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Birds in Moray & Nairn 2006

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Birds in

Moray & Nairn


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Birds in Moray & Nairn 2006

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Birds in Moray & Nairn in 2006


No.22 – 2006



Introduction 3

Assessment of local rarity records 5

Observers contributing to the 2006 Report 6

Chronological summary of the year 6

Species accounts 10

Additions/corrections to 2005 Report 68

Decisions of Rarities Committees 68

Grid references of major localities mentioned in the species accounts 69

The White Pelican in Findhorn Bay Bob Proctor 70

Black Stork over Tomfarclas - new to Moray Duncan Gibson 75

Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Lossiemouth - new to Moray Andy Jensen 76

Ringing Report Bob Proctor 78

Compiled by Martin Cook, Duncan Gibson (waders), Andy Jensen (seabirds), and Bob Proctor


Edited by Martin Cook (Scottish Ornithologists’ Club Recorder for

Moray & Nairn).

Cover photograph: Kingfisher, Cloddach quarry April 2006 (Duncan Gibson).

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Review of the year

In 2006, a total of 10,636 records were added to the Moray & Nairn database. The number of contributing

observers rose to 129, although the majority of records originated from a core of only 10-15 active

birders. The Report production team gratefully acknowledges the efforts of those who submit their

observations and urges as many people as possible to do so. Only in this way can we build a more

complete picture of the status of birds in our area.

The table below, of most commonly reported species and most visited sites, shows little change by

comparison with recent years and continues to place heavy emphasis on aquatic species and habitats. Only

the rise up the table by Pink-footed Goose probably reflects a true change in status – having taken from

Greylag over as our dominant over-wintering goose species.

Species Records received Sites Records received

1 Mute Swan 278 Loch Spynie 988

2 Mallard 260 Lossie estuary 774

3 Oystercatcher 246 Kinloss 758

4 Goldeneye 243 Burghead Bay 543

5 Tufted Duck 239 Nairn/Culbin Bars 468

6 Buzzard 214 Burghead 443

7 Little Grebe 202 Lossiemouth 401

8 Cormorant 179 Findhorn Bay 384

9 Wigeon 178 Cloddach quarry 276

10 Whooper Swan 170 Nairn 172

11 Curlew 159 Loch na Bo 171

12 Pink-footed Goose 157 Midwood, Clochan 164

13 Lapwing 149 Loch Oire 146

14 Slavonian Grebe 145 Miltonduff 141

15 Kestrel 142 Kingston 138

16 Bar-tailed Godwit 135 Cothill 131

17 Dunlin 133 Loch Flemington 111

18 R-b. Merganser 132 Forres 107

19 Red-t. Diver 121 Spey Bay 107

20 Eurasian Teal 118 Tugnet 105

Monthly spread of records (as % of total records):

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

11.6 10.2 9.0 9.5 7.3 5.2 6.0 7.4 8.7 9.1 8.2 7.8

Notable rarities during the year were the second Little Egret, Black Stork and Buff-breasted Sandpiper to

be found in Moray & Nairn, and the fourth Yellow-browed Warbler. Other local scarcities were

Garganey, King Eider, Surf Scoter, Smew, Ruddy Duck, Hobby, Wood Sandpiper, Mediterranean Gull,

Black Tern, Little Auk, Turtle Dove and Pied Flycatcher. A Lesser Whitethroat over wintered from early

November. The appearance of a White Pelican in Findhorn Bay, and of two Snow Geese elsewhere,

promotes the ‘escape v. wild vagrant’ debate.

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The North-East Scotland Breeding Bird Atlas

Having involved many observers in spring and summer over the past five years, fieldwork for the Atlas

was completed in 2006. This has been a joint project between the Scottish Ornithologists’ Club Grampian

branch and Moray Bird Club. We set out, five years ago, to record the breeding species in 2,341 tetrads

(2x2km squares on the Ordnance Survey grid) in Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray. Despite the

enormity of the task, every one of the 2,341 tetrads received at least one recording visit and a remarkable

115,400 records have been received. Of these, around 34% were of confirmed breeding, 29% of probable

breeding and 33% of possible breeding. The remaining 4% of records concerned birds seen in tetrads

where breeding was considered very unlikely. In Moray, 72 observers took part. Many of these surveyed

one or more tetrads in detail while others provided ‘supplementary’ records from a range of tetrads. The

end product of all this work will be the publication of a breeding bird atlas book, hopefully in 2009.

The species order

Regular readers of this Report will notice that the order in which species are arranged within the Report

has changed. In 2002, the British Ornithologists’ Union recommended a revision of the order of birds

within the British list to better represent their evolutionary relationships. This change has now become

widely adopted and will therefore also be used within Birds in Moray & Nairn.

Submission of records

The area covered by this Report is Moray and that part of Highland which corresponds to the former

Nairn District. Lochindorb, formerly at the southern tip of Moray, now falls outside the revised Moray

boundary which runs along the A939. A small part of the former Nairn District boundary lies along the

western shore so records from the loch continue to be included in the Report.

All records for inclusion in the 2007 Report will be welcomed by the Moray & Nairn Bird Recorder at the

following address:

Martin Cook

Rowanbrae, Clochan, Buckie, Banffshire AB56 5EQ

Tel. Clochan (01542) 850296

e-mail: [email protected]

Please submit your records at regular intervals or in a single batch as soon as possible in January 2008.

The Editor is very grateful for generous financial support from the following organisations and


• Baxters Food Group

• Dr Melvin Morrison, Keith

• Smith & Catto, Funeral Directors

• Walkers Shortbread Ltd, Aberlour

The production team of Martin Cook, Duncan Gibson, Andy Jensen, and Bob Proctor would like to

acknowledge all the observers who submitted their records without which the annual report would not be


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The Moray & Nairn Rarities Committee exists to consider records of local rarities which do not fall

within the scope of the British Birds Rarities Committee or the Scottish Birds Rarities Committee.

There follows a list of those species (or subspecies) which are considered by the Moray & Nairn Rarities

Committee. If you see one of these species please contact the area Recorder as soon as possible for a

description form.

Black-necked Grebe Crane Richard’s Pipit

Balearic Shearwater Little Ringed Plover Yellow Wagtail

Leach’s Petrel Temminck’s Stint Bluethroat

Bittern Pectoral Sandpiper Lesser Whitethroat

Little Egret Buff-breasted Sandpiper Icterine Warbler

White Stork Grey Phalarope Yellow-browed Warbler

Spoonbill Red-necked Phalarope Firecrest

Bewick’s Swan Long-tailed Skua Bearded Tit

Bean Goose Mediterrean Gull Red-backed Shrike

Green-winged Teal Sabine’s Gull Great Grey Shrike

Garganey (not adult male) Roseate Tern Hawfinch

Ring-necked Duck Black Tern Common Rosefinch

Ruddy Duck (not adult male) Turtle Dove Lapland Bunting

Surf Scoter (not adult male) Nightjar

Honey Buzzard Hoopoe

Hobby Wryneck

Spotted Crake Shore Lark

Corncrake Water Pipit


Cormorant (P.c.sinensis) Rock Pipit (A.p.littoralis)

Chiffchaff (P.c.tristis/abietinus)

Also records in the following categories:

All ‘firsts’ for Moray & Nairn

The first five records for any species in Moray & Nairn

Out-of-season records for a species (e.g. Willow Warbler in December)

Significant out-of-habitat records for a species (e.g. coastal Ravens).

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E.Aitken (EA), A.J.H.Anderson (AJHA), I.Barthorpe (IB), A.Bowie (ABo), W.R.P.Bourne (WRPB),

J.Brighouse (JB), F.E.Brown (FEB), H.Brown (HB), L.Bruce (LB), A.Burgess (ABu), J.Byatt (JBy),

A.Cameron (ACa), R.P.Campbell (RPC), A.Chapman (ACh), M.J.H.Cook (MJHC), B.Cosnette (BC),

J.K.Craib (JKC), A.M.Craig (AMC), J.Darroch (JD), A.&I. Davie (A&ID), M.Dearman (MD),

R.H.Dennis (RHD), I.Dillon (ID), C.Donald (CD), S.Eaves (SE), A.Edward (AE), C.S.Elder (CSE),

N.Elkins (NE), H.Farquhar (HF), M.Finn (MF), I.Ford (IFo), J.Forsyth (JFo), I.Francis (IFr), B.Fraser

(BF), R.Fraser (RF), M.Galloway (MG), G.George (GG), C.A.Gervaise (CAG), J.Gibbs (JG), D.A.Gibson

(DAG), P.Gordon Smith (PGS), I.P.Green (IPG), K.L.Guthrie (KLG), C.Hall (CH), T.Hall (TH),

E.Harwood (EH), R.F.Hewitt (RFH), P.T.Hirst (PTH), H.Holbrook (HH), R.Holme (RHol), R.Hoskin

(RHos), P.Hyvonen (PH), D.Jardine (DJ), A.Jensen (AJ), J.Johnston (JJ), R.J.Jones (RJJ), T.Jones (TJ),

P.Kaestner (PK), D.J.Ker (DJK), M.Kirby (MK), J.D.Law (JDL), A.J.Lawrence (AJL), P.Lawton (PL),

A.Leitch (ALe), N.London (NL), J.&H.MacDonald (J&HMacD), G.Macgregor (GM), J.D.H.Mackie

(JDHM), H.Maggs (HM), R.Mair (RMa), L.Mann (LM), R.McAdam (RMc), E.McArthur (EMc),

M.McManus (MMc), A.McNee (AMc), P.Metcalfe (PMe), M.Morris (MMo), A.Morrison (AMo),

M.Morrison (MM), J.Mowat (JMo), A.Murray (AMu), J.Myles (JMy), J.Petrie (JPe), I.Phillips (IP),

J.Poyner (JPo), R.Prentice (RPr), R.Proctor (RP), J.Protheroe (JPr), D.M.Pullan (DMP), G.Richards

(GRi), J.Rivoire (JRi), P.Roberts (PR), J.Robertson (JRo), C.Round (CR), J.Russell (JRu), C.Saunders

(CS), L.Schofield (LSc), L.Selwood (LSe), I.Sharp (IS), R.A.Shewan (RAS), A.Sime (ASi), L.Simpson

(LSi), A.Smith (ASm), K.Smith (KS), R.Smith (RS), D.Stevenson (DSt), H.A.Stewart (HAS), J.Stewart

(JS), R.Suddaby (RS), I.S.Suttie (ISS), A.Taylor (AT), W.G.Taylor (WGT), C.Taylor (CTa), S.Taylor

(STa), D.Thomson (DT), S.Thomson (STh), I.Topp (IT), M.Townshend (MT), C.Trollope (CTr),

J.Waddell (JW), Y.Watson (YW), D.Wawman (DW), H.Welsh (HW), M.Whitton (MWh), I.Wilde (IW),

M.Winsch (MWi), G.Wylie (GW), A.Young (AY).



1st c100 Snow Bunting Lossie estuary, 2

nd 1 Bearded Tit Loch Spynie, 54 Purple Sandpiper Lossiemouth,

3rd 14 Waxwing Forres, 4

th 118 Golden Plover Kinloss, 1 Mediterranean Gull Nairn, 18 Whooper Swan

Loch na Bo, 5th 25 Brent Goose Nairn, 1 Surf Scoter Findhorn, 7 Waxwing Elgin, 6

th 1 Chiffchaff Nairn,

22 Corn Bunting Clochan, 5430 Common Scoter Nairn/Culbin Bars, 770 Eider Kingston, 1 Mandarin

Elgin, 5 Twite Lossie estuary, 22 Corn Bunting Clochan, 7th 120 Scaup Nairn, 1 Mediterranean Gull

Nairn, 8th 16 Waxwing Forres, 9

th 76 Snow Bunting Cullen, 14

th 1 Glaucous Gull Cullen, 1 Chiffchaff

Lossiemouth, 15th 1 Manx Shearwater Culbin Bar, 1050 Teal Findhorn Bay, 19 Pintail Findhorn Bay, 2

Surf Scoter Nairn/Culbin Bars, 112 Sanderling Culbin Bar, 1 Mediterranean Gull Delnies, 34 Twite Nairn

Bar, 22nd

1 Greenshank Lossie estuary, 26th 1 Red-necked Grebe Burghead Bay, 27

th 2 Iceland Gull Loch

Spynie, 28th 12 Slavonian Grebe Burghead Bay.


6th 15 Waxwing Nairn, 7

th 1 Smew Loch Oire, 8

th 172 Golden Plover Kinloss, 12

th 10 Black-throated

Diver Nairn Bar, 25 Whooper Swan Auldearn, 116 Shelduck Findhorn Bay, 1 King Eider Nairn Bar, 3

Surf Scoter Culbin Bar, 2 Jack Snipe Nairn Bar, 1 Lapland Bunting Culbin Bar, 13th 42 Brent Goose

Nairn, 18th 150 Scaup Kingsteps, 1 King Eider Kingsteps, 26

th 220 Brambling near Forres, 27

th 1 Barnacle

Goose Manbeen.

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1 Lesser Black-backed Gull Elgin, 10 Twite Findhorn Bay, 4th 300 Skylark Tugnet, 600 Fieldfare

Lossiemouth, 700 Linnet Tugnet, 120 Snow Bunting Lossiemouth, 60 Snow Bunting Tugnet, 5th 1

Greenshank Lossie estuary, 550 Skylark Tugnet, 50 Brambling Tugnet, 1000 Linnet Tugnet, 6th 1 Red-

necked Grebe Burghead Bay, 7th 800 Linnet Lossiemouth, 17

th 5 Blackcap Elgin, 400 Curlew Inverlochty,

19th 1 Waxwing Lossiemouth, 20

th 7 Waxwing Elgin.


1st 2 Sandwich Tern Lossiemouth, 1 Kingfisher Longmorn, 100 Brambling South Darkland, 2

nd 4 Pintail

Lossiemouth, 4th 2 Mandarin Elgin, 5

th 1 Red-necked Grebe Burghead Bay, 7

th 1 Great Northern Diver

Portknockie, 12th 6 Slavonian Grebe Burghead Bay, 13

th 1 King Eider Portknockie, 15

th 2 Barnacle Goose

Roseisle, 21 Black Guillemot Portknockie, 1 Kingfisher Cloddach quarry, 16th 55 Ringed Plover

Lossiemouth, 18th 13 Black-tailed Godwit Lossiemouth, 19

th 1 Little Auk Findhorn, 1 White Wagtail

Burghead, 22 Corn Bunting Clochan, 21st 10 Black-throated Diver Burghead Bay, 6 Slavonian Grebe

Burghead Bay, 23rd

1 Scaup Loch Spynie, 1 Ruddy Duck Loch Spynie, 220 Golden Plover Findhorn Bay,

1 Whimbrel Windyridge, 1 Green Woodpecker Kellas, 24th 11 Wheatear Kingston, 27

th 5 Manx

Shearwater Lossiemouth, 2 White Wagtail Miltonduff, 29th 3 Whimbrel Lossiemouth, 1 White Wagtail



3rd 1 Swift Elgin, 4

th 10 Black-throated Diver Burghead Bay, 6

th 2 Gadwall Loch Spynie, 3 Garganey

Loch Spynie, 1 Scaup Loch Spynie, 1 Ruddy Duck Loch Spynie, 7th 1 Garganey Loch Spynie, 9

th 16

Black-throated Diver Burghead Bay, 10th 10 Chiffchaff Loch na Bo, 13

th 1 Black Stork Tomfarclas, 6

Whimbrel Lossiemouth, 19th 1 Arctic Skua Lossiemouth, 20

th 2 Manx Shearwater Lossiemouth, 20

th 5

Little Gull Spey estuary, 2 Arctic Skua Lossiemouth, 21st 1 Wood Sandpiper Montgrew, 25

th 3 Whimbrel

Lossie estuary, 28th 4 Raven Lecht.



299 Ringed Plover Lossie estuary, 4th 1 Canada Goose Loch Spynie, 6

th 1 Wood Duck Loch Avon,

10th 2 Curlew Sandpiper 10 Jun, 13

th 26 Canada Goose Binsness, 14

th 1 Quail Cunninghaugh, 2 Raven

Morinsh Forest, 20th 4 Manx Shearwater Lossiemouth, 14 Canada Goose Lossiemouth, 23

rd 1 Arctic Skua

Portknockie, 25th 2 Quail Newton of Dalvey, 26

th 1 Quail Portknockie, 27

th 1 Buff-breasted Sandpiper

Lossiemouth, 29th 2 Yellow-legged Gull Lossiemouth.



164 Black-tailed Godwit Findhorn Bay, 1 Little Gull Findhorn Bay, 3rd

1 Little Gull Loch Spynie, 9th

25+ Manx Shearwater Findhorn, 12 Manx Shearwater Lossiemouth, 10th 1 Quail Garmouth, 1 Little Gull

Findhorn Bay, 13th 1 Hobby Cunninghaugh, 16

th 4 Mandarin Cooper Park, 1 Black-tailed Godwit Loch

Spynie, 17th 1 Glaucous Gull Kingston, 18

th 1 Quail Easter Newforres, 6 Greenshank Binsness, 19

th 1

Mediterranean Gull Loch Spynie, 20th 15 Whimbrel Lossiemouth, 1 Iceland Gull Loch Spynie, 23

rd 5

Manx Shearwater Buckie, 12 Sanderling Lossiemouth east beach, 24th 9 Sanderling Burghead, 25

th 1

Greenshank Montgrew, 1 Green Sandpiper Montgrew, 1 Wood Sandpiper Montgrew, 28th c200

Sanderling Lossiemouth east beach, 2 Ruff Montgrew, 29th 1 Green Sandpiper Loch Spynie, 30

th 2 Quail

Mill of Grange, 1 Curlew Sandpiper Burghead, 1 Greenshank Cloddach quarry, 1 Kingfisher Loch

Spynie, 11 Raven Inchrory.


1st 1 Ruff Montgrew, 2

nd 11 Manx Shearwater Lossiemouth, 1 Quail Forres, 4

th 7 Greenshank Binsness,

8th 1 Green Sandpiper Loch Spynie, 1 Mediterranean Gull Tugnet, 1 Yellow-legged Gull Lossiemouth,

12th 12 Greenshank Binsness, 1 Puffin Lossiemouth, 13

th 110 Sanderling Culbin Bar, 1 Ruff Montgrew,

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15th 4 Greenshank Lossie estuary, 1 Green Sandpiper Cloddach quarry, 5 Great Skua Lossiemouth, 16

th 18

Whimbrel Lossiemouth, 17th 1 White Wagtail Lossie estuary, 18

th 3 Gadwall Loch Belivat, 1 Ruff Lossie

estuary, 19th 13 Arctic Skua Lossiemouth, 7 Great Skua Lossiemouth, 1 Whinchat Strathlene, 3 Garden

Warbler Strathlene, 1 Pied Flycatcher Strathlene, 20th 16 Little Grebe Loch Spynie, 1 Quail Lossiemouth,

2 Ruff Lossie estuary, 9 Whimbrel Lossiemouth, 1 Spotted Redshank Strathlene, 22nd

2 Ruff Nairn, 23rd

15 Black-tailed Godwit Kinloss, 26th 1 Little Gull Findhorn Bay, 1 Little Gull Lossie estuary.


1st 29 Little Grebe Loch Spynie, 1 Curlew Sandpiper Lossie estuary, 2

nd 1 Black-tailed Godwit Findhorn

Bay, 5th 33 Little Grebe Loch Spynie, 1 Kingfisher Nairn, 7

th 2 Manx Shearwater Lossiemouth, 1 Yellow-

legged Gull Lossiemouth, 8th 1 Ruff Cloddach quarry, 9

th 2 Curlew Sandpiper Findhorn Bay, 1 Green

Sandpiper Kingston, 1 Turtle Dove Altyre, 11th 1 Kingfisher Rothes, 15

th 1 Little Stint Lossie estuary, 1

White Wagtail Lossie estuary, 3 Wheatear Kinloss, 16th 3 Little Stint Lossie estuary, 5 Wheatear

Burghead, 17th 1 Great White Pelican Findhorn Bay, 18

th 1 Little Egret Findhorn Bay, 1 Surf Scoter

Findhorn, 19th 4 Curlew Sandpiper Findhorn Bay, 22

nd 14 Sanderling Burghead, 23

rd 41 Grey Heron

Binsness, 1 Grey Plover Lossie estuary, 24th flocks of Barnacle Geese at Burghead Bay, Findhorn,

Lossiemouth and Tugnet, 3 Little Stint Lossie estuary, 3 Black-tailed Godwit Findhorn Bay, 25th 42

Barnacle Goose Findhorn Bay, 1 Ruff Lossie estuary, 26th 2 Red-necked Grebe Burghead Bay, 3 Grey

Plover Lossie estuary, 27th 50 Barnacle Goose Burghead, 1 Curlew Sandpiper Lossie estuary, 28

th 1 Puffin

Lossiemouth, 29th 3 Wheatear Kinloss.


3rd 2 Red-necked Grebe Burghead Bay, 4 Mandarin Elgin, 1 Surf Scoter Burghead Bay, 5

th 2 Whimbrel

Lossie estuary, 7th 18 Little Grebe Loch Oire, 11 Barnacle Goose Windyridge, 2 Pintail Findhorn Bay, 8


23 Little Grebe Loch Flemington, 1 Red-necked Grebe Burghead, 1 Red-necked Grebe Nairn Bar, 10

Whooper Swan Loch Spynie, 47 Red-breasted Merganser Culbin Bar, 12 Grey Plover Nairn Bar, 41

Sanderling Culbin Bar, 6 Jack Snipe Kingsteps, 1 Whimbrel Culbin Bar, 1 Kingfisher Elgin, 9th 4 Black-

tailed Godwit Delnies, 10th 6 Slavonian Grebe Burghead Bay, 400 Redwing Elgin, 2 Brambling Elgin,

11th 1 Yellow-browed Warbler Strathlene, 13

th 2 Surf Scoter Burghead Bay, 1 Pomarine Skua Findhorn, 1

Little Auk Burghead, 14th 42 Barnacle Goose Spey Bay, 64 Red-breasted Merganser Culbin Bar, 16

th 20

Slavonian Grebe Burghead Bay, 17th 1 Little Stint Findhorn Bay, 19

th 3 Surf Scoter Burghead Bay, 22

nd 4

Surf Scoter Burghead Bay, 23rd 1 Sooty Shearwater Findhorn, 51 Whooper Swan Duffus Castle, 5 Surf

Scoter Burghead Bay, 24th 2 Little Auk Lossiemouth, 26

th 1 Little Stint Lossie estuary, 1 Little Stint

Nairn, 27th 2 Red-necked Grebe Nairn, 1 Gadwall Loch Spynie, 2 Little Auk Burghead, 28

th 73 Whooper

Swan Salterhill, 29th 1 Storm Petrel Burghead, 2 Little Auk Burghead, 1 Little Auk Lossiemouth.


1st 67 Golden Plover Kinloss, 1 Mediterranean Gull Loch Spynie, 2

nd 1 Greenshank Lossie estuary, 3

rd 4

Surf Scoter Burghead Bay, 1 Little Auk Burghead, 1 Little Auk Lossiemouth, 4th 1 Red-necked Grebe

Nairn, 76 Little Auk Strathlene, 3 Little Auk Burghead, 3 Little Auk Lossiemouth, 500 Fieldfare

Dunphail, 5th 5 Pintail Findhorn Bay, 1000 Redwing Inchstelly, 1 Lesser Whitethroat Alves, 6

th 27

Whooper Swan Loch Spynie, 1 Pintail Loch Oire, 194 Golden Plover Kinloss, 8th 1 Red-necked Grebe

Burghead Bay, 9th 1 Little Auk Lossiemouth, 10

th 3 Surf Scoter Burghead Bay, 11

th 1 Black-tailed Godwit

Lossiemouth, 1 Mediterranean Gull Lossie estuary, 12th 1 Jack Snipe Delnies, 1 Black-tailed Godwit

Delnies, 1 Kingfisher Garmouth, 15th 150 Goldfinch Pitgaveny, 18

th 1 Grey Plover Lossie estuary, 1 Little

Gull Tugnet, 19th 1 Slavonian Grebe Loch Spynie, 20

th 1 Smew Loch Oire, 21

st 2 Slavonian Grebe Loch

Spynie, 2 Surf Scoter Findhorn, 23rd 4 Waxwing Forres, 24

th 60 Scaup Nairn, 25

th 18 Pintail Nairn Bar,

220 Scaup Nairn Bar, 82 Sanderling Nairn Bar, 26th 6 Waxwing Duffus, 29

th 2 White-fronted Goose Muir

of the Clans, 2 Scaup Loch Spynie.

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1st 15 Tree Sparrow Urquhart, 2

nd 3 Black-throated Diver Lossiemouth, 1 Great Crested Grebe Loch

Spynie, 3 Scaup Loch Spynie, 3 Surf Scoter Findhorn, 1 Puffin Findhorn, 25 Tree Sparrow Urquhart, 3rd


Puffin Portknockie, 4th 214 Golden Plover Kinloss, 6

th 2 Slavonian Grebe Loch Spynie, 10

th 87 Pintail

Nairn Bar, 2 Surf Scoter Nairn Bar, 1 Jack Snipe Culbin Bar, 1 Iceland Gull Lossie estuary, 12 Little Auk

Nairn/Culbin Bar, 56 Twite Nairn/Culbin Bar, 12th 28 Sanderling Lossie estuary, 15

th 5 Waxwing Elgin,

23rd 1 Snow Goose Lower Bogrotten, 1 Surf Scoter Lossiemouth, 1 Jack Snipe Culbin Bar, 24

th 1 Smew

Loch na Bo, 27th 1 Waxwing Lossiemouth, 29

th 131 Sanderling Culbin Bar, 31

st 19 Brent Goose Nairn.

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The following terms are used at the start of each species account to denote relative abundance:

Breeding species:

Occasional has bred but none in most years

Rare 1-10 pairs in most years

Scarce 11-50 pairs

Fairly common 51-200 pairs

Common 201-500 pairs

Very common more than 500 pairs

Non-breeding species:

Rare 1-20 records in total

Very scarce not rare but less than 10 in most years

Scarce 10-50 in most years

Fairly common 51-200 in most years

Common 201-500 annually

Very common more than 500 annually

Mute Swan Cygnus olor Scarce resident breeder and short-distance migrant. Common in winter.

Breeding: A total of 22 apparently occupied territories were recorded this year, with 19 pairs producing

110 young. Of these, 99 appeared to have fledged. This is the highest productivity figure since Moray and

Nairn Bird Report (MNBR) started in 1985. A successful breeding attempt at the Cooper Park, Elgin is

the first since 1994, following the death of the resident pair and unsuccessful attempts by subsequent new

pairs. Another site, at Sunbank, Lossiemouth, was re-occupied after an absence of nearly 20 years.

Mean number of young probably fledging from those pairs known to have produced young:

Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Pairs 14 16 15 15 15 12 17 11 13 18 19

Young fledged 35 50 31 68 51 54 56 52 67 65 99

Mean 2.5 3.1 2.1 4.5 3.4 4.5 3.3 4.7 3.6 3.6 5.8

Maximum monthly counts of local flocks (excluding breeding birds in May-August) were:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Loch Flemington 31 30 nc Breeders nc 35 nc 32

Findhorn Bay 13 9 16 12 27 27 6 nc nc 6 nc nc

Lossie estuary 2 2 1 6 5 3 0 2 2 3 2 1

Loch Spynie 43 26 11 Breeders 18 40 92 94

Cloddach 11 13 6 Breeders nc 24 4 3

Kingston nc nc nc 2 10 nc 4 21 18 nc nc nc

nc = no count received

Although numbers fell in the first winter period, the high count of 94 at Loch Spynie in Dec is the highest

there since the 1970s.

A count of 14 on the sea off Tugnet 8 Aug was unusual.

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Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus Common migrant and winter visitor.

Winter-spring: In Nairn District, 4 sites were used this year: Loch Flemington (max. 15 on 12 Feb),

Penick, Auldearn (max. 25 on 12 Feb) and Loch Loy (max. 6 on 2 Apr). An unusual record during this

period was 1 River Dorback, Dava 29 Mar-16 Apr (ISS). In Moray, flocks were seen at 15 sites, all were

groups of less than 10 except: 18 Loch na Bo 4 Jan, 15 Duffus Castle 15 Jan, 19 flying west at Buckpool

15 Jan, 19 Cloddach 15 Jan and 25 Hardmuir 19 Feb.

Spring: The largest flock during this period was 31 Salterhill 12 Apr.

Summer: A single bird was on Lochindorb all summer (ISS,BF,AT,ST).

Autumn: The first was 1 Loch Spynie 8 Sep (EH), this is the second earliest autumn record since MNBR

started in 1985. No other migrants were seen until 3 Loch Spynie 4 Oct and 8 Tugnet 7 Oct: both more

typical dates for arriving flocks. A further 9 flocks arrived in October, the largest was 73 Salterhill 28 Oct.

In November, flocks with 10 or more individuals were seen at 9 sites: 33 Duffus Castle 4th, 47 Salterhill

7th, 27 Kinloss 8

th, 30 Loch Spynie 8

th, 42 Barmuckity 11

th, 27 Milltown 17

th, 14 Urquhart 19

th, 18

Clochan 19th and 10 Culbin Bar 26


Winter (December): In Nairn District only seen at Loch Loy (2 on 31st), while in Moray, seen at 5 sites:

Balliesland (13 on 3rd

), Milltown (3 on 7th), Findhorn Bay (1 on 17

th), Loch na Bo (8 on 20


st) and

Urquhart (5 on 26th).

Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus Common migrant, increasing in winter.

Winter (January-mid March): Two reports from Nairn District involved 150 on 30 Jan and 170 on 3 Mar

feeding on fields around Carse of Delnies, and 2 Nairn Bar 15 Jan. Another winter period with few large

flocks in Moray District, those over 1000 included 1300 Miltonduff pool 12 Jan, 10000 Findhorn Bay 14

Feb and 2300 Wester Manbeen 26 Feb. Only 6 other sites held over 100 birds.

Spring passage: A total of 9 groups were recorded flying north or north-west, with a further two groups

flying east, between 5-28 Apr; none of these flocks were above 300. Feeding flocks were larger during

this period: 1000 Miltonhill 2 Apr, 1000 Tarras 2 Apr, 1400 Brodie 5 Apr and 1800 Auldearn 12 Apr.

Summer: 1 present on Loch Spynie 25 Jun and 4 Kingston 17 Jul. At Kingston, 3 remained from 15 Aug-

10 Sep.

Autumn: The first arrivals were seen on 23 Sep at Findhorn Bay (15 east) and The Lein, Kingston (10

east): this is a relatively late date. From 24th-28

th September a total of 14 skeins arrived, with at least 10

skeins flying east past Cullen on 24th. There was no extremely large numbers around Loch

Spynie/Windyridge as reported in 2005; largest flock was 9000 Loch Spynie 28 Oct. The high peak counts

seen in early November at Loch Spynie in last four years never materialised: 300 on 11th was the largest

count this year.

Winter: A similar decline in wintering numbers reported last year. Only 4 large flocks reported in

December, those over 1000 included: 1500 Bailliesland 3rd, 2000 Milltown airfield 3

rd, 4000 Miltonhill

area 6th and 1300 Bruntlands 14


A partial albino, originally seen in the Burgie area, remained in the area from 8 Jan-17 Feb, with another

sighting in the same area on 1 Aug. A presumed Pink-footed Goose × Ross’s Goose hybrid was present in

the Miltonhill area 2 Apr (RFH,RP,DAG,CAG,JDHM): a similar looking individual was seen at Loch of

Strathbeg in 2003 and Norfolk 2004 & 2005. Interestingly, another individual with orange legs, was seen

at Nether Bogside, Elgin 18 Feb.

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Frequency of arrival dates of first autumn flocks of Pink-footed Geese 1985-2006:






5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons Scarce winter visitor.

Only two records were submitted, both relate to the Greenland race A.a.flavirostris: 1 Coltfield-Alves 28

Apr (RFH) and 2 Muir of the Clans 29 Nov (RFH). There have only been four previous records for Nairn

District since publication of MNBR began (these were 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1997), therefore, the latter

record is unusual.

Greylag Goose Anser anser Common winter visitor.

Winter-spring: Flocks containing 500 or more birds were recorded at only 2 sites (max. counts only):

1800 Cloddach 8 Jan and 850 Clochan 11 Mar.

Summer: In the Lochindorb breeding area, 16 adults and 40 juveniles were recorded on 11 Jun (ST),

nearby 3 adults were at Drynachan 4 Jun. In the coastal strip 2 were on Loch Spynie 25 May, dropping to

1 on 25 Jun, 8 Jul & 25 Aug. A single bird was also seen at Loch Flemington 8 Aug.

Autumn: The first flock was 21 Loch Spynie 29 Sep; a slightly late date. The only large count during

October was 2000 at dusk over Loch Spynie on 5 Oct but didn’t land. No major influx occurred during

this period, only small flocks were recorded.

Winter: Flocks over 500 occurred at 2 sites; 1250 Findhorn Bay 17 Dec and 710 Lower Bogrotten 23 Dec.

Snow Goose Anser caerulescens Vagrant or escape.

A white-morph individual was seen at Miltonhill 2 Apr (RFH). Later in the year a white-morph bird was

seen at Lower Bogrotten on 20-23 Dec (RFH et al.), Buckie on 24 Dec (CAG) and Clochan on 27 Dec

(MJHC). This latter individual associated mainly with Greylag Geese, and was seen into 2007.

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Snow Goose, Portsoy December 2006 (before moving to Lower Bogrotten) (© Duncan Gibson)

Brent Goose Branta bernicla Scarce migrant and winter visitor.

All birds assigned to a race were Light-bellied Brent Geese B.b.hrota.

Winter: The regular winter flock was once again recorded in the Nairn area. The maximum count was 42

west of Nairn 13 Feb. Singles or small groups were recorded between Culbin Bar and Nairn-Whiteness


Autumn passage period (Sep-Oct): None were recorded during this period.

Winter: 19 Nairn 31 Dec was the only record.

Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis Scarce migrant and winter visitor.

Winter-spring: Seen at 7 sites over this period: 1 Cloddach quarry (25 Feb, 19 Mar & 26 Apr), 1 Manbeen

(27 Feb), 3 Monaughty-Alves (11 Jan), 2 Roseisle (15 Apr), 2 Loch Spynie (23 Apr), 1 Muirton (25 Apr)

and 1 Westerton (14 May).

Autumn: An influx of almost 1000 birds was recorded during this period, of which 878 were noted flying

east between 24-27 Sep. The largest flocks occurred on 24th: 300 Tugnet and 130, 120 & 100 at


Winter: The only record for this period was an injured bird at Kingsteps, Nairn 10 Nov.

Canada Goose Branta canadensis Scarce migrant in summer, rare in winter.

A relatively poor year with only 5 records: 5 Lossie estuary 27 May (DAG), 1 Loch Spynie 4 Jun (RP), 4

Findrassie 6 Jun (EH), 26 Binsness 13 Jun (JDHM) and 14 in off the sea at Lossiemouth 20 Jun (AJ).

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[Muscovy Duck Cairina moschata Escape.

An early brood was seen on 19 Mar at the Cooper Park, Elgin (RP). Given a 35-day incubation period, the

last egg of this attempt would have been laid around 12 Feb.]

Shelduck Tadorna tadorna Numerous spring and summer visitor and breeder.

Breeding: Broods were seen at the Miltonduff pool 5 Jun (7), Findhorn Bay 2 Jul (crèche of 15) & 10 Jul

(2 small ducklings), and Culbin Bar 30 Jul (8 & 2). Older juveniles were also seen: 4 Culbin Bar 30 Jul

and 1 Lossie estuary 29 Aug. In potential breeding areas were 1 Windyridge 8 May, 4 Kinloss 30 May and

1 Inchstelly 16 Jun.

Best monthly counts at coastal sites were as follows:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Nairn/Culbin Bars 65 53 nc nc nc nc 10 8 nc 3 135 213

Findhorn Bay 44 116 149 62 42 96 116 nc 6 2 12 nc

Lossie estuary 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0

Kingston 2 6 nc 5 45 nc 1 nc 1 nc nc nc

Inland (max. counts): 8 Clochan 11 Mar, 2 Miltonhill 2 Apr, 2 River Isla at Grange 15 Apr, 2

Standingstone 16 Apr and 2 Roseisle 28 Apr.

[Wood Duck Aix sponsa Escape.

A very unusual record concerned a male on Loch Avon 6 & 11 Jun (ASi).]

Mandarin Aix galericulata Probable escape or feral origin.

Only recorded in Elgin. Sightings extended from the Cooper Park pond to the Bow Brig with both

normal-plumaged and white birds being seen. A male was seen flying over Morriston Road, near the

Eight Acres Hotel on 14 May.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Males 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0

Females 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0

White 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0

Unknown 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Max. total 1 1 0 2 1 2 5 0 0 4 0 0

Wigeon Anas penelope Common winter visitor and scarce breeder.

Breeding: At the usual lochans a brood of 6 was seen on 1 Jun (IFo) and a brood of 8 on 16 May (GG).

Non-breeders in summer (May-Jul): 1M Tugnet 16 May, 11 Findhorn Bay 2 Jul, and present on Loch

Spynie 7 May-8 Jul, max. 8 (6M, 2F) on 25 Jun.

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Winter: Monthly maximum counts at main coastal sites were:

Jan Feb Mar Apr Sep Oct Nov Dec

Nairn/Culbin Bars 720 412 nc nc nc 428 1420 941

Findhorn Bay 987 2609 1600 50 1840 300 nc 300

Lossie estuary 2500 2700 1790 0 300 2000 2543 2600

Kingston 350 200 nc nc 290 nc 294 nc

Numbers of Eurasian Wigeon using Lossie estuary appear to be falling slightly since the peak of 3158 in

2004. This may be due to problems getting an accurate count in recent years because of poor weather and

the flock splitting between the sea and Loch Spynie.

Wigeon at the Lossie estuary 1985-2006 (maximum count):









1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006


Number of birds

On freshwater:

Jan Feb Mar Apr Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Loch Flemington 586 655 nc 70 nc nc 221 nc 600

Loch Loy nc nc 14 70 nc nc nc nc nc

Loch Spynie 550 760 1200 3 nc 8 250 80 50

Gilston 300 120 120 nc nc nc nc nc nc

Miltonduff pool 20 170 120 nc nc nc nc 44 300

Miltonduff distillery 30 40 72 nc nc nc nc 17 nc

Cloddach quarry 152 320 120 11 nc nc nc 289 275

Loch Oire 105 117 34 1 nc nc 139 28 nc

Loch na Bo 186 95 305 nc nc nc nc 39 60

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Maximum counts (over 100) at other inland sites included: 170 Tarras Moss 5 Jan and 180 Spynie Canal

25 Feb.

The ‘white-headed’ female returned for its 6th year at Lossie estuary.

[Chiloe Wigeon Anas sibilatrix Escape.

Seen at 4 sites, though the majority of records did not state age or sex. No dates overlapped; the

assumption is that these records may relate to the same roaming adult male.

Kingston: The long-staying male was seen 7 Jan-15 Apr.

Loch Spynie: 1 on 16, 22 Jul and 5, 17 Aug (CAG,MM).

Lossie estuary: male on 29 Aug (CAG).)

Loch Oire: male present 18 Sep-1 Nov (EH,MJHC).]

Gadwall Anas strepera Scarce visitor.

Seen at only 2 sites: 3 Loch Belivat 18 Aug (RPC) and, at Loch Spynie, 2M on 6 May (CAG) and 5 Jun

(AJL), and 1F on 27 Oct.

Teal Anas crecca Scarce breeder and common winter visitor.

Breeding: A brood of 4 at Lochs of Allt na Craoibhe-caorainn 2 Jul (AE) was the only confirmed

breeding. Records from potential breeding sites included 2M,1F showing courtship behaviour at Balgreen

7 Apr and 3 Lochs of Bogmussach 7 May.

Monthly maximum counts from main coastal/inland sites outside the breeding season were:

Jan Feb Mar Apr Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Nairn/Culbin Bars 58 39 nc nc nc nc nc 150 4

Findhorn Bay 1050 220 nc nc nc 40 nc nc 200

Miltonduff pool 51 26 20 10 nc nc 12 nc 14

Lossie estuary 6 7 12 nc nc 1 3 0 8

Loch Spynie 40 80 22 10 6 nc 7 250 5

Spynie Canal* 355 nc 160 0 nc 50 0 155 26

Cloddach quarry 132 95 400 8 nc nc nc 60 17

Loch Oire nc nc nc nc nc nc 28 7 nc

Loch na Bo nc nc 4 nc nc nc nc nc 1

Kingston nc 100 nc nc 75 65 nc 111 nc

Montgrew nc 79 nc 44 23 nc nc nc nc

* Spynie Canal counts were from Gilston to the old railway bridge.

Other sites holding over 50 birds were: Tarras Moss (80 on 5 Jan), Hillhead (128 on 27 Mar) and Lower

Bogrotten (70 on 23 Dec).

Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Numerous resident breeder and common winter visitor.

Breeding: The mean brood size from 24 broods was 5.6 chicks. A female was sitting on a clutch of 5 eggs

at Netherton, Findhorn Bay 8 Apr (AJL) and a female and brood were seen at Lochs of Bogmussach on 7

May (IF).

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Best monthly flocks in regularly counted areas were:



Loch Flemington 269 480 nc nc 4 nc nc nc nc 42 nc nc

Brodie Castle 71 54 nc nc 23 nc 49 62 79 nc nc nc

Loch Spynie 139 10 11 10 14 237 226 nc 31 35 24 156

Cloddach quarry 106 102 52 44 34 nc 24 46 72 nc 65 147

Loch Oire 86 54 8 10 nc 15 22 nc nc 53 49 10

Loch na Bo 85 29 8 nc 16 nc 64 nc nc 39 6 67

Other freshwater sites holding more than 50 birds were: 54 Loch of Blairs 12 Jan, 54 Fochabers Lake 11

Feb, 87 Glenfiddich distillery 26 Mar and 111 Montgrew 17 Aug.

Coastal sites:

Jan Feb Mar Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Nairn/Culbin Bars 47 62 nc nc nc 83 30 5

Findhorn Bay 269 480 nc nc nc 42 4 nc

Lossie estuary 0 4 11 19 15 22 12 50

Other coastal sites holding more than 50 birds were: 57 Portgordon-Buckie 4 Feb, 69 Portgordon-

Strathlene 13 Feb, 102 Nairn estuary 12 Aug and 120 Kingston 6 Sep.

Pintail Anas acuta Scarce winter visitor and migrant. Has bred.

Present at 7 sites.

Nairn Bar: The largest count was 87 on 10 Dec (DJa).

Culbin Bar: 2 on 15 Jan and 8 Oct (AY), 18 on 26 Nov at the western end (LSc) and 1M, 2F on 29 Dec


Findhorn Bay: Present from Jan-Mar then Aug-Dec, maximum count was 20 on 20 Jan (IDB).

Balgreen: 1M on 14 Apr (JDHM).

Lossiemouth: 4 on sea 2 Apr (SE). Loch Oire: 1 on 3 & 6 Nov (EH).

Portgordon: 1F on 18 Feb, 8 Oct and 10 Dec (MJHC); present for the 5th successive year, accompanying a

small flock of Mallards.

Garganey Anas querquedula Rare in spring.

At Loch Spynie, 2M and 1F present on 6 May (CAG,AJL), though only 1M could be found the following

day (MJHC,SE).

Shoveler Anas clypeata Rare breeder and scarce migrant.

This species seems to be getting rarer in the Districts over the last few years, but particularly at Loch

Spynie. The only records received this year were from Loch Spynie where 1M on 27 Mar (CAG), pair on

1 Apr (DAG,MJHC) and 1M on 3 May (CAG).

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Pochard Aythya ferina Common winter visitor and occasional breeder.

Counts were received from only 2 sites: Loch Spynie and Loch na Bo. Loch Spynie winter counts

continue to fall.

Maximum monthly counts were:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Loch Spynie 7 3 4 2 1 1 5 0 0 2 4 2

Loch na Bo 3 5 4 nc nc nc 0 0 0 0 0 0

Winter maxima at Loch Spynie since 1989 are given below:

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

58 36 65 65 99 56 64 33 17

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

36 69 61 27 66 17 17 8 7

Tufted Duck Aythya fuligala Scarce breeder and common winter visitor.

Breeding: The mean brood size from 11 broods was 7.1 chicks and is the highest mean brood size in the

last 14 years. Broods were seen at Loch Flemington, Auldearn, Inchstelly, Cooper Park pond (Elgin) and

Loch Spynie.

Other potential breeding sites occupied during the summer months included: Windyridge, Stoneyford

pond (Rafford), Loch Loy, Hopeman (pool) and Dava lochans.

Monthly maximum counts (excluding ducklings) at main sites were:


Loch Spynie 60 54 57 74 58 12 52 82 91 74 133 86

Cloddach quarry 31 55 30 25 22 nc 5 12 12 40 19 33

Cooper Park (Elgin) 39 57 53 49 33 25 3 14 16 25 34 54

Loch na Bo 16 23 21 nc nc nc nc nc nc 24 56 35

Loch Oire 10 22 10 32 16 nc 8 nc nc 10 21 0

Kingston nc nc nc 0 0 0 0 5 17 nc 11 nc

Maximum counts exceeding 10 individuals at other sites included: 37 Loch Flemington 15 Jan, 12

Miltonduff distillery pool 14-15 Mar, 14 Loch Loy 22 Mar, 12 Brodie Castle pond 5 Apr, 16 Fochabers

lake 1 Aug and 24 Windy-ridge 8 Oct.

An unusual record concerned 3 on the River Lossie opposite the Cooper Park, Elgin on 29 May.

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Mean brood size for Tufted Duck 1993-2006:










1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006



Scaup Aythya marila Scarce winter visitor.

Inland records were received from 2 sites.

Loch Spynie: A return to regular sightings between late autumn-spring.

Summary of Loch Spynie records:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Males 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2

Females 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 2

Max. total 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 4

Loch na Bo: 1F on 18 Jan (EH).

Coastal records were received from 4 sites.

Nairn area: an estimated 120 Nairn 7 Jan, then an estimated 150 off Kingsteps 18-19 Feb (AJ,MJHC,RP)

increased dramatically to 500 Nairn 21 Apr (RPC). This latter count is over double the recent large counts

recorded in MNBR 2004, and is easily the largest flock in recent years. One historical record exceeds this:

600+ Spey Bay (Jan 1979). Later in the year the largest flock counted was 220 off Nairn Bar 25 Nov


Lossiemouth: 2M on 9 Nov and 1M, 3F on 28 Dec (DAG).

Lossie estuary: a single male on 18 Aug (DAG).

Kingston: 2 on 27 Sep (CAG) had increased to 4 on 15 Oct (DAG).

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Eider Somateria mollissima Scarce breeder, common offshore.

Breeding: 3 broods between Portknockie-Cullen, of which the mean brood size was 3.0 chicks. Another

record of breeding involved 3F with 6 young at Culbin Bar on 30 Jul.

Mean number of chicks calculated from distinct broods 1996-2006:

Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Broods 8 19 16 10 9 8 12 5 3 2 3

Mean 3.9 3.2 3.4 2.1 3.2 2.4 2.9 2.4 2.3 2.5 3.0

Maximum monthly counts at main sites were:


Nairn/Culbin Bars 145 217 nc nc nc nc nc nc nc 1 20 64

Burghead Bay 30 nc 4 nc 10 200 120 100 42 nc nc nc

Spey Bay 770 250 22 nc nc nc nc 363 720 770 360 730

(counts in Spey Bay were sometimes made from the west (Lossiemouth) end and sometimes from the east

(Kingston) end but the same flocks are presumed to be mobile within the Bay).

Other counts exceeding 50 were 341 Covesea (Jan) (140 there Mar), 132 Portknockie (Apr) and 85

Strathlene (Apr).

King Eider Somateria spectabilis Rare visitor.

Potentially 2 males were seen during the year, however, one male could account for both records.

Nairn area: An adult off Kingsteps and the western end of Nairn Bar was present 12-21 Feb

(DJa,AJ,MJHC,RP), and is considered the same individual reported in MNBR 2005 from the Nairn area

on 24-27 Aug and 2-11 Oct.

Portknockie: A male was seen on 13 Apr (GW, Highland RSPB Group). This record is currently in

circulation with British Birds Rarities Committee.

Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis Common winter visitor offshore.

Maximum monthly counts were:

Jan Feb Mar Apr Oct Nov Dec

Nairn Bar 333 766 nc nc 1 70 220

Culbin Bar 1600 1486 nc nc 1 72 23

off Findhorn 1500 635 nc 50 250 1200 180

Burghead Bay 2228 282 280 200 200 12 6

Burghead 40 nc 6 100 280 10 7

Burghead-Hopeman 3 nc nc nc 2 nc 1

Lossiemouth 5 nc nc 1500 nc nc nc

Spey Bay 1245 nc nc nc 60 640 1380

Kingston 1200 800 nc 500 nc 750 nc

No inland records were received this year, for the first time since 1999.

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Common Scoter Melanitta nigra Common winter visitor, small numbers in summer.

Maximum counts were:

Jan Feb Mar Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Nairn Bar 3430 45 nc nc nc 178 68 625

Culbin Bar 2000 4060 nc nc nc 200 55 164

BurgheadBay 386 176 200 220 400 900 1000 25

Spey Bay 940 500 nc nc 570 1130 240 970

At other times, counts exceeding 500 were: 1000 Lossiemouth 26 Apr and 1200 Boar’s Head Rock 7

May. Estimates of 200-350 still present in Jun-Jul in Burghead Bay.

Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata Rare, but regular, visitor.

Nairn Bar: 1M seen on 15 Jan & 8 Oct, with 2M there on 10 Dec (DJa).

Culbin Bar: 1M seen on 15 Jan, increasing to 3 on 12 Feb (AY).

Burghead Bay: Despite a maximum count of 5 in late 2005, only 1M was seen off Findhorn in early 2006

on two dates; 5 Jan (DAG) and 14 Jan (PH). In the autumn-winter period, seen off Roseisle and Findhorn

dunes from 26 Sep-2 Dec (many obs.); maximum count was 5 off Roseisle 23 Oct (RHD). Subsequent

large counts included 3M,1F on 22 Oct (CAG) and 4M on 3 Nov (IF). A female was seen on 6 dates and

constitutes the 10th county record. This is the second year that large numbers have been seen in Burghead

Bay during the autumn and may suggest returning individuals.

Lossiemouth: 1M with other seaduck off the east beach on 23 Dec (CAG).

Surf Scoter, Burghead Bay October 2006 (© Sandy Morrison)

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Velvet Scoter Melanitta fusca Common winter visitor.

Maximum counts for main areas were:

Jan Feb Mar Oct Nov Dec

Nairn Bar 385 46 nc 19 6 122

Culbin Bar 1153 0 nc 0 9 566

Burghead Bay 82 52 2 320 600 nc

Goldeneye Bucephala clangula Rare breeder and common winter visitor.

Breeding: No confirmed breeding records, though in the usual breeding area 1M present on 16 Apr and 2

pairs present on 21 May (ISS). Elsewhere, 1F was possibly off a nearby nest 7 May (IF).

Other inland summer records included a max. of 3F Loch Spynie 6 May and coastal summer records

included 3 Burghead Bay 4 Jul.

Maximum counts on most frequented lochs were:

Jan Feb Mar Apr Sep Oct Nov Dec

Loch Flemington 8 8 nc 12 nc 1 nc 9

Loch of Blairs 6 8 3 nc nc nc nc 5

Loch Spynie 16 17 33 14 1 20 37 25

Windyridge nc 5 6 nc nc 2 8 nc

Cloddach quarry 2 4 0 nc 0 0 4 0

Loch na Bo 13 18 22 nc 0 0 4 9

Loch Oire 7 4 2 nc 0 0 11 2

Maximum counts at most frequented coastal sites were:

Jan Feb Mar Apr Oct Nov Dec

Nairn/Culbin Bars 15 18 nc nc nc 14 10

Findhorn Bay 23 28 13 17 nc nc 10

Burghead 18 16 14 5 nc nc 14

Burghead Bay 6 3 7 3 3 3 4

Burghead-Hopeman 8 14 nc nc nc nc 12

Lossiemouth 25 17 11 nc nc nc 8

Lossie estuary 4 4 nc 1 nc 3 3

Kingston/Tugnet 15 11 nc 5 nc 22 6

Other coastal counts (over 10): 19 Kingsteps (Nairn) 6 Jan and 17 Portgordon-Buckie 4 Feb.

Courtship noted at the Lossie estuary on 29 Jan and 10 Feb.

Smew Mergellus albellus Rare winter visitor.

Loch Oire: A ‘redhead’ (F/imm) was seen 7-25 Feb (AJ,CAG et al.), then returned on 7 Mar after a period

of ice cover and was last seen 10 Mar. An eclipse male arrived on the loch on 20 Nov (DAG,CAG,EH).

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Loch na Bo: Having completed its moult, the Loch Oire bird, in adult male plumage, moved to Loch na

Bo where it remained from 24-31 Dec (CAG, MJHC,RP,DAG) and into 2007.

Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator Scarce local breeder and common visitor.

Summer: Breeding confirmed at Binsness (a brood of 8 on 10 Jul (GG) was reduced to 7 by 18 Jul when

joined by another of 5 (JDHM)) and Culbin Bar (brood of 6 on 30 Jul (ISS)). Also two broods on the

lower Findhorn in mid June – 4 young near Sluie and 6 near Meads of St John (per ISS).

Mean number of chicks calculated from distinct broods 1996-2006:

Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Broods 4 8 7 2 5 3 1 1 - - 5

Mean 4.3 7.0 5.6 5.5 7.8 8.7 8.0 7.0 - - 5.6

Coastal records in summer (May-Jun): 8 Boar’s Head Rock 7 May, 32 Findhorn Bay 2 Jun and 3

Kingston 17 Jul.

At other times, maximum monthly counts were:

Jan Feb Mar Apr Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Nairn/Culbin Bars 22 15 nc nc 11 nc 102 47 12

Findhorn Bay 7 20 5 nc nc nc nc nc 15

Burghead Bay 8 2 4 nc nc 6 12 8 2

Burghead 8 3 5 7 nc 1 1 5 6

Burghead-Hopeman 11 6 nc nc nc nc 0 nc 2

Lossie estuary 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0

Spey Bay 4 1 nc 13 30 nc nc 24 2

Coastal counts exceeding 10 elsewhere: 15 Nairn golf course 5 Jan, 16 Nairn-Whiteness Head 15 Jan and

25 Carse of Delnies 7 Mar.

Goosander Mergus merganser Widespread but scarce breeder.

Breeding: No broods were reported in 2006. Birds in potential breeding areas included 1F River Avon

(Glenlivet) 3 Apr, 1 Denhead (Keith) 22 Apr and 1F Drynachan 4 Jun.

Maximum monthly counts at the main sites were:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Cloddach quarry 0 4 10 8 nc nc nc 0 0 0 1 0

Loch Spynie 1 0 9 8 6 0 0 0 1 0 2 0

Lossie estuary 0 1 0 0 9 0 0 19 37 5 2 0

Speymouth 12 1 nc 1 52 nc nc 128 69 nc nc nc

Inland birds elsewhere during winter periods included (max. counts): 1M,1F River Lossie (Elgin leisure

centre area) 3 & 21 Jan, 2 Lochindorb 12 Feb, 3 pairs Loch Park 16 Feb, 1F Cooper Park pond, Elgin 27

Feb, 5 Miltoduff distillery pool 14 Mar, 13 River Spey, Aberlour 30 Sep, 3FF River Fiddich

(Craigellachie) 30 Dec and 2M,2F River Spey (Craigellachie) 30 Dec.

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Peak counts of moulting birds at Speymouth 1988-2006 are:

1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

87 122 140 10 29 133 192 118 62 125

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

59 158 93 100 98 108 117 74 128

Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis Rare visitor.

On Loch Spynie, 2 males 23 Apr-6 May (CAG,DAG,AJL) and 7-8 Jul (IFo). Another (unsexed)

individual was seen at Loch Flemington 8 Aug (LSc).

Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus Very common resident breeder.

Away from the core upland range; present Ben Aigan all year (max 7 on 8 Oct) and at least 2 birds still on

Black Hill, Aultmore 7 Jul.

Ptarmigan Lagopus muta Fairly common resident breeder.

Reports from the Cairngorms were 12 Ben Avon 7 Jun, 5 Cairn Lochan (including 4M,1F and a predated

egg) 13 May, female with 6 young Cairn Gorm 17 Jun, 7 between Cairn Gorm-Ben Macdui 15 Jun and 3

Lochan Buidhe area 13 May. On the outlying Ben Rinnes, 2 on 30 Jan, 1 on 24 Apr, 2 pairs 25 May and 4

on 8 Jun (AE et al.) – hopefully these records understate the situation there.

Black Grouse Tetrao tetrix Scarce resident breeder.

Greatly under-recorded as many lek areas are remote from roads and seldom visited. Reports in 2006 were

1M Badnafrave (Tomintoul) 12 May (IF), 4M Bridge of Brown 9 Jun (GG), 4 Glacks of Balloch 29 Aug

(IF), 2M,5F Scaut Hill 14 Dec (GG), 1M Scalan 6 May (MJHC) and 1 Tomnavoulin 23 Apr (KLG).

Reported to be ‘doing well’ at Auchlochan and ‘regular’ near Culfearn (per ISS).

Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus Scarce resident breeder.

The only records received were from west Moray where a female with 7 large young 7 Aug (RHD) and a

single male in a different area 15 Apr (ACh). This significantly understates the situation in what, with SE

Nairn, remains the only Moray & Nairn stronghold. Elsewhere, 1 N central Moray 3 Nov (DJ).

Red-legged Partridge Alectoris rufa Introduced scarce breeder. Commonly released.

Records included 1 Cothill 9 Jan, 1 Culbin 13 May, 3 Drybridge 5 May, large numbers Drynachan area 27

May, 10 Innes House area 3 Feb, 20 Midwood (Clochan) 17 Jan (and 14 there 26 Jul) and 2 Johnstripe 28

May. The extent to which local populations remain self-sustaining after releases is unclear. There have

been very few past records of family parties of chicks in the ‘wild’, and any such sightings will be very


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Grey Partridge Perdix perdix Common resident breeder.

The only coveys of 10 or more were 16 Cloddach 13 Nov, 15 Mundole 28 Oct, 14 Portknockie 13 Oct, 14

Urquhart 15 Nov and 10 Innes 14 Oct. No records were receieved from more than 4km south of the A96.

Quail Coturnix coturnix Rare summer visitor and breeder, occasionally more numerous.

Single calling birds were at Binns (Garmouth) for most of July (per ISS) and at Cunninghaugh (Spey Bay)

14 Jun (HM). There was a focus of records around Forres where 2 Newton of Dalvey 25 Jun (JDHM), 1

Easter New-forres 18 Jul (IW), 2 Mill of Grange 30 Jul (EH) and 1 Waterford 2 Aug (IW).

Unusually, there were two instances of displaced passage birds appearing in coastal gardens. One was

found in a garden above the harbour at Portknockie on 26 June (LSe,LSi) and another was caught in a

Lossiemouth garden on 20 Aug (JS).

Quail, Portknockie 26 June 2006 (© Lenny Simpson)

Pheasant Phasianus colchicus Very common resident breeder.

Largest autumn/winter counts received were 45 Lochhills 12 Sep and 30 Midwood (Clochan) 17 Jan.

Red-throated Diver Gavia stellata Rare breeder. Common autumn and winter visitor offshore.

Summer: Present, at least briefly, at two inland sites. In the ‘traditional’ breeding/summering locality,

single birds only were seen on 27 May, 13 Jul and 12 Aug (MJHC,AJL,RHD). On 29 May a pair was seen

on a nearby loch over the Moray & Nairn boundary (AT). Elsewhere, on a loch where not previously

recorded, 1 on 22 May (IT).

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At the coast in the April-July period most records were of only 1-2 birds but also 8 Burghead Bay 21 Apr

(4 there 18 Apr and 3 on 31 May) and 3 Carse of Delnies 16 Jun. By late August, 20 in Burghead on 26th.

Best monthly counts offshore in each winter period were:

Jan Feb Sep Oct Nov Dec

Nairn/Delnies 26 1 nc nc nc nc

Nairn/Culbin Bars 21 13 nc 7 4 4

Burghead Bay 5 4 10 7 1 nc

Spey Bay 9 20 10 3 nc 5

Monthly winter counts of seaducks and divers were undertaken for the last time in the 2005/6 winter and

so these systematic counts will not be available for winter 2006/7 onwards. Despite this, the scarcity of

Red-throated Divers in Burghead and, especially, Spey Bays in autumn was very real. Comparison

of annual maximum counts of the autumn congregation in Spey Bay over the last two 10-year periods

reveals a striking decline:

Ten year period Years exceeding 100 Maximum count Average maximum


1987-1996 10 815 292

1997-2006 0 82 41

As usual, only small numbers frequented rocky coasts away from the shallow bays. Highest counts were 6

Lossiemouth west beach 2 Dec and 31 Dec, 5 Burghead-Hopeman 8 Oct, 4 Covesea 26 Dec and 3 Cullen

3 Jan. Unusual records from the Lossie estuary where 1 on 27 Sep, 2 on 12 Nov and 1 on 14 Nov.

Best passage on 24 Sep when 20 flew east past Lossiemouth in 80 mins.

Black-throated Diver Gavia arctica Rare breeder. Scarce autumn and winter visitor offshore.

Upland lochs: 3 were watched on one loch on 17 Jun (ASi) and 1 on another on 30 Apr (IFr) but there was

no suggestion of breeding activity in either case.

Monthly maxima in Burghead Bay were as follows:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

2 1 nc 11 16 1 1 nc 1 27 nc 2

Highest counts were 16 on 9 May (AJL), and 27 in a compact flock off Findhorn on 13 Oct (RHD). Fewer

in spring than has become the norm in recent years but unusually numerous in autumn.

Exceptionally, there were significant numbers off the Bars in mid winter where, on 12 Feb, counts were 7

off Culbin Bar (AY) and 10 off Nairn Bar (DJ).

At other times/places, 1 Carse of Delnies 16 Jun, 2 Cullen 23 Sep and off Lossiemouth, 2 on 26 Apr, 1 on

9 Aug, 1 on 8 Sep and 3 on 2 Dec.

Great Northern Diver Gavia immer Scarce visitor offshore.

The only reports of 2 or more were 3 off Kingston 14 Jan and 2 Burghead Bay 28 Jan, 14 Feb, 20-21 Apr

and 28 Apr. Otherwise 17 reports of singles at 8 coastal localities between 8 Oct-12 Jun. Birds were not

looked for in Spey Bay in spring so it is not known whether there was any repeat of the large numbers

present there in May 2005.

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Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis Scarce breeder, scarce on the estuaries in winter.

Mid-winter: In January and December, when generally scarce on freshwater, inland reports were 1 Old

Mills (Elgin) 6 Jan, 5 Loch na Bo 13 Jan (3 there 22 Jan, 7 on 5 Dec and 2 on 24 Dec), 1 Loch Spynie 15-

18 Jan (and 1 on 3 dates in Dec), 4 Windyridge 19 Jan, 2 Loch Flemington 10 Dec, 6 Cloddach quarry 17

Dec and 1 Loch Oire 24 Dec.

Present in spring/summer (italics = proved breeding) at Brodie Castle pond, Cloddach quarry, Fochabers

Lake, Inchstelly, Loch Flemington, Loch Loy, Loch of Blairs, Loch Oire, Loch na Bo, Loch Park, Loch

Spynie, Newton of Dalvey, Newmill (Auldearn), Stoneyford Pond (Rafford) and Windyridge. Little

Grebes have certainly or probably bred at least once at 40 sites during the last 10 years.

Best post-breeding congregations in late summer/autumn were at Loch Spynie (numerous throughout Sep

with max 36 on 7 Sep), Loch Flemington (20 on 26 Sep, 23 on 8 Oct), Loch Oire (18 on 7 Oct), Loch na

Bo (12 on 6-7 Oct) and Cloddach quarry (10 on 3 Sep).

Coastal in winter: 4 Kingston 7 Jan (1 on 19 Feb), 3 Findhorn Bay 12-13 Feb, 1-2 Lossie estuary

throughout Dec and 1 Nairn harbour Jan-Feb.

Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus Occasional rare breeder and very scarce offshore in autumn and winter.

1 Loch Spynie 2 Dec (DAG,HF,RP).

Red-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegina Very scarce migrant and winter visitor.

In any year the most likely site to hold 1-2 birds is Burghead Bay. In 2006, birds were seen (singles unless

stated) on 26-28 Jan, 29 Jan (3), 31 Jan, 3 Feb (3), 18-19 Feb, 6 Mar, 5 Apr, 26 Sep (2), 3 Oct (2), 8 Oct,

8 Nov and 16 Nov (AJL,AJ,CAG,MJHC,JDHM). Elsewhere, 1 Kingston 27 Sep (CAG), 2 Nairn 27 Oct,

and 1 dead there 4 Nov, (RPC) and 1 Nairn Bar 8 Oct (DJ).

Slavonian Grebe Podiceps auritus Rare breeder. Scarce offshore in winter.

Breeding: 4 pairs present for at least part of the season but no young were raised.

Site 1 – Single bird on 21 Apr. This is the first since 2002 at what was once the main breeding site.

Site 2 – None back until 8 Apr, 2 pairs on 21 Apr. Subsequent maximum 3 pairs and 2 singles. Two pairs

laid eggs but were robbed by egg collectors, so no young reared for the second successive year.

Site 7 – One pair on 4 Jun included a ringed bird. This had moved to Loch Ruthven by 13 Jun but the

other bird remained at Site 7 until at least 20 Jun. No evidence of a breeding attempt.

Site 9 – One bird on 24 May and 22 Aug, and 4 on 9 Sep. No evidence of breeding.

The table below shows the number of sites occupied by territorial pairs, the total number of territorial

pairs and the number of young raised to fledging since 1994:

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Sites 5 4 3 4 3 3 2 3 4 2 2 2 4

Pairs 11 13 8 12 9 8 3 7 10 8 4 8 4

Young 7 12 2 2 5-6 1 3 11 6 9 7 0 0

Although the number of occupied sites was the best since 2002, breeding took place at only one of these

and it is hard to avoid the conclusion that Slavonian Grebes may be lost as a breeding species in Moray &

Nairn in the near future.

Inland in autumn/winter, only at Loch Spynie where 1 on 21-25 Oct, up to 3 between 26 Oct-18 Nov, 2

until 10 Dec and 1 until 24 Dec (CAG et al.).

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Coastal: Monthly maxima in Burghead Bay were:

Jan Feb Mar Apr Sep Oct Nov Dec

















(many obs.)

Elsewhere, 1 Culbin Bar 12 Feb (AY), 1 Lossiemouth harbour 4-11 Nov (DAG,DMP), 2 Nairn Bar (6

Jan) and 7 there 12 Feb (DJ) and 1 Kingston 8 Oct (MJHC).

Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis Common breeder, very common offshore.

Passage: Only one count exceeded 100: 137 west past Strathlene in half an hour on 10 Aug (MJHC). The

next highest count recorded all year was of 25 past Lossiemouth in 20 minutes on the same day (JDHM).

Sooty Shearwater Puffinus griseus Very scarce migrant in late summer and autumn.

A disappointing year, with a single bird close inshore from Findhorn dunes on 23 Oct (JDHM) being the

only sighting of the year. A large decrease from the numbers of 2005 (23 individuals – the third highest

annual count on record in Moray & Nairn).

Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus Scarce offshore in summer and autumn.

Winter: A single bird was seen off Culbin Bar on 15 Jan (AY, DJ). This is only the third midwinter record

in Moray & Nairn (singles off Lossiemouth on 20 Jan 1991 and 28 Feb 1993).

Spring: Passage was noted from 27 Apr, when 5 passed Lossiemouth (AJ). Birds also passed Lossiemouth

in May, with 1 on 19th and 2 on 20

th (DAG).

Summer: 27 birds were noted in late June and July off Lossiemouth (16 birds on 2 dates), Burghead (3

birds on 1 date), Portessie (5 birds on 1 date) and Spey Bay (3 birds on 1 date). In addition, there was a

notable gathering of birds in Burghead Bay off Findhorn on 9 Jul, with 8 west, 17 east and 12 feeding on

the sea between 10:00-11:15, and 25 west at 11:35 (DAG). This represents a maximum of 62 birds,

although duplication is difficult to discount.

Autumn: Passage was light, with 16 birds off Lossiemouth (DAG) in August (peak 11 on 2nd

). Only two

birds were noted in September, both on 7th off Burghead and Lossiemouth.

Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus Summer and autumn visitor offshore, probably very common at night.

One bird was off Burghead on 29 Oct (SE), making 2006 the 4th consecutive year this species has been

sighted. This is the third latest record in Moray & Nairn after 1 found dead in Burghead on 11 Nov 1986

and 7 past Lossiemouth on 7 Nov 1999.

Gannet Morus bassanus Very common offshore in summer and autumn, fewer in winter.

An improvement on numbers last year, with four counts over 100 noted. In August, 161 west past

Lossiemouth in 45 mins on 9th (DAG) with 105 east past Strathlene in 20 mins on 13

th (MJHC). In

October, 102 flew east past Lossiemouth in 13 mins on 2nd

(JDHM) and finally, the highest count of the

year, 240 west past Lossiemouth in 1 hour on 7th (DAG).

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Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo Scarce resident and common winter visitor.

Breeding: No breeding was noted in Moray and Nairn this year. After the possible breeding at Covesea in

2005, only two sub-adults were noted at this site on 18 Jun (MJHC).

Highest numbers were noted in autumn/early winter with 34 on 8 Oct between Burghead and Hopeman

(WGT). In November, 30 were at Tugnet on 12th (MJHC), and 33 at Portgordon harbour on 27

th (JDHM).

The peak count of the year was of 92 off Cullen on 23 Sep (DT).

Birds showing characteristics of the continental race P.c.sinensis were again at Loch Spynie, and after a

disappointing two sightings in 2005, sightings were regular (outwith the summer months) here. A study of

birds present from October onwards by RP found 8 individuals to be present (6 adults, 2 1st winters).

Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis Scarce breeder and common visitor, chiefly in winter.

Breeding: After recent small increases, numbers remained stable at Portknockie with 49 apparently

occupied nests (AON) at Bow Fiddle Rock on 27 Jun (MJHC). Numbers also remained stable at Covesea

with 13 AON noted on 18 Jun (MJHC). Numbers of AON at these two sites in the past five years are as


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Covesea 5 5 10 13 13

Portknockie 40 43 47 49 49

Counts: The highest count of the year was 193 between Portgordon and Strathlene on 8 Oct (MJHC).

White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus Rare visitor or escape.

An adult was found on 17 Sep in Findhorn Bay, and was seen here until the morning of 19 Sep (AJL et

al). This record coincided with a series of sightings in western Europe, which many consider to involve

wild birds. This includes a minimum of 2 individuals in Britain. For a full discussion on this bird, see pp


White Pelican, Findhorn Bay 18 September 2006 (© Duncan Gibson)

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Little Egret Egretta garzetta Rare visitor.

1 Findhorn Bay 18-19 Sep (PTH,IP et al.). This is the 2nd

record for Moray & Nairn; the only other was

also in Findhorn Bay, on 21-26 June 1983.

Grey Heron Ardea cinerea Fairly common resident breeder.

Heronries: Numbers of occupied nests were 6 Aberlour (AE,IP), 1 Auchbreck, 3-4 Connage, 10-12 Nether

Dallachy, 11 Loch Spynie (MJHC), 22 Binsness (in 3 groups of 14, 6 and 2), 2-3 Balnellan

(Cragganmore), 22 Low Wood (Kingsteps), 8-9 Hillockhead (Keith), 3 Kinermony and 1 Gardenhead

(Grange) (all counts by IP unless stated).

On the estuaries, most numerous in autumn when 35 Findhorn Bay 10 Sep, and 41 roosting at Binsness at

high tide 23 Sep, and at Lossiemouth 15 on 3 Sep and 1 Oct. The Binsness roost has never before

exceeded 40.

On rocky shores were 3 Cummingston 20 Sep and 2 Cullen 24 Sep. Up country was 1 Lecht Mine

(Tomintoul) 3 Jun.

Black Stork Ciconia nigra Rare visitor.

One circled overhead at Tomfarclas (near Ballindalloch) on 13 May before heading away north-east down

the Spey valley (DAG). There is only one previous record in Moray & Nairn, of a single bird at Dulsie

Bridge on 17 July 1977.

Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus Very scarce visitor, usually in spring.

Records from one Moray locality from 14 Apr.

Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus Rare resident breeder, very scarce migrant and winter visitor.

Breeding: Nine pairs were located, and all laid eggs. Average clutch size of eight pairs was an above-

average 5.1. Seven pairs were successful and fledged 27 young between them, at an average of 3.9 young

per successful pair. This, also, is well above the long-term average of 2.8 per laying pair. The failed pairs

did so at the egg and small-young stage for unknown reasons. (JC).

Away from breeding areas were 1 Culbin Bar 15 Jan (AY), 1 Clochan 3 Mar (MJHC), 1 Archiestown 9

Apr (NL), 1 Knockando 20 May (DAG), 1 Nether Bogside 19 Aug (JBy), 1 Glenfiddich 8 Sep (IPG) and

16 Nov (GG), and 1 Orbliston 18 Dec (EH).

Goshawk Accipiter gentilis Rare resident breeder.

Present in at least 7 localities in spring/summer.

Otherwise, 1 Culbin Forest 15 Nov (RPC) was the only report received.

Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus Common resident breeder.

Breeding season (Apr-July) records included birds/pairs at Blacksboat, Cloddach, Covesea, Findrassie,

Forres, Kinloss, Nairn, Roseisle, Tapp and Tugnet.

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Buzzard Buteo buteo Fairly common resident breeder.

Most reported together were 9 Loch Spynie 9 Sep, 8 Stonewells 23 Feb, 6 Kinloss 14 Feb and 27 Mar (5

there 25 Jan), 5 Binsness 18 Mar and 5 Cloddach 10 Sep.

In some areas of Moray, Buzzards are living increasingly intimately with people; on the edge of Forres,

one carried away a turkey carcass from a bird table 3m from the kitchen window on 5 Jan (ISS).

Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos Rare resident breeder.

At the three usual/most recent breeding sites: i) no breeding activity, ii) site not visited iii) one young

fledged. (MJHC,JJCH).

There were 4 sightings in south-east Moray: an adult and an immature bird on 12 Feb (AE) and 14 Jun

(IF), an immature on 9 Jun (NL) and a single bird on 7 Dec (GG). Another was seen in August in west

Moray (per ISS).

Osprey Pandion haliaetus Scarce summer visitor and breeder.

Breeding: 13 pairs were located of which 12 laid eggs. One pair failed at the small young stage but the

other 11 reared 21 young to fledging, at an average of 1.9 young per successful pair. Brood sizes were 1

(3), 2 (6) and 3 (2) (RHD).

Extreme dates recorded for the year were 2 Apr-23 Sep, both around Findhorn Bay where most seen at

any one time were 4 on 24 Aug and 10 Sep.

Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Widespread but scarce resident breeder.

Breeding season (April-July) records included birds/pairs at Brodie, Carse of Delnies, Culbin, Dulsie

Bridge, Easter Greens, Findhorn Bay, Kinloss, Loch Spynie, Roseisle and Spey Bay.

Merlin Falco columbarius Scarce resident breeder and migrant.

Breeding: 35 sites were checked; 15 of these were occupied by pairs, of which 14 were known to have

laid clutches (and the other may have done so). Average clutch size (for 5 west Moray/Nairn clutches)

was an above-average 4.0. Of the 14 laying pairs, 11 were successful, raising a total of 33 young at an

average brood size of 3.0. As in 2005, productivity was substantially higher in west Moray and Nairn (3.4

young per successful pair) than in south and east Moray (2.3 young). The 3 laying pairs which failed, did

so before they had completed their clutches. This may have been due to a low abundance or late arrival of

their favoured Meadow Pipit prey. It should be noted that, particularly in the east, several sites were only

visited late on in the breeding season so some failing pairs may have been missed, skewing the success

rate upwards (BC,JKC).

Outside the breeding season, single birds were seen in the coastal plain as follows: Culbin Bar 10 Dec,

Findhorn Bay 17 Dec, Glenburgie distillery 17 Sep, Kinloss 28 Mar and 11 Apr, Urquhart 1 Dec (seen to

catch a Linnet) and Kincorth 18 Nov.

Hobby Falco subbuteo Rare visitor.

On 13 Jul an adult was seen flying west over Cunninghaugh (Spey Bay) (HM). This becomes the 10th

record for Moray & Nairn as no description of a possible bird at Loch Spynie in 2003 has been received.

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Peregrine Falco peregrinus Scarce resident breeder.

Breeding: No information received.

Away from breeding sites, there was a scatter of records throughout lowland areas, with a concentration

between September and February. As usual, the area around Findhorn Bay was most favoured. Notable

species interactions involved a Peregrine stooping at two Buzzards on the ground at Duffus castle on 9

Nov and a juvenile female sparring with a Marsh Harrier on 29 Aug. In Findhorn Bay on 20 Feb, a male

Peregrine caught a Dunlin but was then robbed of its prey by a larger female.

Water Rail Rallus aquaticus Fairly common breeder and winter visitor.

Heard in the breeding season at RAF Kinloss (2 on 25-28 Apr) (AJL), Loch Loy (JDHM), Loch of Blairs

(JDHM) and Loch Spynie.

Autumn/winter reports were from Loch Spynie reedbeds (max. 4 in late Nov) and the reedbed on the Lein

(Kingston) in Oct-Dec (PGS).

There were two very unusual occurrences at the Covsea cliffs. On 9 Jun one emerged from a cave in the

cliffs near Clashach Quarry and walked around on the shore before flying off west (EH). On 28 Oct a

probable migrant was perched on top of gorse bushes near the clifftop look out tower.

Moorhen Gallinula chloropus Fairly common resident breeder.

Breeding proved (italics) or probable at Brodie Castle pond, Cloddach quarry, Cooper Park (Elgin), Elgin

(River Lossie), Fochabers Lake, Forres (Mosset duck pond), Forres golf course, Inchstelly pool, Loch

Loy, Loch na Bo, Loch of Blairs, Loch Oire, Loch Spynie, Lochs of Bogmussach, Miltonduff pool,

Montgrew, Newmill (Auldearn), Sanquhar Loch, Stoneyford pond (Rafford), Sunbank (Lossiemouth) and


Highest counts, as is often the case, were at Fochabers lake where 20 on 21 Mar and 19 on 22 Aug.

Elsewhere, 10 Loch Spynie 3 Feb, 9 Inchstelly 4 Jul, 7 Mosset duck pond (Forres) 11 Feb, 6 Cooper Park

(Elgin) 31 Mar and 6 Loch Oire 7 Oct.

Coot Fulica atra Scarce resident breeder and fairly common winter visitor.

Breeding proved (italics) or probable at Cloddach quarry (2 pairs), Fochabers lake, Loch Flemington,

Loch Loy, Loch of Blairs, Loch Oire, Loch na Bo, Loch Spynie, Newton of Dalvey and Stoneyford Pond


Maximum monthly counts on main lochs were:

Jan Feb Mar Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Loch Flemington 47 33 nc 33 75 50 nc 28

Loch Spynie 51 29 16 2 3 0 1 11

Loch Oire/na Bo 12 14 17 10 14 10 11 3

Cloddach 2 5 6 3 6 3 4 8

More numerous than usual at Loch Flemington but remarkably scarce at Loch Spynie in autumn.

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Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus Very common resident breeder, winter visitor and migrant.

Breeding: First inland were 2 Cloddach Quarry 15 Jan and 1 Boroughbriggs (Elgin) 1 Feb. Elgin also had

1 Elgin Academy 2 Feb and a pair displaying at a breeding site 12 Feb. Mundole had 1 on 6 Feb and 5 on

16 Feb. There were 2 at Loch Flemington 12 Feb, 3 Gilston Pool 15 Feb. 1 on the nesting platform at

Loch Spynie 22 Feb with 27 on 12 Mar and 35 on the 13th. Well inland were 2 Aberlour 11 Feb and

arrivals at Dufftown not until 4 Mar with birds displaying in the snow on the 9th.

Pre-breeding flocks were: 54 Cloddach Quarry 25 Feb rising to 71 on 2 Apr. 76 were at the Wester

Manbeen area 26 Feb, but could probably be they same as the Cloddach flock. Mundole had 68 on 9 and

14 Mar. 70 recorded at Clochan 11 Mar but only 19 there 14 Apr. 30 Newton of Struthers 22 Mar. In

April, 42 Miltonduff Distillery Pond 9th and 24 Loch of Boath 10


Breeding success: Within RAF Kinloss a pair with 2 fledglings 17 May, pair with 1 small chick 3 Jul and

another pair with 1 chick 13 Jul. A pair with 3 young were in the nursery field, Forres 4 Jun. Juveniles

were seen at Lossie estuary with 3 on 19 Aug and 1 on the 20th.

No significant post breeding flocks were reported.

Very late inland records on 17 Dec of 1 Cloddach Quarry and 3 feeding on grassland in the Mayne area.

Spring, summer and early autumn counts of 50 or more at the coast were:

April: Burghead 101 (1st), 137 (7

th), 132 (28

th), 154 (29

th). Lossiemouth 62 (11

th). A combined

Hopeman/Burghead count of 195 (14th).

May: Burghead 89 (15th).

June: Lossiemouth had a monthly peak of 57 (28th).

July: Culbin Bar 680 (30th). Lossiemouth 85 (10

th) and c240 (21


August: Burghead 62 (3rd), 89 (6

th), 216 (15

th) and 155 (28

th). Lossiemouth monthly peak of 510 (2


Findhorn Bay 200 (25th) and 655 (29

th). Culbin area 100 (26


Sept: Burghead 197 (16th) and 60 (20

th). Cummingston 191 (20

th). Lossiemouth 85 (4

th), 172 (12

th ), 101

(14th), 68 (17

th) and 203 (24

th). Findhorn Bay 235 (5

th) and Portgordon/Buckie 139 (8


Winter maxima at the coast were:

Jan Feb Oct Dec

Nairn/Culbin Bars 940 602 810 655

Findhorn Bay 692 909 1150 nc

Burghead-Hopeman 263 177 196 288

Lossiemouth 97 127 128 148

Portgordon-Strathlene 127 84 130 176

An unusual occurrence on 8 Oct of an Oystercatcher sitting on the sea off Buckpool for over 2 minutes

then flying off normally.

Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula

Scarce resident breeder and very common migrant.

Breeding: Although various records from breeding sites (Findhorn, RAF Kinloss etc) during the breeding

season very little was confirmed. At the Lein (Kingston) first pair arrived 8 Mar and a nest with eggs was

found on 19 Apr. Two pairs subsequently bred and 1 chick fledged (PGS). 1 sitting on a nest Lossiemouth

East beach 12 July (DAG).

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Winter maxima at the coast were:

January-February November-December

Nairn/Culbin Bars 1 nc

Findhorn Bay 65 41

Burghead-Hopeman 4 nc

Lossiemouth 27 16

RAF Kinloss 41 53

Portgordon-Strathlene nc nc

Spring passage (April – early June):

Most records were from Lossie estuary. In April there were 55 (16th), fluctuating numbers in May from 46

(8th), 60’s, 70’s and 80’s through mid May but tailing off to 36 (30

th). Early June had the highest counts of

143 (1st), 299 (2

nd) and 148 (3

rd). Elsewhere Tugnet had 15 on 12

May and 45 on 19

th. 70 Findhorn Bay

21 May. The count of 299 Lossiemouth 2 Jun is the most recorded there since 320 on 24 May 1998.

Autumn passage (July – September):

Lossie estuary: In August, 35 on 19th and c20 on 30

th. c40 passed Lossiemouth in 45 minutes on 9 Aug.

In September, counts were 5 (3rd

), 31 (27th) and 10 (28


In July, Burghead had 5 on 20th increasing to 34 on 26

th, the August peak there was 43 on 28

th with the

highest count in September being 46 (11th) reducing to 29 (27

th). Elsewhere 16 Portgordon 1 Aug and, in

September, 15 Kinloss 26th and 7 there 29


Inland, 1 Montgrew 25 Jul.

Dotterel Charadrius morinellus Scarce summer visitor and breeder.

Four records received from the Cairngorm breeding grounds; 3 pairs displaying Cairn Lochan area 13

May (IF) and 1 at the same location 15 Jun (CT). Also, 2 pairs displaying Lochan Buidhe 13 May (IF) and

3 birds in the same vicinity 14 Aug (MW).

Golden Plover Charadrius apricaria Common breeder, migrant and winter visitor.

March peak count of c200 Balgreen, near RAF Lossiemouth 4th and an April high of 220 over River

Findhorn near Forres on 23rd


Up-country records of birds in assumed breeding areas in May were 1 pair Cairn Lochan 13th and one

individual Tomcork 28th

. In June, 1 pair Monadh Fergie (Lecht) 3rd

and, on 14th, 6 pairs Carn Liath , 1

pair alarming Meikle Corrie Riabhach (Lecht) and 3 pairs Monadh an t-Sluichd (IF). 7 pairs in 3km along

the Muckle Lapprach to Carn an t-Suidhe ridge 21 Jun (AE). Distraction display noted Carn Liath 5 Jul.

In late summer, 13 Ben Rinnes 22 Aug (AE) . Flocks of 7, 9 & 12 counted on Ben Aigan 15

th October

presumably of birds heading back to the coast.

First back to the coast in July was a single at Findhorn 9th and 2 at Lossiemouth 31

st. No coastal records

for August but in September in Burghead Bay were 10 (11th), 22 (14

th) and 25 (15


Winter coastal maxima were:

Jan Feb Oct Nov Dec

Kinloss/Findhorn Bay c120 172 c100 194 214

Lossiemouth/Covesea 55 nc nc nc nc

Burghead nc nc nc 78 nc

Portgordon-Buckpool nc nc 2 3 nc

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Other winter records were 48 Cullen 6 Jan, 35 flying over Mosstodloch 19 Feb, 8 Ryeriggs 6 Oct and 33

over Clochan 7 Oct.

Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola Scarce autumn migrant and winter visitor.

Nairn/Culbin Bars:recorded on 4 Jan (1), 15 Jan (16), 12 Feb (18), 8 Oct(12), 26 Nov (3), 10 Dec (6) and

29 Dec (16).

Findhorn Bay: 1 on 4 Jan and a single in summer plumage 5 Aug.

Lossie Estuary: In September, 1 on 23rd

, 25th and 27

th, with 3 on 26

th. Later, 1 on 18 Nov.

Lapwing Vanellus vanellus Very common migrant breeder, small numbers in winter.

Breeding: First courtship display over Balgreen, nr RAF Lossiemouth 24 Feb. In March, territorial/display

behaviour also at Balgreen 11th

with 22 there on the 27th, Knockanearn and Regaul 19

th, 6 pairs Netherton

23rd. Still courtship behaviour in April at Gilston, Balgreen, Loch of Boath and RAF Kinloss. Birds

present Dufftown area from 9 Mar. In the higher country 7 Cabrach House fields 7 May. One very small

juvenile Balgreen 6 May and birds incubating in the Salterhill/Gilston area 13 and 20 May.

Mid winter:

January: 32 Miltonhill 5th, 45 Muirton 7

th & 14

th, 95 Findhorn Bay 15

th (also 50 there 20

th and 300 on

29th), 36 Loch Flemington 15

th, 26 Miltonduff 20

th (and c100 there 25

th), 120 Covesea 21

st, 280 Hillhead

pool 21st

and 60 Muirton 22nd

. A large flock of 600 Covesea lighthouse area 23rd.

December: At Muirton 350-400 (2nd

), 300 (6th), c50 (18

th) and 32 (27

th). Elsewhere, c50 Mossyards 18


79 near Buckie 28th and 200 south of Ben Rinnes 29


Pre-breeding flocks:

February: 53 Windyridge 1st, 19 Findhorn Bay 12


th, 20 Loch Flemington 12

th, 45 Gilston 15

th, 12

Miltonduff 15th, 51 East Grange 16

th, c300 Roseisle 17

th, 19 Montgrew 18

th, 60 Clochan 19

th, 20

Standingstone 24th and 58 Balgreen 24

th (40 there 26


March: 25 Findhorn Bay 3rd and 12 on a snow free patch of field Portgordon 3

rd. At Balgreen, 40 on 4


c30 on 11th-12

th, 22 on 27

th and 25 on 30

th. Elsewhere, 28 Gordonstoun 5

th, 18 over Linkwood 5

th, 122

West Colthill 9th, 75 Clochan 11

th (and 40 on 19

th), 40 Roseisle 13

th, c180 over Muirton 14

th, 50 Tarras

14th, 30 Miltonduff 15

th (and 54 on 20) and 20 Knockanearn 19


Post-breeding flocks:

June: the only record was 19 Windyridge 12th.

July: 22 Cloddach area 9th, 12 Binsness 18

th, 98 Montgrew 25

th (130 on 28

th) and c120 on the fields at

Mayne Farm 30th.

August: 32 over Cummingston 3rd

and at Cloddach Quarry 200 on 13th, 400 on 21

st and still 400 on 31


Near Loch Spynie were 70 (13th), 18 (16

th) and 75 (20

th). Also, 52 Kingston 26

th and 200 south of Ben

Rinnes 29th.

September: c150 Cloddach quarry area 3rd

(c40 on 10th), 61 Kingston 6

th (52 there 17

th), 150 over Loch

Spynie 15th and 64 west of Burgie Mains 23


October: At Loch Spynie c50 (3rd), 20 (21

st) and 100 (25

th). c300 Ardivot 8

th, 220 Loch Flemington 8


c240 Gilston 14th, 306 Miltonduff 14

th, 82 Windyridge 16

th (22 on 21

st), 60 Roseisle 25

th (c140 there 28


70 Miltonhill 29th and 60 Muirton 30


November: Good numbers this month; c220 Muirton 1st with a flock of 500-550 there 9

th, c350 Roseisle

3rd and 227 there 4

th, c350 Ardivot 12

th, 800+ Kinneddar 12

th (largest flock of the year) and 130

Miltonduff 13th.

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Knot Calidris canutus Very common migrant and winter visitor.

Winter maxima were:

Jan Feb Mar Oct Nov Dec

Nairn/Culbin Bars 4800 800 nc 14 2750 58

Findhorn Bay 224 450 100 nc nc nc

Burghead-Hopeman 80 75 nc 130 140 320

Lossiemouth 60 100 4 3 2 70

Portgordon-Strathlene nc 12 nc nc nc nc

The count of 4800 Nairn Bar 15 Jan is the highest in the district since 7000 roosting there 9

Feb 1997.

Counts in other months were:

April:120 Burghead 9th, 10 Nairn 14

th, 1 (summer plumage) Lossiemouth 26


May: 1 Nairn 4th and 2 there on 12


June: 2 Lossiemouth 12th

Throughout July and August records from Findhorn, Burghead and Lossiemouth did not exceed a

maximum of 7. Several of the records during this period were of summer plumaged birds.

September: Records received from Findhorn, Burghead, and Lossiemouth. At Burghead, numbers

returning rose from 20 (9th) to 50 (15

th), c80 (18

th) and 90 (20


Sanderling Calidris alba Scarce migrant and fairly common but very localised winter visitor.

Monthly maxima at the two best sites were:


January February March April May

Nairn/Culbin Bars 112 71 nc nc nc

Lossiemouth 35 35 24 36 7

Late summer-autumn:

July August September October November December

Nairn/Culbin Bars 21 110 nc 41 82 131

Lossiemouth c200 28 3 51 12 28

Records received in all months apart from June. Summer plumaged birds seen in April, May, July, August

and September. Several records also received from Burghead with a peak of 33 in summer plumage 5


Little Stint Calidris minuta Scarce migrant, mostly in autumn.

A fairly poor year. Birds were only recorded on autumn passage, mostly on the Lossie estuary in

September where 1 on 15th-16

th (MJHC, CAG), 3 juvs on the 16


th (DAG,RP), 2 on 22

nd (DAG),

singles from 23rd

– 27th

(DAG, JDHM), 2 juvs 27th and 1 on 28

th (RP). A gap then until 1 late bird on 26

Oct (CAG). Elsewhere, 1 Kingston 17 Sep

(MJHC), 1 Findhorn Bay 17 Oct (AJL) and 1 Nairn 22 Oct


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Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea Scarce autumn migrant.

A poor year. A very early record of 1 Findhorn Bay 10 June (RHD),was only the fifth spring record and

the first since 1993. Also unusual was 1 Burghead 30 Jul (EH). In September, at Lossiemouth, were 1 on


nd (DAG), 2 juvs 3

rd (RP) and 1 on 27

th (CAG). Also in September, at Findhorn Bay, were 2 on 9


(RHD), 1 on 10th (RHD, DAG) and 4 on 19

th (CAG, AJL).

Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima Common winter visitor.

Main winter site maxima were:

January-March October-December

Burghead-Hopeman 38 2

Lossiemouth 54 24

Portgordon-Strathlene 36 6

Cullen 11 14

Outwith the above dates were c60 at Lossiemouth 8 Apr. The most westerly sighting was 2 Nairn 19 Feb.

Dunlin Calidris alpina Scarce breeder, very common migrant and winter visitor.

Breeding: The only records from breeding grounds came from the Lecht. A pair at Carn Breac 3 Jun and 5

Jul (MJHC), and one pair with probable nest Carn Liath 14 Jun (IF).

Winter monthly maxima at the main sites were:

Jan Feb Oct Nov Dec

Nairn/Culbin Bars 2600 1440 4 500 975

Findhorn Bay 1725 50 200 nc nc

Lossiemouth 215 208 14 52 270

RAF Kinloss nc nc 149 241 9

Portgordon-Strathlene nc 6 8 nc nc

Other winter records were 30 Burghead Bay 20 Jan, 72 Whiteness Head 30 Jan and 460 Carse of Delnies

24 Nov.

Spring passage: migration was noted at Lossiemouth in May, when counts were made on 8th (12), 11


(33), 16th (37), 18

th (41), and June when 69 on 2

nd and 128 on 3

rd. Also in May, 15 Burghead 17

th, 48

Tugnet 19th and 70 Findhorn Bay 21


The only June record was of birds flying high westward over Lossiemouth at 7:30am on 29th (JDHM).

Autumn passage (July – September): fluctuating numbers from various locations made movements

difficult to identify.

Lossiemouth: Low numbers in July of 3 (6th), 6 (17

th) and 13 (28

th). In August, 3 (11

th), 4 (19

th) and 6

(30th). September showed increased numbers of 14 (3

rd), a peak of 49 (15

th) and 30 (28


Burghead: Highest monthly counts were 6 on 25 Jul , 5 on 5 Aug and 11 on 27 Sep.

Kingston: 36 on 17 Jul, 20 on 24 Aug and, in September, 13 on 3rd

, 19 on 6th and 15 on 17


Findhorn: In July, 39 on 9th and 45 on 22

nd. Only 2 two August records, of 11 (5

th) and 14 (29


Later, c200 on 23 Sep.

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Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tyrngites subruficollis Accidental

1 adult on the salt marsh at Lossiemouth 27 Jun (AJ). This is the first record in Moray & Nairn since

September 1994 when 2 birds visited Delnies.

Ruff Philomachus pugnax Scarce autumn migrant, rare in spring.

A very poor year with only 1’s and 2’s reported in the usual autumn passage.

Coastal records: At Lossiemouth, 1 on 18 Aug (DAG), a 1st year male and female 20 Aug (RP) and 1 on

25-26 Sep (DAG, JDHM). At Nairn, 2 on 22 Aug (RPC).

Inland: 2 Montgrew 28 Jul (MM) and singles there in August on 1st, 6

th, 13

th and 18

th (MM, MJHC). 1

Cloddach Quarry 8 Sep (EH).

Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes minimus Scarce migrant and winter visitor.

A typical year with the highest count from Kingsteps.

Winter-spring: In January, 1 Lein (Kingston) 7th (MJHC) and another there 21

st (AJ). In February, 2 Nairn

Bar 12th (DJ) and another single at the Lein 19

th (MJHC, AJ,RP). Two records in March: 1 Cloddach

Quarry 4th (CAG) and 1 Findhorn Bay 23

rd (ISS).

Autumn-winter: On 8 Oct were 1 Cloddach Quarry (CAG), 1 Nairn Bar (DJ) and 6 Kingsteps (DJ). 3

Findhorn Bay saltmarsh 9 Oct (GG). 1 Carse of Delnies 12

Nov (RHD). Two December records of

singles at Culbin Bar 10th (AY) and Culbin salt marsh 23

rd (ISS)

Common Snipe (Snipe) Gallinago gallinago Common breeder and migrant.

Breeding: The only spring/summer reports were 1 Loch of Boath 10 Apr and 2 Tomcork 28 May.

Winter-spring: 1’s and 2’s reported in the coastal/coastal fringe areas January -March but better numbers

included 17 Lein (Kingston) 7 Jan, 7 Nairn Bar 15 Jan, 7 Nairn Bar 15 Feb, 8 Lein 19

Feb and 10 Clochan

3 Mar.

At Montgrew in late summer: In July, 8 on 25th, 14 on 28

th and in August, 6 on 1

st, 2 on 6

th and 15

th, and 4

on 17th.

Autumn-winter: Back at the coast in August, 10 Spey Bay 20th and 6 Kingston 26

th. In September 5

Kingston 10th. An impressive 50 Kingsteps 8 Oct and 10+ Findhorn Bay 9 Oct. On 8 Dec, 8 Culbin Bar

and, the highest count of the year, 67 Kingsteps.

Woodcock Scolopax rusticola Common resident breeder, scarce migrant and winter visitor.

Breeding: First roding over the forest between Garmouth-Lochhill 10 Mar. Roding also at Newbold

(Forres) 16 Mar. At Lower Chanie there was a pair roding 3 Mar and 1-2 pairs between 17-29 Mar. In

April, roding at High Wood, Culbin Forest 30th and in May at Sleepieshill 8

th. 3 roding territories c 1km

apart at Newforres/Muiry/Newbold 16 Jun. Last roding noted Newbold 4 Jul. Broods of young noted

Newbold 17 May (b/3), a second brood there 29 Jun (also b/3) and a downy b/3 Glenlatterach 20 May.

Winter reports from the coast at Kinloss, inland at Loch Spynie, Cloddach quarry and Pluscarden Woods,

and up-country at Dulsie Bridge (Jan).

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Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Scarce migrant.

Spring: One early inland record of 1 flying down the Spey valley near Archiestown 10 Apr (NL). A group

of 13, mostly in summer plumage, were at Balgreen (Lossiemouth) 17-20 Apr (JDHM, DAG). Elsewhere,

1 near the river mouth Findhorn 23 Apr (AL), 2 Lossie estuary 26 Apr (DAG) and 1 near Miltonduff 28

Apr (JDHM). The only May record was 2 Findhorn Bay 14th (DAG).

On 2 Jul there was an exceptionally large flock of c160 in Findhorn Bay (AL, DAG), indicating an early

departure from Icelandic breeding grounds. This is the largest flock ever reported in Moray & Nairn.

Autumn: 20 Findhorn Bay 9 Jul and 6 on 22 Jul (DAG).Also in July, 1 over Loch Spynie 16th (MM,

CAG). Throughout August and September 9 records of up to 3 in Findhorn Bay, but also a group of 6 on

26 Aug (DAG). Elsewhere singles at Kingston 15 Aug (MJHC) and 9 Sept (RP). 15 flew past Kinloss

towards Findhorn 23 Aug (AL) and 1-2 on six occasions at Lossiemouth in August and September


Winter: 4 Carse of Delnies 9 Oct (RHD), 1 Lossiemouth 11 Nov (RHD) and, last of the year, 1 Carse of

Delnies 12 Nov (RHD).

Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica Very common winter visitor and migrant. Small numbers in summer.

Monthly maxima at main sites were:

Jan Feb Mar Apr Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Nairn/Culbin Bars 105 140 nc nc nc nc nc 19 300 36

Findhorn Bay 191 12 nc nc nc nc 2 20 nc nc

Burghead 33 124 c45 13 2 6 5 44 24 54

Lossiemouth 3 5 5 1 2 2 2 1 2 2

Also, 280 between Nairn-Whiteness Head 13 Feb. There were no reports of any summer-plumaged birds.

Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Scarce migrant.

Spring: In April, 1 west over Windyridge 23rd, 1 Lossie Estuary 26

th , 3 Balgreen (Lossiemouth) 29

th and

another passing Burghead also 29th.

Flying past Lossiemouth in May were 2 on 11th, 2 on12

th, 6 on13

th, 1 on 14

th, 1 on 16

th and 2 on 17

th. On

Lossie Estuary, 1 on 16 May and 3 on 25

May. Elsewhere in May were 1 past Findhorn Bay 14

th and 2

Kingston also 14th.

Finally, in June, singles passed Lossiemouth on 7th, 8

th and 9


Autumn: There were 37 records of singles or flocks between 5 Jul-17 Sep, with a total of 116 birds. At

some sites, duplicate counts of lingering birds can not be ruled out. Largest flock was 18 Lossiemouth 16

Aug (JDHM). There were two October records, of 2 Lossiemouth 5th and 1 Culbin Bar 8


Curlew Numenius arquata Common breeder. Very common migrant and winter visitor.

Breeding: In the costal belt, 4 pairs RAF Kinloss 3 Apr. Other records, also from potential breeding

habitat, at Balgreen, Miltonduff and Loch of Boath. A pair with young on wet fields Easter Newforres

area 10 Jun. Up country, 12 pairs Bantrach/Bogeney area 9 June (JDHM).

Largest flocks in summer early autumn were:

July: 120 Kingston 17th, 450 Findhorn Bay 27

th, 100 Culbin 7

th and 230 there 30


August: 88 Portgordon 1st, 54 Lossiemouth Estuary 20

th, 250 Cloddach Quarry 31


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Sept: c250 Cloddach Quarry 3rd

, 40 Burghead 4th, a peak of 536 at Findhorn Bay 10

th, 205 Kingston 6


c55 Portgordon/Buckie 8th, c60 Lossiemouth 12

th, 52 Cummingston 20

th, 66 near Spynie Canal


Coastal winter maxima were:

Jan Feb Oct Nov Dec

Nairn/Culbin Bars 110 149 248 152 195

Findhorn Bay 452 326 120 nc nc

Burghead-Hopeman 44 180 72 46 7

Lossiemouth nc 127 229 6 186

Portgordon-Strathlene 6 nc 11 12 7

Additional winter flocks of 100 or over from other locations were:

Jan: 107 Balgreen 4th, 114 Cloddach 5

th and 263 21

st, c160 Miltonduff 15

th and c300 25

th , 139

Plewlands 21st, 249 Easter Manbeen 22


Feb: 128 Miltonduff 15th, c220 Milltown airfield 18th, 252 Manbeen 26


March: c180 Balgreen 4th, 400 Inverlochty 17

th, 200 Cloddach Quarry 19


Oct: 205 Miltonduff 8th and 240 there 14

th .

Nov: 170 Gilston 1st, 147 Balgreen 4

th (and 126 there 18

th), 260 Miltonduff area 10

th .

Dec: 149 Miltonduff 7th (and 132 there 10

th ), 110 Balgreen 20

th, 164 Leuchars 22

nd and 119 Covesea

26th .

Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus Very scarce migrant.

1 flying east with 2 Sandwich Terns close offshore at Strathlene 20 Aug (MJHC) was the only record.

The species has become increasingly scarce in recent years, as annual totals in each of the last 20 years

(assumed to be of different birds) demonstrate:

87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

8 12 2 2 8 8 2 5 6 0

97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06

5 4 4 0 1 0 2 1 3 1

Redshank Tringa totanus Scarce breeder, very common migrant and winter visitor.

Breeding: Of the 137 records received this year none were from “up country”. 1-4 were noted in potential

breeding ground at Balgreen from 27 Mar-15 Apr. A territorial pair was near the rifle range on the south

side of Findhorn Bay 1 Apr. Another pair showing breeding behaviour were noted at the Miltonduff wet

fields on 28 Apr and 6

May (only a single there 2

Jun). The only other inland records were from Montgrew

in August where 1 on 13th and 2 on 17

th -18


Spring on the coast: Most records from Lossiemouth where 13 on 5 Mar, c50 on 18 Mar, 72 on 27


and 81 on 19 Apr. A drop to 28 on the 25 Apr, followed by a slight rise to 43 on 28

th. Elsewhere, c65

Findhorn Bay 20 Mar and 142 there 20 Apr. At Nairn, 73 on 2

Apr and 25 on 14 Apr.

Late summer/autumn (July – September): Once again most records from Lossiemouth where, in July, 1 on

1st followed by a steady rise to 29 on 13

th and a jump to 114 by 17

th. In August, counts in the high 70’s

between 9th-13

th then dropping to 57 by 30

th. Fluctuating counts in September with a peak of 87 on the

14th. Only a few records received from Findhorn Bay: 39 on 9

Jul, 134 on 22

Jul, 48 on 29

Aug, 174 on 31

Aug and 240 on 10 Sep. The only other September counts exceeding 30 were 36 Burghead 27

th and 47

Nairn 28th. Inland, 1 flying over Loch Spynie 5 Sep.

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Winter: Monthly maxima at the coast were:

Jan Feb Oct Dec

Nairn/Culbin Bars 161 126 21 92

Findhorn Bay 550 632 250 nc

Burghead-Hopeman 34 37 31 66

Lossiemouth 110 97 110 22

Portgordon-Strathlene 70 131 123 109

In November, 445 Findhorn Bay 25th.

Greenshank Tringa nebularia Scarce migrant, very scarce in winter.

Recorded in every month.

Winter: Recorded only on the Lossie estuary. An over-wintering bird (present since November 2005)

remained until at least 26 Mar, and may have accounted for the April records given below. At the end of

the year a bird was present between 2 Nov-31 Dec. There has now been consistent over-wintering at

Lossiemouth since Dec 2003.

Spring: 1 Lossie estuary on 5 dates between 2-23 Apr. Other singles in April at Balgreen 15th,

Standingstone 16th and Miltonduff wet fields 30

th. Other spring reports were of 1 over RAF Lossiemouth

13 May, 2 Findhorn Bay 14 May and 1 Miltonduff 2 Jun.

Late summer/autumn (July – October):

Records received from 8 locations during this period with, as usual, Binsness holding the highest

congregations of birds.

Coastal locations:

Binsness: 6 on 8 Jul, 7 on 4

Aug and 12 on 12 Aug (AJL).

Findhorn Bay: On the south of the bay were 1 on 17 Sep and 2 on 28 Oct.

Lossiemouth: 47 records received over the four months of which 41 were of singles, it is quite

conceivable that a lot of the records refer to one individual. Otherwise, 2 on 12 Jul, 4 on 15

Aug, and 2 on 21 Aug, 1

Sep, 9

Sep and 26


Kingston: Singles on 17 Jul, 31 Jul,15

Aug and 6


Strathlene: One in flight 20 Aug.

Inland locations:

Cloddach quarry: Singles in July on 26th and 30


Montgrew: One present on 5 dates between 25 Jul-6 Aug.

Loch Spynie: One flying over on 4 Aug.

Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus Very scarce migrant, occasional in winter.

A reasonable year with records received from four locations. In July, 1 Montgrew 25th and 28

th (MM). At

Loch Spynie, 1 on 29 Jul (DJ) and 1 flying over on 8 Aug (RP). Also, 1 briefly Cloddach quarry 15 Aug

(IF,CAG) and 1 at a pool on the Lein (Kingston) 9 Sep (PGS).

Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola Very scarce migrant.

The only records were of single birds at Montgrew on 21 May (MJHC) and 25 Jul (MM).

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Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Summer visitor and common breeder.

A typical first arrival date of 23 Apr when 1 Cloddach quarry and 2 near the mouth of the River


Breeding: In the coastal fringes, 2 near the mouth of the Findhorn 7 May and 3 there on 14

May but only 1

on 18 Jun. On the Spey, 2 Tugnet 19


In the lowlands, 2 at Cloddach Quarry 26 Apr and 27

May, 2 pairs Broom of Moy 14 May, 2 pairs

Fochabers (Spey Bridge area) 3 Jun, 1 pair Mundole 25 Jun and 6 pairs along ¾ mile of the River Spey at

Blacksboat 28 Jun (JDHM). A single Newmill pools, Auldearn 12 Jul.

Further up country, 2 pairs on the River Divie in the Bantrach/Bogeney area 9 Jun. In the Cairngorms

area, a very agitated individual Loch Avon 17 Jun and 2 pairs Loch Builg 29 Apr.

On spring passage at the coast was 1 Lossie estuary 17th May.

Late summer/autumn passage: Records received from eight locations although only small numbers. In

July, 4 Kingston 17th, 5 Binsness 18

th and singles at Montgrew and Loch Spynie. In August, largest count

at Lossiemouth was 3 on 19th, also singles at Loch Flemington, Binsness and Loch Spynie. In September,

singles Cloddach quarry on 3rd and, last of the year, 14


Turnstone Arenaria interpres Common winter visitor, small numbers in summer.

Winter monthly maxima at main sites were:

Jan Feb Oct Nov Dec

Findhorn 34 44 46 nc 41

Burghead-Hopeman 38 28 29 15 9

Lossiemouth 24 24 42 1 12

Portgordon-Strathlene 127 28 94 21 117

Other winter counts of 10 or more:

January: 27 Covesea 4th, 36 Culbin 4

th, 28 Cullen 14

th and 13 Tugnet 29


February: In the Nairn area, 30 on 5th, 15 on 13

th and 21 on 20


November: 19 Nairn 6th.

Spring-early autumn:

April: 48 Burghead 1st, 8 Nairn 8

th and 6 Nairn 14


May: 5 in summer plumage at Burghead 15th.

June: 2 Burghead 4th

July: At Burghead, 4 on 20th, 3 on 22

nd and 12 on 24



August: 9 Burghead 14th rising to 16 on 24

th, 12 Hopeman 3

rd (8 on 14

th), small numbers

Lossiemouth (max 8 on 19th), 25 Findhorn 27

th and 1 Spey Bay 24


September: 4 Nairn 13th rising to 16 by 28

th, 42 Findhorn 26

th, 28 Burghead 9

th (19 on 27

th), 8

Lossiemouth 3rd

(15 on 24th), 49 Portgordon-Buckie 8

th and 6 Cullen 23


Great Skua Stercorarius skua Scarce migrant in summer and autumn.

Spring: The first individuals of the year were 2 off Portknockie on 7 Apr (LS), and a further 5 birds

recorded in late April and May in Burghead Bay (off Findhorn) and Lossiemouth. Apart from 10 in 2005,

this is the highest spring total since the formation of the Moray & Nairn Bird Report in 1985. In mid

summer a single bird was seen eating a gull on the surface of the sea off Lossiemouth on 29 Jun (CAG).

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Autumn: A total of 48 birds were seen, although it is likely some duplication is involved. The majority

(44 birds) were observed from Lossiemouth (DAG, JDHM) with others noted off Strathlene and


Total numbers reported during half monthly periods were:

July August September

1 2 1 2 1 2

0 4 27 11 4 0

The peak count was 7 past Lossiemouth on 19 Aug (DAG), which coincided with the largest movement of

Arctic Skuas during 2006. The last records of the year were of singles birds off Lossiemouth on 2 Oct and

3 Oct.

Pomarine Skua Stercorarius pomarinus

Scarce migrant offshore in summer and autumn, rare in winter.

A very poor year, with only two birds noted, making 2006 the worst year alongside 2001 since the Moray

& Nairn Bird Report began in 1985. Two singles were in Burghead Bay: 1 on 28 Aug (AJL), with another

individual seen on 13 Oct (off Findhorn), chasing a Common Gull (RHD).

Arctic Skua Stercorarius parasiticus Fairly common migrant in summer and autumn.

Spring: After the record numbers in spring 2005, numbers returned to normal in 2006. The first bird was

seen off Lossiemouth on 27 Apr (AJ). There were 8 individuals noted in May, all off Lossiemouth (DAG)

except a single in Burghead Bay on 22 May (AJL) and an unusual inland record of a dark phase individual

following the River Findhorn downstream on 27 May (CAG, DAG).

Summer/Autumn: In mid summer one was seen chasing Kittiwakes off Portknockie harbour on 23 Jun

(LS). Birds were present in the Moray Firth throughout the period between early July and early October,

with 56 sightings, although it is likely there is some duplication in this total. The majority of these were

observed from Lossiemouth and in Burghead Bay, with birds also seen off Strathlene and Spey Bay.

Numbers were slightly lower than average over recent years, although still an improvement on the low

numbers recorded in 2000 and 2004. Total numbers reported during half monthly periods were:

July August September

1 2 1 2 1 2

3 3 15 26 4 4

Peak counts were low, with only one count above 4 birds, when 13 passed west off Lossiemouth on the

evening of 19 Aug (DAG), with 4 past Strathlene (2 west, 2 east) the same day (MJHC). The last record

of the year was of 1 off Lossiemouth on 7 Oct (DAG).

Common Gull Larus canus Very common resident breeder and winter visitor.

Breeding: c2500 pairs were at Tom Mor colony on 22 Jun (when hundreds of large chicks were starting to

fledge), down on last years c3000 pairs at this site (WRPB). Approximately 1000 pairs were at Corsemaul

on 11 May, with a moderate number of chicks noted, although only a few at north Corsemaul (WRPB). In

Elgin, breeding occurred at the old gas works site, with an estimated 70 pairs present, with 100+ chicks

noted (RP). Breeding also occurred in Elgin cemetery, with an estimated 10 pairs; 8 chicks were seen here

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(RP). Elsewhere, 5 nests with 2 chicks were recorded in Lossie Forest on the foreshore opposite Boars

Head Rock on 3 Jun (PGS), 15 pairs plus young chicks were seen east of the Lecht ski-centre on 14 Jun

(IFr) and breeding also occurred at Moray Crematorium (Broadley) though numbers were not noted at this


Flock counts in excess of 500 away from breeding areas were c.1450 in flooded fields around Clochan on

3 Jan, the highest count of the year. Elsewhere, high counts were recorded at Miltonhill (700 on 20 Jan)

and at Colthill (600 on 9 Mar). Later in the year, 700 Montgrew 15 Aug, with 950 there two days later,

and 750 Loch Oire 24 Dec.

Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus Scarce resident breeder and common visitor.

Breeding: The only report of breeding was 1 pair at Portknockie on 27 Jun (MJHC). One individual was

seen near the Corsemaul Common Gull colony on 5 May (IFr), the first noted here by the observer in 10


Monthly maximum counts in the Tugnet/Spey Bay/Kingston area were as follows:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

83 123 nc nc 15 nc nc 100 62 nc 345 nc

In the first winter period, the only substantial count received was 128 on the Lossie estuary on 9 Jan

(JDHM). The annual autumn build up was noted on the Lossie estuary, 64 on 24 Sep rising to a peak of

321 on 18 Oct (JDHM).

Glaucous Gull Larus hyperboreus Very scarce winter visitor.

In the first winter period, what was presumably the same adult from late 2005 was seen at Cullen on 5

dates (AJ, MJHC) and was last seen on 4 Mar. A 1st winter bird was at Spey Bay on 26 Feb and 9 Mar

(AJ). A 1st winter/1

st summer at Tugnet on 12 May (MJHC) may well have been this individual, and it is

likely that this bird oversummered in the area, with a 1st summer seen at Kingston on 17 Jul (MJHC).

In the second winter period, the only sighting was of a 3rd

winter on Loch Spynie on 29 Nov (DAG).

A poor year with perhaps only three birds involved, although possibly as many as four. Interchange

between sites is difficult to account for in each year, but 1996 was possibly the worst year since 1991,

when only three were sighted.

Iceland Gull Larus glaucoides Very scarce winter visitor.

The wintering adult from 2004 and 2005 was seen regularly on Loch Spynie or at the nearby pigfarm at

Scarffbanks on many dates in the first winter period, and was last seen on 8 Apr (many obs). This bird

also visited the Lossie estuary on occasions throughout the period. An additional adult accompanied the

regular bird on the Lossie estuary on 4 Mar (DAG).

A 1st winter bird was at Loch Spynie (with the regular adult) on 27 Jan (AJ), and a 1

st winter/1

st summer

bird on the Lossie estuary on 7 Apr and 19 Apr (DAG) was perhaps the same individual, as may have

been a 1st summer bird at Cloddach on 22 May (DAG) and on Loch Spynie on 20 Jul (CAG). In the

second winter period. the only record was of a 1st winter bird on the Lossie estuary on 10 Dec (DAG).

A poor year, with perhaps only four individuals involved, although possibly as many as six.

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Herring Gull Larus argentatus Very common resident breeder and winter visitor.

Breeding: Nesting noted in Lossiemouth, Elgin and Burghead, although exact numbers and productivity

were not recorded at these sites. There were no reports of breeding from elsewhere. None were seen at any

inland gull colonies around Dufftown on 22 Jun (WPRB).

Monthly maximum counts on the Lossie estuary were as follows:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

nc 400 120 nc 103 568 nc 330 555 384 734 126

Elsewhere, counts over 1500, and the highest numbers of the year, were mainly at Loch Spynie, with 2240

on 11 Feb, 1740 on 16 Dec, 1500 the following day and 2040 on 30 Dec. Elsewhere 2100 were near the

piggery at Califer Hill on 18 Oct.

Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis Rare visitor.

Two adults were seen (along with a possible adult hybrid Herring Gull x Lesser-black-backed Gull that

resembled this species) on the Lossie estuary on 29 Jun (AJ). A possible adult was present again the

following day (DAG) although it is not sure whether this relates to one of these two individuals.

An adult was noted on the Lossie estuary on 8 Aug (RHD), and another adult, conceivably the same bird,

was seen on 7 Sep at the same site (RP). These two sightings await adjudication from the Scottish Birds

Records Committee. A review of the status of Yellow-legged Gull in Moray & Nairn will appear in the

next edition of Birds in Moray & Nairn.

Yellow-legged Gull, Lossie estuary 29 June 2006 (© Andy Jensen)

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Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus Summer visitor and fairly common breeder. Very scarce in winter.

Arrival: There were no reports of likely wintering individuals this year. First report was 1 Elgin 2 Mar

(AJ, CAG). Singles were at Loch Spynie and Lossiemouth on 4 Mar and 9 Mar respectively. General

widespread arrival was noted from 15 Mar.

Breeding: 2 pairs were at Corsemaul (IFr, WRPB), throughout May-Jul, although success was not

recorded; another pair was at Tom Mor. A single pair was on nest on Bow Fiddle Rock, Portknockie on

27 Jun (MJHC). As in recent years, breeding occurred in Elgin, through breeding data was not submitted.

Birds were present in Cooper Park and on rooftops throughout the spring and summer.

Counts over 50 were 60 Lossie estuary 24 Jun and 146 in a field near Spynie Palace on 3 Aug, the highest

count of the year.

Birds possibly of the race L.f.intermedius were on the Lossie estuary on 18 Mar and 24 Apr (DAG).

Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus Very common resident breeder and winter visitor.

Breeding: The only colony counts received were 47 pairs and 6 young at Lochs of Bogmassuch on 11 Jun,

up from 7 pairs in 2004 and 28-30 pairs in 2005 (JDHM). At Loch Spynie, 20 pairs were counted on the

platform on 17 May (IFr), with 15 juveniles noted on 17 Jun (JDHM), 22 adults and 23 chicks on 20 Jun

(DAG) and 15 chicks on 8 Jul (MJHC).

Flock counts in excess of 500 included c.530 at Gordonsward near Milltown Airfield on 7 Nov. At Loch

Spynie there were c.500 present on 19 Nov, 522 on 3 Dec and 520 on 16 Dec.

Mediterranean Gull Larus melanocephalus Very scarce visitor.

Continuing the trend of increasing sightings of this striking gull, four individuals were seen in 2006, the

highest annual total in Moray & Nairn. The wintering adult at Nairn was observed again off Delnies and

Nairn pier in the early part of 2006, on 4 dates between 4-15 Jan (AJ, DAG, MJHC). A 2nd

summer bird

was at Loch Spynie on 19-20 Jul (CAG, DAG). A juvenile was at Tugnet on 8 Aug (MJHC), this bird

bearing a long green colour ring on it’s left leg, which although it unfortunately could not be read,

indicates French, German or Belgian origin. Finally, a 1st winter bird was at Loch Spynie on 1 Nov, with

what was almost certainly the same individual seen at the Lossie estuary on 11 Nov (DAG).

These are the 13th

– 15th records for Moray & Nairn (the Nairn bird being a lingering individual from

2005), and the first juvenile recorded in the districts.

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Mediterranean Gull, Nairn January 2006 (© Duncan Gibson)

Little Gull Larus minutus Very scarce visitor.

In spring, a 1st winter bird was seen at Loch Spynie and also following a plough at Scarffbanks Farm on

12 Apr (CAG, DAG). As in 2005, small numbers were noted in the tern colony at Garmouth and

Speymouth, with 5 1st summer birds seen on 20 May (AJ, DAG). An adult summer was seen in Findhorn

Bay on 2 Jul (DAG) with what was probably the same individual seen again on 6 Jul and 10 Jul (AJL,

ISS). An adult summer was at Loch Spynie on 3 Jul, with probably the same individual nearby at the

Lossie estuary on 5 Jul (CAG, DAG). An adult winter was in Findhorn Bay on 26 Aug (AJL) with a

juvenile the same day at the Lossie estuary (DAG). Finally, a juvenile was at Tugnet on 18 Nov (MJHC),

which aside from individuals at Burghead on 1 Dec 1994 and Nairn on 22 Nov 1999, is the latest record

since 1985. The total of at least 11 individuals equals the best annual total recorded in recent years, in


Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla

Common breeder and very common migrant.

Breeding: 437 apparently occupied nests (AON) at Covesea on 18 Jun (MJHC) was an increase on

numbers in previous years, and the highest number reported at this site since 1995 (544 AON). A similar

picture was found at Portknockie where 246 AON (of which 68 were on the Bow Fiddle Rock) on 27 Jun:

this is the highest count on record at this site (MJHC). An additional 25 nests were counted on 15 Jul on

the north side of Bow Fiddle Rock, only visible from the sea (MJHC). Exact breeding success was not

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noted at this site but most nests at Portknockie had large chicks on 19 Jul (MJHC), which is encouraging

given seabird breeding failures elsewhere around the Scottish coast.

The only substantial counts offshore were from Kingston in September, when 130 on 6th and 140 on 25



Little Tern Sterna albifrons Very scarce summer visitor and rare breeder.

Breeding: Site 3 – a single on 25 April (AJ, CAG), which is the earliest return date recorded in Moray &

Nairn. Several pairs were exhibiting courtship behaviour on 19 Jun, with 3-4 nests on 29 Jun (DAG).

More birds were also observed in the area at this time, and the peak count of the year was of 30 on 28 Jul,

including two fledged young, confirming breeding success at this site.

Site 4 – 4 birds were seen on 27 May, with 7 seen nearby on 16 May (MJHC), though breeding was not

confirmed here.

The last sighting of the year was 2 fishing in Spey Bay on 18 Aug (MJHC).

Black Tern Chilidonias niger Very scarce visitor in summer and autumn

One in adult summer plumage at Tugnet on 6 Jun (JB), the first in Moray & Nairn since 2001.

Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis Very common summer visitor and occasional breeder.

Arrival: The first record of the year was 2 east past Lossiemouth on 1 Apr (DAG), the same arrival date as

in 2005. The following day saw 12 at Burghead (JDHM) and 1 at Findhorn (IFo).

Breeding: A possible pair was noted at Garmouth viaduct on 12 May (MJHC), though breeding was not


Peak counts were 230 east past Strathlene in an hour on 20 Aug (MJHC), which was the highest count of

the year. Approximately 100 were at Findhorn on 25 Aug (D Wawman) and 200 at Burghead Bay on 17

Sep (AJL). The last sightings of the year were on 11 Oct when 2 were in Burghead Bay (off Findhorn)

(RHD) and 2 were off Strathlene (MJHC).

Common Tern Sterna hirundo Summer visitor and fairly common breeder.

Arrival: 2 were at Lossiemouth west beach on 25 Apr (CAG), with 6 on the shingles at Garmouth on 27

Apr (AJ), fairly typical arrival dates.

Breeding: 15 apparently occupied nests at Garmouth viaduct on 27 May (MJHC), breeding success was

not recorded at this site. At Loch Spynie, 12 nests were on the platform on 8 Jul (MJHC) and breeding

success was confirmed here with 5 chicks on the platform on 9 Aug. Elsewhere, two pairs were

incubating on the Findhorn shingles at Mundole on 25 Jun, and one well grown chick was seen on 20 Jul


Peak counts were very low this year, with 30 at Loch Spynie on 14 Jul being the highest count.

Last of the year was an immature bird at Loch Spynie on the late date of 18 Oct (DAG).

Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea Summer visitor and common but local breeder.

Arrival: First returning birds were noted back on 27 Apr with 5 on the Garmouth shingles and 2 off

Lossiemouth Harbour (AJ). 3 were at Lossiemouth east beach on 29 Apr (DAG).

Breeding: The main site at RAF Kinloss held 60-70 incubating birds on 18 Jun, with 68 birds sitting on

the beach and a similar number elsewhere in the base on 14 Jun (AJL). Precise numbers or breeding

success was not recorded at this site, though 170 birds coming in off the sea on 20 Jun included some

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carrying sandeels. Many birds were still incubating on 3 Jul but the colony was deserted by 28 Jul

indicating little if any successful fledging. Elsewhere, 6 nests were noted west of Boars Head Rock on 23

Jul (DAG), and at Garmouth viaduct, there were 20 nests on 27 May, though this area held no terns on 17

Jul (MJHC). At Lossiemouth east beach, 4 nests and 12 immature birds were noted in early July (DAG).

Away from colonies, the highest count of the year was of 196 Tugnet 16 May (MJHC).

No reports later than c140 Lossiemouth east beach 28 Jul, including 6 fledged young (DAG).

Common Guillemot (Guillemot) Uria aalge Very common offshore.

Counts were generally low in 2006, with only three reaching double figures: 15 Lossiemouth harbour 30

Sep, and 30 off Burghead 3 Jul increasing to c.70 there on 10 Jul (JDHM).

Razorbill Alca torda Very common offshore.

Breeding: After the successful breeding between 2003-2005, birds were again noted on the cliffs at

Portknockie, with 6 on ledges on 7 Apr (LS) and 3-4 apparently occupied breeding sites on 27 Jun

(MJHC), when an additional 18 birds were swimming just offshore. No eggs or young were seen. A pair

ashore on the north side of the Bow Fiddle Rock on 15 Jul were not at a suitable nest site.

Elsewhere, best offshore counts were off Burghead in autumn with estmates of 50 on 2 Sep, 100 on 22

Sep and 50 on 16 Oct (JDHM).

Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle Scarce offshore, rare breeder.

Breeding: At Tronach Head, 8 adults were on the sea and 3 nests were located on 11 Jul, including one

with a single chick in the traditional site (MJHC). This is the 21st successive year of breeding at this site.

At Portknockie, 13 individuals were present around Bow Fiddle Rock on 29 Mar (LS), 21 on 5 Apr

(DAG) and 7 pairs on the sea on 15 Apr (MJHC), although breeding success was not reported from this


The only other spring/early summer sightings were off Lossiemouth with 4 on 26 Apr (AJ) the highest

number away from breeding areas. At other times, away from breeding areas birds were very scarce in the

first winter period, with only 4 sightings. In the second winter period, 27 were recorded between August

and the end of the year, generally in ones and twos and scattered along the coast between Burghead and

Strathlene. Lossiemouth, as usual, being the focal point for sightings.

Little Auk Alle alle Scarce winter visitor.

A most unusual spring record concerned a single bird off Burghead on 19 Apr (PK).

In autumn, one found dead Nairn Bar 8 Oct (DJ) was considered to be a dessicated carcase from the

previous winter. One Burghead 13 Oct was the precursor to a movement in the last week of October and

first week of November that involved 98 individuals seen off the Moray coast. Most sightings were of 1-2

individuals, with the peak count being 76 east in one hour past Strathlene on 4 Nov (MJHC), the highest

count in autumn since 1990 (though large winter counts were recorded in 1991, 1996 and 2005). As with

such movements of this species, unfortunately some individuals were wrecked, and dead birds were found

at Kinloss, Findhorn and Burghead (AJL, PH, RAM). The only other record was 12 off Nairn/Culbin Bars

on 10 Dec (AY, DJ).

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Little Auk, Buckie harbour November 2006 (© Martin Cook)

Puffin Fratercula arctica Scarce offshore.

An improvement on the past two years, with 31 birds noted in 2006. First of the year was one dead in

Burghead Bay on 20 Apr (AJL). In early summer another was found on 9 Jun walking on the beach at the

entrance to Findhorn Bay (ISS). In autumn, birds were well scattered between Nairn Bar and Portknockie,

typically single individuals, although there were peak counts of 8 off Burghead 28 Sep (SE) and 7 off

Lossiemouth on 15 Oct (CAG).

Feral Pigeon Columba livia Very common resident breeder.

Flocks of 100 or more (mostly approximate counts) were 400 Elgin centre 19 Feb, 250 Bishopmill pig

farm 19 Feb, 232 Lossiemouth harbour area 24 Oct (also there, 174 on 27 Sep and 204 on 26 Nov), 180

Burghead maltings 28 Jan (170 there 4 Oct), 160 Cullen 23 Sep, 140 Nairn harbour 6 Nov (120 there 25

Jan), 120 Burghead harbour 30 Jan (probably overlap with maltings counts) and 120 Forres 21 Aug.

Stock Dove Columba oenas Scarce resident breeder, formerly common.

Breeding season: Records in the period late March-July included birds at Cloddach quarry, Elgin

(Pansport Road bridge), Kinloss, Knock Hill, Linksfield, Longmorn, Muir of Lochs, Rafford, Scarffbanks,

Spindlemuir and Urquhart.

Largest groups of the year were only 7 Scarffbanks 12 Nov and 6 Cloddach 21 Jun.

Woodpigeon Columba palumbus Very common resident breeder.

Early breeding activity at Kingston where song heard 24 Jan and mating noted 2 Feb.

Largest flocks reported were 650 Gilston 19 Jan, 600 Burgie 7 Jan (500 there 8 Mar), 400 Sunbank

(Lossiemouth) 16 Mar, 350 Mundole 5 Jan, 350 Roseisle 26 Nov, 350 Standingstone 14 Jan, 300

Stonewells 23 Feb, 200 Midwood (Clochan) 17 Jan and 200 Westerfolds 17 Feb.

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Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto Very common resident breeder.

Evidence of early breeding activity included nest building in Elgin on 4 Jan, Clochan on 8 Feb, Linkwood

on 11 Feb and Lossiemouth on 16 Feb. First song, for the 2007 season, at Dufftown 28 Dec. A pair nested

again on a TV satellite dish in Lossiemouth.

Largest groups noted were 16 Mundole 19 Dec, 15 New Elgin 27 Jan and 15 Clochan 15 Feb (12 there 4

Nov). Five pairs Garmouth 18 Feb.

Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur Very scarce visitor.

1 Altyre 9 Sep (RHD). This is the 21st record for Moray & Nairn.

Cuckoo Cuculus canorus Summer visitor and common breeder.

Arrival: 1 on wires Tarras 20 Apr (ISS) is the earliest ever in Moray & Nairn. Other April arrivals were

single calling birds at Auchindoun on 24th and Tanzie (Ben Aigan) on 27


Four heard between Bantrach-Bogeney 9 Jun. One flew along the shore at Kinloss on 16 Jun and 1 Lein

(Kingston) was the first there for several years.

Barn Owl Tyto alba Scarce resident breeder.

Breeding: Confirmed at 8 sites. Birds seen in 13 other localities in April-July.

During the 5 years of fieldwork for the breeding bird atlas (2002-6), Barn Owls have been found in 97 of

the 607 Moray tetrads and proved to breed in 27 (28%) of these. It is therefore quite possible that the

Moray population is in the region of 100 pairs, with others in Nairn.

Outside the breeding season, single birds were seen (in 2006) at Achnatone, Alves, Archiestown,

Auldearn, Balvenie, Bauds (Cullen), Cabrach, Covesea, Daugh of Carron, Drumfurich, Drumin,

Glenfarclas, Glen of Rothes, Inveravon, Kinermony, Knockando, Loch Spynie, Midwood (Clochan),

Ordies, Overton, Rathven, Runmerry, Tarras, Urquhart and Westertown.

Tawny Owl Strix aluco Common resident breeder.

During the 5 years of fieldwork for the breeding bird atlas (2002-6), Tawny Owls have been found in 302

of the 607 Moray tetrads and proved to breed in 55 (18%) of these. Being more vocal than Barn Owls

makes Tawny Owls easier to detect, although proof of breeding is harder to establish.

Long-eared Owl Asio otus Scarce resident breeder.

Breeding: Confirmed at Muiry Wood (Forres) (ISS,IW), near Findhorn where 3 young in late June-early

July (per ISS) and at RAF Kinloss where 2 chicks left the nest between 22-25 May (AJL). A curious

situation in Muiry Wood in mid-late June where 2 newly fledged Long-eared Owl chicks were associating

closely with a Tawny Owl chick; all 3 pursued an adult Tawny that brought in food (ISS). During the 5

years of fieldwork for the breeding bird atlas (2002-6), Long-eared Owls have been found in 60 of the 607

Moray tetrads and proved to breed in 30 (50%) of these. The high proportion of proved breeding records

for this species is due to the noisy calling of newly fledged young which draws attention to pairs which

might otherwise have been overlooked.

Outside the breeding season, the only records were 1 Dyke 16 Dec and 2 near Findhorn Bay 17 Dec.

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Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus Rare breeder and very scarce migrant.

Breeding: Proved at one coastal locality where 2 young were being fed in June/early July (per ISS). Also

reported from four upland localities in spring/ summer. During the 5 years of fieldwork for the breeding

bird atlas (2002-6), Short-eared Owls have been found in 40 of the 607 Moray tetrads but proved to breed

in only 9 (23%) of these. The diurnal activity of the species makes birds relatively easy to detect,

especially in their preferred open-country habitat, so these statistics (spread over 5 years) indicate the very

real scarcity of these birds.

In autumn/winter, 1 Lossiemouth golf course 9 Sep and 1 Dava 18 Nov.

Swift Apus apus Summer visitor and common breeder.

Arrival: No April records, for the first year since 2002. Earliest were singles over Elgin and Kinloss 3

May, 6 Portknockie and 2 Burghead 4 May and single birds Urquhart and Dallas Dhu 5 May. Large

numbers over Loch Spynie by 13 May.

Breeding: 10 pairs Broomton farmhouse (Darnaway) was typical of the last 40 years (DJK). Four pairs

nested Portknockie Primary School (JMy).

Largest congregations of feeding birds were 100 Forres 14 Aug, 60 Loch Spynie 16 Aug, 34 Lossiemouth

12 Jun and 30 Forres 1 Jul. Last of the year, in late August, were 3 Forres 20th, 1 Boat o’Brig 24

th, 1 Nairn

25th and 3 Loch Spynie 29


Kingfisher Alcedo atthis Very scarce visitor and occasional breeder.

As usual, a scatter of records from a wide variety of riverine and still-water sites. In order of date, reports

(all single birds) were from Longmorn 1 Apr (per CAG), Cloddach quarry (the Longmorn bird?) 15 Apr

(CAG,DAG,AJL), Loch Spynie 30 Jul (MMo), Nairn (on R.Nairn) 5 Sep (per AJL), Rothes 11 Sep (RS),

Elgin (on R.Lossie) 8 Oct (CAG), Moy (on the Muckle Burn) 2 Nov (GG) and Garmouth viaduct 12-25

Nov (PGS,JBr,IP).

Kingfisher, Cloddach quarry 15 April 2006 (© Duncan Gibson)

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Green Woodpecker Picus viridis Very scarce resident, scarce breeder in recent years.

Only one record, a bird calling at Kellas on 23 Apr (MJHC).

Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major Common resident breeder.

Very widespread in suitable woodlands throughout Moray as indicated by its presence in 246 out of the

607 Moray tetrads surveyed for the breeding bird atlas during 2002-6.

Skylark Alauda arvensis Common breeder and migrant.

First song heard, in February, at Spynie Palace 4th, Longmorn 5

th, Kinloss 6

th, Elgin 7

th and Broadley

(Clochan) 8th. Seven singing Carse of Delnies 12 Feb.

During cold weather with snow in early March some large congregations of Skylarks were found, most

notably in unharvested oats at Spey Bay where c300 on 4th had increased to c550 on 5

th (AJ,MJHC).

Elsewhere, c200 Lochhill 5th (AJ), 170 Balgreen (Lossiemouth) 4

th (JDHM), 100 near Muirton 5

th (AJ),

100 South Darkland 5th (JDL), 30 Roseisle 8

th (JDHM) and 24 Findhorn Bay 5

th (ISS). In addition, 14

flew south-west over Linkwood on 5th (RP).

Counts at other times included 26 Kinloss 6 Oct, increasing to 76 there on 3 Nov (also 21 on 17 Feb), 23

Carse of Delnies 30 Jan, 16 Nairn Bar 12 Feb and 12 Findhorn Bay 9 Oct. One flew in off the sea at

Lossiemouth 30 Sep.

Sand Martin Riparia riparia Summer visitor and common breeder.

Arrival: Only one report in late March, of 3 Loch na Bo 31st. In early April, 24 Cloddach quarry 2nd

, 2

Aberlour 3rd and 30 Auldearn 5


Colony counts (apparently occupied burrows) were 120 Cloddach quarry (30 in 2005), 45 Clashach quarry

(Hopeman), 42 Bodnastalker (24 in 2005), 35 Half Davoch (24 in 2005), 12 Ballachraggan (6 in 2005),

10-20 Burntack, 9 Pittendreich (5 in 2005) and 3 Corbiewell (10 in 2005). Five out of the six colonies

counted in both years have shown an increase. Up to 200 birds were estimated around the dunes at

Findhorn in May but no colony count was made.

No reports after 2 Kinloss 25 Aug; our Sand Martins tend to slip away un-noticed.

Swallow Hirundo rustica Summer visitor and very common breeder.

Arrival: First reports, in April, were 3 Cloddach 2nd

and 6 Loch na Bo 8th. These were much earlier than

the main arrival that began with 1 Burghead 14th followed by ‘firsts’ in 16 other localities over the next

week. Not up to full numbers until near the end of the month. On 28 Apr c70 birds had gathered around

Burghead maltings.

Breeding: In the Lhanbryde barn, there were 16 occupied nests during the season (7 more than in 2004

and 2005), of which 7 were active simultaneously on 22 Jul. Mean clutch size (of the 15 accessible nests)

was 3.9 eggs and mean brood size at fledging was 3.3; both means were the lowest in the 9 years that this

site has been studied although, due to the increased number of nests, the total number of young fledged

(49) was the highest recorded. At least 3 additional young fledged from the one inaccessible nest. The last

brood to fledge did so in the last days of Sptember (RP).

Post-breeding flocks included 200 Dunphail 31 Aug, 100 Forres 2 Sep, 42 Findhorn 10 Sep, 40 Kinloss

31 Aug and 40 Windyridge 13 Aug. Unusually for recent years, there were no very late lingering birds;

last record (and the only birds in October) was 4 Buckie 8 Oct.

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House Martin Delichon urbicum

Summer visitor and common breeder.

Arrival: Later than in recent years. In April, 1 Easter Gauldwell 21st, 4 Loch Spynie 23

rd and 1

Lossiemouth 25th were the only reports. ‘Firsts’ were reported by 8 other observers during 1-5 May.

Early summer counts included 40 Darnaway 22 May, 35 Burghead 18 Jun, 35 Cooper Park (Elgin) 21 Jun,

30 Lossiemouth harbour area 20 Jun.

Breeding: 15 occupied nests Buckie High School 14 Jul, one more than in 2005. A good colony also on

the water treatment works at Wester Herricks (Keith) where 32 occupied nests on 5 Jun.

Best late summer/autumn congregations were 200 Forres 19 Aug (still 150 on 2 Sep), 100 Kinloss 24

Aug-8 Sep, 60 Garmouth 12 Sep, 60 Lossiemouth 9 Sep, 50 Loch Spynie 5 Sep, 50 Windyridge 1 Sep and

26 Findhorn 5 Oct (the last of the year).

Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis Summer visitor and common breeder.

No meaningful arrival dates. Breeding season records related to Altyre woods, Ben Aigan, Cothall, Culbin

Forest, Dounduff, Drynachan, Glenlatterach, Kellas oakwood, Loch Oire, Blacksboat, Sluie and

Whitefolds (Glenlivet).

Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis Very common breeder and migrant.

Spring/summer: Inland, 62 Bantrach-Bogeney 9 Jun (where only 10 remaining 26 Aug), 19 singing

Delnahaugh 2 Jun, 17 Loch of Boath 10 Apr, 15 Cloddach quarry 9 Apr and 12 Tomcork 28 May. At the

coast, 14 Carse of Delnies 16 Jun. Lowland April counts of non-territorial birds were 10 Burghead (east

shore) 1st, 33 in off the sea in an hour Kinloss 12

th, 20 Spynie canal 21

st, 30 Standingstone 22

nd, 93 flying

west Covesea in 30 mins 22nd

and 26 Silver Sands (Lossiemouth) 27th.

Autumn/winter counts included 85 Culbin Bar 8 Oct and 14 Oct (28 there 15 Jan, 34 on 12 Feb and 18 on

10 Dec), 65 Kinloss 13 Mar (still 57 on 23 Mar and 67 there 4 Sep), 38 Strathlene 20 Feb, 38 Forres 11

Mar and 3 still around Loch Etchachan in the Cairngorms on 9 Sep.

Rock Pipit Anthus petrosus Scarce breeder, fairly common in winter.

Breeding: 2 carrying food Burghead 3-14 Jul, 2 pairs (males in song) Lossiemouth harbour 20 Jun and a

pair feeding young there 17 Jul. Also in spring, 1 Nairn 14 Apr.

Late summer-winter counts: Between Portgordon-Strathlene were 13 on 15 Jan, 6 (Portgordon only) 3

Mar, 12 (Strathlene only) 24 Aug, 41 on 8 Oct (of which 16 at Strathlene) and 25 on 10 Dec. Elsewhere, 8

Hopeman-Burghead 10 Feb, 4-6 regularly Burghead, 12 Culbin Bar 26 Nov (7 there 8 Oct), 3 Hopeman

24 Jan and 2 Cullen 23 Sep.

Maximum counts along the Portgordon-Strathlene rocky shore (c7km) in the October-December period in

recent years have been as follows:

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

37 45 18 50 72 31 47 30 44 48 56 20 37 41

Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea Summer visitor and common breeder. Scarce in winter.

Summer: 3 pairs on River Nairn between Nairn-Firhill Bridge. 1 near Loch Etchachan (Cairngorms) 17

Jun was on exceptionally high ground.

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Winter: 1 Aberlour 5-7 Feb and 12 Nov, 1 Cloddach quarry 26 Feb, 1 Cooper Park (Elgin) 14 Nov, 1 on

River Lossie in Elgin 21 Jan and, unusually, 1 in Elgin High Street 26 Dec, 1 Forres 29 Jan and 8 Dec, 1

Loch Spynie 7-8 Jan and 1 Pluscarden 11 Jan.

One was feeding among the rocks at low tide on the Buckie shore on 8 Oct.

Pied Wagtail Motacilla alba Very common breeder and migrant.

Passage: Records of ‘White Wagtails’ M.a.alba in spring were 2 Balgreen 22 Apr (1 on 26 Apr), 2

Cloddach quarry 26 Apr, 1 Burghead 19 Apr and 29 Apr, and 2 Miltonduff 27 Apr. In autumn, 1 Findhorn

25 Aug, 1 Lossiemouth 17 Aug and 15 Sep, and 2 Kingston 17 Sep.

Counts of Pieds were 100 to roost Loch Spynie 25 Mar, 77 Covesea 6 Sep, 62 Findhorn 31 Aug (28 there

10 Sep), 54 flying over Buckie at dusk 15 Aug, 44 Kinloss 25 Sep, 44 Keith 22 Aug, 42 Burghead 24

Aug, 25 Lossiemouth 9 Sep and 16 Dec, 22 Nairn 28 Sep. Over 100 between Portgordon-Portessie 8 Sep.

Waxwing Bombycilla garrulus Irruptive winter visitor, scarce in most years but occasionally common.

A poor year for Waxwings in both winter periods.

Winter-spring: 14 Forres 3 Jan rising to 16 on 8 Jan (AJL,JDHM), 7 Elgin 5 Jan (CAG), 8 Nairn 2 Feb

rising to 15 on 6 Feb and still 2 on 3 Mar (RPC), 1 Lossiemouth 19 Mar (JDHM) and 7 Linkwood (Elgin)

20 Mar (4 on 21 Mar) (RP).

Autumn-winter: 4 Forres 23 Nov (ISS), 20 Duffus 25 Nov (EH), 5-6 Elgin 15-20 Dec (1 on 25 Dec)

(CAG,RP,DAG) and 1 Lossiemouth 27 Dec (CAG).

Dipper Cinclus cinclus Common resident breeder.

Two pairs bred central Elgin, at the Bishopmill bridges and near the cathedral. A pair at 1000m altitude in

Coire Raibeirt in the Cairngorms 17 Jun. At the Lecht mine, a nest with young was situated inside the

mine building, c15 feet up in a wall crevice - the adults gaining access through a window. The presence of

4 old nests suggests that this is a well-used site.

Wren Troglodytes troglodytes Very common resident breeder.

The proportion of juveniles to adults trapped at Loch Spynie ‘Constant Effort Site’ was a high 6.3,

suggesting a successful breeding season (RP).

Counts of birds on the Nairn & Culbin Bars were 4 on 15 Jan, 8 on 12 Feb, 14 on 8 Oct and 5 on 10 Dec.

Elsewhere, 17 Roseisle 24 Dec and, in winter, 17 roosting together in an old nest box at Whitemire were

the only counts exceeding ten birds.

Dunnock Prunella modularis Very common resident breeder.

First song, in February, at Dufftown 4th, Elgin 6

th, Kingston 18

th and Inchstelly 21

st. Three singing

Findhorn 8 Mar. Six along River Findhorn near Forres 2 Apr. First fledged young Tanzie 17 May.

On Nairn Bar were 2 on 15 Jan and 12 Feb, 9 on 8 Oct and 5 on 10 Dec.

Robin Erithacus rubecula Very common resident breeder and migrant.

First full song Lein (Kingston) 17 Feb. Nest building Tanzie (Ben Aigan) 27 Mar, first fledged young

there 11 May. Nine Nairn Bar 8 Oct.

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Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus Summer visitor and scarce breeder. Very scarce migrant.

Breeding season records included 1M Black Loch (Darnaway) 2-19 May, 1 juv Dava 13 Jul, 3 Drynachan

area 4 Jun (2 there 28 May), 1M Galcantray (Assich Forest) and 4M Kellas oakwood 22 May. Also

recorded during ‘Atlas’ fieldwork at Croughly, Glenconglass and Dalrachie.

Whinchat Saxicola rubetra Summer visitor and scarce breeder. Very scarce migrant.

Evidence of breeding near Bantrach, where an anxious male on 9 Jun, and at Meikle Hill (Dallas) where 2

broods of fledged young on 14 Jul. Also present near Mains of Pitlurg.

At the coast, 1 migrant Strathlene 19 Aug.

Stonechat Saxicola torquatus Scarce resident breeder and probable migrant.

Breeding: Inland moorland pairs (or territorial males) located at Allt na Ha, Carn Daimh, Carn Liath,

Coldhome (Dallas), Dalrachie, Delnahaugh, Little Lapprach (Corryhabbie), Loch of Boath, Lyne of

Carron, Stony Hill (near Rothes) (2 pairs), Tomcork (2 pairs) and Tomfarclas. Inland, but nearer the coast,

at Darnaway, Gilston, Hillhead (Tarras), Shempston and Whitehillock Farm. Coastal pairs at Binsness,

Carse of Delnies, Covesea, Culbin Forest, Cullen, Findhorn, Hopeman, Kincorth, RAF Kinloss (min. 2

pairs), Loch of Moy, Lossiemouth, Portgordon, Portknockie, Roseisle Forest and Strathlene. Between

Kingston and a point one mile west of the rifle range, 5 pairs were located.

Up country in autumn/winter were 1M Round Hill (Ben Rinnes) 1 Jan and birds at Corsemaul 10-16 Oct.

In non-breeding lowland areas in autumn/winter were 2 Burghead 25 Oct, 1 Caysbriggs 5 Mar, 1 Loch

Flemington 3-12 Feb, 2 Miltonhill 25 Jan and 6 Feb, and 2 Windyridge 21 Oct and 12 Nov.

Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe Summer visitor, fairly common migrant and local breeder.

Arrival: Relatively late with, unusually compared with recent years, no March reports. First in April were

3 Lossiemouth 6th, 2 Burghead 8

th and 1 Clunas reservoir 10

th. An apparent surge towards the end of

April when 11 on the Lein (Kingston) 24th and 9 Longmorn 26

th. Passage still evident in early May when

1 Urquhart 1st, 5 Nairn and 3 Kingston 4

th, 1 Hillhead (Forres) 5

th, 1 Easter Newforres 6

th, 3 Kinloss 8

th (1

on 10th) and 1 Cothall (Alves) 9


Present during the breeding season at Ben Rinnes (4 pairs with young 23 Jun), Carn Liath (Lecht) (fledged

young), Knock Hill (2 females on 4 June) and Meikle Hill (Dallas).

Back at the coast early were 1 Kingston 1 Jul and 1 Kinloss 4 Jul. Unusual at Cloddach quarry where 2 on

26 Jul. Best autumn coastal passage counts only 5 Burghead 16 Sep. Last of the year, in October, were 2

Portgordon 8th and 1 Kinloss 10


Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus Summer visitor and scarce breeder.

The only records received were 1F near the summit of Ben Rinnes 24 Apr (AJ) and 1 Cairn Lochan 30

May (CTa). Other, traditional, sites were not visited in 2006.

Blackbird Turdus merula Very common resident breeder, winter visitor and migrant.

First song Elgin 6 Jan was very early, otherwise Lein (Kingston) 13 Feb, Lossiemouth 14 Feb and

Dufftown 15 Feb. Early breeding indicated by a female with a well-developed brood patch in Linkwood

(Elgin) 21 Mar.

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The only large autumn/winter count was 56 Cooper Park (Elgin) 7 Nov. Numerous (‘tens’) around Loch

Park 11 Nov. Influx into Forres gardens noted 12 Dec.

Fieldfare Turdus pilaris Very common migrant and winter visitor.

Winter-spring: Apparently more numerous than usual in the lowlands. Flocks of 30 or more were 38 Mill

of Grange 3 Jan (44 there 13 Mar), 50 RAF Lossiemouth 9 Jan, 30 Midwood (Clochan) 17 Jan, 200

Blervie 21 Jan, 156 Hillhead (Forres) 21 Jan, 400 College of Roseisle 24 Jan (130 there 2 Feb), 360

Kellas 27 Jan, 80 Knockandhu-Chapeltown 29 Jan, 80 Cloddach 29 Jan, 60 Drainie 2-5 Feb, 160 Easter

Coltfield 17 Feb (80 there 17 Jan, still 35 on 2 Apr), 200 Stonewells 23 Feb (150 there 13 Mar), 600

Balgreen (Lossiemouth) 4 Mar, 40 Findhorn Bay 5 Mar, 120 Burghead 5 Mar, 80 Netherton 9 Mar and

380 Birnie 11 Mar (270 there 25 Feb). Widespread along the coast in small numbers in early March

following snow. Last in spring were 28 Knockbog 15 Apr.

Autumn: First migrant arrivals, all on 21 Oct, were 1 Burghead, ‘a few’ Dufftown and 15 Tanzie (Ben

Aigan). No substantial numbers until early November when 500 Dunphail 4th, 600 in several flocks

between Knockandhu-Chapeltown 5th, 70 Standingstone 6

th, 35 Nairn 6

th, 60 Gilston 7

th, 50 Tanzie 7


200 Archiestown 8th, 70 Miltonduff 10

th, 200 Forres 12

th, 70 Windyridge 12

th, 700 Brokentore 13

th and

120 Kinloss 13th. Subsequently remaining quite widespread in the coastal strip, where counts of 30 or

more were 200 Clochan 19 Nov, 250 Salterhill 20 Nov, 60 Kinloss 21 Nov, 150 Scarffbanks 22 Nov, 67

Muiry Wood (Forres) 24 Nov, 70 Duffus 29 Nov, 250 Lochhill 5 Dec, 70 Easter Calcots 7 Dec, 100

Easter Coltfield 9 Dec, 150 Westerton 17 Dec and 40 Pitairlie 21 Dec.

Song Thrush Turdus philomelos Very common breeder and migrant.

First song (in February) at Elgin 13th, Garmouth and Keith 18

th, Dufftown 19

th and Kingston 20

th. Nest

building Covesea as early as 18 Mar, more usually at Tanzie (Ben Aigan) on 2 Apr. Adults carrying food

Lossiemouth 27 Apr, first fledged young Loch Spynie 18 May and Tanzie 21 May.

Winter records (in January or December) were 1 Kinloss 6 Jan, 1 Midwood (Clochan) 17 Jan, 1 Aberlour

20 Jan, 6 Carse of Delnies 30 Jan, 2 Culbin Bar 10 Dec, 2 Bishopmill (Elgin) 15 Dec, 1 Cloddach quarry

17 Dec and 1 singing Elgin 19 Dec.

Redwing Turdus iliacus Very common migrant and winter visitor.

Winter-spring: In greater numbers than usual in lowland areas at these seasons. Counts of 30 or more

were 35 Kinloss 11 Jan, 50 Midwood 17 Jan, 60 East Grange 20 Jan, 60 Lhanbryde 22 Jan, 90 Kellas 27

Jan, 120 Buinach 27 Jan, 60 Easter Coltfield 28 Jan, 45 Clochan 29 Jan, 48 near Forres 26 Feb, 150

Balgreen (Lossiemouth) 4 Mar, 100 West Mains (Duffus) 4 Mar, 120 Pitgaveny 5 Mar, 60 Findhorn Bay

5 Mar, 30 Birnie 11 Mar and 60 Pittensair 28 Mar. Last in spring were 1 Loch of Boath 10 Apr and 1

singing (on one day only) Inchbroom 27 Apr.

A very pale leucistic bird with a few normal individuals near Urquhart 13-14 Jan.

Autumn: First arrivals 10-11 Oct, when significant passage over Elgin (400+ in total) in early morning of

10th, c250 in regular groups flying south-west over Elgin 11

th, c100 in 2 flocks flew in from the north

Kinloss 11th and 30 Strathlene 11

th. Heard flying in off the sea at night over Lossiemouth 19-20 Oct,

leading to further, heavier, arrivals inland from 21 Oct when thousands appeared in Dufftown around mid

day but mostly moved quickly through. On the same afternoon, 435 heading south-west over Clunimore

in 40 minutes. Further onward movement south-west from Dufftown 22 Oct. Later, hundreds around

Dufftown 27 Oct, scores Loch Park 30 Oct and hundreds there 11 Nov. Elsewhere, 40 Dunphail 22 Oct

with 300 there 25 Oct, hundreds over Elgin at night 28-30 Oct and 200 over Kinloss 3 Nov. On 5 Nov,

c1000 in 4 large flocks arrived Inchstelly from the north-west at midday; they headed west towards Forres

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after c10 minutes. Also on 5 Nov, 60 Knockandhu-Chapeltown; ‘plentiful’ Cooper Park (Elgin) 7 Nov,

when also 50 Tanzie. Subsequent counts of 30 or more were 40 Innes House 17 Nov, 50 Clochan 19 Nov,

100 Kinloss 21 Nov, 30 Loch Spynie 22 Nov, 100 Forres 26 Nov (50 there 2 Dec and 36 on 27 Dec), 38

Lochhill and 60 Meft 27 Nov, 50 Maryfield and 70 Pitairlie 28 Nov, 80 Lhanbryde 5 Dec, 80 Burghead 14

Dec, 60 in off the sea Lossiemouth 14 Dec, 30 RAF Lossiemouth 19 Dec and 80 Easter Calcots 22 Dec.

Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus Common resident breeder and migrant.

One singing Bishopmill (Elgin) 25 Jan and 5 singing Altyre 19 Mar.

Best flock counts of the year were 45 Bridge of Brown 14 Sep, 30 Scarffbanks 28-29 Aug, 22 Brodie

Castle 29 Oct, 20 Cabrach House 14 Sep, 14 Salterhill 7 Nov, 12 Kinloss 30 Nov, 12 Roseisle 26 Jul and

12 Westerton 4 Nov.

Grasshopper Warbler Locustella naevia Summer visitor and scarce breeder.

Singing birds reported at Fogwatt 6 May (EH), Tanzie (Ben Aigan) 6 May (GG), Lesmurdie 9 May (JDL)

and Knock distillery 16 Jun (EH). Also found during ‘Atlas’ fieldwork near Daugh of Invermarkie and


Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Summer visitor and common breeder.

Arrival: Very early song in 2 places around Loch Spynie on 15 Apr (RP, CAG). This is the earliest ever in

Moray & Nairn by 5 days.

Nowhere else until early May when 1 Kinloss 5th, 3 Lein (Kingston) 6

th, 2 Cloddach quarry 7

th and 2

Windyridge 8th.

Ringing at the ‘Constant Effort Site’ at Loch Spynie revealed a relatively high proportion of 4.3 juveniles

trapped per adult, indicating a successful breeding season (RP).

Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla Summer visitor and fairly common breeder. Scarce migrant and winter visitor.

January-March: 1M Aberlour 19 and 29 Jan, and 1F there 14 Feb, 1M Duffus 13 Jan and 2M Nairn 3

Mar. In Academy St., Elgin, 1-2M regularly throughout the period with as many as 4M on 17 Mar and 3M

on 24 Mar. Also 1F there on 7 dates during the period. 1M and 1F continued to visit the garden until 12


Spring/summer: Singing birds (singles unless stated) were found at Aberlour, Bishopmill (Elgin),

Blackhill, Blacksboat (along River Spey for ¾ mile) (9), Brauchhill (Rothes), Brodie Castle (5), Broom of

Moy (6), Clochan, Cloddach quarry, Newmill (Auldearn), Cloddymoss, Clovenside cemetery (Forres),

College of Roseisle, Cowgreens, Craigellachie, Dallas churchyard, Dallas Dhu, Dalrachie, Darnaway (3),

Denside, Duffus, Dulsie Bridge, Dunnyduff Wood, Findrassie, Fochabers – along the River Spey (9),

Garmouth viaduct, Glenburgie distillery, Glenlatterach (2), Gordonstoun, Half Davoch (3), Inchstelly,

Kellas oakwood, Kellas House (3), Kincorth, Kinloss, Limekilns (2), Linkwood (Elgin), Loch Loy (2),

Loch na Bo (8), Loch of Blairs (5), Loch Spynie woodlands (7), Maryfield, Milton of Grange, Miltonduff

distillery, Mundole (3), Nairn-Firhill Bridge (7), Nether Meft (2), Newbold (Forres), Newtyle (2),

Palmerscross, Pittendreich (2), Pitgaveny House (4), Pluscarden Abbey (5), Relugas, River Findhorn near

Forres (5), Sanquhar (Forres) (2), Spynie Palace (3), Meads of St John, Stonewells-Lossie Forest (8),

Stoneyford pond (Rafford) (2), Tearie (3) and Whitehillock Farm. The reported total of 148 singers is

slightly down on 2005 and, impressive as it is, clearly only represents a small proportion of the thriving

population of ths species now established in Moray & Nairn.

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Autumn: Coastal migrants on 21 Oct were 1 Portknockie and 1 Strathlene. Inland, 1 Urquhart 1-2 Oct and

17 Oct .

Late November-December: 1M Aberlour 13 Dec, 1M Academy St., Elgin 11 Dec and 27-31 Dec, 1M

Nairn 19 Dec and 1F there 23 Dec and 1F Portknockie 31 Dec.

Garden Warbler Sylvia borin Summer visitor and scarce breeder.

Singing birds (singles unless stated) were located at Craigellachie 26 Apr and 8 Jun, Garmouth viaduct 12

May, Glendullan (Dufftown) 5 May, Loch Spynie 18 May and Loch na Bo 10 May. Also single birds

Dufftown 1 May and Clochan (trapped) 7 Sep.

Coastal migrants were 3 Strathlene 19 Aug and 1 there 20 Aug.

Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca Rare visitor and occasional breeder.

One arrived in a rural garden at Carsehill, near Alves, during week beginning 5 Nov and continued to visit

almost daily throughout the winter until c25 Apr 2007 (LB,RF,MJHC,RP et al.). It regularly attended bird

feeders where fruitcake was a particular favourite. The 5 previous records of the species in Moray &

Nairn have been during the May-August summer period.

Lesser Whitethroat, Carsehill November 2006-April 2007 (© Duncan Gibson)

Whitethroat Sylvia communis Summer visitor and common breeder.

Arrival: First song heard, in April, at Milltown airfield 27th, Findhorn Bay 29

th and Urquhart 29


7 singing between Newton of Dalvey-A96 road on 25 Jun.

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Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus Rare migrant

1 Strathlene 11 Oct (MJHC). This is the fourth record for Moray & Nairn, following others in

Lossiemouth in Oct 1998, Loch Spynie Sep 2001 and Portknockie Oct 2005.

Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix Summer visitor and scarce breeder.

No reports were received from breeding areas in 2006 – although several traditional sites were not visited.

Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita Summer visitor and scarce breeder. Scarce migrant and rare winter visitor.

Winter: 1 Nairn 6 Jan (RPC) and 1 just west of Lossiemouth 14 Jan (MJHC).

Arrival: March singing birds were at Elgin on 16th and Muiry Wood (Forres) on 25

th with 2 there on 26


Subsequently singing birds were found at Burghead, Cloddach quarry (2), Cloddymoss, Darnaway (2),

Denside, Forres along River Findhorn, Fochabers along River Spey (3), Glenlatterach, Hill of Glaschyle,

Kinloss, Knockomie (2), Lein (Kingston) (2), Limekilns (2), Linkwood (Elgin), Loch na Bo (10), Loch of

Blairs, Pitgaveny, Loch Spynie, Monaughty Forest (3), Mundole (2), Roseisle Forest, Sanquhar Wood

(Forres), Stonewells-Lossie Forest (3) and Swilebog (2). This total of 46 singers compares with 96 and 95

in the last two years. Chiffchaffs seem to have been genuinely scarce in 2006 with only Loch na Bo

hosting a notably large population.

In autumn, from mid September, singles Portknockie 14 Sep, Sanquhar 16 Sep, Loch of Blairs 18 Sep,

Urquhart 20 Sep and Clochan 24 Sep.

Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus Summer visitor and very common breeder.

Arrival: First were 1 River Findhorn near Forres 16 Apr, 1 Forres 17 Apr, 1 Kinloss and 1 Kingston 18

Apr. A slow build up during the rest of April when best counts were 8 Loch Spynie 23rd, 8 Kinloss 27


and 8 Califer Hill 30th.

Suggestion of a successful breeding season at Loch Spynie ‘Constant Effort Site’ where 3.2 juveniles

trapped per adult was the highest there since studies began in 2000 (RP).

Last report of the year was 1 Spynie canal 30 Sep.

Goldcrest Regulus regulus Very common resident breeder and scarce migrant.

16 singing Loch na Bo 10 May. Single birds Culbin Bar 8 Oct and 26 Nov.

Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata Summer visitor and common breeder.

Arrival: First was 1 Kellas oakwood 13 May.

Breeding season records from Burghead, Knock, Drynachan, Dunphail, Kinloss, Loch Flemington,

Tanzie, Clochan, Scarffbanks and Sluie.

Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca Very scarce migrant, occasional breeder.

1 coastal migrant Strathlene 19 Aug (MJHC).

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Bearded Tit Panurus biarmicus Rare breeder.

Breeding: In the Loch Spynie reedbeds, one pair carrying food to young 21-23 May (DAG,AJ).

Seen or heard there in January and April-July; never more than 3 together.

Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus Very common resident breeder.

Flocks of 15 or more were 24 Culbin Forest 23 Sep, 22 Loch Spynie 3 Feb, 22 Garmouth viaduct 12 Sep,

21 Stonewells 17 Nov (15 there 15 Mar and 16 on 14 Jun), 20 Elgin 25 Sep, 20 Cloddach Quarry 22 Jan

(18 there 19 Nov), 18 Covesea 28 Oct, 17 Kingsteps 28 Sep, 17 Portknockie 6 Nov, 15 Kingston 6 Jan

and 15 Broom of Moy 28 Oct. A flock of 14 regularly visiting a bird table at Tanzie (Ben Aigan) was

reduced to 8 during severe weather in early March.

Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus Very common resident breeder.

Nest boxes:

Pairs Av.


Av. fledged brood

(all pairs)

Av. fledged brood/

successful pair

Lossie Forest 12 7.7 ? ? (MJHC)

Loch Spynie 16 7.4 5.8 6.6 (RP,CAG)

Of the 16 pairs at Loch Spynie, only 2 failed to produce young. One was predated and the young were

found dead in the other. The average brood size (from successful pairs) was up on 2005. There was,

however, a decline in both clutch size for the third year in succession. It is most unusual for clutch sizes in

coniferous Lossie Forest to be larger than in the predominantly broad-leaved woodlands around Loch

Spynie. First young seen Tanzie 25 May.

Highest reported counts were 29 Loch of Blairs 15 Dec, 17 Fochabers Lake 21 Mar and 15 Loch Spynie

(between hide-car park) 10 Mar.

Great Tit Parus major Very common resident breeder.

Nest boxes:

Pairs Av.


Av. fledged brood (all


Av. fledged brood/

successful pair

Lossie Forest 9 5.4 ? ? (MJHC)

Loch Spynie 16 6.4 3.8 5.1 (RP, CAG)

Clutches in Lossie Forest were smaller than in 2005 (6.3) but there was little difference at Loch Spynie.

At the loch, 4 pairs failed to raise any young; there has been a steady trend since 1994 towards smaller

fledged broods (when total failures are included). First fledged young Tanzie (Ben Aigan) 23 May.

First reported song Kingston 26 Jan. Early for 2007 was a singing bird in Cooper Park (Elgin) 29 Dec.

Crested Tit Lophophanes cristatus Fairly common resident breeder.

Nest boxes:

Pairs Av. clutch Av. fledged brood/successful pair

Lossie Forest 3 5.3 5.3 (MJHC)

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All three nests were successful although the drop to 3 pairs from 5 in 2005 is disappointing.

South of Forres, fledged young were found in summer at Altyre Woods, Burntack, Drumine Forest, Loch

Allan (Dava), Regaule (MJHC) and Whitemire (Darnaway) (ISS). Also 1 Loch of Boath 10 Apr (LSc).

Encouragingly, 1 Bin of Cullen 28 Dec (MJHC); several spring/summer searches during 2004-6 failed to

locate any Crested Tits but this record raises hope that this most easterly population still survives. 1 Loch

Spynie 18 Jan (CAG) was only the third record here, and the first since 1999, despite a good population in

Lossie Forest only 3km away.

Coal Tit Periparus ater Very common resident breeder.

First song, on 6 Jan, at Linkwood (Elgin) and Loch Spynie.

Largest flock counts made during the year were 35 Loch na Bo 13 Jan (and 30 there 5 Dec) and 28 Loch

Spynie 9 Aug.

Treecreeper Certhia familiaris Very common resident breeder.

Counts: 5 Loch na Bo 28 Mar, 5 Loch Spynie 9 Aug and 4 Roseisle Forest car park entrance 30 Oct.

Jay Garrulus glandarius Scarce resident breeder.

Breeding season: April-July reports came from Addie Hill, Altyre Woods, Ardgilzean, Cairn of

Ballindean, Cothall. Dallas Churchyard, Darnaway, Dounduff Wood, Dusach, Elgin oakwood,

Glanlatterach, Hill of Delnapot, Laverockloch, Loch Loy, Loch Park, Loch Spynie, Mains of Pitlurg,

Maryfield, Midwood (Clochan), Sanquhar (Forres), Scotch Hill, Shiel Muir, Spynie Palace (adult with 3

juveniles 27 Jul), Tanzie (Ben Aigan), Westerton and Westfield.

At other seasons, Jays were seen in the following additional sites: Arthur’s Bridge (Sep), Balnacoul (Dec),

Bin of Cullen (Aug), Binsness (Jan), Carnoch (Rathven) (Aug), Carron (Aug), Caysbriggs (Oct, Nov),

Chapelton (Jan), Culbin Forest (Aug), Dufftown-Maggieknockater, Findrassie (Aug, Nov), Fochabers

(Oct), Innes House (Dec), Kellas (Dec), Lochloy Wood (Jan, Feb), Loch of Blairs (Jan, Oct), Loch na Bo

(Jan, Sep-Dec), Loch Oire (Sep, Oct), Loch Park, Lochhill (Nov), Monahoudie Moss (Nov), Monaughty

Forest (Aug), Roseisle Forest (Sep), Sanquhar Loch (Feb), Sleepieshill (Sep, Oct), Stonewells (Nov),

Torrieston (Aug), Upper Knockando (Nov), and Whiteknowes (Dec).

Most records of 1-2 together; larger groups were 6 Loch Spynie 4 Aug (3-4 there on several dates), 4

Darnaway 26 Jan (3 on 25 Sep), 3 Kellas 1 Dec, 3 Loch Loy 29 Oct, 3 Stonewells 17 Nov and 3

Westerton 24 Dec.

Magpie Pica pica Fairly common resident breeder.

Bred successfully for the first time within Forres town boundary, at Newbold Wood. Groups of 5 or more

were 6 Ballachraggan (Dallas) 27 Jun, 6 Hill of Mulundy (Dallas) 23 Sep and 6 Kingsteps 12 Feb.

Jackdaw Corvus monedula Very common resident breeder.

Highest counts received were 150 near Clunas reservoir 10 Apr and 100 between Knockandhu-

Chapeltown 29 Jan.

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Rook Corvus frugilegus Very common resident breeder.

An upland rookery at Bolletten (Braes of Glenlivet) on the moorland edge at 370m asl contained 6 nests

in some very sparse trees on 6 May.

Away from the roosts, largest flocks encountered were 1300 Mayne (Elgin) 30 Jul and 750 Bishopmill pig

farm 21 Jun.

Carrion Crow Corvus corone Very common resident breeder.

Best monthly counts on the Lossie estuary were:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

22 29 36 nc nc 28 nc 42 78 62 51 40

Elsewhere, 35 Nairn & Culbin Bars 15 Jan, (25 there 8 Oct and 33 on 10 Dec) and 32 Carse of Delnies 30


Hooded Crow Corvus cornix Scarce visitor.

Hooded Crows or hybrids were seen on the Lossie estuary as follows:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Hooded 1 2 1 1 nc 3 nc 3 3 nc 2 2

Hybrid 2 3 0 0 nc 2 nc 4 6 nc 4 4

Other ‘good’ Hooded Crows (singles unless stated) were seen at Auldearn 20 Feb, Balormie 26 Jan,

Binsness (3) 16 Jul, Birnie church 29 Jan, Burghead 6 May (and 22 May, 29 Nov), Burgie-Monaughty (4)

7 Jan, Carse of Delnies 30 Jan (and 2 on 16 Jun), Caysbriggs 18 Jan (and 25 Apr), Cloddach quarry 15 Jan

(and 21 May), Cooper Park (Elgin) 5 Feb, Cran Loch (3) 12 Apr, Culbin Bar (1-2) Oct-Dec, Drainie 4

Jun, Easter Coltfield (3) Jan-Apr (and 25 Oct), Findhorn 31 Jan (and 8 Mar), Gordonstoun (2) 11 Mar,

Inchstelly 30 Apr, Lingieston 7 Feb, Loch Loy (3) 5 Apr, Nairn 15 Jan (and 3 on 20 Feb, 2 on 24 May, 1

on 12 Aug, 1 on 6 Nov), Nairn Bar 15 Jan (and 3 on 12 Feb, 4 on 8 Oct, 2 on 10 Dec), Netherton (2) 12

Apr (and 21 Aug), Portknockie (3) 19 Feb (and 21 Jun, 9 Nov), Scarffbanks 24 Mar, Snab of Moy (2) 26

Aug, Spey Bay 24 Aug, Stonewells 22 Dec, Strathlene 24 Aug, Westerton area (6) 14 May, Windyridge

19 Mar and Washingwells 25 Jan.

Hybrids frequent throughout the region.

Raven Corvus corax Scarce visitor, formerly widespread breeder.

Encountered increasingly frequently in south Moray, in the Lecht/Tomintoul area especially. Largest

group was 11 Foal’s Craig (Inchrory) 30 Jul (JDL).

Otherwise (in the Lecht area), 4 Lecht Mine 28 May, 1 Beinn a Chruinnich 3 Jun, 1 Carn Breac 3 Jun, 1

Carn Dulack 5 Jul and 1 Carn Liath 5 Jul (all MJHC). Also, 2 Carn Tighearn (Morinsh) 14 Jun (AE), 1

Creagan a’ Chaise (Cromdales) 9 Apr (AE) and 1 Tom Trumper 6 May (MJHC).

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Starling Sturnus vulgaris Very common resident breeder and winter visitor.


Five out of 10 boxes at Clochan were occupied and one failed at the egg stage. Average brood size at

fledging for the other four was 4.3, slightly above average for recent years (MJHC).

Flocks of 500 or more (away from roosts) were 1500 Covesea pig farm 4 Oct 500 there 15 Feb), 1000

Miltonhill 29 Oct, 900 Muirton 9 Nov, 700 Burghead 11 Sep, 600 Bishopmill pig farm 19 Feb, 600

Clochan 22 Feb and 500 Kinloss 11 Oct. Loch Spynie reedbed roost was estimated to hold 1500 on 29

Aug, 5000 on 14 Oct and 7000 on 20 Oct.

House Sparrow Passer domesticus Very common resident breeder.

Flock counts of 30 or more were 70 Lossiemouth 5 Aug (40-50 in the harbour area in Jul-Aug), 60

Clochan 7 Oct, 60 Lochhill 31 Jul, 48 Seafield Farm 8 Jan, 45 Keith 22 Aug, 45 Nether Unthank 23 Jun,

40 Forres 4 Jun, 40 Rafford 25 Jun and 34 Gilston 23 Jul. At Kingston on 11 May a male House Sparrow

was watched and photographed as it appeared to mate with a Tree Sparrow (HB).

House Sparrow apparently mating with Tree Sparrow, Kingston 11 May 2006 (© Henry Brown)

Tree Sparrow Passer montanus Fairly common resident breeder.

Breeding season: At Longmorn, ‘serious’ nest building began 10 Apr and first broods were hatched by 15

May. First fledglings seen 1 Jun. Second broods had hatched by 27 Jun and third broods were leaving

boxes by 15 Aug. Of 11 boxes available, eight were occupied. All pairs had at least two broods, two pairs

had three broods. Throughout the year, 20+ birds visit the bird tables daily, and use fat balls and nut

feeders. Nest boxes are used as winter roost sites (J&HMacD).

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Elsewhere, two broods were raised in two boxes at South Darkland (JDL). Other breeding season

locations were Bishopmill (Elgin), Leuchars House, Midwood (Clochan), Miltonhill, Pitairlie, Wester

Alves, Wester Calcots, Wester Moy, Westfield and Windyridge.

Flock counts: 36 Wester Calcots 14 Feb, 30 Urquhart 5 Dec, 30 Wester Alves 21 Aug, 15 Corbiewell 11

Oct and 12 Westfield 20 Feb. Other sites (away from breeding season locations) holding less than five

birds were Broadley (Clochan) (Feb), Cothill (Dec), Fogwatt (Feb), Garmouth (Jan), Gordonstoun (Sep),

Muiryhill (Jan), Scarffbanks (Jan), Wester Coltfield (Mar) and Westerfolds (Jan).

Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs Very common resident breeder, migrant and winter visitor.

First song, in February, heard at Dufftown 4th, Kingston 4

th and Linkwood (Elgin) 7

th. At Tanzie (Ben

Aigan), first fledglings seen 20 May.

Flock counts of 100 or more in winter/spring were 350 Lochhill 13 Jan, 300 Monaughty 7 Jan, 300

Clochan 25 Feb and 200 Kinloss 20 Mar.

In late summer/autumn/winter, counts were 150 Lossiemouth 19 Sep and 130 Gordonstoun 14 Sep.

Brambling Fringilla montifringilla Fairly common winter visitor and migrant.

Winter-spring: Largest flocks were 220 Pindlers Croft (Forres) 26 Feb (AJL,ISS), 25 South Darkland 5

Mar (feeding in a game crop) increasing to 100 there by 1 Apr (JDL), 30 in oats Tugnet 4 Mar increasing

to 50 on 5 Mar (AJ,MJHC) and 20 Scarffbanks 3 Mar (CAG). Other reports were 4 South Darkland 4 Jan

(7 there 7 Jan, 9 on 27 Feb), 2 Rothes 5 Jan, 1 Dufftown 11 Jan, 1 Urquhart 16 Jan (and 21 Apr), 1 Forres

12 Feb, 3 Burnside of Enzie 18-19 Feb, 10 Clochan 25 Feb (2 on 5 Mar, 1 on 25 Mar and 4 Apr), 2

Auldearn 25 Feb, 4 Dufftown 3-9 Mar (occasional birds to 10 Apr), 1 Nairn 3-4 Mar, 4 Buckpool 4 Mar,

10 Lochhill 5 Mar, 1 Burghead 5 Mar, 1 Aberlour 9-11 Mar, 3 Redstone 10 Mar, 1 Black Loch

(Darnaway) 30 Mar, 4 Tanzie (Ben Aigan) 9 Apr and 2 Stoneyford Pond (Rafford) 15 Apr. The

concentration of birds in early March coincides with a period of cold snowy weather. Most of the reports

of 1-4 birds were of Bramblings at garden feeders.

A most unusual record concerned 2 Ben Aigan 30 Jul (GG). They were seen, briefly, on only the one day.

Autumn-winter: 2 Elgin 10 Oct, 1 Clunymore 21 Oct, 2 Knockandhu-Chapeltown 5 Nov and 1 Maviston

6 Dec were the only reports.

Greenfinch Carduelis chloris Very common resident breeder.

First song/display flighting at Inchstelly 14 Jan, Kingston 27 Jan, Linkwood (Elgin) 3 Feb, Cooper Park

(Elgin) 5 Feb and Lossiemouth 10 Feb (many).

No large flocks encountered – best were 60 Cloddach quarry 2 Aug, 30 Burnside of Enzie 15 Aug, 30

near Wester Coltfield 25 Aug and 25 Lochhill 13 Jan.

Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis Common resident breeder.

Counts of 10 or more together were 150 Pitgaveny 15 Nov, 40 near Wester Coltfield 9 Dec (14 there 28

Apr, 28 on 4 Nov), 40 Milton Brodie 29 Jan, 32 Burghead 20 Sep, 30 Newton of Struthers 30 Aug, 30

Tanzie (Ben Aigan) 8 Dec, 28 Lochhill 3 Feb (22 there 23 Feb), 28 Findhorn 23 Dec, 28 Kinloss 18 Sep

(10 there 27 Mar), 28 Windyridge 21 Oct, 28 Westerton 29 Dec, 25 Lossiemouth west beach 24 Sep, 20

Midwood (Clochan) 17 Jan, 20 Cloddach quarry 21 Jan, 19 Gilston 27 Jun (16 there 26 Jan), 17

Portknockie 22 Feb (also 17 there 12 Mar, 14 on 28 Mar), 15 Forres 15 Mar, 12 Elgin 17 Sep, 11

Netherton 8 Jan, 10 Carse of Delnies 30 Jan and 10 Kingsteps 5 Mar. Clearly, 28 is a popular flock size

these days!

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Siskin Carduelis spinus Very common resident breeder and migrant.

Flocks of 20 or more were 70 Lochhill 18 Feb, 60 River Findhorn near Forres 8 Jan, 50 Loch of Blairs 14

Mar, 40 Cloddach 22 Jan, 35 Loch na Bo 9 Feb, 30 Fochabers 11 Feb, 30 Loch Loy 12 Apr, 26 Dallas

Dhu 26 Feb, 25 Forres 12 Feb, 25 Knockandhu 5 Nov, 21 Portknockie 24 Mar, 20 Half Davoch 6 Jun and

20 Nairn 3 Mar.

Linnet Carduelis cannabina Very common resident breeder.

Flocks of 100 or more were c1000 in uncut barley Tugnet in snowy weather 5 Mar (700-800 there on 4

Mar, and 210 on 25 Dec), 800 Drainie (Lossiemouth) 7 Mar (250 there 2 Feb, 500 on 4 Mar, and still 200

on 1 Apr), 500 Kinloss 27 Mar, 400 on unharvested oilseed rape Clochan 15 Aug, 400 Lochhill 5 Mar,

400 South Darkland 5 Mar, 250 Plewlands 21 Jan (still 200 on 18 Mar), 230 College of Roseisle 26 Aug,

200 RAF Lossiemouth 29 Jan, 200 Urquhart 6 Jan (also 200 on 6 Oct), 180 Muirton 7 Jan, 180 Roseisle

7 Aug (120 there on 28 Jan), 180 Burghead 20 Sep, 150 Shempston 7 Apr, 150 Balgreen (Lossiemouth)

10 Apr, 150 Cloddach quarry 23 Mar, 120 North Alves 12 Jul, 100 Carse of Delnies 30 Jan and 100

Portessie 8 Sep.

Twite Carduelis flavirostris Scarce resident breeder, a few on the coast in winter.

No reports from up-country breeding habitat.

Most coastal winter records from the Nairn-Findhorn area where 34 Nairn Bar 15 Jan (DJ), 60 Nairn 28

Jan (RPC), 10 Findhorn Bay 2 Mar (AJL), 44 Nairn Bar 10 Dec (DJ) and 12 Culbin Bar 10 Dec (AY) (6

there 23 Dec (ISS)). Elsewhere, 5 Lossie estuary 6 Jan (JDHM) and 10 in uncut barley Tugnet 4 Mar (AJ).

Lesser Redpoll Carduelis cabaret Common resident breeder and migrant.

In summer, 12 in conifers Hillockhead (Craigroy) 27 Jun.

Flock counts of 10 or more included c50 Sanquhar Loch 28 Dec, 25 Cloddach quarry 11 Mar, 23 Forres

22 Jan and 15 Dallas Dhu 26 Nov.

Common Crossbill Loxia curvirostra Irregular scarce visitor and probable scarce breeder.

Scottish Crossbill Loxia scotica

Probable common resident breeder.

Five groups of adults with young in the western end of Roseisle Forest 18 Jun (JDHM).

Counts of 10 or more Crossbill sp. were c50 Little Bin (Cullen) 3 Jul, 40 Tapp 1 Dec, 40 Sluie 31 Jul (10

there 21 Aug), 30 Loch of Blairs 7 Feb, 15 Fogwatt 21 Jan, 14 Benrinnes Wood 23 Jun, 12 Binsness 18

Mar, 12 Loch na Bo 12 Feb, 11 Roseisle 28 Apr and 10 Kinloss 17 Mar.

Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula Common resident breeder.

The only group exceeding 5 birds was 15+ feeding on barley in a garden at Lower Chainie

(Maggieknockater) 20 Feb.

[Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata Escape.

1 female in a Clochan garden 16 Apr (MJHC).]

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Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis Common winter visitor and rare breeder.

First back in autumn (in October) were 1 Nairn Bar 8th, 1 Ben Aigan summit 8

th and 1 Findhorn 10


Winter counts: Best monthly counts at regular sites on the coast were:

Jan Feb Oct Nov Dec

Nairn/Culbin Bars (& East Nairn) 166










Lossiemouth east beach 100




nc 42




Good numbers early in the year but relatively scarce in November-December.

Elsewhere, in the lowlands, groups of 10 or more were 76 Cullen beach 9 Jan, 60 Tugnet 4 Mar, 40

Balgreen (Lossiemouth) 17-24 Feb, rising to 130 by 4 Mar (still 2 on 18 Apr), 18 Wellheads (Clochan) 4

Mar, and 13 Carse of Delnies 7 Mar.

Last of the winter, away from breeding areas, were 2 Ben Rinnes 24 Apr.

Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella Very common resident breeder.

First song Lein (Kingston) 29 Jan, where still feeding young 17 Aug. Still in song Fogwatt 15 Oct. First

fledged young Lower Chainie (Maggieknockater) 23 May.

Flock counts (10 or more) were 54 Windyridge 14 Mar, 50 Salterhill 7 Jan, 50 Westerfolds 19 Jan, 46

Gilston 7 Nov, 40 Inchstelly 26 Mar, 36 Muirton 18 Nov, 36 Easter Calcots 22 Dec, 35 Wester Manbeen

22 Jan, 35 Netherton 14 Mar, 30 Myreside 8 Feb, 30 South Darkland 5 Mar, 25 Meft 4 Feb, 15

Lossiemouth 16 Dec, 12 Carse of Delnies 7 Mar, 12 Loch Spynie 26 Oct, 12 Brodie 29 Oct and 10

Lochyhill 5 Mar.

Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus Common resident breeder.

Present in the breeding season at Carse of Delnies, Cloddach quarry, Loch Spynie, RAF Kinloss, Loch

Flemington, Loch of Blairs, Miltonduff wet fields, Newton of Dalvey, Spynie canal and Windyridge.

Numerous in winter in the dunes around Findhorn village where 14 on 23 Oct and 19 on 23 Dec. A few

all winter on Nairn/Culbin Bars, max 7 on 8 Oct.

Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra Scarce resident breeder.

Singing birds were located at Clarkly Hill (Burghead), Garmouth, Lochhill, Nether Dallachy, Nether

Unthank, South Darkland and Stonewells.

Once again, significant flocks only at Clochan where 22 on 6 Jan, 22 on 19 Apr, 6 on 16 Nov and 10 on

28 Dec. Song is only occasionally heard here and breeding has never been suspected over the last 30

years. Best counts elsewhere only 5 South Darkland 25 Mar and 5 Tugnet 5 Mar.

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Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus Add: 1 Spynie canal near Loch Spynie 29 May (RP).


The following records have been accepted:

King Eider Kingsteps/Nairn Bar 12-21 February 2006

White-billed Diver Cummingston 3-7 May 2005

Black Stork Tomfarclas 13 May 2006


The following records have been accepted:

Cormorant (sinensis) Loch Spynie 26 Dec 1998-20 Jan 1999

Buff-breasted Sandpiper Lossie estuary 27 June 2006

Ring-billed Gull Coltfield 27-28 April 2005

Yellow-legged Gull (2) Lossie estuary 29 June 2006


The following records have been accepted:

Little Egret Findhorn Bay 18-19 September 2006

Hobby Spey Bay 13 July 2006

Mediterranean Gull Nairn 4-15 January 2006

Mediterranean Gull Loch Spynie 19-20 July 2006

Mediterranean Gull Tugnet 8 August 2006

Mediterranean Gull Loch Spynie/Lossiemouth 1 Nov/11 Nov 2006

Black Tern Tugnet 6 June 2006

Turtle Dove Altyre 9 September 2006

Lesser Whitethroat Alves w/b 5 Nov 2006-2007

Yellow-browed Warbler Strathlene 11 October 2006

Red-backed Shrike near Loch Spynie 28 May 2005

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Aberlour NJ265428 Invererne NJ033606

Auldearn NH918555 Kellas oakwood NJ157540

Ben Rinnes NJ255355 Kinermony NJ254420

Binn Hill NJ305655 Kingsteps NH903573

Bin of Cullen NJ480643 Kingston NJ337655

Binsness NJ030628 Kinloss NJ065618

Bogmoor NJ357629 Kinneddar NJ223693

Bow Fiddle Rock NJ495688 Knockando NJ182429

Brodie NJ978572 Lecht NJ245133

Broom of Moy NJ020593 Lein, Kingston NJ334657

Buckie NJ425657 Lhanbryde NJ275615

Buckpool NJ412653 Loch Flemington NH810520

Burghead NJ114689 Loch Loy NH933587

Burghead Bay NJ080670 Loch na Bo NJ283600

Burgie NJ093595 Loch of Blairs NJ023557

Cabrach NJ385270 Loch Oire NJ886608

Califer Hill NJ083570 Loch Spynie NJ235665

Carron NJ222414 Lochindorb NH975365

Cawdor NH845500 Lossie estuary NJ243700

Caysbriggs NJ248669 Lossie Forest NJ270680

Clochan NJ402608 Lossiemouth NJ235710

Cloddach quarry NJ200591 Milltown airfield NJ265655

Cloddymoss NH982599 Milton Brodie NJ092627

College of Roseisle NJ138665 Miltonduff NJ182599

Coltfield NJ117637 Miltonhill NJ099630

Covesea NJ186705 Monaughty Forest NJ132595

Craigellachie NJ290450 Montgrew NJ453517

Cran Loch NH945590 Nairn NH883567

Culbin Bar NH965627 Nairn Bar NH922603

Culbin Forest NH990620 Pitgaveny NJ240652

Cullen NJ513671 Portgordon NJ395642

Cummingston NJ133690 Portknockie NJ490685

Dava NJ005387 Roseisle NJ138666

Delnies NH845563 Sanquhar Loch NJ041581

Drainie NJ215687 Scarffbanks NJ237663

Drynachan NH865397 Spey Bay NJ354653

Dufftown NJ325400 Speymouth NJ345656

Duffus NJ170688 Strathlene NJ449674

Dulsie NH932416 Tarras NJ062597

Findhorn NJ040645 Tomintoul NJ170185

Findhorn Bay NJ045625 Tugnet NJ348655

Findochty NJ463680 Urquhart NJ286627

Fochabers NJ345585

Forres NJ035585

Garmouth NJ338644

Hempriggs NJ103638

Hopeman NJ145695

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A White Pelican was present in Findhorn Bay between 17-19 September 2006. The identification of the

bird is not in doubt. However, as at least two White Pelicans were present in Britain during August and

September (Birding World 19(8):310-319 & 19(9):354-369), and one of these was almost certainly an

escape, several people have questioned the origins of the bird in Findhorn Bay. Unfortunately, many of

these comments have been largely based on assumptions relating to which individual appears to match the

dates when individuals were recorded, rather than looking at plumage and bare part differences between

the two individuals.

Description of the Findhorn Bay White Pelican, with important features to separate individuals


Size and shape: A typical pelican! Large body, short legs, big bill and huge gular pouch. Body estimated

to be similar in size to the Mute Swans present in the area, though direct comparison between the two

species was not possible during my observation.

Plumage: All upperpart and underpart feathers white (i.e. head, neck, back, tail, belly, etc). No pink flush

evident on any feathers around neck, breast or flanks. Forehead feathering meeting base of upper

mandible at a point.

Wing coverts white on upperwing, except what appeared to be the tips of the primary coverts, which were

black. Primaries and secondaries black. On underwing, seen when wing flapping, a similar pattern to the

upperside of the wing was present: black primaries and secondaries with the underwing coverts being

white (this pattern was reminiscent of White Stork).

Two moult areas seen when flapping wings: one near the primary/secondary interface, with the other

entirely within the secondaries. All other wing feathers assumed to be unmoulted as I couldn’t see

anything other than one generation of feathers (i.e. if present, no obvious contrast between old and new

feathers). No other obvious gaps in the wing seen, and certainly nothing to indicate any wing ‘clipping’.

Bare parts: Culmen pale pink, similar in tone to bare skin around eyes. Edges of upper and lower

mandibles both appeared light greyish. Gular pouch huge: bare skin extending several inches down

throat. Gular pouch yellow. Nail light orange. Bare skin around eyes a pale flesh colour, extending from

bill base to behind eye, where an approximate 90° angle occurred. Extent of bare skin much larger, and

certainly not the rounded shape behind the eye, shown by American White Pelican. Legs flesh coloured.

Feet not seen. Eyes appeared dark (unknown colour) surrounded by paler bare skin.

In the “Bird News” section for September 2006 (Birding World 19(9):354-369), two individuals were

reported to be still in the UK (Table 1). The first was present at Bough Beech Reservoir, Kent in the early

part of the month, prior to visiting other sites. In photographs posted on the internet (see Surfbirds), this

individual showed extensive damage to the primaries suggestive of wing ‘clipping’. The other individual

appeared initially over Norfolk on 16 August, and then was seen in Lincolnshire, Lancashire, Cleveland

and Northumberland.

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Table 1: September 2006 dates and suggested individuals concerned in the UK (from Birding World


Bird 1 Bird 2

Bough Beech Reservoir (Kent) to 4th Cresswell Pond (Northumberland) to 12


Abberton Reservoir (Essex) 5th-6

th Soham (Cambridgeshire) 18


Nosterfield Gravel Pits (N.Yorkshire) 9th Bury St Edmonds (Suffolk) 19


Balmossie (Angus) 10th-15

th Flintshire & Denbighshire 22



Alyth (Perth & Kinross) 15th Maltraeth (Angelsey) 23



Findhorn Bay (Moray) 17th-19


In Table 1, dates suggest that the Bough Beech Reservoir pelican eventually visited Balmossie before

moving to Findhorn Bay. However, this is mere speculation based solely on dates, whereas consideration

of plumage, bare part colour and moult sequence suggest otherwise. Indeed, these plumage and bare part

features appear to indicate that it was actually the Cresswell Pond pelican that visited Findhorn Bay.

Separation of individuals

Cresswell Pond pelican:

During my observation I was unable to see the back of the Findhorn Bay pelican as it was always standing

facing my position and turned slightly to the left. This enabled all relevant identification features to be

noted. However, it was not possible to confirm if the few dark retained inner wing coverts, present on

photographs posted on the internet of the Cresswell Pond sighting, were present on the Findhorn Bay bird.

Nevertheless, on at least three occasions while the bird was preening it flapped it’s wings, enabling all of

the wing feathers to be clearly seen. Two obvious gaps were present, and these were in the same position

as that shown by the Cresswell Pond bird (Photo 1). It was not possible to confirm how many feathers

were involved, but it appears that 1-2 were missing in each gap. This fits in well with the stage of moult

seen in photographs of the Cresswell Pond bird about a week earlier.

Photo 1: White Pelican, Cresswell Pond, Northumberland, 9 September 2006 (I. Fisher). Photograph showing two clear

points of moult in each wing, and additionally no aberrant wear or signs of wing ‘clipping’.

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Another photograph, taken in early August at Noord-Holland in the Netherlands (Birding World 20(1):29)

shows a White Pelican with a missing feather on the left wing at the primary-secondary interface. This is

in exactly the same location as both the Cresswell Pond and Findhorn birds, and being almost a month

earlier could signify that this was the start of the moult sequence

The Bough Beech Reservoir and Balmossie pelican:

At the end of September, during a telephone call from Fair Isle, Andy Jensen passed on news that there

were rumours suggesting that the Balmossie and Findhorn Bay birds were the same, and that these related

to the Bough Beech Reservoir pelican. This suggestion was also made in the September “Bird News”

section in Birding World. At the time of the observation, it was confirmed that the condition of the

primaries and secondaries were not unduly abraded, and that the two gaps present in each wing appeared

to be part of a natural moult strategy: unlike the pelican at Bough Beech Reservoir.

There were definitely no gaps present in either wing of the Findhorn Bay individual to suggest any

abnormal moult or wing ‘clipping’, which might suggest a captive origin. Certainly, the gaps present

were unlike the Bough Beech Reservoir bird, which although appearing as two gaps, were only present in

the primaries. In addition, from photographs on the internet, these gaps do not look to be natural (Photos

2 & 3). The feathers appear to be cut, suggesting that these were ‘clipped’ and that the bird is of captive


Photo 2: White Pelican, Bough Beech Reservoir, Kent, 6 August 2006 (C. Thurston). Photograph showing abnormal gaps

in right wing suggesting wing ‘clipping’.

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Photo 3: White Pelican, Bough Beech Reservoir, Kent, 6 August 2006 (T. Blake). Photograph showing abnormal gaps in

left wing suggesting wing ‘clipping’.

Additionally, several plumage features present on both the Bough Beech Reservoir and Balmossie

individuals suggest that these sightings relate to the same White Pelican. There were five obvious

similarities between these pelicans:

• Bright pink bare skin around the eyes and lores;

• Bright yellow gular pouch;

• Culmen bright pink;

• Bright orange-red nail on the bill tip; and

• Pink flush to body feathers.

None of the features highlighted for either the Bough Beech Reservoir or Balmossie sightings were seen

on the Findhorn Bay pelican. Therefore, from the evidence shown in these photographs it would appear

that the Bough Beech Reservoir and Balmossie sightings relate to the same individual and that this bird is

definitely different from the sighting at Findhorn Bay.

Summary of key identification features between pelican sightings

From photographs of the Bough Beech Reservoir/Balmossie and Cresswell Pond pelicans, it is obvious

that the individual at Findhorn Bay related either to the latter bird, or another individual (i.e. a third

pelican). This is based on the stage of moult, bare part colouration and plumage features, and confirms

that the Bough Beech Reservoir/Balmossie bird is not the Findhorn Bay bird, despite what the date

sequence may suggest (see Table 1). Therefore, published dates in Birding World suggesting that the

Findhorn Bay and Bough Beech Reservoir birds are the same is erroneous.

From photographs posted on the internet, and my own notes taken on September 17, there are some major

differences between the assumed two individuals (Bough Beech Reservoir and Cresswell Pond):

• Moult gaps present in the Findhorn Bay bird were similar in extent and location to the Cresswell

Pond bird, rather than the abnormal (‘clipped’) gaps in the primaries present in the Bough Beech

Reservoir bird;

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• No pink flush to any body feathers seen on the Findhorn Bay bird, though present on both the

Bough Beech Reservoir and Balmossie birds (around the throat, neck, back and flanks);

• Bare skin pale pink, and similar to the Cresswell Pond bird. Not as bright as either the Bough

Beech Reservoir or Balmossie sightings;

• Gular pouch colour similar to the Cresswell Pond bird, being much paler than the very bright skin

present on both the sightings at Bough Beech Reservoir and Balmossie;

• Nail definitely not as bright as the bird present at Bough Beech Reservoir or Balmossie; and

• Culmen light pink, not bright like Bough Beech Reservoir or Balmossie sightings.


It would appear, at first glance, that the suggested dates and locations given in Birding World (Table 1)

confirm the movements of two birds. However, features shown by the Findhorn Bay individual exclude it

from the sightings relating to ‘Bird 1’ (Bough Beech Reservoir) because it most closely fits the Cresswell

Pond bird regarding plumage, bare parts and moult. Thus, sightings for individuals assumed to relate to

‘Bird 2’, after leaving Cresswell Pond, are either wrong, or some of the sightings (Findhorn Bay/southern

England/Wales) may actually relate to another pelican.

As the Bough Beech Reservoir/Balmossie individual was very bright, and considered to relate to the same

bird, any photographs or descriptions from other localities should enable BBRC to easily trace the

suggested movements of this individual. Both Dutch Birding (WP reports 28(5):316-325) and Birding

World include reports of two birds present on the Continent (in the Netherlands and north-west France)

and two individuals present in the UK. Dutch Birding indicate that the two UK birds are different, but do

not make any assumptions that the Norfolk individual, that arrived on August 16, relates to either of the

sightings from the Continent. However, the theory of a third pelican is dependent on descriptions and/or

photographs of the Cresswell Pond individual being conclusive as to its whereabouts after leaving

Northumberland. Therefore:

Did the Cresswell Pond bird move north and visit Findhorn Bay?


Did this bird move south and visit sites in southern England and then Wales?

Whether the Cresswell Pond pelican moved north or south only becomes an issue if photos/descriptions of

subsequent sightings are unable to eliminate the Bough Beech Reservoir/Balmossie pelican. Because of

various plumage, bare part and moult similarities, and overlap in dates with the Cresswell Pond pelican,

there is either a mistake with the assumption suggested by dates given in Table 1, or there is another

pelican involved in some of these records.


Bird News August 2006. Birding World 19(8):310-319.

Bird News September 2006. Birding World 19(9):354-369.

WP reports late July-early September 2006. Dutch Birding 28(5):316-325.

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On the afternoon of 13 May 2006 I was re-visiting a tetrad in the Tomfarclas area south west of Aberlour

as part of the fieldwork for the North-East Scotland Breeding Bird Atlas. The only new species I managed

to add to the potential breeders in the tetrad on that particular day was Lesser Redpoll. When walking

back to my car with thoughts of coffee in my mind I heard a crow calling above me. Always vigilant on

surveys, I looked up towards the crow and saw that it was about 50 feet below a very large bird - the crow

obviously not happy with the bird’s presence above it. I got my binoculars onto the large bird which was

circling and gliding in a clockwise direction. I remember saying to myself “that’s not a Heron!”

From underneath, the bird was very large with wide broad wings and obvious “finger” like primaries. The

neck was long and straight and the bill was also long and pointed. The legs extended beyond the tail. The

wings were black apart from the “armpits” which were whitish. The complete underside of the body was

also white or very light. The neck was dark. As the bird was gliding a little further away from me I could

then seen its upper side quite clearly as it banked. The complete upper side of the bird was black or very

dark. I got good views of the birds’ underside and upper side several times. I was then quite happy I was

looking at a stork. Only a few months previously I had been fortunate enough to have watched Painted

Stork and Wooly-necked Stork in Sri Lanka.The bird then continued to move off further north-east in a

steady gliding circling motion, only giving one slight wing beat in the few minutes I watched it. It seemed

to be following in the general direction of the River Spey downstream towards Aberlour.

I went back to my car to try to get my telescope onto the bird, but unfortunately by the time I got there I

could not relocate the bird. I then referred to my Collins Bird Guide and confirmed that I had just seen a

Black Stork. Certainly a species that I couldn’t add to the list of “breeders” in the tetrad! Unfortunately,

being a fly over, no other local birders were in the area to see the bird. My theory that it may have been

following the line of the Spey was taken up by Martin Cook who drove out to a point overlooking the

Spey valley downstream from Rothes in the hope of intercepting it. Unfortunately he was unsuccessful,

but did admit to “getting excited a few times” en route when he had to stop his car to check out things in

flight which turned out to be no more than a couple of Buzzards and a light aircraft!

Shortly before this sighting, a Black Stork had been seen at Wester Clunes (Highland) on 9 May and at

North Ronaldsay (Orkney) on 10 May. Possibly the same stork was involved in these records although the

North Ronaldsay bird left the island in a northerly direction.

The only previous record for Moray & Nairn concerned one at Dulsie Bridge (Nairn) on 17 July 1977.

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In late June 2006 I was back working in Moray for a week, undertaking Breeding Bird Surveys in the area

around the River Lossie downstream of Elgin. As these involved a 4am start, I was free to go home after

lunch, but decided instead to check some of the usual sites to see if anything was about. On 27 June I

arrived at Lossiemouth around 12:30, and went to the area overlooking the estuary by the caravan park

with my lunch. There was little to see of any note; seemingly just loafing gulls were present. I scanned the

grassy saltmarsh area on the far bank of the river further upstream for waders, although there seemed to be

none present aside from a group of Oystercatcher and a few Curlew. I made what was probably going to

be a final scan when I noticed a head and shoulders sticking up out of a small furrow running along the

saltmarsh. The head seemed square shaped and quite large in proportion to a thin neck, with a fine straight

black bill. This immediately rang alarm bells as being unusual, and probably a Buff-breasted Sandpiper, a

species I was familiar with. I was concerned however, about eliminating the possibility of Ruff, and more

specifically, a small reeve. I telephoned Bob Proctor to alert him to the possibility of a Buff-breasted

Sandpiper and to see if he was free to come down. I then set about viewing the bird more intensely.

The heat haze was a problem at this initial distance of approximately 400m, and I was about to make a

move upstream to try to get closer to the bird. I then noticed with horror that there was a dog walker (a

perennial problem at this site) approaching the vicinity of the bird from further upstream, who was likely

to flush it. I decided to make the most of the time I had left, viewing the bird at this distance rather than

trying to get closer and find that it had been flushed. The dog walker took a couple more minutes to reach

the area (during which time the bird was out of the furrow and up on the grass un-obscured, albeit a bit

distantly) at which point the bird raised it’s head alertly and took off flying low west (downstream) closer

to where I was sitting. It settled on the area of saltmarsh opposite to me, and close to a group of

Oystercatchers. It stayed here for a further 1-2 minutes, showing well, before the dog walker reached this

point. It then took off again and flew low further downstream, and round the corner out of view towards

the river mouth. It did not appear to gain height and I was confident the bird would want to return. It had

been feeding actively during my observation, and I assumed it would wait for the disturbance to subside

rather than leave the area entirely.

Knowing there was little suitable habitat for the bird at the river mouth, I waited a few minutes to see

whether it would return - and for Bob to arrive. When he appeared we briefly looked at the area near the

river mouth, but the bird was not there. Bob then left to check other suitable sites in the area, such as the

airfield and the golf course, whilst I waited at the estuary until approximately 3pm to see if it would

return. I also checked Miltonduff pool and Kingston later that afternoon, and returned to Lossiemouth at

4am next day, but there was no further sign of the bird. Other observers also checked the estuary at other

times, but it was never relocated.


• Small, dainty wader which, even without any suitable species for size comparison, appeared

slightly smaller than even the smallest Ruff

• Structurally it appeared very attenuated due to the long primary projection and full chest. It had a

rather skinny neck, with a relatively larger squarish head

• Large dark beady eye

• Thin, dark straight bill

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• Longish, startlingly mustard yellow legs

• Head was a buffish colour, with a noticeably paler eyering. A crown of black streaks created a

slight capped impression;

• Foreneck, breast and belly warm buff coloured, turning to white on the vent

• Breast sides dark streaked

• Mantle dark scalloped with pale buff-edged feathers.

• Scapulars dark and broadly pale edged, ageing bird as an adult

• Wing coverts slightly paler and plain, ageing bird as an adult

• Underwing strikingly white when seen in flight, no wingbar on upperwing

• The bird was not heard to call

The bird is the first record for Moray; two individuals seen at Delnies in September 1994 being in Nairn

District. The mid-summer date seemed rather unusual, although there have been mid-summer records of

Pectoral Sandpiper amongst other nearctic species. Indeed mid-summer records of Buff-breasted

Sandpiper in Scotland are not unprecedented, with the most recent record being a bird on Tiree in June


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Numbers of birds ringed in Moray and Nairn during 2006:



Pullus Total Full


Pullus Total

Oystercatcher 1 1 Willow Warbler 69 69

Purple Sandpiper 38 38 Goldcrest 1 1

Redshank 4 4 Long-tailed Tit 18 18

Turnstone 46 46 Crested Tit 16 16

Common Gull 5 5 Coal Tit 13 13

Woodpigeon 1 1 Blue Tit 77 102 179

Collared Dove 1 1 Great Tit 32 85 117

Barn Owl 5 5 Treecreeper 4 2 6

Tawny Owl 1 1 Jay 1 1

Swallow 4 77 81 Jackdaw 7 7

Wren 23 3 26 Carrion Crow 2 2

Dunnock 14 14 Starling 2 17 19

Robin 40 40 House Sparrow 119 4 123

Blackbird 18 2 20 Tree Sparrow 2 2

Song Thrush 2 4 6 Chaffinch 50 50

Sedge Warbler 62 62 Greenfinch 57 6 63

Whitethroat 9 9 Goldfinch 20 20

Garden Warbler 2 2 Siskin 120 120

Blackcap 5 5 Bullfinch 9 9

Chiffchaff 4 4 Reed Bunting 14 14

TOTAL 888 332 1220

Recoveries in 2006:

All ringing recoveries reported for 2006 are included in this section with the more interesting ones given

in full. Information was supplied by M.J.H.Cook, D.Gibson, R.Proctor and from Highland Ringing Group

bulletins. Anyone finding a ringed bird in Moray or Nairn is asked to pass the details to Martin Cook.

Ringing details are given on the first line and recovery data on the second line. The age when ringed is

given according to the EURING code, note however, that these numbers do not represent age in years:

1 Nestling or chick

2 Fully grown, year of hatching unknown

3 Hatched during year of ringing

4 Hatched before year of ringing, exact year unknown

5 Hatched in the previous year

6 Hatched before the previous year, exact year unknown

m = Male f = Female J = Juvenile CES = Constant Effort Site

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Recovery symbols: V Caught and released with ring

VV Ring number read in field, or sight record of a colour-ringed bird

VB Breeding when trapped

+ Shot or killed by man

X Found dead or dying (F = Fresh, L = Long dead)

? Unknown circumstances

SHAG Thirteen colour-ringed Shags were reported, of these 12 were from the Isle of May, of which nine were at

Lossiemouth (177 km) and three at Burghead (179 km).

The furthest movement received was from Northumberland:

1394471 1 070606 Staple Island, Farne Islands

XF 021206 Lossiemouth 255 km

GREYLAG GOOSE One shot near Elgin was ringed at Loch Eye in 2004.

EURASIAN TEAL EG48909 3f 111105 Loch Eye

+F 031205 Pittendreich, Elgin 41 km

RED KITE GN89282 1m 220604 Black Isle

+ poison 100805 Clephanton, Nairn

Poisoning of raptors is still continuing and can be a common cause of death in this species.

HEN HARRIER EL29482 1m 280704 central Moray

X 090904 Dores, Loch Ness

OYSTERCATCHER Only recoveries over 50 km are given in full:

FA19376 8 031287 North Kessock

X 100606 Elgin 59 km

An individual ringed at Invergordon was shot at RAF Kinloss (36 km), while another from Alness Bay

was found dead in Findhorn Bay (41 km).

A colour-ringed individual from Dawlish Warren, ringed as an adult female on 17 Nov 2000, was seen on

the Lossie estuary on 5 Aug 2006 and then back at Dawlish Warren on 4 Sep 2006. Dawlish Warren and

other sites in the south-west are well-known wintering areas for our local Oystercatchers.

LAPWING DB59205 4f 131001 Alness Bay

X 240406 Mundole, Forres 41 km

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LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL GF26651 1 250695 Heathery Howes, Holm, Orkney

X 240805 Kinloss 150 km

FA83984 10 270206 Stoke Orchard landfill, near Wingmoor Garm, Gloucester

VV 170706 Lossie estuary 647 km

HERRING GULL 4253573 1 100705 Karmoy, Rogaland, NORWAY

VV 180306 Lossie estuary

VV 130406 Lossie estuary 529 km

GN29478 1 230602 Inver, Dunbeath

VV 110306 Cooper Park, Elgin 66 km

GN77840 5 100305 Ashington, Northumberland

VV 040706 Lossie estuary

HT89797 1 260602 Badbea

VV 200706 Burghead harbour 50 km

VV 081006 Burghead harbour

GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL A total of 12 colour-ringed individuals from various Caithness colonies were seen in Moray.

WOODPIGEON FP40857 6m 160306 Elgin Cemetery

XF 200606 Elgin Cemetery 0 km

Killed by a predatory bird.

BARN OWL GN05937 1 110605 Lynemore

X 100905 Ballindalloch 16 km

GN05940 1 120606 Lynemore

X (road) 051206 Aviemore 35 km

GN98153 1 160605 Shenval

X 061206 Carron 10 km

SWALLOW P477194 1 100601 Lhanbryde

XL 170606 Lhanbryde 0 km

T292356 1 250806 Lhanbryde

V 290906 Errol, Tayside 139 km

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ROBIN R744208 3 121005 Calf of Man, Isle of Man

V(=m) 110606 Loch Spynie CES 414 km

BLACKBIRD One found dead locally in Bishopmill, Elgin 4 years after ringing had been hit by a car.

SEDGE WARBLER T292268 3J 290706 Loch Spynie CES

V 220806 Trunvel, Treogat, Finistere, FRANCE 1086 km

T292291 3J 040806 Loch Spynie CES

V 220806 Saint-Philbert-de-Grand-Lieu, Loire-Atlantique, FRANCE 1187 km

These are the 3rd

and 4th movements connecting Loch Spynie to the west coast of France; T292291 is the

second to Loire-Atlantique, while T262268 is the first to Finistere. Another was trapped in Charente-

Maritime and reported in MNBR 1999.

BLUE TIT N679077 1 110605 Inchberry, Fochabers

V 160306 Rosehall, Sutherland 94 km

R777917 1 210505 Loch Spynie

V 020106 Clochan, Buckie 18 km

N679077 is the longest movement of a Moray-ringed Blue Tit, the previous longest was Clochan to

Huntly (25 km).

STARLING One caught in Bishopmill, Elgin by a non-ringer 4 years after ringing.

GREENFINCH TC35928 5f 080106 Blackpark, Nairn

X 291006 Fishcross, Clackmannan 160 km

TE22054 5f 260106 Elgin Cemetery, Elgin

XF cat 050506 Aberdeen 85 km

GOLDFINCH T135690 3f 181105 Brackley, Loch Flemington

X 090506 Croy 3 km

SISKIN C122420 5m 070306 Hempstead, Norfolk

V 150506 Clochan, Buckie 587 km

R802075 5m 170204 Runcorn, Cheshire

V 030406 Clochan, Buckie 479 km

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R860316 4f 090404 Warsop, Nottinghamshire

V 190406 Clochan, Buckie 504 km

T116799 6f 090404 Clochan, Buckie

V 180206 Abercarn, Gwent 665 km

T150511 4m 020504 Clochan, Buckie

V 210506 Fort William 158 km

T976039 5m 170206 Alnwick, Northumberland

V 030406 Clochan, Buckie 267 km

V145028 5m 190306 Boyton, Suffolk

V 200406 Clochan, Buckie 677 km

A typical selection of movements connecting local breeding birds to their wintering areas in England and

Wales. Note the rapid flight north of R860316, covering an average of 50.4 km per day.

LINNET T083324 3m 311204 near Ardersier

V 020306 Blackpark, Nairn 12 km

T398433 5m 190205 Chapelton, Forres

V 020306 Blackpark, Nairn 16 km

T987180 6f 080106 Blackpark, Nairn

V 280206 Breakachy, Beauly 45 km

T987419 5m 280106 near Ardersier

V 020306 Blackpark, Nairn 12 km

These movements are from an ongoing study undertaken by Highland Ringing Group on farmland
