Machinists Assn. Elects Next Year's Officers Officers for 1960 WI"N: reeently elected by tbe International AuG- elation of M:achlnista. Re-elected to the pre,ldeney w.. David PelT)', 8lI Graydon Newkirk ..... named presldenL Serville for their tifth and ,ixth consecutive termJ, res· pectively, will be Edward Braham. reeordlnl' teeretary, and JulllU Jenlelt, financial secretary. The new treuurer II Frank DrliI'er, Conductor Is Jacob Mark- er and f're.edy Bowlin WB..l.i ,elected lUI lentlnel for his second term, carroll Frick W811 ele<:ted a trustc!\" to lerve for a three-year term. Remalll1n. tru,tee. are Dan· lei Sweeney, Yet to II\"rve one year, and Everett Moberly, two years. VTO Craft Patent Issued VX-5 Exec. Cdr. Dale Cox, Exeeutlve Officer or YX-ll, last week received notice that Unite<! States Patent No, 2,913,196 has been J"l'anted for hili vertical take-off perlOnnel carrier. Conceived while Cox waJ servinI' .. a project pilot for Project AROWA, the Navy'. Jet Stream I't'Iftreh procram, the craft W8lI deslaned to provide an emerlt!ncy landln&' capability for VTO a1r- eraft. and .. well. provide a novel method of .tability and control The body of the onl\"·man craft. 9 feet Ion. and 4 wldl", serves u an airfoil. The pilot, ltandlnl', achieves Itability and control by variance of the center of Il could be, says Ita Inventor, pow- ered by either reclprocatln&, en- <Continued on P.ge 4> Decembe, 18. 1959 R. L. Rockwell Wins Rotary fellowship For Study Abroad Robert L. Rockwell, 2.... Physicist working under the Professional velopment Program in the Assessment Division of Test Department, has been award- ed a Rotary Foundation Fel- lowship for International Understanding for study abroad during the 1960-61 academic year where he will continue to study physics in preparation for a career in that field. Spol\.lOred by Rotary ai, a world-wide lervlce club canluUon, Rockwell wu one 01 121 outatandlnc (1'Bduate Itudl\"nll from n countl1ft to receive this hoDor. Seven of the total are from CalI- fornlL Realde.nt Si.nee UI6t Hls father, FIo)'d E. 1\oclnIrelt. KAlntenanee Seheduler In Publle Worn Department. brouCbt hbI family to O1lna Lake In January, 19ro, from Portsmouth, N.H. Robert ,tarted his fl't'Shman year at Bur- rou,b' Hlrh that year and (1'Bd- lIated In June, 19M, During hll llenlor year, be re- ceived tbe Bank of America Award for MathematlCl and W&l Captain of the Burl'Oll football team, He re- ceived an auoelate In aN decree In 11M from Bakel"lfleld College, then returned to NOTS for one year to 1V'Ork in Test Department while he exmUllued hbI mdle. tbrou.b HarIfoy E. 1'Ulltt the UCLA. E:xtenIlon PJ"OCr&I'Il. He ••• AMooel&l:e for DevelopmeDt then attended the UlI1vcl"llty of Since his first year at r-;'OTS, California In Berkeley where he re- Purodena In 19d, Huley E. 'nl- (Continued 08 Pqe 4) IItt hu held PG*itlOlll at KOTS, 1 __...:.:.:-...: .... : .... :.__...:. _ China .. Head of the Roe- leareh Department ())mputation Branch for 8 Yl\"ar.t and two years AI Head of the llathematlCl DlvI- ,Ion. In 1957, he traDlferred to the Te.t Department to Head the M- leMment Division. Tlllitt earned hll Bachelor'S de,ree from the University of Red· landt and hia Muter'l dl"l'rt:e from Claremont Collel'e. DurinI' the In- tervenlnr )'I"al"l before comine to NOT'S, he bal served .. phyalca In- structor for the Army', Air Corps Pilot School In Santa Ana, and worked on the Manhattan Project with the Unh.-.ralty of California Radiation Lab at Berkeley and Oak Ridlre from 1M2 to 110&&. In l&U.. T'Illitt reprftented NOTS at the lntl"rnaUonal Om..-ress on Automation in Madrid, Spain. Last lummer, he attended the Interna, tlonal Conference on Information Proceulng held In Paris, France. in front of the AII·F.ith Chepel. Next Edition-Jan. 8 edition of the Roc:k. e.leer "ill be t.he lMl unlli Frl- da¥, Janua17 So 1980. The Staff extendll ctuutm.. gTttdnp and belit wlshf!8 for the New \'\"tI.r 10 ..u Its readen.. E. (Bill) "ore •• , /uIMClate fer OperaUoM FoIlowlnr three year. In hls flm poeIUon at NOT'S, Chlna Lake ,tart!nC In 1M4I AI Electronic En- Jineer with the Es:terlor BalIi1Ues Branch of Reaean:b Department, Willi' E. Vore transferred to the E1eetronlCl Countenneuurel Sec- tion of the Innrument Operatiom DhtJ..ion In Telt Dl"panment In 1a41l. In 19:11, he wal named Project Enllneer for Countermeasurel un- til 19:103 when he was appointed a. Chairman of the Bureau of Ord- nance Evaluallon Committees on Terrier and Sldewindl"r for the Project Enrlneerlnl Dhislon. S1nt'll Vore hal been Head of Project EnJineerinc DlvIIlon. He ls a rraduate of Wiuenbert Col- lege, Sprlll&1leld, Ohio. with a Bacbelor', desree In mathematles, DurinC the first nine montht of his tour of dUty with the U.s. Navy In 19U, Vore attended Harvard', Pre· radar School and the MIT Radar SChool. From UH4 to 1946 he lerved .. Radar Officer on the Staff of OImCruDeaPac, Test Department Names Associates To Help Administer Broad Program Due to the increasing complexity and diversity of the operational and mental areas of the Test Department, two new positions have been created and became effective on December 7, With the establishment of the two billets, Dr. Ivar E. High- berg, Head of Test Department, will be assisted by an Associate for Development and an Associate for Operations. Selected from Test Department to fill these posts are: WiI- II.- E. <BIIIl Vore, Head ot the Pro· }eet Enclneerinc DIvision lUI Aao- elate Department Head for Opera- tiOOl; and Hariey E. Tillilt, Head of the AalfeQment Division, .. A,a.. 'ociate Departml"nt Head for [)e- velopmenL In his new poaItlon .. AssocIate for Operatiol\l, Vore will be re- sponsible for the overall operation- al 8lIpert of !be department test ranl'e. Including projed pLannlnC, Itlhedullnl', provldlnl' optical and electronic Instrumentation, a II. d reoommendlnl nec:e&lary dl"yelop- ment and modlfleatlons to acoom· pU.h weaponl 'ytLem", testinl', k .usoelAte for Development, TlIlltt will be re,polUlible for the planainc, applied re_rch and dl"- velopment of tftt facllitit'JI, mentation and data 8IIeUDIent capabllltle. n-.ry to meet the requiremenLi of pre&l\"nt and future weapon l7.tems testa. No one hu been appointed yet to fill the va· ant Division Head lIOI'itiOflJ. 1'e:lIt OI'plrlment, the Largest technical department at the U.s. Naval Ordnance Telt Station with Ita compll"ffient of 560 penonncl, It concerned with the rigorous func- Ilon of tutlnl' and evaluating ",Id- e<! migUCI, roekeLl, project.Ile1, and their componenLi and related equipment; alrcran componentJ, developing and operating ground and track rBnlel, and il\5trument sy.tems; de,.-.Ioplng methoch of teJtinl' and evaluatin&, ordnance componenU: and coordinatinr Iu t8lJt and e\ .... uaUon fllD.ctlons with related acthilles ellewhere. Tenants Reminded to Serve Vacate Notice According to StaUon reg· uLations, a fh'e-day written notice II required In advance when plan- ninl' to vaeate either family or slnl'le Stallon hOQlnl', Forml for thil purpoae are availabll\" at tbe Hou.s(n. Office., If lhe fh'e-oa,' notice. 1I0t g"l\'l"n a of da) .. rent "'ill be \Vhl"rry resldentl must Ch'l" a 30- day advance notice of Intent to va· cate to the Whl"rry Office or be responsible ror thl" rent within the notlcl" period unless a new tenant II aUlaned. For furthl"r Infonnatlon, eall thl" Hou,inC Aulgnment Section, Ext. Improved 'Bullpup' Slated for Fleet Use Washlnlton <AFl'S) - A more dcadly version of the alr·to-,urfaee tactical I'ulded ml..Ue BulJpup 11 now In production and wlll .aon be operational, the Na\'Y hal an, nounced, Delcrlbed .. "more lethal" than Bullpups now In with the fleet, the Improved milslle hal a prepa.ekared liquid fuel motor, re- placln. the present IOlld fuel type. It also h .. a more powerful war- bead and an Improved plda.nee I)'stem, the Navy laid. Althoulh the Bullpup hal been .. ",Iall\'ely IneJtpensive mlaUe from the beJinnlnl', officlall .ald the new version will cost considerably Ie.. than earlier modela. The mlulJe Is 11 fl"et lonl' and wel,ht :171 pounds, Station Recreation frogramAnalyzed ROCKETEER Southwest District GaTT, (OITOR PHONES 713''', 72012, 71655 OFfiCE, HOUSING BLDG" TOP DECK sentative of the National U, S, Naval Ordnance Test Station Recreation Association, Vol. XV. No. 50 China Lake, California ed China Ltke wt week in response to the Command's request that he help to estab- lish sound policies for future recreation plannin2". The NRA Is one or the (nlUp" which were ineluded in this year'1 United Fund eampalp for fundI. Collier', .ervleel are provided to both elvillan and military commu· nltlel In California, Utah, Artlon&, Nevada, and HawaII, RelaUnl' to the recreation pro- I'ram at NOTS, Collier reported he WM amued at the number of clubl and ortanlzationa that have been ntabllshed here, ,fob He ..Id that Ohina Lake I. doin.- all. job 18 pro\idiDJ Illreaeh tllne tpedalln- "",,"I I"oupa. t::'.cklubledly, Collie!' _lInuec!, tbJ5 Station IN-cis moM ehlllan 8lKI miUtary thrOUl"bout t.he Munt.." in this kInd of pro- He w.. allO ImpreMe<1 with the reereatlonal facillUe. wblcb are available to all penonnel and praised the close worklnl' relaUon- Ihlp 01 milltary and ch'lIIan em- plo)'eel, Some ballc principles were point- ed out by Collier when ..ked for recommended ruidellne. for .erv· Ice charre. for uae of recreation facllllle.. '"It "'Important," he aJd. "'In Mn· IJderaUon of the quaUon of f_ and lervlce ebarces to keep In mind (ConUnued on Pap.) December 18. 1959. , •• .INn Cone and JSRA' .Ioho c.llier disnl our pre- g"ranl. (roUPI be ch'en a daotee of altem.a. ti\'t'&. Sune.ted alternatlvel for theM adult orranlzatlOlU were: to .r junior youth procrams, donate volunteer service. to the eltlJtlnl' recreallon prol'ram, or lpaRior community service activity. By this meant, the present pro,ralll could be expanded and enriched and the community would derive the reet benefill. Adoption Of these and other rec:- ommendatlom by Collier are under Mralderatlon by thl" OImmand. Appllcallon Here In applylnl thne princlpletl to the situation at China Coiller luggested that In lieu of ebara;ft for ,peclal lervieel and prlvllea:e. for use of our reel't'6tion faclllUel that lpeclal and hobby (ContinUed from Pa,e 1) the fact that Station reereatlon 11 not a busine.. or public utility, •, It is a publ\e lervice to meet one of the balc buman and aoclal needI of our day," Value Uetl [n Sen'k:e "Tbe value of a reereatlon p cram li.. In lUI .enice to the po- pie., not Iu Income-prochM:ln, Ity," the recreation authority ........... 'There are Instanct'l In whl. I lervlce charCetl are warranted," he continued, "to help defray expenlel for lpeelal lervlct'l or prlvllel'es, to ...1It wltb dl,dpHne and control of a prolram, And to promote ,reater Interest and appreciation of a pro- Iram." December Artist·of·the·Month WAT":UOOLOIIiST-Marln I'eck, wife of !'o'AF'll Admini tralh'e Office.r, LC'dr, &ott E, Peck, "r" and mother of three, bas beell lielected 88 Artl!oI-of·t1w·Monlh b)' the De!>l"rl Art On ell:hlbit at the Station Llbrar)' are Ilille her fa\'oritl' medium. and t..wo oils. \\oIl'S. I'«k, \1 ho Il"ache!l Spa"iolh al lion roe School, graduated fronl a con"ent In :\If'\:ko ell)' and continues her art lludi witb fronl Pat Cox, a"arc! wlnnine local artl§t. AAUW Plans Tea For Senior Girls lJlembeu of the local cbaptl"r ot the American A.ssoelation of Unl· versity \Vomen ar1! holdlnl' a Chrlstm.. Holiday Tea from 3 to :I p.m. on December 22 In the home of Mar)' Hlghbera;, :i01 Essex Cir- cle, The event Is planned to advise tenlor hll'h tebool a:irls who plan to '0 on to coUegl". CoHere glr1l who will be home for the holidays are Invltcod to attend, , HOWArd Auld has been named to head the Plan- nlnc and Ellti- 'matin&, Branch. In his new poei· tlon. Auld will be respol\lible for plannlnl' a major 1I0rtlon of all Public Works shop effort, much of which Is gen- erated by \Vork every department THE ROCKETEER Ho\\-ard Auld ReqUelU; from on the Station, He w .. fir't employed lUI an electrician and Will promoted In 19:10 to the Planninl and ElItlmat- Ing Branch. Gerald Ra)' has been namcod to head the Inspe(.· Lion Branch for Service ContractJ and Housina:: He· babllltation - a toni title and a bll job. In tbls pa.iti<ln, Ray will administer the reno"allon of all vacant boulllll on thl" Station. Gf'ruld lla)' He will also be responsible for the refuse disposal and janitorial ser- vice contracts. He first worked as a carpentf'r Ind was later promoted to In.peet· or of Public 'Yorks Structurell In 11M, leading up to his latest pro- motion. Public Works lists New Branch Heads Two Public Workt Dc:-panment men, cmplo)'ees at NOT'S lince 1946, were promoted to head two Branches of the department lut week, Cdr. Selden N. May' Richard Tucker to Sing in Leaves to Command Second Concert of Season Big Regulus I Unit Acclaimed by m:IOY as the 1 . greatest of all tenors, Rithard . Duty as co":,mandmg.o,£- Tucker of the Metropolitan flcer of G UIde d MIssile Opera Association, now at Squadron Two,. the top of his luminous ca- Roads, Pueno RICO, awatts reec. will be the featured ac- Cdr. Selden N. May, who de- rist at the second NOTS Civ- parts the Station today. ic Concert of the season on May wm take over hll command, J 8 1960 8 11 . a Rq:uJus [ and Drone lM!n-ice an.. at: p.m. In &"fOUp, on February 10. 1geO. the Station Theatre. HI.t I'lt'w command I, comprlsed Concert .. oeT'S ('\'erywhere Ire re- of 32 otrlce.... 310 enlilt.ed mea llIId warded bil;bly with Tucker's faull- 20 alreraft. leu Iyrlcl.tm. wide ranee and com- Reporting to Obina Lake In 0<:- pelllnc power. He b n"prded .. tober, M8,)' .erved .. Officer the fine.t "ItAlian" tenor In the •,, 10 J'I\'e .Ian. 8 In Charge of Guided Mlalle Unit 61 world today, appeaUnl" to aU taaW I =;- -'---:- _ ul)tll the completion of III mission and all people, R brou,ht about diR,tabllshment of "Richard Tucker lhould be heard ecrea Ion ... the noted Sidewinder development by .. many people as poulble," commented a Sprinrtleld, Illinol., N:vlewer, "He I.- IKImcthlnr Amer- Ica can be proud ot! .. Debut In 1945 Tucker bepn bis calffr by uk· Inr voice le.-ons from the famOUR old-time Wapl"rian tenor, the late Paul AlthOUR. For the nest few yeara. be stalked bbl 108.1 with pe.. tienee, enl\"rcY, and art..lsUe devoUon, and, In lllU, be WQ audlUoned at the Metropolitan. He made hbl de- but a year Iatil"r In the slamn,. roll\", Enzo, In ''La Gldeonda" and became the senaatlon of the seuon. Pro,",,,,, His China Lakl\" concert wlll In- elude: "If With All Your Hearts" from Ell j ah by MendelPohn: "Sound An Alarm" from Jud .. Mac- cabaeu, by Handel; "An die ),fuslk" and "Rutloee Lil"be" b)' Schubert: "Wle Bllt Do, lIeine KonlJin" and "WleFroh und FriBeh" by Brahama: and .. Addlo Alia Madre" from Ca- vanerta RUllUcana by Malcq:nl Durin&' Intermission. hls plano aec:ompanllt Erwin 3a.pe will pi.,. ..Jeux d'Eau" by Ravl\"l and "Rondo Brillante" by Weber. The portion of the eonee.rt will Inelude: "When] Brll\C' to You Colour'd ToY''' b)' ''The Abbot of Derry" by WI\"8Ver; "How Do I u:we Thee!'" b)' Uppe; and "Mld,ummer" by Worlh; "Le Ma- nair de Roaamonde" by Duparc; "Tel Yeux" by Rabey: "Flower Sonl" from Carmen by Blul: and Neapolitan Son.. from "Sorrento," ''Dieilenet'1I0 Vuie" by Falvo and "Mamma Alia Che Vorupc" by Nu- tile, Cdr, klen (nlup Jalt June. He hal Iinee held the p<*. of Guided lliIsUe Project Oflleer for the Na\'ai Air Facility. Flrlnl mort' than eo Sidewlndel"l here, Cdr. Ma)' hal been called the leadln. Navy pilot In experience with the mialle. 1\0,'0 of hill more memorable flIl'hli took Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Arlelgh A. Burke and Bureau of Ordnance Chief Admiral Paul D, Stroop aloft for firing demonstrations, The pilot'. Puerto Rican duty will reacquaint him with tbe Rel'ulu, ml.. lle, Prior to ",portlnr here, he lerved .., Executive Officer of GMGRU-I at Barbers Point. Ha- walt. durlnl' evaluation of that mIs-. Ille. If it's News Call the Rocketeer Ext. 71354, 71655, 72082 Credit Union Chan'jes Hours of Operation Beginning Monday, January 4. 1960, hours of buslnea of the NOTS Federal Employees Credit Union will be from ] I a.m. to p.m., Monday throulh }o'rlda)'. IBM 709, Fastest, Newest Computer, Speeds Work Here Installed this week in the northeast wing of M.ichelson Ltboratory is one of the lat- est in a series of electronic wonders designed to speed re- search. development, and testing at NOTS. This is the IBM Electronic Data Pro- cessing Machine, Type 709, to be utilized by Test De- partment's Data Computa- tion Branch, Not only operatlnc more rapidly I ,.; ..... ;'" __..1o.l'"__... __ than lUi predeceAOra. the 109 com- puter abo pennltl more \'ersatlle application. For example, by use of a flIrht-aimulation technique, char· acterUUCI of a milsile, such .. weight and ahape, can be mathe- matiCllIy rdated dlreeUy to their effect upon the ml.alle', flIlhl ArIthmetic and control function! are 8CC(Unl)llshed by tbe Central l'roceMing Unil, the hN-rt of the 709, ,\lO!it IRlilruelio"... Ilicludine additlon and require only U milliOlltb! of " bCcolid for execution, l\lore tban 186 arithme- lie, deeiJ;ion·maklnK and control 111_ Itrue:tion. are a\'allable to tbe pro· (rammer, The 708'1 Mqnetlc Core Storace Unit ball: an extremely lara;e capa· elty for Itorlnr data and instruc- Uon.l. Ovt-r 32,000 "words" of ator- ace, equivalent to O\'er 327,000 deel· mal digiu of storare. enable inter- nal high-speed handlinc of the mc»t eomplex and voluminous problemL FIolit Action Subfjldiary Inpuwutput un It. pour infonnatlon Into tbe compu· ter'lj memory and take out the an- 'wers. The Input data to the computel' b)' "'a)' of punched cards (ZM per minute) or magnellc tape (%,.500 numberli per lleeond), 'l"be output. unlb dllipen!ie resulb from the computer b)' wa)' of print- ed an!iwen 1150 line» Pl"r minute), punched r.:anIs U" card' per min· ute) or ID8I'neUc tape Dum· tie,.. per _ndl. The new Data Syncbroni:cer 01 the 709 make. It poalble that ftC- 0nU: of information may be read and written wblle computations aN: belnc performed-all at the same Urn•. A special number )'stem (leMllil.s !be colllputer to opentte elfl· dellll)', In thi, "blnar)'" all deelmul number!f are rl"ll,,-"fed b)' of Ihe dillts "0" and "I." Thus, tile 109 ean M'pre!K'nt Itny numerical ,'alue merel)' by turning It.! componl"nts off for "0" and on for "I." The Itcady Increase In mathemat- leal computation at r\'OTS required installation of tile lBY eotnputer to rt'plaee the 'kJwer, leu ,'ersatile IBM 7Ot. VTO ... OOlU'L"Tt:R-\"lrlh:lia I'roehl, Data Oomputallon Branch, pointll out the cOJU(lle of the nUl 709 Compulcr rettlltI)· iru;;talled In lUichel80n Lab for U!ie In data analY'1a by the Test Department. It. L. ltockwcU Dee to be IUbmitted by the 10eaJ Rotary Cub but the flnt ful finalilt. Candidates must be alDJle, be- tll'e\"n 20 and 21 Yl\"ars old, ha\'ll a eoUece or unln'ralty decree, a hlah acbolutlc record, and a t.borou,h knowledge of the language of the eoun{ry In which they wish to .udy, They mUit he able to make fricnds eBIlly, be vitally Intcrested tn world a((all"l, and ha\'1" Ieadcr- Ibip ablllty, Rockwell speakl Ger- man fluently and bopeR to be ac. cepted In a university In SWIt%er- land. Uonor Student At Bake.rlflekt Collele, he was a tpembe:r of the American Aasoela- tion of EI\C'Inee.rs and the EnJi· Deel"l bowllnl' team. At the Unl· '",l'5ity of California. he was a ml"mber of the Honor Student. So- del.,. and manaler of Wblte Shin_ gies, a men'. residence baiL 1 He \lo'llS elected to Phi Bela Kappa, DIll. tional acholuUc honor lIOeiety. Since ,raduatlon, he has become a IDl"mber of the Soelet)' of Photo- graphic lnltrumentatlon EnClneera. tbe Astronomical Soclet)' or China Lakc, and the local Toastmasters -Club. (ContinUed from 1> glnea. turbo-prop or pure jeLL Accordin. to Cox, one of the ad- 'van tares of his machine iI IU .ability to take-off or lind In a limited area. It II abo eapabk of beml landed hortzontall)' on tKI<u: pro\'ided on the fUllilage if enl'lnl' failuN: were to be encountered In nrtlcal f11lht. Cdr. Cox, on board the Station since April, J967, made fIlJht his- tory durin&, a tour of dut)' at the Naval Air Tett Center, Patuxent RI"cr, Md. Upon reportln, to China Lake, he held two tranteon- tlnl"ntal ,peed TI\"eOrds made In an .A3D-l "SkyIl'Rrrior," round-trip, Lo3 York fliCht. Page Four Fellowship ... (ContinUed from Pal'e l) eel \'ed a baebelol OJ arb del"ree in .""'. __I Kotar)' SpoIlWFS Rockwell .... recommended for the feUowship by the China lAke Rotary Club. The 1e1ectlon com- mittee coDlllted of Kenneth H, RobllllOn. chairman; Leste:r Gar- IlU\n; William Duarte, Rldl'ecre-st; and Robert Sherman, Trona, After hls .ele<:tlon out of a field of l:i boys, he then competed with .eleetees from fO Rotary Cluba In DIstrict an area within Oxnard, Paso Roblee, MOllO Bay and China Lake, Rockwell 11 the third noml-

B~o~~1.A~~~~r~!!ficl'':ffi~~::;~~~~E~~~~~~ · DhtJ..ion In Telt Dl"panment In ... mentation and data 8IIeUDIent ... technical department at the U.s. Naval Ordnance Telt Station with

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Page 1: B~o~~1.A~~~~r~!!ficl'':ffi~~::;~~~~E~~~~~~ · DhtJ..ion In Telt Dl"panment In ... mentation and data 8IIeUDIent ... technical department at the U.s. Naval Ordnance Telt Station with

Machinists Assn. ElectsNext Year's Officers

Officers for 1960 WI"N: reeentlyelected by tbe International AuG­elation of M:achlnista. Re-elected tothe pre,ldeney w.. David PelT)', 8lI

Graydon Newkirk ..... named vi~­

presldenL Serville for their tifthand ,ixth consecutive termJ, res·pectively, will be Edward Braham.reeordlnl' teeretary, and JulllUJenlelt, financial secretary.

The new treuurer II FrankDrliI'er, Conductor Is Jacob Mark­er and f're.edy Bowlin WB..l.i ,electedlUI lentlnel for his second term,

carroll Frick W811 ele<:ted atrustc!\" to lerve for a three-yearterm. Remalll1n. tru,tee. are Dan·lei Sweeney, Yet to II\"rve one year,and Everett Moberly, two years.

VTO Craft PatentIssued VX-5 Exec.

Cdr. Dale Cox, Exeeutlve Officeror YX-ll, last week received noticethat Unite<! States Patent No,2,913,196 has been J"l'anted for hilivertical take-off perlOnnel carrier.Conceived while Cox waJ servinI'.. a project pilot for ProjectAROWA, the Navy'. Jet StreamI't'Iftreh procram, the craft W8lI

deslaned to provide an emerlt!ncylandln&' capability for VTO a1r­eraft. and .. well. provide a novelmethod of .tability and control

The body of the onl\"·man craft.9 feet Ion. and 4 f~t wldl", servesu an airfoil. The pilot, ltandlnl',achieves Itability and control byvariance of the center of ~ravlty.

Il could be, says Ita Inventor, pow­ered by either reclprocatln&, en­

<Continued on P.ge 4>

Decembe, 18. 1959

R. L. Rockwell WinsRotary fellowshipFor Study Abroad

Robert L. Rockwell, 2....~year~old Physicist workingunder the Professional De~

velopment Program in theAssessment Division of TestDepartment, has been award­ed a Rotary Foundation Fel­lowship for InternationalUnderstanding for studyabroad during the 1960-61academic year where he willcontinue to study physics inpreparation for a career inthat field.

Spol\.lOred by Rotary JnternaUon~

ai, a world-wide lervlce club or~

canluUon, Rockwell wu one 01 121outatandlnc (1'Bduate Itudl\"nll fromn countl1ft to receive this hoDor.Seven of the total are from CalI­fornlL

Realde.nt Si.nee UI6tHls father, FIo)'d E. 1\oclnIrelt.

KAlntenanee Seheduler In PublleWorn Department. brouCbt hbIfamily to O1lna Lake In January,19ro, from Portsmouth, N.H. Robert,tarted his fl't'Shman year at Bur­rou,b' Hlrh that year and (1'Bd­lIated In June, 19M,

During hll llenlor year, be re­ceived tbe Bank of America Awardfor MathematlCl and W&l Captainof the Burl'Oll football team, He re­ceived an auoelate In aN decreeIn 11M from Bakel"lfleld College,then returned to NOTS for one yearto 1V'Ork in Test Department whilehe exmUllued hbI mdle. tbrou.b

HarIfoy E. 1'Ulltt the UCLA. E:xtenIlon PJ"OCr&I'Il. He••• AMooel&l:e for DevelopmeDt then attended the UlI1vcl"llty ofSince his first year at r-;'OTS, California In Berkeley where he re-

Purodena In 19d, Huley E. 'nl- (Continued 08 Pqe 4)IItt hu held PG*itlOlll at KOTS, 1__...:.:.:-...:....:....:.__...:. _China ~e .. Head of the Roe­leareh Department ())mputationBranch for 8 Yl\"ar.t and two yearsAI Head of the llathematlCl DlvI­,Ion. In 1957, he traDlferred to theTe.t Department to Head the M­leMment Division.

Tlllitt earned hll Bachelor'Sde,ree from the University of Red·landt and hia Muter'l dl"l'rt:e fromClaremont Collel'e. DurinI' the In­tervenlnr )'I"al"l before comine toNOT'S, he bal served .. phyalca In­structor for the Army', Air CorpsPilot School In Santa Ana, andworked on the Manhattan Projectwith the Unh.-.ralty of CaliforniaRadiation Lab at Berkeley and OakRidlre from 1M2 to 110&&.

In l&U.. T'Illitt reprftented NOTSat the lntl"rnaUonal Om..-ress onAutomation in Madrid, Spain. Lastlummer, he attended the Interna,tlonal Conference on InformationProceulng held In Paris, France.

in front of the AII·F.ith Chepel.

Next Edition-Jan. 8TedaJ~!1 edition of the Roc:k.

e.leer "ill be t.he lMl unlli Frl­da¥, Janua17 So 1980.

The Staff extendll ctuutm..~gTttdnp and belit wlshf!8 for theNew \'\"tI.r 10 ..u Its readen..

Wi~ E. (Bill) "ore•• , /uIMClate fer OperaUoM

FoIlowlnr three year. In hls flmpoeIUon at NOT'S, Chlna Lake,tart!nC In 1M4I AI Electronic En­Jineer with the Es:terlor BalIi1UesBranch of Reaean:b Department,Willi' E. Vore transferred to theE1eetronlCl Countenneuurel Sec­tion of the Innrument OperatiomDhtJ..ion In Telt Dl"panment In1a41l.

In 19:11, he wal named ProjectEnllneer for Countermeasurel un­til 19:103 when he was appointed a.Chairman of the Bureau of Ord­nance Evaluallon Committees onTerrier and Sldewindl"r for theProject Enrlneerlnl Dhislon.

S1nt'll 1~1, Vore hal been Headof Project EnJineerinc DlvIIlon.He ls a rraduate of Wiuenbert Col­lege, Sprlll&1leld, Ohio. with aBacbelor', desree In mathematles,

DurinC the first nine montht ofhis tour of dUty with the U.s. NavyIn 19U, Vore attended Harvard',Pre·radar School and the MITRadar SChool. From UH4 to 1946he lerved .. Radar Officer on theStaff of OImCruDeaPac,

Test Department Names AssociatesTo Help Administer Broad Program

Due to the increasing complexity and diversity of the operational and devdop~

mental areas of the Test Department, two new positions have been created and becameeffective on December 7, With the establishment of the two billets, Dr. Ivar E. High­berg, Head of Test Department, will be assisted by an Associate for Development andan Associate for Operations. Selected from Test Department to fill these posts are: WiI­

II.- E. <BIIIl Vore, Head ot the Pro·}eet Enclneerinc DIvision lUI Aao­elate Department Head for Opera­tiOOl; and Hariey E. Tillilt, Headof the AalfeQment Division, .. A,a..

'ociate Departml"nt Head for [)e­velopmenL

In his new poaItlon .. AssocIatefor Operatiol\l, Vore will be re­sponsible for the overall operation­al 8lIpert of !be department testranl'e. Including projed pLannlnC,Itlhedullnl', provldlnl' optical andelectronic Instrumentation, a II. dreoommendlnl nec:e&lary dl"yelop­ment and modlfleatlons to acoom·pU.h weaponl 'ytLem", testinl',

k .usoelAte for Development,TlIlltt will be re,polUlible for theplanainc, applied re_rch and dl"­velopment of tftt facllitit'JI, I~tru·

mentation and data 8IIeUDIentcapabllltle. n-.ry to meet therequiremenLi of pre&l\"nt and futureweapon l7.tems testa. No one hubeen appointed yet to fill the va·ant Division Head lIOI'itiOflJ.

1'e:lIt OI'plrlment, the Largesttechnical department at the U.s.Naval Ordnance Telt Station withIta compll"ffient of 560 penonncl, Itconcerned with the rigorous func­Ilon of tutlnl' and evaluating ",Id­e<! migUCI, roekeLl, project.Ile1,and their componenLi and relatedequipment; alrcran componentJ,developing and operating groundand track rBnlel, and il\5trumentsy.tems; de,.-.Ioplng methoch ofteJtinl' and evaluatin&, ordnancecomponenU: and coordinatinr Iut8lJt and e\....uaUon fllD.ctlons withrelated acthilles ellewhere.

Tenants Reminded toServe Vacate Notice

According to StaUon bo""ln~ reg·uLations, a fh'e-day written noticeII required In advance when plan­ninl' to vaeate either family orslnl'le Stallon hOQlnl', Forml forthil purpoae are availabll\" at tbeHou.s(n. Office.,

If lhe fh'e-oa,' notice. ~ 1I0t g"l\'l"na cha~ of f1n~ da).. rent "'ill be~l.l;",'((,

\Vhl"rry resldentl must Ch'l" a 30­day advance notice of Intent to va·cate to the Whl"rry Office or beresponsible ror thl" rent within thenotlcl" period unless a new tenantII aUlaned.

For furthl"r Infonnatlon, eall thl"Hou,inC Aulgnment Section, Ext.7~1.

Improved 'Bullpup'Slated for Fleet Use

Washlnlton <AFl'S) - A moredcadly version of the alr·to-,urfaeetactical I'ulded ml..Ue BulJpup 11now In production and wlll .aonbe operational, the Na\'Y hal an,nounced,

Delcrlbed .. "more lethal" thanBullpups now In o~ratlon with thefleet, the Improved milslle hal aprepa.ekared liquid fuel motor, re­placln. the present IOlld fuel type.It also h.. a more powerful war­bead and an Improved plda.neeI)'stem, the Navy laid.

Althoulh the Bullpup hal been ..",Iall\'ely IneJtpensive mlaUe fromthe beJinnlnl', officlall .ald thenew version will cost considerablyIe.. than earlier modela.

The mlulJe Is 11 fl"et lonl' andwel,ht :171 pounds,

Station RecreationfrogramAnalyzed ROCKETEER'B~o~~1.A~~~~r~!!ficl'"':ffi~~::;~~~~E~~~~~~Southwest District Repre~I~.uoo GaTT, (OITOR PHONES 713''', 72012, 71655 OFfiCE, HOUSING BLDG" TOP DECK

sentative of the National U, S, Naval Ordnance Test StationRecreation Association, visit~ Vol. XV. No. 50 China Lake, Californiaed China Ltke wt week inresponse to the Command'srequest that he help to estab­lish sound policies for futurerecreation plannin2".

The NRA Is one or the (nlUp"which were ineluded in this year'1United Fund eampalp for fundI.Collier', .ervleel are provided toboth elvillan and military commu·nltlel In California, Utah, Artlon&,Nevada, and HawaII,

RelaUnl' to the recreation pro­I'ram at NOTS, Collier reported heWM amued at the number of clubland ortanlzationa that have beenntabllshed here,

0ut51andin~,fobHe ..Id that Ohina Lake I. doin.­

all. ouu,tandin~ job 18 pro\idiDJ~reation Illreaeh tllne tpedalln­"",,"I I"oupa.

t::'.cklubledly, Collie!' _lInuec!,tbJ5 Station IN-cis moM ehlllan 8lKImiUtary eommuniU~ thrOUl"boutt.he Munt.." in this kInd of pro­.~~

He w.. allO ImpreMe<1 with thereereatlonal facillUe. wblcb areavailable to all penonnel andpraised the close worklnl' relaUon­Ihlp 01 milltary and ch'lIIan em­plo)'eel,

Some ballc principles were point­ed out by Collier when ..ked forrecommended ruidellne. for .erv·Ice charre. for uae of recreationfacllllle..

'"It "'Important," he aJd. "'In Mn·IJderaUon of the quaUon of f_and lervlce ebarces to keep In mind

(ConUnued on Pap.)

December 18. 1959.

, •• .INn Cone and JSRA' .Iohoc.llier disnl our ~restlon pre­g"ranl.

(roUPI be ch'en a daotee of altem.a.ti\'t'&.

Sune.ted alternatlvel for theMadult orranlzatlOlU were: to 'PO~

.r junior youth procrams, donatevolunteer service. to the eltlJtlnl'recreallon prol'ram, or lpaRior •community service activity. Bythis meant, the present pro,ralllcould be expanded and enriched andthe community would derive the dl~

reet benefill.Adoption Of these and other rec:­

ommendatlom by Collier are underMralderatlon by thl" OImmand.

Appllcallon HereIn applylnl thne princlpletl to

the situation at China ~kl\", Coillerluggested that In lieu of ebara;ftfor ,peclal lervieel and prlvllea:e.for use of our reel't'6tion faclllUelthat lpeclal In~'""t and hobby

(ContinUed from Pa,e 1)

the fact that Station reereatlon 11not a busine.. or public utility, • ,It is a publ\e lervice to meet oneof the balc buman and aoclal needIof our day,"

Value Uetl [n Sen'k:e"Tbe value of a reereatlon p

cram li.. In lUI .enice to the po­pie., not Iu Income-prochM:ln, a~.lo

Ity," the recreation authority ~...........'There are Instanct'l In whl. I

lervlce charCetl are warranted," hecontinued, "to help defray expenlelfor lpeelal lervlct'l or prlvllel'es, to...1It wltb dl,dpHne and control ofa prolram, And to promote ,reaterInterest and appreciation of a pro­Iram."

December Artist·of·the·Month

WAT":UOOLOIIiST-Marln I'eck, wife of !'o'AF'll Admini tralh'e Office.r,LC'dr, &ott E, Peck, "r" and mother of three, bas beell lielected 88

Artl!oI-of·t1w·Monlh b)' the De!>l"rl Art LI"a~ue, On ell:hlbit at the StationLlbrar)' are Ilille walercoto~ her fa\'oritl' medium. and t..wo oils. \\oIl'S.I'«k, \1 ho Il"ache!l Spa"iolh al lion roe School, graduated fronl a con"entIn :\If'\:ko ell)' and continues her art lludi witb leMon~ fronl Pat Cox,a"arc! wlnnine local artl§t.

AAUW Plans TeaFor Senior Girls

lJlembeu of the local cbaptl"r otthe American A.ssoelation of Unl·versity \Vomen ar1! holdlnl' aChrlstm.. Holiday Tea from 3 to:I p.m. on December 22 In the homeof Mar)' Hlghbera;, :i01 Essex Cir­cle,

The event Is planned to advisetenlor hll'h tebool a:irls who planto '0 on to coUegl". CoHere glr1lwho will be home for the holidaysare Invltcod to attend,

, HOWArd Auldhas been namedto head the Plan­nlnc and Ellti­'matin&, Branch.In his new poei·tlon. Auld will berespol\lible forplannlnl' a major1I0rtlon of allPublic Worksshop effort, muchof which Is gen­erated by \Vork

every department


Ho\\-ard AuldReqUelU; fromon the Station,

He w.. fir't employed lUI anelectrician and Will promoted In19:10 to the Planninl and ElItlmat­Ing Branch.

Gerald Ra)' hasbeen namcod tohead the Inspe(.·Lion Branch forService ContractJand Housina:: He·babllltation - atoni title and abll job. In tblspa.iti<ln, Ray willadminister thereno"allon of allvacant boulllllon thl" Station. Gf'ruld lla)'He will also be responsible for therefuse disposal and janitorial ser­vice contracts.

He first worked as a carpentf'rInd was later promoted to In.peet·or of Public 'Yorks Structurell In11M, leading up to his latest pro­motion.

Public Works listsNew Branch Heads

Two Public Workt Dc:-panmentmen, cmplo)'ees at NOT'S lince1946, were promoted to head twoBranches of the department lutweek,

Cdr. Selden N. May' Richard Tucker to Sing inLeaves to Command Second Concert ofSeasonBig Regulus I Unit Acclaimed by m:IOY as the 1

. greatest of all tenors, Rithard. Duty as co":,mandmg.o,£- Tucker of the Metropolitan

flcer of G UIde d MIssile Opera Association, now atSquadron Two,. Roosev~lt the top of his luminous ca­Roads, Pueno RICO, awatts reec. will be the featured ac­Cdr. Selden N. May, who de- rist at the second NOTS Civ­parts the Station today. ic Concert of the season on

May wm take over hll command, J 8 1960 8 11 .a Rq:uJus [ and Drone lM!n-ice an.. • at: p.m. In&"fOUp, on February 10. 1geO. the Station Theatre.

HI.t I'lt'w command I, comprlsed Concert ..oeT'S ('\'erywhere Ire re-of 32 otrlce.... 310 enlilt.ed mea llIId warded bil;bly with Tucker's faull­20 alreraft. leu Iyrlcl.tm. wide ranee and com-

Reporting to Obina Lake In 0<:- pelllnc power. He b n"prded ..tober, 1~, M8,)' .erved .. Officer the fine.t "ItAlian" tenor In the • , , 10 J'I\'e .Ian. 8 con~rlIn Charge of Guided Mlalle Unit 61 world today, appeaUnl" to aU taaW I=;- -'---:- _ul)tll the completion of III mission and all people, R t·brou,ht about diR,tabllshment of "Richard Tucker lhould be heard ecrea Ion ...the noted Sidewinder development by .. many people as poulble,"

commented a Sprinrtleld, Illinol.,N:vlewer, "He I.- IKImcthlnr Amer­Ica can be proud ot! ..

~Iet Debut In 1945Tucker bepn bis calffr by uk·

Inr voice le.-ons from the famOURold-time Wapl"rian tenor, the latePaul AlthOUR. For the nest fewyeara. be stalked bbl 108.1 with pe..tienee, enl\"rcY, and art..lsUe devoUon,and, In lllU, be WQ audlUoned atthe Metropolitan. He made hbl de­but a year Iatil"r In the slamn,. roll\",Enzo, In ''La Gldeonda" and becamethe senaatlon of the seuon.

Pro,",,,,,His China Lakl\" concert wlll In­

elude: "If With All Your Hearts"from Ell j a h by MendelPohn:"Sound An Alarm" from Jud.. Mac­cabaeu, by Handel; "An die ),fuslk"and "Rutloee Lil"be" b)' Schubert:"Wle Bllt Do, lIeine KonlJin" and"WleFroh und FriBeh" by Brahama:and ..Addlo Alia Madre" from Ca­vanerta RUllUcana by Malcq:nl

Durin&' Intermission. hls planoaec:ompanllt Erwin 3a.pe will pi.,...Jeux d'Eau" by Ravl\"l and "RondoBrillante" by Weber.

The ~nd portion of the eonee.rtwill Inelude: "When] Brll\C' to YouColour'd ToY''' b)' CB~ntl"r; ''TheAbbot of Derry" by WI\"8Ver; "HowDo I u:we Thee!'" b)' Uppe; and"Mld,ummer" by Worlh; "Le Ma­nair de Roaamonde" by Duparc;"Tel Yeux" by Rabey: "FlowerSonl" from Carmen by Blul: andNeapolitan Son.. from "Sorrento,"''Dieilenet'1I0 Vuie" by Falvo and"Mamma Alia Che Vorupc" by Nu­tile,

Cdr, klen ~Iay

(nlup Jalt June. He hal Iinee heldthe p<*. of Guided lliIsUe ProjectOflleer for the Na\'ai Air Facility.

Flrlnl mort' than eo Sidewlndel"lhere, Cdr. Ma)' hal been called theleadln. Navy pilot In experiencewith the mialle. 1\0,'0 of hill morememorable flIl'hli took Chief ofNaval Operations Admiral ArlelghA. Burke and Bureau of OrdnanceChief Admiral Paul D, Stroop aloftfor firing demonstrations,

The pilot'. Puerto Rican duty willreacquaint him with tbe Rel'ulu,ml..lle, Prior to ",portlnr here, helerved .., Executive Officer ofGMGRU-I at Barbers Point. Ha­walt. durlnl' evaluation of that mIs-.Ille.

If it's NewsCall the Rocketeer

Ext. 71354, 71655, 72082

Credit Union Chan'jesHours of Operation

Beginning Monday, January 4.1960, hours of buslnea of the NOTSFederal Employees Credit Unionwill be from ] I a.m. to :I:1~ p.m.,Monday throulh }o'rlda)'.

IBM 709, Fastest,Newest Computer,Speeds Work Here

Installed this week in thenortheast wing of M.ichelsonLtboratory is one of the lat­est in a series of electronicwonders designed to speed re­search. development, andtesting at NOTS. This is theIBM Electronic Data Pro­cessing Machine, Type 709,to be utilized by Test De­partment's Data Computa­tion Branch,

Not only operatlnc more rapidly I,.;.....;'"__..1o.l'"__...~__than lUi predeceAOra. the 109 com­puter abo pennltl more \'ersatlleapplication. For example, by use ofa flIrht-aimulation technique, char·acterUUCI of a milsile, such ..weight and ahape, can be mathe­matiCllIy rdated dlreeUy to theireffect upon the ml.alle', flIlhl

ArIthmetic and control function!are 8CC(Unl)llshed by tbe Centrall'roceMing Unil, the hN-rt of the709, ,\lO!it IRlilruelio"... Ilicludineadditlon and ~ulJtrlldlon, requireonly U milliOlltb! of " bCcolid forexecution, l\lore tban 186 arithme­lie, deeiJ;ion·maklnK and control 111_Itrue:tion. are a\'allable to tbe pro·(rammer,

The 708'1 Mqnetlc Core StoraceUnit ball: an extremely lara;e capa·elty for Itorlnr data and instruc­Uon.l. Ovt-r 32,000 "words" of ator­ace, equivalent to O\'er 327,000 deel·mal digiu of storare. enable inter­nal high-speed handlinc of the mc»teomplex and voluminous problemL

FIolit ActionSubfjldiary Inpuwutput un It.

pour infonnatlon Into tbe compu·ter'lj memory and take out the an­'wers. The Input deli\'f~n; data tothe computel' b)' "'a)' of punchedcards (ZM per minute) or magnellctape (%,.500 numberli per lleeond),'l"be output. unlb dllipen!ie resulbfrom the computer b)' wa)' of print­ed an!iwen 1150 line» Pl"r minute),punched r.:anIs U" card' per min·ute) or ID8I'neUc tape (~ Dum·tie,.. per _ndl.

The new Data Syncbroni:cer 01the 709 make. It poalble that ftC­

0nU: of information may be readand written wblle computations aN:belnc performed-all at the sameUrn•.

A special number )'stem (leMllil.s!be colllputer to opentte ~t elfl·dellll)', In thi, "blnar)'" ,.)·~tem, alldeelmul number!f are rl"ll,,-"fed b)'C(Ombi"lltion~ of Ihe dillts "0" and"I." Thus, tile 109 ean M'pre!K'ntItny numerical ,'alue merel)' byturning It.! componl"nts off for "0"and on for "I."

The Itcady Increase In mathemat­leal computation at r\'OTS requiredinstallation of tile lBY eotnputer tort'plaee the 'kJwer, leu ,'ersatileIBM 7Ot.

VTO Pateli~ ...

~IASTEn OOlU'L"Tt:R-\"lrlh:lia I'roehl, Data Oomputallon Branch,pointll out the cOJU(lle of the nUl 709 Compulcr rettlltI)· iru;;talled InlUichel80n Lab for U!ie In data analY'1a by the Test Department.

It. L. ltockwcU

Dee to be IUbmitted by the 10eaJRotary Cub but the flnt ,~ful finalilt.

Candidates must be alDJle, be­tll'e\"n 20 and 21 Yl\"ars old, ha\'ll aeoUece or unln'ralty decree, a hlahacbolutlc record, and a t.borou,hknowledge of the language of theeoun{ry In which they wish to.udy, They mUit he able to makefricnds eBIlly, be vitally Intcrestedtn world a((all"l, and ha\'1" Ieadcr­Ibip ablllty, Rockwell speakl Ger­man fluently and bopeR to be ac.cepted In a university In SWIt%er­land.

Uonor StudentAt Bake.rlflekt Collele, he was a

tpembe:r of the American Aasoela­tion of EI\C'Inee.rs and the EnJi·Deel"l bowllnl' team. At the Unl·'",l'5ity of California. he was aml"mber of the Honor Student. So­del.,. and manaler of Wblte Shin_gies, a men'. residence baiL 1 He\lo'llS elected to Phi Bela Kappa, DIll.tional acholuUc honor lIOeiety.

Since ,raduatlon, he has becomea IDl"mber of the Soelet)' of Photo­graphic lnltrumentatlon EnClneera.tbe Astronomical Soclet)' or ChinaLakc, and the local Toastmasters-Club.

(ContinUed from Pa~ 1>glnea. turbo-prop or pure jeLL

Accordin. to Cox, one of the ad­'van tares of his machine iI IU.ability to take-off or lind In alimited area. It II abo eapabk ofbeml landed hortzontall)' on tKI<u:pro\'ided on the fUllilage if enl'lnl'failuN: were to be encountered Innrtlcal f11lht.

Cdr. Cox, on board the Stationsince April, J967, made fIlJht his­tory durin&, a tour of dut)' at theNaval Air Tett Center, PatuxentRI"cr, Md. Upon reportln, toChina Lake, he held two tranteon­tlnl"ntal ,peed TI\"eOrds made In an.A3D-l "SkyIl'Rrrior," round-trip,Lo3 An~I_-Nevr York fliCht.

Page Four

Fellowship ...(ContinUed from Pal'e l)

eel \'ed a baebelol OJ arb del"ree in.""'. __I Kotar)' SpoIlWFS

Rockwell .... recommended forthe feUowship by the China lAkeRotary Club. The 1e1ectlon com­mittee coDlllted of Kenneth H,RobllllOn. chairman; Leste:r Gar­IlU\n; William Duarte, Rldl'ecre-st;and Robert Sherman, Trona,

After hls .ele<:tlon out of a fieldof l:i boys, he then competed with.eleetees from fO Rotary Cluba InDIstrict ~4, an area within Oxnard,Paso Roblee, MOllO Bay and ChinaLake, Rockwell 11 the third noml-

• •

Page 2: B~o~~1.A~~~~r~!!ficl'':ffi~~::;~~~~E~~~~~~ · DhtJ..ion In Telt Dl"panment In ... mentation and data 8IIeUDIent ... technical department at the U.s. Naval Ordnance Telt Station with

Pogo Three



Na3lne ROb1nliOn. Bea A'Hearn, Libby Toth. andHanll Gulberz. Back row: Orrin Albert, Glenn Bow.111>1, Sue BurK:, Milhcl lUann. Ell_beth Hoers. chaIr.man ... H. "ennison. John Gannon, and Gerald lHlm­tdier. Emplo)~ 1'\111 be Ild\'IH:d It~· • :!I.-oUee of ·thetimes ..-d pLacn where the carolers will ainl".


Fishhook Make. New·sA story on the NOTS Fishhook

facility appeafll In the November23 is/lue of Dellign NewlI.

Wed. Noon 'ProgramThe noon-time entertainment pro­

gram on December 23, In Building7, will be a movie entitled "VolciLa F.'r.nce," or "Here's France."

Hoopsters Drop GamePasadena hoopstel'll dropped their

game on December 8 to SpaniianSportswear 60-34. With so manyNOTS players attending nightelaslles, reports Manager NormMcDonald. they're having a rougbtime getting enough fellowll ongame nights. Norm would like tohcar trom anyone Interellted inplaying with the team. Kenneth E. Smith has been

:relccted to head the Torpedo Dc-

Ch. sign Branch of UOD·. Torpedo Dc­

. est Drive Report vclopmcnt Division, succeedingCommunity Che..t fund driw John Mulkern who recently lefl

contribntions••ecording 10 Trea~- the Station.urer nand)' \\'alker, amount to a Smltb has been with NOTS Pas­total of S:!'603.3.'1. repfCOlenting sao adena since December. 19:16. whendOllation,; or 49.4% .,urtielpatioll. he reported aboard as Public Work.!

01 thf' to I a I contrihutions. Officer. On release from activeS2.31:e.08 lJt I" ea§h ",ith the ballUloo duty a year later, he stayed on tooC S2!l1.~ III plf'(Il(f"s. accept a positlon ot mechanical,-----.:.---------. engineer with the Torpedo Duign

Branch.A graduate of the University of

Callfornla at Berkeley, he holds a!B.S. degree In ~Ieehanicll.; Engi_neering.

After school. ne worked tor Mar.quardt Alrcrftft In Van Nuys, thenCor Radloplane. aillo oC Van Nuys,until called to active duty in 19:15.

Prior to coming to NOTS, he wallstationed at Yokohama, Japan.where he WIlS ASlIlstant PublicWorkll Otficer at the Naval Com­munications Facility.

He and his wife, Florence, havetwo girls, ages 21'1 and 1. Theymake their home In Arcadia.

New EmilloyeesRobert D. Uvengood, Clerk-Typ­

Ist. in Administration Division,Mail Room.

Promotlon!!P256--Bett)· J. Silver trom Pro­

curement Clerk. GS-4. to Purchas_Ing Agent. as-5: Elayne W. Colsonfrom Contract Speeialiat (Negotln­tlon). GS-7. to Procurement Agent.GS-9; and Dorothy I. Warren fromContract Specialist, GS-6, to Pro­curement ASlIistant. CS-7.

P508-Dorothy A. Daybell from'Mathematician, GS-9 to GS-ILP75~3-March T. Schlick trom

Motion Picture Editor, GS-7, toMotion Picture Script Writer, GS-9.

P8(N-Jaek A. Uvezey from Elec_tronic Selenti.t (Electro-Acous­tics), GS-9 to Gs·n.


General EnglnCi'r, GS-L',l., CodePllOO2. As Assistant to Pasaden;J,Range Director, Code P8002. withprimary duty Ilt San Clemente is­land a. RanirC Supervisor. coordin­ates all NOTS project.'! and supportactivities at SCI; l!stablillhes priori­ties for arellll, tacilities, and labor:maku arrangements tor asslsl·ance such IlII fleet services. Incum­bent will be Senior Representativetor NOTS at SCI, with part-timeduty at PUadena.

Contact "'ane)' Resrdon. E.den­liion lo:J.

•~;~-~-~-~-~--~~~----~::-_.._._----~- .._-----------~._~,~~ ~~

1 'I News From ~ 'Pasadena' jl~~--,----------------------------------------------------------------



TWX InstallationAn Intercommunicationts teletype

lIystem will go into operation nextweek between Foothill, NOTS LongBeach Test Range, and San Cle­mente Island, announces LynnE'Jordan. Hcad of the Communica­tions Branch.

The installation ot these telet}'1)cmachines. MillS Jordan says. willprovide a written record ot operu­tional and administrative messagCllas well as reduce the amount of--..I Itraffic on the tiellnclI.

Pasadena Annex Notice 2303 is­"""..,,..---ilsued December 10 outlines proce-

....========= =========..11 durc.s tor using the new facilities.


SPO':"t Slants

8 Ways to Ruin a Goo.! Christmas

Housing Assignee Oct.-Dec.Employees Crequently Inquire at the Housing OUlee" about their

""',,.. 'f b,in. h,~"" wlth'n tb, _i."m,", p'rlnd. Th' foll,w'n. To... At MoTS EllcIs Search Is On for Repre·sen·tat,'ve In~Cit.p ot hou5!ls assigned trom October 1 to December 1 III pubU.hed to 1._;';;';;";';''';",,;:-';';;'';';'';;;'''.. 1"hON the grade level and length of service required to be rellehcd during 1960 M' FdiE let tto.s period. This information should IlSlllst employees in "detennlnlng . ISS e era mp oyee 'on estheir ,po.sibilities ot housing allllignmentll.

NOTS Pasadenll is looking Cor formation llhould be InCiudel:l:No. Hi,..1 an oullllAnding female employee to Nominee's name and .(idress; job~ptd. MII«nCf'1I Reached Date he 11$ nomination in the 1960 Min title, grade, and employing lMtal-

o _:.. Federal Employee Conte!Jt. De- lalion; and a briet st:ll;tenlent oon_i GS-a 'Gen. Engr, 8-27-51 parlmenU. dlvisiorut, Ilnd branches eernlng the tia"l!1. for the nomina.o should .tIubmit their nomlnatlonll tlon such as quality and 'quantity'2 GS-13 Ch~l.Bt .. 2-16-.53 by Deeember 23 to Code P2:103 tor of production, 'origlnality, rellpon-

consideration ot the Selection Com- sibllity, 'lIpee1al.serviees rendered·13 CS-9 Gen. &ni!'. .:l.4-:l8 mlttee composed of 'U R. J. Jack- during the past year, epecllli rceog.

!l GS-i2 Supv. Gen. EliiT'· 6-9-52 son, M. Van Reed. and Bernard nltions earned. unusual eHorta ato Silver. selt·development. protelllrional 'at.'1 GS-U Aero. Engr'. &·26~':;2 All women -employee. are eligible, lalnmentll, 'commanlty service, etc.o not secretaries only as In previoWl The person IJelectei1 'U the ROTS1 Stockman 1.23-4':; YeM,., and It Is not nCCUllary that Pasadena nominee will then partl·

13 Helper 'Gen. 3-21-51 nominees hllve received an ottichll dpate in a contt'fll sp<mllOred by

.:; Meat Cutter 4-7-~ ~i~~ta::~~;:a;~~,;~~;.:::mi~ g::n~t:~t~~e~tlo:~g~~~~2 Mach. Exper. 6-1"'8 ot Federal Employees. Suitable6 Ordnancemlln 1-1'>-lil recOl'"ltion will be 'liVen to the

]0 'Plpetltter 1l'-1 ..67 LO:lr. ThornQ E. Grov&B. Opera- 1'•••eIl5..... TIle ,2W w1nnel" a'nd olher finalist.!! at ..'2 'GS-12 :Aero. Engr'. 2-13-62 tiOrtl 'Oltlcer -.t NOTS Pasadena Remember the date. December Recognition Lloncheon "on J.ltuary

- for the past two yean. ICflVes on . "II be5 CS~l1 SlIpV. Mo. Pic. Proj. 2-24~i59 23. tor the ESO-spollAOred an-hands 27._1960. The tlnlll select on w .o Monday. He will 10 on two weekd Chrl~tm&5 party to be held 5-7 made by • committee ttt prominent

•leave before reporting as ExecuUvt' "~M prior to the rcc:ognitlonOfII I th USS P hi (OOR p.m., at ~ W. Foothill, Arcadia.

" eer 0 e er ns - luncheon.Xaeh. Exper. 3·12-56 877). Hb reliet will be LCdr. Jame~·CS-Il·Mech. Engr. II-I-59 D. Schnepp.Ordnanceman 12-~9 Groves came to·NOTS in Novem-

ber, 1957, trom dllly aboard theUSS F1Q)'d B. Parks where he WIlSEngineering Officer. In March,l~, he was promoted to hia pres-ent rank.

A graduate of the Naval Aca­demy, Oass ot 19(6, Groves has Hyears military service during whichhe has served aboard the USS LosAngeles, USS Balroko, USS Sa­doeng Strait, and USS Macon. H~

W83 rn~tructor ot Uarlne Engi­neering at the U.s. Naval Academyfor two years.

As hi.!! duty here has requiredthat he travel a great deal. his....iCc, Pearl. and children, 16-month­old twins-Jon and Beck)'. have re·mained at their Coronado home.

Fire huards nt'olIt likely to be seen in the home durinA' the hoiida}'~n are U1ustrated abo\'e. A\'old them to ensure. l\lerry .nd Satf'Vttrbtmu.

By Chuck Mangold. A'thletic birector

The intramural sports program is taking a two-weekvacation. The bowling alleys will be available for openbowling from December 18 to January 4.

The gym will be open Monday, derrul cooperation I have1 ul!sday, and Thursday nighta from the past year.6-8:30 p.m. tor Intramural blUlket- Unclaimed Ticketsball practice. The Station swim· Lucky ticket holdeMi who havemlng pool will be open to the public not picked up thelr prlzell from theFriday nlghu trom 6-8:30 p.m. and United Fund football game includeon Saturday. and Sundays from 1-6 the Collowl!lg numbers: 911, 1282,p.m. 1391, 1970, 994, 1892. 2::;, 1098, 290.

Dennlll Troxel SN, from VX-5, 2.361. Pri;,;e8 may be picked up atWIUI selected the mOfJt valuable the Spcclal Services Office, top deckplayer In our United Fund football of the Housing Building.galne played Thanksgiving Day. BoxingDennis received a radio through the All military pCl'lIOnnel Interestedcourlesy ot ACE TV In Ridgecre8t. in taking boxing lessons arc Invited

1 would like to take this oppor- to participate In thelle acsllions glv·tunlty to Wish all ot you a V<!f)1 en tree of charge by Bernie LockerMerry Christmas and a Happy New each week day Crom 4:3(Hl:30 p.m.Year an-d to thank you for the won- at the Station Gym.

!Jdr, 'J'ype3 Wasp Duplex3 Hili Duplex2 Hlll Duplex3 Old Duplex2 'ollh)uplex%WDP Old Duplex1 01d Duplex~ Normae DuplexF ,Normae DupleJ;.3 Normac2 Nol'DI.c1 Normae·3 Hawthome~ HaWibome'1 Hawthome1 Motel Apt.o llof;eJ Apt. •..\ 'Old Apartment2 Old AlJIlrbnent1 -Uld Apartment~ 'Old Apa~nt:: 'Card St. Apt.

Trailer Spac"e(uDder &0')•

aDUSTMAS CROfR-Pasadena's strolling carOJerspfRtice for tlte lIoUday RaSOn. Tenol'll are still bad-

-'- 1i)' needed and are urxed to loin the group. Qo.Il Na­

dina Robinson.....~t. 161, teday. Al p"'lllee _slonabo\-'e (h'ont ro",. I-r) ue: 'Direetor ~Ierton "'etch,Mairy ChaceftU, Elisabeth Farina, Damth)' Da)'~i1,

1. Dort·t Iea\'e IUllolderinA' cigarette. careletlsly about the house.

l!. Keep tree IiJ"ht& awa}' h1)m eombustibl-e ctct ..Tappings and floor.

S, Set tree In "'.ter container to keep "'0151. and pre'\'ent shedding.

~. Place tTee a .Ce distance Crom drapes. curt.ln.. or hot spot5.

So Ne\'t~r use eandletJ ror tree lig-hbl. U!H'l til.. allprO\'ed iight 8e1s.

6. Replace fra)'ed wire.. broken sockets. er loose connections,

7. Don't o\'erload wiring cireull!!. Keep !!pirlt-fueied to)'s aWliI)' from tree.

8. Use flameproof~ de4lOraliens. Turn orr tree lights when )'ou lea\'e

the hou!if!. Be prepslred tor .rt emer~..ey in Cllse oC Clre.

But It you ha\'e a Cire, in sllite of Illi prooaulions taken, call theI1re Department, Ext. 71833.


party and ill planning on seeing hllyoung frlenda at China Lake durlnithe afternoon.

NOTS Hobby ShorEvery day from now until Chrillt­

ma.a the Hobby Shop will be opentr9m 1-6 a1!d ,.6-JO p.m. Tlte hou!3have been extended In order thatevel')'one may have an opportunityto finish that special Christmas pro-­Jecl. This Includes the woodwork.Ing shop, model building, and leath·ere raft areas.

This II also a wonderful oppor·tunity for you to get acquaintedwith these tacilltiell. All Station res-­Idents with Navy Exchange prlvi.leges are eligible for liobPy $hopmembership and are particularly In­vited to visit tbl,l tacltlty during theholiday 8CMOn. 'The NOTs HobbyShop is located in the aame build.Ing as the Greyhound BUll depot.

Untied Notli Deconting PartyAt 7 p.m. on December 30th, the

Untfed Nob will hold a dccorat·Ihg parly at the Community Ccn.ter. Chairman, Ed Bernard, urgesall members to Joln In thl.sftltrvlcitproiect. The dceorallona are Cor theadult New Year'll Eve dance. AUsingle personnel 21 and over are in.vltM to come as they are all ellgl.·­ble tor -Untied Nots membership.'

New Yellin EveHope you'll join UI to greet the ..

New Year at the Community Cen­ter on Dreember 31. Dancing will·begtn at 9 p.m., shOwtlme Is 10 'P.m.You're sure to hllve fun with mUlieby the ·'Continenta.... and enter..talnment by Dick ReIlVCI 'and BUIand Doree PoIt. BreakCast WIll beierved It enough pil.ld n!lIervatlolilarc maCIe by Dectmber :9.

Ann Seltz wlII help you with Wble reservations tor the evenln" If.thire~aro "8 or more In your_ pa!;tr~Ali military and civilian PIlr'80nnd21 'i.nd over 'are Invited. PrIces aNS1 Cor men: women a'dmltted Cmof 'eharge. Callt and tie will be N'"Q.ulred for men.

CaMus sq-ftia Pa.cy,Saturday night. Dee. 19, at 8 p.m:

In the Rcc'reation Hut. the CactusSquares will hold their annualChri.tmas Party.

Men arc to bring glftA for menand women, etta tor 1I"Otm!.n, n·at toexeeoed $1. Also bring along 'yourfavorite 'Ch.riilMai dish Cor the pot-­luek.......Supper wj.ll be'BeI'-ved~foUew­

Ing the dancln~.

.1tAFT ClubTonight is lhe big dance of tbe

month tor RAn memben-Ifl"Christml)ll Dance" time to the mu.sic ot the "Boy. from Tehachapi."Semi-formal In dreSll, the eveningwill be chock-full of holiday spirit.Be .!lure to bring a small gag gift,suitable tor either Il guy or a gal toput In the grab bag.

The Club will be open during allthe I'('gular houn throughout thenext two weeks. However, we willbe closed on Christmas and NewYear'. Day. New Year's Eve willbe open house Cor all memberll andtheir guesb, but we'll close at 10p.m. as usual.

St. Nick Visits Todar.Santa Claus will visit To)' and

today trom 3:30-5 p.m.

'**********..._*********'!. ,THE ROCKETEEROffiCIAL WfUlY 'Uillc:ATlON.....


Cltlno to... Collf.Co.loln W. W. HoIIiOl., 1,1$"

S....I.... Conwowt.....

::--:-:--:::- "'"­,.,...,.!lot.412...... MoN.n. A. E. 'lock. D. So.....................

,.\nted WMloly by H..........ot f'lohtll........nt, CollI.. willi • __loMd~ 1<0 _pllo_ wllh NAVEXOS '45.

The ke__el.... AI"," ..._ ......

Sw.tce _1<>1. ~Il". offIdaI U.s. ....,.....101 ..nl....,""""".. WKfReol......~ ~..

"'dd Go" Edit...

JAN. 2 ~~~:. '::;.. ==.. L ly.... 'H3• .Ion fI,011l._ PHAM


Nt 111...1<011.... by T_nl... I............._..Offl Houoltllll ...1I..... 3J

TMp 71U., 71m. 72012,,UA,DENA

D'EC. 26

EVENING* "CHI( Sfr' {lOS IlI,;n.!Spline_ Trocy, Ko' .....;... HepburnSHORTS, "h'l ° LI"lng" (7 M.n.)

MAmaE (1 p.m.)"ALADDIN ANO HI$ lAM"" (66 Min.)

.Iohl>n~ .send.SHORTS,' "Milt., Wolf" (7 Min.)"lOll ,,,,,,,,," No. 6 (16 ""n.1

MATINEE (I p.m.)"THE LllTlE SAVAGE" (73 M'n.1

""<lro Armendo.lzSHOllTS, "Too Hop To HOMt,," (7 Min.!

"LCIlI '10""1" N". 5

EVENING* "ATOMIC SUS.........INE" (n Mln.1......h.... froN. DIc~ foron

SHORTS, "'I.,. WOI... Sport," (10 Min.)"L......." LOOl" (16 Min.)

MNING.. "KJetlrlHS" (If Min.'Mo_ '~,,,,"e,. Shl,ley .,Ionu

'SHOItTS, "Ml•.,nd""I~ Glan'" (7 Min.I"Span_n Ha/;day' (10 Min.)

*0.. .'-ing '*" nlgNlt! 7 P....._. Two"""",",... '* night "" one!, p.m.toDAY DEC. 1._* ''Yi:nomTONf KEllY" (91 Min.)

Olnl Wolk.... Edword a.,,-..,SHotTS, ''GopMt 8<01«0" (7 Min.)

"Silv... ,loOt," (10 Min.!


2 p.m."'-Open '0 all <hlldten vnder 12 V-CO'"

old wllh ° TI."o"" pool.CO,t........ CIow" Act. 01'14 fo"....

Tomorrow, Saturday the 19th, will be the AnnualChristmas Parry for all children under 12 years old whohave Theatre pri¥ilegcs. It will begin at 2 p.m. at theSratioQ Theatre.

There will be singing, earloons,and some special entertainment byNolly the Clown. Also, I undentandthat Santa hM heard about this

TUES.·WED. DEC. 22-23* "'"il.rrlE 01' TH! COUl SEA" (Ill Min.)alff Robe'1Ion. Gfo 5<0'"

SHOR~, "T'ouble IffdMmlt,-'· (7 Min.)··H...o on H...lebo<k" (21) Mo....1


ruES.·WEO. DEC. 29·30* "IT ""'Pfl'*-O IN aOME" (96 Min.).,I.,,,,, lo"...i<k. \'11...10 Casko

SHORTS, "Two li"l" Indio..." (7 Min.).......10...... '" Argen'lno" (10 Min.)

THuU.-flJ. OEC. U2S** "llIT NOT fOR ME" (10; Min.)ali,k G<>bl". Co'oll Boke'

6 lind 1,15 p.m.SHORTS, "T<>boo<o Rood" (7 Min.)

SUN.-MOH. DEC. 20:2'** "IT n.u:TfO WITH A 1155" (11M Min.)Glenn f ...d. D.bb;e R..."nolcf.

6 ond thiS p.m.SHORTS, "T'OI1ef' on<! P~,," 00 Min.) _

.W1uJt's Dj'intl ?IN R~CREATION

SUN.-MON. OEC. 27·28"TH! aOOKIE" (IB Mln.1

Noonon & Mofl.... lI, .,1.,11" N.........,rSHOIHS, "Hide ond Go Sld....y.. (7 Min.!

"Wonde.-l.,l G. ....oll..... (17 Min.)

THURS."'.'. OIC. 31·JAN. 1* "SMl.SOH ANO OElItAH" {127 1oIi...}V,<t ... Moo""'" He<I~ 10"-


SUN..MON. JAN. 3-4* "OODS AGAINST TOMOUOW" (93 Min.lior,~ Belofonte. R........ li:ygn.

S"'Il~ Wlnl""$HORT$, "Wolf HotJndwd" (7 Min.l

"RKondo With 10101 "I,w",," {l0 Min.}



Navy Wives ClubInstalls Officers

Recent candlelight ~remonlCll

were held to install officers ofNavr Wives ClUb No. 125 ror thenext six-month term. ChaplainRobert "Q" Jones served all in­stalling officer.

Retiring presidcnt Arlene Liggettprescnted Louise Curtis. the retir­ing sponsor, with a gifL in apprt'­ciation ot her help to the Club.

Upon accepting the gavel of thepresidcncy, Shirley Fos.'!Um, intro­duced Rebe Mitchell. wiCe of Cdr.S. W. Mitchell, Head, CommandAdministration Department, as thenew sponllor.

In addition to Mrs. F0311um, otherofficers of the Navy \Vives Clublire: Eleanor Marlin. vice-prell'i­dent; Marvel Dowling, treallurer;Betty Fenstermacher, parliamen_tarian; Cathy Cohee, recording !!ICC­retary; Eileen Riven. correspond·Ing sccretary, and Gladys Perr)',chaplain.

The Oub has announced thatthey will honor the fint baby bornhere In 1960 to a NOTS .!femc!!family with a $25 $avinp Bond.


reopens Dec. 30 at 1:30

Dec. 24. 31-Open 9 a.m.


runs, or do you avoid thlnki,ng ofattairs that absorb you?

• Are you careleu ot parkedcarl and what may be behind them.or are you alert for whateV<!r maS'appear sudcknly In the road ahelld?

• Do you tight oft .leephlCllll~~ CIaS*'When awake tor 10"g periods, or do to '.*In .....", '.you IItop lor a retreshlng nap?' '1l (

Evening classes In beglrt"ing, In­• Do you drive alway;! at a tcnnedlate and advanced sewing

steady pace, or do you alter spee.1 will begin Jan. 4.tre<J:uen'tly to help keep you alert? 'CIUll schedule will be: Advance.:t

.. 00 you like to "settle down." Sewing-M'"onday, 7-10 p.m.; Inter­1I10ueh in your driving scat. or are mediate Sewing - Tuesday. 7-10you alway. ready to meet unex· p.m.; Beginning Sewlng-Wednu-peeted emergeneiu? da)', 7-10 p.m.


---7 F


Beware-Lest You Be One of These

All Catholics are reminded of thc recent change In the time of fast·ing and abstinence: "The Hoi)' Father has permanently transferred theobligation of flUltlng and abstinence on the vigil of Christmas tromDceember 24 to December 23." Monsignor J. F. C. Ryan adds that theabstinence referred to Is complete for both military and civman pcr­aonnel: no meat Is permitted In any torm.

Hebrew:Dec. 18.-Chanuka, Festl\'81 or Llghu, 8:30 p.m.

'~;';t!"J-4'~pel·.sef'iJ~ces. ~ Prote1t;nt:

Dec. 24, 10 p.m. Christmas E\'e Candlelight ServiccDec. 25, 10 am. Christmas Holy Communion ServiceDec. 31, 11:30 p.m. New Year'lI Eve Service (Preceded b)' a lime of

fellOWllhlp In the East Wing, beginning at 10 p.rn.)


Midnight - Solemn - Ad Prlmam lIIi311am - In Node1 a.m. - Ad Secundam Missam - In Aurora8:00 a.m. - Ad Tertlam Misum - In Dlc Domini NaUvilaUs

OonfClj;slons - December 2tStudcnu: 8-10 a.m.; Adults: 2-4 p.m. and 7-8:30 p.m.

No conCessions aftcr 8:30 p.m.New Year'1I Da)'

Masscs: 7, 8:30 a.m. and 4:45 p.m.

Accldentll have causel. You mayfind In th£!lle lIuggestionll whatthere Is about )'ourselr that mighteau~ you to have an accident.

• Do you anow othea to 'di,l­tract your atlentlon while driving,or do you keep your eres and mindeareCullyon the r03d ahCll.d?

II Do you rcaeh tor pa·ckagc.~,

light a '~moke:' or look up ad·drClllles while driving rapidl)·. or dorou IIlow down to do these thhlgll?

.• Do you get interested in scen­err. blllboardll. and people on thesidewalkll, or have you trained)'ourself me~1)' to glance at them?

• Do you "day dream" on long

I'arine Exehaage:Closcs at 1 p.m. Dee. 24, 3!-C1osed on Dee. 25, Jan. 1.

titaUon Ubrar)':C101Jcd Dec. 24-%7; Jan. 1-3.

Ibnk of America:C10aed De<l. 2~, Jan. L Regular hOUr! otherwise.

Oomntl_,.,. Stare:Dee. 24, 31-Qpen continuously from 9 a.m."2 p.m.Dee. 25, Jan. l---C10se0.Dec. 29-CIoscs at 12 noon for inventory,

p.m., remaining 'open untll 6:30 p.m.S"lI\'Y Exelni.nKe Restaurant:

Open normal hours except:Dee. 24, 31--Qpcn 6 a.m.-g p.m.Dee. ,25, 26, Jan. l-Open 1 Lm.-9 p.m.


Ret.all Stote-Open regular hours except:2 p.m:"-Clbaed Dee. 25, ~, Jan. L

~..... :

Dee. '2~pen 9 i.m.·2 p:m.-eto5ed after Dec.2llkn'kle Station ...lI out.~r SIi'op:

.Dee. 4+-Open 8 a.m.·3:30 p.m. Dee. 26, 31, Jan. t--Qp:en ! a.m." p.m.Ooeed Dee. ~

Qro!f ee.ne..-s-ck Bar:ClOlied Dee. .l~, -25, 31.......()pen Dec. 26, .1llo. I, 8 •.m.-:! p.m.

rWAF ..... ·a-; .Open 7 a.m.·l p.m., Dee. 2f, at 'C.1oIed Dee. ~ 26, .t.n. 1.

\U~ 'aila Dry Ghiien:()pen 9 a.m.-l p.m~ Dec. 24, 31. C'Io.oo Dec. Zli, '28, Jan. 1.

I B.rber; BnlMl)... Collobler ~0fIl{:

Hour- _me all Retail Store.Pe'l'tnlt 8Iaoltie:

0pPn " 'a.m.-2 p.m, '0«. 24. 31. ClOsed Dec. 25, 26, Jan. 1.'fJ'r'edlt U"'n:

Dec. 24, 31-Open b a.m.·12:30 p.m.CloSed Dec. 23 !and Jan. 1.