Training On Biofertilizer Marketing Strategy: Challenges and Opportunities (02/08/14 to 03/08/14) Organized by: Sushila Biofertilizer Company (SuBiCo) Pvt. Ltd. E-87, Road no. 4, Sathariya Industrial Area, Sathariya 222002, Uttar Pradesh, India

BiofertilizerMarketing Strategy: Challenges and Opportunitiessubicofert.com/upload/subico_Training_Mannual.pdf · BiofertilizerMarketing Strategy: ... Phosphorus often comes from

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Training On

Biofertilizer Marketing Strategy:

Challenges and Opportunities

(02/08/14 to 03/08/14)

Organized by: Sushila Biofertilizer Company

(SuBiCo) Pvt. Ltd.

E-87, Road no. 4, Sathariya Industrial Area, Sathariya – 222002, Uttar

Pradesh, India

Plant Nutrient

Sixteen chemical elements are known to be important to a plant's growth and survival. The sixteen chemical elements are divided into two main groups: non mineral and mineral.

Non-Mineral Nutrients

The Non-Mineral Nutrients are Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O), & Carbon (C).

These nutrients are found in the air and water.

In a process called photosynthesis, plants use energy from the sun to change carbon dioxide (CO2 - carbon and oxygen) and water (H2O- hydrogen and oxygen) into starches and sugars. These starches and sugars are the plant's food.

Photosynthesis means "making things with


Mineral Nutrients

13 mineral nutrients

come from the soil, are dissolved inwater and absorbed through a plant'sroots. There are not always enough of thesenutrients in the soil for a plant to growhealthy. This is why many farmers andgardeners use fertilizers to add thenutrients to the soil.


Micro Nutrients

MACRO Nutrients

Nitrogen (N)

Nitrogen is a part of all living cells and is a necessary part of all

proteins, enzymes and metabolic processes involved in the

synthesis and transfer of energy by photosynthesis.

Helps plants with rapid growth, increasing seed and fruit

production and improving the quality of leaf and forage crops.

Nitrogen often comes from fertilizer application and from the air

(legumes get their N from the atmosphere)

Phosphorus (P)

Involved in the formation of all oils, sugars, starches, etc and

part of the process of photosynthesis.

Effects rapid growth and encourages blooming and root growth.

Phosphorus often comes from fertilizer, bone meal, and


Potassium (K)

Helps in the building of protein, photosynthesis, fruit quality and reduction of diseases.

Potassium is supplied to plants by soil minerals, organic materials, and fertilizer.

Calcium (Ca)

Calcium, an essential part of plant cell wall structure, provides for normal transport and

retention of other elements as well as strength in the plant.

Sources of calcium are dolomitic lime, gypsum, and superphosphate.

Magnesium (Mg)

Magnesium is part of the chlorophyll in all green plants and essential for photosynthesis.

It also helps activate many plant enzymes needed for growth.

Soil minerals, organic material, fertilizers, and dolomitic limestone are sources of

magnesium for plants.

Sulfur (S)

Essential plant food for production of protein.

Promotes activity and development of enzymes and vitamins.

Helps in chlorophyll formation.

Improves root growth and seed production.

Helps with vigorous plant growth and resistance to cold.

Sulfur may be supplied to the soil from rainwater. It is also added in some fertilizers. The

use of gypsum also increases soil sulfur levels.


Boron (B)

Aids production of sugar and carbohydrates.

Essential for seed and fruit development.

Copper (Cu)

Important for reproductive growth.

Aids in root metabolism and helps in the utilization of proteins.

Chloride (Cl)

Aids plant metabolism.

Iron (Fe)

Essential for formation of chlorophyll.

Manganese (Mn)

Functions with enzyme systems involved in breakdown of

carbohydrates, and nitrogen metabolism.

Molybdenum (Mo)

Helps in the use of nitrogen

Zinc (Zn)

Essential for the transformation of carbohydrates.

Regulates consumption of sugars and plant growth.

Soil Composition

The four major components of soil are shown:

•Inorganic mineral matter about 40 to 45 percent of the soil volume •Organic matter about 5 percent of the soil volume •Water about 25 percent of the soil volume •Air about 25 percent of the soil volume

The Organic material of soil, called humus, is made up of microorganisms (dead and alive), and dead animals and plants in varying stages of decay. Humus improves soil structure, providing plants with water and minerals.

The Inorganic material of soil is composed of rock, slowly broken down into smaller particles that vary in size

Plant nutrients, their chemical symbols, and the ionic forms common in soils and available for plant uptake

Element Symbol Ion or molecule (Available form)

Carbon C CO2 (mostly through leaves)

Hydrogen H H+, HOH (water)

Oxygen O O2-, OH -, CO32-, SO4

2-, CO2

Phosphorus P H2PO4-, HPO4

2- (phosphates)

Potassium K K+

Nitrogen N NH4+, NO3

- (ammonium, nitrate)

Sulfur S SO42-

Calcium Ca Ca2+

Iron Fe Fe2+, Fe3+ (ferrous, ferric)

Magnesium Mg Mg2+

Boron B H3BO3, H2BO3-, B(OH)4


Manganese Mn Mn2+

Copper Cu Cu2+

Zinc Zn Zn2+

Molybdenum Mo MoO42- (molybdate)

Chlorine Cl Cl - (chloride)

Agriculture and Organic Farming in India

India agriculture has an extensive background which goes back to at least 10

thousand years. Currently the country holds the second position in agricultural

production in the world.

India is the second biggest producer of wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane,

silk, groundnuts, and dozens more. It is also the second biggest harvester of

vegetables and fruit, representing 8.6% and 10.9% of overall production,


India is well known for its organic crops, but now a days there are more

percentage of Chemically grown crops as compared to Organic crops, instead of

good market growth of organically grown crops.

Only two states in India are declared organic: Uttarakhand and Sikkim

A Biofertilizer (also bio-fertilizer) is a substance

which contains living microorganisms which, when

applied to seed, plant surfaces, or soil, colonizes

the soil or the interior of the plant and promotes

growth by increasing the supply or availability of

primary nutrients to the host plant.

Bio-fertilizers add nutrients through the natural

processes of nitrogen fixation, solubilizing

phosphorus, zinc, potassium and stimulating plant

growth through the synthesis of growth-promoting

substances. Bio-fertilizers can be expected to

reduce the use of chemical fertilizer and pesticides.


Biofertilizer Product – Sanjivini N1

Sanjivini N1 (Rhizobium) fertilizer bacteria play very

important role in agriculture by inducing nitrogen-fixingnodules on the roots of legumes such as peas, beans, clove.

The bacteria infect the legume root and form root noduleswithin which they reduce molecular nitrogen to ammoniawhich is reality utilized by the plant to produce valuableproteins, vitamins and other nitrogen containing compounds.

This symbiosis can relieve the requirements for addednitrogen fertilizers during the growth of leguminous crop. Itestablishes symbiotic relationship between the leguminousplant and nodule bacteria.

It has been estimated that 40-250 kg N / ha / year is fixed bydifferent legume crops by the microbial activities ofRhizobium. The percentage of nodules occupied, nodules dryweight, plant dry weight and the grain yield per plant washighly promising.

How it Works? The Nitrogen Cycle

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert nitrogen gas into ammonium

Step 1: A special type of bacteria called nitrogenfixing bacteria take in atmospheric nitrogen andproduce ammonia (NH3).

Step 2: Other bacteria use this ammonia toproduce nitrates and nitrites, which are nitrogenand oxygen containing compounds.

Step 3: The nitrates and nitrites are used byplants to make amino acids which are then usedto make plant proteins.

Step 4: Plants are consumed by other organismswhich use the plant amino acids to make theirown.

Step 5: Decomposers convert the nitrogen foundin other organisms into ammonia and return it tothe soil.

The Chemical Cycles

Root and Bacteria (Sanjivini N1)

(Sanjivini N1)

Product Name Advantages Used for (Crops)

Sanjivini N1 Improvement of soil fertility, crop yield

increased by 10-20%, cost effective, provide

protection against drought and some soil-

born diseases, adequate available nitrogen

for crops, increase nodulation and nitrogen

fixation about 40-50 kg per hectare, eco

friendly, effective and efficient for organic


Ground nut, black

gram, green

gram, red gram,

cowpea, Bengal

gram, mustard,

soy bean,



How to Use the Product?

Seed treatment –

Seedling treatment –

Soil treatment –

Crop treatment –

All plant needs nitrogen for its growth and Sanjivini N2Azotobacter fixes atmospheric nitrogen non-symbiotically. Atmospherecontains 78% nitrogen, which is a very important nutrient for the plantgrown.

It takes atmosphere nitrogen and converts it into organic nitrogenand ammonia in a form where the plants can use. However, especiallycereals, vegetables, fruits, trees, sugarcane, cotton, grapes, banana, etc.are known to get addition nitrogen requirements from Azotobacter.

Azotobacter also increases germination of seeds. Seeds having lessgerminating percent if inoculated can increase germination by 20-30%.

It also protects the roots from other pathogens present in the soil.

It is recommended the application of the Azotobacter biofertilizer atthe rate of 5-10 kg per Acre and this assures a substantial saving ofnitrogen fertilizer (about 50 % reduction in N requirement). Thisindirectly reduces the costs as well as the soil health is improved byincreased microbial activity.

Biofertilizer Product – Sanjivini N2



Advantages Used for




Increased yield 10-30%,

produce growth promoting

substances, active against

soil born diseases, eco

friendly, fix around 15-20

kg atmospheric nitrogen

per hectare, effective and

efficient for organic


Wheat, paddy,

bajra, jowar,

maize, mustard,

cotton, banana,


tobacco, castor,

vegetables and



Biofertilizer Product – Sanjivini N3

Sanjivini N3 (Azospirillium) belongs to bacteria and is known

to fix the considerable quantity of nitrogen in the range of 20- 40kg N/ha in the rhizosphere in non- non-leguminous plants such ascereals, millets, Oilseeds, cotton etc.

The efficiency of Azospirillium as a Bio-Fertilizer has increasedbecause of its ability of inducing abundant roots in several pantslike rice, millets and oilseeds even in upland conditions.Considerable quantity of nitrogen fertilizer up to 25-30 % can besaved by the use of Azospirillum inoculant.

One of the characteristics of Azospirillum is its ability to reducenitrate and denitrify.

Apart from nitrogen fixation, growth promoting substanceproduction (IAA), disease resistance and drought tolerance aresome of the additional benefits.

Product Name Advantages Used for (Crops)

Sanjivini N3 Increased yield 10-35%, produce growth

promoting substances, active against soil

born diseases, eco friendly, fix around

15-20 kg atmospheric nitrogen per

hectare, effective and efficient for

organic farming

Wheat, paddy, bajra,

jowar, maize,

mustard, cotton,

banana, sugarcane,

tobacco, castor,

vegetables and

horticulture crops

Crop Recommended Bio-fertilizer Application method

Field crops


Chickpea, pea, Groundnut, soybean, beans, Lentil, lucern,

Berseem, Green gram, Black gram, Cowpea and pigeon pea

Sanjivini N1 Seed treatment


Wheat, oat, barley

Sanjivini N2/ Sanjivini N3 Seed treatment

Rice Sanjivini N3 Seed treatment

Oil seeds

Mustard, seasum, Linseeds, Sunflower, castor

Sanjivini N2 Seed treatment


Pearl millets, Finger millets (Ragi or Maundwa), Kodo millet

Sanjivini N2 Seed treatment

Maize and Sorghum Sanjivini N3 Seed treatment

Forage crops and Grasses

Bermuda grass, Sudan grass, Napier Grass , ParaGrass,

StarGrass etc.

Sanjivini N2 Seed treatment

Other Misc. Plantation Crops


Sanjivini N2 Seedling treatment

Tea, Coffee Sanjivini N2 Soil treatment

Rubber, Coconuts Sanjivini N2 Soil treatment

Agro-ForestRY/Fruit Plants

All fruit/agro-forestry (herb,shrubs, annuals and perennial)

plants for fuel wood fodder,

fruits,gum,spice,leaves,flowers,nuts and seeds puppose

Sanjivini N2 Soil treatment

Leguminous plants/ trees Sanjivini N1 Soil treatment

Production of Biofertilizer inside the Company

Production and Market of Organically and Chemically grown Crops and Food Products

Biofertilizers(Organic fertilizer)

Chemical Fertilizers

Productivity Fertilizer Cost Soil fertilityOrganic cropsMarket priceHealth benefit

Production of crops by the farmer

Production of grains/cereals/fruits

Selling of chemically produced Grains/cereals/fruits

Productivity Fertilizer Cost Soil fertilityOrganic cropsMarket priceHealth benefit

Production of crops by the farmer

Production of grains/cereals/fruits

Selling of chemically produced Grains/cereals/fruits

Organic fertilizer is cheaper than chemical fertilizer and has more benefits over chemical fertilizer.

Type of Fertilizer

Cost/kg (in Rs.)

Requirement per Acre(in Kgs)

Total cost(in Rs.)

Chemical 10 600 6000

Bio 80 10 800

Cost of Fertilizer : Organic Vs Bio

Synthetic fertilizers tend to replenish only nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus; awhiledepleting the other nutrients and minerals that are naturally found in truly fertile soils.Modern farming ironically leads to nutritionally-deficient foods.Conversely, organically-grown fruits and vegetables have significantly more anti-oxidants,polyphenols, and enzymes. It is not just the soil that is losing out: it is our health.

Synthetic fertilizers kill a large percentage of a soil's naturally- Occurringmicroorganisms. These bacteria would normally break down organic matter into plantnutrients, and help convert nitrogen from the air into a plant-usable form. Other usefulsoil bacteria are "disease organisms" which keep cutworms, chinch bugs, grubs, and otherparasites in check. It takes almost six weeks for soil to partially recover biologically from apoisoning by synthetic fertilizer.

Soil that is deprived of its microorganisms undergoes a rapid decline in soil structure,and it loses its essential ability to retain water, air, and nutrients. Plants grown in suchdepleted soil are extremely susceptible to damage from diseases, insects and drought.Healthy soil, which is rich in beneficial microorganisms, encourages the natural immunesystems of plants, limits the population of plant disease organisms, resists parasiticinsects, and creates the ideal conditions for growth.

Organic Vs Chemical Fertilizer : Soil and your Food

"Laboratory tests prove that the fruits, the vegetables,the grains, the eggs and even the milk and the meats oftoday are not what they were a few generations ago(which doubtless explains why our forefathers thrived ona selection of foods that would starve us!) No man oftoday can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply hissystem with the mineral salts he requires for perfecthealth, because his stomach isn't big enough to holdthem..."

Organic fertilizer is most often manure from cows, horses, poultry, pigs, and sheep. The problem with manure is that the animals can only make nutrient-rich manure if their food source is also nutrient rich.

Organic crops are generally far more flavourful, since they contain many more nutrients.

Mantra Organic Ajwain100gmRs.46.00

Organic Apple Juice 1ltrRs.129.00

Organic Bajra Flour 500gmRs.40.00

Organic Basmati Brown Rice1kgRs.190.00

Organic Black Pepper 100gmRs.125.00

Organic Bengal Gram Dal500gmRs.75.00

Organic Besan Flour500gmRs.75.00

Organic Brown Channa500gmRs.65.00

Organic Cashew (Whole) 100gmRs.120.00

Organic Chilli Powder100gmRs.45.00

Organic Chitkabra Rajma500gmRs.120.00

Organic Cinnamon (Dalchini)100gmRs.95.00

Organic Cold Pressed Mustard Oil1ltrRs.250.00

Organic Coriander 100gmRs.30.00

Organic Cumin 100gmRs.58.00

Organic Dry Ginger Powder 50gmRs.50.00

Retailers – Distribution of material in surrounding villages.

Dealers – Distribution of Material in surrounding 5-10 villages.

Area Distributors – Distribution of material in an area.

Stockiest – distribution of material in One district.

Super stockiest - Distribution of material in five districts.

C & F Agent – Distribution of material in one state.

Definition of different Market chain

Limiting factors organic produce market:

Lack of market information in general and organic market information in particular isbiggest drawback for Indian agriculture. As a result farmers are in a predicament as theyare unable to attune their production practices as per the market changes.

Lack of proper use of product.

Lack of information on storage condition.

Quality of Indian food industry is always a constraint for growth, low consistency ofquality and contamination in food products is a hindrance in capturing the availablemarket especially the international market.

Government has shown limited interest for organic agriculture, though theactivities from government side are increasing.

Unfortunately, switching to an organic fertilizer is not a quick fix for soil; especiallywhen the soil has been bombarded with chemicals for years. It can take several yearsbefore the soil regains the fertility that it once had, and this may lead some growers intothe false belief that organic farming is less productive. Hence, fertilizing with chemicalshas become like a drug addiction to farmers.

How to make things move?

Training of farmers on quality.

Farmers participating demonstration on use of quality organic fertilizer.

Awareness creation among farmers quality Vs quantity.

Crop demonstration on vegetables, pulses, oil seeds, cereals, etc on use of organic fertilizer.

Emphasis on proper market management.

Soil testing cards will be issued to farmers.

Do’s and Don’t for Dealers and farmers :

Do Don’t

Keep Bio-fertilizers bottles away from direct

heat and sunlight. Store it in cool and dry


Don’t store Bio-fertilizers bottles

under heat and sunlight

Sell only Bio-fertilizers bottles which

contain batch number, the name of the crop

on which it has to be used, the date of

manufacture and expiry period.

Don’t sell Bio-fertilizers bottles after

their expiry period is over.

If the expiry period is over, then discard it

as it is not effective.

Don’t prick holes into the bottles or

puncture them to pour the content

Keep Bio-fertilizers bottles away from

fertilizer or pesticide containers and they

should not be mixed directly.

Do not mix the Bio-fertilizers with

fungicides, insecticides, herbicides,

herbicides and chemical fertilizers.

Do’s and Don’t for Dealers and Farmers

Phosphorus is the second most critical plant nutrient. Whilethere is on average 500KG of phosphorus per acre in the soil,it is generally unavailable in the form of phosphates of lowsolubility.

Agricultural fields may need to be fertilised to make up forthe phosphorus that has been removed in the crop.

The application of soluble chemical fertilisers to soils mayresult in zinc deficiencies as zinc phosphates form. Conversely,the application of zinc to soils may immobilise phosphorusagain as zinc phosphate.

Lack of phosphorus may interfere with the normal openingof the plant leaf stomata, resulting in plant temperatures 10percent higher than normal.

Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB): UPAJ P

Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB): UPAJ P

Product Name Advantages Used for (Crops)

Upaz P Enhance Phosphorous uptake and

yield by 10-35%, convert insoluble

phosphate to soluble phosphates

easily available to plants, root

elongation and good crop stand cost

effective, eco friendly, effective and

efficient for organic farming

For all kinds of


Potassium Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB): UPAJ K

The amount of potassium in a soil may be as much as 40,000kg per acre-foot, of which only 75 kg is available for plantgrowth.

Potassium helps facilitate sugar movement through plants,and boosts resistance to stresses such as drought and disease.

Potassium is found in potash, a term that includes variousmined and manufactured salts; all contain potassium in awater-soluble form.

Product Name Advantages Used for (Crops)

Upaz K Reduce cost of potash application by

20-25%, improve crop yield by 10-

15%, improve quality of crops, early

root development, secrets growth

hormones to increase crop

productivity, cost effective, eco

friendly, effective and efficient for

organic farming

For all kinds of


Nutrient Cycle

SuBiCo BioZyme

SuBiCo BioZyme contains Mycorrhiza fungi.

Mycorrhizal fungi have occurred naturally in the soil for 450 million years. They form aclose symbiotic relationship with plant roots. They are called mycorrhizae (from the Greek"mukés", meaning fungus, and "rhiza," meaning roots).

However, in most soils that have been disturbed by residential construction, or intensivecropping practices with applications of fertilizers containing pesticides and other chemicalproducts, the mycorrhizae content has considerably diminished, and has becomeinsufficient to significantly enhance plant growth.

When mycorrhizal fungi colonize the plant's root system, they create a network thatincreases the plant's capacity to absorb more water and nutrients such as phosphorus,copper and zinc. This process in turn enhances growth and favors rapid development ofroots and plants.

Two Types of Mycorrhiza – VAM (Vasicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza or Endo Mycorrhiza)and ECM (Ecto Mycorrhiza)

Microscopic view of

a non-mycorrhizalroot

Microscopic view

of a mycorrhizalroot

Activity Non SuBiCo BioZyme SuBiCo BioZyme


1. Root system surface area low high

2. Branching orders of

lateral rootsfew many

3. Branching frequency sparse frequent

4. Root hair abundance and

lengthfew/short many/long

B. ROOT ACTIVITY slow fast

1. Root growth rate slow fast

2. Response to soil conditions slow fast

3. Primary root lifespanShort


Ensure 2x faster establishmentRoots with SuBiCo BioZyme mycorrhizae spread over the available space more rapidly.

Reduce watering needs by 30%Roots with SuBiCo BioZyme have more surface area to absorb water.

Increase survival by 75%Roots with SuBiCo BioZyme have a greater capacity to absorb nutrients from the soil. Therefore, you get plants that are healthier, more vigorous, and more resistant to stress.

Increase phosphorus absorption to the detriment of blue-green algaeUp to 80% of phosphorus absorbed by plants is by SuBiCo BioZyme .

Improve soil structure and prevent erosionThe root extension (filaments) provided by SuBiCo BioZyme holds soil particles

together, which reduces erosion. Furthermore, by improving soil structure

SuBiCo BioZyme allow better water penetration of about 25% , thus slowingdown erosion and stabilizing the soil.

SuBiCo BioZyme is an excellent way to…

Biofertilizer (Powder – 1kg, Liquid 1liter and 500ml)

Sale up to 0 – 1000kg or 0 – 1000 liter

Sale up to 1000 – 1500kg or 1000 – 1500 liter

Sale up to 1500 – 2500kg or 1500 – 2500 liter

SuBiCo BioZyme (Granules – 1kg and 10kg)

Sale up to 0 – 1500kg

Sale up to 1500 – 2500kg

Sale up to 2500 – 4000kg