure all personal belongings are put in a secure location or kept with them at all times.

• The fire alarm system was inspected. There is a detector in the Carnegie room that will need to be fixed. PASD is in the process of scheduling the visit during non-operating hours due to the use of a lift so they can reach the detector that isn’t working properly. I expect that will be scheduled sometime in August 2015.

Statistical updates: Door Count:

• Door Count Previous month: o June 2014 door count:: 14,040 o June 2015 door count:: 13,425

This is a 4% decrease from the previous year.

• Door Count Current month: o July 2014 door count:: 17,601 o July 2015 door count:: 15, 111

This is a 14% decrease from the previous year. Tony Wagner head of technology at CCLS will be at the library on Thursday morning to look at the placement of our counters. We already had to adjust the number for the month since 2 days were not counted properly. That being said, our door count was up 1,686 visits (approx. a 12% increase) from last month, June 2015.

Chester County Library System Updates: We will be discussing the SAC membership agreement at length at the next SAC meeting on August 11th. The updated agreement is attached in the board packet. Please review. If you have any input let me know as the SAC meeting will be held the day after our board meeting. Please pay close attention to number 4 in the section about what member libraries are responsible for (page 6 of the document). The changes are in purple. Number 4 deal with access of materials.

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2 | P a g e

State Updates: State Aid: The state does not have a state budget and prospects for one in the near future seem dim. That being said, once a budget is passed, the time line for the district payment is as follows. After the budget is passed by the legislature, the funding must be made available before payment can be made. This normally takes one to two weeks. At that point the district payment can be processed. It takes 10 business days from the time the payment is forwarded to the comptroller until the funds go out. Bottom line: once the budget is passed, it will be approximately 4 weeks until CCLS receives the funds. We will be notified of the (approximate) pay date from the state as soon as it is available. Once CCLS has the funds, they will then distribute it to the member libraries. Computer Updates: Our domain has been transferred from Dino Capone to the library. We will be able to move forward with the website planning with 2 twins in the near future. We have relocated the Wi-Fi hot spot in the lower level of the library. A secondary hot spot has been purchased to ensure Wi-Fi coverage throughout the lower level; it will be installed on August 6, 2015. The Wi-Fi hotspot on the upper level will be moved shortly to help ensure Wi-Fi coverage to the back of the Carnegie Room. In the future we may need to purchase a secondary hot spot on the upper level. Meetings Attended: Date Meeting/Outreach/Training 7/14 Rotary 7/20 Mtg. with Larry Way- Treasurer Duties 7/21 Rotary 7/29 Communication Task Force Meeting 7/30 Mtg. with Mike English and Mark Pinto 8/4 Charles Wilfong tour and meeting with dept. heads Rotary Mtg. with Mark Pinto- fall computer class schedule Mtg. with Maggie Stanton- patron issues and maternity leave items 8/5 Mtg. with Rebecca Krause-strategic plan 8/7 Mtg. with Larry Way and Laurie Harvey-2014-2015 audit

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Youth Services Report for July 2015 August 2015 Board Meeting

Community Outreach

• Ongoing outreach to community schools via site visits and through contact regarding library events. July Programming Children’s Library

• Science in the Summer began 06.29.2015 and ended 07/02/2015 at the PASD Middle School. • Lights, Camera, Reading, theater arts class for ages 4-7, final third class held at the Middle School: July 1. • Ongoing registration/participation in Summer Reading Programs began June 8 and runs through August 7. • Five weeks of intensive programming began July 6, runs through August 7. Thrilling Thursdays will be July 9

through August 6.

Accessibility • Publicity for Summer programming: Summer activities/events library calendar distributed in paper and electronic

formats, various online calendars, and area print media. • Library displays: Downstairs bulletin board walls, ceilings, for Every Hero Has A Story Theme; mythology,

dragons, anti-heroes, animal heroes, Aesop Fables and Tales. Summer Contests/Information Offered: • 2015 Summer Internship Programs-packet supplied by Andrew E. Dinniman. • Books That Shaped Me contest offered by Library of Congress. • Channel 6/ABC Splash Into Summer-Read! Contest. • McDonald’s Book List for kids. • Children in Summer Reading Club successfully completing 5 of 8 weeks of reading are eligible for free tickets to

the PA Renaissance Faire.

Meetings • A. Gross of Recorded Books with M. Pinto, Inc., July 8. • Communication Leadership Team, July 29.


Three summer program assistants are planning, organizing, and assisting with summer events Statistics: Programs/Visits Attendance/Individuals Preschool Programs-Regular 16 440 Children/Adults Family Place 4 190 Children/Adults School-age: Lights, Camera, Reading (third of three classes) 1 54 Children/Adults Science in the Summer (two of four classes) 2 136 Children/Adults Additional Programs 32 2,881 Children/Adults Young Adult 10 154 Young Adults/Adults Program Subtotal 65 3,855 Children/Young Adults/Adults Additional Activities Teen Volunteer Program: 151.13 hours 1 14 Young Adults Visiting Groups-Camp Unforgettable (weekly visits) 4 134 Children/Adults -KinderCare 1 27 Children/Adults Special Promotion-Kids earning free tickets to 1 PA Renaissance Faire

49 Children

Total Youth Programs/Activities - July 2015 72 4,079 Children/Young Adults/Adults

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Computer Usage Statistics: Children's Internet Stations Usage, July 2015: 831 Children’s Library computer users; Young Adult: 161 users. AWE Children’s Literacy Station Usage for July 2015: 564 hours, 1,137 total sessions, 29-minute average session Respectfully submitted, Rebecca F. Krause, Director of Youth and Young Adult Services July 2015

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Adult Services Report


August 2015 Board Meeting

Regular Activities

Work Adult Circulation Desk Tuesdays 9 AM – 1 PM, and as needed.

Work weekly passport application acceptance shifts and schedule appointments.

Staffed “Ask Here PA” online chat reference service 7/6 for one hour.


Communication Leadership Team meeting 7/29.

PARN meeting 7/28.

Annual review and followup 7/9 & 7/30.

CCLS Database Committee meeting 7/30 at CCL.

Meeting with Recorded Books rep Andy Gross 7/15.

Meeting with Phoenixville Language Access Project rep Rosa Davila 7/2.

Upcoming Special Programs/Events

“Understanding Your Meds” with Leslie Burrell, Gateway Health 8/13.

Summer Comedy Film Festival continues 8/13, 8/20 & 8/27.

“All-Occasion Craft Class for Adults” with Helen Burnley 8/17.

“Report from Ground Zero: Hiroshima and Nagasaki 70 Years Later” with Anna Zay


“Wills and Trusts” with Jason Bishop, U Financial Group 9/3.

Bi-weekly “Yoga for Adults” classes begin 9/3.

“RMS Lusitania: What We Know and Don’t Know” with Roger Arthur 9/8.

Saturday “Microsoft & More” classes resume 9/12.

Program/Event Planning

Planning music event for fall, and finalizing all fall presenters.

Re-evaluating all current regular programs with a view to cancelling those that have

produced low attendance.

July Passport Application Acceptance Statistics

Appointments 206

Income $7,390

vs. June

Appointments 310

Income $10,231

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July Computer Use Statistics

Laptop Checkouts 220

Adult Internet Stations Individual Usage 1,717

July Program Statistics

Program Attendance

OVR appointments 9

One-on-One computer tutoring appointments 14

Phoenixville Tech Group 5 (2 sessions)

Phoenixville Area Time Bank orientation 2

Jobseeker Support Group 15 (5 sessions)

One-on-One Job Counseling appointments 9

Job Searching Online class 2

Phoenix Writers 14 (2 sessions)

Movie Night 7/9: “The Philadelphia Story” 18

Movie Night 7/16: “Singin’ in the Rain” 15

Movie Night 7/23: “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” 18

Movie Night 7/30: “Young Frankenstein” 19

“Getting the Care You Need” 7/9 2

“Understanding Your Camera” 7/11 5

Daniel Bennett Group concert 7/27 53

Total Program Attendance: 200

Respectfully submitted,

Mark Pinto

Adult Services Director

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July 2015 Development Report Lauren Coy


a. Other Business a. Continual meetings with Lara Lorenzi b. Continual meetings with Mike English c. Attending weekly Rotary meetings d. Attending monthly Chamber of Commerce Meetings

b. Chamber of Commerce Beneficiary Application

a. This is an application to be the recipient of the evening at their Charity Gala on November 22, 2015 – due August 28th

b. We were asked specifically by the Chamber of Commerce to apply for this opportunity

c. The beneficiary organization last year received $5,000 d. The requirements of the organization chosen to benefit by this event

are: 1. The organization must have a presence at the event,

such as board members purchasing tickets and/or a table for the event

2. The cost is $80/ticket or $750/table 3. The organization must donate an auction item

c. Grants

Applying For: a. Patricia Kind Foundation – deadline is Sept. 15 b. Chester County Community Foundation – deadline Sept. 15 c. Wells Fargo – deadline Nov. 1 d. PCHF – deadline Jan. 5, 2016 e. TEVA Pharmaceutical – EITC f. Pfizer Pharmaceutical – EITC g. GlaxoSmithKline – EITC h. National Penn – EITC i. Customers Bank – EITC

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d. Wine, Wit & Wisdom a. LISA SCOTTOLINE IS OUR SPEAKER! b. Every attendee will receive her new book that comes out at the end

of October, titled “Corrupted.” c. I’ve received numerous inquiries from patrons about how they can

attend this event d. Towne Book Center will be publicizing this event for us as well via

email marketing and signs at their store e. We have started publicizing this event via Facebook, Twitter and

signage in the Library f. Sponsorship

a. Customers Bank is a Bordeaux Sponsor this year b. This is the first new corporate sponsor Wine, Wit & Wisdom

has gotten in six years


Annual $ 755.50 Civic $ 0.00 Donations $ 143.01 Foundation/Grants $ 0.00 Friends of PPL $ 0.00 Government $ 0.00 Memorial/Tribute $ 0.00 Name a Shelf $ 0.00 Restricted-children $ 130.00 Restricted-general $ 20.00 Special Events $ 125.00

TOTAL $1173.51

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July 2015 Circulation

Sierra OverDrive Total

Atglen 3130 88 3218

Avon Grove 16311 1319 17630

Bayard Taylor 18526 1966 20492

Chester Springs 3390 232 3622

Coatesville 6519 374 6893

Downingtown 12588 780 13368

Easttown 26925 1500 28425

Honey Brook 7631 506 8137

Malvern 14311 914 15225

Oxford 13161 1149 14310

Paoli 6635 689 7324

Parkesburg 5769 321 6090

Phoenixville 24261 1970 26231

Spring City 5050 324 5374

Tredyffrin 24315 1787 26102

West Chester 16468 1518 17986

Chester County 123343 12782 136125

Henrietta Hankin 35920 1847 37767

TOTAL 364253 30066 394319



5% 1%








2% 7%

1% 7% 5%




Avon Grove

Bayard Taylor

Chester Springs




Honey Brook






Spring City


West Chester

Chester County

Henrietta Hankin

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Circulation Comparisons 2015

January February March April May June July August September October November December Total 2014/15

Atglen 2009 2409 2421 2386 2339 2055 3232 3227 2895 1582 2261 2034 1862 28703

2010 1410 1187 1282 1236 1268 1937 2895 2832 2527 2713 2369 2400 24056

2011 2619 2355 2563 2155 1812 2611 2899 2883 2513 2807 2640 2529 30386

2012 2372 2793 2745 2518 2306 3456 3569 3717 2510 2770 2794 2341 33891

2013 2761 2578 2611 2650 2484 3160 3300 2748 2049 2045 1953 1751 30090

2014 1884 1449 2103 1818 2260 2820 3293 2867 2343 2753 2308 2060 27958

2015 2202 1966 2136 1933 1826 2453 3218 0.68%

Avon Grove 2009 7387 7780 8156 8076 7886 10733 13765 11455 9156 8829 8009 7574 108806

2010 8120 8258 9362 8267 8606 12599 16036 14103 12164 10013 10713 8983 127224

2011 9894 9842 11075 10123 9571 14106 15812 14679 12032 11340 11588 10825 140887

2012 12143 12259 13764 11780 12410 16909 18385 16535 12420 12150 12333 10061 161149

2013 12221 12169 13782 12398 13368 16971 21075 18332 12652 13163 12001 10760 168892

2014 11895 11251 13503 12044 11907 15123 19588 16649 13682 12884 11560 10979 161065

2015 11938 11595 12376 12101 11269 14689 17630 -3.90%

Bayard Taylor 2009 11598 11015 12018 11909 10992 14329 16031 14720 11898 11203 11354 10349 147416

2010 11612 11287 13385 11456 11303 14713 17686 16424 13153 12542 12796 10858 157215

2011 12060 11576 13235 12787 12392 16132 17533 17997 12890 12759 14152 11675 165188

2012 14227 14659 15763 13572 13659 17377 19954 17901 12864 14062 14194 12281 180513

2013 14434 13012 14819 14187 13793 16927 20750 17564 13761 14482 13822 12830 180381

2014 13419 12608 14481 13876 13362 16867 20789 17607 14873 14513 13423 14161 179979

2015 15021 12842 13575 10084 12511 18526 20492 -2.23%

Chester Springs 2009 3571 3676 4092 3905 3634 4254 5577 4122 3939 3724 4223 3559 48276

2010 3711 3427 4220 3295 3052 4066 4756 3473 2526 2707 2675 2685 40593

2011 2606 2340 2864 2773 2731 3474 3407 2961 2690 2879 2804 2470 33999

2012 2652 2574 2874 2748 3014 3737 4189 4024 2964 2967 2396 2353 36492

2013 2718 2468 2713 2527 2685 3078 3706 2994 2364 2598 2492 2474 32817

2014 2815 2153 2870 2723 2764 2900 3653 3239 2917 3006 2685 2460 34185

2015 2681 2513 2681 2582 2365 3085 3622 -1.76%

Coatesville 2009 5739 6450 6863 7105 6145 8336 9646 8085 6589 6296 6124 5260 82638

2010 5874 6282 7585 6680 6222 8605 9925 9232 7345 6684 6562 5343 86339

2011 5928 5820 6821 6367 5976 8393 8471 9182 6455 6660 7089 5798 82960

2012 6759 6683 6965 5829 6187 7832 8573 7697 5668 5858 6035 4816 78902

2013 6290 5873 5825 6020 5964 6978 8028 6227 5095 5107 4657 3912 69976

2014 4489 3941 4846 4730 4424 5057 6930 5940 4909 4938 4442 4143 58789

2015 4594 4385 4631 4546 3857 5818 6893 0.89%

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January February March April May June July August September October November December Total

Downingtown 2009 8738 8638 9005 9365 8655 11397 12965 10452 10281 9764 9620 8365 117245

2010 9912 9318 11059 9339 9826 11088 12188 11165 9528 9310 8669 7405 118807

2011 8889 9147 10093 9042 8934 11460 11575 10719 9288 8968 9093 7131 114339

2012 8606 8647 9365 8627 9011 10524 11017 10524 8846 9039 8646 6635 109487

2013 8459 8085 8618 8124 8565 10319 12231 9895 8584 8887 7923 6667 106357

2014 8312 7107 8073 7513 8068 9563 11470 8432 8065 7976 6942 5726 97247

2015 9472 10025 10696 9554 8847 12782 13368 24.35%

Easttown 2009 20310 19163 21671 21412 20411 25466 28569 26225 22017 22042 20808 19616 267710

2010 22013 21204 25390 22559 22071 28108 29907 28983 23543 22857 22739 20068 289442

2011 22818 21449 24305 23069 22847 28916 30423 31344 25662 23648 24287 20847 299615

2012 23460 22931 24643 23152 22889 26813 29753 27674 22721 23811 23488 21203 292538

2013 24673 22813 24162 22153 23013 26330 30837 27629 22460 23580 22198 19863 289711

2014 22325 20036 23931 21021 22474 24543 27895 24656 22508 21984 20156 20137 271666

2015 23032 20912 23111 21758 20543 25409 28425 0.59%

Honey Brook 2009 5870 5409 6327 5738 5755 7547 9028 7703 6216 6671 6283 5581 78128

2010 6215 6064 7191 5732 5987 7392 9004 8463 6593 6384 6207 5251 80483

2011 5586 5533 6263 5975 5792 7418 7900 7724 6516 6922 6722 6281 78632

2012 6501 6530 6821 6000 5381 6713 7318 6212 4763 5476 5274 4630 71619

2013 5676 5659 5941 5643 5864 6724 7857 7195 5394 6044 5284 4953 72234

2014 5051 5245 5714 5285 5445 6699 8281 6843 6078 6094 5401 5080 71216

2015 5711 5693 5571 5681 4939 6948 8137 2.30%

Malvern 2009 11541 11149 12246 11607 10806 13828 16885 14436 12289 11839 10630 10174 147430

2010 11342 10952 13275 11976 11578 14305 16909 15192 12722 12068 11698 10695 152712

2011 11707 11689 12728 12349 11617 14872 16456 15572 12204 12073 11828 10265 153360

2012 10986 10899 13261 11838 12241 13822 15539 13376 10388 12551 12099 9440 146440

2013 11236 10801 11196 10063 11304 11530 14917 14064 10582 11190 10912 9666 137461

2014 9810 8236 11365 10949 11341 12620 14831 13831 11085 11580 10441 9229 135318

2015 10047 9063 10880 10169 10663 12303 15225 -1.01%

Oxford 2009 11269 11999 12854 12364 11843 15872 18017 15940 12902 12622 11878 10112 157672

2010 11614 11686 12787 11597 10909 15328 18129 16984 12192 11175 11605 8798 152804

2011 10707 11297 12951 11775 10720 15286 16438 15937 11825 11667 11705 9573 149881

2012 11581 11795 13032 11901 11356 14623 16879 15649 11132 11090 10852 8736 148626

2013 10756 10161 10995 10316 10396 14063 16635 14726 10397 10690 10295 8899 138329

2014 10095 9357 10832 10067 10130 12997 15334 13327 10637 10652 9411 8292 131131

2015 9824 9348 10195 9688 9124 11925 14310 -5.58%

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January February March April May June July August September October November December Total

Paoli 2009 8705 8259 9172 8822 8204 9894 10629 10034 8844 8644 8175 6938 106320

2010 7518 7243 8065 7052 8055 9153 9877 9459 8044 7755 7307 6853 96381

2011 6950 6247 7036 6952 6642 8483 9108 9221 7768 6992 7018 6449 88866

2012 6475 6535 7266 6403 6339 7293 8326 8265 6695 7111 7001 6697 84406

2013 7455 6767 6998 6121 6310 7322 8881 8155 6142 6585 6376 6129 83241

2014 6312 6073 6782 6068 6038 6781 7909 7202 6048 6444 6235 6053 77945

2015 6313 5634 6459 5697 5940 6282 7324 -5.03%

Parkesburg 2009 8263 8643 9204 8567 7253 9558 10064 8027 7974 8260 8025 7158 100996

2010 7216 7281 8902 7379 6915 8565 9558 8747 8031 7492 7816 6031 93933

2011 6155 6873 7923 7270 6693 8069 8203 8370 7096 7613 7726 7536 89527

2012 7311 7153 7644 7068 6509 7526 7911 7399 5682 6332 7171 5713 83419

2013 6662 6130 7206 6262 6469 7232 8511 7405 6004 6947 5647 5529 80004

2014 5689 5123 6458 6197 5835 6005 7043 6164 5818 6233 5451 6157 72173

2015 5988 5524 6009 5733 4728 6015 6090 -5.34%

Phoenixville 2009 21484 20800 23845 22335 21157 26534 29718 26331 23297 22816 21448 17813 277578

2010 21207 18638 22252 20080 19013 25412 27722 27010 21505 21534 22184 18177 264734

2011 20865 20730 24607 20347 19557 23760 25764 27037 21335 20519 21505 18164 264190

2012 21001 20122 23173 21669 12487 21437 24356 15055 13884 19999 21120 17535 231838

2013 19629 20603 22714 21883 19007 25069 29942 25704 20311 21410 20030 17158 263460

2014 19917 18947 22346 20967 19393 23415 28730 24543 21951 6010 16431 16951 239601

2015 18953 17975 20545 19512 17576 24239 26231 -5.65%

Spring City 2009 2306 2369 2742 3125 3010 3904 4216 2901 3394 3534 3225 2861 37587

2010 3030 2630 3032 2682 2526 3345 4116 3752 2797 2905 3070 2306 36191

2011 2620 2716 3535 2892 2404 3423 3706 3693 3160 2463 2594 2386 35592

2012 2750 2544 3068 2946 2990 4006 4244 3940 3319 2845 2678 2352 37682

2013 2635 2557 3086 2901 2466 3195 2050 2243 1907 2208 2019 1864 29131

2014 1843 1983 2105 1777 1884 2747 4298 4000 3696 4292 3384 3004 35013

2015 3755 3375 3807 3751 3312 4538 5374 67.77%

Tredyffrin 2009 19956 23459 26318 24957 23067 27347 30984 29269 23368 23616 22385 19914 294640

2010 23301 21637 25002 22627 23008 25475 29489 26279 21945 22425 22454 20816 284458

2011 25100 23229 25029 24156 23750 27343 30796 29075 23874 19783 16787 21074 289996

2012 23998 22920 24678 22098 22178 27217 29722 26587 21306 21656 22180 20490 285030

2013 23115 23155 25179 22965 22291 24227 29934 27909 21862 22726 22207 21115 286685

2014 22360 21353 24657 21935 22235 24567 28080 25352 22298 21839 20734 17818 273228

2015 22084 20920 23367 21126 20916 24486 26102 -3.74%

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January February March April May June July August September October November December Total

West Chester 2009 12545 12777 14435 12966 13224 17597 20330 16393 13843 13230 12634 11155 171129

2010 12897 12138 15435 12639 11954 16988 18677 16496 13164 13080 12709 10132 166309

2011 11485 11418 13058 12759 12593 16274 17171 15740 11966 11588 11341 10038 155431

2012 12192 11888 13043 11998 12297 16463 17265 15789 12282 12320 12431 10054 158022

2013 12201 11169 12561 12353 12095 14842 18259 14867 12817 13077 12379 10141 156761

2014 12578 10907 13801 13247 12395 15401 18220 16234 13993 13514 12461 11825 164576

2015 13147 12302 13483 12440 12219 16145 17986 1.21%

Chester County 2009 116441 114876 129118 118486 113221 138444 149672 141240 120084 118440 113079 104061 1477162

2010 120563 117888 134660 113814 109868 132003 143746 139672 114626 113737 115465 98135 1454177

2011 117180 112388 127552 111744 109164 131070 137652 136315 112883 111465 111845 101531 1420789

2012 119365 118672 124289 113024 111107 132971 146130 132735 111368 108178 109039 97283 1424161

2013 115212 111071 120137 111937 109395 129246 149789 132332 109066 111422 105497 96990 1402094

2014 111334 105719 120098 108402 106249 124580 142589 128554 114147 107904 103943 101482 1375001

2015 112706 106927 114443 104029 100176 128795 136125 -1.93%

Hankin 2009 36282 36265 40548 37046 36266 45430 49609 45155 38460 38778 38434 33968 476241

2010 38356 37356 42603 35782 35099 44990 49419 47894 38276 37470 38156 31456 476857

2011 38369 38212 44270 37380 35913 44913 48045 47106 37573 36126 37402 33016 478325

2012 38822 37400 39413 35956 35477 44323 48598 43866 34375 33875 33253 28663 454021

2013 36627 35217 37047 34494 33020 39016 46559 39960 31899 34062 33085 28364 429350

2014 33077 30974 36361 30938 30652 35017 42606 36403 32402 31830 30290 28737 399287

2015 31552 30130 33312 29286 27227 37211 37767 -5.48%

System 2009 314514 316598 351000 330124 313584 393702 438914 395383 336133 332569 318368 286320 4127209

2010 325911 314476 365487 314192 307260 384072 430039 406160 330681 322851 325194 276392 4102715

2011 321538 312861 355908 319915 309108 386003 411359 405555 327730 316272 318126 287588 4071963

2012 331201 327004 351807 319127 307838 383042 421728 376945 303187 312090 312984 271283 4018236

2013 322760 310288 335590 312997 308489 366229 433261 379949 303346 316223 298777 269065 3956974

2014 303205 282462 330326 299557 296856 347702 411539 361843 317450 294446 285698 274294 3805378

2015 309020 291129 317277 289670 278038 361649 394319 -1.34%

2010 to 2009 2010<2009 3.62% -0.68% 4.12% -4.83% -2.02% -2.45% -2.03% 2.72% -1.63% -2.91% 2.14% -3.47% -0.60%

2011 to 2010 2011<2010 -1.35% -0.52% -2.62% 1.83% 0.60% 1.00% -4.35% -0.15% -0.89% -1.00% -2.17% 0.41% -0.75%

2012 to 2011 2012<2011 3.01% 4.52% -4.15% -0.25% -0.41% -0.77% 2.52% -7.05% -7.49% -1.32% -1.62% -5.67% -1.32%

2013 to 2012 2013<2012 -2.55% -5.11% -4.61% -1.92% 0.21% -4.39% 2.74% 0.80% 0.05% 1.21% -4.55% -0.82% -1.52%

2014 to 2013 2014<2013 -6.06% -8.97% -1.57% -4.29% -3.77% -5.06% -5.01% -4.77 4.65 -6.89% -4.38% 1.94% -3.83%

2015 to 2014 2015<2014 1.92% 3.07% -3.95% -3.30% -6.34% 4.01% -4.18%

Page 17: Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. · 8/2/2014  · August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. Location: Community Meeting Room Library Board members, please bring your e-meeting

OVERDRIVE-July 2015 e-books e-audio Total

Atglen 50 38 88

Avon Grove 947 372 1319

Bayard Taylor 1468 498 1966

Chester Springs 172 60 232

Coatesville 252 122 374

Downingtown 600 180 780

Easttown 1242 258 1500

Honey Brook 344 162 506

Malvern 637 277 914

Oxford 883 266 1149

Paoli 478 211 689

Parkesburg 255 66 321

Phoenixville 1390 580 1970

Spring City 227 97 324

Tredyffrin 1349 438 1787

West Chester 1218 300 1518

Chester County 9567 3215 12782

Henrietta Hankin 1400 447 1847

Total 22479 7587 30066

Page 18: Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. · 8/2/2014  · August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. Location: Community Meeting Room Library Board members, please bring your e-meeting

7:20 AM 08/04/15 Cash Basis

Phoenixville Public Library Balance Sheet Prev Year Comparison

As of July 31, 2015

Page 1 of 1

Jul 31, 15 Jul 31, 14 $ Change % Change


Current Assets


100 · Phoenixville Federal Savings #1

100.1 · Operating Checking (040016792) 77,742.67 35,771.53 41,971.14 117.33%

100.2 · Operating Money Market 134,051.02 165,102.69 -31,051.67 -18.81%

100.3 · Operating Credit Card Receipts 5,839.48 27,226.21 -21,386.73 -78.55%

100.4 · El Puente 3,154.49 2,075.92 1,078.57 51.96%

Total 100 · Phoenixville Federal Savings #1 220,787.66 230,176.35 -9,388.69 -4.08%

105 · Petty Cash 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.0%

106 · Circulation Cash 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.0%

Total Checking/Savings 221,787.66 231,176.35 -9,388.69 -4.06%

Other Current Assets

130 · Prepaid Expenses 2,520.00 2,520.00 0.00 0.0%

Total Other Current Assets 2,520.00 2,520.00 0.00 0.0%

Total Current Assets 224,307.66 233,696.35 -9,388.69 -4.02%

Fixed Assets

150 · General Fixed Assets

150.1 · Leasehold Improvements

150.1.1 · 1999/2000 Addition 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.0%

150.1.2 · General 0.06 0.06 0.00 0.0%

Total 150.1 · Leasehold Improvements 0.08 0.08 0.00 0.0%

150.6 · Computer Equipment -0.12 -0.12 0.00 0.0%

150.8 · Furniture & Fixtures 0.28 0.28 0.00 0.0%

Total 150 · General Fixed Assets 0.24 0.24 0.00 0.0%

Total Fixed Assets 0.24 0.24 0.00 0.0%TOTAL ASSETS 224,307.90 233,696.59 -9,388.69 -4.02%


Liabilities 12,471.97 12,496.97 -25.00 -0.2%

Equity 211,835.93 221,199.62 -9,363.69 -4.23%TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 224,307.90 233,696.59 -9,388.69 -4.02%

Page 19: Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. · 8/2/2014  · August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. Location: Community Meeting Room Library Board members, please bring your e-meeting

7:20 AM 08/04/15 Cash Basis

Phoenixville Public Library Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual

July 2015

Page 1 of 4

Jul 15 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget

Ordinary Income/Expense


400 · Appropriations

400.1 · Appropriation - P.A.S.D. 0.00 544,417.00 -544,417.00 0.0%

400.2 · Appropriation - County 17,666.75 70,000.00 -52,333.25 25.24%

400.3 · Appropriation - State 0.00 85,000.00 -85,000.00 0.0%

400.4 · Appropriation - Charlestown Tws 0.00 5,500.00 -5,500.00 0.0%

400.5 · Appropriation - Schuylkill Twp 0.00 1,500.00 -1,500.00 0.0%

Total 400 · Appropriations 17,666.75 706,417.00 -688,750.25 2.5%

412 · Development Income

412.1.1 · Foundations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

412.1.2 · Governments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

412.1 · Grants 0.00 50,000.00 -50,000.00 0.0%

412.2 · Projects/Events 125.00 50,000.00 -49,875.00 0.25%

412.3 · Annual Appeal 955.50 15,000.00 -14,044.50 6.37%

412.4 · Donations

412.4.1 · Unrestricted 188.48 10,500.00 -10,311.52 1.8%

412.4.2 · Restricted - General 20.00 10,000.00 -9,980.00 0.2%

412.4.3 · Restricted - Children's 130.00 10,000.00 -9,870.00 1.3%

412.4.5 · El Puente 0.41 0.00 0.41 100.0%

Total 412.4 · Donations 338.89 30,500.00 -30,161.11 1.11%

412.5 · Civic Organizations 0.00 1,500.00 -1,500.00 0.0%

Total 412 · Development Income 1,419.39 147,000.00 -145,580.61 0.97%

420 · Operations Income

420.1 · Fines 3,347.47 25,000.00 -21,652.53 13.39%

420.2 · Passport Applications 7,390.00 61,000.00 -53,610.00 12.12%

420.3 · Interest 59.78 1,500.00 -1,440.22 3.99%

420.4 · Items Sold 453.63 6,500.00 -6,046.37 6.98%

420.5 · Lost Books 334.54 2,400.00 -2,065.46 13.94%

420.6 · Other (Copier, etc.) 678.95 5,000.00 -4,321.05 13.58%

420.7 · Rentals/Community Room 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

420.8 · Rentals/Collection

420.8.1 · Library Income 2,519.52 24,000.00 -21,480.48 10.5%

420.8.2 · PA Sales Tax 151.18 0.00 151.18 100.0%

Total 420.8 · Rentals/Collection 2,670.70 24,000.00 -21,329.30 11.13%

Total 420 · Operations Income 14,935.07 125,400.00 -110,464.93 11.91%

Total Income 34,021.21 978,817.00 -944,795.79 3.48%


500 · Adult Library

500.13 · Professional Develop. Material 0.00 745.00 -745.00 0.0%

500.1 · Books

500.1.1 · Physical Books 1,995.86 32,600.00 -30,604.14 6.12%

500.1.2 · E-Books 0.00 4,700.00 -4,700.00 0.0%

Page 20: Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. · 8/2/2014  · August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. Location: Community Meeting Room Library Board members, please bring your e-meeting

7:20 AM 08/04/15 Cash Basis

Phoenixville Public Library Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual

July 2015

Page 2 of 4

Jul 15 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget

Total 500.1 · Books 1,995.86 37,300.00 -35,304.14 5.35%

500.2 · Magazines & Newspapers 300.00 5,600.00 -5,300.00 5.36%

500.3 · Audios 547.77 7,930.00 -7,382.23 6.91%

500.4 · Videos 476.49 9,925.00 -9,448.51 4.8%

500.5 · Software 54.80 1,000.00 -945.20 5.48%

500.6 · Reference 11.72 2,000.00 -1,988.28 0.59%

500.7 · Programs - Adult 635.00 4,800.00 -4,165.00 13.23%

500.8 · Program Supplies - Adult 87.74 1,330.00 -1,242.26 6.6%

Total 500 · Adult Library 4,109.38 70,630.00 -66,520.62 5.82%

510 · Youth Library

510.1 · Books

510.1.1 · Physical Books 778.65 29,175.00 -28,396.35 2.67%

510.1.2 · E-Books 0.00 1,780.00 -1,780.00 0.0%

Total 510.1 · Books 778.65 30,955.00 -30,176.35 2.52%

510.2 · Magazines 0.00 900.00 -900.00 0.0%

510.3 · Audios 654.01 3,375.00 -2,720.99 19.38%

510.4 · Videos 664.20 6,000.00 -5,335.80 11.07%

510.5 · Software 511.35 1,000.00 -488.65 51.14%

510.7 · Programs - Children 0.00 8,000.00 -8,000.00 0.0%

510.8 · Program Supplies - Children 624.79 6,000.00 -5,375.21 10.41%

510.13 · Young Adult - All 328.51 4,000.00 -3,671.49 8.21%

510.14 · Programs - Young Adults 0.00 1,500.00 -1,500.00 0.0%

510.15 · Program Supplies - Young Adult 204.41 1,000.00 -795.59 20.44%

Total 510 · Youth Library 3,765.92 62,730.00 -58,964.08 6.0%

520 · Development Expense

520.8 · Donor Management 0.00 4,500.00 -4,500.00 0.0%

520.1 · Annual Appeal 0.00 7,500.00 -7,500.00 0.0%

520.3 · Special Events 442.78 20,000.00 -19,557.22 2.21%

520.5 · Marketing 0.00 3,500.00 -3,500.00 0.0%

520.6 · Other 0.00 250.00 -250.00 0.0%

520.7 · El Puente Program 350.00 0.00 350.00 100.0%

Total 520 · Development Expense 792.78 35,750.00 -34,957.22 2.22%

530 · Administration

530.1 · General

530.1.1 · Audit/Form 990 0.00 6,750.00 -6,750.00 0.0%

530.1.2 · Library Board Expenses 69.68 2,599.00 -2,529.32 2.68%

530.1.3 · Staff Development/Memberships 237.50 4,000.00 -3,762.50 5.94%

530.1.4 · Insurance 2,652.00 1,500.00 1,152.00 176.8%

530.1.5 · Advertising 0.00 1,000.00 -1,000.00 0.0%

530.1.6 · Legal Expense 0.00 6,500.00 -6,500.00 0.0%

530.1.7 · Credit Card Fees 27.10 1,500.00 -1,472.90 1.81%

530.1.8 · Marketing and Website 45.00 8,000.00 -7,955.00 0.56%

530.1.9 · Miscellaneous 0.00 400.00 -400.00 0.0%

Page 21: Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. · 8/2/2014  · August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. Location: Community Meeting Room Library Board members, please bring your e-meeting

7:20 AM 08/04/15 Cash Basis

Phoenixville Public Library Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual

July 2015

Page 3 of 4

Jul 15 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget

Total 530.1 · General 3,031.28 32,249.00 -29,217.72 9.4%

540 · Utilities

540.1 · Electricity 0.00 16,000.00 -16,000.00 0.0%

540.2 · Gas 0.00 5,000.00 -5,000.00 0.0%

540.3 · Telephone 0.00 5,500.00 -5,500.00 0.0%

540.4 · Trash Collection 78.25 350.00 -271.75 22.36%

540.5 · Water & Sewer 299.76 1,500.00 -1,200.24 19.98%

Total 540 · Utilities 378.01 28,350.00 -27,971.99 1.33%

550 · Computer Expense

550.2 · Hardware 0.00 5,675.00 -5,675.00 0.0%

550.4 · Software 5.00 500.00 -495.00 1.0%

550.5 · Software Maintenance 0.00 1,350.00 -1,350.00 0.0%

550.6 · Supplies 665.90 4,875.00 -4,209.10 13.66%

Total 550 · Computer Expense 670.90 12,400.00 -11,729.10 5.41%

560 · Other Supplies and Expense

560.1 · Collection Maintenance 347.25 6,000.00 -5,652.75 5.79%

560.2 · Library 310.23 5,000.00 -4,689.77 6.21%

560.3 · Office 108.18 5,000.00 -4,891.82 2.16%

560.4 · Postage -3.00 4,500.00 -4,503.00 -0.07%

560.5 · Vending 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

Total 560 · Other Supplies and Expense 762.66 20,500.00 -19,737.34 3.72%

570 · Equipment Leasing/Rental 320.04 6,000.00 -5,679.96 5.33%

580 · Buildings & Grounds

580.1 · Maintenance

580.1.1 · Buildings 0.00 500.00 -500.00 0.0%

580.1.2 · Grounds 0.00 1,000.00 -1,000.00 0.0%

Total 580.1 · Maintenance 0.00 1,500.00 -1,500.00 0.0%

580.5 · Janitorial Expense

580.5.1 · Service 1,380.00 16,000.00 -14,620.00 8.63%

580.5.2 · Supplies 133.56 3,500.00 -3,366.44 3.82%

Total 580.5 · Janitorial Expense 1,513.56 19,500.00 -17,986.44 7.76%

580.7 · Minor Improvements and Repairs 0.00 1,500.00 -1,500.00 0.0%

Total 580 · Buildings & Grounds 1,513.56 22,500.00 -20,986.44 6.73%

Total 530 · Administration 6,676.45 121,999.00 -115,322.55 5.47%

610 · Salaries & Benefits

610.1 · Salaries

610.1.1 · Full-Time 28,608.06 368,038.00 -339,429.94 7.77%

610.1.2 · Part-Time 9,577.61 106,570.00 -96,992.39 8.99%

610.1.3 · Passport Agents 679.15 10,400.00 -9,720.85 6.53%

610.1.4 · Consultants 866.72 12,056.00 -11,189.28 7.19%

Total 610.1 · Salaries 39,731.54 497,064.00 -457,332.46 7.99%

610.2 · Social Security Expense 2,852.96 30,818.00 -27,965.04 9.26%

610.3 · Employee Benefit Expense 315.00 109,720.00 -109,405.00 0.29%

Page 22: Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. · 8/2/2014  · August 10, 2015 6:00p.m. Location: Community Meeting Room Library Board members, please bring your e-meeting

7:20 AM 08/04/15 Cash Basis

Phoenixville Public Library Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual

July 2015

Page 4 of 4

Jul 15 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget

610.4 · Retirement Expense 0.00 50,106.00 -50,106.00 0.0%

Total 610 · Salaries & Benefits 42,899.50 687,708.00 -644,808.50 6.24%

Total Expense 58,244.03 978,817.00 -920,572.97 5.95%

Net Ordinary Income -24,222.82 0.00 -24,222.82 100.0%

Other Income/Expense

Other Expense

750 · Non-Operating Expense

750.1 · Furniture, etc. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

Total 750 · Non-Operating Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

Total Other Expense 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

Net Other Income 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%Net Income -24,222.82 0.00 -24,222.82 100.0%