Dear friend, Thank you for your involvement within A Miracle Every Day! We are thankful for your commitment, but above all: for who you are. We hope the texts in this E-book are an extra encouragement for you. We hope you will enjoy this e-book! Thank you! Blessed to be a blessing!

Blessed to be a blessing! Dear friend, Thank you! Thank ... · Believe it: God is going to use you today as a special agent on a mission, an agent of blessing! Pray with me today:

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Page 1: Blessed to be a blessing! Dear friend, Thank you! Thank ... · Believe it: God is going to use you today as a special agent on a mission, an agent of blessing! Pray with me today:

Dear friend,

Thank you for your involvement within A Miracle Every Day! We are thankful for your commitment, but above all:

for who you are.

We hope the texts in this E-book are an extra encouragement for you.

We hope you will enjoy this e-book!

Thank you!Blessed to be a blessing!

Page 2: Blessed to be a blessing! Dear friend, Thank you! Thank ... · Believe it: God is going to use you today as a special agent on a mission, an agent of blessing! Pray with me today:

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D I N N E R ’ S R E A D Y !“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.” (the Bible, Psalm 23:5, NKJV)

One day, God said to Satan, “‘Have you considered My servant Job…?’” (Job 1:8) God was proud of Job, a just man, a man of integrity, who feared Him and shunned evil. Angry and jealous, the devil literally riddled him with trials, taking everything from him, including his health.

But, after restoring Job, God multiplied his goods, riches, and health (Job 42:10). Imagine how distressed the devil must have been! God could well have told him, “Satan, accuser of the brethren, you lost! Job, My child, won! I prepared a table before him in the presence of his enemies.” (see Psalm 3:7)

I believe with all my heart that God wants to restore and bless His children. Yes, He prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies. And when God is the One

preparing the table, not only are you out of danger…you’re covered with blessings!

If you’ve experienced painful situations, Jesus can comfort you, heal you, forgive you, and give you life again—even life in abundance. Think of Job, who had lost everything…but God magnificently lifted him up!

Here’s something you can do today… Come to the table of the Lord!

Yes, be seated at the table God has prepared for you. In the face of your enemies and difficulties, God never stops nourishing, blessing, and filling you with His joy and peace. Enter into His presence; come to His table!

Chapter 1

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L E T ’ S C U L T I V A T E A N A T T I T U D E O F G R A T I T U D E !I don’t know about you, but sometimes things can rub me the wrong way…in other words, annoy or irritate me…How do I react when that happens?

I choose gratitude rather than an “attitude.” I consciously try to decide to be thankful for all the good things that God has given me, rather than complaining!

For example, maybe your child, teenager, and/or spouse isn’t acting exactly how you’d like, but there are certainly things inside of them that you appreciate. Be grateful for the good things, especially during this holiday season! Don’t focus only on what bothers and displeases you.

The Bible says that it’s out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks (see Luke 6:45). If you’re feeding your heart negative feelings, they’re certain to end up coming out of your mouth and making the situation worse.

But when we thank God for the things He has given us, He causes them to multiply

in our lives! Jesus Himself thanked God before the bread was multiplied…the miracle comes when we know how to be grateful.

What does daily gratitude look like for you? Perhaps today, it means refusing to complain and instead choosing to shift your perspective! A great way to start is by thanking God for the little things…

• The rays of sun shining through our windows,• Our spouse who takes the time to take out the trash every week,• Or so many other things that, while small, reveal God’s heart for us in a big way!

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude brings us closer to the Lord, helping us to better appreciate His love and faithfulness.

This Thanksgiving onwards, choose to live in gratitude. Make it a life habit! Begin and end each day with gratitude…don’t let what’s irritating you determine your attitude!

“As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.” (see the Bible, Colossians 2:6-7)

Chapter 2

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J E S U S G I V E S Y O U H I S P E A C EJesus declares, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (The Bible, John 14:27)

Here is how the world often gives:• Based on merit—if you worked well and hard, you’ll get more.• To get something back—if the world gives you something, it’s often because it expects something from you in return.• Out of corruption—in this world, it isn’t rare that money is used to buy silence, power, etc.• For control—giving to keep people in a place of dependence.

Fortunately, Jesus does not give as the world gives! He gives freely, out of love.

He gave His life to save you. He offered Himself without holding anything back. You don’t have to earn His love or work to receive it! He gives it to you.

Jesus is gentle and lowly in heart. He doesn’t want to control your life but to be your friend, your confidant, your shepherd.

Today, He is ready to give to you, simply because He loves you. Isn’t that incredible?

Chapter 3

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Y O U R E A P W H A T Y O U H A V E S O W E D !When a farmer sows seed, he hopes the rain will come so he has an excellent harvest. Sometimes, these rains are slow in coming or even never arrive in some cases. The seed ends up withering and seems dead in the farmer’s eyes, along with all his hopes for a fruitful harvest.

Like this farmer, we all sow plans in the ground for our personal and professional lives, counting on God’s favor for them to grow and produce an excellent harvest. But the time between the planting and manifestation of the result often feels very long. And this wait can sometimes feel unbearable.

My friend, like this farmer, you are invited to trust God today, who declares in His Word in Ezekiel 34:26, “‘…I will cause showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing.’”

Rest assured that in their season, God will send His rain of blessings on your life. Take courage and hold fast to the promises He has made you. God will open the floodgates of heaven to make your plans grow and come to pass! He will keep His Word.

I invite you to thank God with me…“Lord, thank You for the heavenly rain You’re sending on my life. You are faithful, You never change, and You don’t lie. Thank You again for everything You’re going to do in and through me. In Jesus’s name, amen!”

Chapter 4

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G O D W A N T S T O U S E Y O U !Your life has extraordinary potential. It is a real divine gift. Each morning, God presents you with a new day, a white page that you have the responsibility to fill with your thoughts, your actions, with each breath.

What are you going to do today?• Touch others as Christ touches…with love and respect.• Speak as God speaks…with truth and power.• Walk as God walks…with strength and confidence.• Love as God loves…in an unconditional, unlimited way.

Humanly impossible? Absolutely! But with the Holy Spirit, it is possible! He fills you, guides you, speaks to you, and leads you where there is a need.

Believe it: God is going to use you today as a special agent on a mission, an agent of blessing!

Pray with me today: “God, thank You for helping me to touch, speak, walk, and love as You do today! With You, all things are possible. Use my life for Your glory! Amen.”

Chapter 5

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Y O U A R E T H E L I G H T O F T H E W O R L D !“Then God said, Let there be light; and there was light.” (The Bible, Genesis 1:3)

Maybe you’ve already had negative words spoken over you like “You aren’t a light!“ Today, I would like to reassure you and declare over your life…“You ARE a light!“

When God called me to serve Him, He did it with this verse that talks about being a light in the nations: “I, the LORD, have called you to demonstrate my righteousness. I will take you by the hand and guard you, and I will give you to my people, Israel, as a symbol of my covenant with them. And you will be a light to guide the nations.” (see Isaiah 42:6)

• In a world marked by violence, suffering, and injustice, you are this light that God sends to encourage, lift up, and strengthen.• He makes you like sunshine that causes life to come forth. You are the light, and you’ve been created to shine, light up, and give warmth!• You are not unnecessary, insignificant, or too small. On the contrary, you are the instrument of God’s grace and love in a generation that desperately needs love—His love!

God has placed a spirit of encouragement and comfort within you to bless others. So, go forth and shine!

Chapter 6

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Y O U A R E A C H A N N E L O F B L E S S I N GThe heavens are open today! They are open over your life. Rain from heaven is flowing over your destiny and dreams.

You are going to succeed…at this test, this interview, in your marriage, your family life….No matter the challenge, no matter the mountain that towers before you, God is carrying you, taking you under His wings, and with Him, you will succeed!

The God of heaven waters and blesses your life so that you may in turn bless others.

Today, be a channel of blessing for your brother, your sister, your co-worker, even your mailman. For example, say to someone, “Thanks for existing!”

Be a divine channel, letting the rain that refreshes your life flow from you to others!

Pray with me…“Lord, yes! I want to be this divine channel! I know that with You, I will succeed and be blessed. I choose in turn to be a blessing to others today! In Jesus’s name, amen.”

Chapter 7

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The end.