Blueprint for Security in Information security

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  • 7/29/2019 Blueprint for Security in Information security


  • 7/29/2019 Blueprint for Security in Information security


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    Information Security Policy,

    Standards, and PracticesManagement from all communities of interest

    must consider policies as the basis for allinformation security efforts

    Policies direct how issues should be addressed

    and technologies used

    Security policies are the least expensive controlto execute, but the most difficult to implement

    Shaping policy is difficult because: Never conflict with laws Stand up in court, if challenged

    Be properly administered

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    Definitions A policy is

    A plan or course of action, as of a government,

    political party, or business, intended to influence and

    determine decisions, actions, and other matters

    Policies are organizational laws

    Standards, on the other hand, are more detailed

    statements of what must be done to comply with policy

    Practices, procedures, and guidelines effectively explain

    how to comply with policy

    For a policy to be effective it must be properly

    disseminated, read, understood and agreed to by all

    members of the organization

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    Types of Policy

    Management defines three types ofsecurity policy:

    General or security program policy

    Issue-specific security policies

    Systems-specific security policies

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    Figure 6-1 Policies

    Standards & Practices

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    Security Program PolicyA security program policy (SPP) is also known


    A general security policy

    IT security policy

    Information security policy Sets the strategic direction, scope, and tone for

    all security efforts within the organization

    An executive-level document, usually drafted by

    or with, the CIO of the organization and is

    usually 2 to 10 pages long

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    Issue-Specific Security Policy

    (ISSP)As various technologies and processes are

    implemented, certain guidelines are needed touse them properly

    The ISSP:

    addresses specific areas of technology requires frequent updates

    contains an issue statement on the organizationsposition on an issue

    Three approaches: Create a number of independent ISSP documents

    Create a single comprehensive ISSP document

    Create a modular ISSP document

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    Example ISSP Structure

    Statement of PolicyAuthorized Access and Usage of


    Prohibited Usage of EquipmentSystems Management

    Violations of Policy

    Policy Review and ModificationLimitations of Liability

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    Systems-Specific Policy

    (SysSP)While issue-specific policies are formalized as

    written documents, distributed to users, andagreed to in writing, SysSPs are frequentlycodified as standards and procedures used

    when configuring or maintaining systems Systems-specific policies fall into two groups:

    Access control lists (ACLs) consist of the accesscontrol lists, matrices, and capability tables governing

    the rights and privileges of a particular user to aparticular system

    Configuration rules comprise the specificconfiguration codes entered into security systems toguide the execution of the system

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    ACL Policies Both Microsoft Windows NT/2000 and Novell

    Netware 5.x/6.x families of systems translateACLs into sets of configurations thatadministrators use to control access to theirrespective systems

    ACLs allow configuration to restrict access fromanyone and anywhere

    ACLs regulate: Who can use the system

    What authorized users can access

    When authorized users can access the system

    Where authorized users can access the system from

    How authorized users can access the system

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    Rule Policies

    Rule policies are more specific to theoperation of a system than ACLs

    Many security systems require specific

    configuration scripts telling the systems

    what actions to perform on each set of

    information they process

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    Policy Management Policies are living documents that must be

    managed and nurtured, and are constantlychanging and growing

    Documents must be properly managed

    Special considerations should be made fororganizations undergoing mergers, takeovers,and partnerships

    In order to remain viable, policies must have:

    an individual responsible for reviews a schedule of reviews

    a method for making recommendations for reviews

    a specific effective and revision date

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    Information Classification The classification of information is an important

    aspect of policy

    The same protection scheme created to preventproduction data from accidental release to thewrong party should be applied to policies inorder to keep them freely available, but onlywithin the organization

    In todays open office environments, it may bebeneficial to implement a clean desk policy

    A clean desk policy stipulates that at the end ofthe business day, all classified information mustbe properly stored and secured

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    Systems DesignAt this point in the Security SDLC, the analysis

    phase is complete and the design phase begins

    many work products have been created

    Designing a plan for security begins by creating or

    validating a security blueprint Then use the blueprint to plan the tasks to be

    accomplished and the order in which to proceed

    Setting priorities can follow the recommendationsof published sources, or from published standards

    provided by government agencies, or private


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    Information Security


    One approach is to adapt or adopt apublished model or framework forinformation security

    A framework is the basic skeletal structurewithin which additional detailed planningof the blueprint can be placed as it isdeveloped of refined

    Experience teaches us that what workswell for one organization may notprecisely fit another

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    ISO 17799/BS 7799One of the most widely referenced and often

    discussed security models is the Information

    Technology Code of Practice for Information

    Security Management, which was originally

    published as British Standard BS 7799 This Code of Practice was adopted as an

    international standard by the International

    Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the

    International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)as ISO/IEC 17799 in 2000 as a framework for

    information security

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    ISO 17799 / BS 7799 Several countries have not adopted 17799

    claiming there are fundamental problems: The global information security community has not

    defined any justification for a code of practice asidentified in the ISO/IEC 17799

    17799 lacks the necessary measurement precisionof a technical standard

    There is no reason to believe that 17799 is moreuseful than any other approach currently available

    17799 is not as complete as other frameworksavailable

    17799 is perceived to have been hurriedly preparedgiven the tremendous impact its adoption could haveon industry information security controls

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    ISO/IEC 17799Organizational Security Policy is needed to

    provide management direction and support

    Objectives: Operational Security Policy

    Organizational Security Infrastructure Asset Classification and Control

    Personnel Security

    Physical and Environmental Security

    Communications and Operations Management

    System Access Control System Development and Maintenance

    Business Continuity Planning


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    NIST Security ModelsAnother approach available is described in the

    many documents available from the Computer

    Security Resource Center of the National

    Institute for Standards and Technology

    ( Including: NIST SP 800-12 - The Computer Security Handbook

    NIST SP 800-14 - Generally Accepted Principles and

    Practices for Securing IT Systems

    NIST SP 800-18 - The Guide for Developing SecurityPlans for IT Systems

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    NIST SP 800-14 Security Supports the Mission of the Organization

    Security is an Integral Element of Sound Management

    Security Should Be Cost-Effective

    Systems Owners Have Security Responsibilities

    Outside Their Own Organizations

    Security Responsibilities and Accountability Should Be

    Made Explicit

    Security Requires a Comprehensive and Integrated


    Security Should Be Periodically Reassessed

    Security is Constrained by Societal Factors

    33 Principles enumerated

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    IETF Security Architecture The Security Area Working Group acts as an

    advisory board for the protocols and areasdeveloped and promoted through the InternetSociety No specific architecture is promoted through IETF

    RFC 2196: Site Security Handbook provides anoverview of five basic areas of security

    Topics include: security policies

    security technical architecture security services

    security incident handling

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    VISA Model VISA International promotes strong security

    measures and has security guidelines

    Developed two important documents thatimprove and regulate its information systems Security Assessment Process

    Agreed Upon Procedures

    Using the two documents, a security team candevelop a sound strategy for the design of goodsecurity architecture

    The only down side to this approach is the veryspecific focus on systems that can or dointegrate with VISAs systems

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    Baselining and Best Practices Baselining and best practices are solid methods

    for collecting security practices, but they can

    have the drawback of providing less detail than

    would a complete methodology

    It is possible to gain information by baseliningand using best practices and thus work

    backwards to an effective design

    The Federal Agency Security Practices Site

    ( is designed to provide best

    practices for public agencies

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    Professional Membership It may be worth the information security

    professionals time and money to join

    professional societies with information on best

    practices for its members

    Many organizations have seminars and classeson best practices for implementing security

    Finding information on security design is the

    easy part, sorting through the collected mass of

    information, documents, and publications can

    take a substantial investment in time and human


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    NIST SP 800-26Management Controls

    Risk Management

    Review of Security Controls

    Life Cycle Maintenance

    Authorization of Processing (Certification and Accreditation)

    System Security Plan

    Operational Controls Personnel Security

    Physical Security Production, Input/Output Controls

    Contingency Planning

    Hardware and Systems Software

    Data Integrity


    Security Awareness, Training, and Education

    Incident Response Capability

    Technical Controls Identification and Authentication

    Logical Access Controls

    Audit Trails

    Fi 6 16 S h f

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    Figure 6-16 Spheres of


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    Sphere of UseGenerally speaking, the concept of the sphere is

    to represent the 360 degrees of securitynecessary to protect information at all times

    The first component is the sphere of use

    Information, at the core of the sphere, isavailable for access by members of theorganization and other computer-based systems: To gain access to the computer systems, one must

    either directly access the computer systems or go

    through a network connection To gain access to the network, one must either directly

    access the network or go through an Internetconnection

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    Sphere of Protection The sphere of protection overlays each of the

    levels of the sphere of use with a layer ofsecurity, protecting that layer from direct orindirect use through the next layer

    The people must become a layer of security, ahuman firewall that protects the information fromunauthorized access and use

    Information security is therefore designed andimplemented in three layers policies

    people (education, training, and awareness programs)


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    ControlsManagement controls cover security processes

    that are designed by the strategic planners andperformed by security administration of theorganization

    Operational controls deal with the operationalfunctionality of security in the organization

    Operational controls also address personnelsecurity, physical security, and the protection ofproduction inputs and outputs

    Technical controls address those tactical andtechnical issues related to designing andimplementing security in the organization

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    The Framework Management Controls

    Program Management System Security Plan

    Life Cycle Maintenance

    Risk Management

    Review of Security Controls

    Legal Compliance

    Operational Controls

    Contingency Planning

    Security ETA

    Personnel Security

    Physical Security

    Production Inputs andOutputs

    Hardware & SoftwareSystems Maintenance

    Data Integrity

    Technical Controls

    Logical Access Controls Identification, Authentication,

    Authorization, and


    Audit Trails

    Asset Classification andControl


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    SETAAs soon as the policies exist, policies to

    implement security education, training, andawareness (SETA) should follow

    SETA is a control measure designed to reduceaccidental security breaches

    Supplement the general education and trainingprograms in place to educate staff oninformation security

    Security education and training builds on thegeneral knowledge the employees mustpossess to do their jobs, familiarizing them withthe way to do their jobs securely

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    SETA Elements The SETA program consists of three elements

    security education security training security awareness

    The organization may not be capable or willing

    to undertake all three of these elements but mayoutsource them

    The purpose of SETA is to enhance security by: Improving awareness of the need to protect system

    resources Developing skills and knowledge so computer users

    can perform their jobs more securely Building in-depth knowledge, as needed, to design,

    implement, or operate security programs fororganizations and systems

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    Security Education Everyone in an organization needs to be trained

    and aware of information security, but not everymember of the organization needs a formaldegree or certificate in information security

    When formal education for appropriate

    individuals in security is needed an employeecan identify curriculum available from localinstitutions of higher learning or continuingeducation

    A number of universities have formalcoursework in information security(See for example

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    Security TrainingSecurity training involves providing

    members of the organization with detailed

    information and hands-on instruction

    designed to prepare them to perform their

    duties securely

    Management of information security can

    develop customized in-house training or

    outsource the training program

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    Security AwarenessOne of the least frequently implemented,

    but the most beneficial programs is thesecurity awareness program

    Designed to keep information security at

    the forefront of the users mindsNeed not be complicated or expensive

    If the program is not actively implemented,

    employees begin to tune out, and the riskof employee accidents and failuresincreases

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    Design of security ArchitectureDefense in Depth

    One of the foundations of security architectures is therequirement to implement security in layers

    Defense in depth requires that the organizationestablish sufficient security controls and safeguards,

    so that an intruder faces multiple layers of controls Security Perimeter

    The point at which an organizations securityprotection ends, and the outside world begins

    Referred to as the security perimeter Unfortunately the perimeter does not apply to internal

    attacks from employee threats, or on-site physicalthreats

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    Key Technology ComponentsOther key technology components

    A firewall is a device that selectively discriminates

    against information flowing into or out of the


    The DMZ (demilitarized zone) is a no-mans land,

    between the inside and outside networks, where

    some organizations place Web servers

    In an effort to detect unauthorized activity within the

    inner network, or on individual machines, an

    organization may wish to implement IntrusionDetection Systems or IDS

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