Big Bomb

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  • 8/2/2019 Big Bomb


    The Biggest Bomb!

    Every human on this planet carry this societal 'menace' with them daily. Individually the size ofthe bomb is unlimited for wisdom, due to natures demand for survival, but limited for knowledge by size

    of the muscle tissue called a brain. Throughout the ages, noble conspirators used the tools of

    education to contain this horror, that apparently is too terrible to permit a society of honest citizens to

    engage. The mechanism of this bomb is simple and virtual. It is one word that Christ harped upon...Truth!The one basic primary truth is that the entire Universe is based upon the conspiracy of life, requiring each

    entity to support (or feed) on the other. Thus upon expiration of each life form, the entire Universe totally

    dissipates for him, her, or it.

    All our societies are based upon a mountain of lies! Truth (and its companion of justice) have

    been replaced with closure, security clearance, top secret, and tall stories - that would makePinocchio's nose grow faster then the national debt.

    Just look at the current blatant lies NASA puts out about a dwarf star passing through our solar

    system that will effect our planet's rotation; for the Mayan end of time, as a present example to

    visualize the intensity of lying that goes into history.

    1. 1982 NASA swept in trillions of dollars to research a huge rouge planet that was affectingthe outer planets of our solar system. IRIS was launched to investigate, and in 2003 Planet X was

    found, and reported, along with pictures.

    2. To date the pictures and reports have been purged, and planet X is now claimed to be nonexistent (i.e a fable?); the messengers of mathematicians, historians, and other informants about

    this planet have all been discredited, and classified as 'loony vampire chasers.'

    So, what crime should NASA be indicted for? Larceny and embezzlement for 30 years of

    criminal activity, and fraud? Or, a conspiracy to defraud the public with misinformation, and

    kidnapping? Obviously this totally blows NASA credibility away; in my opinion!

    Now take this Modus Operandi in consideration with Governments typically, and you will see

    the festering 'truth bomb' frantically being covered up by criminal activities and conspiracies of

    authoritarians - that Confederate America attempted to protect itself from; through conservatism. Thepressure of compression by the last 200 years of lies is tremendous; however, the security of

    brainwashing is also an intense regeneration multiplier; meaning that with the passion of tragedy

    occurring with the end of time's arrival, and with fascistic governments stepping in to reclaim their(new cheaper) slaves, the truth bomb should go off; and the event should be titled - the 2 nd coming of


    In my search for knowledge, I made the discovery that the most sinister criminal in history wasAbraham Lincoln; who, because of the primitive time in history, he was able to efficiently cover up his

    misdeeds to the point that he still is a National hero. In fact, through his actions he became the role model

    for famous (identified) dictators like Adolph Hitler. By definition, honest Abe went beyond the officeof president with his criminal actions; under the jurisdiction of a monarch instead of a corporate leader -

    without any adherence to democratic/Constitutional law.

    This made Abe Unique in the world at large, and made him a target for those that comprehended

    his intensity for evil. However, Abe also infected America with new types of syndicated criminals that

    take office through lies, and successful (legalized) cover ups, that exist today in congress because ethics

  • 8/2/2019 Big Bomb


    now supersedes morality. Unfortunately the advent of Lincoln improved the malicious wisdom of the

    plutocracy's (the true rulers of this planet Earth), so as to create a showering of immoral ethics to

    support worldwide criminal activities via corporations; to which avarice steered into a modern corporate

    community of greedy 'gangsters'.

    So, here we are at 2012 with the convergence of a multitude of forces. Nibiru on the horizon, bank

    destruction on the brink, a failed economy, counterfeit money now a standard, UFOs galore, screamingcrop circles, stupid wars, more educated bullies, drugs that pad tension, totally criminalized, and add

    more isolation within the communication industries, while this whole mess is being globalized. End of

    time kinda fits!

    We humans abusively abate time, even though it took millions of years for us to evolve. Because

    of our intrinsic trait as a predator of wanting instant gratification, the degree of which is now apportionedto our status; with academia reinforcing that state of affairs to the point that we have lost the concept of

    living a meritorious life; instead we frivolously created a monstrous Hitler(ian) society that indexes onto

    wealth as the prime substance (above God and morality), using ethics as a barbaric tool for cleaver ethics

    to make status overpowering. This is the prime philosophy that honest Abe taught the world at large.Everything surrounding us demonstrates authoritarians demand of instant gratification without regard of

    how infectious it is to us underling slaves. Communication is unidirectional and robotic. The Internet has

    become intently insulated; but caters instead to babel. Innovators now have to stumble throughmountains of (legal) restrictions, creating delays to feed immature short-timer customers, thus giving fuel

    to just throw money at a new concept to corporately steal inventions.

    To better comprehend my philosophy; the Antichrist is a virtual spirit of mankind's immoral

    nature that existed for thousands of years before Christ. Christ attempted to battle this Antichrist, and

    lost! Waiting for the attempted return of Christ (so he can win round 2), along with fearfully worrying

    about the arrival of an Antichrist that is already here - is immature. At this point in time Antichrist vsChristian values puts Antichrist into the popular lead by over 10 to 1. So this is the basic biblical battle

    described over the centuries by the various bibles; that have been published, and re-written to change

    intent - but without following the evolution of language, or Christ's comprehension of purity. Bare inmind that I am merely a sideline referee, and not affiliated with any churches doctrine, and am just

    reciting my belief/opinion as a non incorporated individual.

    So I am awaiting the passage of Nibiru to disrupt time on this planet to hopefully wish for the

    comfort of conservatism to return to the idealistic state of affairs. Yes, I comprehend that extensive

    damage may occur, but this is the cost of living within a unstable Universe; while believing law alone cancontrol mother Nature. The American Indian had the correct Christian belief that ownership of property

    had no value, and that one should only maintain that which he was able to control (without acquiring

    slaves to do it for him).

    After a 4 year settling down of our planet afterwards, with the experience of 'new time' we should

    be able to make new calenders (and wristwatches) to celebrate the initiation of a new Mayan Calender!

    Al Sugar 2012