Block Grant 09 Application

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  • 8/14/2019 Block Grant 09 Application


    Fiscal Year 2OO9CuyahogaCounty Department ofDevelopmentCommun ty DeveloprnentBlockGrant Appl icat ion

    Munic ipa lGrant ProsramThe CedarCenterRedevelopment nfrastructu reProjectNovember 4, 2008

    I certify that this Community possesse.the legul authority to proceed with this project if it is awarded, that theinformatiott cotttuined herein is true and correet and thut the submittal of this applicatiort hasbeen duly authorized.Type Name of Chie.fExecutive Officer:

    GeorsineWeloSigna t i l r e : / , : ) , , r , ,.,."'.u'i{l- , - (- .'(-,'/ti' rr--

    rhe cLtgofs owth u,cLLd

  • 8/14/2019 Block Grant 09 Application



    CONTENTS OUTLINEI. General InformationII . ProgramApplicationa. ProjectGoals& Objectivesb. Problem/Needldentificationc. StrategyStatementd. ProjectLocatione. ProjectStatusf. Relationship o HUD National Objectivesg. Impact o Communityh. Leveragingi. ProjectManagement eamIII. ProgramBudgeta. FundingSourceChartb. Letter o DocumentLocal MatchIV. Project ScheduleiMilestonesV. RequiredAttachmentsa. City ITA/LMI CensusTract Map ShowingProjectLocationb. PriorPerformanceDocumentationi. Fair HousingLegislation1. Statement f City Commitment o Fair Housing2. Fair Housing CodifiedOrdinancewith EnforcementProvision3. City Council Resolution n Supportof Fair Housing4. EEO Annual Reportii. AffordableHousinsActivitiesl. AffordableHousingStatement

    2. List Registered& LicensedGroup Homes n the City3. City Participation n CuyahogaCounty HousingProgramsiii. RecentAuditiv. Statement f AdministrativeCapacity1. Municipal GrantProgramPrior FundingChart2. Exterior MaintenanceProgram Prior Funding Chart3. CDBG Prior FundingAwardsv. City MasterPlan Documentationc. Budgeti. Letter o DocumentLocalMatchii . Third PartyCost Estimate& Documentationd. Citizen ParticipationEffortsi. Public Hearing Advertisementsii. ResolutionAuthorizing Grant ApplicationVI. Project Design& Impact

  • 8/14/2019 Block Grant 09 Application


    PROGRAM PPLICATIONo General nformationo ProgramSpecific nformationo Progtam Summaryr ProgramNarrative

    o ProjectGoals & Objectiveso Problem/Needldentificationo StrategyStatemento ProjectLocationo ProjectStatuso Relationship o HUD NationalObjectiveso Impact o Communityo Leveragingo ProjectManagement eamo ProjectBudget

    o FundingSourceCharto Letter to DocumentLocal Match. ProjectScheduleMilestoneso ProjectPreliminaryPlans

  • 8/14/2019 Block Grant 09 Application


    COMMISSIOJimmyDimTimothy .HaPeter awsononDepartment f DevelopmentCompetitiveNlunicipal Grant ProgramFY 2009ApplicationFor Assistance

    I . General nformat ionNIu rt c ip al App I c a io rtRanking: (circleonelf t \ 1\ \ r I

    Dote(s) of NewspaperAdvertisentent:Posting:l l6lA8Public Heuring Date(s)11/10/08

    Date of ResolutionApproval:11/ i0/08

    City of SouthEuclidCommunityName1 ? d Q Qn r r th ( . } ro e - P^o . {

    Mayor GeorgineWeloCh ef Execut ve OfJice( 216 38 i -0400Direct Telephone#

    Ke i thA. Ben iaminStreet AddressSouthEuclid. Ohio 44121City / Zip34-6002695Federal Tur ID #1216 lR1 0400

    ContactPersonDirector f Commr"rnityervicesTitle(216)381-0400xt .234Direct Telephone#kbenj rnin@seucid .comE-Mail(216)381-0364

    Main Telephone#

    Fax Number

    I certify that tltis Contnunifit possesseshe legal nuthority to proceed witlt this project if it is muarded, hst the infornntiortcontainedherein s true and correct ond tltat the subnitttl of this applicotiort tts been duly ttrthorized.Type {ame of Chief E-uecutiveOfJicer:GeorgineWelo


    . , i

    Dste:iYovember 3,2008

  • 8/14/2019 Block Grant 09 Application


    Type of grant: (checkne)Tier I (maximum unding$325,000)_Tier 2 (maximum unding$100,00q '

    lI. Pro.iectSpecific nformationProject itteCedarCenterRedevelopmentnfiastructr, lltis k a oint applicttion pleasespecify other conmunitiestnd leod ogency:

    National Objective: (clteck hose hat flpply)X Benef i t o Lorv/NloderatencomePersonsX Prevent iEl iminate lum & Blieht

    AnrourttfCDBG urtrls equested:100,000MatchingFunds S560,960TotolCost f Project: $660,560City'sLeverage 85%CDBG Leveroge 15%

    ProjectLocatiott:Descriptiort ndCensus lockGroupsCedarCenter hopping enter, kaStanhope oad, ocateon 12-acres f landownedby theCityof SouthEucl id,n hnorthwest orner f the CedarRoad-Warrensvi l leenterRointersect ion. ensus ract1852.01

    By CensusBlock Groups:Total Persons ,7Il Totnl L,M/I Persons728ORLimited Clientele:Totul # of persons project will serve_

    CDBG Costper Beneficiary:CDBG imdsreqtrcsted S100.000# of beneficiaries1.71CDBG Grant / Beneficiaries 8.44

    Totalpopulation of communityper 2000 Census:23.369

    Number of Beneficiaries Totnl Populatiort: 8 %II I . ProiectSummarv (General Descr ir r t ionof the proiect in 50lvords or less):The projectconsists f the complete eplacementf theexistingstormsewer, anitary e\,ver,nd he watermainsonStanhope oad, vhich s r ,v i thinheCedarCenterRedevelopmentroject . he eplacementnfrastr l lcturei l l be bLr i llandownedby heCity anddedicaiedo pubiicuse, o iaci l i tatehe edeveiopmentf thiscommercialenter vhich svital o heeconomy f theCity and egion.IV. Srrecif icationsor UsingRecvcled/Green/Sustainableaterialsand/orComnonents:

    % of project will be constructedfrom recycled/green/sustainabletaterialsond/or components.Definegen e a spec Jic lt ons an d/o pr ov de docunrent at on.Theproject vili utilize recycled oncrete ndaggregaterom the siteaspremiumbackfill.The resultingsavingswill average pproximately 5oh scomparedo theutilization f virgin limestone or backfill.

  • 8/14/2019 Block Grant 09 Application


    V. Statement f Need Please escribehe ssue(s)he proiect vi l l address):

    The project ncludes he complete eplacementf the existingstom sewers, anitary ew.ers ndwatet mains hat are ocated n the StanhopeRoadri-ght-of-r,vay,,vhiched erved he soon o bedemolished edarCenterShoppingCenter.The Common trench storm and sanitarysewers ,villbe replacesuvithnew lines built to currentstandards sing modernmaterialswithin a new utility easement/right-of-wayo faciiitate heredevelopment f the blighted 12-acre roject area.The replacement ewerswill reduce heamount of infiltration and inflow (l/I) that currently enters the system, hereby reducing theincidence f basementlooding n the adjoiningneighborhoodo the north of the projectarea.Also included n the project s the complete eplacement f the \.vatermains, ,vhich rebeyondtheir useful ife and haveunacceptablyor.v ire flor,v ates.The sewersystems n theprojectaremore han80 yearsoid andbuilt in a common rench'uvithconfiguration r,vith the storm sewer directly over the sanitary sewer. A barrel-to-barreldimension f six feetbetween he wo systemss required oday.The hydraulic onditionof the existingse\,verystems critical,as s thepoorpertbrmance f ther,vater ains.These ystems re 'ailing, ndneed o bereconstructed.dditionally, hese ystemsmust be re located o facilitate he redevelopment f the Cedar CenterShoppingCenter,andw.hich onstituteshe driving need or the project. The existingstorm and sanitary ewersarelocated n a common rench. The stormsewerdoesnot haveadequate apacity nd he sanitaryse\.vers.verenstalledat gradients ar less han current minimum standards,esulting n a needfor frequent leaning. Both systems aving ailing oints and being ocated n the same rench,this contributeso local basementlooding.When hesanitary ewer s hydraulically verloadedraw sewageenters he storm se\.ver ystem, hereby increasing he fecal coiiform counts andBOD loads n the DoanCreek, o r,vhichhis se'uvers tributary.The existingsystems aveundersized ipeand r,verenstalled t very flat slopes.Theseexistingpipesdo not provide he necessary apacity. Since hey r,verenstalled he mortar oints of thepipeshave crackedand disintegrated.These ailed oints allor,v or the storm vater to flow fromi h c s r r r n h a r a c d c t n r m q A \ r ' a r c r r c l o m a - . 1 t ^ i - f i l t . n t - . - , - | ; - ^ l ^ ^ - " l - l ^ " ' . l i ' ^ ^ t 1 . , i , - r ^ r L o . ^ - i r ^ - . ,5 v u r L v r r r ( J ! v Y ! l J j J r ! r r r q r r u r v r l r r l l r r q t ! r q t t u l l l P l c t l l J , l l u v \ u l I L L t l ) , l l l t , u t r r l J l r r r t t a t l )se\,ver.The result is an overloadingof the sanitarysewerr,vithstorm r.vater.This water causesthe sanitaryhouseservice aterals o back up , which in turn causes asement looding. Theinability of the sewers o handle and pass he storm water results n the storm sewerbeingsurchargedor a longerperiodof time resulting n greater mounts nfiltration nto the sanitaryse\,ver. he resulting basement looding of water mixed r,vithhuman 'wastecreatespotentialproblemsof coliform contaminationand mold growth, vhich are hreats o humanhealth.The existingwater ines ike the sewersystems re 50+ yearsold and well beyond heir usefullife. Watermainsof this agegenerally aveconnectionsontaining ead. These onnections rerequired to be replaced r,vhenever ervice is interrupted. Frequent breaks result in anundependable .vater ine for emergencyprotection.The very low available fire flor,v s notadequateo protect he proposed ommercialedevelopment.

  • 8/14/2019 Block Grant 09 Application


    VI. ProiectNarrative Descript ion Solution):A) lfrho s the beneficicu'y f theproject?

    The project site lies rvithin a HUD defined or,v-moderatencome area hat consists f theCity'sonly designatedTA.The infrasttucture roject s a component f a $35 million redevelopmentroject ocatedonproperty deemed sium and blight. The proposedredevelopment lan is for mixed-useresidential,etail, commercial nd olfice. In addition, heir w'ill be both outdoor and ndoorpublic space or special events.commr,rnitymeetingsand generalenjoymentand use ofresidents.The projectareasharesborders ,vith he City of University Heights and the currentconditionof the project site negatively mpacts he 20,652residents hat live r,vithin n the one-mileradius urroundingheprojectsite.

    B) Hotv did you arrive at the numberof bene/icictries?Areasof slum,/blight egativelympacts he sunounding egionanddraincritical esourcesandproperty aiues.The numberof beneficiariess based n population tatistics,vithinone-mile adiusof theprojetsite ocation. hat ncludes opulations esignated y HUD asUrban County Lor,v-Moderatencomegrollps,as vell as mprovernent arget Areas.

    C) lVhat s thegoal of theproject?Thespecificgoalof theproject s to replace nd emediate 0-80year-old tormand sanitarysewerso reduce urrent looding ssuesha t mpact heneighborhoodorthof projectsiteandpreparehesite or fuiure esidentialndcommcrcial conomic eielopment.

    D) Hotv v,ill you meesurehese ouls?Goalswill be measured y the successfulemediation f projectdeficitsand he replacementof infrastructure.

  • 8/14/2019 Block Grant 09 Application


    E) Hotv will theproject be mplentented?The nfrastructureeplacement roject ,villbe mplementedollorving he City's PublicService rojects tructureor design. ngineering, iddingand alvardof contracts er ocal,stateand federal ar,vs.

    F) lVhat s the mpactof rheproiect on the community beneficiaries?Theprojectsite vill havea positive rnpact n the mmediateSouthEuclidBlock Groupbyreducing looding andreplacing he existingsanitaryand stormr,vater ewersystems ndpreparing or regionaleconomic evelopment enefit.

    G) Hotv does heprojectfi t into the overallgoalsof the communie?The City is mandated y its residentso provide or theoverall health,safetyandwelfareofthe community.The repair and replacement f agingand failing infrastructure nd renewingblightedandobsolete ommercial istricts o productive conomic evelopmenteutilizations aprimarygoal or the bedroom ommunityof SouthEuclid.

  • 8/14/2019 Block Grant 09 Application


    H) lVhat s the exact ocationof theproject?CederCenterShoppingCenter, kaStanhope oad, ocated n 12acres f land ownedby theCity of SouthEuclid, n the northwest omerof the CedarRoad WarrensvilleCentelRoadintersection.

    I) Is theproject in an ITA?No.

    J) Indicatestaf/positions that will hanclle ach a.spect f theproject.(Monitortng,constructionapproval,DavisBacon edorcement,conrractorpaymentsconlract change ancl eirnbtu"semet preparations)ProjectManager:Andrer.v . Blackley,P.E.,City Engineer,E,dGailagher, erviceDirectorandPatrlKowalczyk,Building Commissionervill overseemonitoring, onstruction pproval,DavisBaconenforcement nd additional onstructionelated ctivities.Chief FinancialOfficer: Joseph ilippo, vill approve ontractor ayments, ontract hanges ndreimbursementreparations. ll documents re eviewed ndapproved y the City'sLar,vDiretor,MichaelLosrosso.