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Blue Print Document - hrms.webpayroll.inhrms.webpayroll.in/Downloads/Materials/Orange_Training_Docs.pdf · Admin HRMS->Training->Training Questionnaire/Feedback All the questionnaire/feedback

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Orange Technolab (P) Ltd. ISO 9001:2008 certified company www.payrollsoftware.co.in [email protected]

[Business Process document and gap analysis report]

[Training Module]

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Orange Technolab (P) Ltd. ISO 9001:2008 certified company www.payrollsoftware.co.in [email protected]


Title Page

1. Flow Diagram


2. Masters


3. Process Owner 4

4. Function Process 4

5. Screen 4

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Orange Technolab (P) Ltd. ISO 9001:2008 certified company www.payrollsoftware.co.in [email protected]

Flow Diagram



Training Plan



Training Master, Type,

Category pre-defined by admin

Select Trainees

Notify Trainees

Conduct Training

Training Attendance

Notify Trainees Feedback &

Questionnaire form

Questionnaire & feedback will be

prepared by admin

Fill the feedback & questionnaire

form and submit




Analyze Trainee Scores

Is trainee eligible for re-


No Yes

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Orange Technolab (P) Ltd. ISO 9001:2008 certified company www.payrollsoftware.co.in [email protected]


Master creation rights will be with admin

Training Type - Type of training e.g. Internal, External ,Induction ,On the Job

Training Category - e.g. General, IT etc.

Training Master – Training Title & final passing percentage

Training Provider –Define who will provide the training

Process Owner


Employee (Manager & Sub Ordinate)

Function Process


Manager – Application

Employee - Feedback


Admin HRMS->Training->Masters->Training Type Master

Master to define the types of training viz. external, internal, on the job

training, induction.

If the training type is on the job training then select the checkbox “on the job

training”. (On the job training /OJT refers to training which is related to any

job which every employee of particular designation is supposed to have.)

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Orange Technolab (P) Ltd. ISO 9001:2008 certified company www.payrollsoftware.co.in [email protected]

If the training type is induction then keep the “Induction” checkbox selected.

Admin HRMS->Training->Masters->Training Category Master

Here category for each training topic can be created eg: SDLC training is a

topic which comes under the category “IT”. So IT needs to define here.

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Orange Technolab (P) Ltd. ISO 9001:2008 certified company www.payrollsoftware.co.in [email protected]

Admin HRMS->Training->Masters->Training Master

Training Topics will be defined here.

In case if any training requires evaluation then minimum passing percent can

be defined here.

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Orange Technolab (P) Ltd. ISO 9001:2008 certified company www.payrollsoftware.co.in [email protected]

Admin HRMS->Training->Masters->Training Provider

Training provider is an individual/ firm who provide/conducts various

training in an organization.

Training provider can be either external/internal

In case of internal trainer employee list will be displayed from where desired

employee can be selected and for external trainer user will have to input the

name/firm of the training provider.

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Orange Technolab (P) Ltd. ISO 9001:2008 certified company www.payrollsoftware.co.in [email protected]

Admin HRMS->Training->Training Calendar Year

Training calendar is not a compulsory step in the flow; it is for user to plan an

arbitrary/capricious calendar for a year.

If the training which has been planned for x month is actually executed then

the training code will be displayed below with the execution date. If the same

training has been executed multiple times in the same month then the

multiple records will be shown.

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Orange Technolab (P) Ltd. ISO 9001:2008 certified company www.payrollsoftware.co.in [email protected]

Admin HRMS->Training->Training Questionnaire/Feedback

All the questionnaire/feedback points pertaining to the training topics can be

created with dynamic/desired response pattern.

Same questionnaire can be applicable for multiple training topics.

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Orange Technolab (P) Ltd. ISO 9001:2008 certified company www.payrollsoftware.co.in [email protected]

If, for any training topic if feedback / questionnaire is not created then the

trainees will not be prompted to give the feedback.

When preparing questionnaire for evaluation, if any question type chosen is

checkbox list (or multiple answers) then in answer box user need to enter the

answer separated by ‘#’ literals. For e.g. : if the question is “Chandigarh is

capital city of?” and options provided are “Punjab, Mizoram, Haryana,

Himachal Pradesh”. In such question responses can be multiple, therefore in

order to evaluate, the user must enter correct answer as “Punjab#Haryana”.

Weight age/marks for each question can be decided here.

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Orange Technolab (P) Ltd. ISO 9001:2008 certified company www.payrollsoftware.co.in [email protected]

Admin HRMS->Training->Training Plan

In this page, training can be scheduled with date, time, venue, provider etc.

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Orange Technolab (P) Ltd. ISO 9001:2008 certified company www.payrollsoftware.co.in [email protected]

User can also select the trainees for the concerned training or can send alert to

their managers to recommend trainees.

In case if evaluation of trainee is required after the training then

questionnaire should be selected, these questionnaires will be displayed from

training questionnaire master which we had prepared earlier.

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Orange Technolab (P) Ltd. ISO 9001:2008 certified company www.payrollsoftware.co.in [email protected]

Admin HRMS->Training->Training In/Out

After the training has been executed it is mandatory to capture the

attendance of the trainees in order to send them the feedback/Questionnaire


For capturing the default time of training select the trainees who have attend

the training and press on the button training time. In case if any invited

trainee has not attended the training then keep the employee unselected.

In case if there is any unplanned trainee, he/she can be added from the “add

new trainee” link. These employees will be shown as unplanned employee in

the training plan page.

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Orange Technolab (P) Ltd. ISO 9001:2008 certified company www.payrollsoftware.co.in [email protected]

ESS Dashboard Link->Training Feedback

Ess Feedback form

Ess Questionnaire form

Trainees will be able to see the above 2 pages only after :

o In/Out or attendance must be captured

o Feedback/Questionnaire must have been prepared.

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Orange Technolab (P) Ltd. ISO 9001:2008 certified company www.payrollsoftware.co.in [email protected]

Admin HRMS->Training->Training Feedback

Admin feedback View –employee wise

Admin can view the feedback given by each trainees

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Orange Technolab (P) Ltd. ISO 9001:2008 certified company www.payrollsoftware.co.in [email protected]

The answers given by each trainee will be auto calculated based on the

weight age assigned in the questionnaire master.

Auto percentage calculated against the minimum passing criteria as defined

in training master.