, , , 1 THE LABEL I6Y" Shows thc datc to which your. subscription is paid. Sce that il is I igh t. VOL. 8 iUSINfS5 IND PROffSSIUNIL ClItDS. MEDIOAL DR. Pbyslclau, Burgoon, OUlOG aud rOBldfluOO ou Boyno stroot. TroharDo. DR. G. w. STAPLF.S physlctnn am] RnrR'Oon. M. D. C. ar. Unlvor' 81ly or MnnltolJl\, OOleo oUll r08ldouco,ono block Routh or tho flOAt allleo, lIl. G, DUNDAS, JI!. D. M. It. C, S. I" 8 .• \, Lomlo11. Fellow ur lho British Uyoll.!coioglcnl !;:;ocloL)', otc. Phy· fliclau, nnd BurgoOlJ. UJUco at. rosldouco Oll Hronclwny, ItATIlWELL. MAN. ANDRRWS .':: J.INDSA Y nAnnrSTRRS &0. , , . Prof. Geo. Hagel Grad,uate of J,ei pzig Stuttgart Conservatories of Ulusic. 1'eacher of vocal aud all brancheH of instrnUlentnllllusic. Stnelio on the carner of Front and 1II0r.o 11,,,1101' MIII1I.llonllw 01 801lih Norlolk. Boyne streets .. \ J. GOT, I.!\\', V. S. li onor grntitlnto In 1800 of OnlnrJn Votorlnnry CuliOKO. AU dIsOIUlOfl or ,iomostlo uuJmnlA Lr81\lotl by tho luloKl f;oiouLific ItwLlu.J4.1t1, Ohur. '-lOR mClfI()rn to. Omen (lIll)(ioor !lOll U. of Cuh-ort &. Wilson. 1'0s\(101l00 t.1t" HcliooJ. \Vlllllll In flnLhwull woukb', from:! )1.1r1. tu fi on Frldu),u. MISCELLANEOUS. D. MCCOIG Altolllin Trollorllo ror HOl'ornl nrhL clnBB )onn cOlUpnniL!8. IODu1ug.o1l lnmia nml othor IJfOPOI'· tl08 at rouBounblo ralcs. Flnauclal lJUslnCflfi confluctNI. . O. A. ANDF,RSON R EAfJ Loon onu 111&urLlnco UItClll. 8110clnl nttontiou ""'on to Iusurunco. OUteD. nUUWll)' n\'o'l uext. dour to bIrs. 1ilul't.a In. hluII01' to lonn. 'I'. 1:. J.'ORDF,S, RA'l'IIWlILI •• 1.'0 LOAN Oil Jmrrol'ml Fnrm Pro. I lort,r at lowost rutolJ a Interost. r ... ond I1R Loun OomlmllloR rOIJrOBontocl. Form Lundy for sulo. Llconses issuod. ':Agent for Morris Piano." and several good makes of Organs. 'I.'REIIERNE, MAN. The Ontario House Opp_. c. P, R. Oepot. Lighted hy Eleclricily hy Ilot Ail' Exccllcnl. cuisine, large sample rooms, and every cOIwenience fo,' the comfort Llr g-llests, , Special attcntion paid the com- mercial trade. Rates $1.50 a.day. J. E. LEPPARD, - PROP. ----THE---· rut < Treherne. Manitoba. May J, 19 0 7 Epworth league Social , The no\'elty of a National Con- cert and' the expectation of a very pleasaut eveuing- filled the Metho· dist church on Monday' cvening last witb an audience or se\'ernl h lllldred people. 'fhe cntertai n- ment was uneler the anspices of the Epworth and 'had been postponcd from all earlicr elate, The progralll was arranged in fOllr sections, each in charge of a leader.' O. Baxter led the English, R.J. Mills the Irish, A. L. McLean the Scotch, and G. W. Bartlett the Canadians. Under each division t here was a va ried and excelleu t as. sortment of solos, readings and reo citations, so chosen liS to bl! typi. cal of the nations represented and to call IIp lIlemories of the old homelands across thp. sen. \ . At-the lnst moment the progral11 cOlllmittee foulld themselves in nil awkward plight, as owing to indis· position Miss F. Robson nud J. W. CaHnt were unable to sing thf:!ir solos; and M. J. I'lillis, whose faille as an Irish racon teur and wi 1 has travellecl beyond his Holland hOllie, was unfortunately unable' to be prescn t. 'fhe vacancies were,llOw ever, filled and the, entertainment carried through 1II0St successfully, The church was tastefully de- cora ted for the occasiou wi th flags, red, white and blue bUnting. ond a gorgeous collection of potted pia n ts and on an easel ill full view of the audience wns a Inrge portrait of His Majesty, Kiug ElMard VII. ' The '.- 'rhc bo'rkeepei's wife has a sealskin con t, ", . Bllt mine has an old plaid shawl Sht! has jewell! for fingers,and and throat, Bllt mine has 1I0ne at all. Her oilly riug I stole one night· Anel pawned for a poisoned drink! 0, mother of mine, bring back the light .' ,. .. Of ),Ol.'th and the streugth to Ilulik. 'rhe barkeepel's child has books and tors, !\fy'chil,lren hnve wont and woe' They never have d welt in the world of joys 'I'he barkeo;:per' schild Dlly know. At n tiny do)1 Ill}' baby's eyes Would qance, and her heart would swell, Bllt I've ulwnys takell the price to buy . A Clip of the liq'.lid hell. 0, the girl I woed ill the good,glad "ears J " Whose pure 'lips touched with mine, . I swear' to ballish her bitler tears In the strength,of a love divine And hearts so broken and sad to- day With ne\V fouild bliss shall thrill the devil of rum I'll cast away': God helping Ille, I will! . for Married "'1 en '--- The program wa50peued with an address by Mr. Baxter, who spoke in' eloquent terms of the land of cakcs and ale f,nd the English peo- Amid.the cares In spite of toil If YOll value ' married life strife, sweet wife-' School Report The following is the report of 'l'reherne Public schools for ·the mOllth of April:- Mr. McLean'S roOIll: En rolmen t . . . Average .. ' .. Mr. Bartlett's room: EnrolUleut . . . Average . . • . Miss Staples' roo III ; Enrolment ... . Average , . . , Miss Moffatt's roolll: .37 :-\2 Enrolme'ut . . 46 Average . . . 3 8 Total enrolment. 154 Average , . . .•• 135 The following pupils have beeu neither late nor absent during the month: Andrew Moore, I,i1ian Heuders, Gladys Barkwell, Nina Smith,John Harvie, May McIver, Leou Willett, Hazel Kindrey, Wilfred Killdrey .olive Mills, Meleta McGowan; Leslie McGowan, Rachel Lee,Har- ris Williams, Netta Wiechmau Garnet Mills, Arthur Willett, Ed: ward Campbell, Myrtle Brock Myrtle Scott, Felicite Thorimbert' Pinkerton. ' B. B. leaaue Meetina- TREH RN HOT L pie whose solid ql1alities of head NANO 'AGr(NCY E E E and heart have nHHle thelll great. P nop. orm. IBQJ;:r., IIgOllt lor tho colobrnt· Miss I,ila Staples followed with a Tell her so. H the days are and deeply blue She has trlll'lbiesi same as YOll A meetiug of delegates from 'rre' herne, Cypress River, Wawanesa and Nesbitt met at Nesbitt on Ap- ril 26th.for the purpose of arrang- ing the schedule for the summer of 19 0 7. The following delegates were preseut: F. COllnoD, Cypress Riv- erj M. McKellar, \Nesbittj H. Cor- rie, Waw3nesa: G. W. Parker and Bark well,' Treherne. ott A10I'r18 Illn"o.,oI80 lllff.rollt mnko. 01 I __ -:-..;..-' I selected, reading. This pm'! of the ... first clnus orgon8. Wo con QuoLo \'cry nLtrnc· .' UVO prJco. to' you lor good lustrumouta, lind NEWLY FURNISIIED programme was completed by two solicit your l,nLrOllngo In Lhls 11110. " solos, ' of the Earth" COUR'J." 'l'Rl\IITtRNTt I.IJ.l ..... NO. 4370. M ootH In tho RoutH II nil 011 Inot W.d. rlosdny of onell mouth. \'blting bralhron wol· como. 14. l"UNJ)\'1 O. n., w. nuo"ali,l!. B., BOYNE I,. O. L. No.1730, tuDots on Tuosc.1o)" ove· nltl", on or lJoforo tho full of tho 1110011, In R08s' Uall. Vlsltiug brcLhruu ulwu)'ft wolcoulo. D. S. Hnrvlo, W. MII,tOlr. I.,I.RGE DINING ROOM .' SITTING, M \Vo )lilrl'OSO contlnuhi" iho rornlln (ala .. tom of Bor\'llIg monla ott nil honra. Wo would urgo thom lO'got. (\ mon1 Uckot, Be by BO dCllllg tho), Rotmou.la nt. n proJXIrLiouatoly. low rulo por menlo . MEAL TICKET, GOOD FOR 21 MEALS ----FOR $4.50.-. --- SPECiAl. NfTENTION TO TIIIl TRIIDli. SUNDAY DINNERS& IlAN- QUilTS OUR SPIlCIAI.TIIlS MRS. M. BROCK, PROPRIETOR , 111 Irish .presen fled with the wny ted old Erin and her .SOIlS, and none of the other nationalities seemed to be- grude tlie praise. Miss KirkW00d followed with a solo, "Ireland," Roy B. Sttlples sang "MV Wild Irish Rose," Mrs. Bnr.lIett that fa. vorite old song '-'Killarney·," and Miss C. Wilson recited, "'rhe Irish Coq neUe." Mr. McLean opened the Scotch Show her . beart is true- Tell lIer so. Tell her so. Never let your love grow cold, ' Greater beauties will nnfold; " She is·,worth her weight in gold- " " Tell her so. New-Postel Reiuletlons Mr. Barager was made Chairman for the evening. The Uleeting de- cided that the league should be cal- led,the Western of '['r'"h,p""';' AuarioNEERING! I will oell your goods and for l very small Discou I) I YOli C.11I ha Vi! your' cash day of Price's rl'asonablc and sati:ifaclion guar.lnlet!d. - \V'l I 1\l.A .i\ . ---- _____ 0_ NO. 31 IF' IT'S YOUR F'AUL T STICKPIN S IN GREAT VARIETY you arc bound to feel IIIiCOlllrort. nble. When we make YOllr rriend a snit that's stylish, while YOllrs' at sallie price; is not, there is sOllie. thing \\:rong, isn't there? alll'.I\·S calt:h Ihe eve "r a \\'0111:111 If var-iely is aill'nL'lil'l' like are IlO\\' slH.)willg she is !'lure to he .. COllte IT'S IN THE CLOTH AND Don't Miss This Lot, THE CLOTHING We know bolh, Snits mnde by 115 wear and look wl'll. We IInder. stand clltting and making', Bny your next suit of LIS nud be SlIre, There arc beaut ies I hat call't be duplicatc\, r,'r dOll!>le what we ask, II's Ihe 011 our slnck or jewell') ; II'e call sa\'c YOll lIIoncy [)II all)' purcl1:lse. F. A. MERCER W.H. HOUSE. OF bl.lnnrAOE [,[CENSES From now Ipltil spring, coughs will be the prevailing complaint. A sure cure is Graham's of White'Pine and Tar .. Try a bottle. 'It sells at 21ic. per boLlle. 'e x For a 5pring tonic, we would advise ):Oll bottle of Iron ., and Wine. Nothing better as a stimulant. Flesh Pro- ducl:r, Restornti\'c and NelTe Tallie. GfO.GRAHAM, Druggist Optician Big Dlscounl Sale. \ W. :3Luplea, n.B. C. O. "'.counT TREUERNE c. portion of the entertainment with a On and after May 8th next the seholarl..,. paper on Scottish Litera- rate of postage 011' newspapers aud ture. ,'rhe 1111mbers in this division periodicals passing between Canada wele n solo, "Oor Ain Fireside" and the United States will!le rais- . ,- by Mrs. G.\V.Bartle'lt, a recitation ed to onecent,for each four ounces. "Loehinvar," by Mis::; B. Ferris: Each-package may contain one'or Rncia recitation, "Bairuies Cndelle more newspapers or periodicals ad- Doon,'" by...Miss Cora \Vilson. to one Individual, or' may Pr1esidlent; J. W., Rath- well, Vice-Pres. i and 'f. Connoll, Secy.-Treas. It was decided that all e}!:eclltive be appointed of one member from. each club ill the League. It was further resolved that the team winning the cup the most out of fonr years be the own- ers pf it. A motion was carried that all players must be bOlla fide residents of the place where they have registered for playing at I"""L" ten days allY game. It was resolved that Spalding's Official League rules be used, and that a fee of three dollars be charged each club in the League, the same to be paid 6n or before May 15 th to tbe Sec.-'rreas., T. Connou, at Cypress River. It was further de. cided that the Sec.-Treas get regis. tration forms printed a Ild have t hern sent to tne Sec.-Treas.of each tealllj that the expenses of. the umpire be paid by the home team and rnust be upon by the two play- ing teams; and that any team de- faulting a game be tined in the sum of $25, and if payment is not made dc.faulting team be barred until pay_ We nre making big reductiLlns ill I he difrercnl lines of goods we cart·y, as 1'01l0w5:- O,F.,Mootlllll M1I80U[0 hnll, MoutlRY, ou or bo· furo Cull mOOD, at 8 p, Ill, Ybltlug brut-horn "lwore wolcomo. J. A. LEWIS. R. B. 'frohorno. f 1tellc·J ;celie 12! ,,' "rite 'l'reherne Meat MnrkeL' hns sold out its ok!' stack - noth •. , iug bllt fresh killed. ' 'rhe closing section of pro· contaill several uewspapers or gram, the Canadian, \Vas led off iodieals for different individuals in- !lfr. Bartlett who. tooted the horo temled for'delivery·froUl the same for things Catladiall til 110' mean post ,office.' III either case, the fashion, speakhig' of the staullch postnge shall be calCUlated on ql!alities of. Ihe pniteci Empire Loy. weight!lf the whole package, alists, and of ,the' varied national .hall be paid by postage that make up the popula- fixed to the packnge. . , tiOIl of this - country. Tile 'l'bis chang!! of rate will aboll.9h VV,IJ,It:t L ,' Olive 'Mills, the rate of :4 cent. aud Per Mabel NH:l ... lb. bulk weight for newspapers and ,period passing frolU pu ill to subscribers aud news the . and , menfis made. ' The following is ihe schedule of games for,tlle season: Wawanesa at Treherne. . June. 7 C)';p(,ess at Nesbitt •• .. II '1',·,,1'1,,1'"" at Cypress'. " '14 N:esbitt at Wawatlesa •• ". " 16 Treherne' at Nesbitt... ,.,', 20 'l'reberne at, Wawanesa ,-; '". 21 Nesbitt.at' Cvpre,ss' .:. II' '26 at Treherne. .• ", 29 1 "; . July I'] Treherne • " • '" at .Cypress . " flC at ,,'Wawaries:a' \ Dominiou, New Ymk Radle ami II r.intzlllnn Pianos. . . 2·0 p. c. off 2 0 0 C off Dominion and Doherty 01'- •• gans. 2 0 P C off [ligh and Medium Class Ftll'- •• niture. 20 P C off Rallan and Upholstered Par- I . lor Suites. A 25% cut on ,Wall Papers. --.---*------ Baby Carriages, Go-carts and Express Wagons. Musical Instruments and 1\'lusical Sundl·ies. Furniture Polishes, Linoleums-'threc, six and twelve reet lengths; Floor . _ . Cloths, R,ugs and Squares of sizes. .. , " and Records. 9stermoor Mattresses and general stock of Beds and Spri,ngs uf all .' . 'kinds; Children's Cribs i Picfures.· T. METCALF.'· I Undertaker. CANADIAN BANK OF.· .. .. ,:<,; ", . , llSTADI.)SllliD 1861 , r'

Big Dlscounl Sale. - Treherne · Bllt mine has 1I0ne at all. ... !\fy'chil,lren hnve wont and woe' They never have d welt in the world ... sweet wife-' School Report

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Page 1: Big Dlscounl Sale. - Treherne · Bllt mine has 1I0ne at all. ... !\fy'chil,lren hnve wont and woe' They never have d welt in the world ... sweet wife-' School Report

, ,


• 1

THE LABEL I6Y" Shows thc datc to which

your. subscription is paid. Sce that il is I igh t.

VOL. 8



DR. I.A~IONT, Pbyslclau, Burgoon, OUlOG aud rOBldfluOO ou

Boyno stroot. TroharDo.


physlctnn am] RnrR'Oon. M. D. C. ar. Unlvor' 81ly or MnnltolJl\, OOleo oUll r08ldouco,ono

block Routh or tho flOAt allleo,

lIl. G, DUNDAS, JI!. D.

M. It. C, S. T~IIUIRIll)1 I" 8 .• \, Lomlo11. Fellow ur lho British Uyoll.!coioglcnl !;:;ocloL)', otc. Phy· fliclau, nnd BurgoOlJ. UJUco at. rosldouco Oll Hronclwny,



, , .

Prof. Geo. Hagel Grad,uate of J,ei pzig ~nd Stuttgart

Conservatories of Ulusic.

1'eacher of vocal aud all brancheH of instrnUlentnllllusic.

Ol'~~R~~~~ ~~lll~~'b~;~al'~;'°ll~~,'ko..~/n&III' Stnelio on the carner of Front and 1II0r.o 11,,,1101' MIII1I.llonllw 01 801lih Norlolk. Boyne streets ..

\ J. GOT, I.!\\', V. S.

lionor grntitlnto In 1800 of OnlnrJn Votorlnnry CuliOKO. AU dIsOIUlOfl or ,iomostlo uuJmnlA

Lr81\lotl by tho luloKl f;oiouLific ItwLlu.J4.1t1, Ohur. '-lOR mClfI()rn to. Omen (lIll)(ioor !lOll U. of Cuh-ort &. Wilson. 1'0s\(101l00 (lIJPo~lto t.1t" HcliooJ.

'l'IIR[JrWNI~, ~r.IN, \Vlllllll In flnLhwull woukb', from:! )1.1r1. tu fi

on Frldu),u.



Altolllin Trollorllo ror HOl'ornl nrhL clnBB )onn cOlUpnniL!8. IODu1ug.o1l lnmia nml othor IJfOPOI'· tl08 at rouBounblo ralcs. Flnauclal lJUslnCflfi confluctNI. .


REAfJ T~8'l\ATI~, Loon onu 111&urLlnco UItClll. 8110clnl nttontiou ""'on to Iusurunco.

OUteD. nUUWll)' n\'o'l uext. dour to bIrs. 1ilul't.a In. hluII01' to lonn.

'I'. 1:. J.'ORDF,S, RA'l'IIWlILI ••

MONI~Y 1.'0 LOAN Oil Jmrrol'ml Fnrm Pro.

Ilort,r at lowost rutolJ a Interost. r ... ond I1R Loun OomlmllloR rOIJrOBontocl. Form Lundy for sulo. 1t1nrl~lnllo Llconses issuod.

':Agent for Morris Piano." and several good makes of Organs.


The Ontario House Opp_. c. P, R. Oepot.

Lighted hy Eleclricily Ileal~d hy Ilot Ail'

Exccllcnl. cuisine, large sample rooms, and every cOIwenience fo,' the comfort Llr g-llests, ,

Special attcntion paid the com­mercial trade. Rates $1.50 a.day.



rut <

Treherne. Manitoba. Frld~y. May J, 190 7

Epworth league Social ,

The no\'elty of a National Con­cert and' the expectation of a very pleasaut eveuing- filled the Metho· dist church on Monday' cvening last witb an audience or se\'ernl h lllldred people. 'fhe cntertai n­ment was uneler the anspices of the Epworth J~eaglle and 'had been postponcd from all earlicr elate,

The progralll was arranged in fOllr sections, each in charge of a leader.' O. Baxter led the English, R.J. Mills the Irish, A. L. McLean the Scotch, and G. W. Bartlett the Canadians. Under each division t here was a va ried and excelleu t as. sortment of solos, readings and reo citations, so chosen liS to bl! typi. cal of the nations represented and to call IIp lIlemories of the old homelands across thp. sen. \ . At-the lnst moment the progral11

cOlllmittee foulld themselves in nil awkward plight, as owing to indis· position Miss F. Robson nud J. W. CaHnt were unable to sing thf:!ir solos; and M. J. I'lillis, whose faille as an Irish racon teur and wi 1 has travellecl beyond his Holland hOllie, was unfortunately unable' to be prescn t. 'fhe vacancies were,llOw ever, filled and the, entertainment carried through 1II0St successfully,

The church was tastefully de­cora ted for the occasiou wi th flags, red, white and blue bUnting. ond a gorgeous collection of potted pia n ts and on an easel ill full view of the audience wns a Inrge portrait of His Majesty, Kiug ElMard VII. '

The :~onqlJeror '.-

'rhc bo'rkeepei's wife has a sealskin con t, ", .

Bllt mine has an old plaid shawl Sht! has jewell! for fingers,and e(Jr~

and throat, Bllt mine has 1I0ne at all.

Her oilly riug I stole one night· Anel pawned for a poisoned drink!

0, mother of mine, bring back the light .' ,. ..

Of ),Ol.'th and the streugth to Ilulik.

'rhe barkeepel's child has books and tors,

!\fy'chil,lren hnve wont and woe' They never have d welt in the world

of joys 'I'he barkeo;:per' schild Dlly know.

At n tiny do)1 Ill}' baby's eyes Would qance, and her heart

would swell, Bllt I've ulwnys takell the price

to buy . A Clip of the liq'.lid hell.

0, the girl I woed ill the good,glad "ears J "

Whose pure 'lips touched with mine, .

I swear' to ballish her bitler tears In the strength,of a love divine

And hearts so broken and sad to­day

With ne\V fouild bliss shall thrill the devil of rum I'll cast away':

God helping Ille, I will!

. for Married "'1en

'---The program wa50peued with an address by Mr. Baxter, who spoke in' eloquent terms of the land of cakcs and ale f,nd the English peo-

Amid.the cares In spite of toil If YOll value '

married life .busi~ess strife, sweet wife-'

School Report

The following is the report of 'l'reherne Public schools for ·the mOllth of April:-Mr. McLean'S roOIll:

En rolmen t . . . Average .. ' ..

Mr. Bartlett's room: EnrolUleut . . . Average . . • .

Miss Staples' roo III ; Enrolment ... . Average , . . ,

Miss Moffatt's roolll:

.37 :-\2

Enrolme'ut . . 46 Average . . . 38

Total enrolment. 154 Average , . . .•• 135

The following pupils have beeu neither late nor absent during the month:

Andrew Moore, I,i1ian Heuders, Gladys Barkwell, Nina Smith,John Harvie, May McIver, Leou Willett, Hazel Kindrey, Wilfred Killdrey .olive Mills, Meleta McGowan; Leslie McGowan, Rachel Lee,Har­ris Williams, Netta Wiechmau Garnet Mills, Arthur Willett, Ed: ward Campbell, Myrtle Brock Myrtle Scott, Felicite Thorimbert' ~obbie Pinkerton. '

B. B. leaaue Meetina-

TREH RN HOT L pie whose solid ql1alities of head

NANO 'AGr(NCY E E E and heart have nHHle thelll great. Pnop. orm. IBQJ;:r., IIgOllt lor tho colobrnt· Miss I,ila Staples followed with a

Tell her so.

H the days are and deeply blue She has trlll'lbiesi same as YOll

A meetiug of delegates from 'rre' herne, Cypress River, Wawanesa and Nesbitt met at Nesbitt on Ap­ril 26th.for the purpose of arrang­ing the schedule for the summer of 1907. The following delegates were preseut: F. COllnoD, Cypress Riv­erj M. McKellar, \Nesbittj H. Cor­rie, Waw3nesa: G. W. Parker and

Bark well,' Treherne. ott A10I'r18 Illn"o.,oI80 lllff.rollt mnko. 01 I !.-...,~--------__ -:-..;..-' I selected, reading. This pm'! of the

... first clnus orgon8. Wo con QuoLo \'cry nLtrnc· .' UVO prJco. to' you lor good lustrumouta, lind NEWLY FURNISIIED programme was completed by two

solicit your l,nLrOllngo In Lhls 11110. " solos, ' of the Earth"

COUR'J." 'l'Rl\IITtRNTt I.IJ.l .....

NO. 4370.

MootH In tho RoutH II nil 011 Inot W.d.

rlosdny of onell mouth. \'blting bralhron wol· como. 14. l"UNJ)\'1 O. n., w. nuo"ali,l!. B.,

BOYNE I,. O. L. No.1730, tuDots on Tuosc.1o)" ove· nltl", on or lJoforo tho full of tho 1110011, In R08s' Uall. Vlsltiug brcLhruu ulwu)'ft wolcoulo.

D. S. Hnrvlo, W. MII,tOlr.


\Vo )lilrl'OSO contlnuhi" iho rornlln (ala .. tom of Bor\'llIg monla ott nil honra. Wo would urgo thom lO'got. (\ mon1 Uckot, Be by BO dCllllg tho), Rotmou.la nt. n proJXIrLiouatoly. low rulo por menlo .

MEAL TICKET, GOOD FOR 21 MEALS ----FOR $4.50.-. ---





, 111

Irish .presen fled with the wny ted old Erin and her .SOIlS, and none of the other nationalities seemed to be­grude tlie praise. Miss KirkW00d followed with a solo, "Ireland," Roy B. Sttlples sang "MV Wild Irish Rose," Mrs. Bnr.lIett that fa. vorite old song '-'Killarney·," and Miss C. Wilson recited, "'rhe Irish Coq neUe." ~

Mr. McLean opened the Scotch

Show her . beart is true-Tell lIer so.

Tell her so. •

Never let your love grow cold, ' Greater beauties will nnfold; " She is·,worth her weight in gold-

" " Tell her so.

New-Postel Reiuletlons

Mr. Barager was made Chairman for the evening. The Uleeting de­cided that the league should be cal-led,the Western

of '['r'"h,p""';'


I will oell your goods and for l very small Discou I) I YOli C.11I ha Vi! your' cash day of 'sa.I~. Price's rl'asonablc and sati:ifaclion guar.lnlet!d. -

j~. \V'l I ~SON, 1\l.A • .i\ .

----_____ 0_

NO. 31

IF' IT'S YOUR F'AUL T STICKPIN S IN GREAT VARIETY you arc bound to feel IIIiCOlllrort. nble. When we make YOllr rriend a snit that's stylish, while YOllrs' at sallie price; is not, there is sOllie. thing \\:rong, isn't there?

alll'.I\·S calt:h Ihe eve "r a \\'0111:111

If th~ var-iely is aill'nL'lil'l' like \\'~ are IlO\\' slH.)willg she is !'lure to he .. COllte il1ll'l'l!st~d.


We know bolh, Snits mnde by 115

wear and look wl'll. We IInder. stand clltting and making', Bny your next suit of LIS nud be SlIre,

There arc snll1~ beaut ies I hat call't be duplicatc\, r,'r dOll!>le what we ask, II's Ihe sall1~ 011 our slnck or jewell') ; II'e call sa\'c YOll lIIoncy [)II all)' purcl1:lse.


From now Ipltil spring, coughs will be the prevailing complaint. A sure cure is

Graham's 'Prep~ration of White'Pine and Tar ..

Try a bottle. 'It sells at 21ic. per boLlle.

'e x

For a 5pring tonic, we would advise ):Oll .,,,.,~,~~.,,·a bottle of

Iron .,

and Wine. Nothing better as a stimulant. Flesh Pro­

ducl:r, Restornti\'c and NelTe Tallie.

GfO.GRAHAM, Druggist Optician

Big Dlscounl Sale.


W. :3Luplea, n.B.

C. O. I~.

"'.counT TREUERNE c.

portion of the entertainment with a On and after May 8th next the seholarl..,. paper on Scottish Litera- rate of postage 011' newspapers aud ture. ,'rhe 1111mbers in this division periodicals passing between Canada wele n solo, "Oor Ain Fireside" and the United States will!le rais-. ,-by Mrs. G.\V.Bartle'lt, a recitation ed to onecent,for each four ounces. "Loehinvar," by Mis::; B. Ferris: Each-package may contain one'or Rncia recitation, "Bairuies Cndelle more newspapers or periodicals ad­Doon,'" by...Miss Cora \Vilson. dres~ed to one Individual, or' may

Pr1esidlent; J. W., Rath­well, Vice-Pres. i and 'f. Connoll, Secy.-Treas. It was decided that all e}!:eclltive be appointed of one member from. each club ill the League. It was further resolved that the team winning the cup the most out of fonr years be the own­ers pf it. A motion was carried that all players must be bOlla fide residents of the place where they have registered for playing at I"""L"

ten days befo~ allY game. It was resolved that Spalding's Official League rules be used, and that a fee of three dollars be charged each club in the League, the same to be paid 6n or before May 15th to tbe Sec.-'rreas., T. Connou, at Cypress River. It was further de. cided that the Sec.-Treas get regis. tration forms printed a Ild have t hern sent to tne Sec.-Treas.of each tealllj that the expenses of. the umpire be paid by the home team and rnust be agr~ed upon by the two play­ing teams; and that any team de­faulting a game be tined in the sum of $25, and if payment is not made dc.faulting team be barred until pay_

We nre making big reductiLlns ill I he difrercnl lines of goods we cart·y, as 1'01l0w5:-

O,F.,Mootlllll M1I80U[0 hnll, MoutlRY, ou or bo· furo Cull mOOD, at 8 p, Ill, Ybltlug brut-horn "lwore wolcomo.

J. A. LEWIS. R. B. 'frohorno.


1tellc·J ;celie 12!


"rite 'l'reherne Meat MnrkeL' hns sold out its ok!' stack - noth •.

, iug bllt fresh killed. '

'rhe closing section of ~he pro· contaill several uewspapers or ~r­gram, the Canadian, \Vas led off iodieals for different individuals in­!lfr. Bartlett who. tooted the horo temled for'delivery·froUl the same for things Catladiall til 110' mean post ,office.' III either case, the fashion, speakhig' of the staullch postnge shall be calCUlated on ql!alities of. Ihe pniteci Empire Loy. weight!lf the whole package, alists, and of ,the' varied national .hall be paid by postage el~Ulents that make up the popula- fixed to the packnge. . , tiOIl of this - country. Tile 'l'bis chang!! of rate will aboll.9h

VV,IJ,It:tL,' Olive 'Mills, the rate of :4 cent. aud ~~_cellt: Per es~ie<McCrc~a.rY Mabel NH:l ... (~e lb. bulk weight for newspapers and

,period passing frolU pu blish~rs ill to subscribers aud news

the . and ,

menfis made. ' The following is ihe schedule of

games for,tlle season: Wawanesa at Treherne. . June. 7 C)';p(,ess at Nesbitt ~ • •• .. II

'1',·,,1'1,,1'"" at Cypress'. " '14 N:esbitt at Wawatlesa •• ". " 16 Treherne' at Nesbitt... ,.,', 20

'l'reberne at, Wawanesa ,-; '". 21 Nesbitt.at' Cvpre,ss' ~.' .:. II' '26

at Treherne. .• ", 29 1 ~~b:r.t~:ft'at. Nes~itt "; . July

1~~I'~'~;:rl~. I'] Treherne • " • '"

:~~~~~lr~~}~f~ii~~;1.1'~i&:~g!!~ at .Cypress . " flC at ,,'Wawaries:a' \

Dominiou, New Ymk Radle ami II r.intzlllnn Pianos. . . 2·0 p. c. off

2 0 0 C off Dominion and Doherty 01'-•• gans.

2 0 P C off [ligh and Medium Class Ftll'-•• niture.

20 P C off Rallan and Upholstered Par-I • . lor Suites.

A 25% cut on ,Wall Papers. --.---*------

Baby Carriages, Go-carts and Express Wagons. Musical Instruments and 1\'lusical Sundl·ies.

Furniture Polishes, Linoleums-'threc, six and twelve reet lengths; Floor . _ . Cloths, R,ugs and Squares of sizes.

.. , " I~ing--o-phones and Records. 9stermoor Mattresses and general stock of Beds and Spri,ngs uf all . ' . 'kinds; Children's Cribs i Picfures.·

T. A~ METCALF.'· I • Undertaker.


", ::,:~:~~,(lPliTr.-~~.·TORONTO" . , llSTADI.)SllliD 1861



Page 2: Big Dlscounl Sale. - Treherne · Bllt mine has 1I0ne at all. ... !\fy'chil,lren hnve wont and woe' They never have d welt in the world ... sweet wife-' School Report


;:::~~",====~--~'-'n~~~~~~~======~~~~~=--~~~~==~==~~==~==~~~===' ~--~,

ICOUGH SO BAD Does fit Doesn't shrink




In Order to Enabla Effective Mount· Ing G' BII Gun. They Must Be PIK*i So ~ to Fire On Either Broacbld..-Tbl. Maan.~ Doom of Staam Enpnn Problem Already


, The baWeahiJ> of the future is to be a aLraoply weird looking cran it de· ~ which have been worked out provo pnr.ct.ieablo. The InstitutIon of Naval Architecta has been holdmg a I conferenoc in London 'this week, lLnu one of. i1 not the most importllnt, po.. por read IUld discussed WIIS one \\ Inch dealt with "tho influence -cf mncllln· ory 011 the gun power of the modern warship," IUld showed thnt If tho Inrgo guns are to bo efIectively mounted they mmt all be plo.ccd so 11.5' to firc on eit.bor broadside.

In tho Dreadnought of the len t1\elve inch guns only eight CIln file on either broadsido. To enable nil ten to flre with tho utmost eflect H wns shown thllt Ule funDels must be obol· ished and also nll deck arectioDs But i1 the funncla arc to be elimil1l\tcd sten.m cnn no longer be used, and the boiler must go.

Tbe groat firm of VIckers have fnced this fact and after three years of al­most continuous research and work hnve now perfected 0. system 01 gns mnchinery for propelling shIps. 'fhe explosion engme, in 0 word. is to re­place tho steam ongine.

Strange Looking Warship, I The design for such a vossel hns been worked out, It has no fuunels, e.nd 18 thus an extraordinnry looking cralt, Ita speed will be higher than that of any eXlsUng botLieship. Its dimemions arc moderate, but it' cnr, rics batteries marc powerful Ihun even the Droadnought, sincc all of Its ten Iltlns Can firo or. either benm, and six ahead or IIStern. This is 10 be the ship of tllo future.

,....... ."'lk •• at tha Raat .. Ilia , Tr.u~la.

But Her Papa Old Not Come Up to . E>:poetatione.

MilMan wns about ns noisy 11 Uttle girl os m'er fllled n bousebold' with mingled joy aud despair, Bnt tbere wero times wben ~Ilc sImply hnd to be suppressed. One oC tbeso cam~ wben her fntber was suddenly stricken with llUeumonln. 1'nklug bel' to one side, Marlon's mother cnrefully explnlbeu to bCl.' how very III lIer rnther WDS nod how recssnry It "'LIS tbut be sbould not bc disturbed by tbe lenst Bound. ~lnrlou listened tbongbtfully. Wbnt \Vua pUBslng .lbrougb hOI' smnll mlud lIer mother could uot Imnglnc. At leugth tbe chile! nslted:

"Is pnpa just ns slel, as ~OIJ were, mllmmn'j" _

(forceel to 3Ullle dcsplte berselt, the molbm' ullswerC!d, "Yes. deurle."

"AmI will be, too, Illwe u purse?"


~~J~~~~~o~:~l~d!~ca'erib Pen· Angle ,l at c ur ~Ol'. ant moterial ,:r moki.ot

::==~=-'=~=:=::::::'-= ,

Tlte resolutions culling out T'le pipe. clg:lr and !Ingon

Now look us though the thln,;a been

Run over by n wagon



COld on Ghest Would Yield to no Treatment Or by a rushing Irolley cnr Wilh no nrotecLlng fcnder-

It nI"Y havc bcC!o the climate was 'roo rough for ones .eo tender.

On New Year's day they looked fresh

In lillie bib nn<l t\lcker And pinnforo uno 011 those thing!

\ytlh\Jut n single pllch.cr; NoW they look draggled ns n mtln

Straight from on nil night rally, Nor flUetl to nssoclnlc

With children from the nlley.

The man who mndc them, he, nIna, 19 but n. ·humun being

And cnnnot lllte n rnce horse run When from hnd hnblts fieelng.


The hopeful builder fl'umcd them up­A wastiJ or Ink nnt1 pnpcr-~

And then 11(1 lore lhem down nga.ln­A vor~' though lIess cnper.


Uatil We Used

Dra Cbase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine "1 coulu not have believed that any and 'pos,ttvely prcvonling more serious

I medlaine could do me ao mnch good," I dlsease. It. is BonletUlleS [orgottcn WTltes tbls lady, whose cold was so bnd 1 thllt few ailments pugsess 1110re possl·


' ber frIends feared for her Itfe. Illlhlies of danger thun u OOllllllon COlli,

Mrs, S, M, 1Il00re, Shortreed, D C., Dr. Chase's Syrup uf Linseed and writes: )'1 WISIt to state my glatilude Turpentine WIlS ospecmlly plcpaled for Dr. Chuse's Syrup of L,nseed an'd fOI tho ohlldren by uno of tho 1110st TllTpcntine, \\ hioh eured 1110 of a eolt! sklliell Bnd COllse,"n tlOUS <lOC1018 thaI whICh a friend said would SOOIl put me has ever practised mocllc", •.

uYest denrle. -yes tf PI'obnbly "lllI II \ 1\'lel remembrnnee - DISPLAYED

of Imr mother's Illness. Mnrlon beuved "My. friend," Bnid a litelRlY bohe·

But thore Is comfort In tho thought Thnl he Is not the onlY

Performer of tho t kind of thing, Nor wlll the mnn be lonely.

Hl Illy gravo. I had not slept for thlee Experionco tuught Dr. Chuse thlLt nlgllts and would cough until 1 ah110sl SOIllO of Iho sil11ple prOlluc:ts of tho strangl~d to death 'l'he \'my nIsi vegetable klllgdolll [lo;scsseu Illost ex­Illght It cllsed the, cough, nnd lIlstcad lrllutdluary curativo ]HoporLlos, and ho o[ coughing Ilnd lIrilatlllg ,tllY throat succeeded In 60 cOlllbltllllg these 111 and lungs I had a good "'Illn s resl. Dr, Chllso'. Sytllp of LlllSlcd Ilnd 'l'ur· If 1 had 110t had the cX!Jellenee Ill~ pentilte liS to mako a l1,e"'Clllo Ihnt IS Bolf 1 could not have beheved thllt nny at GI1<'O pleasILnl to the tllste and \\un' In~dlcille oould do" so much good ll> uorfully effective. ~ thIS hns dono me, Dr. Chase" HylUp o[ Llllsecd n,,,1

, t.1 R. S, J. MASSEY 1111'. S. J •• Mllssey, formerly a resl­

Jent o[ '1'oronto, antl a well known business IJ1nn, WIlles from 241 Guy "lront, Montreal, Quebec:

"I wish to t<)stIry 10 ehe good r.~ suits I have derived from tn. use of Peruna, -

"Huvlng been lrollblell COl' so\'eml rears wlllL cawrrh oC tho henrI, 1 de, l!ltlcd. to g1\o Perunn. u rull' ll'lnl, and I cnn truly say I ha\ 0 rccclI'ed groat buncn l from Ils use.

"1t evidently 9trll,09 al tho very root of the l!'Ouble and good results cl.loe soon noticeaule. ~

HI J1u\'o alBO found Perul')a a very ""Iuabl. remedy for stomach trouble and indigestion.

'r have no hesitancy whatever In rccomlncmllng Pcruna IlS n relia.ble catarrh remeuy."

'l'here arc several 1<lncls of Inulg08-tlon

1'he tlOuble lTlay be uuo 10 sluggish, ness of the liver, derangements of the bowels, olllnrgeml'nt of. the pan, erons, 01 It mny be due to the stolll!wh Itself.

In ncarly all cnses oC stomach Incll­~cstlon cntarrh Is the C1-1USO. 'rhe only pormanent cure Is to remove tho co.' tarrh. ' -Peruna has become well known the

world over as a remcth.' 1n such cases

w.,."..,_" tG II"'. Gombaull".


n deep slgl) unci sllid "Vcry well. mnm- minn to his frienu, an artist, "SlUec WO are nllsundcrstood by the wOlld

mil. I Ruppose I sllllll !Jllve. to be we !nust form a. society for mutual A N~w Year's I'c~ohilion mo.y

Look good to Ils crentor, nut Il'R n marvel It 1t Is ~oo"." -dml 'I _ u .. rll" 011 among oULBclvcu I, tlu.!le

And sh~ WIIS good--so unnnturnlly rare, ploell>ll1I tho BUPCllOllty of your good lIInt bel' molher wus ulmost Icd art, ~nd cleelaro you to be tho "'IUIlI to bellevc thllt tbn "lllld, too. wns emu'" of ?~}ebacl. Angelo. And whut do you

In bllslncs~ lWO weeks Inter.

..,- .... admne in Jnc ,OJ Ing down with 1\ sevcre Illness. Dny "Your gO<ld tnsle," slUd the othor.-

A Brave Man.

.,ftel' dny she went nbout willi n SOI'l Bon Vivant, • OilS ulr, lind nev!!l' Ollce did sbe IIttempl

Nlcoln!!, CllCYllller a' Assns, It French coptnlll In lbe Au\,el'gue reglmeut. borll

La ronll) or frolic. . At lenglh her fnther wns so Cnr re·

eO\'eled Ihnt ~lnl'lon wns permitted to 'W In ·uno] Rec him, Putting his urlll nllout !Jer liS she slood by his bedside the sick mltn snlll: --

"My little elllughtcr hns been vety cOllsld()lltte of h!!l' fulher during his Illuess, uncI I Itm \ ery p"oml of hm· ...

"Yes. pllplI." ngreClI ~llIrlon gravely. "I hn\cu't henld her IIlllke a ~ounq." "Nf', pupn" "And UlnmUln Sill'S lhnt sbe lilts been

It vCl'y gooe! gh I huleed." "Yes, propn," nguln 'li'nld lIlnrlon

"And now," she ndlled eng-m'ly, "won' I YOII IIle!llse let llll' Ee!' It'/"

"See Itl" repented the nstonlshed fn. ther, "See wllllt, child 1"

"Why, lhe ucw bnby, pnpn."-New Yorl< Press.

Not So Exeusablo, "Yes, m~' hllsbnud has mwle n grent

nnnte fOI' IIlmself III IIterntul'e." "Docs he not go on the lecture pint

form this SIlI'lug /" ' "Yes I nUl just tryln).( to bave blm

lectuI'e In tile city ",hm'e I spauf U1)

);Irillood." "So Ibn t you en n show blm oil' 10

YOllr frieuds?' An exclldnble Ilmbltlo .. ,. "No,luileeel! So thut I ClIlI sholv blm . '

oIT to my ellemtesl"-Uollstoll Post.


By Dr, WIlliams Pink Pills After Six Doctors had Failed to be of Benefit That gna\\ Ing pain In-the stomach

somotlmes shJOling U(J Into the uhe8t' orten Ilfolluelng u chol,hlg sensallo~ In the t1110Ill; 1I",'co pulns 'lround the hea.rt' 0. feeling of urowsh;o5S and n distaste for food-thllt 's Indigestion Us vlct!~ns ale numiJerccl by the thoU"~ ands. Io thell1 life Is a bUt'lIen. Dr. Williams Plnl, Pills have dono more tOWUll]S relieving this suffering thall any other meellelne. Onen they IUlVll cured 'tfter all other help had failed as In the case of Mr. 'VlIlls Herman: ot St. Catherine., Ont:, who says: "I had beoa ufrllete<l With Indigestion and stomach trouble (or yoal's. At tlll1es

11 t YlgIlll, In the T.nugucdoc, while mille­Ing It I'cconnolssltnce ilUllng tho ulght of Oct. lG, 17liO, lit Klostercnmp, III \Yestpbnlln, met It column of tile ene­my which wns nd\' tnelng In slIellce to RlIl IlI'I"e the I~rcnch Ill·my. 1:10 w([~" 'I!llm'ml to lceci> sllcnt or clse llley "mnld I,m blm. V'Assns Ilt,once crlea 'Ilt, "A mol Auvergl1c-thc enemy Is 'lOIO!" ITe WUS Idllea 011 tbe spot.

..".. S , •• ", •• i£>'fJensivD Cut.

WI fl'-Now tlla t Dr. l'nl'ker blls mill" leel thnt mill hlllnl1 css, do you suppose

~,()'II cut us1 lIuslJnnil- \. e~. Bul be'll cbarge morl!

fOl' doU',';..) t., LII(IJ!!l my suCrerlng lVas almost Indescl'lballle SOl11cthnes [or whole days r WIlS un­aule to touch food. I dieted anel at Do Not Delay.-When, _ through de dll'rerent times was treated by six doc- bilitnlod dlgesLtvo organs, pOlson flnus tors but they did not help me' I only .,~ i' 'I bl grow worso. 1"01' 0. tlmo r w';s living I"" way n,o ,to ood, the plil1lo con In New YOlk and while thOlO consulte" siuerntlon i8 to get tho poison out 118 0. speclail t b u rapIdly as pos~iblo, Dolay mill' menn

s ut he- was unnblu to give uisltstcr, Parmelec's Vegetable pm. mo any relief. I then decided to try will be fonnd a most valuable anel of· Dr. "'llIIams Plnl< Plll. ami In les" foctlvo medioine to Ilssall the intruder thnn a month I felt somo reilef. 1 continued their usc for 0. couplo oC with, 'fhey neve, fnil, 'fhoy go at months ionger nnd "t..lned In \"el"llt. once to the seat of ~he lilouhle and

tit ~. 0 , work u: permanent cure.

my apl'e c Improved; tho pains loft me and I nolY feel better than_ .. lv hhna"v,o ... I' 'Jaok had troublo singing the scale, at any tlme during the past " nve years. I will re- singing ,t do, 1'0, you, fa, sol, la, commend Dr. \Villlams to SI, do. H,s papa sllHI: oU ff UIt i8 'mt,' not 'you,' Jllck." Jack

tel' su erers believing ll~at thoy msislcd. will surely do for others what lhe v hava done for me:" " HI did t!lLY .. 'you.' papa."

Pnrents who make 11 pracUco of keep 'L'urpcutinc, 25 cents 1\ buLtle, Ilt. ILIl

ing Dr. Chase's S)rup of Linseed and ciuu.10ls, ot lJdlllUllsUll, BU.tCH &. Co" 'l'urpentille 111 tho house Itava nL hUlid roronto. l'he POltllL1L ILllli slgnaturo the most certain mellns 01 Ollllng of Dr. A. W. ChllSO, tho flLlllous 'c' ooughs, ooIds, croup allli bronch,lls, eOll!t book author, urc on every bottle,

THE ISLAND OF FIRE. Java'i Geolo91eal ~ceentrleity tho L.aka

of Boiling Mud. l.'he grcntest nntllrul woneler III Jnva,

If 1l0t In the cntlle ,,"Dlld, Is the jllstly celebrlltl'l1 Ghelw Kllm,lhn ClIllllw or "hollle or the hot 1Il'\'1I8," IllIown to tho worlll ns the "IHln11l1 of nrC!." 'l'hls geo· loglcul cccentrielir Is IUnlly u Inlto at boiling llIlle!, silulltell Itt lIbout Ihe cell­t('1' of Ihc plnln" of Grol1o~anu, Ilnd Is clIllcd IIll Islllnd becllu"e or thc gl'Cllt Clll\el'nhl Ben or vegctullon wblch HUr­

,.ouuds It null gives it Hlllt nppenlnnce.,

TIlE H.EVEllSE HD1d I uIHlerslulltl ~ au to sny

my appearunce hilS lInplo\'cd 1" UNo; 1 BUill you loultcll mOle

yUUl!ictf. 1t_I .. th·, ---



It is only uecossnry to tl"Jttl the tes­timonitLis 10 be uOllVllleuLi elllll 110110' WIlV'S Corn CUIO Is IlIlOllUllllcLi for Lho rumo "at of corns, \\ at tS, otc. J t. is u. cOlllplulu IJxtill1:U1Sher.

Raynor-J; l'llOW, of ('ourso, that olLI Prugnult is Orrensl\ely posItive lUI(1 contlo\crsia.l, lmt lwltS gCllllully dghC 'SII't he 1

Shyne - B1l\mo l1im, ) 0' I 'fl1at'. what lllllkes him so offenSIve.

'l'he "Islnllel" Is ullout two miles In c1rcumfm'cnee Illlll I. slluulcc1 Ilt n dls-I.."-,,,~~"'-"""'--"'=---"'-"''''''''''''--''''''''''-=-''''''''''''-=-==-totltCC ... ~ IIlmost eXlIctly Ufty miles from Solo Neill' thc e'Cutcr oC thl" g"()o loglcnl Crenl, Imlllense COIUlllllS of 80Ct hot mud mill' bll seeu contlnuully rls· Ing Ilnc1 fnlllng 111m grcltt UmbelS thrust t1uongh lhe bolllug substrntunt by ;;lllnt hunclH unci llten quickly with, tirn \Vn

Nota drop of Alcohol

Admiral Sir E. Fitzgerald, who 'openod tho CliRcusslon, deprecated the adoption of too hll<Jty n geneTalizntion from tho result of 000 battle-mean· ing that of the sea of Japan. Ho reo mombored the battlc of Lissa, nnd, becauso 000 vessel WIIS rammed und sunk thero, every .warship for tlnrty roars was fitted with a monstrosity \In Its bows called a rnm, which had Simi! many a fr,iend but never a 100 With regard to tho adoption of oil as lllel, ho! wondered what wonld hnppen II a sholl came into the oil reservoir' 'Whether the oil would all run out, if ,it did not explode, and tho shl)! 'Would be lefl without fuel; or, if onc IB~t of tanks escaped, there would be a heavy list to one side.

She Was H"o;"f, "I teal'," snld the [l'llcn,d

~ When you uso Dr. ","'lIIlnms Pink tills as 0. blood bulldel' nnd nerve tonic

1\ you~ nrc not expcllmontlng-thcy have

fie_Ides the phcnomenon 'ot tho boil­Ing lUud coitllUns, thel"ll aru scores at gigantic hubblcs of hot sllmo lhnt fill up 1lI<e hnge bltlloons IIml I,eep up " sc,.ies of eonstunt explosions, the In­ll'nslty of Ihe lletonlltioll$ \'Ill'ylll;; \\ Hh lhe size of Ill(! bnbble. III limes pllst, RO tI,c ,In;'llne"!) nllthOl'llIes SIlY, lhC!,·o wus u hIll, sph·c·llke colUlunH of bake\! lllUa 011 the west cllge of lIIe lulte, wblch coustlllllly belched It pure 811'eUlII oi,cola \\ ntel', but tbls hilS long beeu oblltel'uted, und c\'erylblng Is now n seetblng muss of bubbling wud Oltel slime, a IDI1l'vei to tho visitors wbo

Doctors prescribe very little, If any, alcohol these days. They prefer strong tonics nnd altera­tives. This is all In keepinlt with modern medical science, It explains why Ayer's Sar­saparilla is now made entirely free from alcohol. Ask your doctor. Follow his advice, Admiral Sir O. Noel said if the ma­

rino gna engines foreshadowed could be produced thero wo.s no doubt they Iwould be of great vBluo, bocauso they ,would give ships II. higher speed nnil In milch wider mdius of action. , Counts Up Advantages.

Admirhl Sit E. Fremnntle obsorved there could be no question of tho ad, vantages which would enSile if bat­t.losbip decks could bO cleared of the meum brance of funnels and similar 'applinoeos necessary wHh steam en­gines. Ono of tho things which would result would be that ships would not ,be liablo to a sudden reduction in speed from tho destruction of funnols ,Internal combustion engines would got rid of that, but it wna usually found that with nll improvements in­troduc:od thoro WII.5 generally an in­'erolU!Cd possibility of damage e.nd dlS-aster, •

Sir William White pointed out that in attempting to reduce tho diameter and .the .weight of turrets the exposed portion of the guns wns liable to de· strllction. At tbe battlo of Tsushima ~his portion in soma cases bad been IIhot ontirely nwoy. With rogard to oil or gll.8 engines he believed their day was eomillg.

Lieut, A, T, Dnwson believed tho advent of gas engines for marine me

nearer than Btr William White many more appeared to realizo,


Has Imitators But Ko Competitors. /J. Sofe, Speedy Bn<l PoslUve CUTO for

Curb, Splint. SweenyJ. Clpped Kook. • IUruacd Tendon., .uunder," Wlna. ruKs l and aU It.ment'l trom Spavin, Ringbone Ind other bony~ tumo .... Cure. all aldn d1l8&181 or :l'araa1te~t. 'fbrulb l Diphtherial lleMov,. &11 Eunoho. from Dorses or Oattle.

I Lent In London, I Thoro have been more marriages during Len\ this year th4'n for many I",,,,,,,..;.,,;;.~,,,,,,;;";"~~;""';''';;';;';;=''';:~~;I '';I,on:~lieltl'oli Jearn. This is shown in socie\y getJ.ing .,'

been trlod and slleeessrul 'In of Is tholr powel'

~;J~it~~~l~f~~~g~~~r1Ic~I;I'~ blood and

used cured \ft~~~~1f~ \'~i~:l¥ii:'£~F"r~~N~~'~1~~~:

, c~e fronl long alBtn uce.' to Ace It. . . .

"There who says onions,"

, B mall In Pluladelphin

people can't ent 100 many

."Porha,p. he'. right. Ono onion or· <!tnarlly does' I the mischief. "-Clc\ ° 18'td l'llllndenler. -

Jails and the hangman's dlop servo only to hold ill cheek all sorts of crime, blie opinion h tlte flual and

court. From it tltere can he appeal, ' I

Sig~al. of Dang;=Have you lost your appetite 1 Havo you a coated

rh'~U1mu-1 tongue! l:Iave you an unpleasant tlll,oat. taste In tho mouth! Does your head

ache anu have you dizzincss 1 If so urlllses,:1 your stomaoh is out of oruo,! and yo';

need mod lome, But you do not hke medicine. He that prefors siokness to medloine n"lst Buffer, baV under tbe circumstanoes the wise man wonld proonro n box of l'armelec's Vegetable PIlls and epeedily get himself m he;III'h, and strive to keep so.

Dentist Wanted, Munlclpnl nutborltles at Bllrmen.

Prussln, huve becu requested to mlver· tlse Cal II dentist who Is willing to ut· tond nn elcllhnnt, un Inmflte of tho loeul zoo. l.'be elcpllllnt sul'rers from peevlsbncss, lu consequence oC Cre· quent nttncks of toothache, en used by nn overn bunelllllcc oC sweets. At such times be Is practically unmnnngenble Tbe locnl dentists refuse to Itttempt to 1111 bls tceth, One dentist wns brnvo enongb to try to exnmlne an Itcblng tooth, but the enrnged elepbltnt cbnsed blm nround tbo Inclosure, anel the dCll· tist a(terwnrd sent In a bill tor dam' age caused by the shocl<.

Minard's Liniment Cures Gilrget in Cow.,

Lapland u'~r~, Swedish Lnpland elln be seen cu

rious womlen structures on n slnglL' IJoie which look like mnnst~r plgcon cota. These servo their purposo III protecting the contents .0C the l'\I'der tl'om woh'es ana taxes, They lire themlj.elves the Inrdcl'!l.

lleea obeervant of tho Lenten seMon .. 7-,:;:.,..:,:~=r~::::::":':':;'L'F';C,,;:,( ,than was tho case whon tbere a Illort of decorous attention to English Sunday Closing, ehureb feelings even whon they Public bouses were tlrst c1osec1 on

This year the rJtuahsts arc keeping 1!~~~I~\~~!i~~~~~~~~~~~~~_s~n~nl':la~y~m~o~r~nilnigs~~1n~:E:n:g:ljn;"r:l~I':t tc~o:n:. Inot personoJly sbared. • -,Lcn\ wiLh more severity than aro tho sequence or nn oct at parllnUleut,

'~M~~m,~~gtehl~;llllllilllllllillllllllllllllilllilllll111111 wbl~~vodllle~~Looth' prevalanee of influen7.a, tho latter nro 14th at )\ug.l1s.!._l~ ilargely' dispcusated from fnsJ.ing. \he oUler hand, 11 c:ortnin ritualist is IIllied to \he "half peerage" ,_ .. _ •. -., friend tha\ in Lent sho nevor .. ,w,no'a, lout, ate meat, drank

in tea, that shel;~~~~~l~~J~~~~:1 co d&ily. _nt to no pillow on >,,:t<.:;.'·~o;';

.',,.oRI' tho -ins\ant ahe

A W" pubU.h otlr (ormula.

, ~nl8b .1aohDl

ers tromo~dlQ1D" We urare ;you. \0 Goneul\ 70W'


Unle~s there is daily aCllen of the bow­els, pOIsonous product6 are absorbed, causing heftdache, b,IIousness, nause •• dyspepsia, We w,sh you would Isk your doctor about correcting your const'patlon by taking laxative doses of Ayer's PIlls, _ .. M ......... b,J' w. oJ. c . .4.1.1' Co" Low.ll. JIu .. -

F~~ INDICESTION dlslrcn alt~r ~ating, dizziness, lha' heavy feeling, wind and painl III the stomach and lurred tongue, take

Beecham's Pills

before you retire to rcst. The, Itart the gastric Juices, assld the .tomach to dispose 01 the 100d1 cn­courage good appetite, sounn dl­cestion and make you feel iii. I. worth living. Sold Everywhcro. In boxes 211 cenla.

room. may be dee.orated In absolute .o"d tute with

AI.b .. Uae - • rlln.& of tint. to .. llet from that wtll let ,our walla humenlze with ..., lumlohlnll"

Send 10c (or ~ coe1 of II Homea. R .. h ... '&J:/ld a •• uhful. wllh •• nydlinl, ae.

a. (or lh. decoradoD .f Jour h;m.,

AI.L •• Une f. ,old b, ha.rdware and paint deallU tYlrywh.r.-& 5 pound packace

lor 50 Gents.

Aak lOYr d.~I.r ror tia''''-''; REVJ:. SOLD 1111 B1J1.K.

Page 3: Big Dlscounl Sale. - Treherne · Bllt mine has 1I0ne at all. ... !\fy'chil,lren hnve wont and woe' They never have d welt in the world ... sweet wife-' School Report


., fllEDElllC S. ISHAM, Audaer .. "Untie ..... __ "

111111 C.".I, ... , 1'13, " ,..E lOWEll MERRILL CO .... ",.

~~~~~~~~~~~~:~:~~~~:~~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Continued from last ..... eek. RtllIng' lIIoihllly""l"'j COrIlPr "lIh Irg~ lI'eolsle-eplclcrl the noblenll1n Pllrtoo"

crossed nnd lInt 1I1lO11 his kllll 1\11" 11 of the liquid cousolllllou before him ,Ollllg 1111111" h08" tllllll<R !(llul! \\111 \\hleh seemed to I))lgllle11 Ills spirits d"red frolll tlllle to t1111~ (10111 his dl(lIr 'If my doctor could sce me nowl

DollSI QUllcks' to the (1nsslll~ l1gllles As th< 111111111119 .10" Iv hoblllcd II10ng \\ till un clTort to • It s n good Joke on tbem," saId Mau 8(1pellr IIlert the \ Olln!{ IIll1n urose ville !tonlcnlly ql1l~kly lind Cllllle rOI \VII d with neon Isn tit? Ihey forbid me tOUching venllonl1l 911111e IntCiceptlllg the old Htimulunts Suld they wOl1ld be fntall noblemnn n('ur tbl' door ImpostorBI Fr~uds' Tbe), boven t

My denr M Ie ~lnrlJlIls he exelnlm killed me yet' ed effusl, ely It Is 1\ Ilil pleusure I Bee ' I have been nortll to look ufter eer you rcco\ercd from your recent Indls IlIln properties left me by a dlstaat posilion" relnthe pence to bls asbesl' observed

Reco, ered' n Imost ShrIeked tile ~nUlllle marquIs I m rur froll1 rccovered 'My denr sIr, J congrntulute youl" 1111 worso tllnn e,er I detest con- exclnlmed the noblt'nlllll enthuslostlc grlltulutions monslenrl It s whnt a Iy ally Ing "orld nlwnl B doeB "hen you ore "rhanks! But I cnmc nenr joInIng ou the vergo or dissolution" tile rankB of tbe ~ellllorn nngels But

1 ollure ns dlscelnlng ns ever" mur- for! nn IIccldent I Ibould now he a mured the It nd bnron, tor It was Ed chernb of q'llallty \1 urd Muuville "And bow, monsieur (tid you escape

'lIn not tit to be nronnd 1 only luch n felicItous fnte?' cnme out -wllh n snrdonlc: chucltle-c- Tho land bnlon 8 face clouded • becllusc tbo doclors suld It would I.e ''Til rough a strnnger n l'reDchmnu a 'IItnl ' Illeut, tuclturn Cellow, more or less na

• Surely you do not deslro"- adventurer I til Ce It. He called him '~o show theUl tIlCY oro Impostors' lelf Snlnt Prosp('r ,-

Yes" - "Snlnt ProsperI" "Aml lloes New Orlenns continue to The mnrQuls gnzed ot ManvIlle with

plr IHI you I" nslccd the otber, "Ith amnzement and Incredulity 801llU of thn'l prlIle soutllerners enter- ' Ihls Suint Prosper ~Oll met WIIS a lliined III thoso dnys for their quccn IOldler-ErneBt Bolnt Prosper?" C!lty "Yes, lIe \\ liS a soldl!)r Served I.

"now does the exile like the fOI'oed.1 Afrlcn, I believe You knew him?' land of his "Iloptlon?' returned tile no- "I{new IIlml He wns my word tb~ blemon Irritably My klug Is la exile P" cried tbe other violently "He Wby IIbQI11d I not bp .. IR07 Rhol1li1 I "as but now-Ingrntel-trnltorl-bet­.toy tHere, flel'l1 "Ith the cattie, call ter If he were dead" every skipjack citizen' and every clod ' You spellk bitterly, M Ie Marqulsl" 'brother,' trellt el cry Herub as tbougb Inld tbe potroon curiously ebe were a duchess?' • "Bitterly I Arter 1119 conduct be II

"There Is Indecd, Il regrettable tend no longer unythlnll' to mel He Is dead ency to deify common chlY nowadnys," to me-dead I" assentcd the pntroon soothingly • flow did be devlnte trom tbe line

"Why your 'citizen' regnrds It a. of d\lty?' asked Mauvllle, wltb In condescension to notice a man of con crenslng Interest Ilnd on engerness hll illtlonl' Bllld tlte marquis light mnnner did not disguise • A .Ia • When my king WIIS driven awoy hy Isslon or commissIon?' the rnbble the ot'<'nn wns not too broad ? What?' Dlumbled the old nl)-to scparate lIIe flom 11 swinIsh clvlll thmnl1n, starIng at his questioner and IIntion I will never 1:0 bnck I 11'111 011 11 Budden becc)lulng tnclturn "A Ilve tbero no morel" fnmlly all'nlrl" lIe ndded finally, wltli

, Thnt I. good nel\8 tor US," returned dIgnIty • Not worth repeating I tbe lond baron whnt WR8 ho doIng there?"

, Your politeness almost reconcile. me "Ho ned to Btoylng," enid tbe old man more af­fRbly "Dut I nlll on illY woy to tb. C!lub What do you sny to a rubber?"

The patroon assented.

tIIItll, Where, It III related, on one Snll­day In 1839 ten duels occurred where the contestante frequently fought on horseback with lobe1'8, and wllere the cowllerds, says a cllroalcler, becom., 80 1'0880 accustomed to seeing honor sntlslled I' URITY AND TOIL OFTEN THE In thIs manner that they paid little at- PRELUDE OF WEALTH. tentlon to tbeM meetings, pursulna their own bumble duties lodltrerent to the toIlles of fasblonable society Tile fencing Bchoolllllourished Whll t mem­ories cluster around that odd, slruage master of the blade, Spedella, a mel­ancboly enigma of a man, whose"a"

much of tbe IInest sllndlng and phrasIng peculiar to blmself froiD wbom elen many of Bonapartea dIll­cnrded veteran. were not above ac­Quiring new tecbnlque and tempera­ment!

Shortly after the players' arrival gna the celebrated Leduc matcbes, at­tracting noted men and women from


The World Is Often Indifferent and Neglectful-Keen Struggle the Lot of Some of Its Honored Chlldren­"esus Chose tIS Be Obscur_Flckle ness of SOCIety-Lessons From the Story of Zaccheus

Entered according to Act of Parliament of Can­ada In the YCllfl007 by Frederick Diver To ronto at tllo Dept. of Av!cultur" Ottawa.

all over the lIOuth Tbe botela were Los Angele~, CnI Aplll 26 -That crowded, tbe lodglnl houses II lied, God s 'lay of ludgmg llIen and choos w411e mallJ' of the Inrge bown bospl- mg thelll for some speCIal t/l8k IS to tably opened tbelr doora to visItIng tally dIfferent from mnn's way IS ern

nl,nAi~pcl 111 tIllS sermon the text of Tbe afternoon! found tile db' taken from }.uko XIX 5, To-

IInuu.,.. deserted Tbe bnrtenders 4Js must abIde at thy house content~ly Iwoked In IOlltude, the Ie- IS amazmg how long the wOIld cion of waiterll In the 1I0teis some of ItS most honored

1' •• ,_'" became reduced to a'thlnl,.: to struggle amId the qUICk tered array. wblle even tbe atreet ... ,n"., I.E::~~t:~i6~ poverty, obscurity mlsrepre ers had "folded their tente" and Illent-E and slander beime 1t n.!lows 11 atolen to the races On oue to chmb the mountalll tops of memorable occasIon most of tbe Imrnortahty nnd [nme It IS hard to

... ,i"I.",11 I undeI stnnd why Home men hove to be1'8 of tbe Barnes compan,. spend !fo much of theu bves fightlllg to the Mo~lrle lor n mere eXlHWnce when they would

Below tbe grsnd stand, brllllnnt wltb hnve been !Lble to do so much 1110re !!Olof, Itrutted the dandles attending good lor thClr fellow men If the \I orld to tbelr betl, above tl1ey pll\yed a 1I'la- hna only been WIllIng to encoll1 agp. nlnl or losing game wltb the fall' sell thorn IIlstead of turnmg the cold IntrIgue and lovemaklnl were the or shoulder upon them Every aile der of tbe bour, and these daughters memhors the famous couplet by of the lOutb beguiled t1me-c-nnd mor poet He~ wood tal_In a heyday of pleasure In that Seven Clttes \\ arred for Homel mIxed cotherlng burly cotton planters ,lolld from tbe country rubbed elbow. wltb Who IIVlllg had no roof to shroud aristocratic creolell, wbose attire wall hend d,stillgubhable by enormous Well, thnt II! the hIstory of man~ n

IIltht boots of cloth The the world's greatest heroes anti he folIower of tbese eve~ts, mes For years and years they bllttlc tunate tout, also mingled wllh povl\rtv .'or years and yemE crowd plainly In evldeace by tbe pro- they hlld to fight [or mere phl BICIII ex nounced character of ble dress tbe Istenee Then cnme wealth faille po Ilze of bIll diamond .tud. or sltlOn honor fhe wOIld 'I a8 bowllIp pin and tbe mnsslve dimensions hll at theIr feet to do thClr blddmg !Inger rlnp, No pnltl"1, acrubby track The lot of the obscure peasnnt If

cadgnr wns tbl. resplendent gentleman, l1ecessl1l1ly hard ~ et when Ohrlst wnl but a pIcturesque rowue, wltb to come mto tile world It WllS that lot

• he chORe n. If he deSIred to kno\v b denee am pronounced 08 hI. expenence the sorrow and hardRhlJ

Surreunded by a bevy of admlren, or humalllty elmBt for tlurty SusRn Iprlgbtly and eparkllng, 11'01 an hnd hved l/l poverty and obscu example of that one Of ber When nt lllBt he started forth on lex 18 made postlcclo of worl(l's mission he "as opposed at

tbat 10 to stell malIgned and Then came a suddOlI

the top hun no All 1m

of hun Ilnd II gl elll tench gone flU oad


him wIth an unutterablo loathmg r your vote to PILSS tha~ bIll We know They regarded him and hIs fanuly ns J ou are opposed to it.a p/l8sage But II SOCIn.! outcasts lOU can change yom mInd and vote

Now Christ by gomg to tillS dei!- lor II \\e WIll gIve you five one thou plsed tax collector's house prachcally aand dollar bills That $5 000 wlll Just saId "Even to the lowest of the low payoff lour mortgage a~d lenve lOUl I shall carry my gospel No man or fnlm [rco o[ debt and you can make woman hILS sunk BO deep mto tne mlro tl.D el1sy hvmg for the rest of your of SlU but mv blood can cleanse hlln life" The farmer looks at the money from all BlU Zaccheus, make haste He struggles agamst the temptatIon and come down, for to-day I must and at last) lelds At once the ne\\ s abide at thy house" Oh my lllenda, papers open thOlr broadSIdes agalllst IS It not a blessed iliought to you that hIm HIS good reputation IS gone Do Chnst cnme to save the pubbclUls you not beheve thIS modem Znccheus and the smners? Ia it not a glOriOUS over rogrets what he has doneP Do thought that, no matter how low a you not beHeve he IS regrettmg hIS man or a woman may be lU sm, Jes- dIshonest acts now? If you accost hIm 118 18 r .. n.dv anti ,.,llhrur tn ... ""'''' h,m as Ohrlst greeted the publican of old 01' l1er ftom tll.a' BlnP do you not beheve you IDlght lead

Borne ttme ago l' was my prIVIlege hIm to the better and truer hfe? to nUAnrl n reVIval BCrvIce held by a But, agllm, I tlunk that OhrIst went well known slum worker After the to the houBe 01 ZaccheuB to prove to talk was over he ILSked all who would the world that he WIshes to sllve the to come forward and confess Chnst nch man m Ius pn.!uce as well ns the They came by scores There were poor mnn In hlB hut He wants to be nbout II hundred of them Some were the SavIOur of Dives m hIS mo.nSlOn Illthy lind rugged Some were WIthout as well as the beggar Lllzarus 111 IllS

Some of them had their rugs The stery of Zaccheus proves smellmg vile Wlth hquor As tillS Was ZncclMlus a poor mnn? Nny

came forward to the mercy seat I Behold there was a man named saymg to myself 'I wonder If Zaccheus wlllch WIIS the cillef among men are III earnest I wonder If the pubhcans I1nd hI! was rIch Yes

those men truly want Chnst 'Then 'I hanever lOU thlllk of Zaccheus you I bethought myself of a conversatIOn must tlunk of him hVll1g 111 a man ] had WIth one of my elders a lew Blon You must thmk of hIm dressed dnys belore He slUd 'Ten years ngo m .the most eXDeIllUllQ TOb.>.A. V nu 1 was m the PaCIfic Gardcn mISSIon muiIV 1)lc~ 'film hllvmg all that To my left on one of the front scats nancy can buy It WIIS to Zaccheus sat a man BO maudlin drunk that I n rich man that Ohrlst carrIed the dId not thlllk he understood one word gospel that wns Bald He was the lowest kind But though Oimst came to Bave tho o[ nn outcast When the mVltatton to rlch mau how hard It IB to preach re come to Ohnst was gIven, that mnn !J€ntauce and fmth and Judgment 10 nro~e nnd staggered lonvnrd nnd fell come to the merchant prmce nnd to on hIS knees and thou and there gave the man who rIdes 10 a carnage nnd IllS heal t to Ohnst He was sincere to one who has scores of servauts to 100 for he lS now workmg aB nn run at 11IB bldd10g I It IB casy enough evanl!elIst HIS name IS MelVille for me to go to a murderer III IllS cell '1 rotter ' It IS not surpnsmg that the just nbout to be executed [or IllS elder's story came to my mmd that Climes, and beg 111m te trust m Jesus mght for the man whose plcadmgs who saviid the dymg thlCf on the hnd drnwn that d18slpated C10wd to cross b\lt oh how hard It 19 for one theIr knees WIIS the MelVIlle I rotter to go to the rIch man and say 'l\IeI whose com ersion the elder hnd WIt- chant WIth you gold lawyer nnd nesBcd No wonder IllS mVltntlon9 doctor WIth your lucraltve prnctlce II ere so confident He knew thnt the stalcsmen slttmg 10 senatOrial halls ( " • who hud saved him could snve nnd 111 gubernatorJal chnlr Ohrlst all who came to hlm_ That IS why camo to save tho rIch man He ClIlI1e Ghrist savos the worat cases It en te save tho arlBtocrat He cnme to cournges otherB to come to lum Thnt save ZnccheuB He came to save you Ie why he went to be a gucst at tho Oh ) e wealthy Zaccheuscs bulwlu k house of ZaccheuB I ed up III your gold WIll you not be

1 take a step further 10 my BubJect IIElTC Jesus came to save you, even nnd declare that OhrlSt went to the you?" hOUle of Zaccheus for anothor renson I Tn nil probablhty you hnve henn] He wantcd to prove to the world that the old story about Rowland Jhll 50me 01 the Slllners who have been man~ yeaTS ngo preacbmg upon the swept off thClr feet by grent tempta I outskIrts of London A grent mulb hon nre sometImes the easIest men to tude" as gathered nbout the populn r reach nnd lend to the better hIe A IJrencher Wlule he was PI enclllng mnn may be a tllIef and a robbel or there drove to the outskIrts of the even a mut derer and yet not be wed I Clowd the carnage of tho noted nilS ded to Ius sms lIe may long 10 be toctatlC benut) Lndy ],Iskllle Sud come pure and tlUe and honest nnd I denly Rowland HIll 10 IllS blunt wn) upllght Zuccheus was a pubhcan stopped nnd sUld Now bretll1 en Zaccheus was a dIshonest tnx col '~e arc gOlllg to hnve nn auellon snle lector But Zaccheus WIL8 olle who at We nro gOlllg,to sell the soul of 1 nch the firBt snlutatlon of Jesus was" III I Erskme wllo lS here to the 11Ighesi mg to come down from that sycamore bIdder '\\ ho WIll bId filst fOI thlA tl ee and welcome the muster to hIS I soul P' 'I wIll' CI led tho world Whn I home That IS the type of smner who WIll you gIve for thIS soui? I 'I III call be easlly reached fo", ChnBt and honor and pleasure

the next blddCl P' 'I am '

r 'g~~~!m~~ 'I WIll gIve all the kmg the earth I WIll mako mell to her I ,ull glVQ her full ~~~U~S~~~~~i~~~~~~j~~ 'Is that all? Yes thnt IS

''"'-~ .. '' all her eVIl deSIres unbl i!~lriiiii~:;:'i'iirii:~I~~~~E;;i;~I~'t;:lfonlo'r;Qt':e[l1.eli.: ~';~;tlli;;;'i;~;~ alte renches the grave' ls that 1I1l? ,1 'Yes that IS all ' 'Who IS the next bid

derP' , Cried Rowland HIll I nm BOYS Ohrlst 'Whnt will you gIVO? 1 "Ill glVO peaco and JOY on earth J WIll give heI many years of 'useful ness to mankmd Then I WIll gIve her eternal lOY and Itle and peace be J ond I WIll !rIve her a crown thnt shall never lade" DrnmatIC that Oh yes, Only a Rowlnnd dnred prench such a g,oE'Eel a'::pr!~t1,c! nrlstocillt But sllld WIIS true < Over

"ell 1lS over <>v,,",

THE SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson V.-Second Quarter, For

May 5, 1907.


Text of \he Lesson, Gen. xii, 38 49-Memory Verses, 38 4O-Golden Text, Jal 1 ~Commentary Prepared by Rev D M Stearns •

[C<>pyrigbl. 1007 by A"","eaD P.- AlIIOcl.Uon ] One of thc grentest lessons for the

redeemed of the Lord to lenrn Is thnt God bns n set time for everything nnd does everything nt th!) nppolnted time Thnt which Reems to 118 like Ilelny or men clenlnl Is Shll11lj His wnltlng tlmo for us 1\ hUe lie Is surely workIng out His purpose He nlwn~s wnlts to bo grnclous ond merciful beyond our ask­Ing lind Is too "Iso nnd kind to be ei­ther too soon or too Inte In His deal­Ings ~ Hit His 0\\ n Blessed nre nil they tllnt "nIt for Him (Isn xxx 18) Hnppy nrc nil ,,110 I<>n, e nil their af­fnlrs "Ith Illm "lUI the utmost confi­dence lu Him and sny glndly • My times 1If() In Thy Il8ml (Ps L'txl 15)

The full tlmo hlld uow como for Jo­seph s llell, ernnce nnd It llellghts tim trustful child to wntch his Futller at work Thnt the butler mny remember his fnults nnd thluk upon his prison [rlend of t" 0 :venrs \Jerol e Pharnoh Is gl\"en t" 0 drel1lns In one night "hlch trOUble hIm hut "hlch 110ne of. the "Ise men of EgSpt cnn Inte1pret (yerse 8) It" ns just so "lUI the kIng of Bnbylon nnd his wlsc U1en long after­"nrd (Dnu 11 uull h) for nil the wls dom of this" o rill C Illnot Interpret the thlug!! of God The nnturnl man re celvcllt them not.

In Pharaoh s lrouble becnuso of hIs unlntefJHeted dlenms the clliet butler recalls his 1)(lson experience nnd tells tho king ho" he lind lim chief bnlcer, hn,lng drenms "hlch ttoublcd them "hlle In prIson hlld them Interpreted by a fellow prisoner II young Hebrew, nnd encll Inteqlretn lion \1 ns lltarnlly fulfilled On heurlng this Pharaoh brought Joseph hnstlly out Of the dun geon (the margin SIIYS mnde blm run) Joseph being summoned to meet the Idng shn, ell himself chl1nged Ills rnlment nUll "ns soon In tile pres ence of the king On hcurlng "hy tho king sent for him he replled It Is not In me Ood shall give Pharaoh nn nn swer Of paace" (,erses 14 10) Hnl':!ng hcard the (lreflmS, he readlly Interprets them prefacing his Interpretntlon by the remark, What Ood Is nbout to do He shewetb unto Plutrnob" nnd add Ing thnt ilia (loubllng of the drenm In dlcuted thot the thing was established by Ood and Ho would shortly brIng It to pass (verses 28 32) '.rhllU he sug­gests that Pharaoh appoInt a proper person to lay up com during the yennt of plenQ

The time of Joseph s dell I crance has come Flom this on It Is rls!) Ilnd plogleBs nllll the dreams of his youth Illn e II IIternl fuWllment rr from be Ing the 0' eraeer of PotlpIllu's house to n llllugeon wns n glent filII lind II seem Ing calamity "hnt shllll \\ c sny of this change flam the dungeon to lhe tbrone or nelCt to It? For Phnllloh s "ord was 'Oulj In tlte tillono 'I III I be grenter

thnn thou (, erse 10) When God s Ililpolutetl time comes how suddenly Ho works' Ihe Barno dny thnt Lot "ent Ollt of Sodom the cities of tho plaIn ceased to exIst ou em tb (Luke x,1I 29)

It Is fasclnntlng to rend of Joseph s promotion and Phnrnoh s words to 111m 'See I IInve set thee 0' er nil the land of Egypt According unto thy "ord shnll nil my peoplo \)e luled Wlthont tbell shall no mnD 11ft up his hand or foot In nil tho Innd of Egypt ' 'rhen sec tho roynl rDlment the rlllg tho gold cllaln the chnrlot nnd all tho people bowing before him and snying 'lender Cnther' Tllen noto his mill rlngo to Asenntb dnughter of the prince of On (\ emes 38'-15)

Let me remind every trne believer In Ollrlst however poor or Ilffilctel1 or dlscouragad, tbnt If Jesus should como (an event alwuys possIble) we Itl II\. a moment chauge Ollr mortnl mortnl bodies onr present ,v(!ri~:n~,ss'> for eternal yonth nnd perfect and instend of our present clreu stances relgu with Ohrlst -, ,.',,','," throne (I Cor xv 51 Phil IU I Thess Iv 16-18, Rov 1\I 21) ~ hlnk also of tho Dew nnme nnd all

Its slgnHlcnnce' (Yerse 45, Rev Joseph, by tho blessing nnd ·~gHU\~;irti;,,-;::~ of God, wrought" Isely nnd u (luring all the sel en',plen.tC()Us ""'.,'" nnd laid up In~ years Our blessed Bame nge, thirty

23), entered ","YU. ~'~~t:I~~,~~'~~~\~_;;i:,:tttKJi nnd tbe Ilhltrlll9 bread

Page 4: Big Dlscounl Sale. - Treherne · Bllt mine has 1I0ne at all. ... !\fy'chil,lren hnve wont and woe' They never have d welt in the world ... sweet wife-' School Report


" '

. • ~_.' _ .. _ • , ..... _ ... _~ ____ __ . ___ ...,..,_..J" .. --~ .. .: ... ., '. .

Mon~y to Loan. c. V. Lindsa}' was a passenger . to the Capital on \Vcdl1csday. .

A lirst class livcry and feed busi- UI . 8 > ----=-----At lowest raLcs 011 farm and

,tOWIl properly for long ot' short . IJcriods:

Farm Lands For Sale. , Tlic followillg are olTered cheap

for quick sale:-S.W. JK '1.8-8,. \V. 'nnd S.I~. ){\' 3-8.H, W.

C.,V. LINDSAY. Succossor to.1. T. Hold &. Co. '

Hallemans.Delcourt Nuptials

, 111 the church of thc Immaculate Conception Noire Dame de Lourdes on Monday, April 2211d, Pierre

~ Hallemans and Celine De1court were united in tbe bonds of matri-. ' many, Rev. Father AntOlnc secl1l'e-ly tieing the knot, in the presence of relatives lind friends of tbe con-

'l'wo Willllipcg surveyors were ill 10WI1 Oil Thursdav locating lots bclollging to the Canaclion Bauk of COlllmercc. r-

ness; good reliable horscs; stylish _. rig-s-c"cl'),t hi 11g' IIp-ta-date. .

Pt'Ol1lpt and obliging' rcn'icc. - I, •

Draying' HlIlItcal11ing. Y' H Special attention tLl Commcrcials .. " our OUS

Phone 11.. J.~H. SnlTH ' , ,

N oLiccs havc becn posted lip around'towlI directillg citizcn~ to clean up Oleir 'bock yards.. 'l'hi~ is something everybod\, should take a pJide ill doing well, both for I hc llakc of health anellhc good app~ur· alice of thc town. . ' ' I , ",,'\Yo". r'.~;::-,r'I;'" c",; Repo rs •

We can furnish, yon all the material except the hardware for any kind of building.

This is· the time to 'bring in your ,Hurness and have it made ready for the spring work.


Our'Stock . . ,

I trncting parties. The groom was , ,supported by 1Iofr. I,ouis \Vonlil1

, nild the groom's sister Mrs. Oeo.

People cverywhere tuke fJl(!a~nre in testifying to the good qualities of Cbamberlain's Cough Rp.lJIecly. Mrs. Edward Phillips of Dalclel\', Md .• writcs: "1 wish to· tell YC)\I that I call recommeud Chamber· lain'!> COllP; h Rcmedy. JI'1 \' I i It It: girl, Catherine, who is two YCI,rs old, has been takillg this rClIlecly whene.ver she has had a cold silh C she was two lIIonths old. Abolll n month ago J conlrnclqd a rlrea(lf,l\ cold myself, bllt· I took C\I(lIl1hcl­I. in's Congh Remedy III1lI IVn~ ~O' 11 as well as cver." 'l'his remedy i, for sale by dealers everywhere.

of all kinds I11mlc uml fOI' , sale. 1\ line lot of Driving Harness in Siock,

Comprises Storm Sashes alid Doors. Fin­ishing I.ulllber, nrick, CClllc.nt. Dnseignc, ,stood up with the bride,

After the ceremony the bridal party were entertained at the home of Mrs, 'Dl1scignc, and left for theit' futllre home ill 'l'rellcnle, on \Ved· uesday following. Both the I~ride and gi'ool11 are nnlivcs of Del gill III , and the lalter has for some time past becn cm ployed ill the store of J. -K. McLennan, 'I'he 'rimes wishes the voung couple a prosper­OilS and happy jourlley through life.

NOTICE N01'ICF, 18 horoh:r gl"ulI lhnt. tho CorpfII'otlllll

or tho Hurnl Mllulclllnlltr of Sout-It Nor· roll' hnB snll1l1l\.lotl n Ily·Lnw rna tho l,ur,'hl\o of rOllullHng Uy·Lnw No. Htl7, huiuJ;' n Iflcnt 0)10 Lioll Uy.Lnw Ilrl1~Bcli Oil tho L\\'011t)',~o\'OlIlh liu)' or Docombr!1\ A.D, Jool. -

Trunk~, Valises :\Iid Suil Cases



Broadway, --- .. ------=--

, Limc, (ath, Shinglcs, 'rar Pa­per, 'Building Paper, Rain and Fire l'roo£ J\IC'thoid Roofing,in fact everything the builder re­qlJires. ,

, ,

.a Thos. \ ..Adair

- ------ --------- -- --- --' Tlw IH'O\lO~Od By·Lnw has re~ohccl Its nr~L -.- -- -

nnc1 BOCOIll rOfullugs, olUl n vote lhcl'enu or 1.ho 1'1i-< .......... " .... , ........ , ..... ; .... , .... , ................. ~,~Iil-., ... " ......... , .............. ;" ..... :.; ...... , .... , ........ " •.. ~ oloclol'B dnLiUcd to ,'ot.o wi)} 1..0 t..nlwll on Tues· I!'!

,lnyll,otwollly.olghth,ln)·nIMlIy.A.IJ.IOO1.ho. TR' EUERlNf M: Il"lS I Pinkerton

M iss Henderson is' goi ng SOOIl.

Lim hom's or nino o'clock hi LhlJ t,trflil OOIl

I o'clock in tho "rtOt'nnoll nt tho (nllo\\,-

Regj1;ie Stauford visited p;trents last wcek.

nt. lho

]'vir. Chambers has started doing II is ~bl1sh work.

G. Moisy has hired with J. D. ;'J~:~dll~? h"'IB" I.ee for the SUll1mcr. ~u~~~E~~\l:~'~ U.IIL Lit" Mlllli·

y:, Nn. 1 !lhnll cnllllU"i:n I hI' Mr. alld Mrs. D. Clark cl\lerla,ill- .r..)II~,w!,,!g Iln~ :S1'C\lpll~~. II. 12. 1:1. II. 23 • . . I or HeeL lollY a, lU,

ed a few friends lasl I'n< a\, even- ',~I~~::I':~;~Jf:~~;~lf 0",",>1\ (7). Hllngo

We arc sorry to hcar Mr. Clark , had the misfortune to losc u valll-

llble cow.

':- '\Vc hear that J. Pritchard ill­- tcuds to rent his farm alld move in­

to tOWII.

M'iss I.ce, of Cypress Rivcr, i'ho

B. 17, 1S. HI, 20. !.~'. RIl\ 1m (~) I It lilian

has been sewing ill this district .left tor homc last weck.

J. D. I;ee is laid up with a ~;~e~'I~\:~jj~:!ll~t~irr:i'~;W;~i-;'niii~;:;Y..;rm;": 'nttnf'k of la grippe. We shall'

, be ptcas~,d to hear of his rccover~.' Geoffry Thorns has rented the

doctor's farm,and has also pllrehas­eel n flUe tlew team. We all him Sllccess.

,W. Hnglish anti W. Chambers , drovc to Swan Lake last weck,.and ',owing' to the rands being so bad , made theil' viRit vel:y Hhort. '

f:i;,('.i;,.' All interested in the temperance Q;:;~:::~t.~o~lca nll()v(~inent are requested-to meet in

Presbyterian e 11 11 r c It next cvening; May 9th, at,S ==;~==~=:=,,==#~~~

, "

hile some of the wedding pnrt}'. ,1.,,;.,.. IIg hO,me' after secing

.hr"" alld groom olT, they had fortune of being' upset in~o

0::...:.,,1 of watcr, bnt fineling It 'rnliller,eariv for battling .they made

the ,vater as short as , ~' \

. ". .-Wiechman m Mcl\'tr



• I

e· en -r ore. Fron'S'.,

Uselul· ilOd

SlglISh --

ir.;··.., ... ~ •

Shower Pr I .. CoalS. . rfhe Showerproof overcoa is tl~e most useful garment a man's wardrobe.. It has a,l the warmth that is

" ,-

for spri~g and fall wear; i is dressy, ,and will neces· stand

-:"hr..+~":;·'sun· and .;rain if··-and here the.'point.-.if it is good. tr:C~i1fury Brand Sh rproofs are most gracf'ful

. ,a 'stylish.gatments and are ade from thoroughly ,proof. "ed cloths,'in ,stripe, check and' lain goods~ ,They are per­, fectly _ tailored, roomy and cOu.p.u ble,' and the

. . pnce 1~

lower than- you' would expect such quality. range from $8.so'to $15.00


.. ' . ,'. . .

" ,,:' ',ShlrIS" "IOrV'


lod Summer.

shirt- when it is almost en: . e ? It's not nea1ily so com­

.-\:)Ul .. -,U.lvuted-style. Our spring and , including neglige

and, materials. Ask for giiaranteed. Priced all

.25· ",

" " "

Page 5: Big Dlscounl Sale. - Treherne · Bllt mine has 1I0ne at all. ... !\fy'chil,lren hnve wont and woe' They never have d welt in the world ... sweet wife-' School Report

, .

, .

. '


"i!:. ..... , 't' -: ,

_l t-

.. I .... , '.

_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J_=T~H~n~. ~T-n~n~'D0t~.n~N~n~'~T~~M~n~,s~~i;~~;;~~~:~~'~~_~_~~_~,~ __ ~, __ ~ __ ~ __ ~_~ ___ ;_~~~_~,~ ___ ~ __ ~ ___ ~~,_: __ ~_~,~~_. r·.· .. ----~·· . · · · Mrs. R. Mills spent last Sunday \V. Drew spellt a part of the week 'I'bos. Colby. of the Bell Tele- W • in Holland. in the city. r~l~~~r;~~r;~~ ~.~:o~:~~.n bllsine~s e Have""G. Dod' Fa rmers' Sh-OB~ Money to Loan w. A Scott left lust MOlldayon J. Collings' left for the city Oil . BlacksmI1thI1nft'.,·' v

a trip to York tOll. , 'L'uesday llIol'lling. e-ON FARM LANDS J. H. Smith went to the dtyon Dr. Lipsett, of Holland, waS in


M ouduy, ret u rn iug Tuesday. tOIVII last Tuesc\:l y. To handle lhe stallion "Sharper" for the prescnt season. Apply to

WM. M~CRnARY, Tho rata or lntorost is 6 I·:;: par contI U ),ou wRnt to Slllt 1\ loan on your farm

llUuls. Don'L' wnlt \lnUI rnto8 of Inlor~ DilL Inero/Hlo. Do it now. Also cholco rorm IlfopurLy nnd willi Innd ror eniD.

Mrs. Nicol UI ri\'cd frol11 SOllriS \V.· McGowan was a 'passenger by Wednesday 1I10ruing'~ traill. to the city all 'ruesdny's train.

• 3' -33 Trehcrne.

Agellt. ror Sut!1,"icIICWUII Jnnda in tho \tlciulty or tho IIOW elL)' (lr Snsklllonu. Cult nud svo IleL.

G. A. Anderson.

1....... • • • .......... · • • • · • •• ·iil .......................... f The Week's Grist i i I'croonal nD'; l.oculllolOS abonl 1'001'''' t

Rllft E\ClIts In Bud nrouud 'frolu:rllv. i ..........................

See man w:lllted ud in this issue.

Servant wanted uy Mrs. J. P. Straube. Sce at!'

Mrs. Nicol arrived frail! Souris hy \Vednesclny morlling's train.

Juck GreclI \'I~ited in Rathwcli uetween trains 011 Saturday last.

Miss E. Kirkwood is visiting with friends in the city this week.

Whoop·la and also hoch del' Kai­ser! Spring is helc. Got 'em again.

Miss lIellc1erson \Ven t to Ra t It­weil Friclay on professional lmsi· ness.

SOIl1 Graham went to the Cnpital for a few clay's visit the latter parl of the week.

Mr. and 1\11'5. Jas. Dawson were pa!;Sergel's to the 'Peg on Satur· day's express.

Miss Jeull Byers returned to her duties as l1urse ill the Morclen Hos· pital on Saturday.

J. II. Ferguson, W. A. S. DUIl­can nneI J. T. Reid were posscngers

. La ttle city 011 Friday morning.

Lewis Kindrey left for St. Claude yesterday {noming to begin work on a contract he has in hand there.

Mrs. (Dr.) Lamont, Miss r~arhol1t und little Mis~ Winifred went to the city yesterdn V for a fe-w days' visit.

Messrs. H. Balkwell, F. Murlin and B. Parker represented the local

Alex. Arnold, Jr , was a passen· ger to Haywood all MOllllny's train east.

Bert Pennyeook, of Cypress Riv· er, was in town between trains Inst Friday.

Sec thc uew stock of hand~ome baby carriages just opened lip at T • A. Metcalf's. ,

II. WOOdtnllll, of Hathwell, was a visitor ill town all 'l'uesdny and paid liS u friendly call.

A. J. J\1aynard, of the Bank of Commerce, was a business p,lssen: ger to 51. Claude all yesterday'S train.

W. D. Staples, 1\[.1). P., returned home from parliamentary duties at Ottawa, by Monday eveuiug:s traill.

J. A. Pnulin, of Wroxeter, Ont" arrived here Inst week and will be associated in busintss with his bro­ther, A. W. Paulill.

Mrs. Neil Mel,eall, of Holland, came dOVin last Saturday morning 011 a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wooley, near tOWIi. •

By mistake some olle took from'the Methodist church a Bible, COli tainjng the h Vlllns: Jt belongs to Miss Henderson ami she would like to have it returued.

Chas. K. Iluchbach urrived nome from Moose Jaw the end o~ last week. For some 1110nths he was employed ill tbe press room of the Moose Jaw News. He will be at home ti~1 after seeding.

Al lists have no trouble in secur­ing models: 1'he famolls beauties buve discarded corsets and bnl'e be­come models ill face and form since taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain 'I'ea. ' 35 cents, Te~ or 'l'~blets.

1'lteo, Greenaway was a visitor in tOWll on Sunday, haviug driven from Ruthwell with Rev, J. Auder· son. Mrs. Greenaway callie np on Saturday eV~lIing's train, all a visit to h~r mother, 1\[rs. 'V. '1'. Smith.

baseball club nt n meeting held in E. Lellpard is I'enovn

Wanted 50 hend of Heifers Steers, 1\Icll WUill & Darling.


Enoch Palmer wus a business visitor to tbe city during the week.

J. K, McLennan wns a business v,isitor to the city on Tuesday's e press.

Miss Laura Wooley WllS a pas­senger all 'I'uesduy's eustbound to the city. '

• W. A. S. DUllcan returned Sat· urday evening from a business trip to the cily. •

Nelson Wilson returned frolll a business trip to the city all Mon· rlay's traill.

Jos. Leybourue, of Holland, was a busitless visi tor in town between tmins all Monday.

F,lIiott Robson spen t last Sunda y at his home here, returtling to the city Monday morning. ~

R. C. Henders, of Culross, spellt last 'ruesday night with his brother W. II enders, near town.

Mrs. W. K. Rauton left on Wed· nesday morning 011 a 1lI0nth '5 vh;it with friends in Winnipeg . . ~

'l'he local 1. O. F. lodge atten ed divine service ill the English church IUI;t Sunday morning.

J. C. Nichol h'ns rented M Lees' house adjoining ehe chu of I~llglallCI and 1lI0ved ill durin lhe week. - ..

Neil McLean, of Holland, spent last S lin d n y with relatives .in his district, He left on Monda

fol' Victoria, B. C .. '

fl.,,11 "". a",.",o" 'I'he perJigreed Red Polled Bull,

"Searchlight, .2nd," No. 15'36, for service at 7-8'9, for season of



~o'33 p. R. H. STAPLJ>S,


, Times R.ealty Bureau

The following:properties are list· ed with ns for sale: .

FOR SAI,J~:-A quarter section, 2}6 miles from: 1'reherue. Good frame house, gOOlI well, stables; 11\0 acres under' cultivation. An excellent farm, price $5000; terms, substantial payment in cash, easy terms 'for balrrnce. "

The residence of George Brock, north end of A lexander St., Tre· heme; 10 minutes walk from P. O. Honse, IS-2,~,and kitchen 16X18. 2 stories high all through. House contains S rooms, pantry and wash roOIll. Stove h\!nted. Good, dry celiaI', with 45 Barrel cistern: kit· then pump attached; also pump in yard. Fille shade trees front and back 0& hOllse. Workshop 16'20. Plot I Yo acres; frontage of >lUlJ'H 315 feet. Reason for selling owner contemplates moving west.

The residence, of '1':1\1. WilSall, coqler Broadway and Perr), <:I'·"P't.:·j 8 miuutes walk from P. O. and sta· tion; central for cb urches and

HOllse, 24'24, 9 rooms,alJ size with high ceiling; cellar

I size with concrete walls; 55 bar­rd 50ft water tank with force pump ~tached in kitchen; good force

pump near kitchen door outside; Mrs. F. A. Mercer returued bOIll furnace heat.< Good stable, 16-20.

last Sa\llrday evening from'St. Lot bas 75 feet frontage on Broad­Claude, where she hnd been visit. way and 128 ft. all Perry St.,WIICUd iug her sister, Mrs. W. J. Parker' lalle at rear;'maple trees all around

it and young spruce in fronf. Pro-. R .. N. Mathesoll, who has been well adopted for a

ap~O\nted ill charf:e of the Presby- accomodation for 10 boani. tena.n congregatton ut Rathwell, els and transietlt trade. Satisfa<;:­was III town on Tuesday aud yaid tory reason for selling. Must be us a call. within next x weeks and is

A. Macdonald,who has For pa~ticl1lars hi

Nesbitt last Friday night to 'draw House, ill ... ·1 iill:icipatiolD l1p~the season's schedule. the.spring,rusll. ~·-·I-.•

Messrs. J.' Stevensoll, D. Harvie, fice and dining room have been Dr. Galley, J.H. Smith, W\ Smith somined by H. Kickert. Miss L. E. Hanless, R, Green, N, Rllthcr- Douglas has-been cngagl'd as co~k; ford attended Oddfellow's parade Mrs, Wishart, oI Portage la Pra· ill Holland lust Sunday hight, irie, and Miss Dashville, of DUll-

'" 1 ' : d' b' k ville, Ont., wbo huve beell visitiug HOrc was receIve t!S wee at F, Rittenhouse's and J. Grobb'

fl:Olll C;. A. Audersoll,. saylllg that Olive, left on return to the .P(lrt"rrl,1 hiS dnughter, Verh hnd st1<:cessfully. 011 Friday. Mr~., Wishurt is passe~ through her operatIOn, and daughter of Mr. Grobb. , IS dOlUg as well us cau be ex-pecled.

• I" •

Of all the fruits there' ure . in' the . -laud,' .

That grow on bush or hee, .~ I would give up the choicest'ones

For Hollister's Rocky" 'Mountain Tea,

We are indebted to 0111' friend, T. A. Metcalf, for .the loan the dull days of his King, and, a collection of fille rec:or.ds~ Un.der 'the magicat. iufluence music our ill(ligo streak took' on-a brighter lllleantl the glRy c1ays,that should havc been golden

days, were for the moment f?~·!.~i,t~!II~i"~~".~t!ij"'~~"~ ten .. Music hath dianns to c '11:bi~~i~!~f~~~~~~l:~!~i;~rt, Ule savage ureast,. sang the t


1\Irs. M. Brock, of the'l'reherne Hotel, 11as been scriQu:;ly ill during the week. Both doctors were· in nttendance for a time, and on Mon­dny ller life was despaired of.' At Lhe preselll HOle thOugh still \~ery

.ilI, she is improviug.·

Would thnt it could 'charm P;:;1~~t~1~~~lt~~~~4 thc' snow·clouds and the cold winlds!. ,11

~e\'ernl of the stores have very ·nt. tractive displllYs of. spring goods, showing considerable skill in the art of willdow dressin't. A ilOvel­ty is the maple slIgm' display iu the window of J. K. :McLennan's ne.ars 130Ules of Maple svrup, 'and are on view and the big boi ng (lnd the trees give the scene ~ .. c· .. "

realistic touch. . ,

All kinds of General Black· smithing. Horse shoeing and general repair work our speci· alties. The best workman­ship at shortest notice.


BUGGY REPAIRS. We have 'tops, Trimmings

and other buggy fixings, and can repair 'yonI' old rigs to nlake the,D look like new.

, W. T. SMITH.

Oranges A fresh juicy shipment has

jllst arrived; from ,\0 to 60c n doz.

-.'--Apples" -It

by the pO.lInd.

. ~~


H. A. Sandarson THE FRUIT MAN

Trah.arna, - Man.'

Soft Drinks, Cig-.

ar~, Tobaccos -.-'-Confecti~i1ery

Fresh stOck of the best confec­tionery always on llUnd:

, 'I'ry us.

Ou .. - Studio Will Be Closed for Two Weeks

The studio will be closed for two weeks during, alterations. We would be pleased to have parties, for wholU we have

~ work finished, call for it. .. . Ollr~amateur friends may ,still have their wants supplied.

, , ,

They will sluml the \\'t!ar alld '"ar and gil'" your feet more comfort than the average shc,t!, and the best of all the p jc" 1\ ill PIcas.:! YOII

when you see the quality. \\,e indte you to cull and see them.

We hal'e a gO('ld 5tock ('I[ Single and Carriag'c lIarness, lOoo-Mile Conch Oil, lIarness Var­nishes, ctc. See OUI' Raw Iti.!c \Vhips for Fifty cen)s. They lI'ill slIrl'rise YOll ••••


W.J.·5,COTT &CO.

I I lIIIanitoba

The cand of Opportunity For Farmer, Mechanic and Laborer

1. 2,G43lJ&I\ Acre8 pl'Ociucml ;1~1\7lil. ~1ti h1lshols nr whenl-n\'OfngO per 801'0 over:!t bushels.

2. Fnrmol's expendod ovor .J1~'lXJO ill orocUug now bullclings. 3. \Vlnclllo", buJIcllng ruLurnB show $10,000.000 oxpendod • 4. A Provinclnl Agrlcullnrnl Collegc DKtnhllslwtl, rl, l .. nnd overywhero III lile prodnco conUnuos lo incruliBo in "01110

-It now Ilillg08 from $6.00 to :t:IO.OO pot' nero. O. Manltooa lIus 'Q1OOO PI'USjllH'OllS rUfmor8. • 7, Mnnllobn hay 3lIll2U,OOO,0lX) RcrllY uruhlc, ,,'lrRin prnlrio 01>()fI

ror 8QlLlomcnt.

THE HOMESEEKER'S HAVEN Where Grain Growing, Stock Raising and Dairying

Produce Wealth Rapidly.

"ro ]::IROS]:lJDC"L'I"rE Sl,U ... .,'PLT!l1=tS , COJUlu" Lo Ute Groat "'out, lOt. CUUllot uU'ol'l1 La IlUlll8 tluougu

'" lnullloK without. BlU/JllluK to ohtain full inrormation nhont homestondsi Illso luutll:l 01' silio hl t hI) 1'1 oyincinlllo'i Crlllllont n lit I nnllwllY nne LUIHI ComJlnlli4~B.

Il. I', RO IH.l N. I'mlnlor or MnuiLohn null MtllitlLcrnr '\KI toultm u

};'or sileelnl turnrlllfltion nlll)l), lo

joo.ph BurK... J~". tlnrlney, 1it7 1\111111 St.. 77 YOlk St.,

Wlllnipeg, Mnn. ~'oronlo, Onto

Robson's Limber Yard , .

BUY.·STORM WINDOWS. , WHAT FOR ? To Save Fuel ! !To Save Your Flowers! To Save Your Carpets! To Be Comfortable! . .

w~ nre selling lots of them ~I1d there lare lots of people \\'ho re­qUlr~ them and will never know their valuc tintil they hm'e them,

·c-'-'.,--.'---'-,Get them at thc old stalld.--'-----, . . ,

RUBSON. • .... ~~~~~ ..... i~' •• '~ ...... ""~~, ... ••.••.••. , •••••••••••••.

,. .~

Page 6: Big Dlscounl Sale. - Treherne · Bllt mine has 1I0ne at all. ... !\fy'chil,lren hnve wont and woe' They never have d welt in the world ... sweet wife-' School Report


Thec~~o~:~~~~~i~~~:~~i:~~~tj~:rl~;~~ say B The f~:~:~;i~~ei~a~~~~~~'~.~~~j?: lIon contrasting the value 01 bUliJidr~f';ti~~~ri~;~~;~~~f~;j~~l~\

at tho time ~Oln~,'1 Mr KruKer and the in 1.",.'0"

readiness for war that now ex i~~¥~~~~:~~~~~~~~~ After the Kruger telegram was resolved to mobilIze a "IIIVln!!< sqUadron The squadron was c~~~:;~;i;:.~~~~{ ed of unItiI which Parliament

MsuNd were ready for war FIve \1~:;~-~:~~:~i~~~m:~~:l~ti~d~~~:~wl daYII and rughle of heavy work were

consumed In eflectinK the :m~o~b;I~I~IZ~a,..!;\i:~~:~~~~I:;~~~~~:~!~~~~t~~~ji~~ I ~'~'f£~~~~; tlOn At that time the only lorce ID home waters fully was the Channel fleet 01 seven or battleships o.nd thIS Oeet WM trnmIDg school for young seamen

Superb Fleet To-day tho CI annel

the elght battleshIPS of the ward VII cl \'sB WIth six ou .. ,r .... 'v._·" or 1 bo.tticsh ps and four !UI.'j\ng'el«(S nJI~~~:~~!~1e!~~:~bje~, cru sers The AtlantIC Oeet 'B' on Berehaven WIll have SIX shl ps and lour armored CM1lsers the fi rst (hv s\On 01 the new home Ii •• ~.. Pl~~\~I~~~ floet IS a battle squadron comprlsmg :1'e~;S::·:.C~:~dii SIX shIps WIth the Dreadnought cnr": rytng the Oag and a. group of armor ed crUIsers known ns the fifth squad ron lit to he 10 the hne of bnUle "ilth the Germnn fieet

The skIlled mcn on bonrd WIll be carried thro 19l out the commiSSion a nu nber exceedtng three fi ftI s of the crew the unsk lIod men sh pped on bo Ird WIll not be moved narc of ten tl nn ovcry Clght months In ad dltlOIl to tl esc squadrons are four Ootlllns 01 destroyers forty-clgi t craft \II all and about thIrty submn.rmes

• Ready For War It stands to reason thnt 50 great an ~VWll'"

ad I t on to the actual flghtIDg strength 01 the navy tnstnntly rendy for war s only obtl\lned by extmetmg from tI 0

hole navy greater exertIOn longer hourp. and more work thnn thougl t necessary ten or even yenTs ago 'IllIs coupled WIth the ces ~nt\O I 01 fore gn battieshlp bUlldtng for eighteen n onths IS the true rca son ~ I y a stronger navy It a smnller cost VJ (los(~blc_nt the pr~ent tIme



Thompson. Son,' & Co , Report 0' Local and World II Markets

AprIl 25 1907.


Ameroca Has Remained In Bed for Nearly

ThIrty Years Preservmg the bIson on sent mentnl

ground IS sufficIent reason fo tI E \ more mtelhgent of our people but sentImental ground IS not at all sum Clent to the average Amencan n I d says the Out ng Magazme ~I d It I' therefole wIth wIsdom that Mr Bay nes has sought to extend tI e npI e I wh ch the bIson has for many d fIe ent kmds of people For example II~t summer he took up the questIOn 0 buffalo wool A smail quantity Y IS ob tamed Just as It was shed by tI c al mals was carded at a factory nn I Inter spun and kmtted mto gloves whIch proved very warm and so fm as could be Judged from a few months wear durable as well S I \I pies of th s wool and yarn have bCeI subm tted to ufanwacturers wi a nil agree that tI e wool IS of n very goo 1 quahty that lor a wh Ie It wo lId de mand Il I Igh price us a I ovolty m I later a very good prIce for general ut hty pUT! oses ",here I ght colors nre not reqUIred Other men Mr Bnynes has lound who are 11 terested lillie bIson as a beef an mal nnd st 11

An Inahllan named TI on J son ,,10 I ves "It! hIS mother at Clarc I ur ga I cnn Justly clrum to be the I I Jest mnn on earth He,~ ent to bed n 1877 ncver ICllVIDg It till a fa tl IgI t ago U Id then only by co npulslOI

Thompson wns a boy of 11 "I c he nbandOl ed all otller worldly pleas Ircs for a hIe of comfortable ensc 10 bed Hc was looked nfter by h s notl er nnd very few VIllagers at Clnre wera even aWllre of his eXIstence

'II Gre IS every roason to behcve thnt r hOI pson would have rema I C 1 I bed mtll the end 01 hIS life had not L er SUI occurred In his domcslJc af fill Ii n lortmght ago

Mrs rloropeon wns "t that t 11U t ken 11 and hOO to be rc nove I to the mfirmary Left helplcssly nlo c Thompson was compelled to get UJ

Ul'loble to Dress A search was begun for 56 no 01 tI ~

clothes whICh he discarded t c ty IIlQC years ago but he wns unablu to drcss Without 8881stance

Two neIghbors were called n nn I tl 0 work of sqncczIDg hIm 11 to tl e outgrown su t occupIed a "hole cven I II!

others ,~ho are mcl ned to to the vOIce of the SOCIety they beheve that by cross I g tI e b " on WIth certn n breeds of domost c cattle a valuable new brecd nay m hme be evolve I Indeed Borne rnth~r eonservahvo se cntJflc men I ave ex prcsse I tI e op n on tI at b son lar A would provo profitable m al v 01 tI ~ StateR meluded ID the an mal s lor n er range

When dresscd he wns too t re I to walk nnl an ambulance had to b) bra Igl t to convey I m to the un 01

'II ompson reposcd Ilt tI 0 orl house untIl hIS mother was well c ougl to leave tho lIlfirmary \ I CI he 10110" cd I or lome

Ho WIlS oompelled to wnlk U H lJ lOllS tl 0 li\Iardlans rcluse I nJ

amb Jla ICC -----Home of the Holy Gra I

TI e myst c sl r no of Mo Isnlvat U 0 horne of tI e Holy Grall bo ne I vny flOn human str Ie to that rCII ote c r ner of tho vorl I long I I I led tI n med evnl mId As tl 0 ong n 11Il Cel t c til e of SIr Perc v II slo vly develol ed 11 Go m wy Monsalvat becnllC n esse It al part of tI e legend t R Inev table that wI on m modern tll 0 tl at legend aga\ll emerges \I tI c cro vntng ncllleve nent of WIIgner s gc IUS the G ra I IS still preserved b n reI glOUB order nt 1\10\ salv It Got! a SPill n not far from tl cIon 1 of the Moslems

II e nortl erners who dreamed 01 Mons ilvat tn thClr marne! ts of ler vent devotion or romantIc exaltnt 0 hnd hcnrd a rumor but lor t! e nost pnrt tl oy knew httle or notl II g at Its kernel of fact Yet the rume t~pl IS the mosl potent eVHlcnce 01 tl e wo II \VJ(lc fascmatlon "llcl tI 0 C10nt n ountnm shrme of Montse n exerted over the Imagmllt au of mon for loro tI an a thousand years nn I 11 deed stIll exerts even to d y I IS III vam tl at 0\ e cl mbs tl e hClgl l5 of Montserrat w tI memOT CR of A fortos nnd the p Ire 1001 WI eJ e have made our way up boyo 1 I pvpn the sl rme and tI 0 monnstery to tl e great rav ne vi ch IS silld to hIVe reI t the sumID t of tJ e mo I In n nl the moment of tI e Cruclflx on n 1 whe I ve I ave passed the fanlnshe row of rocky .pl tnac1cs to wlncl thc nan e of gunrdians of the Holy Gra I , Q

been aSSIgned we have scen all th It there IS to connect tl e relll Mo I serl at With the legendnry MOllsalvat Perhnps we sl auld be well content thnt so sublIme n symbol I as 101 g been bornc away to an InVlS ble hOI c lind U e Holy Gral1 should have Is sale and mmortnl sl1rme m the I u man ImaglllatlOn -Harper s

J I e Ilcts of thIS extraor II Iry Lq

aurne a It wI en the reI CVI g om er IIppl cd to the gunrdians for rei e! for Mrs 11ompson wI a I Lq only er B a lal I elp from somo more CI ergot ~ SO\ s ",I a cl1ugr Itcd to A I struh I SI 0 was ollowe I e gl teo I pence I ycek

Defies Medical SCIence Inqu r C8 slav th It n mero IS 0 h

cal 1\0\ luve trel lIClr hi Is at at II Ilull g TI ompson out 01 liS ch rOI\1C Ictl argy

Irrltut ng plasters were apl he 1 but thoy I nl no power to rr t to I 1\1 II clectne currenle lelt I II 0 rul fle I nnd fil nlly n despn r t! c loc tors left h m to cnJoy tl 0 .nre 0 cull I they wcro U lable to ,hstu I

II OIIPSOI IS qu te healt! y III I s I leiS only fro 1 chro I c I Z I CSB lIo I s ro I I ned III bed SlIlen IllS mtur 1


Author Sat res HImself ThelO IS nn I tcrestn g co t st I c

t \cell ]al Mac Iron anI tI ut otl cr W Itor of Scolel dialect stories vi 0 s so populi r 1I1 tI IS COUl try J M \l TIC Ho too I IS vlsltod Cnl II III I net sou e of I IS adn \Ters but Ie" ot like Dr WlltSOI a rCII Iy a I

eloqucnt speakor On the co tr rl spenks will d fl culty al<I s ret t the degrce 01 bllsl luI ICS8 I c thor of 11 e Llttlo M IlIster I I

Poter I un IS conscIOus 01 I s I tat OilS us a speaker nnd s perlectly wcH n varc of I s shyr eSB T dee I I e 18 not nbove pokmg fun nt I I nse\! 01 one occasIOn thero III penled 11 tl 0


Scots Observer a brilhant lampoon 111 which Mr BarrIO was replesclltcd as a\lendmg a pubhe dmnor keep g every ono In roars 01 laughter It! 113 uneeasmg stream of WIt and cpIg um "nd finally ending up by makmg U 0

speech of the evemng When It cer tam hterary fnend of Mr BarrIe B Sll w tlus WIckedly clover pIece of sa tIre lIS mdlgllat on knew no boun Is and he TUshed mto prmt demandu g by all the outraged gods U at II e u thor of thIS mlamous artIClc should strmghtway' disclose hImself al d bo dcalt WIth accordmgly But alas lor tho well rnelllllng Irlond the a III or

11011e other tJ an Mr nlHr e I 11\

Page 7: Big Dlscounl Sale. - Treherne · Bllt mine has 1I0ne at all. ... !\fy'chil,lren hnve wont and woe' They never have d welt in the world ... sweet wife-' School Report

I COUNT.ERFE~N~ .. eanlcero 'Say It "Ia. Pr.ctlcally e.·

I come a LCI8t Art. ,.

Tllerc Is one lost IIl't among crimi· nnls, one trnde which UnIted Stntes Mecret servlec' men have

Fine muslins, dainty lin­gerie, iron easier, look better, last longer if the. laundress uses the only cold-water (no boiling) .tarch that really

. lIaves work and really , . won't stick. Try it. . Get

\ wiped 'out to the very last mnn. ThIs Is the art of cOunterfeltlng currency. KnnslUl City bank officlnls Bny tllllt Cor elsht years not ono spurioUS bnnk note worUlY of passing comment hns

A HOUSEHOLD NBCESSrl'Y No household is completo Without ~

r I!t grand!uthul', especially if thOle i, n. Uo.uy to be ruilled and an Illr 01 uheerfulnoss to be_ kept Ill'.

i::!ecuro for )'OU1' IJllrl'08l" a gmlld futher ,vitlt a aek of lIloml •. n Jovial diSpOSItIOn and ubout fL 1111111011 dOl lara. Let him rOam ut huge wherovo) lle will.

H doeB not matter much wheth.r he Is " grandfuther on your wifo's side or on YOlltS. If ho ia 011 your WltU'S BIlH: you will socloLly dislike hlJn; if he Ie on YOllr side, slle will. But you wlli boLl1 leL him ue 011 uceounL of the Inillioll. 1

NJv1ir perlllit grandpa to be out oi • the 1lI11SClY whon tho baby is in it. Thon, whell anyLhing is biOkon, you UIUI l>ln1l1o hitll, Bnd tlpull his leg" fOJ Ii ihHV one.

nuuius und grandpas alwuys go weil logether, 'rhey nro both the BUIlIO use n is well lo uear this III mind. l,u"l " slLvlng" bunk for both of thelll. Ana leavo WOIll both III ch.argu of glUIHIl'u Whon tbey are full, ol1rofully relllOVe the llilerlors nnd bogin all oyer agulll

lL IS noL neecsSRlY lo provide mon tlt .. 11 one grandpa. no JlUlttcr ho"\\ llluny children you muy huve. 'l:w~ gruUllPllB In olle houso uften leads tl b.11 interneoino war.

When you go out with your wife, ul ways leave grnmlpa in oliurge of th' baby. H Is not nocessary to tell hin, to mind. He will, anyway, as a lllal ter of courso,

Whon 0110 baby 'outgrows grandpa secure another Immediately. ROlll",u bel' that grandpa must be amused .ano that ho is amply- uble to pay for It.­TOlll I\lasson in tbe I\lay DelIneator. ,

SUFFERING BABIES Mothers co.n lind SUI'O relief 101

lhelt. sufrcrlng little ones tn Buby', Own 'l'nblels. 'l'hesc rl'auletH ale U gUlitio luxuLivo lhllL do not gripe lhe IltUe ono nnd curo nil the minor III. or 1mble; urul )'oun/; chilLi ron. 'l'he) uro pleasunt to lalco, IHOllIIJl In Well nctioll, IlIHl, uniltw "soothIng" .lu thoy m.vel' do hfil'm, and lhe ha.s the gunranloo of [l. Oovnrnmell\ Ilnlllyst lhul they contilin no drug. hnrmrui to even UIO youngest Imu).

u"uncl. or motilors give their iltu~ lIothing elsa bu t Baby own 'ra b·

been hnudJe<l 111 the money world. Tbey declare thnt the day of tbe suc· cessful counter rei ter has, come to, nn end.

"Not n bnnle nato whIch fools the ex· perts Is on the market," sllid E. If. SwInney, presldc-nt of the FIrst Nn· tIonal bnnk. "Tbcre Is counterfeit cur­I'cn~y. plenty of It," he suld, "hnt It's n 1.lnd detectm] nlmost nt n glunce. InspectIon of It quIckly revenls the f1uws. Usunlly the worlt Is clumsy. But not sInce tbe notorIous gnng In Pbllm]elphln "hlcb mncle the fnmous '~louroe .mndred' WfiB wiped out bUB Ulere been II reully clever counterr~lter nt work. At lenst we hnve'no recoro r nny. . "Tbe '1I1onroc hundred' wns n $100

silver certIficnte WlUl the fllce of Pres· Ident IIIonroe stnmped upon It· It wns of a Berles oC 18!ll, check letter D. Till· man regIster, 1\10rgnn. trensurer. It was nn nbsolutely perfect counterfeit. Experts In tlIe treasury dcplll'tment were Cooled by It Tho notes becnme 80 numerous lind wero accepted so ex· tenslvel, timt tlIe government culled In Its cntlre Issue or the blll, amount· Ing to severn I mllllon dollnrs. Even now a J\Ionroe bundred Is occaslollnlly plclceil up, nnd It Is almost ImpossIble to ten whetber It IB genuine or 110:.

"Tho only c1ltrerence between '~le genuIne b11l lind tIlO counterfeIt WIlS In t1w shape or tho figures 3 nnd 4 nnd Lbe length of the b1ll. In the figure 3 tho lower loop dId not extend' up so rllr towurtI Ule ccnter "r tha IIh'Ul'e Il~ It should have extended. In the Ogul'(, " Ute splice· between the base lind the contci' cross Ilno was narrower tlJlln 11

"Thc gang whlcb mnde the 'MoUl'o,' hundred' WIlB IIrrcsted'in Phllndelphln In 1890. 'l'be plntes wblch printed Ilw b11ls wel'e recovered nnd tho counter· teItel'S sentenced to, long terms In prig· on."-Knnsns City Star.

Zero. - By the celltIgro[le thermometer zeta, or 0 degree, represents tile rICe?ln!; pain t of wn tel' and 100 degrees tlie boll Ing point. By our Fnhrenlic!t scutt, tbo freezIng poInt of water Is 32 de· - , greea, nud' zero, or 0 degl'ee, Is tile temperature oC ml:!:ture of snow or Ice nnd salt, tile grcntcst colu lcuown to When we spenle ot.dc'grl5i!s .. ;~;,-;;; tbe number oC del~es"ll

~ - - lMPURE." FOODS; :, < -

Trh:k. of the Tract.. 'Recorded by a Diarist of 1783. : "

"Tbe' pure food' qllesUon Is as' old," Balll all nntIquary, "as the b1llB.". -

lIe took down n volume n·I)U~IU' .. grllY cn If.

"'l'bls Is lhe 'dlary," he said, "or Beln· rIch Cruger, born In Amsterdam In 1724; died lu New York In 1870. Llsteu

tl) the pure rood kick that Henry put _I~~~~~~~~~~~~~]~ up In 1783." 'l'he Ilntlquury read: . "MOndIlY, 18th October-If I would

drInk wllter I must quail the mnwklsh contents of a cursed open uquednct, exposed to all manner of deUiemcnt nnd Impregullted wltll nil the filtb ot

t - > ow~. '


"As tor the IntoxIcating potlon sold ns wIne, It Is n vile, unpalatable nntI pernIcIous sophistlcntlon, huklerdusbed mannor n wllioh the C.P.R. wIth elder, corn.splrlf and the juIce of works a telophone eircuit on tolegrlLph nlocs. lines is described a8 follows: of

the tolograph duplex oitcuits "Tile brcnd Is II deletcllous pllste, .Montr"al 11"d Winnipeg ale Op~~uLleI41

mIxed up with cbnll<. ilium nnd \Jane on 210·pountl eopper wiro. os lies, InsipId to the taste nnd des true· peatera at Fort Willln;m, Onl. tIve to tbo constItutIon. l,vo wires are ttansposed every

II telephone Circuit is baing :'Tlle tllble beer, gullllesB ot IJops or I wnrlCAM between 1\[olltreal nnrl North

malt, Is "lIpld nnd lllluseous. ~'he tnl· lin tho samo two ,wa.s. l'l~ jol. lowy, raucld. II1U8S culllxl butter is Clrcuh \\as M,ro\\n into sOt vice II1l1nufucturCll ot cnndle grenso and on Decomber 11tb, and it WIlS found to

wCJrk' exccCllingly well, being III most Itltcheu stlllT. Tbe fresb' eggs .were ;'9 silont' as the regular eilv telophone fresb onco. oircuits. Montreal is ,1I.tal1t frolll

'''l'lle grceus nro boiled wltb brnss Jl1111eS Buy to :I<'or t ,Will il1lll, 360 m hnlfpence In order to Improve tholr ~rth Bay to Fort Wilham, 635 eclor, wblle tbe p'lckles, tllough ,'el'Y In. 1I'01't Wilham to WinnipQg, 427 es-

a total' of 1,422 miles. 'l'h", voit.ge vltlng.to thl!.eye, nre often ltlsUI>POl't· user for the duplexcs Ilt l?ott WiIlialll nbly runk to' llie tuste, tile rellson nnll lIfolltreal IS 200. On the same line \Jelng tbat w their cnSG ulso the house· of poles for the whole distLLnco there wIfe hns Ilolled n sbllllng's wOl'tll OS is 0. wit'e 011 wJlich is ueing wol'l:e<1 the

phl1ntoplex ,between Monlreul anti two ot halfpence or a pound brnss North Buy without disturbIng tho COil wolght Iliothe vl~egar.'" versutioll on Ihe telephone cilotlit.

.- (['his has been a complatu BUl'prise to

THE MORNING WAKING. the officiale and a nUllluer of "XpcI'ts in N~w York, as 1~' wus expected it w6uhl l,e nooessal'y to ubundon thl phant"I,lex in oider to obtaiu u sulis faotory telephone cheuit. 'I'ltis i. thought lo be Ihe nrst illstllll<L' whue a telepholle olrcuit is worl(od ul1 twa duplex wires WIth one of the tLlqlholie offioes being loouted at a point 'VltOle there are no tele~raI1h repeators, othel' telephone ClroUlts Will be added to the C.P.It. telegral1h systBlrt, '1'he matter is in charge of W. J. Clllllp.' ! • , .

when constiputton, slomueh IIlUI Ig"s ti 011 , colds 01' \~O~Il1E

blltl:lcr L~llti;;:;; •. ,~o.~0~;r;";w.110n the .droodcc. r 1'8. JOS. 1';-"l\[y

conslipllltlo:n; .',.,;},~',I~F~,~:;:+

freezing point a:;~.~~o~[J;l;~~'::,

tbermome1~el'~i~b; ~~i~il;!~~~~~~i~~~~ It~~l1s:\v': fl~j~~:c( ;,,,,},,;,w~

HOW TO SOW, FLAX ]'Jax seed may be sown .rom th,

wheat sowIng season on untll the mlddlo of June, -All things consulered, :May Ie the best montl1 in whioh ·to BOW. It: well·worked and fine seed ·bed .hould be mado by using dIsk and hal' row and sometImes roller so. Nol making a, seed bed.is one the mon'est 'mistakes of flax grl,wIJrs.;./ sced is best sown usually

C. of there Is ail~onipe,tltllon tbore. l1Ieo -Pearson's.

dr!11 Ilnd to the depth of 1 1·2 inohe. ordinnrily, according to the na I.;,r.;~·~·.~;~:,;::;;; ture of the land. About throo pooks O'f soed. per acre are onough, a larger quantity being sown on worn land than on land In good .condition ..

-- -_ •. - -_ ..... T" •• _.-. ~~ ~ ... ~ -.:~-~~ ... ----~-- ~ .. - ~-

OF OATER].'ILLARS St P · t Travel.lers in ~ho Wodonga and Bar·, 3 rong OlD S

nn\vartha districts find .it dillhmlt , ' _ (writes our lIfelbourne oorrespo'ndent) • to get their horses to face the cater· II pillars 11:.t ."arm the countty road'l They are ~enudlllg I'egetation, and it Is feared the vineyards will be ·ue"VUS·.1 luted. An oxoursion train, when miles from Pcnshursi, was brought to a .standstlll thrdugh dense masses of tJlO Insects 'bloeking the rails. The \Vbe~ls, crusbing thom to death, skid· ded 0 II the r~ils.-Londo\l Dal!y MalI.



The'Russian authorities are arrang· Ing for a strict blockade of Finlund, now that the season of navigation is a[lpreaohing, in' order to prevent im· portation of arme. by Finnish or' Rus

U.tEQUAI.LED PURITY-STRENOTH.--FLAVOR sinn revolutionist.: Lead Packets Only, 40c, IGc, ancf 60c Per Lb. At' All Grocera.

- ,




Lightning 'has no effect on them, They are absolutely ·il-reproof. Rain and sn~w-heat 'am! col~-~an't I'Ust~ crack or warp thom. The perfect fitting side lock (e}(clusively Eastlake) n'Akes the roof absolutely leak-proof, and cost of putting on much less.

OUR GUARANTEE: Wei guarantee Eastlake Metallic Shingles to be made oC better materinl, more scientifically and

accurately constructed, to be more easily applied, and will last longer than any other Metal Shingle on the marlcet. Our guarnntee is absolute. Our Shingles have been made since 1885.

~~~~--~-----~~~------~~----------------~-------------~ Eastlake metallic Shingles are made either galvanized or p,ainted. They ILre .handsome in design, attractive on the house and last a hfetimo. Our -----I cheapest grade will last )oflgm' and costs less than the best wooQen shingles. Our besnlVIeta.llic Shingles make as superior • i1(JVAPH080' a roofing ,to wooden shingles, tin, slate"otc" as these were PAPER to s.o,d ro?fs. Let us send you the proot: Write us. =:-==-::= Complet,e mformation free. . ".~


Page 8: Big Dlscounl Sale. - Treherne · Bllt mine has 1I0ne at all. ... !\fy'chil,lren hnve wont and woe' They never have d welt in the world ... sweet wife-' School Report



, ' ..

,...... 1".

, . 1<'~ "l'L -"''''''''''''''-.. '' .-.' :THE .:r.1\Ean~N~ ,:rl~.~~. , ,

• 0_ ... 1,. ·~"'h J"""_ .... ~ • "'. , I :",:,rl " , ~

1 .. \Ve hm'e good connections thrQilgh­

out the United States, ill_ Ha~tern Canada, \Vill.' '.


ni peg and Regina '.;'


1-210 ficros, tl ~~ of n. c. ~~ 1·9-8 Rnil 8. 0, !!at 12~U-Mi!' ltnlull)ro\'od lmL adjoin. Ing hl1PW\'od RntI occuptou nn(18. 100 neros cun ho ouylly broken: nbuodnnct} of flrowoml for ownor's \lBI). 12 mlos UlI8t.lllUlli norlll of Troharne. Price $9 an nero. '1'ofmu ontiY. l'ol'rons '1'lllu.

•• ~.I -T E

'!~ ,

H .. '_

T" R If -. We' will A'dvertise', I.mes aa y~ ,~~ Your Prop~rty "

Buraau, ,

Box 73, Trehetne, Man.

FREE-making no charge lUI less , 'wc find a customer. List

your farm with liS

without dl-lay.

FARM MACHINERY~ Rath well J{umors Iulore,lloll TlODt' aboul Poopl. Dnu Ev·

0I1~11 !11 Hnt.hwclllllHl District.

. \ NO.2-ICO OcrGs. 2~ m Ie. Irom Treherne,

I(oed rro.lDC hOUBu., Ita biD, ,: lolO ac- . \,.. rCA unLlor clltlVl\tlon. Prlco$tlOOO.

NO. 3-ICO nc.o., 4 mile. from T.oh.r"oH'ood og houso, 18124, frOome stubia wJ,3():

. ~ frume graDnr~': 13!:a acrQ8 under culti .. . rotion. bllinuec under light wood: bee~

. of "'Bler, rnut ovurl' foot of gl'ound caD bu cultl\'nlo<l. Pr co ,,"&500.

NO. 4-160 ncros. r, miles from Tloherllo l 6 .. mllos froUl Rnthwollillo iI1111ro\'om~nllJ

easily bro1cotli lu.ud evol sud qunlit)' Hrst class; st.runm or spricg water. $"2100. . ,

NO I 5-:120 ner08, :i mHos from St. Cluudo, RAmo fr0l11 HR)·WOO4\. '7 .. mHo" from

'. e-..

'Mldlaod Rond Bidlug, S from C. N. n .. atntlou at OrryvU1o i 85 u.cres brokon: frame boulID 16121 nnd sloblo 2.f.1oo·

-"ood woll; good soh; 25 Bcrca of ho)!' lBlld: 110'DCrOB will be brokon by next r.lI. Prlco fjlODO.

NO. 6-lGo ~creA, niDO milos from Trollornu. A bout B0111U dlstauco from S\HlU (~nko' go [lCrCB uro}ulU: ~o in mcndow. the balnnco rOBd}' to hronk' KooII Willor'

2 miloH rrom school; :i rrmu Beacolls: fluid church; noW frm.1O 2.8tor~· hOllso 14120: rrRmo eLsblQ, 1Sx~n; .:rnunr}': ChOll [1 at $2.100.

NO. 7-To'i\'U proportYA ndJuiuing Trcbornu, ~ mile [rom l' .u, ; ~ from school; ,2:!

• nettle, 12 nco und~r culth·ut.Ion: gooc.l springs BUll Boyne Crook on 98St. boundary; 11.2 story rrtlme houle. 6 rooms, 2 closots nou P8otr(,1 2 lood MllRr8;8lDRLllogRlablo and lon hOUIID. Proporty 011 rCllCod With wlro ;orcbBrd or 20 GUl,lo troea. 200 Cl1rrnnt bushos i patch 11 Btrnwborrlo9. Prica $3000.

These .. aro oil firM clo"s proportie5

und the tornl~ ore 005,,-.

Call or write for fullor pardculars

M. Staples; of 'l'reheme, was a visitor i'l our tOWI1 this week.

.......................... ~""'''''* •• M*.*.*I11~~"*.''~~

• Rev. Mr. Goulding, of Hollaud,

was a Rathwell visitor this week.

Gorrespond~nte. .. ADAM FORBES.! FnoM. OUIt 0\\ N COlltlESPONDENTA.

lIa\'in!{' pllrc1m~ed the lmplement BlIsin('ss or Geo. M.:­Gowan, we will sacrifice Ollr present stock to make loom ror a large shipmrnt of implements to arrive soon. \Ve hm'c a good stock or

,Arthur Shepherd ':pent a part the wcek in the city.

S. Baird was in Holland this of week lak iug delivery of· two' car

loads of stock.

.......................... Matchettville.


It is going, bl.'l we havc a iew sets yet., Drop in and rcplace that old harness wllh new-something that you call depend on to

.. do your hcavy work. The seeding season is going to be sllort PLOWS, HARROWS, LAND PAcn-


Call and see ollr Angle.Sie\·c Fanning Mill.

Agents fOI' MC~Q!mich. and Deering J:'"I.8Cn.­

inery and De Laval Cream Separators.


Buyers.and Shippers of Fat Siock. Front St. .. .. Treherne, Manitoba.

• ,. • • ·.,.:':.01

Peter McKeown, of the Rnl'scll House,. was a Winnipeg visitor this week.

A ndrcw My les has purchased hOllse in Treherne, where be reside in the near future.

Frec\. Hayward mnde a trip to the Cllpilal during the past weel:, returning hOllle 'l'uc8day. ~ ..

M.s. Arthur Cavanagh has two children who arc ullcler 111 elli cal

per\iision this wcek. They arc' improving a.t present. .

. H. Aylivill \va!> in St. Claude the

otlll~r clay in the interests of the fvIassey-Harris CO.

'V. 1. Scarrow. brought in 0~1.e very large hog' recenlly~ which weighed l1~arly 600 pounds.

Service in the evening liere next Sutlday·. ,

Miss Catherine McLachlall, who has been ill the city for some months past, has returnecl to her brother's ' - ~ ..


Miss E. '\Valk"r, who has beC11 Miss Annie H. and Master Bert' keeping hq,usc.for her brother, Jas., Heaslip, of '1'reherne, ,visited tile has rellnned to t he old home ill Misses Martha and Violet Ring Gr!.'y COUllty, Onto here two days recently.

A gang of men are at present Mr. and Mrs. Auslin A. Stead-working Oil the railroad at this lUall and Miss Kelly, ,accompanicd point, erccling new telegraph poles by Mrs. Geo. Steadman, and her and rcpai ring I he line generally. son Frank, of Carman I visited

friends here. recently. 'r. M. \Vorfl is a \Vinnipeg vi~it·

or this week. An operator \Vas SEnt 'i'he l1Iany fricnds of Miss Bella np to relieve him and lake charge who is in the Toronto HOE-

31111 you will not want 10 spare the till1~ coming tLl' lawn lo get

j harness repairs. We kcep harness stlpplies of all kInds, A large nssortmcnt of deer-hail' and felt s\\'t'at pads. . •

.' ,S>

DON'T FOR GET. 1: that we arc handling I"al m Machincry of all kinds. 'Vngons,

Buggies, etc., Gasoline Engines, Threshers and \Vindl11i11s ..



Havc we SpOI'l ing Goods? YOll liel we hl\\'e.

.. .. .. .. .. Call and sec 'em ...

Always reaby to 1111 your Lnmher 01 deI'S At The Old Reliable Hardware Store-

"rinshop in. Connoction. It

~ .' .. of the slation during his abscnce. I are glad to hear that she is Ie'.l~(lII,1 somewhat better and hope to soon

'l'he trustees of the Blalldnle hear of her completc recovery.

G S. Burns, of Indinnford, wenl ill to the cit" 011 1'uesdnv for tll(' purpose of 'obtdilli~g legal uch'iec with reference to some cattle', which he had sold and on which he thought he had a claim by of a lien note.

41 HARDWARE RAT H W . :1 MERCHANT ELL, MA N. ;: :~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• :: An Indian from lheGardell~,one • '\ 4t of Yellow Quill'S sons, met with II • WA L L PA PER • very painful accident Inst ·week. : • :. He liad hi3 thumb caught in 1\ rope • - • iu a runaway. The thumb : ~l ]u,;l rccei\'ed a shipment of wallpnper in the : torn off lit the first joint. l'be • Latest lind Most Pleasing- Designs. • wOII!.1ded baud i;; improving. • • • 'II' My wallpnp~I' is recognized from thc others by • , W. J. Barron brought in twcnty : lhe Richness of Lll!sign,. Harmony of ColLl' uuJ : head of cattle and two load of hog!; • Low Price. _ • all 'l'nesday: 'l'hese were sold to • • S. Baird and bronght the owoer : ~ Don't forget 10 see liS about that new pi~ce of :. about $r',ooo. Mr. Barroll is to-be • Furniture YOll are figuring on this spring. _ congratulated on the success uf lib

• : : '. ::it=1 i=t=h,;,' l=t=ff:::o=r:t=it",1 =c=a=lt=l:::c=f=c::e=cl=i 1=1 g:::.=::::,~

E' Treharne's New 'Furniture Store~ E : N. WILSON, Prop. TREHERNE, MAN. : • • • • ,f , r -••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

SchOOl District have sl1cceeded in getting u teacher for their school. , The officers o~ the Epworth Lea: The lichool will uc opened shortly. gue for the coml1lg year were elect·

. eel about the Inst of March and nre Wm. McInnis"ofIndianford, lost ns follows: Pres., Jno. L, Pollon;

'1 valuable pig. While unloading, 1St dce.pres., Ed. PollolJ; 2nd vice It at the stock 'yards, the animal pre~., Mrs. A. H, Polloll; 3nl vice jumped ovcr thc front of the wag, pres., G. W. Matchett, '4th vice· on and was injured so badly that pres., Miss Daisy Ring; secy., Cle· it died. The animal was removed ment Stnplesicor.,sec., Ernest RUIII­to the Ilui::lance·ground. sey; treas .. M\'~. G. S. Staples; or-

Mr. aild )rlrs,' 'rhos, Wray are ganist, Mrs. Oeo. S. Staples. leaving Rathw<!.U' t his week for the On tbe' fourth of A pdt W. B. east. They will in future reside l~aton left Rossenuale with a car in the deil1;'ty of Toronto. Mr. load of live stock and effects lor und Mrs. Wray were al110ng the hi;; home in South Battlcford,Susk. piqneer ~cttlers of the Ilidianfor~l Mrs. Eaton left on Monday the 22, lhHtriet aud cau very rC!4sIJuably to join her husha'lId in the WCcit.

claim a full sbare in the devclop: Some montbs previolls to her de· ment of,lha settlement'. parture un address was read and a They have for rse of money presented to Mrs the past year. the disposnliEatclIl for her fait\lfulness as organ· of theil' Iso on ac- isl ill ,the church, SUtlda \' schoul

Mr. and I.eague. In losing Mrs. Etit-

¥ .. 9¥"~" •• ~ ... +.~ •. " ..... ~j; - ..

• ••• 4-. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • ................. ' •..•.•.. " ...................................................................................................... . · ... .. ........... , ..... . Y ft , ~ Y ~ , ~ y 0 y 0 '.' The Balance of our Spring Order of .'. .:. B t d SI I . .;., • 00 s an laRS ltlS Just arri\'ed. y ~ Y A 'i' \\1 e are offering a .:. y A Y A

~i~ SpeCial Shoe for the Seeding . ~!~ .;. in a Reindeer Gaitcr'with a slit sale at .:. 't' .. ) .:. '.' at $3. So a pair and well WOIlh it. .'. , ~ Y ~ • • ',. .'. ',. . .s. ',' YOli get more change bock when "OLl .:. y J 0 ·t· den} whit us. • •• y A Y A Y i y 6 Y A

1'll.th •. ey,,1llilve d~~\~~~.'!?ii~l\lk?u::~.~ Matchettville loses one of the l and truest workers' in the



ll!tiss' 1leuderso1Z

- _. t

Bought n Largc Qumilily.

We want you to see them. '. \Ve want );olltO buy them.,

than tuany friends' in

we 'Indiallford db· tdel··s',-.... :ire sure, ",ill ,vish them a pleasant. jOlarney tbrough tbe autumn of life .. '. _ . '.



DIJ?AINIt-FOUASSH.-At N. D. de T.ourdes; Ol1"~pri1' 22nd; J907. En.iile Difai;,e to Therese Fouasse':

~liurcb.' 'l'he coml\lunity. joi11 .iu 'wishing Mr. and Mrs. Eatoll a 101l~ happy and prosperous life, in their nl:w home,

~~ J. G. McGowan·& Co., ~i~ y , '.' ~I our new .... nd. RathwelJ, Manitoba. .'. t A Y A Y ,

'" 'l' .... _ .• ',' ,- .• S. Indianford

Mintttes of a baseball meetirlk '.!. .'. W I't. • .: •• : •• : •• : .. : .. : •• : •• : •• : .. : .. : .. : •• : •• : •• : .. : .. :..: •• :............. .: ................................................................... :. held ill . J.'. Smith's house to ar· ... •••••••.••.••.•

rn n ge I en gu ega m e~ , '1' h Oil, . Kit c'ft· !!!!!!!!!!"""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I! ... ...,;,!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""."'\ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...... "' ..... -......... -""""""---~-~. ~b-.. illg ill' the chair; Jns. Smith, secni· tury.· '!

Moved by W. 'r. Smith, second, ed by E. Moodie, that each tealll cbarge a fee of twenty-five ceuts admission for adults, ten cents for children ou~I'their own grounds' eacl~ teaUl .re'tlilning iJs own ' receIpts., - . • .:

Moved by n. Moodie, seconded by W. T. Smith that each put IIp in cash $6.25 :to he divided as fol· lows: first prize, $15, second, '$10.

folJowing committee was el' eelled·to arrange·the affairs 'of the

elubs:-:-For Rathwell, O. Indianford, '1', )3. Kitch·

.'J'1'eh ... rtIP,.A .. W. Paulin, und

Ratliwell's Furniture Store.

Artistic and .. Sty lish -Furniture FOR EVERY ROOi\'1 IN Tr'll!; l-IOUSE. AT K SMALL MARGIN OF PROFIT.

. ,

Buy yourself a Bargaiu. We also sell pictl\res and do pic. _ ture framing in nlly style of moulding you fancy.

Bring in your \Vagons Hnd Buggies to be Repait·ed ·and Repnil)lcd


C. Sln pIes. :, ;T}'>,Tt"v,i .. (II~'r'ee(I.ljv 11lOse prese~~

club be sent to

Don~ld Robertson, Undertaker.'

b; .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____ ~~~~

HAR WARE. you goillg to pain t yonr housc

with GOOD Paint? . "'e ha,'e the


lAMS LINE. OF PAINTS. , , , A nice lhle of Stoves and Ranges' in , stock and more coming. . . . . . .

. We hav.e a few Remnant Bargains to . offer .you. Call, and we'll explain.