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Debra Caywood-Rukas7/02

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What is Bipolar Disorder?

“Manic-Depression”A brain disorder affecting moods and energy that effects over 2million in the U.S.A.*

Emotions, thoughts and moods are distorted resulting in mood

swings that are overly “high” to extremely sad and hopelessDefined as having one or more manic or mixed episodes anddepression episodes lasting most of the day, every day for 2weeks or more

A long-term illness that typically develops in adolescence or

early adulthood but symptoms often seen in childhoodOften misdiagnosed as ADHD, OCD, OD, CD and depressionand sometimes schizophrenia

Often leads to suicidal thoughts

Can be treated and lead full productive lives

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Signs andSymptoms

MANIC Feelings of grandiosity or veryhigh self-esteem, euphoric

Extreme talkativeness, racingthoughts

Decreased need for sleep Highly distractible

Engaged excessively withpleasurable activities, oftenrecklessly

DEPRESSION  Ongoing sad, anxious or emptymood

Lack of energy and ability toconcentrate

Sleeping too much or too little

Lacks interest in others andactivities, irritable, feeling hopelessand worthless

Thoughts of death or suicide

SIGNS IN YOUNGER CHILDRENPoor sleep and night terrorsHigh activity levelEasily startledBedwettingOppositional behavior

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Range of Mood and 

Emotionsevere mania

mild to moderate mania (hypomania)

normal-balanced mood 

mild to moderate depression

severe depression

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 Treatment Just like long-term illnesses such as diabetes andheart disease, bipolar disorder is an illness thatrequires medication to improve quality of life

 Not all medications work for every person

 Severity of moods and side effects must be weighed

Medical management by a psychiatrist is best

A combination of medication and talk therapy ismost effective, specifically cognitive behavior and

family therapyLong-term management of symptoms reduces riskof suicide ** suicide rate 10-15%, NIMH

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 Lithium reduces manic episodes and aggression.Eskalith,Lithobid,Lithonate

Side effects: upset stomach, tremors, headache, weight gain,

tiredness and difficulty with memory.

Anticonvulsants/Antiepilepticsreduce seizures, mania, aggression.Side effects include upset stomach and drowsiness.

Tegretol Carbamazepine: nausea, irritability and agitation

Depakene &, Depakote Valproic: hand tremors and loss of hair Neurontin/Gabapentin,Lamictal/lamotrigine,

Topamax/topiramateandGabitril tiagabineare the newestmedications. Side effects are similar with the addition ofrash, nausea & dry mouth

“Mood-stabilizers” Medicine combinations

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School Accommodations

Inform teacher how disorder is manifested and alert to sideeffects of medication

Is there an IEP? If so, accommodations, modifications andinterventions are written along with goals

Counseling with school psychologist or social worker

Reduced work load due to level of concentration and fatigue

Provide clear instructions to alleviate/prevent frustration

Offer instruction, corrections and feedback in a calm, positivemanner

Prearrange an area in and/or outside the classroom for thestudent to retreat to when needed and a discrete cue

Allow extra time to complete assignments

Mutually choose a peer mentor to assist when needed

Consult with the school psychologist for additional information

Employ effective classroom management programs

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amily !ss"es and

!nter#entionsAttend to behavior such as rage with therapeutichold, quiet retreat area and pick your battles, behavior modification does not work well

Siblings relationships and marriages often becomestrained

Get family therapyDon’t ignore signs of suicide ideation or extreme

hopelessnessEducate family on disorder and how to deal withmood swings

Seek support groups and parent resources

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National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)http://www.bipolarbrain.com/SoWhatsBipolarIllness.html



Excellent brochure and other pertinent informationNational research of mental health , booklet. Articles

Northern County Psychiatric Association (Maryland)http://www.ncpamd.com/Bipolar.htm

articles, links on disorder, meds, suicide, etc

Pediatric Psychiatry Pamphletshttp://www.klis.com/chandler/pamphlet/bipolar/bipolarpamphlet.h

tmdefinition, case studies, treatment, side effects

Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation (CABF): Wilmette, ILPhone: (847) 256-8525 http://www.bpkids.org/


National Mental Health Associatopn (NMHA)http://www.nmha.org/infoctr/factsheets/76.cfm

Pediatrician Guide to Health and Safetyhttp://www.keepkidshealthy.com/

Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE)http://www.isbe.state.il.us/; Special education information, IEP


http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/AlphaIdx.asp?li=MNI&p=A_DICTRX Drugs:


National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)Bethesda, MD 20892-9663 Phone: (301) 443-4513

Depression and Related Affective Disorders Association (DRADA) Johns Hopkins HospitalBaltimore, MD 21287-7381Phone: (410) 955-4647 or (202) 955-5800

National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI)Arlington, VA 22201Toll-Free: 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)Web site: http://www.nami.org

National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association (NDMDA)730 North Franklin Street, Suite 501Chicago, IL 60610 Toll-Free: 1-800-826-3632 : http://www.ndmda.org

National Mental Health Association (NMHA)Alexandria, VA 22314-2971 Toll-Free: 1-800-969-NMHA (6642)E-mail: [email protected]; Web site: http://www.nmha.org

BOOKS:  The Bipolar Child by Demitri F. Papolos M.D.The Explosive Child by Ross W. Green Ph.D.

SCHOOL:  http://www.bipolarworld.net/job_school.html http://www.schoolbehavior.com/conditions_bipolar.htm


SUPPORT GROUPS and DISCUSSIONS:http://www.soc.support.depression.manichttp://www.families-first.com/whc/depression3.htm


*National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)** Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR)

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