BMZ's contribution to Forest Landscape Restoration in Africa Promoting Forests, Landscape Restoration and Sustainable Land Use

BMZ's contribution to Forest Landscape Restoration in Africa Promoting Forests, Landscape Restoration and Sustainable Land Use

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BMZ's contribution to Forest Landscape Restoration in Africa

Promoting Forests, Landscape Restoration and Sustainable Land Use

Page 2: BMZ's contribution to Forest Landscape Restoration in Africa Promoting Forests, Landscape Restoration and Sustainable Land Use


Why Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR)?

„regain ecological integrity and enhance human well-being” (IUCN)

Restored Landscapes deliver essential (ecosystem) services and increased productivity for Human Development

Contributes to all three Rio Conventions: UNFCCC, CBD and UNCCD

© Klaus Ackermann

Page 3: BMZ's contribution to Forest Landscape Restoration in Africa Promoting Forests, Landscape Restoration and Sustainable Land Use

FLR as an international priority

New York Declaration on Forests (Sept. 2014):„…end deforestation until 2030 and restore 350 million ha. of forests until 2030“


FLR is crucial for acheiving the SDGs:• food security (Goal 1), clean water (Goal 6), • combatting and adapting to climate change (Goal 13) • explicitly Goal 15: protect, restore and promote sustainable use of

terrestrial ecosystems

Page 4: BMZ's contribution to Forest Landscape Restoration in Africa Promoting Forests, Landscape Restoration and Sustainable Land Use

What means Forest Landscape Restoration on the ground?

It‘s a participative and long term process involving all relevant stakeholders

Restoration of ecological and productive functions… …through assisted natural regeneration, reforestation,

agroforestry, participative land-use planning, and creation of enabling conditions (e. g. land tenure and governance reforms, investment framework…) etc.

Result: a mosaic of adapted and sustainable land uses


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BMZ: FLR-Portfolio in Sub-Sahara Africa current BMZ support to Forests, Landscape Restoration

and Sustainable Land Use in Africa = 900 Mio. EUR Sectors: Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable

Land Management, Evergreen Agriculture, Adaptation to Climate Change, Sustainable Rural Energy

14 countries Regional partners: CAADP, SADC, COMIFAC implemented by GIZ and KfW

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Example: Sustainable Wood Energy in Madagascar

The need for wood energy as driver of deforestation and degradation

Alternative: Sustainable production of fuel wood on 9.000 ha, turning degraded lands into sustainable land use

No monoculture but mosaic of land uses (FLR concept) Important: value chain approach! Huge upscaling potential in various African countries

Photo: GreenMadPhoto: GreenMad

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R100: a partnership to build a Regional FLR Initiative under African Leadership

AU/NEPAD: New Partnership for Africas Development

WRI: World Resources Institute BMZ (with GIZ and KfW) + African Governments, Investors, Civil Society, International Partners

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R100 in line with AU‘s restoration targets:

Restore 100 million hectares of degraded and deforested land in Africa by 2030 improve soil fertility and food security and access to clean water, combat desertification and increase biodiversity and habitat, create green jobs, bolster economic growth and livelihood diversification, and increase the capacity for climate change resilience and adaptation

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