BJP Manifesto Summary 2014 Summary BJP Manifesto, India, 2014 1

BJP Manifesto Summary 2014_5min Primer

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BJP Manifesto Summary 2014

Summary BJP Manifesto, India, 2014 1

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• Starts with India’s contribution to science and wisdom to this world

• But after the independence leaders lost the spirit and vision

• Framework to govern was British that was unlike what India could achieve

• Governance was marred by lack of trust and excessive controls

• Liberalization of 1990’s was half hearted

• UPAs biggest blow to the nation was that they took out Genuineness from governance, authenticity from administration

• It has given administration of entitlement without delivery

• We now represent economy of deficits, work culture of delays and an asset base of deficiency

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Most urgent: tackling price rise

• Price rise: food inflation has crippled HH budgets and contributed to overall disinflationary trend

• Committee of Chief ministers under Narendra Modi has already submitted a report on food inflation in 2011

• Report was not acted upon by UPA

• Cater to rein in inflation by

– Measures and controls and special courts to stop hoarding and black marketing

– Set up price stabilisation front

– Unbundle FCI operations into procurement, storage and distribution for greater efficiency

– Leverage on technology to disseminate real time data to farmers on production, prices, imports, stock availability

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Most urgent: tackling price rise/ Employment & Entrepreneurship

– Evolve single National Agricultural Market

• Promote and support area specific crops and vegetables linked to food habits of people

• Employment & Entrepreneurship: strategically develop high impact domains like labour intensive manufacturing (Textiles, footwear, electronics assembly) and tourism

– Strengthen traditional employment bases of agriculture and allied industries, retail through modernization as well as stronger credit and market linkages

– Upgrade infra and housing for its job generating potential

– Encourage and empower youth for self employment

• Corruption: promote technology enabled e-governance

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Most urgent: Corruption/ Policy Paralysis/ Poor Delivery

– System based policy governance

– Rationalization and simplification of tax regime

– Simplification of processes and procedures at all levels

• Poor Delivery:

– Remove bottlenecks & missing links in all sectors of the economy

– Focus on proper planning and execution for right outcomes

– Strive for scale and speed with futuristic vision

– Build institutions for today and tomorrow

• Credibility crisis

– Restore credibility of Union of India

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1. Strengthen the framework

• Centre – State relations

– Place Centre state relations on even keel through process of consultation and strive for harmonious relations

– GOI will enabler and facilitator in rapid progress of state, evolve a national model of development driven by states

– Team India to include PM and State CM’s & other functionaries

– Ensuring fiscal autonomy of states with fiscal discipline

– Create regional council of states, with common problems and concerns

– Encourage co-operation amongst states on security related issues, inter state disputes and for removing their inter regional economic disparities and promote tourism

– Hill and desert specific development models will be evolved

– UT’s will receive special attention, tourism will be promoted, infrastructure and coastal development will be given priority

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1. Strengthen the framework

• National development council and Inter State council like bodies will be revived and made active

• Involve state governments in promotion of foreign trade and commerce

• Integrating the nation

– Bring eastern India on par with western India

– Special focus on eastern india development

– GoI to play the role of enabler and facilitator to rapid progress of states, planning along regional aspirations, strengths and potential

– NDA had set up Ministry of NE region to bring NE India upto speed

– This ministry would now be empowered with a broader charter and funds

– Emphasis on massive infrastructure development specially along line of control in Arunachal and Sikkim

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1. Strengthen the framework

– Address the issue of flood control in Assam and river water management

– Job generating opportunities like Tourism and IT

– Address the issue of infiltration and illegal immigrants in NE on priority basis

– Complete fencing along India – Bangladesh border & India – Myanmar border

– Measures for safety of students from NE

– Deal with insurgency with a firm hand

• J&K

– Agenda of equal and rapid development in all 3 regions of J, K and Ladakh

– Return of Kashmiri pandits to their land with full dignity, security and assured livelihood

– Long pending problems of refugees from POK

– Stand on article 370 – committed to abrogation

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1. Strengthen the framework

– Good governance, better infrastructure, educational opportunities, healthcare and more job opportunities

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2. Decentralization and Peoples participation

• From representative to participative democracy

– Jan bhagidari – development process will be peoples movement

– PPP to be PPPP – people, public, private partnership

– Committed to self governance at local level – empower Panchayati Raj institutions and extensive devolution of 3F’s – Functions, Functionaries and Funds

– Strengthen the institution of Gram Sabha, respect their inputs & initiatives for development process

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3. Reform the system

• India first

– Open government & accountable administration

– Administrative reforms will be a priority, to be implemented under an appropriate body under PMO

– Objective is to bring in transparency in Governments decision making process

– Effective Lokpal institution will be set up

– Digitization of government records will be top priority

– Performance review, social and environmental audit would be mandated

– Open up Government to draw extensive expertise from the industry

– Government will be redefined by elimination of obsolete laws, regulation, administrative structures, practices and would be purpose

– Generate Kartavya Bhavna – among public servants and productivity of people is dependent on quality and efficiency of public services

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4. E-Governance, Easy, Efficient, Effective

– Increase the penetration and usage of broadband across the country

– Deployment of broadband in every village

– Engage people through social media for participative governance and effective public redressed

– Generate IT based jobs and rural and semi urban india

– Make technology enabled products affordable for students

– Use technology to reduce burden of books on children, make all institutions e enabled, digital learnings and training to be used extensively

– Mission mode project under National rural internet and technology mission for use of tele medicine and mobile healthcare delivery, use of IT for agriculture for real time information, self help groups, retail trade & SME

– National e governance plan to cover every government office from the centre to panchayat. E gram, Vishwa gram to be implemented nation wide

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4. E-Governance, Easy, Efficient, Effective

– Promote e bhasha; national mission for promotion of IT in Indian languages

– Deploy IT to protect India’s priceless cultural and artistic heritage

– Promote open source and open standard software

– Mandate digitization of all government work

– Set up high speed digital highways to unite the nation

– Use technology to reduce T&D losses

– Use mobile and e banking to ensure financial inclusion

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5. Institution reform, Administrative, Judicial, Police, Electoral

• Administrative

– Administration to be made accountable to their tasks

– Rationalization & convergence of ministries, departments & other arms of government to ensure focus on delivery

• Judicial

– Address the issue of appointment of judges, filling of vacancies, opening new courts, setting up mechanism for speedy clearance of backlog of various cases

– Mission mode project for filling vacancies in judiciary and for doubling number of courts and judges

– Set up national judicial commission for appointment of judges in higher judiciary

– Set up separate class of courts for involving specified commercial laws

– Initiate computerization and networking of courts all over the country

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5. Institution reform, Administrative, Judicial, Police, Electoral

– Implement national litigation policy to reduce average pendency in time

– Periodically review and refine outdated laws

– Emphasis on Alternate dispute resolution mechanisms – like Lok adalats, arbitration centers

– Set up National e library, empowering lawyers

– Develop India into global hub for arbitration and legal process outsourcing

• Police

– Strategy to bring Indian police at par with international standards

– Training and capacity building of police forces

– Modernize equipping them with latest technology

– Overhaul intelligence set up with focus on co-ordination and integration of human technological intel

– Modernize prison system with technology and infrastructure

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5. Institution reform, Administrative, Judicial, Police, Electoral

– Focus to prevent Cyber crime

– Develop community policing

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6. Poor and marginalized: Bridge the gap

– Strengthen delivery of poverty alleviation program through convergence, transparency and efficiency

– Identify 100 most backward districts and bring them on par with other districts

– Strengthen natural resource base to tide over natural calamities

– Aim to gainfully employ rural poor in agriculture and allied activities

• Food security

– Review successful PDS models and incorporate best practices

– Encourage production of cereals, pulses and oils

– Transform Food corporation of India (FCI)

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7. Neo middle class meet the aspirations

• Priority on educational scholarships & educational facilities, medical insurance and quality healthcare, middle income housing, efficient public transport systems

• Rural areas

– Rural rejuvenation: Rurban – bring urban amenities to rural India

– Major thrust areas for rural development will be improve village level infrastructure in terms of roads, potable water, education, health, supply chain, electricity, broadband, job creation, security in rural areas and linkages to markets

• Urban areas

– Urbanization to be looked as an opportunity rather than a threat

– Major steps in Transport & Housing for urban upliftment

– Initiate building 100 new cities, enabled with latest technology and infrastructure (sustainability, walk to work, focused on specialized domains)

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7. Neo middle class meet the aspirations

– Build on concept of twin cities and satellite towns

– Transition from basic infrastructure to public utility services like waste and water management

– Cleanliness and sanitation will be given a priority – efficient waste and water management systems

– WiFi facilities to be made available in commercial centres

– Urban poverty alleviation to be focus

– Use technology for scientific, strategic and long term town planning – including GIS based mapping

– Quality public transport systems, discourage use of private vehicles

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8. Leap forward

• Social security

– Children to be the focus

– Effective implementation of right to education, right to food security act

– Review, amend, strengthen child and adolescent labour act and integrated child protection scheme

– Address anaemia

– Reduce burden of books without compromising on quality of education

• Senior citizens

– Provide financial support, explore ideas like additional tax benefits and higher interest rates

– Invest in setting up and improving old age homes

– Harness experience in national interest

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9. Youth Making India unstoppable

– Initiate youth leadership program in all sectors to recognize, reward, involve these exceptionally talented youth to serve role models

– Set up National youth advisory council

– Initiate nation wide district level incubation and accelerator program for encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship

– Simplified availability of student loans

– Youth for development program to be launched

• Women – the nation builder

– 33% reservation for women in parliamentary and state assemblies through constitutional amendment

– Launch national campaign for girl child – save and educate her – beti bachao, beti padao

– Structure comprehensive schemes incorporating best practices like Balika samrudhi, etc

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10. Women – the nation builder

– Mission mode on Women healthcare especially on nutrition and pregnancy

– Set up dedicated women ITI’s

– Self defense as part of school curriculum

– Set up all women mobile bank

– Special training and business incubator park for women

– Special business facilitation center for women

– Set up women – small & medium enterprises cluster in every district

– Adult literacy initiative for women

– Loans to women self help groups at low interest rates

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11. Education: Enroll and excel

• School education

– Sarva shiksha abhiyan: mechanism to review the performance

– Universalization of secondary school education and skills

– Content and process of school education to be reviewed to make it dynamic, stress free

– National modernization program for madrasa

– Mid day meal scheme to be vitalized in terms of management & delivery

– Reduce burden of books

– Set up national e library

• Higher and professional education

– Rework work culture of teacher training institutions

– Mechanism for close interaction with industry and academia and community

– UGC to be restructured and transform it into higher edu commission

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12. Skills – focus on productivity and employability

– Revisit apprenticeship act to facilitate youth to earn while they learn

• Vocational training

– Set up massive open online courses and virtual classrooms

– Correspondence courses in self employment, family run businesses

• Skill development

– Mission mode on skill mapping

– Launch National multi skill mission

– Set up centres for excellence with industry

– Industry responsive manpower – industry, universities & government

– Promote vocational training on massive scale

– Impart soft skills, national program on national languages

– Digital empowerment

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13. Health services, access, quality and cost

• New health policy

– Initiate national health assurance mission to provide universal healthcare that is accessible and affordable

– Review role of various bodies for educating healthcare professionals

– Modernize government hospitals, upgrade infra & tech

– Re organize ministry of healthcare and family welfare in order to converge various departments

– Increase public investment to promote Yoga and Ayurveda

– Premptive care model for children

– Focus on rural healthcare delivery

– Utilize mobiles for healthcare delivery, set up national e-health authority to leverage tele medicines and mobile healthcare

– Universalization of medical health services – 108

– Mission mode on population stabilization

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13. Health services, access, quality and cost

– National mosquito control mission

• Swatch Bharat by 2019 – mission mode

– Open defecation free india by enabling people to build toilets in their homes and public places

– Modern, scientific sewage and waste management systems

– Sanitation ratings for towns and cities

– Potable drinking water for all

• Economic revival

– Strict fiscal discipline

– Allocate resources efficiently and effectively

– Re visit policy framework for domestic and foreign investments

– Undertake banking reforms to enhance ease and access

– Encourage savings as driver for growth & investment

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14. Economic revival


– Reduce NPA in banking sector

• Taxation

– Rationalize and simplify tax regime

– Overhaul dispute resolution mechanisms

– Implement GST

– Tax incentives for investments in R&D, indigenization of technology and innovation


– Barring multi brand retail, FDI will be allowed

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15. Agriculture, productive, scientific, rewarding

– Increase public investment in agriculture and rural development

– Steps to improve farm profitability, ensure 50% profits of cost of production, cheaper agriculture inputs and credit, introduce latest technologies for farming & high yielding seeds and linkage to MGNREGA

– Welfare measures for farmers above 60 years in age, small and marginal farmers and labours

– Introduce and promote low water consuming irrigation techniques

– Introduce soil testing based crop planning & setting up mobile testing labs

– Re – orient pest management techniques

– Set up Agro Processing Clusters, providing high value, export oriented

– Focus on quality, productivity and trade of spices

– Set up Organic farming and fertilizer corporation of India to promote organic farming and fertilizers & provide incentives and support for marketing organic produce

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15. Agriculture, productive, scientific, rewarding

– Introduce rotation farming for herbal products, based on geographical mapping

– Implement farm insurance scheme to take care of farm income loss

– Strengthen and expand rural credit facilities

– Promote horticulture, floriculture, pisciculture, bee keeping and poultry

– Promote fish farming and aqua culture

– Create cluster based storage systems

– Consumer friendly farmers market to reduce wastages and increase incomes and risk coverage

– Reform APMC act

– Work with states to set up seed culture labs in each district and regional ag innovation centers

– Regional kisan tv channels

– High priority to poverty alleviation in rural areas

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15. Agriculture, productive, scientific, rewarding

– GM foods to be allowed after full scientific evaluation on its long term effects on soil

– National land use policy – scientific acquisition of non cultivable land and its development

– National land use authority to work with State land use authorities to facilitate land management

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16. Industry- modern, caring and competitive

– Make doing business in india friendly

– Cut red tape, simplify processes

– Ensure logistics infra including stable power

– Attempt to move towards single clearance window

– Transparent and timely clearances on environmental issues

– World class investment & industrial regions as global hubs of mfg

– Task force to review and revive our MSME enabling it with better access to credit and technology

• Manufacturing

– High priority for growth of mfg

– Interest rates rationalization, clear policy to remove uncertainty

– Increase public spends in R&D and incentivize R&D by the industry

– Facilitate setting up of software and hardware mfg parks

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16. Industry- modern, caring and competitive

– Easier custom clearances and visas


– International linkages for exports, dedicated SME bank for credit availability

– Adoption of IT

• Handicrafts

– Market linkages – both national and international

– Access to credit and up gradation

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17. Services – quality and efficiency

• Business & trade

– Zero defect products

– World class ports – connecting them with railways and roads

– Air cargo facilities to be enhanced

– Export promotion mission to be established

– CAD to be brought down aggressively

– IT network to be in place for GST implementation

– Availability of institutional credit

– Review obsolete and multiple laws and reduce them

– Revive telecom revolution

• Tourism

– Mission mode – 50 tourist circuits to offer affordable tourism

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18. Labor force – pillar of growth

– Issue ID cards to unorganized labor, arrangement to provide good quality health and education services

– Dedicated workers bank

– Review labor laws (outdated, complicated and contradictory)

– Strengthen pension and health care safety nets

• Housing

– Massive low cost housing program

– Every family to have pucca house of its own

– Prioritise all resources towards this goal

– Leverage on land as a resource in urban areas and demand for unskilled labor in rural areas

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19. Physical infrastructure -

– Work on freight corridors and industrial corridors will be expedited

– Remote areas NE and J&K to be connected with world class highways and roads

– NH projects to be expedited, especially border and coastal roads

– Every village to be connected through all weather roads

– Modernize existing and operational airports and build new ones especially smaller towns and tourism circuits

– Inland transportation – air strips to enable low cost air transportation

– Economic port led model of development – modernize existing ports, develop new ones

– PPP to be crucial

• Next generation infrastructure

– Gas grids to make gas available for HH and industry

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19. Physical infrastructure -

– National optical fibre network upto village level & WiFi zones in public area

– Harness advanced satellite technology and expertise for development

• Transport

– Create public transport system, reduce dependence on cost and time (personal transport)

– Launch integrated public transport project which will include road, rail, waterways

– Develop waterways for passenger and cargo transport

– Develop national logistics network for faster movement of goods

• Railways

– Hinterland to be connected through strategic rail networks

– Agri rail network to be established – train wagon specially designed to specific needs of agri products like milk & vegetables, light wagons for salt

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19. Physical infrastructure -

– Tourism rail – including pilgrimage rail

– Modernize railways

– Developing skills of human resources

– Prioritize safety & invest in stressed infra

– Diamond quadrilateral project – Bullet train network

• Water – potable, all homes, farms, factories

– India to be water stressed state by 2050

– Launch pradhan mantri gramin sinchayee yogyna with a motto har khet ko paani

– Ground water recharge harnessing rain water to reduce dependence on ground water

– Sewage treatment plants to prevent river pollution

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19. Physical infrastructure -

– Desalination plants for drinking water for supply in coastal cities

– Inter linking of rivers based on feasibility

– Set up drinking water supply grid

– Promote de centralized demand driven community managed water resource

– Facilitate piped water

• Energy – generate more, use rationally, waste less

– National energy policy

– Focus on development of energy infra, HR and up grade technology

– Set up small hydro power generation projects to harness power

– Increase domestic coal production, exploration, oil and gas exploration to be expedited as well

– Expand and strengthen national solar mission

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20. Science & technology

– Ensure food, agriculture, nutritional, environmental, wealth, health, energy security of people through science and technology

– Mounting efforts to alleviate poverty

• Sustainability

– Cleaner production

– Cleaner fuels particularly in cities

– Pro active carbon credit to be promoted

– Ecological audit of projects and pollution indexing

– Guidelines for green buildings and energy efficient work places

– National mission on himalayas

– Himalayan sustainability fund

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21. Natural & National Resources

– National policies on critical resources like coal, mineral, spectrum bringing in clarity

– State governments to be taken into confidence for the same

– Implement auction process of precious resources through e auction

– Resource mapping, exploration and management

• Defence

– Technology transfer in defence manufacturing to be encouraged

– Invest in Thorium technology program

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