Black Apple E-Zine June 2012

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The Black Apple Ezine is an alternative electronic Magazine which showcases bands, venues and photographers in the alternative community of South Africa. It is also a platform for advertisers to showcase their products/services to all who would read it

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I Butcher for Pleasure Carve you into little pieces

The severity of your suffering is my endeavour Killing you at my discretion

I am in total control

Butcher for pleasure I thrill for the hunt

Butcher for pleasure I thrill for the kill

Slowly dissecting you alive All your blood and guts will spill

I have no mercy for your soul

I am the force that decides your fate No god and no devil

Just me and my murderous desire

Butcher for pleasure I thrill for the hunt

Butcher for pleasure I thrill for the kill

Slowly dissecting you alive All your blood and guts will spill

Slowly dissecting you alive

On your agony I thrive Your screams keeping me alive

Butcher for pleasure

Carve you into little pieces I thrill for the hunt

All your blood and guts will spill Butcher for pleasure

Your screams keeping me alive I thrill for the kill

Butcher for pleasure

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If you would like to be involved in the next E-zine, either as a writer, photographer or have yourself fea-

tured … don’t be scared, drop us an email on [email protected] and say hi. Don’t worry,

we don’t bite, we had our black apple this morning!

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Bleeding Spawn started in 2009 with the idea to write the most extreme crushing Death Metal that would raise the standard in South Africa. Playing their first gigs in their home towns; Middelburg and Witbank with 7 string guitars, 6 string sub bass, super low vocals and atomic drumming - they released a sound that punishes the human ear drum Playing their first big festival; Rocktober in Hendrina made it clear to people that Death Metal is stronger than ever in our country. Bleeding Spawn then started playing shows at Black Dahlia, Schivas, Rock Shack, Boston Rock Lounge, Zeplins, Milanos, Burn (Durban), Cool Runnings, and Factory. In March 2012 the mighty Fleshgod Apocalypse came to South Africa and they had the opportunity to do the whole tour alongside Fleshgod Apocalypse and Bile of Man. They have worked with South Africa’s most fundamental organisers such as Emalyth, Valgar entertainment, Maggot entertainment and Bonethrone management. They are currently busy with recording their full length album. Bleeding Spawn fans are able to download 2 songs from Reverbnation with a new song on its way for download. They also have videos of their live performances all available on YouTube and Facebook.


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Artist: Lonehill Estate Album: Self Titled Genre: Neon Rock Members: Nathan Ro Mark van den Berg Dave Waugh Herman Rosslee Band Influences: Muse, Family Force Five, Skrillex, Vusi Mashlasela, Radiohead, Goo Goo Dolls, Smashmouth, Johnny Clegg, Sting, Periphery, Circa Survive

Favourites: “Techno Band”, “Gangstar”

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This month the Black Apple Team were very lucky to have 2 album reviews. We were even luckier to have 2 albums that

sounded completely different. The first review is from none other than Lonehill Estate, the second from the face melting


Let’s start with Lonehill Estate; I have heard a lot of good things from this band, the album, the tours and the catchy songs

that people are humming in the shopping centres. The first song on the album sets off the feeling of the album, technical

and fun! Straight into the second song you will find your theme song for every Friday night; it wasn’t long till I was singing

along with the chorus and “bbm”ing my friends to find out where the party was.

Lonehill Estate is a dynamic group - one thing I really enjoyed about this album is the variety in all the songs, you go from a

party starter into a song to swoon to, into a theme song … everything you need in one album to lift your mood on an “Off”


Instant favourite was Track 9, GANGSTAR … foot tapping, booty shaking, head bobbing all the way. Even the small

“heavier” section of the song just fits. Lonehill’s album is so much fun, it would be great in the horrible situations of traffic

jams and long stinky elevator rides.

Other favourites are Track 2 “Daans”, although the small “Jack Parow” rendition of the lyrics made my stomach turn and of

course Track 3 “Technoband”, one day I WILL have a technoband!

If you are a Dub-Step mad head, Metal Head, Rock Bunny or Drum and Bass fan, this album from Lonehill Estate has a song

for each you, the diversity is awesome.

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*.Portraits. Events.* (www.facebook.com/jeshunterphotography)

Jes Hunter is a freelance portrait photographer based in Johannesburg, currently specializing in events and portraiture to help fund her love for the more arty side of photography. Combining a love for stories, night-mares and dreams with a love of nature and natural light to create photographs that tell stories and inspire

viewers to (hopefully) look deeper. She began exploring photography as an artistic outlet at the age of 15, spending most of her teenage years either at gigs or on DeviantART (where she‘s gone from having 1 watcher to having over 500). Being a photographer is more than simply a job description, it‘s a life description; where

everything you see is inspiration and you learn to look deeper.

Her work can be found on: http://www.facebook.com/JesHunterPhotography and http://gutter---glitter.deviantart.com/

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Gig Review Written by: Black Apple Team

Photography: Samantha Williams

When the Black Apple Team left their hub for Black Dahlia, they knew their ears were about to be infiltrated by some epic music. As we all know Emalyth knows how to hold an event with only the best of South African talent and with the line-up of MORE THAN CONQUERORS, SPECTRAL REALM, KILLATORIA and BLOODBEAST, our necks were twitching with anticipation! MORE THAN CONQUERORS were the first ones to grace us with their outrageous musical talent. A personal favourite of ours from a previous gig at Sundowners, so we knew these guys could get the cold crowd in Black Dahlia all warmed up. During the sound check the crowd already started shuffling in to see what was cooking a good sign that the fans are excited to see who is playing and ready to go crazy for them. There is no better feeling than being in a club and as the lights go down nothing but pure clean crazy metal pours out of the speakers sending chills down your neck. “Escaping Insanity” the second song by MORE THAN CONQUERORS was absolutely mind blowing!! Guitar solos that would make your average musicians fingers bleed but not these guys they made it look like child’s play. Let’s move on to the

tallest MoFo I have ever seen in green – The Vocalist, has one hell of a set of pipes on him, from his earth shattering growls and non-stop energetic performance he has an amazing way of connecting with the crowd and giving them what they want – an Epic show! By the end of the third song the crowd is sweating and feeding off the energy supplied by MORE THAN CONQUERORS. Once again these guys have destroyed all expectations and set a new standard to live up to - amazing performance!! After some much needed time to recuperate and rehydrate, next taking over the stage was SPECTRAL REALM. When seeing SPECTRAL REALM all one can think is “oh great another band with the same old corpse paint look – must be totally predictable” however they are far from it. They stand as their intro music plays, something that doesn’t happen often these days and thought this was pretty cool. Generally when we see bands with a keyboardist the hairs on our neck stand up as the sound usually resembles a cat stuck in a blender however once again they surprised us. Their sound is completely different to MORE THAN CONQUERORS but also extremely enjoyable. Where MORE THAN CONQUERORS had the energy SPECTRAL REALM brought a powerful presence on stage that we couldn’t tear ourselves away from watching along with the rest of the crowd.

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We were especially engrossed by their ballad “Cursed wonders of the beyond” the integration of all the instruments and vocals got us and the crowd encapsulated for the entire song (coming from someone with the attention span of a small gold fish - that says a lot) we thought ok that it nothing more can happen to impress us – however – we were wrong again as straight from the ballad they headed to the “headbangers” song. This gave the energy we were waiting for, guitar solos, vocals and keyboard merged perfectly and overall they were fantastic. Definitely a band we will stand for and watch again. A smoke and a couple sips of beer later and we

were ready and waiting for KILLATORIA’s performance, a bunch of young guys who are taking over the scene. How could any band go wrong when opening up with a Metallica cover of “For Thom the Bell Tolls” and do it damn well, from die hard Metallica fans we salute you and say thank you for not massacring the song. One of the guys from KILLATORIA by the name of Dale really stood out for us, his guitar solo was something truly memorable and we hope to see much more of in the future. The crowd in Black Dahlia went insane for these guys which was no surprise as how could they not with such interaction, guitar solos and vocals which enticed the crowd into a constant head banging marathon. Anyone who stands still to this band must be either a die-hard Britney Spears fan or simply frigid. One of the best things about KILLATORIA is that not only are there songs all catchy but also different the kind of band that if on a cd can stay in your car radio for months and never tire of them. So ladies and Gents the rumours are true - KILLATORIA are amazing! Last but most certainly not least was BLOODBEAST, a band that through the industry’s grapevine everyone is boasting that they are “top of the crop”. With members from AOA, Bile of Man and Fuck the Corpses, the standard is high. When on the stage I can imagine that most people who see them the first time would think that they are not the kind of men you would want to be alone with in a dark room, they are big guys with big vocals which provide us with a massive performance. We knew that they would be great and we weren’t disappointed. “Fuck or Die” this song is about a serial rapist who forces others to rape people at gunpoint, usually we are not excited by long solos however the talent in this band with in each member is astounding. We could do nothing but stand in utter amazement as how they were performing. Now all throughout this review we have said how we loved all the guitar solos however BLOODBEAST took it to another level, with drums, guitars, bass and vocals all were of an international standard. Call it experience or hard work but these guys definitely know how to play.

From the Black Apple Team we would like to say a

huge THANK YOU to EMALYTH and Black Dahlia for an Epic evening but mainly to all the bands for doing what

you do best – Playing an epic show!

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Artist: BloodBeast Album: Bloodlust Members: Van666 - Lead guitar/Vocals (A.O.A.) Choroz Bileous - Bass (ex-Bile of Man) Werner Labuschagne - Drums (Fuck the Corpses) Andre 'Gallaksie' Diamond - Guitar/Vocals (Fuck The Corpses)

Favourites: “Butcher for Pleasure”, “Out for Blood”

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Bloodbeast – this band is currently being perceived as the new “Super group” of the underground SA Music Scene and they have truly blown the Black Apple Team away. With members all serving their time in the well-known bands such as; Architecture of Aggression, Bile of Man, Fuck the Corpses and Demented Martyr the pressure to deliver something no less than amazing is on their shoulders. The Black Apple Team were lucky enough to not only review Bloodlust, the debut album from Bloodbeast, but were also invited by the Emalyth to review their event “Kill the Beast, Conquer the Realm” at Black Dahlia where Bloodbeast were playing. (See Pages 18-19) After seeing these guys perform live we were keen to hear if their recorded material would do them any justice after their mind-blowing performance at Black Dahlia. The album is only 30 minutes long, but it doesn’t feel that way. The songs on the album are so entrancing before you know it - you have listened to the album 3 times or more One thing I have to point out is the clarity of the vocals – some South African Vocalists are very difficult to hear and it ends up giving people headaches. But the clarity in the vocals from Bloodbeast is much appreciated and very impressive. An instant Black Apple favourite is BUTCHER FOR PLEASURE; the first few seconds drew us in like a metal head to a Black Label. We love the guitar solo around the 2:30 spot of the song, if we could bottle that up and take it with us everywhere we would. The Bloodbeast album is not for the faint hearted, some of the lyrics would scare an old person into ICU, however for the die-hard South African fan, the album is a definite addition for your collection of A-Grade South African Music. The Black Apple Team cannot wait to see what Bloodbeast has in store for their fans in future. If you have not heard them yet - shame upon you, you need to experience the true wrath of Bloodbeast. Their next show is: 23 June 2012: Rumours pub, Weltevreden Park … you have no excuses … you must see them perform.

Follow them on

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The Art



Urban Dictionary tells me that trolling is “being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent bystander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can.” It pretty much sums it up, but there is a delicate art to trolling like a true bau5. Now, trolling the interferrets can be fun, but trolling in real life is much more rewarding ;) Here, I’m going to give you a few tips to get you started.

1. Know your audience.

What you’re essentially trying to do is get a person, or a certain group of people, to become so irritated with you they start saying things that would make a grown man weep. A good example of knowing your audience and what exactly would piss them off would be finding a fundamentalist Christian website and expounding the tenets of nihilism. In my experience, there’s nothing quite as funny as pissing off the Christians. However, be careful when it comes to the fundamentalists of certain other religions. Shit can get very real, very fast. I mean, what exactly would happen if you pissed off Cliff Richard? My best guess is that he’d furiously sing Christmas carols at you. Oooooo…

2. Choose your words carefully.

The last thing you want is people to instantly guess that you’re a troll and announce it. This would mean the end of the troll and you’d lose out on the reaction you’re looking for. It would immediately invalidate it and you’d just become fucking irritating. Well, that is the point, but not so soon. Patience, my son...

3. Respond.

Here, subtlety is key. If a certain response to your trolling requires a little more research, remember that Google is your friend. What makes a troll truly great is the extent to which his troll is a pragmatic one. There’s a saying on the interwebz: Do Not Feed the Troll (DNFT). And that is the point! Get your audience to feed you. The more they give you, the more you can give back…

4. Print screen. Cause that shit’s going on Facebook.

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Ultimately, the band exists for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to bring glory to the One Eternal and Mighty

God, who sent His Son Jesus Christ to rescue us from hell ... and ourselves. Thanks to His

death, we can truly live.

Our bodies may fade away, but our hearts are been trans-formed from strength to

strength. This temporary world may turn against us, but we will endure forever under His perfect

love and faithfulness.

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Adorned in Ash (AiA) is a female fronted Christian Extreme Hybrid Metal band from Pretoria, South Africa. Our influences include everything from thrash, speed and groove metal bands to more progressive & technical death & black metal. Adorned in Ash have had some awesome opportunities to share the stage with some of South Africa's best and biggest local metal bands as well as international act Becoming the Archetype (USA) on their tour to South Africa. They aim to bring melody as well as technicality into their music, in order to appeal to a wide and varying audience, without ever compromising on the brutality and power of the death metal genre. They are currently recording our first album and hope to release it by early 2013 or sooner, depending on finances. Adorned in Ash are extremely grateful to have received international airplay for our released singles on Total Biker FM (London UK) and to have them air on their line-up as well as on TUKS FM 107.2 and Mix FM 93.8. They have recently received an international merchandise deal and are extremely grateful to Starve The Flesh Clothing for it. Their merchandise is now available online and shipped worldwide from starvetheflesh.com - Please check it out- all support is welcome and appreciated. Follow adorned in Ash on the Tour of Mass destruction … and if you cant follow them on Facebook and Twitter @Adorned_in_Ash

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Sick Cindy is a Johannesburg based Rock n Roll band. The band has been gigging in Joburg and Pretoria since 2010. We have performed with bands like Southern Gypsey Queen, Flash Republic, Isochronous, Polski Fiat (U.S.A), Agro, The Stella’s, Dead Alphabet and The Carniwhores.

We play hard driving rock with a fiery lead vocalist Miss Cat Coxon who knows how to entertain a crowd. Bennie Sweet the lead guitarist will leave you pulling ugly faces and banging your fist in the air. Dave Hercules rocks out like an animal on the bass while Joe Danger beats the snare like a lazy wife. The band has played extensively throughout 2010 and 2011 to cement their name in the joburg scene. The Band’s live performances are colourful, energetic, loud and sure to make you get up and party! We have high hopes for 2012! We appeared in the latest issue of Cape Town's Urban Edge Magazine - (page 26)

We are currently recording our debut album which is due for release in July and have a YouTube channel to keep our followers in the loop with what is happening in studio. Another big goal is to tear up the Oppi stage.

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On the chilly night of the 8 June 2012, the Black Apple Team set out for the first event of the Tour of Mass Destruction. This tour is a fundraising tour for The Hammer of Redemption and Adorned in Ash to get their neck breaking music to the shores of Durban. Even though the wind chilled the venue, Rumours was packed by the time the first band went on stage. The amount of support for the bands that played on the evening was AMAZING. AS FATE WILL started the evening off with a BANG, the screams from fans echoed and could be heard a mile away. Following them were Pretoria based band TRANQUIL, even being a few miles out of their home town, the Rumours pub attendees were falling in love with them. OF ONE DESIGN once again tore the stage apart, every time I walked into the area where the stage was set it was impossible to move around because of the amount of people watching the stage. THE HAMMER OF REDEMPTION and ADORNED IN ASH did what they did best, even though it was late into the night, the crowd in front of the stage seemed to get bigger and bigger! If the 8 June 2012 is anything to go by – the future events for the Tour of Mass Destruction is not only going to break necks, warm bodies and create memories but will set the standard for tours in future!


After the 8 June, The Black Apple Team were looking forward to a night of pizza, beer and good music - what we didn't expect was the icy wind that hit us as we got there. The Bohemian is known for its amazing pizza and chilled vibes. Everyone got there in enough time to defrost their bodies and start the party. Unfortunately HOKUM were unable to play the evening, so we had MORE THAN CONQUERORS warm up the stage for us, the PART-TIME PIRATES then took everyone on a journey to the seas beyond. THE HAMMER OF REDEMPTION and ADORNED IN ASH have really blown the Black Apple Team away these 2 weeks. Their level of professionalism and dedication to this tour is amazing and heart warming - each performance immediately radiates their passion for their music and the enthusiasm can warm even the coldest of hearts.



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Tattoo aftercare:

Wash After 2 hours with warm water using your hand and pat dry.

Air dry for 10-15 minutes.

Apply a water-based fragrance free cream 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks

Shower and bath as usual but don't soak the tattoo.

Keep the tattoo out of the sun, pools and sea for at least 2 weeks or until the tattoo is fully healed.

Don't pick or scratch your tattoo.

Tel: Sean 084 054 0044 Email: [email protected]

Shop 15

Winchester green shopping centre Swartgoud road, Winchester hills





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If you wish to advertise in

the Black Apple E-Zine,

Please contact the

Black Apple Team on

[email protected]


082 456 1809 / 082 304 3324

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Rehearsal space now available 30 Oosthuizen Drive, Flora Cliff, Johannesburg

Contact Tyronne on 079 873 7911 or [email protected]

2KD Studios

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8 JUNE 2012

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8 JUNE 2012

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15 JUNE 2012

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15 JUNE 2012

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Professional burlesque, gothic, alternative stylist and art

director, fashion designer and local fashion design

promoter, local music merchandise, jewellery, hats,

display weaponry and other accessories.

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