Biology 12 Advanced Placement Mitosis and Meiosis Check-In Please ensure that you have all pages to the check-in. Good Luck, and remember you will do well! Part One: Multiple Choice 1. If there are 12 chromosomes in an animal cell in the G 1 stage of the cell cycle, what is the diploid number of chromosomes for this organism? a. 6 b. 12 c. 24 d. 36 e. 48 2. A cell containing 92 sister chromatids at the start of mitosis would, as its completion, produce cells containing how many chromosomes? a. 12 b. 16 c. 23 d. 46 e. 92 3. If the haploid number for a species is 3, each dividing diploid cell will have how many chromatids at metaphase? a. 3 b. 6 c. 9 d. 12 e. 18 Name__________________________________ Date___________________________________ Block_____

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Biology 12 Advanced PlacementMitosis and Meiosis Check-In

Please ensure that you have all pages to the check-in.Good Luck, and remember you will do well!

Part One: Multiple Choice

1. If there are 12 chromosomes in an animal cell in the G1 stage of the cell cycle, what is the diploid number of chromosomes for this organism?

a. 6b. 12c. 24d. 36e. 48

2. A cell containing 92 sister chromatids at the start of mitosis would, as its completion, produce cells containing how many chromosomes?

a. 12b. 16c. 23d. 46e. 92

3. If the haploid number for a species is 3, each dividing diploid cell will have how many chromatids at metaphase?

a. 3b. 6c. 9d. 12e. 18

4. If liver cells of an animal have 24 chromosomes, the sperm cells would have how many chromosomes?

a. 12b. 24c. 48d. Twice the diploid numbere. Half the haploid number

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5. Regarding mitosis and cytokinesis, one difference between plants and animals is that in plants

a. The spindle contains microfibrils in addition to microtubules, whereas animal spindles do not contain microfibrils.

b. Sister chromatids are identical, but they differ from one another in animals

c. A cell plate begins to form at telophase, whereas in animals a cleavage furrow is initiated at that stage

d. Chromosomes become attached to the spindle at prophase, whereas in animals chromosomes do not become attached until anaphase

e. Spindle poles contain centrioles, whereas spindle poles in animals do not

6. How do daughter cells at the end of mitosis and cytokinesis compare with their parent cell when it was in the G1 of the cell cycle?

a. The daughter cells have half the amount of cytoplasm and half the amount of DNA

b. The daughter cells have half the number of chromosomes and half the amount of DNA

c. The daughter cells have the same number of chromosomes and half the amount of DNA

d. The daughter cells have the same number of chromosomes and the same amount of DNA

e. The daughter cells may have new combinations of genes due to crossing over

7. Cells that have stopped dividing and are growing are most likely to be in which stage?

a. In the G2 phase of the cell cycleb. In the G1 phase of the cell cyclec. In the S phase of the cell cycled. In the M phase of the cell cyclee. In the G0 phase of the cell cycle

Answer the next TWO questions based on the following answers. Each answer may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

a. G0b. G1c. Sd. G2e. M

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8. Sister chromatids align in the middle of the cell

9. The shortest part of the cycle

10. The formation of a cell plate is beginning to form across the middle of a cell and nuclei are reforming at opposite ends of the cell. What kind of cell is this?

a. An animal cell in metaphaseb. An animal cell in telophasec. An animal cell undergoing telophase and cytokinesisd. A plant cell in metaphasee. A plant cell undergoing telophase and cytokinesis

11. The occurrence of centromeres uncoupling, sister chromatids are separated, and the two individual chromosomes move to opposite poles of the cell happens in which stage?

a. Telophaseb. Anaphasec. Prometaphased. Metaphasee. Prophase

12. Spindle fibres can be described asa. Non-kinetochore and kinetochore microtubulesb. Centre location of the sister chromatidsc. Proteins that elongate from the nuclear enveloped. Structures that originate from the cell membranee. Structures that help reform the nucleus

13. When comparing non-kinetochore and kinetochore microtubules, which of the following statements is TRUE.

a. Non-kinetochore tubules are not true spindle fibresb. Non-kinetochore tubules are generated from the mitochondriac. Kinetochore tubules attach to kinetochore proteins and help align

the sister chromatids during metaphased. Kinetochore tubules attach to non-kinetochore proteins to

elongate the cell during prophase14. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. Cyclin is always present in the cellb. Kinase is always present in the cellc. Cyclin levels depend on kinase levelsd. Cyclin levels regulate kinase levelse. Cyclin is needed to trigger the cell passed the first checkpoint, G1

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15. Cancer cells can best be described asa. Cells that do not respond normally to controls during cell

divisionb. Cells that continue to grow as long as there are nutrients

availablec. Malignant cells that may metastasize and spread throughout the

bodyd. Have larger nucleie. All of the above

16. Which of the following is FALSE?a. Meiosis is often referred to as reduction divisionb. Meiosis creates genetic variationc. Meiosis occurs in prokaryotic cellsd. Meiosis produces haploid daughter cellse. Gametes are produced during meiosis

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17. Which of the following events occurs during prophase I of meiosis?

a. Reduction in chromosome numberb. Segregation of alleles of unlinked genesc. Synapsis and crossing overd. Duplication of chromatidse. Segregation of alleles of linked genes

18. You are genetically unique. This is a result ofa. Sexual reproductionb. Genetic recombinationc. Mutations that can occurd. All of the above

19. Which of the following is the term for a human cell that contains 22 pairs of autosomes and two X chromosomes?

a. an unfertilized egg cellb. a sperm cellc. a male somatic celld. a female somatic cell

Answer the following question based on the diagram below

20. The diagram above representsa. Cytokinesisb. A haploid cell undergoing mitosisc. A haploid cell undergoing meiosisd. A diploid cell undergoing mitosise. A diploid cell undergoing meiosis

21. A karyotype can be described asa. A type of spindle that elongates the cellb. A type of spindle that helps align sister chromatidsc. A photomicrograph of an individual’s somatic cell chromosomes

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d. A photomicrograph of an individual’s somatic cell undergoing mitosis

e. A photomicrograph of an individual’s sex cell undergoing meiosis

22. Which of the following is TRUE?a. In meiosis sister chromatids separate during anaphase Ib. In meiosis sister chromatids separate during anaphase IIc. In meiosis I cytokinesis occurs before metaphase IId. In mitosis metaphase is followed by prophasee. In mitosis centrioles are always present in all eukaryotic cells

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Part Two: Short Answer and Critical Thinking

1. Briefly explain why checkpoints are so important in regulating the cell cycle.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Compare and contrast between internal and external cues that help regulate the cell cycle. Please have two points per section.

Internal External

Part Three: Graphing, Analysis, and Interpretation

1. Using the following table and information come up with a line graph that highlights the data. Please remember to include a title and label the x/y-axis. You can choose to graph the number of cells in that phase or the percentage as one of your axis (you do not have to graph both).

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b) Explain/provide a reason for the data from the table/graph you just created.


2. Please provide a possible explain for the following graph below (up into 90 hours).

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3. Develop one simple and one complex question that relates to meiosis. Your question could relate to abnormal chromosome number, error that can possibly occur, polyploidy organisms, etc.

Simple Question: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Brief Explanation:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Complex Question (based off of your simple question)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Explanation:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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