Glossary of Metaphysical Terms Acupuncture: Ancient Chinese form of medicine which uses needles to stimulate energy along the meridians of the body. Akashic Records: Meaning upper sky in Sanskrit, a library on a non-physical plane, that contains all the knowledge of the universe. Alchemy: Belief that all things are made up of the four elements: earth, air, fire & water and that all elements may be broken down and changed to a different form of matter. Angels: Spiritual beings, divine messengers. Aromatherapy: a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile plant materials, known as essential oils, and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of altering a person's mind, mood, cognitive function or health. Astral Projection: Out-of-body experience. Astrology: The study of celestial bodies and their relationship to each other at a specific point in time, used to determine personality, inclinations and as a divinatory tool. Attunement: The transference of an energy frequency which allows the person receiving the attunement to become a 'channel' for the energy. Aura: An energy field which surrounds the body. Automatic Writing: The act of writing through a stream of consciousness, allowing guides or entities to present the content being written. Biogeometry: Science that deals with the Energy of Shape. BioGeometry is the language of seeing the relationship between shape and energy. Biorhythm: Predicts various aspects of a person's life through simple mathematical cycles. Booksellers: Selections of books, CDs, DVDs, out-of-print, or rare books. Breath work: Refers to many forms of conscious alteration of breathing, such as connecting the inhale and exhale, or energetically charging and discharging. Cartomancy: Card reading, similar to tarot, except an ordinary deck of playing cards is used. Chakras: Circular rotating spiritual/energy vortices existing in the ethereal body. Channeling: The act of allowing a spirit or spirits to communicate through the physical body of a medium. Chi: A Chinese term for Vital Life Force, Life Force Energy or Universal Life Force Energy. Clairaudient: The power to hear sounds said to exist beyond the reach of ordinary experience or capacity, as the voices of the dead. Clairessent: Intuitively smelling that which is not visible to the normal eye. Clairsentient: Meaning "Clear Feeling", psychic perception through feeling; a sense that one feels something without clear evidence of how or why the person knows it. Clairvoyant: Meaning "Clear Seeing", psychic perception through seeing; seeing an image in the mind’s eye. Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV): A highly controlled set of physical and mental protocols which allow a person to bring something that lies hidden within the subconscious mind to the surface and objectify it. Crystal Singing Bowls: Used for sound healing, music therapy, chakra balancing. Crystal Therapy: Crystal therapy or crystal healing is a form of vibrational medicine. Crystal therapy involves the application of crystals or gemstones to facilitate healing. Déjà vu: Meaning “already seen”, the feeling of a present situation or event in time being familiar, as if having experienced it prior to that moment. Divination: The practice of divining or ascertaining information through telepathic or supernatural means. Dowsing: The practice of searching for water, minerals, gemstones or other naturally occurring objects underground, or searching for answers to “Yes” and “No” questions, using a pendulum or similar tool. Dreams: May be prophetic, a connection to your unconscious, and may be a vehicle by which guides communicate with those in the physical world. Dreamwork: Facilitating dreamwork brings us together with our deepest inner wisdom. Energy Healing: Holistic healing therapies that are focused on manipulating "life force" to bring about balance and wellness. Exorcism: The religious practice of evicting demons or other spiritual entities from a person or place which they are believed to have possessed. Extra Sensory Perception (ESP): Psychic ability to attain information by means beyond the five known and commonly accepted senses. Falun Gong: Also known as Falun Dafa, Falun Gong means Law of the Wheel Breathing Exercise. Its aim is to purify the mind and body and improve moral character through exercises, meditation and study. Feng Shui: Ancient Chinese system of choosing or configuring environment based on elements of nature to create an harmonious and balanced existence. Gemstone Healing: Used for spiritual, emotional and physical healing. Handwriting Analysis: The science involved in producing a personality profile of the writer by examining the characteristics, traits and strokes of an individual's handwriting. Harmonic Healing: A healing method using sound, breath and hands-on healing techniques to balance and activate

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  • Glossary of Metaphysical Terms

    Acupuncture: Ancient Chinese form of medicine which uses needles to stimulate energy along the meridians of the body. Akashic Records: Meaning upper sky in Sanskrit, a library on a non-physical plane, that contains all the knowledge of the universe. Alchemy: Belief that all things are made up of the four elements: earth, air, fire & water and that all elements may be broken down and changed to a different form of matter. Angels: Spiritual beings, divine messengers. Aromatherapy: a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile plant materials, known as essential oils, and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of altering a person's mind, mood, cognitive function or health. Astral Projection: Out-of-body experience. Astrology: The study of celestial bodies and their relationship to each other at a specific point in time, used to determine personality, inclinations and as a divinatory tool. Attunement: The transference of an energy frequency which allows the person receiving the attunement to become a 'channel' for the energy. Aura: An energy field which surrounds the body. Automatic Writing: The act of writing through a stream of consciousness, allowing guides or entities to present the content being written. Biogeometry: Science that deals with the Energy of Shape. BioGeometry is the language of seeing the relationship between shape and energy. Biorhythm: Predicts various aspects of a person's life through simple mathematical cycles. Booksellers: Selections of books, CDs, DVDs, out-of-print, or rare books. Breath work: Refers to many forms of conscious alteration of breathing, such as connecting the inhale and exhale, or energetically charging and discharging. Cartomancy: Card reading, similar to tarot, except an ordinary deck of playing cards is used. Chakras: Circular rotating spiritual/energy vortices existing in the ethereal body. Channeling: The act of allowing a spirit or spirits to communicate through the physical body of a medium. Chi: A Chinese term for Vital Life Force, Life Force Energy or Universal Life Force Energy. Clairaudient: The power to hear sounds said to exist beyond the reach of ordinary experience or capacity, as the voices of the dead. Clairessent: Intuitively smelling that which is not visible to the normal eye. Clairsentient: Meaning "Clear Feeling", psychic perception through feeling; a sense that one feels something without clear evidence of how or why the person knows it. Clairvoyant: Meaning "Clear Seeing", psychic perception through seeing; seeing an image in the minds eye. Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV): A highly controlled set of physical and mental protocols which allow a person to bring something that lies hidden within the subconscious mind to the surface and objectify it. Crystal Singing Bowls: Used for sound healing, music therapy, chakra balancing. Crystal Therapy: Crystal therapy or crystal healing is a form of vibrational medicine. Crystal therapy involves the application of crystals or gemstones to facilitate healing. Dj vu: Meaning already seen, the feeling of a present situation or event in time being familiar, as if having experienced it prior to that moment. Divination: The practice of divining or ascertaining information through telepathic or supernatural means. Dowsing: The practice of searching for water, minerals, gemstones or other naturally occurring objects underground, or searching for answers to Yes and No questions, using a pendulum or similar tool. Dreams: May be prophetic, a connection to your unconscious, and may be a vehicle by which guides communicate with those in the physical world. Dreamwork: Facilitating dreamwork brings us together with our deepest inner wisdom. Energy Healing: Holistic healing therapies that are focused on manipulating "life force" to bring about balance and wellness. Exorcism: The religious practice of evicting demons or other spiritual entities from a person or place which they are believed to have possessed. Extra Sensory Perception (ESP): Psychic ability to attain information by means beyond the five known and commonly accepted senses. Falun Gong: Also known as Falun Dafa, Falun Gong means Law of the Wheel Breathing Exercise. Its aim is to purify the mind and body and improve moral character through exercises, meditation and study. Feng Shui: Ancient Chinese system of choosing or configuring environment based on elements of nature to create an harmonious and balanced existence. Gemstone Healing: Used for spiritual, emotional and physical healing. Handwriting Analysis: The science involved in producing a personality profile of the writer by examining the characteristics, traits and strokes of an individual's handwriting. Harmonic Healing: A healing method using sound, breath and hands-on healing techniques to balance and activate

  • the vibration conducted through the energetic channels of the body. Ho'oponopono: A process whereby you repeat phrases in a mantra and a cleaning happensyou may clean life situations, places, relationships. When something comes into your awareness you accept 100% responsibility for that and you repeat the cleaning process. Divinity does the rest. Huna: An ancient Hawaiian belief system which works on the premise that people can create their own reality through focused energy. Hypnotherapy: A therapy that is undertaken with a subject in hypnosis. I-Ching: A tool of divination (coins with symbols on them) arisen out of ancient Chinese text. Inner Child Retrieval and Healing: A therapeutic practice whereby individuals experience childhood regression that allows their inner child retrieval and healing. Intuitive Counseling: A form of communicating with the higher self, Guides, Angels, passed over spirits and reading the body, mind and spirit energetic connections. Iridology: Means of diagnosing illness or conditions by examining the iris of the eye. Kabbalistic Healing: This technique allows wounding to re-pattern at a cellular level, recalibrating a person's whole being to a pure and balanced state which existed prior to the trauma. Life Coaching: The practice of supporting an individual through the process of achieving a specific personal or professional goal. Light Therapy: Consists of exposure to daylight or to specific wavelengths of light using lasers, light-emitting diodes, fluorescent lamps, etc., to treat a variety of medical and emotional disorders. Light Worker: An affirmation of intent and a conscious choice by each individual. Meditation: A discipline of entering the mind into a deep state of relaxation. Medium: A person with the ability to communicate with people who have crossed over into the spirit world. Mediumship: A form of communication with persons who have crossed over into the spirit world. Metaphysics: A philosophy based on beliefs, thoughts and investigation of realities beyond the known physical and scientific world. Naturopathy: System of alternative healing based on using natural remedies, such as herbs, vitamins and eating right, to treat disorders and maintain good health. Numerology: Divination based on the study of numbers. Omen: A sign believed to foretell good or evil. Palmistry: A process of divination through examination of the lines on the palm of the persons hand. Paranormal: Commonly used to refer to such occurrences as spirit sightings and haunted houses, that which cannot be explained by science (also used to refer to any psychic/telepathic activity). Past Life Regression: A technique of remembering previous physical incarnations while under hypnosis. Psychic: A person who uses natural intuitive powers for divinatory purposes. Psychic/Medium: A person who is psychic, but who also communicates with the spirit world. All mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums. Psychometry: A form of extra-sensory perception characterized by the ability to make relevant associations from an object by making physical contact with that object. Qigong: Chinese system of healing and energy through breathing, movement and meditation to accumulate and circulate Chi. Reincarnation: Rebirth of a soul into a new body after physical death. Radionics: The use of blood, hair, a signature, or other substances unique to the person as a focus to heal a patient from afar. Reflexology: An alternative medicine involving the physical act of applying pressure to the feet, hands, or ears with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion, based on a system of zones and reflex areas that reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands, affecting a physical change to the body. Reiki: Holistic healing technique which allows practitioner to transfer universal life energy to patient distantly or, most commonly, through the palms of the hands. Remote Viewing: A highly controlled set of physical and mental protocols which allow a person to bring something which lies hidden within the subconscious mind to the surface and objectify it. Sacred Geometry: An ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of Creation organizes itself. Scrying: A form of divination performed by gazing into reflective, translucent or luminescent surfaces such as a crystal ball, black mirror, smoke, fire or water. Shamanism: Traditional belief system common to Native American, Toltec cultures and Huna belief systems, among others, which works with the spirit world, energetic healing and metaphysical beliefs. Soul Retrieval: A practice that aims to reintegrate various interpretations of the soul that might have become disconnected, trapped or lost through trauma. Spirit Guides: A term used to describe to describe an entity that remains a disincarnate spirit in order to act as a guide or protector to a living incarnated human being. Spiritual Attunement: An Attunement is the Spiritual "connection" of a recipient by a teacher to a particular Spiritual energy.

  • Sweat Lodge: Also called a purification ceremony or medicine lodge, is a ceremonial sauna and is an important event in some North American First Nations or Native American cultures. Rituals and traditions vary from region to region and from tribe to tribe. Tarot Cards: A deck of 78 cards with images and symbols on them used as a tool of self-reflection and divination. Tasseography: Method of divination by reading tea leaves, coffee grounds or wine sediments. Telekinesis: The ability to move an object with the energetic power of the mind. (also known as psychokinesis). Telepathy: Communication through thoughts and energy rather than through the 5 physical senses. Tuning Forks: Like adjusting a piano, your body can be tuned to achieve optimal physical balance. Tapping two tuning forks will instantaneously alter your bodys biochemistry and bring your nervous system, muscle tone and organs into harmonic balance. UFO Abductions: Many people report memories of being taken secretly against ones will by nonhuman entities and subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures. Vibrational Healing: A process whereby vibrations are introduced or transferred into a human beings physical and energetic bodies, so that the vibrations which have become unbalanced in the human physical or auric body are adjusted. Vision Quest: a personal, spiritual quest alone in the wilderness, often in conjunction with a period of fasting that lasts for a number of days while the child is attuned to the spirit world. Yoga: A Hindu discipline of integrating all aspects of an individual - body, mind & spirit, usually done in a routine of various poses which stretch and strengthen body tone while in a focused mental state.