SQL Server database Portfolio Bill D. Green bdgreen@william- delaney.com (334)207-7836

Bill Greens Power Point Portfolio

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• The SetFocus SQL Master’s Program is an intensive, hands–on, project oriented program allowing knowledge and valuable experience putting the SQL skill set to use in a simulated work environment.• I received over 300 hours of in-depths hands on experience focused on SQL. • SetFocus projects are real world projects that are distributed just as I would receive in a position. I received project specifications and was expected to identify best courses of action with deadlines set for completion.

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SQL Server databasePortfolio

Bill D. [email protected](334)207-7836

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Table of Contents

Banking Project Requirements ER Diagram Stored Procedure Example Trigger Example

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Table of Contents(cont)

MiniAdventureWorksDBRequirementsSSIS PackagesSSRS ReportsDeployed Reports

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Table of Contents

BlockFlix Movies ProjectBlockFlix RequirementsEntity Relationship DiagramReports DeployedPackages DeployedDB Maintenance

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Table of Contents (cont.)

Database Administration ExamplesCreate DatabaseBack-up DatabaseRestore DatabaseRebuild IndexMaintenance Package in SSIS

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Banking Project

• Requirements: Customers: We need to track the customers’ name, address, e-mail, home phone, work phone, mobile phone. The name, address and

the Home phone number is required. You will need to be able to both create a customer, and update the customers’ personal information.

Accounts: You are only required to support 2 types of accounts: Checking and Saving. Both accounts are tracked by an account

number that is assigned by us. The account number should be 6 digits. We would like the account number to be automatically generated and incremented by 1. One customer can open multiple accounts (and no limits as to how many accounts as long as an initial deposit of $20 for each checking/savings account is made- assume that for higher interest money market and savings accounts that a higher deposit will be expected-but that this is outside the scope of the current specs). You will need to create accounts for a given customer, and also have the ability to update these accounts (specifics for UpdateAccount are included later). Note that you can break these procedures up as you see fit, i.e. CreateChecking/CreateSavings in lieu of CreateAccount would be accepted for full credit, but throughout the spec the processes are referred to as CreateAccount and UpdateAccount. To allow for the variations we might receive- the rubric might list gradepoints for “can be created” or “can be updated”- meaning that there are different ways that you could approach the requirements and that ultimately we just want to see successful processes.


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ER DiagramAccount




































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Transfer Funds Sample Procedure

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Alter/Drop Table Trigger

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Function Example

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Procedure Example

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XML File

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XML Shredding

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MiniAdventureWorks Requirements: The company Mini-AD (short for Mini-AdventureWorks) is interested in taking historical

spreadsheet (CSV) data for their list of products, vendors, and purchase order history, and loading the data into a SQL Server database.

Mini-AD wants the load process to work on a go-forward basis, so that new/modified products/vendors/orders can be loaded in SQL Server as well

Mini-AD’s load process for orders should validate that any incoming orders with product numbers or vendor numbers that do not match an existing product/vendor number should NOT be written to the SQL Server database. Instead, this data should be written to an exception file and emailed.

Mini-AD also wishes to build two reports : one for top vendor and product sales, and the second for sales by vendor and ship method across years.

Mini-AD will provide everyone with a folder structure that contains the following:– C:\MiniAdventureWorks

• \SourceFiles(source CSV files)• \SSISProj (an empty SSIS Project structure)• \SSRSProj (an empty SSRS Project structure)• \DBBackup (a folder to backup the SQL Server database after you finish the project)

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Import Orders Package

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Import Products Procedure

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SalesMatrixByYear Report

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SalesMatrixByYear Deployed

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RptTopSales Report

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RptTopSales Deployed

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BlockFlix Project

Requirements:BlockFlix will operate a central online database associated with regional distribution centers, as well as various store locations and kiosks

within supermarkets and other popular commercial locations. BlockFlix purchases movies in bulk through the purchasing department in corporate headquarters and distribute them to the stores (including

the distribution warehouses for the online “store”). The package of movies will be accompanied (electronically – i.e. service broker) by an xml file. This file contains a list of the movies. Sample files are included- although as the developers- you should modify these as you wish. The xml will contain Movie information (Title, Genre, Rating, Year, quantity, up to 3 actors, up to 2 producers, and up to 2 directors). You may either include all needed information in one xml file, or assume the purchasing department also maintains a ‘master list’ of Movie ID’s, and various cast and crew member ID’s, genres, ratings, etc.- in which case you should implement a 2nd process for local store ‘master lists’ to be updated via xml, SSIS or both at once- and then your “Add Movie” xml will only contain appropriate ‘identity’ values.

For the Online store, please develop a ‘queue’ whereby a customer will indicate the next titles that they desire to be mailed to them. As they

return movies via the envelopes that you provide (addressed to your nearest facility), movies at the top of the customer queues will be shipped to the customer as soon as possible in accordance with their membership agreements.

In-Store locations will also sell/rent video games, old and new movie inventory, video game systems, movie memorabilia, snack food and

drink. Such Sales should also be tracked. You may also sell old and new movie inventory from the online store. Kiosks are a standalone machine developed by BlockFlix, that only accept credit card payments, often at a $1 per day per DVD/Blu-Ray price.

They will have a limit of 200 movie titles, and a maximum of 1000 DVD’s/Blu-Rays per machine at any given time. The database design for Kiosks should be streamlined. These Kiosks will be maintained by local management in each geographic area (or via service agreements with local businesses).

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TalentLoad Package

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Report1_DamageDisk Deployed

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BlockFlix Maintenance Job

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Database Administration

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Create a Database

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Create A Database (cont.)

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Back-up Database

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Back-up Database (cont.)

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Restore Database

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Restore Database(cont.)

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Restore Database (cont.)

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Rebuild Indexes

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Maintenance Package