June & July 2014 Sivan, Tammuz, Av 5774 Volume 5774 Issue 10 CBI Announcements Rabbi’s Message Cantor’s Message President’s Message Executive Director’s Message CBI Engagement Committee June and July Calendars Shavuot Schedule Mitzvah Grams Life Cycle Events Donations Advertisements 3 4 4 5 5 6 A-Team Women’s League Youth Todah Rabahs Fourth of July at CBI Adult Studies 7 8 9 10 10 11 12-15 16 17-18 19 20-21 22-27

B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue

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Page 1: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue

June & July 2014

Sivan, Tammuz, Av 5774

Volume 5774 Issue 10

CBI Announcements

Rabbi’s Message

Cantor’s Message

President’s Message

Executive Director’s Message

CBI Engagement Committee

June and July Calendars

Shavuot Schedule

Mitzvah Grams

Life Cycle Events










Women’s League


Todah Rabahs

Fourth of July at CBI

Adult Studies













Page 2: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue



Rabbi Jacob Luski, D.D.

727.381.4900 x207

[email protected]

Cantor Jonathan Schultz

727.381.4900 x305

[email protected]

Executive Director Susan Goldstein

727.381.4900 x202

[email protected]

Pauline Rivkind Preschool Director

Bonnie Halprin 727.381.4900 x211

[email protected]

Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah Education

Director Ilana Dayan

727.381.4900 x310

[email protected]

Youth Director

727.381.7900 x 209

[email protected]

Community Engagement Liz Sembler


[email protected]

Torah Reader/Educator Deborah Marmon

727.381.4900 x205

[email protected]

Office Manager Pam Askin

727.381.4900 x203

[email protected]

Communications Coordinator

Melissa Hertzfeld

727.381.4900 x201

[email protected]

Accounting Dianne Gettler

727.381.4900 x204

[email protected]

President Laurie Reiskind

[email protected]

Women’s League President Alice Ettinger Men’s Club President Jesse Rodman

USY President Hannah Terzi Kadima President Danielle LeVine

Our Mission

Through our congregational life, our goal is to provide the opportunity for our members and friends to experience Jewish life to its fullest. We want to transmit the ideals of Conservative Judaism to our children and grandchildren, to enable them to be knowledgeable and respon-sible participants in Jewish life, sensitive and ethical human beings and reliable custodians of an enduring heritage. Through the synagogue, we want to find strength and inspiration in worship and study, in the sharing of lifecycle events, in acts of caring, in reaching out to the wide Jewish and non-Jewish communities, and in concern and support for Israel.

B’nai Israel Review

Ongoing Activities at CBI

Participate in Aliyot

The Ritual Committee of Congregation

B’nai Israel encourages worshippers to

participate in services by performing

aliyot. If you like to re-

ceive an aliyah, please

call the synagogue of-

fice at 727.381.4900, or

speak to one of the ushers when you

enter the sanctuary, and every effort

will be made to accommodate your

request. Those wishing to receive an

aliyah on Shabbat morning are

asked to arrive at services no later

than 9:30 am. We look forward to your



Morry Bornstein, Ritual Chair

Daily Services Become a Minyanaire! Support our Daily Minyan in the Chapel:

Sunday Morning: 9:00 Monday—Friday mornings: 7:45 Sunday—Thursday evenings: 6:30

Come just for the joy of davening together. You'll be glad you decided to join the growing number of CBI members and friends who do. Please sign in to be counted.

Continental Breakfast The Mitzvah Men’s Club provides a Continental

Breakfast for all worshippers on Minyan Mornings

in the alcove of the Social Hall. Please join the

Minyanaires for the morning Shaharit service and

relax and schmooze over breakfast—bagels,

cream cheese, coffee cake and coffee/tea.

Sponsorship Opportunities

If you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg

Shabbat on Friday evening or a L’Hayim following

a Morning Minyan in honor or memory of a loved

one or a special occasion, please contact the

Synagogue office.

Online LIKE us on Facebook

Sign up to support us on GoodSearch.com

You can also make payments and donations on our website! cbistpete.org

Office Drop Box As a reminder, there is a Secured

Drop Box available at the shul and at

your service when you are in the

building. It is located outside the

Synagogue office across from the

Judaica Shop. You can drop off

messages, contributions, etc when

coming to classes, events, meetings,

or when dropping off children at

school. It is an easy way to

communicate within the

congregational family.

Drop-in sometime! B’nai Israel Review Publishes 11 times a year by

Congregation B’nai Israel 300 58th Street North

St. Petersburg, Florida 33710 727.381.4900 FAX 727.344.1307

cbisptete.org All rights reserved. No part of this document

can be copied without the permission of Congregation B’nai Israel

Junior Congregation For all B’nai Israel children, ages 9 -

13, grades 3 - 7 will return in the fall.

Page 3: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


CBI Announcements June/July 2014

With Love From the CBI Kitchen

Barbara Levin’s Party Blintzes

Mix together cream cheese, egg yolk, and 1/4 cup sugar.

Cut crust off bread and flatten each piece with a rolling pin.

Spread cheese mixture on each side of bread and roll up.

Cut each in half. Melt margarine. Mix together remaining 1/2

cup sugar and cinnamon. Dip rolled bread into margarine,

then into sugar-cinnamon mixture. Bake 350 degrees until

hot. Makes 100 Blintzes.

(2) 8 oz. Pkg. Cream Cheese


(2) Loaves (22 oz)

sliced sandwich white


(2) Egg Yolks (1) Stick Margarine

3/4 Cup Sugar 1/2 Tsp Cinnamon

Summer Sermonette Series and

Glimpses into Jewish History It is time for our annual Summer Sermonette Series and

Glimpses Into Jewish History, Join us on Friday Nights

and Shabbat Mornings as some of your fellow

congregants share their thoughts,

experiences and wisdom .

Is someone special

celebrating a Simha this month?

Give Mitzvah Gelt!

When you buy Mizvah Gelt (formally Scrip

Cards) Gift Cards from CBI, CBI makes a

percentage of your purchase!

This is a great way to help our

synagogue and an easy way to shop for

family and friends: Contact the CBI

Office today to see what we have in


Save the Date: Tisha B’Av

Service Times:

Monday, August 4, 8:00pm

Tuesday, August 5, 7:45 am, 1:00pm, and

8:00 pm

Save the Date

Welcome back Got Shabbat? Dinner

September 5, 6:00 pm

Page 4: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


Shavuot is the celebration of the Giving of the Torah at Sinai. Appropriately, we mark this occasion by reading The Ten Commandments. The public reading of The Ten Commandments is interesting liturgically, in part be-cause The Ten Commandments have two sets of ta’amei ha-mikra, or “tropes:” the ta’amei elyon, or “upper accents,” and the ta’amei tachton, or “lower accents.” The “lower accents” divide The Ten Commandments into twelve verses of “normal” length, such that each of the twelve verses constitutes a typical sentence. The “upper accents,” on the other hand, parse The Ten Commandments so that each Commandment is a verse. Thus, The Ten Commandments are parsed into ten verses, each Commandment comprising a verse.

In current Ashkenazi custom, the “upper accents” are used for all public readings of The Ten Commandments – on Shabbat Parashat Yitro, Shavuot, and Shabbat Parashat Va-etchanan. This way, the Torah reader reenacts the revelation at Sinai dur-ing the public reading.

An interesting “side effect” of parsing each Commandment into its own verse is that some of the verses are very short, and two of the verses are very long. “Thou shalt not murder” is a verse. “Thou shalt not steal” is a verse. Conversely, the second Com-mandment is rendered as one long verse:

You shall have no other gods besides Me; you shall not make for yourself a sculptured image, or any likeness of what is in the heavens above, or on the earth below, or in the waters under the earth; You shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the Lord your God am an impassioned God, visiting the guilt of the parents upon the children, upon the third and upon the fourth generations of those who reject Me, but showing kindness to the thousandth generation of those who love Me and keep My commandments.

That’s one long verse.

I look forward to sharing with you the experience of hearing The Ten Commandments on Shavuot. And for those of you who wish to follow the “upper accents,” they may be found in the back of the Etz Hayim Chumash.


Rabbi Stephen S. Wise was once seated at a banquet next to a woman who tried to impress him with her exalted lineage. “One of my ancestors,” she exclaimed proudly, “witnessed the signing of the Declaration of Independence.” The Rabbi could not resist replying, “My ancestors were present at the giving of the Ten Commandments.”

The festival of Shavuot which begins Tuesday evening, June 3, marks the traditional anniversary of that his-toric occasion when our ancestors received the revelation on Mt. Sinai – the Ten Commandments, which has

had a more profound impact on all of history than any other document.

Unfortunately, no other festival is neglected by our people more than Shavuot. Even Hanukkah and Purim, minor holidays, are much more attractive to us.

Our Christian neighbors take Shavuot seriously. They call it Pentecost, a Greek word meaning 50, or the period of 50 days of the Omer from the Passover Seder to Shavuot.

The Ten Commandments, 120 words in the original Hebrew, are the most sublime summary of human duties binding on all humankind; a summary unequalled for simplicity and solemnity. These few brief commands bespeaking the sanctity of the home, of marriage, of human life, of property; cover the whole sphere of conduct, not only of outer actions but also of the secret thoughts of the heart. In simple, unforgettable form, this unique code of codes lays down the fundamental rules of worship and of conduct for all time and for all people.

Had civilization adhered to these Ten Commandments uttered over 3,000 years ago, we would live in a world without war, without crime, without violence, without infidelity, without falsehood.

The Kotzker Rebbe asked why do we call Shavuot, Z’man matan torateinu – “the giving of the Ten Commandments?” Wouldn’t “receiving the Ten Commandments” be more appropriate? He answered that God’s gift to us was the “giving” of the Torah on Mt. Sinai, but it is our duty and responsibility, not God’s to “receive “ it, study it and live by it.

Let us take Shavuot seriously. I most cordially invite you to join us on Tuesday, June 3. A brief service beginning at 8:00 pm will be followed by the TIkkun Leyl Shavuot, a night of meaningful Torah study, fellowship and dairy desserts.

Hag Sameah!

From the Cantor

From the Rabbi June/July 2014 MAY 2014

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From the Executive Director

From the President June/July 2014 MAY 2014

Summertime and the shul………………

Summer is almost here. The kids are out of school and are heading to Ramah Darom, Israel, or other summer-time places. What are we doing here at the shul? We’re getting ready for the High Holy Days! We’re finalizing our checklists and timelines, and we’re always trying to come up with more efficient ways to make things work better for you and maximize the dollars with which we have to work. We’re also thinking of ways that you can help us positively affect our income – and we know of a way that will work for all of us!

You can help make money for the shul just by shopping for the things for which you’re going to shop anyway. How? Buy a Mitzvah Gelt card from CBI to pay for eating out, going to the movies, buying your pharmaceutical goodies and much more. Did you know that you can earn dollars for CBI by using Mitzvah Gelt cards at:

Magginano’s – 11% Panera Bread – 9% Bone Fish – 8% Barnes & Noble – 9% Regal Entertainment – 8% Jo-Ann Fabrics – 6% Payless Shoes – 13% Macy’s 10% Men’s Wearhouse – 8% Sports Authority – 8% TJ Max – 7% Bed Bath & Beyond – 7% GNC – 8% CVS – 6% Walgreen’s – 6%

And that’s only a sampling! You may think that 7% of a $25 Bed Beth & Beyond card at $1.75 doesn’t make much difference. It does, though, if all of us think of buying and using these cards for things we were going to purchase anyway. How, you say, can I be a part of this great program? Simple.

We’re now keeping cards in the office. Melissa will be delighted to sell them to you. What if we don’t have what you want in stock? That’s simple, too. It only takes about two days to receive an order after we place it.

But why can’t I pay for Mitzvah Gelt with my credit card? Because we have to pay a percentage to the credit card company every time you pay us with a credit card. While we generally expect that as a cost of doing business, our margins would be too tight on sales of the Mitzvah Gelt cards. For example, on a $25 purchase where we would earn 7% if you pay by cash or check, our profit would be cut to about 4% after we absorb the cost of accepting your credit card.

It’s summertime. Dine out, sit in a comfy air-conditioned movie theatre or read a good book, do a little shopping, fill your prescriptions – and support CBI!


As my presidency ends, I want to share a paragraph from the first article I wrote as President of CBI. “I am excited and nervous to become President of CBI. I am sure I will make some mistakes and may even make some of you, my fellow congregants, unhappy as I try to serve in this position to the best of my ability. I guarantee that you will not be able to question my commitment or effort. There is also a high likelihood that I will shed a tear or 2 on my presidential journey-this will not come as a surprise to those who know me well.” Looking back, I would say that turned out to be very accurate. For those of you whom my actions or decisions

upset or disappointed, please know that I was always acting in what I believed to be the best interest of CBI. I did indeed serve with a passion and commitment of time, energy and financial support that I hope will serve as an inspiration for all future CBI leaders, and yes many tears were shed, those of sadness, frustration and joy. CBI is most importantly a place where we come to pray and learn together and celebrate with and support each other through life cycle events. Your leadership; however, has worked with the knowledge that CBI is a million dollar business. In 2012-14, we have made moves to run CBI as the best business it can be while still maintaining it to be a supportive and progressive con-servative Jewish Kehilla. For those of you who attended our Annual Meeting, I thank you. You know that our work it far from over. Decreasing revenue, decreasing membership, more members requesting reduced dues and decreased fund raising dol-lars will mean that difficult and unpopular decisions may need to be made. More changes may be in our future. We will only have a successful future if we respond to the realities of the present. I cannot possibly thank all of the members, staff and leaders who had confidence in me and encouraged me. I can’t possibly name everyone who worked with me to achieve all the successes that we have had. CBI is fortunate to have many committed lay leaders, congregants and staff. Todah Rabah – often your efforts made me look good.

I am not going away and will continue to be involved in CBI life, but am relieved that it will no longer be my full time job!

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CBI Engagement Committee June/July 2014

Mazal Tov to Our New Minyanaires!

At Congregation B’nai Israel we offer a twice-daily minyan to our congregation and community. We are the only congregation on

Florida’s west coast to do so, and we are able to do this because of the steadfast dedication of our congregants who recognize

the power and beauty of daily prayer.

Each year we recognize those who attend our minyan on a regular basis at a Pinning Ceremony and Dinner prior to the

congregation annual meeting. This year, on May 7, more than twenty daily-minyan attendees were inducted into the

CBI Minyanaires and received their Minyanaires pin. They achieved this milestone by attending at least 36 minyanim over the

course of the year.

Our new Minyanaires are: Oren Adelson, Caryn Baird, Ellen Bernstein, Esta Blaxberg, Simon Chapiro, Steven Feld, Malka Rivka

Gerardino, Susan Goldstein, Judi Gordon, Lorri Helfand, Byron Kolitz, Harry Lev, Marian Lustigman-Rooth, Carol Marger,

Leonard Mauer z”l, Ralph Mizrahi, Ruth Ann Mizrahi, Laurie Resikind, Harold Seder, Joyce Seder, Bob Warsaw, and Jackie


They are welcomed into the Minyanaires by our Pillars of the Minyan, who are instrumental in the running and continuity of the

minyan, and by our 5773 Minyanaires. Our Pillars of the Minyan are Dolores Diamond, Billl Dolgoff z”l, Thelma Gilbert,

Ed Ginsberg, Sandy Heller, Dave Hutman, Jay Kauffman, Norman Lev z”l, Morrie LeVine, Jesse Rodman, Howard Rothstein,

Joel Shane, Warren Simmons, and Bob Sternberg.

Our 5773 Minyanaires are: Lou Bader, Naomi Berg, Carol Epstein, Tom Epstein, Alice Ettinger, Larry Ettinger, Gail Frye, Mike

Frye, Selma Gaby, Michael Grossman, Judy Ludin, Debbie Marmon, Ruth Mauer, Irma Mayer, Jack Mayer, Harris Meltzer, Joan

Redisch, Phil Redisch, Cary Reich, Laurie Reiskind, and Liz Sembler.

Have you been to the daily minyan lately? Please come see for yourself what it’s all about. Experience the warmth and fellow-

ship of community gathered for a holy purpose. Feel the comforting sense of peace developed in communication with God. And

don’t forget to sign in so we can count you too! Please join us Monday through Friday mornings at 7:45 am, Sunday Mornings at

9:00, and Sunday through Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm.

See you in shul,

Liz Sembler

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A message from a Minyanaire June/July 2014

A Team: CBI’s Advocacy for Israel Committee

As an Israel advocate, you probably have several special interests. For a comprehensive, single source, daily report of wide ranging issues, I urge you to subscribe to the Daily Alert (www.dailyalert.org). This email is prepared for the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. It contains a collection of summaries on a variety of timely issues, and links to the original sources. Also, many excellent web sites provide historical background and current information. You can begin your exploration with the following sites:

Advocates for Israel

AIPAC - American Israel Public Affairs Committee

American Zionist Movement

CAMERA - Committee for Accuracy in

Middle East Reporting in America

Embassy of Israel to the US


Honest Reporting


Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs


JNF - Jewish National Fund

Please show your support for Israel by familiarizing yourself with the conditions and facts to become better informed. Each of us has a role in delivering the message – we’ll continue on the offensive in advocating for Israel. Help CBI reach its goal of planting a second Parkland of 5,000 tree in Eretz Yisrael. Only $1,325 remains to be raised (out of $25,000)! We want to celebrate the completion of this project before Tu B’Shevat 5775 (4 February 2015). Your donation to the Parkland Project can be made in honor of, in celebration of, or in memory of someone dear to you. In addition to this accomplishment, CBI will have received a total benefit of $1,400 from JNF to be used in our Israel advocacy programming. The donation form is available on the CBI website and in the CBI Lobby at the entrance to the Sanctuary. Byron Kolitz

Please Don’t Shoot the Messenger!

If you’re at CBI around the time for the evening minyan, which begins at 6:30 Sunday through Thursday, it’s

possible you may be approached by someone asking if you’ll join the service for 10-15 minutes to help make a

minyan, the 10 Jews required to allow mourners, or those commemorating a loved one’s Yarzeit, to say Kad-


You are absolutely free to say “no;” your wishes will be respected.

The folks who are likely to ask are volunteers who’ve accepted the responsibility, several times a week, to prepare for the min-

yan, ensure that the required number of folks are there and, usually, lead the service as well.

Even if you choose not to participate the people who are asking are doing a big job and deserve your respect for their efforts.

If you agree to participate, you won’t be doing anything for the askers, but you may very well be doing a real mitzvah for those

who wish to say Kaddish, not only to fulfill their obligation to do so, but very often, to also fulfill a personal need for solace that

saying Kaddish can provide.

Jesse Rodman

MEMRI - Middle East Media Research Institute

MERCAZ USA - Zionist Organization of the Conservative Movement

Myth and Facts

Stand for Israel


Stand for Israel

TIP - The Israel Project

World Jewish Congress

World Zionist Organization

Page 8: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


Women’s League June/July 2014

What a great honor it has been able to serve as the President of Women’s League of Congregation B’nai Israel. I have

worked closely with many of you and always feel the love and sisterhood that we share – from meetings, the kitchen, the

office, the Judaica Shop, special events, community events, etc.

It means so much to know that you are never alone. There are my sisters all around. Someone always will say “yes” when

you ask. We have been together through many fun times and there will be many more good times in the future. Some of

my favorites include: baking hamentashen, rehearsing a Purim spiel, a fashion show, installation, Spring Conference, Inter-

national Convention, hosting a cluster meeting, Torah Fund Dinners, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

For the past four years, I have tried to maintain our membership, bring in some new people, and continue our programming. We have exceed-

ed our Torah Fund threshold, we have increased our catering, our Shalach Manot, New Year’s booklet, and other fundraising initiatives have

been profitable, and more important enjoyable for all of us.

So as I say goodbye to this presidency, I am preparing for another one. The opportunity and experience I have gained from Women’s League

will help me with my new role. I hope that all of my sisters will continue to support me in this new endeavor. I know I need you all.

Thank you for all you have done for Women’s League and for me through these years. It has been my

greatest pleasure to get to know you and work with you to better our chapter and CBI.

Alice Ettinger

Women’s League President

CBI congratulates Alice on being the 2014 recipient of the Gail

S. Warren Legacy for Leadership Award! On behalf of CBI,

thank you Alice for all you do! Mazal tov!

Thank you to the following for making our Spring Fling Fashion Show such a huge success:

Susie Berman, Mali Feld, Mandi Gross, Danielle LeVine, Susan LeVine, Vivian Lurie, Mary Ann Marger , Phyllis Werner, Fred Feld, Michael Noonberg, Robert Sternberg, Gail Frye, Susan Goldstein, Anita Helfand, Melissa Hertzfeld, Rita Jacobson, Joanne Luski, Wendy Levine, Carol Marger, Bebby Marlin and Sheryl Sutton.

Barbara Noonberg and Jennifer Sternberg Co-Chairpersons, WL Fashion Show 2014

Page 9: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


Youth Department June/July 2014

February 2014

Pauline Rivkind Talmud Torah

Dear PRTT Parents and Families,

As we approach the end of another school year, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your help, support and interest this year. We have had another very busy and successful year in school and you, as partners in the education of your children, deserve much of the credit for that. Each of your children has brought such joy and happiness to our classroom. We were so fortunate to have such a wonderful group of children this past year. They are like our own children! They all have touched our life in very positive and rewarding ways.

Please make sure to fill the registration form for the 2014-2015 school


After much discussion with members of the Board of PRTT, a decision has been made to hold weekday Hebrew School classes on

Wednesdays instead of Tuesdays in the 2014-2015 school year. We will meet over the summer with our staff to develop more relevant educational programs and I will keep everyone involved in our efforts.

We wish you and your families a restful and joyful summer.

Ilana Dayan Education Director

Pauline Rivkind Preschool

Summer time is fun time at Pauline Rivkind Preschool. We put away our “heavy” curriculum and concentrate on our senses. We spend more time outside playing and exploring nature. We also have water play during these hot summer months!

Our themes are full of nature, sports and national pride. We will have our Annual BBQ Thursday, July 3!

Children ages one year through five years may still register for a week or a month for the summer sessions. Please contact the preschool office for more information.

It is also not too late to register for the fall term. Pauline Rivkind Preschool has the reputation of being one of the best preschools in St. Petersburg. Our children entering kindergarten last year scored the highest on their entrance testing. This information can be found on the Florida Department of Education web site. We offer fun, caring, learning experiences for children beginning as young as one year old. Our program continues through the VPK FREE program for children who are four years old by September 1, 2014.

There is no better place to start your child’s education than Pauline Rivkind Preschool at Congregation B’nai Israel. Tell your children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors! Contact the preschool office at 727.302.9668.

Bonnie Halprin, Preschool Director

USY President attends AIPAC Conference

In March, Hannah Terzi was able to attend an AIPAC conference. Here are a couple of pictures of her from her trip. If you would like to learn more about her experience, visit the Youth page of our website at cbistpete.org/calendar/usy.

Page 10: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


Todah Rabah June/July 2014 We would like to say a special Todah Rabah to the following people for their dedication to CBI.

✡ Alan Schwartz and Superior Uniforms Group for donating our new uniforms for our kitchen staff

✡ Our Minyanaires and all of those that have joined us for Morning or Evening Mnyan

✡ Ilana Dayan and all of those who helped her in cooking a wonderful Got Shabbat? Dinner for “Daven and Dine at the


✡ Steve Feld, Eddie Ginsberg, Jack Goldberg, Marc Reiskind, and Jesse Rodman for recreating the CBI Kotel for our

“Daven and Dine at the Kotel” Shabbat.

✡ Linda Grau and Livia Wein for organizing our first Educators Shabbat

✡ Sam Cohen and Steve Wein for davening Pesukei D’Zimra.

✡ Michael Giskin, Bonnie Halprin, Carolyn Isakson, Shoshana LeVine, Talya Kohan, Jared LeVine, and Jordan Tralins, for

reading Torah.

✡ Susan Goldstein, Janice LeVine, Jordan Tralins, Dr. Leslie Weiss, and the 5774 Hebrew High Graduates for chanting


Independence Shabbat





Page 11: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue




Book Club will resume in September. If you

would like to join this group on a regular basis,

contact the CBI Office. We will add your name

to their email list.

Lunch with the Rabbi June/July 2014

Adult Studies

Saturday Morning Sermonettes

Be inspired and learn something new as fellow congregants deliver a

D’var Torah during Shabbat morning services through the Summer, beginning

June 28, as a part of 9:00 morning services..

Torah For Seniors, led by Rabbi Jacob Luski

Tuesday, June 10, 11:00 am

(Philip Benjamin Tower)

Lunch with the Rabbi and Mishnah Study

Wednesday, June 11, noon

RSVP to the CBI Office with your Deli Lunch Order at 727.381.4900

by Tuesday, June 10, noon

Glimpses into Jewish History

Summer Shabbat evening services welcome members of the congregation to

share a glimpse into Jewish history. This will begin June 6, as a part of 7:30

Kabbalat Shabbat Services through August 15.

Talmud Made Easy

Stephen Wein continues his class studying Talmudic text along with its selected

commentaries. The classes are in English, and Steve explains it all. All materials

are provided. The class involves textual analysis and lively discussion and is

open to all. No previous knowledge necessary.

Wednesdays, June 11 & 25, 7:00 pm

*For more information on these events, check cbistpete.org, the

Adult Studies Program Book, or call the CBI office at 727.381.4900

CBI Women’s League

Judaica Shop Call for an Appointment:

Ellen Bernstein 727.345.0237

Anita Helfand 727.347.2300

Visit the Judaica Shop for:

Hanukkah items, ceremonial objects, Kiddush cups, candlesticks, Shabbat Candles, shofars, honey dishes,

tefillin, tallitot, Challah plates, boards, knives, and more!

We special order!

Buns Family Library

Page 12: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


June 2014

Sivan/ Tammuz 5774

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

1 9:00 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 48

2 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan Omer Day 49

3 7:45 Morning Minyan 8:00 Shavuot Services, Tikun Leyl Shavuot Study Session, and Oneg Yom Tov 8:05 Candlelighting Erev Shavuot

4 Shavuot CBI Office Closed 9:00 Shavuot Yom Tov Services, Including Bounty of Babies Ceremony8:00 Yom Tov Evening Service9:05 Candlelighting

8 9:00 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

9 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

10 7:45 Morning Minyan 11:00 Torah 4 Seniors, Philip Benjamin Tower 12:00 Lunch with the Rabbi RSVP Deadline 6:00 Chess Club 6:30 Evening Minyan 6:45 Ritual Committee

11 7:45 Morning Minyan 12:00 Lunch with the Rabbi Siyum2:00 Rabbi’s Open Office Hours6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Talmud Class with Steve Wein

15 9:00 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

16 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

17 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:00 Chess Club 6:30 Evening Minyan

18 7:45 Morning Minyan

6:30 Evening Minyan

22 9:00 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

23 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

24 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Board of Trustees Meeting

25 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan 7:00 Talmud Class with Steve Wein

29 Rosh Hodesh Tamuz 9:00 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

30 9:00 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

June Calendar June/July 2014

Page 13: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


June/July 2014

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

CBI Office Closed 9:00 Shavuot Yom Tov Services, Including Bounty of Babies Ceremony 8:00 Yom Tov Evening Service

5Shavuot CBI Office Closed 9:00 Shavuot Yom Tov Services and Yizkor Memorial Service 8:10 Minha, Maariv, and Conclusion of Yom Tov

6 7:45 Morning Minyan 7:30 Musical Kabbalat Shabbat, Glipses into Jewish History, and Oneg 8:06 Candlelighting

7Sedra Naso 9:00 Shabbat Morning Services and Kiddush 8:05 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala

12:00 Lunch with the Rabbi Siyum 2:00 Rabbi’s Open Office Hours

7:00 Talmud Class with Steve Wein

12 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

13 7:45 Morning Minyan 7:30 Musical Kabbalat Shabbat, Glipses into Jewish History, and Oneg 8:09 Candlelighting

14 Sedra Shelah 9:00 Shabbat Morning Service, June and July Simha Shabbat, and Kiddush 8:10 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala

19 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

20 7:45 Morning Minyan 7:30 Musical Kabbalat Shabbat, Glipses into Jewish History, and Oneg 8:11 Candlelighting

21 Sedra Korah

First Day of Summer 9:00 Shabbat Morning Services, Fred Buns 90th Birthday Kiddush 8:10 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala

7:00 Talmud Class with Steve Wein

26 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

27 7:45 Morning Minyan 7:30 Musical Kabbalat Shabbat, Glipses into Jewish History, and Oneg 8:12 Candlelighting

28 Sedra Hukat Rosh Hodesh Tammuz 9:00 Shabbat Morning Services, Sunday Sermonettes, and Kiddush 8:10 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala

Through August 15, enjoy Friday Night Musical Kabbalat Shabbat Services at 7:30 with Glimpses through Jewish History

discussions led by CBI members. Saturday morning services will continue to be at 9:00 with Sermonettes given by

fellow congregants. Look out for June and July Simha Shabbat on June 14, and a special

Fourth of July at CBI Shabbat., July 4 and 5.

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February 2014 July Calendar June/July 2014

July 2014

Iyar/Sivan 5774

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

1 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:00 Chess Club 6:30 Evening Minyan

2 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

6 9:00 Morning Minyan 9:00 PRTT 6:30 Evening Minyan

7 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

8 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:00 Chess Club 6:30 Evening Minyan

9 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

13 9:00 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

14 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

15 Shiva Asar B’Tammuz Fast Day 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:00 Chess Club 6:30 Evening Minyan *Today marks the 3 weeks prior to Tisha B’Av, when no social occasions should be celebrated.


7:45 Morning Minyan

6:30 Evening Minyan

20 9:00 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

21 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

22 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

23 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

27 9:00 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

28 Rosh Hodesh Av 9:00 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

29 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:00 Chess Club 6:30 Evening Minyan

30 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

Page 15: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


June/July 2014

February 2014

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

3 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

4 Independence Day CBI Office Closed 9:00 Morning Minyan 7:30 Musical Kabbalat Shabbat, Glipses into Jewish History, and Oneg 8:13 Candlelighting

5 Sedra Balak 9:00 Shabbat Morning Services, Sunday Sermonettes, and Kiddush 8:15 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala

10 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

11 7:45 Morning Minyan 7:30 Musical Kabbalat Shabbat, Glipses into Jewish History, and Oneg 8:12 Candlelighting

12 Sedra Pinhas 9:00 Shabbat Morning Services, Sunday Sermonettes, and Kiddush 8:15 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala

17 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

18 7:45 Morning Minyan 7:30 Musical Kabbalat Shabbat, Glipses into Jewish History, and Oneg 8:10 Candlelighting

19 Sedra Matot 9:00 Shabbat Morning Services, Sunday Sermonettes, and Kiddush

8:10 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala

24 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

25 7:45 Morning Minyan 7:30 Musical Kabbalat Shabbat, Glipses into Jewish History, and Oneg 8:07 Candlelighting

26 Sedra Masei 9:00 Shabbat Morning Services, Sunday Sermonettes, and Kiddush 8:10 Minha, Maariv, and Havdala

31 7:45 Morning Minyan 6:30 Evening Minyan

Through August 15, enjoy Friday Night Musical Kabbalat Shabbat Services at 7:30 with Glimpses through Jewish History

discussions led by CBI members. Saturday morning services will continue to be at 9:00 with Sermonettes given by

fellow congregants. Look out for June and July Simha Shabbat on June 14, and a special

Fourth of July at CBI Shabbat, July 4 and 5.

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Shavuot June/July 2014

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MAY 2014



Join us in wishing Mazal Tov! to members celebrating their birthdays, anniversaries and B’nai Mitzvah. Your good wishes can be part of their

memories, while at the same time, supporting B’nai Israel’s commitment to help our schools, youth groups and Synagogue through your

donations to our Mitzvah Fund.



□ 4 Barbara and Dr. Richard Karpay

□ 4 Joel and Betty Sue Shane

□ 5 Ilene and Dr. Michael Worman

□ 6 Millie and Lenny Gelfond

□ 8 Ricki and Mark Lewis

□ 9 Susie and Ira Berman

□ 10 Erica and David Benstock

□ 12 Mandi and Michael Gross

□ 12 RuthAnn and Ralph Mizrahi

□ 13 Sheryl and Dr. Larry Feinman

□ 15 Mavis and Mike Wallace

□ 15 Ellen and Joel Goetz

□ 16 Hannah and Dr. Irwin Ayes

□ 16 Sandy and Dr. Mike Slomka

□ 17 Malina and Meni Kanner

□ 18 Irma and Jack Mayer

□ 18 Helen and Ben Pertcheck

□ 19 Sheila and David Hutman

□ 19 Sally and Joe Cohen

□ 20 Stephanie and Keyvan Kohen-Shohet

□ 21 Sandra and Dr. Barry Caplan

□ 21 Patricia and Dr. Lionel Levinson

□ 22 Randi and Bennett Rabin

□ 22 Nancy and Capt. Allan Lonschein

□ 24 Phyllis and Sid Werner

□ 24 Gaye and Joel Taller

□ 25 Susan and Dr. Steven LeVine

□ 29 Judy and Eric Ludin



□ 2 Adam Goldstein

□ 2 Dr. Harold Seder

□ 3 Harris Meltzer

□ 3 Eileen Silverstein

□ 4 Dr. Richard Blanchard

□ 5 Nick Benjacob

□ 5 Abraham Luski

□ 5 Dr. Bernardo Stein

□ 6 Rivy Chapman

□ 6 Mussie Eidelman

□ 6 Carol Marger

□ 7 Andrew Catalfina

□ 8 Heather Craig

□ 9 Alan Gross

□ 9 Robert Jacobs

□ 9 Arlene Moss

□ 10 Jackie Kanner

□ 10 Susan Goldstein

□ 11 Tom Silverberg

□ 12 Shoshana David

□ 12 Lee Leibson

□ 12 Rose Luski

□ 13 Sam Cohen

□ 13 Jean Kraff

□ 14 Joan Epstein

□ 15 Gail Frye

□ 16 Susan Kagan

□ 17 David Benstock

□ 18 Mali Feld

□ 18 Marv Leibson

□ 18 Mavis Wallace

□ 20 Jackie Catalfina

□ 20 Ilana Dayan

□ 20 Patricia Adelson

□ 21 Fred Buns

In Honor of: ___________________________

Check the names of everyone to whom you want to send a Mitzvah Gram.

Send this form together with your check, minimum $10 donation fro each acknowledgement to: CBI St. Pete, C/O Kesef Accounting Services, PO Box 159 Montvale, NJ 07645, donate online at cbistpete.org, or drop off your check in the synagogue office.

*The minimum donation per acknowledgement is $10.

Please print:

Your Name: ______________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

City, _____________________________Zip: __________________

Telephone: ______________

□ 21 Linda Diamond

□ 21 Donna Milcich

□ 21 Lea Seiden

□ 22 Judy Buns

□ 23 Linda Goldfarb

□ 24 Jay Gross

□ 25 Dr. Pat Cottrille

□ 25 Beth Figard

□ 25 Miriam Tambor

□ 26 Gary Levine

□ 27 Dr. Leslie Pearlstein

□ 28 Myra Gross

□ 28 Shelly Kamins

□ 28 Greg Sembler

□ 29 Margot Benstock

□ 29 Gaye Taller

Do a Mitzvah on

your birthday,

Attend the

Daily Minyan!

Other Simhas

Page 18: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue









Join us in wishing Mazal Tov! to members celebrating their birthdays, anniversaries and B’nai Mitzvah. Your good wishes can be part of their

memories, while at the same time, supporting B’nai Israel’s commitment to help our schools, youth groups and Synagogue through your

donations to our Mitzvah Fund.


□ 2 Marilyn and Dr. Morris LeVine

□ 4 Selma and Jerry Rosenberg

□ 5 Erika and Joe Kauffman

□ 5 Pam and Moe LeCompte

□ 7 Susan and Seymour Gordon



□ 1 Gerald Colen

□ 1 David Gross

□ 1 Diane Sembler-Kamins

□ 1 Arlene Ludin

□ 1 Rita Thomas

□ 2 Marvin Freeman

□ 2 Dr. Frank Mendelblatt

□ 2 Amy Piper

□ 3 Ellen Bernstein

□ 3 Marietta Drucker

□ 3 Steve Grau

□ 4 Amnon Abayov

□ 4 Blanka Benjacob

□ 8 Ira Berman

□ 8 Sherrie Carroll

In Honor of: ___________________________

Check the names of everyone to whom you want to send a Mitzvah Gram.

Send this form together with your check, minimum $10 donation fro each acknowledgement to: CBI St. Pete, C/O Kesef Accounting Services, PO Box 159 Montvale, NJ 07645, donate online at cbistpete.org, or drop off your check in the synagogue office.

*The minimum donation per acknowledgement is $10.

Please print:

Your Name: ______________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

City, _____________________________Zip: __________________

Telephone: ______________

□ 19 Sharon Gershuny

□ 19 Anita Pollack

□ 19 Lucille Urvater

□ 20 Jesse Rodman

□ 20 Jerome Rubin

□ 20 Rae Schuster

□ 21 Morry Bornstein

□ 21 Larry Figard

□ 21 Helen Freid

□ 22 Chandaye Pastman

□ 23 Aaron Applefield

□ 23 Ben Alpert

□ 23 Pati Gross

□ 23 Byron Kolitz

□ 23 Don Silverberg

□ 26 Judy Ludin

□ 30 Marshall Seiden

□ 8 Deb Marmon

□ 9 Dr. Steve Bloom

□ 11 Jack Goldberg

□ 12 Robyn Mencher

□ 12 Bennett Rabin

□ 13 Rhoda Bader

□ 13 Dr. Ben-Ami Braun

□ 14 Michael Henry

□ 14 Michael Pastreich

□ 14 Robin Post

□ 14 Dr. David Wein

□ 15 Dr. Ira Azneer

□ 15 Allison Shenofsky

□ 16 Michael Richman

□ 17 Dr. Richard Karpay

□ 19 Jack Buns

Do a Mitzvah

on your


Attend the

Daily Minyan!

□ 8 Sharon and Moshe Gershuny

□ 9 Melissa and Sam Terzi

□ 16 Debbie and Dr. Richard


□ 19 Patzi and Asher Gil

□ 19 Arlene and Dr. David Dresdner

Other Simhas

Don’t forget their gift!

If you need a gift for

someone special’s Simha, consider

!When you buy a Mitzvah Gelt Gift

Card from CBI, CBI makes a

percentage of your purchase!

Contact the office today to see

what is in stock!

Page 19: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


Life Cycle Events June/July 2014


Marilyn Benjamin, Joan and Jerry Benstock, and Walter Loebenberg for being honored by the Jewish Federation at the

“Eight Over Eighty” Gala

Victoria Bischoff, William Gross, Jared LeVine, Shoshana LeVine, Talya Kohan, and William Walters for graduating from

Hebrew High.

Alice Ettinger for receiving the 2014 Gail S. Warren Legacy for Leadership Award

Marvin Freeman on receiving The Gail S. Warren Volunteer of the Year Award from Menorah Manor

Rabbi Jacob Luski for delivering the invocation at the April St. Petersburg City Council Meeting and Law Day at the Bar


Karen Reich on being a finalist for the 15th Annual Iconic Women of St. Petersburg Awards, given by the St. Petersburg

Chamber of Commerce

Marion Samson-Joseph on receiving the 34th Annual Lightning Community Hero of the Year Award


Mazal Tov to Erica and David Benstock on the birth of their son, Ethan Arnold Benstock. He is the great-grandson of Joan and Jerry

Benstock and Esther Fisch, and the grandson of Margot and Michael Benstock and Sheryl and Paul Green.

Mazal Tov to Nancy and Dr. Stanley Rosenberg on the birth of their grandson, Ethan Poeun Rosenberg. He is also the grandson to

Kwi Murray, and the son of Matthew and Suchan Rosenberg.

Mazal Tov to Gail and Carl Rubinsky on the birth of their granddaughter, Talia Ruth Rubinsky. She is the great-granddaughter of

Charlotte Weintraub, and the daughter of Emily and Joshua Rubinsky.


Mazal Tov to Hannah Freid, Lillian Grau, Linda and Steve Grau, Aaron Grau, and Caren Grau on the Bar Mitzvah of their great-

grandson, grandson, and son, Samuel Vincent Grau


Shirley Sommella, Howard and Carolyn Glick, Galila Zeevi, and Josef and Lisa Zeevi, on the engagement of their

great-granddaughter, granddaughter, and daughter Hannah Zeevi to Aaron Wright.


Helen and Larry Freid on the marriage of their daughter

Dr. Nina Phillips to Larry Bernstein.

Marcus Bennett

Father of Frank Bennett, Paul Bennett, and Karen Cann

May He who comforts Israel, Grant you solace in your bereavement.

Mazal Tov

Page 20: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


Donations June/July 2014

Adult Studies Fund In honor of

Bebby and Dr. Arthur Marlin Steve Wein’s Birthday

In memory of

Adele Morris Lenny Mauer

Harry Kraff

Anita Sher Lenny Mauer

Buns Family Technology Fund

In honor of

Mary Ann and Bruce Marger Fred Buns 90 birthday

Thelma and Jerry Gilbert Fred Buns 90 birthday

Cantor’s Fund In memory of

Claire, Kandice, and Ron Yogman

Lenny Mauer

Library Fund In memory of

Bev Sherman Harry Kraff

Marcus Bennett

Dr. Ruth Lebowitz Lenny Mauer

Sybil Rosen Lenny Mauer

Gail S. Warren Legacy for Leadership Fund

In memory of

Sandy and Dr. Mike Slomka Lenny Mauer

Mitzvah Fund In honor of

JAEDA Their “Be a Better Bystander Event”

Dr. Pat Cottrille Alan Kay’s birthday

Dr. Mandel Sher’s birthday

Shelley Lynn’s birthday

Louisa and Mark Benjamin Bruce Marger’s honor from the Cordozo Society

Ruth Mauer Refuah Shlema for Eric Ludin

Mary Ann and Bruce Marger Helen Kahan’s birthday

Millie and Lenny Gelfond Fred Buns 90 birthday

Thelma and Jerry Gilbert Walter Loebenberg’s birthday

Mitzvah Fund In memory of

Myrna and Murray Rubin Harry Kraff

Dr. Stacy and Bruce Orloff Lenny Mauer

Debbie and Brent Sembler Lenny Mauer

Millie and Lenny Gelfond Harry Kraff

Meredith Hoffman Lenny Mauer

Terri and Jay Gross Lenny Mauer

Vera and Dr. Larry Green Harry Kraff

Lisa, Jonathan, Caroline, and Dena Frisch

Lenny Mauer

Adele Morris Dr. Leonard Morris

Thelma and Jerry Gilbert Dr. Sidney Grau

Lenny Mauer

Harry Kraff

Jackie and Barry Kanner Lenny Mauer

Selma Rosenberg Jack Wolfson

Charlotte and Harold Goldberg

Harold’s father, Alex Goldberg

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roman Lenny Mauer

Patty and Leonard Adelson Lenny Mauer

Adele Morris Bessie Weisman

Candy and S. Hagendorf David Hagendorf

Ruth Mauer Dr. Howard Heller

Karen Coplon Lenny Mauer

Marilyn Benjamin Philip Benjamin

Laurie and Dr. Marc Reiskind

Lenny Mauer

Peggy and Dr. Sam Segal Joan Esrick Fyvolent

Peggy and Dr. Sam Segal Dr. Sidney Grau

Robin Perlman Her father, Martin William Perlman

Debbie Marmon Hers and Allen’s parents

Terri Gross Evelyn Goldman

Helen Silverberg

Millie and Lenny Gelfond Jack Rosenberg

Anschel Gelfond

Lee Shenofsky Mark Shenofsky

Music and Concert Endowment Fund

In honor of

Linda and Jack Goldfarb The birth of Debbie and Dr. Richard Blanchard’s grandson, Esme Chiu

Page 21: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


Donations June/July 2014

Looking for a special way to honor your family

and friends who are celebrating a Simha?


is just the answer. What a joy it is for someone to walk

into our shul and see a Tribute of their Bar or Bat

Mitzvah, special birthday, anniversary or wedding.

Order forms are in the synagogue office and lobby.

Minimum donation $254.

Mahzor Dedication


The Ritual Committee wants to

remind our Congregants that there

are still opportunities to dedicate

individual copies of our High Holiday

Mahzorim in honor or memory of

loved ones and friends, to commemorate a special

Simha, etc. One Mahzor may be dedicated for $36,

or you may dedicate 3 Mahzorim for $100. Please

contact the Synagogue Office for more


Thank you very much!

Sincerely, CBI Ritual Committee

Rabbi’s Fund In memory of

Aldena and Larry Lew Lima S Lew

Dr. Sidney Grau

Ellen, Sharon, and Joel Goetz

Lenny Mauer

Hannah and Dr. Irwin Ayes Evlyn Gold

Fred Silverman Harry Kraff

Jane and Don Silverberg Evelyn Goldman

Helen Silverberg

Beverly Dikman Fred Berger

Arthur Schloss Howard Schloss

Claire Weinstein Stanley Weinstein

Samuel and Elizabeth Weinstein

William and Minnie Berman

Jeffrey and Barbara Dissin

Elaine and Bob Lachter Anna Lachter

Allen and Betty Tut Polon Jack Polon

Milton Smolowitz Isadore Smolowitz

Mary Smolowitz

Anita Sher Her mother, Elsie Weiskopf

Ed Ginsberg Morris Ginsberg

Susan Turner Rosa Halpern

USY Fund In honor of

Marilyn and Jack Goldberg In appreciation of Eddie Ginsberg

In memory of

Rosa Russek Lenny Mauer

Betty and Mel Sembler Lenny Mauer

Emily and Dr. Fred Gurtman

Lenny Mauer

Adele Morris Marcus Bennett

Louisa and Mark Benjamin Philip Benjamin

Marilyn and Jack Goldberg Their parents

USY Pilgrimage Fund In honor of

Susie and Ira Berman The birth of Margot and Michael Benstock’s grandson, Ethan

Linda and Jack Goldfarb The birth of Allison and Jared Shenofsky’s daughter, Ariellah Rio

In memory of

Susie and Ira Berman Harry Kraff

This month two leaves have been added to the

The Buns Family Tree of Life:

In honor of the Hebrew High Graduation

Class 5774, Victoria Bischoff, William Gross,

Talya Kohan, Jared LeVine, Shoshana LeVine

and William Walters by their families.

In honor of Laurie Slomka Reiskind, President

CBI, 2012-2014 by the Board, friends and


Page 22: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


June/July 2014

Women’s League needs


To help bake your own recipes/cake mixes to be

used for Kiddushim.

If interested, please contact Ruth Ann Mizrahi at

727.347.6688 or [email protected]


Page 23: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


June/July 2014

Page 24: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


June/July 2014





Page 25: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue



St. Petersburg Chapter

Come join us!

For membership information

please contact:

Rhoda Ross – Membership VP

June/July 2014

Page 26: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


Women’s League Catering is special. Trust us with you simcha and you’ll discover that in addition to the delicious food, the great attention to detail, and the unbeatable value, there’s one thing that separates us from the rest. With everything we do, from the first phone call to the

serving of each carefully prepared dish, we do it with all our heart. Give us a call and see for yourself.

Contact Information:

Alice Ettinger [email protected]

MAY 2014

Page 27: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


MAY 2014

Page 28: B'nai Israel Review June and July Issue


Congregation B’nai Israel

B’nai Israel Review

300 -58th Street North

St. Petersburg, FL 33710-7889

Tel: (727) 381-4900

Fax: (727) 344-1307

Website: www.cbistpete.org

24 Hour Telephone Voice Mail

Change Service


Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage

PAID St. Petersburg, Fl.

Permit # 618

Enjoy the summer with your CBI Family!

Things to look out for:

June 3—5 Shavuot

Fourth of July at CBI, July 4, 7:30 pm and July 5, 9:00 am

August 4-5, Tisha B’Av

Welcome Back Got Shabbat? Dinner, September 5, 6:00

Summer Sermonette Series in June and July

All summer long enjoy our 7:30 Musical Kabbalat Shabbat Services