Blacology: The Eternal Culture. Table of Contents I. Honor and Praise to Our Ancestorz 2 II. The BlacCulture Has Many Names 3 III. Brathaz and Sistaz @Historical Black Colleges and Universities 4 IV. The Eternal Culture 4 V. In the Beginning: BlacCulture and Its People 6 VI. In the Religious Documents 7 VII. Eurological Scholars 9 VIII. Portrait of the Eternal Culture 12 IX. BlacPeople Were a Deified and Scared Race 13 X. Telling About the BlacZchalaz 16 1

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Blacology: The Eternal Culture. Table of Contents

I. Honor and Praise to Our Ancestorz 2

II. The BlacCulture Has Many Names 3

III. Brathaz and Sistaz @Historical Black Colleges and Universities 4

IV. The Eternal Culture 4

V. In the Beginning: BlacCulture and Its People 6

VI. In the Religious Documents 7

VII. Eurological Scholars 9

VIII. Portrait of the Eternal Culture 12

IX. BlacPeople Were a Deified and Scared Race 13

X. Telling About the BlacZchalaz 16

XI. Melanin Something In The Skin 23

XII. Christina Which Means The Black One 25

XIII. Ruined By an Invasion 27

XIV. Bibliographies 34


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Blacology: The Eternal Culture.

Except, Know, Research and Love Yourself = Discipline.What Came First Man Or Religion; Man Or Land; God Or Planet? God

Is A Premonition Of Man.

I. Honor and Praise to Our Ancestorz Blacologically speaking, we want to start by giving honor and praise to our Ancestorz.

Who were revealed to us by their creative, productive, talents and gifts? Which were giving to

them from the creator who is the God of all things? It is our BlacAncestorz who have given us

the source of BlacCulture that is essential to our lives. Just to name all of those who have given

us our culture would take a life time. This task we hope to accomplish in our obligation to

BlacAfrican Culture. We have been taught that the seed we sow is the one we will reap. Sow, as

a BlacCulture and there will be no insurmountable goal. Our goal is to redevelop Blacologically

a culture that is ZcyNtific in itself. Blacologically we want to honor our BlacAncestorz,

especially those who gave their lives during enslavement and captivity in order that BlacAfrican

Culture would not go blowing in the wind. They gave of themselves no matter what it cost

them. These Brathaz and Sistaz did not let our BlacCulture die. They found all kinds of ways to

maintain some of our traditional ways of living. They were able to translate the language of the

oppressor into the tongue and manners of their own culture. They were able to take songs and

make messages that would lead them to freedom. These Brathaz and Sistaz always kept a

dedication to the BlacCulture. There would always be a subtle but vigilant struggle for freedom.

So, then as a culture we must be thankful for every BlacMan and BlacWoman, those who were

killed and those who lived to be reproductive with life. If being reproductive was the only thing


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they could do to endure the suffering of captivity and enslavement then, that deed was as great

as any. It is because of our ability to multiply and replenish the earth, that our blessings became

unequaled in their comparisons. This is a feat that we must accomplish in these times of

BlacMale endangerment.

II. The BlacCulture Has Many Names

The BlacCulture is known in many localities and has many names. Of which, if we must agree

are extinctions of the original BlacCulture. Let us recognize to those of which we have utilized

and accepted all the BlacAfrican Independent Nationz and the total BlacDiaspora. We must

always keep in mind that we as a BlacCulture will return to our rightful order and calling. So,

than we must be thankful for every ideal, philosophy, theory, Belief, and concept that has come

to us from the children of our BlacCulture in order that we are able to reach justice, redemption,

and cultural redevelopment. Whether we agree with all that has been taught or told is not

significant. Only the fact that we have been blessed by gifted and talented of Brathaz and Sistaz

who bring us natural and Ntalextuwl resources to accomplish the task that is before us. Every

one of our Ancestorz has brought us something that will take us back to our original focus as

BlacPeople. So, then we need to give honor to those blessings, resources and children of our

BlacCulture. Not only those who have contributed and gone on, but who are living among us

today. They found all kinds of ways to maintain some of our traditional ways of living. They

were able to translate the language of the oppressors into the tongue and manners of their own

culture. This is a feat that we must accomplish in these times of Cultural Deprivation.


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III. Brathaz and Sistaz @ Historical Black Colleges and Universities

To the Brathaz and Sistaz of the Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)

whom the newspapers and media have degraded and belittled, we need to hold them up as true

Ntalextuwl resources to the BlacCulture. They are to the BlacCulture what others are to their

cultures. We must admit that these Professors and Students were considered by the Eurological

culture as the least of our culture, to be second class, null and void. They would never amount

to anything. Because of the dedication and love for their BlacCulture. They have proven to be

that which make our culture survive. The students of the Black Colleges were in control of our

culture and were doing the defining of our direction and purpose. Those who are in control of

our BlacCulture determine who is and who are not making contribution to the redevelopment of

our BlacCultural vision. The Brathaz and Sistaz of the Black Colleges and Universities have

become equaled in their comparisons to all other students. So, then we need to give honor to

those blessings, resources and children or BlacPeople. Not only those who have contributed and

gone on, but those who are living among us today. The Brathaz and Sistaz of the Black

Colleges and Universities and all others we must teach the spirit of Brathahood and

Peoplehood. Blacologically speaking, we have no need to argue with each other but, to reason

with one another and arrive at Cultural Solidarity. We must develop a new BlacCulture with out

an end.


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IV. The Eternal Culture

Let us take a look at the Eternal Culture. There is only one culture on the earth which can

claim to be the Eternal Culture. Even eurological scholars have said it. This is not Cultural

Supremacy, So that you won't say that I am making it up. There is only one culture, when you

go back in the study of Archaeology, Paleontology, Anthropology, and the Study of History by

eurological scholars. That you find there is no beginning for. It's always been here. So, any

image that has ever been shown through out the existence of humanity in the early days before

Europeans came into power. Was always that of a BlacMan or a BlacWoman in a BlacCulture

of God worshiping and God loving people?

Blacologically speaking, we believe that the creator is beyond all men’s imagination. God

is all knowing. He can not be boxed into one mans ideals or religion. As a BlacCulture and a

BlacPeople, we have come to understand that whenever God has appeared to us. He has

presented himself to us in a form that we can understand. He has always come to us in the

image of a BlacMan or a BlacWoman. If this had not been so, we would not have been able to

except him because of our finite thinking, due to our belief that God made us in his image. It is

a belief the creator revealed himself to us as a BlacMan or BlacWoman because, according to

BlacZchalaz for so long on this planet there were nothing but BlacMen and BlacWoman or

BlacPeople. 1Cheikh Anti Diop in the book, “African Origin of Civilization” said, “That for

thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, there was nothing on earth that resembled a

European. The only time we run into any creature that resembled a European. The only time

1 The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality Cheikh Anta Diop (First published 1955) http://www.africanreviewofbooks.com/100best/100bestsamples/diop.html


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that we run into some creature that gave some indication of likeness for the European is during

the ice age. According to the eurological scholars that would be The Fourth glacial Period, after

the fourth ice age, which took place in Europe, North America, parts of Asia, but never touched

Alkebulan. The BlacCulture never knew an ice age. The existence of the BlacCulture was in the

tropics. Diop tells us that every one of the white scholars tell us this fact. L. S. B. Leaky, one of

the outstanding Eurological scholars in the field of Anthropology and Paleontology, an English

man. He was ostracized by the National Geographic Society, because, he put a whole in the

theory that the original man started in Germany or in Asia or china. Leaky said, no matter what

we have found so far dates back according to the carbon fourteen test, 1.8 million years ".

V. In the Beginning: BlacCulture and Its People

We find in the hart land of BlacAfrica in the Olduvai Gorge, in Tanzania, is the first

BlacMan or man of the Black Coast. Leaky says, “This is the first Man we know of to use tools.

What leaky does not say is that this is a BlacMan. But we know that in this area 1.8 million

years ago was nothing but BlacPeople. This also establishes the oldest BlacCulture, which

spread all over the world. This BlacMan was the only one who knew anything about ZcyNzz or

how to use it ". Now Leaky, comes form the perspective of the Eurological Theory of

Evolution. It is said to be theory because that is what it is. Nothing is a science until it is a

proven fact, until it becomes a natural law. The Eurological word science comes from the Latin

word theory, which means to know. It is a Eurological Theory that man came from an ape it is

not a fact. I do not think that is the way the BlacMan came to be. That is a Eurological theory


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that is taught in schools as a science by eurological scholars. This is not true. It can not be

proven. If this Eurological theory was true then why did not all the apes turn in to men? What

has been done with this “Eurological Theory of Evolution” is to say, that BlacPeople are in the

subhuman stage and that white or Europeans have evolved to the higher stage. According to

Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango, even when you study the Eurological theory of Evolution, you can

see where the process of evolvement took place and culture began in ancient Africa or the

proper name is Alkebulan. That is the Eurological theory of evolution. BlacZchalaz are talking

about in the beginning was the BlacCulture and its people. If we take a journey through this

portrait of the Eternal Culture we must start at the beginning. We must start with almighty God.

BlacZchalaz have said God has revealed himself to the Ancients of days as a BlacMan or

BlacWoman. That is because, the eurological scriptures says, " Daniel 7:9, be held until thorns

was sat in place, and the Ancient of Days did exist. Whose garments was white as snow and the

hair of his head was like pure wool. His thrown was like the fiery flame and his feet as burning

fire. The Eurological biblical translations state the following: Daniel said, "when I saw the

Ancient of Days. When I saw the creator of heaven and earth ". He had hair like lambs wool

and fire all around him ". Ezekiel said, 1:26-28, When I saw him, Daniel. I saw him as the color

of amber. That is how I saw him. Jeremiah said, “I know you had a vision Daniel and Ezekiel.

But, I had one too. When I saw him he was like the pit of an oven, surrounded by dark clouds.

VI. In the Religious Documents


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In the Bible, in the Quoran and other scared writings, (religious writings) it's record of the

theory of creationism which says, “that instead of evolving from a tadpole, ameba, amphibian, a

lizard, a monkey, baboon, an ape and finally into man. BlacTheologianz say the BlacMan was

maid by God. As a Blacological Cultural ZcyNtizt Research has revealed that BlacPeople

belief that the BlacMan and the BlacWoman was maid directly by the hand of almighty God.

Even though I personally agree with Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango and studied the Theory of

Creationism. It is still a theory because; it is not something that we can not prove with out a

doubt, although I studied that theory. According to Dr. Barashango, “one should not argue

belief. Never argue belief that is personal. Do not mess with belief, it is scared”. Even the

Theory of Creationism As recorded in the Eurological 2Genesis book in the Bible, gives the

name of the first man, as Adam. That word Adam as written in the Bible it has been translated

so many times. When you go back to the original language, according to Dr. Barashango, “that

is the Arcadian language in which the word came out of. We find the word, Adumah. What

does it mean? Child of Black Clay is what it means. Why of course, the only earth there is,

which could make up a man is the Black Earth. It is the Black Earth that has all the chemical

elements that is needed to make up the human body, potassium, magnesium, all the minerals

that go into the human body, are found in the Black Dirt”. It comes out of the Dark Earth. You

do not find it in sand. You do not find it in red clay. You have to go to the good old Black

Earth. Any farmer will tell you that the best earth is the Black Earth. That is a fact of life. That

is a fact of Eurological science and BlacZcyNzz.

2 The African American Jubilee Edition, Holy Bible , Contemporary English Version, American Bible Society©1995ISBN1-58516-020-0


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VII. Eurological Scholars

Both of these theories according to Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango book, “3God, the Bible,

and The Black Man's Destiny, Page 24. 4Joel A. Rogers says, “As was said, both Eurological

science and the Eurological Bible agree on a common origin of mankind”. They also agree that

man originated in the tropics. That is an environment where food and shelter were most easily

attainable, in the tropics. When you come up in the snow, nothing can grow much in the winter.

You know that as a fact. You have to dig for potatoes, roots, or get you some raw meat.

Consequently, the European life span was not over 22 years even in the days of the Roman

Empire. It was not until the Ethiopian Culture and Punic Culture came in to Phoenia. Which

spread and Moorish Culture brought into Europe Before any one could live beyond 50 years old

in Europe. Why, they owe the BlacCulture, their very lives. We need to elaborate about this

some more.

More over Rogers says, “Tropical man is never white. He is most often Black or dark

brown, with a flat nose, frizzy or wooly hair and protruding jaws ". That is what tropical man is,

the original tropical man. So, the original man could not have been European. For millions of

years this earth was tropical, before there was an ice age. The first inhabitants on it was tropical

people. When Leaky came forward with his evidence, he had went to Lake Latolie in Kenya.

Once again you must read between the lines, this was found in the land of BlacAfrican Culture.

He found some remains that gave an indication of 3.5million years ago of the existence of

3 Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango “?God, the Bible, and The Black Man's Destiny, Page 24.4 Joel A. Rogers, World’s Great Men of Color, Volume 1&2


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BlacMan on earth. This is still putting his beginnings in BlacAfrica if you go by the Eurological

theory of evolution.

After the findings that Leaky had brought to the European authorities. Leaky was

informed that he was to not publish his work. The Eurological scholars were not happy about

what Leaky had found. So, they got their scientist together. They agreed that man was started

in Africa, but they refuse to believe he was Black. They placed the Blacks in Europe and the

European in Africa. The picture that was painted was that the Blacks had drove the European

out of Africa. This is the reason why they believe that they were in Europe and Blacks were in

Africa. So, this is the reason the Eurological scholars give for why they are in southern Africa,

to reclaim the land. These were scientist who could not deal with that reality. It is not for them

to deal with. It is for us BlacZchalaz to deal with. Why is it so important for us to be talking

about what happen 3.5 million years ago. Because, when you see how white people approach

life. This is not a racist statement. I am just telling it like it is. They have an aggressive stands

toward life. They have a I'm suppose to be in charge attitude. They have been lead to believe,

they have always been in charge. They believe that they were the first and the beginning of

everything that is worth anything. Now, their Eurological scholars know better. Sir Godphery

Higgins said in his book, “Anacolipciss”, volume 1, page 105, Said, “any time he went to study

the origins of anything. He always ended up with something Black”, this is a white man that

said that. He was only more frustrated by that fact. You can not study the origin of anything

with out ending up at BlacCulture and its people, when you start going back. It is because, in

the beginning was us. When you sense that you come from the beginning and that you are 5 Sir Godphery Higgins said in his book, " Anacolipciss, volume 1,page 10


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rooted into the very cosmos itself you belief in yourself. BlacCulture is an extension of the

very God force itself. Then your self concepts, your self esteem and perception become bold

and become strong, you no longer say that other people should run the world. You begin to

say, that I am supposed to be running this show. Especially, when it is not being ran right when

those who are running it are not running it fair. They are going around the world killing people,

rapping countries, and doing all kinds of things that are not right. BlacPeople believe in peace

and love. They are the ones who should be running things.

The scriptures says, “6that when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice”. We are

not rejoicing. So the right people are not in power. It says to you in your personal life, there is

nothing that your mind can conceive that you can not achieve. Because, it is programmed in

your genes to be the very best it is in your ancestral line. To be the very best at what you do.

This is why when BlacPeople get into something they are the best. Everything we get into not

only are we good ball players, singers, and dancers. That is not all that the BlacCulture

produces. There would not be a stop light on the corner, if it were not for you and your culture.

Just to mention a few. The electric light would not burn over two minutes, if it were not for you.

The BlacCulture is a producer of ZcyNzz and ZcyNtist. We must get into that part of the


VIII. Portrait of the Eternal Culture

Let us go back to our portrait of the Eternal Culture. As we lay the foundation of the

Great BlacCulture in which we have inherited as a people. This should inspire us through our

entire life. We move now to learn about another period in BlacCulture. Time will not allow us 6 African American Jubilee Edition, Holy Bible , Contemporary English Version


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to cover all the periods of our Culture in one block. You can not tell the periods of BlacCulture

in an evening, a week, a month, a year, in a hundred years, in many hundred years. You will be

studying the BlacCulture forever. When that is finished and you start studying you will have

just begun. When you study the culture of BlacPeople, it is like studying a bird that would come

to a rock every thousand years. That is a thousand miles wide and a thousand feet tall. To

sharpen his beak on it when he got finish every thousand years. Where he had sharpened his

beak to where that rock was nothing. Then, you will begin to study the BlacCulture. That is how

amazing it is. It is as the stars of the skies and the sands of the seas, according Dr. Ishakamusa

Barashango. The more we study the more it will thrill us.

Let's talk for a minute about Ethiopia land of the Scared Culture. Home of the Gods. The

word Ethiopia is a Eurological word, from the Greek, meaning a people with burnt faces or

people kissed of the sun. The sun did not just shine on BlacPeople. It kissed you, with a juicy

kiss. To make you shine. This is why BlacPeople perspire like they do. That is the sun, all that

heat coming out of you.

IX. BlacPeople Were a Deified and Scared Race

Found on page 72, in the book, entitled, “God, The Bible, and the Black Man's Destiny ",

by Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango. Bratha J. A. Rogers says, “that Blacks were deified ". The word

deified means worshiped. They were deified in early Greece. They appear as Gods in Greek


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Mythology. When the Greeks, (who were the first civilized white folk) first meet BlacPeople

they bowed down on their knees and worshiped you, yes, they did. It is written in their records.

7Homer writes it. 8Herodotus writes it. Many of the Eurological Greek Roman, historians of age

and ancient days writes that when many of their people, first came into contact with the people

kiss of the sun, they worshiped them. As Gods which was the chief title of Zuse King of their

Gods.' Greatest of the Greek Gods was Ethiop, that is a BlacMan. Homer said in an often

quoted passage. Homer is a Eurological Greek writer who tells how the Greek Gods use to go

on feast days and go to Ethiopia to commune with their ancestors. Greeks did not have any

Gods. They had to go to Ethiopia for their Gods. That is where the Greeks first went for their

religion. There is no such thing in the world as Greek philosophy. It is BlacAfrican Theology

and High ZcyNzz. There is no Greek philosophy. 9Dionysus wrote, (another Greco-Latin

Scholar) upon the great Atlantic near the Island of Eritrea form it pastures span the scared race

of Ethiopia dwell. We were called the scared race by all other races. Ethiopia was called the

Holyland. Not even Jerusalem was called the Holy Land then. There was no Jerusalem at that

time that we know of Homer in the “Iliad", page 423, refers to Ethiopia the land of the Blacks

as the Holy Land where the scared race dwell. That is why this chapter is called, The Eternal

Culture". In order to be able to find out BlacCulture you must first identify the people. It is by

the story of a people that one would be able to define ones culture. We are told that the first

established nation on the earth was Ethiopian according to 10Strabo. The first laws and

7Homer, Greek, Roman, historians of ancient days http://www.underthesun.cc/Classics/Homer/illiad/ 8 Herodotus Greek, Roman, historians of ancient days, http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/eb11-herodotus.html 9 Dionysus by Rachel Gross and Dale Grote , http://www.pantheon.org/articles/d/dionysus.html 10 Strabo the Geographer: Title page http://members.aol.com/spothecary/


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governments were established by the Ethiopians. We are told the first moral codes of right and

wrong were established by the Ethiopians. We are told that as astronomy, geometry, and all

other basic sciences and writings were established by the Ethiopians.

11Sterling Means, in the book, “Ethiopia The Missing Link”, said, the BlacCulture was

flying planes all around the world, 5 million years ago. The BlacCulture was doing that. He

quoted a German scholar who had dug that up. 12Ivan Van, Sertima in the book, “Blacks In

Science” has shown one of the gliders the Pharaohs had barried with them. The ZcyNzz of the

BlacCulture is known by the Zchalaz of that culture. Also, there is a tape, “The Superior

Technology of our ancient High Cultural System” by Dr. Ishakamusa Barashingo. Dr.

Barashingo goes into details on the subject of, ZcyNzz in the BlacCulture. These books help to

support the topic, The Eternal Culture and the ZcyNzz of Blacology. According to Dr.

Barashango Herodotus wrote in his book, "The Histories", page 182, states that in his day the

Ethiopians were called the tallest and best looking people in the world. They were the prettiest

people in the world.

When the Greeks meet the Ethiopians, is when they got into body building and sports.

You will see the bodies in the sanctuary of the Greeks. According to Dr. Barashango back in

the days when Herodious visited Ethiopia around the 5th Century before the Christian era. The

average citizen lived to be 120 years of age. That is the average person. As I look upon the year

2004 at the death rate of the BlacMale through out the United States of America and the world.

I wish there was away to get back the 120 years. Due to the oppression and other factors of

11 Ethiopia and the Missing Link in African History by Sterling M. Means, ISBN#:0948390301, 194512 Dr. Ivan Van Sertima is a literary critic, linguist, anthropologist, and writer.  In 1977 he wrote They Came Before Columbus, http://aalbc.com/authors/ivanvan.htm


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emancipated Eurologic Culture. The average BlacMale may not make it pass 30 years of age

and the BlacAfricanz are averaging 65-70 years. We live that way because, we lived close to the

earth. We lived in harmony with nature.

The food we ate was healthy foods. In the BlacCulture the longest lived people of world

were amongst us. At a time when the European was averaging 22 or 25 years of age. It seem as

though the tides have turn due to the European diet. The European ate raw meat and had cold

weather. Anytime you eat raw meat what ever sickness the animal has you get. What ever state

the animal is in, when it dies, you consume it. It brings death to the body. Because, anytime you

eat something dead you bring death to the body. You make it a grave yard. Everything that you

did not kill lives off of you. The generosity of the Ethiopian people is demonstrated by a poem

called, “The Fable of the Sun” which sat out side the capital of Mara, the capitol city at the

time. The BlacCulture believed in that day it was a sin for anyone to go hungry. So, what we

did was prepared a feast. The High Priest prepared a Feast for the general public. They put the

finest food out on the table so anyone could come and eat off that table. That was the generosity

of the ancient Ethiopia or the ancient BlacCulture. Why even when people did not do right,

even the prisoners were imprisoned in gold chains. Also, they were shown the greatest of

respect. That is just a few things about the Eternal Culture.

X. Telling About the BlacZchalaz

One of the things that I honor and cherish is telling about the BlacZchalaz and those

whom I read about. Also those BlacZchalaz who are teaching this Nahlej today to our people.


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There is an array of Nahlej for you now on this subject of Black Cultural ZcyNzz (Blacology)

and The Eternal Culture. It can bring you back to the light of understanding of yourself. The

great teachers, The Honorable 13Elijah Muhammad, Honorable 14Marcus M. Garvey, 15Malcolm

X, 16Noble Drew Ali, they taught first and foremost we must gain a Nahlej of self.

The most important step in gaining the Nahlej of self is to understand your true BlacStory

and Culture. Because, it then opens the door to your real Nahlej of culture, you can go in and

study the enter power that is already in you. The Nahlej the Honorable Marcus M. Garvey talks

about that it already exist with in our very souls.

Kemit land of the giants and masters of the High ZcyNzz in the BlacCulture. Egypt is

another Greek word. We called ourselves Kemitian. Egypt is a Greek word, we called ourselves

Kushites. White folks is always renaming things. That is why it is important to get the right

name back into perspective. About 18,000 years before Christ. A party of Kushites left Napota

down by the 6th cataract of the Nile River. Begin to move north ward into the land of Kim.

Establish a colony there under Osyrius there was the foundation of what was to become the

great Kemitian Empire Which was in the BlacWorld. You can point to a BlacStory that goes

back as far as 18,000 years. In fact 17Dr. Chancellor Williams, that grand old patriot of the

BlacZchalaz said, “that the Ancient cities of Thebes”. The mother of all cities has no date as to

when it was built. It has always been there in the land of the Blacz. The ancient City of Thebes

13 Muhammad, Elijah Message to the Blackman in America, Elijah Muhammad, Hakim’s Publications, 210 S. 52nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139, 1965. 14 Marcus Garvey, http://www.unia-acl.org/ 15 X, Malcolm. The Autobiography of Malcolm X, New York: Grove Press, Inc. 1965; George Brietman ed. (Malcolm X Speaks (New York Grove Press, Inc. 1965).16 By the Prophet NOBLE DREW ALI, http://www.feastofhateandfear.com/archives/moorism.html 17 Williams, Chancellor. The Destruction of Black Civilization Chicago: Third World Press, 1974.


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with its one hundred gates also, with its great universities. It was during that time that Tahooty

is symbolized as a baboon, although he was a living man. Tahooty invented the ZcyNzz of

Writing or improved on the ZcyNzz of Writing. Because, it was already establish in ancient

Kush or Ethiopia. Before they were, brought in to the land of Kemit, down by the Nile River!

Why are these people called the land of the giants. Let me quote a French scholar so you

won't think that I am being prejudice or racist, France Wa Showplayon. As recorded in Will

Duran, “Story of Civilization”, volume 1, page 142, says no people ancient or modern have

conceive the art of Architecture on a scale so sublime, so great, so grandiose as the ancient

Egyptians. They conceived like men a hundred feet high. This is why it is called, The Land of

the Giants. The Kamitans were little people by comparison to the Kushites and the Nubians but,

they built like their heads was to the sky. They built everything on a large scale. The pyramids,

or the great pyramids, which is one of many pyramids in Africa. The great pyramids covered

thirteen city blocks. The Arabs say that all the world fears time but, time fears the pyramids. We

do not know how long the pyramids have been standing. In the days of Kufu they were

probably doing repairs on it. They say it was built in the fourth Dynasty. With that pyramid, it is

questioned about whether he was repairing or building it. It seems to have existed for so long

another white scholar a French men, Elli Oray recorded in his book, “Story of Civilization”,

page 217, volume 1 written by 18 Durant, “Through the Phonians, The Serians, and the Jews.

Through the Cretins, the Greeks and the Romans, the Civilization of Egypt passed down to

become part of the Cultural Heritage of Mankind. It was not invented by the Greeks. 'It was not

18 The Story of Civilization , The Story of Civilization. --Will Durant. Read The Story of Civilization--If you're Interested In World History Will Durant is One Of the Worlds Great Authors. www.omegateam.com/greatbooks/civilization.html


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invented by the Hebrews nor Romans or the Phoenians. It was passed down through them to

come to Mankind. The effect of remembrance of what Egypt accomplished at the very dawn of

the eurological History has influenced in every nation and in every age. It is even possible, that

Egypt through the solidarity, the unity, and the discipline, the verity of its artistic products,

through the enormous duration and sustainability of its efforts offers the spectacle of the

greatest civilization that has yet appeared on the earth”.

Nothing today that is invented by man has not been done sometime in the past by the

BlacCulture or its people. Even in King Solomon's day the scriptures said, there is nothing new

under the sun. The further BlacZchalaz go back in the study of our culture. The further we go

down south in Africa, investigate and study. We find that Egypt, Ethiopia, or Kemit were a

reminisce of a culture that was so magnificent it define imagination. You can go all over the

world and find giant statuary witch features broad noses, thick lips, high cheek bones, long

heads, and the females with ample behinds” The mark of real beauty in the BlacWoman. The

BlacWoman knows it and the world knows it, no disrespect intended. She walks like no other

woman walks. The Brathaz admire this beauty. The Muslim Brathaz praise Allah for such

beauty. According to Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango, in his audio cassette tape, “The Eternal

people". Every where you look in the world he could see interplanetary travel. “I see air strips. I

looked in India. I see on the walls Black men in rockets ships. What is this I see? It is evidence

of the period, that there is co-interplanetary travel being conducted thousands maybe millions of

years before Europeans emerged from the caves”.


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Most all of the constructed air fields have been found in land that is inhabited by

BlacPeople. Our research will proved that point as time goes on. There is no new ZcyNzz under

the sun. The BlacCulture did offer the greatest civilization that has yet appeared on the earth.

All that can be done, is to duplicated and bring into existence. The BlacCulture was able to

create a technology with out destroying nature. That is because the BlacCulture was in tune

with nature. In order for BlacCulture to come back to that technology. It must go back to the

Nahlej of their ancient cultural values. Let us quote another Eurological scholar, 19Count

Balney, the land baron. This is what he said about Kemit Land of the Giants and Masters of the

high ZcyNzz. When I visited the Sphinx, its appearance gave me the key to the riddle. Once

seeing that head, typical Negro in all its features. This is a man employed by Napoleon

Bonapart a slaver, who maid his money off the slave sugar plantations in the Islands. Who was

in mortal combat with 20Toussaint L'Ouverture, Bookman, and 21Jacques Dessalines as they

struggle in the Haitian Revolution. He said, " In seeing that head typically Negro in its features.

I remembered the remarkable passage. Where Herodotus says, as for me I judge the

Carthaginians to be a colony of Egyptians. Because like them they are Black with woolly hair

this is a white man in Napoleon's army, quoting one of his ancestors Herodotus. Stating the

Egyptians were BlacPeople with wooly hair. In other words the ancient Egyptians were true

Negroes according to the Europeans. True meaning they could not pass for anything else. That

is what true means of the same type as all native born BlacAfricanz. We can even state as a

general principle that the face is a kind of monument. Able in many cases to shed light on

19 Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango, in his audio cassette tape, " The Eternal people "20 Haiti:  Revolutionary War , http://www.webster.edu/~corbetre/haiti/history/revolution/revolution.htm 21 Haiti:  Revolutionary War, http://www.webster.edu/~corbetre/haiti/history/revolution/revolution.htm 


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BlacStorical evidence or the origins of BlacPeople. The Honorable Elijah Mohammed told us

this and many of our people said he was crazy. The man is a racist. This white man said that in

1787. You can not kill an ideal who's time has come. You may kill the body, but not the soul.

According to the Eurological scholars the supreme symbol of power in the world was the

Sphinx. For thousand of years the BlacCulture built these great structures. I say that if you

could do it then, it can be done now. All the BlacPeople have to know, is that they did it, that it

is in you to do. Then, you can rise up and do it again. Brathaz and Sistaz if you could just come

to know yourself. I can feel the present of the 22Honorable Marcus M. Garvey. As he said that if

400 million BlacPeople could get to know themselves. To know that in their culture is a power,

an authority that is absolute. He said, “In twenty-four hours we would have a new nation, a new

empire, a new race, not resurrected by the will of others. But, from our own determination to be

respective of what the world has to offer us as a BlacAfrican Culture”. Garvey was a true

BlacMan of God. He had seen something. He had seen the vision. When I look at my culture, I

can see that light. Blacology can get us all to see that light in a matter of time. We are just a

stone throw away from where we are suppose to be as a BlacCulture. Just beyond the value. If

we could just get that faith that we say we have, that faith of the mustard seed. We could move

that mountain, any kind of mountain. Move on to our rightful place in the world. God has

opened that up to us now.

22 http://www.acdagy.com/marcus_garvey_day.htm Creative Conflict in African American Thought Wilson Jeremiah Moses, Published July 2004, 326 pages, Hardback | ISBN: 0521828260 http://books.cambridge.org/0521828260.htm


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I heard 23Minister Farrakhan say, “That for the second time in the eurological history of

America, the white man has let his slaves go. This is true the government has cut off all

programs. The Democrats said, they are not going to count on the BlacVote any more. The

Republicans say, they never needed it.'' So, the BlacCulture has to stand on its own. That is

good, because, when the BlacCulture stands by itself, is when BlacPeople do their best. When

BlacPeople do their best, they come out being the best. Count Bolney said, “to think that a race

of Black Men who are today our slaves, objects of our contempt. Is the same ones to whom we

owe our art, science, and the very use of speech ". Count Bolney said, “white people could not

talk until they meet Black People; This is a Eurological scholar saying this.

According to Dr. Barashingo the mother of all language is the Bantu language. Which

comes from the southern part of Alkebulan, all languages come out of that. These were the first

languages. Before they were in those European languages. According to Count Bolney he said,

“they are a people now forgotten and discovered, while others are yet barbaric. They developed

the elements of arts and sciences. A race of men now rejected from society for their dark skin

and woolly hair. Those BlacPeople who founded the study of the laws of nature, those civil and

religious symbols which still govern the universe, every law that is a good law, and every

religion worthy of worship. This is why it does not make since for BlacPeople to be fighting

over your different beliefs. That is foolish. All of it came from you. It has been called different

things at different times depending on the need of the people at the time. The Basic principles

and morality came from your BlacCulture and out of your BlacCulture.

23 People Organize and Working for Economic Rebirth, (P.O.W.E.R.) by Louis Farrakah, Los Angeles, California, 1985, Cassette Tape.


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One should feel at home with the Muslim Brathaz and Sistaz as well as Christians,

Budda, and Jews. They were all developed in the BlacCulture, which is the Eternal Culture. If

any people need to drop all that divisionary stuff it is us. However one wants to worship is not

important. We must accept the many diverse beliefs we have in BlacAfrican Culture. We are

greatest in our diversity. What we should be concerned about is getting the power. As a

BlacCulture, we can not get the power as individuals. We must work together in unity. We

must have a collective effort. But, power we must have. The Honorable Marcus M. Garvey

taught us that power is the only argument which satisfies man. You can argue morals or

whatever you want to. BlacPeople have a strange way they deal with white people. We think

that by appealing to their morality or assume morality. They are going to do right. We do not

understand their history. Eurological history has shown us that the European is a relentless

being. They are that way for survival purposes. You are telling him to give up his survival

methods and turn it in for a sentimental emotion. He is not going to do that. He would be a

fool to do that. His way of functioning is to take what he wants. That is the way it was in the

ice age, in the caves. You can not get that out of a man over night. I am not saying that to be

racist. A white man wrote this about his people. Michael Bradley, in “24The Ice Man

Inheritance”, according to Dr. Shaka Barashingo I am saying that the Bible teaches us that we

sweep before our own door first. We must take care of our own culture before we try to take

care of the world. Of the $190 Million dollars spent in the BlacDiaspora in the United States.

It did not even turn over one time in our BlacCulture. The money turns over five times in the

white culture and seven times in the Asian Culture. There is no other culture were aliens can 24 The Ice Man Inheritance, Michael Bradley, ISBN 1879831007, Kayode Publications, African American/ Anthropology


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go into that culture, set up, stores to draw money out that culture. So, we have to come back

and take a look at ourselves. Do for your BlacCulture, blood is thicker than water. Whether we

like it or not we are blood. Brathaz and Sistaz we are family. We can not get around that.

Every so often you have some one telling us that we have a destiny BlacMan and BlacWoman.

You are going to hear this. If they shut the mouths of all the Blacologizt, the stone would cry

out. So, it has to be said and done.

XI. Melanin Something In The Skin

Cheikh Anti Dope the BlacZchalaz, Zchala went over in Egypt our home land. Asked for a

few millimeters off one of the mummies skin. Because the embalming process no one knows

how it was done. It really preserved the bodies. Melanin is something that stays in the skin.

Especially the way the ancient Kemitians preserved their dead. He took it put it in Afro-Benzoid

solution. It came out green, under the fluorescent lights. Why? Because, that indicates the

amount of Melanin that was in the skin. He said, solid this proves with out a doubt that the

Egyptians were BlacPeople. Because of the melanin that is present in their skin. He ask the

authorities if he could come back and get some more. The answer was no. Yet English

Egyptologist, French Egyptologist, German Egyptologist, can go into the Tums and destroy

whole bodies. But, this original son of Africa, in who's home land that it belongs to can not

even go get a piece of his Ancestorz to study. They do not want him back in the Tums. Brathaz

and Sistaz when ever they try to make you think that Egypt is Elizabeth Taylor and Charleston

Hestin. You know for certain that it was the Land of the BlacPeople.


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Lets move along to the Ancient Brathahood of the High Cultural System, which spread out

of the heart of the land of Africa into the rest of the world. All over the world you see evidence

of Great Institutions and Monuments established by the BlacPeople all over the world that were

establish by BlacPeople in the ancient days. We move from out of ancient Kemit and Kush over

into the Mesopotamia the land between the two rivers, as the Greeks called it. It was there that

the Elemites, a kinky hared, dark skinned people that John G. Jackson talked about in his book,

“Man, God, and Civilization” came down toward the Persian Gulf and establish the great

Sumerian Culture.

Let's us take a look at the Sumerian Culture, “Page 243, John G. Jackson, “God, Man, and

Civilization”. The Sumerian Culture spring into our view ready made. We have no Nahlej of the

times when the Somerians were uncivilized. They never went through a savage or barbaric

state. The only thing we know of them is their high culture. When we first meet them in the 4th

millennium BC, about 35 hundred years before Christ. They are all ready a civilized mettle



BlacPeople were living in great popular cities. Possessing a complicated system of

weighting and living under the government of firmly established civil and religious dynasty and

hierarchy. These Sumerians were BlacAfrican People; it was out of this culture the Babylonians

was developed from (King of Babylon). It was from them, what was develop the Kanell Form

of writing a system of mathematics and astronomy. They were great Astronomers in the world.

It was the Great East Empire that was building the Great Babylonian, Assairian and the empires


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of, that day. When you read of these people in the Bible you are reading about are BlacPeople.

According Dr. 25Barashango, his professor by the named Dr. Jacob Jasper taught him when ever

you read about the ites in the Bible, these are BlacPeople. When you hear about the code of

Hannirabi which all systems of law is founded on. You see in the statuary of the Black Sun God

Germass standing before Hannibal a BlacMan with broad nose giving him the law of life and

the land. The Code of Hannirabi coming from the Sommerians an ancient BlacCulture.

XII. Christina Which Means The Black One

We move to India. Joel A. Rogers tells us in section of “Race”, Volume 1, page 281, that

the word Christ comes from the ancient word Christina which means the Black one. Why,

because Christina the Indian Deity or God was kiss of the sun. John G. Jackson says, on page

245, about ancient India. Men of all most every shade of color are found in the great southern

continent of India. The early inhabitant of this reign were BlacPeople. Their descendants may

be observed in central India today. They are distinguished by Ethiopioid features, curly hair and

dusty complexion! Eurological scholars refers to them, as a dark skin, broad nosed people. Who

with out knowing the origin of the word were called Dravidians? The first great civilization of

India was established by the Dravidians in the Indus Valley. BlacPeople also established the

west of Iberian Civilization later called Kultians.

That Kultian, Iberian Civilization in the book, “Afrikan People and European Holidays: A

Mental Genocide”, by Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango. It tells that these Iberians traveled all the

25 Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango African People & European Holidays: A Mental Genocide ISBN:193009751425

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way down the foot of the western hills, through Africa up into Europe, went into Spain about

8,000 years before the Christian era. Established a civilization, went into England and brought

into England for the first time, farm equipment to till the land. No one in England knew how to

till the land. These Sultan along with Nubian Brathaz built around 2,800 years before that area,

that great monumental structure known as Stone Pen. This was used as an astronomical

observatory and university of higher learning. Gerald Massey a white writer says, “that this

was established by a colony of Egyptians”. Who came up to work with their Brathaz out of the

Ancient Mystery System. You can see why the Brathaz and Sistaz of the past and present keep

telling us we have to have the Nahlej of ourselves. This is just for the service. This is just the

light weight Nahlej that has been shared with us.

Now we move from England to the British Islands to the Manowian Civilization on the

Island of Crete. The Island of Create is off the Southern Coast of Europe. BlacPeople had

traveled into Italy, France, Spain, and England with the need to cultivate and civilize the world.

Out of humanity and the need to share Nahlej, BlacPeople traveled and cultivated the world. In

the book, “African People in European Holidays a Mental Genocide”, by Dr. Ishakamusa

Barashango. Dr. Barashango quotes John G. Jackson saying, “The ancestors of the Cretans

were natives of Africa a branch of the western Ethiopia”. The word Ethiopian means, Black

face people kiss of the sun. The seat of the king, was a huge structure, five stories high. Spread

out over an area of 4 acres. On the walls of its numerous rooms were beautiful fresco and

mosaics of high artistic merit. In this palace were bath rooms with terra coded bath tubs fitted

with drains, quite modern in construction. At this time the European did not have a window to


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throw the slop pot out. They just left it were it was, according to Dr. Barashango, this is what

the Eurological scholars 'said about their history. BlacPeople have always been a clean people

when BlacPeople were not under some one else oppression.

They always keep the area they lived in well. According to Dr. Barashango, the way

BlacPeople kept the Island of Creete was well structured and clean. They were made of faucet

jointed pipes superior to anything known to the later Romans. They were not equaled in modern

times until the mid 19th century. Through out Crete were attractive comfortable homes. Well

constructed port and fine paved roads. No one else in that area had paved roads.

XIII. Ruined By An Invasion

Around 1400 BC this splendid Culture was laid in ruins by an invasion of semi-barbarous

Greeks from the North. Upon the ruins of the Cretan Culture the Greeks in later days built their

civilization. These Greeks were the first civilized white folks. They came in on the Black

Culture. They destroyed and ruined about 1400 BC. It took them over a thousand years. To

began to establish themselves as a culture in about 331 before the Christian area by the Great

Alexander Misnomer. That is how long it took for the European to learn Your Nahlej and

culture. No wonder the European has a foot hold; it took him a long time to learn it. They have

it now. Now we are in the process of relearning.

Let us talk for a while about the Punic Civilization. In northern Africa on the Palestinian

strip, was a nation called Phoneians. The Greeks called them phoneians. They called themselves

Cananites. The Word Phoneians means red, purple people or Mahogany people. Not only were


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they beautiful, but they were the merchants salesman and tradesman of the world. BlacPeople

were the first salesmen in the world. They circum navigated the world. John G. Jackson talks

about that, in his book, page 251-253, “26Man, God, and Civilization ". These BlacPeople were

all-over the Americas. It was not America then. It was not even thought of as America then,

They were building these giant heads with African features on them. Which are being dug up all

over South America today. They were carrying elephants in ships all over the world, according

to Van Sertimen. Europeans did not know how to make a wagon wheel part. So, then

consequently, we find fossil remains of elephants and hippopotamus, giraffe all kinds of animal

indigenous to the African continent in South America. When they dig deep enough in the ice in

Europe, they find remains of BlacAfricanz. BlacPeople went everywhere. The earth was to be

explored by our BlacAncestorz. One white writer said, that the BlacCulture dominated the

world at one time. All over the world there was nothing but the BlacCulture.

The Phoenicians one day took a colony into the Northern part of Africa. Under Queen

Diego and established the Carthaginian Civilization or Nation. Out of Carthage came the

merchants of the world and they controlled the sea. When the Romans finally learned enough,

other than fighting, they could always fight. When they learned about reading, writing and

math. It took them a while to catch on to the zero. You have to know the zero to circum

navigate the world. Columbus Believed the, world was flat. The BlacAfricanz knew it was

round. They had globes teaching it in their schools. When Columbus, Queen Isabelle and the

rest of the Europeans believed it was flat. They believed that if you went over the edge you fall 26 AddALL.com - Man, God , and Civilization ... search and price compare for. Man, God, and Civilization. by Author: John Jackson ... Related titles. Man, God, and Civilization - by John G ... www.addall.com/detail/0806508582.html, Man God And Civilization ISBN 0-8065-0858-2 , www.cordiallyyours.net/african_american_asian_caribbean_shopping/item1


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off. Out of the Empire, when Rome was in a struggle, going to control the world. There came

one man who believed in many ways more then any other. The principles of self motivation and

positive thinking.

That man was Hannibal Barkar. He said, I am going to Rome. I am tired of them Invading

us. I am going to Rome. The people told Hannibal that the sea was to our backs and Alps in

fronts, .in front of us. Hannibal reply was, what alps, bring the elephants and the troops. We are

going over the alps. An’t no mountain high enough, ant no river wide enough to keep me from

getting to where I'm going. That is the attitude we must take in our lives. When ever you set

your mind to accomplish some thing in life. You are going to be confronted with obstacles. It is

going to happen. Don't let that throw you. Because, in every obstacle there is a key that leads to

success. Instead of being thrown by an obstacle every obstacle is there, so that you must take on

the challenge to teach you a lesson, to take you to the next level. When you get caught up in

wrestling with the obstacle you can never get through. You must be able to dance around it or

move about it and keep your mind set on your goal. Keep your mind fix on where you want to

go. So, that no matter what happens. No matter what people say. Unfortunately, people who

love you can always tell you why it cannot be done. Do not even listen to that. Remember

Hannibal and the alps. Because, in dismay the Roman army watched as the tanks of that day,

the elephants came running toward them. Like Hannibal and the alps. Hannibal would have won

the battle, had it not been for one thing. Let us deal with the good as well as the bad. We must

learn from both of them. I am not saying that we were a perfect people. But, we were the best. If

we were perfect, we could have never gotten ourselves in this condition. There was a brother


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named Malcolm Nessah who betrayed his race to the Romans for a struggle over a woman. It

was not the woman's fault. She was a victim of the circumstances. The Carthaginians gave the

woman to somebody else, which they had promised to give her to Malcolm Nessa.

Malcolm Nessah became angry with the Carthaginians and told the plans of Hannibal

strategy. Which were the most profound strategy of military science in the world at that time.

They still study these plans at West Point today. How do we know Hannibal was a BlacMan?

J.A. Rogers has a coin with a elephant head on one side and a corn role hair Hannibal on the

other side. The European all knew this fact. Septicemia Serverious an African Emporia of

Rome, had Handball's bones dug up, brought to Rome and placed them in a marble and gold

Tums in the middle of the city. They say you give a BlacMan an inch and he will take mile. One

of the ways they were able to attack the BlacMovement in our day. Is to divide and conquer, to

play on egos, by saying things like your organization should be out front. We will give you the

money. Many times BlacPeople were being manipulated and did not know it. When they were

to you, the death and destruction of others. The FBI, Secret Service, CIA none could have done

anything with this movement. Cointel-Pro would not have been successful as it was, accept they

were able to get a BlacMan to betray a BlacMan. If we could take this position. This is the age

when we must do it. You notice of any BlacLeadership. That is worthy of being called

BlacLeadership. That is honest, sincere and talking about bridging the gaps of difference betw-

een Brathaz and Sistaz. We must never again allow them to use differences against us. Never

must we allow that to happen. You are no greater than your Bratha is. When you see the

greatness in your Bratha, you see the greatness in yourself. I can identify with Mohammed Ali.


Page 31: Blacology: ZcyNtific The... · Web viewBarashango, Dr. Ishakamusa “God, the Bible, and the Black Man's Destiny, Page 24. Barashango, Dr. Ishakamusa in his audio cassette tape entitled,

When he said, I am the greatest, because as a people we are the greatest. When Mohammed

Says, I am pretty, all our people are pretty. Some BlacPeople said, that Mohammed Ali talked

to much. Why, do our people have problems with Mohammed telling the truth. We must have

good self concepts. Our conceit is not to be used against your Brathaz and Sistaz. One

BlacPerson beauty is know greater than the next. It is our Beauty that reflexes your beauty. That

is the concept that we must have as a people.

Let us move on to the African discovery of America or rediscovery of America. Dr.

Ishakamusa Barashango, from the book, “African People and European Holidays: A Mental

Genocide ‘, page 31-32 centuries upon centuries before Columbus. By the way, Columbus was

not Italian. He name was Christopher Colone. He was a Jew living in Italy. That is why Queen

Isabelle had to pon her jewels to finance the trip. They were at the base of the slave trade. The

other Europeans did not have the money to get a boat out of the port with out the financing of

the European Jews. BlacAfricanz were present in the Americas which of course was not called

that at the time. We find evidence of the BlacAfrican presence on the American Continent

which dates from as early as 1200 to 650 BC. For a millennium BlacAfricanz sailed the high

seas here to America. 27Leo Warner in a three Volume work, “Africa In The Discovery Of

America” speaks of at least 50 voyages that they took to this country and this area. Dr. Van

Sertiman shows in his works the statuary had found. Some of the statues they found here on

this continent. Which shows evidence of the present. Also great buildings, monument structure

that showed the great Almec Civilization. That was in contact with the Kushite and Kemitent

27 ... Africa and the Discovery of America. by Author: Leo Wiener ... ISBN: 1881316025 Israel == Other Asian Country Australasia == ==Australia ==New Zealand Africa ... www.addall.com/detail/1881316025.html


Page 32: Blacology: ZcyNtific The... · Web viewBarashango, Dr. Ishakamusa “God, the Bible, and the Black Man's Destiny, Page 24. Barashango, Dr. Ishakamusa in his audio cassette tape entitled,

Brathaz and Sistaz across the Atlantic Sea. They were traveling back and forward. Columbus

himself could not even get here, with out a BlacMan name Pablo Alonzo Nina Leading the way.

With the Map that Pablo Alonzo Nina received from the west cost of Africa to tell them the

wind and current to take to get here. With out the BlacMan and his map Columbus would not

have got to this land.

On Columbus's third voyage here he met while going across the ocean. Boat loads of

BlacMen, going back to Africa. So, did America Vest Vague in fact in 1310 Mohammed

Iboarakadie Sent 400 hundred ship at a time when Europeans could not even Navigate the Red

Sea. 400 hundred ships went across the Atlantic Ocean and 2 came back. The next year after the

mammoth building project Mohammad, Iborakadie, first took 4,000 ships, himself included,

sailed back across the Atlantic, left his nephew Cong Conga Musa in charge of the 13th Empire

of Mali. Never to be seen in Africa again. Shows up some time later, standing on the shores of

what was to become South America. The red man bow down and said, praise our God has

returned. “The Moorish Empire” by Dr. Barashango, page 46, this is one our best and favorite

periods. The word Moor means Black. Even though Arabs were a part of the process, they were

in the minority. It was the BlacAfricanz the Moors who dominated the Moorish Empire page

46, in the Christian era, and BlacAfrican People known as the Moors. Under their leader Gilbro

Tirek cross the straight, called the Pillars of Hercules and landed on the rock Island of

Gerbroter. Named in his honor and here built a mighty fortress. From this base of operations

they entered Europe. I never knew why but they did it. Defeated the German Goss. Made

themselves masters of Spain. Then, the Moors cross the Pureness Mountains and conquered


Page 33: Blacology: ZcyNtific The... · Web viewBarashango, Dr. Ishakamusa “God, the Bible, and the Black Man's Destiny, Page 24. Barashango, Dr. Ishakamusa in his audio cassette tape entitled,

Southern France. One of the finest Cultures Europe has ever known. This was a great Muslim

Empire, included more land than the Roman Empire. These Blackz brought with them to Spain.

A culture far exceeding that by any of the European people at the time. At that time not five

kings in Europe could read or write. This is according to European's own historical documents.

These Blackz brought with them books upon books libraries with 100 thousand documents in it.

BlacMuslim Zchalaz who introduced into the system Arabic numbers which included the

zero. They were masters of astronomy, mathematics, medicine, chemistry, and physics. They

possessed the vigorous knowledge of the classics. The Europeans could not count beyond the

Roman numeral until BlacPeople brought the knowledge of the zero. The zero is how we are

able to travel in outer space. BlacCulture was also the producer of the concave lines and

telescope. One of the favorite pass time of the Ancient Black Culture, according to Dr.

Barashango was responsible for restoring civilization. By the year 1000 the Europeans time

were reduced to a condition close to barbarism. Yet at that time the Moors had a splendid


XIV. Bibliographies:

African American Jubilee Edition, Holy Bible , Contemporary English Version

Africa and the Discovery of America. by Author: Leo Wiener ... ISBN: 1881316025 Israel == Other Asian Country Australasia == ==Australia ==New Zealand Africa ... www.addall.com/detail/1881316025.html

Ali, Noble Drew, “The Prophet” by NOBLE DREW ALI, http://www.feastofhateandfear.com/archives/moorism.html


Page 34: Blacology: ZcyNtific The... · Web viewBarashango, Dr. Ishakamusa “God, the Bible, and the Black Man's Destiny, Page 24. Barashango, Dr. Ishakamusa in his audio cassette tape entitled,

Barashango, Dr. Ishakamusa African People & European Holidays: A Mental Genocide ISBN:1930097514

Barashango, Dr. Ishakamusa “God, the Bible, and the Black Man's Destiny, Page 24.

Barashango, Dr. Ishakamusa in his audio cassette tape entitled, “The Eternal people”1987

Bradley, Michael The Ice Man Inheritance, Michael Bradley, ISBN 1879831007, Kayode Publications, African American/ Anthropology

Cross, Walter, 216RE THE EVOLUTION OF BLACOLOGICAL LINGUISTICS AND TERMINOLOGY, BLACOLOICAL EVOLUTIONARY LEXICON, By Blacologist: Profesa Wulta Zamani Xrozz, Blacology Research And Development Institute Inc, Publishing Company. 7611 Mountain View Way, Landover, Maryland 20785, [email protected], BLACOLOGY.COM, 5-15-216re © (COPYRIGHT), BRDI: 09131997-7, (Paperback First Printing May 15, 2005 ©

Diop, Cheikh Anta, The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality Cheikh Anta Diop (First published 1955) http://www.africanreviewofbooks.com/100best/100bestsamples/diop.html

Durant, Will The Story of Civilization , The Story of Civilization. --Will Durant. Read The Story of Civilization--If you're Interested In World History Will Durant is One Of the Worlds Great Authors. www.omegateam.com/greatbooks/civilization.html

Farrakah, Min. Louis People Organize and Working for Economic Rebirth, (P.O.W.E.R.) by Louis Farrakah, Los Angeles, California, 1985, Cassette Tape.

Garvey, Marcus M. http://www.unia-acl.org/

Gross, Rachel and Dale Grote, Dionysus by Rachel Gross and Dale Grote , http://www.pantheon.org/articles/d/dionysus.html

Haiti:  Revolutionary War, http://www.webster.edu/~corbetre/haiti/history/revolution/revolution.htm

Herodotus Greek, Roman, historians of ancient days, http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/eb11-herodotus.html

Higgins, Sir Godphery said in his book, " Anacolipciss, volume 1,page 10


Page 35: Blacology: ZcyNtific The... · Web viewBarashango, Dr. Ishakamusa “God, the Bible, and the Black Man's Destiny, Page 24. Barashango, Dr. Ishakamusa in his audio cassette tape entitled,

Homer, Greek, Roman, historians of ancient days http://www.underthesun.cc/Classics/Homer/illiad/

Jackson, John G. AddALL.com - Man, God , and Civilization ... search and price compare for. Man, God, and Civilization. by Author: John Jackson ... Related titles. Man, God, and Civilization - by John G ... www.addall.com/detail/0806508582.html, Man God And Civilization ISBN 0-8065-0858-2 , www.cordiallyyours.net/african_american_asian_caribbean_shopping/item1

Means, Sterling M. Ethiopia and the Missing Link in African History by Sterling M. Means, ISBN#:0948390301, 1945

Moses, Wilson Jeremiah http://www.acdagy.com/marcus_garvey_day.htm Creative Conflict in African American Thought Wilson Jeremiah Moses, Published July 2004, 326 pages, Hardback ISBN: 0521828260 http://books.cambridge.org/0521828260.htm

Muhammad, Elijah. Message to the Blackman in America, Elijah Muhammad, Hakim’s Publications, 210 S. 52nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139, 1965.

Rogers, Joel A. World’s Great Men of Color, Volume 1&2 , ISBN 0-02081310-4Mcmillan Publishing Company, 866 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y.10022

Strabo the Geographer: Title page http://members.aol.com/spothecary/

Sertima, Dr. Ivan Van, is a literary critic, linguist, anthropologist, and writer.  In 1977 he wrote They Came Before Columbus, http://aalbc.com/authors/ivanvan.htm

Sirleaf, Amos M. PhD, The Black Race, The African Continent And The Ultimate Necessity For The Development Of Black Cultural Science,(BLACOLOGY)—The 21st Century, “Blacology” A Cultural Science Research and Development Institute, Inc. Branch#2, Ft. Washington, MD 20745 [email protected] ,1997, BLACOLOGY.COM

The African American Jubilee Edition, Holy Bible, Contemporary English Version, American Bible Society©1995ISBN1-58516-020-0

Williams, Chancellor. The Destruction of Black Civilization Chicago: Third World Press, 1974.

X, Malcolm. The Autobiography of Malcolm X, New York: Grove Press, Inc. 1965; George Brietman ed. (Malcolm X Speaks (New York Grove Press, Inc. 1965).


Page 36: Blacology: ZcyNtific The... · Web viewBarashango, Dr. Ishakamusa “God, the Bible, and the Black Man's Destiny, Page 24. Barashango, Dr. Ishakamusa in his audio cassette tape entitled,