Board Meeting 5:30 – 7:30 Tuesday 6 th November 2018 Healthwatch Office Training Room Agenda Time 1 Welcome, introductions and apologies 5:30-5:35 2 Minutes and actions from previous meeting - page 2 5:35-5:45 Finance, Personnel and Review 3 Six month work programme review – page 7 - endoscopy - GP online - physical and mental health - young Influencers 5:45-6:30 4 Income generation update - page 17 6:30-6:40 5 Volunteer Support Officer – JD attached. 6:40-6:50 Communication and Engagement Committee 7 AGM/Stakeholder Event 2019 6:50-7:00 8 Draft Communications Plan - attached 7:00-7:20 9 AOB 7:20-7:30 1

Board Meeting - Healthwatch Tower Hamlets€¦ · Web view2018/11/06  · 5:30 – 7:30 Tuesday 6th November 2018 Healthwatch Office Training Room Agenda Time 1 Welcome, introductions

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Page 1: Board Meeting - Healthwatch Tower Hamlets€¦ · Web view2018/11/06  · 5:30 – 7:30 Tuesday 6th November 2018 Healthwatch Office Training Room Agenda Time 1 Welcome, introductions

Board Meeting5:30 – 7:30 Tuesday 6th November 2018Healthwatch Office Training Room

Agenda  Time 

1 Welcome, introductions and apologies  5:30-5:35

2 Minutes and actions from previous meeting - page 2 5:35-5:45

Finance, Personnel and Review 


Six month work programme review – page 7- endoscopy- GP online - physical and mental health- young Influencers


4 Income generation update  - page 17 6:30-6:40

5 Volunteer Support Officer – JD attached. 6:40-6:50

Communication and Engagement Committee 

7 AGM/Stakeholder Event 2019 6:50-7:00

8 Draft Communications Plan - attached 7:00-7:20

9 AOB  7:20-7:30


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Next meeting 4 December 5:30-7:30


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Minutes Board MeetingMeeting 4th September 2018

Board Members:David Burbidge (DB), Stephanie Dowker (SD), Iain MacLeod (IM) Mahbub Anam (MA), Randal Smith (RS).Staff: Dianne Barham (CE)Apologies: Karen Bollan (KB), Tim Oliver (TO), Fathimah Rofe (FR), Lesley Pavitt (LP), Vicky Allen, Aurora TodiscoAgenda Items & discussion ActionsWelcome, introductions & apologiesMinutes and actions from the previous meetingMinutes of 7 August 2018

Amendment on page 5 Enter and View. East London Locality Dental Committee should be East London and the City Local Dental Committee.

How do we know if a dentist is good? It’s difficult to assess treatment. Does the treatment last, does the dentist explain things clearly. You can look if there have been any complaints to the General Dental Council but often those are about fraud or individual disputes. There is a sense that more stringent benefits checks are putting people off going to the dentist. There are a couple of reasons we might do Enter and Views to dentists:

1. To review the quality of the dentist from patient perspective2. To understand Public Health prevention programmes –

particularly for children (during pregnancy the dentistry service is still free of charge).

Do we look at all dentistry, children or under fives. Suggested that we:

1. gather as much existing feedback as we can on local dentists from existing sources such as NHS UK, our site, CQC and reports and feedback, google reviews etc.

2. undertake enter and views to a selection of dentists after school time to look at the two areas above.

Suggested that we might also want to look at older people’s dental health.

Report on Actions Update will come on the red actions at the next Board.

They are in progress but not completed, as there has been a short time between Board meetings.

CE to develop Dentists Enter and View Programme.

Continue red actions on to next Board meeting report.


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Communication and Engagement CommitteeQuestion was raised as to the feasibility of the Community Insights Officer (CIO) being able to work remotely from Manchester. CE notified the Board that the CIO would still be in the office approximately once a fortnight. The CE and the CIO had regular phone meetings scheduled on a Monday and Friday. The staff felt that because of the amazing work ethic of this member of staff that working remotely did not pose any serious concerns. Agreed to review this at the one month and three month period.

This does leave us with one less staff member in the office to undertake signposting and information and gives us slightly less flexibility. One of the options that we’re looking at is a junior member of staff to undertake administration support of the volunteers, particularly when we have work placements, and to do data entry. This could be an apprentice. This has been built into the cost of the young people’s digital project so we need to await the outcome of the NHS England Digital Inclusion funding application.

Need to follow up an approach to the East London Health and Care Partnership (the STP partners) to support the Community Insights Repository across the East London and Barts patch.

A couple of Board members still need to get their DBS check. Agreed that all Board members should be DBS checked whether they are undertaking E&V visits or not.

Iain’s Inspire User Led Group Service User Network (SUN) had a successful event at the Healthwatch Hub. It would be good if other groups could also use it.

Advisory GroupThe Comms and Engagement Committee suggested the development of an advisory group that could be more focused on representing the voice of the local community with the health and wellbeing system locally. This would allow the Board to clearly focus on delivering the Healthwatch contract and managing the company. Agreed we look at developing a group of local people who have taken on roles representing the views of local people on health and care or who are volunteering to work with Healthwatch to help people’s views be heard. Provisionally called the Healthwatch Community Voices and to include: patient leaders, THT community reps, Healthwatch Board members and volunteers.

Annual General MeetingPlanning is going well. We have over 50 people registered already. We need to get this up to 100 to ensure a meaningful turnout. We have notified all of the well networked voluntary and community groups. Plan is to do an update email next week and a final reminder a few days before. We will start more intensive

Report to the next FP&R committee on the review of the CIO remote working arrangement.

Follow up Community Insight Repository proposal with ELHCP.

MA to submit DBS check with AT support. AT to check everybody else’s DBS checks are up to date.


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flyering around the Mile End/Stepney area in the final week before. Suggested we send out to Housing Associations and Residents Associations. Ask the CCG if we can get it into the GP Practice screens. Likewise Ideas Store. LBTH ‘My Tower Hamlets’ site and One You – health promotion from the Council. Give flyers to David. Double check potential funders have been invited e.g. Canary Wharf Group, Westham Football Club. We do not have a key note speaker. We do have a very strong panel though including:

Jackie Sullivan - Executive Managing Director Royal London and Mile End Hospitals Barts Trust 

Isobel Hodkinson Chair of Tower Hamlets Together Simon Hall Managing Director NHS Tower Hamlets Clinical

Commissioning Group Warwick Tomsett, Divisional Director Integrated

Commissioning LBTHStill awaiting confirmation from Somen Banerjee – Director of Public Health. Suggested that we maybe get Jackie Sullivan to do the key note. Also suggested Alison Trimble from Kings Fund/Bromley by Bow. New Board membersAgreed not to advertise any vacancies at the moment as it was felt that 10 was an adequate number of Board members. We would look at co-options thought to fill any gaps. MA has proposed a local person will connected into the local mosques. CE invited anyone with a financial background to apply as part of the promotion for the event. It was also sent to ELBA and Business in the Community but we’ve had no response. Maybe ask Skanska, Paul Bloss (East End Homes). Iain suggested that Martin Bould, who is about to retire from the CCG might be approachable to joining the Board. Finance and Income generation update We are still awaiting a decision from NHS England about the 50K for the young people’s Digital Inclusion project. They have asked for more information about the health outcomes and the need. We should know if the next month.We have received income from the CCG for the patient leaders and the Community Insights Repository of 7K. We have also received 5K from NHS England for the GP Online Consultation consultation. Board skills audit development and training 

People with an interest in joining the Board to be invited to come along to the AGM to see what we do and how we work.


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Agreed that this was important but that we should wait until after the AGM. Board members to complete the skills audit as individuals. Randal to contact Andy Payne again, a consultant specialising in board governance who worked for Healthwatch England as Head of Engagement. We previously agreed to see if he would do 2 or 3 capacity building sessions with the Board around good governance over an 14 month period.Once CE has the individual skills audits to match them up with any training available through THCVS. Promote training.

Agreed the Data Protection Policy as recommended by the Finance, Personnel and Review CommitteeAny other businessFoot Health ClinicThe service has reduced in size and capacity. DB wrote to the CEO at the London Independent suggesting an option be provided of a semi professional chiropodist at the London Independent. A number of affordable options are being developed across the Borough and a service is still being provided to those who are eligible at GP Practices in each locality. Our report influenced ELFT and the CCG to go out and stimulate an affordable service for users. This had not existed before due to the fact that there was a free service in place. This situation has been used as an example of what not to do when changing services in the future. Sexual Health Test kits are being provided to people marked ‘Heterosexual’ or ‘Homosexual’ in big bold writing. We have been working on a small piece of work on pain management to feed into a review at Health Scrutiny Sub Committee. A number of case studies are showing an issue with people being able to self manage their pain while in hospital, pain management on the weekend and mixed messages between members of staff. 111 ServiceWe have heard anecdotally that the 111 service is struggling to recruit clinically trained phone operators. A Board member phoned the service regarding a bite on her face that was starting to swell. The person on the phone went through the algorithm and it said to call the paramedic. She would have thought they should have said wait and see if the swelling gets worse and then call the paramedic. But they are not clinically trained people answering the phone.

All Board members to complete the skills audit form.

RS to report back on the good governance training. CE to forward training opportunites through THCVS etc.


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Actions Who Update RAGAsk for HWTH reference on THT website

CE Request made. A

Work on Single Point of Access


Still trying organise meeting with THT lead. Seems to be stalled at the moment. Have spoken to the GP Care Group leadership.


Talk to Ekko (website) to develop research by topic on the website. Develop satisfaction survey pop up and which can be included at the end of emails.


Put a search button on to the site which makes it easier to find reports. Still working on survey.


Our report to be shared with all the patients groups, not just only to the practice managers

RE Raluca is working on contacting all of the practice managers as part of our GP Research. We will offer to share the report with them when its completed.


CE to develop Dentists Enter and View Programme.

BP We have pulled in reviews from google and other sources. Raluca has done a provisional report which is available on the website Dentistry trends analysis https://www.healthwatchtowerhamlets.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Dentistry-services-in-Tower-Hamlets.pdfBenita has recruited two masters students who will work with her on an Enter and View programme to the dental hospital and to several dentists. Focus will be on children’s dental health and prevention. Meeting to be agreed with Public Health.


Report to the next FP&R committee on the review of the CIO remote working arrangement.

Verbal A

Follow up Community Insight Repository proposal with ELHCP

Meeting on 6 November with ELCP engagement lead.


MA to submit DBS check with AT support. AT to check everybody else’s DBS checks are up to date.

Lesley, Tim and Randal still to complete. A

All Board members to complete the skills audit form.

Circulated with papers. R

RS to report back on the good governance training with Andy Payne.

Verbal A

CE to forward training opportunities through

Training circulated and some members signed up to do Trustee training in November.



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THCVS etc.


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Healthwatch Tower Hamlets Work Programme 2018/19

A. Strategic Context and Relationships – HWTH has a strong understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the local health and social care system, and is valued as a credible stakeholder (lead Chief Executive)Area Project Activity Outcomes Impact Progress



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Strategic Advisory Group

The partner organisations of the HWB engage with Healthwatch to ensure that we: are collaborating; avoiding duplication; and agreeing potential areas of impact. Share community intelligence and agree priorities. Circulate regular community intelligence reports and updates to the SAG and the THT Community Intelligence Network. Report back on the difference that community intelligence has had.

SAG members agree to:HWTH work programmeshare all of their community intelligence in the Healthwatch Community Intelligence Repository.set clear priorities for gathering community intelligence in line with the JSNA.report back to Healthwatch the impact of having community intelligence – what difference has it made. You said, We did.

Strategic partners implement suggested Healthwatch actions and recommendations Strategic partners understand and support the activity and outcomes of our work and facilitate their delivering an impactHealthwatch are able to put the community voice at the heart of health and social care decision making and design.

Fed community insights reports and data to the 3 THT Lifecourse Programme Boards and directly to partners where relevant. Our priority projects have been worked up with:- RLH senior leadership to develop

hospital admin and info priority project.- CCG/GP Fed on project to improve GP

access by expanding GP Online services- Born Well Growing Well Partnership to

develop engagement of young people in designing health and care services.

- LBTH substance misuse and sexual health commissioners and Homeless Partnership Forum on integrated mental and physical health services.

Annual Report and AGM provided feedback on the difference that community intelligence has made. Managing Director of Barts, Director of Public Health and Director of Integrated Care participated in discussion panel on the importance of patient and user involvement in service design. We trained 5 people from the CCG and 16 people from Public Health to use the Community Insights Repository.


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Meeting key decision makers

Regular formal and informal meetings with:Co-Chair and CCG CEOCo-Chair and Barts CECE and RLH Director of NursingCo-Chair and Director of Adults Services LBTHCQC – lead for RLH

Healthwatch flag any issues identified from the Community Intelligence Reports. Agree possible actions or need for further investigation. Partners flag any areas where they feel community intelligence would help to improve services. Highlight any concerns about responses to Healthwatch Recommendations.

Commissioners and providers have early notification of concerns in the community and are able to act quickly. Healthwatch has early notification of key areas of work where they might be able to have an influence by bringing together greater patient voice. Health and social care system responds rapidly to patient concerns. Healthwatch is seen as playing a critical role.

Joint meetings between HWTH Board and CE and the Senior Leadership Team at RLH have led to agreed joint priorities for patient engagement. CQC RLH lead received updated Community Insight Reports.We now sit on all 3 THT Partnership Boards. We presented Community Insights reports to BWGW and Promoting Independence.Co-Chair met with Corporate Director Barts to follow up involvement of Healthwatch within the Barts Charity projects.Met with Barts Chief Nurse Met with RLH Director of NursingHave not met with Director of Adults Services LBTH to follow up our recommendations from the Adults with Care Needs.

Producing Quality Account Statements

Review the quality accounts for Barts, ELFT and LBTH. areas of improvement.

Providers are held to account on the reporting and response to patient and user engagement.

An improvement in the gathering of patient and user experience.An improvement in patient and user experience.

Commented on the LBTH Local Account based on feedback from our Receiving Care at Home Report. Co-Chair currently preparing statement to go at the front of the public facing document.





Healthwatch identifies and supports effective community leaders to represent the findings of our community intelligence

Co-Chairs sit on HWB and HSC. Board member rep on Primary Care Committee. Community Intelligence Analyst on JSNA Group. Board reps on THT Stakeholder Council, STP Community Council. The Board, Patient Leaders, Patient Panel Reps, and other key community representatives receive regular community intelligence trends analysis reports to enable them to take on representative roles effectively.Appropriate training and opportunities to relevant conferences is provided.Review the balance of ‘collaborative partner’ and ‘critical friend’ roles of Healthwatch reps

Record of attendance and participation at boards, committees and groups. (minutes and notes from meetings)Positive feedback from health and social care partners (annual survey)Community Voice at the heart of decision making in HWB and THT.

Community representatives are able to speak authoritatively at decision-making meetings as they have a body of patient experience on which to base their views. Community representatives influence decision making at a wide range of meetings across health and social care. Community representatives are highly valued by stakeholders and frequently sort to sit on decision-making groups. Communities are diving change.Healthwatch Tower Hamlets

is central to developing the HWS and advises the HWB on innovative forms of engagement in its work.

Co-Chairs attended HWB and HSC. Board member rep on Primary Care Committee. Community Intelligence Analyst attended JSNA PMO.

Currently supporting the Patient Leaders as the THT Centre of Excellence develops. Working on how our Community Insights System can be used to provide community representatives from Healthwatch and from partners with quick insights reports prior to decision making and co-production meetings.

Staff and the Co-Chair attended the HWE Conference t learn from other Healthwatch across the country. Highly recommended by HWE for having an impact on health and care at the Network Awards.


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B. Community Voice and Influence - HWTH enables local people to have their views, ideas and concerns represented as part of the commissioning, delivery, re-design and scrutiny of health and social care services. (lead Outreach and Engagement Officer)


Project Activity Outcomes Impact Progress



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Partner promotion

Work with our Tower Hamlets Together partners to promote Healthwatch to their patients, users and staff. HWTH feedback postcards in service provider premises, promotion with PALS and ICAS. Information included in school newsletters, GP practice websites and newsletters, housing associations, info screens at service sites, libraries, one stop shops, faith institutions etc.;Run a targeted campaign to engage people who use home and residential care providers; Use the Locality and social prescribing networks to cascade information through to smaller and informal community groups and to service users;Ensure understanding of HWTH’s role and powers that can be used to help them raise issues regarding service improvement for members/users;Piggyback on events including, ESOL classes, luncheon clubs, play groups, fun days, and social activities;

Increase in the level of feedbackIncrease in the number of people on the HWTH mailing list.Broaden the voices that are being heard through targeting the seldom heard.A majority of residents in Tower Hamlets are aware of Healthwatch Tower Hamlets and what we do Increase in the number of local residents providing their feedback on health and social care servicesIncrease members, volunteers, feedback, and engagement in activities.Local people can see what difference their voice is makingIdentify marginalised and seldom-heard groups and find ways to engage them and gather their views (including, but not restricted to, new residents, refugees, the Somali community, Black African and Caribbean);

Local people feel they are able to hold the health and social care system to account through getting clear responses to concerns raised.are able to access the information that they need, when they need it and in a format that is easily understandable and that allows them to make informed choices.have influenced the health and social care system in a way that has improved outcomes for local people. are involved more by statutory partners in co-designing, commissioning and delivering services.feel that frontline health and social care staff work in a manner that facilitates greater community and self-led support.design, manage and deliver more support programmes themselves.want to get involved in Healthwatch because

Updated the website to include all our latest reports and latest news. Recruited a new volunteer to work with the Outreach and Engagement Officer to further develop our social media profile.

Widely promoted our success at the Healthwatch England Conference and received more feedback on GPs as a result.

Report on the experience of blind and visually impaired residents of using GP Practices was provided to the CCG and the GP Federation for a response.

Healthwatch Young Influencers presented to the THT Born Well Growing Well Partnership Board and are the subject of a film being produced by the CCG.

Planned Enter and View Visits to homeless and substance misuse services.

Supporting patient leaders and user reps to sit on decision making bodies such THT Partnership Boards, JSNA Group, Whole Systems Dataset Group, Primary Care Commissioning Group.

Highlighted the difference that people have made at our AGM through data walls on integrated care and GP Services, the Cancer Film and the Young Influencers.

eBulletin Produce and disseminate widely a monthly ebulletin outlining any difference/success that HWTHs is making/having and

eBulletin template improved and mailing list expanded through outreach and marketing.


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Project Activity Outcomes Impact Progress

opportunities to get involved. Partner engagement activity including surveys etc. What we’ve done, what we’re doing and what are others are doing. Possibly short survey each time.

Local people better understand the health and social care system and use it effectively.

they feel they can make a difference. understand the local complaints system and how to use it effectively.


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Project Activity Outcomes Impact Progress

use the health and social care system more efficiently and effectively The public and VCS use local Healthwatch as a means to put forward their experiences, views, concerns and ideas in relation to improving health and wellbeing in the local community.

Social media Further develop our website and social media presence to ensure effective promotion of information to those who use web-based communication. Work closely with local people to further shape the website, manage and contribute to social media channels and to evaluate online feedback systems; Agree how we will use twitter, Facebook, YouTube and blogs to meet the priorities of HWTH.

Updated the website.

Young people have used Instagram to undertake survey of their peers on engaging young people on health. Used social media to promote the annual report, AGM and our presence at the HWE Conference.

Recruited a new volunteer to work with the Outreach and Engagement Officer to further develop our social media profile. Currently have a shortlist of university graduates who are also interested. Training designed for Board members and will take place before the next Board meeting.

Outreach to gather primary data

Healthwatch produces monthly outreach activity calendar. We review our community insights gaps, our project priorities, partner requests and our profile raising needs to set activity. Outreach programme led by trained volunteers. Outreach includes Ideas Stores, markets/supermarkets, GP Practices, hospitals, children’s centres, community groups, schools and anywhere else that local people gather. We combine promoting Healthwatch with providing information and signposting and intelligence.

We have undertaken 68 outreach sessions to date this year. Our focus in Quarter 2 was in gathering the experience of young people and understanding what would motivate them to engage in designing youth services. They have worked closely with a Senior Service Designer at the Good Things Foundation to develop a prototype for incentivising online engagement from young people. As well as young people we have targeted people with a disability and the visually impaired and blind. We supported the review of changes to GP services through a focus group on online consultation and by interviewing patients re changes to services at Gough Walk Practice.


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Project Activity Outcomes Impact Progress

Your Voice Counts joint community engagement events

Quarterly events (one in each locality per year) linked to the HWB meeting schedule.Focus of outreach programme in lead up to the event - target seldom heard groups within that locality Door to door leafleting close to the venue. THT User and Stakeholder Group agree engagement priorities and the best mechanisms for gathering intelligence. intelligence gathered to be held and shared centrally; Target seldom heard groups and new communities

We gathered feedback from both staff and patients at the Your Voice Counts Event NHS at 70 Tea Party at Mile End Hospital

Annual General Meeting including a:Tower Hamlets influencer’s panel discussion award ceremony for outstanding volunteer. show case of our work and an opportunity for local people to add their voices.Promotion of the youth engagement programme.Presentation of the Annual Report and accountsRe/Election of the Board

Community networks

Promote Healthwatch systematically through promotion on partner organisation websites.Attend community organisation events and activities.Develop information sharing protocols with key VCS group e.g. Social Action for Health, Real, Linkage PlusBuild Your Voice Counts events with local community groups and hard to reach. Include link to our website on their sites. Link to Healthy Communities and Community Cohesion projects.

feedback report to local people on the impact of intelligence opportunities for communities to come together and discuss needs and solutions.Development of community solutions to meeting identified health and wellbeing needs e.g. walking projects.statutory partners enable and facilitate support to be provided through residents, families and communities.improvement in integrated care.Increase membership

stronger communities support the wider determinants of health and improve health outcomes leading to greater resilience and less demand on statutory services. Statutory services are designed with clearer understanding of the needs of local people and services that are not needed are decommissioned.

We have continued to build our relationship with Age UK and Toynbee Hall in gathering the voice of older people. We worked with the Limehouse Project Women’s Project to support the training and work placements for women on their programmes.

We presented the Community Insights Repository to local voluntary and community groups at a THCVS Networking Event and we are scheduled to present to the whole HWB Forum at their meeting in January. Before then we will work with a couple of VCOs to input their monitoring feedback and user feedback into the system. Public Health are working with us to start inputting the Community Insights Network research data collected in the development of Tower Hamlets Plan.


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Project Activity Outcomes Impact Progress

Single community intelligence repositorySecondary Data

Healthwatch collect community intelligence directly through outreach programme, E&V, office and onlineNHS Choices, Patient Opinion, Care Opinion, PALS & Complaints, Social media other partners including THT, HWB and VCS.Healthwatch volunteers code the information against the care pathway on a regular forthrightly basis. (Patient Experience Panel- PEP)All HWB partners use the Healthwatch Repository to store their community intelligence both from individuals and reports. Linked to THT Community Insights Network. Agree data sharing protocol and standard statement to patients (SAG).Regular reports sent to key commissioners and providers including Health Scrutiny and the Health and Wellbeing Board. Quarterly and project reports distributed widely to commissioners, provider and quality assurers.

Healthwatch build an authoritative and effective repository of user voice from across a wide range of local communities particular the seldom heard.

BWGW and Promoting Independence have received Community Insights Reports. We are working with public health to complete Living Well JSNA. Trained 5 people from the CCG and 16 people from Public Health to use the Community Insights Repository CCG Primary Care team are suing the data extensively. Public health are using wide ranging data to input into the life course JSNA reports and into specific needs assessments. Trends Analysis Report and Pain Management Report went to HSSC together with the Annual Report. Pain Management Report sent to Bart. Barts have asked for data on protected characteristics. An introductory session is taking place for Bart’s patient experience and engagement staff in October. We are working with our neighbouring Healthwatch to look at jointly using the CIR to provide patient experience data to Barts as a whole and also to the STP. CQC received all up to date feedback on service experience at RLH prior to their inspection in September. Still need to work with partners to get them to deposit feedback in the Repository.


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Project Activity Outcomes Impact ProgressCo



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A role for everyone

Provide a community volunteering programme including:A co-ordinated and effective recruitment campaign;A well resourced and managed training programme that meets the diverse interests and motivations of volunteers. We will: Provide ways that people can participate that fit their everyday lives;Be clear what type of participation is sought and for what purpose;Develop mentoring and shadowing initiatives within communities and organisations that bring together experienced volunteers and new volunteers; develop partnerships with the local universitiesLet local people know what difference their views have made;Undertake more work across the faith organisations in Tower Hamlets, particularly those that reach new communities, to see if we can set up volunteering programmes within those communities.Advertise volunteering positions with Workpath and other local recruitment agencies. Cover any out of pocket expenses and where we can refer them to opportunities for paid work or volunteer vouchers provided by external organisation’sDevelop a Healthwatch Hub Volunteer Club with regular informal volunteer get togethers offering a chance to share their experience, concerns and lunch.Provide regular induction sessions where individual staff members introduce the volunteer roles

Supporting residents to:identify issues impacting on health and wellbeing that matter to local peoplerecruit other residents who have the energy and passion to make a differencedevelop and lead new ways to improve health and wellbeing locally

Engaging local residents with the work of the Board by hosting an event in each area at least one month prior to our Health and Wellbeing Board meetingsfollowing this up with a further meeting with the public to report back

HWTH research and reports accurately represent the experience and aspirations of local people;HWTH’s insight into local experiences and opinions influences health and social care decision-makers to make changes where appropriate as reported at SAG, HWB, HSC and THT.

Tangible changes can be demonstrated linked to HWTH's evidence, priorities and influencing activity.improved community representatives and representation as recognised by partners.Care pathway coding enables THT to measure improvements in outcomes.

The Summer Youth Volunteers (8 young people) were based at the Hub at RLH for the summer. They formed the Young Influencers and presented their work to the Born Well Growing Well THT Partnership Board.

We have developed project briefs to target university post graduate students who may want to undertake their dissertation work under one of our priority areas. We have had a lot interest and have planned interviews with the applicants.

We presented an award to our star volunteer at the AGM Event recognising his significant contribution to the work of Healthwatch during the year.

Volunteers supported our AGM both in presenting the project information walls and the impact and in running the event.

We are working with the CCG and THT to support local people to take up representative roles within THT. Our Young Influencers presented to the BWGW Partnership Board.

We received a highly commended award at the Healthwatch England Conference for our work on having an impact on GP Practices in Tower Hamlets.


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C. Making a Difference Locally – HWTH formulates views on the standard of health and social care provision and identifies where services need to be improved, by formally or informally collecting the views and experiences of the members of the public who use them; and communicates these to decision-makers, demonstrating clear changes achieved as a result. (lead Community Intelligence Analyst)

Area Project Activity Outcomes Impact Progress









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Trends analysis reports

Trends analysis reports provided on: Royal London Hospital GP ServicesMaternity ServicesCommunity Insights Reports provided to THT workstreams: Born Well Growing WellLiving WellPromoting IndependenceTo support their commissioning decisions and priority setting.

Record of HWTH intelligence and recommendations being presented to and discussed with key decision-makers and groups, including the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Health Scrutiny Sub-committee;Number and proportion of recommendations accepted by decision-makers;Number and proportion of recommendations implemented in the longer termProduction of one case study per quarter demonstrating the influence of HWTH;

HWB and commissioners respond to views presented by HWTH in developing JSNA, HWS and commissioning plans.

HWB and commissioners seek advice of local Healthwatch on improving services and engagement

Trends analysis report provided to Health Scrutiny Sub Committee.

Trends analysis report completed for Q2

Presentation to THT Born Well Growing Well Board by Healthwatch Young Influencers.

16 Public Health Staff trained on using the CIR.

We now attend the JSNA PMO and have fed into:

- Emotional Health & Wellbeing (0-19)

- Drugs and Alcohol (Mar)- Violence- Life course Adults- Life course Children and Young

People- Sexual Health

HWTH intelligence and recommendations presented and discussed at Health Scrutiny Sub-committee and the South West GP Locality meeting.

Asked to present user feedback to Tower Hamlets Drug & Alcohol Treatment Service - Stakeholder Event.


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Area Project Activity Outcomes Impact ProgressRo

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Improving hospital administrative systems and patient information

We have agreed with the RLH Senior Leadership Team to undertake a pilot project in Endoscopy to recruit patients to take part in a service redesign process with an emphasis on improving administration and empowering them through better information. Review use of co-production, co-design, Agile and QI models to undertake the work.

We would recruit the patients through the clinics. Barts would recruit staff. Look at how the system works now and how both staff and patients would design it in the future.

Workshop with 8-10 patients and 8-10 staff.

Proposed co-produced redesign of the endoscopy clinical pathway.Improved patient experience in Endoscopy Fewer DNAsImproved information

Model is used in other areas of the hospital. Expand learning to other clinics, wards and departments. Improved patient experience in all areas of the Royal London Hospital Reduction in bed days.

Agreed Endoscopy project with the Board. Agreed Endoscopy project with Senior Leadership Team at RLH. Working with Barts Engagement Lead and Patient Leaders to do a co-produced service redesign project.




Improving GP services through greater online access

Provide regular trends analyses reports to the CCG/GPs to understand if online access is improving patient experience.

Focus on gathering the views of people aged 25 to 49 who are more likely to adopt online options. Undertake focus groups and workshops to understand needs and expectations and to test developing models e.g algorithms, emails, apps, video, full medical record access.

Staff and patient leaders to participate in CCG/GP quality improvement programme.

Primary Care Commissioning team at the CCG to access CIR and provide triangulated data to the QI programme.

Series of Enter and View visits to early adopter practices to understand the impact. Gather feedback from people not using online as to what would enable them to do so. Understand additional information that could be there or support which could be provided within practices.

GP online consultation models are co-produced and evaluated with patients because of our community intelligence. The CCG/GP Care Group use our community intelligence across their quality improvement projects to assess the impact on improving patient experience. Projects and initiatives that have demonstrated an impact on patient experience can be quickly adopted across the networks. Projects shown not to have an impact can be stopped sooner minimising waste.

Increase in online consultations leads to greater patient satisfaction and a decrease in the demand for face-to-face appointments. Increase in GP time available for people with long-term conditions.Patients understand and utilise the primary and urgent care system more effectively and efficiently, as they understand how to use it and have the right information at the right time to enable them to manage their health and wellbeing.

Received a highly commended award at the Healthwatch England Conference for our work on having an impact on GP Practices in Tower Hamlets.

Conducting a piece of research looking at the various appointment booking systems and processes used by practices across the Borough and comparing that against their patient experience data with a view to making recommendations on how practices could improve patient experience.

Working with GP Care Group and the CCG to increase the number of local people engaged in working with practices, networks and localities to improve services.

Asked to come to the Primary Care Executive Weekly Meeting to discuss taking the projects forward.


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Area Project Activity Outcomes Impact Progress


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Insights from community mental health service users

Enter and View Visits to community settings where we feel that it would appropriate and effective to talk to users. E.g. this might be ok at community support group venues but not appropriate directly after therapy.

Undertake focus groups in community settings e.g. Look Ahead user group, Inspire groups to talk to people about the variety of support they may receive in the community including CMHT.

Number of comments gathered from mental health users. Number of workshops. SignpostingReport on the community insights from mental health users of community based services.Recommendations on how community health services could be improved.

Improved community mental health services.

Undertaking Enter and View visits to six providers of services aimed at meeting the needs of the homeless and/or substance misusers. This is both to understand how users experience the service and also to gain their insight on how support could be improved. It will also feed into a wider piece of work we are conducting into how well services work together to support people with physical and mental health needs.


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Area Project Activity Outcomes Impact Progress


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The Young Influencers will develop and test their own mechanisms for engaging and gathering insights of young people in Tower Hamlets. These mechanisms could include, but are not limited to Social media platforms Messaging Platforms Online and in-person polls Videos Face/phone interviews Focus groups & workshops.

Young Influencers will also consider the following factors Youth representation on local decision

making bodies What they would expect in return for their

feedback from commissioners and providers and how this could be mechanised.

Research on the potential of a reward scheme, loyalty card or credits that young people would earn in return for their insights

A strategic framework that provides mechanisms (both digital and face-to-face) for engaging youth in Tower Hamlets, to be completed by October 2018.

Potential framework for the implementation of a reward scheme, which would incentivise young people to give insight into their health and care.

100 young people engaged in the community as a result of YI testing different engagement mechanisms

Insights into the needs of youth in Tower Hamlets, and therefore the ability to assist in improvements in the commissioning, design and delivery of health services.

Further 500 youth engaged because of Young Influencers strategic plan.

Long-term empowerment of young people to feel ownership over their own health.

Tackle youth disengagement and isolation by enabling them to actively engage in improving youth wellbeing and their community.

Allow public, community and potentially private sector organisations to gain data insights and feedback on young people’s views on the design, delivery, provision and evaluation of a service or product

Young Influencers presented to BWGW and are taking part in a filming project for CCG.

We were successful in our bid to NHS England Digital Inclusion for 50K to develop the project. Working with the Good Things Foundation to develop a prototype and will start testing concepts in November with Stepney Boys and Mulberry Schools.

Developing a longer term funding plan.


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D. Informing People – HWTH provides information about local health and social care services to the public. (Engagement and Outreach Officer and Finance and Info Officer)

Area Project Activity Outcomes Impact Progress


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We aim to link our directory and feedback to the THT single point of access the Public Facing Patient Tower Hamlets Choices. This will mean lobbying the GP Care Group and THT to include the Healthwatch widget on the various provider sections of the site. We also want to place our widget on as many of the provider’s sites as possible. By giving them access to the ammonised feedback left on the site, we think this will be an attractive offer. HWTHs added value to a signposting and information function will be:involving local people in the design of the

SPA, assess whether it is community friendly, providing ongoing monitoring feedback, noting problems as it’s rolled out;

making sure we are driving traffic to the SPA. Develop a pool of skilled volunteers that can go out into the community with tablets to actively take people through how to access and make the most of the SPA/website. We will train our volunteers to train other residents to use the system. This will also allow us to identify any gaps or problems and report back to the providers to improve the system. Residents will also be able to drop into the Hub to access the internet with volunteer and staff support;Supporting people to access the complaints process and advocacy support where needed and using their feedback to add to our community intelligence; Acting as a point of contact for information and signposting enquiries by telephone, via website, email, text, post and in person by local residents; recording the details of enquiries, including follow-up provided and input them into the Healthwatch Information System;provide reports on the nature of the signposting activity, identify gaps in information relating to health and social care services, suggestions for information improvement.

300 local people receive signposting and information.Satisfaction feedback from those requesting information.Number and proportion of information requests successfully answered or signposted to another service. Volume of traffic on Healthwatch Tower Hamlets Directory and Feedback Centre.

Local people are able to access the services that they need to manage their health and wellbeing and to live as independently as possible.

Local people are able to hold services to account and to raise issues and complaints appropriately.

The information on partner organisation sites is useful to and understandable for local people.

We signposted 60 people this quarter and had 5874 searches for information on our website. These are being analysed and a report produced to allow us to report to providers and to adapt our website to signpost local people more rapidly to other information sites where appropriate.

As outlined above our key focus now is to more effectively intertwine our website feedback into partner sites.


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E. Relationship with Healthwatch England and Care Quality Commission HWTH works with Healthwatch England and the Care Quality Commission to enable people’s experiences to influence national commissioning, delivery, monitoring, and the re-design of health and social care services. (Chief Executive)

Key Outcomes: HWTH is better-informed as a result of learning from other local Healthwatch;HWTH benefits from advice and feedback from Healthwatch England;The experience of local peoples informs Healthwatch England’s view; andHealthwatch England, and where necessary the Care Quality Commission, are aware of and act upon local concerns.

Area Project Activity Outcomes Impact Progress

Healthwatch England

Provide HWE with quarterly Trends analysisCommunity Insight ReportsEnter and View ReportsImpact Reports

HWTH is better-informed as a result of learning from other local Healthwatch;HWTH benefits from advice and feedback from Healthwatch England;The experience of local peoples informs Healthwatch England’s view; Healthwatch England are aware of and act upon local concerns.

Healthwatch Tower Hamlets is able to influence national health and social care programmes for the benefit of local residents.

Received a highly commended award at the Healthwatch England Conference for our work on having an impact on GP Practices in Tower Hamlets. We presented at two sessions at the conference. One as a showcase of the awards and a longer session on the impact of using robust community insights to improve services.


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Care Quality Commission

Provide CQC with all of our community intelligence reports

Community intelligence provides guidance for CQC Inspections Able to identify any user concerns and raise within reports and seek an improvement plan that can be monitoredCare Quality Commission, are aware of and act upon local concernsHWTH mentioned in CQC reports

We were asked by the CQC to help them with their inspection of the RLH. Four Healthwatch members accompanied the CQC team to gather the patient perspective.

Local Healthwatch

Work in close partnership with the other local Healthwatch under the East London Health and Care Partnership (STP) Seek best practice examples from other local Healthwatch Maximise HWE national branding and communication and link to national campaigns

We have instigated a joint project with neighbouring Healthwatch to expand the Community Insights Repository to cover the Barts patch with the intention to expand to STP area.

Others Circulate our community insight reports to other regulators such as General Medical Council, Nursing and Midwifery Council, NHS Improvement.

Annual Report circulated to all of our stakeholders.


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Income generation 2018/19  

Repository (CCG/Public Health)  4,000

Patient leaders (CCG) 5,000

Healthwatch Newcastle (NHS England) 2,610

Good Things Foundation (NHS England) 50,000