Birth A f t e r A N d Birth Yoshio Sugashima

Birth & After Birth

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Page 1: Birth & After Birth

Birth After


BirthYoshio Sugashima

Page 2: Birth & After Birth

After months of waiting, mom is counting the days to see her baby, while daddy supports her.

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And this little boy can't wait to see her mom.

But what he doesn't know is that her

mom has to

go through a lot of situatio

ns in this


Lets teach him how he will be born.

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First, mom can notice that her baby is moving lower in the pelvis.

This means that the baby

is moving in the position for his birth.

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This pressions in the baby's body are soft and it just interrupt his dream.

But when the contractions are more intense and

followed, it keeps the baby awake.

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Now, the uterine cavity is more large and thin. There's no possibility for the baby to move

The membranes that

are around

him break and it losses

the liquid

that wrap him.

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The contractions for the mom

start with pain on the

back and stomach. This pain

doesn’t go away when

the mom moves or

changes the position.

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The average labor for a first time mom is about 12-18 hours.

-Mom has strong and regular contractions between 30-60 seconds every 5 minutes.-The cervix efface and dilate. -The baby moves down.-The water breaks.-Bloody show (pink, brown or red tinged mucous).

The Labor stars when:

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The mom is

continually moving,

because the pain is really strong.

She also moves for the baby

to fits into


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Time toget out from the uterinecavity!

-The mom will feel desires to push.-The baby's head will show up.-The baby is born and the umbilical cord that connects the mother with her baby, is cut. -This might take 20 minutes or hours.

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Before the baby's born, he was in touch just with liquid, all his airways are full of liquid that he must expelled to allow his first breathe. Her lungs expand, her heart starts sending him blood and the placenta stops working. The lung vessels dilate and suddenly a big amount of blood gets in.

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The placenta

which provided food and oxygen

the baby through

the umbilical

cord, is expelled.

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This surgical birth is

done by making an incision in

the abdomen

to allow the baby to

be born through

the abdomen.

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Moms do cesarian section because: They have health problems, for bad position of the baby, they don’t like the idea of natural birth, etc.

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Postpartum Recovery:

-It begins as soon as the placenta is born. -In the following six weeks, the mom will slowly heal and feel better. (Body will adjust and change).

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-Period: After 6-8 weeks (no breasting), after several months (breasting)-Grooves.-Lost of hair.-Swelling.-Feeling tired.-Hemorrhoids.-Constipation. -Sweating.

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Babies can become too

warm, or overheated (or even too cold).

For example, NEVER leave

your baby in a parked car. The temperature in

cars can increase up to

60° within 5 minutes. Babies have died from



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-Breastfeed: 8 to 12 times a day, every 2 to 3 hours.-Formula milk (ready to serve, liquid or powder to mix with water): 2 to 3 ounces a day, every 3 to 4 hours.

Time to eat!

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A new life chapter…

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Has began…

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Wait for 9 months...

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it’s worth it.