BIFS NEWSLETTER United in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality Busan International Foreign School www.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332 ISSUE 22, August 21 2015 Contents Whole School 1. The Key Ingredient to Your Student’s Success This Year! 2. Board of Governors 3. PE Uniform Shop 4. Substitute Teachers Needed! 5. TEDxYouth@BIFS Returns 6. Image Rights Permission 7. From the Counselling Department 8. Medical Update 9. Japanese Encephalitis Information 10. Pink Eye Alert 11. School Buses: GPS Tracking App 12. Cafeteria Menu Elementary School 1. School-Home Communication in the Elementary 2. Year-At-A-Glance for School-Home Communication 3. PYP Handbook and ES 4. Other Upcoming Events 5. ABRSM Music Exams 6. Instrumental Lessons Middle School and High School 1. What I Love about Busan 2. News from High School 3. Sign up Reminder for CCAs and Camp ! 4. ABRSM Music Exams 5. Instrumental Lessons For Your Diary BIFS Annual Calendar 2015-2016 School & Community Links

BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

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Busan International Foreign School Newsletter, Issue 22, 21 August 2015.

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Page 1: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

ContentsWhole School1. The Key Ingredient to Your Student’s Success This Year!2. Board of Governors3. PE Uniform Shop4. Substitute Teachers Needed!5. TEDxYouth@BIFS Returns6. Image Rights Permission7. From the Counselling Department8. Medical Update9. Japanese Encephalitis Information10. Pink Eye Alert11. School Buses: GPS Tracking App12. Cafeteria Menu

Elementary School1. School-Home Communication in the Elementary2. Year-At-A-Glance for School-Home Communication3. PYP Handbook and ES4. Other Upcoming Events5. ABRSM Music Exams6. Instrumental Lessons

Middle School and High School1. What I Love about Busan2. News from High School3. Sign up Reminder for CCAs and Camp!4. ABRSM Music Exams5. Instrumental Lessons

For Your Diary

BIFS Annual Calendar 2015-2016

School & Community Links

Page 2: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

and thrive but we especially want each and every student to experience their own success. Not success that ishanded to them by simply showing up and being present, but rather success that comes from hard work,creative problem solving, learning from failure and overcoming challenges. In short, we want each of ourstudents to succeed by developing and demonstrating grit!Interestingly, BIFS is not the only organization to think this way. Recently, The Washington Post ran an article byJudy Holland on the subject of grit (click HERE for the article). Her premise is that our children are not what wewould call a gritty generation. She suggests that our children can become easily overwhelmed because theyhave been protected from failure. What an interesting theory! In this article, grit is defined as passion andperseverance in pursuit of long-term goals. (I hear a number of tenets of the BIFS mission and vision statementsin that definition). The good news is that grit is unrelated to talent and can be cultivated – it is contagious! Themost important thing is for children to have grit modeled in their lives and to have opportunities to develop it. Itis all about having a growth mindset which is the belief that the ability to learn can change with effort andperseverance. You see, the brain grows in response to challenge! Thus, children are more likely to learn andgrow if they persevere when they first have difficulties or even fail. All it takes is dedication, effort andencouragement from the adults in each student’s life. This is what a BIFS education is all about!Thank you for joining us in this exciting grit-filled journey this year! Set big goals based on your passions and beready to be amazed!Go BIFS! Go Bears!Have a great year!

Kevin BakerHead of School

Welcome to the end of the first full week of school! Thisweek has been a week of learning and settling into routines,building relationships with teachers and fellow students andsetting learning goals for the year. What are your goals foryour student this year at BIFS? While I am certain that thisquestion will likely bring a wide array of responses, I wouldguess that one of the hopes I would hear parents express isthat they want their son or daughter to experience successthis year!At BIFS, students experiencing success is an important partof our mission. We desire students to explore, discover

Whole SchoolThe Key Ingredient to Your Student’s Success This Year!



Page 3: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

THE PE UNIFORM SHOP will be open Monday - Friday, 8:30-3:30, through August 28th for your convenience!Shop hours beyond the end of August will be determined by the availability of the volunteers we are able tosecure! Be sure to watch the BIFS newsletters for updated information.

All general information regarding PE Uniforms can be found under the “life at BIFS” tab on the BIFS website!

Looking for a great place at BIFS to volunteer?The PE Uniform Shop is looking for NINE more volunteers!!!Help needed on Mondays (8:30-12 or 12-3:30), Wednesdays (12-3:30) and Fridays (8:30-12 or 12-3:30). You canwork the 1st and 3rd OR 2nd and 4th weeks, making your schedule the same each month so you can easilymake other plans! Training provided!! For more information, please drop by the shop or [email protected].

Board of Governors


The BIFS Board of Governors is looking for interested Parents and Community Members who would like toserve! If you have served on a school board previously at another school or are just interested in assisting theschool in this important role, please send an email of interest along with a brief CV to Mr. Baker([email protected]) who will forward it onto the Board for consideration. Thank you!

PE Uniform Shop.

Page 4: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

BIFS is accepting applicants for substitute/cover teachers for ELC to High School classes. Substitutes are called inwhen a teacher is absent and are paid hourly rate that are worked. Duties and responsibilities include teachinglessons planned and prepared by the classroom teacher, managing classroom behavior, supervising studentsoutside the classroom, and other duties as required.

Applications are invited from qualified, locally based education professionals who are fluent in English.


• Possess an education degree from an accredited university• Possess either a teaching license, TESOL certificate, or other teaching qualifications• Possess IB training and experience (preferred)• Are available to report to BIFS on short notice and on an irregular basis• Are available to work between 8:25 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday• Will be paid hourly rate: 15,000 KRW per hour

Applicants must be eligible to work in South Korea without sponsorship from BIFS and must reside in the Busanarea. And applicants must be Korean or F2, F4, F5, F6 Visa holder and have no criminal history (including sexualcriminal history).

If you are interested in being included on our substitute teacher list, please send a cover letter and CV (inEnglish) to [email protected]. Applications will be reviewed, and those meeting our criteriawill be contacted for an interview.

TEDxYouth@BIFS returns to BIFS on September 19th and we need yourhelp. Currently we are looking for people who are interested in sharing their ideason stage in front of an audience and online. We know there are many students,teachers, and parents with terrific ideas who can use this platform to make adifference in the world. We are also looking for people who are interested inhelping to organize the event.

If you are interested please contact Mr. Brendan Lea at [email protected] or visitwww.tedxyouthbifs.weebly.com to fill out the online application form.

Substitute Teachers Needed!

TEDxYouth@BIFS Returns.


Page 5: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

Our assumption is that by joining the school parents give us their permission for any photos, videos, and audiofiles featuring their child or themselves to be published on the school's website, blogs, and in other marketingmaterials belonging to the school. Please notify Ms. Miyoung Kim at [email protected] if you do notwish photos, videos and audio files featuring your child or yourselves to be used.

Image Rights Permission

Medical UpdateWelcome to BIFS and to the 2015-2016 school year! To provide the best care for yourchild while at school, it is extremely important to keep their medical records up-to-date. As the school year begins again, the health office requests that all new andreturning students make certain their medical records are complete and up-to-date.

For each returning student: please complete a Medical Update Form.All new students: please complete a Medical Form.

All forms are available for download on the BIFS Health page on the school’swebsite. You may email completed forms to [email protected] or drop them by thenurse office on campus.

Thank you and we are looking forward to a fun, safe, and healthy school year!

If you have any further questions, please contact the school nurse at [email protected].




My name is Kit Whitney and I am one of two counselors here at BIFS. This is mysecond year and I am really looking forward to getting to know your child(ren). Iwork mostly with the Middle School but I also see Elementary and High Schoolstudents as the need arises.I have a Master’s in Applied Psychology Counseling and have worked withchildren and their families in a counseling role for over 13 years (I’ve been ineducation for over 20 years). If you have any questions or concerns about yourchild’s development, social, emotional and or academic, please feel free to see me(office is B2.4i) or email at [email protected] is going to be a great year!Cheers,Ms. Kit

From the Counselling Department

Page 6: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

Japanese Encephalitis InformationEarlier this month the Korean Center for Disease Control (KCDC) issued a warning aboutJapanese Encephalitis in response to a higher-than-normal mosquito population whichtypically carries this virus.

To clarify, the KCDC has been collecting mosquitoes in multiple cities and provinces aroundKorea. During this sampling, if greater than 50% of the carrier mosquito species is found, anational warning is issued. In this case, they have found over 80% in the Busan area.


What is Japanese Encephalitis?JE is caused by a virus spread by infected mosquitoes in Asia and the western Pacific. The virus can causeinflammation of the brain (encephalitis). It cannot be spread directly from person to person.

What are the symptoms and when would I start to see them?Most people who are infected develop mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. In people who develop severedisease, initial symptoms include fever, chills, headache, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. The disease can progressto inflammation of the brain. It takes 5 to 15 days after the bite of an infected mosquito to develop symptoms.

What is the treatment?There is no specific treatment. Severe illness is treated by supportive therapy which may include hospitalization,respiratory support, and intravenous fluids.

What can I do to help prevent being infected?• Use insect repellent and wear long pants and sleeves outside, especially at night• Sleep in air-conditioned and/or well-screened rooms or use bed nets• A vaccine against the JE virus is available at local hospitals or children’s hospitals

At this time, it is extremely important to take the precautionary measures listed above to prevent mosquito bitesand the potential risk of being infected. The KCDC is strongly urging children, elderly, and anyone with a weakimmune system due to other illness to get vaccinated.


If you have additional questions about the vaccine or would like more information, pleasesee the links below or contact the school nurse at [email protected] or 051-742-3332.

Information cited from the following:United States CDC:http://www.cdc.gov/japaneseencephalitis/index.htmlhttp://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/je-ixiaro.pdf


Page 7: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

There has been a case of conjunctivitis at school. Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is an infection ofthe covering of the eyeball and the inside of the eyelid. It is caused by bacteria or viruses and can spread easilyfrom person to person.

• Signs and symptoms: Teary, red, itchy, painful eye(s). Swollen eyelid(s). Thick, yellowish discharge.• Incubation period : Usually 1-3 days from contact with an infected person.• Contagious period: When the child has symptoms.

Pink Eye Alert: Your child may have been exposed to Pink Eye



• Prevention/control: Wash hands often with soap and warm water. Encourage children not to rub or touch eyes. Do not share any articles, such as towels, and washcloths, contact lens

solution, or eye drops. Dispose of used tissues.

• Required absence from school: Bacterial: Until 24 hours after antibiotics have been started. Viral or other irritant: Doctor permits return.

For more information, you may refer to this web site: http://www.cdc.gov/conjunctivitis/about/

Please notify the Nurse Office ([email protected]) or school office if your child is diagnosed with pinkeye.


App Storehttps://itunes.apple.com/us/app/yubikan-chalyang-gwanje/id634219148?l=en&ls=1&mt=8

Play Storehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ub1st.ubikhans

School Buses: GPS Tracking AppThe GPS systems are operational in all of the DongYeong buses. You can follow theprogress of our busses by logging into the Ubikhan website at http://new.ubikhan.com.DongYeong is working to get English translations for the monitoring website.

The username and the assword for both the monitoring website and the app are: dybifs

The GPS app for the school buses is available for both Korean and foreign phone accounts:


Page 8: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

1st & 4th Week

2nd & 5th Week

Cafeteria Menu


Page 9: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

3rd Week

Sandwich Bar

Cafeteria Menu

We serve brunch buffet or international buffet every 3rd Thursday of a month.


Page 10: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

Thank you to all of the families who joined us at the Goal Setting Conferences! We very much appreciated yoursharing your hopes and goals for your child this year, as well as any child-specific/family information you felt weshould know.

In order for you to better understand the formal routes for communication and progress reports, we havedrawn up an outline of the year. In addition to these events, we encourage parents to be in regularcommunication with the homeroom teacher, and to book any appointments as needed. Please do not hesitateto get in touch with us regarding your concerns and questions throughout this academic school year.

Elementary SchoolSchool-Home Communication in the Elementary


Year-At-A-Glance for School-Home Communication.

Date/Time Event Details

August 28, 8:45-9:45 Grade 5 BYOD / Technology Kick-Off for Parents and Students

Parents are welcome to join students for a workshop where we will introduce technology use guidelines for all Grade 5 students.

September 9, 1:30-3:00 Back to School Afternoon This is an opportunity for parents to learn about the grade-level academic program and more class-specific information.

October 14, 9:00-10:00 Elementary Parent Coffee The PYP and Inquiry-Based Learning.

October 20, 8:30-4:30 3-Way (Parent, Teacher, Student) Conferences

This conference presents an opportunity for teachers, parents, and students to expand upon the report card and discuss student goals progress.

November 18, 9:00-10:00 Elementary Parent Coffee TBA

January 15 Semester One Report Cards Distributed

Reports will be sent out via email. Please make sure your most recent email information is updated in our school records.

Page 11: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

Elementary School


Year-At-A-Glance for School-Home Communication (Continued)


Date/Time Event Details

January 19, 8:30-4:30 3-Way (Parent, Teacher, Student) Conferences

This conference presents an opportunity for teachers, parents, and students to expand upon the report card and discuss student goals progress.

January 27, 9:00-10:00 Elementary Parent Coffee Grade 5 Exhibition - Primarily for Grade 5 Parents

March 2, 9:00-10:00 Elementary Parent Coffee TBA

April 20, 9:00-10:00 Elementary Parent Coffee TBA

May 3, 8:30-3:30 Elementary Student-Led Conferences This conference, led by your child, is a celebration of learning from the year.

May 18, 9:00-10:00 Elementary Parent Coffee TBA

June 10 Semester Two Report Cards Distributed

Reports will be sent out via email. Please make sure your most recent email information is updated in our school records.

PYP Handbook and ES Parent/Student Handbook.

Handbooks and a Healthy Snack Guide were sent home with students last week (one per family, sent with the oldest student). The PYP Handbook outlines our curriculum and the teaching philosophy of the school. The ES Parent/Student Handbook outlines all elementary policies and procedures which you and your child will need to know. Please take the time to read through these documents -- we welcome your questions in regard to these documents.

Other Upcoming Events.

Weekly Assemblies (schedule to be sent next week) on Fridays, 2:35-3:20.Electives for elementary will begin the week of Monday, August 24th.

Page 12: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

ABRSM Music Exam registration is now open. The deadline to have your son/daughterregistered is Thursday, August 27. Please email me at [email protected] if you wouldlike your son/daughter to take an ABRSM Music Theory or Practical Exam this fall.We are now registering both Music Theory and Practical students. The theory exam will beheld here at school on Saturday November 7, 2015 at 2:00 in C5.1. The date for the October-http://abrsm.co.kr/

November practical exam session has not been announced yet, and will update you as soon as the date hasbeen decided.We are very happy to register all our BIFS students regardless of whether they take instrumental lessons here atschool or outside of school.Please email [email protected] to register and for further information and questions. Please rememberthe deadline to register is Thursday, August 27.Zahra KhalifehHead of Music

ABRSM Music Exams

Instrumental Lessons.

If you would like your son/daughter to learn a musical instrument or continue studying their current instrumenthere at school during the school day, then please fill out the Instrumental Lessons Application Form that hasalready been emailed to you.

Instrumental Lessons will start the week of August 31st. Lessons will be 30 minutes in length and cost KRW25,000 per lesson for all instruments and all levels.

Available instrumental lessons for Elementary Students are: Piano, Violin, Viola, Music Theory, Flute, Clarinet,Saxophone and Trumpet.

If you are unable to access the form or have any questions please email [email protected].

Link to Elementary School Form: https://docs.google.com/a/bifskorea.org/forms/d/19bW8UwoPGyhNjS0Q643LW6YUeBupAZLirmymSrPG4zk/viewform


Page 13: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

It is important that we work together to educate your children. If you didn’t get an email from me last week,then please send me ([email protected]) an email right now and I will add you to my parent list. I hopeto use this form to communicate weekly with events and happenings in the middle school.

I have said it before and I will say it again, we love it here in Busan. Here are two of the 87 reasons why we love it here...

Middle School and High SchoolWhat I Love about Busan


Squid for Lunch - BIFS is a true international school andone way it shows through is in it’s lunches. We have foodfrom around the globe and everyday is a new adventurefor our stomachs. I would encourage you to come by andjoin me for lunch someday. You can schedule anappointment, or just stop in. I am in the lunchroom everyday that I am on campus during the Middle School lunch.

This Traffic Officer - We were walking to the outlet mall byschool and this man was in the middle of the streetgreeting cars as he directed them into the parking lot. As acar drove up, he would say something to them, bow, anddirect them into the parking ramp. As we walked by, hegreeted us with a huge smile and a wave then helped usfind a taxi. You could tell that he loved his job. We see thisattitude all over town.…………………………………………………………..

As the school year goes on, I will tell you more and morereasons why we love it here, but I would also love to hearfrom you. Why do you love Busan?

Nate SwensonMiddle School Principal

Page 14: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

News from High School“Making Caring Connections” - BIFS HomeroomThis year students have been assigned to a thirty minute Homeroom each day following their lunch. EachHomeroom class has a maximum of ten students. Homeroom teachers will facilitate activities to promote andenhance students’ sense of belonging to the school community through creating a culture of caring and anurturing environment. The goal of “Homeroom” is to provide each student with an additional adult that theycan trust and feel safe communicating with when needs arise. Curriculum will be age/grade appropriate and willbe themed based on the BIFS mission statement, IB Learner Profile attributes and the Approaches to Learning(ATLs). Additionally, the Homeroom curriculum will draw upon the domains of the International CounselingModel for delivery of social and emotional learning.Attendance - “Make it a Priority”Continual and consistent communication is one of our focus areas at Busan International Foreign School. Webelieve that attendance at school is an integral part of a student's total educational experience. Together, homeand school share the responsibility for making sure students are in the classroom to maximize their learning.When students are absent from class they miss valuable interactions with both their teacher and peers. It is verydifficult for students to “make-up” the collaborative inquiry and questioning environment of the classroom. Ifyour child is unable to attend school, please contact the High School Office. Please try to scheduleappointments outside of the school day to ensure that your child does not miss parts of the academic day.Parent CoffeeThank you to all of the parents who joined us for our first Parent Coffee focusing on the Middle YearsProgramme (MYP). It was wonderful to see parents in the school taking an active role in their child’s education.We will continue to offer both day events and evening sessions as well, to meet the needs of everyone’sschedules. We look forward to working with you throughout the year, and please if you have any questions donot hesitate to call or e-mail me at [email protected]. Thank you to all of the parents who have contacted meor come by my office already. I look forward to meeting more of our parent community.Jamie RobbHigh School Principal


Sign-up Reminder for CCAs and Camp!Student involvement outside the classroom can provide some of the greatest memories they will have here atBIFS. Friendships are made and new skills are developed that can last a life time. Students are stronglyencouraged to get involved and try something new. CCA forms need to be completed by Tuesday, 25 August.Due to our Team Building Camps, the MH and HS after school program will not begin until 31 August. Thedeadline for the Team Building Camp form is Saturday, 22 August. The camp will take place from 24th to 26thof August. If you have not transferred the payment to the school, please do so as soon as possible.If you have not received either of these forms, please contact Mr. Craig Wilson at [email protected].

Page 15: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

ABRSM Music Exam registration is now open. The deadline to have your son/daughterregistered is Thursday, August 27. Please email me at [email protected] if you wouldlike your son/daughter to take an ABRSM Music Theory or Practical Exam this fall.We are now registering both Music Theory and Practical students. The theory exam will beheld here at school on Saturday November 7, 2015 at 2:00 in C5.1. The date for the October-http://abrsm.co.kr/

November practical exam session has not been announced yet, and will update you as soon as the date hasbeen decided.We are very happy to register all our BIFS students regardless of whether they take instrumental lessons here atschool or outside of school.Please email [email protected] to register and for further information and questions. Please rememberthe deadline to register is Thursday, August 27.Zahra KhalifehHead of Music

ABRSM Music Exams

Instrumental Lessons.

If you would like your son/daughter to learn a musical instrument or continue studying their current instrumenthere at school during the school day, then please fill out the Instrumental Lessons Application Form that hasalready been emailed to you.

Instrumental Lessons will start the week of August 31st. Lessons will be 30 minutes in length and cost KRW25,000 per lesson for all instruments and all levels.

Available instrumental lessons for Middle School and High School Students are: Piano, Violin, Viola, MusicTheory, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, French Horn, Singing, Acoustic Guitar and Electric Guitar.

If you are unable to access the form or have any questions please email [email protected].

Link to Middle School and High School Form:https://docs.google.com/a/bifskorea.org/forms/d/1l-6jGoCSKZheaEq0pg_9Z_gUCnZfU9TxZjdC2Xpq-18/viewform


Page 16: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

August 201524th • Start of ES Electives

26th – 28th • MS & HS Team Building Camps

28th • ES Assembly – ES Hall

• Parent and Student BYOD Kick-Off (Grade 5)

31st • Start of MS/HS CCAs

For Your DiarySeptember 20151st • Grade 5 Field Trip to Ulsan Science Museum

2nd • BIFS Parent Coffee

• PTA Meeting

3rd • AMC - Mathematics Competition

4th • ES Assembly – ES Hall

9th • ES Back-To-School Parent Afternoon

11th • ES Assembly – ES Hall

• HS Assembly

14th • Staff Professional Development Day - No School for Students

16th • ES Parent Coffee - Writing Workshop(Trainer: Megan McCrindle)

• HS Parent Coffee

17th • MS & HS School Back to School Night

18th • ES Assembly – ES Hall

19th • TEDxYouth@BIFS

23rd • MS Parent Coffee

25th • Whole School Chuseok Event

28th – 29th • Chuseok Holiday


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Page 18: BIFS Newsletter, 2015-08-21 (English)

BIFS NEWSLETTERUnited in our Diversity, Thriving in our Individuality

Busan International Foreign Schoolwww.bifskorea.org | [email protected] | T. 82 51 742 3332

ISSUE 22, August 21 2015

School & Community Links


Please contact Ms. Miyoung Kim if you wish to enquire about placing an advertisement for your company in BIFS Newsletter.

[email protected] | 051-742-3332 (#114)