Bigしake Association Meeting Agenda Mayま0,ま0宣7 ・ Meetiれg calIed to o巾er by Amber Gask町Association President. ' Pledge of AIlegiance recited by attendees〇 ・ Review of oid minutes: Motion to accept by B紺Derider Secon ● lnt「oduction of new resident§ O Mike and Sherri Shumaker on 5528 Highpoint Drive O Bob and 」ackie Parrington 4951 S. ChanneI Lane- O Bud and Dianne Brown 5039 S Highpoint Drive O Dave and Nancy Emrick 4947 Channelしane. O 」udyAshby and Greg Helmke 3603 W. Circle Drive ・ Treasury report: Presented by Lynda BIaising. Motion to accept Motion approved. General fund is actual $12,740, 44 The Repor COMMIT「駈RさPORTS . Can Collection二」im Bγe冊ne not present. Amber Ga§k紺「einforced fireworks. Co=ection is normalIy the first Sunday of each month ・ 1O9Sign update: MeI NuIf not present「The sign rental is a fund Flags: CaroI Martin not present ・ Memorial Daγ Service: Dave Smith置The「e is no Memo「ねl Day servic . Fishing De巾y: Russ Wagner-This w紺be the Iast year Dianne a and Russ can train them. Great eventfor Iake and kids Iove it! ・ Poke「Run: Tammy Roberts is the new head of掘s committee. Sch basin. The prior committee w紺be working with Tammy on plannin .軸reworks: Matt Au輔-The pontoons that 」ames Giibert donates SuggeStS Association funds support replacing the plywood・ Matt VOlunteer to take over this committee for next year as weIl. ●用otiIIa: NeI Mann -Taking orders forトShirts to support prizes t event and sign up for judging. Wi= start around 6PM. Higher en ・ Com hole toumament: Rex Brower - 8th yea「 for event scheduled PrOPerty at lO9 and 400S. Win great door prizes. You don’t hav neighbors! Need volunteer§ tO SOurCe donations, AII proceeds g ・ Pancake breakfast: 」e惰Kapp - 20th year for event scheduled for 7 both street and boat side. Dan and Lisa No= on Highpoint Dr. wi I軸e over $18k since it started. Thanks for your continued suppo OしDBUSINESS ' しake Enhancement- Dave Smith - Weed oontroI - Clarke is doing the weed sp「aying輔s yea「 for Aquatic Weed control in recent years. Sign up was available at Survey f「ee of charge saving us $5k. They w紺be doing another su - TheしARE鮎antwⅢ fund 80% ofthe weed controI and the Associa applied for this fa=, With weed control appI cation next summer - Se= Ditch - ResuIts from monthlytest Iookgood. Thinkthe E- farmer across from Se= ditch to move cattle and tum pasture into PrOblem, WhitIeγ County will sample homes around Se= ditch to trained to do water testing now. On 」une 29th, there w紺be anot has app=ed to the state and theγ are Sending all new kits for §am 一I!喧Soil water concentration distri償in Whitley and Kosciusko co farmers on pIanting that helps reduce sediment in the lake. Nob PaSt. Whitleγ County worked with Noble County to applγ for the

Bigしake Association Meeting Agenda Mayま0,ま0宣7...Bigしake Association Meeting Agenda Mayま0,ま0宣7 ・ Meetiれg calIed to o巾er by Amber Gask町Association President

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Page 1: Bigしake Association Meeting Agenda Mayま0,ま0宣7...Bigしake Association Meeting Agenda Mayま0,ま0宣7 ・ Meetiれg calIed to o巾er by Amber Gask町Association President

Bigしake Association Meeting Agenda


・ Meetiれg calIed to o巾er by Amber Gask町Association President.

' Pledge of AIlegiance recited by attendees〇

・ Review of oid minutes: Motion to accept by B紺Derider Seconded by Amber Gask岨Motion approved.

● lnt「oduction of new resident§

O Mike and Sherri Shumaker on 5528 Highpoint Drive

O Bob and 」ackie Parrington 4951 S. ChanneI Lane-

O Bud and Dianne Brown 5039 S Highpoint Drive

O Dave and Nancy Emrick 4947 Channelしane.

O 」udyAshby and Greg Helmke 3603 W. Circle Drive

・ Treasury report: Presented by Lynda BIaising. Motion to accept by Dee Bi§hop. Seconded by 」oanne SawYer.

Motion approved. General fund is actual $12,740, 44 The Report w紺be updated to re鯖ect this.


. Can Collection二」im Bγe冊ne not present. Amber Ga§k紺「einforced how important the can coiiection to support

fireworks. Co=ection is normalIy the first Sunday of each month. Notices are typically posted on Big Lake signs.

・ 1O9Sign update: MeI NuIf not present「The sign rental is a fund raiserforthe Iake and can be rented for $10.

● Flags: CaroI Martin not present

・ Memorial Daγ Service: Dave Smith置The「e is no Memo「ねl Day service planned for軸s year・

. Fishing De巾y: Russ Wagner-This w紺be the Iast year Dianne and Ru§S wil=ead the derby・ A successor is needed

and Russ can train them. Great eventfor Iake and kids Iove it! For kids under 12 - eVeryOne Wins a prize.

・ Poke「Run: Tammy Roberts is the new head of掘s committee. Scheduied fo「 6/7/2017 at lOAM in the second

basin. The prior committee w紺be working with Tammy on planning for this year・ Last yea「 was a great success!

.軸reworks: Matt Au輔-The pontoons that 」ames Giibert donates soiely for the師eworks need repair. Matt

SuggeStS Association funds support replacing the plywood・ Matt w冊provide labo「 at no cost. Matt is Iooking for a

VOlunteer to take over this committee for next year as weIl.

●用otiIIa: NeI Mann -Taking orders forトShirts to support prizes through 」une 4th. peopIe shouid register for the

event and sign up for judging. Wi= start around 6PM. Higher end prizes induding Yeti coolers for the winners.

・ Com hole toumament: Rex Brower - 8th yea「 for event scheduled on 8/19/17.しOCation change to ByIe硝ne’s

PrOPerty at lO9 and 400S. Win great door prizes. You don’t have to piay to win -just register・ Get to know

neighbors! Need volunteer§ tO SOurCe donations, AII proceeds go to the fireworks.

・ Pancake breakfast: 」e惰Kapp - 20th year for event scheduled for 7/2/17 at the Kapp’s on Highpoint Drive. Serv ce at

both street and boat side. Dan and Lisa No= on Highpoint Dr. wi= be taking over next year. This event has raised a

I軸e over $18k since it started. Thanks for your continued support!


' しake Enhancement- Dave Smith

- Weed oontroI - Clarke is doing the weed sp「aying輔s yea「 for individual househoids. Had some complaints about

Aquatic Weed control in recent years. Sign up was available at the Association meeting. CIarke also did the weed

Survey f「ee of charge saving us $5k. They w紺be doing another survey in the fa=.

- TheしARE鮎antwⅢ fund 80% ofthe weed controI and the Association w川payforthe other 20%. The g「ant w用be

applied for this fa=, With weed control appI cation next summer.

- Se= Ditch - ResuIts from monthlytest Iookgood. Thinkthe E-COli was coming from nearb cattIe. Dave worked with

farmer across from Se= ditch to move cattle and tum pasture into a hay fieId. If掘s doesn’t address the e-CO!i

PrOblem, WhitIeγ County will sample homes around Se= ditch to see if it is a sewage probIem. Four peopIe are

trained to do water testing now. On 」une 29th, there w紺be another cIass and 2 more people will be trained. Dave

has app=ed to the state and theγ are Sending all new kits for §amPIing at no charge.

一I!喧Soil water concentration distri償in Whitley and Kosciusko counties receive $50k grants each to work with

farmers on pIanting that helps reduce sediment in the lake. NobIe County has refused to appIy for the grant in the

PaSt. Whitleγ County worked with Noble County to applγ for the grant t輔s year and WhitIey County will do the

Page 2: Bigしake Association Meeting Agenda Mayま0,ま0宣7...Bigしake Association Meeting Agenda Mayま0,ま0宣7 ・ Meetiれg calIed to o巾er by Amber Gask町Association President

ーCrooked lake has a probIem with the pavement washing out on SR 9 and washing into the lake・ lDEM is working on

repai「s to stop it f「om getting into upper waters of Crooked Lake‘ TWF has spent over $400k between Crooked and

Big Lake to dear them up. The darity ofthe lake has improved from 6 feet to 18 feet over 20 years. The fishing is

reaIly starting to improve on our lake.

- CurIv leafis an invasive species that spreads・ We had a 3 yeargrantto k紺o什the weeds and we had two years ofit

in 2008 and 2009.丁he 3rd yea「 was rescinded bγ the govemor so we didn′t get that appiication. CIarke got a permit

from the DNR to spray for m冊oiI and curiy leaf.

' Swans on theしake-Amber Gask紺

- Several members had questions and provided comments. George Gerdes a§ked ifthe Association had legal

standing to take action or vote. Ambe「 responded that anyone can apply for a permit to e「adicate swans. At the

last meeting, the membership feIt more information was needed before taking action, SO it was decided to gather

more viewpoints and pu輔sh in the newsietter between the Fali and Spring meetings and then take a vote・

- Cathy O′conne=, Who has been a property owner on 400 for about lO yea「s′ distributed some information she had

gathered in favor ofthe swans and how enjoyabIe they are to have on the lake.

一 Dave Smith taIked about how mute Swan§ Were OrigiれaIly introduced to a lake inしan§ing, MI. Sixyears ago, On

Webster and Backwater Lake there were与swans. La§t year there were 250. People fed swans f「om thei「 boats, SO

Swans thought of food when they saw boats and have tried to board boats as a result. A man on a kayak was also

attacked. Swans defecate in the Iake, nOt On the shore, u〇両ke Geese. Dave agrees that the two adult §wans we

have are not a problem. Ifitturns into 250, itwi= be a probiem. The reproduction rate is 4-5 a year per adult pair・

There is no guarantee if we kill this pair that new pairs w肌not show up. Barbee, Tippee and Webster have aIl

agreed to eradicate the Swans. The difference between Geese and Swans are that Geese have estabIished hunting

SeaSOnS and are p「otected.

- Tom Bishop felt that the Association membership shouId take a neutral position, mOnitor the swans and tabIe a

vote if and when the Swans present a problem on the lake. 」eff Kapp made a motion to table the vote. Matt Auriti

Seconded the motion. The motion passed.

. updated ByIaws for O情ce「鵬ction -しisa NoII. There was a motion at the faII meeting to update ByIaws to refIect

officer eIections in the spring when more members are typica時PreSent.しisa updated the bγlaws and had some

COPies to distribute工isa also thought the full byIaws should be reviewed, Since they haven’t been updated since

2003. A motion wa§ made to approve the new bylaws bγ and seconded bγ Amber Gask肌The motion was approved・

・ Fire hydrants - Tom Bishop distributed notes with the meeting minutes. Amber w紺upIoad on the Facebook site.

Expect more detail by Spring meeting on total cost, grant§ aVaiIabIe and what permits and easements are invoIved.

There have been 3 fires in past coupIe ofyears. Took lO -12 mins fo「 voIunteer department to a「rive recentIy. Time

saved with easy water access through hydrants provides faster response for actua!iy fighting the fires.

● Big Lake Signしandscaping - Amber Gask肌Amber w剛andscape the sign and w紺donate the materials.

・ Fail Membership pa巾y - Dee Bishop.しOOking to host a ′′last spIash’’member’s on富y party as a year-end event.

しOOking to have food and music and recognize volunteers throughout the year. May need some Association funds to

SuPPOrt VOIunteer appreciation. Dee is Iooking for volunteers to work with her on planning this pa巾I・

・ Membershipしist - Lynda BIaising - Provided printed membership Iists at the meeting・


. church Donation: Dee motioned to give seO to the church for fac輔ty. Amber Gask‖ seconded. Motion pa§Sed.

● President election: Amber volunteered at Fa= meeting to be President and has since taken on more responsib賄ies

and can′t adequateIy剛roIe. 」eff Kapp o怖評ed to step in. Bylaws call for VP to take over′ but since Dave already

vacated the roIe, Amber suggested a vote be taken on 」eff Kapp assuming Presidency・ Matt Auriti made a motion to

take a vote. Ruth Orr seconded motion. Motion was passed.

. Gee§e: Dave Smith - For thosewho compiain againstthe geese, ifwe set up a committee, We Can get a Pe「mitto oil

the geese eggs so they don’t hatch.

. TWF: Dave Smith motioned to donate $1ktoIWF and $2与O to fire dept. Tom Bishop seconded. Motion passed.

● Fireworks:一しisa Noli motioned to allocate money fo「 firework pontoon repairs. The amount should be su情cient to

repair with marine grade mate「iaIs.しynda Blaising seconded the motion. The motion passed.

. Motion to a郎oum by Dee Bi§hop, SeCOnded, Amber Gask紺Motion approved

Page 3: Bigしake Association Meeting Agenda Mayま0,ま0宣7...Bigしake Association Meeting Agenda Mayま0,ま0宣7 ・ Meetiれg calIed to o巾er by Amber Gask町Association President


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