7001 12th Avenue South Tampa, FL 33619 Phone: 813-626-2984 Fax: 813-626-2842 [email protected] www.BlessedSacramentCatholic.org Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - Tampa Pඉඛගක Kazimierz Domek PARISH OFFICE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday (Close) WEEKEND MASSES Saturday 5:00 p.m. (English) Sunday 7:45 a.m. (Spanish) 10:00 a.m. (English) 12:00 p.m. (Spanish) WEEKDAY MASSES Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 8:30 a.m. Wednesday at 7 p.m. CONFESSIONS Saturday 3 p.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Friday 9 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Welcome to our Church B lessed S acrament C atholic C hurch JUNE 3 rd , 2018 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Churchblessedsacramentcatholic.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/017445... · 6/3/2018 · 7001 12th Avenue South Tampa, FL 33619 Phone: 813-626-2984 Fax:

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7001 12th Avenue South ▪ Tampa, FL 33619 Phone: 813-626-2984 ▪ Fax: 813-626-2842

[email protected] www.BlessedSacramentCatholic.org

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - Tampa

P Kazimierz Domek

PARISH OFFICE Monday, Tuesday,

Wednesday & Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday (Close)


Saturday 5:00 p.m. (English)

Sunday 7:45 a.m. (Spanish) 10:00 a.m. (English) 12:00 p.m. (Spanish)


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

& Saturday 8:30 a.m.

Wednesday at 7 p.m.

CONFESSIONS Saturday 3 p.m.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Friday 9 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Welcome to our Church

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

JUNE 3rd, 2018

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Sunday, June 3 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Spanish Por nuestra Parroquia 7:45 a.m. by Fr. Domek

English † Dau Nguyen 10:00 a.m. by Le & Back Nguyen

Spanish † Carlos Garcia 12:00 p.m. by M.D.S

Monday, June 4 Ninth Week in Ordinary Time Spanish † Mercedes & Juana Roca 8:30 a.m. by Mireya Aragon

Tuesday, June 5 St. Boniface English † For the Confirmandi Group 8:30 a.m. by Fr. Domek

Wednesday, June 6 St. Norbert Spanish Por los Enfermos de 7:00 p.m. nuestra Parroquia by Fr. Domek

Thursday, June 7 English † Jean Bosco 8:30 a.m. by Fisima Budema

Friday, June 8 The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus English † Mario E. Aleman 8:30 a.m. by Thelma Aleman

3:00 p.m. Novena Divina Misericordia

7:00 p.m. Adora on of the Blessed Sacrament

Saturday, June 9

The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary English Father Domek’s 8:00 a.m. 45th Anniversary of Priesthood English † Ana Than Nguyen 5:00 p.m. by Mr. & Mrs. Waldroff

* *P * *

In the charity of your prayers, please pray for those who are ill, homebound; or con-fined to hospitals and nursing homes, es-pecially for the following:

▪ Marta Troncone ▪ Jaime Caballero ▪ Angel Enrique Rodriquez ▪ Victor Rodrigues ▪ Imogene Rodrigues ▪ Natividad Nieves ▪ Rudy Hernandez ▪ Carmen Stack ▪ José Ortiz ▪ Loris Murray ▪ Francisca Cardenas ▪ Romana de Guzman ▪ Winifred Lankford ▪ Consuelo Roman ▪ Dessiree Cuevas ▪ Marisol Velez ▪ Asley Perez ▪ Esperanza Miranda ▪ Carmen Rivera ▪ Norma Loubriel ▪ Daniel Soto ▪ Kuincy Taylor ▪ Charles Hoffman ▪ Julio Calderon ▪ Aurora Cruz ▪ Jose Guerrero ▪ Ines Jacobo

Anointing of the Sick and Visitation If you or a loved one are homebound, ill or will soon be undergoing a serious medical procedure, please contact the parish office.

* * P S F * *

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. ▪ Dorothy Breene ▪ Willard Murray ▪ Lito Rubio ▪ Pabozi Ani ▪ Bob & Gracie Perricone ▪ Methujael A. Martinez ▪ Aileen Niggermeyer ▪ Esther Barnes ▪ Edna Vanhorn ▪ Virginia Quaid ▪ Hiram Sanchez Sigler ▪ Leroy & Joyce Miller ▪ Zachary Graham ▪ Carmen Vasquez ▪ Adolfina Luis ▪ José Rubio ▪ Nilo Cabrera ▪ Carmen Garret ▪ Peter Alfonso ▪ Luis Jose Rodriguez ▪ Manuel Paulino ▪ Margarito Hernandez ▪ Cathernie Barja ▪ Manuel Martos ▪ Carlos García ▪ Hilda Vega ▪ Jorge Urizar

And all our beloved members of Blessed Sacrament who have recently passed way.


▪ Remy Herrero ▪ Samantha Linkiewicz ▪ MarcAnthony Paz ▪ Mario Alemán ▪ Mario José Alemán II ▪ Rosana Iribar ▪ Manuel Roa ▪ Jacob Rodriguez ▪ María Mar nez ▪ Donavon Gerber ▪ Jessica Sells ▪ Taylor Moody ▪ Julio Pinto Jr. ▪ Gabriel A. San ago


Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church extends a cordial welcome to all our visitors at Sunday and daily Masses.

The Parish invites you to become a member of our church. Registration is necessary to receive the Sacraments; Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, and Funeral.

Individual Masses for your loved ones, as well as Quinceañeras, can be scheduled also.

La Iglesia Catolica Blessed Sacrament extiende una cordial bien-venida a todos nuestros visitantes a las Misas dominicales y a las misas diarias.

La parroquia te invita a ser miembro de nuestra iglesia. La registracion es necesaria para recibir los Sacramen-tos; Bautismo, Confirmación, Matrimo-nio y funeral.

También se pueden programar misas individuales para sus seres queridos, así como quinceañeras.


En este Domingo celebramos el día del Corpus fiesta de un cuerpo entregado. Quiere decir que vamos a celebrar la fiesta de una entrega. En esta celebración debemos de agradecer a Cristo que nos dejara su cuerpo partido como signo de amor más grande. Es un gesto que nunca podre-mos olvidar, que no nos cansaremos de repetir. Cada vez que partimos el pan, recordamos el gran amor de Jesucris-to y lo renovamos con devoción y grati-tud. La celebración no debe reducirse a un mero recuerdo. Es vivencia y compromi-so. Quien parte el pan debe estar dispues-to a dejarse partir. Quien come el cuerpo de Cristo debe estar dispuesto a dejarse comer. Quien comulga el amor debe vivir en el amor. Quien celebra la eucaristía debe ser eucaristía. Por eso no nos debe resultar extraño que hoy sea el Día de la Caridad. Las palabras y los signos deben ir siem-pre unidos: catequesis del Reino, curacio-nes de enfermos y pan compartido. Como Moisés en el desierto, Cristo alimenta al pueblo con el pan y la palabra, evangeliza al pueblo, apuntando a otras multiplicaciones, otro pan y otra vida. Corpus Christi es la fiesta del cuerpo y la sangre de Cris-to, de la presencia de Jesucristo en la eucaristía. Este día recordamos la institución de la eucaristía que se llevó a cabo el jueves Santo durante la última cena, al convertir Jesús el pan y el vino en su cuerpo y en su sangre. La procesión con el santísimo consiste en hacer un ho-menaje agradecido público y multitudinario de la presen-cia real de Cristo en la eucaristía. Se acostumbra a sacar en procesión al santísimo sacramento por las calles y las plazas o dentro de la parroquia o iglesia para afirmar el misterio del Dios con nosotros en la eucaristía. Esta costumbre ayuda a que los valores fundamentales de la fe católica se acentúen con la presencia real y perso-nal de Cristo en la eucaristía. La vida cotidiana de hoy nos está alejando de la vida espiritual, nos invita por todos los medios a una vida ma-terial, egoísta, independiente, etc., y ese no es el plan de Dios. Por lo tanto, si entendemos que necesitamos una vida espiritual y la queremos, la Santa Misa en el sacra-mento, el misterio el centro de nuestra fe. Es tiempo de dar gracias a Dios y renovar nuestras fuerzas interiores con la acción del Espíritu Santo y el Pan Vivo bajado del Cielo, la Santa Comunión.

¡Que las Comuniones y Confirmaciones nos ayuden a amar a Jesucristo en la Eucaristia!

¡Gracias a nuestro Obispo Gregory Parkes por ben-decir nuestra Parroquia. Que Dios nos Bendiga!


The Lord took the bread in his hands - as we heard a short time ago in the Gospel passage - and, having blessed it, he broke it and gave it to his Disciples, saying: "Take this, this is my body". He then took the chalice, gave thanks and passed it to them and they all drank from it. He said: "This is my blood, the blood of the covenant, to be poured out on behalf of many" (Mk 14: 22-24).

The entire history of God with humanity is recapitulated in these words. The past alone is not only referred to and inter-preted, but the future is anticipated - the coming of the Kingdom of God into the world. What Jesus says are not simply words. What he says is an event, the cen-tral event of the history of the world and of our personal lives. Each sign however, represents in its own way a particular aspect of his mystery. The mystery of the Passion is hidden in

the bread made of ground grain. Flour, the ground wheat, presuppose the death and resurrection of the grain. In being ground and baked, it carries in itself once again the same mystery of the Passion. Only through death does resurrec-tion arrive, as does the fruit and new life.

The wine also speaks of the Passion: the vine must be re-peatedly pruned to be purified in this way; the grapes must mature with the sun and the rain and must be pressed: only through this passion does a fine wine mature. On the feast of Corpus Christi we especially look at the sign of bread. It reminds us of the pilgrimage of Israel dur-ing the 40 years in the desert. The Host is our manna whereby the Lord nourishes us - it is truly the bread of heaven, through which he gives himself.

In the procession we follow this sign and in this way we follow Christ himself. And we ask of him: Guide us on the paths of our history! Show the Church and her Pastors again and again the right path! Look at suffering humanity, cautiously seeking a way through so much doubt; look up-on the physical and mental hunger that torments it! Give men and women bread for body and soul! Give them work! Give them light! Give them yourself! Purify and sanctify all of us! Make us understand that only through participa-tion in your Passion, through "yes" to the cross, to self-denial, to the purifications that you impose upon us, our lives can mature and arrive at true fulfilment. Homily of Benedict XVI. June 2006.

Thanks to our Bishop Gregory Parkes for blessing our parish. God bless us!



Lunes: Marcos 12: 1-12 Martes: Marcos 12: 13-17 Miércoles: Marcos 12: 18-27 Jueves: Marcos 12: 28b-34 Viernes: Juan 19: 31-37 Sábado: Lucas 2: 41-51

THE GOSPEL OF THE WEEK Monday: Mark 12:1-12 Tuesday: Mark 12:13-17 Wednesday: Mark 12:18-27 Thursday: Mark 12:28b-34 Friday: John 19:31-37 Saturday: Luke 2:41-51


M Alcohólicos Anónimos En casa de María Faustina - Jueves 7:00 p.m. En casa de María Faustina - Sábados 4:00 PM

Altar Servers / Monaguillos Ninoshka Pinto 813-531-5905 Julio Pinto 813-650-5237 3rd Sunday after 12 o`clock Mass

Movimiento de Juan XXIII Carmen Colón 813-475-1753 Martes 7:00 pm

Legión de María Angel Rodríguez 787-225-3721 En casa de María Faustina Martes 5:00 p.m.

Grupo de Oración (Carismáticos) Antonio Reyes 813-478-3825 Miércoles comenzando con la Santa Misa 7:00 pm .

MDS—Matrimonio Dialogo y Seguimiento Juan y Joselyn Montas 813-356-8617 Salón Parroquial - Lunes 7:15 p.m.

Pequeñas Comunidades & V Encuentro Maximino Meléndez – 860-796-7701 Jueves a las 7:00 p.m. English Choir Meeting Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.

Knights of Columbus Meeting Active Councils are Successful Councils Third Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.

Multicultural Group Felicia Glover 813-843-4432 Parish Council Meeting / Reunión Consejo Parroquial First Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Primer Lunes de mes a las 7:00 p.m. Youth Group / Ministerio de Jóven Connected with Christ / Conectados con Cristo Friday / Viernes 6:30 p.m. (Bilingual)

Rediscover Catholicism Martha Burgess 813-626-2984 Third Wednesday at 12:30 pm

Divine Mercy Group Cesarina Campusano (813) 495-6895 Viernes a las 3 p.m. Primer Sábado las 9:30 a.m.

ANNIVERSARY MASS Saturday, June 16, 2018, 11 a.m.

Bishop Parkes will celebrate Mass at St. Jude

the Apostle Cathedral to commemorate the establishment of the Diocese.

Evangelization in our Parish

July 2018

Evangelización en nuestra parroquia

Julio 2018


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• Therapy massage • Treatment facial • Care Skin Classes Every Tuesday 10:30 am

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Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00pm 1209 Windermere Way Tampa, FL 33619

5:00 PM 41 $408.50

7:45 PM 103 $1,090.00

10:00 AM 98 $810.00

12:00 PM 180 $791.00


Total 422 $3,099.00

Support Blessed Sacrament Parish and purchase a raffle ticket for your chance to win a Honda CRV 2004.

DRAW DATE: June 17th,2018 TIME: 1:30 PM LOCATION: Social Hall—Blessed Sacrament Parish


Catechesis Phone: 813-252-5032 Email: [email protected]


God Bless our Religious Education in our Parish for the best life!

C C S .

We look forward to sharing our parish life with you to make use of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and make a difference in our

Church and in our Community. T to all who worked to make the celebration of Confirmation our special day! Readers; Altar Servers; Sacristans;

Ushers; Decorators; Catechists, Jennifer Mejia, Wanda Guindin, Nina Bencosme, Iris Castro, Carlos y Ana Paz; Catechesis Staff; our Priest, Fr. Domek and our Bishop Gregory Parkes. We owe a great debt of gratitude to our parents, sponsors and families who supported and guided us throughout the time of formation and celebration. Thank you all and God bless you for your efforts! F

. Los esperamos para compartir nuestra vida parroquial, haciendo uso de los Dones del Espíritu Santo en la Iglesia y en nuestra Comunidad. ¡G a todos los que trabajaron para hacer de la cele-bración de la Confirmación un día especial! Lectores; Mon-aguillos; Sacristanes; Ujieres; Decoradores; Nuestros Catequistas: Jennifer Mejia, Wanda Guindin, Nina Ben-cosme, Iris Castro, Carlos y Ana Paz; Staff de la Cateques-is; nuestro Padre Domek y nuestro obispo Gregory Parkes. Tenemos una gran deuda de gratitud con los Padres, Pa-drinos y familias que apoyaron y guiaron durante el tiempo de formación y celebración. ¡Gracias a todos y que Dios los bendiga por sus esfuerzos!

Vamos avanzando y es fundamental que tengamos catequistas para el próximo año escolar. Estamos seguros que entre los feli-greses de la comunidad de Blessed Catholic Church; Él ene los elegidos.

Para la Clase de los Miércoles necesitamos: • 1 pareja para RCIA Teen • Asistentes de Catequista Para la Clase de los Domingos necesitamos: • 4 catequistas • Asistentes de Catequista

We are moving forward and it is fundamental that we have catechists for the next school year. We are sure that among the parishioners of Blessed Catholic Church; He has the chosen ones. For the Wednesday Class we need: • 1 Couple for RCIA Teen • Catechist Assistants

For the Sunday Class we need: • 4 Catechists • Catechist Assistants